10 non negotiables you need to succeed in your business

10 Non Negotiables That You Need For Your Success In Your Business Some this are simply Non Negotiable.... I bet you’re probably wondering “what do NON NEGOTIABLES have to do with me succeeding in my business?” When you look up the word “NON NEGOTIABLE” in the dictionary it says “that non negotiabl e is something that can’t be change by discussion” For example ” The terms of this agreement are non negotiableNow you are probably thinking: “Why is she giving me the definition of non negotiable?” ” I know what non negotiable means”

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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10 Non Negotiables That You Need For Your Success In

Your Business

Some this are simply Non Negotiable....

I bet you’re probably wondering “what do NON NEGOTIABLES have to do with me succeeding in my business?”

When you look up the word “NON NEGOTIABLE” in the dictionary it says “that non negotiable is

something that can’t be change by discussion” For example ” The terms of this agreement are non negotiable”

Now you are probably thinking: “Why is she giving me the definition of non negotiable?” ” I know what non negotiable means”

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Well guess what?

Even though I knew what the word “non negotiable” meant, I really didn’t know how to apply it for the success of my business.

So I decided to share the VALUE that I just learned with you.


Because it’s CRUCIAL to set up a NON NEGOTIABLE for your business and your life in order to

accomplish what it is that you want to accomplish.

In a prior post I spoke about the importance of having a Daily Method Of Operation and 3 things that must be done daily in order to grow your Network Marketing Business Online.

Those 3 things were Mindset, Marketing and Conversions in which I went into detail on the three topics.

One topic was Mindset…

Something that I personally have to work on a daily basis, because if not I will procrastinate.

In one of my “Mindset Routines” today. I l istened to an audio that not only inspired me but I decided to take massive action on. The title of the audio was “NON NEGOTIABLES”


So I made a video on it.

How To Succeed In Your MLM Set Up Non Negotiables That You Need To Succeed In MLM

Click here if you want to more about being successful in your mlm

10 Non Negotiables That You Need For Your Success In Your Businesss

1. Know your life purpose and if you don’t have one, CREATE ONE. It’s important to know your

WHY and your PURPOSE for the things that you want to accomplish in your life.

2. TAKE MASSIVE ACTION! Go out and accomplish what you want and know that what you want

to accomplish has to be accomplished no if ands or buts about it.

3. Remember that the only difference between SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE AND NON SUCCESS PEOPLE

are their disciplines, their daily routines, their consistency, their integrity and their mindsets. To

them, there are NO EXCUSES. Procrastination is NOT an option. They are MASSIVE ACTION

TAKERS. Have a routine day in and day out. Your realities is a reflection of your routine. If you

are not happy with your financial situation, your health, your house, your car, your job, CHANGE


4. Don’t have an idea of what success is like…there are no WHAT IF’S in success. Set up non

negotiables for your business. Write them down, follow through, know your worth, believe in it

and TAKE ACTION until you are successful.

5. Just like there are laws in society that we must abide by, because obviously if you break the law,

you are committing a crime, and therefore will pay the consequence and get locked up…I mean

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who wants to get locked up unless you’re a stone cold criminal and that’s goal…but most people

don’t want that. It’s IMPERATIVE that we set up LAWS FOR OURSELVES for success and

understand that if abide by those laws, pain and consequence will follow, It’s having integrety.

It’s making a commitment. It’s loving and respecting ourselves period.

6. CREATE URGENCY…if you don’t create urgency, you’ll procrastinate. Procrastination is the

opposite of success.

7. Take Action even if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’ll learn along the way.

8. Be willing to do what others won’t

9. Make a commitment to succeed 10. Set up non negociables so that you can have routines that serve you and not work against you

Examples of setting up a NON NEGOTIABLES In your Business

What your reading can help not only in your business but also in your life. So here’s an example fo r a NON NEGOTIABLES that you can write down


“For the next 30 Days I will build my business every single day by blogging and marketing, and only taking one day off. Commit to it and follow through”


“For the next 30 day I will change my eating habits and exercise regularly with 2 day off” .

Of course these are simply examples that you can write down…but don’t just simply write them down.

It’s just not enough. You have to say it aloud. Believe it. Live by it. Visualize your outcome as you write it down.

Your financial freedom and well being is simply NON NEGOTIABLE.

You are worth so much

So I am going to give you a really cool assignment that I just did today and it made me feel so inspired and confident.

So what are you waiting for?

Take Action!

Write down your NON NEGOCIABLES In Your Business