10 steps toolkit wood county breastfeeding coalition hpwc chronic disease prevention team wood...

Download 10 Steps Toolkit Wood County Breastfeeding Coalition HPWC Chronic Disease Prevention Team Wood County Health Department Amber France MS IBCLC Wood County

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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  • 10 Steps Toolkit Wood County Breastfeeding Coalition HPWC Chronic Disease Prevention Team Wood County Health Department Amber France MS IBCLC Wood County Health Department [email protected] (715)421-8937
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  • Investing Early Grant from Celebrate Children Foundation Develop Training/Materials Process Outcomes
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  • Lower IQ Increased risk of SIDS Increase in infectious illness Higher risk of inflammatory bowel diseases Increase NEC in preemies Higher risk of cancer Higher risk for cardiovascular disease Higher risk of diabetes No protection from asthma & eczema Higher risk of childhood obesity More cavities Problems with oral/jaw structure
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  • Life is easier Saves money Feel great Health benefits Miss less work
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  • If 90 percent of families breastfed exclusively for 6 months, nearly 1,000 deaths among infants could be prevented. Save $13 billion per year More productive workforce Better for environment
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  • Babies are sick less Babies are happier Diaper odor is less Baby may spit up less Easier transition More marketable
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  • Breastmilk is part of the Meal Pattern Reimbursable component of infant meal pattern Children >12 months, breastmilk substitute cows milk in the meal pattern for reimbursement
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  • DurationHealthy People 2020 GoalsWisconsin (2009) Initiate breastfeeding81.9%75.5% At 6 months60.6%48.6% At 1 year34.1%25.9% Exclusively for 3 months46.2%45.2% Exclusively for 6 months25.5%16.8%
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  • Increase the proportion of employers that have worksite lactation support programs
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  • Exclusive breastfeeding for the 1 st 6 months Continued breastfeeding through at least the 1 st year or longer as mutually desired Medical contraindications are rare WHO recommends at least 2 years!
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  • One of the most highly effective preventive measures a mother can take to protect the health of her infant and herself is to breastfeed. The success rate among mothers who want to breastfeed can be greatly improved through active support from their families, friends, communities, clinicians, health care leaders, employers, and policymakers.
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  • Step 1: Designate an individual or group who is responsible for development and implementation of the 10 steps. Step 2: Establish a supportive breastfeeding policy and assure that all staff are aware of and following the policy. Step 3: Establish a supportive worksite policy for staff members who are breastfeeding.
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  • Step 4: Train all staff so that they are able to carry out breastfeeding promotion and support activities. Step 5: Create a culturally appropriate breastfeeding friendly environment. Step 6: Inform expectant and new families and visitors about your Centers breastfeeding friendly policies. Step 7: Stimulate participatory learning experiences with the children related to breastfeeding.
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  • Step 8: Provide a comfortable place for mothers to breastfeed or pump their milk in privacy, if desired. Educate families and staff that a mother may breastfeed her child wherever they have legal right to be. Step 9: Establish and maintain connections with your local breastfeeding coalition or other community resources. Step 10: Maintain an updated resource file of community breastfeeding services and resources kept in an accessible area for families.
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  • Reviews existing practices Compliance with requirements Assess key areas for improvement Tool to prioritize
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  • Designate an individual or group who is responsible for development and implementation of the 10 steps.
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  • Designate individual or small group to Initiate & asses progress Review policies, procedures, & protocols Ensure staff receive orientation & training
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  • Support from Management & Staff Assemble team Designate a coordinator Team meetings Planning Action Plan Continuing Education
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  • 75% women employed with children