1. tan vs sabandal

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  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal



    # 1. FulltextRepublic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURTManilaEN BNCB.M. No. !! Feb"ua" $!% 1&&$

    EUFROS'N (. TN% co)plainant%*s.N'CO+S E+. SBN,+% "espon-ent.SBC No. /& Feb"ua" $!% 1&&$MO'SES B. BO0U'% co)plainant%*s.N'CO+S E+. SBN,+% "espon-ent.SBC No. 1 Feb"ua" $!% 1&&$ER2E ,3P'N% co)plainant%*s.N'CO+S E+. SBN,+% "espon-ent.Nelbe"t T. Paculan fo" "espon-ent.

    Moises B. Bo4uia fo" hi)self an- e"*e ,a5pin.

    R E S O + U T ' O NME+ENC'O6ERRER% 7.8

    On $& No*e)be" 1&9:% ; this Cou"t sustaine- the cha"5e of unautho"ile- Motions fo" Reconsi-e"ation of the afo"esai- Resolution%all of =hich =e"e eithe" -enie- o" ANote- =ithout action.A The Cou"t% ho=e*e"% on 1/

    Feb"ua" 1&9&% afte" consi-e"in5 his plea fo" )e"c an- fo"5i*eness% his =illin5ness to"efo") an- the se*e"al testi)onials attestin5 to his 5oo- )o"al cha"acte" an- ci*icconsciousness% "econsi-e"e- its ea"lie" Resolution an- >nall allo=e- hi) to ta@e thela=e"?s oath A=ith the Cou"t bin-in5 hi) to his assu"ance that he shall st"ictl abi-e ban- a-he"e to the lan5ua5e% )eanin5 an- spi"it of the +a=e"?s Oath an- the hi5heststan-a"-s of the le5al p"ofessionA (ap Tan *. Saban-al% 1/ Feb"ua" 1&9&% 1/ SCR$11D.

    o=e*e"% befo"e a -ate coul- be set fo" Saban-al?s oath6ta@in5% co)plainants Tan%,a5pin an- Bo4uia each >le- sepa"ate )otions fo" "econsi-e"ation of the Resolution of1/ Feb"ua" 1&9&. These =e"e acte- upon in the Resolution of ! 7ul 1&9& he"eun-e"4uote-% in pa"t% fo" "ea- "efe"ence8

    On p"il 1&9&% Co)plainant e"*e ,a5pin in SBC No. 1% an- Co)plainant MoisesBo4uia in SBC No. /& also >le- a Motion fo" Reconsi-e"ation of ou" Resolution allo=in5"espon-ent to ta@e his oath. The alle5e- that "espon-ent ha- -elibe"atel an-)aliciousl exclu-e- the) in his Petition of $9 7une 1&99. That% of cou"se% is =ithout)e"it consi-e"in5 that in his Petition of $9 7une 1&99% "espon-ent ha- -iscusse- sai-cases 4uite len5thil.

    On $ p"il 1&9&% Co)plainant Tan also )anifeste- that Co)plainant Bena)in Cabi5onin BM No. & an- Co)plainant Co"nelio 5nis in SBC No. $!% ha- passe- a=a so thatthe a"e in no position to sub)it thei" "especti*e Co))ents.

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal



    One of the consi-e"ations =e ha- ta@en into account in allo=in5 "espon-ent to ta@e hisoath% =as a testi)onial f"o) the 'BP Ga)boan5a -el No"te Chapte"% -ate- $& ,ece)be"1&9% ce"tifin5 that "espon-ent =as Aactin5 =ith )o"alit an- has been ca"eful in hisactuations in the co))unit.A

    Co)plainant Tan )aintains that sai- 'BP testi)onial =as si5ne- onl b the thenP"esi-ent of the 'BP% Ga)boan5a -el No"te Chapte"% tt. Senen O. n5eles% =ithoutautho"itness to be a )e)be" of the Ba".

    Co)pliance he"e=ith is "e4ui"e- =ithin ten 1/D -as f"o) notice.

    Pu"suant to the afo"esai- Resolution% 7u-5e Pela5io R. +achica% Executi*e 7u-5e of theRe5ional T"ial Cou"t of Ga)boan5a -el No"te% >le- his Co))ent% -ate- ! u5ust 1&9&%an- "ecei*e- on $ u5ust 1&9&% pe"tinentl "ea-in58

     The un-e"si5ne-% =ho is not =ell ac4uainte- pe"sonall =ith the "espon-ent% is nota=a"e of an acts co))itte- b hi) as =oul- -is4ualif hi) f"o) a-)ission to the Ba".'t )i5ht be "ele*ant to )ention% ho=e*e"% that the"e is Ci*il Case No. :! entitle-Republic of the Philippines% Rep"esente- b the ,i"ecto" of +an-s% PlaintiJ% *e"susNicolas Saban-al% Re5iste" of ,ee-s of Ga)boan5a -el No"te an- Ru"al Ban@ of Pinan%Ga)boan5a -el No"teD% 'nc.% fo" Cancellation of Title an-Ko" Re*e"sion pen-in5 in this

    Cou"t in =hich sai- "espon-ent% pe" co)plaint >le- b the OHce of the Solicito"3ene"al% is alle5e- to ha*e secu"e- a f"ee patent an- late" a ce"ti>cate of title to apa"cel of lan- =hich% upon in*esti5ation% tu"ne- out to be a s=a)plan- an- notsusceptible of ac4uisition un-e" a f"ee patent% an- =hich he late" )o"t5a5e- to theRu"al Ban@ of Pinan GND 'nc. The )o"t5a5e =as late" fo"eclose- an- the lan- sol- atpublic auction an- "espon-ent has not "e-ee)e- the lan- until the p"esent. E)phasisSupplie-D

     The 'BP Ga)boan5a -el No"te Chapte" also sub)itte- a Ce"ti>cation% -ate- $ Feb"ua"1&&/% si5ne- b its Sec"eta" Pete" (. Co an- atteste- to b its P"esi-ent 3il +. Batula% to=it8

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal



     This is to ce"tif that base- on the ce"ti>cations issue- b the OHce of the Cle"@ ofCou"tLMunicipal T"ial Cou"t in the Cit of ,ipolo5I Re5ional T"ial Cou"t of Ga)boan5a-el No"te an- the OHce of the P"o*incial an- Cit P"osecuto"s% M". Nicolas E. Saban-alhas not been con*icte- of an c"i)e% no" is the"e an pen-in5 -e"o5ato" c"i)inal casea5ainst hi). Base- on the abo*e >n-in5s% the Boa"- -oes not >n- an acts co))itte-b the petitione" to -is4ualif hi) f"o) a-)ission to the Philippine Ba".

    e "e4ui"e- the co)plainants to co))ent on the afo"esai- 'BP Ce"ti>cation an- to"epl to Executi*e 7u-5e Pela5io +achica?s co))ent in ou" Resolution of 1 Feb"ua"1&&/.

    On 1 p"il 1&&/% afte" ta@in5 note of the un"elentin5 *ehe)ent obections ofco)plainants Tan in BM !!D an- Bo4uia in SBC 1D an- the Ce"ti>cation b Executi*e

     7u-5e +achica% -ate- ! u5ust 1&9&% that the"e is a pen-in5 case befo"e his Cou"tin*ol*in5 "espon-ent Saban-al% this Cou"t "esol*e- to ,EFER the settin5 of a -ate fo"the oath6ta@in5 of "espon-ent Saban-al an- "e4ui"e- 7u-5e +achica to info") this Cou"tof the outco)e of the case entitle- Republic *. Saban-al% Ci*il Case :!D% pen-in5befo"e his ASalaA as soon as "esol*e-.

    'n the )eanti)e% on 19 p"il 1&&/% the Cou"t "ecei*e- anothe" Co))ent% -ate- 1:Ma"ch 1&&/% b co)plainant e"*e ,a5pin in SBC /&% *ehe)entl obectin5 to theoath6ta@in5 of "espon-ent Saban-al an- -esc"ibin5 his actuations in Ci*il Case :! as)anipulati*e an- su""eptitious. This co))ent =as Note- in the Resolution of $$ Ma1&&/.

    'n a lette"% a--"esse- to the Chief 7ustice% -ate- 1 u5ust 1&&/% co)plainant Tan in Ba"Matte" !!% info")e- the Cou"t that he" "elationship =ith Saban-al has Aal"ea- been"esto"e-%A as he ha- as@e- fo"5i*eness fo" =hat has been -one to he" an- that she >n-sno necessit in pu"suin5 he" case a5ainst hi). Co)plainant Tan fu"the" state- that shesees no fu"the" "eason to oppose his a-)ission to the Ba" as he ha- sho=n since"e"epentance an- "efo")ation =hich she belie*es )a@e hi) )o"all >t to beco)e a)e)be" of the Philippine Ba". A'n *ie= of this -e*elop)ent%A the lette" state-% A=ehi5hl "eco))en- hi) fo" a-)ission to the le5al p"ofession an- "e4uest this ono"ableCou"t to sche-ule his oath6ta@in5 at a ti)e )ost con*enient.A This lette" =as Note- inthe Resolution of $ Octobe" 1&&/% =hich also "e4ui"e- a co))ent on Tan?s lette" f"o)co)plainants Bo4uia an- ,a5pin.

    Moises Bo4uia% fo" hi)self% an- co)plainant ,a5pin% in thei" co))ent% -ate- No*e)be" 1&&/% state- thus8

    Euf"osina (ap Tan?s lette" -ate- 1 u5ust 1&&/ is a p"i*ate pe"sonal -isposition =hich

    "aises the 4uestion =hethe" pe"sonal fo"5i*eness is enou5h basis to exculpate an-oblite"ate these cases. On ou" pa"t% =e belie*e an- )aintain the i)po"tance an- >nalitof the ono"able Sup"e)e Cou"t?s "esolutions in these cases. . . .

    't is not =ithin the pe"sonal co)petence% u"is-iction an- -isc"etion of an pa"t tochan5e o" a)en- sai- >nal "esolutions =hich a"e al"ea- "es u-icata. 2ie=e- in theli5ht of the fo"e5oin5 >nal an- executo" "esolutions% these cases the"efo"e shoul- notin the least be consi-e"e- as anthin5 =hich is subect an- subse"*ient to the chan5in5)oo-s an- -ispositions of the pa"ties% -e*oi- of an pe")anenc o" >nalit.Respon-ent?s sche)in5 chan5e in tactics an- st"ate5 coul- not i)p"o*e his case.

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal



     The abo*e =as ANote-A in the Resolution of $& No*e)be" 1&&/.

    'n co)pliance =ith the Resolution of $ Octobe" 1&&/% 7u-5e Paci>co M. 3a"cia% Re5ional T"ial Cou"t 7u-5e of B"anch 9% ,ipolo5 Cit =ho appa"entl succee-e- 7u-5e Pela5io+achica% the latte" ha*in5 a*aile- of optional "eti"e)ent on :/ 7une 1&&/D sub)itte- tothis Cou"t% on 1 ,ece)be" 1&&/% a cop of the A7u-5)ent%A -ate- 1$ ,ece)be" 1&&/%in Ci*il Case :!% entitle- ARepublic of the Philippines *. Nicolas Saban-al et alA fo"Cancellation of Title an-Ko" Re*e"sion% =hich% acco"-in5 to hi)% =as al"ea- consi-e"e-close- an- te")inate-.

    Sai- u-5)ent "e*eals that an a)icable settle)ent% -ate- $! Octobe" 1&&/% ha- been"eache- bet=een the p"incipal pa"ties% app"o*e- b the T"ial Cou"t% an- confo")e- to bthe counsel fo" -efen-ant Ru"al Ban@ of Pinan.

    B"ie% the sai- a)icable settle)ent cancelle- the O"i5inal Ce"ti>cate of Title un-e"F"ee Patent in Saban-al?s na)e an- the latte"?s )o"t5a5e the"eof in fa*o" of the Ru"alBan@ of PinanI p"o*i-e- fo" the su""en-e" of the ce"ti>cate of title to the Re5iste" of,ee-s fo" p"ope" annotationI "e*e"te- to the )ass of public -o)ain the lan- co*e"e- bthe afo"esai- Ce"ti>cate of? Title =ith -efen-ant Saban-al "ef"ainin5 f"o) exe"cisin5acts of possession o" o=ne"ship o*e" sai- lan-I cause- the -efen-ant Saban-al to pa-efen-ant Ru"al Ban@ of Pinan the su) of P:%/// fo" the loan an- inte"estI an- theRu"al Ban@ of Pinan to =ai*e its c"oss6clai)s a5ainst -efen-ant Nicolas Saban-al.

     7u-5e Paci>co 3a"cia?s lette" an- the afo"e6)entione- 7u-5)ent =e"e NOTE, in ou"Resolution of $& 7anua" 1&&1. 'n the sa)e Resolution% co)plainants Tan% Bo4uia an-,a5pin =e"e "e4ui"e- to co))ent on the sa)e.

    Upon "e4uest of Saban-al% a ce"ti>cation% -ate- $/ ,ece)be" 1&&/% =as sent bExecuti*e u-5e 7esus n5eles of the RTC of Ga)boan5a -el No"te% ce"tifin5 thatSaban-al has no pen-in5 case =ith his Cou"t an- that he has no cause to obect to hisa-)ission to the Philippine Ba". This =as ANote-A in the Resolution of $ Feb"ua" 1&&1.

    Mean=hile% Saban-al "eite"ate- his p"ae" to be allo=e- to ta@e the la=e"?s oath in aMotion -ate- 9 7une 1&&1. 'n ou" Resolution of 1 u5ust 1&&1% =e -efe""e- action on theafo"esai- Motion pen-in5 co)pliance b the co)plainants =ith the Resolution of $&

     7anua" 1&&1 "e4ui"in5 the) to co))ent on the lette" of 7u-5e Paci>co M. 3a"cia.

     To -ate% onl co)plainant Tan has co)plie- =ith the sai- Resolution b sub)ittin5 aCo))ent% -ate- $& u5ust 1&&1% statin5 that the te")ination of Ci*il Case No. :! isAp"oof of Saban-al?s since"e "efo")ation% of his "epentance =ith "estitution of the "i5htsof co)plainants he *iolate-%A an- that Athe"e is no )o"e "eason to oppose his a-)issionto the Ba".A This =as ANote-A in the Resolution of $! Septe)be" 1&&1.

    'n a Manifestation% -ate- ,ece)be" 1&&1% Saban-al "eite"ates his plea to be allo=e-to ta@e the +a=e"?s Oath.

    is plea )ust be ,EN'E,.

    'n ou" Resolution of 1/ Feb"ua" 1&9&% Saban-al =as allo=e- to ta@e the oath% ten 1/Dea"s ha*in5 elapse- f"o) the ti)e he too@ an- passe- the 1& Ba" exa)inations%afte" ca"eful consi-e"ation of his sho= of cont"ition an- =illin5ness to "efo"). lso ta@enco5ni

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal


     Tan to Saban-al?s ta@in5 the oath no" =e"e =e a=a"e of the 5"a*it of the ci*il casea5ainst hi).

    't tu"ns out that Ci*il Case No. :! entitle- ARepublic of the Philippines *. NicolasSaban-alA =as institute- b the 3o*e"n)ent in 1&9 an- =as b"ou5ht about because of"espon-ent?s p"ocu"e)ent of a ce"ti>cate of f"ee patent o*e" a pa"cel of lan- belon5in5to the public -o)ain an- its use as secu"it fo" a )o"t5a5e in o"-e" to obtain a loan. tthat ti)e% Saban-al =as an e)ploee of the Bu"eau of +an-s. e -i- not sub)it an-efense an- =as -ecla"e- it -efault b o"-e" of the RTC -ate- $ No*e)be" 1&9. Thecont"o*e"s =as e*entuall settle- b )e"e co)p"o)ise =ith "espon-ent su""en-e"in5the bo5us ce"ti>cate of title to the 5o*e"n)ent an- pain56oJ the )o"t5a5o"% Ato bupeace an- fo"estall fu"the" expenses of liti5ation incu""e- b -efen-antsA Rollo%

     7u-5)ent in Ci*il Case No. :!D. The OHce of the Solicito" 3ene"al inte"pose- noobection to the app"o*al of the sai- a)icable settle)ent an- p"ae- that u-5)ent be"en-e"e- in acco"-ance the"e=ith% Aas the a)icable settle)ent )a a)ount to aconfession b the -efen-antA Rollo% sup"aD. 't )ust also be st"esse- that in 1&9% at theti)e sai- case =as institute-% Saban-al?s petition to ta@e the la=e"?s oath ha- al"ea-been -enie- on $& No*e)be" 1&9: an- he =as then sub)ittin5 to this Cou"t )otionsfo" "econsi-e"ation alle5in5 his 5oo- )o"al cha"acte" =ithout% ho=e*e"% )entionin5 thepen-enc of that ci*il case a5ainst hi).

    'n *ie= of the natu"e of that case an- the ci"cu)stances atten-in5 its te")ination% theCou"t no= ente"tains secon- thou5hts about "espon-ent?s >tness to beco)e a )e)be"of the Ba".

    't shoul- be "ecalle- that Saban-al =o"@e- as +an- 'n*esti5ato" at the Bu"eau of +an-s.Sai- e)plo)ent facilitate- his p"ocu"e)ent of the f"ee patent title o*e" p"ope"t =hichhe coul- not but ha*e @no=n =as public lan-. This =as )anipulati*e on his pa"t an--oes not spea@ =ell of his )o"al cha"acte". 't is a )anifestation of 5"oss -ishonest=hile in the public se"*ice% =hich can not be e"ase- b the te")ination of the case >le-b the Republic a5ainst hi) =he"e no -ete")ination of his 5uilt o" innocence =as )a-ebecause the suit ha- been co)p"o)ise-. lthou5h as the Solicito" 3ene"al ha- pointe-out% the a)icable settle)ent =as tanta)ount to a confession on his pa"t. hat is )o"e%he coul- not but ha*e @no=n of the int"insic in*ali-it of his title an- et he too@a-*anta5e of it b secu"in5 a ban@ loan% )o"t5a5in5 it as collate"al% an-not=ithstan-in5 the fo"eclosu"e of the )o"t5a5e an- the sale of the lan- at publicauction% he -i- not lift a >n5e" to "e-ee) the sa)e until the ci*il case >le- a5ainst hi)=as e*entuall co)p"o)ise-. This is a sa- "eection on his sense of hono" an- fai"-ealin5. is failu"e to "e*eal to this Cou"t the pen-enc of the ci*il case fo" Re*e"sion>le- a5ainst hi) -u"in5 the pe"io- that he =as sub)ittin5 se*e"al Motions fo"Reconsi-e"ation befo"e us also "e*eal his lac@ of can-o" an- t"uthfulness.

     The"e a"e testi)onials attestin5 to his 5oo- )o"al cha"acte"% es. But these =e"e

    con>ne- to lac@ of @no=le-5e of the pen-enc of an c"i)inal case a5ainst hi) an-=e"e ob*iousl )a-e =ithout a=a"eness of the facts an- ci"cu)stances su""oun-in5 thecase institute- b the 3o*e"n)ent a5ainst hi). Those testi)onials can not% the"efo"e%out=ei5h no" s)othe" his acts of -ishonest an- lac@ of 5oo- )o"al cha"acte".

     That the othe" co)plainants% na)el% Moises Bo4uia in SBC /D an- e"*e ,a5pin inSBC 1&D ha*e not sub)itte- an opposition to his )otion to ta@e the oath% is of no)o)ent. The ha*e al"ea- exp"esse- thei" obections in thei" ea"lie" co))ents. Thatco)plainant Tan has =ith-"a=n he" obection to his ta@in5 the oath can neithe" tilt thebalance in his fa*o"% the basis of he" co)plaint t"eatin5 as it -oes of anothe" subect)atte".

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal


     Ti)e an- a5ain% it has been hel- that the p"actice of la= is not a )atte" of "i5ht. 't is ap"i*ile5e besto=e- upon in-i*i-uals =ho a"e not onl lea"ne- in the la= but =ho a"ealso @no=n to possess 5oo- )o"al cha"acte"8

     The Sup"e)e Cou"t an- the Philippine Ba" ha*e al=as t"ie- to )aintain a hi5hstan-a"- fo" the le5al p"ofession% both in aca-e)ic p"epa"ation an- le5al t"ainin5 as=ell as in honest an- fai" -ealin5. The Cou"t an- the license- la=e"s the)sel*es a"e*itall inte"este- in @eepin5 this hi5h stan-a"-I an- one of the =as of achie*in5 thisen- is to a-)it to the p"actice of this noble p"ofession onl those pe"sons =ho a"e@no=n to be honest an- to possess 5oo- )o"al cha"acte". . . . 'n "e Pa"an-in5 "espon-ent Saban-al to be un>t to beco)e a )e)be" of the BR%this Cou"t?s Resolution% -ate- 1/ Feb"ua" 1&9& is REC++E, an- his p"ae" to beallo=e- to ta@e the la=e"?s oath is he"eb -enie-.SO OR,ERE,.Na"*asa% C.7.% 3utie""en-in5 of the Cou"t that he =as 5uilt of unautho"itness to be a)e)be" of the Ba". 'n co)pliance the"e=ith% the executi*e u-5e state- in his co))entthat he is not a=a"e of an acts co))itte- b the "espon-ent as =oul- -is4ualif hi)to f"o) a-)ission to the Ba". o=e*e"% he a--e- that "espon-ent has a pen-in5 ci*ilcase befo"e his cou"t fo" cancellationK"e*e"sion p"ocee-in5s% in =hich "espon-ent% then

    =o"@in5 as +an- 'n*esti5ato" of the Bu"eau of +an-s% is alle5e- to ha*e secu"e- a f"eepatent an- late" a ce"ti>cate of title to a pa"cel of lan- =hich% upon in*esti5ation% tu"ne-out to be a s=a)plan- an- not susceptible of ac4uisition un-e" a f"ee patent% an- =hichhe late" )o"t5a5e- to the ban@. The )o"t5a5e =as late" fo"eclose- an- the lan-subse4uentl sol- at public auction an- "espon-ent has not "e-ee)e- the lan- sincethen.

     The case =as ho=e*e" been settle- th"ou5h a)icable settle)ent. The sai- a)icablesettle)ent cancele- the OCT un-e" F"ee Patent in the na)e of Saban-al an- his)o"t5a5e in the ban@I p"o*i-e- fo" the su""en-e" of the ce"ti>cate of title to the R, fo"p"ope" annotationI "e*e"te- to the )ass of public -o)ain the lan- co*e"e- b the

  • 8/18/2019 1. Tan vs Sabandal


    afo"esai- ce"ti>cate of title =ith "espon-ent "ef"ainin5 f"o) exe"cisin5 acts ofpossession o" o=ne"ship o*e" the sai- lan-. Respon-ent also pai- the ban@ a ce"tainsu) fo" the loan an- inte"est.

    'SSUE8 hethe" the "espon-ent )a be a-)itte- to the p"actice of la= consi-e"in5 thathe al"ea- sub)itte- th"ee :D testi)onials "e5a"-in5 his 5oo- )o"al cha"acte"% an- hispen-in5 ci*il case has been te")inate-.

    E+,8is petition )ust be -enie-.

     Ti)e an- a5ain% it has been hel- that p"actice of la= is not a )atte" of "i5ht. 't is ap"i*ile5e besto=e- upon in-i*i-uals =ho a"e not onl lea"ne- in the la= but =ho a"ealso @no=n to possess 5oo- )o"al cha"acte".'t shoul- be "ecalle- that "espon-ent =o"@e- as +an- 'n*esti5ato" at the Bu"eau of+an-s. Sai- e)plo)ent facilitate- his p"ocu"e)ent of the f"ee patent title o*e" thep"ope"t =hich he coul- not but ha*e @no=n =as a public lan-. This =as )anipulati*eon his pa"t an- -oes not spea@ =ell of his )o"al cha"acte". 't is a )anifestation of 5"oss-ishonest =hile in the public se"*ice% =hich cannot be e"ase- b the te")ination of thecase an- =he"e no -ete")ination of 5uilt o" innocence =as )a-e because the suit hasbeen co)p"o)ise-. This is a sa- "eection of his sense of hono" an- fai" -ealin5s.Mo"eo*e"% his failu"e to "e*eal to the Cou"t the pen-enc of the ci*il case fo" Re*e"sion>le- a5ainst hi) -u"in5 the pe"io- that he =as sub)ittin5 se*e"al petitions an- )otionsfo" "econsi-e"ations "e*eal his lac@ of can-o" an- t"uthfulness.lthou5h% the te") A5oo- )o"al cha"acte"A a-)its of b"oa- -i)ensions% it has been-e>ne- as Ainclu-in5 at least co))on -ishonest.A 't has also been hel- that no )o"al4uali>cation fo" )e)be"ship is )o"e i)po"tant than t"uthfulness o" can-o".