1-dasar-dasar reaksi dan sifat kimia alam

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1-Dasar-dasar Reaksi Dan Sifat Kimia Alam


  • Dasar-dasar Reaksi dan Sifat

    Kimia Alam

    AF Assomadi

    Kuliah Kimia Lingkungan I

  • Hubungan








  • Environmental


    Is the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effects, and fates of chemical species in water, soil, air, and living environments, and the effects of technology thereon

  • Pertukaran Zat/Materi antar sphere

  • Siklus Karbon (C-Cycle)

  • Siklus Nitrogen (N-cycle)

  • Siklus



  • Siklus Fosfat (P-cycle)

  • Beberapa impact teknologi pada

    lingkungan Agricultural perubahan lahan, drainase,

    irigasi, pestisida Manufacturing polusi udara, polusi air, by-

    produk limbah hazard dsb Extraksi and produksi mineral kerusakan

    lingkungan dan polusi Produksi Energi dan penggunaannya

    kerusakan lahan/tanah, polusi air (garam), emisi polutan udara (hujan asam) dsb

    Transportasi Modern automobile, perubahan struktur tanah (jalan), emisi polusi udara, peningkatan penambangan minyak dsb

  • technology can be applied to minimize

    environmental impact

    maximum energy efficiency, maximum utilization of raw materials, and minimum production of pollutant by-products

    minimize pollution problems

    maximum materials recycling and minimum waste product production

    advanced biotechnologies

    catalysts for efficient synthesis

    minimize waste production

  • Steady State Addition and Removal

  • 14

    Kimia Air

  • Siklus Air




    dalam triliun


  • Sifat


  • Air Struktur terdiri atas 2 atom H

    dan 1 atom O dalam setiap molekulnya

    Struktur bersudut 105 o moment dipol tidak nol (polar)

    Kemampuan sangat besar membentuk ikatan hidrogen (kelarutan molekul, logam, suspensi)

    Pelarut yang universal Kapasitas panas tinggi Densitas terbesar pada 4 oC

    (jaminan kelangsungan hidup)

  • 18

    Ikatan Hidrogen

  • 19

    Water Chemistry

    The polarity of water causes it to be cohesive and adhesive.

    Polarity unequal charge distribution in a molecule resulting in a region and a + region

    cohesion: water molecules stick to other water molecules by hydrogen bonding

    adhesion: water molecules stick to other polar molecules by hydrogen bonding

  • 20

    Water Chemistry


  • 21

    Water Chemistry


  • Stratifikasi Air danau

  • Major Aquatic Chemical Process

  • Kesetimbangan CO2-CaCO3 di air

  • Oksidasi-Reduksi di Air

  • Oksigen di Air

    O2 dibutuhkan terlarut di air untuk menjaga reaksi oksidasi-reduksi, respirasi, degradasi dst

    Kelarutan O2 di air tergantung temperatur, pd 25 oC sekitar 8,5 mg/L; pada 0oC 14,74 mg/L

    Dihasilkan dari proses fotosintesis alga/tumbuhan hijau di air dan proses aerasi

  • CO2 di Air

  • Kesetimbangan CO2 di Air

  • 29

    Acids and Bases

    Hydrogen ion (H+1) is the basis of the pH scale.

    Greater H+1 concentration --- lower pH (acidic)

    Lower H+1 concentration --- higher pH (basic)

  • 30

    Acids and Bases

    Acid: a chemical that releases H+1 ions.

    pH below 7

    Base: a chemical that accepts H+1 ions.

    pH above 7

    Buffer: a chemical that accepts/releases H+1 as necessary to keep pH constant

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    Acids and Bases

  • 32

    Acids and Bases

    Most biological buffers consist of a pair of molecules, one an acid and one a base.



  • 33

    Acids and Bases

  • 34

    Properties of Water

    1. Water has a high specific heat.

    - A large amount of energy is required to change the temperature of water.

    2. Water has a high heat of vaporization.

    - The evaporation of water from a surface causes cooling of that surface.

  • 35

    Properties of Water 3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water.

    - Bodies of water freeze from the top down.

  • 36

  • 37

    Properties of Water

    4. Water is a good solvent.

    - Water dissolves

    polar molecules and


  • 38

    Properties of Water

    5. Water organizes nonpolar molecules. - hydrophilic: water-loving -hydrophobic: water-fearing - Water causes hydrophobic molecules to

    aggregate or assume specific shapes.

    6. Water can form ions. H2O OH

    -1 + H+1

    hydroxide ion hydrogen ion

    Ionization; happens spontaneously

  • Concentrations of main ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, HCO3-, SO4

    2-, Cl-, NO3-


    Monitoring surface waters chemistry

    1954-1955, 1990-1991, 2000-

    2001 Tebo fishpond basin

    1964 - 2007 Stropnice river

  • Water Quality Parameters

    Temperature - Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - pH

    Alkalinity - Hardness

    Nitrates and Phosphates - Turbidity



  • Temperature


    Water density

    Gas solubility

    Chemical reaction rates

    Organism growth rates



    Dissolved Oxygen

  • Q10 rule cold-blooded aquatic organisms

    Predicts that growth rate will double

    if temperature increases by 10C (18F) within their "preferred" range.

  • Gases Dissolve in Water

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

    DO is the measurement of oxygen

    dissolved in water and available for

    fish and other aquatic life.

    Indicates health of an aquatic system.

    Can range from 0-18 ppm.

    Most natural water systems require 5-

    6 ppm to support a diverse population.

    Varies with time of day, weather, temperature.

  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

    Increase in organic waste

    Increase in algae/plant vegetation

    Decrease in DO available to organisms

    Leads to changes in ecosystem as

    organisms needing lots of DO are

    replaced by organisms needing little.

  • pH - p(otential of) H(ydrogen)

    Determines the solubility of nutrients (PO4-3, NO3

    -, C)

    and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, etc)

    Determines availability of these chemicals for use by aquatic life.

    In natural water systems, determined largely by geology and soils.

  • pH of natural waters

    due to humic acid

    Limestone, marble, CO3 rich

    Pure rain, snow

    Sea water

  • Factors that affect pH

    Algal blooms Bacterial activity Water turbulence Chemicals flowing into the water body Sewage overflows Pollution

  • How pH affects aquatic life

    Decreasing pH (e.g.: via acid rain)

    Liberation of Al, metals

    Toxic conditions

    Chronic stress

    Smaller, weaker fish

  • Alkalinity

    Alkalinity refers to the capability of water to neutralize acid.

    Buffering capacity resistance to pH changes.

    Common natural buffer: CO3

    (carbonates like limestone).

    Protects aquatic life.

    Commonly linked to water


    In natural systems:

    50 150 mg/L as CaCO3.

    Limestone outcrop

  • Hardness

    Reflects dissolved

    carbonate minerals.

    Mostly of concern for

    drinking water


    Metals precipitate out

    of solution.

    Create scale/hard

    water deposits

    High alkalinity Hard water

  • and Nitrate (NO3



    form of nitrogen

    found in soil.

    Forms by microbial

    decomposition of

    fertilizers, plants,

    manures or other

    organic residues

    Plants uptake

    nitrates (Spinach a

    good source).

    Phosphate (PO4-3)

    naturally occurs in

    rocks and minerals.

    Plants uptake


    elements and


    Animals ingest plants.

    Water soluble.

    Redfield Ratio: 106:16:1

  • Nitrates

    The U.S. EPA has set a maximum

    contaminant level for NO3- in drinking

    water of 10 parts per million (ppm)

    Artificial sources: Livestock manure/urine

    Failing septic systems

    Synthetic fertilizers

    Can lead to: eutrophication of natural

    water systems

    (overproduction of


    Blue baby syndromne

  • Artificial sources:

    Sewage Laundry, cleaning fluids

    Synthetic fertilizers

    Can also lead to

    eutrophication of

    natural water


    (overproduction of



    Blue green algae

  • 1990 and 1999 comparison

    of Nitrates in Great Lakes

    From US EPA


  • Solutions??

    Wetland restoration Reduce fertilizers

    Reduce emissions WWTP/industry Reduce soil erosion

  • Turbidity

    Measures how

    murky the water is


    Mineral fraction



    Soluble organic compounds


    Microscopic organisms

    MODIS Image from NASA


  • Causes of highly waters

    In open waters, phytoplankton Closer to shore, particulates Resuspended bottom sediments


    Organic from stream and/or wastewater discharges.

    Channelization Increased flow rates Too many bottom-feeding fish (such as carp)

  • Effects of highly waters

    Modify light penetration Increase sedimentation rate Smother benthic habitats Settling clay particles Fine particulate material also can damage sensitive structures

    Decrease organism resistance to disease Prevent proper egg and larval development Macrophyte growth may be decreased Reduced photosynthesis can lead to lower daytime release of oxygen

  • Conductivity Ability of a substance to conduct an electrical current.

    In water, conductivity determined by types and quantities of dissolved

    solids. (Commonly called Total Dissolved Solids = TDS)

    Current carried by ions (negatively or

    positively charged particles).

    Eg: NaCl(aq) = Na + + Cl

    Cl- Na+ Na+



    Na+ Cl-




    Na+ Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

    Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

    Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

    Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

    Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

    Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

    Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl-

    Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+

    Na+ Na+

    Na+ Na+

    Na+ Na+

  • Conductivity

    Conductivity of natural waters depends upon:

    Ion characteristics (mobility, valence, concentration)

    Water temperature


    Size of watershed


    Some artificial factors that can affect conductivity:


    Urban runoff (especially road salt)

    Agricultural runoff

  • The most abundant components of a

    kilogram of seawater.

    The Components of Salinity