1 county commissioners - university of...

THE GAINESVILLE SON AUGUST 9 1109 i i Itt 1 a r u r 1 = COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HOLD LENGTHY SESSION Many Bills Paid Among Them Being Reward Offer- ed in KelleyDavidson Case I t i t ¬ Monday August 2nd 1909 The Board of County Commission ere met this day as required by law for the purpose of hearing and ad jutting complaints of persons tares had been raised by the board Present J G Dampier Chairman C W Summers O P Cannon J W May and J F Townsend The meeting being called to the board itwk up the complaints made the adjustments Whereupon the board until tomorrow morning at 9 oclock Gainesville Fla Aug 3rd 1909 The Board of County Commission ers met this day in regular session Present J G Dampier Chairman C W Summers O P Cannon J W May and J F Townsend ordered approved without reading The following bills were paid 8 H Wlenges Auditor 450 W M TorIay guard at Jail 320 Moses Sherman janitor 30 Telephone Co 7 J C McGrew Su- pervisor Registration 925 Mrs Streeper care of Cbas Wise 15 C C Warren Game Warden 1 following named were paid set opposite their names as support Elizabeth Jones 5 Bessie Goodson 5 Mary Blvens 3 S H Wlenges work about court house and stamps 16 J H Colson at jail 7 L A Jernigan care of clock 10 H H McCreary publishing of increase of assessment etc 62 Gainesville Gas and Electric Co for lights fS19 Dr J M Dell services at jail 2 Geo WLivingston assisting Tax Assessor 25 W D Dickinson commissions 2979 Baird Hardware Co sundries at jail 101 Gainesville Hardware Co work at jail 33750 J R Feaster service on roads 55 H G Mason examining lunatic 7 East Florida Telephone Co service 250 E R B Kite con- veying lunatic to county jail S2SO A J VIdal black wash for Jail 50 cents Richard Griffin care of pauper 6 T G Hagan road work 225 JF Townsend four and half days on road 1 Geo S Merchant Co road supplies 7728 A L Webb road supplies 703 Bishop Harrison Co road supplies 2447- Slpp Shannon road work 1 Chas- C Martin road supplies 75 cents B Z Williams road supplies 2310 C W Summers four days on road 10 O P Cannon three days on road 12 John Thompson road work 2- E C Sons road supplies 225 B F Dyes road work 350 Baird Hardware Co road supplies 7S9 W P McKnight road work 75 cents G H Gibbons road work 250 J W Slay tour days on road 16 Gainesville Hardware Co road supplies 1075 Wra Moody road work 337 Hawthorn Trad ing Co road supplies 2074 T A Walts road work 50 T R Waits road work 62 FJ Hammond road suppling 960 Gus Tipple road sup piles 5 Hardee Bros road supplies 795 Reuben Thomas road work 50 cents P G Ramsey feeding prison ers month of July 14710 P G d sen Ices k S Chin whol an td Th sari 5 ¬ UAIXKSVIhLK Gn Aug 7 BUwlH- Maubww colored night ort r at a local hotel wirly yw unlay wamiu hall his throat cut by Mrs Maw- la awl WM ft- dlrtvimi by tk Mtgkt eWrt to pvrfMtu- iku ui- vUr w knitrk 4 a ta ha Ul l j 1 fur rscat tlUM5b- hulu lnwtwa 1k- hllbt trust Jvttdrw fi to lrr Ohm IlulI lu tr t d- II M I d- r l t 1 I Lawal n autrrlug Arr 1 u In aryl wl lia ta rlcuWl teoon tiltttllwxr hetttt 1111 Ilkwl rnt lu r pt a N hll t + + + Ramsey expenses to Holder for pris- oner 24U L B Bryan and Chas reward conviction of Kcl leyDavidson 200 Treasurer of Put- nam county expenses trying Kelley Davidson 42s01 P G Ramsey ex- penses to Jacksonville for prisoner 1560 J G Dampier rive days on road 20 McCormlcTc Howe road supplies 8833 Whereupon the board adjourned till tomorrow morning at 9 oclock Wednesday Aug 4th 1909 Board met this day pursuant to ad journment of yesterday a full board being present The following orders were made That the following county commis- sioners be paid amounts set opposite their respective names as and tor the payment of road hands J G Dam pier 150 C W Summers 100 O P Cannon 300 J W Stay 150 J F Townsend 200 That the appropriation of 5 hereto- fore made for tile care and support of W M Ward be increased to 10 per month until further order of the board N G Mathews service oa road 50 That the following named persons- be paid the amounts set opposite their respective names as fees In criminal cases J A Carlisle 2007 P G Ramsey 1545 Ira J Carter 3223- G W Livingston 30 8 G Wynne 1010 T B Tillls 663 R Strick land 1110 M A Bexley 2682 S P Thomas 21 J T Stokes 518 V F Harris 1420 J H Dyess 448 John Parker 740 J W Smith 169 R D Ford 735 John Roberts 890 John Thomas 1245 That following bills be paid J D Matheon commissions 15055 Gainesville Furniture Co once charts 10 J H Dress senlce inquest Jones 320 J H DyesM witnesses In jury fee inquest Jones 920 J N Baker services inquest Jones 340 Joseph W Malphurs road work 175 The Dixie Culvert and Metal Co cul- verts 95120 P G Ramsey taking Owen to Jacksonville 21 That the following persons be grant ed permit to carry pistols B T Heck bam J H Spence A B McClenny Sam B Davis Jr Lemuel J Brown W J Knight W E Laugblngbouse G J Knight P I Hatbcox J E Mar- tin W W Reed and J S Forsyth W D DeBose and J E DeBose were granted permits to carry repeating titles That bond of Cbas R Woods as notary public be approved That the petition to discontinue road running from Townsend to Old Franklin be and the same Is granted Whereupon the board adjourned un- til tomorrow morning at 9 oclock Thursday Aug 5th 1909 Board mot this day for the purpose of examining and approving pension claims as required under the Acts of the Legislature of 1909 A full board being present claims were taken up and examined and reported on Whereupon the board adjourned pub- lic Plnko ort JC Fer- ry ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = = = = Negro Entered ladys Room in Dead Hours of the Night I Mini 3 oth ck iu- ke bad il v tMM r Wr rut taw arfrua tkrwl till v tw WIN It I tot IMP b tit UIt tat bra IINtt alhtlll I f tta II salt I I I I a II Ihl 111- M srettrrlr Iwt Iag yttarrl- lfilrttlrra thr- wurttl NN 3 8w6AWlw1 MNar oar five sNl h r r taatAM111 Rrtlbwll ti fialtr N ptINIM lull q- rw rluMr wuuttl- tSlttllnrlr ttltal flail a141rlr L lh- tvltwty fr111 s11rn 1w frrl 11- 1t urMwl to tlr aJtertwlw N A1 6 111N l l i w + + GERTRUDE GUBiN LEADS IN NORTHERN SECTION CASTS VOTE OF NEARLY THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND Other Leaders Remain Unchanged Except fer a Great Advance Over Former Vote Only one and a half more weeks un- til the final ending of the largest and greatest contest ever waged In this section and the contestants will know who are the successful winners The contest will close on Wednes- day Aug IStb at 6 p m all of the votes being taken In at that time and nothing received except what comes through the postofflce and bears postmark of having been mail- ed previous to that hour It will be noted that all the lead ers still hold their positions with the exception of Miss Gertrude Gulnn who takes lust In the Northern sec- tion by having nearly 300000 votes in the count Saturday Following Is tile result of the ca rags Gainesville Central Scctten Miss Estelle Deal 3108315 Miss Addle Goode 2994285 Miss Margaret Ledfeetter 1347115 Miss Nora Stan 192725 Miss Bessie Carver 107840 Miss Mary Feraaadez 69445 Miss Gertrude Harrod 59335 Miss Myra Sweariagea 49445 Miss Blanch Tbompeoa 35975 Miss Alice Scaafer 31580 Miss Aura M Lewis 25780 Miss Mabel Williams 14245 Sirs N W Taylor 11705 Salsa Eva Bauknight 10505 Miss Annie Dell Taylor 8065 Miss Grace BullarC 6175 Miss Ella Bailey 5470 Miss Curtis Pitts 3425 Kiss Fannie Whiting 1488 Eastern and Sauthern District Salsa Ella Jolly Orange Hts970335 Miss Mabel McCredie Mcnopy 831445 Miss Hattie English Miss Lorna McCredie Mcnopy 782325 Miss Martie Cbamberlln Mica nopy 5S3COO Miss Bessie Waits Usa Wilma Malncs Montoocha 92040 Miss Myrtle Hammond Haw I When You Come to Town You Want a Wagon That Wont Break Down We have just received solid CPrload of the celebrated WEBBER WAGONS- Facts about our wagon 1 It is the hest made because it is the Wrongest it is the easiestrunning All its wearing ports are plated with steel Every spoke hay two heavy rivets through felloe Every hotly braced with steel braces Every body has adjutuhlu nd gntes invite you to tall ami our stoi k GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO Tacoma 80870 Hawthorn 229430 I t i hon J A J Itt tit N a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + COLORED MAN DROPS DEAD ON STREETS WAS CAUSED BY HEMORRHAGE- OF LUNGS DOCTOR STATES Friends Took Remains to His Home West of Gainesville for Interment Great excitement was created on West Union street Saturday afternoon about 5 oclock when John Whlttaker one of the colored farmers residing about nine miles west of Gainesville suddenly dropped to the pavement and died before aid could be given him The man came across West Union street near Seagles store and when just opposite the fell He was hurriedly picked up by parties stand- ing around and Dr R B Ayer who was In his place rushed to Whit takers assistance but before he could be removed to the offices he expired Justice Carlisle viewed the remains together with Sheriff Ramsey sad bearing the statement of the physi- cian deemed that aa Inqacst was as the doctor was fully satisfied tot he died from hemor- rhage of the lungs by tile bursting of a blood vessel Dr Ayer stated that It was oaly about fifteen aiautea previous that Wtilttakcr was fa ate plate coaptala tag of a cough sad having previously bought a patent medicine which help- ed him purchased asotJier of tile same triad sad was at that time com- plaining of his cleat a cold having settled there The remains were takes la charge by colored frleads of the man aad carried to lie hone west of Gaines- ville where tile faaeral will probably- be held today thorn 89129 plea Annie Lewis Hawthorn 74170 Visa Crown Rockjr Point 72420 Miss Pattie Zetrouer Rochelle 53510 Miss Lula Perry Rochelle 33645 Miss Bobbin Mcnopy 32555 Miss Vandalla Stat Waldo 32440 Miss Eflle Tlson Earleton 29345 Miss Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24510 Miss Mary Hall Orange Hts 15475 Miss Gertrude Smith Fair- banks 14770 Mis Georgia Snowden Hatchet Creek 12030 Miss Mary Coulee Atwater Waldo 7235 Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcaaopy 4800 Bliss Emma Entenza Waldo 3348 lilies Mamie Bailey Waldo 200 Western and Northern Section Miss Gertrude Gulnn Hague 1005140- Mies Bell 993370 Miss Rattle Ludwig Tioga925565ul- riH VWa narrou Bell 873230 Salsa Annie Kirkland Alachua663185 Miss Eta Powell Alachua608540 Miss Ellen Bevllle Arredondo 253490 Miss Rosa Lee Rives High Springs 157270- Mm I Ware High Springs 108470 Miss Jewel Standley Hague 70730 Salsa Aleen Holly Arredondo 57430 Miss Annie Bevllle Arredondo 48125 Miss Emmn Williams Trenton 35775 Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400 Mrs J E Parker LaCrosse 11315 Ulan Katie Akin Arredondo 8415 Miss Ada Pearce Newberry 7050 Miss Pearl McLeod Alachua 3515 Miss Lula Gay Bell 188S MIlS Llulo Smith Newbertyw C3 Hague Making W C Hague our efficient deputy and all around good follow bo in nuking buy while the sun IK true thw fdltor that he nth re l ov ral and has uiorv cut and rwuly fur gath AlMrkiM Xws flth SLUt r Hiw i front Nw York In tea lea UI UI UM fur the of J H t l l7 place un- necessary Cord Alia ta erne Lucinda p 11 Ult I h I 1 D- I fD r ER J of well to do af- ter Bryant Hay tons aral UQM dAM HD tIOM- ra lp- s I I t1W- y a- ll rid tl- t bt tC ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < GOOD DEMAND FOR SEA ISLAND Cl- SAVANVAH Ga Aug 7 ket for Sea Islands has ml with a good demand teen rather large sales for the 1 eon and leaving stock pretty plated especially of the higher Prices remain unchanged to sales of average lots were have been made at rather be urea Crop accounts continue fa but there are still complaints much rata over nearly all the land territory These cot rains glue the plant a look i luxuriance and promise flat tfc tae Is apt to he store or tees five There are complaints fruiting and also of shedding serious coaplaiats so far Sales for the week were 512 The following prices were B- fadera notations and are weepy on Fridays Fancy 52 Fancy Geergtas 23 Extra choice Florida 24 Choice Gas and Flasl8 and YMS 15 COM Os aaft 11 FOR SILVER SERVlCk heard ef Trade Takee Aatien cure Funds At the suggestion of Mayor tie Gainesville Beard ef Trod takes np tie matter ef raising for the Mtrnese ef a silver eenr the battleship Florida Parties desiring to centrl tile food cog notify B F H- irho Is secretary anti tie a will be credited Feltewiag lilt of contributions ap te last D F Hampton B R Colson Shield Warren R 8 Chubb E E Camion H B Arnold W R Thomas W W Hampton Jr E D Turner- H P Robinson A R Harper T W Sbands- W H Anderson- R G Zetrouer Contributions to the abovo received from parties mid any point in Alachua county NVTICE OF APPLICATION PNI KR SECTION 8 OF CH LAWS OF FLORID V to bcrebr Rhea that R O- percteter of Tax CertiSeate dated tile ftth daY of AUXQK A hat lIed aM certificate In mr o- bu Bade tar tax deed to arcealaaee wkb law Said e rUSc the feUowtit deaerlbed ated to Alacbua cuuotjr Florida torn Lou ft and 7 Meek X Hawtken The tald l Bd aateawd at the A Ute et web cenlfleate ta- ef Uakaewa tIM M aaM ecrtlfleate be ne- onllfi ta law tax deed wtU iauie t Septenbcr MW- Wltaca mj efltelal aVreatara al i tte na taT at Awtwt AO ie- SB wnoj M Clerk Circuit Court C YIN Ural Eye Jf your achnt after afhr any unncual UM of thee Tin Idle Is Cue ti ire M tile IptfcaJ Mme l ivlwvw- vwtow C H COLES 11orkIa Ex 1IJiIr CIa tu- be FOR- D JED N dee tel Bee III laU KIlt or A Do Ala Ottr mil- l heW JHif rl Jawll alM1 atkt- LE faa u brats toe brad read hIlt ulube l t- rlrultl Ntai INrnwt 1ha hr- al la alttl fat IN 1111tk a axattutattiMa ut r lfti N < << + +

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    ar u r





    Many Bills Paid Among Them Being Reward Offer-

    ed in KelleyDavidson Case





    Monday August 2nd 1909The Board of County Commission

    ere met this day as required by lawfor the purpose of hearing and adjutting complaints of personstares had been raised by the boardPresent J G Dampier Chairman CW Summers O P Cannon J WMay and J F Townsend

    The meeting being called tothe board itwk up the complaintsmade the adjustments

    Whereupon the boarduntil tomorrow morning at 9 oclock

    Gainesville Fla Aug 3rd 1909The Board of County Commission

    ers met this day in regular sessionPresent J G Dampier ChairmanC W Summers O P Cannon J WMay and J F Townsendordered approved without reading

    The following bills werepaid 8 H Wlenges Auditor 450W M TorIay guard at Jail 320Moses Sherman janitor 30Telephone Co 7 J C McGrew Su-pervisor Registration 925 MrsStreeper care of Cbas Wise 15 CC Warren Game Warden 1following named were paidset opposite their names as supportElizabeth Jones 5 Bessie Goodson

    5 Mary Blvens 3 S H Wlengeswork about court house and stamps

    16 J H Colson at jail7 L A Jernigan care of clock 10

    H H McCreary publishingof increase of assessment etc 62Gainesville Gas and ElectricCo for lights fS19 Dr J M Dellservices at jail 2 Geo WLivingstonassisting Tax Assessor 25 W DDickinson commissions 2979 BairdHardware Co sundries at jail 101Gainesville Hardware Co work atjail 33750 J R Feaster service onroads 55 H G Mason examininglunatic 7 East Florida TelephoneCo service 250 E R B Kite con-veying lunatic to county jail S2SOA J VIdal black wash for Jail 50cents Richard Griffin care of pauper

    6 T G Hagan road work 225J F Townsend four and half days onroad 1 Geo S Merchant Coroad supplies 7728 A L Webbroad supplies 703 BishopHarrison Co road supplies 2447-Slpp Shannon road work 1 Chas-C Martin road supplies 75 cents BZ Williams road supplies 2310 CW Summers four days on road 10O P Cannon three days on road

    12 John Thompson road work 2-E C Sons road supplies225 B F Dyes road work 350

    Baird Hardware Co road supplies7S9 W P McKnight road work

    75 cents G H Gibbons road work250 J W Slay tour days on road16 Gainesville Hardware Co road

    supplies 1075 Wra Moody roadwork 337 Hawthorn Trading Co road supplies 2074 TA Walts road work 50 T R Waitsroad work 62 F J Hammond roadsuppling 960 Gus Tipple road suppiles 5 Hardee Bros road supplies795 Reuben Thomas road work 50

    cents P G Ramsey feeding prisoners month of July 14710 P G


    sen Ices











    UAIXKSVIhLK Gn Aug 7 BUwlH-Maubww colored night ort r at alocal hotel wirly yw unlay wamiuhall his throat cut by Mrs Maw-

    la awl WM ft-

    dlrtvimi by tk Mtgkt eWrt to pvrfMtu-iku ui-

    vUr w knitrk 4 a ta

    h a Ul l


    fur rscat tlUM5b-hulu

    lnwtwa 1k-hllbt trust Jvttdrw

    fito lrr

    OhmIlulI lu tr t d-


    M I d-

    r l t

    1 I

    Lawal n autrrlug Arr1


    In aryl wl liata

    rlcuWl teoon tiltttllwxr hetttt

    1111 Ilkwl rnt lu r pta N hll





    Ramsey expenses to Holder for pris-oner 24U L B Bryan and Chas

    reward conviction of KclleyDavidson 200 Treasurer of Put-nam county expenses trying KelleyDavidson 42s01 P G Ramsey ex-penses to Jacksonville for prisoner

    1560 J G Dampier rive days onroad 20 McCormlcTc Howe roadsupplies 8833

    Whereupon the board adjourned tilltomorrow morning at 9 oclock

    Wednesday Aug 4th 1909Board met this day pursuant to ad

    journment of yesterday a full boardbeing present

    The following orders were madeThat the following county commis-

    sioners be paid amounts set oppositetheir respective names as and tor thepayment of road hands J G Dampier 150 C W Summers 100 OP Cannon 300 J W Stay 150 JF Townsend 200

    That the appropriation of 5 hereto-fore made for tile care and supportof W M Ward be increased to 10per month until further order of theboard N G Mathews service oaroad 50

    That the following named persons-be paid the amounts set opposite theirrespective names as fees In criminalcases J A Carlisle 2007 P GRamsey 1545 Ira J Carter 3223-G W Livingston 30 8 G Wynne

    1010 T B Tillls 663 R Strickland 1110 M A Bexley 2682 SP Thomas 21 J T Stokes 518V F Harris 1420 J H Dyess448 John Parker 740 J W

    Smith 169 R D Ford 735 JohnRoberts 890 John Thomas 1245

    That following bills be paid J DMatheon commissions 15055Gainesville Furniture Co once charts

    10 J H Dress senlce inquestJones 320 J H DyesM witnessesIn jury fee inquest Jones 920 J NBaker services inquest Jones 340Joseph W Malphurs road work 175The Dixie Culvert and Metal Co cul-verts 95120 P G Ramsey takingOwen to Jacksonville 21

    That the following persons be granted permit to carry pistols B T Heckbam J H Spence A B McClennySam B Davis Jr Lemuel J BrownW J Knight W E LaugblngbouseG J Knight P I Hatbcox J E Mar-tin W W Reed and J S Forsyth

    W D DeBose and J E DeBose weregranted permits to carry repeatingtitles

    That bond of Cbas R Woods asnotary public be approved

    That the petition to discontinueroad running from Townsendto Old Franklin be and the same

    Is grantedWhereupon the board adjourned un-

    til tomorrow morning at 9 oclock

    Thursday Aug 5th 1909Board mot this day for the purpose

    of examining and approving pensionclaims as required under the Acts ofthe Legislature of 1909 A full boardbeing present claims were taken upand examined and reported on

    Whereupon the board adjourned



    Plnko ort

















    Negro Entered ladys Roomin Dead Hours of the Night

    I Mini 3 oth ck iu-

    ke bad il v tMM r Wrrut taw arfrua tkrwl

    till v

    tw WIN It I tot

    IMP btit UIt tat bra




    tta IIsalt

    I I I

    I a II Ihl 111-


    srettrrlr Iwt Iagyttarrl-

    lfilrttlrra thr-wurttl NN3 8w6AWlw1 MNaroar five sNl h r

    r taatAM111 Rrtlbwll ti fialtr NptINIM lull


    rw rluMr wuuttl-tSlttllnrlr ttltal flail a141rlr L lh-

    tvltwty fr111 s11rn 1w frrl 11-1t urMwl to tlr aJtertwlw N A16 111N l l








    Other Leaders Remain Unchanged

    Except fer a Great Advance

    Over Former Vote

    Only one and a half more weeks un-til the final ending of the largest andgreatest contest ever waged In thissection and the contestants willknow who are the successful winners

    The contest will close on Wednes-day Aug IStb at 6 p m all ofthe votes being taken In at that timeand nothing received except whatcomes through the postofflce andbears postmark of having been mail-ed previous to that hour

    It will be noted that all the leaders still hold their positions with theexception of Miss Gertrude Gulnnwho takes lust In the Northern sec-tion by having nearly 300000 votes inthe count Saturday

    Following Is tile result of the carags

    Gainesville Central SccttenMiss Estelle Deal 3108315Miss Addle Goode 2994285Miss Margaret Ledfeetter 1347115Miss Nora Stan 192725Miss Bessie Carver 107840Miss Mary Feraaadez 69445Miss Gertrude Harrod 59335Miss Myra Sweariagea 49445Miss Blanch Tbompeoa 35975Miss Alice Scaafer 31580Miss Aura M Lewis 25780Miss Mabel Williams 14245Sirs N W Taylor 11705Salsa Eva Bauknight 10505Miss Annie Dell Taylor 8065Miss Grace BullarC 6175Miss Ella Bailey 5470Miss Curtis Pitts 3425Kiss Fannie Whiting 1488

    Eastern and Sauthern DistrictSalsa Ella Jolly Orange Hts970335Miss Mabel McCredie Mcnopy 831445Miss Hattie EnglishMiss Lorna McCredie Mcnopy 782325Miss Martie Cbamberlln Mica

    nopy 5S3COOMiss Bessie WaitsUsa Wilma Malncs Montoocha 92040Miss Myrtle Hammond Haw I

    When You Come to

    Town You Want a

    Wagon That Wont

    Break Down

    We have just received solid

    CPrload of the celebrated


    Facts about our wagon

    1 It is the hest madebecause it is the Wrongestit is the easiestrunningAll its wearing ports areplated with steel Everyspoke hay two heavy rivetsthrough felloe Every hotly

    braced with steelbraces Every body hasadjutuhlu nd gntes

    invite you to tall amiour stoi k



    Tacoma 80870

    Hawthorn 229430



    i hon

    J A J

    Itttit N










    Friends Took Remains to His HomeWest of Gainesville for


    Great excitement was created onWest Union street Saturday afternoonabout 5 oclock when John Whlttakerone of the colored farmersresiding about nine miles west ofGainesville suddenly dropped to thepavement and died before aid couldbe given him

    The man came across West Unionstreet near Seagles store and whenjust opposite the fell He washurriedly picked up by parties stand-ing around and Dr R B Ayer whowas In his place rushed to Whittakers assistance but before he couldbe removed to the offices he expired

    Justice Carlisle viewed the remainstogether with Sheriff Ramsey sad

    bearing the statement of the physi-cian deemed that aa Inqacst was

    as the doctor was fullysatisfied tot he died from hemor-rhage of the lungs by tile burstingof a blood vessel

    Dr Ayer stated that It was oalyabout fifteen aiautea previous thatWtilttakcr was fa ate plate coaptalatag of a cough sad having previouslybought a patent medicine which help-ed him purchased asotJier of tilesame triad sad was at that time com-plaining of his cleat a cold havingsettled there

    The remains were takes la chargeby colored frleads of the man aadcarried to lie hone west of Gaines-ville where tile faaeral will probably-be held today

    thorn 89129plea Annie Lewis Hawthorn 74170Visa Crown Rockjr

    Point 72420Miss Pattie Zetrouer Rochelle 53510Miss Lula Perry Rochelle 33645Miss Bobbin Mcnopy 32555Miss Vandalla Stat Waldo 32440Miss Eflle Tlson Earleton 29345Miss Jewel Godwin Hawthorn 24510Miss Mary Hall Orange Hts 15475Miss Gertrude Smith Fair-

    banks 14770Mis Georgia Snowden Hatchet

    Creek 12030Miss Mary Coulee Atwater

    Waldo 7235Miss Nellie Reeves Mlcaaopy 4800Bliss Emma Entenza Waldo 3348lilies Mamie Bailey Waldo 200

    Western and Northern SectionMiss Gertrude Gulnn Hague 1005140-Mies Bell 993370Miss Rattle Ludwig Tioga925565ul-riH VWa narrou Bell 873230Salsa Annie Kirkland Alachua663185Miss Eta Powell Alachua608540Miss Ellen Bevllle Arredondo 253490Miss Rosa Lee Rives High

    Springs 157270-Mm I Ware High Springs 108470Miss Jewel Standley Hague 70730Salsa Aleen Holly Arredondo 57430Miss Annie Bevllle Arredondo 48125Miss Emmn Williams Trenton 35775Mrs R B Baker Hawthorn 13400Mrs J E Parker LaCrosse 11315Ulan Katie Akin Arredondo 8415Miss Ada Pearce Newberry 7050Miss Pearl McLeod Alachua 3515Miss Lula Gay Bell 188SMIlS Llulo Smith Newbertyw C3

    Hague MakingW C Hague our efficient deputy

    and all around good follow boin nuking buy while the sun

    IK true thw fdltor that henth re l ov ral and has

    uiorv cut and rwuly fur gathAlMrkiM Xws flth

    SLUt r Hiw i front Nw York Intea lea UI UI UM fur the

    of J H t l l7




    ta erne




    Ult I h I 1


    I fD


    J of

    well to do





    UQM dAM HD tIOM-ra lp-

    s II t1W-y


    ll ridtl-

    t bt tC











    SAVANVAH Ga Aug 7ket for Sea Islands has mlwith a good demand teenrather large sales for the 1eon and leaving stock prettyplated especially of the higherPrices remain unchanged tosales of average lots werehave been made at rather beurea

    Crop accounts continue fabut there are still complaintsmuch rata over nearly all theland territory These cotrains glue the plant a look iluxuriance and promise flat tfctae Is apt to he store or teesfive There are complaintsfruiting and also of sheddingserious coaplaiats so far

    Sales for the week were 512The following prices were B-

    fadera notations and areweepy on FridaysFancy 52Fancy Geergtas 23Extra choice Florida 24Choice Gas and Flasl8

    and YMS 15COM Os aaft 11


    heard ef Trade Takee Aatiencure Funds

    At the suggestion of Mayortie Gainesville Beard ef Trodtakes np tie matter ef raisingfor the Mtrnese ef a silver eenrthe battleship Florida

    Parties desiring to centrltile food cog notify B F H-irho Is secretary anti tie awill be credited Feltewiaglilt of contributions ap te lastD F HamptonB R ColsonShield WarrenR 8 ChubbE E CamionH B ArnoldW R ThomasW W Hampton JrE D Turner-H P RobinsonA R HarperT W Sbands-W H Anderson-R G Zetrouer

    Contributions to the abovoreceived from parties mid

    any point in Alachua county


    LAWS OF FLORID Vto bcrebr Rhea that R O-percteter of Tax CertiSeate

    dated tile ftth daY of AUXQK Ahat lIed aM certificate In mr o-bu Bade tar tax deed toarcealaaee wkb law Said e rUSc

    the feUowtit deaerlbedated to Alacbua cuuotjr Florida torn

    Lou ft and 7 Meek X HawtkenThe tald l Bd aateawd at the A

    Ute et web cenlfleate ta-ef Uakaewa

    tIM M aaM ecrtlfleate be ne-onllfi ta law tax deed wtU iauie t

    Septenbcr MW-Wltaca mj efltelal aVreatara al itte na taT at Awtwt A O ie-SB wnoj

    M Clerk Circuit Court C

    YIN Ural Eye

    Jf your achnt after

    afhr any unncual UM of thee

    Tin Idle Is Cue ti ire

    M tile IptfcaJ Mme

    l ivlwvw-




    Ex 1IJiIr CIa




    N dee

    telBee III


    KIlt or A Do




    lheW JHif rl

    Jawll alM1 atkt-LE





    brad read

    hIlt ulube l t-

    rlrultl Ntai INrnwt 1ha hr-


    la alttl fat IN 1111tk a

    axattutattiMa ut r

    lfti N
