1 1 text study notes to the text words and expressions writing

1 1 Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Writing

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Text Study

Notes to the Text

Words and Expressions


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1. …we had experienced the usual ups anddowns of a couple learning to know, …

Ups and downs: a mixture of good and bad experiences.

e.g. Life is full of ups and downs.

he has seen the ups and downs in the relations

between the two countries.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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2. …we had honestly confronted the weaknesses and strengths of each …

Meaning: But in experiencing all the ups and downs we had honestly faced and tried to deal with the weak points and strong points of each other’s characters.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Weaknesses and strengths: weak points and strong points.

e.g. it’s important to know your own weaknesses and strengths.

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3. Our racial and cultural differences … tolerance, compromise and being open with…

Compromise: n. & v. an agreement that is achieved after everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first.

e.g. Both sides are determined to get what they want, and there seem to be no possibility to reach a compromise.

The government has compromised with other party leaders over the date of the next general ecletion.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Open: adj. willing to talk honestly; franke.g. Let’s be open with each other. he is a very frank and open person.

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4. Gail sometimes wondered … she seemed to forget the subtler …

Be involved with : take part in sth. or giving a lot of time , energy or attention to sth.

Be involved in

e.g. It’s a tragedy that he was involved in the traffic accident.

Subtle: adj. not easy to notice or understand

e.g. Prejudice can take subtler forms than this.


Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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5. Gail and I had no illusions about …

Illusion: [C] a false idea, belief or impression

e.g. The sun appears to go round the earth, but that is only an illusion.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Meaning: Gail and I did not have unrealistic ideas about what the future would offer us in America as a married couple, one being black and the other being white.

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6. … our mutual trust and respect.

Mutual: adj.

1) Felt or done by people toward each other.

e.g. Given mutual goodwill, it’s possible to achieve a settlement.

双方如果都有良好的愿望,就有可能达成和解。2) Shared by two or more people.

e.g. They met each other through a mutual friend.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Collocations:Collocations: mutual respect mutual respect 相互信任mutual understanding mutual understanding 相互理解mutual interests mutual interests 共同利益mutual efforts mutual efforts 共同努力mutual support mutual support 相互支持mutual hobby mutual hobby 共同爱好

Collocations:Collocations: mutual respect mutual respect 相互信任mutual understanding mutual understanding 相互理解mutual interests mutual interests 共同利益mutual efforts mutual efforts 共同努力mutual support mutual support 相互支持mutual hobby mutual hobby 共同爱好

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7. …thirty years later that they were incompatible … overlook … work out…

Compatible: adj. 1) (of people, ideas, etc) suitable, able to exist together I have never seen two people who were more

compatible.2) (of equipment) able to be used together I would like to purchase a printer that is compatible with

my computer.Overlook: fail to see or notice \ a view from aboveWork out: develop in a certain way; turn oute.g. Things will work out well if you will just be patient.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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8. That point was … going through … for a time had a negative effect on …

Go through: experience \ be through

e.g. We went through difficulties while working on this project.

For a time: for a short period of time; temporarily

e.g. For a time the police thought she might be guilty.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Meaning: for a time her parent’s divorce had a bad effect on our relationship that had just begun to develop.

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9. When Gail spread the news of … met with…

Meet with: encounter, experience

e.g. I met with some difficulties in surfing the net.

If sth. (an idea, plan, or new book) meets with or is met with a particular reaction, it gets that reaction from people.

e.g. His speech was met with a cold acceptance.


Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

Meaning: When Gail told her family of our wedding plans, he family expressed their opposition.

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10. Her mother, Deborah, all along …

All along: all the time, from the beginning

e.g. I suspected all along that she was lying.

Supportive: encouraging and helpful. Be ~ of…

e.g. Mary was so supportive of me when I was fired last year.

Upon: immediately after; directly after

e.g. Upon hearing the news, she burst into tears.

Counsel: vt. give advice to sb.

e.g. She counseled a lot of couples on their marriage problems.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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11. Gail subsequently told me she had …

Subsequent: happening after sth. else; later

e.g. Many of his theories were disproved by subsequent events.

Subsequently: afterwards

e.g. he escaped from prison but was subsequently recaptured.

Consequently: as a result; therefore

e.g. The bank refused to give loan to the company, and consequently it went out of business. (bankrupt)

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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12. To start with … I harbored reservations…


1) an order of a room, seat, table, etc. in advance.

e.g. Passengers need not make advance reservations for tickets.

2) A feeling of doubt about whether sth. is good or right

e.g. The shopkeeper had a few reservations about hiring a former convict.

店主对聘用刑满释放人员有些疑虑。Meaning: First I must admit that I had doubt whether a

marriage between people of different races would work out well; you may even call my doubts prejudices.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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13. So, color has nothing to do with it. Yes, my friends talk.

Have nothing to do with: have no connection with

e.g. Ignore things that have nothing to do with the task at hand.

Talk: here it means “talk about other people’s private lives. It usually used to indicate that people think you are doing something bad or wrong.

e.g. Don’t park your car on the passage; you know how people talk.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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14. When we met I saw him as my beloved…

See… as: regard… as

e.g. Women are sometimes seen as less effective managers.


Meaning: When we met I regarded him as the one I loved: he was smart, attractive, and caring.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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15. … that ours was an ideal marriage with every indication that it …

Every: as much as possible; total; entire

e.g. The airline takes every possible measure to ensure the safety of its passengers.

Indication: a sign that shows sth.

e.g. There are various indications that another financial crisis is coming soon.

Meaning: … our marriage was perfect and it showed all the signs of a marriage that would last forever.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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16. We’ve seen each other at our worst many times. … only confirm…

At one’s worst: showing the most unpleasant side of someone

e.g. If this is him at his best, I’m curious to see him at his worst.


Confirm: prove that sth. is true

e.g. The date of meeting is still to be confirmed.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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17. Gail’s father … approached our decision…

Approach: begin to consider or deal with something

e.g. The committee has approached the issue in a practical way.

Meaning: Gail’s father … dealt with our decision in a way that seemed he, as the girl’s father, was the most experienced in finding out the truth.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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18. And when he learned of my problem… … he immediately suspected that …

Learn of: come to know or realize something

e.g. I learned of the incident only yesterday.

Suspect: think that something is probably true

e.g. He seems poor, but I suspect that he has quite a lot of money.

Two suspects in connection with the terrorist attack were caught by the police.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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19. … I should not hesitate to cancel our plans.

Hesitate: be slow to speak or act because one feels uncertain or unwilling

e.g. In case you need something, please don’t hesitate to ask me.

do something without hesitation

Cancel: sth. already planned and decided upon will not be done or take place; to call off

e.g. The foreign minister yesterday canceled his visit to Washington.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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20. Her father proceeded to quote statistics…

Proceed to do sth.: do sth. next; go on to do sth.

e.g. The reporters proceeded to ask more questions about the measures dealing with the global warming problem.

Meaning: After that, her father continued trying to persuade her to change her mind by using statistics to support his point…

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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21. If we had to resolve all doubt …


1) Solve a problem or difficulty

e.g. They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully.

2) Be determined to do sth. (resolution: 决议;决定 )

e.g. The company resolved not to purchase materials from that country.

Meaning: If we take action only after we are sure that everything is fine, then we can achieve almost nothing.

Lecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

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22. … it’s never too late to change your mind.

Meaning: you can change your mind any time.

Never too… to…

e.g. One is never too old to learn.

活到老,学到老。 It is never too late to mend.

亡羊补牢,未为晚也。 You can’t be too ___ to get across the street.

A. careful B. carelessLecturer: Woody LeeLecturer: Woody Lee

Notes to the Text—Focus Study


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1. …and being open with each other.

2. We want to avoid the mistake made by many

couples of marrying for the wrong reasons,

3. …really sure she was doing the right thing.

4. …think that waiting won’t hurt.

Find the active expressions:

Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

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• open

not closed ; available ; not decided

• wrong not correct; not suitable

• right correct; suitable

• hurt to make sb. unhappy; used to encourage someone

Notes to the Text—Active Expressions

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1. 她对我坦诚相见。

2. 你在不合适的时候说了不合适的话。

3. 学学在什么样的时候说什么样的话。

4. 听听别处的意见没害处。

Notes to the Text—Active Expressions


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1. She is very open with me.

2. You’ve said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

3. Learn to say the right thing at the right time.

4. Another opinion can’t hurt.

More Practice


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1. 这职位仍空缺着。

2. 他们进了一间不太有人问津的学校。

3. 他真是个十足的白痴。

4. 原谅我。我本无意伤你的感情。

Notes to the Text—Active Expressions


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1. The job is still open.

2. They went to the wrong school.

3. He sounds like a right idiot.

4. Pardon me. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.


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1.…at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage, prejudices you might

even call them.

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

an appositional structure (同位结构 )

“prejudices” 是 “ reservations” 的同位语。

II. Focus Study


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• 大学校长唐先生向全校宣布了那个好消息。• “ 留下我来做吧。” 值夜班的比尔说。

Notes to the Text—Focus Study

• Mr. Tang, President of the university, announced the good news to the whole school.

• “Leave it to me,” said Bill, the man on night duty.

Translation Translation


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2. “Remember, it’s never too late to change your mind.”

never too … to … = any time

Notes to the Text—Focus Study


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• One is never too old to learn.

• It is never too late to mend.

• 活到老,学到老。• 亡羊补牢,为时不晚。


Notes to the Text—Focus Study


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Chinese to English

Word UsingOld to New

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1. imagine v. to think about having


It’s hard to imagine living in a place where It’s hard to imagine living in a place where there are no telephones or cars.there are no telephones or cars.



I. Word Using

Words and Expressions—Word Using

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2. tolerance n. willingness or ability to accept sth.


My tolerance of heat is greater after having My tolerance of heat is greater after having lived in the south for a couple of yearslived in the south for a couple of years ..



Words and Expressions—Word Using

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3. mutual adj. shared; felt or done by each to the other

mutual respectmutual respectmutual understandingmutual understandingmutual interestsmutual interestsmutual effortsmutual effortsmutual supportmutual supportmutual hobbymutual hobby


Words and Expressions—Word Using


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4. overlook v.


She overlooked his offensiveness and tried to She overlooked his offensiveness and tried to pretend nothing had happened.pretend nothing had happened.



Words and Expressions—Word Using

to pretend not to notice

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They hoped to make it, but things worked out They hoped to make it, but things worked out quite differently. quite differently.



5. work out to happen or progress in a certain wayto happen or progress in a certain way

Words and Expressions—Word Using

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6. go through


We went through difficulties while working on We went through difficulties while working on this project.this project.



to experienceto experience

Words and Expressions—Word Using

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7. prejudice n.

What kind of prejudice is common in the What kind of prejudice is common in the world?world?

Use it Use it unreasonable dislike of peopleunreasonable dislike of people

Words and Expressions—Word Using

— Women have to face a great deal of Women have to face a great deal of prejudice in the workplace. prejudice in the workplace.

— Prejudice against black people is Prejudice against black people is common in many parts of America. common in many parts of America.

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8. confirm v. to show that sth. is true

你刚才所说的一切向我们证实了一个观点: 谁都不能信任。

Everything you have just said confirms the Everything you have just said confirms the view that nobody can be trusted.view that nobody can be trusted.



Words and Expressions—Word Using

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9. hesitate v. to pause before saying or doing sth.

Use itUse it

Words and Expressions—Word Using

Is there anything in the world that you never hesitate to pay?

— I never hesitate to pay for (gift for my mother, CD, etc.)

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10. cancel v. to call off

Use itUse it

Words and Expressions—Word Using

— The football game will be cancelled due to …

When do you think a football match will be cancelled?

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11. proceed v. to start to do sth., often after doing sth. else first


Tell us your name and then proceed withTell us your name and then proceed with your story. your story.



Words and Expressions—Word Using

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12. resolve v. to find a solution to (a problem, crisis)


They hoped the crisis could be resolved They hoped the crisis could be resolved peacefully.peacefully.



Words and Expressions—Word Using

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3. They hoped to be able to move into their new house at the end of the month, but ________ _________________________ ( 事情进展 并不如他们所期望的那样 ).

1. They know what is important for them, for ______ _________________________ ( 他们都经历 过这场战争 ).

2. __________________ ( 也许我不该问你 ), but

will you lend me some money?

they have all gone through the war

I hesitate to ask you

things didwork out as they had expected

A mini-test

Words and Expressions—Word Using

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4. ________________________________ ( 这一次我们不计较你的错误行为 ), but don’t do it again.

5. After everyone was seated, the chairman ___________________________ ( 开始宣布他的计划 ).

We’ll overlook your bad behavior this time

proceeded to announce his plan

Words and Expressions—Word Using

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II. Old to NewII. Old to New

false impressionsuitable

fail to seeadvise

later; followingwords; sign

cruelgo on


false impressionsuitable

fail to seeadvise

later; followingwords; sign

cruelgo on


illusion compatible overlook counsel subsequent indication harsh proceed resolve

Words and Expressions—Old to New

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III. Chinese to English


tolerance mutual respect avoid mistake incompatible prejudice son-in-law


Words and Expressions—C to E

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compromise racist idealistic realistic at one’s best at one’s worst

suspect mixed couple

Words and Expressions—C to E

妥协种族主义者理想主义的现实主义的( 状态 ) 最好时( 状态 ) 最差时怀疑异族通婚

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2 3 Idea Sharing

Would you like to marry a man or a woman from another culture? Why or why not? Give yourideas in your group.


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Structured WritingStructured Writing

Practical WritingPractical Writing

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One of the common ways to give opinions is to present other’s opinions, make comments on the opinions and then give opinions that are intended to

be conveyed.

I. Structured Writing

Writing—Structured Writing

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2 3 Writing—Structured Writing

Some people think that online learning would make learning easier for everyone as we can learn at any time and at any place. But when I started online learning I found it not as easy as others think. I would say that online learning is just a convenient way to receive

education—not an easier way. In fact, many students say it requires much

more time and effort. Requirements for online courses are not less than those of any quality program.

(an idea)


(my idea)

(fact to support)

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2 3 Writing—Structured Writing

1. Some people’s idea: online learning, easy

2. Online learning, not as easy as these people think

3. My idea: only a convenient way of education, not an easy way

4. Facts to support “my idea”


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Writing Task

Topic: Wealth and Health Topic: Wealth and Health

Write your own paragraph, which includes other opinions, your comments and your own ideas.

Write your own paragraph, which includes other opinions, your comments and your own ideas.

Writing—Structured Writing

Tips for Writing

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1. Give an idea.

2. Make comments on the idea.

3. Present your own idea.

4. Support your idea with facts.

Tips for Writing

For your referenceFor your reference

Writing—Structured Writing

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Some people think that wealth means everything. In their eyes, they can have anything done with enough money. Actually, health is more important than wealth. Health is the foundation of one’s success. If you become sick, it is nearly impossible for you to pursue your career successfully. On the other hand, a person suffering from illness can

never enjoy his wealth.

Writing—Structured Writing


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II. Practical Writing

A personal letter usually has six parts: the heading, the date, the salutation, the body, the complimentary close and the signature.

In most informal personal letters, the heading may be omitted.

Related Cultural NotesRelated Cultural Notes

Writing—Practical Writing

Personal Letters

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2 3 Writing—Practical Writing

Personal letters are used for social interactions. They are written for family invitations, congratulations, concerns, thanks, consolations, favors, condolences, apologies and so on.

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Guangxi University

Nanning, Guangxi, 530004


6 Sept., 2003



Dear Sir, salutation

Body of Letter

Yours sincerely, complimentary close

Wan Lin signature

Writing—Practical Writing

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A Sample

Dear Mum and Dad, It is difficult to believe but I have already beenhere for over four months! During the first fewweeks I often found myself thinking of homeand family. I guess you could say that I had aserious case of “homesickness”. The longer Iam here, however, the more I am enjoying mylife and studies on the campus.

Writing—Practical Writing

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Even though I am very happy here, I still think of each of you often and appreciate so much that you have been doing for me. How are you at home? I hope you are both keeping well. See that Dad smokes less so

that he can enjoy better health.

Writing—Practical Writing

I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I shall be with you again on holiday. I can’t say how much I want to seeyou again.

Your grateful son,


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Write a letter to your family, friend,or pen friend, telling them about your

YourYour TaskTask

Writing—Practical Writing

college life.

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To Section B

The End of Section A