1 a personal website in quest of the antique key for the control of powers

1 A personal website in quest of the antique key for the control of Powers http://etienne.chouard.free.fr/Europe/index.htm

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A personal website in quest of

the antique key for the control of Powers


Page 2: 1 A personal website in quest of the antique key for the control of Powers


Spring 2005: Fight against the European Constitution project

The mandate to write a Constitution Populations who have been consulted directly Powers of Parliament The place of Citizens European Judges Accountability of political bodies Mandatory referendum in case of revisions Separation of Powers Influence of legal entities on the European

normative process, and total lack of influence of individuals on this normative process.


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2005, 2006: how can we emerge from the prehistory of Democracy, worldwide ?

The same disease, everywhere…

“It is not for people in power to delineate the rules of power”

Elected constitutionalists must be ineligible for the positions that they have created

So, what could Citizens expect from the ineligibility of the authors of the Constitution ? …

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What could Citizens expect from the ineligibility of the authors of the Constitution ?

Elected Constitutives

non eligible for legislative positions

True control of Powers Counter-powers

systematically created, Non-cumulative and

non-renewable mandates, Full accountability

of all elective mandates, Fair voting practices

– majority system for the initial electoral process and proportional allocation of seats for the remainder

– 1 person = 1 vote– access for candidates

outside of recognized parties– honest recognition of blank

ballots Revocability of all civil servants

Citizens’ participation Referendum by popular

demand:– To impose a law– To repeal a law– To revoke

a public agent– To change the

Constitution Facilitation of Citizens’

debates:– Conferences of Citizens– News medias open to

Citizens– Candidatures open to

Citizens outside of political parties

Control of Powers by the citizens themselves

Other essential principles Superiority of the Constitution

over Treaties Mandatory referendum about any

revision of the Constitution Sanctuarisation of Public Services

Separation of Powers A Legislative Power legislating

independently An Executive Power

that only executes Independent Judges News media economically and

politically independent (TV, radio, polls, statistics)

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Various technologies and methods

At the beginning, a non interactive web site:

– Publication of a simple text, without web interaction

– Emails sent to me in reaction to the text

– Repeated corrections of the original document

– Collective responses through a sort of « Journal »

Today, an interactive web site:

– Blog: limited interactivity on different subjects– Forum: constitutional topics , principle by principle - possibility to

correct one’s own messages, rich text features, possibility to create new discussions, etc.

Next, a collaborative platform:

– Wiki: collaborative work to attempt to write an example of Citizen-initiated Constitution (project for this summer)

– Finally, we could vote on each point with a website like The Democratic Experience: www.demexp.org.

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Internet may have a decisive role in the political involvement of Citizens

alongside elected representatives

Internet allows a free dissemination of politically incorrect opinions.

The constituted powers gain legitimacy and strength through open debate and toleration of contradiction.

It is probably not up to the elected representatives to solve great societal issues on their own.

Internet may help Democracies to free themselves from the present “Aristocracy of the Elected”.

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In sum,

I think the old key

which can guarantee the control of Powers is…

the ineligibility of the Authors of the Constitution for the positions

that they have created.

Thank you

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Forum for honest institutions written by and for Citizens

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Forum’s topicsProcessus constituant La Constitution définit les pouvoirs sans imposer une politique économique Ce n'est pas aux hommes au pouvoir d'écrire les règles du pouvoir

Séparation des pouvoirs Les votes blancs doivent être décomptés et suivis d'effet Le Parlement doit pouvoir légiférer souverainement et contrôler les institutions Le Gouvernement doit exécuter les lois sans les écrire Les juges doivent être totalement indépendants du pouvoir exécutif L’éventuel Conseil Constitutionnel ne domine pas le Parlement Les médias d'information doivent être libres, politiquement et économiquement

Contrôle des pouvoirs Désignation des représentants politiques : élections ou tirage au sort ? Les élus devraient rendre des comptes à la fin de leur mandat (impératif) Les mandat devraient être non renouvelables (ou peu) Les mandats ne devraient jamais pouvoir être cumulés Les dépenses électorales doivent être rigoureusement limitées L’éventuel Conseil Constitutionnel doit être lui-même sous contrôle citoyen Les citoyens devraient pouvoir déclencher eux-mêmes des référendums décisionnels Les agents de l'État devraient être responsables de leurs décisions, à proportion de leur pouvoir

Autres grands principes Les principes fondamentaux, déclarés en tête de la Constitution, devraient primer sur toute autre règle Pas de guerre sans l'accord direct du peuple et du Parlement Limiter le droit de propriété avec un droit des salariés sur l'entreprise où ils travaillent

Engager un processus constituant honnête 1 Comment déclencher un processus constituant ? 2 Quelle Assemblée Constituante ? 3 Extension des moyens de la résistance


Écrire nous-mêmes une Constitution 1 Quelles grandes parties pour regrouper les articles d’une Constitution ? 2 Quels outils collaboratifs pour rédiger ensemble des articles consensuels