10 most usefull nlp techniques

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    “10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Lerne!"

    #$ %ie 'rt

    Liits of Li(ilit$ ) *isclier of +rrnt$

    The author and %ulisher of this oo' and the acco#%an!in( #aterials have usedtheir est efforts in %re%arin( this %ro(ra#) The author and %ulisher #a'e no

    re%resentation or warranties with res%ect to the accurac!, a%%licailit!, fitness, orco#%leteness of the contents of this %ro(ra#) The! disclai# an! warranties*e+%ressed or i#%lied, #erchantailit!, or fitness for an! %ur%ose) The author and%ulisher shall not e held liale for an! loss or other da#a(es, includin( ut notli#ited to incidental, consequential, or other da#a(es) The author and %ulisher

    #a'e no clai#s for an! #edical enefits of this %ro(ra#) The advice of a co#%etent#edical %rofessional should alwa!s e sou(ht in the case of health #atters)

    Co%!ri(ht in this docu#ent elon( to the author) The author also asserts the ri(ht toe identified as such and to o-ect to an! #isuse)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    T(le of Contents

    3ead This 4irst)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5

    6ho Is This E7oo' 4or8))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 96hat Is NLP8))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

    6h! Learn NLP8)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1

    ;< = $tart efore >ou $tart & 4inish efore >ou 4inish))))))))))))))))))))))?

    ;/ 7 Ta'e Peo%le Literall!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) @

    ;5 = Ao There 4irst))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    -e! This .irst

    6elco#e to 10 of the Coolest, Most Powerful & Useful NLP Techniques I’ve Ever

    Learne ) M! na#e’s "a#ie $#art) I’# an NLP trainer, author, and creator of NLPCoachin( Cards  TM  , Eric'sonian !%nosis Cards  TM  , and Irresistile Influence Cards  TM  ,the world’s leadin( resources for learnin( the lan(ua(e of NLP, !%nosis andInfluence) I’d li'e to sa! Fthan'7!ouG to !ou for readin( this e7oo') I’d also li'e toas' !ou to please send this e-book to your friends and colleagues, ecause itwill hel% the#, it will hel% #e to reach #ore %eo%le, and ecause it will make youfeel good  tooH If !ou’ve een sent this e7oo' ! so#eone else, then #a'e surethat !ou sign up for the FREE NLP newsletter that acco#%anies it, herehtt%JJwww)saladltd)co)u'Jti%Ksi(nu%)ht#

    Once !ou do, !ou will e sent new issues on a re(ular asis to learn fro#) It will onl!ta'e a #inute or two to read, ut !ou’ll e a#aed at the s'ills !ou start develo%in(quic'l!)

    This oo' co#%le#ents our NLP Coachin( Cards  TM  , Eric'sonian !%nosis Cards  TM  , andIrresistile Influence Cards  TM  ) I’ll e referrin( to the cards later, ut when !ou buythe cards and get the patterns now, !ou can unloc' the #assive %otential thisoo' reveals immediately.

    If !ou want to reall! accelerate your learning, (o to the !ala  wesite and orderall three decks of !L!" NLP #!R" at a special discounted rate $ These cardsare quite si#%l! the fastest wa! there is to develo% !our s'ills in usin( the lan(ua(eof NLP, !%nosis and Influence) The insi(hts !ou’ll e (ettin( fro# the newsletterco#%le#ent the %atterns on the cards, so when !ou have oth, it will reall! turbo-charge your learning) 4or #ore infor#ation aout how !ou can learn fast %ust by

     playing cards, clic' here

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    +ht Is NLP

    NLP *Neuro7lin(uistic Pro(ra##in( is the #ost %owerful a%%roach I’ve found forco##unications, chan(e, and e+cellent %erfor#ance) It has een widel! a%%lied,with often astonishin( results, in fields as diverse as

    usiness Coachin(

    $ales & Influence Ps!cholo(! $%orts ealthcare Ne(otiation Education The list (oes on

    These da!s, #ost oo's on %ersonal develo%#ent will include at least so#e NLPtechniques, and it has een incor%orated into #ost %ersuasion & influence trainin(son at least so#e level) $o#e of the #ost dra#atic acco#%lish#ents of the fieldinclude

    2 fast *one session %hoia cure 2 learnale #odel of the s'ills of e+quisite co##unicators 2 s%ellin( strate(! to transfor# the ailities of %oor s%ellers 2 functional #odel of the s'ills of (reat visionaries

    One of the #ost %rofound ideas of NLP is that, if one %erson can do so#ethin(, itshould e %ossile to find out what the!’re doin( and re%licate it) NLP #odellin( is a

    unique a%%roach for identif!in( and re%licatin( the unconscious s'ills of e+cellent%erfor#ers *E() the naturall! talented’ then teachin( the# to others)

    &he nameThe na#e of the field refers to *Neuro the hu#an nervous s!ste#, includin( therain and the five senses, *Lin(uistic the veral & non7veral lan(ua(es with whichwe co##unicate and *Pro(ra##in( the ailit! to structure our neurolo(ical andlin(uistic s!ste#s to achieve desired results)

    'istory Neuro7Lin(uistic Pro(ra##in( *NLP was develo%ed startin( in the earl!

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    12 3now wht $ou wnt 45utcoe ) *irection6

    One of the 'e! NLP questions is 6hat do !ou want8’ ) The hu#an nervous s!ste#

    can e thou(ht of as (oal7see'in(, and !ou tend to (et what !ou focus on) 6ell7for#ed outco#es are an i#%ortant tool for ensurin( that !ou (et #ore of what !ouwant in !our life)

    72 8et the ttention of the unconscious in! 4-99ort6

    The #a% is not the territor!) >ou #ust start where the %erson !ou wish to influenceis *the Present $tate’) 3a%%ort is the %rocess of (ettin( the attention and trust ofthe unconscious #ind)

    :2 3now whether $ou’re ;ettin; wht $ou wnt 4'ensor$

    el% others  to (et the results the! want ave #ore of the e+%eriences !ou want ave #ore success, ha%%iness, -o! and fulfill#ent in !our life

    Learn the tools of freedo# 

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @1 A 'trt #efore Bou 'trt & .inish #efore Bou .inish

    I used to love the T show Ins%ector Morse’) Each wee', our o%era7lovin( herowould use his intuition, reason, %owers of oservation and 'nowled(e of the hu#ancondition to solve see#in(l! insolule #!steries and rin( the villains to -ustice)

    Morse was a #aster of (ettin( eneath the surface stor! so#eone was tellin( hi#,and (ettin( the real  stor! of what was (oin( on) One of the strate(ies he used to dothis was to ter#inate the interview) e’d sa! F6ell, I thin' that covers ever!thin(G,and would (et u% to leave) The %erson he was questionin( would rela+ FPhewH Aotawa! with it)G Then, -ust as the! were aout to show Morse to the door, he’d turnround and sa! F"ust one #ore thin(G then (o for the -u(ular)

    6hile I’# not su((estin( !ou (o for clients’ -u(ulars, !ou can use the Ins%ector

    Morse strate(! to reach %eo%le when their ar#our is off, when their defenses aredown) There are two wa!s I love doin( this, and the!’re incredil! si#%le I startefore I start, and I finish efore I finish)

    'trt (efore $ou strt

    2t the e(innin( of a trainin( course, a coachin( session or a sales call, after we’ve#ade our introductions, I sa! so#ethin( alon( the lines of FThere’s so#e stuff I’dli'e to cover efore we e(inG 

    Then I e(inH

    Peo%le have their ar#our off efore the for#al e(innin(’ of a session, and it’s a

    (reat ti#e to wor' with the#) Personall!, I never actuall! (et to the %oint where wefor#all! e(in) I do all the wor' in either the %re7e(innin(’ section, or after  the endof the session) 6hich re#inds #e

    .inish (efore $ou finish

    Li'e Ins%ector Morse, !ou can finish efore !ou finish) If !ou’re havin( difficult!(ettin( to the %oint !ou want to, !ou can sa! F6ell, I thin' that’s enou(h for toda!G,and (et u% to leave) Then sa! FOh, -ust one #ore thin(G and start a(ain) >ou wille a#aed at what can %o% out when !ou finish efore !ou finish)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @7 / Te Peo9le Literll$

    I elon( to a #aster#ind (rou%, a tea# of @ %eo%le who #eet ever! #onth tosu%%ort each other in achievin( their (oals and realisin( their drea#s)

    2t one of our #eetin(s, a #e#er of the (rou% said that he wanted to lose so#ewei(ht) 6hen as'ed aout it, he ad#itted that he didn’t feel ver! %ositive aout it,as he’d een stic'in( to a $%artan diet for #onths, had e+ercised re(ularl!, ut -ustdidn’t see# to e ale to shift it) e said FBee% down, I don’t reall! elieve I’ll eale to do itG)

    2s I listened to hi#, I noticed various thin(s aout the wa! he was usin( lan(ua(e todescrie his situation) Mind and od! are one s!ste#, and the wa! %eo%le tal' aout%role#s, (oals and desires can reveal the structure of how the! thin' aout the#)The! wa! the! thin' aout the# will deter#ine the results the! (et, so I as'ed hi#so#e questions) 4irst, I as'ed hi# F6h! is it li'e that8G 

    The question F6h!8G used to e anned in NLP circles, ut it’s (reat for (ettin( the%erson’s stor! aout a elief) e said FI -ust can’t see #!self ein( sli#)G 

    Instantl!, I 'new what the %role# was *as an!one with so#e e+%erience of NLPwillH

    One of the #ost useful thin(s I ever learned was FTa'e %eo%le literall!)G M!collea(ue was (ivin( #e a literal descri%tion of what was ta'in( %lace inside hisneuro7%h!siolo(!) e was quite literall! unale to create a #ental i#a(e of hi#selfein( the sie and sha%e he wanted)

    The hu#an nervous s!ste# is (oal7see'in(, and it will #ove towards whatever (oals!ou %ut into it) The (oal he’d een usin( was FI want to lose wei(htG) This %resentsseveral %role#s

    a e was sa!in( what he in’t  want *wei(ht instead of what he i  want)

    Ne(atives are %rocessed differentl! ! neurolo(! than the! are in lan(ua(e *if I sa! FBon’t i#a(ine a acon sandwichG, !ou have to i#a(ine it to understand what I’vesaid) ! settin( his (oal as losin( wei(ht, he was havin( to re%resent the wei(ht tohi#self in so#e wa!)

    Peo%le don’t li'e to lose thin(sH 6e have een conditioned since we were

    children not to lose thin(s, and if we do, to find the# a(ain)

    $tatin( his (oal in this wa!, cou%led with the fact that he didn’t have a #ental i#a(eof hi#self ein( sli#, fit & health!, #eant that he 'e%t (ettin( what he didn’t want*his #ental i#a(e was of hi# ein( the sha%e he alread! was)

    $o I as'ed hi# F6hat would ha%%en if !ou could see !ourself ein( sli#8G 

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    is face ri(htened, and he said that would e (reat, and his e!es fi+ated out infront of hi#) I said so#ethin( alon( the lines of F"ust see !ourself ein( the sie andsha%e that !ou want to e, and feel how (ood that will feel, to see !ourself in the#irror, loo'in( so (ood, and hear those a%%reciative co##ents fro# others, and!ourself, aout how (ood !ou loo', feelin( sli# and fit and health!)G 

    I told hi# F>ou can s%end so#e ti#e in the ne+t few da!s, i#a(inin( !ourself ein(the sie and sha%e !ou want to e) Then feel how !ou’ll feel when !ou’ve (ot what!ou wantG)

    I received a %hone call fro# hi# a few wee's later) 2fter the #eetin(, he had s%entaout /0 #inutes visualisin( and i#a(inin( how it would e when he (ot to his idealwei(ht, then continued as usual) 6hen he ran(, he re%orted that he was @ %oundsli(hter, after havin( sta!ed the sa#e wei(ht for #onths and #onths %reviousl!)

    6hile there is a valuale lesson in here aout settin( %ositive (oals and visualisation,there is also a dee%er learnin() Ta'e %eo%le literall!, and the! will (ive !ou

    infor#ation aout e+actl! what’s (oin( on inside the#)

    In the %ast, if so#eone had said FI -ust can’t see #!self ein( sli#G, I would haveta'en it as a #eta%horical state#ent, and tried to convince the# that the! could etc)ut our neurolo(! has develo%ed for the world of thin(s & e+%erience) 6hen !outa'e %eo%le literall!, the! reveal a world of infor#ation aout what’s (oin( on insidethe#)

    I once heard 3ichard andler sa! FPeo%le will tell !ou ever!thin( !ou need to 'now inthe first #inute)G This is an e+a#%le of that) Of course, !ou need to have o%en7nessto e ale to hear it, and the questions to as' in the first %lace to (et at the ri(htinfor#ation)

    This is one of the secrets of eco#in( reall! (ood at NLP)

    If this #a'es sense to !ou, then chec' out our NLP Coachin( Cards)

    The! are one of the fastest, easiest wa!s there is for !ou to start to increase !ourown ailities to do NLP with !ourself and others)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @: A 8o There .irst

    One wa! of thin'in( aout NLP is as the %rocess of hel%in( %eo%le #ove fro#whatever their %resent set of circu#stances is to so#e desired set of circu#stances)

    The 'e! to #ovin( fro# one to the other is hel%in( a %erson to access the resourcesnecessar! to #a'e the #ove)

    One of the #ost %owerful resources is a %erson’s state of #ind) Mind and od! areone s!ste#, and the co#ination of the feelin( a %erson is feelin( and the wa! the!are thin'in( *%ictures, sounds etc can e referred to as their state’)

    If !ou are rela+in( in a hot ath, !ou are %roal! in a different state than the one!ou are in when !ou’re (oin( for a run, (ivin( a %resentation, or aout to 'issso#eone for the first ti#e)

    The ailit! to (uide %eo%le into different states is one of the #ost %owerful s'ills forco##unication and chan(e that there is)

    Trance is a feelin( state’, in the sa#e wa! as happiness, gratitude and lo*e arefeelin( states) One of the (reat thin(s aout feelin( states is the! are infectious, so if!ou want so#eone else to (o into a certain state, -ust go there first yourself.

    The quic'est wa! to (et a %unch on the nose is to start distriutin( the#) Thequic'est wa! to (et a s#ile fro# so#eone is to start distriutin( the#) 6hateverstate !ou want the other %erson to (o into, (o there first !ourself $

    $o how e+actl! do !ou (o there first’8 There are #an! different wa!s, and as !oue(in to %ractice, !ou will start to discover the a%%roaches that wor' #ost effectivel!for !ou) ere are a few of the#

    • One of the quic'est and easiest wa!s to chan(e !our state of #ind is to chan(e!our %h!siolo(!) "u#%in( u% and down, sha'in( !our hands or eatin( !our chestare all wa!s to rea' out of undesired states) ! the sa#e to'en, ado%tin( the%ostures and stances that !ou ta'e when !ou are accessin( certain states canactivate those states) Either sittin( or standin(, ado%t the %h!siolo(! *%osture,(esture, head %osition, reathin( rate, #uscle tension that !ou e+hiit when !ouare in a certain state *E)() trance, the one, flow, rela+ation, creativit! etc)Notice how quic'l! !ou start to en-o! e+%eriencin( the sensations of that state)

    •  F4a'e it to #a'e it)G Pretend) 6hen !ou %retend to (o into a certain state, !ournervous s!ste# (ets the idea ver! quic'l!, and the state soon #anifests) >ou can%retend to e in whatever state !ou li'e the #ore convincin(l! !ou do it, the#ore !ou will (et into it *and vice versa) The #ore convincin( !ou are to!ourself, the #ore the other %erson will follow !ou into the state)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    • 2n anchor is an! re%resentation in the hu#an nervous s!ste# that tri((ers an!other re%resentation) It is conce%tuall! si#ilar to Pavlovian conditionin( *thin'ells and salivatin( do(s) >ou can anchor !ourself intentionall!, for e+a#%le

    a Thin' of an occasion when !ou had a hi(hl! %leasurale, %ositive or en-o!alee+%erience)

    $ee what !ou saw then *loo'in( out throu(h !our own e!es, hear what !ouheard and feel what !ou felt)

    c 2s !ou feel the sensations increase in intensit!, squeee the thu# andforefin(er of !our left hand (entl! to(ether for a few #o#ents, then releasethe#)

    d Now rea' !our state’ *E)() ! re#e#erin( what !ou had for lunch!esterda!) 6ait a few #o#ents)

    e $queee !our thu# and forefin(er to(ether a(ain) The state will return)

    6ith %ractice, !ou will e ale to (o into the states !ou desire, quic'l! and easil!,whenever !ou wish) 6hen !ou’re in ra%%ort with so#eone and !ou (o into a certainstate, the! will follow)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @= / %ust 'trt Tlin;

    One of the thin(s I love doin( on our NLP Practitioner and Master Practitionertrainin(s is (ettin( %eo%le %la!in( with Eric'sonian !%nosis Cards  TM  and Irresistile Influence Cards  TM  ) It’s (reat for raisin( %eo%les’ ener(! in the notorious after lunch’lull, creates a reall! fun learnin( environ#ent, and the rate their lin(uistic s'illsdevelo% at is fantastic)

    ut there’s alwa!s a challen(e to overco#e efore their s'ills reall! start to ta'e off

    Peo%le want to 'now what the!’re (oin( to sa! efore the! sa! it)

    I e+%lain to the# that lan(ua(e (eneration, word selection and (ra##ar areunconscious functionsQ that !our unconscious %roduces lan(ua(e auto#aticall% , inres%onse to whatever co##unication (oal !ou have set *and there’s alwa!s a (oal in

    !our unconscious #ind, whether !ou’re consciousl! aware of it or not)

    If !ou thin' ac' to !our last tele%hone conversation, chances are !ou weren’tthin'in( consciousl! aout what words !ou were (oin( to sa! ne+t, how to structurethe sentence, where to %ut the vers etc) >ou have a (oal in #ind *whether !ou’reconsciousl! aware of it or not and !our unconscious finds the words, %hrases andsentences to #ove !ou towards it)

    The 'e! to eco#in( fluent with NLP lan(ua(e %atterns is this %ractice the %atternsuntil !ou have inte(rated the# at an unconscious level, then set a co##unication(oal and start tal'in() >ou will start to hear the %atterns e#er(in( auto#aticall! ands%ontaneousl!)

    The %role# is, %eo%le don’t want to #a'e a #ista'e, or a%%ear sill!) $o I sa! tothe# FI#a(ine !ou’re in a learnin( laorator!, where the usual rules aout socialintercourse are sus%ended) If !ou o%en !our #outh and sa! 2rse, arse, s%an'!,s%an'!’, it doesn’t #atterG) $ee, when !ou were a child learnin( to s%ea', !ou hadno conce%t of failure) >ou were #erel! e+%eri#entin(, #a'in( sounds with !our#outh and vocal chords, and noticin( what res%onse !ou (ot)

    It’s the sa#e with learnin( h!%notic lan(ua(e !ou need to allow !ourself theo%%ortunit! to #a'e #ista'es’ in order to learn and (row)

    $o an!wa!, I sa! to #! Pracs & Master Pracs, F6hen !ou %ic' u% !our cards, startreadin( the %hrase at the to% of the card and let !our unconscious fill in the lan's)G 

    The 'e! is to set a (oal for !our co##unication first) That wa!, !our unconscious'nows to %roduce %hrases that are in line with the (oal !ou’ve set) If !ou don’tchoose a s%ecific (oal, !ou (et whatever (oal has een rattlin( around in !ourunconscious *which can e to do with %rett! #uch an!thin() I’ll (ive !ou a cou%le ofe+a#%les

    Bou i;ht (ecoe wre of when $ou 2

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    >ou #i(ht eco#e aware of it, which %resu%%oses its alread! there, and all!ou have to do to find out is the it after the when !ou) >ou #i(ht eco#eaware of a dee%enin( sense of trance when !ou focus %our attention insie%ourself ) >ou #i(ht eco#e aware of a new ran(e of %ossiilities when !ouallow %our unconscious to start eneratin solutions) >ou #i(ht eco#eaware of an e#er(in( sense of confidence as !ou  'ractice these 'atternsre'eatel%$ Its -ust a %ossiilit!H

    Or one of #! %ersonal favourites

    +ht h99ens when $ou

    I# onl! as'in() ut to find out what ha%%ens, !ou have to do it) 6hat ha%7%ens when !ou i#aine %ourself en(o%in all the )enefits of havin #ae this

    chane8 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#aine )ein a)le to use the 'atterns ef*fortlessl% 8

    I use this all the ti#e to (reat effect) To find out how this can wor' for !ou, do thefollowin(

    3ead the full te+t of the %attern & descri%tion aloud)

    $et a (oal for !our co##unication *E() to (et so#eone to (o into a trance, rela+dee%l!, feel (ood, learn quic'l! etc)

    $tart readin( the %attern *the line in old aloud, even thou(h !ou don’t 'nowconsciousl%  what !oure (oin( to sa! to fill in the lan's) Then e a#aed as !ourunconscious fills the# in for !ouH

    2llow !ourself the courtes! of not (ettin( it %erfect the first few ti#es !ou do it,and en-o! the %rocess of (ettin( etter and etter at this as !ou %ractice)

    4or the fastest wa! there is to learn to use h!%notic lan(ua(e quic'l! and effectivel!,!ou can (et !our own dec' of Eric'sonian !%nosis Cards  TM  to %ractice with, ecausethe fastest wa! to learn an!thin( is ! doin( it)

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ost confident the!’ve ever felt, for %ur%oses of co#%arison)

    Polarit! res%onders *%eo%le who auto#aticall! want to do the o%%osite of what!ou tell the# (o FOh !eahH >ou can’t sto% #e fro# feelin( the #ost confidentI’ve ever felt if I want toHG 6hich is, of course, -ust what I want

    2n!wa!, when I’d finished doin( the %hoia cure with her, we went out to find a do(to test it with) $he was fineH It wor'edH $he felt (reatH I felt a#ain(H The feelin( ofhavin( hel%ed so#eone #a'e such a %owerful chan(e in their lives wase+traordinar!, and I felt (reat aout #! s'ills, full of a desire to learn #ore ande+%lore further) It was an incredil! %ositive e+%erience)

    $o, as !ou’ve read this, !ou’ve een #a'in( sense of the stor! I’ve een tellin( !ou)In order to understand it, !ou’ve een unconsciousl! referencin( !our owne+%eriences of learnin(, achieve#ent & success) 2t this %oint, if I were to sa!/Remember a time when you felt really confident 0 positi*e, then see what

    you saw, hear what you heard, 0 feel what you felt all o*er again.1  !ou’d e

    #uch #ore li'el! to access it easil!, wouldn’t !ou8 That’s ecause I did it efore Idid it) Or rather, I (ot !ou to do it efore I (ot !ou to do it)

    One of the 'e!s to doin( it efore !ou do it is eco#in( a #aster of stories) >ou canlearn how to eco#e a #aster of stories when !ou download 2etaphoricallypeaking,  a recordin( of a one7da! trainin( focused entirel! on stories &#eta%hors) Learn #ore here)

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @ A Use Bour Peri9herl Fision

    "ohn Arinder *co7develo%er of NLP once said that he’d identified three #ainostacles to #aster! of an! s'ill

    7 over7reliance on focal vision7 internal dialo(ue7 a feelin( of hesitation

     This see#s to e %articularl! true when it co#es to learnin( NLP, which relies soheavil! on !our ailit! to %erceive a #uch wider view of thin(s and act instinctivel!)! findin( wa!s to overco#e or eli#inate these ostacles, !ou can start to reall!increase !our ailities) Now with #e, one of the quic'est and #ost effective wa!s to(et results fast, is ! loo'in( at %eri%heral vision)

    Trinin; iller whles

    I #et a 'iller whale trainer a cou%le of !ears a(o and she was tellin( #e aout herwor') One of the thin(s she said was that !ou have to e ver! careful when wor'in(with these creatures not to reinforce the wron( thin(s) $ee, the! s%end #ost da!swatchin( and listenin(, with no internal dialo(ue, and the! notice ever%thin) The!notice %atterns that that the 'iller7whale trainers don’t, ecause the! %a! #oreattention, so if the! detect a reinforce#ent %attern that the trainer hasn’t, the!’ll useit to their own advanta(e) ow do the 'iller whales notice so #uch8 Peri%heralvision)

    Conscious unfocus>our focal vision is what !ou are usin( to read these words *unless !ou’re

    %hotoreadin( this ti%) It is a s#all, central ele#ent of !our visual field, and is%articularl! useful for distin(uishin( fine detail) Most %eo%le tend to have a hi(hde(ree of reliance on their focal vision, and !ou can thin' of it as ein( connected tothe conscious #ind) Peri%heral vision, on the other hand, o%ens u% to either side of!ou, oth aove and elow) 2#on( other thin(s, %eri%heral vision is (ood fordetectin( #ove#ent, and !ou can thin' of it as ein( connected to !ourunconscious)

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    / $it in a co#fortale rela+ed %osition, loo'in( forward) I#a(ine !ou have ane+tra %air of e!es at the level of !our ell! utton) eco#e aware of thefeelin( of the s'in at !our ell!, and i#a(ine !ou are loo'in( out throu(hthose e!es)

    4or #ost %eo%le, this will o%en u% their %eri%heral vision, ut for so#e %eo%le itwon’t) If not, tr! the followin( ti% fro# Photoreain,! Paul $cheele

    5 $it in a co#fortale rela+ed %osition, loo'in( forward) I#a(ine that there isan oran(e, floatin( a few inches aove and ehind !our head)

    2(ain, %eri%heral vision should o%en u%, allowin( !ou to %erceive the world with awider #ore rela+ed (ae) Practise (oin( into %eri%heral vision until !ou can do it atwill) 4or #ost %eo%le, this is a rela+ed and co#fortale state to e in an!wa!H

    9 In a low7ris' situation, (o into %eri%heral vision while in conversation withso#eone else) Notice what !ou eco#e aware of that !ou weren’t efore)

    2s !ou eco#e #ore co#fortale (oin( into %eri%heral vision in various situations,!ou will start to a#ae !ourself ! what !ou are noticin( that !ou didn’t %reviousl!)

    More !vnce!

    If !ou wor' with (rou%s of %eo%le, %eri%heral vision allows !ou to notice what’s (oin(on for all the %eo%le !ou are not loo'in( directl! at) This #eans that !ou can eloo'in( at one %erson ut noticin( the si(nals, (estures, e+%ressions ein( #ade !the %eo%le who thin' !ou can’t see the#) Bo !ou thin' this could e useful in#eetin(s8

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    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @G A #orrow 8estures

    Man! !ears a(o, I was chattin( with a allet dancer, who was tellin( #e thei#%ortance of hand (estures in dance) $he e+%lained that in so#e cultures, the(estures wo#en #a'e when dancin( are e+tre#el! s%ecific, & tell a stor! all theirown, which co#%le#ents the the#e of the dance itself) >ears later, whenresearchin( child develo%#ent, I learned that children develo% hand (estures shortl!efore the! start to s%ea') In fact, oth (estures & vocal utterances can econsidered as %art of hu#an ein(s’ s!#ol7#a'in( ailit!) Our ailit! to #a'eco#%le+ s!#ols *E() s%o'en word, writin(, nu#ers, %ictures is a 'e! thin(*%erha%s the onl! thin( which differentiates hu#ans fro# the other #a##als onthis %lanet) ut when we listen to %eo%le, we are t!%icall! onl! tau(ht to %a!attention to the s%o'en s!#ols *words the! sa!)

    ou don’t even have to #irror the (esture in fullH 4or instance, ifa %erson #oves their hand in circles as the! descrie (oin( round & round, !ou could#ove !our inde+ fin(er in circles to #irror it)

    The second a%%roach to utilisin( (estures I call Freferencin(G) 4or instance, ifso#eone were to sa! FI 'now there’s a -o I’d love to do ut I don’t 'now what it isG& held their hand u% at e!e level as the! said it, !ou can sutl! %oint to the s%acewhere their hand was whenever !ou refer to it *E() F$o this -o, !ou don’t 'nowwhat it is !et !ou are curious to find out what it is)G Li'e #irrorin(, this sends acovert #essa(e to the %erson that !ou understand what’s (oin( on *%erha%s evenetter than the %erson’s conscious #ind does)

    5 E+%eri#ent with referencin( %eo%le’s (estures)

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    If so#eone sa!s FI’d li'e to do such & such, ut so#ethin(’s sto%%in( #eG & holdstheir hand out in front of the#, !ou could %oint to the hand & as' F6hat is it8G$o#eti#es %eo%le will -ust sa! F6hadd!a #ean8G, ut other ti#es, it will rin( %ure(old = thin(s will co#e into the %erson’s awareness that the! didn’t %reviousl! haveconscious 'nowled(e of)

    The third wa! !ou can use this is full contact’) I once had a client who said FI’d li'eto e a (reat %resenter, ut so#ethin(’s sto%%in( #e)G 2s she said this, she held herhands out aout a foot in front of her chest & #ade a %ushin( #otion, as if tr!in( to#ove a heav! o-ect) I as'ed F6hat ha%%ens when !ou -ust 'noc' that out of thewa!8G & %ushed her hands sidewa!s)

    er face turned ri(ht %in' & she started lau(hin( h!stericall! *alwa!s a (ood si(n, Ithin') $he said F6ell then it would e eas!G & ste%%ed forward into a rela+ed &confident %ose efore startin( to tal' aout how e+cited she was aout doin( it)


    I’# not (oin( to offer an e+ercise on full contact’ (estures, ecause it’s nota%%ro%riate for all situations *E() there are #an! wor'%lace situations where an!sort of %h!sical contact is dee#ed ina%%ro%riate) avin( said that, if !ou are in asituation where !ou consider it a%%ro%riate to do so, & !ou have a relationshi% withthe %erson where it is %er#issile *E() coach, then (o for it)

    #usiness Essentils6ould !ou li'e to 'now how !ou can save ti#e with (estures8 usiness %eo%le uselots of (estures too, so !ou can #irror the# to (et ra%%ort) In addition, %eo%le willuse (estures when descriin( a s%ecific %role#) I was once de#onstratin( their%ower to so#e %eo%le on our NLP Practitioner course) The ne+t ti#e we #et u%, oneof the# told #e this stor!

    e said that there was a cha% at wor' who often ca#e to hi# for hel% in solvin(technical %role#s) e said that it t!%icall! too' /0750 #inutes to hel% the %ersonfind the solution to the %role#, & cost hi# a lot of ti#e) 2fter learnin( aout(estures, he was %a!in( attention the ne+t ti#e the cha% rou(ht u% a %role#alon( the lines of FI’# tr!in( to do + ut I have this %role# & can’t see e!ond it)G

    The NLP Practitioner noticed that when the cha% said the word F%role#G, he held hishand u% in a clenched wa!) Our quic'7thin'in( hero #irrored the (esture, then said F6hat ha%%ens when !ou -ust for(et aout that R#ovin( his clenched hand as ifthrowin( awa! a %iece of ruishS & focus on what !ou want)G The cha% with the%role# sto%%ed asolutel! still for aout 50 seconds then said FOhH I’ve solved itHG

    & left the stunned NLP student in %eace, savin( hi# /0750 #inutes of his da!)Provin( that %a!in( attention to (estures can save !ou ti#eH

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @H A Use The Met/Mo!el


    The first NLP develo%#ent was The Meta Model’, created ! 3ichard andler & "ohnArinder in

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    Jow !o $ou n;e to K9ro(le or chllen;e

    6hen a %erson ta'es %ersonal res%onsiilit! for their situation, the! e(in toaccess the %ower to chan(e it) This question %resu%%oses that an issue or%role# is actuall! a s'ill that the!ve acquired) ow do !ou #ana(e to (etfri(htened of %ulic s%ea'in(8 ow do !ou #ana(e to sta! in det8 If the!acce%t that its a s'ill, then its %ossile for the# to learn a different s'ill 7 onethat contains the solution)

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @ A Use The Milton Mo!el

    I was doin( so#e research the other da! for an e7oo' I’# writin(, so I turned to #!PC, and t!%ed the ter# Fsu%eror(anis#G into Aoo(le) In 0)ou #a! even find that !ou can(ather infor#ation aout !our internal reference *E() ! as'in( !ourself F6hatcolour is the tree8G The followin( sentence #a! e tric'ier

    The %olf a((li#ed in the hoo-ar)

    Most En(lish7s%ea'ers don’t have an internal reference for these words = F.oursearch has returne no #atches/, to quote #! favourite search en(ine)

    This %rinci%le of internal searches is the asis of how veral h!%nosis wor's, and it’san i#%ortant %art of how Milton Eric'son *a'a FThe 6orld’s Areatest !%notistG, FTheMiracle 6or'erG (ot the a#ain( results he did) In the

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    our ar#s feel rela+edG, !ou can sa! FNo the! don’tG) ut if I sa!, F>ou #a! e startin( to notice certain sensations so#ewhere in !our od!G, thechances are that !ou will  start to notice the#) 2rtfull! va(ue lan(ua(e can e ver!useful for all sorts of thin(s, includin(

    • Pacin( a %ersons e+%erience and leadin( the# in a new direction• Aatherin( resources• Covertl! (ettin( the# to do thin(s that the! would resist if !ou told the# to do it

    overtl!• Aettin( access to the e+traordinar! %ower of the unconscious #ind

    Loo' at it this wa!) >ou’re readin( this e7oo', and !ou’re readin( it for a reason,ecause !ou have certain thin(s that !ou want to learn, so !ou #a! e interested indiscoverin( how !ou can %ut these new learnin(s into %ractice)

    If !ou re7read that sentence, it sounds s%ecific, ut it is in fact ver! va(ue) 2ll thethin(s I’ve said in that sentence are (uesses aout !our e+%erience, ut the! areva(ue enou(h to e true for al#ost an!one) Let’s ta'e it ste% ! ste%

    • >ou’re readin( this NLP ti%

    O, that’s definitel! true)

    • and !ou’re readin( it for a reason

    6ell, that’s %roal! true too) Plus, the and’ #a'es this state#ent flow nicel! onfro# the %revious one

    • ecause !ou have certain thin(s that !ou want to learn

    6hich thin(s8 Certain thins$ Oh, those onesH 6ell, !ou didn’t tell #e that, ut I’#(uessin( it) 2nd the ecause’ #a'es the %revious state#ent even #ore %lausile,ecause %eo%le li'e there to e reasons for thin(s) It #a'es the world see#,so#ehow, #ore certainH

    • so !ou #a! e interested in discoverin( how !ou can %ut these new learnin(sinto %ractice)

    6ell, this is -ust #ade u%) I don’t 'now this at all, at all) ut if I’ve #ana(ed to (et!ou to sa! !es’ to the %revious few state#ents, !ou %roal! said !es to this onetoo) This sentence is su%er7va(ue, !et it’s the sort of thin( that %eo%le will a(ree to,

    ecause it sounds s%ecific) In #! e+%erience, %eo%le will alwa!s tr! to #a'e sense ofthe thin(s !ou sa! to the#) This #eans that the #ore !ou are ale to use lan(ua(ein this h!%notic’ wa!, the #ore influential !ou will e *whether !ou’re doin( for#alh!%nosis or not) This is one of the 'e!s to effective influence in an! field)

    The Milton Model is one of the thin(s that %eo%le who co#e on our NLP Practitionerlearn to do reall! well) The wa! we hel% %eo%le to hard7wire’ the ailit! to useh!%notic lan(ua(e %atterns is by using hypnotic playing cards) $ounds cra!,ri(ht8 ut the results are aweso#e) 6e have %ac's of :/ %la!in( cards, and each

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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    card has a h!%notic lan(ua(e %attern on it) 2s !ou %la! the card (a#e, !ou use thelan(ua(e %atterns, and !ou develo% unconscious co#%etence quic'l!) One of the(reat thin( %eo%le (et ! usin( this a%%roach is a reall! fun learnin( e+%erience) $o Ithou(ht I’d (ive !ou so#e of the card %atterns to %la! with

    6hat !ou do with each of these %atterns is read the e+a#%les, then #a'e u% a fewsentences of !our own usin( the sa#e %attern)

    The fct tht Kfact  ens 2

    The fact that !oure here #eanswell lo(icall! it #eans that !oure here) uth!%notic lo(ic is a it different) >ou can state a fact, then sa! what it #eans)The fact that !oure here #eans !ou can #a'e whatever chan(es !ou desire)The fact that !ouve learned to write #eans !ou can #aster an! co#%le+ s'ill)The fact that !oure %la!in( this (a#e #eans !oull wire these %atterns in at adee% level)

    The fact that !ou’re readin( this ti% #eans that !ou can find practical ways to usethese patterns

    Pttern 7 Bou $ lre!$ hve strte! to (ecoe wre of 2

    >ou #a! alread! have started, or !ou #a! e aout to, and havin( started,it’s %resu#ed !oull continue) >ou #a! alread! have started to eco#e awareof certain chan(es in !our #o#ent7to7#o#ent %erce%tion) >ou #a! alread!have started to eco#e aware of the slowin( and dee%enin( of !ourreathin() >ou #a! alread! have started to eco#e aware of the increasin(of !our s'ill in these %atternin(s)

    >ou #a! alread! have started to eco#e aware of a desire to learn these patterns

    in so#e #ore de%thH

    Pttern : +ht h99ens when $ou

    I# onl! as'in() ut to find out what ha%%ens, !ou have to do it) 6hatha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine !ourself en-o!in( all the enefits of havin( #adethis chan(e8 6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine ein( ale to use the %atternseffortlessl!8

    6hat ha%%ens when !ou i#a(ine havin( een ale to get these patternsinte(rated into !our ever!da! ehaviour8

    Pttern = (ecuse

    Peo%le are #uch #ore li'el! to do thin(s when !ou sa! ecause, ecausethe! li'e to have reasons for thin(s) >ou can learn to (o into a trance easil!,ecause !ou have an unconscious #ind) >ou can start to #a'e thosechan(es, ecause !ouve waited for lon( enou(h) >ou can en-o! learnin(these %atterns easil!, ecause !ou learned to s%ea' and !ou dont even 'nowhow !ou did it)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    >ou can get a deck of these cards for yourself , ecause it’s (ood to e ale tohave fun while !ou learnH

    O, I #a! not have een that  artfull! va(ue on the last one, ut !ou (et the ideaH

    3usiness EssentialsModern usiness is h!%nosis central’) Ta'e an! list of cor%orate values, and I’ll show!ou a list of dee%l! h!%notic ter#s, e(

    • onest!• Inte(rit!• Innovation• Leadershi%• Creativit!• Biversit!• etc

    These words are called no#inalisations, and the! have an interestin( effect) 6hen!our unconscious (oes to do a Ftree swa!ed in the reeeG on the#, it ta'es a lotlon(er to #a'e sense of the#) Tr! this sentence

    Our co##it#ent to innovation is the source of our effectiveness)

    6hen %eo%le hear these 'inds of sentences, the! tend to (et s%aced out) Thesentence #eans so#ethin( totall% ifferent  to each %erson who hears it) I re#e#erhearin( a #otivational s%eech fro# the head of a #ulti7illion dollar co#%an!, and itwas %ac'ed with this sort of stuff his audience was totall! h!%notised)

    Is this a (ood thin( or not8 I don’t 'now, ut I do 'now that it wor's, so the 'e! isto e ale to use lan(ua(e with s'ilfull! and with intention) Ma'in( a decision to

    learn to use lan(ua(e in this wa! was one of the est usiness decisions I’ve ever#ade)

    To find out how !ou can learn &he 2ilton 2odel )uickly and easil! for !ourself, (oto


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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    #ool, Powerful, (seful NLP &echni)ue

    @10 A Eliinte Jesittion

    2s 3ichard andler, *ona7fide (enius & co7develo%er of NLP sa!s Fe whohesitateswaits& waits& waitsG 2l#ost ever!one has situations where the!would li'e to do so#ethin(, ut find the#selves hesitatin() I’ve heard andlerdescrie hesitation as one of the #ain arriers to learnin(, & he focuses a (reat dealof ti#e & ener(! on hel%in( %eo%le to overco#e it)

    +oul! $ou lie fries with tht

    One da! in London, I was on the tue on the wa! to train so#e telesales %eo%le,hel%in( the# to overco#e sales call reluctance’ *ie) not wantin( to %ic' u% the%hone & dial) I was readin( the oo' Chane *! 6atlawic', 6ea'land & 4isch &ca#e across a stor! descriin( how 6atlawic' hel%ed a student who had eenunale to co#%lete his thesis due to an+iet!) e told the student F4o into three shops o*er the net week 0 make an absurd re)uest.G The student did so,re%orted a shift in attitude, & finished their thesis shortl! thereafter)

    I loved the idea, & thou(ht it #i(ht e useful with the reluctant telesales tea#, ut I'new that I couldn’t as' the# to do so#ethin( I wasn’t willin( to do #!self) I saidto #!self F+ou ha*e to do this now G, & as soon as I (ot off the tue, I went into awell7'nown fast7food ha#ur(er -oint outside the station) I -oined the queue,loo'in( around at the other custo#ers) M! heart was %oundin( li'e a dru#Q eventhou(h I 'new rationall! that I was in no dan(er, #! neurolo(! was res%ondin( asthou(h I were aout to stic' u% a an')

    6hen I (ot to the counter, I loo'ed at the %erson ehind it &, with a strai(ht face,as'ed for a ha# & %inea%%le %ia) $he loo'ed confused and said F6hat8G I

    re%eated #! request) $he said F6e don’t sell those)G FThis is a chinese restaurantisn’t it8G I re%lied) $he said no, I said than's an!wa! and left) I felt li+e I ha (ust+noc+e out Mi+e T%son I felt invinci)le"

    Now, efore !ou send #e loads of e#ail sa!in( how childish this is, & how it isn’treall%  NLP 7 I 'now) ut the result was a#ain() In the da!s followin(, I did severalsi#ilar acts) Each ti#e, #! %h!sical res%onse was di#inished, ut in other areas of#! life, the o%%osite ha%%ened) I started to e+hiit less hesitation and #ore wanton (o for it’ than ever eforeH

    Thrilled with #! success, I invited the telesales %eo%le to do si#ilar asurd acts, andthe! re%orted si#ilar lieratin( results) I 'new I was onto so#ethin()

    The PiOO/+l E?9erienceTM 2 few !ears a(o, I eca#e interested in Ton! 3oins & went to one of hiswee'ends, ea(erl! antici%atin( the fire7wal'in(, which I had heard so #uch aout) Iwas reall! loo'in( forward to it, and 3oins did a (reat -o of uildin( u% theantici%ation, ut when the ti#e ca#e, I found it i#%ossile to actuall! elieve thatwal'in( on the hot coals was in an! wa! dan(erous) 2s a result, wal'in( acrossthe# didn’t have #uch i#%act on #e as a #eta%hor for overco#in( fears in otherareas of #! life *thou(h I 'now it reall! wor's for so#e %eo%le)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    ! co#%arison, The PiOO/+l E?9erienceTM costs nothin(, can e done virtuall!an!where, and is incredil! %owerful) $o

    et #a'in( #ista'es is an incredil!i#%ortant %art of learnin(, (rowin( and e+%lorin() 2 willin(ness to #a'e #ista'es is

    an asolute #ust for an!one who wishes to eco#e s'illed at NLP *with #e, I usedto e al#ost %hoic of #a'in( #ista'es, ut no #ore) The Pia7wal' E+%eriencesee#s to hel% !ou eli#inate this unhel%ful res%onse) There are lots of other NLPtechniques which can reduce hesitation & increase (o for it’, ut this one’s theeasiest & quic'est to co##unicate in writin() ! the wa!, oviousl! there are ti#eswhen it’s useful to hesitate *e() when aout to ste% into a us! street) ee% those) More !vnce!

    This is also (reat for %la!in( with eliefs around #one!) I was in E(!%t a cou%le of!ears ac', and found that !ou are e+%ected to ha((le over the %rices of ite#s insho%s = it’s a cultural nor#) 6hen I returned to the U, I went into a lar(e BI>sho%, %ic'ed u% 500 worth of e+%ensive equi%#ent and offered the# 90 for it)

    Once a(ain, #! neurolo(! res%onded as thou(h I was in a dan(erous situation, eventhou(h I was %erfectl! safe) ! doin( this, thou(h, I was ale to start chan(in( #!eliefs around #one! *$tuart 6ilde’s oo' The Tric+ to Mone% is avin !o#e iswhere I (ot this idea)

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved



  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    More Infortion


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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art

    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


     salad the nlp collection

     Bou cn get yours now t www2sl!lt!2co2u or rin; 0H=D D0 10=D to place your order right away 

    Their Questions +ere 'o 5ff/the/wll, I +oul!nRtJve Thou;ht 5f The n ! 2illion +ears 

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    I;ine (ein; (le to

    • .eel confi!ent that !ou can discover the infor#ation that reall! #at7ters in an! situation) Peo9le 9$ ;oo! one$ for this

  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art


    ./001 "a#ie $#art www)saladltd)co)u'2ll 3i(hts 3eserved


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  • 8/9/2019 10 Most Usefull NLP Techniques


    Ten Of The Coolest, Most Powerful & UsefulNLP Techniques I’ve Ever Learned

    ! "a#ie $#art