1 cut to length line: feeder metal. 2 cut to length line: feeder standard line configuration

1 Cut to length line: FEEDER METAL

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Cut to length line: FEEDER



Cut to length line: FEEDER

Standard line configuration


Cut to length line: FEEDER

Typical speed profile and cycle of the Feeder Roll


Cut to length line: FEEDER

A Feeder application has a maximum line speed of around 60 [m/min].The number of the cut per minute depend on the cut length.

With respect to the Flying Share a Feeder application is cheaper, typically faster but the max thickness the machine is able to cut not exceeds 2,5 – 3 [mm].The reason of this limit, is the necessity to have a Looper section before of the Feeder Roll.

The Feeder Rool is the master of the full cut to length line, it defines the max production speed and all the other motors (Uncoiler, Straightener, Evacuation Carpet and Stacker) are slaves.


Cut to length line: FEEDER

By the way to reaches this accuracy, the real length of cut is measured using a Metric Wheel installed on the sheet before the Feeder Roll.On the Metric Wheel it is normally used a 5000ppr digital encoder.

Normally a Feeder control is able to work also without the Wheel, but in this case it is not possible to measure the slipping of the sheet under the Feeder Roll (due to the high acceleration and deceleration).

The accuracy of the cut length is normally within +/- 0,2 [mm]


Cut to length line: FEEDER

Main topics of the GEFRAN - SIEI Feeder function

• Cycle Step management• Automatic Cycle management• Blade Up and Down sensor management (or its simulation)• Max line speed calculation in relation to the cut length• Direct setting and calculation of the real medium cycle speed• Cycle pause or Cycle abort management with ramp profile• Acceleration and Deceleration management with standard “linear” profile or “S” shape.• CANbus or Modbus communications (Profibus with opt card)• Easy start up due to the use of a single E@syDrives tools to

configure motor data and application data.


Cut to length line: FEEDER

E@syDrive Tool


Cut to length line: FEEDER

E@syDrive Tool: HTML pages for a friendly start up


Cut to length line: FEEDER

For a Feeder application, normally a customer give us the following performance he wont to reaches:


Cut to length line: FEEDER

Dimensioning Tools (in Excel environment)

Using this tools it is possible to:• check how to reaches the requested performances and to define some important data for the application start up and for the sizing of the motor and drive


Cut to length line: FEEDER


Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR



Standard line configuration

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


As show in the picture, the cut group is installed on a Carriage that is able to move in the same direction of the sheet and than came back.

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Speed profile of the Carriage

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


A Flying Shear application for steel sheet has a maximum line speed of around 40[m/min] (but in same case can reaches also 60[m/min].)

On the same machine, the speed of production depends on the cut length. Shorter is the length, slower is the speed

With respect to the Feeder a Flying Share application is more expansive, typically has a lower production but the the machine is able to cut a sheet with a thickness up to 15[mm].The Flying Shear does not need a Looper section.

The Flying Shear is a slave. It follows the sheet from the Leveller who is the master of the cut to length line.

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


The accuracy of the cut length is normally within +/- 0,5 [mm]

By the way to reaches this accuracy, the real length of cut is measured using a Metric Wheel installed on the sheet.

On the Metric Wheel it is normally used a 5000ppr digital encoder.

A Flying Shear control is not able to work without the Wheel.

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Speed profile of the Carriage

At the beginning the Carriage is in a waiting condition while the sheet advance.The Flying control measure the length of material and than accelerate up to reaches the same speed.When the synchronization is achieved, the control gives the Ready to cut signalling.The Carriage go on to follow the material up to the end of the cut space.At this point the carriage return in the initial position waiting for the next cycle.

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Main topics of the GEFRAN - SIEI FLYING SHEAR function

• Management of the full cut control only using 2 command (Enable and RunCmd).

• Automatic Home Research function if necessary.

• Automatic Home Positioning when necessary

• Overspeed (Gap) function to move away the blade from the sheet after the cut procedure.

• Acceleration ramp with Sinusoidal shape to avoid over wear of the mechanical part.

• Modification of the cat length during the production

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Main topics of the GEFRAN - SIEI FLYING SHEAR function

• Max line speed calculation in relation to the cut length

• Virtual master management to perform the commissioning of the Flying share without material inside.

• CANbus or Modbus communications (Profibus with opt card)

• Easy start up due to the use of a single E@syDrives tools to configure motor data and application data.

• Full control of the application using the serial line of the drive for a useful start up by PC

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


For a FLYING SHEAR application are necessary many data to make the sizing of motor and driveFollowing it is possible to verify some typical performances data (cut length referred to line speed)

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR



It is available a tool who, starting from the machine data provided by the customer, is able to define the size of the motor ( speed and torque).

It is also possible to verify the performances of the machine in terms of line speed in relations to the cut length.

The achieved data will be used to configure the application parameter.

Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR



Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR



Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Cut to length line: FLYING SHEAR


Cut to length line: Flying Shear for PIPES