10 steps to access your goodness and change your life


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7/21/2019 10 Steps to Access Your Goodness and Change Your Life

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10 Steps to Access Your Goodness andChange Your Life

By  Adi Redzic

“Goodness is the only investment that never fails! "#enry $avid %horeau

 A few years ago I found myself on the floor of my apartment with a bottle of Jack Daniel’s,

feeling miserable.

In fact, I had felt that way for a while. My four-year relationship had collapsed, work was

losing its meaning, and I felt deeply misunderstood, unloed, and lonely. Money was tight! Iwas oerweight, lethargic, and confused! and my future seemed blurry.

"ut then, something changed.

I decided to shift my perspectie and see what my life would be like if I stopped beating

myself up oer #not being good enough$ and accepted who I was.

& made a decision that & am good and committed to testing this theory out And it


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"eing fundamentally good does not mean we won’t make mistakes. I make plenty, all the

time. "eing good means that we desere good things in life, and we desere loe. 2ith self-

loe, anything is possible.

If you hae a hard time with this, think of your younger, innocent self. Does that being

desere loe3 5r, think about yourself through the lens of someone who loes you. 2hy

would they loe you so if you weren’t worthy3

3. Practice, practice, practice.

Deciding that you are good is hard, but acting on that awareness is een harder. 6ommit to

practice your goodness eery single day. 6atch yourself when you think negatiely about

yourself. Make a plan to get yourself out of unhealthy relationships or break bad habits. /reat

yourself well, and demand that others do the same.

4. Develop rituals.

/ake the time to &ournal, meditate, read inspirational books, pray, paint, olunteer, recite

poetry, or regularly engage in any actiity that will remind you and reinforce your goodness.

 5. Set up reminders.

%oon after I made my decision, I changed my license plates to read #I AM 755D.$ I knew I

would see it at least twice a day and be reminded of my newfound truth. 4en on those

e)traordinarily busy days when you miss your rituals, these small reminders will keep you on


 6. al! to people.

/ell people about the concept of fundamental goodness. /hey will reaffirm its truth, or you

will change their life too. In either case, the right people will support you in your uest for


 ". #ive $oldl%.

7ie generously, loe unconditionally, laugh loudly, and communicate openly. 2hateer you

do, gie it your all. 8iing in such a way will reinforce your goodness.

/he parado) is that you cannot really lie fully unless you beliee in your own goodness. If

you don’t beliee in your fundamental goodness, you will constantly uestion your decisions,

your worthiness, the uality of your contribution, and other people too.

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+ou are also likely to lie with a lot of an)iety, which will consume you from time to time.

"y actually doing more of giing, loing, laughing, communicating, and so on, you will be

reinforcing your own goodness and growing your belief in it.

&. Dream $ig and dare greatl%.

2hen we focus on our struggles, we lose sight of the truly important things in life. 5n the

other hand, when we dream big and dare greatly, we hae no choice but to trust our

goodness as we find ways to achiee our dreams and take risks.

9ow, keep in mind that taking risks and daring greatly does not mean we pursue things that

might gain us approal of others! it means we seek out those things that matter the most to


 A lot of traditionally successful people are miserable and full of self-loathing. 5n the other

hand, a lot of obscure people are fully content and accomplished. Dreaming big means we

dream our own dreams, not those imposed by the society, our family, or someone else.

'. Stop (uestioning and get $us%.

I loe asking a #why$ uestion. "ut don’t ask a #why$ that is harmful! ask a #why$ that is

helpful. Don’t ask, #2hy would I be good3$ Ask, #2hy wouldn’t I be3$ And if you can’t stop

uestioning, make a decision and moe on. %top reisiting it.

2e’e been conditioned to doubt ourseles. Doubt something else, but not your goodness.

 1). *e mind+ul.

'eople often ask #:ow are you3$ without waiting for a reply. ;egardless, I loe responding1 #I

am good<$ It’s not so much for their benefit as it is for my own. /he more I repeat it, the more

I beliee in it.

 Additionally, how I respond to this uestion is a good indicator of how I feel that day. My

response gies me a chance to catch myself. If I say, #I’m okay$ or #9ot too bad,$ that’s a

sign something isn’t uite right and I need to ealuate what’s really happening.

/hat said, being fundamentally good and accepting this goodness does not mean that we

sometimes won’t feel bad, get annoyed or angry, or een lash out. Just today, I got into an

argument with a good friend. 2e each said some hurtful things and I feel bad about it, but

that doesn’t change the fact that we are both good.


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5nce upon a time, a 9atie American elder was telling his grandson a story of two woles

that lie in each one of us and wage a daily struggle for dominance in our lies.

5ne wolf is filled with loe, &oy, hope, peace, gratitude, optimism, generosity, understanding,

humility, kindness, truth, faith, and compassion. /he other is a reflection of bitterness, eny,

anger, sorrow, guilt, greed, arrogance, self-pity, inferiority, lies, ego, selfishness, and


/heir struggle is constant, their determination to win unwaering.

#%o, which wolf wins3$ asked the grandson.

/he grandfather responded, #/he one you feed.$

2e all hae a choice to accept our own goodness and nurture it eery day. 2e can all

embrace the best within us and choose happiness oer sadness. 2hich wolf will you feed
