10 insights to bring the lean startup into your organization — jeff dyer

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Page 1: 10 Insights to Bring the Lean Startup Into Your Organization — Jeff Dyer

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Page 2: 10 Insights to Bring the Lean Startup Into Your Organization — Jeff Dyer

This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Page 3: 10 Insights to Bring the Lean Startup Into Your Organization — Jeff Dyer

Jeff Dyer (Ph.D. UCLA) is the Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy at the Marriott School, Brigham Young University, and adjunct professor of strategy at the Universi-ty of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is the only strat-egy scholar in the world to have published five times in both Strategic Management Journal and Harvard Business Review. The impact of his work is evidenced by the

fact that he was recognized by Essential Science Indicators as the fourth most cited management scholar and seventeenth most cited overall scholar (1996-2006) in the

combined fields of management, finance, marketing, operations, and economics.

Jeff Dyer@Jeffrey_Dyer

Horace Beesley Professor of Strategy

Page 4: 10 Insights to Bring the Lean Startup Into Your Organization — Jeff Dyer

Creativity is rooted in your behavior; these five skills are most likely to generate insights:

• Associating- Connect the unconnected from unrelated fields• Questioning - Asking questions that challenge common wisdom

• Observing - Scrutinizing customer behavior to identify new ways of doing things

• Networking - Meeting people with different ideas, backgrounds & perspectives

• Experimenting - Constructing interactive experiences that provoke unorthodox responses to see what insights emerge

Insight #1

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Insight #2

Entrepreneurs have a bias for action. They generate an insight and immediately ask, “what experiment can be run to test

the key assumptions of this idea?”

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Insight #3

The innovator’s method is a series of experimentations cycles that resolve the

uncertainties around the problem you’re trying to solve, the solution you propose, and the business

model to take your solution to market.

Insight - Problem - Solution - Business Model - Scale

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Insight #4

When you understand that people buy a product or a service to get a ‘job’ done, you’ll

follow this advice from Albert Einstein:

“If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes

thinking about the solutions.”

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Insight #5

To gauge whether or not you’ve nailed the problem, try this:

• Cold call 10 people & explain the problem you’re solving - if 60-70% call back, you’re on to something.

• Conduct advice interviews - Explain the problem you’re solving to individuals in your target segment & see if they

validate the problems and if they’re willing to pay for a solution.

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Insight #6

Elegant solutions require this series of prototyping:

• Theoretical prototype - A general concept of how an idea might work• Virtual prototype - An actual mockup, or a simulation of the product • Minimum Viable Product - The minimum working version of the product

• Awesome Viable Product - Do the unexpected with the key features of the product

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Insight #7

Intuit invites customer segments on their campus each Friday to validate potential problems & solutions. Make it a priority to create regular opportunities for your team members to be involved with the five skills:

Associating, Questioning, Observing, Networking & Experimenting.

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Insight #8

These two key questions will lead your business model discussion:

• How do we price our product/service in such a way to make it inviting for customers to pay for it?

• How do we position the message to reach our target audience?

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Insight #9

While the emphasis is often on innovation and discovery at the startup phase, it’s a focus on execution and operations that

will anchor your scale-up phase.

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Insight #10

“Focus is scary - until you realize that it only means turning your back on markets you could never have anyway. Sharp focus on jobs that

customers are trying to get done holds the promise of greatly improving the odds of success in new-product development.”

- Clay Christensen on focus

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When was the last time that you truly tried to come up with a bold idea?

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