***08jul16 update-2 georgia criminal ... - scanned retina · pdf file08/07/2016 ·...

***08Jul16 - Update Greetings Honored Americans and other Citizens of the Globe. If you have come here in search of the truth, you may have come to the right place. I say “may," as the decision is yours as to what to believecourtesy of our Creator! 06Jul16 – We really are our own worst enemiesGeorgia Criminal Impersonators Exposed - Add crimes of Intimidation and Coercion…Perjury and others... Arnie Rosner 8905 Rhine River Avenue Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708-5607 714-964-4056 Expressing my opinions on grave matters of national security. Re: Multiple Criminal Violations and Misrepresentation of a Public Officer. Dear Clayton County Criminal Impersonators, Your conduct in this matter has been reprehensible! In your capacity as corporate officers, you not only demonstrate your contempt for the Constitution for the American people, your also are displaying contempt for the Constitution of the lawful state Georgia, and for the people of Clayton County, Georgia. Since you are impersonating lawful public officers, you are acting in fraud. Fraud vitiates all. How dare you even pretend you are lawful public servants deserving of any measure of respect and legitimacy. Your performance has demonstrated for any who cares to take notice...the violations of your oath of office and your fiduciary responsibilities. Your offenses are only punctuated by the letter below written by an attorney, by whose involvement alone in any legislative processes renders the process and the legislation, NULL AND VOID. Now why do you suppose that is Commissioners? But before this matter is addressed it will be important to know by whom was the services of any attorney authorized? You will see why this is important in the following document... Notice to all Members of the British Accreditation Registry [B.A.R.]~Judge Anna Maria Riezinger Sep 4, 2015 The Titles of Nobility Amendment to the actual Constitution has never been repealed. No member of the Bar Association can occupy any public office of the Continental United States, including judge, including juror. The presence of a Bar Member involved in any proceedings, court or otherwise, automatically voids those proceedings with respect to the land and actual assets of the Continental United States—- that is, real Grand Juries. So, if you are a Bar Member acting under a nom de guerre, be advised that the only way you can continue your current activities without eventually being arrested and tried as an Undeclared Foreign Agent, is to tear up your Bar Card and swear allegiance to your birth State and the Continental United States— and faithfully carry through on it. The truth, whatever the truth is, will out. This reminder also applies to Bar Association Members who are now involved in the Grand Jury process. The Grand Juries that already exist are serving your jurisdiction— the jurisdiction of the Federal United States. The Grand Juries that are being created now by grassroots effort are specifically Grand Juries serving the Continental United States. In other words the People’s Grand Juries belong to a different Court System and a different jurisdiction entirely, and any interference from or co-option by a Bar Member could be taken as an act of war against protected persons— a hanging offense. It is therefore necessary for all Bar Association Members to be fully aware of this prohibition on their participation in public office and that the People’s Grand Jury referenced as the proverbial “Fourth Branch of Government” must act within the purview of the People’s Court which existed throughout the Colonies prior to the Revolution and which has continued to exist ever since. It is not just an “extra Grand Jury” to feed cases into the existing system. It is part and parcel of an entire Court System that is separate and off-limits to the Bar. Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved. Alaska State Superior Court — the only court operating on the land jurisdiction of Alaska — the only public court in Alaska. Now if I may proceedSo to whom do we as the people, give credit for hiring an enemy agent to function within the legitimate government of the people of Clayton County? Specifically this is addressing the matter of hiring Mr. Hancock. a foreign agent —and a member of the BAR with loyalty to the British Crown. That very much sounds like an act of treason to me. Commissionersas criminal impersonators, you are in no position to dictate to your employers any conditions of any kind. Even if you were acting in your lawful capacity, at best you are simply employees. You further insult the intelligence of the people you serve to even suggest the lawful assembly, the oversight commission, has any limited authority to do anything. May I respectfully remind your learned friend, who is acting outside of his job description, and with no delegated authority, that there is the little matter of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence . Regardless of whether or not you recognize it, as American sovereigns, we do! And as the people, the only legitimate authority, we can exercise our right to abolish any such government we chose as we see fit. Further, we can act with no requirement to explain or give notice. Excerpt IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. You may just wish to issue a very quick and prompt apology to those you have egregiously offended in the hope they have more graciousness than a typical reasonable Citizen might care to entertain! Now to continue… Obviously at some point in your political careers, you have been misinformed regarding your duties and responsibilities. I would bet that your enemy agent provided that bit of distorted “legal” advice. Your lawful public office, and agencies, were created to perform the work of the people. Your job description does not grant you or the employees you hired to assist you, any superior position over those who created your job or pay your salary. It is all spelled out in your employment contractyour oath of office . Your blatant and obvious violations of your oath of office , not only disqualifies you from receiving additional payments from the public treasury, but it also removes any immunity from liability for you and your significant other, and subjects you to civil and criminal prosecution for any damages you may have caused. Additionally your breach of contract calls for criminal charges to be filed against you personally; in your private capacity. There are other serious issues with which to deal, including your repayment to the public treasury for compensation for which you were no longer qualified to receive as a legitimate public officerwhile committing your crimes and criminal misrepresentation. The matters of criminal embezzlement and extortion may be explored as the investigation of the oversight committee proceeds. Of course the letter written by the enemy agent acting on your behalf, adds to the crimes so far accrued. Let us seesounds like an attempt to suppress an official investigation, obstruction of justiceshall we go on? Violation of your oath alone is perjury, insurrection and rebellion against the supreme law of the land. That would be the lawful Continental united States of America, and in this specific incident, the lawful state, Georgia—not the franchise of the Washington, D.C. foreign controlled corporation, criminally misrepresenting itself as the lawful government of the America people. You see my dear impostors, Mr. Deal, is also impersonating a lawful public officer when he poses as the lawful governor. He is in fact, the franchise manager. There currently is no lawful state government for the lawful state, Georgia, as contrasted with the corporate franchise named by semantic deceit , “the State of Georgia. Let us face it Commissioner’s by your own conduct, from what i can determine, you have been committing treason against the people of Clayton County. And in my view, not only should you be arrested and tried for treason in addition to the rest of your criminal abuses, but if found guilty, the death penalty might even apply. So perhaps you just might wish to immediately reconsider your actionsat a time like thisa voluntary resignation may be the most appropriate and expeditious course of action. Impostors, posing as legitimate county public officials have attempted to orchestrate what they have labeled another, “ Sovereign Citizen” event. Saul Alinsky, could not have stated it better. https://scannedretina.com/2010/10/28/alinskys-rules-for-radicals/ Saul Alinsky – Hillary Clinton’s 1969 Thesis So we permit Alinsky to win…from the grave? Are we nuts or what? Sovereign…A dirty word? The FBI created the term. The Sovereign Citizen Scam – Your government propagandist in action! Clayton County – American Sovereigns in Action! Open Letter to Oath Keeper’s Leadership: “This is not sovereign citizen BS as you and some of your leadership has referred to in the past.” Sovereign citizen’ arrested after traffic stop The Role of a Public Servant The role of any public servant is to perform the work of the people. It is for that reason, the people delegated some of their authority to the public servantso he could reasonably perform certain duties. But in no case, can a public servant ever lawfully take liberties with the delegated authority from the people by which they are empowered. It is the law – Their Law! Hold the public servants to this. And Here is the Bottom Line- To the uneducated observer, these criminal usurpers, are now attempting to convince you, the reader, that they are legitimate. And that the law abiding Citizens, the sovereigns of America, that would included every legitimate American man and woman who has achieved the age of consent, are the bad guys... Sovereignty! As a sovereign, (a king or queen with no subjects) the Creator (not any group of criminals pretending to be your lawful public SERVANTS) has endowed you with the unalienable right to make your own choice as what to believe and accept. And this is where you become the target of this propaganda you can review below. It is written in such a way as to ridicule those who are the lawful citizens demanding their employees perform the work for which they are being paid. Look carefully at how the words and phrases are used to twist and distort the truth. And they assume that Americans are so stupid that we will never figure out how they are using us. The criminal impersonators have gone so far as to even create the appearances of their misrepresentation is giving them the permission to violate the laws. They make this assumption on the basis that no one will confront them and challenge them. At that is exactly what this is all about. Propaganda Government “Made” News – “Propaganda” Became Legal in 2013 The following material in the pink section was produced as propaganda. Its purpose is to influence you, as Americans, that the sovereigns are the enemy. How ridiculous. But what would you expect from the enemy masquerading as Americans. How do you suppose they would explain the following? YOU are an ENEMY of the STATE: Congress Declares in 1933! And what of this sequence of events? The PlanThe Plan! It is the height of hypocrisy, for those accepting payment from the public trust in return for honest services, that they are refusing to deliverSounds like fraud and deception to me. What about you? So who are the bad guys? Geemaybe you can tell me? After all...I am just an old man who knows nothing. arnie , just one of the people. 714-964-4056 Notice the sarcasim interjected to add public ridicule. The entire structure of which they are a part was created by the Constitution. Georgia "Sovereign Citizen" Fails To Arrest County Officials, Not Even With Constitution Magic Speaking of county officials - impostors to meYou will have to draw your own conclusionsbut consider the followingfor more information on which to base your conclusion. So why would any public servant sell out their country? 07Jul16 – Pardon me, but… …where are the chickens you are supposed to be guarding? City of Irvine, California Who is really in charge? FBI Failures to respond – Taking money under false pretenses. Enjoy the rest of the entertainmentThis section is in pink for a reason. Do you get it? Of course you do! Americans or subversives – There is no “left!” There is no “right” By Doktor Zoom - July 7, 2016 - 1:33pm 260 Share 2 Tweet 1 Share 10 Flip image: A sovereign man and his sovereign pickup truck A sovereign man and his sovereign pickup truck A Georgia man and some of his pals failed completely in their attempt to perform a citizen’s arrest on members of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners Tuesday, even though he said sovereign citizen magic words, cited several statutes by number, and commanded police to take them into custody. It’s almost as if nobody recognized his authoriteh. During the comment period of the board meeting, Carl Swensson, leader of an imaginary body he calls the “Clayton County Citizen’s Oversight Committee,” took the lectern and informed several county officials they were under arrest, including District Attorney Tracy Graham-Lawson and three commissioners. He didn’t specify exactly what charges they were supposedly being arrested on, apart from saying they’d violated their oaths of office. He and his associates even posted a YouTube video of the drama! image: http://impressions.revenue-tracker.com/view? ci=b9ef3d10598843779d7730270bb46b30 AD Dine and Dash Idiot Style Sponsored by Revenue.com If fried chicken and coleslaw makes your mouth water, these are must see pictures. Before Swensson took his turn at the lectern to arrest the commission members, an associate, Paul Nally, announced the totally official arrest warrant for the D.A., for unspecified offenses. Nally explained (for a certain value of “explain”), “This is what happens when public officials ignore the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens.” To our great disappointment, he did not then pull out a baseball bat and begin smashing up a Corvette. These guys have no idea what makes for an entertaining video. Swensson then took his turn and soberly announced, I’m here to invoke my absolute and guaranteed rights to also effect a citizen’s arrestIt is also incumbent on the peace officers to now take them into custody. This meeting should officially be over because you guys have been in violation on the fact you still hold state money. Swensson then let the police officers know that it was their solemn duty to take the offenders into custody: I command peace officers here, right now, to come and take possession. If you do not, then you are in violation of your oath of office and you are in violation of all that is sacred to everybody here in this county. Please do not hesitate, please do your job, please take custody right now. We need resolution. We’re not getting it at the national level and we only have the local level to deal with. Do your job: Come take possession of the arrestees. Strangely, the cops in the room did not rush forward to clap the offending officials in irons so they could face whatever justice Swensson figured he needed to dispense, so he announced “I am finished!” and stormed off. This country really has experienced a breakdown in law and order. Swensson, after all, has his very own website featuring his special magically capitalized and punctuated Sovereign Citizen name (carl -alfred: Swensson) which marks him as a free man and not property of the United States of America corporation, and also explains he leads the “Henry County Common Law Grand Jury” and helped organize the “American Grand Jury”: image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/carl-swensson- webpage.jpg carl swensson webpage If that’s not official, we don’t know what is! After Swensson and his whipped posse left the hearing room, they were warned by Clayton County Police Chief Michael Register that the only arrests that would be happening that evening would be of Swensson and party if they attempted to re-enter the commission chamber, and that they’d be “charged with assault if they attempted to perform the arrests themselves.” So yes, the cops know how these loons operate. Later, commissioners dared to joke about the very serious goings-on. According to the local paper, while moving on to the business of discussing pay raises for several members of the District Attorney’s office, commissioner Michael Edmondson asked if D.A. Graham-Lawson’s new status as a criminal would affect the proposal: “Is this still necessary now that she’s been arrested?” Edmondson said after making a motion for approval for the scale change. “Can I make that motion since I was also arrested?” Many in the chamber erupted in laughter at the joke. It is no joke, Mr. Criminal! The video Swensson posted to YouTube Wednesday includes an important note: Even though the police didn’t do their duty, everyone is still under arrest and awaiting trial before an unspecified “Magistrate.” image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/swensson-video- cap.jpg swensson video cap So there! Eat Justice! Read This image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp- content/uploads/2015/10/wonkette_bookmarklet_120.png Breaking: ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Thinks Georgia Courthouse Is Omaha Beach, Attacks Deputy, Dies Yr Wonkette assumes county officials and law enforcement are providing extra security to the folks targeted by the “Clayton County Citizen’s Oversight Committee,” given the tendency of these idiots to occasionally mount armed assaults on county buildings or to try to “arrest” officials by force — almost exactly two years ago, in nearby Forsyth County, a sovereign moran drove an SUV up the steps of the county courthouse in what appeared to be a failed attempt to take hostages, and died in a gunfight with deputies. These guys are hilarious when they’re talking in court, and far less funny when they get it into their heads that more direct action is needed. [Clayton News-Daily via RawStory] Read more at http://wonkette.com/603811/georgia-sovereign-citizen- fails-to-arrest-county-ocials-not-even-with-constitution- magic#1rFWRdIsrtQBj92C.99 Provided as a public servicecourtesy of the scannedretina A resource for the people. For the adults in the room.

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Page 1: ***08Jul16 UPDATE-2 Georgia Criminal ... - Scanned Retina · PDF file08/07/2016 · Dear Clayton County Criminal Impersonators, ... you not only demonstrate your contempt ... and for

***08Jul16 - Update

Greetings Honored Americans and other Citizens of the Globe. If you have come here in search of the truth, you may have come to the right place.

I say “may," as the decision is yours as to what to believe…courtesy of our Creator!

06Jul16 – We really are our own worst enemies…

Georgia Criminal Impersonators Exposed - Add crimes of Intimidation and Coercion…Perjury and others... Arnie Rosner8905 Rhine River AvenueFountain Valley, Ca. 92708-5607714-964-4056

Expressing my opinions on grave matters of national security. Re: Multiple Criminal Violations and Misrepresentation of a Public Officer.

Dear Clayton County Criminal Impersonators,

Your conduct in this matter has been reprehensible!

In your capacity as corporate officers, you not only demonstrate your contempt for the Constitution for the American people, your also are displaying contempt for the Constitution of the lawful state Georgia, and for the people of Clayton County, Georgia.

Since you are impersonating lawful public officers, you are acting in fraud. Fraud vitiates all.

How dare you even pretend you are lawful public servants deserving of any measure of respect and legitimacy. Your performance has demonstrated for any who cares to take notice...the violations of your oath of office and your fiduciary responsibilities.

Your offenses are only punctuated by the letter below written by an attorney, by whose involvement alone in any legislative processes renders the process and the legislation, NULL AND VOID. Now why do you suppose that is Commissioners…?

But before this matter is addressed it will be important to know by whom was the services of any attorney authorized? You will see why this is important in the following document...

Notice to all Members of the British Accreditation Registry [B.A.R.]~Judge Anna Maria RiezingerSep 4, 2015

The Titles of Nobility Amendment to the actual Constitution has never been repealed. No member of the Bar Association can occupy any public office of the Continental United States, including judge, including juror.

The presence of a Bar Member involved in any proceedings, court or otherwise, automatically voids those proceedings with respect to the land and actual assets of the Continental United States—- that is, real Grand Juries.

So, if you are a Bar Member acting under a nom de guerre, be advised that the only way you can continue your current activities without eventually being arrested and tried as an Undeclared Foreign Agent, is to tear up your Bar Card and swear allegiance to your birth State and the Continental United States—and faithfully carry through on it.

The truth, whatever the truth is, will out.

This reminder also applies to Bar Association Members who are now involved in the Grand Jury process. The Grand Juries that already exist are serving your jurisdiction— the jurisdiction of the Federal United States. The Grand Juries that are being created now by grassroots effort are specifically Grand Juries serving the Continental United States.

In other words the People’s Grand Juries belong to a different Court System and a different jurisdiction entirely, and any interference from or co-option by a Bar Member could be taken as an act of war against protected persons— a hanging offense.

It is therefore necessary for all Bar Association Members to be fully aware of this prohibition on their participation in public office and that the People’s Grand Jury referenced as the proverbial “Fourth Branch of Government” must act within the purview of the People’s Court which existed throughout the Colonies prior to the Revolution and which has continued to exist ever since.

It is not just an “extra Grand Jury” to feed cases into the existing system. It is part and parcel of an entire Court System that is separate and off-limits to the Bar.

Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.Alaska State Superior Court — the only court operating on the land jurisdiction of Alaska — the only public court in Alaska.

Now if I may proceed…

So to whom do we as the people, give credit for hiring an enemy agent to function within the legitimate government of the people of Clayton County? Specifically this is addressing the matter of hiring Mr. Hancock. a foreign agent—and a member of the BAR with loyalty to the British Crown. That very much sounds like an act of treason to me.

Commissioners…as criminal impersonators, you are in no position to dictate to your employers any conditions of any kind. Even if you were acting in your lawful capacity, at best you are simply employees.

You further insult the intelligence of the people you serve to even suggest the lawful assembly, the oversight commission, has any limited authority to do anything.

May I respectfully remind your learned friend, who is acting outside of his job description, and with no delegated authority, that there is the little matter of the Unanimous Declaration of Independence. Regardless of whether or not you recognize it, as American sovereigns, we do!

And as the people, the only legitimate authority, we can exercise our right to abolish any such government we chose as we see fit. Further, we can act with no requirement to explain or give notice.



That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

You may just wish to issue a very quick and prompt apology to those you have egregiously offended in the hope they have more graciousness than a typical reasonable Citizen might care to entertain!

Now to continue…

Obviously at some point in your political careers, you have been misinformed regarding your duties and responsibilities. I would bet that your enemy agent provided that bit of distorted “legal” advice.

Your lawful public office, and agencies, were created to perform the work of the people. Your job description does not grant you or the employees you hired to assist you, any superior position over those who created your job or pay your salary. It is all spelled out in your employment contract…your oath of office.

Your blatant and obvious violations of your oath of office, not only disqualifies you from receiving additional payments from the public treasury, but it alsoremoves any immunity from liability for you and your significant other, and subjects you to civil and criminal prosecution for any damages you may have caused. Additionally your breach of contract calls for criminal charges to be filed against you personally; in your private capacity. There are other serious issues with which to deal, including your repayment to the public treasury for compensation for which you were no longer qualified to receive as a legitimate public officer…while committing your crimes and criminal misrepresentation.

The matters of criminal embezzlement and extortion may be explored as the investigation of the oversight committee proceeds. Of course the letter written by the enemy agent acting on your behalf, adds to the crimes so far accrued.

Let us see…sounds like an attempt to suppress an official investigation, obstruction of justice…shall we go on?

Violation of your oath alone is perjury, insurrection and rebellion against the supreme law of the land. That would be the lawful Continental united States of America, and in this specific incident, the lawful state, Georgia—not the franchise of the Washington, D.C. foreign controlled corporation, criminally misrepresenting itself as the lawful government of the America people.

You see my dear impostors, Mr. Deal, is also impersonating a lawful public officer when he poses as the lawful governor. He is in fact, the franchise manager.

There currently is no lawful state government for the lawful state, Georgia, as contrasted with the corporate franchise named by semantic deceit, “the State of Georgia.

Let us face it Commissioner’s by your own conduct, from what i can determine, you have been committing treason against the people of Clayton County. And in my view, not only should you be arrested and tried for treason in addition to the rest of your criminal abuses, but if found guilty, the death penalty might even apply.

So perhaps you just might wish to immediately reconsider your actions…at a time like this…a voluntary resignation may be the most appropriate and expeditious course of action.

Impostors, posing as legitimate county public officials have attempted to orchestrate what they have labeled another, “ Sovereign Citizen” event.

Saul Alinsky, could not have stated it better.https://scannedretina.com/2010/10/28/alinskys-rules-for-radicals/

Saul Alinsky – Hillary Clinton’s 1969 Thesis

So we permit Alinsky to win…from the grave? Are we nuts or what?

Sovereign…A dirty word? The FBI created the term.

The Sovereign Citizen Scam – Your government propagandist in action!

Clayton County – American Sovereigns in Action!

Open Letter to Oath Keeper’s Leadership: “This is not sovereign citizen BS as you and some of your

leadership has referred to in the past.”

Sovereign citizen’ arrested after traffic stop

The Role of a Public ServantThe role of any public servant is to perform the work of the people. It is for that reason, the people delegated some of their authority to the public servant…so he could reasonably perform certain duties. But in no case, can a public servant ever lawfully take liberties with the delegated authority from the people by which they are empowered.

It is the law – Their Law! Hold the public servants to this.

And Here is the Bottom Line- To the uneducated observer, these criminal usurpers, are now attempting to convince you, the reader, that they are legitimate. And that the law abiding Citizens, the sovereigns of America, that would included every legitimate American man and woman who has achieved the age of consent, are the bad guys...


As a sovereign, (a king or queen with no subjects) the Creator (not any group of criminals pretending to be your lawful public SERVANTS) has endowed you with the unalienable right to make your own choice as what to believe and accept. And this is where you become the target of this propaganda you can review below. It is written in such a way as to ridicule those who are the lawful citizens demanding their employees perform the work for which they are being paid.

Look carefully at how the words and phrases are used to twist and distort the truth. And they assume that Americans are so stupid that we will never figure out how they are using us.

The criminal impersonators have gone so far as to even create the appearances of their misrepresentation is giving them the permission to violate the laws. They make this assumption on the basis that no one will confront them and challenge them.

At that is exactly what this is all about.


Government “Made” News – “Propaganda” Became Legal in 2013

The following material in the pink section was produced as propaganda. Its purpose is to influence you, as Americans, that the sovereigns are the enemy.How ridiculous. But what would you expect from the enemy masquerading as Americans. How do you suppose they would explain the following?

YOU are an ENEMY of the STATE: Congress Declares in 1933!

And what of this sequence of events…?

The Plan…The Plan!

It is the height of hypocrisy, for those accepting payment from the public trust in return for honest services, that they are refusing to deliver…

Sounds like fraud and deception to me. What about you?

So who are the bad guys? Gee…maybe you can tell me?

After all...I am just an old man who knows nothing.

arnie, just one of the people.


Notice the sarcasim interjected to add public ridicule. The entire structure of which they are a part was created by the Constitution.

Georgia "Sovereign Citizen" Fails To Arrest County Officials, Not Even With Constitution Magic

Speaking of county officials - impostors to me…You will have to draw your own conclusions…but consider the following…for more information on which to base your conclusion.

So why would any public servant sell out their country?

07Jul16 – Pardon me, but… …where are the chickens you are supposed to be guarding?

City of Irvine, California Who is really in charge?

FBI Failures to respond – Taking money under false pretenses.

Enjoy the rest of the entertainment…

This section is in pink for a reason. Do you get it? Of course you do!

Americans or subversives – There is no “left!” There is no “right”

By Doktor Zoom -July 7, 2016 - 1:33pm260Share2 Tweet1 Share10Flip


A sovereign man and his sovereign pickup truckA sovereign man and his sovereign pickup truck

A Georgia man and some of his pals failed completely in their attempt to perform a citizen’s arrest on members of the Clayton County Board of Commissioners Tuesday, even though he said sovereign citizen magic words, cited several statutes by number, and commanded police to take them into custody. It’s almost as if nobody recognized his authoriteh.

During the comment period of the board meeting, Carl Swensson, leader of an imaginary body he calls the “Clayton County Citizen’s Oversight Committee,” took the lectern and informed several county officials they were under arrest, including District Attorney Tracy Graham-Lawson and three commissioners. He didn’t specify exactly what charges they were supposedly being arrested on, apart from saying they’d violated their oaths of office. He and his associates even posted a YouTube video of the drama!

image: http://impressions.revenue-tracker.com/view?ci=b9ef3d10598843779d7730270bb46b30ADDine and Dash Idiot StyleSponsored by Revenue.comIf fried chicken and coleslaw makes your mouth water, these are must see pictures.

Before Swensson took his turn at the lectern to arrest the commission members, an associate, Paul Nally, announced the totally official arrest warrant for the D.A., for unspecified offenses. Nally explained (for a certain value of “explain”), “This is what happens when public officials ignore the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens.” To our great disappointment, he did not then pull out a baseball bat and begin smashing up a Corvette. These guys have no idea what makes for an entertaining video.

Swensson then took his turn and soberly announced,

I’m here to invoke my absolute and guaranteed rights to also effect a citizen’s arrest…It is also incumbent on the peace officers to now take them into custody. This meeting should officially be over because you guys have been in violation on the fact you still hold state money.

Swensson then let the police officers know that it was their solemn duty to take the offenders into custody:

I command peace officers here, right now, to come and take possession. If you do not, then you are in violation of your oath of office and you are in violation of all that is sacred to everybody here in this county. Please do not hesitate, please do your job, please take custody right now. We need resolution. We’re not getting it at the national level and we only have the local level to deal with. Do your job: Come take possession of the arrestees.

Strangely, the cops in the room did not rush forward to clap the offending officials in irons so they could face whatever justice Swensson figured he needed to dispense, so he announced “I am finished!” and stormed off.

This country really has experienced a breakdown in law and order. Swensson, after all, has his very own website featuring his special magically capitalized and punctuated Sovereign Citizen name (carl -alfred: Swensson) which marks him as a free man and not property of the United States of America corporation, and also explains he leads the “Henry County Common Law Grand Jury” and helped organize the “American Grand Jury”:

image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/carl-swensson-webpage.jpgcarl swensson webpage

If that’s not official, we don’t know what is! After Swensson and his whipped posse left the hearing room, they were warned by Clayton County Police Chief Michael Register that the only arrests that would be happening that evening would be of Swensson and party if they attempted to re-enter the commission chamber, and that they’d be “charged with assault if they attempted to perform the arrests themselves.” So yes, the cops know how these loons operate.

Later, commissioners dared to joke about the very serious goings-on. According to the local paper, while moving on to the business of discussing pay raises for several members of the District Attorney’s office, commissioner Michael Edmondson asked if D.A. Graham-Lawson’s new status as a criminal would affect the proposal:

“Is this still necessary now that she’s been arrested?” Edmondson said after making a motion for approval for the scale change. “Can I make that motion since I was also arrested?”

Many in the chamber erupted in laughter at the joke.

It is no joke, Mr. Criminal! The video Swensson posted to YouTube Wednesday includes an important note: Even though the police didn’t do their duty, everyone is still under arrest and awaiting trial before an unspecified “Magistrate.”

image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/swensson-video-cap.jpgswensson video cap

So there! Eat Justice!Read This

image: http://img.wonkette.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/wonkette_bookmarklet_120.pngBreaking: ‘Sovereign Citizen’ Thinks Georgia Courthouse Is Omaha Beach, Attacks Deputy, DiesYr Wonkette assumes county officials and law enforcement are providing extra security to the folks targeted by the “Clayton County Citizen’s Oversight Committee,” given the tendency of these idiots to occasionally mount armed assaults on county buildings or to try to “arrest” officials by force — almost exactly two years ago, in nearby Forsyth County, a sovereign moran drove an SUV up the steps of the county courthouse in what appeared to be a failed attempt to take hostages, and died in a gunfight with deputies. These guys are hilarious when they’re talking in court, and far less funny when they get it into their heads that more direct action is needed.

[Clayton News-Daily via RawStory]

Read more at http://wonkette.com/603811/georgia-sovereign-citizen-fails-to-arrest-county-officials-not-even-with-constitution-magic#1rFWRdIsrtQBj92C.99

Provided as a public service…courtesy of the scannedretina

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