1 cs 385 fall 2006 chapter 6 building control algorithms for state space search read 6.0- 6.2

1 CS 385 Fall 2006 Chapter 6 Building Control Algorithms for State Space Search Read 6.0- 6.2

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Page 1: 1 CS 385 Fall 2006 Chapter 6 Building Control Algorithms for State Space Search Read 6.0- 6.2


CS 385 Fall 2006Chapter 6

Building Control Algorithms for State Space Search

Read 6.0- 6.2

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Summary of Chapters 3 and 4

1. Problem solving is search through a set of problem states

2. The state space model uses graph theory to represent the problem as states and transitions

3. Characteristics of state space searcha. Solution is a path from start state to a goal.

b. Search systematically tests alternative paths to the goal

c. Backtracking allows recovery from paths that fail to reach the goal.

d. Lists track states under consideration.

e. DFS uses a stack, BFS uses a queue, BFS uses a priority queue

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Formal Tools

Predicate Calculus:

1. A language for capturing complex semantic information and for reasoning based on that information. (formal semantics and inference rules).

2. One could formulate a problem and perform reasoning by hand.

State-Space Search:

1. States of a problem are nodes, problem transitions are arcs, a solution is a path from start node to goal.

2. Methods of searching state spaces (dfs, bfs, heuristics).

3. Data-driven versus goal-driven (where on the graph do you start).

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Tools (cont)


We have a formal way to describe a problem using

predicate calculus.


Automate the search process via an algorithm (pattern-

directed search) which will be applied to a space of logical


• Recursion-based search

• Production systems

• Blackboard architecture (omit)

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6.1.1 Recursion

A natural for search

Algorithms are easier to write

easier to analyze formally

Recursion consists ofa base case

a recursive component that resolves into a smaller version of the problem and ultimately to the base case

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Recursion for List Membership

function member(item, tail) //Pascal syntax


if list is empty

then return(fail)


if item = first item of list

then return(success)



tail=list with first item removed

member(item, tail)



member(X, [X|T]). //PROLOG

member(X,[Y|T]) :- member(X,T).

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DFS without/with Recursion

procedure depth-first search

open = [start] closed = [ ]

while open ≠ [ ] do

remove leftmost state of open, call it X

if X is goal, return success.

generate all children of X

put X on closed

put children of X not already on open or closed on the left end of open

function depthsearch(current_state)

if current_state is a goal

then return success

add current_state to closed

while current_state has unexmd children

child := next unexmd child

if depthsearch(child) = success

then return(success)


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Trace DFS without/with Recursion

goal= 6:

open closed

[1] [ ]

[2,3] [1]

[4,5,3] [2,1]

[5,3] [4,2,1] 1

[3] [5,4,2,1] 2 3

[6, 7] 4 5 6 7

call closed

depthsearch(1) [1]

depthsearch(2) [2,1]

depthsearch(4) [4,2,1]






Notes: 1. The path in maintained in the nested procedure calls. 2. To keep track of the path, retrieve at each successful exit.3. The open list on left is kept by the procedure activations (e.g. you retain the information necessary to go back to pick up other children).4. Children are not generated until needed. This is good if it is expensive to

generate them.

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DFS in PROLOG?Represent the state space:

% a binary tree

move(1, 2).

move(1, 3).

move(2, 4).

move(2, 5).

move(3, 6).

move(3, 7).

%depthfirst with no output

dfs1(X, X).

dfs1(X, Y) :-

move(X, Z),

dfs1(Z, Y).



(1): move(1,2)


(3): move(2,4)

dfs(4,5) fail

(4): move(2,5)

dfs(5,5) succeed

Problems: no output

%depthfirst with output

dfs2(X, Y) :-

move(X, Z),

write('trying node '),

write(Z), nl,

dfs2(Z, Y).

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6.1.2 Pattern-Directed Search

Apply recursive search to develop a general search procedure for predicate calculus.

How is goal-directed search for predicate calculus recursive?identify subgoal(s) that imply the goal

recur on the subgoal(s)

success if a subgoal matches a fact in the knowledge base

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This leaves out two possibilities:

• current goal is negated ( p) - -success if the goal fails

• current goal is a disjunction (p..) -- success if all are satisfied with consistent bindings

And directions for consistent bindings

Rewritten on p.198

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Prove h using pattern_search:




a b → d

a c → e

b d → f

f → g

a e → h

goal(h) (unifies with a conclusion apply to premise e a)

goal(e) (unifies with a conclusion apply to premise c a)

goal(c) (unifies with a fact)


goal(a) (unifies with a fact)


← e is true

goal(a) (unifies with a fact)


← h is true

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Production Systems

Pattern-directed search: based on a set of production rules (similar to but different from a rep. in predicate calculus).

Production system: a system for pattern-directed control of problem solving.

A production system consists of

1. A set of production rules (productions)

2. Working memory

3. Recognize/act cycle

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6.2 Production Systems

1. A set of production rules (productions)

(condition/action) pairs

condition: when the action can be applied

action: the problem-solving step (add something to known facts or do something)

if it is cold or rainy then drive to work

p(x) q(x)

2. Working memory the current state of the world

what's true

production rules can alter this

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Production Systems

3. Recognize/act cycle match patterns in working memory against conditions of

production rules.

conflict set = those rules with matches

select one member of conflict set to fire (perform the action)

this will change the contents of the working memory

Conflict resolution: pick which rule to fire. Often the first whose condition matches current state.

Pure production systems: no way to recover from dead ends (backtrack)

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Rewrite Rules for Sorting a String

Rewrite rules for sorting a string (productions)1. ba ab

2. ca ac

3. cb bc

Task: sort cbaca

Iteration Working memory Conflict set Rule fired

0 cbaca 1 2 3 3

1 bcaca 2 2

2 bacca 1 2 2

3 bacac 1 2 2

4 baacc 1 1

5 abacc 1 1

6 aabcc

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Using the Rules in in Reverse Order

Rewrite rules for sorting a string (productions)1. ba ab

2. ca ac

3. cb bc

Iteration Working memory Conflict set Rule fired

0 cbaca 1 2 3 3

1 bcaca 2 2

2 bacca 1 2 2

3 bacac 1 2 2

4 baacc 1 1

5 abacc 1 1

6 aabcc

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Production System: the Knights Tour

Can a knight (chess) visit each square on a board once?

productions: knight on 1 move knight to 8, ...

Is there a path from one square to another? control algorithm:

X path(X,X)

X,Y path(X,Y) ← Z [move(X,Z) path(Z,Y)]

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Knights Tour

Is there a path from 1 to 3?

Iteration Current




Conflict set



0 1 3 3, 4 3

1 8 3 13, 14 13

2 3 3 done!

working memory

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Knights Tour

Is there a path from 2 to 3?

Iteration Current




Conflict set



0 2 3 3, 4 3

1 9 3 15, 16 15

2 2 3 3, 4 3

3 9 3 13, 14 13

working memory

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Production Systems

Newell and Simon: production systems are a model for

how humans solve problems.


rules long term memory,

working memory (state of the world) short term memory

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Control of Search in Production Systems

Review: production systems more general than pattern directed search

sometimes easier to formulate.

This section: production systems allow opportunities to add heuristic control to search.

(pattern-directed as implemented by pure PROLOG allowed arrangement and structure of rules, but not much else)

1. Data driven versus goal driven: compare Figures 6.9 and 6.10 on next slidesActually many strategies are combinations.

MYCIN: starts with symptoms and forward chains (data driven).

If at some point it suspects a disease, backward chain (goal driven).

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Figure 6.9: Data-driven search in a production system.

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Figure 6.10: Goal-driven search in a production system.

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Control of Search in Production Systems

2. Through the rule structure. E.g. the order of premises.


gpa_over_3(X) application_finished(X) candidate(X)

application_finished(X) gpa_over_3(X) candidate(X)

Harder to finish application than to check the gpa

Checking gpa first saves effort.

3. Through conflict resolution. Note, move(1,8) is before move(1.6) in knight’s tour.

Often conflict resolution is by order of the rules so that matters.

knight0: no control, path(1,7) works, path(1,4) and path(1,9) loop

knight1: put a footstep where you have been.

knight2: keep a list.

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Knights Tour in PROLOG











Trace path(1,7):



try path(6,7)


try path(7,2)


try path(6,2)


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Knights Tour in PROLOG

Resolution (knight1.pro):path(X,Y):- move(X,W), not(been(W)), assert(been(W)), path(W,Y).

But this adds been(6) to the database

Try path(1,6) twice and the second time fails




not(member(Z, L)),

path(Z, Y, [Z|L]).

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Trace path(1,7, [1]):

path(1, 7, [1]).

move(1, 6)

not member(6, [1]) succeeds

path(6, 7, [6, 1]

move(6, 1)

not member(1, [1]) fails


not member(7, [6,1]) succeeds

path(7, 7, [7, 6, 1])

writelist([7, 6, 1])

Ch 15 has a longer one. Try yourself.

How does the result get printed in knight2.pro?


move(1,6). move(1,8).move(2,7).move(2,9).move(3,4).move(3,8).move(4,3).move(4,9).

path(Z,Z,L).path(X,Y,L):- move(X,Z), not(member(Z, L)), path(Z, Y, [Z|L]).

move(6,1).move(6,7).move(7,2).move(7,6).move(8,1)move(8,3). move(9,2).move(9,4).

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Blackboard Architecture (omit)

Cooperating knowledge sources that share information and results

Communication through a blackboard.

Really a way of breaking a problem into smaller ones

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4. Draw the nodes and arcs for the legal moves. Each node will be a 4-tuple indicating who performs each of the four tasks. The tuples should be ordered by decreasing importance (fire, cakes, tea, and poetry). For example, (c s s e) indicates the child is feeding the fire, the servant is serving cakes and pouring tea, and the elder is reading poetry,

5. Complete part a in full detail. For b and c it suffices to list the order in which states are visited and the current list of closed states.

Redo 5a. using the production system notation, producing a trace of execution similar to the tables on p. 169

7 for 2, not 8 of the moves.