1 michael rowen [email protected] 1 sxr instrument fac 6-9-09 sxr instrument michael rowen –...

1 Michael Rowen [email protected]. edu 1 SXR Instrument FAC 6-9-09 SXR Instrument Michael Rowen – Engineering Physicist June 9, 2009

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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1 Michael [email protected]

1SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

SXR Instrument

Michael Rowen – Engineering PhysicistJune 9, 2009

2 Michael [email protected]

2SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09


SXR Consortium

SXR Instrument Configuration

End Stations




3 Michael [email protected]

3SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

SXR Consortium

The SXR instrument is being built by a consortium formed between Stanford University, the University of Hamburg, CFEL (at DESY), LBNL, and the LCLS.The instrument is a soft x-ray beam line capable of monochromatic, “white” beam and spectrometer mode operations.SXR will be operated as a general user instrument.Consortium members get a slight preference during early operation only. All experiments will be handled through the LCLS proposal process. The end stations are to be supplied by users.User may collaborate with any of groups with listed endstations (http://lcls.slac.stanford.edu/sxr/SXRTechEndStations.aspx) or propose their own systems.

4 Michael [email protected]

4SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

SXR Instrument

Single pulse shutter

Transmission sample Chamber

M1 Mirror & Grating System

Exit slit & Spectrometer Detector

Photon Stopper

K-B Focusing


End Stations

(user supplied)

Beam Dump

For overview see http://lcls.slac.stanford.edu/sxr/SXRTechOverview.aspx

5 Michael [email protected]

5SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Transmission Sample System:

Simple chamber just before mono. Sample introduction and

manipulator from top. Coaxial pump laser in-coupling. Two mirrors for 800 & 400nm

The SXR Instrument will have the capability to do transmission experiments utilizing the monochromator as a spectrometer.

6 Michael [email protected]

6SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09


Upright image-fixed exit slit. Operate in monochromatic

(& spectrometer mode)

& “White” beam mode Commercial mechanical system

Varied Line Space (VLS) Plane Grating Monochromator:

7 Michael [email protected]

7SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Exit Slit Spectrometer Detector

Exit slit commercial:

Detector Design based on XTOD Imaging Detector:

10 μm resolution required

2.5x2.5mm area imaged

Use 1024x1024 camera for 120Hz data collection

Use XTOD Imaging Detector lens system

8 Michael [email protected]

8SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Refocusing Optics

SXR End Station spot spec’ed at <10x10m.

AMO K-B system has tighter specs.

Cost savings by copying AMO system.

Small modification mirrors to accommodate the different focal lengths.

SXR to clone AMO K-B system:

9 Michael [email protected]

9SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Differential Pump & Coaxial Pump Laser

Between the focusing optics and the end station there will be a differential pump to allow operation of end stations at up to 1x10-6 torr Differential pump sections double as collimators for beam containment.There will be a mirror for coaxial introduction of a pump or alignment laser. Two mirrors for 800 & 400nm

Laser in-coupling mirror

End Stations

Differential Pumping

10 Michael [email protected]

10SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

End StationsEnd Stations proposed to date: (http://lcls.slac.stanford.edu/sxr/SXRTechEndStations.aspx)

CFEL-ASG Multi-Purpose (CAMP), atoms to nano-particles: Max-Planck ASG at CFELSurface Chemistry PES/XES/XAS: StanfordElectron Beam Ion Trap (EBIT): MPI Heidelberg & LLNLMomentum Resolved X-ray Scattering: Stanford & LBNL

Resonant Imaging: Stanford Liquid Jet - Chemical Dynamics: CFEL, MAX-lab & MPI Gottingen

11 Michael [email protected]

11SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

SXR Funding

Stanford:$750k committed$500k at SLACRemainder available as needed

LBNL:$377k in kind design and engineering support

Hamburg/DESY:$1800k committed$1200k at SLAC $300k due in May$300k due in July

LCLS:$1500k committed and at SLAC

12 Michael [email protected]

12SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Hamburg/DESY/SLAC MoU & Funding

MoU signed off by all parties 2/24/09.

Approval to spend funds from Hamburg & CFEL 4/29/09.

Processing the long lead requisitions as quickly as possible.

13 Michael [email protected]

13SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09


All major SXR procurements have been at or below the budgeted amount.

The engineering effort has been on track with the available funding.

So far we have been limited by slow arrival funding and then spending approval.

Timely procurement of critical items is critical to the schedule.

14 Michael [email protected]

14SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Critical ProcurementsMono Optics:

Grating substrates delivered, QC’ed and at ruling venderRuled gratings due end SeptemberM1 Mirror due late JuneCoating at LLNL projected 4 weeks from availability gratings

Monochromator System:Awaiting placement of orderProjected delivery late November

Exit Slit:Order in processProjected delivery mid December

K-B Mirrors:Order in processProjected delivery late NovemberCoating at LLNL projected 4 weeks from availability mirrorsAssembly at LBNL

K-B Mirror System:To be built at LBNL (same group as doing the AMO K-B system)

15 Michael [email protected]

15SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

Summary SXR Schedule

16 Michael [email protected]

16SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09


The SXR instrument is on a very tight scheduleOnly <2 week float to final installations during the January-February down.

The critical item is the monochromator as it is in the 1st hutch.

The critical path item are the K-B mirrors in the 2nd Hutch.

The funding hurdles are past.

There are no show stoppers at this time.

SXR should be ready for beam by the end of February 2010.

17 Michael [email protected]

17SXR InstrumentFAC 6-9-09

End Presentation