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The MEDEAnet project and the MEDEA Awards

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The MEDEAnet project and the MEDEA Awards

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The MEDEAnet project

3-year (Jan 2012 – Dec 2014)network project funded under

KA3 of the Lifelong Learning Programme

Aiming to:

•Exploit best practices of the MEDEA Awards •Extend its existing informal network •Support the MEDEA Association

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MEDEAnet activities

MEDEAnet promoting

media-based learning

to organisations and practitioners

a 12-part series of public


a 12-part series of public


knowledge building

and sharingamongst


knowledge building

and sharingamongst


workshops in 7 partner countries

workshops in 7 partner countries

a large-scale dissemination and exploitation


a large-scale dissemination and exploitation


Annual reportCharting Media and Learning in


Annual reportCharting Media and Learning in


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Moving images in EDucation European


• Awards’ background• Previous awards winners• Judging Criteria• Activities related to the awards• MEDEAnet project

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Only when video and audio are routine components of education and online learning, that we will have an educational environment that reflects the media-rich world in which our

learners now live.

Organisation and vision

• Partners in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, ...

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Who can participate & How?

• Students, teachers, audiovisual departments, schools, training centres, professional producers,...

from all educational levels• Animations, weblectures, documentaries,

videoclips, games, ...

• Free to enter • French, German, Polish, English, Italian or Spanish

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Special PrizeSpecial PrizeSpecial PrizeMEDEA AwardMEDEA Award


• Finalists take part in Media & Learning Conference and awards ceremony in Brussels

• Prizes include awards, software or hardware• Interviews and published extracts of finalists in the

online media gallery






in the creation ofEducational


Educational Media Encouraging EU


MEDEA JurySpecial Prize

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Judging Criteria

• Pedagogical quality • Media use and integration• Aesthetic quality• Usability• Technical quality

• New jury members are always welcome!

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First 2 years• 2008: 121 online entries from 25 countries• 2009: 254 online entries from 38 countries

“Anti-AntiAnti-Anti”Sint-Lievenscollege Ghent


MEDEA Special Jury Award 2008

“Know IT All for Primary SchoolsKnow IT All for Primary Schools”Childnet International

(United Kingdom)

Overall Award 2009

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2010 & 2011• 2010: 140 online entries from 31 countries• 2011: 115 online entries from 28 countries

“BBC News School ReportSchool Report”BBC

(United Kingdom)

Overall Award 2010

“INgeBEELD Media Wisdom PlatformINgeBEELD Media Wisdom Platform”CANON Cultural Unit


Finalist 2011

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213 online entries from 32 countries

Quand la colère fait tomber les masques Université Paris 1 (France)

Overall Award for professionally produced entry

And the Oscar goes to……5th Primary School of Alexandroupolis


Overall Award for user-generated entry

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Showcases and examples

European Chain reaction – special award 2011

Weapons of Mass Destruction – finalist 2011

Planet SciCast – finalist 2009

Daisy and Drago – winner 2009

The Classroom – finalist 2010

Five Little Ducks – Highly Commended 2008

Changing lives – special awards 2011

Monkey Labs Games – winner 2011

Green schools War on Waste Highly Commended 2010

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Participate in theMEDEA Awards


Deadline 30 September 2013

More information on www.medea-awards.com

or contact [email protected]

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• MEDEA Awards: http://www.medea-awards.com

• Media & Learning Conference: http://www.media-and-learning.eu

• Media & Learning Community & Resources database: http://www.media-and-learning.eu/community

• Media & Learning News: http://news.media-and-learning.eu

• MEDEAnet project:
