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  • 8/8/2019 1- Sema v Comelec



    [G.R. No. 177597, July 16, 2008]



    [G.R. No. 178628]



    D E C I S I O N

    CARPIO, J.:

    The Case

    These consolidated petitions[1] seek to annul Resolution No. 7902, dated 10 May 2007, of the Commissionon Elections (COMELEC) treating Cotabato City as part of the legislative district of the Province of ShariffKabunsuan.[2]

    The Facts

    The Ordinance appended to the 1987 Constitution apportioned two legislative districts for the Province ofMaguindanao. The first legislative district consists of Cotabato City and eight municipalities.[3]Maguindanao forms part of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), created under itsOrganic Act, Republic Act No. 6734 (RA 6734), as amended by Republic Act No. 9054 (RA 9054).[4]

    Although under the Ordinance, Cotabato City forms part of Maguindanao's first legislative district, it is notpart of the ARMM but of Region XII, having voted against its inclusion in the ARMM in the plebisciteheld in November 1989.

    On 28 August 2006, the ARMM's legislature, the ARMM Regional Assembly, exercising its power to

    create provinces under Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054,[5] enacted Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No.201 (MMA Act 201) creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan composed of the eight municipalities inthe first district of Maguindanao. MMA Act 201 provides:Section 1. The Municipalities of Barira, Buldon, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, Parang, SultanKudarat, Sultan Mastura, and Upi are hereby separated from the Province of Maguindanao and constitutedinto a distinct and independent province, which is hereby created, to be known as the Province of ShariffKabunsuan.

    x x x x

    Sec. 5. The corporate existence of this province shall commence upon the appointment by the RegionalGovernor or election of the governor and majority of the regular members of the SangguniangPanlalawigan.

    The incumbent elective provincial officials of the Province of Maguindanao shall continue to serve theirunexpired terms in the province that they will choose or where they are residents: Provided, that where anelective position in both provinces becomes vacant as a consequence of the creation of the Province ofShariff Kabunsuan, all incumbent elective provincial officials shall have preference for appointment to ahigher elective vacant position and for the time being be appointed by the Regional Governor, and shallhold office until their successors shall have been elected and qualified in the next local elections; Provided,further, that they shall continue to receive the salaries they are receiving at the time of the approval of thisAct until the new readjustment of salaries in accordance with law. Provided, furthermore, that there shall

    be no diminution in the number of the members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of the mother province.

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    Except as may be provided by national law, the existing legislative district, which includes Cotabato as apart thereof, shall remain.Later, three new municipalities[6] were carved out of the original nine municipalities constituting ShariffKabunsuan, bringing its total number of municipalities to 11. Thus, what was left of Maguindanao were themunicipalities constituting its second legislative district. Cotabato City, although part of Maguindanao'sfirst legislative district, is not part of the Province of Maguindanao.

    The voters of Maguindanao ratified Shariff Kabunsuan's creation in a plebiscite held on 29 October 2006.

    On 6 February 2007, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of Cotabato City passed Resolution No. 3999 requestingthe COMELEC to "clarify the status of Cotabato City in view of the conversion of the First District ofMaguindanao into a regular province" under MMA Act 201.

    In answer to Cotabato City's query, the COMELEC issued Resolution No. 07-0407 on 6 March 2007"maintaining the status quo with Cotabato City as part of Shariff Kabunsuan in the First Legislative Districtof Maguindanao." Resolution No. 07-0407, which adopted the recommendation of the COMELEC's LawDepartment under a Memorandum dated 27 February 2007, [7] provides in pertinent parts:Considering the foregoing, the Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby resolves, to adopt therecommendation of the Law Department that pending the enactment of the appropriate law byCongress, to maintain the status quo with Cotabato City as part of Shariff Kabunsuan in the FirstLegislative District of Maguindanao. (Emphasis supplied)However, in preparation for the 14 May 2007 elections, the COMELEC promulgated on 29 March 2007Resolution No. 7845 stating that Maguindanao's first legislative district is composed only of Cotabato City

    because of the enactment of MMA Act 201.[8]

    On 10 May 2007, the COMELEC issued Resolution No. 7902, subject of these petitions, amendingResolution No. 07-0407 by renaming the legislative district in question as "Shariff Kabunsuan Provincewith Cotabato City (formerly First District of Maguindanao with Cotabato City)."[9]

    In G.R. No. 177597, Sema, who was a candidate in the 14 May 2007 elections for Representative of"Shariff Kabunsuan with Cotabato City," prayed for the nullification of COMELEC Resolution No. 7902and the exclusion from canvassing of the votes cast in Cotabato City for that office. Sema contended thatShariff Kabunsuan is entitled to one representative in Congress under Section 5 (3), Article VI of the

    Constitution[10] and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution.[11] Thus, Sema asserted thatthe COMELEC acted without or in excess of its jurisdiction in issuing Resolution No. 7902 whichmaintained the status quo in Maguindanao's first legislative district despite the COMELEC's earlierdirective in Resolution No. 7845 designating Cotabato City as the lone component of Maguindanao'sreapportioned first legislative district.[12] Sema further claimed that in issuing Resolution No. 7902, theCOMELEC usurped Congress' power to create or reapportion legislative districts.

    In its Comment, the COMELEC, through the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG), chose not to reach themerits of the case and merely contended that (1) Sema wrongly availed of the writ of certiorari to nullifyCOMELEC Resolution No. 7902 because the COMELEC issued the same in the exercise of itsadministrative, not quasi-judicial, power and (2) Sema's prayer for the writ of prohibition in G.R. No.177597 became moot with the proclamation of respondent Didagen P. Dilangalen (respondent Dilangalen)on 1 June 2007 as representative of the legislative district of Shariff Kabunsuan Province with Cotabato


    In his Comment, respondent Dilangalen countered that Sema is estopped from questioning COMELECResolution No. 7902 because in her certificate of candidacy filed on 29 March 2007, Sema indicated thatshe was seeking election as representative of "Shariff Kabunsuan including Cotabato City." RespondentDilangalen added that COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 is constitutional because it did not apportion alegislative district for Shariff Kabunsuan or reapportion the legislative districts in Maguindanao but merelyrenamed Maguindanao's first legislative district. Respondent Dilangalen further claimed that theCOMELEC could not reapportion Maguindanao's first legislative district to make Cotabato City its solecomponent unit as the power to reapportion legislative districts lies exclusively with Congress, not tomention that Cotabato City does not meet the minimum population requirement under Section 5 (3), ArticleVI of the Constitution for the creation of a legislative district within a city.[13]

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    Sema filed a Consolidated Reply controverting the matters raised in respondents' Comments and reiteratingher claim that the COMELEC acted ultra vires in issuing Resolution No. 7902.

    In the Resolution of 4 September 2007, the Court required the parties in G.R. No. 177597 to comment onthe issue of whether a province created by the ARMM Regional Assembly under Section 19, Article VI of

    RA 9054 is entitled to one representative in the House of Representatives without need of a national lawcreating a legislative district for such new province. The parties submitted their compliance as follows:

    (1) Sema answered the issue in the affirmative on the following grounds: (a) the Court inFelwa v. Salas[14]

    stated that "when a province is created by statute, the corresponding representative district comes intoexistence neither by authority of that statute which cannot provide otherwise nor by apportionment,

    but by operation of the Constitution, without a reapportionment"; (b) Section 462 of Republic Act No. 7160(RA 7160) "affirms" the apportionment of a legislative district incident to the creation of a province; and(c) Section 5 (3), Article VI of the Constitution and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to theConstitution mandate the apportionment of a legislative district in newly created provinces.

    (2) The COMELEC, again represented by the OSG, apparently abandoned its earlier stance on the proprietyof issuing Resolution Nos. 07-0407 and 7902 and joined causes with Sema, contending that Section 5 (3),Article VI of the Constitution is "self-executing." Thus, every new province created by the ARMMRegional Assembly is ipso facto entitled to one representative in the House of Representatives even in theabsence of a national law; and

    (3) Respondent Dilangalen answered the issue in the negative on the following grounds: (a) the "province"contemplated in Section 5 (3), Article VI of the Constitution is one that is created by an act of Congresstaking into account the provisions in RA 7160 on the creation of provinces; (b) Section 3, Article IV of RA9054 withheld from the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to enact measures relating to nationalelections, which encompasses the apportionment of legislative districts for members of the House ofRepresentatives; (c) recognizing a legislative district in every province the ARMM Regional Assemblycreates will lead to the disproportionate representation of the ARMM in the House of Representatives asthe Regional Assembly can create provinces without regard to the requirements in Section 461 of RA7160; and (d) Cotabato City, which has a population of less than 250,000, is not entitled to a representativein the House of Representatives.

    On 27 November 2007, the Court heard the parties in G.R. No. 177597 in oral arguments on the followingissues: (1) whether Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054, delegating to the ARMM Regional Assembly the

    power to create provinces, is constitutional; and (2) if in the affirmative, whether a province created underSection 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is entitled to one representative in the House of Representatives withoutneed of a national law creating a legislative district for such new province.[15]

    In compliance with the Resolution dated 27 November 2007, the parties in G.R. No. 177597 filed theirrespective Memoranda on the issues raised in the oral arguments.[16] On the question of the constitutionalityof Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054, the parties in G.R. No. 177597 adopted the following positions:

    (1) Sema contended that Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is constitutional (a) as a valid delegation byCongress to the ARMM of the power to create provinces under Section 20 (9), Article X of the Constitution

    granting to the autonomous regions, through their organic acts, legislative powers over "other matters asmay be authorized by law for the promotion of the general welfare of the people of the region" and (b) asan amendment to Section 6 of RA 7160.[17] However, Sema concedes that, if taken literally, the grant inSection 19, Article VI of RA 9054 to the ARMM Regional Assembly of the power to "prescribe standardslower than those mandated" in RA 7160 in the creation of provinces contravenes Section 10, Article X ofthe Constitution.[18] Thus, Sema proposed that Section 19 "should be construed as prohibiting the RegionalAssembly from prescribing standards x x x that do not comply with the minimum criteria" under RA 7160.[19]

    (2) Respondent Dilangalen contended that Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is unconstitutional on thefollowing grounds: (a) the power to create provinces was not among those granted to the autonomousregions under Section 20, Article X of the Constitution and (b) the grant under Section 19, Article VI of RA

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    9054 to the ARMM Regional Assembly of the power to prescribe standards lower than those mandated inSection 461 of RA 7160 on the creation of provinces contravenes Section 10, Article X of the Constitutionand the Equal Protection Clause; and

    (3) The COMELEC, through the OSG, joined causes with respondent Dilangalen (thus effectivelyabandoning the position the COMELEC adopted in its Compliance with the Resolution of 4 September

    2007) and contended that Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is unconstitutional because (a) it contravenesSection 10 and Section 6,[20] Article X of the Constitution and (b) the power to create provinces waswithheld from the autonomous regions under Section 20, Article X of the Constitution.

    On the question of whether a province created under Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is entitled to onerepresentative in the House of Representatives without need of a national law creating a legislative districtfor such new province, Sema and respondent Dilangalen reiterated in their Memoranda the positions theyadopted in their Compliance with the Resolution of 4 September 2007. The COMELEC deemed itunnecessary to submit its position on this issue considering its stance that Section 19, Article VI of RA9054 is unconstitutional.

    The pendency of the petition in G.R. No. 178628 was disclosed during the oral arguments on 27 November2007. Thus, in the Resolution of 19 February 2008, the Court ordered G.R. No. 178628 consolidated withG.R. No. 177597. The petition in G.R. No. 178628 echoed Sema's contention that the COMELEC actedultra vires in issuing Resolution No. 7902 depriving the voters of Cotabato City of a representative in theHouse of Representatives. In its Comment to the petition in G.R. No. 178628, the COMELEC, through theOSG, maintained the validity of COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 as a temporary measure pending theenactment by Congress of the "appropriate law."

    The Issues

    The petitions raise the following issues:

    I. In G.R. No. 177597:

    (A) Preliminarily -

    (1) whether the writs of Certiorari, Prohibition, and Mandamus are proper to test the constitutionality ofCOMELEC Resolution No. 7902; and

    (2) whether the proclamation of respondent Dilangalen as representative of Shariff Kabunsuan Provincewith Cotabato City mooted the petition in G.R. No. 177597.

    (B) On the merits -

    (1) whether Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054, delegating to the ARMM Regional Assembly the power tocreate provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays, is constitutional; and

    (2) if in the affirmative, whether a province created by the ARMM Regional Assembly under MMA Act201 pursuant to Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is entitled to one representative in the House of

    Representatives without need of a national law creating a legislative district for such province.

    II. In G.R No. 177597 and G.R No. 178628, whether COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 is valid formaintaining the status quo in the first legislative district of Maguindanao (as "Shariff Kabunsuan Provincewith Cotabato City [formerly First District of Maguindanao with Cotabato City]"), despite the creation ofthe Province of Shariff Kabunsuan out of such district (excluding Cotabato City).

    The Ruling of the Court

    The petitions have no merit. We rule that (1) Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054 is unconstitutional insofaras it grants to the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to create provinces and cities; (2) MMA Act 201creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan is void; and (3) COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 is valid.

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    On the Preliminary Matters

    The Writ of Prohibition is Appropriate

    to Test the Constitutionality of

    Election Laws, Rules and Regulations

    The purpose of the writ of Certiorari is to correct grave abuse of discretion by "any tribunal, board, orofficer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions."[21] On the other hand, the writ of Mandamus willissue to compel a tribunal, corporation, board, officer, or person to perform an act "which the lawspecifically enjoins as a duty."[22] True, the COMELEC did not issue Resolution No. 7902 in the exercise ofits judicial or quasi-judicial functions.[23] Nor is there a law which specifically enjoins the COMELEC toexclude from canvassing the votes cast in Cotabato City for representative of "Shariff Kabunsuan Provincewith Cotabato City." These, however, do not justify the outright dismissal of the petition in G.R. No.177597 because Sema also prayed for the issuance of the writ of Prohibition and we have long recognizedthis writ as proper for testing the constitutionality of election laws, rules, and regulations.[24]

    Respondent Dilangalen's Proclamation

    Does Not Moot the Petition

    There is also no merit in the claim that respondent Dilangalen's proclamation as winner in the 14 May 2007elections for representative of "Shariff Kabunsuan Province with Cotabato City" mooted this petition. Thiscase does not concern respondent Dilangalen's election. Rather, it involves an inquiry into the validity ofCOMELEC Resolution No. 7902, as well as the constitutionality of MMA Act 201 and Section 19, ArticleVI of RA 9054. Admittedly, the outcome of this petition, one way or another, determines whether thevotes cast in Cotabato City for representative of the district of "Shariff Kabunsuan Province with CotabatoCity" will be included in the canvassing of ballots. However, this incidental consequence is no reason forus not to proceed with the resolution of the novel issues raised here. The Court's ruling in these petitionsaffects not only the recently concluded elections but also all the other succeeding elections for the office inquestion, as well as the power of the ARMM Regional Assembly to create in the future additional


    On the Main Issues

    Whether the ARMM Regional AssemblyCan Create the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan

    The creation of local government units is governed by Section 10, Article X of the Constitution, whichprovides:Sec. 10. No province, city, municipality, or barangay may be created, divided, merged, abolished or its

    boundary substantially altered except in accordance with the criteria established in the local governmentcode and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political units directlyaffected.Thus, the creation of any of the four local government units - province, city, municipality or barangay -must comply with three conditions. First, the creation of a local government unit must follow the criteriafixed in the Local Government Code. Second, such creation must not conflict with any provision of theConstitution. Third, there must be a plebiscite in the political units affected.

    There is neither an express prohibition nor an express grant of authority in the Constitution for Congress todelegate to regional or local legislative bodies the power to create local government units. However, underits plenary legislative powers, Congress can delegate to local legislative bodies the power to create localgovernment units, subject to reasonable standards and provided no conflict arises with any provision of theConstitution. In fact, Congress has delegated to provincial boards, and city and municipal councils, the

    power to create barangays within their jurisdiction,[25] subject to compliance with the criteria established inthe Local Government Code, and the plebiscite requirement in Section 10, Article X of the Constitution.However, under the Local Government Code, "only x x x an Act of Congress" can create provinces, citiesor municipalities.[26]

    Under Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054, Congress delegated to the ARMM Regional Assembly the power

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    to create provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays within the ARMM. Congress made the delegationunder its plenary legislative powers because the power to create local government units is not one of theexpress legislative powers granted by the Constitution to regional legislative bodies.[27] In the present case,the question arises whether the delegation to the ARMM Regional Assembly of the power to create

    provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays conflicts with any provision of the Constitution.

    There is no provision in the Constitution that conflicts with the delegation to regional legislative bodies ofthe power to create municipalities and barangays, provided Section 10, Article X of the Constitution isfollowed. However, the creation of provinces and cities is another matter. Section 5 (3), Article VI of theConstitution provides, "Each city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each

    province, shall have at least one representative" in the House of Representatives. Similarly, Section 3 of theOrdinance appended to the Constitution provides, "Any province that may hereafter be created, or any citywhose population may hereafter increase to more than two hundred fifty thousand shall be entitled in theimmediately following election to at least one Member x x x."

    Clearly, a province cannot be created without a legislative district because it will violate Section 5 (3),Article VI of the Constitution as well as Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution. For thesame reason, a city with a population of 250,000 or more cannot also be created without a legislativedistrict. Thus, the power to create a province, or a city with a population of 250,000 or more, requires alsothe power to create a legislative district. Even the creation of a city with a population of less than 250,000involves the power to create a legislative district because once the city's population reaches 250,000, thecity automatically becomes entitled to one representative under Section 5 (3), Article VI of the Constitutionand Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution. Thus, the power to create a province orcity inherently involves the power to create a legislative district.

    For Congress to delegate validly the power to create a province or city, it must also validly delegate at thesame time the power to create a legislative district. The threshold issue then is, can Congress validlydelegate to the ARMM Regional Assembly the power to create legislative districts for the House ofRepresentatives? The answer is in the negative.

    Legislative Districts are Created or Reapportioned

    Only by an Act of Congress

    Under the present Constitution, as well as in past[28] Constitutions, the power to increase the allowablemembership in the House of Representatives, and to reapportion legislative districts, is vested exclusivelyin Congress. Section 5, Article VI of the Constitution provides:SECTION 5. (1) The House of Representatives shall be composed of not more than two hundred andfifty members, unless otherwise fixed by law, who shall be elected from legislative districts apportionedamong the provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with the number of theirrespective inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio, and those who, as provided bylaw, shall be elected through a party-list system of registered national, regional, and sectoral parties ororganizations.

    x x x x

    (3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent

    territory. Each city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each province, shall have atleast one representative.

    (4) Within three years following the return of every census, the Congressshall make a reapportionmentof legislative districts based on the standards provided in this section. (Emphasis supplied)Section 5 (1), Article VI of the Constitution vests in Congress the power to increase, through a law, theallowable membership in the House of Representatives. Section 5 (4) empowers Congress to reapportionlegislative districts. The power to reapportion legislative districts necessarily includes the power to createlegislative districts out of existing ones. Congress exercises these powers through a law that Congress itselfenacts, and not through a law that regional or local legislative bodies enact. The allowable membership ofthe House of Representatives can be increased, and new legislative districts of Congress can be created,only through a national law passed by Congress. In Montejo v. COMELEC,[29] we held that the "power of

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    redistricting x x x is traditionally regarded as part of the power (of Congress) to make laws," and thus isvested exclusively in Congress.

    This textual commitment to Congress of the exclusive power to create or reapportion legislative districts islogical. Congress is a national legislature and any increase in its allowable membership or in its incumbentmembership through the creation of legislative districts must be embodied in a national law. Only Congress

    can enact such a law. It would be anomalous for regional or local legislative bodies to create or reapportionlegislative districts for a national legislature like Congress. An inferior legislative body, created by asuperior legislative body, cannot change the membership of the superior legislative body.

    The creation of the ARMM, and the grant of legislative powers to its Regional Assembly under its organicact, did not divest Congress of its exclusive authority to create legislative districts. This is clear from theConstitution and the ARMM Organic Act, as amended. Thus, Section 20, Article X of the Constitution

    provides:SECTION 20. Within its territorial jurisdiction and subject to the provisions of this Constitution andnational laws, the organic act of autonomous regions shall provide for legislative powers over:

    (1) Administrative organization;

    (2) Creation of sources of revenues;

    (3) Ancestral domain and natural resources;

    (4) Personal, family, and property relations;

    (5) Regional urban and rural planning development;

    (6) Economic, social, and tourism development;

    (7) Educational policies;

    (8) Preservation and development of the cultural heritage; and

    (9) Such other matters as may be authorized by law for the promotion of the general welfare of the peopleof the region.Nothing in Section 20, Article X of the Constitution authorizes autonomous regions, expressly or

    impliedly, to create or reapportion legislative districts for Congress.

    On the other hand, Section 3, Article IV of RA 9054 amending the ARMM Organic Act, provides, "TheRegional Assembly may exercise legislative power x x x except on the following matters: x x x (k)National elections. x x x." Since the ARMM Regional Assembly has no legislative power to enact lawsrelating to national elections, it cannot create a legislative district whose representative is elected innational elections. Whenever Congress enacts a law creating a legislative district, the first representative isalways elected in the "next national elections" from the effectivity of the law.[30]

    Indeed, the office of a legislative district representative to Congress is a national office, and its occupant, a

    Member of the House of Representatives, is a national official.[31]

    It would be incongruous for a regionallegislative body like the ARMM Regional Assembly to create a national office when its legislative powersextend only to its regional territory. The office of a district representative is maintained by national fundsand the salary of its occupant is paid out of national funds. It is a self-evident inherent limitation on thelegislative powers of every local or regional legislative body that it can only create local or regional offices,respectively, and it can never create a national office.

    To allow the ARMM Regional Assembly to create a national office is to allow its legislative powers tooperate outside the ARMM's territorial jurisdiction. This violates Section 20, Article X of theConstitution which expressly limits the coverage of the Regional Assembly's legislative powers

    "[w]ithin its territorial jurisdictionx x x."

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    The ARMM Regional Assembly itself, in creating Shariff Kabunsuan, recognized the exclusive nature ofCongress' power to create or reapportion legislative districts by abstaining from creating a legislativedistrict for Shariff Kabunsuan. Section 5 of MMA Act 201 provides that:Except as may be provided by national law, the existing legislative district, which includes Cotabato Cityas a part thereof, shall remain. (Emphasis supplied)However, a province cannot legally be created without a legislative district because the Constitution

    mandates that "each province shall have at least one representative." Thus, the creation of the Province ofShariff Kabunsuan without a legislative district is unconstitutional.

    Sema, petitioner in G.R. No. 177597, contends that Section 5 (3), Article VI of the Constitution, whichprovides:Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent territory.Each city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each province, shall have at

    least one representative. (Emphasis supplied)and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution, which states:Any province that may hereafter be created, or any city whose population may hereafter increase tomore than two hundred fifty thousandshall be entitled in the immediately following election to atleast one Member or such number of Members as it may be entitled to on the basis of the number of

    its inhabitants and according to the standards set forth in paragraph (3), Section 5 of Article VI of

    the Constitution. The number of Members apportioned to the province out of which such new provincewas created or where the city, whose population has so increased, is geographically located shall becorrespondingly adjusted by the Commission on Elections but such adjustment shall not be made withinone hundred and twenty days before the election. (Emphasis supplied)serve as bases for the conclusion that the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan, created on 29 October 2006, isautomatically entitled to one member in the House of Representatives in the 14 May 2007 elections. Asfurther support for her stance, petitioner invokes the statement inFelwa that "when a province is created bystatute, the corresponding representative district comes into existence neither by authority of that statute which cannot provide otherwise nor by apportionment, but by operation of the Constitution,without a reapportionment."

    The contention has no merit.

    First. The issue inFelwa, among others, was whether Republic Act No. 4695 (RA 4695), creating the

    provinces of Benguet, Mountain Province, Ifugao, and Kalinga-Apayao and providing for congressionalrepresentation in the old and new provinces, was unconstitutional for "creati[ng] congressional districtswithout the apportionment provided in the Constitution." The Court answered in the negative, thus:The Constitution ordains:"The House of Representatives shall be composed of not more than one hundred and twenty Members whoshall be apportioned among the several provinces as nearly as may be according to the number of theirrespective inhabitants, but each province shall have at least one Member. The Congress shall by law makean apportionment within three years after the return of every enumeration, and not otherwise. Until suchapportionment shall have been made, the House of Representatives shall have the same number ofMembers as that fixed by law for the National Assembly, who shall be elected by the qualified electorsfrom the present Assembly districts. Each representative district shall comprise as far as practicable,contiguous and compact territory."Pursuant to this Section, a representative district may come into existence: (a) indirectly, through the

    creation of a province for "each province shall have at least one member" in the House ofRepresentatives; or (b) by direct creation of several representative districts within a province. Therequirements concerning the apportionment of representative districts and the territory thereof refer only tothe second method of creation of representative districts, and do not apply to those incidental to the creationof provinces, under the first method. This is deducible, not only from the general tenor of the provisionabove quoted, but, also, from the fact that the apportionment therein alluded to refers to that which is made

    by an Act of Congress. Indeed, when a province is created by statute, the correspondingrepresentative district, comes into existence neither by authority of that statute which cannotprovide otherwise nor by apportionment, but by operation of the Constitution, without areapportionment.

    There is no constitutional limitation as to the time when, territory of, or other conditions under which a

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    province may be created, except, perhaps, if the consequence thereof were to exceed the maximum of 120representative districts prescribed in the Constitution, which is not the effect of the legislation underconsideration. As a matter of fact, provinces have been created or subdivided into other provinces, with theconsequent creation of additional representative districts, without complying with the aforementionedrequirements.[32] (Emphasis supplied)Thus, the Court sustained the constitutionality of RA 4695 because (1) it validly created legislative

    districts "indirectly"through a special law enacted by Congress

    creating a province

    and (2) the creationof the legislative districts will not result in breaching the maximum number of legislative districtsprovidedunder the 1935 Constitution. Felwa does not apply to the present case because inFelwa the new provinceswere created by a national law enacted by Congress itself. Here, the new province was created merely bya regional law enacted by the ARMM Regional Assembly.

    WhatFelwa teaches is that the creation of a legislative district by Congress does not emanate alone fromCongress' power to reapportion legislative districts, but also from Congress' power to create provinceswhich cannot be created without a legislative district. Thus, when a province is created, a legislativedistrict is created by operation of the Constitution because the Constitution provides that "eachprovince shall have at least one representative" in the House of Representatives. This does not detractfrom the constitutional principle that the power to create legislative districts belongs exclusively toCongress. It merely prevents any other legislative body, except Congress, from creating provinces becausefor a legislative body to create a province such legislative body must have the power to create legislativedistricts. In short, only an act of Congress can trigger the creation of a legislative district by operation ofthe Constitution. Thus, only Congress has the power to create, or trigger the creation of, a legislativedistrict.

    Moreover, if as Sema claims MMA Act 201 apportioned a legislative district to Shariff Kabunsuan upon itscreation, this will leave Cotabato City as the lone component of the first legislative district ofMaguindanao. However, Cotabato City cannot constitute a legislative district by itself because as of thecensus taken in 2000, it had a population of only 163,849. To constitute Cotabato City alone as thesurviving first legislative district of Maguindanao will violate Section 5 (3), Article VI of the Constitutionwhich requires that "[E]ach city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand x x x, shall have atleast one representative."

    Second. Sema's theory also undermines the composition and independence of the House of Representatives.

    Under Section 19,[33] Article VI of RA 9054, the ARMM Regional Assembly can create provinces andcities within the ARMM with or without regard to the criteria fixed in Section 461 of RA 7160, namely:minimum annual income of P20,000,000, and minimum contiguous territory of 2,000 square kilometers orminimum population of 250,000.[34] The following scenarios thus become distinct possibilities:(1) An inferior legislative body like the ARMM Regional Assembly can create 100 or more provinces andthus increase the membership of a superior legislative body, the House of Representatives, beyond themaximum limit of 250 fixed in the Constitution (unless a national law provides otherwise);

    (2) The proportional representation in the House of Representatives based on one representative for at leastevery 250,000 residents will be negated because the ARMM Regional Assembly need not comply with therequirement in Section 461(a)(ii) of RA 7160 that every province created must have a population of at least250,000; and

    (3) Representatives from the ARMM provinces can become the majority in the House of Representativesthrough the ARMM Regional Assembly's continuous creation of provinces or cities within the ARMM.The following exchange during the oral arguments of the petition in G.R. No. 177597 highlights theabsurdity of Sema's position that the ARMM Regional Assembly can create provinces:Justice Carpio:

    So, you mean to say [a] Local Government can create legislative district[s] and pack Congress withtheir own representatives [?]

    Atty. Vistan II:[35]

    Yes, Your Honor, because the Constitution allows that.

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    Justice Carpio:

    So, [the] Regional Assembly of [the] ARMM can create and create x x x provinces x x x and,therefore, they can have thirty-five (35) new representatives in the House of Representatives withoutCongress agreeing to it, is that what you are saying? That can be done, under your theory[?]

    Atty. Vistan II:

    Yes, Your Honor, under the correct factual circumstances.

    Justice Carpio:

    Under your theory, the ARMM legislature can create thirty-five (35) new provinces, there may be xx x [only] one hundred thousand (100,000) [population], x x x, and they will each have onerepresentative x x x to Congress without any national law, is that what you are saying?

    Atty. Vistan II:

    Without law passed by Congress, yes, Your Honor, that is what we are saying.

    x x x x

    Justice Carpio:

    So, they can also create one thousand (1000) new provinces, sen[d] one thousand (1000)

    representatives to the House of Representatives without a national law[,] that is legally

    possible, correct?

    Atty. Vistan II:

    Yes, Your Honor.[36] (Emphasis supplied)Neither the framers of the 1987 Constitution in adopting the provisions in Article X on regional autonomy,[37] nor Congress in enacting RA 9054, envisioned or intended these disastrous consequences that certainlywould wreck the tri-branch system of government under our Constitution. Clearly, the power to create orreapportion legislative districts cannot be delegated by Congress but must be exercised by Congress itself.Even the ARMM Regional Assembly recognizes this.

    The Constitution empowered Congress to create or reapportion legislative districts, not the regionalassemblies. Section 3 of the Ordinance to the Constitution which states, "[A]ny province that mayhereafter be created x x x shall be entitled in the immediately following election to at least one Member,"refers to a province created by Congress itself through a national law. The reason is that the creation of a

    province increases the actual membership of the House of Representatives, an increase that only Congresscan decide. Incidentally, in the present 14th Congress, there are 219[38] district representatives out of themaximum 250 seats in the House of Representatives. Since party-list members shall constitute 20 percentof total membership of the House, there should at least be 50 party-list seats available in every election in

    case 50 party-list candidates are proclaimed winners. This leaves only 200 seats for district representatives,much less than the 219 incumbent district representatives. Thus, there is a need now for Congress toincrease by law the allowable membership of the House, even before Congress can create new provinces.

    It is axiomatic that organic acts of autonomous regions cannot prevail over the Constitution. Section 20,Article X of the Constitution expressly provides that the legislative powers of regional assemblies arelimited "[w]ithin its territorial jurisdiction and subject to the provisions of the Constitution andnational laws, x x x." The Preamble of the ARMM Organic Act (RA 9054) itself states that the ARMMGovernment is established "within the framework of the Constitution." This follows Section 15, Article Xof the Constitution which mandates that the ARMM "shall be created x x x within the framework of thisConstitutionand the national sovereignty as well as territorial integrity of the Republic of thePhilippines."

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    The present case involves the creation of a local government unit that necessarily involves also the creationof a legislative district. The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of the creation of municipalitiesand barangays that does not comply with the criteria established in Section 461 of RA 7160, as mandated inSection 10, Article X of the Constitution, because the creation of such municipalities and barangays doesnot involve the creation of legislative districts. We leave the resolution of this issue to an appropriate case.

    In summary, we rule that Section 19, Article VI of RA 9054, insofar as it grants to the ARMM RegionalAssembly the power to create provinces and cities, is void for being contrary to Section 5 of Article VI andSection 20 of Article X of the Constitution, as well as Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to theConstitution. Only Congress can create provinces and cities because the creation of provinces and citiesnecessarily includes the creation of legislative districts, a power only Congress can exercise under Section5, Article VI of the Constitution and Section 3 of the Ordinance appended to the Constitution. The ARMMRegional Assembly cannot create a province without a legislative district because the Constitutionmandates that every province shall have a legislative district. Moreover, the ARMM Regional Assemblycannot enact a law creating a national office like the office of a district representative of Congress becausethe legislative powers of the ARMM Regional Assembly operate only within its territorial jurisdiction as

    provided in Section 20, Article X of the Constitution. Thus, we rule that MMA Act 201, enacted by theARMM Regional Assembly and creating the Province of Shariff Kabunsuan, is void.

    Resolution No. 7902 Complies with the Constitution

    Consequently, we hold that COMELEC Resolution No. 7902, preserving the geographic and legislativedistrict of the First District of Maguindanao with Cotabato City, is valid as it merely complies with Section5 of Article VI and Section 20 of Article X of the Constitution, as well as Section 1 of the Ordinanceappended to the Constitution.

    WHEREFORE, we declare Section 19, Article VI of Republic Act No. 9054 UNCONSTITUTIONALinsofar as it grants to the Regional Assembly of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao the power tocreate provinces and cities. Thus, we declare VOID Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 201 creating theProvince of Shariff Kabunsuan. Consequently, we rule that COMELEC Resolution No. 7902 is VALID.

    Let a copy of this ruling be served on the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of



    Puno, C.J., Quisumbing, Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, Nachura, andReyes, JJ., concur.Tinga, J., please see dissenting/concurring opinion.Ynares-Santiago, Azcuna, Chico-Nazario, Leonardo-De Castro, andBrion, JJ., join thedissenting/concurring opinion of Justice Tinga.Velasco, Jr., J., no part - close relationship to a party.

    [1] In G.R. No. 177597, for the writs of certiorari, prohibition and mandamus; in G.R. No. 178628, for"declaratory relief" and for the writs of prohibition and mandamus.

    [2] The petitioner in G.R. No. 177597, Bai Sandra S. A. Sema (Sema), further seeks to compel theCOMELEC to exclude from the canvassing the votes cast in Cotabato City for representative of thelegislative district in question in the 14 May 2007 elections. On the other hand, the petitioner in G.R. No.178628, Perfecto Marquez, prays that the Court order the COMELEC to conduct a special election forrepresentative of the "First District of Maguindanao with Cotabato City."

    [3] Barira, Buldon, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, Parang, Sultan Kudarat, and Upi. The secondlegislative district is composed of 19 municipalities (Talitay, Talayan, Guindulungan, Datu SaudiAmpatuan, Datu Piang, Shariff Aguak, Datu Unsay, Mamasapano, South Upi, Ampatuan, Datu AbdullahSangki, Buluan, Datu Paglas, Gen, S.K. Pendatun, Sultan Sa Barongis, Rajah Buayan, Pagalungan,Pagagawan and Paglat).

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    [4] The enactment of the organic acts for the autonomous regions of the Cordilleras and Muslim Mindanao ismandated under Sections 18 and 19, Article X of the 1987 Constitution.

    [5] The provision reads:SECTION 19. Creation, Division or Abolition of Provinces, Cities, Municipalities or Barangay. TheRegional Assembly may create

    , divide, merge, abolish, or substantially alter boundaries ofprovinces

    ,cities, municipalities, or barangay in accordance with the criteria laid down by Republic Act No. 7160, theLocal Government Code of 1991, subject to the approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite inthe political units directly affected. The Regional Assembly may prescribe standards lower than thosemandated by Republic Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code of 1991, in the creation, division,merger, abolition, or alteration of the boundaries of provinces, cities, municipalities, or barangay.Provinces, cities, municipalities, or barangay created, divided, merged, or whose boundaries are alteredwithout observing the standards prescribed by Republic Act No. 7160, the Local Government Code of1991, shall not be entitled to any share of the taxes that are allotted to the local governments units under the

    provisions of the Code.

    The financial requirements of the provinces, cities, municipalities, or barangay so created, divided, ormerged shall be provided by the Regional Assembly out of the general funds of the Regional Government.

    The holding of a plebiscite to determine the will of the majority of the voters of the areas affected by thecreation, division, merger, or whose boundaries are being altered as required by Republic Act No. 7160, theLocal Government Code of 1991, shall, however, be observed.

    The Regional Assembly may also change the names of local government units, public places andinstitutions, and declare regional holidays. (Emphasis supplied)Before the enactment of RA 9054, the power to create provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays wasvested in Congress (for provinces, cities and municipalities) and in the sangguniang panlalawigan and

    sangguniang panlungsod(for barangays). (See Sections 384, 448, and 460 of Republic Act No. 7160 or theLocal Government Code of 1991.)

    [6] Sultan Mastura (created from Sultan Kudarat), Northern Kabuntulan (created from Kabuntulan) and DatuBlah Sinsuat (created from Upi).

    [7] The Memorandum reads in pertinent parts:The record shows the former province of Maguindanao was divided into two new provinces (ShariffKabunsuan and Maguindanao), in view of Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act (MMAA) No. 201, whichauthority was conferred to under Section 17, Article VI of Republic Act No. 9054 giving the ARMM, thruits Regional Legislative Assembly, the power to legislate laws including the enactment of the LocalGovernment Code of ARMM.

    The newly created province of Shariff Kabunsuan comprises the municipalities of Barira, Buldon, DatuOdin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan, Matanog, Parang, Sultan Kudarat, Sultan Mastura, Upi and Datu Blah, includingCotabato City [which] belongs to the first district of Maguindanao province.

    It must be emphasized that Cotabato City is not included as part of ARMM although geographically located

    within the first district of the former Maguindanao province. Cotabato City is not voting for provincialofficials. This is the reason why Cotabato City was not specifically mentioned as part of the newly createdprovince of Shariff Kabunsuan.

    Geographically speaking since [sic] Cotabato City is located within the newly created province of ShariffKabunsuan having been bounded by municipalities of Sultan Kudarat, Datu Odin Sinsuat and Kabuntalanas its nearest neighbors. Following the rule in establishing legislative district, it shall comprise, as far as

    practicable, contiguous, compact and adjacent territory.

    However, legally speaking, it may arise question of legality [sic] if Cotabato City will be appended as partof the newly created Shariff Kabunsuan province. Under our Constitution [it is] only Congress that shallmake a reapportionment of legislative districts based on the standards provided for under Section 5(1) of

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    Article VI.

    x x x x

    In order to avoid controversy on the matter, pending the enactment of appropriate law by Congress, itwould be prudent and logically feasible to maintain status quo with Cotabato City as part of Shariff

    Kabunsuan in the first district of Maguindanao.[8] Resolution No. 7845 pertinently provides:WHEREAS,the Province of Maguindanao consists of two legislative districts, with Cotabato City as partof the first legislative district.

    WHEREAS, Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 201 provided for the creation of the new Province ofShariff Kabunsuan comprising the municipalities of Barira, Buldon, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Kabuntalan,Matanog, Parang, Sultan Kudarat, Sultan Mastura and Upi, all of the first legislative district of the motherProvince of Maguindanao, except Cotabato City which is not part of the Autonomous Region in MuslimMindanao; while the remaining municipalities of Talisay, Talayan, Guindulungan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan,Datu Piang, Shariff Aguak, Datu Unsay, Mamasapano, South Upi, Ampatuan, Datu Abdullah Sangki,Buluan, Datu Paglas, Gen. S. K. Pendatun, Sultan Sa Barongis, Rajah Buayan, Pagalungan, Pagagawan,and Paglat, all of the second legislative district of the mother Province of Maguindanao, shall remain withsaid province;

    WHEREAS, the last paragraph of Section 5 of Muslim Mindanao Autonomy (MMA) Act No. 201 providesthat "(e)xcept as may be provided by national law, the existing legislative district, which includes CotabatoCity as a part thereof, shall remain.";

    WHEREAS, by reason of said provision of MMA Act No. 201, the first legislative district of the

    Province of Maguindanao is now made up of Cotabato City only, and its second legislative district,

    the municipalities of Talisay, Talayan, Guindulungan, Datu Saudi Ampatuan, Datu Piang, Shariff

    Aguak, Datu Unsay, Mamasapano, South Upi, Ampatuan, Datu Abdullah Sangki, Buluan, Datu

    Paglas, Gen. S. K. Pendatun, Sultan Sa Barongis, Rajah Buayan, Pagalungan, Pagagawan, and

    Paglat[.] (Emphasis supplied)In the earlier Resolution No. 7801, dated 11 January 2007, the COMELEC allocated one legislative seateach for the provinces of Maguindanao and Shariff Kabunsuan for the 14 May 2007 elections.

    [9] Resolution No. 7902 reads in full:This pertains to the amendment of Minute Resolution No. 07-0407 dated March 6, 2007, entitled, "INTHE MATTER OF THE MEMORANDUM OF ATTY. WYNNE B. ASDALA, ACTING DIRECTORIII, LAW DEPARTMENT, RELATIVE TO THE STUDY/RECOMMENDATION OF SAIDDEPARTMENT RE: CONVERSION OF THE FIRST DISTRICT OF MAGUINDANAO INTO AREGULAR PROVINCE PER MINUTE RESOLUTION NO. 07-0297 DATED FEBRUARY 20, 2007".The dispositive portion of which reads:"Considering the foregoing, the Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to adopt therecommendation of the Law Department that pending the enactment of the appropriate law by Congress, tomaintain status quo with Cotabato City as part of Shariff Kabunsuan in the First District of Maguindanao."The Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, to amend the pertinent portion of MinuteResolution No. 07-0407 to now read, as follows[:]

    ["]Considering the foregoing, the Commission RESOLVED, as it hereby RESOLVES, that the districtshall be known as Shariff Kabunsuan Province with Cotabato City (formerly First District ofMaguindanao with Cotabato City)."Let the Executive Director advise the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Cotabato City accordingly. (Emphasisin the original)[10] "Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacentterritory. Each city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand,or each province, shall have atleast one representative."

    [11] "Any province that may hereafter be created, or any city whose population may hereafter increase tomore than two hundred fifty thousand shall be entitled in the immediately following election to at least oneMember or such number of Members as it may be entitled to on the basis of the number of its inhabitants

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    and according to the standards set forth in paragraph (3), Section 5 of Article VI of the Constitution. Thenumber of Members apportioned to the province out of which such new province was created or where thecity, whose population has so increased, is geographically located shall be correspondingly adjusted by theCommission on Elections but such adjustment shall not be made within one hundred and twenty days

    before the election."


    Consistent with her claim that Cotabato City is not part of Shariff Kabunsuan's legislative district,petitioner filed with the COMELEC a petition for the disqualification of respondent Dilangalen ascandidate for representative of that province (docketed as SPA No. A07-0).

    [13] Respondent Dilangalen asserts, and petitioner does not dispute, that as of 2000, Cotabato City had apopulation of 163,849, falling short of the minimum population requirement in Section 5 (3), Article VI ofthe Constitution which provides: "Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, contiguous,compact, and adjacent territory. Each city with a population of at least two hundred fifty thousand, oreach province, shall have at least one representative." (Emphasis supplied)

    [14] 124 Phil. 1226 (1966).

    [15] As provided in the Resolution of 16 October 2007.

    [16] The Court also required Sema to submit with her Memorandum the certifications from the Departmentof Finance, the Lands Management Bureau, the National Statistics Office, and the Department of Interiorand Local Government that at the time of the creation of Shariff Kabunsuan on 28 August 2006 it met therequisites for the creation of a province under Section 461 of RA 7160.

    [17] "SEC. 6.Authority to Create Local Government Units. - A local government unit may be created,divided, merged, abolished, or its boundaries substantially altered either by law enacted by Congress in thecase of a province, city or municipality, or any other political subdivision, or by ordinance passed by thesangguniang panlalawigan or sangguniang panlungsod concerned in the case of a barangay located withinits territorial jurisdiction, subject to such limitations and requirements prescribed in this Code."

    [18] "SECTION 10. No province, city, municipality, or barangay may be created, divided, merged, abolished,or its boundary substantially altered, except in accordance with the criteria established in the Local

    Government Code and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the politicalunits directly affected."

    [19]Rollo, p. 229.

    [20] "SECTION 6. Local government units shall have a just share, as determined by law, in the nationaltaxes which shall be automatically released to them."

    [21] Section 1, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

    [22] Section 3, Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

    [23] See, however, Macabago v. Commission on Elections (440 Phil. 683 [2002]) where the Court held that a

    petition for certiorari under Rule 65 will lie to question the constitutionality of an election regulation if theCOMELEC has acted capriciously or whimsically, with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack orexcess of jurisdiction.

    [24] Social Weather Stations, Inc. v. COMELEC, 409 Phil. 571 (2001); Mutuc v. Commission on Elections,G.R. No. L-32717, 26 November 1970, 36 SCRA 228.

    [25] Sections 385 and 386, RA 7160.

    [26] Sections 441, 449 and 460, RA 7160.

    [27] Section 20, Article X, Constitution.

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    [28] See Section 2, Article VIII of the 1973 Constitution and Section 5, Article VI of the 1935 Constitution.

    [29] 312 Phil. 492, 501 (1995).

    [30] Section 48 of Republic Act No. 8507 (Charter of Paraaque City) provides:

    Section 48. Legislative District. As a highly-urbanized city, the City of Paraaque shall have its ownlegislative district with the first representative to be elected in the next national election after the passageof this Act. (Emphasis supplied)Section 50 of Republic Act No. 7839 (Charter of City of Pasig) provides:Section 50. Legislative District. As highly urbanized, the City of Pasig shall have its own legislativedistrict with the first representative to be elected in the next national elections after the passage of thisAct. (Emphasis supplied)Section 58 of Republic Act No. RA 9230 provides:Section 58. Representative District. The City of San Jose del Monte shall have its own representativedistrict to commence in the next national election after the effectivity of this Act. (Emphasis supplied)Section 7 of Republic Act No. 9355 provides:Section 7. Legislative District. The Province of Dinagat Islands shall constitute one, separate legislativedistrict to commence in the next national election after the effectivity of this Act. (Emphasis supplied)[31] In his Concurring Opinion inParas v. Commission on Elections (332 Phil. 56, 66 [1996]), thenAssociate Justice (later Chief Justice) Hilario G. Davide, Jr. stated:The term "regular local election" must be confined to the regular election of elective local officials, asdistinguished from the regular election of national officials. The elective national officials are thePresident, Vice-President, Senators and Congressmen. The elective local officials are ProvincialGovernors, Vice-Governors of provinces, Mayors and Vice-Mayors of cities and municipalities, Membersof the Sanggunians of provinces, cities and municipalities, punong barangays and members of thesangguniang barangays, and the elective regional officials of the Autonomous Region of MuslimMindanao. These are the only local elective officials deemed recognized by Section 2(2) of Article IX-C ofthe Constitution, which provides:

    SEC. 2. The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers and functions:x x x x

    (2) Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests relating to the elections, returns, andqualifications of all elective regional, provincial, and city officials, and appellate jurisdiction over allcontests involving elective municipal officials decided by trial courts of general jurisdiction, or involvingelective barangay officials decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction. (Emphasis supplied)[32] Supra note 13 at 1235-1236.

    [33] See note 3.

    [34] Section 461 provides: "Requisites for Creation. (a) A province may be created if it has an averageannual income, as certified by the Department of Finance, of not less than Twenty million pesos(P20,000,000.00) based on 1991 constant prices and either of the following requisites:

    (i) a contiguous territory of at least two thousand (2,000) square kilometers, as certified by the Lands

    Management Bureau; or

    (ii) a population of not less than two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) inhabitants as certified by theNational Statistics Office: Provided, That, the creation thereof shall not reduce the land area, population,and income of the original unit or units at the time of said creation to less than the minimum requirements

    prescribed herein.

    (b) The territory need not be contiguous if it comprise two (2) or more islands or is separated by achartered city or cities which do not contribute to the income of the province.

    (c) The average annual income shall include the income accruing to the general fund, exclusive of specialfunds, trust funds, transfers and non-recurring income."

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    [35] Atty. Edgardo Carlos B. Vistan II, counsel for petitioner in G.R. No. 177597.

    [36] TSN (27 November 2007), pp. 64-69.

    [37] Unlike the 1935 and the 1973 Constitutions, the 1987 Constitution mandates, in Section 15, Article X,

    the creation of autonomous regions in the Cordilleras and Muslim Mindanao to foster political autonomy.See Cordillera Broad Coalition v. Commission on Audit, G.R. No. 79956, 29 January 1990, 181 SCRA495.

    [38] Website of House of Representatives as of 12 May 2008.


    (Dissenting and Concurring)


    I agree that the petitions should be denied, but on a wholly different basis from that offered by the majority.I cannot accede to the majority's conclusion, burnished by reasoning most strained, that the RegionalAssembly of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (Regional Assembly) should be deprived of the

    power delegated to it by Congress to create provinces. With this ruling, the Court has dealt another severeblow to the cause of local autonomy.

    Our Constitution, in reflection of the sovereign wisdom of the people, has prescribed local government ruleas a tool for national development and welfare. The majority is unfortunately unmindful of theseconsiderations. The Regional Assembly and the government of the Autonomous Region of MuslimMindanao exercised constituent functions in establishing the province of Shariff Kabunsuan and providingfor its local government. The majority did not bother to hear their side in these petitions, which after all,never put in issue the constitutionality of the creation of the province. The people of Shariff Kabunsuan, bysovereign desire and constitutional design, ratified through a plebiscite the province named in honor of therevered figure who introduced Islam to Central Mindanao. The majority has annihilated the province withnary a word of comfort or concern for its citizens. Sadly, there will be no shelter for the Court from theimpact of this decision, which unduly stretches the Constitution to deny the will of the duly electedmembers of the Regional Assembly, that of the constituents they represent, and most of all, that of the

    people of Shariff Kabunsuan.


    We are dealing with two consolidated petitions which essentially raise the same arguments, but werebrought forth by two different parties laboring under different circumstances. The petitioner in G.R. No.177597, Bai Sandra S.A. Sema, a congressional candidate in the 2007 legislative elections who posits thatthe newly-created province of Shariff Kabunsuan is entitled to its own exclusive legislative district. The

    petitioner in G.R. No. 178628, Perfecto F. Marquez, suing in his capacity as a taxpayer and a resident ofCotabato City,[1] argues that with the creation of Shariff Kabunsuan, his home city cannot be conjoined with

    Shariff Kabunsuan to create just one legislative district for both territories.

    As narrated by the majority,[2] four (4) days prior to the 14 May 2007 elections, respondent Commission onElections (COMELEC) promulgated Resolution No. 7902, whereby it resolved to maintain the compositionof what had been the First District of Maguindanao, composed of Cotabato City, a chartered city, andseveral other municipalities, even though these municipalities formerly belonging to Maguindanao havesince been constituted as part of the province of Shariff Kabunsuan, which was created by the RegionalAssembly by virtue of Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 201 in August of 2006.

    Both petitioners challenge the notion of fusing Cotabato City, which is not a part of ARMM, with theARMM municipalities which now constitute the new province of Shariff Kabunsuan, into one legislativedistrict. To resolve that question on the merits, it is inevitable that the Court examine the validity of the

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    In sum, Marquez's petition should be dismissed outright for having been filed out of time, for lack of causeof action, and for not impleading a real party-in-interest.


    One might argue that it is imperative for the Court to resolve the substantive issues, since the situation may

    emerge again. However, the exception in exercising judicial review if the case is capable of repetition yetevading review applies only if the case is "moot and academic,"[7] and not when the petitioners lack therequisite standing, have no cause of action, and have failed to join a proper party, which is the case here. Inaddition, it is entirely possible that between now and the next elections, either Congress or the RegionalAssembly would pass new legislation concerning the composition or status of Shariff Kabunsuan, therebychanging the legal complexion and factual milieu of the situation. If that occurs, the questions that will befacing the Court then should a challenge be mounted may very well be different from those currently

    befacing us.

    However, it is apparent that theponente wishes to settle these cases on the merits. In doing so, he framestwo issues-whether Congress can delegate to the Regional Assembly the power to create provinces; andwhether the Regional Assembly has the power to create legislative districts. However, with due respect, themajority's discussion makes quite an easy leap when it abruptly fuses these two issues. Worse, the majorityfails to take into account certain fundamental constitutional principles which have immense bearing inthese cases. The resulting analysis is incomplete and uninformed of the full constitutional milieu underwhich these petitions should be resolved.

    My own framework firstly considers two important principles which underlie the issues presented beforeus-the rule on delegation of powers, and the constitutionally-ordained paradigms of local government andlocal autonomy. Without the influence of these principles, any resulting analysis of the two issues cast bythe majoritywill be atomistic in nature.


    The laws we are presently impelled to interpret involve multiple instances of Congress delegating power tothe Regional Assembly. Explicity, Rep. Act No. 9054 delegates to the Regional Assembly the power tocreate provinces and other local government units, though subject to certain specified limitations. The

    majority likewise asserts that through that mechanism, Congress has also delegated to the RegionalAssembly the power to create legislative districts.

    The fundamental principles on delegation of powers bear review.

    The Constitution expressly vests legislative power in the Congress of the Philippines, consisting of a Senateand a House of Representatives.[8] Traditionally, the delegation of Congress of its legislative powers had

    been frowned upon. "A logical corollary to the doctrine of separation of powers is the principle of non-delegation of powers, as expressed in the Latin maximpotestas delegata non delegare potest(what has

    been delegated cannot be delegated). This is based on the ethical principle that such delegated powerconstitutes not only a right but a duty to be performed by the delegate through the instrumentality of hisown judgment and not through the intervening mind of another."[9]

    However, the strict application of the non-delegation doctrine has, in recent times, been relaxed, if notminimized altogether, particularly in the context of regulatory jurisdiction of administrative agencies. Inevery industrialized nation, administrative agencies, which are generally part of the executive branch, have

    been granted considerable lawmaking power. [10] "Given the volume and variety of interactions in today'ssociety, it is doubtful if the legislature can promulgate laws that will deal adequately with and respond

    promptly to the minutiae of everyday life. Hence, the need to delegate to administrative bodiestheprincipal agencies tasked to execute laws in their specialized fieldsthe authority to promulgate rules andregulations to implement a given statute and effectuate its policies."[11]

    In the context of delegation of legislative powers to local governments, a noted authority on the subject hasthis to say:

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    special status within Philippine laws. While they are classified as statutes, the Organic Acts are more thanordinary statutes because they enjoy affirmation by a plebiscite, and thus could not be amended by ordinarystatutes without any plebiscite.[23]

    InDisomangcop v. Datumanong, [24] the Court explained at length the vital constitutional purposes of localautonomy:

    xxx According to Commissioner Jose Nolledo, Chairman of the Committee which drafted the provisions, it"is an indictment against the status quo of a unitary system that, to my mind, has ineluctably tied the handsof progress in our country . . . our varying regional characteristics are factors to capitalize on to attainnational strength through decentralization."

    The idea behind the Constitutional provisions for autonomous regions is to allow the separate developmentof peoples with distinctive cultures and traditions. These cultures, as a matter of right, must be allowed toflourish.


    Several commissioners echoed the pervasive sentiment in the plenary sessions in their own inimitable way.Thus, Commissioner Bias Ople referred to the recognition that the Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras"do not belong to the dominant national community" as the justification for conferring on them a "measureof legal self-sufficiency, meaning self-government, so that they will flourish politically, economically andculturally," with the hope that after achieving parity with the rest of the country they would "give up theirown autonomous region in favor of joining the national mainstream." For his part, the Muslim delegate,Commissioner Ahmad Alonto, spoke of the diversity of cultures as the framework for nation-building.Finally, excerpts of the poignant plea of Commissioner Ponciano Bennagen deserve to be quoted verbatim:. . . They see regional autonomy as the answer to their centuries of struggle against oppression andexploitation. For so long, their names and identities have been debased. Their ancestral lands have beenransacked for their treasures, for their wealth. Their cultures have been defiled, their very lives threatened,and worse, extinguished, all in the name of national development; all in the name of public interest; all inthe name of common good; all in the name of the right to property; all in the name of Regalian Doctrine; allin the name of national security. These phrases have meant nothing to our indigenous communities, exceptfor the violation of their human rights.

    xxx xxx xxx

    Honorable Commissioners, we wish to impress upon you the gravity of the decision to be made by everysingle one of us in this Commission. We have the overwhelming support of the Bangsa Moro and theCordillera Constitution. By this we mean meaningful and authentic regional autonomy. We propose that wehave a separate Article on the autonomous regions for the Bangsa Moro and Cordillera people clearlyspelled out in this Constitution, instead of prolonging the agony of their vigil and their struggle. This, too isa plea for national peace. Let us not pass the buck to the Congress to decide on this. Let us not wash ourhands of our responsibility to attain national unity and peace and to settle this problem and rectify pastinjustices, once and for all.The need for regional autonomy is more pressing in the case of the Filipino Muslims and the Cordillera

    people who have been fighting for it. Their political struggle highlights their unique cultures and theunresponsiveness of the unitary system to their aspirations. The Moros' struggle for self-determination

    dates as far back as the Spanish conquest in the Philippines. Even at present, the struggle goes on.

    Perforce, regional autonomy is also a means towards solving existing serious peace and order problems andsecessionist movements. Parenthetically, autonomy, decentralization and regionalization, in internationallaw, have become politically acceptable answers to intractable problems of nationalism, separatism, ethnicconflict and threat of secession.[25]

    Petitioner Sema points out that among the terms in the Final Peace Agreement between the PhilippineGovernment and the Moro National Liberation Front was that amendments be introduced to the originalOrganic Act, including one which authorized the Assembly to "create, divide, merge, abolish orsubstantially alter boundaries of local government units in the area of autonomy in accordance with thecriteria laid down by law subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite called for the

    purpose in the political units affected."[26] Indeed, it could hardly be argued that the challenged power of the

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    Assembly was animated by nakedly selfish political purposes. It was, in fact, among the terms negotiatedwith care by the Philippine Government with the leading armed insurgency group in Muslim Mindanaotowards the higher purpose of providing a permanent peace agreement in the strife-torn region. It doescome with a measure of surprise and disappointment that the Solicitor General has reached a position thatrejects the Final Peace Agreement negotiated by the Government and the MNLF.

    Disomangcop further crystallizes the interplay between regional autonomy and national sovereignty, to theextent that the former is accommodated under the latter.Regional autonomy is the degree of self-determination exercised by the local government unit vis- -visthe central government.

    In international law, the right to self-determination need not be understood as a right to political separation,but rather as a complex net of legal-political relations between a certain people and the state authorities. Itensures the right of peoples to the necessary level of autonomy that would guarantee the support of theirown cultural identity, the establishment of priorities by the community's internal decision-making processesand the management of collective matters by themselves.

    If self-determination is viewed as an end in itself reflecting a preference for homogeneous, independentnation-states, it is incapable of universal application without massive disruption. However, if self-determination is viewed as a means to an end that end being a democratic, participatory political andeconomic system in which the rights of individuals and the identity of minority communities are protected its continuing validity is more easily perceived.

    Regional autonomy refers to the granting of basic internal government powers to the people of a particulararea or region with least control and supervision from the central government.

    The objective of the autonomy system is to permit determined groups, with a common tradition and sharedsocial-cultural characteristics, to develop freely their ways of life and heritage, exercise their rights, and bein charge of their own business. This is achieved through the establishment of a special governance regimefor certain member communities who choose their own authorities from within the community and exercisethe jurisdictional authority legally accorded to them to decide internal community affairs.

    In the Philippine setting, regional autonomy implies the cultivation of more positive means for national

    integration. It would remove the wariness among the Muslims, increase their trust in the government andpave the way for the unhampered implementation of the development programs in the region. Again, evena glimpse of the deliberations of the Constitutional Commission could lend a sense of the urgency and theinexorable appeal of true decentralization:MR. OPLE. . . . We are writing a Constitution, of course, for generations to come, not only for the present

    but for our posterity. There is no harm in recognizing certain vital pragmatic needs for national peace andsolidarity, and the writing of this Constitution just happens at a time when it is possible for thisCommission to help the cause of peace and reconciliation in Mindanao and the Cordilleras, by takingadvantage of a heaven-sent opportunity. . . .

    xxx xxx xxx

    MR. ABUBAKAR. . . . So in order to foreclose and convince the rest of the of the Philippines that

    Mindanao autonomy will be granted to them as soon as possible, more or less, to dissuade these armed menfrom going outside while Mindanao will be under the control of the national government, let us establish anautonomous Mindanao within our effort and capacity to do so within the shortest possible time. This will

    be an answer to the Misuari clamor, not only for autonomy but for independence.

    xxx xxx xxx

    MR. OPLE. . . . The reason for this abbreviation of the period for the consideration of the Congress of theorganic acts and their passage is that we live in abnormal times. In the case of Muslim Mindanao and theCordilleras, we know that we deal with questions of war and peace. These are momentous issues in whichthe territorial integrity and the solidarity of this country are being put at stake, in a manner of speaking.

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    We are writing a peace Constitution. We hope that the Article on Social Justice can contribute to a climateof peace so that any civil strife in the countryside can be more quickly and more justly resolved. We are

    providing for autonomous regions so that we give constitutional permanence to the just demands andgrievances of our own fellow countrymen in the Cordilleras and in Mindanao. One hundred thousand liveswere lost in that struggle in Mindanao, and to this day, the Cordilleras is being shaken by an armed struggleas well as a peaceful and militant struggle.

    xxx xxx xxx

    Rather than give opportunity to foreign bodies, no matter how sympathetic to the Philippines, to contributeto the settlement of this issue, I think the Constitutional Commission ought not to forego the opportunity to

    put the stamp of this Commission through definitive action on the settlement of the problems that havenagged us and our forefathers for so long.[27]

    A necessary prerequisite of autonomy is decentralization, which typically involves delegated powerwherein a larger government chooses to delegate certain authority to more local governments.[28]

    Decentralization of power involves an abdication of political power in the favor of local government unitsdeclared to be autonomous, which are free to chart their own destiny and shape their future with minimumintervention from central authorities.[29] What the Constitution contemplated with respect to the ARMMwas political autonomy. As explained by Justice Cortes for the Court:It must be clarified that the constitutional guarantee of local autonomy in the Constitution [Art. X, sec. 2]refers to the administrative autonomy of local government units or, cast in more technical language, thedecentralization of government authority [Villegas v. Subido, G.R. No. L-31004, January 8, 1971, 37SCRA 1]. Local autonomy is not unique to the 1987 Constitution, it being guaranteed also under the 1973Constitution [Art. II, sec. 10]. And while there was no express guarantee under the 1935 Constitution, theCongress enacted the Local Autonomy Act (R.A. No. 2264) and the Decentralization Act (R.A. No. 5185),which ushered the irreversible march towards further enlargement of local autonomy in the country[Villegas v. Subido, supra.]

    On the other hand, the creation of autonomous regions in Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras,

    which is peculiar to the 1987 Constitution, contemplates the grant of political autonomy and not just

    administrative autonomy to these regions. Thus, the provision in the Constitution for an autonomousregional government with a basic structure consisting of an executive department and a legislativeassembly and special courts with personal, family and property law jurisdiction in each of the autonomous

    regions [Art. X, sec. 18].[30]Disomangcop further elaborates on the import of political autonomy as it relates to the ARMM:[B]y regional autonomy, the framers intended it to mean "meaningful and authentic regional autonomy." Asarticulated by a Muslim author, substantial and meaningful autonomy is "the kind of local self-governmentwhich allows the people of the region or area the power to determine what is best for their growth anddevelopment without undue interference or dictation from the central government."

    To this end, Section 16, Article X limits the power of the President over autonomous regions. In essence,the provision also curtails the power of Congress over autonomous regions. Consequently, Congress willhave to re-examine national laws and make sure that they reflect the Constitution's adherence to localautonomy. And in case of conflicts, the underlying spirit which should guide its resolution is theConstitution's desire for genuine local autonomy.

    The diminution of Congress' powers over autonomous regions was confirmed in Ganzon v. Court ofAppeals[[31]],wherein this Court held that "the omission (of "as may be provided by law") signifies nothingmore than to underscore local governments' autonomy from Congress and to break Congress' 'control' overlocal government affairs."[32]

    Unfortunately, the majoritygives short shrift to the considerations of local autonomy, even as suchparadigm partakes of a constitutional mandate. If anything, these provisions should dissuade against areflexive dismissal of the provisions of the Organic Acts. It should be emphasized that local autonomycannot be in denigration of the Constitution. It is repeatedly emphasized within Article X that the grant oflocal autonomy and the subsequent exercise of powers by the autonomous government must remain withinthe confines of the Constitution. At the same time, if there is no constitutional bar against the exercise ofthe powers of government by the autonomous government in Muslim Mindanao, particularly by theRegional Assembly, then there is no basis to thwart the constitutional design by denying such powers to

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    that body.

    Having laid down the essential constitutional predicates, I shall proceed to dwell on the core issues raised.May Congress delegate to the Regional Assembly the power to create provinces? Assuming that suchdelegation is not barred by the Constitution, may the exercise of such power by the Regional Assemblygive rise to separate legislative districts for such provinces thus created?


    There should be little debate on the origins of the power to create provinces, which had existed as apolitical unit in the Philippines since the Spanish colonial period, and which all our Constitutions haverecognized as a basic level of local governments. Ever since the emergence of our tripartite system ofdemocratic government, the power to create provinces have always been legislative in character. They arecreated by the people through their representatives in Congress, subject to direct affirmation by the very

    people who stand to become the constituents of the new putative province.

    May such power be delegated by Congress to a local legislative body such as the Regional Assembly?

    Certainly, nothing in the Constitution bars Congress from doing so. In fact, considering the

    constitutional mandate of local autonomy for Muslim Mindanao, it can be said that such delegation is

    in furtherance of the constitutional design.

    The only constitutional provision that concerns with the creation of provinces is Section 10, Article X,which reads:Section 10. No province, city, municipality or barangay may be created, divided, merged, abolished, or its

    boundary substantially altered, except in accordance with the criteria established in the local governmentcode and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political units directlyaffected.

    Nothing in this provision specifically limits the power to create provinces, cities, municipalities orbarangays to Congress alone. The provision does embody a significant limitation - that the creation of thesepolitical subdivisions must be in accordance with the criteria established in the local government code, alaw which is enacted by Congress. It would thus be proper to say that the Constitution limits the ability toset forth the standards for the creation of a province exclusively to Congress. But to say that theConstitution confines to Congress alone the power to establish the criteria for creating provinces is vastly

    different from saying that the Constitution confines to Congress alone the power to create provinces. Thereis nothing in the Constitution that supports the latter proposition.

    Section 10, Article X does not specifically designate Congress as the body with the power to createprovinces. As earlier stated, the power to create these political subdivisions is part of the plenary legislativepower, hence such power can be exercised by Congress even without need of specific constitutionalassignation. At the same time, the absence of constitutional language committing Congress with thefunction of creating political subdivisions ultimately denotes that such legislative function may bedelegated by Congress.

    In fact, the majority actually concedes that Congress, under its plenary legislative powers, "can delegate tolocal legislative bodies the power to create local government units, subject to reasonable standards and

    provided no conflict arises with any provision of the Constitution."[33] As is pointed out, such delegation is

    operationalized by the LGC itself, which confers to provincial boards and city and municipal councils, thegeneral power to create barangays within their respective jurisdictions. The Constitution does not confinethe exercise of such powers only to the national legislature, and indeed if that were the case, the power tocreate barangays as granted by the LGC to local legislative bodies would be unconstitutional

    Traditionally, it has been the national legislature which has exercised the power to create provinces.However, the 1987 Constitution ushered in a new era in devolved local government rule, and particularly, aregime of local autonomy for Muslim Mindanao and the Cordilleras. We recognized inDisomangcop v.

    Datumanong, thus:Autonomy, as a national policy, recognizes the wholeness of the Philippine society in its ethnolinguistic,cultural, and even religious diversities. It strives to free Philippine society of the strain and wastage caused

    by the assimilationist approach. Policies emanating from the legislature are invariably assimilationist in

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    character despite channels being open for minority representation. As a result, democracy becomes