1 st lecture cop 4991 component-based software development instructor: masoud sadjadi...

1 st Lecture COP 4991 COP 4991 Component-Based Software Development Component-Based Software Development Instructor: Masoud Sadjadi http://www.cs.fiu.edu/~sadjadi/ Teaching/ Introduction to CBSD: Introduction to CBSD: Background, Motivation, Background, Motivation, Definitions, Concept, and Definitions, Concept, and Principles Principles

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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1st Lecture

COP 4991 COP 4991 Component-Based Software DevelopmentComponent-Based Software Development

Instructor: Masoud Sadjadihttp://www.cs.fiu.edu/~sadjadi/Teaching/

Introduction to CBSD:Introduction to CBSD:Background, Motivation, Definitions, Background, Motivation, Definitions,

Concept, and PrinciplesConcept, and Principles

1st Lecture 2COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Dr. George T. Heineman

Dr. William Councill

Dr. Clemens Szyperski

Dr. Betty Cheng

Dr. Peter Clarke

Dr. Bernd Bruegge

Dr. Allen Dutoit

1st Lecture 3COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 4COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

What is Software What is Software Engineering? Engineering? (1)(1)

Systematic approach for developing software.

“Methods and techniques to develop and maintain quality software to solve problems.” [Pfleeger, 1990]

“Study of the principles and methodologies for developing and maintaining software systems.” [Zelkowitz, 1978]

“Software engineering is an engineering discipline which is concerned with all aspects of software production.” [Sommerville]

1st Lecture 5COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Our IntentionOur Intention



1st Lecture 6COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Our plan of attackOur plan of attack





Delivery and Installation

1st Lecture 7COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

How to Deal with Complexity? How to Deal with Complexity? 11

Three ways to deal with complexity:– Abstraction – Decomposition

Technique: Divide and conquer

– Hierarchy Technique: Layering

Two ways to deal with decomposition:– Functional Decomposition– Object Orientation

1st Lecture 8COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

How to Deal with Complexity? How to Deal with Complexity? 22

What is the right way? – Functional Decomposition

may lead to unmaintainable code.

– Object Orientation depending on the purpose of the system, different objects may be


How to proceed?– Start with a description of the functionality

Use case model

– Then find objects Object model

What activities and models are needed?– This leads us to the software lifecycle we use in this class.

1st Lecture 9COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 10COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Reuse MotivationReuse Motivation

Observation about Modeling of the Real World in [Gamma et al 94]

– Strict modeling of the real world leads to a system that reflects today’s realities but not necessarily tomorrow’s.

– There is a need for reusable and flexible designs.

– Design knowledge complements application domain knowledge and solution domain knowledge.

1st Lecture 11COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Reuse HeuristicsReuse Heuristics

Look for existing classes in class libraries– JSAPI, JTAPI, ....

Select data structures appropriate to the algorithms– Container classes – Arrays, lists, queues, stacks, sets, trees, ...

Define new internal classes and operations only if necessary– Complex operations defined in terms of lower-level operations

might need new classes and operations

1st Lecture 12COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Main goal: – Reuse knowledge and functionality from previous experience to

current problem.– Approaches: Inheritance and Delegation

Inheritance – Interface inheritance

Used for concept classifications type hierarchies

– Implementation inheritance Used for code reuse.

Delegation– An alternative to implementation inheritance.

Used for code reuse.

1st Lecture 13COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 14COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Metamodel for InheritanceMetamodel for Inheritance

Inheritance is used to achieve two different goals: Taxonomies and Reuse.




Inheritancefor ReuseTaxonomy

Inheritance detectedby generalization

Inheritance detectedby specialization


Object Design

1st Lecture 15COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Taxonomy ExampleTaxonomy Example


Tiger Wolf Wale

1st Lecture 16COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Implementation InheritanceImplementation Inheritance

A very similar class is already implemented that does almost the same as the desired class implementation.

Example: – I have a List class, I need a

Stack class.

– How about subclassing the Stack class from the List class and providing three methods, Push() and Pop(), Top()?

Add ()



Push ()Pop()



“Already implemented”

1st Lecture 17COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Problem with implementation inheritance:– Some of the inherited operations might exhibit unwanted behavior. – What happens if the Stack user calls Remove() instead of Pop()?– What happens if the superclass implementation is modified?– The subclass developer is exposed to internal information about

the superclass and this may result in tight coupling of subclass to superclass.

1st Lecture 18COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Impl. vs Interface InheritanceImpl. vs Interface Inheritance

Implementation inheritance– Also called class inheritance– Goal: Extend an application’s functionality by reusing functionality

in parent class– Inherit from an existing class with some or all operations already


Interface inheritance– Also called subtyping– Inherit from an abstract class with all operations specified, but not

yet implemented

1st Lecture 19COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Delegation – is an alternative to implementation inheritance.– is as powerful as implementation inheritance.

In Delegation two objects are involved in handling a request– A receiving object delegates operations to its delegate. – The developer can make sure that the receiving object does not

allow the client to misuse the delegate object.

Client Receiver DelegateDelegates to calls

1st Lecture 20COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Delegation vs. Impl. Delegation vs. Impl. InheritanceInheritance

Inheritance: Extending a base class by a new operation or overwriting an operation.

Delegation: Catching an operation and sending it to another object.

Which of the following models is better for implementing a stack?









1st Lecture 21COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Delegation– Pro:

Flexibility: Any object can be replaced at run time by another one (as long as it has the same type)

– Con: Inefficiency: Objects are encapsulated.

Inheritance– Pro:

Straightforward to use Supported by many programming languages Easy to implement new functionality

– Con: Inheritance exposes a subclass to the details of its parent class Any change in the parent class implementation forces the subclass to

change (which requires recompilation of both)

1st Lecture 22COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 23COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Reuse CodeReuse Code

Select existing code– class libraries– frameworks– components

Adjust the class libraries, framework or components– Change the API if you have the source code.– Use the adapter or bridge pattern if you don’t have access

What are the differences among class libraries, frameworks, and components?– They are all composed of a set of related classes.

1st Lecture 24COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


A framework is a reusable partial application that can be specialized to produce custom applications.

Frameworks are targeted to particular technologies, such as data processing or cellular communications, or to application domains, such as user interfaces or real-time avionics.

1st Lecture 25COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Key BenefitsKey Benefits

Reusability – leverages of the application domain knowledge and prior effort of

experienced developers .

Extensibility – is provided by hook methods, which are overwritten by the

application to extend the framework.– Hook methods systematically decouple the interfaces and

behaviors of an application domain from the variations required by an application in a particular context.

1st Lecture 26COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Classification of FrameworksClassification of Frameworks

White-Box Frameworks– Extensibility achieved through inheritance and dynamic binding. – Existing functionality is extended by subclassing framework base

classes and overriding predefined hook methods– Often design patterns such as the template method pattern are

used to override the hook methods.

Black-Box Frameworks – Extensibility achieved by defining interfaces for components that

can be plugged into the framework. – Existing functionality is reused by defining components that

conform to a particular interface – These components are integrated with the framework via


1st Lecture 27COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Another Classification of Another Classification of FrameworksFrameworks

Infrastructure frameworks – aim to simplify the software development process– System infrastructure frameworks are used internally within a

software project and are usually not delivered to a client.

Middleware frameworks – are used to integrate existing distributed applications and

components. – Examples: MFC, DCOM, Java RMI, WebObjects, WebSphere,

WebLogic Enterprise Application [BEA].

Enterprise application frameworks – are application specific and focus on domains– Example domains: telecommunications, avionics, environmental

modeling, manufacturing, financial engineering, enterprise business activities.

1st Lecture 28COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Class libraries and Class libraries and FrameworksFrameworks

Class Libraries: – Less domain specific – Provide a smaller scope of reuse. – Class libraries are passive; no constraint on control flow.

Framework: – Classes cooperate for a family of related applications. – Frameworks are active; affect the flow of control.

In practice, developers often use both:– Frameworks often use class libraries internally to simplify the

development of the framework. – Framework event handlers use class libraries to perform basic

tasks (e.g. string processing, file management, numerical analysis…. )

1st Lecture 29COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Components and FrameworksComponents and Frameworks

Components– Self-contained instances of classes.– Plugged together to form complete applications.– Defines a cohesive set of operations– Can be used based on the syntax and semantics of the interface. – Components may even be reused on the binary code level.

The advantage is that applications do not always have to be recompiled when components change.

Frameworks:– Often used to develop components.– Components are often plugged into black-box frameworks.

1st Lecture 30COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 31COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Other Engineering FieldsOther Engineering Fields

Every other engineering profession– divides problems into sub-problems

Ready-made solutions Sub-contracted to conform to specifications

– conforms to standards– self-imposed industrial regulation– certification regiment for engineers

But not Software Engineering…

1st Lecture 32COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Some ExcusesSome Excuses

Software is different from hardware My software needs are unique We don’t trust software written elsewhere Users can live with defective software

We want something better…

1st Lecture 33COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

CBSE MethodologyCBSE Methodology

At its core, CBSE is a methodology that:– constructs applications from software units– supports vendors in producing reusable

software units– develops core technologies that support the

run-time execution of these units– defines agreed-upon standards– engenders trust among participants

1st Lecture 34COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Software ComponentSoftware Component

A Software Component is a software element that conforms to a component model and can be independently deployed and can be composed without modification all above according to a composition


1st Lecture 35COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model

A Component Model defines specific interaction and composition standards.

An interaction standard is the mandatory requirements employed and enforced to enable software elements to directly and indirectly interact with other software elements.







1st Lecture 36COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Interaction StandardInteraction Standard

Based on the concept of an interface– “An abstraction of the behavior of a component”

Provided interface– component implements the interface

Required interface– component interactions with other

software elements are captured

Context Dependency



1st Lecture 37COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Composition StandardComposition Standard

Composition– the combination of two or more software

components yielding a new component behavior

Defines several important concepts– Packaging Installing Instantiating– Deploying Configuring

1st Lecture 38COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


A Component Model Implementation is the dedicated set of executable software elements required to support the execution of components that conform to the model

The “Plumbing” that enables components to connect and interact with each other

1st Lecture 39COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Big PictureBig Picture

Decompose problem into projects and subprojects

Design logical component infrastructure

Problem to be


Problem to be


• Select suitable component model

• Provided by vendor; or, if a proprietary component model, must be implemented.





Evaluate Success of Software System

Evaluate Success of Software System

Master SoftwareDevelopment Plan

1st Lecture 40COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Increasingly detailed refinement of design leads to an implemented component infrastructure

Evaluate Success of Software System

Evaluate Success of Software System

Analyze component infrastructure from multiple viewpoints




Logical ComponentInfrastructure

Component Model Implementation

Component Infrastructure

1st Lecture 41COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 42COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component InfrastructureComponent Infrastructure

A software component infrastructure is – a set of interacting software components

The infrastructure is designed to ensure that a software system constructed using those components will satisfy clearly defined performance requirements

1st Lecture 43COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Designing a Component InfrastructureDesigning a Component Infrastructure

The Component Infrastructure is layered

Layering is a strategy for decomposing complex structures

1st Lecture 44COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Four LayersFour Layers


Workflow and Process Control

Business Services

Data and Operating System Services

1st Lecture 45COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


User components provide the external interface– graphical user interfaces (GUI), Web-based, or batch-


Understand user interactions

Request services from other components in response to commands issued by the user

1st Lecture 46COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Workflow and Process ControlWorkflow and Process Control

Workflow and process control components manage complex, automated business processes that interact with (potentially) many business services

1st Lecture 47COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Business ServicesBusiness Services

Business service and legacy wrapping components provide the implementation of the business rules and the operational activity

This is accomplished using internal business object implementations, or by wrapping legacy systems behind the component interface

1st Lecture 48COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Design Layers and DesignersDesign Layers and Designers


Business Services &Legacy Wrapping

Data/Operating System Services

Workflow and ProcessControl


Component Designers


Component Designers


Component Designers



Supply Consume

1st Lecture 49COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data




Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Specification of component behavior and properties

Definition of Interface Description Language (IDL)

1st Lecture 50COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 51COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model

Interfaces Naming

Meta data




Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Global unique names for interfaces and components

Interface YComponent X

1st Lecture 52COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model


Naming Meta data




Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Information about components, interfaces, and their relationships

Interfaces to services providing such information

Interface YComponent X

X Meta dataY Meta data

1st Lecture 53COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data Composition



Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Interfaces and rules for combining components to create larger structures and for substituting and adding components to existing structures

Interface YComponent X

Component Z???

1st Lecture 54COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data

Composition Customization


Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Interfaces for customizing components

User-friendly customization tools will use these interfaces

Interface YComponent X


Interface YComponent X’

1st Lecture 55COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data


Customization Interoperability

Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Communication and data exchange among components from different vendors, implemented in different languages

Interface Y

Component XVB Impl.

Component ZJava Impl.


1st Lecture 56COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data



Interoperability Evolution Support

Packaging & Deployment

Rules and services for replacing components or interfaces by newer versions

Interface YComponent X

X Meta dataVersion 1

Version 1.1

Y Meta dataVersion 1.0

Version 2.0

1st Lecture 57COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Component ModelComponent Model



Meta data




Evolution Support Packaging &


Packaging implementation and resources needed for installing and configuring a component

Interface YComponent X

X Meta dataY Meta data

1st Lecture 58COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 59COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Terminology Terminology (1)(1)

participants – all persons involved in a project.

e.g., developers, project manager, client, end users.

role – associated with a set of tasks assigned to a participant.

system – underlying reality.

model – abstraction of the reality.

work product – an artifact produced during development.

1st Lecture 60COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Terminology Terminology (2)(2)

deliverable – work product for client.

activity – a set of tasks performed toward a specific purpose.

milestone – end-point of a software process activity.

task – an atomic unit of work that can be managed and that consumes resources.

goal – high-level principle used to guide the project.

1st Lecture 61COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Terminology Terminology (3)(3)

functional requirement – describe the interaction between the system and its actors (e.g., end users and other external systems) independent of its implementation.

nonfunctional requirement – describe aspects of the system that are not directly related to the functional requirements of the system (e.g., QoS, security, scalability, performance, and fault-tolerance).

notation – is a graphical or textual set of rules representing a model (e.g., UML)

method – a repeatable technique for solving a specific problem e.g. sorting algorithm

methodology – a collection of methods for solving a class of problems (e.g., Unified Software Development Process).

1st Lecture 62COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

AgendaAgenda Background

– Software Engineering– Software Complexity

Why components?– Reuse Concepts– Inheritance and Delegation– Libraries, Frameworks, and Components

Component Based Software Engineering– Definitions– Component Infrastructure– Component Model

Recap– Terminology– Java Quick Overview

1st Lecture 63COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Object-oriented ClassObject-oriented Class

Class– name– set of attributes

information of interest

– set of methods functionality of the class

– public declarations

Object– has all the attributes of a class

(“belongs” to the class)

– exhibits the specified functionality– private implementation

VertexString getName ()setName (String n)Integer getX ()

setX (Integer x)Integer getY ()setY (Integer y)

Integer x, yString name

x: 100y: 80

name: n1

x: 55y: 13

name: n2

1st Lecture 64COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Objects are instantiatedObjects are instantiated

Vertex v;

x: 0y: 0

name: vv = new Vertex ();


x: 15y: 0


v = null;


x: 12y: 0

name:n1v = new Vertex ();




1st Lecture 65COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Mechanism to create new classes– ColoredVertex IS A Vertex

– Vertex is the superclass– ColoredVertex is a subclass

Multiple inheritance– Supported by C++ not Java

Enables polymorphism Supports overriding

ColoredVertexColor getColor ()

setColor (Color c)

Color color


1st Lecture 66COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


Concept that a number of different (yet related) operations have the same name– improvement over C– increased readability of code

Consider ability of Vertex to draw()

forall vertices v in graph


1st Lecture 67COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development


When subclass provides alternate implementation to an inherited method

Also useful for realizing concrete subclasses for abstract base classes

1st Lecture 68COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Access rightsAccess rights

Designer can restrict access to– classes, methods, attributes

Public – all classes can access Private – only defining class can access Protected (java) default package

1st Lecture 69COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Java – Interfaces Java – Interfaces

Contractual obligation on a class A class implements an interface

public interface ICalc {

/** return the multiplication of a*b. */

int multiply (int a, int b);


public class Calculator implements IBlock, ICalc {

public int multiply (int x, int y) { … }


1st Lecture 70COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Java – PackagesJava – Packages

Grouping of classes

One-to-one mapping to directory structure


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1st Lecture 71COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Java – Static dataJava – Static data

In Java, all data must be defined in a class

What about data common to all objects within a class?

x: 55y: 13

const: 32

x: 22y: 97

const: 32


Integer x, yInteger const


Integer x, ystatic Integer const

x: 55y: 13

x: 22y: 97

const: 32

1st Lecture 72COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Accessing Static Accessing Static Data/MethodsData/Methods

Node n = new Node ();

n.setX (10);

n.setY (20);

// Associated with the class

int x = Node.const;

// Can also work on objects (simply delegated to class)

int y = n.const;

Similar access works for static methods

1st Lecture 73COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Java – Coupled CommunicationJava – Coupled Communication

public class Agent { private Manager mgr; public Agent (Manager m) { mgr = m; }

public void requestWork() { mgr.showHow(); }}

public class Manager { public Manager () { }

public void showHow() { }}

Agent can’t be used without Manager

1st Lecture 74COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Java – Java – Decoupled CommunicationDecoupled Communication

public class Agent { private Vector helpers = new Vector(); public void addHelper (WorkInterface s) { helpers.addElement (s); } public void removeHelper (WorkInterface s) { helpers.removeElement (s); }  public void requestWork () { for (Enumeration en = helpers.elements(); en.hasMoreElements(); ) { WorkInterface wi = (WorkInterface) en.nextElement(); wi.showHow(); } }}

public interface WorkInterface { void showHow();}

public class Manager implements WorkInterface { public void showHow() { // Individual work gets done... }}

1st Lecture 75COP-4991: Component-Based Software Development

Decoupled PrinciplesDecoupled Principles

Avoid “death-embrace” coupling

public class A { void doSomething (B b) { B.helpOut (this); } int getValue () { return 20; }}

public class B { void helpOut (A a) { a.getValue() ... }}

public class A implements IVal { void doSomething (IHelp h) { h.helpOut (this); } int getValue () { return 20; }}

public class B implements IHelp { void helpOut (IVal v) { v.getValue() ... }}

Instead use interfaces