10-18-2012 chalice

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  • 7/31/2019 10-18-2012 Chalice


    The Chalice

    A publication of First Christian Church of Edmond, OK

    CONNECTIONVol. 4 No. 41, October 18, 2012

    Cherishing the MomentBy Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister

    Sunday, November 4Each year First Christian participatesin the Church World Service CROPHunger Walk. Money raised fromthe CROP Walk helps fight hungeraround the world, as well as in ourown community. A portion of the

    money raised will supportBreakfast on Boulevard, MobileMeals, The Hope Center, and

    Samaritan House. This year the

    CROP walk is on Sunday,November 4. Everyone is invitedto join us as we have fun while

    making a difference for those whoare hungry! Stop by the table in the

    Rotunda on Sunday October 21and pick up a walker packet, or

    simply make a donation! Thenjoin us at Mitch Park on Sunday,

    November 4, for the walk.Registration begins at

    1:00 and the walk begins at 2:00.Hope to see you there!

    - Your Outreach Ministry Team

    FROZEN PASTRIES FOR THE HOLIDAYSOrder Deadline is Sunday, October 28The FCC youth are selling yummy Butter Braids, Tea Rings & Swirls in a variety offlavors now through October 28 for $12.00 each. These frozen pastries bake up warmand fluffy and have delicious fruit fillings. They make great holiday gifts and excellentmorning treats. Delivery will be the week of November 12th-15th. To place your orderto be delivered before the holidays, see a youth at the Rotunda display table on Sundaymorning or contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 or [email protected]

    All proceeds benefit the FCC youth mission fund. And, as always, if you dont want to

    purchase but still want to support our efforts, donations are gladly accepted and greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Many of youknow I justreturned from atrip to Italy withsome wonderfulfriends from ourchurch family.We had a great

    experience seeing many of the wonderfulsights of Rome, Florence and manyvillages in between. While gazing at someof the most amazing art treasures in theworld, I was struck by the number ofpeople who were taking pictures. In factthey were so intent on getting the rightshot, Im not sure they took the time toappreciate the beauty of the moment.

    Whether facing the beautiful sculptureof Michelangelos David, or his SistineChapel; marveling at Berninis Ecstasyof St. Teresa, or Caravaggios wonderfulpainting masterpieces, few of the touristsseemed to be taking in the moment.They were recording it in their cameras tolook at later.

    Now, dont think that I have aproblem with pictures. They are greatmomentos to have of times past. Icherish many of the photos I have ofloved ones through the years. But they

    cannot replace the time that I had with

    those people.I read a great piece in Scott Kinnairds

    blog by Fred LaMotte: What were youthinking in that moment when you firstgazed into the Grand Canyon? Whatwere you thinking when you looked upand saw a shooting star? What were youthinking when you heard the most perfectmusical passage, when you closed youreyes and tasted the most exquisite dishany chef ever concocted? What were youthinking that first moment you gazed intothe face of your newborn baby?

    In that moment, of course, you werenot thinking anything at all. The subjectand object were completely merged, yetyou were aware of bliss deep within. And

    that moment was the end of time, theend of all conflict and seeking. It was theanswer, because no question arose.

    True enough. Those moments aregifts from God. And they are preciousgifts. This moment is all that God hasgiven us. We need to appreciate it, enjoyit and cherish those around us, whom weare fortunate to have in our lives. Ratherthan concentrating on taking a photo ofthat time, let us take a snapshot on oursouls. Be thankful.

    See you on Sunday as we cherish our

    time together.

  • 7/31/2019 10-18-2012 Chalice


    All Unite Families:

    We will UNITE on HalloweenOn Wednesday, October 31, all adults, youth and children aencouraged to wear their costumes!

    Children: We will have the same schedule as usual,except we will dismiss for the night at 7pm, after large grouptime in the Sanctuary. We will not have small group.

    Parents: When the children come out of the Sanctuary,the youth will be there with candy for the children - so thechildren can trick or treat! Bring a bag or sack for treats! Students (Grades 6-12): We will be dressing up incostumes for UNITE! We will have dinner at 6pm in the FLCBring a bag of Halloween Candy - after dinner our youth wilgather outside the Sanctuary so our children can trick ortreat! After trick or treating, our students will gather on thfront lawn of the church for a Dance Party until 8pm. Join ufor a fun-filled, safe evening!

    Whats Coming Up?Current and Upcoming Events

    Interfaith Tour For Adults and Young Adults October 21 - 1:00pmThe Oklahoma Conference of Churches is pleased to announce that the Religions United Committee is conducting anInterfaith Tour for adults and young adults on October 21. This additional tour is by popular request, following OCCs highlysuccessful annual Interfaith Youth Tours. Visit Muslim, Christian and Jewish houses of worship and learn about their faith,customs, and traditions.

    Check-in will begin at 1:00pm at the Masjid An-Nasr Mosque (3815 N. St. Clair Ave., OKC 73112). Tour will conclude by5:30pm. Transportation and snacks are included with your $15 registration fee. To register, call 525-2928.

    CandlelightService of

    RemembranceNovember 4 - 3pmby Shirley Brown

    For some of us, Thanksgiving

    and Christmas are not times

    of celebration. The holiday

    season is filled with sadness

    due to loss. Our hearts are heavy now that there will be one

    less face for the holidays this year. It can be very difficult to

    celebrate the joy of Thanksgiving and Christmas in the midst

    of grief.If this is where you are this year, please join us for our

    Candlelight Service of Remembrance. This quiet, reflective

    service offers a time to acknowledge the pain of grief and look

    quietly for hope in our darkness. Rev. Dr. Jerry Black will offer

    the message, and, Prayer Ministers will be on hand to fashion

    personal prayers for your specific needs if you wish. Please

    join us for this beautifully touching service.

    Oklahoma Conference of Churches Annual Dinner November 8 - 5:30pmThe Annual Dinner will be held November 8, 2012 in downtown Oklahoma City at the Petroleum Club. Special guest speakerwill be Mr. Kirk Smalley of Stand For The Silent. Mr. Smalley will share a very personal and moving presentation about schoolbullying. Kirk and his wife, Laura, reside near Stillwater, OK, and since May 2010, they have shared their message with over580,000 kids across our nation. Their story is featured in Director Lee Hirschs feature film, Bully. Dr. Tabbernee will also besharing the progress and vision of The Oklahoma Conference of Churches.

    Your donation of $30 will include dinner, entertainment, and this informative program. You can sign up at on the OCCwebsite at http://okchurches.org/upcoming-events/

    Celebrating 40 Years of Service November 17 - 12:30pmRegional Minister, Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Jewell, will retire December of 2012. The Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma has planned a celebration of Toms regional ministry and work. Thecelebration will be held on Saturday, November 17 at Southern Hills Christian Church in Edmond.Please RSVP by Friday, November 9, as seating is limited. Lunch reservations are $20 per person. Tomake reservations, call Jean Scott Gauldin at 528-3577 or email [email protected]

  • 7/31/2019 10-18-2012 Chalice


    Financial Reportfrom the Finance CommitteeThrough three fourths of Budget Year 2012, General

    fund revenues continue to be ahead of general fundbudget. Year-to-date pledge giving is 102.8% ofyear-to-date pledge budget and year-to-date non-pledge giving is 110.1% of year-to-date non-pledge budget. General Fund Expenses are 96.1% of year-to-date budget.Building fund revenue year-to-date is 92.1% of year-to-date building fund pledges.A significant building fund gift/payment against mortgage principal was received inSeptember - Thank You! Year-to-date (YTD), through September 30, 2012, revenueand expenses are: General Fund Building Fund

    YTD Actual YTD Actual

    Revenue $840,899.51 $187,541.99Expense $825,293.42 $204,563.52Excess/(Shortfall) $15,606.08 ($17,021.53)

    Remember to please note on your checks or envelopes which accounts you want your

    contribution credited.

    Stockings fo

    Our Troops:Many of ourtroops will notbe home forChristmas,so, the BlueStar Mothers

    of Edmond is asking for ChristmasStockings. The goal is 100 ChristmasStockings for our troops by December1. Can you help? If you can sew or ifyou are able to purchase stockings, callBecky Winn at 532-5150.

    Happy Birthday!10/21 Sue Archer, Carter Cain, Gary

    Cauthen, Ann Crandall, Nancy

    Gallop, Mark Nash10/22 Mike Felice, Julie Lowder, Kay

    Sullins, Lane Tompkins, LindaWeddle

    10/23 Ali Haley, Jenni Hast, NathanWilburn

    10/24 Richard Finley, Devin Giddens10/25 Mattie Huff10/26 Lynn Daylor, Viginia Hiebert,

    Teddi Owen, Sara Shipley, RusseStafford

    10/27 Amy Quade, Terri Turner10/28 Susie Arn, Benny Christensen

    Prayers of the PeopleOUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL Larry

    Hays (Dyke Moffatts brother-in-law) at OU MedCenter-Presby Tower

    THOSE IN NEED OF PRAYERDonna Clark, Wayne Warner, Neal Hunt, PatsyCorrigan, Jim Hays, Jason Scheer (Larry & Judy Freemans son), Jerri Jones, RoseMarie McKee, Virginia ONiel, Cynthia David (Winnie Halls daughter), Ed Berry,Bill & Mary Lou Womble

    OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS TO Richard and Teresa Finley & Family in thedeath of Richards dad, Drew Finley Jr., on October 14. Services were held onOctober 17 at Epworth Villas Chapel AND TO Jo Jackson in the death of herhusband, Roy Jackson, on October 16. Services will be held on Friday, October 19at 10am at FCC-Edmonds Chapel AND TO Zach Gragg & Family on the death of

    his mother, Debbie Gragg, on October 15. Services will be held on Friday, October19 at 2pm at FCC-Edmonds Sanctuary AND TO Carol Jennings, Eric and AmandaJennings & Family in the death of their husband and father, Bob Jennings, onOctober 16. Memorial services pending.

    CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFE Draden Asher Thompson born October16 to Paul & Ashlee Thompson. Grandmother is Pam Fraim, Great Grandmother isSue Fraim and Great Aunt is Kay Sullins.

    CONGRATULATIONS to Robert Louis Webster & Annamarie Dyanne Stifer intheir marriage October 16 at Hafer Park in Edmond. The mother of the bride isKarri Smith.

    Quilts for

    Newborns in


    Foundedupon Christianprinciples

    of love andacceptance,Newborns

    in Need has provided essential itemswithout charge to those in need since1992. The last month or so, many ofyou prayed in color on some quiltingsquares. Now we are looking for somevolunteers to sew & quilt those togetheIf you would like to help, call JanetHelms at 921-0572.

    Parents of Children:This Sunday, and the next few Sundays,children ages 3-5th grade are invited to decorate boxes for OperationChristmas Child during the 9am Worship Service. This will be anOpen Hands project for the children to participate. The children will bedismissed at the beginning of service; Ms. Michelle will take them to theFellowship Hall. There will be supplies provided, but please feel freebring Christmas stickers and other items they would like to use.

    Can You Sew or QuiltWe have two opportunities for you toshare your wonderful gift with others:

  • 7/31/2019 10-18-2012 Chalice


    The Chalice CONNECTION

    Shelley Regan, [email protected] News Online

    @ fccedmond.org/newsSubmit Articles to

    [email protected]




    Childrens Christmas MusicalIf your child, or grandchild, would like to participain this years childrensmusical Once Upon AChristmas Light, please

    be sure that they come to rehearsals on Wednesday eveningsfrom 5:00-6:00 pm during Unite. Rehearsals have begun! ContactDiane Ball at [email protected] or Michele Fritz at mfritz@

    fccedmond.org or call them at 341-3544 with any questions.

    Christmas CantataDo you love to sing, but dont have time to sing with the adultchoir every Sunday? Come learn this years cantata, Lead MeBack To Bethlehem by Pepper Choplin. Join the Chancel Chofor this short time commitment. Rehearsals begin Wednesday,October 10th, at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary.

    Questions? Contact Diane Ball at (405) 341-3544

    or [email protected]

    Worshipat First Christian

    8:15, 9 & 11am

    October 21, 2012Message: Rev. Chris Shorow

    Rev. Dr. Jerry BlackScripture: Matthew 16:13-19Theme: Build My Church

    October 28, 2012Message: Rev. Greg Bunton

    Rev. Chris ShorowScripture: Ephesians 4:25-5:2Theme: Church As A Body

    Classics Off To Branson - October 23-25, 2012!

    This trip includes three great shows: 3 Red Neck Tenors, The Duttons,and the musicaproductionJoseph; and, two great dinners at The Great American Chicken House and

    the Keeter Center. Come join the Classics for a fun-filled trip! The cost is $389 (2-persooccupancy) and includes transportation, two nights lodging, plus all meals and attractio

    For information and reservations, call Winnie Hall at 405-341-4297or Ellen Chitwood at 405-341-2859.