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1 Peter 3:15“But sanctify the Lord God in your

hearts: and and bebe ready always to ready always to givegive an an answer to every man that asketh you a answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in youreason of the hope that is in you with

meekness and fear:”

The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.The King James Version, (Cambridge: Cambridge) 1769.


An Introduction ….An Introduction ….• The greatest story ever told is that of Jesus Christ...

• The Son of God becoming flesh, dwelling among men – John 1:1, 3:16; 1:14.

• His life, His miracles, His teachings, His death, His resurrection and ascension to heaven --- Acts 2:22-24, 36

• How He shed His blood to provide atonement for the sins of the world! --- Heb. 10:5-10

• It is a story that calls for faith...• For those willing to believe, eternal life is possible - John

3:16• For those choosing not to believe, there is condemnation

- John 3:18• Why do we believe in Jesus Christ?

• For two reasons mainly, both of which were stressed in the preaching of the apostles of Christ.

• The first being...



• The apostles appealed to Messianic prophecies to produce faith in Jesus.

• Peter in his second sermon at Jerusalem - Acts 3:18

• Paul in Thessalonica, as was his custom - Acts 17:1-3

• Some examples of Messianic prophecies:• The conflict between the serpent and the seed of

woman - Gen 3:15

• The blessing upon all nations through the seed of Abraham - Gen 12:3; 22:18


FULFILLED PROPHECY• The prophet to come who would be like Moses

- Deut 18:15,17-19• Who would be born of a virgin - Isa 7:14 • The forerunner who would prepare the way of

the Lord - Isa 40:3 • The suffering Servant who would bear our

iniquities - Isa 53:4-12 • His resurrection from the dead - Psa 16:8-11 • His ascension into heaven - Dan 7:13-14



• H.W. Everest has suggested the following criteria for true prophecy:

• The event must be beyond the power of man to forsee.• It must be demonstrated that the prediction was made before the

event.• The prediction must be applicable to the event.• The language of the prediction must be unambiguous and

unmistakable.• The prediction must have a clear and demonstrable fulfillment –

The Divine Demonstration – 1972 p. 260

• They help to identify the One who is truly the Messiah, God’s ‚Anointed One.• The Old Testament has approximately 330

prophecies concerning the Messiah • Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled every one!


FULFILLED PROPHECY• The mathematical probability of it being a coincidence is astounding!

• The probability of any man who has lived fulfilling just eight prophecies has been calculated as 1 in 1x1017 (100,000,000,000,000,000)! - Peter Stoner, Science Speaks, Chicago IL, Moody Press 1963, p. 101-102

• To illustrate how large the number 1017 is, Stoner gave this illustration : Suppose that we take 1017 silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas. They will cover all of the state two feet deep. Now mark one of these silver dollars and stir the whole mass thoroughly, all over the state. Blindfold a man and tell him that he can travel as far as he wishes, but he must pick up one silver dollar and say that this is the right one. What chance would he have of getting the right one? Just the same chance that the prophets would have had of writing these eight prophecies and having them all come true in any one man, from their day to the present time, providing they wrote them in their own wisdom. - ibid.

• The probability of fulfilling just 48 prophecies is one in 10157! - ibid.• Counting at the rate of 250 units per minute......it would take 19

million x 19 million x 19 millions years to count to one in 10157!• [Jesus fulfilled not 8, not 48, but over 300 prophecies! It is easy to see

why the apostles appealed to Messianic prophecies to prove that Jesus was the Christ. But they also appealed to their own...]


FULFILLED PROPHECYProphecyProphecy ScriptureScripture FulfillmentFulfillment

Of the tribe of Of the tribe of JudahJudah

Gen 49:10Gen 49:10 Lk 3:23-38Lk 3:23-38

Of the Royal line Of the Royal line of Davidof David

Jer 23:5Jer 23:5 Matt 1:1Matt 1:1

Born of a VirginBorn of a Virgin Isa 7:14Isa 7:14 Matt 1:18-23Matt 1:18-23

Born in Born in BethlehemBethlehem

Micah 5:2Micah 5:2 Matt 2:1-6Matt 2:1-6

A forerunner A forerunner shall prepare the shall prepare the


Mal 3:1; 4:5Mal 3:1; 4:5 Matt 3:1-2; 11:7-Matt 3:1-2; 11:7-1414


FULFILLED PROPHECYProphecyProphecy ScriptureScripture FulfillmentFulfillment

He shall enter He shall enter Jerusalem riding on Jerusalem riding on

an ass.an ass.

Zech 9:9Zech 9:9 Matt 21:6-7Matt 21:6-7

He shall be betrayed He shall be betrayed by a discipleby a disciple

Psa 41:9Psa 41:9 John 13:18John 13:18

Betrayal price statedBetrayal price stated Zech 11:12Zech 11:12 Matt 26:14-15Matt 26:14-15

Betrayal price to be Betrayal price to be returnedreturned

Zech 11:13Zech 11:13 Matt 27:3-7Matt 27:3-7

His disciples shall His disciples shall forsake himforsake him

Zech 13:7Zech 13:7 Matt 26:31,56Matt 26:31,56


FULFILLED PROPHECYProphecyProphecy ScriptureScripture FulfillmentFulfillment

False witnesses False witnesses shall accuse Himshall accuse Him

Psa 35:11; 27:12Psa 35:11; 27:12 Matt 26:59-61Matt 26:59-61

He shall suffer He shall suffer abuseabuse

Isa 50:6Isa 50:6 Matt 26:67Matt 26:67

He shall suffer He shall suffer in silencein silence

Isa 53:7Isa 53:7 Matt 27:12-14Matt 27:12-14

He shall be He shall be strippedstripped

Isa 53:5Isa 53:5 Matt 27:28-29Matt 27:28-29

Hands and feet Hands and feet piercedpierced

Psa 22:16Psa 22:16 Lk 23:33; John Lk 23:33; John 20:24-2820:24-28


FULFILLED PROPHECYProphecyProphecy ScriptureScripture FulfillmentFulfillment

Numbered with Numbered with CriminalsCriminals

Isa 53:12Isa 53:12 Mk 15:27Mk 15:27

To divide his To divide his garmentsgarments

Psa 22:18Psa 22:18 John 19:23-24John 19:23-24

Gall and vinegar Gall and vinegar to be offeredto be offered

Psa 69:21Psa 69:21 John 19:28-29; John 19:28-29; Matt 27:34Matt 27:34

No bones to be No bones to be brokenbroken

Psa 34:20Psa 34:20 John 19:33-36John 19:33-36

He shall be He shall be piercedpierced

Zech 12:10Zech 12:10 John 19:33-37John 19:33-37


FULFILLED PROPHECYProphecyProphecy ScriptureScripture FulfillmentFulfillment

The crowds shall The crowds shall rebuke himrebuke him

Psa 22:6-8Psa 22:6-8 Matt 27:39-44Matt 27:39-44

Darkness in Darkness in daytime to signal daytime to signal


Amos 8:9Amos 8:9 Matt 27:45Matt 27:45

To be buried To be buried with the richwith the rich

Isa 53:9Isa 53:9 Matt 27:57-60Matt 27:57-60

To arise from To arise from the deadthe dead

Psa 16:10Psa 16:10 Matt 28:6; Acts Matt 28:6; Acts 2:22-32; 13:32-372:22-32; 13:32-37

To ascendTo ascend Psa 68:18Psa 68:18 Lk 24:51; Acts 1:9; Lk 24:51; Acts 1:9; Eph 4:8-10Eph 4:8-10


FULFILLED PROPHECY• “One real case of fulfilled prophecy would

establish a supernatural act. But if our interpretation of the prophetic passage be correct, there are great numbers of them …. Therefore, radical doubt must be certain it has silenced the testimony of all prophecies, whereas the Christian asserts that rather than resting the case on one prophecy, we have dozens at our beck and call.” • Bernard Ramm – Protestant Christian

Evidence, Chicargo IL – Moody Press, 1976 p. 86



• The apostles claimed to be eyewitnesses of the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus.

• As professed by Peter - Acts 10:39-42; 2 Peter 1:16-18• As professed by John - 1 John 1:1-3

• The apostles by their testimony force us to make a decision.

• Were they truly eyewitnesses, or false witnesses? - 1 Corinthians 15:14-15

• Was their testimony based on truth, or cunningly devised fables? - 2 Peter 1:16-18

• We cannot say they were sincerely deceived or mistaken.


APOSTOLIC TESTIMONY• Especially in reference to the resurrection of Jesus

• They claim they ate and drank with Him afterwards - Acts 10:39-41

• They claim they saw and touched Him - 1 John 1:1-3

• b. They leave no room for saying they were mistaken or deceived• 1) Some skeptics have tried to offer this as an alternative

• 2) That perhaps in their grief and loss over the crucifixion they hallucinated or saw grief-inspired visions.

• 3) But hallucinations and visions are highly individualistic experiences

• 4) The resurrection appearances of Jesus were often witnessed by many at the same time (over 500 on one occasion) - cf. 1 Corinthians 15:4-8



• If the apostolic testimony is false• The New Testament is a carefully orchestrated lie!

• The apostles suffered extreme hardship for what they knew was a lie! - cf. 1 Corinthians 4:9-13

• Those martyred (all but one) knew they were dying for a lie!

• They went against everything Jesus and they themselves taught! - cf. 1 Peter 2:1

• The greatest book ever written (as per Charles Dickens) with its high standards and lofty goals was composed by liars, frauds and deceivers!


APOSTOLIC TESTIMONY• But if the apostolic testimony is true

• Then Jesus is everything they taught He claimed to be!

• He is the Son of God - Romans 1:4• “And declared to be the Son of God with power,

according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:”

• He truly has all authority in heaven and earth - Matthew 28:18; Acts 2:36

• “And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”

• “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.”

• Then everything they testified concerning what He taught is true!


APOSTOLIC TESTIMONY• He was from the Father above, and spoke the

words of the Father - John 8:28-29• No one can come to the Father but through Him

- John 14:6 • His blood was shed for the remission of sins -

Matthew 26:28 • He came to offer abundant life - John 10:10 • He went to prepare a place for us - John 14:2 • He shall come again - John 14:3 • There will be a resurrection of the dead and

ensuing judgment - John 5:28-29; 12:48


Conclusion …Conclusion …• We have good reason to believe that Jesus is

the Christ, the Son of God...• The testimony of Scripture, in the fulfillment of

Messianic prophecies. • The testimony of eyewitnesses, in the credible

account of the apostles.

• For those willing to obey Jesus, there is yet another reason to believe...


Conclusion …Conclusion …• In keeping His word, they will come to know He

has spoken from God - cf. John 7:16-17• “He shall have evidence, in the very attempt to do the

will of God, of the truth of the doctrine.” --- Barnes• “He who in his heart says, ‛Thy will be done, give me

light and I will walk in it,’ will find that Christ is just the teacher demanded by his soul, and that the gospel meets his soul’s want. Jesus will so meet the wants of his soul that he will be satisfied and will know the doctrine, that it comes from him who made the soul.” --- B. W. Johnson

• Yes, we believe in Jesus Christ, not only because of the Messianic prophecies He fulfilled and the eyewitness testimony of His apostles, but because we have tried Him and not found Him wanting.


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