
6/2/2015 1 Reporting psychological research [email protected] Avem nevoie facem cercetare?

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  • 6/2/2015


    Reporting psychologicalresearch

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  • 6/2/2015


    Reporting psychological research

    Structura unui articol de cercetare: Titlul

    Abstract (rezumat)








  • 6/2/2015



    n alegerea titlului trebuie s fie luate n calcul dou criterii: 1. Puterea explicativ

    Titlul trebuie s permit identificarea tuturor variabilelor incluse n studiu;

    Titlul trebuie s surprind relaia specific dintre variabile;

    Titlul trebuie s prezinte tematica sau brea (gap) investigat.

    2. Indexarea i cutarea articolului Pentru a putea fi identificate rapid, titlurile trebuie s surprind informaii

    specifice despre toate variabilele cheie;

    Vezi mai jos.

    3. Exemple: The person-situation debate revisited: Effect of situation strength and trait

    activation on the validity of the big five traits in predicting job performance.

    What I experienced yesterday is who I am today: Relationship of work motivations and behaviors to within-individual variation in the five-factor model of personality.

    Genetic influences on core self-evaluations, job satisfaction, work stress, and employee health: A behavioral genetics mediated model.

    Do nice guys -- and gals -- really finish last? The joint effects of sex and agreeableness on income.


    Erori frecvente

    Predicia performanei profesionale: studii exploratorii.

    Psihologie sonoluminic: un proiect de psihologie cuantic

    Modele contemporane de cuplu n societatea romneasc: stil de ataament i scenariu de via

    Comportamente de risc la adolesceni

    Transmiterea informaiei n sistemul nervos

    Organizational citizenship behavior

    The influence of gender of individuals own perceived aggression while driving a vehicle

  • 6/2/2015



    Pagina de titlu trebuie s includ



    Afilierea autorilor

    Adresa de coresponden

    Abstract (rezumatul)

  • 6/2/2015


    Abstract Conform APA Publication Manual, rezumatul trebuie s conin:

    Problema investigat o propoziie: In this study we investigated the mediated influence of core self-evaluations (CSE) on employee health problems via job satisfaction and work stress, and the degree to which genetic factors explain these mediated relationships.

    Participanii specificnd dimensiunea, vrsta, genul i apartenena la grupuri etnice: Based on data obtained from a sample of 594 Swedish twins - adults (114 monozygotic twin pairs and 183 dizygotic twin pairs).

    Design-ul de cercetare specificnd metodele de analiz a datelor: conventional path analysis results supported the mediated effects of CSE on employee health via job satisfaction and work stress, after controlling for conscientiousness andextraversion.

    Rezultatele fr a include coeficieni statistici - Behavioral genetic analyses showed significant heritability of all four variables. Moreover, we found that the mediated relationships via job satisfaction and work stress are explained by genetic factors, such that the genetic source of job satisfaction and work stress mediates the genetic influence of CSE on health problems.

    Concluziile rspunsul pe scurt la ntrebarea: So what? - These results highlight the role played by genetic factors in better understanding the relationships between CSE, work attitudes, and health outcomes.


    Erori frecvente

    As humans have limited information processing abilities and rely on three fallible mental functions: perception, attention and memory, the driving error is easy to appear. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the male/female differences in processing the perceptive information from the external stimuli in the peripheral visual field and to demonstrate that the mean of the estimate errors in evaluating the speed and distances in the central visual perceptual field is in inverse ratio to the reaction time value at the visual stimuli from the peripheral driving tasks simulation. Between the variables number of wrong reactions and number of omissions there has been obtained a relatively high negative correlation (r=-0.728, p

  • 6/2/2015




    Conform APA Publication Manual, introducerea trebuie s rspund acestor ntrebri:

    De ce este important problema studiat?

    Care au fost rezultatele studiilor anterioare care au investigat aceast problem?

    Cum contribuie studiul curent la extinderea, completarea sau replicarea cercetrilor anterioare?

    Care sunt ipotezele studiului?

    Care sunt implicaiile teoretice i practice ale studiului?

  • 6/2/2015


    Introducerea De ce este important problema studiat?

    Audien: intereseaz pe toat lumea In 1948, speaking of the New York Giants, legendary baseball manager Leo

    Durocher was quoted as saying that nice guys finish last. Although Durocher (not known to be a very nice guy himself) maintained that his words were taken out of context (George & Boller, 1989), his statement has virtually become atruism in United States business culture, where assertiveness andcompetitiveness are vaunted attributes (Hofstede, 1980). Despite rather wishful articles in the popular press extolling a shift in culture toward the power of nice (Thaler & Koval, 2006) and a kindness revolution (Horrell, 2006), Durochers words receive some support from the research literature. Nicenessin the form of the trait of agreeableness does not appear to pay.

    Implicaii agreabilitate: are efecte controversate Agreeable individuals place greater value on their interpersonal relationships

    (Graziano & Tobin, 2002), are more motivated to maintain these relationships (Digman, 1997), are more prosocial (Graziano, Habashi, Sheese, & Tobin, 2007; Penner, Dovidio, Piliavin, & Schroeder, 2005; Penner, Fritzsche, Caiger, & Freifeld, 1995), are more cooperative and helpful (Graziano & Eisenberg, 1997; LePine & Van Dyne, 1998), and, as a result, are better liked by their peers (Jensen-Campbell et al., 2002). Evidence suggests that agreeableness, despite or perhaps because ofits social benefits, is negatively related to income and earnings (Bozionelos, 2004; Mueller & Plug, 2006; Ng, Eby, Sorensen, & Feldman, 2005; Nyhus & Pons, 2005; Rode, Arthaud-Day, Mooney, Near, & Baldwin, 2008; Spurk & Abele, 2010).


    De ce este important problema studiat?

    Impact social:

    In 1948, nice guys may have finished last because they were competing almost entirely against other guys. Over the years since, their pool of competitors has increasingly included women. Based on the persistent wage gap between men and women in the United States (e.g., Blau &Ferber, 1992; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2006), it seems likely that women in general finish behind nice guys, with nice gals coming in last.


    In 1948, nice guys may have finished last because they were competing almost however, social role and role congruity theories (Eagly, 1987; Eagly& Karau, 2002) also suggest that men do take a hit for being highly agreeable, while women may not reap the same benefits for low agreeableness that men do.

    Because of the association of agreeableness with strongly prescribed and opposing behavioral norms for men and women, the effect of agreeableness on income might be quite different for women than for men.

  • 6/2/2015


    Introducerea Care au fost rezultatele studiilor anterioare care au investigat aceast problem?

    Implicaii: wage gap:

    There is a persistent gender wage gap in the United States. This gap is apparent in the analysis of census data from 1955 until the present (e.g., Blau & Ferber, 1992; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2006). Researchers have been attempting to explain components of the gap for decades (e.g., Blau& Ferber, 1992; Blau & Kahn, 1994; Weinberger & Kuhn, 2010).

    Implicaii: Agreableness and earnings:

    Given the increasing reliance of organizations on teams, it would seem that people high in agreeableness would have at least a slight economic advantage over those low in agreeableness. The fact that researchers repeatedly report the opposite is puzzling (Mueller & Plug, 2006; Ng et al., 2005; Nyhus & Pons, 2005; Rode et al., 2008; Spurk & Abele, 2010), and none have offered more than minimal explanations for this finding.

    If highly agreeable people are primarily motivated by the goal to build and maintain positive relationships with others (Digman, 1997), this may conflict with other types of goals that promote extrinsic career success, as suggested by Spurk and Abeles (2010) finding that the negative relationship between agreeableness and income was mediated by career advancement goals. Setting goals to build their reputation or advance their organizational position might be viewed by highly agreeable people as competitive behavior, undermining their desire to maintain social harmony.


    Cum contribuie studiul curent la extinderea, completarea sau replicarea cercetrilor anterioare? Exploreaz un fenomen care nu a fost studiat i care nu este nc neles.

    The aspiration toward harmonious social relationships may also lead highly agreeable people to adhere excessively to social norms (Paulhus & Trapnell, 2008). There is evidence that, although people high in agreeableness engage in more altruistic behaviors at work (Ilies, Scott, & Judge, 2006; LePine & van Dyne, 1998), they are less likely to enact voice behaviors that constructively challenge existing practice (LePine & van Dyne, 1998).

    People who are low in agreeableness may be perceived as more competent by virtue of their lack of warmth (Benyus et al., 2009). Amabile and Glazebrook (1982) found that people who were highly critical of others were rated as more competent than those offering favorable evaluations. Furthermore, in an experimental study, Tiedens (2001) found that people recommended a higher status position and higher pay for job applicants who expressed angera display that is more likely among disagreeable people (Jensen-Campbell, Knack, Waldrip, & Campbell, 2007; Meier & Robinson, 2004).

  • 6/2/2015



    Care sunt ipotezele studiului?

    In addition to the stereotype-related penalties for low agreeableness that women face, there are myriad other factors shown in previous research to contribute to the gender gap. We do not expect low agreeableness to compensate for all of these other variables. Thus, we expect that women low in agreeableness will earn more than women high in agreeableness but still will not earn as much as men high or low in agreeableness.


    Judge, Livingston, & Hurst (2012).

  • 6/2/2015



    Titlu: Incremental Validity of Core Self-Evaluations in the Presence of Other Self-Concept Traits: An Investigation of Applied Psychology Criteria in the United States and China


    Previous research indicates that core self-evaluations demonstrate incremental predictive validity after controlling for several well-established measures of individual differences. The authors extend this research by examining the incremental predictive validity of core self-evaluations relative to three self-focused individual difference constructsself-esteem, Protestant work ethic, and narcissismon a broad range of job performance facets, as well as an array of job attitude measures within both U.S. and Chinese cultures. Results indicated that core self-evaluations demonstrate incremental predictive validity for all tested criterion variables in samples of both U.S. and Chinese workers.


    CSE are the aggregation:


    generalized self-efficacy,


    locus of control.

  • 6/2/2015



    Generalized Self-Efficacy (Judge, Locke, Durham, & Kluger, 1998)

    1. I am strong enough to overcome life's struggles.

    2. At root, I am a weak person. (r)

    3. I can handle the situations that life brings.

    4. I usually feel that I am an unsuccessful person. (r)

    5. I often feel that there is nothing that I can do well. (r)

    6. I feel competent to deal effectively with the real world.

    7. I often feel like a failure. (r)

    8. I usually feel I can handle the typical problems that come up in life.


    Care au fost studiile anterioare?

    Research indicates that core self-evaluations are related to several important criteria, including job satisfaction (Judge et al., 2003; Judge, Locke, Durham, & Kluger, 1998; Rode, 2004), life satisfaction (Judge, Bono, Erez, & Locke, 2005; Judge et al., 2003; Judge, Locke, et al., 1998), coping strategies (Kammeyer-Mueller, Judge, & Scott, 2009), job performance (Judge & Bono, 2001; Judge, Erez, & Bono, 1998; Judge et al., 2003), earning and income (Judge & Hurst, 2008), citizenship behaviors (Bowling, Wang, & Li, 2011), and service quality orientation (Salvaggio et al., 2007).

    De ce este important problema?

    Although these results are encouraging, more research regarding the constructs incremental predictive validity is needed in at least two areas: incremental validity and generalizability of the constructs incremental predictive validity across cultures.

  • 6/2/2015



    Cum contribuie studiul curent la extinderea, completarea sau replicarea cercetrilor anterioare?

    Although initial research has investigated the incremental validity of core self-evaluations over selfesteem on measures of subjective well-being (Judge, Erez, Bono, & Thoresen, 2002), the incremental effects relative to other self-oriented constructs have not been investigated as far we know. Second, additional research is needed regarding the generalizability of the constructs incremental predictive validity across cultures. Initial research supports the predictive validity of core self-evaluations in cultures outside the United States with respect to job satisfaction in both Israeli and Dutch samples (Judge, Erez, et al., 1998; Judge, Van Vianen, & De Pater, 2004), career ambition in a Spanish student sample (Judge et al., 2004), career success in a German sample (Stumpp, Muck, Hulsheger, Judge, & Maier, 2010), and both job and life satisfaction in Japanese and Swiss samples (Hirschi, 2011; Piccolo, Judge, Takahashi, Watanabe, & Locke, 2005). Research on non-Western samples is particularly important to core self-evaluations research given the self-focus of the trait, which from the onset was one of the defining characteristics of the concept.


    Care sunt implicaiile?

    We extend these findings by examining the incremental predictive validity of core self-evaluations on perceived intrinsic job characteristics, job satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment, after controlling for the effect of self-esteem.

    Artm faptul c aceast nou dimensiune CSE este diferit de self-esteem.

    Care sunt ipotezele studiului?

    Hypothesis 1: Core self-evaluations are positively related to intrinsic job characteristics, overall job satisfaction, and affective commitment, after controlling for the effects of self-esteem.

    Hypothesis 2: Core self-evaluations are positively related to job satisfaction facets, after controlling for the effects of self-esteem.

    Hypothesis 3: Core self-evaluations are positively related to job performance after controlling for the effects of self-esteem.

  • 6/2/2015




    Award winning AMJ authors sugereaz faptul c introducerea trebuie s rspund la trei ntrebri fundamentale:

    1. Who cares? Care este tema investigat i de ce este ea relevant pentru teorie, practic sau pentru ambele?

    2. Ce tim, ce nu tim i so what?

    3. Ce vom nva? Care sunt acele contribuii fundamentale pe care le aduce studiul?

    (Grant & Pollock, 2011).

  • 6/2/2015



    Who cares? Care este tema investigat i de ce este ea relevant pentru teorie, practic sau pentru ambele?

    Pasteurs quadrant.


    What we do know? What we dont know? So what?

    A. Stabilirea domeniului/fondului prin:

    Conectarea direciilor diferite;

    Identificarea direciilor actuale i prezentarea modului n care direcia poate evolua;

    Prezentarea unor opinii divergente i explicarea modului n care studiul le va rezolva.

    B. Problematizarea domeniului/fondului:

    Prezentarea necesitii de a extinde nelegerea curent (completare);

    Prezentarea faptului c domeniul este deficitar pentru ca nu include perspective importante (inadecvare);

    Prezentarea faptului c direciile dominante sunt complet eronate.

  • 6/2/2015



    Ce vom nva?

    Preview: autorii trebuie s prezinte modul n care rezultatele investigaiei lor vor contribui la aprofundarea cunoaterii n acel domeniu.

    Autorii trebuie s explice de ce filling the gap contribuie la progresul tiinific.

    Just because a gap exists does not necessarily make the study interesting or worthwhile. Many authors write the introduction by stating that there is a gap but end there without clearly noting why filling this particular gap is important and interesting, or why this contributes to our enhanced understanding of the particular phenomenon. (Grant & Pollock, 2011).

    Cele mai eficiente rute pentru a construi justificarea derulrii studiului:

    Consensus shifting autorii pun sub semnul ntrebrii direcii, teorii sau practici deja existente.

    Consensus creation autorii ncearc s formuleze consensul pentru direcii, teorii sau practici care sunt n contradicie. (Hollenbeck, 2008).


    Cnd scriem introducerea?

    n sondajul realizat de AMJ (Grant & Pollock, 2011) introducerea a fostscris:

    la jumtatea procesului de pregtire a manuscrisului - 59% dintre autori

    la nceputul procesului nainte de a avea ideea de cercetare clar conturat 9%;

    la nceputul procesului dup ce ideea de cercetare a fost bine conturat 23%

    la finalul procesului 9% dintre autori.

    Ct timp dureaz scrierea introducerii?

    Autorii inclui n sondajul AMJ au declarat faptul ca au alocat 24% din timpul total alocat articolului pentru a scrie introducerea (dei aceasta acoper doar 10% din corpul lucrrii).

    Rescrierea introducerii

    n sondajul realizat de AMJ (Grant & Pollock, 2011) autorii articolelor premiate au declarat faptul c, n medie, introducerea a fost rescris de 10 ori.

  • 6/2/2015


    Introducerea: Formularea ipotezelor

    Obiectivul afirmaiilor care preced ipoteza este acela de a susine plauzibilitatea i utilitatea ipotezelor.

    Greeli comune:

    argument by citation conform teoriei propuse de Judge & Budreau(2008) propunem ipoteza: Emoionalitatea negativ explic o proporie semnificativ din variana satisfaciei profesionale.

    Insuficienta substantivare a ipotezelor autorii trebuie s explice de ce-ul, care este mecanismul prin care agreabilitatea este relaionat difereniat cu venitul.

    Lipsa de fundamentare teoretic autorii trebuie s descrie care sunt acele teorii, modele recunoscute n raport cu care pot fi integrate rezultatele cercetrii derulate.


    Seciuni tipice: Participani Participants are 439 employees of a Romanian textile production company.

    There are 121 males in the sample (28%). The ages of the participants range from 20 to 52 years (M = 36.9, SD = 9.0). In terms of ethnicity, the participants are 186 (42%) Romanians and 253 Chinese. The Chinese workers are from Mainland China and work abroad in Romania; most of them have been working in this factory for the past 3 years. However, acculturation is minimal, as they live in relatively closed communities, are not required to learn the Romanian language and therefore most of them do not speak Romanian at all.

    Among the Romanian workers there are 57 males and 129 females, ages are between 20 and 52 years (M = 41.1, SD = 8.7). Among the Chinese workers were 64 males and 189 females, ages were between 20 and 48 years (M = 33.8, SD = 8.0). The age means for the two cultural groups differ significantly: t (437) = 9.03, p < .001, d = .86. The Romanian and Chinese participants occupy similar roles in the organization, operating various production equipment. All the participants work in shifts and have educational levels ranging between 8 and 12 years of formal education. There are no significant differences between the groups in respect to tenure in company and educational levels. (Ion, Iliescu, Ispas, & Ilie, 2015).

  • 6/2/2015



    Seciuni tipice:

    Participani: aceast seciune trebuie s includ numrul grupurilor investigate, numrul participanilor, distribuia n funcie de gen, vrsta (M i SD), nivel educaional i orice alte informaii care pot fi relevante n raport cu ipoteza investigat.

    Instrumente: aceast seciune include o descriere a instrumentelor utilizate, preciznd numele instrumentului, autorii acestuia, dimensiunile msurate, procedura de adaptare cultural. Pentru instrumentele care msoar constructe mai puin populare sunt incluse exemple de itemi.

    Procedur: autorii trebuie s menioneze ce procedur de colectare a datelor au utilizat, cum s-a derulat colectarea, de ce au fost luate anumite decizii despre colectarea datelor (de exemplu, recompensele oferite participanilor).


    Seciuni tipice: Instrumente Personality. Personality was assessed with the Cross-Cultural Assessment

    Personality Inventory (second version), also known as the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI-2), which has been developed initially as an indigenous Chinese broadband measure of personality (Cheung, van de Vijver, & Leong, 2011). The CPAI-2 is built on a combined emic-etic approach, including both etic (universal) and emic (indigenous) constructs (Cheung, van de Vijver, & Leung, 2011). The CPAI-2 comprises many personality traits deemed as universal, but also measures traits considered important for the Chinese culture, such as Ren-Qing (Relationship orientation), with such items as After I have been treated to a meal, I will try to return the favor as soon as possible, or Face, with such items as I would rather cut down on my regular expenses. The CPAI-2 was administered to Chinese participants in its original Chinese form and to Romanian participants in its translated form.

    Cognitive ability. Cognitive ability was measured with the General Adult Mental Ability test (GAMA). The GAMA (Naglieri & Bardos, 1997) is a non-verbal test of cognitive ability, consisting of 66 items. In terms of criterion-related validity, scores on the GAMA have been found to predict academic achievement (Bardos, 2003) and job performance (Ispas, Iliescu, Ilie & Johnson, 2010).

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    Seciuni tipice:


    The GAMA and CPAI-2 were administered in the factory, with the help of the HR department. Administration was done in groups of 3-8 same-culture employees in paper and pencil format. Participation was voluntary. Data regarding the participants identity, age, and gender was collected. Participants were explained that this data will have to be matched with their performance ratings, and that collection of their identities is therefore unavoidable, but that only the research team will have access to the answers and profiles of every test taker.


    Raportarea numeric a rezultatelor (n text sau n tabel)

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    Raportarea descriptiv a rezultatelor

    At Time 1, GMA explains approximately 15% of the unique variance in performance, both for the Chinese (R2 = .15, p < .001) and the Romanian group (R2 = .16, p < .001). Most of the total incremental variance in performance explained by etic personality dimensions is related to Responsibility and Discipline. For the Chinese group, the inclusion of etic personality dimensions resulted in a significant increase of explained variance (R2 = .24, p < .001). For the Romanian group, the inclusion of etic personality dimensions accounted for approximately 18% of unique criterion variance (R2 = .18, p < .001). Emic personality traits had a different impact for the two groups: they accounted for an additional 9% of unique criterion variance for the Chinese group (R2 = .09, p< .001), but did not explain additional variance for the Romanian group.


    Incheiere circular rspunde tuturor ipotezele i evideniaz contribuiile pentru teorie/progres tiinific.