1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm...


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Page 1: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat
Page 2: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness

2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour

3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover

4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise

5. 热量 (n.) heat 14. 成功地 successfully

6. 困难 (n.) difficulty 15. 苍白 pale

7. 决定 decision 16. 油 oil

8 影响 influence /affect 17. 黑色 ( 皮肤的 ) dark

9. 需求 require 18. 皮肤 skin


Page 3: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

21. 建议 advise

22. 免费的 free

23. 或许 perhaps

24. 想法 thought

Page 4: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1. 易拼错的单词 affect sleepy ( asleep ) realize

physical college diary

represent wisdom

2. 词形变换affect (n.) peace (adj.)

strong (n.) know ( 同义词 )

difficult (n.) sad (n.)

peaceful peaceful effect effect

realizerealizestrength strength

difficulty difficulty sadness sadness

影响 V. 瞌睡的 睡着的 意识到生理的 学院 日记

代表 智慧

Page 5: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

power (adj.) wise _______(n.)

diary (pl.) relax (adj.)

decide (n.) maybe ( 同义词 )

create_________ (adj.)

3 、同义词happiness joy

strong powerful

sad unhappy

energetic lively

powerfulpowerful wisdom wisdom

diaries diaries

decision decision probably probably relaxed relaxed


Page 6: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

calm relaxed

influence affect

know realize

moods feelings

characteristics qualities

sadness unhappiness

need require

hope wish

Page 7: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1. I am always _________(1. I am always _________(worry worry ) about my ) about my parents’ health . parents’ health .

2. He is not _______ with the result. (2. He is not _______ with the result. (satisfysatisfy ) )

3. David is also ________ (3. David is also ________ (organizeorganize ) and ) and never forgets to do the things he needs to never forgets to do the things he needs to do . do .

4. Have you ever walked into a room and felt 4. Have you ever walked into a room and felt _______ (_______ (relaxrelax) ? ) ?

5. --Did you tell Millie about the news ? 5. --Did you tell Millie about the news ?

--Yes . She was really _______. (--Yes . She was really _______. (pleaseplease ))

worried worried






Page 8: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

归纳动词 归纳动词 + ed = + ed = 形容词形容词disturb---disturb---disturbed disturbed worry---worry---worriedworried

dry---dry---dried dried frighten--- frighten---frightenedfrightened

marry---marry---married married mix--- mix---mixedmixed

pollute---pollute---polluted polluted relax--- relax---relaxedrelaxed

satisfy---satisfy---satisfied satisfied surprise--- surprise--- surprisedsurprised

Page 9: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

翻译下列词组翻译下列词组1.使什么想起2.对……有好处3.感到有压力4.色彩的力量5.宁愿做……6.穿在某人身上好看7.做决定8. 太阳的颜色9. 给你一种快乐和满足10. 苍白皮肤的人们

1.使什么想起2.对……有好处3.感到有压力4.色彩的力量5.宁愿做……6.穿在某人身上好看7.做决定8. 太阳的颜色9. 给你一种快乐和满足10. 苍白皮肤的人们

remind sb. of sth. remind sb. of sth. be good forbe good forfeel stressed feel stressed the power of coloursthe power of coloursprefer to doprefer to dolook good on sb.look good on sb.make a decisionmake a decision

give you a happy and satisfied feelinggive you a happy and satisfied feeling

people with pale skinpeople with pale skin

the colour of the sunthe colour of the sun

Page 10: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

11. 使……高兴起来12. 采取行动13. 影响我们的情绪14. 为考试而学习15. 给我一些建议16. 给你带来成功17. 在试衣间18. 影响健康19. 取回你的钱20. 心情不好

11. 使……高兴起来12. 采取行动13. 影响我们的情绪14. 为考试而学习15. 给我一些建议16. 给你带来成功17. 在试衣间18. 影响健康19. 取回你的钱20. 心情不好

cheer sb. upcheer sb. uptake actiontake action

keep secretskeep secretsstudy for examsstudy for exams

give me some advicegive me some advicebring you successbring you success

in the fitting roomin the fitting roomaffect the healthaffect the health

give your money back give your money back be in a bad moodbe in a bad mood

Page 11: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1. 给某人打电话( 3 种) call sb.

phone sb.

make a telephone call to sb

2. 使某人振奋 cheer sb. up


Page 12: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

3. sleep sleepy asleep sleeping 的区别 sleep vi .& n. 睡觉 sleepy adj. 欲睡的 , 困倦的 feel sleepy

asleep adj. 睡着的 fall asleep / be asleep

sleeping 现在分词 / adj.

sleeping bag


入睡 睡着的


Page 13: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

He didn’t go to ______until 10p.m. last night.When you feel ______, you are in need of______.Stop talking. The baby is _________.He is too tired. He has fallen ________.

4. 4. look for, find, find out, look for, find, find out, discoverdiscover ,, searchsearch

look for look for 寻找寻找 (( 动作动作 ) )

find find 找到找到 (( 结果结果 ))

find out find out 查明查明 ,, 弄清 弄清 discover discover 发觉发觉 ,, 发现发现 search search 搜查搜查 ,, 搜索搜索 ,, 搜寻 搜寻 search sp. for

sth./ sb.

sleepy sleepsleeping



搜查某地寻找某物 / 某人

Page 14: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

Who _________ America in 1492? He _________ his bike for half an hour,

but didn’t ____ it. You’d better _______ when the plane

leaves. You can ______the Internet ___ some

more information.


looked forfind

find out

search for

look for, find, find out, discoverlook for, find, find out, discover ,, searchsearch

Page 15: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

• difficult adj. n. adv.

have some difficulty (in) doing sth .

have trouble / problems / fun (in) doing sth.

have some / much difficulty with sth.Red can help you when you have difficulty ______(make )

a decision.

He is good at maths, so he has no difficulty ________(work out) the maths problems.


working out



Do you have any difficulty finishing the work within three days?

I have some difficulty with my English.


difficulty difficultly

Page 16: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

7.“make” vt. 做;制作 make a model plane

make me a kite

make lanterns out of pumpkins

=make pumpkins into lanterns

make enemies / make friends

make a sentence

“make” vt. 准备,布置,整理 make the bed

make tea / make dinner



树立敌人 交朋友造一个句子

铺床沏茶 做晚饭

Page 17: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

“make”vt. 使,让 make sb.do sth.

变为被动式 be made to do sth.

make him look smart

== make him smart

make you feel energetic

==make you energetic

make sb. adj.



Page 18: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1.Simon is good at _________ (make) model planes.

2.People usually________ (make)lanterns out of pumpkings.

3.Max is a funny boy. His jokes often makes us _______ (laugh).

4.Wearing red can make you ___________(energy).

5.My ideal robot is made __________(look)

like a real person.



to look


Page 19: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

seem seem +adj. seem to do

It seems that …

He seemed _______ ( 放松 ) last night .

He seemed ___________ last night.

___ _____ ____he ____ ________ last night.

He seems __________ (know) me , but I don’t know him .=____ ____ ____ he _____, but I don’t know him


to know=


to be relaxed

was relaxedIt seemed that

It seemed that knows

Page 20: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

remind :vt. 意为“使……想起” 常见搭配 : (1) remind sb. of sth.

(2) remind sb to do sth.



Remind us to protect the environment.

Yellow can remind you of a warm, sunny day.

使某人想起某人 / 某物 提醒某人做某事

Page 21: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

颜色(衣服) look good on sb.

2. 白皮肤,金黄色头发的人穿橙和绿色看上去看 。

1. 蓝色穿在你身上看上去不错。

People with pale skin and blonde hair look good in orange and yellow.

= Orange and yellow look good on people with pale skin and blonde hair.

= Orange and yellow match people with pale skin and blonde hair well.

= Blue matches you well.

Blue looks good on you.

= You look good in blue.

=sb. +look good in 颜色(衣服 )

Page 22: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

be satisfied with =

satisfied满意的对……感到满意 be pleased with …

I ____ ____ _____ you ___ ____ ____ _____the result.


will be satisfied with am sure that

Page 23: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat
Page 24: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

1. would rather do sth than do sth

2. prefer doing sth. to doing sth

3. prefer A to B 4. prefer to do sth. 吉姆喜欢篮球 ,而不喜欢足球 .

Jim _______ basketball __football .他宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。 He _______________ to school _________ a bus .

He _____________ to school _________ a bus .昨天我宁愿呆在家里也不愿意到外面去 .

I__________________ at home ________ outside yesterday.

I _________________ at home ________ outside yesterday.

I think he prefers ________ (to have, having) rice for lunch.

preferpreferss toto

would rather gowould rather go than takethan takepreferprefers s goinggoing to takingto taking

would rather staywould rather stay than gothan go prefepreferredrred staying staying to goingto going

to haveto have


Page 25: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

选用下列不定代词填空一、 someone / somebody , anyone / anybody , no one / nobody1.Listen ! ___________is knocking at the door .2.Is there ____________in the classroom now ?3.____________would like to do it .It’s so hard .4.I can’t see ___________ in the fitting room .5.__________can do it except Tom.

二、 something , anything ,nothing ,noneThere is __________ wrong with my computer . Is there _________ wrong with your computer .


No oneNo oneanyoneanyone



Page 26: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

3.There is _______________________wrong with my computer .

4._________of us knew the answer .5.---Mum , is there any bread for breakfast ? ----No, there is ____________.6.----Are there any tomatoes ? -----No. There are _______.We ate them all .

(1) 在陈述句中用 anyone / anybody / anything 指的是任何一个人或一件事 .

e.g. You can do anything you like .

(2) 修饰不定代词的形容词要后置 .

e.g. Do you need anything else ?

not anything / nothing not anything / nothing




Page 27: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

(3) none 的用法1. 代词 , 代指上文出现过的人或物e.g. I wanted two tickets, but there were none left. 2. 常与 of 连用 (no one / nobody 均不能和 of 连

用 )e.g.None of the students voted for him.3. 注意在答句中与 no one 的区别 .

-- How many students are there in the classroom?

-----None .

--Who is in the room?

------No one.

Page 28: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

重点句型11 、、蓝色使人悲伤。蓝色使人悲伤。Blue Blue representsrepresents sadness. sadness.

Blue Blue is the color of is the color of sadness.sadness.

Blue can Blue can bring bring you sadness.you sadness.

Blue Blue remindsreminds you of a sad you of a sad feelingfeeling..

Blue can Blue can givegive you of a sad you of a sad feelingfeeling..

Blue can Blue can makemake us us feelfeel sad. sad.

22 、汉堡和比萨饼,你喜欢哪一样?、汉堡和比萨饼,你喜欢哪一样?Which do you like Which do you like betterbetter, hamburger or , hamburger or


Which do you Which do you preferprefer, hamburger or pizza?, hamburger or pizza?

Page 29: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

33 、红色和白色相配。、红色和白色相配。  Red and white is Red and white is a good matcha good match..

  Red Red matchesmatches white well. white well.

44 、你穿蓝色好看。、你穿蓝色好看。Blue Blue lookslooks good good onon you. you.

You You looklook good good inin blue. blue.

5 5 、我宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。、我宁愿步行去上学,也不愿坐车去。I I would rather would rather walk there walk there thanthan take a bus. take a bus.

I I preferprefer walk walkinging there there toto tak takinging a bus. a bus.

I I would like to would like to go there on foot go there on foot instead of instead of taktakinging a bus. a bus.

Page 30: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

66 、、你知道的你知道的 ,,红色没什么问题。红色没什么问题。  There is nothing wrong with There is nothing wrong with pink, you knowpink, you know..

7.7. 你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗你知道彩虹有多少种颜色吗 ??

Do you know how many colors Do you know how many colors there arethere are in a in a rainbow? rainbow?

(注意宾语从句的陈述语序)(注意宾语从句的陈述语序)8.8.每个人似乎都有秘密每个人似乎都有秘密 ..

Everyone Everyone seemed toseemed to havehave a secret. a secret.

9.9.如果他不起作用如果他不起作用 ,, 你可以把你的前拿回去你可以把你的前拿回去 . .

If it doesn’t workIf it doesn’t work, you can take your money , you can take your money back.back.

Page 31: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat

In the home a dad is very important. He is the person who provides us w 1 money and clothes. He can make your bedroom more beautiful, mend your radio, make c 2 for your birds, r 3 your bicycle and help you with your maths homework. A dad can be very u 4 for taking you in the car to and from parties, music lessons, and dancing lessons. He is the one who complains about the time you s 5 talking on the t 6 as he has to p 7 the bills. Dad is someone who will support you in an argument, if he b 8 you to be right. He is someone who reads your school r 9 and treats (奖励) you if it is good. A dad likes to come into a nice happy home in the evening, and sit in his chair with a n 10 newspaper

believespay telephone





Page 32: 1. 彩虹 rainbow 10. 忧愁 unhappiness 2. 悲哀 sadness 11. 行为 behaviour 3. 平静的 calm 12. 发现 discover 4. 满意的 satisfied 13. 许诺 promise 5. 热量 (n.) heat