08 peter and the rock


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ROCKLesson 8

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Key Text

: “ ‘But what about

you?’ he asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ ”

Matthew 16:15,

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From that time Jesus began to show to His

disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and

suffer many things from the elders and chief

priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised

the third day” Matt. 16:21,The New Testament is clear: Jesus had to die. As He

faced the looming shadow of the Cross, Jesus prayed: “ ‘Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? “Father, save Me from this hour”? But for this purpose I came to this hour’ ” John 12:27, NKJV. This was the divine plan, conceived within the mind of God, even “before time began” Titus 1:2, NKJV; see also 2 Tim. 1:9

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That’s why Jesus didn’t say simply that He was going to suffer many things and be killed and raised up on the third day, but that He must face these things. Given the nature of God, the sanctity of the law, and the reality of free will, His death was the only way that humanity could be saved from the penalty of transgression.This week we pick up more of the story of Jesus, though we will focus on Peter and how Peter responded to the ministry of Jesus as He marched toward a death planned from “before time began.”

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This week we studied the life of Jesus, but we focused in Peter’s story and how he responded to His ministry.

Peter’s declaration: “You are the Christ.” Matthew 16:13-16.

Peter, a little stone on the Rock. Matthew 16:17-20.

Peter the tempter. Matthew 16:21-27.

Peter at the celestial vision. Matthew 17:1-9.

Peter and the temple tax. Matthew 17:24-27.

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PETER’S DECLARATION“Simon Peter answered and said, ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” (Matthew 16:16)Jesus asked a question in two steps: “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?” [what does the world say about Jesus of Nazareth?] and “who do you say that I am?” [who is Jesus for me?] (Matthew 16:13, 15).

Peter answered spontaneously because of his character.

He still had a lot to learn about Jesus’ redeeming work, but the Holy Spirit taught him a basic principle of faith; Jesus—the Son of God—is the promised Redeemer.

He had accepted Jesus as a Holy teacher (Luke 5:8). He had seen Him doing amazing wonders and healing hundreds of people. Then He declared Him as the Messiah.

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THE ROCK“And I also say to you that you are Peter,

and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against

it.” (Matthew 16:18)The Catholic Church has taught that Jesus appointed Peter the leader of the Church in that text.

Actually, Peter didn’t play that role in the Primitive Church. In addition, the use of the word “rock” (πετρα) doesn’t support that interpretation at all.

PETER AND THE CHURCH The apostles sent Peter to Samaria (Acts 8:14).

Peter obeyed the other apostles.

James was the one leading the first Council of Jerusalem; it wasn’t Peter (Acts 15:13).

Paul mentioned three “pillars” of the Church (not only one): James, Peter and John (Galatians 2:9).

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THE ROCK“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,

and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”

(Matthew 16:18)

NEW TESTAMENT Paul wrote about Jesus being the Rock that led

Israel during the Exodus (1Co. 10:4) Peter wrote about Jesus being the Rock (1P. 2:8)

OLD TESTAMENT God is the Rock (Gn. 49:24; Dt. 32:4, 15, 18,

30, 31; 2S. 22:2, 32, 47; 2S. 23:3; Ps. 18:2, 31, 46; 19:14; 28:1; 31:2-3; 42:9; 62:2 …)

“For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1

Corinthians 3:11)“and on this rock I will build My church.”


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THE TEMPTER“But He turned and said to Peter, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.’” (Matthew 16:23)

Jesus told the disciples that He had to suffer, to die and to resurrect.Peter suggested an alternative plan, to avoid the cross. He focused in this life and forgot about the eternal life (the reason why Jesus was willing to give up His life for us).Peter let the devil use him as his spokesperson. Jesus was rebuking the invisible enemy who actually suggested that idea. He did so aloud so all the disciples could hear it (Mark 8:33).Jesus invited them and invites us today to renounce everything that could make us lose the eternal life (Matthew 16:24-27).

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THE CELESTIAL VISION“and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him.” (Matthew 17:2-3)

God sent two men to encourage Jesus before His sacrifice (Luke 9:31).Moses and Elijah lived the sufferings we face in this sinful world. They also represented the fruits of Jesus’ sacrifice. That was the main theme of their conversation.Jesus was encouraged by them, so He also encouraged the astounded disciples (Matthew 17:7). That experience would deeply mark Peter (2 Peter 1:16-18).

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“The faith of the disciples was greatly strengthened at the transfiguration, when they were permitted to behold Christ’s glory and to hear the voice from heaven testifying to His divine character. God chose to give the followers of Jesus strong proof that He was the promised Messiah, that in their bitter sorrow and disappointment at His crucifixion, they would not entirely cast away their confidence. At the transfiguration the Lord sent Moses and Elijah to talk with Jesus concerning His sufferings and death. Instead of choosing angels to converse with His Son, God chose those who had themselves experienced the trials of earth.”

E.G.W. (Early Writings, pg. 162)

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THE TEMPLE TAX“When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, ‘Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?’” (Matthew 17:24)

Priests, Levites and Rabbis were exempt from paying the temple tax.Peter accepted Jesus as rabbi and Son of God (John 4:31; Matthew 16:16). He tacitly admitted that Jesus was no rabbi by answering “yes” to that question. He wasted a chance to testify to his faith!Jesus explained him the inconsistency of making the Son of God pay the tax for the house of God (Matthew 17:25).In spite of everything, He was willing to renounce to His right to avoid an unnecessary controversy. He did it by performing a miracle, showing His power over nature and all living beings!

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“Angels are listening to hear what kind of report you are bearing to the world about your heavenly Master. Let your conversation be of Him who liveth to make intercession for you before the Father. When you take the hand of a friend, let praise to God be on your lips and in your heart. This will attract his thoughts to Jesus.”

E.G.W. (Steps to Christ, cp. 13, pg. 119)

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Further Thought: The story of how Jesus has Peter

pull the money, the exact amount needed, out of the mouth of the first fish Peter catches is extraordinary, so extraordinary that some scho-lars have tried to argue it away as just a “bit of a folktale,” a cute story to make a point, nothing more.

Of course, that’s a totally inadequate solution (it’s no solution at all, in fact). Sure, in contrast to the other kind of miracles—for example, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, raising the dead, feeding the hungry—this one is of a different nature altogether. In the Bible, too, we do have the floating axe head 2 Kings 6:2–7. and the wet fleece on the dry ground and the dry fleece on the wet ground Judg. 6:36–40; so, it’s not of a nature totally unknown in Scripture.

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Why didn’t Jesus simply hand Peter the money and tell him to pay it rather than perform such an amazing feat in order to solve what was a relatively small problem? The text doesn’t say. However, as the lesson said, it does show us the incredible power of God, which should not be surprising to us.

After all, we see evidence of His incredible power all the time. Our mere existence, much less than that of the visible cosmos, is an amazing manifestation of the power of our God. If God could do this, a specific coin in a specific fish’s mouth was nothing. Though written in a different context, Paul’s point is so well taken: “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!” Rom. 11:33, NKJV. The account in Matthew is just one more manifestation of this truth.

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