05 may 2017 newslette c

MAY 2017 President’s Message: Greetings to everyone. In spite of all the snow and rain and clouds, etc. I do hope you are entering spring with joyful hearts. If you have wanted to come to one of our concerts and never quite made it, this is the one to put on your calendar as a not to be missed event. We have new songs as well as a couple of standards that the singers look forward to presenting. Think “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” auf Deutsch!!! Amazingly it is not an easy song. It is spring and we always honor our scholarship winners. This year there are two from Red Hook and one from Kingston. Kingston has dropped their German language program and this winner most likely will be the last from that school district. We always look forward to meeting these talented young students and are amazed that they even find time to sleep their schedules are so full. Finally, we will be in a celebratory mood as we honor a number of our singers who have reached major milestones in their singing and active membership at the Maennerchor. We have honorees ranging from 5 years of participation to 60 years!! That 60 year achievement belongs to none other than John Bruening who has faithfully served the Maennerchor in many ways over those years. Our 150 th anniversary happens in 2018. We want to make 2018 a special year and welcome your input. Ideas?? Speak with one of the board members. You will find more details about our concert further on in this newsletter and we look forward to seeing many of you there. Good music, good food, honoring faithful members – a special day to be sure. Hildegard It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to Donna Stegner who passed away suddenly on April 21 st . Donna joined the Maennerchor as a teenager and was active for just over 40 years. During that time she served as Liedermutter for 16 years and honestly never seemed to be too far away from music either as a singer, Music Committee member or most recently as Co-Chairman of the Music Committee. Donna always smiled. She was thoroughly familiar with our music library, amazing us at committee meetings by remembering such details as to where and when a song had been performed. The only things that trumped her love of music were family and cats. Cats, cats and more cats. They were her love and joy. Dankeschoen und Auf Wiedersehen Donna. Founded 1868 K K i i n n g g s s t t o o n n M M a a e e n n n n e e r r c c h h o o r r a a n n d d D D a a m m e e n n c c h h o o r r I I n n c c . . 37 Greenkill Avenue Kingston, New York 12401 (845) 338-3763 www.kingstonmaennerchoranddamenchor.org

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Page 1: 05 May 2017 Newslette c

MMAAYY 22001177

PPrreessiiddeenntt’’ss MMeessssaaggee::

Greetings to everyone. In spite of all the snow and rain and clouds, etc. I do hope you are entering spring with joyful hearts.

If you have wanted to come to one of our concerts and never quite made it, this is the one to put on your calendar as a not to be missed event. We have new songs as well as a couple of standards that the singers look forward to presenting. Think “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” auf Deutsch!!! Amazingly it is not an easy song.

It is spring and we always honor our scholarship winners. This year there are two from Red Hook and one from Kingston. Kingston has dropped their German language program and this winner most likely will be the last from that school district. We always look forward to meeting these talented young students and are amazed that they even find time to sleep their schedules are so full.

Finally, we will be in a celebratory mood as we honor a number of our singers who have reached major milestones in their singing and active membership at the Maennerchor. We have honorees ranging from 5 years of participation to 60 years!! That 60 year achievement belongs to none other than John Bruening who has faithfully served the Maennerchor in many ways over those years.

Our 150th anniversary happens in 2018. We want to make 2018 a special year and

welcome your input. Ideas?? Speak with one of the board members.

You will find more details about our concert further on in this newsletter and we look forward to seeing many of you there. Good music, good food, honoring faithful members – a special day to be sure.


IItt iiss wwiitthh ggrreeaatt ssaaddnneessss tthhaatt wwee bbiidd ffaarreewweellll ttoo DDoonnnnaa SStteeggnneerr wwhhoo ppaasssseedd aawwaayy ssuuddddeennllyy oonn AApprriill 2211sstt.. DDoonnnnaa jjooiinneedd tthhee MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aass aa tteeeennaaggeerr aanndd wwaass aaccttiivvee ffoorr jjuusstt oovveerr 4400 yyeeaarrss.. DDuurriinngg tthhaatt ttiimmee sshhee sseerrvveedd aass LLiieeddeerrmmuutttteerr ffoorr 1166 yyeeaarrss aanndd hhoonneessttllyy nneevveerr sseeeemmeedd ttoo bbee ttoooo ffaarr aawwaayy ffrroomm mmuussiicc eeiitthheerr aass aa ssiinnggeerr,, MMuussiicc CCoommmmiitttteeee mmeemmbbeerr oorr mmoosstt rreecceennttllyy aass CCoo--CChhaaiirrmmaann ooff tthhee MMuussiicc CCoommmmiitttteeee.. DDoonnnnaa aallwwaayyss ssmmiilleedd.. SShhee wwaass tthhoorroouugghhllyy ffaammiilliiaarr wwiitthh oouurr mmuussiicc lliibbrraarryy,, aammaazziinngg uuss aatt ccoommmmiitttteeee mmeeeettiinnggss bbyy rreemmeemmbbeerriinngg ssuucchh ddeettaaiillss aass ttoo wwhheerree aanndd wwhheenn aa ssoonngg hhaadd bbeeeenn ppeerrffoorrmmeedd.. TThhee oonnllyy tthhiinnggss tthhaatt ttrruummppeedd hheerr lloovvee ooff mmuussiicc wweerree ffaammiillyy aanndd ccaattss.. CCaattss,, ccaattss aanndd mmoorree ccaattss.. TThheeyy wweerree hheerr lloovvee aanndd jjooyy.. DDaannkkeesscchhooeenn uunndd AAuuff WWiieeddeerrsseehheenn DDoonnnnaa..

Founded 1868

KKKKKKKKiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggssssssssttttttttoooooooonnnnnnnn MMMMMMMMaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeerrrrrrrrcccccccchhhhhhhhoooooooorrrrrrrr aaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd DDDDDDDDaaaaaaaammmmmmmmeeeeeeeennnnnnnncccccccchhhhhhhhoooooooorrrrrrrr IIIIIIIInnnnnnnncccccccc........ 3377 GGrreeeennkkiillll AAvveennuuee KKiinnggssttoonn,, NNeeww YYoorrkk 1122440011

(845) 338-3763 www.kingstonmaennerchoranddamenchor.org

Page 2: 05 May 2017 Newslette c



Deutscher Chorverbund

MMuussiicc ddiirreeccttoorrss aanndd ssiinnggeerrss ffrroomm aarroouunndd tthhee ssttaattee hhaavvee bbeeeenn sshhaarrppeenniinngg tthheeiirr cchhoorraall sskkiillllss,, eexxeerrcciissiinngg tthheeiirr vvooccaall ccoorrddss,, aanndd rreeeenneerrggiizziinngg tthheeiirr mmiinnddss aanndd ssoouullss iinn aannttiicciippaattiioonn ooff tthheeiirr uuppccoommiinngg FFrrüühhlliinnggss KKoonnzzeerrttee..

HHeerrzzlliicchheenn DDaannkk ttoo tthhee Members and Officers of the Troy Germania Hall Association on their most generous and kind donation of $1,500.00. I am thankful and delighted to see their fellowship and camaraderie, in support of their colleagues and Gesang Brüder und Schwestern in the New York State Saengerbund.

WWee’’vvee jjuusstt rreettuurrnneedd ffrroomm oouurr sspprriinngg MMuussiicc CCoommmmiitttteeee MMeeeettiinngg hhoosstteedd bbyy tthhee UUttiiccaa MMäännnneerrcchhoorr.. VViieelleenn DDaannkk ttoo GGaaiill MMiilllleerr aanndd JJuuddyy SScchhwweennzzffeeiieerr ffoorr tthheeiirr ssuuppppoorrtt aanndd hhoossppiittaalliittyy.. TThhaannkk yyoouu ttoo aallll oouurr ddeelleeggaatteess ffoorr tthheeiirr iinnppuutt aass wwee rreevviieewweedd tthhee 1144 MMoonntthh CChheecckk--PPooiinntt ooff oouurr 3388tthh SSäännggeerrffeesstt iinn 22001188.. TThhiiss wwaass tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee wwee aarree ddeevveellooppiinngg aanndd ppllaannnniinngg aa ssäännggeerrffeesstt uunnddeerr oouurr nneeww ttwwoo ddaayy ffoorrmmaatt..

HHiillddeeggaarrdd EEddlliinngg pprreesseenntteedd ddeettaaiillss ooff tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr 115500tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy cceelleebbrraattiioonn pprrooppoossaall aanndd ppllaannss.. TThhee ddiissccuussssiioonn aanndd tthhoouugghhttffuull ddeelliibbeerraattiioonn bbyy aallll wwaass bbootthh ffrruuiittffuull aanndd bbeenneeffiicciiaall.. WWee’’rree llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo iinnppuutt bbyy aallll cchhoorruusseess ooff tthheeiirr mmaassss cchhoorruuss mmuussiicc sseelleeccttiioonnss,, aanndd aatttteennddaannccee ccoommmmiittmmeennttss aatt tthhee aannnnuuaall ccoonnvveennttiioonn..

PPaattrriicciiaa DDaavveerrnn aanndd UUrrssuullaa PPaauullyy--KKrraaeemmeerr ooff BBiinngghhaammttoonn pprreesseenntteedd tthheeiirr pprrooppoossaall ffoorr oouurr aannnnuuaall ccoonnvveennttiioonn iinn SSeepptteemmbbeerr..

SScchhöönneenn DDaannkk ttoo aallll tthhee ddeelleeggaatteess wwhhoo ppaarrttiicciippaatteedd iinn tthhiiss pprroocceessss;; wwee aarree aallll ccoommmmiitttteedd ttoo ssuuppppoorrtt aanndd ssuussttaaiinn tthhee NNeeww YYoorrkk SSttaattee SSäännggeerrbbuunndd aanndd ddeeddiiccaatteedd ttoo iittss ffuuttuurree ddeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd ssuucccceessss..


AAnnnnuuaall CCoonnvveennttiioonn

HHoosstteedd bbyy tthhee

GGeerrmmaann CClluubb ooff BBiinngghhaammttoonn

1166 && 1177 SSeepptt 22001177

3388tthh NNYYSSSSBB SSäännggeerrffeesstt KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr

aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr 115500tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy 99 && 1100 JJuunnee 22001188

We offer our sincerest sympathy and heartfelt condolence to the family and friends of Donna Stegner. Donna was sängerbund secretary for me and my predecessor Werner Franz. Donna lived her life with class, dignity, and devotion to her family and friends. We will miss her dearly but can reflect on her generous, joyful, and pleasant personality.

MMiitt ffrreeuunnddlliicchheenn SSäännggeerrggrrüüßßeenn,, FFrreeuunnddsscchhaafftt,, uunndd KKaammeerraaddsscchhaafftt,,

WWiitthh ffrriieennddllyy SSiinnggeerrss'' GGrreeeettiinnggss,, FFrriieennddsshhiipp,, aanndd CCaammaarraaddeerriiee

HHeerrmmaann AAllffoonnss KKooeellmmeell,, PPrreessiiddeenntt

.IINNTTRROODDUUCCIINNGG by Doris Vogt & Christa Scheitz

Please take the time to extend a

hand of friendship:

DONNA WOLF Donna was introduced to the Club by her husband and fellow member, Bruce. She was accepted for membership March 3, 2017 and she joined as a worker. She was born in Kingston, NY but grew up in Lake Katrine, NY. Currently, Donna and Bruce live in Hurley, NY along with their twin daughters. Donna graduated from Kingston High School and then went to New Paltz College where she received her teaching degree. She teaches Special Education and also math at Kingston High School. Before becoming a teacher, Donna was a phlebotomist at the Kingston City Laboratory. She worked for Quest Diagnostic and as a nurse’s aide at Blue Nursing Home in New Paltz. Donna enjoys sports – like golf, tennis and ice skating. She enjoys traveling, cooking and gardening too. So, welcome to the Club, Donna, and thank you for joining as a worker.

HHHHHHHHeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzlllllllliiiiiiiicccccccchhhhhhhheeeeeeeessssssss WWWWWWWWiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllkkkkkkkkoooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeennnnnnnn

Page 3: 05 May 2017 Newslette c

SSSSSSSSuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnddddddddaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy KKKKKKKKaaaaaaaaffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee KKKKKKKKllllllllaaaaaaaattttttttcccccccchhhhhhhh

WWee hhooppee yyoouu hhaavvee eennjjooyyeedd mmeeeettiinngg aanndd ggrreeeettiinngg eeaacchh ootthheerr oonn tthhee ffiirrsstt SSuunnddaayy aafftteerrnnoooonn ooff tthhee mmoonntthh ffoorr ccooffffeeee aanndd aa mmoovviiee.. TThhaannkk yyoouu ttoo aallll wwhhoo hheellppeedd mmaakkee tthhiiss ggaatthheerriinngg ssoo ssuucccceessssffuull aanndd ggeemmüüttlliicchh.. WWee wwiillll bbee oonn vvaaccaattiioonn uunnttiill OOccttoobbeerr..


Since the beginning of the year, our group, including me, has been as small as three and as large as six. But size is not a sign of quality or success; happiness and enjoyment however, is. In this regard our meetings could not have been more successful!

Since the goal of our gatherings is to appreciate each other’s company as well as enjoying speaking German, we have reached this goal every time to the fullest extent. Our group has always one or two people who hadn’t been there in the previous meeting. This, and the fact that we all come from various avenues of live and have different backgrounds and experiences but with at least one thing in common: the joy and interest of keeping “our German” alive, are two very intriguing aspects of our group.

Additionally, we are learning all kind of interesting things, such as that the Adam and Eve cult on the island of Sri Lanka/Ceylon is due to the fact that this island has been identified as the “Garden of Eden” by some. Or the fact that a cap on a women’s head used to be a symbol for being married, hence the German saying: “Unter die Haube kommen”, as an idiomatic expression for getting married. Sometimes we are also confronted with some disturbing news, such as the fact that there used to be day and night care facilities in the former GDR, in which parents kept their infants and toddlers during the week while they were working.

No matter, what subject and question, we are always delighted to speak about it in German. Of course we are looking forward to even more diversity and new fresh thoughts and interesting reflections! So, if you feel that our group might be something for you or a German speaking friend of

yours, please don’t hesitate and meet us, every other Thursday at 5:30p.m, in our clubhouse on 37 Greenkill Ave in Kingston or contact me for further questions: [email protected], 845-527-4925.

Our upcoming meetings will be June 1st, June 15th and June 29th as our last gathering before the summer recess. We will reconvene on September 7th.


SSuunnddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn

66 AAuugguusstt 22001177

11::0000 -- 44::3300 ppmm

DDaannccee MMuussiicc bbyy

JJooee UUnnggeerr $5 per person Entrance Donation

FFoorr IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn PPlleeaassee CCaallll

((884455)) 333388--33776633


2200--2200 RRaaffffllee WWiinnnneerrss 22001177 2200 -- $$2255..0000 WWeeeekkllyy WWiinnnneerrss

MMaarryyaannnnee BBaannkkss

LLaawwrreennccee DDuunnnn

RRooddnneeyy SSaaggee

MMaarrkk JJoohhnnssoonn

MMiikkee KKoohhlleerr

JJeeffff DDaavviiss

VVllaadd HHooyytt

EErrnniiee MMaannnn

JJaayy MMaarrrruuss

WWiilllliiee SSaalleewwsskkii

EErriikkaa KKrreeiiddeerr--MMuueelllleerr

WWaallttrraauuddee VViiaannaallee

RRuuddyy DDeehhnneerrtt

RRoobbeerrtt HHaarrttrruumm

IInnggrriidd DDeeiissiinngg

TTeerrrryy PPiillzz

EEiilleeeenn RRoosseennbbllaatttt

GGaaiill SSaalleewwsskkii

GGaarrwwoooodd && LLoorrrraaiinnee CClliinnee

JJoohhnn MMiizzeell

GGrraanndd PPrriizzee WWiinnnneerrss

11sstt PPrriizzee RRaaggnnhhiilldd JJoohhnnsseenn -- $$330000..0000

22nndd PPrriizzee Mike Kohler -- $$220000..0000

33rrdd PPrriizzee FFrraannkk aanndd RRiittaa CCrraannddaallll -- $$110000..0000

TThhaannkk yyoouu aallll ffoorr yyoouurr ssuuppppoorrtt!!

Page 4: 05 May 2017 Newslette c


IInn tthhee JJaannuuaarryy NNeewwsslleetttteerr wwee iinnttrroodduucceedd nneeww mmeemmbbeerr Edith Borchardt and mentioned that she is a Professor of German, and a writer and author as well. She was translating Brigitte Hamann’s biography of Crown Prince Rudolf of Habsburg which is now ready for publication in 2017

Dr. Edith Borchardt, Professor of German Emerita (University of Minnesota, Morris), has published a translation of Brigitte Hamann's 2005 biography of Rudolf of Habsburg under

the title, Rudolf. Crown Prince and Rebel

(New York: Peter Lang, Inc., 2017) 471 pages. It is available in printed and electronic versions at Amazon.com or directly from the publisher. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1433110806/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all


Crown Prince Rudolf of Habsburg [1858 – 1889] was an intellectual who wrote for liberal newspapers of his time under a pseudonym. Though he never intended to be a “rebel,” he was revolutionary in his thinking and—as a champion of progressive and liberal ideas—in constant opposition to the Ministers at Court, the aristocracy, and the conservative rule of his father, the Emperor of Austria. Against the prevailing currents of his time, Rudolf wanted to modernize the Habsburg Empire by abolishing the privileges of the aristocracy, regarding the middle class and economics as the basis for a modern state. He vehemently opposed nationalism and anti-Semitism and fought for liberalism and democracy and the rights of the minorities within the multinational Empire. For a long time, Crown Prince Rudolf was known mainly in connection with his suicide at Mayerling with Baroness Mary Vetsera. However, the Mayerling tragedy may be seen as the last consequence of living without any prospect of realizing his ideals.

As heir to the throne of the Austrian Empire, Rudolf envisioned a United Europe under Austrian rule. He wrote to Georges Clemenceau in December 1886 that he envisioned gathering Germans, Slavs, Hungarians, and Poles around the Crown, giving equality to the various nationalities in the

Empire. In his opinion, the Habsburg Empire had already realized Victor Hugo’s dream of a United States of Europe in miniature form. It was an idea of utmost importance for world civilization which would secure harmony and balance among nations. Dr. Otto von Habsburg, son of Carl I, the last Emperor of Austria, took up Rudolf’s ideal and, until his death in 2011, helped to shape policy for the United Europe of today in the European Parliament. Because of the relevance of Rudolf’s ideas to events unfolding in our times, I wanted to make Brigitte Hamann’s biography available to an English-speaking public.

Member Franz Heigemeir has had the honor of having two of his paintings selected by Juror Carrie Haddad of Carrie Haddad Gallery in Hudson, New York, for the 2017 ASK Regional Juried Exhibition. The two acrylic paintings titled Sun Valley and Water Park are studies in color and movement. These are quite a departure from the more realistic work that we are used to seeing from Franz and for this writer an adventure in color contrasts.

The show runs through April 30 at ASK (Arts Society of Kingston), 97 Broadway in Kingston. The gallery is open from Tuesday through Saturday from 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. or by appointment. The website for ASK is www.askforarts.org where you can find out about their various programs. New art shows open on the first Saturday of each month.

Member’s CORNER

MMeemmbbeerr aanndd RReeccoorrddiinngg SSeeccrreettaarryy CChhrriissttaa SScchheeiittzz iiss tthhee nneewweesstt mmeemmbbeerr ooff tthhee CCaattsskkiillll LLaaddiieess IInnvveessttmmeenntt CClluubb.. TThhiiss ggrroouupp ooff tteenn llaaddiieess hhaadd tthheeiirr iinnvveessttmmeenntt cclluubb hhiigghhlliigghhtteedd iinn tthhee MMaarrcchh 22001177 BBeetttteerriinnvveessttiinngg mmaaggaazziinnee iinn aann aarrttiiccllee ttiittlleedd ““IInnvveessttiinngg SSkkiillllss iinn tthhee CCaattsskkiillllss”” bbyy SSccootttt DD.. HHoorrssbbuurrgghh,, CCFFAA.. IInn tthhee bbyylliinnee hhee ssttaatteess tthhaatt tthhee 11999933--VViinnttaaggee CClluubb LLiikkeess ttoo BBuuyy SSttoocckkss IItt KKnnoowwss.. TThheeyy mmaannaaggee aa ppoorrttffoolliioo ooff 1122 ssttoocckkss,, wweerree ccoommmmeennddeedd ffoorr aa nnuummbbeerr ooff tthheeiirr iinnvveessttmmeennttss aanndd ssiinnccee tthhiiss wwaass tthhee ““RReeppaaiirr SShhoopp”” ccoolluummnn ssuuggggeessttiioonnss wweerree mmaaddee ffoorr iimmpprroovveemmeenntt.. SSoouunnddss aass tthhoouugghh tthhiiss wwaass aa ggrreeaatt lleeaarrnniinngg eexxppeerriieennccee ffoorr tthhee CClluubb..

Page 5: 05 May 2017 Newslette c

111111114444444499999999tttttttthhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrssssssssaaaaaaaarrrrrrrryyyyyyyy SSSSSSSSpppppppprrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggggg CCCCCCCCoooooooonnnnnnnncccccccceeeeeeeerrrrrrrrtttttttt

SSuunnddaayy AAfftteerrnnoooonn JJuunnee 44tthh

Dr. Dorcinda C. Knauth, Music Director Sherry Thomas, Assistant Music Director

Plan to join us for a festive afternoon of joy! Call your friends and neighbors!

Start the Summer Season in Friendship, Fellowship, and Gemütlichkeit.

Doors Open at Noon Hors d'Oeuvres 12:00 to 1:00 pm

Concert 1:00 pm Followed by

Full Cold Buffet Special Dessert Cake

Coffee and Tea Cash Bar

Dance Music by

JJooee UUnnggeerr 2:30pm-6:30 pm

All Inclusive Ticket $30.00 per person

Reservations Requested by June 2nd

Please Call

DDoorriiss ((884455)) 333366--66553344

VViirrggiinniiaa 884455--665588--88444411



YYoouu ccaann eennjjooyy bbeeaauuttiiffuull GGeerrmmaann mmuussiicc,, nneewwss,, aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ooff llooccaall iinntteerreessttss ttwwiiccee oonn SSuunnddaayyss.. TTuunnee iinnttoo HHaannss SSaaffeerr’’ss GGeerrmmaann HHoouurr oonn RRaaddiioo SSttaattiioonn WWKKNNYY 11449900 AAMM aatt 1100::0055 AAMM..

IInn tthhee eeaarrllyy aafftteerrnnoooonn yyoouu ccaann ttuunnee iinn oonnccee aaggaaiinn ffoorr aannootthheerr hhoouurr ooff ssooootthhiinngg GGeerrmmaann eenntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt aanndd rreellaaxx wwiitthh HHeellggaa NNoowwaakk--RRaazzeeyy oonn hheerr HHeeiiiimmaattssttuunnddee wwiitthh HHeellggaa oonn RRaaddiioo SSttaattiioonn WWHHVVWW 995500 AAMM ffrroomm 22 ttoo 33 PPMM..

CCoonnttaacctt HHaannss oorr HHeellggaa aanndd tthheeyy wwiillll ppllaayy tthhaatt ssppeecciiaall rreeqquueesstt..

HHiillddeeggaarrdd aanndd tthhee 115500

tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy // SSäännggeerrffeesstt

CCoommmmiitttteeee aarree wwoorrkkiinngg ddiilliiggeennttllyy ttoo ddeevveelloopp aanndd ppllaann tthhee cceelleebbrraattiioonnss ooff oouurr 115500

tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy iinn 22001188..

CCeelleebbrraattiinngg oouurr ssiinnggiinngg hheerriittaaggee,, FFrriieennddsshhiipp,, aanndd

CCaammaarraaddeerriiee ddaatteess bbaacckk ttoo oouurr ffoouunnddiinngg iinn 11886688.. IInn 11991188 aafftteerr mmoovviinngg iinnttoo tthhee MMccMMiilllleenn BBuuiillddiinngg oonn tthhee SSttrraanndd wwee cceelleebbrraatteedd oouurr 5500

tthh aannnniivveerrssaarryy.. OOuurr 8800


AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy wwaass hheelldd iinn 11994488 aanndd oouurr 110000tthh

aatt tthhee GGoovveerrnnoorr CClliinnttoonn HHootteell iinn 11996688.. WWee cceelleebbrraatteedd oouurr


iinn 22000033 bbyy hhoossttiinngg tthhee 3333rrdd

NNYYSSSSBB SSäännggeerrffeesstt,, aanndd oouurr 114400

tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy iinn 22000088..

OOuurr oowwnn FFrraannzz HHeeiiggeemmeeiirr,, wwhhoo ddeessiiggnneedd oouurr llyyrree llooggoo aallssoo ddeessiiggnneedd tthhee SSäännggeerrffeesstt llooggoo iinn 22000033 aanndd

ddoonnaatteedd iitt ttoo tthhee ssäännggeerrbbuunndd;; iitt’’ss bbeeeenn uusseedd ffoorr aallll ssäännggeerrffeessttee eevveerr ssiinnccee..

IInn 22000033 wwee ppaarrttiicciippaatteedd aanndd wwoonn 11sstt PPrriizzee iinn tthhee MMiixxeedd

CChhoorruuss 22nndd

CCllaassss ccoommppeettiittiioonn.. WWee wweenntt oonn ttoo ccaappttuurree

tthhiiss ttrroopphhyy iinn tthhee ffiinnaall tthhrreeee ssäännggeerrffeessttee hhoollddiinngg tthhiiss eevveenntt.. OOuurr MMuussiicc DDiirreeccttoorrss wweerree DDrr.. JJoohhnn GGaalliisshh,,

FFrraannkk BBoosshheerr,, JJeerrrryy HHoocchh,, aanndd DDrr.. DDoorrcciinnddaa KKnnaauutthh..

EEvveenn tthhoouugghh tthhee ssäännggeerrffeesstt ffoorrmmaatt hhaass cchhaannggeedd ttoo aa ttwwoo ddaayy eevveenntt wwiitthh tthhee eelliimmiinnaattiioonn ooff tthhee ccoommppeettiittiivvee aassppeecctt ooff tthhee eevveenntt tthheerree iiss ssttiillll aa lloott ooff wwoorrkk iinn iittss

ppllaannnniinngg,, ddeevveellooppmmeenntt,, aanndd iimmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn.. IIff yyoouu hhaavvee tthhee ttiimmee,, ddeessiirree,, aanndd aarree wwiilllliinngg ttoo hheellpp pplleeaassee

sstteepp uupp aanndd vvoolluunntteeeerr yyoouurr ttaalleenntt aanndd sskkiillll..

SSoommee ooff tthhee eevveennttss iinncclluuddee aa MMaassss CChhoorruuss CCoonncceerrtt

ppeerrffoorrmmeedd bbyy tthhee ccoommbbiinneedd cchhoorruusseess ooff tthhee NNeeww YYoorrkk SSttaattee SSäännggeerrbbuunndd,, aa BBaannqquueett,,-- DDaannccee,, SSuunnddaayy

BBrruunncchh,, aanndd aa FFaarrwweellll CCoonncceerrtt..

SSoommee ooff tthhee tteennttaattiivvee vveennuueess iinncclluuddee oouurr cclluubbhhaauuss,, RReeddeeeemmeerr LLuutthheerraann CChhuurrcchh,, SSaauuggeerrttiieess PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg AArrttss FFaaccttoorryy,, OOllee SSaavvaannnnaahh oonn tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn

RRoonnddoouutt,, aanndd sseevveerraall aarreeaa mmootteellss..

IIff yyoouu ccaann wwhhiissttllee,, hhuumm,, oorr ssiinngg YYaannkkeeee DDooooddllee,, pplleeaassee ccoonnssiiddeerr jjooiinniinngg oouurr cchhoorruuss.. OOuurr MMoonnddaayy

eevveenniinngg rreehheeaarrssaallss bbeeggiinn aatt 66::4455 pp..mm.. aanndd eenndd aabboouutt 88::3300 pp..mm.. OOuurr MMuussiicc DDiirreeccttoorr,, DDrr.. DDoorrcciinnddaa KKnnaauutthh,, AAssssiissttaanntt MMuussiicc DDiirreeccttoorr SShheerrrryy TThhoommaass,,

aanndd oouurr ssiinnggeerrss llooookk ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo yyoouurr ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn.. SSppeeaakkiinngg GGeerrmmaann iiss nnoott aa rreeqquuiirreemmeenntt..

111111115555555500000000tttttttthhhhhhhh AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiivvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrssssssssaaaaaaaarrrrrrrryyyyyyyy

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Alte Kameraden

Condolences Condolences Condolences Condolences to the families of to the families of to the families of to the families of our membersour membersour membersour members, former members, , former members, , former members, , former members, and friends who are no longer and friends who are no longer and friends who are no longer and friends who are no longer

with us.with us.with us.with us., , , ,

Condolences to the family of our dear friend Donna Stegner.

Elfriede Miller, wife of member Max Miller, member Rosemarie Steudlein on the death of her long time partner Hans Schollenberger. Friend and former member Annegrette Barnum on the death of her son Harald Fraude, former member Evelyn Pfaff on the death of her husband Heinz. To the family of our Assistant Music Director Sherry Thomas on the passing of her mother-in-law Florence Julia Thomas. To the family of friend Madeline Lussier and our friend from Poughkeepsie Germania Margarethe Killmer.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you,

,,BBBBBBBBrrrrrrrrüüüüüüüüddddddddeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr uuuuuuuunnnnnnnndddddddd SSSSSSSScccccccchhhhhhhhwwwwwwwweeeeeeeesssssssstttttttteeeeeeeerrrrrrrrnnnnnnnn aaaaaaaauuuuuuuuffffffff LLLLLLLLeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbeeeeeeeennnnnnnn uuuuuuuunnnnnnnndddddddd TTTTTTTToooooooodddddddd’’’’’’’’

CCOONNVVAALLEESSCCIINNGG:: Some of our members and friends on the road to recovery include an amazing array of walking wounded, medical healers, and surgery veterans. Everyone is reportedly doing well. Recuperating from hospital stays, various illnesses, and health related issues are

MMeemmbbeerrss Walter Bruchholz, Ruth Froehlich, Heinz Holzhauer, Chris Kohler, Inge Leuttger, Walter Vogt. Eberhard Scheitz husband of member Christa Scheitz, and friend and former member Pat Kelley.

We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers, and wish you all a rapid and successful return to good health. Please send them a friendship note.

GGeessuunnddhheeiitt,, GGllüücckk,, iinn GGootttteess SSeeggeenn!!

WWWWWWWWiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr GGGGGGGGrrrrrrrraaaaaaaattttttttuuuuuuuulllllllliiiiiiiieeeeeeeerrrrrrrreeeeeeeennnnnnnn

CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss aanndd bbeesstt wwiisshheess ttoo CChhaarrlloottttee aanndd JJoohhnn FFoollkkll wwhhoo cceelleebbrraatteedd tthheeiirr 6600tthh wweeddddiinngg aannnniivveerrssaarryy.. HHaappppyy 9900tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy ttoo CChhrriiss KKoohhlleerr aanndd WWaalltteerr BBrruucchhhhoollzz.. HHaappppyy 8800tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy ttoo AAlliinnaa NNiittzzsscchhnneerr..

From the Archives Hildegard Edling - Historian/Archivist


Martin Kastner 1974 to 1976 Martin Kastner

or Carl Warneke


Carl Warneke 1978 to 1986 Hildegard Edling 1987 part Helga Bruening 1987 part to 1991 Hildegard Edling 1992 to Present

Although we may have had few archivist/historians

in the 40+ years covered in my review of officer

positions the files they have accumulated and

organized are legion. We have a quite extensive

archives which include minutes, financial records,

membership records, programs from concerts and

other events dating back to the early 1900’s, photos,

awards/certificates, and many other items gathered

over the years. The newspaper clippings themselves

are a good picture into the history of the club.

I do hope you have found this series on officers

interesting. It has been fun for me to assemble the

data gatherd by Donna Stegner and Christa Scheitz.

Many thanks to them both for their help.

FFiinnaanncciiaall SSeeccrreettaarryy AAnnnneemmaarriiee HHaarrmmss rreemmiinnddss uuss ttoo ppaayy yyoouurr aannnnuuaall dduueess ooff $$4400..0000 ppeerr mmeemmbbeerr bbyy JJuunnee 3300tthh wwiitthh cchheecckkss ppaayyaabbllee ttoo TThhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr.. PPlleeaassee ccoonnttaacctt hheerr wwiitthh aannyy ppeerrssoonnaall cchhaannggeess ssuucchh aass yyoouurr aaddddrreessss,, tteelleepphhoonnee nnuummbbeerr,, oorr eemmaaiill iinnffoo.. PPlleeaassee ffeeeell ffrreeee ttoo ccoonnttaacctt hheerr aatt 884455--333366--77444400..

HHHHHHHHeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzlllllllliiiiiiiicccccccchhhhhhhheeeeeeeennnnnnnn DDDDDDDDaaaaaaaannnnnnnnkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!! TThhee SStt JJoosseepphh’’ss SSoocciiaall MMiinniissttrryy HHuurrlleeyy FFoooodd PPaannttrryy wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhaannkk tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr ffoorr tthheeiirr ggeenneerroouuss ddoonnaattiioonn ooff ffoooodd.. SSoommee ooff yyoouu hhaavvee aallssoo ddoonnaatteedd ccllootthhiinngg aanndd ootthheerr iitteemmss ttoo oouurr ppaannttrryy..

TThhrroouugghh yyoouurr ggeenneerroossiittyy,, wwee aarree aabbllee ttoo hheellpp tthhee lleessss ffoorrttuunnaattee aanndd nneeeeddyy iinn oouurr ccoommmmuunniittyy..

TThhaannkk yyoouu aaggaaiinn ffoorr yyoouurr ggeenneerroossiittyy..

CCaatthhyy JJoohhnnssoonn

Page 7: 05 May 2017 Newslette c


TThhee 22001177 wwiinnnneerrss ooff tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp AAwwaarrddss aarree MMiicchhaaeell GGiillffeerrsslleeeevvee aanndd DDaanniill RRaattnniikkoovv ffrroomm RReedd HHooookk HHiigghh SScchhooooll aanndd IIssaabbeellllee SSttiitttt--FFrreeddeerriicckkss ffrroomm KKiinnggssttoonn HHiigghh SScchhooooll.. TThhee aawwaarrddss ooff $$330000..0000 eeaacchh wwiillll bbee pprreesseenntteedd ttoo tthhee ssttuuddeennttss aatt tthheeiirr sscchhooooll''ss AAwwaarrddss NNiigghhttss.. TThheeyy hhaavvee bbeeeenn iinnvviitteedd ttoo bbee oouurr gguueessttss aatt oouurr SSpprriinngg CCoonncceerrtt,, oonn JJuunnee 44tthh iinn rreeccooggnniittiioonn ppff tthheeiirr eexxcceeppttiioonnaall aacchhiieevveemmeennttss iinn sscchhooooll aanndd eexxttrraa--ccuurrrriiccuullaarr aaccttiivviittiieess..

TThhiiss yyeeaarr''ss sscchhoollaarrsshhiipp ccoommmmiitttteeee iiss CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonn AAnnnneemmaarriiee HHaarrmmss,, WWaallttrraauudd VViiaannaallee,, SStteepphhaanniiee MMaarrttiinnoo,, aanndd KKaatthhlleeeenn PPeettrroo..



SSuunnddaayy,, 2255 JJuunnee 22001177 22::0000 pp..mm..

KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr HHaallll 3377 GGrreeeennkkiillll AAvvee,, KKiinnggssttoonn,, NNYY 1122440011

Come have fun with us as we raise funds for our Scholarship fund by hosting a Pampered Chef Fundraiser. There will be cooking demonstrations to tempt us, recipes to tease us, and of course their wonderful products to purchase.

The fundraising program will extend beyond the kick off date with on-line ordering available as well as catalogue opportunities.

Call Hildegard at 845-757-5135 to make your reservations for our June 25th event.

WWee ccoorrddiiaallllyy wweellccoommee yyoouu ttoo tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr!! WWee aarree hhaappppyy ttoo ggrreeeett yyoouu aanndd eennccoouurraaggee yyoouurr ppaarrttiicciippaattiioonn iinn aass mmaannyy ffuuttuurree ffuunnccttiioonnss aass ppoossssiibbllee.. YYoouurr ccoonnttiinnuueedd ssuuppppoorrtt iiss ssiinncceerreellyy wweellccoommeedd aanndd aapppprreecciiaatteedd..

SSeeww FFoorr

tthhee CCuurree Cathy Johnson

Sponsored by: American Sewing Guild, Kingston Neighborhood Group, and Kingston Elks Lodge #550

Date: Friday, 29 September 2017 Place: Kingston Elks Lodge #550

143 Hurley Ave Kingston NY Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm

Please bring your sewing machine or serger and a pair of scissors for your use. All materials will be supplied for the items being made. If you don't sew you can come and help stuff pillows.

All items are distributed to the Oncology Unit at Kingston Hospital, American Cancer Society; and Albany Medical Centers Children's Oncology Unit.

For more information please call Cathy at 845-331-8424.

IIIIIIIInnnnnnnnddddddddiiiiiiiissssssssppppppppeeeeeeeennnnnnnnssssssssaaaaaaaabbbbbbbblllllllleeeeeeee SSoommeettiimmee wwhheenn yyoouu’’rree ffeeeelliinngg iimmppoorrttaanntt;; SSoommeettiimmee wwhheenn yyoouurr eeggoo’’ss iinn bblloooomm;; SSoommeettiimmee wwhheenn yyoouu ttaakkee iitt ffoorr ggrraanntteedd,, YYoouu’’rree tthhee bbeesstt qquuaalliiffiieedd iinn tthhee rroooomm:: SSoommeettiimmee wwhheenn yyoouu ffeeeell tthhaatt yyoouurr ggooiinngg,, WWoouulldd lleeaavvee aann uunnffiillllaabbllee hhoollee,, JJuusstt ffoollllooww tthheessee ssiimmppllee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,, AAnndd sseeee hhooww tthheeyy hhuummbbllee yyoouurr ssoouull.. TTaakkee aa bbuucckkeett aanndd ffiillll iitt wwiitthh wwaatteerr,, PPuutt yyoouurr hhaanndd iinn iitt uupp ttoo tthhee wwrriisstt,, PPuullll iitt oouutt aanndd tthhee hhoollee tthhaatt’’ss rreemmaaiinniinngg,, IIss aa mmeeaassuurree ooff hhooww mmuucchh yyoouu’’llll bbee mmiisssseedd.. YYoouu ccaann ssppllaasshh aallll yyoouu wwiisshh wwhheenn yyoouu eenntteerr,, YYoouu mmaayy ssttiirr uupp tthhee wwaatteerr ggaalloorree,, BBuutt ssttoopp,, aanndd yyoouu’’llll ffiinndd iinn aa mmoommeenntt,, IItt llooookkss qquuiittee tthhee ssaammee aass bbeeffoorree.. TThhee mmoorraall ooff tthhiiss qquuaaiinntt eexxaammppllee,, IIss ttoo jjuusstt ddoo tthhee bbeesstt tthhaatt yyoouu ccaann,, BBee pprroouudd ooff yyoouurrsseellff bbuutt rreemmeemmbbeerr,, TThheerree’’ss nnoo oonnee iinnddiissppeennssaabbllee;; wwoommaann oorr mmaann..

Page 8: 05 May 2017 Newslette c

FFrroomm tthhee

EEddiittoorr’’ss DDeesskk

GGGGGGGGoooooooooooooooodddddddd ffffffffrrrrrrrriiiiiiiieeeeeeeennnnnnnnddddddddssssssss nnnnnnnneeeeeeeevvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrr ssssssssaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy ggggggggooooooooooooooooddddddddbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyeeeeeeee,,,,,,,, tttttttthhhhhhhheeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy ssssssssiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmppppppppllllllllyyyyyyyy ssssssssaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy AAAAAAAAuuuuuuuuffffffff WWWWWWWWiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeddddddddeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrsssssssseeeeeeeehhhhhhhheeeeeeeennnnnnnn!!!!!!!!

II’’mm pplleeaasseedd ttoo hhaavvee bbeeeenn aabbllee ttoo vvoolluunntteeeerr ttoo sseerrvvee mmyy ccoouunnttrryy,, mmyy ccoommmmuunniittiieess,, aanndd mmyy hheerriittaaggee oovveerr tthhee ppaasstt 5555 yyeeaarrss.. II aamm tthhaannkkffuull ttoo bbee ppaarrtt ooff tthhiiss cchhoorr ssiinnccee LLiinnddaa aanndd II mmoovveedd hheerree iinn 11997755.. WWiitthh tthhee eenntthhuussiiaassmm aanndd ppllaannnniinngg ooff oouurr 115500tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy aanndd 3388tthh SSäännggeerrffeesstt nneexxtt sspprriinngg,, iitt iiss ttiimmee ttoo ppaassss tthhee bbaattoonn ttoo ssoommeeoonnee yyoouunnggeerr,, eeaaggeerr,, aanndd wwiilllliinngg.. II aamm hhaappppyy ttoo sseeee nneewweerr mmeemmbbeerrss sstteeppppiinngg uupp ttoo tthhee ppllaattee ttoo hheellpp ccoonnttiinnuuee oouurr ttrraaddiittiioonnss aanndd ccuussttoommss..

II hhaappppiillyy rreemmeemmbbeerr ssiinnggiinngg wwiitthh tthhee ttwwoo FFrraannzzss’’,, BBrreennddllee aanndd HHeeiiggeemmeeiirr,, JJoohhnn BBrruueenniinngg,, FFrreedd GGooeelllleerr,, OOsskkaarr aanndd tthhee rreesstt ooff tthhee cchhoorr uunnddeerr tthhee ttuutteellaaggee ooff JJuulliiuuss HHoocchhmmuutthh.. II’’vvee ggoott ffoonndd mmeemmoorriieess wwoorrkkiinngg oonn oouurr cclluubbhhoouussee:: ddiiggggiinngg oouutt tthhee bbaasseemmeenntt,, llaayyiinngg ccoonnccrreettee bblloocckk,, ssaannddiinngg,, ppaaiinnttiinngg,, aanndd eevveenn ccaarrvviinngg oonn tthhee fflloowweerrbbooxxeess aanndd ssiiggnn wwiitthh FFrraannzz aanndd JJoohhnn..

II’’vvee hhaadd ggrreeaatt jjooyy ppllaannnniinngg aanndd gguuiiddiinngg ssiixx ttoouurrss ooff GGeerrmmaannyy,, AAuussttrriiaa,, aanndd IIrreellaanndd,, aa ccrruuiissee ttoo CCaannaaddaa aanndd CCoo--CChhaaiirriinngg tthhee 22000033 SSäännggeerrffeesstt wwiitthh DDoottttiiee BBiirrmmiinngghhaamm;; ttoo hheellpp rraaiissee oovveerr $$3300,,000000..0000 ffoorr cclluubb eexxppaannssiioonn aanndd ffuunnddiinngg,, aanndd bbeeiinngg SSAANNTTAA ffoorr sseevveerraall ggeenneerraattiioonnss ooff kkiiddss..

II aamm ttrruullyy pprroouudd ttoo bbee aa sstteewwaarrdd,, bbrriinnggiinngg tthhee mmäännnneerrcchhoorr iinnttoo tthhee nneeww mmiilllleennnniiuumm aass wweebbmmaasstteerr wwiitthh aa ffrreeee wweebbssiittee ffoorr oovveerr 1188 yyeeaarrss,, aass pprreessiiddeenntt sseeccuurriinngg oouurr 550011cc33 cchhaarriittaabbllee ddeessiiggnnaattiioonn,, aass mmuussiicc cchhaaiirr ddeevveellooppiinngg aa ppcc ddaattaa--bbaassee ttoo ssoorrtt oouurr MMuussiicc LLiibbrraarryy bbyy ttiittllee,, ccoommppoosseerr,, ccaatteeggoorryy,, aanndd ppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ddaattee aallpphhaabbeettiiccaallllyy aanndd nnuummeerriiccaallllyy,, aanndd wwoorrkkiinngg oonn oouurr nneewwsslleetttteerr ssiinnccee 22000000 aanndd aass eeddiittoorr ffoorr tthhee ppaasstt 1100 yyeeaarrss.. II wwaanntt ttoo eessppeecciiaallllyy tthhaannkk DDoorriiss VVooggtt ,, CChhrriissttaa SScchheeiittzz,, LLiinnddaa KKooeellmmeell,, aanndd HHiillddeeggaarrdd EEddlliinngg ffoorr tthheeiirr ddeeddiiccaattiioonn aanndd ssuuppppoorrtt..

AAss aa 5511 yyeeaarr LLiiffee MMeemmbbeerr iinn tthhee TTrrooyy GGeerrmmaanniiaa HHaallll,, LLiiffee MMeemmbbeerr aanndd EEhhrreenn PPrreessiiddeenntt iinn tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr,, 1177 yyeeaarr PPrreessiiddeenntt ooff tthhee NNeeww YYoorrkk SSttaattee SSaaeennggeerrbbuunndd,, EEhhrreenn MMiittgglliieedd DDeeuuttsscchheerr CChhoorrvveerrbbuunndd,, aanndd aa 55 yyeeaarrss ssiinnggeerr wwiitthh PPoouugghhkkeeeeppssiiee GGeerrmmaanniiaa II nneeeedd ssoommee ttiimmee ttoo ssmmeellll tthhee rroosseess aanndd ppeeoonniieess aatt oouurr TTeennnneesssseeee hhoommee..

WWhhaatt wwee ccaallll tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg iiss oofftteenn tthhee eenndd.. AAnndd ttoo mmaakkee aann eenndd iiss ttoo mmaakkee aa bbeeggiinnnniinngg.. TThhee eenndd iiss wwhheerree wwee ssttaarrtt ffrroomm.. II kknnooww iinn mmyy hheeaarrtt tthhaatt wwiitthh yyoouurr hheellpp aanndd gguuiiddaannccee,, tthhee KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr,, wwiillll ccoonnttiinnuuee ttoo fflloouurriisshh aanndd pprroossppeerr..

FFiinneellyy,, II wwaanntt ttoo rreeccooggnniizzee aanndd hhoonnoorr mmyy ddeeaarr wwiiffee LLiinnddaa wwhhoo hhaass eennccoouurraaggeedd,, ssuuppppoorrtteedd,, aanndd iinn ggeenneerraall ppuutt uupp wwiitthh aallll mmyy ““GGeerrmmaann”” SSiinnggiinngg,, SScchhuuhhppllaattttlleerr,, aanndd SSoocciiaall MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp aaccttiivviittiieess..

AAAAAAAAlllllllllllllllleeeeeeeessssssss hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaatttttttt eeeeeeeeiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn EEEEEEEEnnnnnnnnddddddddeeeeeeee nnnnnnnnuuuuuuuurrrrrrrr ddddddddiiiiiiiieeeeeeee WWWWWWWWuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrsssssssstttttttt hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaatttttttt zzzzzzzzwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeiiiiiiii

WWee’’vvee hheeaarrdd yyoouu ssiinnggiinngg aatt oouurr llaasstt ssiinngg--aalloonngg ccoonncceerrtt.. WWee kknnooww yyoouu aarree oouutt tthheerree.. PPlleeaassee ccoonnssiiddeerr jjooiinniinngg oouurr

cchhoorruuss.. RReehheeaarrssaallss bbeeggiinn aatt 66::4455 pp..mm.. aanndd

eenndd aabboouutt 88::3300 pp..mm..

OOuurr MMuussiicc DDiirreeccttoorr,, DDrr.. DDoorrcciinnddaa KKnnaauutthh,,

AAssssiissttaanntt MMuussiicc DDiirreeccttoorr SShheerrrryy TThhoommaass,, aanndd tthhee

MMuussiicc CCoommmmiitttteeee,, cchhoooossee tthhee mmuussiicc kkeeeeppiinngg iinn mmiinndd tthhee aabbiilliittiieess ooff tthhee ssiinnggeerrss aanndd tthhee

ddeessiirreess ooff oouurr aauuddiieennccee.. KKnnoowwlleeddggee ooff tthhee GGeerrmmaann llaanngguuaaggee iiss nnoott rreeqquuiirreedd.. SSoo,, tthhiinnkk aabboouutt iitt;; iiff yyoouu

eennjjooyyeedd lliisstteenniinngg aanndd ssiinnggiinngg aalloonngg wwiitthh uuss iinn tthhee ppaasstt,, ccoommee ssiinngg aalloonngg wwiitthh uuss..



MMeemmoorriiaall DDaayy iiss cceelleebbrraatteedd oonn tthhee llaasstt MMoonnddaayy ooff MMaayy,, hhoonnoorriinngg tthhee mmeenn aanndd wwoommeenn wwhhoo hhaavvee sseerrvveedd iinn tthhee UU..SS.. mmiilliittaarryy aanndd eessppeecciiaallllyy tthhoossee wwhhoo ggaavvee tthheeiirr lliivveess..

OOrriiggiinnaallllyy kknnoowwnn aass DDeeccoorraattiioonn DDaayy,, iitt bbeeggaann iinn tthhee yyeeaarrss ffoolllloowwiinngg tthhee CCiivviill WWaarr aanndd bbeeccaammee aann ooffffiicciiaall ffeeddeerraall hhoolliiddaayy iinn 11997711.. MMaannyy AAmmeerriiccaannss oobbsseerrvvee MMeemmoorriiaall DDaayy bbyy vviissiittiinngg cceemmeetteerriieess oorr mmeemmoorriiaallss,, hhoollddiinngg ffaammiillyy ggaatthheerriinnggss aanndd ppaarrttiicciippaattiinngg iinn ppaarraaddeess.. UUnnooffffiicciiaallllyy,, iitt mmaarrkkss tthhee bbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff tthhee ssuummmmeerr sseeaassoonn..

PPlleeaassee ttaakkee ttiimmee ttoo hhoonnoorr tthheessee ggrreeaatt hheerrooeess;; oouurr ssoonnss,, ddaauugghhtteerrss,, aanndd tthheeiirr ffaammiilliieess..

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Sponsor’s List JJoohhnn BBrruueenniinngg –– MMiicchhaaeell SScchheeuunneemmaannnn

RRiicchhaarrdd && HHiillddeeggaarrdd EEddlliinngg -- AAlliinnaa NNiittzzsscchhnneerr HHeerrmmaann && LLiinnddaa KKooeellmmeell -- AAnnggeellaa HHaarrttrruumm

AAnnnneemmaarriiee HHaarrmmss -- JJeeffffeerrssoonn DDaavviiss -- CChhrriiss KKoohhlleerr CChhrriissttaa SScchheeiittzz -- IInnggee LLuueettttggeerr -- GGiinnnnyy RRoosssslleerr

FFrraannzz && MMaarriiaannnnee HHeeiiggeemmeeiirr -- WWaalltteerr && DDoorriiss VVooggtt EEdd && JJuulliiaa ZZeebboorriiss -- BBrruuccee && CCaarrooll HHooeehhnn,,

AArrnniiee JJoohhnnsseenn,, AAnnoonnyymmoouuss

AArree yyoouu ooff GGeerrmmaanniicc HHeerriittaaggee?? CCaann yyoouu rreemmeemmbbeerr yyoouurr iimmmmiiggrraanntt

ggrraannddppaarreennttss oorr ggrreeaatt ggrraannddppaarreennttss aanndd hhooww hhaarrdd tthheeyy wwoorrkkeedd,, ssaanngg aanndd ddaanncceedd aanndd bbeeccaammee ggoooodd AAmmeerriiccaannss?? LLeett tthhiiss bbee yyoouurr iinncceennttiivvee ttoo jjooiinn uuss ttoo mmoottiivvaattee,, iinnssppiirree,, aanndd

ssuussttaaiinn eeaacchh ootthheerr iinn ccoonnttiinnuuiinngg oouurr GGeerrmmaann ccuullttuurree aanndd ttrraaddiittiioonnss.. DDeemmoonnssttrraattee ttoo yyoouurr cchhiillddrreenn,, ggrraannddcchhiillddrreenn,, aanndd tthheeiirr ddeesscceennddeennttss hhooww ttoo bbee pprroouudd ooff tthheeiirr lleeggaaccyy aanndd hheerriittaaggee..

RRRRRRRReeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkiiiiiiii MMMMMMMMaaaaaaaasssssssstttttttteeeeeeeerrrrrrrrssssssss WWWWWWWWaaaaaaaallllllllttttttttrrrrrrrraaaaaaaauuuuuuuudddddddd VVVVVVVViiiiiiiiaaaaaaaannnnnnnnaaaaaaaalllllllleeeeeeee -------- KKKKKKKKeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkoooooooo WWWWWWWWrrrrrrrriiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttt

KKiinnggssttoonn SSaauuggeerrttiieess 884455--338833--11118822 884455--559944--44444422


RRRRRRRReeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkiiiiiiii CCCCCCCCiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrcccccccclllllllleeeeeeeessssssss aaaaaaaarrrrrrrreeeeeeee aaaaaaaavvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiillllllllaaaaaaaabbbbbbbblllllllleeeeeeee mmmmmmmmoooooooonnnnnnnntttttttthhhhhhhhllllllllyyyyyyyy aaaaaaaatttttttt 3300 SSeemmiinnaarryy DDrriivvee,, BBaarrrryyttoowwnn,, NNYY..

11 DDaayy SSeemmiinnaarrss aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr

RRRRRRRReeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkiiiiiiii IIIIIIII -------- RRRRRRRReeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -------- RRRRRRRReeeeeeeeiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkiiiiiiii AAAAAAAAPPPPPPPP

IInn LLoovviinngg MMeemmoorryy


DDDDoooonnnnnnnnaaaa SSSStttteeeeggggnnnneeeerrrr

CCCCCCCCoooooooommmmmmmmeeeeeeee JJJJJJJJooooooooiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn UUUUUUUUssssssss ffffffffoooooooorrrrrrrr aaaaaaaa WWWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkeeeeeeeennnnnnnndddddddd ooooooooffffffff




YYoouurr FFrriieenndd

IIIIIIIInnnnnnnnggggggggeeeeeeee MMMMMMMMaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrttttttttiiiiiiiinnnnnnnn

NNeeww YYoorrkk SSttaattee SSaaeennggeerrbbuunndd

3388tthh SSäännggeerrffeesstt

KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr

115500tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy

Page 10: 05 May 2017 Newslette c

KKiinnggssttoonn MMaaeennnneerrcchhoorr aanndd DDaammeenncchhoorr IInncc..

37 Greenkill Avenue Kingston, New York 12401

Vielen Dank!

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WWWWWWWWiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr ggggggggrrrrrrrrüüüüüüüüßßßßßßßßeeeeeeeennnnnnnn SSSSSSSSiiiiiiiieeeeeeee mmmmmmmmiiiiiiiitttttttt HHHHHHHHeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrzzzzzzzz uuuuuuuunnnnnnnndddddddd HHHHHHHHaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd,,,,,,,, DDDDDDDDiiiiiiiieeeeeeee SSSSSSSSäääääääännnnnnnnggggggggeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr vvvvvvvvoooooooonnnnnnnn ddddddddeeeeeeeemmmmmmmm HHHHHHHHuuuuuuuuddddddddssssssssoooooooonnnnnnnnssssssssttttttttrrrrrrrraaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd We greet you with heart and hand, The singers from the Hudson Strand

OOffffiicceerrss && SSttaaffff 22001177

President Hildegard Edling

Vice President Jefferson Davis

Recording Secretary Christa Scheitz

Correspondence Sec

Treasurer Angela Hartrum

Financial Secretary Annemarie Harms

Archivist/Historian Hildegard Edling

Trustee 2017 Walter Bruchholz

Trustee 2018 Chris Kohler

Trustee 2019 Alina Nitzschner

Honorary President Dorothy Birmingham

Honorary President John Bruening

Honorary President Herman Koelmel

Honorary President Ernest Mann

CCoommmmiitttteeee CChhaaiirrppeerrssoonnss::

Bar John Bruening

House Richard Edling

Walter Vogt

Music Hildegard Edling

Good & Welfare Marion Hohn

Kaffeeklatsch Alina Nitzschner

Stammtisch Michael Scheunemann

Scholarship Annemarie Harms

NNeewwsslleetttteerr SSttaaffff::

Editor Hermann Koelmel

Transcription Christa Scheitz

Introducing Doris Vogt

Reporters Club Members Talent Corner Hildegard Edling

Archives Hildegard Edling