1 development of the pulmonary endothelium in …(a) vasculogenesis (d) vasculogenesis plus...

1 Development of the Pulmonary Endothelium in Development of the Pulmonary Circulation: Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis Margaret A. Schwarz 1 and Ondine B. Cleaver 2 1 Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA 2 Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA INTRODUCTION Role of the Pulmonary Vasculature The cardiovascular system, comprised of the heart and blood vessels, is the first functional organ formed during embryogenesis in higher vertebrates. In the mouse, the heart and first vessels become functional as early as 8 days following fertilization, while in humans the cardio- vascular system forms after approximately 3 weeks of development. Cardiovascular function is essential to the survival of higher organisms, because every cell requires nutrition, gas exchange, and elimination of wastes via blood vessels. The primary site of gas exchange is the vascular/alveolar interface, located deep within the lung. Once blood is oxygenated in the lung, pumping of the blood by the heart disperses oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, where exchange of gas within tissues occurs via capillary beds. Then, oxygen-depleted, carbon dioxide-rich blood is returned to the lungs via the vena cava, for the respiratory/circulatory cycle to begin anew. Despite decades of research into the biology of this vascular/pulmonary interface, little is known about how the pulmonary vasculature ensures its proper coordinated growth and intimate develop- ment along the tree-like epithelium of the developing lung. The Pulmonary Endothelium: Function in health and disease Editors Norbert F. Voelkel, Sharon Rounds © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Vascular Development Overview Morphogenesis of the embryonic vascular system begins with the emergence of angioblasts, or endothelial progenitor cells, which are initially scattered within the mesoderm prior to their incorporation into patent vessels [1]. Angioblasts are fibroblast-like, mesodermal cells capable of migrating, recognizing other angioblasts, adhering, and organizing into vascular structures. Once an angioblast is recruited into forming a vascular “tube,” or vessel, it differentiates into a bona fide differentiated endothelial cell (EC). The defining cell type of the estab- lished cardiovascular system is thus the EC, which forms the seamless lining of the entire circulatory system. As the vasculature develops, the initial circulatory system is composed of a rather homogeneous system of primitive vessels, or “plexus.” However, as the embryo develops, this plexus reshapes and remodels into a hierarchical net- work of large and small vessels. In large vessels, such as the major arteries and veins, the endothelial inner lining becomes insulated by thick layers of extracellular matrix (ECM) components and smooth muscle. In capillary beds, where vessels taper to very narrow diameters, and gases and nutrients are actively exchanged, the endothe- lium is relatively more “naked” and in immediate contact with surrounding tissues. Thus, development of the vas- COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL

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Page 1: 1 Development of the Pulmonary Endothelium in …(a) Vasculogenesis (d) Vasculogenesis plus Angiogenesis (b) Sprouting Angiogenesis (c) Angiogenic Remodeling Figure 1.1 Schematic illustrating


Development of the PulmonaryEndothelium in Development of the

Pulmonary Circulation: Vasculogenesisand Angiogenesis

Margaret A. Schwarz1 and Ondine B. Cleaver2

1Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,Dallas, TX, USA

2Department of Molecular Biology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas,Dallas, TX, USA

INTRODUCTIONRole of the Pulmonary Vasculature

The cardiovascular system, comprised of the heart andblood vessels, is the first functional organ formed duringembryogenesis in higher vertebrates. In the mouse, theheart and first vessels become functional as early as 8days following fertilization, while in humans the cardio-vascular system forms after approximately 3 weeks ofdevelopment. Cardiovascular function is essential to thesurvival of higher organisms, because every cell requiresnutrition, gas exchange, and elimination of wastes viablood vessels. The primary site of gas exchange isthe vascular/alveolar interface, located deep within thelung. Once blood is oxygenated in the lung, pumpingof the blood by the heart disperses oxygen-rich bloodthroughout the body, where exchange of gas withintissues occurs via capillary beds. Then, oxygen-depleted,carbon dioxide-rich blood is returned to the lungs viathe vena cava, for the respiratory/circulatory cycleto begin anew. Despite decades of research into thebiology of this vascular/pulmonary interface, little isknown about how the pulmonary vasculature ensuresits proper coordinated growth and intimate develop-ment along the tree-like epithelium of the developinglung.

The Pulmonary Endothelium: Function in health and disease Editors Norbert F. Voelkel, Sharon Rounds© 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Vascular Development Overview

Morphogenesis of the embryonic vascular systembegins with the emergence of angioblasts, or endothelialprogenitor cells, which are initially scattered within themesoderm prior to their incorporation into patent vessels[1]. Angioblasts are fibroblast-like, mesodermal cellscapable of migrating, recognizing other angioblasts,adhering, and organizing into vascular structures. Oncean angioblast is recruited into forming a vascular “tube,”or vessel, it differentiates into a bona fide differentiatedendothelial cell (EC). The defining cell type of the estab-lished cardiovascular system is thus the EC, which formsthe seamless lining of the entire circulatory system. Asthe vasculature develops, the initial circulatory system iscomposed of a rather homogeneous system of primitivevessels, or “plexus.” However, as the embryo develops,this plexus reshapes and remodels into a hierarchical net-work of large and small vessels. In large vessels, such asthe major arteries and veins, the endothelial inner liningbecomes insulated by thick layers of extracellular matrix(ECM) components and smooth muscle. In capillarybeds, where vessels taper to very narrow diameters, andgases and nutrients are actively exchanged, the endothe-lium is relatively more “naked” and in immediate contactwith surrounding tissues. Thus, development of the vas-




Page 2: 1 Development of the Pulmonary Endothelium in …(a) Vasculogenesis (d) Vasculogenesis plus Angiogenesis (b) Sprouting Angiogenesis (c) Angiogenic Remodeling Figure 1.1 Schematic illustrating


cular system is a step-wise series of dynamic cellularactivities, which together shape individual blood vessels,thereby ensuring proper distribution of oxygen-richblood throughout the body. Interestingly, most key stepsin specification and differentiation of vascular cell typesare driven by the molecular interaction of vascular en-dothelial growth factor (VEGF) with its receptor vascularendothelial growth factor receptor VEGFR-2, which isexpressed in vascular ECs. In this chapter, we will reviewthe basic steps during systemic and pulmonary vesseldevelopment, since they are driven by many analogousmechanisms, and we will present new ideas regardingthe molecular basis of their coordinated growth.


To fully understand vascular development, it is essentialto know where exactly endothelial precursors come from.Although their exact cell of origin has long remainedelusive, angioblasts are known to differentiate exclusivelyfrom the mesoderm [2, 3]. In addition, it has beendemonstrated that angioblasts arise in both extra- andintra-embryonic mesoderm, with their extra-embryonicemergence in the yolk sac preceding their differentiationin embryonic tissues. In mouse, the first extra-embryonicangioblasts can be detected as early as embryonic day (E)6.5, while those in the embryo proper can be identifiedlater, around E7.0 [4–6]. The first angioblasts identifiedin the yolk sac can be found within local proliferativefoci of extra-embryonic mesoderm. These aggregationsof angioblasts progressively take a more definitive shape,either as angioblast “cords” (linear aggregates) or bloodislands (see following section) [5, 6]. In all vertebratesexamined, these primitive vascular structures precede theformation of a functional and continuous vasculature.

Blood Islands and Hemangioblasts

As mentioned in the previous section, some of the earliestangioblasts identified in vertebrates are those in or nearstructures called “blood islands” [5, 7]. In mouse, bloodislands are scattered in a ring around the distal yolk sacmesoderm [8–10]. In frog and fish, on the other hand,a single blood island is found on the ventral aspect ofthe gut. Blood islands have been described as “mesoder-mal cell aggregates,” where inner cells consist of bloodor hematopoietic stem cells and outer cells comprise amantle of angioblasts [5]. Thought to represent transi-tional structures, blood islands have been shown to growand fuse, creating a continuous network of blood filledvessels [6, 11, 12]. However recent work calls into ques-tion this “blood island fusion” mechanism of vascular

development, and suggests instead that embryonic ves-sels are more likely to derive from ECs migrating andenveloping, or “capturing,” hematopoietic precursors, asthey generate a continuous vasculature [5]. Regardless ofthe exact dynamics, blood islands have been observedfor over a century and are a hallmark of the primitivevertebrate yolk sac vasculature.

The close spatial and temporal association ofhematopoietic and EC development in the yolk sacblood islands led to the idea that both lineages originatedfrom common precursor called the “hemangioblast” [1,13–16]. This possibility is supported by the observationthat vessel and blood progenitors express many commonmarkers and mutation of a number of genes affects bothlineages [11, 17]. For decades, evidence has accumulatedthat supports the existence of a hemangioblast [18–20].However, the isolation of a truly bipotential cell in theembryo, with the capacity to give rise exclusively toboth EC and hematopoietic cell types, has yet to beconclusively shown. Recent experiments demonstratethat most intra-embryonic ECs do not emerge from bloodislands, and in addition, few blood and ECs actuallyarise from common progenitors [21–23]. Therefore,the question remains open as to the true nature of thehemangioblast, the breadth of its potential to give rise todifferent cell types, and its actual frequency within theearly vertebrate embryo.

The Endothelial Cell

The fundamental building unit of the blood vessel is theEC. Together, blood vessels of an adult human consistof approximately 1 × 1013 ECs, which stitch together toform the hierarchical network of vessels that carry bloodthroughout the body [24]. One interesting question thatarises is exactly how does one define the EC? Only twoshared characteristics have been identified that can be ap-plied to all ECs [25]. The first is anatomical, in that ECsadhere to one another and form the seamless inner lin-ing of all blood vessels. The second is functional, in thatECs create a selectively permeable and active interface,between blood and tissues, which controls the passageof nutrients, gases, and immune cells. Surprisingly, be-yond these two traits, no single definition can be appliedglobally to all ECs. Blood vessels are strikingly differentfrom one tissue to the next. It has been said that there areas many different types of ECs as there are tissues [26].In the last decade, ECs have been shown to be extremelyheterogeneous in their transcriptional profile, structuralfeatures, and regionalized functions [27–29]. Therefore,perhaps a more apt definition of ECs is that they can gen-erally be defined as the cells that line the lumen of bloodvessels, but display a variable nature that is strikinglyheterogeneous, dynamic, and plastic.

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ONTOGENY OF THE VASCULATURECellular Mechanisms of Blood Vessel Formation

Blood vessel development occurs via two principal anddistinct cellular mechanisms, referred to as vasculoge-nesis and angiogenesis (Figure 1.1) [15, 30, 31–34].The initial primitive vascular plexus emerges via vas-culogenesis, which describes the de novo formation ofblood vessels from individual angioblasts. Angiogenesis,in contrast, describes the growth and remodeling of theexisting primitive vasculature, and occurs during normalgrowth of embryonic organs and tissues. Both vasculo-genesis and angiogenesis strictly refer to “the genesisof blood vessels”; however, they have been used to de-scribe very different cellular mechanisms of blood vesselformation.


Vasculogenesis refers to the formation of blood vesselsvia the clustering and organization of individual an-gioblasts into linear aggregates, or “cords,” followed by

the formation of a patent lumen (Figure 1.1a) [15, 30, 35,36]. In addition, the term has also been used to describethe fusion of blood islands into blood-filled tubes withinthe yolk sac. Vasculogenesis is known to be the primarymechanism by which the first embryonic vessels form [2,36]. This includes the primordia of most primitive bloodvessels, including the dorsal aortae and the endocardium,as well as the relatively homogeneous capillary networkfound in tissues such as the yolk sac. Vasculogenesis istherefore a term that describes a step-wise developmentalprocess, which includes angioblast migration, prolifera-tion, adhesion, morphogenesis, differentiation, and matu-ration into ECs. Coalescence of these individual vascularprogenitors ultimately leads to the formation of a con-tinuous network of vessels, which circulation dependson. “Vasculogenesis” and “neovascularization” are bothterms that refer to this de novo formation of blood ves-sels, and are often used interchangeably. Two types ofvasculogenesis have been described, type 1 and type2, with the distinction being based on the location ofangioblast emergence relative to the location of vesselformation. In type 1, angioblasts aggregate into cords, at

(a) Vasculogenesis (d) Vasculogenesis plus Angiogenesis

(b) Sprouting Angiogenesis

(c) Angiogenic Remodeling

Figure 1.1 Schematic illustrating the different mechanisms of blood vessel formation. (a) Vasculogenesis is the de novoformation of vessels via aggregation of angioblasts within the mesoderm. (b) Sprouting angiogenesis is the formation andextension of new sprouts from pre-existing vessels. (c) Angiogenic remodeling is the reorganization and shape changeof vessels within an existing vascular plexus. (d) In many tissues, including lung, vasculogenesis and angiogenesis arecoordinated to create vascular beds within developing organs and tissues.

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the same location where they emerge in the mesoderm.In type 2, angioblasts appear in the mesoderm, but thenactively migrate to a different location, where they thencoalesce into vessels. During embryonic vascular devel-opment, dorsal aortae formation in mouse occurs by vas-culogenesis type 1 [37], while the formation of a singledorsal aorta in frog entails vasculogenesis type 2 [38, 39].


Central to the concept of vasculogenesis is the conceptof endothelial tubulogenesis. Morphogenesis of a vas-cular “tube,” from a “cord” of angioblasts or withina growing angiogenic sprout, occurs via tubulogenesis.Tubulogenesis has been described as occurring by twodistinct mechanisms. In the first mechanism, the vascularlumen forms by the alignment and fusion of “intracellularspaces,” such as large vacuoles [40, 41]. Classical obser-vations in the avian embryo suggest this first mechanism,where a lumen can be shown to form from the fusionand expansion of intracellular vacuoles into a long con-tinuous space across many cells, at the center of a cord[40–45]. Alternatively, the lumen can be generated bythe enlargement of an “extracellular space” located be-tween adjacent angioblasts [46]. The latter mechanismfor vascular “tube” formation primarily involves cellularrearrangements that drive the transformation of a solidcord of cells, into a patent cylinder. Based on zebrafishobservations [46], it might be predicted that vacuolefusion-based tubulogenesis is likely to be predominantlyused in angiogenic sprouting as discussed below, whereasrearrangement-based tubulogenesis is likely to occur pri-marily during vasculogenesis.


Following the formation of the initial primitive vas-cular plexus via vasculogenesis, the simple circulatorysystem is then elaborated and extended via angiogene-sis. Two fundamentally distinct angiogenic mechanismshave been identified: “sprouting angiogenesis” and “an-giogenic remodeling.” Sprouting angiogenesis is definedas the sprouting and extension of new vessels frompre-existing vessels. Quiescent cells within the walls ofvessels proliferate, branch, and extend new sprouts intoavascular tissues. Angiogenic remodeling encompassesthe multiple gross changes that pre-existing vessels canundergo in their basic size or pattern, including the split-ting or fusion of the vessel and the enlargement or shrink-ing of vessel diameter [47–49]. Often these changes invessel size or shape occur in response to hemodynamicforces. Here, we describe the general features distinguish-ing each type of angiogenesis.

Sprouting Angiogenesis

Sprouting angiogenesis involves sprouting of new cap-illaries from the walls of pre-existing blood vessels(Figure 1.1b). Quiescent cells at a specific point alongthe vessel wall initiate a cascade of targeted cellularactivities, all aimed at building an entirely new vesselbranch from a pre-existing parent vessel. To create a newsprout, proteolytic degradation of the ECM surroundingthe parent vessel is coordinated with proliferation of thesprouting ECs. Together these cellular activities generatea new growing vascular branch, which will eventuallyfuse with the wall of an adjacent vessel.

Cells at the distal tip of extending angiogenic sprouts,termed “tip” cells, have attracted recent attention. Newcapillary sprouts grow into the interstitium by the ame-boid migration of distal tip ECs. These invade surround-ing avascular tissue, migrate as the sprout extends, fusewith the endothelium of an adjacent vessel, and open upa new connecting lumen [14]. Interestingly, the growthof new sprouts is not believed to occur by proliferation ofthe tip cells. As the angiogenic sprouts extend, it is withinthe growing stalk that new cells are added by mitotic pro-liferation of pre-existing ECs [50]. Classical observationsof neural angiogenesis demonstrated that ECs located atthe tip of sprouts exhibited a number of distinctive “fili-form” processes, hypothesized to function in seeking outand fusing with other growing vessels [51]. More recentstudies on endothelial tip cell filopodia in growing retinalvessels have shown that filopodia are the primary targetof VEGF signaling and function to drive vessel growthand extension [52, 53].

Remodeling Angiogenesis

Another angiogenic process that generates basic morpho-genetic changes in the vascular network architecture is“remodeling angiogenesis,” or “angiogenic remodeling.”In this angiogenic process, pre-existing vessels change inshape, size, and fundamental organization (Figure 1.1c).Generally, these changes involve a wide range of cellu-lar modifications that dynamically alter blood vessel sizeor architecture. During remodeling, vessels of an initialembryonic plexus either enlarge or regress during de-velopment, accommodating the coordinated growth anddifferentiation of other tissues. Once the vascular systemis mature, the vascular network becomes relatively sta-ble and undergoes angiogenic remodeling only in selecttissues, such as in female reproductive organs, woundhealing, or during pathological processes (e.g., tumorgrowth).

A dramatic example of angiogenic remodeling in-volves the primary capillary plexus of the early murineyolk sac. Initially, this plexus presents as a relatively

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homogeneous network of vessels, resembling a fisher-man’s net, with most vessels being of equal size, length,and similar appearance. However, this primitive plexus israpidly remodeled and modified into the familiar hierar-chical, tree-like array of larger and smaller blood vessels.These transformations occur via “angiogenic remodeling”[31, 54]. Angiogenic remodeling remains poorly under-stood, despite the fact many mouse mutants display clearfailure of vascular remodeling.

A wide variety of cellular mechanisms underlie angio-genic remodeling, causing either an increase or decreasein vessel density. Here, we describe intussusception, re-gression, and pruning. Intussusception is the process ofsplitting and reorganizing pre-existing vessels, resultingin the expansion of a capillary network [55, 56]. Dur-ing intussusception, proliferation of ECs within a vesselresults in the formation of a large lumen that is subse-quently split by intervening endothelial walls (thus re-sulting in the splitting of one vessel into two). Anothermechanism of vascular remodeling, which in contrastdecreases capillary density, involves endothelial regres-sion [57]. Key steps in vessel regression include changesin EC shape, lumen narrowing, increased vacuolation,cessation of blood flow, detachment from the basementmembrane, and cell death. Regression of vessels often oc-curs as a result of either a reduction of blood flow, cessa-tion of VEGF-mediated maintenance, or other geneticallydetermined processes, such as changes in expression ofangiogenic cues in surrounding tissues. Yet another typeof vascular remodeling, which also decreases vessel den-sity and does not involve cell death, has been termed“pruning,” as it resembles the process of thinning out ex-cess branches on a tree [31]. Pruning was first observedin the embryonic retinal vasculature and involves the re-gression of redundant, parallel channels [58]. In thesevessels, blood flow ceases, their lumens collapse and ECsretract out of the regressing vessel. In all cases of angio-genic remodeling described above, the principal goal isto fine tune the vasculature so that it perfuses tissues atthe required density, satisfying local oxygen demands,by trimming excessive, unneeded vessels or reorganizingvessels to meet physiological demands.

Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis within Organs

Vascularization of most developing embryonic organs haslong been thought to occur primarily via angiogenic in-vasion of vessels. This was a sensible supposition, giventhat growing organs appeared to be vascularized by in-growth of vessels that originated and sprouted from thepre-existing primary vascular plexus. However, improvedtechnology for visualization of the vasculature and itsprecursors, using newly identified molecular markers and

new vascular reporters, has revealed that most organs de-velop at least part of their vasculature via in situ aggrega-tion of local mesenchymal angioblasts or vasculogenesis[34]. This holds true for the growing vasculature of thelung, liver, stomach, spleen, pancreas, intestine, and kid-ney [32, 59–63]. During embryonic development of theseorgans, it is known that angiogenic sprouting from exist-ing vessels also contributes to maintenance and extensionof the primitive organ vasculature [34]. New observationshave demonstrated that peripheral vasculogenic vesselsoften fuse with invading angiogenic vessels [64]. Thus, itseems likely that building a continuous vasculature withinmost organs is a coordinated joining of both vasculogenicbeds with angiogenic ingrowth of sprouting vessels.

ARTERIAL VERSUS VENOUSDIFFERENTIATIONOnce blood flow begins within the circulatory system,the immature vascular plexus becomes segregated intorecognizable arteries and veins (Figure 1.2). Vessels canbe categorized as either veins or arteries by a number ofparameters, including the direction of blood flow withintheir lumens, anatomical and functional differences, aswell as by the expression of several markers. For instance,the expression of ephrin B2 (Efnb2) ligand is enrichedin arteries, while expression of the B4 ephrin receptor(EphB4) is enriched in veins. In addition, a variety ofother markers are specific for arteries, including Dll4 [65,66], Jag1 [67], Notch1 [68], Hey1 and Hey2 [69], activinreceptor-like kinase 1 [70], and EPAS1/hypoxia-induciblefactor (HIF) [71].

The mechanisms underlying the specification of ar-terial and venous cell fate are largely unknown. Pre-viously, circulatory dynamics were thought to be thedriving cause of arteries and veins developing into struc-turally and functionally different vessels. However, grow-ing evidence points to a genetic program underlying thisfundamental distinction. Indeed, labeling experiments inzebrafish suggest that arterial and venous EC fate may bedetermined before the formation of blood vessels [72].Similarly, work in chicks has demonstrated that segrega-tion of arterial and venous markers has already occurredin subpopulations of blood islands long before vesselformation [73]. Therefore, growing evidence points tohard-wired genetic cues specifying arteriovenous cell fateextremely early during vascular development.

Interestingly though, it also seems likely that differ-ent vascular beds experience artery/vein specification atdifferent times. For instance, arteriovenous markers incertain organs, such as myocardium [74] and pancreas(Cleaver, unpublished), appear to acquire their identi-ties much later during development. In addition, it is

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endothelial cell

artery vein

fibrous connective tissue

external elastic tissue

smooth muscle (tunica media)

internal elastic tissue

endothelium (tunica intima)

Figure 1.2 Fundamental architecture of blood vessels. Capillary beds perfuse tissues. Capillaries are small calibervessels, the lumen often forming from single ECs. Capillaries are largely devoid of supportive cells, except for sparsecoverage by pericytes. Capillaries are connected in a hierarchical fashion to larger arterioles and venules, which in turnconnect to arteries and veins. Arteries and veins are insulated by thick layers of elastic, smooth muscle and fibroustissues. A color version of this figure appears in the plate section of this volume.

known that arteriovenous cell fate is highly plastic and re-versible. In grafting experiments in chicks, vascular ECswere shown to be plastic with respect to their arteriove-nous fate [75]. In these experiments, fragments of arterieswere heterotopically transplanted to different embryonicsites. Strikingly, cells from the grafted arteries wouldquickly colonize either host arteries or veins. When theycolonized veins, arterial ECs turned off arterial markersand upregulated venous markers. Thus, EC fate remainsplastic with respect to arteriovenous differentiation, atleast for a period of time during early development.

KEY MOLECULES IN VASCULARDEVELOPMENTVEGF [76, 77], and its receptors VEGFR-1 (also calledFlt-1) and VEGFR-2 (also called KDR or Flk-1) [78]have long been known to be critical regulators of en-dothelial differentiation, as well as blood vessel formationand morphogenesis [79]. VEGF-A is essential for propervessel formation and selective expression of VEGF-Aisoforms (murine 120, 164, 188; human 121, 145, 165,

189, 206) drives different aspects of vessel formationin many different organs, including the lung [80]. Here,we introduce the principal vascular developmental factorsand outline their roles in vessel formation.

VEGF-A and its Isoforms

The VEGF family of growth factors consists of VEGF-A,B, C, D, and E, and placental growth factor (PlGF).All family members regulate at least some aspect of ECproliferation, migration, and/or survival [79, 81]. Genetargeting demonstrates that VEGF-A plays an essentialrole in early vessel development. VEGF-A expression isdynamic throughout embryonic development and is oftenexpressed in tissues immediately adjacent to developingblood vessels [38, 77, 82, 83]. VEGF-mediated signalingdrives both vessel formation by vasculogenesis, as well asangiogenic invasion of developing tissues. Mice lackinga single VEGF allele die early during embryogenesis(around E10.5). These VEGF-null embryos show a rangeof vascular defects, including severe abnormalities inEC differentiation, sprouting angiogenesis, vessel lumen

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formation, and in the overall patterning of the vasculature[84, 85]. The profound vascular phenotype that resultsfrom the loss of a single allele of VEGF demonstratesthat tight regulation of VEGF levels is critical for propervascular development. However, given that angioblastsare present in the VEGF knockout embryos, it can beinferred that VEGF signaling is not required for initialspecification of angioblasts [86], but is critical for theirproper differentiation and morphogenesis.

VEGF-A presents a number of alternate isoforms,which are generated by alternative splicing of theVEGF-A mRNA. Resulting isoforms differ in theirbiological activities, as a direct result of differencesin their receptor binding affinities and in their abilityto diffuse within the extracellular environment. Thelarger forms of VEGF (VEGF164, 188, and 205 inmouse) possess a motif that tethers them to variousECM components and thus decreases their diffusibility.The smallest isoform of VEGF lacks this domain andcan freely diffuse. This form has been shown to drivechemotaxis of migrating angioblasts [39]. Gene targetingof these different isoforms results in a range of vasculardefects [87]. Therefore, it seems likely the coordinationof different isoforms is critical for the generation of acontinuous and functional embryonic vasculature.


The principal receptor for VEGF is the receptor tyrosinekinase VEGFR-2. VEGFR-2 has been shown to be criti-cal for both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, and is oneof the most reliable markers of angioblasts and differen-tiated ECs. Expression of VEGFR-2 has been shown tobe high during embryonic blood vessel formation and intumor vessels [38, 77, 78, 88]. Mice lacking VEGFR-2function die early during development, between E8.5 andE10.5, from almost total failure of vascular development[17]. Mutant animals lack almost all angioblast differen-tiation and either cord or vessel formation. In addition,these mice lack all hematopoietic cells. Thus, VEGFR-2is a key regulator of both angioblast specification and dif-ferentiation. In this chapter, we will review its role duringpulmonary vascular development in detail (see “VascularGrowth Factors in Lung Morphogenesis”).

VEGFR-1 displays structural and expression similar-ities to VEGFR-2, but appears to play a distinct roleduring vessel formation. VEGFR-1 is a high-affinity re-ceptor for VEGF and PlGF, much like VEGFR-2 [89].In contrast to VEGFR-2-null mutants however, loss ofVEGFR-1 function does not affect early angioblast devel-opment, but it does affect their ability to assemble and or-ganize into vessels [90]. In addition, VEGFR-1-deficientembryos actually show an increase, rather than a de-crease, in the number of EC precursors throughout the

embryo [91]. While VEGFR-1, like VEGFR-2, possessesan intracellular tyrosine kinase domain, mutation of thisdomain does not impede normal vessel formation. Thissuggests that the intracellular portion of the receptor maynot transduce active intracellular signaling. Instead, it hasbeen proposed that VEGFR-1 normally functions to se-quester excess VEGF ligand, which may regulate thenumber of differentiated angioblasts and subsequent ECproliferation.

FORMATION OF PULMONARYVASCULATUREOnce the embryo has established a rudimentary circula-tory system capable of providing oxygen and nutrientsto growing tissues, organ development begins, driven bygenetic cues. Coordinately, organ vascular beds also be-gin to emerge and grow. Although a significant amount isknown regarding the forces that drive embryonic vesselformation and lung branching morphogenesis, the angio-genic and vasculogenic mechanisms that establish thepulmonary circulation remain poorly understood. This isin part a result of the complexity of distal pulmonarydevelopment, where intimate association of alveolar andvascular tissues must be coordinated to create a functionalinterface that allows proper oxygen exchange in the ma-ture lung. Given this interdependent relationship betweenalveolar and vascular development, it has proven difficultto distinguish the mechanisms underlying vascular emer-gence from those driving distal epithelial morphogenesis.In the second half of this chapter, we review the stages ofpulmonary branching morphogenesis and place these incontext with what is known regarding pulmonary vascu-lar development. In addition, we also introduce new ideasregarding the molecular basis of their close associationand coordinated growth.

ORIGIN OF THE LUNGLung morphogenesis initiates on the ventral aspect of theforegut. The first signs of lung formation are a thickeningof the foregut epithelium and the subsequent evaginationof the laryngotracheal groove. The groove then separatesfrom the esophagus posteriorly, giving rise to the laryn-gotracheal tube. This parallel tube then grows distallyinto the underlying splanchnopleuric mesoderm. Morpho-genetic changes of the endodermal epithelium result inthe formation of two small lung buds, composed of innerepithelial pouches surrounded by a thick layer of meso-derm. This mesodermal layer consists of undifferentiatedmesenchyme, vascular, and neuronal cells, surrounded bya thin layer of mesothelium. Following initial embryoniclung budding, early lung morphogenesis then involves a

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stereotypic pattern of reproducible budding and branch-ing events, that generate a complex, tree-like system ofepithelial branches, which maintain medial–lateral andleft–right axes and form the mature lung organ [92–96].

STAGES OF LUNG DEVELOPMENTLung development, including pulmonary neovasculariza-tion, can be divided into five classic chronological stagesbased on the growth and differentiation of specific pul-monary epithelial structures (Figure 1.3) [97–99].

(i) Embryonic stage, when the evaginating foregutendodermal epithelium invades the adjacent prim-itive mesoderm (murine: 9.5–11.5 days; human:3.5–7 weeks).

(ii) Pseudoglandular stage, during which epithelial-lined airways (pre-acinar bronchi) undergo re-peated dichotomous branching (murine: 11.5–16days; human: 7–17 weeks).

(iii) Canalicular (or vascular) stage, is marked byproliferation of the vasculature, emergence of cap-illaries, epithelial thinning, and differentiation ofthe alveolar type 1 and 2 cells (murine: 16.5–17.4days; human: 17–27 weeks).

(iv) Saccular stage, when vascularization and thenumber of terminal sacs increases, concurrentwith formation of crests and cup-shaped alveoli(murine: 17.4–5 + days; human: 28–36 weeks).

(v) Alveolar stage, during which the alveolar ductsand alveoli develop, mature, and proliferate twoto threefold before reaching their adult number(murine: 5+ days; human: 36 weeks gestationonwards).

Progression of lung development through these fivedistinct stages is consistent across mammalian species.

ORIGIN OF LUNG VASCULATURESimilar to vessel formation within the developing embryo[100], lung neovascularization is governed by complexinteractions between ECs, endodermal and mesodermalcells, mural cells, the ECM, and the cellular microenvi-ronment, as well as by epigenetics [28, 101]. Consistentwith vessel formation in other tissues, angiogenesis andvasculogenesis are considered to work in concert toform the pulmonary vascular system [64, 99, 102–104].Identifying the mechanisms underlying formation of thepulmonary circulation poses many challenges. Initial

lung bud-endodermevagination into




4.0 8.0




26.0 36.0 Birth




5.0 30.0

Postnatal-DaysMouse Days Gestation

proliferation,Type I & II cells,

and capillarization

alveoli maturationand multiplication

increasing terminalsacs, and

alveolar crests

PseudoglandularEmbryonic Canalicular Saccular Alveolar

Figure 1.3 Diagram illustrating the stages of lung development that are consistent across mammalian species.

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observations using staining for von Willebrand factorsuggested that vessel formation in the emerging lungwas predominately limited to the canalicular stage [105].However, more recent observations using in situ hy-bridization and transgenic mouse studies that examinedVEGFR-2 expression, generally considered to be amarker of primitive angioblasts and developing vessels,indicate that vessel formation occurs throughout allstages of lung development [106]. Thus, the evolution ofavailable tools and reagents has resulted in an improvedanatomical understanding of lung vessel location.

ANGIOGENESIS AND VASCULOGENESISIN THE DEVELOPING LUNGSerial histological reconstruction of human embryonicfetal lungs has provided significant insight into thedeveloping lung vasculature. These histological studiesindicate that during the embryonic stage of lung develop-ment, cells expressing the CD34 antigen (hematopoieticprogenitor cell marker) coalesce and form the pulmonaryarteries via vasculogenesis within the mesoderm [98,107, 108]. As lung morphogenesis proceeds to thepseudoglandular stage, pulmonary arteries are believedto continue to be formed via vasculogenesis, while later,during the canalicular and alveolar stages, extension ofthese vessels occurs via angiogenic mechanisms [98,107, 108]. Thus, based on these histological studies,it would appear that the development of pulmonarycirculation employs sequentially the distinct mechanismsof vasculogenesis and angiogenesis.

In contrast to these histological findings, electron mi-croscopy and methacrylate vessel-casting studies sug-gests that two independent vascular networks, one an-giogenic and one vasculogenic, actually form in paralleland only later connect with each other to generate a con-tinuous circulatory network within the lung [61]. Indeed,these studies suggest that these two networks, which arisesimultaneously but independently from each other, haveonly rare anatomical communication between them dur-ing early lung development. Electronic microscopy stud-ies identified vasculogenic pools of clustered angioblaststhroughout the embryonic stage, as separate and periph-erally located within the lung mesenchyme. To character-ize angiogenic vessel formation, vessel casting was per-formed. The earliest point at which vessel casting couldbe accomplished, E12 – at the beginning of the pseudog-landular stage – indicated that arterial and venous vesselssprout at this stage from central pulmonary trunk vessels.Communication between the two networks was found tothen gradually increase, until a complete vascular cir-cuit is established by E17 just before term in the mouseembryo (term = E18.5) [61]. One complication is thatthe vessel casting technique is limited, as the location

of growing vessels in relationship to the mesenchymeand bronchi is not effectively revealed. Emerging angio-genic vessels are fragile making identification difficult,and casting at earlier stages prior to E12 of fetal devel-opment is limited by embryo size. However despite theselimitations, casting studies were the first to identify thesimultaneous development of the two parallel pulmonaryvascular networks.

Analysis of the expression of EC-specific reportergenes has further expanded our understanding of vascu-logenesis and angiogenesis during lung vascular devel-opment. Utilizing transgenic reporter mouse lines, bothvasculogenic and angiogenic derived emergence of ves-sels has been observed. Distribution of Tie2 receptorexpression in Tie2–lacZ transgenic mice suggests thatvessels do not originate de novo in the lung bud mes-enchyme, but are instead attracted to the lung bud andgrow into the lung mesenchyme by angiogenic sprout-ing [109]. Indeed, vessels expressing Tie2 are observedextending from the medial gut tube toward the distal tipof the lung buds. Vessel emergence via vasculogenesiswithin the lung mesenchyme is supported by observationsof VEGFR-2 reporter expression. VEGFR-2–lacZ trans-genic mice, in contrast to the Tie2–lacZ pattern, revealthe presence of an intact vascular plexus within the mes-enchyme in E10.5 mouse lungs [106]. Therefore vascularidentification studies carried out with different markersreveal endothelial heterogeneity, indicating that differenttypes of ECs are found in the proximal versus the dis-tal lung bud mesenchyme. Alternatively, as VEGFR-2is a more primitive EC marker Tie2/platelet-endothelialcell adhesion molecule (PECAM)-1 (CD31) [110], it ispossible that observed differences may be based on thedistinct stages of EC commitment in different regionsof the bud. Nonetheless, these studies indicate that ves-sels are present within the distal mesoderm early, but dolittle to delineate the exact origin of the different vesselpopulations. Although initial studies suggested sequentialvasculogenesis and angiogenesis, recent evidence con-tinues to accumulate supporting the notion that separateparallel angiogenic and vasculogenic processes work co-ordinately to form the pulmonary vasculature throughoutlung development.

In addition to the alveolar endothelial interface thatsupports oxygen exchange, central vessels are also foundin close proximity to the central bronchi of the lung. Inter-estingly, bronchial circulation and the interface betweenthe central bronchi and vasculature are poorly under-stood. To date, observations suggest that although arteriesare adjacent to the bronchi extending into the peripheralairways in the mature lung, during early pulmonary de-velopment there is little contact between the vasculatureand the central or peripheral airways [98, 107, 108]. How-ever, there is histological evidence demonstrating that

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by the canalicular stage bronchi and vessels are in closeproximity and that an intact vascular network is found bycasting at the saccular stage [61]. The contrast betweenthese studies highlight a persistent void in our knowl-edge of the mechanisms that mediate formation of thebronchi/bronchial circulation interface.

Pulmonary Arterial and Venous Differentiation

The pulmonary circulation is composed of arterial and ve-nous vessels that coordinate vascular flow to and from thedistal oxygen exchanging alveolar cells. As mentioned in“Arterial versus Venous Differentiation,” recent studieshave identified the endothelial marker EphB4 tyrosine ki-nase receptor and its membrane-bound ligand EfnB2 asspecific venous and arterial vessels markers, respectively[111]. Interestingly, in contrast to other regions through-out the body, the pulmonary arteries carry un-oxygenatedblood to the distal capillaries where the EC/alveolar inter-face facilitates oxygen exchange. Pulmonary veins thenreturn oxygen-rich blood to the left side of the heart.Histological analysis of human fetal lungs (84–98 daysgestation) suggests that while a subset of the vascularpopulation expresses EfnB2, all pulmonary EC popula-tions, venous and arterial, express EphB4 [98, 107, 108].Furthermore, at this stage (E13.5) ECs lack fate speci-ficity as they express both surface markers. It is only atE15.5 that EC arteriovenous cell fate specificity begins toemerge [112]. What is unclear is the stimulus that dictatespulmonary EC specification to either an arterial or venousfate. As oxygen levels in utero are relatively low in thedeveloping fetus and the fetal lung is protected from higharterial flow pressures, it is not readily evident that a me-chanical or oxidative stress mechanism is involved. Analternative possibility is signaling from smooth musclecells (SMCs) that are known to line arterial but not thevenous system [98, 107, 108]. The paucity of studies thatexamine arterial and venous EC fate specification high-light our lack of understanding of the mechanisms thatregulate the emerging pulmonary vasculature and remaina challenge to pulmonary vascular biologist.

Extension of Primary Pulmonary Vascular Plexus tothe Epithelial/Mesenchymal Interface

In light of previous studies on lung vascularization andour recent identification of blood flow in the early lungbud (before E10.5) [112], we set forth a novel proposalfor the etiology of lung vascular network formation. Wepropose that a functional, blood-filled primitive vascularnetwork is present in the mesoderm prior to the evagi-nation of the endodermal lung epithelium (Figure 1.4a).Initially, the relatively homogenous web-like plexus lieswithin the gut tube mesodermal layer, and runs along the





Figure 1.4 Proposal for the sequential progression oflung vascular development. A primitive blood filled vas-cular network, present within the mesoderm (a), is pushedoutward by the invading endodermal bud epithelium (b).Progression of the endodermal epithelial invasion and dis-tal lung bud expansion results in vascular plexus forminga purse-like pouch that narrows at the proximal neck (c).The growing vasculature of the lung bud always main-tains a vascular connection with the central circulationsystem, and the proximal vessels remodel into fewer andlarger vessels (d). As the bud grows and the lung vascu-lature extends and remodels, vasculogenic pools are alsopresent in the distal mesoderm (d). Vascular remodelingof this plexus and the establishment of communicationwith the vasculogenic clusters completes a multilayeredpulmonary vascular network. A color version of thisfigure appears in the plate section of this volume.

entire length of the foregut and beyond. As the endodermbuds into the mesoderm, the vascular plexus and meso-dermal layers are pushed out with it, forming a vascularnetwork that surrounds the budding epithelium like a fishnet (Figure 1.4b). This can be seen in a number of studies

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that describe early lung vasculature [109]. However, im-portantly, the vasculature at these early stages remainssandwiched within the middle of the mesodermal layerand is not in immediate contact with the underlying en-dodermal epithelium.

As budding continues, we propose that the lung budextends distally with minimal proximal lung growth. Thiscauses the distal vascular plexus to extend, while theproximal vascular plexus remains in relative close prox-imity to its origin within the foregut. As the bud tips growout, proximal vessels remodel into fewer and larger ves-sels and both the arterial (anterior) and returning venous(posterior) systems take shape. Since there is minimalproximal growth relative to distal proliferation, the vas-cular plexus comes to form a purse-like pouch, withconstriction of the proximal plexus around the thinningneck of the lung bud (Figure 1.4c). Simultaneously, in thedistal mesenchyme of the lung bud, vasculogenic poolsof angioblasts are also emerging (Figure 1.4d).

Around E12 in the mouse, vessels extend centripetallyfrom their position within the mesenchyme toward the ep-ithelial/mesenchymal interface by angiogenic sprouting.In addition, this same plexus also extends in the oppositedirection, centrifugally outwards, and establishes commu-nication with the vasculogenic clusters. Overall, remod-eling of this plexus completes a multilayered pulmonaryvascular network, within the lung bud, by embryonic day17. This proposed mechanism is consistent with observedvessel formation in other organs where the vasculature isinitially confined to a single layered plexus within themesoderm, while adjacent endoderm and ectoderm lay-ers are initially avascular. Similarly, lymphatic vessels inskin develop from a simple flat array of vessels, to a mul-tilayered array [113]. In both cases, an initial plexus mustgrow out of a two-dimensional net-like network, and cre-ate a more three-dimensional array. Still to be determinedis whether type 1 and/or 2 vasculogenic mechanisms areused in lung vascularization, and the timing and mecha-nisms underlying pulmonary vascular tubulogenesis andangiogenic remodeling during lung development.

Further complicating our understanding of pulmonaryneovascularization has been the difficulty in pinpoint-ing the stage at which the lung vasculature comes incontact with the epithelium. Early studies indicate thatcells expressing VEGFR-2 mRNA are present in con-junction with pulmonary epithelium during much of lungdevelopment [59, 106]. Although adult murine and hu-man lungs have vessels adjacent to the epithelium ofbronchi, branching epithelium, and distal alveoli cells,this does not appear to be the case in embryonic lungs.Serial reconstruction of human embryonic fetal lungs[107] and identification of perfused vessels in the mes-enchyme [112] indicates that primitive vessels are presentin the mesenchyme but are not immediately adjacent to

the evaginating epithelium. Lack of consensus surround-ing the stage during lung development where vessel emer-gence is observed and how vessels develop their interfacewith the alveolar cell elucidates the difficulty presentedin dissecting out the pulmonary circulatory system.


Similar to their roles in embryonic vasculogenesis,VEGF-A and its receptors, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2,are also essential for pulmonary vessel formation. Indi-rectly regulated by both fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-9and “sonic hedgehog” signaling in the mesenchyme,VEGF-A expression mediates distal capillary densityand plexus formation [114]. This is supported by thecorrelation of VEGF-A isoform-specific expressionpatterns with regional pulmonary vessel formation atdifferent developmental timepoints. VEGF-A isoformdistribution and timing suggests that different VEGF-Aisoforms facilitate specific aspects of vessel formation.During the early pseudoglandular stages, when vesselformation is confined to the middle mesenchymal celllayer, initial expression of the 120 and 164 VEGF-Aisoforms is distributed throughout the mesenchyme[115–118]. At this stage, primitive vessel building andrecruitment occurs, and the vascular plexus surroundsthe emerging lung bud. This is consistent with the factthat VEGF-A 120 is highly diffusible, allowing it tochemotactically recruit vessels from the plexus or fromsurrounding vasculogenic pools, while doing little toincrease the vascular density within the region [80]. Incontrast to VEGF-A 120’s highly diffusible properties,VEGF-A 164 exhibits only moderate diffusion capacity,and is therefore capable of both vessel recruitmentand increases in vascular density. The presence ofboth VEGF-A isoforms 120 and 164 would suggestthat during early stages of lung development, vesselformation in the mesenchyme occurs by both vesselrecruitment (angiogenesis) and de novo differentiation(vasculogenesis). Taken together these findings sug-gest that in the mesenchyme VEGF120 expression isstimulating angiogenesis while VEGF164 facilitatessimultaneous angiogenesis and vasculogenesis.

During the later part of the pseudoglandular stage, theVEGF-A 188 isoform that is notable for developing vas-cular density is found to be tightly associated with ECMand is found at the epithelial tips of the lung buds. Its ex-pression initiates midway during lung development andgives rise to high local concentrations at the distal tipsof the lung buds, which increase distal capillary networkdensity [80, 116–118]. However, it is unclear whether the

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increase in vascular network density results from vascu-logenic or angiogenic mechanisms. It is worth noting thatat E14, the overall expression of VEGF-A is markedlyincreased in epithelial cells at the tips of the expand-ing airways, which coincides strikingly with a dramaticincrease in vessel density and vascular ingression intothe epithelial/mesenchymal interface [112, 115–118]. Thecorresponding timing of increased VEGF expression infocal epithelial tip cells and the proximity of the epithe-lium to the extending vasculature are consistent with thefacilitation of distal vessel formation. We propose thatthe burst in epithelial expression of VEGF-A in the lungis likely to attract the filopodia of the angiogenic tip cellstoward the epithelial/mesenchymal interface (Figure 1.5).Differential VEGF-A isoform distribution and focal ep-ithelial expression suggests that VEGF-A regulation iscritical to vascular growth in pulmonary development.

The potent effect of VEGF on both the formation ofpulmonary vessels and on developing airway epitheliumcan be demonstrated experimentally. Overexpression ofthe VEGF-A 164 isoform under the control of the hu-man SP-C promoter results in increased vascularization,as expected, but also in marked lung abnormalities char-acterized by large dilated tubules, disrupted branchingmorphogenesis, and inhibition of type 1 epithelial cell dif-ferentiation [119]. Selective expression of the VEGF-A120 isoform (which lacks heparin-binding capacity and

Figure 1.5 Vascular remodeling and establishment ofintervascular connections is in part due to the interac-tions between epithelial VEGF gradients, the vasculo-genic pools, and angiogenic extensions from the growinglung plexus. These forces work in concert to developa functional gas-exchanging vascular/alveolar cell inter-face. A color version of this figure appears in the platesection of this volume.

therefore lacks ECM interaction domains in mice) re-sulted in impaired vascular development. Expression ofonly the VEGF-A 120 isoform resulted in the lack of di-rected extension of endothelial filopodia and a decreasein vascular branching [120]. Importantly, in addition todefects in lung microvasculature, these mutant mice alsodisplayed a marked delay of airspace maturation [121].The lack of branching and diminished EC filopodia wasattributed to the disruption of the proper VEGF-A con-centration gradient. Despite whether expression of oneor all VEGF isoforms was altered during development,distal alveolar formation was altered. Together, these ex-periments suggest that all of the VEGF-A isoforms arenecessary for normal alveolar/vascular air–blood barrierformation and confirms that the different VEGF-A iso-forms have specific roles in lung morphogenesis [121].


The influence of VEGF-A on neovascularization is notonly regulated by local control of expression levels, butalso by the selective expression of its receptors. VEGF-Abinds multiple receptors including VEGFR-1, -2, and -3(also known as Flt-4), and neuropilins 1 and 2. Whileit has been shown that each member of this family ofclosely related tyrosine kinases performs very differ-ent functions during blood vessel development, little isknown about their different roles during development ofthe pulmonary vasculature. What has been demonstratedis that VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 both regulate EC prolif-eration and differentiation and are therefore essential fordevelopment of the pulmonary vasculature [122]. As dur-ing initial embryonic vessel formation, VEGFR-2 is morelikely to mediate EC proliferation and differentiation,while VEGFR-1 plays a greater role in vessel branchingand remodeling [122]. VEGFR-2 mRNA-expressing cellsduring lung development have been correlated with re-gions in which endothelial precursors are emerging withinthe mesenchyme via vasculogenesis [106].

Although all precursor EC express VEGFR-2, recentstudies indicate that VEGFR-2 is also expressed on pre-cursors to SMCs or pericytes. Presentation of either aVEGF or platelet-derived growth factor ligand to theprecursor cell dictates the cell fate to either an EC orpericyte/SMC, respectively [123]. This observation thuslimits the usefulness of engineered VEGFR-2 mRNAand VEGFR-2 reporter mice as a sole means to iden-tify emerging vessels. However, by taking advantageof colocalization using antibodies against phosphory-lated VEGR2 and its “endothelial-differentiating” ligandVEGF, one can deduce that a cell positive for both wouldrepresent a cell committed to an endothelial fate. Studiesthat examine colocalization of phosphorylated VEGFR-2in association with VEGF confirmed that the vasculature

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ECM 15

is confined to the mesenchymal cells prior to E14.5–15.5[112]. While most studies have associated VEGFR-2 ex-pression with vascular and perivascular cells, a study byAhlbrecht et al. determined that epithelial cells in laterstages of development also initiate VEGFR-2 expressionand simultaneously secrete VEGF [124]. In contrast, neu-ronal cells lack VEGFR and only express VEGF andneuropilin receptors [125]. Clearly these studies point tothe growing need to examine the role of the different ty-rosine kinases in response to the VEGF ligand in differentcell types.

Environmental Influences on VEGF Expression

Although cell-autonomous factors, like receptor availabil-ity and composition of intracellular signaling mediators,are strong determinants of VEGF signaling, tissue inter-actions, ECM, and environmental factors also play animportant role in VEGF regulation. Explant experimentsdemonstrate that epithelial/mesenchymal interactions arerequired for induction or maintenance of vascular precur-sors [59]. Specifically, fetal lung mesenchyme isolatedand grown in culture in the absence of lung epithe-lium maintains few VEGFR-2 cells. In contrast, lungmesenchyme recombined with lung epithelium developsabundant VEGFR-2-positive cells. The necessity of bothlung rudimentary tissues suggests that during early pul-monary development epithelial/mesenchymal signaling isessential for the proper emergence of vascular precursorsand subsequent development of lung vasculature [59].

Oxygen tension, a mediator of the transcription factorHIF, has been shown to regulate VEGF expression lev-els. Signaling through the HIF–VEGF–VEGFR systemin fact actively participates in lung alveolarization andmaturation [126]. Genetic ablation of HIF-2α resulted inthe development of fatal respiratory distress syndromein neonatal mice [127]. Associated with the reduction inHIF-2α were lowered alveolar VEGF levels. This resultedin alveolar capillaries that failed to remodel properly anda concomitant insufficient surfactant production by alve-olar type 2 cells. However, this could be rescued by ei-ther intra-uterine or postnatal intratracheal instillation ofVEGF [127]. Further demonstrating the profound impactof HIF on VEGF protein expression, hyperoxia expo-sure (>95% O2 days 4–14) resulted in depressed HIF-2α

and VEGF mRNA levels [128, 129] resulting in notonly a reduction in vessel density, but also arrested lungalveolarization [130]. Mediation of environmental oxy-gen tension is observed in the premature newborn wherefetal lungs are exposed to relatively high oxygen levelscompared to what they would experience in utero. Thispremature oxygenation results in the onset of pathologiclung hypoplasia or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).Studies examining lung development in premature infants

using a baboon model of BPD determined that there wasa marked and selective downregulation of HIFs [131].Inhibition of HIF degradation augmented distal alveolarangiogenesis and ameliorated the pathological alveolardysplasia and physiological consequences of BPD [132,133]. These studies suggest that environmental influenceson VEGF expression play a significant role in the evolu-tion of neonatal lung disease.

ENDOTHELIAL-SPECIFIC FACTORSIn addition to the VEGF and VEGFR family, ECsthemselves generate factors that contribute to the reg-ulation of their behaviors during vessel formation. Forexample, angiopoietin-1 protein is likely to be requiredfor pulmonary vessel integrity and quiescence. Highangiopoietin-1 levels in nitrofen-induced hypoplasticlungs were associated with a significant reduction inperipheral capillaries [134]. Further supporting a rolefor endothelial-selective growth factors in pulmonaryvascular development, transgenic mice with an endothe-lial nitric oxide synthase mutation exhibit capillaryhypoperfusion, misaligned pulmonary veins and alsodisplay a paucity of distal arteriolar branches [135].These endothelial-specific factors, while not charac-terized as endothelial growth factors, directly impactvessel formation during development and warrant furtherstudies to better understand their contribution to lungpulmonary vascular development.

NON-ENDOTHELIAL-SPECIFIC GROWTHFACTORSIn contrast to factors that have endothelial-specific re-ceptors, growth factors secreted from other cell typesalso contribute to vessel formation. For example, secretedfactors such as FGFs influence vessel formation by alter-ing vascular integrity [136] and distal alveolar formation[137]. However, the effects of FGFs are not limited tovessel formation, as lung branching and distal alveolarcell differentiation are directly impacted by FGF lev-els. Although these studies are beyond the scope of thischapter, review articles by Cardoso and Maeda nicelyelaborate in greater detail on the interactions betweentranscriptional factors and lung morphogenesis [93, 138].Further examination of nonendothelial-specific growthfactors and their contribution to overall lung growth, in-cluding vessel formation, is important in broadening ourunderstanding of pulmonary vascular development.

ECMThe ECM has also been shown to be critical in modulat-ing embryonic organ and tissue development, including

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blood vessel formation. Interactions between adhesionmolecules mediate cell–cell cohesion and facilitate es-tablishment of epithelial cell polarity [139]. Despite ourgrowing understanding of secreted growth factors in lungvascularization, the role of the ECM in this process ispoorly understood.

One abundant pulmonary ECM component is laminin.In the developing lung, laminin is the predominant ECMmolecule found at the epithelial/mesenchymal interface[140–144]. Owing to its proximity to the developingvasculature, laminin is ideally positioned to influencelung vessel formation. Recent experiments have shownthat laminin regulates vessel lumen diameter, but overallhas little impact on vessel emergence [145]. In thesestudies, deletion of laminin from embryoid bodies dueto a laminin γ1 deletion results in minimal impact onvessel emergence and organization, but does increase thefrequency of vessels with wide lumens [145].

In contrast to the relatively minor role of lamininon vessel construction, recent studies suggest that theECM protein tenascin-C is required for pulmonary vesselnetwork formation. Tenascin-C is known to be down-stream of the paired-related homeobox gene (Prx1 ) andPrx1 -null mice die soon after birth from respiratory fail-ure. Histological analysis of Prx1 -null mice reveals hy-poplastic lungs with a marked reduction in both vesselnumber and tenascin-C expression as compared to con-trol littermates. Ihida-Stansbury et al. suggest that notonly is Prx1 required for tenascin-C expression, but thattenascin-C is required for Prx1 -dependent differentiationof fetal pulmonary EC precursors and vascular networkformation [146, 147]. Together, these studies demonstratethat ECM molecules are important mediators of vesselformation in the developing lung.

ANTIANGIOGENIC FACTORSIn contrast to the positive role of many growth factorson vascular development, negative/inhibitory vascularfactors provide a counterbalance to vessel formationduring lung development. The antiangiogenic proteinendothelial-monocyte activating polypeptide (EMAP) II,which is activated by its cleavage from p43 [148–150],plays a significant role during lung vascular development.

EMAP II temporal/spatial expression during lung de-velopment is consistent with a role in maintaining spe-cific avascular regions during lung development. Duringthe early, pseudoglandular stage (E14.5–15.5), prior tovascularization of the epithelial/mesenchymal interface,EMAP II was found to be highly expressed. Strikingly, itsexpression is downregulated coincident with the canalic-ular stage (E16.5), as this region becomes vascularized.EMAP II expression is limited to the perivascular ex-pression into adulthood [151]. Exogenous delivery of

the endogenous antiangiogenic protein EMAP II in a fe-tal lung allograft model [150] markedly decreased lungvasculature, it induced lung dysplasia and it inhibiteddistal epithelial cell differentiation. Conversely, and aspredicted, delivery of an EMAP II-blocking antibodysignificantly enhanced vasculature and accelerated dif-ferentiation of the distal lung [150].

Early postnatal lung development is profoundly influ-enced by experimental vascular inhibition, demonstratingthe requirement for tight regulation of pulmonary an-giogenic factors. Thalidomide, fumagillin, the VEGFR-2inhibitor SU5416, or PECAM-1-blocking antibodies de-livered in the early postnatal period result not only in vas-cular interruption, but in coincident gross abnormalitiesin lung development [152, 153]. For example, deliveryof the VEGFR-2 inhibitor in the early postnatal periodinitiates an attenuation of lung development noted by aconcomitant decrease vessel formation and alveolariza-tion [152, 153]. Similar results are noted when PECAM-1is inhibited resulting in the disruption of alveolar septa-tion and reduced endothelium [152, 153]. These studiesprovide support a role for tight regulation of vascularregulators during lung morphogenesis.

Cross-Talk between Pulmonary Vasculatureand Epithelium

As pulmonary morphogenesis progresses, the distal alve-oli and ECs have a greater influence on each other’sdevelopment. This is evident as disruption of either theemerging distal air sacs composed of alveolar clefts orvasculature results in an alteration in the normal mor-phogenesis of the other. In contrast to embryonic andearly pseudoglandular stages, where the vasculature andbranching airways are separated by several cell layers,the later pseudoglandular and canalicular stages are char-acterized by thinning of the mesenchyme and increasingproximity of the lung epithelial and ECs. The close prox-imity of the two cell types is critical for the facilitationof oxygen exchange across the epithelial/endothelial in-terface during later development.

The mutual dependence of vasculature and the organsthey perfuse is exemplified when vessels are experimen-tally disrupted. For instance, in lung, vessel inhibitionis associated with alterations in epithelial cell morpho-genesis. Inhibition of VEGF using a soluble receptorin lung renal capsule grafts [154] inhibited vascular de-velopment and epithelial development supporting a rolefor VEGF in the coordination of epithelial and vasculardevelopment [155]. Whereas blockade of vessel growthusing the antiangiogenic protein EMAP II in a lung allo-graft model [150] inhibits epithelial morphogenesis [148].Furthermore, studies indicate that endogenous VEGF in-duces fetal epithelial proliferation in vitro fetal human

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lung explants [156], while conversely VEGF blockadeinterrupts alveolar structural integrity [157]. In addition,transgenic studies where pulmonary blood vessel forma-tion is altered by overexpression of VEGF164 isoformusing the SP-C promoter results in concomitant disrup-tion of branching morphogenesis and inhibition of alveo-lar type 1 cell differentiation [119]. It is important to notethat VEGFRs are not found on the epithelium, suggestingthat the vasculature is the target, and that the epithe-lium responds secondarily. On the other hand, inhibitionof lung structural maturation by inhibition of transform-ing growth factor-β1, thyroid transcriptional factor-1, orWnt7b resulted in vascular malformations in conjunctionwith severe alterations in distal lung alveolar morphogen-esis [96, 158–160]. Taken together, these studies indicatethat there is a direct and mutually dependent relation-ship between vessel formation and epithelial morphogen-esis.

It has become increasingly apparent that an intimateand reciprocal relationship between epithelial and ECs isfostered throughout distal lung development, likely viacell–cell signaling mediated by VEGF-A. This theory issupported by several key observations: (i) VEGF-A dis-tribution in development, (ii) EC facilitation of distal ep-ithelial cell differentiation, and (iii) the strikingly evidentreciprocal influence that alveolar and vascular develop-ment have on each other. First, during lung developmentthe epithelial cells generate VEGF that is deposited inthe subepithelial matrix within the lung branches. Thisresults in a clear proximal-to-distal VEGF gradient, withVEGF epithelial expression being highest at the tips ofthe branching distal airways at E13.5 and lowest at theproximal epithelium [117]. Corresponding to the epithe-lial VEGF gradient, phosphorylated VEGFR-2 signal canbe found on the tips of the pulmonary ECs that areextending toward the epithelial/mesenchymal interfaceduring the pseudoglandular stage [112]. Taken together,this suggests that the epithelial basilar VEGF gradientserves as a guidance and endothelial differentiation signal[123].

The basilar epithelial location of VEGF also suggestsa morphologic role where a cross-talk interaction be-tween the VEGF expressing basilar epithelial surface andthe ECs initiate distal epithelial differentiation. Previ-ous studies have shown that ECs contribute importantparacrine signals that influence the development of sur-rounding organs. For example, during pancreatic devel-opment, key events of endocrine differentiation occuronly in close association with ECs [161, 162]. In liver,hepatocyte migration and differentiation require similarsignals from blood vessel ECs [60]. Similarly, in lungdevelopment, VEGF also patterns and coordinates ep-ithelial/vascular morphogenesis [155, 163]. These studies

indicate that without VEGF-A tightly coordinating dis-tal epithelial differentiation and vascular development,progression of epithelial proliferation and sacculationare altered. Interestingly, distal lung differentiation doesprogress, but the epithelial cell numbers and structure arelimited. This suggests that VEGF-A has a broad influ-ence on distal lung formation. Importantly, these studiesreinforce the fundamental concept that vascular and ep-ithelial cell cross-talk are essential in the formation ofthe alveolar/vascular interface that is essential for oxygenexchange.

CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVESLung vascular development is clearly a complex pro-cess. Guided by both pro- and antiangiogenic factors,the ECM, epithelial/mesenchymal interactions, and an-giogenic and vasculogenic mechanisms work together toestablish a functional site of gas exchange at the alveo-lar/endothelial interface. Mediated by a wide array of vas-cular growth factors, receptors, and arterial/venous guid-ance cues, vessel formation is derived by vasculogenicand angiogenic forces. Furthermore, during developmentvascular growth factors mediate not only endothelial mor-phogenesis, but also influence directly and indirectly af-fect a broader cellular community. This results in theclose association and coordination of vascular formationand epithelial differentiation, where alteration in eithersystem inevitably and dramatically influences the for-mation of the other. The intimate relationship betweenthese two interconnected processes makes it exceedinglydifficult to identify the individual contributions to ei-ther component. Thus, designing methods to distinguishthe contribution and regulation of vascularization fromepithelial morphogenesis, development of an in-depthunderstanding of the angiogenic and vasculogenic pro-gression during the early stages of lung formation, andidentification of the arterial and venous contributions allremain exciting challenges for future studies.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to Dr. Philip Shaul for critical reading ofthe manuscript and helpful advice. We are also indebtedto Jose Cabrera for artistic rendition of complex vascularconcepts. This work was supported by Juvenile DiabetesResearch Foundation award 99-2007-472, National Insti-tutes of Health R01 grant DK079862-01, American HeartAssociation award 0755054Y, and the Basil O’ConnorMarch of Dimes award to O.C., and National Institutesof Health R01 grants HL-60061 and HL-75764 to M.S.

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Page 22: 1 Development of the Pulmonary Endothelium in …(a) Vasculogenesis (d) Vasculogenesis plus Angiogenesis (b) Sprouting Angiogenesis (c) Angiogenic Remodeling Figure 1.1 Schematic illustrating


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