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    www.thelancet.com Vol 377 January 22, 2011 271

    Religion, organ transplantation, and the definition of death

    An intense debate has been rekindled in orthodox Jewish

    circles on whether brain-stem death is compatible

    with the definition of death by the Halachathe

    collective body of Jewish law. Last week, the UKs Chief

    Rabbi Jonathan Sacks caused widespread consternation

    among physicians when he issued an edict stating that he

    and his rabbinical courtthe London Beth Dinreject the

    legal and medical definition of death and only accept the

    traditional halachic definition of cardiorespiratory failure.

    This apparently regressive interpretation comes at a time

    when all countries are discussing the most effective waysof encouraging organ donation in an attempt to deal

    with growing waiting lists for transplantation.

    Sacks stance follows the release of a 110-page paper,

    in June last year, by the Halacha Committee of the

    Rabbinical Council of America (RCA), in which a previous

    determination that brain-stem death constitutes halachic

    deathalso the opinion of Israels Chief Rabbinatewas

    overturned. On Jan 7, the RCA took the unusual step of

    issuing a clarification because of the strong reactions

    from many quarters after the release of that paper. In

    this statement, the RCA acknowledges that differinginterpretations are held by halachic authorities and that

    the membership is best served by allowing each Rabbi

    to determine for himself...which halachic position he will

    adopt. Further statements by other rabbis, many from

    Israel and some from the USA, confirmed their support

    for brain death as a valid criterion and added that to

    adopt a restrictive position regarding donating organs

    and a permissive position regarding receiving organs

    is morally untenable. According to the Jerusalem Post,

    Robert Berman, of the Halachic Organ Donation Society,

    called for the document to be retracted and claims it

    contains medical mistakes, citation errors, and historical

    distortions. It certainly uses emotive languagefor

    example, when it discusses the practice of ending

    life support for patients with brain damage who are

    intentionally removed from life support in order to cause

    them cardiac arrest, thus putting them into the dead

    donor category.

    Any position and policy at the end of lifereligious,

    ethical, or medicalshould fulfil three criteria. First, it must

    be based on sound scientific evidence and understanding.

    Second, it must have the best intention for both the

    person whose life has ended and for the person who

    needs an organ to prolong life. In other words, it must

    do no harm. And third, it must be understandable and

    supported by the individual within his or her cultural and

    belief context.

    Judaism is not the only religion in which uncertainty

    over definitions of death and the lack of a unified

    interpretation make people hesitate to become organ

    donors. Michael Olivier and colleagues described in a

    paper last October in Nephrol Dial Transplant how a recent

    case of a Muslim patient on their renal transplant list

    made them realise how doctors are often completely

    ignorant about religious beliefs in the context of organtransplantation.

    In Islam, there is also a debate about the concept and

    definition of brain death, and it is forbidden to violate

    the human body whether living or dead. However, as

    in Judaism, altruism is also very important and saving a

    life is regarded very highly in the Quran. The UK Muslim

    Law Council ruled in 1996 that organ transplantation is

    entirely compatible with Islamic beliefs. Yet, in Singapore,

    which has a presumed consent system, Muslims are

    automatically exempt from it, and Islamic countries

    generally have a low rate of carriage of organ donor cards.In Tibetan Buddhism the belief is that, while preserving

    physical integrity of the dead body is not seen as crucial,

    spiritual consciousness may remain in the body for several

    days after breathing has stopped and any interference

    might disturb the persons next rebirth. Jehovahs

    Witnesses have since the 1980s taken the stance that

    organ donation and transplantation is an individual

    choice under the assumption that no blood is transfused.

    Sikhism and Hinduism are generally supportive of

    transplantation because the physical integrity of the dead

    body is not seen as an important concept.

    With increasingly multicultural nations it is very

    important that doctors discuss and are educated

    about the meaning of death and the cultural sensitiv-

    ities of different religions. Only a well-informed and

    knowledgeable workforce that understands and

    respects different beliefs and anxieties will be trusted

    at a time when diffi cult conversations need to be

    handled sensitively. Faith leaders and doctors need to

    work together to avoid sowing distrust and confusion.

    Religious doctrine needs to be interpreted with deep

    understanding, humane wisdom, and humility.

    The Lancet




    For the paper by Michael Oliver

    and colleagues see

    Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010;

    published online October 20.DOI:10.1093/ndt/gfq628