09 10 final

Tuesday, September 10, 2013 New Mexico State University Vol. 117 No. 3 | nmsuroundup.com Remembering 9/11 Hit and Run EDM inside perspective Aggies defeated Recapping the tragic events and how students recall the day. Why New Mexico State University needs to invest in more bike lanes Student gives his take on the new craze and its growing culture Volleyball competes in Rainbow Wahine Tournament INSIDE NEWS INSIDE OPINION INSIDE CULTURE INSIDE SPORTS by Lillian Bowe Staff Writer AggieCareer Manager is an outlet for students to find jobs and internships, but sometimes the job postings on the website are a scam. Roseanne Bensley, associate director of career services, said all jobs posted on Ag- gieCareer Manager are “vetted”— meaning authenticity of the job’s email, telephone and website are checked. Although postings are authenticated, jobs scams can still work their way through the system. In April, a student found a fraudulent posting that sought a personal assistant for Southern Sun Properties. The person who posted the job asked for the worker to deposit a check into their personal bank account, which resulted in cashier check fraud, according to an email sent out from Career Services after the occurrence. It was not until career services heard about the scam that the posting was taken off the website. An email also was sent out after to those who looked at the post that it was a scam. David Loera, NMSU student, found this post and was talking to the person who posted the job. He sent his resume to the email on the posting. “Not until I got the email did I know the job was a scam,” Loera said. “I could have sent my telephone number or my address in the paperwork for the job. It seems like career services could have work hard at fishing out the scams.” Bensley said looking at how much information is on the posting for a good indication as to whether the job is real. “We are vetting on the surface, but we cannot know if the job is a scam unless we go in person to the interview,” Bensley said. There is an option on every post to provide information such as days/hours and duration of job, wage/salary, start date and end date, job description and qualifications. If a posting does not have salary or the description of the job is vague this is a red flag for fraud; however, if the employer is verified by Career Services, the job gets posted. Bensley said difficulity is growing when it comes to finding frauds that are hiding behind a real company. “Individuals need to know the signs of fraud when looking at jobs,” Bensley said. If an employer asks for personal infor- mation such as a social security number or a bank account number, that is an im- mediate sign of a scam. Other signs are fee requirements or being asked to deposit a check into a personal bank account. WEBSITE SCAMS FOUND by Lillian Bowe Staff Writer With plans to unveil the newest iPhone this month, Apple is starting a new pro- gram that allows customers to trade in their old iPhones for credit. Any working iPhone is eligible for the trade in. The credit a person receives can go the purchase of the new iPhone, which might be revealed sometime this week. When the model will go on sale is still unknown. “iPhones hold great value,” said Apple spokeswoman Amy Bessette in a state- ment Aug. 30. “So, Apple Retail Stores are launching a new program to assist custom- ers who wish to bring in their previous generation iPhone for reuse or recycling.” The program is only for those who have an iPhone contract and the credit has to go toward the purchase of a new phone. How much credit a person receives for their old phone is based on the model, the condi- tion of the phone including scratches and whether the phone has any water damage. Customers must bring in their old iPhone to an Apple Retail Store, where the phone will get reviewed to determine how much it is worth. When the price is determined, the credit will be in the form of an Apple gift card. A person must have a wireless contract to be able to use the credit for a new phone, according to the Apple Store in El Paso. According to apple.com, the online program is for any old Apple device, the credit can be used for apple product and no contract is necessary. The old phones that are traded in will be recycled via a third-party re-seller Bright- star, according to CNN. Other stores and websites are offer- ing trade-ins for the old iPhones as well, including AT&T and Verizon. For more information on this program, go to any Apple Retail Store or visit Apple. com. APPLE TO OFFER STORE CREDIT FOR OLD PHONES “We are vetting on the surface, but we cannot know if the job is a scam unless we go in person to the interview,” Bensley said.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Mexico State University

Vol. 117 No. 3 | nmsuroundup.com

Remembering 9/11 Hit and Run EDM inside perspective Aggies defeatedRecapping the tragic events and how students recall the day.

Why New Mexico State University needs to invest in more bike lanes

Student gives his take on the new craze and its growing culture

Volleyball competes in Rainbow Wahine Tournament


by Lillian BoweSta� Writer

AggieCareer Manager is an outlet for students to find jobs and internships, but sometimes the job postings on the website are a scam.

Roseanne Bensley, associate director of career services, said all jobs posted on Ag-gieCareer Manager are “vetted”— meaning authenticity of the job’s email, telephone and website are checked.

Although postings are authenticated, jobs scams can still work their way through the system.

In April, a student found a fraudulent posting that sought a personal assistant for Southern Sun Properties. The person who posted the job asked for the worker to deposit a check into their personal bank account, which resulted in cashier check fraud, according to an email sent out from Career Services after the occurrence.

It was not until career services heard

about the scam that the posting was taken off the website. An email also was sent out after to those who looked at the post that it was a scam.

David Loera, NMSU student, found this post and was talking to the person who posted the job. He sent his resume to the email on the posting.

“Not until I got the email did I know the job was a scam,” Loera said. “I could have sent my telephone number or my address in the paperwork for the job. It seems like career services could have work hard at fishing out the scams.”

Bensley said looking at how much information is on the posting for a good indication as to whether the job is real.

“We are vetting on the surface, but we cannot know if the job is a scam unless we go in person to the interview,” Bensley said.

There is an option on every post to provide information such as days/hours and duration of job, wage/salary, start date and end date, job description and qualifications. If a posting does not have salary or the description of the job is vague this is a red flag for fraud; however, if the employer is verified by Career Services, the job gets posted.

Bensley said difficulity is growing when it comes to finding frauds that are hiding behind a real company.

“Individuals need to know the signs of fraud when looking at jobs,” Bensley said.

If an employer asks for personal infor-mation such as a social security number or a bank account number, that is an im-mediate sign of a scam. Other signs are fee requirements or being asked to deposit a check into a personal bank account.


by Lillian BoweSta� Writer

With plans to unveil the newest iPhone this month, Apple is starting a new pro-gram that allows customers to trade in their old iPhones for credit.

Any working iPhone is eligible for the trade in. The credit a person receives can go the purchase of the new iPhone, which might be revealed sometime this week. When the model will go on sale is still unknown.

“iPhones hold great value,” said Apple spokeswoman Amy Bessette in a state-ment Aug. 30. “So, Apple Retail Stores are launching a new program to assist custom-ers who wish to bring in their previous generation iPhone for reuse or recycling.”

The program is only for those who have an iPhone contract and the credit has to go toward the purchase of a new phone. How much credit a person receives for their old phone is based on the model, the condi-tion of the phone including scratches and whether the phone has any water damage.

Customers must bring in their old iPhone to an Apple Retail Store, where the phone will get reviewed to determine how much it is worth. When the price is determined, the credit will be in the form of an Apple gift card. A person must have a wireless contract to be able to use the credit for a new phone, according to the Apple Store in El Paso.

According to apple.com, the online program is for any old Apple device, the credit can be used for apple product and no contract is necessary.

The old phones that are traded in will be recycled via a third-party re-seller Bright-star, according to CNN.

Other stores and websites are offer-ing trade-ins for the old iPhones as well, including AT&T and Verizon.

For more information on this program, go to any Apple Retail Store or visit Apple.com.


“We are vetting on the surface, but we cannot know if the job is a scam unless we go in person to the interview,” Bensley said.

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September 10, 2013 2

News Briefs

Political unrest growsover Syria

According to cnn.com, the Obama administration is poised to make a breakthrough with Syria. CNN reports President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin have discussed matters regarding chemical weapons and possible military response.

Meeting at the G20 summit, Presi-dent Obama and President Putin were seen discussing at length regard-ing the current state of Syria.

While Obama is still pressing at-tacking Syria due to the use of inter-nationally banned chemical weapons, the meeting with Putin is an attempt to do so without losing any political allegiance.

While most the Ameri-can public is hoping for a diplomatic solution to the current violence occurring in Syria, the meetings of President Putin and President Obama may lead to a joint diplomatic solution.

While the civil unrest in Syria con-tinues to grow, democratic procedure in America is halting any immediate response.

U.S News

Painting by Van Goghdiscovered and revealed

The Van Gogh Museum in Am-sterdam revealed a forgotten work by Vincent Van Gogh Monday, accord-ing to cnn.com.

CNN reports that after 120 years of his death, the work was discov-ered. The landscape is titled “Sunset at Montmajour” where Van Gogh painted the vicinity of Arles south of France.

In a statement, the museum’s di-rector Axel Ruger said, “a discovery of this magnitude has never before occurred in the history of the Van Gogh Museum.”

Ruger said the painting is attributed to Van Gogh for his use of style with paint and technique.

The exhibit “Van Gogh at Work” will showcase the new piece starting Sept. 24 in Amsterdam, according to cnn.com

World News

Fallen � re� ghter foundThe week-long missing firefighter,

Token Adams, was found dead in Northern New Mexico Friday by search and rescue crews after what appears to have been an ATV crash, according to kob.com.

In the attempt to find Adams, hundreds of volunteers, fellow co-workers, search teams and Air Patrol scoured a 50-square mile ra-dius of mesas and steep canyons.

Kob.com reported that Adams had worked for the Santa Fe National Forest for 18 months, when he went out on a call of smoke reported in the Jemez Springs area.

Services for the 41-year-old fallen engine captain are scheduled for Albuquerque on Thursday at the Calvary Chapel. Adam leaves behind a pregnant wife and son.

N.M. News

Submission PolicyThe Round Up welcomes submissions for publication. Submissions can be dropped o� , faxed or emailed. Submis-sions become property of The Round Up and will not be returned. The Round Up reserves the right to edit articles and cannot guarantee publication.

Advertising PolicyThe Round Up welcomes paid advertise-ments for legal products and services. The Round Up does not accept ads deemed discriminatory by the edi-tor. Any advertisement that might be confused with editorial content must be clearly labeled (paid advertisement.) Po-sitions of ads cannot be guaranteed. The Round Up reserves the right to refuse the publication of any advertisement.

About UsThe Round Up is published during the academic year by the students for the university community. Corrections of the print edition will be made on www.nmsuroundup.com. Editorial content of the newspaper is independent of adver-tising content. Opinions expressed in The Round Up are not necessarily those of the sta� , New Mexico State University or the Associated Students of NMSU.

Box 3004, Dept. CCNew Mexico State UniversityLas Cruces, New Mexico 88003Phone: 575-646-6397; Fax 575-646-5557

All sta� writers, Executive News Producers and editor can be reached at [email protected].

by Jesca Cervantes and Bethany BlundellManaging Editor and Executive News Producer

Most students remember where they were on 9/11, while others remember it as a blur. For some it was filled with emotion or numb-ness because people could not believe what was happening.

However, wherever Americans were that day, the tragedy on that day has and continues to impact the country.

As the World Trade Center went down in flames and the New York Police Department scurried to save lives, newscast-ers and Americans could not

make complete

sense of the events unfolding before their eyes with events changing every minute.

When it became breaking news, reporters who were in the newsroom at the time were relying on citizen’s calling in for informa-tion because the source of the crash was unknown. Major reporters like Matt Lauer and Katie Couric gath-ered details regarding the sounds, reactions and how New York was handling the situation.

Speaking to elementary students in Florida that day, at 9:31 a.m. President George W. Bush an-nounced America had experienced a terrorist attack. Throughout the day, information regarding other attacks on commercial flights

and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. were

reported and linked to the same attack.

Eight months after the attack, “1.4 million tons of debris removed from the site, 19,435 body parts have been

recovered from ground zero,” ac-cording to 911memorial.org.

As of Sept. 26, 2012, sta-tistics reported the total number of people who died in the 9/11 attacks was 2,996 including those of the World Trade Center, airlines, the Pentagon and the hijackers. Military and civilian deaths totaled to 125.

It has been 12 years since 9/11, and thousands from around the world go to visit Ground Zero Memorial Site where there are twin-reflecting pools located where each of the towers once stood. Names of those who died in the attacks are inscribed on the edges of the pools.

Today the memorial stands as a “reminder of the largest loss of life resulting from a foreign attack on American soil and the greatest single loss of rescue person-nel in American history,” the 911 Memorial website reports.

Those who can honor the fallen from 9/11 with others from New Mexico State University, can com-memorate together for the 12th anniversary at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Student Memorial outside of Garcia Hall.

Moving forward but not forgottenWhere were you in 9/11?

“I was actually in New York on a school � eld trip.The entire skyline became thick black smoke. People were running around screaming and crying. I was just a kid. I didn’t fully grasp how serious things were.”- senior David Telles

“I was in an airport in Chicago with my family. I remember everything being shut down and no one could leave for the longest time. I was terrifed.”- said senior Andrew Daily

“I was taking my kids to a doctors appointment when the news came on the radio. I pulled the car over and held them while I listened.”- Joshua Hightower

“I was living in Florida at the time. My husband was on a busi-ness trip and all I could think was, ‘Dear God, don’t let it be him.” - Cassandra Wilcox


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September 10, 2013 3

by Otto NicliSta� Writer

Campus is full of students who walk to class, but an increasing number of students ride bikes and longboards as alternatives.

Since New Mexico State University is built on an incline, the idea of using a longboard or a bike to get from point A to point B might seem appealing. Sadly, a

problem arises for those who want to use a bike in-

stead of their feet.

Students who walk to class of-

ten become a dangerous

obstacle for the bicyclists and skate-boarders that speed past through the crowds.

The fear of colliding is a com-mon threat for both pedestrians and riders. Riders might be the ones at a higher risk of impact since they are required to pay as much attention to the road as to the people ahead of them.

The main reason for this con-gestion is due to the bike lanes that are so obviously missing from campus. Every sidewalk is defaulted for pedestrians only.

At this moment, the only option for bicyclists and long-boarders is the white lines on Stewart Street and a short bike lane on the I-Mall, near Garcia Hall. These lanes are out of the way and inconvenient for many bicyclists.

The Horseshoe has signs for bicyclists to ride with the traffic even though this street is very dangerous for bicyclists. Many bicyclists use the sidewalk along the Horseshoe, which becomes congested quickly.

The other option for bicyclists is to ride on the street itself, which also presents another problem.Cars parked on the Horseshoe can accidentially pull out without seeing a bicyclist speeding behind them.

It’s long overdue for NMSU to add lanes, specifically for bicyclists and longboarders on the I-Mall, Frenger Mall and on the Horseshoe.

These lanes are needed on these pedestrian heavy pathways to avoid future collisions and alleviate the fear from student’s

Desperate need for integrated bike lanes on campus

Fractional Grading: Does it help or hurt?

Parking hell remains unavoidable

commentary by Tara Melton Sta� Writer

Fractional grading was imple-mented over the summer and since then students have been frustrated.

New Mexico State Univer-sity administration says the new system helps students, but the student side of the story is much different.

Last May, the NMSU Board of Regents approved a fractional grading policy that gives profes-sors the option to use plus and minus grades between “C” minus and “A” plus grades.

According to the Albuquerque Journal, NMSU administration’s view point is that fractional grad-ing allows professors to use a more accurate scale and provides equality to students.

An example of the traditional system is that if one student re-ceives an 81 and another student

in the same class receives an 89, they both would receive a “B” as a final grade. With fractional grading, the first student would receive a “B” minus and the second, a “B” plus.

According to ASNMSU, a compromise was made to ensure that a “C” minus on the fractional grading scale would be a 2.0 rather than its original 1.7.

This change was made so those students who earn a grade in a “C” range would still qualify and meet the grade point aver-age criteria for scholarships and financial aid.

Yet, this fractional grading sys-tem has left out one very impor-tant part: What happens if you get an “A” plus?

On the current fractional grad-ing scale, an “A” plus is still a 4.0, which is unequal to the rest of the system. Many NMSU students feel that an individual who works hard enough in a class to earn an “A” plus are being neglected by this system.

“It thrills me that my professors have chosen not to use fractional grading,” said Jessica Perez, a senior at NMSU. “From what I’ve seen, the scale can only help if the grade is a “C;” there aren’t any upsides to earning an “A.”

The University of New Mexico also has a fractional grading sys-tem but their system rewards their top students with an extra .3 points for an “A” plus. How are we going to compete with our peers if we leave our students at a disadvantage for working hard?

While fractional grading was implemented with the hopes of equality for NMSU students, it has fallen short.

If we can help our students by changing a “C” minus to 2.0, can’t we reward students who earn an “A” plus with a 4.3?

If the Board of Regents can help struggling students, they can certainly award students who go above and beyond to earn an “A” plus.

by Jocelyn ApodacaSta� Writer

Have you experienced the wrath of New Mexico State Uni-versity parking yet?

After being at this university for four and half years, I’ve just stopped purchasing parking passes. I can’t find parking with or without a sticker anyway.

Everyone has experienced showing up 10 minutes early thinking, “I’m totally going get a sweet parking spot super close to class...” Nope. You won’t.

There appears to be enough lots according to the map they hand out at freshmen orientation —but if you take a glance at the free parking lot at the Pan Am, you’ll realize there aren’t any.

There are six lots designated to commuter or on campus stu-dents marked with purple, green, yellow, orange and turquoise for motorcyclists, and brown as free lots.

As an upperclassman, my classes are generally in one or two buildings for the entire semester.

Those buildings, to my luck, don’t have parking lots near them.

If you analyze the map, you’ll notice that the popular large lots are off William Aveune and Gregg Street. There are no lecture halls near there. Every other lot I could probably count the spaces available on one hand, if that.

My issue with the parking on campus isn’t about physical activ-ity or trying to get a good spot. It’s deeper than that.

A parking permits costs $50 for one year of tortue. Am I willing to drop 50 bucks for maybe finding parking? Clearly, I’m not because we have the Aggie Transit system that picks up students from

the Pan American parking lot and takes them to various stops throughout campus.

How great would it be if park-ing was determined by class level or GPA? I would be one happy camper.

Despite rumors about a park-ing garage or adding lots, my advice is to invest in a bicycle. If you get a bike, motorcycle or longboard, you’re improving your carbon footprint, you fit almost anywhere, there’s always parking, it’s cheap, it’s fun and you look cool doing it.

If you don’t mind long walks on campus, park at the Pan Am or one of the free lots, show up to class a little earlier than usual, and just walk.

Whether you chose to take my advice or continue cruising around lots with fists clenching your steering wheel and road rage rants filling your thoughts, remember, if you want good parking either show up before 8:30 a.m., have a go-to lot or keep some spare change for a meter.

Alexandra Von Wol� Executive Director

Jesca CervantesManaging Editor

Ashely DeMottAdvertising Manager

Michelle TejedaDirector of Finance

Allison McCollisterDirector of Marketing

Executive News ProducersBethany BlundellKevin CulverAndrea Rojas

DesignersAna AyonGarson LambDavid LoeraFernanda Teixeira

The Round Up Staff

“People don’t pay attention

around campus. It’s hard riding around campus and almost get into recks. Es-pecially around Corbet and the International


“The bike trails are far o� from the rest of the building in


“I almost get run over all the

time. There are toomany people

riding bikes on campus.”



“It’s di� cult

to maneuver around cars and


Brooke Stevens Undecided, Freshman

Christian Wentland, Freshman, General Science

Matt HopperJunior, English

Taylor Eidem, Sophomore, Business

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September 10, 2013 4


1.”Meditations”-HologramsDark, fast and loud this single is anything but meditative. Sweden’s Holograms just released their solid second LP-Forever. If Metz and Ice Age do it for you, this un-derrated band will too.2.”Valerie” -Celestial ShoreCelestial Shore enter the scene subtly but interestingly on their debut-10x. Their layered jazz prog rock instrumentation is reminiscent of Jontii while the lightly intermingled vocals pay homage to So Many Wizards.Each track sounds unique and moves along dynamically.3.”Red Eye”-MoondoggiesJangly and driving this track erupts in bold moments all over the place. Deceiv-ingly simple this song proves Moondog-gies adept at making tight, folk inspired jams without ever getting formulaic.4.”Sugar Crush”- Joanna GruesomeDespite a tounge in cheek name, Joanna Gruesome present themselves as any-thing but whimsical on their debut -Weird Sister. Coed vocals interject levity while their brand of pulsating noise pop makes for serious business over all.5.”The Way Out”-Porcelain RaftEchoey and swirling this single engages immediately. Somber dream pop vocals might draw valid comparisons to Beach House but Porcelain Raft remain more electronic inspired.

Listen Up!







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“My style is very casual, cute, and comfortable“

Virgo(Aug 23 - Sep 22)You’re at your glori-ous best with mental

faculties on high alert

Libra(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Need some time off ? Take it. You owe

yourself some fun.

Leo(Aug 23 - Sep 22)No one must know what’s going on in

that ingenious brain.

Scorpio(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Manage your person-alities: ultra-sensitive

and leadership.

Sagittarius(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Don’t let anyone tell you the world is not a

wonderful place.

Capricorn(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Your mind is full of ideas and a thirst for


Aquarius(Aug 23 - Sep 22)If colleagues have taken it into their

foolish heads to fight you, so be it.

Pisces(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Your generosity and endless search for fun

and excitement have turned spending into an art form.

Aries(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Your communication skills are being en-


Taurus(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Ideas can be trans-lated into money -

don’t leave them lying

Gemini(Aug 23 - Sep 22)Get serious. There’s money to be made

and you’re going to make it. Not that it’s going to be easy.

Cancer(Aug 23 - Sep 22)you’re so worried about getting the

short end of the stick, you’ve forgotten where your stick was attached to.

Dress: Ross


Purse: Korea

Student FashionistaDahye Jeong

“I guess the amount of labor a ranch has depends on when the last time those green and white vehicles (border patrol) have been through that area.”

“Do any of you KNOW any facts about Brad Pitt? You better! It’s on the final!”

Shit My Professor Says

“You really need to choose your arguments in life...but,

especially if you are married.”

“Has anyone ever done a drug trial?..I mean a real drug trial...you know with real drugs...?”

“Seriously I want you to write all inside your text. You can

even write ‘asshole’ in the mar-gins. Especially if it’s Heming-


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September 10, 2013 5




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The Color Runsplashes into El Paso

by Liz BakerStaff WriterThe Color Run, a for-profi t

company, is responsible for a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and in-dividuality iscoming to El Paso Sunday.

This event is less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having a great time. The Color Run is a 5k, un-timed race where thousands of participants are doused from head-to-toe in differ-ent colors at each kilometer.

Now the single largest event series in the nation, The Color Run is explod-ing since their debut event in January 2012 and has grown from more than 50 events, reached 600,000 partici-pants in 2012, hosted 100+ events and reached more than 1 million participants in 2013.

The Color Run’s global charity partners with the Global Poverty Project, which gives the Color Runners the opportunity to en-gage in global issues, make an im-pact in the world and be proactive in ending extreme poverty.

Running is one of the best forms of exercise for losing or maintaining a consistent weight. According to active.com, not all

of the benefi ts of running are physical. Research done by medi-cine.com shows after only a few minutes of running, your brain will start to secrete hormones that naturally improve your mood.

“Running for this event provid-ed me with a noticeable boost to my confi dence and self-esteem,” said avid runner Kristine Griffi th. “By setting and achieving goals, you can help give yourself a

greater sense of empowerment that will leave you feeling much happier.”

According to The Color Run website, in 2012, the event raised more than $600,000 for local and national charities. In 2013, the or-ganization plans to raise at least $1 million for organizations like HandsOn Jacksonville, J.A.M. Foundation, Cool Kids Cam-paign and Boys & Girls Clubs.

The fun continues at the fi nish line with a gigantic “Finish Festi-val,” using more colored powder

to create happiness and lasting memories, not to mention mil-lions of vivid color combinations.

Color Runners vary in demo-graphics and reasons for running. With no winners or offi cial times, The Color Run caters to anyone – 2 years olds to 80 years olds, fi rst-time runners to professional athletes.

According to their website, more than 60 percent of Color

Runners are fi rst-time 5k runners and partici-pate as a celebration and capstone of their healthy living accomplishments. Others participate to honor loved ones who

have passed or are fi ghting dis-eases.

“This event is benefi cial to the body, mind and spirit,” said se-nior Jordan Chavez. “You will fi nd that after you’re done, the race will leave you feeling more energized, more focused, and bet-ter able to enjoy all that life has to offer.”

There are only two rules to The Color Run: wear white at the starting line and fi nish plastered in color. To register visit thecolor-run.com.

The Color Run will be held in El Paso Sunday. Registration is open at thecolorun.com for those who wish toparticipate. photo courtesy of fabweb.com.

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CULTURESeptember 10, 2013 6

The deaths of Olivia Rotondo, 20, and Jeffrey Russ, 23 from suspected drug overdoses at an electronic dance music event, Electric Zoo Festival in New York, earlier this month, according to NY Daily News, has left many questioning EDM culture.

Yet Michael Vogeli, a New Mexico State University stu-dent involved with EDM culture, wants people to know that EDM culture is not a “drug fest.”

Vogeli paid $240 this summer for a ticket to Lightning In A Bot-tle, a week-long transformational event in Southern California, which is similar to EDM events.

Vogeli said the main difference between Lightning In A Bottle and EDM events are that EDM events are, “huge raves with mul-tiple stages in an arena and last for a couple days.”

He described Lightning In A Bottle as an event closer to the idea of Woodstock where people “come together for peace and love.” Along with its musical aspects, Lightning In A Bottle also promotes sustainability, creative expression and enlightenment.

Vogeli became involved with EDM culture when his broth-er, James Renegade, became a popular disc jockey in Portland, Ore. Vogeli been to more than six EDM events and enjoys be-ing a part of these events because of the types of people he meets and who are loving, friendly and helpful community. At Lightning In A Bottle, Vogeli learned about natural medicines, healthy eating and wire wrapping. Lightning In A Bottle offered yoga every morn-ing and evening and events for artists to express themselves.

Though EDM culture has got-ten a bad reputation for the drugs, Vogeli said the events he’s partici-pated in have been more about enlightenment than drug usage.

“There are drugs present and some people do psychedelic drugs to become enlightened, but there’s no peer pressure to do drugs there,” Vogeli said. “Most peo-ple in attendance weren’t doing


ning In A Bottle is adver-tised as a fam- ily event and Vogeli said he has seen chil-dren in attendance; from infants to 4-year-olds. Their parents had ear muffs on them to protect them from the loud music. Parents brought their children to Light-

ning In A Bottle to show them na-ture and get a break from the city.

“If you feel like you’ve lost your connection with nature, go to Lightning In A Bottle just once,” Vogeli suggested.

Vogeli says Lightning In A Bot-tle was very secure and one of the cleanest events that is put on with-

i n t h e

Uni t -e d

S ta t e s . L i g h t -ning In A Bottle was

held within a nature preserve and expected its patrons to leave the park cleaner than when they ar-rived.

Lightning In A Bottle was host-ed by The Do Lab and provided cleaning crews, a health center for anyone who became sick due to dehydration or a drug induced

illness and a taxi service by bike.

In terms of those two young people who recently died of overdoses at an EDM event, Vogeli believes they were not with the right crowd.

“At Lightning In A Bottle, if someone noticed that someone was having a bad trip they would help you and calm you down,” he said. “It has a lot to do with the community of the event, they lacked humanity at EZoo.”

“There are drugs present and some people do psychedelic drugs to become enlightened, but there’s no peer pressure to do drugs there,”

Michael Vogeli

from an inside

by Tara MeltonStaff Writer


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E D M perspective

“The World’s End” is, as the main character Gary King (Si-mon Pegg) states, “about closure.” T

This incredibly British film starts off as a middle-aged yet im-mature King’s last-ditch attempt, nearly 20 years later, to relive his glory days as the leader of his

gang of friends in pub-crawl.In their teenage years,

King and his gang at-tempted the legend-ary “Golden Mile,” where people would go to the 12 pubs in

Newton Haven but never finshed.

The film begins like any other British Pub Comedy but quickly takes a strange

and exciting turn to a lit-eral end-of-the-world action

film.This is Edgar Wright’s new-

est film since 2009’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and there are some similarities between the two films. Wright’s ability to film action se-quences is incredibly apparent in The World’s End.

The World’s End feels like an incredibly well crafted episode of Doctor Who, sans the Doctor of course. But it is vastly differ-entiated with the extreme action sequences, vulgar language and raunchy jokes.

This drunken escapade into the actual world’s end delivers jokes, incredibly tense action sequences and heartfelt moments in such a harmonious way that only Edgar Wright could pull off in such a brilliant way.

The film is well acted, beauti-fully shot and full of crazy sur-prises that will keep you mesmer-ized. You’ll want a pint, or twelve, after the film’s end.


by Otto NicliStaff Writer

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September 10, 2013 7

The New Mexico State Uni-versity Aggie Volleyball team spent the weekend in action at the Rainbow Wahine tourna-ment in Hawaii this past weekend where they faced tough, nation-ally ranked competition.

The first game took place Thursday where the Aggies faced Hawaii’s Rainbow Wahine, who was ranked No. 9 in the nation coming into their match against the Aggies. NM State struggled against the well-oiled and well-rested opponent who quickly put them away after three sets.

Unfortunately for the Aggies, the same fate awaited them Fri-day against the Bruins of Uni-versity of California-Los Angles. The Aggies fought valiantly and fared better than they had the previous evening against the

Rainbow Wahine but still found themselves on the receiving end of yet another three game sweep. The Bruins went into the week-end ranked No.10.

In the final game of the week-end’s tournament, the Aggies showed improvement Saturday by taking one set away from the Broncos of Santa Clara, but at the end of the day they found themselves losing three of four sets and taking another heart-breaking loss over the weekend.

The NMSU Aggie Volleyball team will be hosting the NM State Tournament starting at 10 a.m. against Southern Utah at 10 a.m., Arkansas-Little Rock at 10 a.m. Saturday and Northern Illinois University at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

by Michael YaczkoStaff Writer

Paradise lost in Hawaii

This is a plea from a man who loves football, and desperately wants the university to feel the same way about the most popu-lar sport in North America how the Midwest and the South feel about it.

We need to do better if we want to re-energize and rein-vigorate the football program at New Mexico State Univer-sity. We need to do better if we want to give Coach Doug Mar-tin a chance to see his vision of a community uniting around the Aggies.

At tailgating this past weekend, it was thrilling to see recreational vehicles flying flag’s of Pistol Pete and exciting to see the number of people wearing crimson and white. It was stimulating to smell meat cooking and smoldering on numerous grills, hearing the familiar sizzling and popping of hamburgers and hot dogs.

It wasn’t a large crowd, but it was a decent crowd in the hours before the Aggies would battle against the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

The thing that struck me as odd though was the fact that these groups of five to ten people were simply that – small inde-pendent clusters of people com-municating quietly to themselves. It was like watching many groups of people have their own private backyard barbeques and if any-one else walked toward them, they would look as if someone had unlatched their gate and walked onto their back porch without permission.

Some people socialized with old friends from other groups, but how many people tailgating at Saturday’s Aggie game can say

that they met someone new? I did. I spent part of the afternoon with the International Students club.

There were people there from many different countries around the world, from many different backgrounds and many different religious beliefs. These coun-tries don’t even have football, but these students were out there of-fering food, drink and friendship to those who came by.

Tailgating is not something that is done quietly, in an orderly fashion. Tailgating is painting your face and body crimson and white, waving flags and singing the fight song at the top of your lungs while staggering through the parking lot even if you can’t sing.

Tailgating is a doctor or a law-yer, standing next to a student, standing next to a cop, stand-ing next to a homeless person screaming “GO AGGIES!” as loud as you can. Tailgating is when who we are in southern New Mexico ceases to matter and we all become one unified power source, with the kind of power to make the Aggies play bigger and better than they are. Tailgating can create the kind of power that can change the des-tiny of a team, a city or even a state.

We don’t have a professional football team in New Mexico, if you care about football and you live in Southern New Mexico then the Aggies are your team and they need you. Even if they haven’t been to a bowl in more than 40 years, even if they have a long tradition of dwelling at the bottom of Division One football, they are “Our” Aggies.

Tailgating for a better tomorrowStaff Writercommentary by Michael S. Yaczko

The New Mexico State men’s golf team opened the season with a 54-hole tourna-ment at the 45th annual Gene Miranda Falcon Invitational over the weekend.

Though the team played well early on, scores in the last round caused them to place sixth as a team at the invitational.

The first two rounds, both played on Sunday, showed the Aggies at par, and in second place. Though the team was four under par the first round, the lengthy day took its toll and the team was four over par the second round. Even with the eight-stroke increase, the Aggies maintained a score better than 13 of their competitors.

“In the second round we struggled but made some birdies at the end of the round and it

gave us a chance to compete for the tournament which is where we want to be,” said coach Mike Dirks.

The third round, which took place on Monday increased the Aggies team score and lowered their position on the leader board. After coming in six over par in the last round, the team dropped to sixth place 21 strokes behind the leaders.

However, Sophmore Kenneth Fadke II took fourth place indi-vidually with a final score of 211, five under par. After scoring one under the first round, and par the second, Fadke pushed himself and shot 68, four under and a stroke away from the best round of the tournament.

Though the average score for the course was more than two over par, each of the New

Mexico state golfers played at least one round at or under par.

Though only five of the golfers competed at the invitational a few weeks earlier, six of the nine golfers on the roster finished in the top-6 at the Mesilla Valley amateur tournament.

Fadke won the Texas Col-legiate Amateur Tour Cham-pionship joining two of the other team members who won championships this summer. Pat Beyhan won the Albuquerque City Championship and Willy Hogan beat him to win the 2013 SCAGA Match Play Title.

The team has also earned the 2013 GCAA Team Academic Award and has been named All-American Scholars.

Even though their season just began, there will be three more tournaments this fall.

by Grace Gutierrezstaff writer

Aggies finish 6th in golf tournament

Page 8: 09 10 final

sportsSeptember 10, 2013 8

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Football purists often say that, “Football is a game that is won or lost in the trenches.”

The heartbreaking loss for the New Mexico State University Ag-gies in the home opener against Minnesota Golden Gophers helped reinforce this theory over the weekend.

The bigger and more physi-cally dominant Golden Gopher linemen overmatched the Aggies in the trenches throughout the battle.

The Minnesota defensive line held the Aggies to 143 yards with an underwhelming 2.5 yards per carry, while their own running game produced 355 yards on the ground with an average of 8 yards per carry in comparison.

The Aggies moved the ball more effectively through the air, throwing for 253 yards compared to 127 passing yards in Minne-sota’s aerial attack.

When the dust settled however, it wasn’t enough to propel NM State to victory as the Aggies were defeated 44 – 21.

Senior running back Germi Morrison was able make his mark on the game by pushing two touchdowns through to the end zone, despite the tough run de-fense. Since his high school days at Mayfield, Las Cruces’ Brandon Betancourt made his first touch-down on a 1-yard run that put the

Aggies on the board in the second quarter.

Both teams made few mistakes during the game, but when the Aggies tripped up, Minnesota capitalized on the mistakes. De-fensive lineman of NMSU Kevin Laudermill intercepted the Go-phers at the start of the fourth quarter, which sparked the crowd for a moment.

Unfortunately, the Aggie of-fense’s second consecutive turn-over quickly extinguished that spark. Minnesota’s Marcus Jones took a punt return for 65 yards to the house for six points after a missed tackle and a coverage blown by special teams. Aaron Hill another of the Golden Go-phers made a standout play on a 50-yard fumble return for a touchdown in the fourth quarter, ending any hope for a comeback.

Minnesota avenged their 2011 loss to the Aggies when coach Doug Martin was offensive co-ordinator at the time. Aggie fans began to quiet down and trickle out of the stadium as early as halftime.

Aggies face the Battle of I-10 rivalry against the University of Texas El Paso Miners (0-1) who recently lost to the University of New Mexico (1-1) in an overtime loss. The game will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday at Aggie Memorial Stadium.

Minnesota gets revengeby Michael YaczkoStaff Writer

Gophers defeated the aggies in a 44 to 21 game on Saturday. photo by Jenny Marin