09-09-23: hc-wc 19963-09: notice of motion: applic for review: affid: lara johnstone

IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE WESTERN CAPE Magistra e Louw Nat. Dir. Of Public Prosecutions 1 » Ho. Patricia de Litle, MP, ID » Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Former President » Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, Former NPA Nat. Dir. » Mr. J.S. Selebi, Former SAPSComm. » Mr. BM Skosana, Former Min. Corrections » Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President Minister f Citizenship 8: Immigration, Canada Per: Duty Attorney General of Canada Per United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees er: Consulate General of Switzerland, Capetown The Nob I Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee Tenth Respondent Per: Ra al Norwegian Consulate, Capetown Court File No: "'f 6 j /(J , Applicant Lara Jotstone And I I First Respondent Second Respondent Third Respondent Fourth Respondent Fifth Respondent Sixth Respondent Seventh Respondent Eighth Respondent Ninth Respondent Affidafit of Lara Johnstone in Support of Proof of Service of Notice of Intention: ApplicatIon for Leave and for Judicial Review; in terms of § 309B (1)) 8: 304A Criminal Procedure Act ("CPA"); § 24(1) Supreme Court Act I, the undersigned, Lara Johnstone, do hereby make oath and say that: The Notic! of Intention: Application for Leave and For Judicial Review, herein served on upon Res~ ndents, consists of the Notice of Motion: Notice of Intention: Application for Leave an For Judicial Review (Pages: 12) [PDF:80K2], and its enclosures, submitted for paper and financial saving purposes on an Attached DATA DVD. 1. DATi DVD: Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and for Judicial Review, dated 11 S ptember 2009, which consists of the following written evidentiary documents and vide documentaries: A. I Annexure AA: LeRat ArRument: which consists of: [AA.01] State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument dated 11 August 20093, as per 13 August 2009, Request to Cape Bar Human Rights and Pro Bono Committees: Request for: 1 See: State v. John one: LegalArgument, 11 August 2009: Legal Argument: Facts Not In Dispute: (I) At 15:23; 15:32 and 18:32 hrs, on 10 July 2007, the Defend t sent three SMS's to the Plaintiff; for the attention of: (i) Mr. Thabo Mbeki, (ii) Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, (iii) Mr. J.S. Selebi, (iv) Mr. B.M. Skosan (v) Mr. Nelson Mandela, and (vi) Mrs. Patricia de Lille; all clo Plaintiff', in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party (II) At 10:23 and 11:32 hrs on 16 July 2007, the Defendant sent two SMS's to the Plaintiff; for the attention of (i) RSA Legislature; (ii) A Judiciary; (iii) RSA Executive Officials; all c/o Plaintiff', in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party 2 http://docs.google om/fIleview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YTRiODdmZTgtZTklOSOOODQzLTglNGItY2NkODMSNzYwZjAz&bl=en 3 http://crimeninnr.blogspot.coml2009/0S/court-proceedings-of-12-august-2009.html Proof of Service:' Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and Judicial Review Page 1 of 5

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09-09-23: HC-WC 19963-09: Notice of Motion: Applic for Review: Affid: Lara Johnstone


Page 1: 09-09-23: HC-WC 19963-09: Notice of Motion: Applic for Review: Affid: Lara Johnstone


Magistra e Louw

Nat. Dir. Of Public Prosecutions 1

» Ho. Patricia de Litle, MP, ID» Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Former President» Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, Former NPA Nat. Dir.» Mr. J.S. Selebi, Former SAPSComm.» Mr. BM Skosana, Former Min. Corrections» Mr. Nelson Mandela, Former President

Minister f Citizenship 8: Immigration, CanadaPer: Duty Attorney General of Canada

Per United Nations High Commissioner for Refugeeser: Consulate General of Switzerland, Capetown

The Nob I Institute: Norwegian Nobel Committee Tenth RespondentPer: Ra al Norwegian Consulate, Capetown

Court File No: "'f 6j /(J ,ApplicantLara Jotstone



First Respondent

Second RespondentThird RespondentFourth RespondentFifth RespondentSixth RespondentSeventh RespondentEighth Respondent

Ninth Respondent

Affidafit of Lara Johnstone in Support of Proof of Service of Notice of Intention:ApplicatIon for Leave and for Judicial Review; in terms of § 309B (1)) 8: 304A CriminalProcedure Act ("CPA"); § 24(1) Supreme Court Act

I, the undersigned, Lara Johnstone, do hereby make oath and say that:

The Notic!of Intention: Application for Leave and For Judicial Review, herein served on

upon Res~ ndents, consists of the Notice of Motion: Notice of Intention: Application forLeave an For Judicial Review (Pages: 12) [PDF:80K2], and its enclosures, submitted forpaper and financial saving purposes on an Attached DATA DVD.

1. DATiDVD: Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and for Judicial Review, dated11 S ptember 2009, which consists of the following written evidentiary documents andvide documentaries:

A. I Annexure AA: LeRat ArRument: which consists of:

[AA.01] State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument dated 11 August 20093, as per 13 August2009, Request to Cape Bar Human Rights and Pro Bono Committees: Request for:

1 See: State v. John one: LegalArgument, 11 August 2009: Legal Argument: Facts Not In Dispute: (I) At 15:23; 15:32 and 18:32 hrs, on 10 July2007, the Defend t sent three SMS's to the Plaintiff; for the attention of: (i) Mr. Thabo Mbeki, (ii) Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, (iii) Mr. J.S. Selebi, (iv)Mr. B.M. Skosan (v) Mr. Nelson Mandela, and (vi) Mrs. Patricia de Lille; all clo Plaintiff', in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive,Opposition Party (II) At 10:23 and 11:32 hrs on 16 July 2007, the Defendant sent two SMS's to the Plaintiff; for the attention of (i) RSALegislature; (ii) A Judiciary; (iii) RSA Executive Officials; all c/o Plaintiff', in her capacity as Non Sub Judice Executive, Opposition Party

2 http://docs.google om/fIleview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YTRiODdmZTgtZTklOSOOODQzLTglNGItY2NkODMSNzYwZjAz&bl=en3 http://crimeninnr.blogspot.coml2009/0S/court-proceedings-of-12-august-2009.html

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Page 2: 09-09-23: HC-WC 19963-09: Notice of Motion: Applic for Review: Affid: Lara Johnstone

Impartial Record Keeping of Documentation: State v. Johnstone: Legal Argument,dated 11 August 2009 (PDF:1154K4), and two DATA DVD's:

[AA.02al DATA DVD: Alternative Perspectives: 'Crimen Inuria' Concepts5, and

[AA.02b] DATA DVD: Legalizing Evil II: Disobedience to Authority: A PoliticalNecessity: P-al'Qaeda + TARBush= Catch 226

B. I Annexure BB: Conviction Unofficial Written Reasons: Paraphrased (99% accurate) ofDecision of Court A Quo/First Respondents Finding of Guilt in Capetown MagistratesCourt, on 12 August 2009 (PDF:4060K7); in Magistrate's Court File 14/1198/08(previously # 17/1384/07), also known as SAPS File: CAS: 1340/7/07 (previouslyGeorge: 572/02); received by the Applicant on 12 August 2009, during courtproceedings, wherein the Magistrate found the Defendant! Applicant Guilty on threecharges of Crimen Injuria.

C. I Annexure CC: Necessitv & 'Citizens Privile!!e' Defence: which consists of:

rCC.01] SALaw Commission: Issue Paper 6: Simplification of Criminal JusticeProcedure (PDF:58K8), 1997, documenting Legitimacy Crisis & Inefficiency of CriminalJustice System: Ch: 2, 3 & 5;

[CC.02] Civil Disobedience and the Necessity Defence (PDF:281K9), by John Alan Cohan,Pierce Law Review, Vol 6, No 1; which includes 'Citizens Privilege' and NurembergPrinciples Defence, et al;

rCC.03] The Right to a Meaningful and Informed Participation in the Criminal Process,by Fawzia Cassim, Unisa, Doctorate of Law Thesis, 2003: [~] Ch.3 Meaningful InformedParticipation (PDF:68K10); [Q] Ch.5 Right to Information (PDF:967K11); [f]Ch 6 The Rightto Understand (PDF: 198K12); [!!.] Ch 10 Right to Present One's Case (PDF:321 K13),etc.

D. I Annexure DD: Jury Nullification Defence: which consists of:

[DD.01] The International Development of the Jury: The Role of the British Empire(PDF:400K14), by Richard Vogler, Sussex University, UK;

[DD.02] Lay Participation in South Africa: From Apartheid to Majority Rule(PDF:229K15), by Milton Seligson, S.c., Senior Counsel of the High Court of SA, Member ofCape Bar, Capetown, SA;

[DD.03] A Juror's Handbook: Citizens Guide to Jury Duty (PDF:96K16), by James JosephDuane, Associate Professor at Regent Law School in Virginia Beach, Virginia; whichincludes Jury Nullification: The Top Secret Constitutional Right.

E. I Annexure EE: Canada IRB Rutin!! 27 Au!! 2009: The decision of Board Member WilliamDavis of the Canadian Refugee Protection Division of the Immigration and RefugeeBoard (the "RPD") dated August 27, 2009, in file number MA8-04910: Brandon CarlHuntley17 (PDF:21K18) (Pages 11-16).

F. I Annexure FF: Why WeAre White Refuqees: which includes:

4 http://docs.googl.com/fiIeview?id=OB4TzWFmSU mx9ZmISNDBhMm UtOTYIMiOONjgzLThiNjMtMjFmMzU4Y2IyY2U2&hl=en5 http://crimeninu .a.blogspot.coml2009/08/Ia-ll-aug-data-dvd-l2-alternative.html6 http://crimeninu .a.blogspot.coml2009/08/Ia-ll-aug-data-dvd-22-07-0S-23.html7 http://docs.googl.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90TlmOTljYTQtMmISMSOOZGZkLWFiN2ItNzYOY2RkZGQOMTQS&hl=en8 http://docs.googl comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9ZTBmNDM2NTAtMGIzNiOOZjQlL TgzNGEtYfU4YTE40TVjN2Nk&hl=en9 http://docs.googl comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9ZGMwMGVjOTctNjg4MiOONmQOLWFmOGItNzE3NjIlNTEyZmJI&hl=en10 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YTUwODMwYzktMDIyMiOOZTMwLTgIMTUtNmVmMDEyN2NhZDYl&hl=en11 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9Zjdm YTBlYmMtMjYSYiOON2UILWFlZmQtMDJmNmFmMzFiMGEl&hl=en12 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NTYzOWFiNGQtNzhiNCOONDI2L TkzMDgtOTUxMWVkMTQIZjgO&W=en13 bttp://docs.goog .comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NDFmZDJmNzgtMjESZCOOZDdkLWFmZGYtN2E3Nm Y2MjEzM2Q4&bl=en14 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NDQzMjRIZTktOTNmMyOOMDMSLWIONTUtOTQOOWRmZWIIZTlj&hl=en15 http://docs.googl comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NmlyNzEOYWEtMWMyNiOONDBmLTkzOGMtMTQwZDhjMWNmODRm&hl=en16 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NDhmYTdjYjMtY2Y3MCOONmU2L TkxMjgtNjJiOTUzYTgOM2Ew&hl=en17 http://why-we-awhitc-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/transcript-of-irb-william-davis-ruling.html18 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90GRmZTNkZDMtMzVlOSOOY2RILWIyZDYtNzFkZWZkMzUzZTJi&hl=en

Proof of Servicel Notice of Intention: AppLication for Leave and JudiciaL Review Page 2 of 5

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[FF.01a] Why We Are White Refugees, Afrikaner Genocide Report (PDF:110K19),includes (a) Alphabetical Listing of Farm Murders: A - Z; (b) 2008 Farm Murders in SouthAfrica: Brief Summaries; (c) Genocide Watch 2002 Report on Boer Farm Murders; fFF.01b]FF.01a was submitted to Respondent Eight in June 2009; c/o Respondent Ten, as anattachment to: Nobel Institute: Nobel Peace Prize Committee: Notice of Legal andPolitical Delivery20 (PDF: 123K21).

[FF.02a] Why We Are White Refugees Petition to: Canadian Federal Court22PDF: 111 K23); in the matter of Minister of Citizenship and Immigration v Brandon CarlHuntley; [FF.02b] Murder in South Africa (PDF:159K24), by Robert McCafferty; [FF.02c]The South African Police Service: An Organisation on the Brink of Collapse25(PDF:198K26), by SAPSSpecialist Ivan Myers; [FF.02d] Dr. Gregory Stanton: The EightStages of Genocide27; [FF.02e] Carte Blanche: A Bloody Harvest, Boer Genocide, bySusan puren28; [FF.02f] Minister of Safety tt Security29: Charles Nqakula: WhiteComplainants about Crime, can Leave the Country; [FF.02g] SA Institute of RaceRelations: Governments Disdainful Indifference towards Concern About Crime(PDF:36K30); [FF.02h] Democratic Alliance: Auditor-General's report reveals 79% ofemergency [911/10111J calls are abandoned (PDF:36K31).

[FF.03a] Letter Mailed to Minister of Citizenship & Immigration, If Canada capitulates toRSA: I herewith request Contact Information: To File Documentation substantiatingHuntley's Refugee Application, of White Persecution Claims32 (PDF:26K33)

[FF.04a] 142 SA Academics Get It Wrong on Crime (PDF:128K34); [FF.04b] BrandonHuntley: An Open Letter to Canada (PDF:121K35): 142 Academics Denounce Granting ofRefugee Status to White South African; [FF .04c] Statistics SA: Victims of Crime Survey(PDF:3930K36), 1998; [FF.04d] Democracy SA: Public Opinion on National PriorityIssues: Ch. 11: Crime (PDF:31 K37); [FF.04e] Institute for Security Studies: NationalVictim of Crime Survey (PDF:57K38), SA, 2003; [FF.04f] Paralyzed by Fear: Perceptionsof Crime and Violence in South Africa (PDF:89K39)

[FF.05] The Great South African Land Scandal40, by Dr. Phillip du Toit, which documentsthe Zimbabwefication of South Africa's Food Security, and includes Ch. 16: Slaughter-­The Farm Murder Plague (PDF:124K41): the murder rate of South African commercialfarmers, is highest for a specific group in the world - 313 per 100 000.

G. I Annexure GG: Affidavit of Dr. Leonard George Horowitz, evidencing the Origin of AIDS,sourcing from Hepatitus B Vaccine Experiments by Agents and Agencies of the FederalGovernment of the United States of America, and the Merck Pharmaceutical Company(PDF:314K42)

H. I Annexure JJ: Affidavit of Dr. Brad Blanton, evidencing the legal, psychological, andsocio-political 'citizens privilege', Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies ofIndividual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived

19 http://docs.goog com/fiIeview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9MDRkOT JjNjltY2JhZiOOYTEwL WFhNjEtY2RbMzViYjVmZmI3&bl=en20 bttp:/Icrimenin ia.blogspot.coml2009/06/nobel-institute-norwegian-nobel.btml21 bttp://docs.goog .comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9MjcyNDFjMzAtNzJkOCOOMmUyLWlwMT AtYjNmMzNbODAwMjZk&bl=en22 http://www.tbetitionsite.comlllminister-of-citizenship-immigration-canada23 http://docs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90TRjMzMOY2QtNzVlYiOOOW JkL TkxYjEtZjIlZjFIMzczYjRb&bl=en24 bttp:/Idocs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9M2ViZDRIOTMtYjI2MCOON2JmL TgwOTgtNDFmNzUzODI2M2Fk&bl=en25 bttp:/Iwby-we-a e-wbite-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/scorpions-saps-hostility-report-saps-on.html26 bttp:/Idocs.goog .comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9MGI3NTQ4YTgtOT JkNCOOZDEzLTIIODUtNDI5MzBjM2JhZjA w&hl=en27 http://why-we-ae-wbite-refugees.blogspot.com/2009/09/wwawr-petition-to-federal-courtbtml28 http://why-we-ae-white-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/wwawr-petition-to-federal-courtbtmI29 bttp:/Iwhy-we-a e-white-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/wwawr-petition-to-federal-court.html30 bttp:/Idocs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9MWEwMTM4ZWYtMWNkYSOOYTE3L ThmMjMtYjhjNGlwNjczMTVi&bl=en31 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YjIlNWQyNmQtZTBkNyOOODYzL TkzNTMtN215Y215MGMOYTg4&hl=en32 http://wby-we-ae-white-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/from-lara-jobnstone-to-min-jason-kenney.btml33 http://docs.goog.com/fiIeview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NDY2NThIZWltNzk2ZS00NWFiL Tg2YzYtODIlODNiYmU3MzM5&hl=en34 bttp:/Idocs.goog .comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90WMyZWMzMjgtNGMzNCOONTBIL Tk3ZDAtODVIYWRjMmJkNzRk&hl=en35 http://docs.goog comlftleview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9MmJhN2FmODQtNGQxOCOOOTQxLTkzNjctZjU4ZWUzYTg2ZGEz&bl=en36 http://docs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9ZDM2NjMSZm YtNjgOOCOOZmM4LWFjZDYtMDU3MzhmMDhmOGlz&hl=en37 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90GZIZTBbNmltYTQwYSOOMjdiLWIzNGYtYmVhOWNb YTNhYjU4&bl=en38 http://docs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YjEwMzdjYmEtNmNkOSOOM2FhL TkwZjAtMWFhZWVjODdb YTFk&hl=en39 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90DBIZjdmNWEtMGUwOSOOZGRILTkyMDEtNmI2NDY3MTljNTlm&hl=en40 http://why-we-awbite-refugees.blogspot.coml2009/09/huntley-victim-of-bis-race-failure-of.btml41 http://docs.goog.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9ZmY3YmYxMDktMThiZiOOYTM5LWI5MWltNTIONGZIOGQyMTly&hl=en42 http://docs.goog comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9NTJjODbkZjltNmE5MSOOZm VjL TIINmltMjZhZDlzZmRmMjcx&hl=en

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illegitimate authority; and their application to the common I(PDF: 128K43)

Annexure JJ: Affidavit of Lara Johnstone; in support of NotiApplication for Leave and for Judicial Review (PDF:370K44)


'reasonableness test'.

2009 -09- 2 2of Intention:



2. I se ed aforementioned Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and For JudicialRe 'ew and its enclosures DATA DVD, to the FIRSTRESPONDENT(Magistrate Louw), by

per onal delivery, to his principal place of busi.ness, at.!f.6' hours oR t~e ?i; day ofSep ember 2009, by hand delivering them to SH£fi£r-1 /. ~l-i-{L, !t£S. ,"s:-c.:-r.

Th address to which I hand delivered the documents is Magistrates ChambersSec etary, Capetown Magistrates Court, Capetown, the correct address for the FirstRes ondent.

Page 4 of 5

strates Capetown Secretary: Acknowledge Receipt:

DirEtctor of Public Prosecutions: Acknowledge Receipt!:

I se ed aforementioned Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and For JudicialRe 'ew and its enclosures DATA DVD, to the SECONDRESPONDENT(Director of Public

Pro ecutions: Snr. Prosecutor Jacobs),')by personal delivery, to his principal place ofbus n ss, atl .•..' 0-0 ours on the; It'tday of September 2009, by hand delivering them

to '-It{ U<- "It s67: The addr ss 'Ic .. an,-.":~ 1

doc ments is Senior Prosecutor's Office, Capetown MagiStrlitiisr~iift9C(l(1".etownthe orrect address for the First Respondent.


SENIOR PROSECUTORI se ed aforementioned Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and For JUdrdalRe 'ew and its enclosure DATA DVD's, to the THIRD TO EIGHTH RESPONDENTS(Hon.

Mrs Patricia de Lille, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, Mr. Bulelani Ngcuka, Mr. Jackie Selebi, Mr. BM.

Sko ana, 8: Mr. Nelson Mandela), by personal delivery, to the Respondent's LegalRep esentative, SECO~DRespondent (Snr. Pros. Jacobs) principal place of business, at

f'L: . hours 0 ',~OSePtember 2009, by hand delivering them to

A f./v¥lc i5PJ" '/'-r/... Ikf/S7. The addresa~::.n."..,.,,,,,,.._.~'doc ments is Senior Prosecutor's office, Capetown .Mai~~~f~~~~\./

the orrect address of the Respondents Legal Repres nutative.-09~ 2 2tor of Public Prosecutions: Acknowledge Receip~: ,


SENIOR PROSECUTORI se ed aforementioned Notice of Intention: Applica'tron for Leave and For Judicial

Re ew and its enclosures DATA DVD, to the NINTH RESPONDENT(Minister of Citizenship

8: I migration, Canada), by personal delivery, to a legally and politically recognized

Age t -- for official forwardin~ of 0bficiallegal documentation, n principal place ofbusi ess, at 1/ :Q.S hour on c9,jf'llSeptember 2009, by hand delivering them to

1\' It IVlUf\j(..M~.•.P., 82YTfcdi T . The address to which I hand delivered the




43 http://docs.googt.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx9YzRlZTE5Y2EtOWQOMiOOYT AOLTk2YmUtOGIlNTcwMjBiZTAw&hl=en44 http://docs.googt.comlfileview?id=OB4TzWFmSUmx90TY40DQxMGQtZWM3ZCOONTM4LWExNjQtYTRkYWQOYjk30GQx&hl=en

Proof of ServicEl: Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and Judicial Review

Page 5: 09-09-23: HC-WC 19963-09: Notice of Motion: Applic for Review: Affid: Lara Johnstone


doc~ments is Consul General of Switzerland, No. 1 Thibault Square 26th Floor,Cadetown, 8001.

Consul General Irene Fliickiger, is to take notice of the documentation, and act

as Legal Agent, on behalf of African White Refugees referred to, by officially and

legally forwarding the documentation to United Nations High Commissioner for

Refugees, whose principal place of business is Case Postale 2500, CH-1211 Geneve2 Depot, Suisse (Tel: 41-22-739 8111).

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Antonio Guterres is totake notice of the documentation, and act as Legal Agent, on behalf of African

White Refugees, referred to, by officially and legally forwarding thedocumentation to the NINTHRESPONDENT's,Official Legal Representative,

Deputy Attorney General of Canada (John H. Sims, Q.C), at his principal place

of business, Ontario Reg. Office, Exchange Tower, 130 King St. West, Suite

3400; Toronto, Ontario, M5X 1K6 (Tel: 416-9730965). ,,/J

ConkuLGeneraL of SwitzerLand: AcknowLedge Receipt: f1/-b ~~ (IrwdA/ ~.@ II:rJS~

- c){ (J.) JcJrf 1I se ed aforementioned Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and For Judicia(

Re ·ew and its enclosures DATADVD,to the TENTHRESPONDENT(The Nobel Institute:No egian Nobel Committee), by personal delivery, to a legally and politicallyrec gnized Agent -- for official forwarding of official legal documentation, -- principal

pla eof business, atl-0 '~ours on ?'? September 2009, by hand delivering them to,J ~ I e. ( &\. • The address to which I hand delivered the

doc~ments is Royal Norwe an Consulate, 1~h Floor, Southern Life Center, 8RieJ,eek Street, Capetown (Tel: 27-21-418 1276). (/i-LJ£~£- /)/l1/ R£ctI'7/r.Yl'i!St)

HE Ambassador Tor Christian HUdan is to take notice of the documentation,

and act as Legal Agent, on behalf of African White Refugees referred to, byofficially and legally forwarding the documentation to TENTHRESPONDENT,at

their principal place of business, The Nobel Institute: Norwegian Nobel

Committee, Henrik Ibsens Gate 51, No-0255 Oslo, Norway (Tel: 47-22-129 300).

Roy~l Norwegian Consulate: Acknowledge Receipt:

SWORNTO before me at Capetown on this the 22nd day of September, 2009; theaving acknowledged that she knows and understands the contents of this affidavit, thatob~to taking the prescribed oath and that the oath is binding on her conscience.

~ '5"'fo'1'8Z'y"? SUIO-AFRIKAANSE POLISIE DlENSsics, /",c.j..)-uL ..•... !>TASIE KOMMISSAR'S

~I ~ ~ KAAPS~\O




SOUTH AFRICAN POLICE SERVICE----Proof of ServicEl: Notice of Intention: Application for Leave and Judicial Review Page 5 of 5