10. the 17th century

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  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    an# !i*estc1 s'rea#. In the secn# ha!% % the century& es'ecia!!y in France an#

    ,entra! Eur'e& cu#t%v$t%!n techn%,ues -ere rene-e&& $re !an# was '!we#& cana!s

    were (ui!t& the cu!ti*atin % $ai0e an# 'tat (e"an in wet areas an# a syste$ %

    $uch !n"er cr' rtatin was create#.

    The cra%t cntinue# t e2ist as "ui!# r"ani0atins in the cities& (ut the nee# t

    su''!y the c!nia! $ar1et an# $aintain the "rwin" nee#s % the states #i#

    '$nu+$cturest arise. The $erchant3entre'reneur (ui!t !ar"e wr1sh's utsi#e

    the cities where insta!!e# e)ui'$ent an# hire# !a(r %rce %r$ the cuntrysi#e. The

    'r#uctin was % !wer )ua!ity than the "ui!# ne (ut chea'er.

    Di%%erent "*ern$ents create# rya! $anu%actures t $eet the nee#s % the states4

    Rya! Ar$s Factry& Rya! Te2ti!e Factry& Rya! ,era$ics Factry...

    The se*enteenth century is the century % the "reat c!#!n%$# tr$&e. There were tw

    $a5r rutes4

    a/ The rute cnnectin" the 'rts % Se*i!!e t A$erica ,arta"ena #e In#ias an#Ha*ana/. Thru"h it reache# Eur'e !ar"e a$unts % "!# an# si!*er %r$ Peru an#


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    Me2ic. This tra#e rute was attache# t the rute % the Paci%ic Ocean (y Mani!a+s

    Ga!!en& which !in1e# the Me2ican city % Aca'u!c t the Phi!i''ines.

    (/ The s'ice rute that thru"h the ,a'e % G# H'e !in1e# Eur'e t In#ia an#

    In#nesia. A!n" it s'ices& 'rce!ain& si!1& i*ry& etc. were carrie#.

    British& Dutch an# French trie# t #is'!ace the Prtu"uese an# S'anish ut % the

    rutes. En"!an# wi!! #$inate In#ia an# the Nether!an#s cn)uer In#nesia. In

    A$erica the British sett!e# in eastern Nrth A$erica an# the French in ,ana#a an#

    the Mississi''i Ri*er. -ar"e c!''erc%$# c!'"$n%eswere create# with the su''rt %

    the $narchies4 British ,$'any % the 6est In#ies& Dutch ,$'any % East In#ia...

    The 're*ai!in" ecn$ic thery was 'erc$nt%#%s'4 The wea!th % a cuntry #e'en#s

    n the tra#e (a!ance& s it wi!! (e (etter t e2'rt *a!ua(!e "#s an# t i$'rt raw

    $ateria! chea'er/. This wu!# a!!w cuntries t accu$u!ate a !ar"e a$unt %

    'recius $eta!s "!# an# si!*er/. T $aintain this situatin it was essentia! t

    cntr! %rei"n tra#e (y the state& rein%rcin" the 'wer % a(s!ute $narchies.

    . !#%t%c$# Syste'.

    The /%n)0s "!-er %s $(s!#utean# was cnsi#ere# the e$(#i$ent % the state. He

    ha# the 'wer t $a1e !aws& t "*ern #es'tica!!y an# t a''int the $e$(ers %

    the curt e2ecuti*e& !e"is!ati*e an# 5u#icia!/. The 'wer e$anate# #irect!y %r$

    G#. He was nt accunta(!e t anyne an# ha# %u!! s*erei"nty.

    The 1in"s #i# nt res'ect the $e#ie*a! institutins an# the citi0ens % their

    1in"#$s were their su(5ects. They create# a (#y % r!y$# !++%c%$#s& a#*isers an#

    secretaries chsen %r their a(i!ity an# !ya!ty re"ar#!ess % their scia! (ac1"run#

    n(!e r (ur"eis/.


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    . The sc%ence $n& the ne- techn%,ue.

    Francis Bacn Ga!i!e Ga!i!ei Ren7 Descartes

    In the se*enteenth century scienti%ic research (ec$es in#e'en#ent % re!i"ius

    a''raches. Francis Bacn sets ut the sc%ent%+%c 'eth!&% in)uiry& Ga!i!e Ga!i!ei

    #e$nstrates the he!icentric thery an# the !aws % inertia an# e$'iricist

    scientists c!ai$ that science $ust ha*e a 'ractica! a''!icatin in techn!"y.Techn!"ica! a#*ance$ents wi!! !ea# t the cuntries wea!th an# ha''iness.

    Meanwhi!e in 'hi!s'hy Ren7 Descartes stan#s ut 'r'sin" 'eth!&%c$# &!u(tan#

    $re ratina! use % !an"ua"e& $athe$atica! !an"ua"e.

    In '!itica! thu"ht H((es su''rts a(s!ute $narchy whi!e -c1e starts !i(era!


    Di%%erent "*ern$ents an# $narchs wi!! su''rt research an# techn!"y wr1creatin" science ca(inets an# rya! aca#e$ies.

    2. The en& !+ %'"er%$# %&e$s. Th%rty Ye$rs3 4$r.

    In 898: a war n re!i"ius "run#s (etween the E$'err % the H!y R$an E$'ire

    an# ,0ech Prtestants (e"an. Sn they %inishe# in*!*e# a!! the Eur'ean 'wersan# e$er"in" cuntries. On ne si#e the E$'err& the S'anish Mnarchy an# the


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    Pa'acy #e%en#e# the $e#ie*a! i#ea % a sin"!e re!i"ius authrity P'e/ an# a sin"!e

    '!itica! authrity E$'err/. On the ther si#e were Prtestant cuntries #e%en#in"

    re!i"ius %ree#$ an# new natin states that wante# in#e'en#ence %r$ the i$'eria!

    'wer Swe#en& Prussia& the Nether!an#s& France& En"!an#.../. In 89;: the e$ce !+

    4est"h$#%$was si"ne#& esta(!ishin" the in#e'en#ence % the Nether!an#s& the rea!

    in#e'en#ence % the 1in"#$s % the H!y R$an E$'err& i$'eria! cn)uests %

    En"!an# an# cntinenta! he"e$ny % France were a!s rec"ni0e#.

    The war (etween the S'anish Mnarchy an# France cntinue# unti! 89

  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    5. 6rench /%n) L!u%s I8 %s the "r!t!ty"%c$# $(s!#ute '!n$rch.

    He ascen#e# the thrne %i*e years !#. In his na$e

    Ana % Austria an# ,ar#ina! Ma0arin ru!e# the

    cuntry. Durin" his $inrity rura! n(!es& the

    Hu"uents Prtestants/ an# Par!ia$ent % Paris


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    re*!te#. U'n reachin" a#u!th# he rein%rce#

    the 'wer % the 1in"> he (ui!t the Pa!ace % ?ersai!!es

    where he $*e# the ,urt& turne# the n(!es int

    curtiers& was surrun#e# (y a#*isers an# %%icers

    an# #i*i#e# the territry int #istricts.

    He st''e# ca!!in" the Estates Genera! an# i$'se#

    his authrity *er cities.

    He create# a 'wer%u! rya! ar$y that accr#in" t nu$erus wars e2'an#e# the

    %rntiers % France t ha*e natura! (r#ers Rhine& A!'s& Pyrenees/ at the e2'ense

    % the S'anish 'ssessins.

    He is cre#ite# with the 'hrase4 @I a$ the state> Frances $e@.

    7. B$r!,ue $rt.

    Renaissance art ha# *a!ue# the c!assica! e!e$ents& 'r'rtin& si$'!icity& ratina!is$

    an# strai"ht !ines. Bar)ue is the art % a''earances& % theatrica!ity& the ($(ast&

    the cur*e an# rechar"e# !ines. The ,ath!ic ,hurch an# the a(s!utist $narchies

    wi!! use the art as 'r'a"an#a4 they (ui!t "reat 'a!aces ?ersai!!es/ an# hu"e (asi!icas

    St. Peters S)uare/ as i% they were "reat scenes t e2a!t their 'wer.

    The Prtestant (ur"eisie wi!! 're%er a $re e*ery#ay an# inti$ate art which

    #e$nstrates the su'eririty % their way % !i%e.


    Bui!#in"s $a#e t i$'ress the *iewer. Gi"antic 'ers'ecti*es St. Peters

    S)uare& Gar#ens % ?ersai!!es/. ,ur*e# !ines n the wa!!s t hi"h!i"ht the

    e%%ects % !i"ht an# sha#w. T' #ecr. Hu"e #$es. Pre#$inant!y nn3

    re"u!ar sha'es *a! #$es& (r1en 'e#i$ents& s'ira!s.../.

    :u$n L!ren;! Bern%n%4 C!#!nn$&e $n& S,u$re !+ St. eter 8$t%c$n< S$n

    An&re$ $# Qu%r%n$#e $n& R!'$n s,u$res =%$;;$ N$v!n$9.


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    6r$ncesc! B!rr!'%n%4 S$%nt Ch$r#es !+ the 6!ur 6!unt$%ns.

    B$#t$s$r L!n)hen$4 St. M$ry !+ He$#th %n 8en%ce.

    L!u%s Le 8$u $n& :u#es H$r&!u%n M$ns$rt4 $#$ce !+ 8ers$%##es.



    M*e$ent& cur*e# !ines& '$'us c!thes (!win" in the win#& natura!is$ an#re'resentatin % a %!eetin" $$ent in the actin r %acia! e2'ressin are e2a!te#.

    >%!v$nn% L!ren;! Bern%n%4 A"!##! $n& D$"hne< The Ecst$sy !+ St. Teres$< D$v%&!#&en A)e.

    Durin" the se*enteenth century $i!itary an# ecn$ic #ec!ine % the S'anish E$'ire

    ccurs& (ut a!s the G!#en A"e % -iterature an# Arts. As authrs stan# ut -'e

    #e ?e"a& ,er*antes& ue*e#& Tirs #e M!ina& GCn"ra& ,a!#erCn #e !a Barca&

    Gracin... In arts %!urishin" % scu!'ture an# 'aintin" ccurs.

    A9 Arch%tecture.

    It is characteri0e# (y the s(riety % the 'a!aces %!!win" the !ines % E! Escria!.

    The $ain %aca#es hi"h!y #ecrate# with scu!'tures an# "ar!an#s. The cnstructin %

    $ain s)uares stan#s ut.


  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    :u$n >'e; &e M!r$4 #$;$ M$y!r !+ M$&r%&. $#$c%! &e #$ 8%##$.



    Nu$erus 'ass% Easter are 'er%r$e#. P!ychr$e r "i!#e# w#. Great rea!is$

    tryin" t hi"h!i"ht the 'ain. ?ery theatrica! 'stures.

    >re)!r%! 6ernn&e;4 Fr$ ?a!!a#!i#. Natura!is$ hi"h!i"htin" wun#s an# (!#.

    Rec#%n%n) Chr%st< L$ %e&$&.:u$n M$rtne; M!nt$s4 Mre c!assic. He esca'es %r$ wun#s an# (!#. The

    (#%n& )%r# $n& St. :er!'e.

    e&r! &e Men$4 Re'resentatin % ecstasy an# $e#itatin. M$ry M$)&$#ene.

    C9 $%nt%n).

    :!s &e R%(er$4 He 'ainte# in Na'!es. 6ith tene(rist trainin"& he was cncerne#

    a(ut !i"ht an# c!r. Nu$erus 'rtraits % 5esters& #war%s an# 'e'!e % the !wer

    c!asses. The M$rtyr&!' !+ St. h%#%"< M$ry M$)&$#ene "en%tent< The (!-#e))e&!!& She"her&< Ch%#&ren e$t%n) +ru%t< H!#y 6$'%#y !+ #%tt#e



  • 8/9/2019 10. The 17th Century


    D%e)! 8e#;,ue;4 in"+s Painter. Fr$ his tene(rist %r$atin he was c!ari%yin" the

    c!r t reach *i(rant an# (ri"ht (ac1"run#s. ?ery !se (rushwr1. He "t t 'aint

    the air aeria! 'ers'ecti*e/. He #$inate# a!! %ie!#s4 'rtraits& $yth!"ica! su(5ects&

    (att!es& re!i"ius the$es& 5esters an# !an#sca'es.

    Prtraits4 L$s Men%n$s< sever$# !+ the G%n)s< E# C!n&e Du,ue< E# In+$nte

    B$#t$s$r C$r#!s< E# N%! &e 8$##ec$s !r Inn!cent 7.Myth!"ica!4 The 6!r)e !+

    8u#c$n< The S"%nners< The Drun/$r&s< The R!/e(y 8enus.Batt!es4 The

    Surren&er !+ Bre&$.Re!i"ius4 The C!r!n$t%!n !+ the 8%r)%n< Chr%st Cruc%+%e&.

    Tra#itina!ists4 The 4$ter(!y< O#& 4!'$n C!!/%n) E))s. -an#sca'es4 8%##$

