1 lesson plan

Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción English Pedagogy Teaching Practice LESSON PLAN (PPP) School: The Pacific School Class: 3° Highschool Number of SS: 30 Date of lesson: Time of lesson: Length of lesson: 81 minutes Student- Teacher’s name: Arnoldo Cabrera Main Aim: At the end of the lesson students will be able to speculate about present facts of a person. Learning outcome: Reference to Planes y Programas (OF, CMO, AE): Cloud Book, Sure Intermediate Target Language: Asummed Knowledge Can’t / could / must / should / may /might + be / have + Verb Pets, free time, age vocabulary. Anticipated Problems …..and Solutions Ss may have problems of pronunciation T makes the Ss repeat after him. Aids Workbook

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Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción English Pedagogy Teaching Practice

LESSON PLAN (PPP)School: The Pacific School

Class: 3° Highschool

Number of SS: 30

Date of lesson: Time of lesson: Length of lesson:

81 minutes

Student-Teacher’s name:

Arnoldo Cabrera

Main Aim: At the end of the lesson students will be able to speculate about present facts of a person.

Learning outcome:

Reference to Planes y Programas (OF, CMO, AE): Cloud Book, Sure Intermediate

Target Language: Asummed KnowledgeCan’t / could / must / should / may /might + be / have + Verb Pets, free time, age vocabulary.

Anticipated Problems …..and SolutionsSs may have problems of pronunciation T makes the Ss repeat after him.Ss may not know some vocabulary T explains them the meaning of words


Adapted from University of Sussex

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Procedure What I am going to doWhat Students are going to do

What I am going to sayInstructions, CCQs, Feedback,etc

Skill Time(min)




The T ask questions in order to engage students on the topic, and to pre-set the presentation stage.

T presents the AIM of the class and the exponent

T models pronunciation

T provides examples

- How old do you think that I am?

- What kind of music do you think that your classmate likes?

- What kind of pet do you think your classmate would like?

- All what you just said are speculations

- What is a speculation?- A speculation is a try to

guess something we don’t know

- At the end of this class you will be able to speculate about a person.

- When we want to speculate about present facts, we use:

• Can’t / could / must / should / may /might + be / have + Verb

- Repeat after me- Excellent

- (name a student) must like English classes,

Listening of instructions








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PRACTICET makes Ss work with their English book.

T makes sure they understand the meaning of the words given

T checks the activity with the

because he/she is always paying attention.

- (name a student) can’t like cheese, because he/she doesn’t drink milk

- (name a student) might not like pets.

- Now we are going to practice. Open your books in page 74

- Work in exercise 1 filling in the blanks with the missing information.

- What is an accent?

- What is a lesson?

- What is a train?

- What is “English”?

- What is “an actor”?

- Good, start working. You have 5 minutes before we check it all together.

Reading 10 Ss

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whole class

T presents the next practice activity.

T presents an example

T checks the activity

- For the next activity, you are going to guess information about the people present in page 74

- Each row will work with a different character

- Row A will guess the life of Gilbert, Row B, Jay and Row C will work with Oskar.

- We are going to check it later row by row

- For example, If I’m speculating about I could say;

•Mary may be 29 because she looks young•Mary could be Polish•Mary must like modelling because she looks like a model•Mary might be a pianist because she looks like one

- You have 15 minutes

- Time is up, let’s check

Collaborative work


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T Presents the production stage

- Now, as I said at the beginning, you are able to speculate about present facts of a person.

- That person will be me- With the person next to

you, write at least 4 speculations about my life

- Your speculations may include;• my age• where I live• Hobbies• Music I like• etc.

- You have 15 minutes

- T checks the activity









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