1 sam 17 myan

David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17 March 27, 2011 Pastor Richard Concklin

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David and Goliath

1 Samuel 17

March 27, 2011

Pastor Richard Concklin

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• Story of David and Goliath. It is a storywhere normal life was shattered bringing

fear and despair

• --Then one person came forward and

everything changed.

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• Introduction to David (Verses 12-20a)

• What do we know? 8th son, supplyperson, messenger, shepherd

• Nothing special here.

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• David sees the problem and himself 

Differently (Verses 20b-30)

• vs. 26 David has a different view of what’s happening.

• “Who is this uncircumcised Philistinethat he should defy the armies of theliving God?” 

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• David sees the problem and himself 

Differently (Verses 20b-30)• ၂၆ဒါဝဒကလညး၊ ထဖလတလကသတ၍

ဣေသရလအမ းခ ေသာအရကြကျခငးကပယရငးေသာသသည 

အဘယအကးက ရလမ မညနညး။အသကရငေတာမေသာ ဘရားသခင၏ ဗလေျခတ‹က ၾကမးပရမညေအၾကာငး၊ ေအရဖားလးျခငး ကမခေသာ

ထဖလတလသည အဘယသေသာ သျဖစသနညးဟ မမအနားမာရေသာ သတ‹အား ေမးျမနးလင ၊ 

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• David sees the problem and himself 

Differently (Verses 20b-30)

• vs. 28. He has a different view of 


၂၈ထသတႏင ဒါဝဒေျပာသညက အစကၾကးဧလာဘၾကားလင ဒါဝဒက အမက ြထက၍သငသညအဘယေၾကာင ဤအရပသ‹ လာသနညး၊ထနညးေသာ သးတ‹က ေတာြတင အဘယသလက၌အပခသနညး။ သငမာနၾကးျခငး၊သငစတႏလးဆးညစျခငးက ငါသ၏။စစြပကၾကညရႈျခငးငါသာ လာၿပဟဆ၏။ 

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• Source of David’s confidence (Verses31-39)

• 1. David’s confidence was based onwhat he knew of God and his track record with Him.

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• vs. 37 “The Lord who delivered mefrom the paw of the lion and the paw

of the bear will deliver me from thehand of this Philistine” 

• ၃၇ျေခသၤလက၊ ဝလကမ ကြၽနေတာက ကယႏႈတေတာမေသာ ထာဝရဘရားသည၊ထဖလတလလကမ ကယႏႈတေတာ မလမမညဟ 

ေရာလအား ေလာကေေလသာ၊ ေရာလကသားေလာ၊ထာဝရဘရားသည သငႏငအတရေတာ မပါေေစသာဟ ဒါဝဒအားဆေလ၏။ 

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• Where did David get his perspective?Scripture.

• Psalm 23 The lord is my shepherd I

shall not want . . . Your rod and


• ၁။ ထာဝရဘရားသည ငါ၏သးထနးျဖစေတာမ၏၊၊ ငါသည ဆငးရမခရ၊ . . .

ကယေတာသည အြကၽႏပႏင အတရေတာ မသညျဖစ၍ လတေတာႏင ေတာငးေဝးေတာသည အြကၽႏပက 

ခမ းသာေစပါ၏၊၊

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• Psalm 1, Blessed is the man that walks not in thecounsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the mockers, but hisdelight is in the Law of the Lord and in His law hemeditates day and night.

• ဆာလကမ း၊၊

၁။မတရားေသာသတ၏ တကြတနးျခငးသ မလက၊၊၂။လဆးတ၏ လမးြတငမရပေမန၊ မထမျမင ျပေသာသတ၏ အစညးေအဝး၌ မထင၊ ထာဝရဘရား၏တရားေတာ၌ ေြမ႔ေလာ၍ တရားေတာက 

ေန႔ညဥမျပတဆငျခင ေအာကေမေသာသသည မဂၤလာရ၏၊၊

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• David was saturated with theScripture & had experienced lesser


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• David was saturated with theScripture & had experienced lesser


• Our most crushing failures are notdue to lack of this world’s resources,

they are due to a lack of knowledgeof God and His word.

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• David was saturated with theScripture & had experienced lesser


• Our most crushing failures are notdue to lack of this world’s resources,

they are due to a lack of knowledgeof God and His word.

• Best preparation for your future:

reflection and personal application of God’s word

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• How he prepares for the fight

• How he wins the battle

• We’ll see all of this next week!

• (Reading ahead is all right.)

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• Review of events so far.

• Goliath calling for someone to fighthim.

• David has come forward.

– He has a different view of the situation

– He has a different view of himself 

– (Both because he knows the God of theBible)

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• 2. Note that Saul’s armor is not right eventhought it is the best available. David—

does what he knows & has tested

• 38 Then Saul dressed David in his

own tunic. He put a coat of armor onhim and a bronze helmet on his head.

• ၃၈။ေရာလသညလညး ဒါဝဒက မမအဝတႏင ဝတေစသျဖင၊ သ၏ ေခါငးေပၚမာေၾကးဝါးေခမာကတလး ကတင၍သခပအကၤကလညး ဝတေစ၏။

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• God has gifted you and prepared youfor everything that you will have to

handle. Develop that giftedness.

• Find and develop the gifts and

abilities that God has placed withinyou. “Be all that you can be” 

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• Gooooooal! Score!

• Touchdown Wisconsin!

• It’s up, up, it’s out of here!

• (Verses 40-50)

• Davids view: God is watching, Hisreputation is on the line. He will act.

David painted the battle as ademonstration of the power of hisGod. Verses 45-47

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• ၄၅ဒါဝဒကသငသညထား၊ လ၊ ကဒနပါလကငါထသ‹လာ၏။

ငါသညသငၾကမးေပသာ ဣေသရလ ဗလေျခတ၏ဘရားသခင၊

ေကာငးကငဗလေျခအရငထာဝရဘရား၏ နာေမတာပါလက 

သငရရာသ‹လာ၏။ ၄၆ထာဝရဘရားသည သငက ငါလက၌

ေယန႔အပေတာမသျဖင၊ သငကငါသတ၍လညပငးကျဖတမည။ ဖလတဗလေျခ ေအေသကာငမားက  

ဗဃးေကာငးကငငကႏင ေတာသားရတအား 

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• ေယန‹ငါေပးမည။ ဣေသရလအမ း၌

ဘရားသခငရေတာမသညက ေျမၾကးသားေအပါငးတ‹သည 

သရၾကလမမည။ ၄၇ထာဝရ ဘရားသည ထား လအားျဖင 

ကယတငေတာမမေၾကာငးက၊ ဤပရသတေအပါငးတ‹သည 

သရၾကလမမည။ ေအၾကာငးမကား၊ ထာဝရဘရား သည စစမႈကပင၍၊ ငါတလကသ‹အပႏေတာမမညဟ 


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• Is there any place in your life whereGod’s reputation is on the line?

• Sad truth is that many people who knowus have no idea that we are Christians or

that God’s concerns mean anything to us.

• Jeremiah 9:23-24

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23 This is what the LORD says: “Let not thewise man boast of his wisdom or the

strong man boast of his strength or therich man boast of his riches,

24 but let him who boasts boast about this:that he understands and knows me, that Iam the LORD, who exercises

kindness,justice and righteousness onearth, for in these I delight,” declares theLORD

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• ၂၃ထာဝရဘရား မန႔ေတာမသညကား၊ ပညာရေသာသသည 

မမပညာ၌ မဝါၾြကားေစႏင။ ြခနအားႀကးေသာ သသည 

မမြခနအား၌ မဝါၾြကားေစႏင။ ဥစၥာရတတေသာသသည မမဥစၥာ၌ မဝါၾြကားေစႏင။

၂၄ဝါၾြကားေသာသမညသညကား၊ ငါသည ေျမႀကးေပၚမာခစသနားျခငး၊ တရားသျဖင စရငျခငး၊ ေျဖာငမတျခငးက 

ျပေသာထာဝရဘရား ျဖစေၾကာငးတညးဟေသာ၊

ငါေသဘာက သနားလည ျခငး၌သာ ဝါၾြကားေစ။ ငါသည ထအရာတ႔၌ ေြမ႔ေလာသည ဟ ထာဝရဘရား မန႔ေတာမ၏။

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• My plea would be for each of us to ask God how we can put Him in his rightful

place in our lives.– identify more clearly with Him

– get serious about developing our unique gifts

and abilities– invest quality effort to get to know and

understand His word

– really seek to view the world differently, tosee what He sees, hear what He hears, lovewhat He loves, hate what He hates