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  • 8/14/2019 05 ArijitD Medicine Review





    n the approach in the diagnosis of pleural effusion the first step is to

    determine whether the effusion is a transudate or exudates (Light et al

    1995 & Sahn 1988). An extensive diagnosis workup is needed in cases with

    exudative effusion to determine the aetiology [Light et aI 1972]. Till the time

    of Paddok [1940] who used the PH, specific gravity and pleural fluid protein

    to divide the exudates from transudates. It becomes the standard parameter to

    divide the pleural fluid as exudates and transudates by a pleural fluid protein

    concentration of greater than and less than 3.0 gm/dl respectively till 1972.

    Light and coworkers [1972] demonstrated that misclassifications of 10% cases

    were made using the parameter of pleural fluid protein of3.0 gl/dl alone.


    Anatomy of Pleura:

    The pleura is the serous membrane that covers the lung

    parenchyma, the mediastinum, diaphragm and the rib cages. This is divided

    into visceral and parietal pleura. The visceral pleura covers the points of

    contact with wall, diaphragm mediastinum and the interlobar tissues. The

    parietal pleura line the inside of the thoracic cavity. In accordance with the

    intrathoracic surfaces it is divided into the costal, mediastinal and

    diaphragmatic pleura the visceral and parietal pleura meet at the lung root. At

    the pulmonary hilus the mediastinal pleura is swept laterally onto the root of

    the lung. Posterior to the lung root the pleura are carried downward as a thin

    double fold called the pulmonary ligament[Light et al, 1995].

    A film of fluid is normally present between the parietal and the

    visceral pleura. This thin layer of fluid acts as a lubricant and allows the

    visceral pleura covering the lung to slide along the parietal pleura lining the

    thoracic cavity during respiratory movements. A potential space present

    between two layers of pleura is designated the pleural space. The mediastinum

    separates the right from the left pleural space in humans.

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    Development of Pleura and Pleural Space:

    The body cavity in the embryo, the coelomic cavity is a U

    shaped system with the thick bend cephalad. The cephalad portion becomes

    pericardium and communicates bilaterally with the pleural canals, which in

    turn communicates with peritoneal canals. As the embryo develops, the

    coelomic cavity becomes divided into the pericardium, the pleural cavities

    and the peritoneal cavities through the development of the sets of partition

    (1) The septum transversum which serves as an early, partial diaphragm.

    (2) Pleuropericardial membrane which divides the pericardial and pleural

    cavities and

    (3) Pleuroperitoneal membranes which unites with the septum transversum

    to complete the partition between each pleura and peritoneal cavities.

    This newly formed pleural cavity fully lined by a mesothelial

    membranes, the pleura.

    When the primordial bronchial buds first appear they and the

    trachea lie in a median mass of mesenchyme, cranial and dorsal to the

    peritoneal cavity. The mass of the mesenchymal tissue is the future

    mediastinum and separates the two pleura cavities. As the growing primordial

    lung buds bulge into the right and left pleural cavity. They carry with them a

    covering of the living mesothelium, which becomes the visceral pleura. As the

    separate lobes evolve they retain the mesothelial covering.

    This becomes the visceral pleura and the living mesothelium of

    the pleural cavity becomes the parietal pleura [Light et al1995].

    Nerve Supply of Pleura:

    The parietal pleura are supplied by the somatic nerves. These are:

    (1) Inter costal nerves, supply the costal pleura and parietal pleura and

    peripheral part of the diaphragmatic pleura.


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    (2) Phrenic nerve supplies the mediastinal and central portion of the

    diaphragmatic pleura. These somatic nerves are pain sensitive and

    innervates the part of the pleura supplies by inter costal nerve is

    referred to the adjacent chest wall and the pleura supplied by the

    phrenic nerve referred to ipsi lateral shoulder.

    The visceral pleura are supplied by autonomic nerves, so it is

    not pain sensitive [Singh 1993].

    Blood Supply of Pleura:

    The parietal pleura receives its blood supply from the systemic

    capillaries. Small branches of the inter costal arteries supply the costal pleura

    whereas mediastinal pleura is supplied principally by the pericardiophrenic

    artery. The diaphragmatic pleura are supplied by the superior phrenic and

    musculophrenic arteries. The veins drain mostly into the azygos and internal

    thoracic veins. The visceral pleura are supplied mainly by the branches of the

    bronchial artery which divides into a network of much dilated capillaries

    [Hayek 1960; Harris et al1977].

    Lymphatic Drainage:

    The lymphatic vessels of the costal pleura drain ventrally toward the

    nodes along the internal thoracic artery and dorsally toward the internal inter

    costal lymph nodes near the heads of the ribs. The lymphatics of the mediastinal

    pleura pass to the tracheobronchial and mediastinal nodes, where as the lymphatics

    of the diaphragmatic pleura pass to the parasternal, middle phrenic and posterior

    mediastinal nodes [Bernauddin et al1980]. The lymphatics of the visceral pleura

    drain subpleurally into interlober vessels then to hilar nodes [Burke et al1966].

    Microanatomy of the Pleura:

    The microstructure of the pleura consists of a single layer of

    mesothelial cells, without basement membranes. A layer of compressed


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    connective tissue which may be up to 100mm thick separate it from the

    adipose tissue of the chest wall [Parietal pleura] and alveoli [visceral

    pleura]. Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves are distributed in the substance

    of pleura [Sheldon et alI981].

    Applied Anatomy:

    Normal visceral pleura glides smoothly over the parietal pleura

    during respiration and does not produce any appreciable auscultalory sound.

    But if the pleura is inflamed a friction sound is produced. The sound

    gradually disappears if fluid accumulates in the pleural cavities due to any

    cause. If a massive amount of fluid collects in this pleural cavity, the heart

    and mediastinum are displaced toward the opposite side and the lung

    gradually collapse. Entry ofair into the pleural cavities due to any cause may

    also results in collapse of the lung due to contraction of the elastic tissue of

    the lung, which is normally prevented by negative intra pleural pressure.

    Physiological Aspects of Pleura:

    The pleura transmit the force generated by the respiratory

    muscles to the lung. During normal respiration there is a pressure negative to

    atmosphere, [about 5mm Hg et FRC] within the pleural space. This would

    tend to suck the capillary fluid and gas from surrounding tissue into the space.

    A hydrostatic pressure difference exist between the parietal pleural capillaries

    supplied by the systemic arterial vessels [about 30mm Hg] and visceral

    pleural capillaries supplied by the pulmonary arterial vessels [about 11 mm

    Hg]. Plasma oncotic pressure is the same in both sets of capillaries [about

    35mm Hg], while plural osmotic pressure is only about 6mm Hg, since little

    protein is able to escape from the adjacent healthy capillaries. Thus there is a

    net force driving fluid fromparietal capillaries to pleural space [5306 + 35

    = 6mm Hg] and similarly a force driving pleural fluid into visceral

    capillaries and lymphatics [5116 + 35 = + 13 mmHg]. This results in a


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    regular transfer of low protein fluid parietal pleura to visceral pleura, the

    drivingforcebeing approximately 19mmHg.

    The pleural fluid is in a dynamic state between 30 75% of the

    water being turned over every hour. This is accelerated by increased lung

    movements, as in exercise. Protein and particles are turned over much less

    rapidly, being absorbed by lymphatics only [Leckie et al 1965]. Stomata

    leading to lymphatics have been demonstrated over the lower mediastinal,

    chest wall, and diaphragmatic pleura [Leaket al 1978]. These together with

    the valves of the lymphatics ensue transport of protein and particulate

    containing f lu id from the pleural space. Any disease which cause

    inflammatory or neoplastic changes in the parietal pleura is likely to decrease

    protein reabsorption and therefore alters the fluid hydrodynamics in such a

    way to increase the size if the effusion.

    The pleural space is lubricated by a thin layer of fluid and this is

    probably in concert with the more efficient surface active phospholipid i.e.

    surfactant [Hills et al1982].

    Pleural Effusion:

    Definition: Pleural effusion is the accumulation of serous fluid in the

    pleural space [Edward et al, 1995].

    Pleural fluid is an ultra filtrate of plasma & usually there is less

    than 10ml of fluid in each pleural cavity (Black LF et al1972).

    Mechanism of Pleural Effusion:

    Pleural fluid is in a dynamic state [Seaton et al, 1993]. Normal

    pleural fluid turnover in the pleural space is about 12 lit / day. Two factors

    prevent the accumulation of fluid in pleural cavity under physiological

    circumstances [Bensons, 1996].

    (1) Hydrostatic gradient between the capillaries of parietal and visceral pleural.


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    (2) Lymphatic system absorbing fluid and proteins in the pleural space.

    The factor that alters the equilibrium between the formation and

    absorption pleural fluid results in pleural effusion. The factors that alter the

    equilibrium are [a] an imbalance between the hydrostatic and oncotic pressure in

    the pleural capillaries, [b] alteration in the permeability in the pleural

    capillaries, [c] impaired lymphatic drainage and [d] abnormal sites of entry

    [Bensons, 1996]. As a result of the factors altering the dynamics of pleural fluid

    formation the pleural effusion fluid can be either a transudate or an exudate.

    Exudate and Transudates:

    The gross appearance of the fluid may be helpful although most

    transudates & exudates are clear, may be straw coloured, odorless & non

    viscous, blood stained; turbid milky may suggest the particular cause (Jay S J

    et al1985).

    The first s tep in the evaluation of pleural effusion is to

    differentiate the exudate and transudates [Light et al, 1972]. If the pleural

    effusion fluid is transudate usually no further diagnostic work up is needed &

    on the other hand an extensive diagnostic investigation of pleural fluid is

    needed in case of exudate. A rough of differentiation between transudate and

    exudate is there but the differences are not sharp.

    The differentiation between exudates & transudate was based on

    the cell count the presence or absence of clots in the fluid & specific gravity

    Paddock F K (1940).

    Characteristics Exudates Transudate

    Macroscopic appearance

    Colour Amber coloured, Pale straw coloured,

    Clot on standing Turbid Clear

    Specific gravity > 1018 3g%

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    For many years pleural fluid protein level of more than 3g% was

    used frequently to separate exudates from transudates [Carr et al, 1958].

    However Light and his colleagues [1972] found 18% of total misclassification

    rate when the pleural fluid protein concentration of more than 3g% was used.

    The works done by Light, Macgregor, Luchsinger and Ball [1972] showed that

    simultaneously obtained pleural fluid and serum protein and LDH values

    correctly classify 99% of cases into exudates or transudates. Light criteria


    (1) Pleural fluid protein divided by serum protein greater than 0.5.

    (2) Pleural fluid LDH divided by serum LDH greater than 0.6.

    (3) Pleural fluid LDH greater than two thirds the upper limit of normal

    for the serum LDH.

    Exudates meet one or more of the criteria but the transudates

    meet none [Light 1995].

    Causes, of Pleural Effusion:

    (1) Transudative Pleural Effusion:

    (i) Increased hydrostatic p ressure:

    (a) Congestive cardiac failure.

    (b) Constrictive pericarditis.

    (c) Pericardial effusion.

    (d) Constrictive cardiomyopathy.

    (e) Massive pulmonary embolism.

    (ii) Decreased capillary oncotic pressure:

    (a) Cirrhosis of Liver

    (b) Nephrotic syndrome.

    (c) Malnutrition.

    (d) Protein losing enteritis.

    (e) Small bowel disease.


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    (iii) Transmission from peritoneum:

    (a) Any cause of ascites.

    (b) Peritoneal dialysis.

    (iv) Increased capillary permeability:

    (a) Small pulmonary emboli.

    (b) Myxoedema.

    (2) ExudativePleural Effusion:

    (i) Neoplasms:

    (a) Mesothelioma.

    (b) Pleural sarcoma.

    (c) Lymphoma.

    (d) Metastases.

    (ii) Infections:

    (a) Pneumonia, abscess.

    (b) Tuberculosis.

    (c) Fungal and actinomycotic disease.

    (d) Subphrenic abscess.

    (e) Hepatic amoebiasis.

    (iii) Immune disorders:

    (a) Post myocardial infarct/cardiotomy syndrome

    (b) Rheumatoid disease.

    (c) Systemic lupus erythematosus.

    (d) Wegener's granulomatosis

    (e) Rheumatic fever.

    (iv) Abdominal diseases:

    (a) Pancreatitis.

    (b) Uremia.

    (c) Other causes ofperitoneal exudates.


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    (v) Pulmonary embolism and infarct ion

    (vi) Other causes:

    (a) Sarcoidosis.

    (b) Drug reaction.

    (c) Radiation therapy.

    (d) Asbestos exposure.

    (e) Recurrent poly serositis.

    (f) Yellow nail syndrome.

    (g) Oesophageal perforation

    Clinical Features of Pleural Effusion:

    The effects of accumulation of fluid in the pleural spaces

    depends on the cause and the amount of fluid. Small effusion are symptom

    less and even a large effusion if they accumulate very slowly may cause little

    or no discomfort to the patients. The presence of moderate to large amount of

    pleural fluid produces symptoms and characteristic change on physical

    examination [Seaton et al1993].


    The commonest symptom of pleural effusion is breathlessness

    [Edward et al1995]. Localized pleuritic chest pain is associated in the early

    part of the pleurisy and subsides when pleural effusion occurs. Dry, non

    productive cough is frequently present. A dull aching chest pain with effusion

    is suggestive of malignancy [Light 1995].

    Physical Examination:

    Inspection: Pleural effusion can increase the relative size of the hemithorax

    on the same side of effusion. The intercostal spaces may be bulged or indrawn

    depending on the intra pleural pressure. The intercostal space may be

    retracted, if intrapleural pressure is decreased, during the inspiration.


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    Movement of the hemithorax with respiration may be reduced on the side of


    Palpation: Apex beat or trachea may be shifted to the opposite side depending

    on the size of the effusion[Munro et al1995]. Tactile vocal fremitus is either

    diminished or absent in areas of the chest where pleural fluid separates the

    lung from chest wall.

    Percussion:The percussion note over the pleural effusion can be dull or stony

    dull, The dullness is maximum at the lung bases where the thickness of the

    fluid is greatest. Shifting of dullness to percussion is a definite indication ofpresence of the free fluid in the pleural cavity.

    Auscultation: Auscultation over the pleural fluid characteristically reveals

    decreased or absent breath sounds, Occasionally breath sounds may be

    accentuated near the superior border of the fluid for which bronchial breath

    sounds or aegophony can be heard, This phenomenon has been attributed to

    increased conductance of breath sounds through the partially atelectatic lung

    beneath the fluid, Pleural rub may be audible in some cases in early part of

    the pleurisy with pleural effusion.


    The fluid accumulates in the most dependent parts of the

    thoracic cavity due to the effect of gravity as fluid is more dense than the

    lung, The fluid will increase the density which is radiologically evident when

    an X ray beam is passed through the fluid.

    Typical radiological appearance of moderate sized effusion [~1000 ml]:

    In Posteroanterior Projection:

    Lateral costophrenic angle is obliterated.

    Density of the fluid is higher laterally curves gently downward and

    medially with smooth meniscus shaped upper border to terminate at

    the mediastinum.


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    In Lateral Projection:

    The upper surface of the fluid density is semicircular high anteriorly

    and posteriorly. Curving smoothly downward to its lowest part in the

    midway between the sternum and posterior chest wall (Fraser et al


    Minimal effusion [~500 ml]:

    In Lateral Projection:

    Fluid accumulation may be localized in the space between the lung

    base and diaphragm and some times may spilled to obliterate the

    posterior costophrenic angle.

    1n Lateral Decubitus Projection:

    Free fluid is seen as a homogeneous density with a straight horizontal

    superior border between the dependent chest wall and lower border of

    the lung. The distance is usually < 10 mm.

    Massive effusion:

    The entire hemithorax is opacified and mediastinal shadow may

    be shifted to the opposite side [Light 19951].

    Atypical effusion:

    The typical arrangement of fluid in the pleural space depends

    upon underlying lung free of disease and therefore having uniform elastic

    recoil. If the lung underlying the effusion is diseased, the elastic recoil of the

    diseased portion is frequently different from that of remainder of the lung,

    and fluid accumulates most where the elastic recoil is greatest. The effusion

    may be loculated or fissural sometimes subpulmonic(Fleischneret al1963).

    Ultrasound can detect very minimal amount of fluid in the

    pleural cavity. CT, MRI can detect the presence of fluid as well as pleural or

    parenchymal pathology.


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    Laboratory tests in differential diagnosis of transudates and exudates:

    The accumulation of clinically detectable quantities of pleural

    fluid is distinctly abnormal. A diagnostic thoracentesis should be attempted

    whenever the thickness of pleural fluid on decubitus radiograph is greater

    than 10mm [Light 1995] and the information available from the examination

    of pleural fluid is invaluable in the management of the patient.

    (1) Gross Examination:

    Transudates are usually clear, straw coloured, nonviscid and

    odorless. Exudates may be hemorrhagic or turbid but also may be straw

    coloured. If a turbid fluid becomes clear on centrifuge, it is probably due to

    increased cell number and if remain unchanged probably it is due to high lipid

    content [Light 1995].

    A bloody viscous pleural fluid may be due to malignant

    mesothelioma or pyothorax of long standing duration.

    (2) Microscopic Examination:

    Red blood cells: Hemorrhagic effusion is usually associated with exudates but

    about 15% transudates also may have a hemorrhagic pleural fluid [Light


    While Blood Cell Counl: Most transudates usually have a WBC count 10,000/cm in the pleural

    fluid [Light 1973].

    Neutrophils:They are predominantly present in acute inflammatory exudates.

    Transudates usually do not have neutrophils in their pleural fluid [Light


    Eosinophils:Pleural fluid Eosinophilia is due to either air or blood in pleural

    space, Parasitic infestations & traumatic hemothorax [Spriggs et al, 1968].


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    Eosinophilia in pleural effusion is usually due to malignancy or tuberculosis.

    Transudates usually do not have eosinophilia.

    Lvmphocvtes: Mostly present in exudative pleural effusion and approximately

    one third of transudates have lymphocytes in their pleural fluid [Light 1973].

    Mesothelial cells: Transudates usually have a higher number of mesothelial

    cells. Though other pleural exudates may have mesothelial cells in their fluid,

    tubercular exudates do not have a mesothelial cell more than five [Light 1995].

    (3) Specific Gravity:

    Specific gravity gr measured with a hydrometer was used to separate

    the transudates and exudates in the past [Paddok 1940]. A specific gravity of 1.015

    correspond to a protein content of 3.o g/dl and this value was used to separate the

    exudates and transudate [Paddok, 1941]. A specific gravity below 1.015 is

    associated with transudative effusion and above with an exudative effusion.

    (4) Protein:

    Most of the transudates have a low pleural fluid protein content

    and the exudates a higher protein content [Carr et al 1958]. Pleural fluid

    protein content of 3.0 g/dl is used to classify the transudates and exudates. A

    transudative effusion usually have pleural fluid protein content of less than

    3.0 gm/dl and exudates have a value greater than 3.0 g/dl. A pleural fluid

    protein to serum protein ratio of less than 0.5 is associated with transudative

    effusions and a ratio greater than 0.5 is associated with exudative pleural

    effusions [Light et al 1972]. However an erroneous classification of 8% of

    transudate and 11 % of exudates occurred.

    (5) Lactic Acid Dehydrogenase:

    Raised lactic acid dehydrogenase [LDH] levels are characteristic

    of all inflammatory causes of pleural effusion [Kirkeby and Prydz, 1959]. So

    the exudative pleural effusions have a higher LDH and transudate have a low


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    LDH level in pleural fluid. An LDH level of greater than upper two thirds of

    that of the normal serum level or greater than 200 IU is associated with an

    exudates pleural effusion. [Light et al, 1972] and the transudates have an

    LDH level less than that. A pleural fluid LDH to serum LDH ration of greater

    than 0.6 is associated with an exudative effusion and a ratio less than 0.6

    indicates a transudative effusion [Light et al1972].

    (6) Cholesterol:

    Cholesterol in the pleural fluid arises from the degeneration of

    red blood cells and white blood cells [Hamm et al 1991]. A pleural fluid

    cholesterol concentration of 60 mg/dl is used to differentiate the exudates and

    transudates [Hamm et al, 1987]. An exudative pleural effusion has a pleural

    fluid cholesterol concentration greater than 60 mgldl and the transudates has a

    ratio of pleural fluid to serum cholesterol of 0.3 is also used to differentiate

    the exudates and the transudates. An exudate has a ratio greater than 0.3 and

    the transudates has a ratio less than 0.3. [Valdes et al1991].

    (7) Bilirubin:

    Meisel et al[1990] used the parameter of Pleural fluid to serum

    bilirubin of.6 to classify pleural transudates and exudates. Transudative

    pleural fluids have a pleural fluid to serum bilirubin ratio of < 0.6 and in the

    exudates the ratio is > 0.6. However Burgess et al [1995] recorded a total

    misclassification of 25% with the pleural fluid to serum bilirubin ratio of 0.6.

    (8) Albumin:

    In 1990 Roth et al assessed the diagnostic value of serum

    effusion albumin gradient (ie. The difference between Serum albumin &

    Pleural fluid albumin) with a cut off value of 1.2gm/dcl. A SEAG value of

    more than 1.2gm/dl is indicative of transudates & SEAG less than 1.2gm/dcl

    is indicative of exudates.


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    Roth et al in a series of 59 patients used the serum effusion

    albumin gradient for the classification of pleural effusions with a cut of value

    of 1.2gm/dls, all the transudates & 39 of the 41 exudates were classified

    correctly with a sensitivity & specificity of 87 & 92 % respectively.

    Mutinas M et al in his study obtained the sensitivity of only

    63% & specificity of 81% with the serum effusion albumin gradient of 1.2


    K.B. Gupta et alstudied a total of 60 patients of pleural effusion

    of diverse etiology (ie, 12 transudates & 48 exudates) were evaluated forSEAG & results were compared with Lights criteria to distinguish between

    transudates & exudates. The cut off value of 1.2g/dl albumin gradient was

    able to differentiate transudate & exudate with sensitivity & specificity of

    100% only misclassification rate of 2% that too in exudates & 0% in


    M C Dharet alstudied a total of 50 patients of pleural effusion

    of diverse etiology (ie. 15 transudates & 35 exudates) the serumeffusion

    albumin gradient & Lights criteria were compared. Lights criteria correctly

    identified all the exudates but misdiagnosed 2 of the 5 transudates (cases of

    heart failure). By using albumin gradient of 1.2g/dl or less all the patient were

    correctly diagnosed. Sensitivity for identifying exudates was 100% with

    Lights criteria but for transudates it was 87%. The corresponding sensitivity

    for identifying exudates & transudates with albumin gradient was 100% (Dhar

    et al2000).

    (9) Glucose:

    Glenger and Wiggers [1957] from their study suggested the

    estimations of pleural fluid glucose level in diagnosis of tuberculosis and

    malignancies. They suggested a value of 30mg% or less should be diagnostic

    of tuberculosis, the value between 3060mg% should be treated as


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    tuberculosis unless proved otherwise and value above 60mg% as malignant

    diseases or other causes of pleural effusion. Calnan et al [1951] also

    supported with the findings from their study that a value of pleural fluid

    glucose level below 60% is strongly suggestive of tuberculous origin of the

    fluid and value above 100mg% indicate the fluid is probably non tuberculous


    However Carr and Power [1960] reported that pleural effusion

    with rheumatoid pleurisy had a pleural fluid glucose level varying from

    5 7mg%. Light et al [1973] also showed that in pleural effusion due to

    malignancy, frequently the glucose level below is encountered.

    (10) Alkaline Phosphatase:

    Lubber [1963] reported that pleural effusion due to neoplastic

    diseases have a high alkaline phosphatase level in their pleural fluid. Seth et

    al also reported that the alkaline phosphatase level is higher in neoplastic

    diseases than tuberculosis, however without any statistical significance. Morel

    et al [1991] in a computer aided discrimination analysis found that the

    measurement of alkaline phosphatase level in pleural fluid may differentiate

    the tubercular from the neoplastic exudates. Feldstein [1963] in his study

    found no utility of pleural fluid alkaline phosphatase estimation.

    Out of extensive causes of pleural effusion some of the common

    causes in relation to the plan of study are reviewed.

    Tubercular Pleural Effusion:

    In many areas of the world, tuberculosis remains the most

    common cause of pleural effusion in the absence of demonstrable pulmonary

    disease (Valdes et al 1996). Pleural involvement with tuberculosis is a

    common manifestation of primary infection with direct extension from a sub -

    pleural focus. A large number of cases of pleural effusion in tuberculosis is

    probably due to delayed hypersensitivity reaction involving the pleura (Allen


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    JC et al1968 & Yamanotoz S et al1976) & most of the pleural fluid cultures

    are negative for tubercle bacilli (Bueno CE et al 1990). Occasionally

    tubercular empyema occurs due to rupture of caseous or lung cavity (Berger

    HW et al 1973). Although tuberculosis is considered a chronic illness,

    tubercular pleuritis most commonly manifest as acute illness. Most of the

    patients have nonproductive cough, pleuritic chest pain and are febrile.

    Sometimes the onset is less acute with mild chest pain, low grade fever, non

    productive cough, weight less and easy fatiguability (Moudgil H et al).

    The patients with tuberculuos pleurities are younger than patients with parenchymal tuberculosis and patients with pleural effusion

    secondary to reactivation tend to be older than those with post primary pleural

    effusion(Aho K et al 1968). Pleural effusion secondary to tuberculuos

    pleurisy are almost always unilateral and usually small to moderate in size.

    About one third of patients have radiologically demonstrable active

    parenchymal disease (Valdes et al1998).

    Laboratory Investigation:

    Blood:ESR is elevated and most of the patients do not have Leukocytosis.

    Sputum: Zhiel Neelsen stain of sputum for acid fast bacilli in most of the

    patients is negative.

    Diagnostic Thoracentesis and Pleural Fluid Analysis:

    Pleural fluid is usually exudate and straw coloured and on

    microscopic examination reveals predominance of lymphocytes. Centrifuged

    deposit of pleural fluid may show presence of acid fast bacilli after Zheil

    Neelsen stain. AFB can sometimes be cultured in LowensteinZensen media

    or newer rapid BACTEC system. Mesothelial cells usually not raised above

    5% in tubercular pleural effusion (Spriggs et al1968).


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    Tuberculin Test:(Light R W, Pleural disease 4 th edition)

    It is helpful in diagnosing primary tubercular infection in

    younger patients under 5 years. Tuberculin positivity in general population is

    very high and may only indicate prior BCG vaccination or harmless non

    progressive primary infection. It does not either help to establish or discard

    the diagnosis of tuberculosis in adult. Though in some instance like

    tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes [cervical] shows strong tuberculin

    positivity and pleural tuberculosis a positive tuberculin test. A negative

    tuberculin test virtually excludes the diagnosis of tuberculosis except in some

    special situations like

    Acute viral infection (e.g., Measles)

    Immunosuppressed persons (e.g., AIDS or Corticosteroids)

    Women in third trimester (pregnancy)

    Moribund/ Cachectic patients.

    Early part of tubercular pleurisy and pleural effusion due to

    sequestration lymphocytes at the local sites.

    Pleural Biopsy:

    Pleural biopsy has its greater utility in establishing the diagnosis

    of tubercular pleuritis, pleural effusion. Demonstration of granuloma in the

    biopsy specimen is suggestive of tuberculosis in 95% of cases where caseous

    necrosis, presence of AFB need not be demonstrated (Light R W 1998).

    Malignant Pleural Effusion:

    Malignant diseases involving the pleural are leading causes of

    Pleural effusion (Sprigg A I et al 1968). Carcinoma of the lung, breast, and

    lymphoma accounts for approximately 15% of malignant pleural effusions.

    Other tumour that cause malignant pleural effusion are ovarian carcinoma,


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    primary tumour of pleura [mesothelioma] and other small number of cases are

    caused by sarcoma, malignant melanoma (Anderson et al1974).

    Malignant disease can directly or indirectly results in pleural

    effusion & direct pleural metastasis of malignant tumor increases the

    permeability of the pleural surfaces. Decreased clearance of fluid from the

    pleural space due to the obstruction of lymphatics in the parietal pleural or

    metastatic involvement of mediastinal lymph nodes causing obstruction to the

    draining lymphatics from parietal pleural, are other mechanisms of production

    of malignant pleural effusion (Light R W 1997). Pleural effusion may be an

    indirect result of malignancy due to hypo albuminemia, post obstruction

    pneumonitis, pulmonary embolism, post radiation therapy or

    chemotherapeutic agents [e.g. Methotrexate, cyclophosphamide]. Pleural

    effusion which is sometimes the first manifestation of malignant disease is

    usually massive and difficulty in breathing is an early prominent symptom

    (Chernow B et al1977).

    Diagnostic Thoracentesis and Pleural Fluid Analysis:

    Pleural fluid may be serous or blood stained (Jarvi O H et al

    1972). Red blood cell count greater than 1 lakh mm usually suggest malignant

    pleural disease. Pleural fluid LDH,cholesterol, alkaline phosphates, carcino

    embryonic antigens are raised (Light R W et al1972, Ordonez N G et al1999,

    Light R W 1973). Pleural fluid glucose is low. Cytological examination of

    pleural fluid may demonstrate malignant cells in 60 80% of cases (Bueno C

    E et al1980).

    Pleural Biopsy:

    A needle biopsy of pleura may be of considerable value in the

    diagnosis of the cause of the malignant pleural effusion.The incidence of

    positive pleural biopsy ranges from 39 75% (Salyer W Ret al1975, First A

    V et al).


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    Parapneumonic Effusion:

    Pleural effusion associated with bacterial pneumonia lung

    abscess or bronchiectasis are a para pneumonic effusion (Ligt R W et al

    1973). 40% of bacterial pneumonia are associated with parapneumonic

    effusion (Light R W 1980). Pleural effusion in pneumonia results from

    inflammation of pleura over an area of parenchymal infection and as a result

    there is leakage of fluids, proteins into the pleural space (Andrews N E et al

    1962). Parapneumonic effusion is commonly associated with streptococcus,

    staphylococcus and anaerobic gramnegative bacteria.


    Laboratory Investigations:

    Blood: There is a definite leukocytosis with polymorphonuclear cells raised

    than lymphocytes. ESR is raised.

    Pleural Fluid Analysis:

    It shows the characteristics of an exudate where plenty of

    polymorphs predominates. Pleural fluid PHis reduced not more than 7.2, LDH

    < 1000 IU/lit, glucose level low (Light R W 1980).

    Pleural Biopsy:

    It only shows non specific changes in the pleura in majority of


    Pleural Effusion in Other Infections:

    Viral infection is common cause of exudative pleural effusion.

    This is due to increased permeability of pleural capillaries. About 20% with

    mycoplasma pneumonia have pleural effusion (Fine N L et al 1970). Pleural

    effusion is occasionally seen in patients with fungal infections like


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    aspergillosis, cryptococcosis, coccidioidomycosis and others. Most cases of

    pulmonary actinomycosis and about 25% of nocardiasis (Bates M et al1957,

    Present C A et al 1974) have pleural effusion. About 35% of patients with

    amoebic liver abscess develop pleural effusion (Le Rowx B T et al1969). It

    results from subphrenic inflammation and sometimes direct rupture into the

    pleural cavity results in typical' anchovy sauce' like effusion. Diagnosis can

    be made by demonstrating the offending organism in the pleural fluid,

    detecting specific antigens or rising titer of the specific antibodies in pleural

    fluid. Pleural biopsy is nonspecific.


    Accumulation of pus in the pleural cavity is called empyema.

    The excess of white cells denotes active intrapleural infection. Empyema

    usually follows a pulmonary infection in the form of pneumonia, lung abscess

    or bronchiectasis but may occur after septicemia, thoracic surgery, penetrating

    chest wound or following transdiaphragmatic extension from a subphrenic or

    hepatic abscess. Tubercular empyema can result when the caseous material

    enters the pleural cavity from a superficial lung cavity, paratracheal gland or

    paravertebral abscess resulting from pott's spine(Weese et al1973).

    Infection in the pleural space result in inflammatory exudate

    with pus cell and organisms and gradually involves the production of

    fibrinous adhesion between visceral and parietal pleural may cause loculation

    of the fluid. The pus in the pleural space is often under considerable pressure

    and if the condition is inadequately treated there may be rupture into a

    bronchus producing broncho pleural fistula or through an intercostal space

    producing empyema necessitates.

    Aerobic gram positive organism like streptococcus pneumoniae,

    staph. aureus, S. Pyogenes are the most common organism which produce

    empyema. E. coli is the most common gram negative organism and bacteriod,


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    peptostreptococcus are commonly isolated anaerobic organisms. Other

    uncommon organism which can produce empyema are M. Tuberculosis, fungi,

    parasites(Alfogeme et al1993).

    Empyema produced by aerobic organisms usually produces an

    acute illness and anaerobic organism produces a sub acute illness.

    Laboratory Investigation:

    ESR is usually raised and there is polymorphonuclear

    leukocytosis which is more marked with empyema produced by anaerobic


    Pleural Fluid Analysis:

    Pleural fluid is frankly purulent with low PH, low glucose and

    raised LDH level. Gram stain or Zhiel Neelsen stain may demonstrate the

    offending agent. Pleural fluid culture most commonly isolate the aerobic

    organisms accounting for about 53% cases and remaining are mixed aerobes

    25% and anaerobes 22%,

    Pleural Biopsy:

    Pleural biopsy specimen shows the structure of a pyogenic membrane

    with polymorphonuclear leukocytes infiltration in case of acute empyema.


    Passive transudation of fluid into pleural cavity is called

    hydrothroax. This occurs as result of three basic mechanisms

    (1) Systemic venous hypertension.

    (2) Pulmonary venous hypertension

    (3) Reduced plasma oncotic pressure Rarely transudation can be as a

    result of direct leakage of fluid from the interstitial space of the lung. In

    ascites right sided pleural effusion can occur because of direct passage


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    of ascitic fluid across the diaphragm through small defective pores.

    Congestive heart failure is the commonest cause of transudative

    pleural effusion which occurs in about 60 70% symptomatic congestive

    heart failure patients (Glazier J B et al). The elevated systemic as well as

    pulmonary venous pressure increase the escape of fluid into pleural space and

    decreased lymphatic clearance of pleural fleid. Most of the pleural effusion in

    CHF are bilateral, roughly of equal volume in both sides. Unilateral effusion

    most common in right side. Pleural fluid is a transudate.

    Diuretics usually change the characteristic of pleural fluid.Biopsy is nonspecific. Effusion disappears with successful treatment of heart


    Pleural effusion occurs occasionally as a complication of hepatic

    cirrhosis with ascites in 5% of cases (Lieberman F L et al1966 & Lieberman

    1970). Right sided effusion is more common. Hypoalbuminaemia is a major

    contributory factor in development of pleural effusion. In some ascitic fluid

    pass directly into the pleural space either through the defects in the diaphragm

    or via lymphatics, Pleural fluid is a transudate and the protein level is slightly

    higher than the ascitic protein, It can be sometimes blood tinged and pleural

    biopsy is nonspecific(Lieberman F L et al1966 & Lieberman 1970).

    Pleural Effusion in Collagen Vascular Disease:

    Pleural effusion is quiet common in patients with rheumatoid

    arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, drug induced lupus etc. Other

    collagen vascular diseases, which can produce pleural effusion are Wegener's

    granulomatosis, Churgstrauss syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, familial

    mediterranean fever etc.

    Rheumatoid Disease:

    Rheumatoid disease are occasionally complicated by exudative


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    pleural effusion that characteristically have low pleural fluid glucose level.

    They occur in about 3 % of patients with active rheumatoid disease and are

    more common in man than woman. Although pleural effusion usually

    unilateral, but they can be bilateral in 20% cases. Pleural fluid is exudative

    and may appear turbid due to presence of cholesterol crystals or high

    cholesterol level [chyliform effusion], low pleural fluid glucose of less than

    45mg/dl, high LDH level of >700 IU/L and high rheumatoid factor titers.

    Cellular elements are mostly polymorphs. Pleural biopsy has a limited role in

    the diagnosis of rheumatoid pleural disease although the specimen may show

    rheumatoid nodule diagnostic of rheumatoid pleurisy (Walker W C et al1967

    & Horler A Ret al1959).

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus:

    Pleural involvement is common in SLE. Approximately 50% of

    patients have pleurisy and majority of them have pleural effusion at some

    stage of the disease. Effusion is usually small. Most patients are female. Many

    drugs like hydralazine, procainamide, isoniazid, phenytion, chlorpromazine

    are associated with lupus like syndrome. Some patients with SLE may have

    nephrotic syndrome and may have hypoproteinemia and pleural effusion.

    Pleural fluid shows ploymorpho nuclear leukocytosis, low pleural fluid

    glucose, raised LDH and have characteristics of exudate. Estimation of anti

    nuclear antibody is suggestive (>1:320). Demonstration of LE. Cells in

    pleural fluid is diagnostic. Pleural biopsy is useful if combined with

    immunofluorescence techniques (Winslow WA et al1958 & Alarcon Segovia

    Dete 1961).

    Pleural Effusion due to Pulmonary Embolism:

    Pulmonary embolism as a cause of pleural effusion is commonly

    overlooked. Pleural effusion occurs in 3050% of patients with pulmonary

    embolism (Fedullo P F et al 2000). Patients usually presents with pleuritic


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    chest pain and dyspnoea out of proportion to the amount of effusion.

    Pleural effusion may occur due to:

    (1) Obstruction of the pulmonary vasculature leading to systemic venous

    congestion or

    (2) Increased permeability of pleural capillaries due to release of

    inflammatory mediators from the platelet rich thrombi and a minor

    role is played by ischemia of the visceral pleura which may contribute

    to the increased capillary permeability. (Bynum L J et al 1976)

    Laboratory Investigations:

    Pleural fluid analysis or pleural biopsy does not help in

    diagnosis except to exclude other causes of pleural effusions. In 24% of

    patients pleural fluid is transudative and exudative in the remaining.

    Sometimes can be blood tinged. Diagnosis is suggested by Lungscan or

    pulmonary arteriography.


    Serum Protein and Serum Albumin: The term protein is derived from

    "proteios"which means holding first place. As the name indicate these group

    of compound is the most important of cell components present abundantly in

    cytoplasm and the cell walls.

    Chemistry:Proteins are high molecular weight polypeptides. They contains C,

    H, 0 & N. In some proteins small amount of sulphur or phosphorus also

    present. Proteins are large molecules and can be splitted into smaller units by

    hydrolysis which are the amino acids. The simplest form of protein structure

    is a long polypeptide chain containing an Nterminal amino acid with a

    carboxylic group. This is the primary structure of protein and this with

    conformational change into three dimensional form and combination of two or

    more polypeptides produces secondary, tertiary and quaternary structure of


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    About 3/4th of the body solids are proteins which includes

    structural proteins, enzymes, genes, protein that transport oxygen, muscle

    proteins that cause contraction.


    Depending on the overall shape and physical characteristics

    proteins are divided into:

    (1) Globular proteins

    (2) Fibrous proteins.

    (3) Conjugated proteins.

    Globular Proteins: They have a globular or elliptical shape, in general

    soluble in water or salt solution. Some of the important globular proteins are

    albumin, globulin, fibrinogen, hemoglobin and cytochromes. They constitute

    most of the plasma proteins and cellular enzymes.

    Fibrous Protein: They are highly complex and fibrillar proteins. Major types

    of fibrous proteins are collagen, elastin, keratin, actin and myosin. These

    fibrillar proteins have got the properties capable of stretching and recoil to

    their natural length also has a tendency to creep.

    Conjugated Proteins: Many proteins are combined as conjugated proteins

    with nonproteins substances. Conjugated proteins are

    Nucleo proteins: Contains highly basic amino acids and nucleic acids.

    Proteoglycans:Contains large amount of glycosamino glycans.

    Lipoproteins: Contains lipid with proteins.

    Chromoproteins:Composed of coloring agents.

    Phosphoproteins:Contains phosphorus.


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    Metalloproteins: Contains metallic ions which constitutes many


    Digestion and Absorption:

    The endogenous secretion of 25 gm/day of digestive enzymes

    and another 30 gm/ day of desquamated G I epithelium adds significantly to

    the average dietary intake of about 70 gm/ day of protein.

    Protein digestion first takes place in the lumen by the gastric

    and pancreatic enzymes [proteases]. These enzymes are activated by the

    brush border enteropeptidases. Then the oligopeptidases of the brush border

    cause digestion. The products of these reactions are absorbed as di or tri

    peptides as well as amino acids and are often Na+coupled. Further

    hydrolysis of these absorbed peptides occurs in the cytoplasm of the

    enterocytes. Amino acids leave the cells by carriers in the basolateral

    membranes moving down the concentration gradient. Once the amino acids

    are entered the cells they are conjugated and stored in the form of proteins

    which can be decomposed again by the intra cellular enzymes into amino

    acids released into blood. Liver, kidney, intestinal mucosal cells participate

    mostly in storage function and maintains a dynamic equilibrium between the

    plasma amino acids and the tissue proteins. Storage of protein in each cell

    types has an upper limit above which the excess amino acids are degraded and

    utilized for energy production or stored as fat.

    Degradation of protein and amino acids occur by deamination

    which ultimately produces urea and excreted in urine. Degradation can also

    occur through transamination reaction in which the proteins will be converted

    into intermediary substrates for carbohydrate or fat synthesis.

    Plasma Proteins:

    Three major types of protein are presented in plasma. They are

    (a) Albumin


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    (b) Globulin

    (c) Fibrinogen

    The level of certain plasma protein are also increased during

    acute inflammatory states or secondary to certain types of tissues damage and

    are known as acute phase reactants.

    Most of the plasma proteins are synthesised in liver on the

    membrane bound plyribosomes, however gamma globulins are synthesised in

    plasma cells certain other plasma proteins are also synthesised in other sides

    like endothelial cells.

    Most of the plasma proteins are glycoprotiens except the

    albumin which does not contain sugar residues, and exhibits polymorphism

    which can be demonstrated by elec trophoresis.


    Major plasma portent comprising 60% of total plasma proteins

    40% remains in the plasma and 60% in extra cellular space normal. Amount ofalbumin is 4.5 gm/dl. Liver produces about 12gms albumins per days

    representing about 25% of total hepatic protein synthesis and half of all of its

    secreted proteins.

    Plasma albumin is thought to be responsible for 7080% of the

    colloid osmotic pressure that prevents escape of fluid from the intra vascular

    space to extravascular space if colloid osmotic pressure is reduced markedly

    than the systemic hydrostatic pressure than the fluid will escape from the intra

    vascular space to extra vascular space. Serum or plasma albumin level may be

    increased in dehydration, shock, hemoconcentration, and administration of

    large quantities of dirutics albumin. Albumin levels decreased in malnutrition,

    nephrotic syndrome, chronic liver disease, neoplastic disease, leukemia etc.



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    Second major constituent of plasma proteins consisting about

    2.5 gm/dl. 6080% of the globulins are synthesised in liver and remaining by

    the lymphoid and other reticulo endothelial cells which are mostly

    immunoglobulins that constitute the antibodies.


    (1) Alpha globulins

    (2) Beta globulins

    (3) Gamma globulins


    It is a high molecular weight protein occurring in quantities of

    100700 mg/dl. Fibrinogen is found in liver and diseases of the liver may

    decrease the plasma level of fibrinogen. Because of the larger molecular size

    very little fibrinogen normally leaks into the interstitial spaces and since it is

    an essential factor for coagulation process, interstitial fluids coagulate poorly.

    When the permeability of the capillaries increased pathologically fibrinogen

    level may be raised and coagulation can occur much the same way that the

    whole blood and plasma clots. The extrinsic and intrinsic path ways of

    clotting ultimately leads to formation of fibrin from fibrinogen and fibrin

    clots. The fibrin clot ultimately will be lysed by plasmin and various

    fragments of fibrin called fibrin degradation products are released and can be

    detected in some diseases.

    Pleural Fluid Protein & Albumin:

    Normally pleural fluid contains about 1.5 g/dl of protein

    [Agostoni, 1972]. This amount of protein account for osmotic pressure of 8

    cm of water in the pleural fluid favouring absorption of fluid through the


    The pleural fluid protein are similar to that of the corresponding


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    serum except in that the low molecular weight proteins such as albumin are

    present in greater quantities in the intrapleural fluids Protein. Normally

    pleural fluids contains about 3.5 to 4.5 gm/dl of albumin. (Light RW et al


    Protein content gradually diminished in normal pleural fluid as

    the age increases due to the increase in the systemic vascular pressure

    [Broaddus et al1991].

    Pleural Fluid Protein in Transudates and Exudates:

    Transudative pleural effusions are the result of systemic,

    pulmonary venous hypertension, reduced plasma oncotic pressure and to

    lesser extent due to leakage of fluid from interstitial space of lung [Broaddus

    et al 1985]. Because the pleural membranes are not effected in these

    conditions the change in the pleural fluid content is less. Pleural fluid are

    classically divided into transudates and exudates by specific gravity, protein

    content and cell count [Paddok 1940]. Specific gravity of 1.0 15

    correspondence to a protein concentration of 3 g/dl in the pleural fluid.

    Transudates have a specific gravity of less than 1.015 and a protein

    concentration less than 3 g/ dl in the pleural fluid whereas an exudate have

    higher values than that. Pleural fluid to serum protein ratio is less than 0.5 in

    transudates and greater in exudates.

    Congestive heart failure is the most common cause of pleural

    effusion [Mofel et al], which accounts for 58% of all transudative pleural

    effusions. In most of the transudative pleural effusions [84%] due to

    congestive heart failure the pleural fluid protein concentration are below 3g/dl

    [Carr and Power 1958] and the pleural fluid to serum protein ratio is less than

    0.5 [Light et al1972]. The pleural fluid protein level may be raised with use

    of diuretics in treating congestive heart failure. Shinto and Light [1990] in

    their study on 15 patients one had developed characteristics of exudates when

    only protein was measured. Pleural effusions may also be associated with


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    hepatic cirrhosis and ascites. The pleural fluid in this condition originates in

    the peritoneal space and escapes across the diaphragm to enter into the pleural

    space [Johnston and Loo 1964]. In ascites with pleural effusion the pleural

    fluid protein is higher than the ascitic fluid protein [Lieberman et al1966] but

    still does not cross the transudative level.

    Hypoproteinemia with resultant reduced plasma oncotic pressure

    and increased hydrostatic pressure due to salt and water overload are that

    factors leading to pleural effusion in nephrotic syndrome. Cavina and Vichi

    [1958] found radiological evidence of pleural effusions in 21 % of nephrotics.

    Pulmonary emboli were demonstrated in 22% of nephrotics in one study

    [Liach et al 1975], which may account for pleural effusion and the protein

    content of the pleural fluid was in the transudative range [less than 3 gl/dl].

    Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis [CAPD] can result in

    pleural effusion due to the movement of the dialysate from peritoneal to

    pleural space, which is being used increasingly for treating the chronic renal

    failure [CRF] patients. In a Japanese study 16% of patients on CAPD was

    reporetd to have pleural effusions. The pleural fluid protein was typically

    intermediate between that of the dialysate and serum which was less than


    Pleural effusions occurring as a result of superior venacaval

    obstruction have a protein level about 1.22.2 gl/dl [Dhande et a11983].

    Tuberculosis is the most common cause of exudative pleural

    effusion (86%) found in a study from Rwanda (Balungwanayo et al 1993).

    They usually produce unilateral small to moderate size pleural effusion.

    Pleural fluid is frequently above 5gm/dl in tubercular effusions [Berger et al

    1973; Bueno et al1990; Chan et al1991].

    Malignancies in various ways effect the pleura and results in

    pleural effusions. The pleural fluid is characteristically exudative (Light et al

    1972), Pleural fluid to serum protein ratio is more than 0.5 in 20% of


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    malignant pleural effusion cases [Chernow et al 1977, Light et al 1972].

    Pleural fluid may attain a very high protein level in malignant pleural effusion

    [Leckie et al1965]. In a study by Ram et al(1995] protein level in malignant

    pleural effusion was upto 5.7 gm/dl. In another study by Seth et al [1986]

    pleural fluid protein found to be raised up to 8.4 gm/dl.

    Parapneumonic effusions mostly have a pleural fluid protein in

    the exudative range [Light et al 1980]. The protein level usually ranges

    between 3.4 5.3 gm/dl with a mean value of 4.2 glm/l [Van de Water 1970].

    Serum LDH:

    Lactate Dehydrogenase:

    Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a ubiquitous enzyme present in

    both plants and animals. It catalyses the reaction between pyruvate and lactate

    and vice versa, dependent on the abundance of either. As it can also

    dehydrogenate hydroxybutyrate, it is occasionally called Hydroxybutyrate

    Dehydrogenase (HBD). LDH requires NAD+ (Nicotinamide adenine

    dinucleotide) as a hydrogen acceptor.

    Enzyme Isoforms:

    Every enzyme is a tetramer of four subunits, where subunits are

    either H or M (based on theirelectrophoretic properties.) There are, therefore,

    five LDH isotypes:

    LDH1 (4H) in the heart

    LDH2 (3H1M) in the ret iculoendothelial system

    LDH3 (2H2M) in the lungs

    LDH4 (1H3M) in the kidneys

    LDH5 (4M) in the liver and striated muscle

    Usually LDH2 is the predominant form in the serum: if an

    LDH1 level is higher than the LDH2 level (a "flipped pattern"), myocardial


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    infarction is suggested. This method has been largely superseded by the use of

    Troponin I or T measurement.


    In medicine, LDH is often used as a marker of tissue breakdown.

    As LDH is abundant in red blood cells, it can function as a marker for

    hemolysis. A blood sample that has been handled incorrectly can show false

    positively high levels of LDH due to erythrocyte damage.

    Other uses are assessment of tissue breakdown in general; this is

    possible when there are no other indicators of hemolysis. It is used to follow

    up cancer patients, as cancer cells have a high rate of turnover, with destroyed

    cells leading to an elevated LDH activity.

    Measuring LDH in pleural effusion (or pericardial fluid) can

    help in the distinction between exudates (actively secreted fluid, e.g. due to

    inflammation) or transudates (passively secreted fluid, due to a high

    hydrostatic pressure or a low oncotic pressure). LDH is elevated (>200 U/l) in

    an exsudate and low in a transudate. In empyema, the LDH levels generally

    exceed 1000 U/l.

    The enzyme is also found in cerebrospinal fluid where high

    levels of lactate dehydrogenase in cerebrospinal fluid are often associated

    with bacterial meningitis. High levels of the enzyme can also be found in

    cases of viral meningitis, generally indicating the presence of encephalitis and

    poor prognosis.


    Tissue Turnover:

    Exudates and Transudates:

    Meningitis and Encephalitis:


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    Pleural fluid LDH Level is used to separate transudates from

    exudates. Most patients who meet the criteria for exudative pleural effusions

    with LDH but not with protein levels have either parapneumonic effusions or

    malignant pleural disease. Although initial reports suggested that the pleural

    fluid LDH level was increased only in patients with malignant pleural disease

    (Wroblewski F et al, 1958), subsequent reports demonstrated that the pleural

    fluid LDH was elevated in most exudative effusions regardless of origin, and

    therefore, this determination is of no use in the differential diagnosis of

    exudative pleural effusions (Light et al, 1972).

    Nevertheless, every time a thoracentesis performed, a pleural

    fluid LDH level is measured. This is because the level of the pleural fluid

    LDH is a reliable indicator of the degree of pleural inflammation; the higher

    the LDH, the more inflamed the pleural surfaces. Serial measurement of the

    pleural fluid LDH levels is informative when one is dealing with a patient

    with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. If with repeated thoracenteses the

    pleural fluid LDH level becomes progressively higher, the degree of

    inflammation in the pleural space is increasing and one should be aggressive

    in pursuing a diagnosis. Alternatively, if the pleural fluid LDH level decreases

    with time, the process is resolving and one need not be as aggressive in the

    approach to the patient.

    Wroblewski and Wrobleswski [1958] first reported that the

    malignant neoplastic cells in tissues cultures contributed to increased amount

    of LDH in the medium. They found that the pleural effusion fluids that

    contain malignant cells had higher valves of LDH and simultaneously Well

    and Sung [1962] supported the above findings & suggested that raised LDH

    levels in pleural fluid is characteristic of malignant effusions.

    Kirkeby and Prydz [1959] suggested that raised pleural LDH

    level may be characteristic of all inflammatory exudates. Chandrasekhar and

    his colleagues [1969] conduded that absolute values of LDH in pleural fluid


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    served better than the pleural fluid protein level in differentiating exudates

    form transudates. The study by Light et al [1972] showed that most of the

    exudates [71 %] had pleural LDH concentration above 200U/L where as none

    of the transudates had a values higher that that. It was also observed that only

    2% of the transudates had a pleural fluid to serum LDH ratio more than 0.5.

    Whereas 86% of exudates exceeded this value. Using various combination of

    parameters pleural fluids to serum protein ratio, pleural fluid LDH level and

    pleural fluid to serum protein ratio, pleural fluid found that the combination

    of pleuralfluid to serum protein ratio of greater than 0.5, pleuralfluid LDH

    level greater than 200U/L and pleuralfluid to serum LDH ratio greater than

    200U/L and pleuralfluid to serum ration greater than 0.6 was most suitable to

    differentiate the transudates from exudates. It appears that combination of all

    these parameters will be more helpful in differentiation.

    When bloody pleural fluid is obtained, one might wonder

    whether the LDH measurement would be useful because red blood ceils

    contain large amounts of LDH. The presence of blood in the pleural fluid,

    however, usually does not adversely affect the measurement of the LDH. In

    one study, LDH isoenzyme analysis was performed on 12 pleural fluids that

    had contained more than 100,000 erythrocytes per mm3. In only one effusion

    was the LDH1 percentagewise more than 5% above that in the serum, and

    the total pleural fluid LDH in that effusion was only 107(Light RW et al,


    Although the total pleural fluid LDH level is not useful in

    distinguishing among various exudative pleural effusions, one might suppose

    that LDH isoenzymes have limited value in the differentiation.three studies

    have shown that LDH isoenzyme have limited vale in the differential

    diagnosis of exudative pleural effusions (Ligt RW et al, 1973, Raabo E et al;

    1966, Lossos IS et al; 1999). All benign effusions with elevated pleural fluid

    LDH levels and most malignant effusions are characterized by a higher


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    percentage of LDH4 and LDH5 in the pleural f lu id than in the

    corresponding serum (Ligt RW et al, 1973). The increased amounts of LDH4

    and LDH5 are thought to arise from the inflammatory white blood cells in

    the pleural effusion (Ligt RW et al, 1973). Approximately one third of

    malignant pleural effusions have a different pleural fluid LDH isoenzyme

    pattern that is characterized by large amounts (>35%) of LDH2 and less

    LDH4 and LDH5. None of 31 benign exudates in one series had more than

    35% LDH2 (Ligt RW et al, 1973). No relationship exists between the

    histologic type of the malignant pleural disease and the pleural fluid LDH

    isoenzyme pattern (Ligt RW et al, 1973). At present, the only situation in

    which we obtain LDH isoenzyme analysis of pleural fluid is when there is a

    bloody pleural effusion in a patient who clinically is though to have a

    transudative pleural effusion. If the LDH is in the exudative range and the

    protein is in the transudative range, the demonstration that the majority of the

    pleural LDH is LDH1 indicates that the increase in the LDH is due to the



    In 1990 Roth et al assessed the diagnostic value of serum

    effusion albumin gradient (i.e. The difference between Serum albumin &

    Pleural fluid albumin) with a cut off value of 1.2gm/dl. A SEAG value of

    more than 1.2gm/dl is indicative of transudates & SEAG less than 1.2gm/dcl

    is indicative of exudates.

    Roth et al in a series of 59 patients used the serum effusion

    albumin gradient for the classification of pleural effusions with a cut of value

    of 1.2gm/dls, all the transudates & 39 of the 41 exudates were classified

    correctly with a sensitivity & specificity of 87 & 92 % respectively.

    Mutinas M et alin his study obtained the sensitivity of only 63%

    & specificity of 81% with the serum effusion albumin gradient of 1.2 g/dl.


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    E Razi et al studied 89 effusion samples taken from patients

    with pleural effusions. Based on clinical & various laboratory parameters 47

    were transudates & 42 were exudates. Based on serumeffusion albumin

    gradient with a cut off value of 1.2 g/dl, 4 patients with transudates & three

    with exudates, were misclassified which gives an overall accuracy of 91.5%,

    with sensitivity of 91.5% & specificity of 92.86% (Feyez et al1998).

    Burges et al1995 in there 393 cases of established diagnosis of

    pleural effusion ie (270 exudates & 123 transudates) were compared with

    Lights criteria and Roths SEAG at a cut off value of 1.2g/dl. Using the

    criteria of Light 93% effusions were correctly classified, yielding a sensitivity

    & specificity of 94% and 83%. The SEAG at a cut off value of 1.2g/dl

    yielding the following results: accuracy 91%, sensitivity 87% & specificity

    92% (Burges et al, 1995).

    K.B. Gupta et alstudied a total of 60 patients of pleural effusion

    of diverse etiology (ie, 12 transudates & 48 exudates) were evaluated for SEAG

    & results were compared with Lights criteria to distinguish between

    transudates & exudates. The cut off value of 1.2g/dl albumin gradient was able

    to differentiate transudate & exudate with sensitivity & specificity of 100%

    only misclassification rate of 2% that too in exudates & 0% in transudates.

    M C Dharet alstudied a total of 50 patients of pleural effusion of

    diverse etiology (ie. 15 transudates & 35 exudates) the serumeffusion albumin

    gradient & Lights criteria were compared. Lights criteria correctly identified

    all the exudates but misdiagnosed 2 of the 5 transudates (cases of heart failure).By using albumin gradient of 1.2g/dl or less all the patient were correctly

    diagnosed. Sensitivity for identifying exudates was 100% with Lights criteria

    but for transudates it was 87%. The corresponding sensitivity for identifying

    exudates & transudates with albumin gradient was 100% (Dharet al2000).

    Differentiation between exudative and transudative pleural effusion:


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    Clinicians for years have searched for some diagnostic means

    by which the cases of pleural effusion could be definitely identified as to

    etiology. Various test upon the fluid removed has been proposed. Some have

    used the serology or pleural fluid protein level, others the cellular

    morphology or glucose levels of the pleural fluid. Nearly all investigators

    have come to conclusion that the only definitive diagnosis finding is the

    present of neoplastic cells or the causative organism in the fluid removed

    [Barberet al1957].

    Landouzy et al (1884) arrived at an etiological diagnosis of

    plural effusion by demonstrating tubercle bacilli in plural fluid by guinea pig


    In 1895 Roentgen had discovered Xray & good Xray picture

    of the chest could be obtained in 1930 and this enhanced the diagnostic yield

    of pleural fluid. (Fraseret al1999)

    For more than a century diagnostics thoracocentesis remain the

    only popular method of investigation which was first discovered by Bowditch

    et al(1852) and if done carefully chemical, bacteriological, cytological study

    should help to arrive at an diognosis in 75% cases (Collins et al1987).

    In the past transudate were separated from exudates by specific

    gravity, the cell count and the presence or absence of clotting of the fluid

    [Paddock, 1940]. However, if was soon found that it is often difficult to

    classify a given fluid on the basis of the above tests.

    Paddock [1940] in his study of 836 pleural effusion found that

    10% of all effusions are caused by congestive heart failure. Cirrhosis and

    nephrosis had a specific gravity greater than 1.016 where as 10% of the

    pleural effusion secondary to tuberculosis and more than 40% of those caused

    by malignancy had specific gravity less than 1.016. He found that the protein

    level in the pleural f luid no more helpful than specific gravity in

    differentiating exudates from transudates. In a subsequent report in 1941, he


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    stated that the measurement of specific gravity less accurate by commonly

    used hydrometer when used to measure specific gravity of serous effusions.

    Leuallen and Carr [1955] reported that pleural effusions caused

    by neoplasm and tuberculosis had a specific gravity less than 1.016 and that

    caused by congestive heart failure had a specific gravity greater than 1. 016.

    They suggested that the use of protein level of fluid might better differentiate

    the transudates from exudates.

    Luetscher [1941] found that it was impossible to draw any

    dividing line between transudate and exudates form total protein contentwithout encountering frequent exceptions. He suggested that the pleural fluid

    protein to serum protein ratio of 0.5 was more discriminating than any protein

    concentrations. But some exceptions still observed.

    Carr and Power [1985] reported that only 16% of pleural

    effusion caused by congestive heart failure had pleural fluid protein of more

    than 3.0gm/dl and none of the tubercular pleural effusion fluid had a value

    less than 3.0 g/dl. In a study by Light et al [1972] showed that erroneous

    classification of 8% of transudate and 10% of exudates occurred when a

    pleural protein level of 3.0g/dl % was used as cut off value between

    transudates and exudates. Pleural fluid protein to serum protein ration of

    0.5 served better to differentiate the transudates from exudates. But still 10%

    of exudates were misclassified.

    Wroblewski and Wrobleswski [1958] first reported that the

    malignant neoplastic cells in tissues contributed to increased amount of LDH

    in the medium. They found that the pleural effusion fluids that contain

    malignant cells had higher values of LDH & this was supported by Seru Well

    & Sung [1962].

    Kirkeby and Prydz [1959] suggested that raised pleural LDH

    level may be characteristic of all inflammatory exudates. Chandrasekhar and

    his colleagues [1969] concluded that absolute values of LDH in pleural fluid


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    served better than the pleural fluid protein level in differentiating exudates

    form transudates. The study by Light et al [1972] showed that most of the

    exudates [71 %] had pleural LDH concentration above 200 U/L where as none

    of the transudates had a values higher that that. It was also observed that only

    2% of the transudates had a pleural fluid to serum LDH ratio more than 0.5.

    Whereas 86% of exudates exceeded this value. Using various combination of

    parameters of pleural fluids to serum protein ration of.5, pleuralfluid LDH

    level greater than 0.6U/L ill and pleuralfluid to serum LDH ratio greater than

    200U/L and pleuralfluid to serum ration greater than 0.6 was most suitable to

    differentiate the transudates from exudates. It appears that combination of all

    these parameters will be more helpful in differentiation.

    Ferguson in 1966 first reported cholesterol crystals in

    rheumatoid pleural effusions. Lillington et al [1971] and Naylor [1990] also

    reported high cholesterol level with or without cholesterol crystals in the

    pleuralfluid in pleural effusion due to rheumatoid pleurisy. Hamm [1987]

    reported that cholesterol estimation in the pleural fluid may help in

    differential diagnosis of pleural effusion. In a subsequent report in 1990,

    Hamm and his associates found that predefined criteria of protein and LDH

    led to 11 15% misclassification of pleural effusion. He found that the

    exudates either malignant or inflammatory had a pleuralfluid cholesterol

    value below that level and

    Suggested that the use of pleuralfluid cholesterol measurement,

    which is easy and cheaper, would help to differentiate the transudate form


    Valdes and his colleagues [1991] reported that when Lights

    three criteria was used, the sensitivity and specificity was 94.6% and 78.4%

    respectively. Whereas pleuralfluid cholesterol level of 55mg/dl taken as the

    threshold had a sensitivity and specificity of 91% and 100% respectively in

    differentiating the transudates form exudates. Pleural fluid to serum


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    cholesterol ratio of.3 had a sensitivity of 92.5% and specificity of 87.6%. He

    suggested the determination of pleuralfluid cholesterol; pleuralfluid to

    serum cholesterol ration should be included in the routine clinical and

    laboratory analysis of pleural fluid to distinguish the exudates form


    Romero et al [1993] and Burgess et al [1995] found

    contradictory results. They found that cholesterol level in pleural fluid and the

    ratio of pleural fluid to serum cholesterol had lower sensitivity and


    Meisel et al[1990] form their study concluded that pleural fluid

    to serum bilirubin ratio of.6 separated the transudates from exudates The

    study by Berger et al [1955] and Hoffener et al [1997] however concluded

    that the use of pleural fluid to serum bilirubin ratio of 0.6 has a low

    sensitivity and specificity of 81 % and 61 % only with diagnostic accuracy of


    Calnan et al [1951] also reported that a glucose level under

    60mg% appear to be strongly suggestive of tubercular effusion and a level

    above 100mg% probably of nontubercular origin.

    Barberet al[1957]. Summarized their findings that pleural fluid

    glucose level of 26mg% or lower are suggestive of tuberculosis and levels

    above 60mg% were suspicious of nontubercular etiology. Although pleural

    fluid glucose levels are valuable tool, but they should not be relied upon as

    sole diagnostic criteria.

    Currently, the criteria proposed by Light et al 1972 is the

    standard method for this discrimination. However in recent years several

    reports indicated that this criteria misclassified a number of effusions and that

    was why several parameters such as pleural fluid cholesterol level & pleural

    fluid to serum cholesterol ratio, plural fluid to serum bilirubin and pleural

    fluid to serum cholinesterase ratio (Pachon EG) et at 1996 have been proposed


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    in segregating the transudates from exudates than those of Lights criteria is

    therefore insignificant, if not dubious.

    One of the explanations put forward for the poor specificity of

    Lights criteria leading to significant errors in the classification of transudate

    is the effect of previous diuretic therapy on chemical (Anne et al)

    composition of effusion fluids.

    Pillay et al reported increase in protein content from 1529

    gm/dl after diuretic therapy & this was confirmed by Chakko et al.

    This problem of high protein transudates is more common in the

    evaluation of Ascitic fluid too, which has led to the development of Serum

    ascitis albumin gradient with a cut off value of 1.1 gm/dcl (1.1gms/dcl for transudates) and is now universally accepted

    (Pare P et al& Rector WG et al).

    In 1990 Roth et al assessed the diagnostic value of serum

    effusion albumin gradient with a cut off value of 1.2gm/dcl (1.2gms/dcl for transudates) & found that this gradient was

    significantly higher in transudative than exudative pleural effusion.

    Roth et al in a series of 59 patients used the serum effusion

    albumin gradient for the classification of pleural effusions with a cut of value

    of 1.2gm/dl, all the transudates & 39 of the 41 exudates were classified

    correctly with a sensitivity & specificity of 87 & 92 % respectively.

    Mutinas M et al in his study obtained the sensitivity of only

    63% & specificity of 81% with the serum effusion albumin gradient of 1.2


    E Razi et al studied 89 effusion samples taken from patients

    with pleural effusions. Based on clinical & various laboratory parameters 47

    were transudates & 42 were exudates. Based on serumeffusion albumin

    gradient with a cut off value of 1.2 g/dl, 4 patients with transudates & three


  • 8/14/2019 05 ArijitD Medicine Review


    with exudates, were misclassified which gives an overall accuracy of 91.5%,

    with sensitivity of 91.5% & specificity of 92.86% (Feyez et al1998).

    Burges et al1995 in there 393 cases of established diagnosis of

    pleural effusion i.e. (270 exudates & 123 transudates) were compared with

    Lights criteria and Roths SEAG at a cut off value of 1.2g/dl. Using the

    criteria of Light 93% effusions were correctly classified, yielding a sensitivity

    & specificity of 94% and 83%. The SEAG at a cut off value of 1.2g/dl

    yielding the following results: accuracy 91%, sensitivity 87% & specificity

    92% (Burges et al, 1995).

    K.B. Gupta et alstudied a total of 60 patients of pleural effusion

    of diverse etiology (ie, 12 transudates & 48 exudates) were evaluated for SEAG

    & results were compared with Lights criteria to distinguish between

    transudates & exudates. The cut off value of 1.2g/dl albumin gradient was able

    to differentiate transudate & exudate with sensitivity & specificity of 100%

    only misclassification rate of 2% that too in exudates & 0% in transudates.

    M C Dharet alstudied a total of 50 patients of pleural effusion

    of diverse etiology (ie. 15 transudates & 35 exudates) the serumeffusion

    albumin gradient & Lights criteria were compared. Lights criteria correctly

    identified all the exudates but misdiagnosed 2 of the 5 transudates (cases of

    heart failure). By using albumin gradient of 1.2g/dl or less all the patient were

    correctly diagnosed. Sensitivity for identifying exudates was 100% with

    Lights criteria but for transudates it was 87%.

    The corresponding sensitivity for identifying exudates &

    transudates with albumin gradient was 100% (Dharet al2000).

    However, with the battery of test present to differentiate the

    transudates from exudates it is found that the some of the effusions are

    misclassified. Gracia & Padilla; 1996 after analysis of different studies

    concluded that a method to differentiate perfectly the transudates & exudates

    is not yet available, of course, the histopathological of pleural tissue is the

    final single diagnosis fate, level the biopsy itself is increased technique with



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    all its hazards specially in experienced hand. We remain same simple

    inexpensive, easy test or test to differentiate transudates & exudates.