1 mid day meal scheme ministry of hrd government of india mdm-pab meeting – nct of delhi on...

1 Mid Day Meal Scheme Ministry of HRD Government of India MDM-PAB Meeting – NCT OF DELHI On 11.05.2009

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Questions?  What is the level of coverage – Institution-wise, No. of children- wise, in terms of No. of meal served?  What is the level of unspent balances (Inventory) as on as well as ?  How regular the lifting of food grains? Is there any disruption/shortage in availability of food grains?  What is the level of lifting?  How about cooking cost? Was disbursed to Districts? What is the level of utilisation at school level?  How synchronous utilisation of food grains and cooking cost?  How utilisation of foodgrains reconcile with number of meal served? …… contd Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India



Mid Day Meal SchemeMinistry of HRD

Government of IndiaMDM-PAB Meeting – NCT OF DELHIOn 11.05.2009

Review of Implementation of MDMS in NCT of Delhi

(Primary + Upper Primary)(1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008)


Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Questions? What is the level of coverage – Institution-wise, No. of children-

wise, in terms of No. of meal served? What is the level of unspent balances (Inventory) as on 31.03.08

as well as 31.12.08? How regular the lifting of food grains? Is there any

disruption/shortage in availability of food grains? What is the level of lifting? How about cooking cost? Was disbursed to Districts? What is

the level of utilisation at school level? How synchronous utilisation of food grains and cooking cost? How utilisation of foodgrains reconcile with number of meal

served?…… contd

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Contd ….., Questions?

How much MME was utilized? Under what activities? What is the progress in construction of Kitchen Sheds

and procurement of kitchen devices?Part –II

What is the trend in Enrollment and No. of children availing MDM from 2007 to 2008?

How well MDM data compares with SSA data and Census data?

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Benchmarks Target Coverage: 100% (Institution-wise, No. of children-wise, in terms of No. of meal served)

Desirable stock in hand : 15% (+ or - 5%)

Lifting of foodgrains [1.4.08 to 31.12.08]: 80% (+ or – 10%)

Utilisation of foodgrains and cooking cost [1.4.08 to 31.12.08]: 71% (+ or – 10%)

Every month 1/12th of foodgrains is lifted & distributed.

Utilisation of foodgrains & cooking cost is synchronous.

State’s AWP&B is in accordance with M/HRD’s guidelines.

Data in the AWP&B is authentic, reliable & based on the records.

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Plan Vs Performance (No. of Meal in Q1+Q2+Q3)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

3% Less

(Primary )

Plan Vs Performance (No. of Children in Q1+Q2+Q3)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

2% Less

(Primary )

Plan Vs Performance (No. of Working Days in Q1+Q2+Q3)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

(2% Less)

Analysis: Foodgrains lifting (Month-wise cumulative)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Analysis: Foodgrains lifting (Month-wise)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Analysis: Foodgrains Availability (1.4.08 to 31.12.08)



Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Foodgrains lifting (Availability) – Dept. wise

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Benchmark : 80%

10,849 MTs 1,333 MTs

112 MTs

Foodgrains Utilisation (1.4.08 to 31.12.08)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Benchmark : 71%19,721 MTs

10,849 MTs 10,849 MTs

Cooking Cost Disbursed and Utilisation(1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008)

Benchmark :71%

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Rs. 46.80 Cr.Rs. 35.87 Cr.

Rs. 22.43 Cr.

Cooking Cost (Utilisation) – Dept. wise

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Benchmark : 71%

Rs. 2.95 Cr. Rs. 19.12 Cr.Rs. 22.43 Cr.

Mismatch in Utilisation of foodgrains and cooking cost (District-wise)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

State average: 55%(FG) & 48%(CC)

Reconciliation : No. of meals Vs Food Grains

Sl. No

District No. of Meals served

Expected consumption

of Cooking cost

Actual Consumption of

Cooking cost

Deficit in %

Deficit Consumption

1GNCT 1,71,47,200 1,714.72 1,333.30 -22%

2MCD 12,03,51,450 12,035.15 9,404.76 -22%

3NDMC 19,64,963 196.50 111.60 -43%

( In MTs)

Reconciliation : No. of meals Vs Cooking Cost

Sl. No

District No. of Meals served

Expected consumption

of Cooking cost

Actual Consumption of

Cooking cost

Deficit in %

Deficit Consumption

1GNCT 1,71,47,200 372.09 295 -21%

2MCD 12,03,51,450 2,611.62 1912 -27%

3NDMC 19,64,963 42.63 36 -16%

(Rs. In Lakhs)

MME Utilisation (1.4.08 to 31.12.08)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India


Transport Assistance Utilisation (1.4.08 to 31.12.08)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India


Performance Score card – A Summary

Sl. No.

Component Achievement Benchmark

1. Foodgrains Availability 55% 80%2. Foodgrains Utilisation 55% 71%3. Cooking Cost Utilisation 48% 71%4. MME Utilisation 1% 100%

5 QPRs received 3 nos. (Only Pry) 3 nos.

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Major Issues

The requisite information on the loss of food grains due to wastage, foreign particles, dust, etc. is not submitted. (D. O. No. 9-7/2008-MDM 2-1 dated 22/12/08, and subsequent reminder dated16/02/09, and 19/03/2009.)

The govt. of NCT of Delhi has not furnished the information on the following assurances:i) Rajya Sabha unstarred Question No. 197 dated 20.10.1008 raised by Shri N K Singh regarding wasted foodgrains meant for primary schools in Delhi.ii) Lok Sabha unstarred Question No. 550 dated 21.10.2008 raised by Shri Rewti Raman Singh regarding wastage under mid day meal scheme

Analysis of State’s Proposal for 2009-10

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Time Series – No. of Children (PRIMARY)


9.86 9.66









2007-08 2008-09

(13% Less)(19% less)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Enrollment Availing MDM

Primary School Enrolment – SSA [Govt. + Govt.-aided + LB) Vs MDM

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

(7% More) (13% More)

Population Vs Enrolment Vs Availing MDM (PRIMARY)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

2009-10 (Proposed)

Q-1 Q-2 Q-3


Population Vs Enrolment Vs Availing MDM during 2008-09 (UPPER PRIMARY)

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

*:SSA= Govt+LB+GA

2009-10 (Proposed)

No. of School Working Days (Pry & U Pry)DISE Vs MDM

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India

Sl. No

Year As per DISE Data

As per MDM Sanctions

1 2006-07 216 200

3 2007-08 211 200

4 2008-09 200

5 2009-10 Not available 210(State’s claim for


Thank You

Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India