04 17 april newsletter - resurrection lutheran church1 april 2017 resurrection lutheran church and...

1 April 2017 Resurrection Lutheran Church and School 6170 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Website: ResurrectionPeople.org Core Office Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Hello church! There it was…my name and signature on the official paperwork, “Definition of Compensation, Benefits, and Responsibilities of the Pastor” or translated from “church speak” – what I’m going to do, what you as the congregation of RLC is going to do and how much is it going to cost. As I begin my third month here (where exactly the first two went, I’m not sure…) I again pull out the paper work and specifically look at section E: Other Provisions. I look at it often. It helps me to focus. This is the section where it specifically states the special emphasis of the pastor and special encouragement by the congregation. Here is the nitty-gritty of what I’m going to do and how we are going to do it together. In all that I do, I strive to remain transparent. When Judy Devey, council president, approached me and asked would I be willing to share Section E with the congregation, I was “already humming the tune” she wanted me to sing, “A Resounding YES!” So here it is. 1. During this time period, the pastor will give special attention in ministry to the following: a. Inspirational preaching, worship, teaching b. Sustained and dynamic youth ministry c. Close relationships with congregation and sense of community d. Proactive actions to grow the congregation and with connections to the community e. Sustained and vibrant Christian education programs. 2. The congregation will encourage this pastor’s ministry in the following ways: Staff Pastor Heidi Moore 540-786-7778 [email protected] Office Staff 540-786-7778 Stephanie Anderson Donna Roberts [email protected] Music Ministry Leader Amy Burcher 540-368-2557 [email protected] Youth Activities Director Donna Roberts 540-498-2774 [email protected] Preschool Director Megan Snell 908-692-5032 [email protected] Preschool Staff Jeanne D’Anza – Teacher Becky Watson – Assistant Joanne Dunn – Teacher

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Page 1: 04 17 April Newsletter - Resurrection Lutheran Church1 April 2017 Resurrection Lutheran Church and School 6170 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Website: ResurrectionPeople.org


April 2017

Resurrection Lutheran Church and School

6170 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Website: ResurrectionPeople.org

Core Office Hours: M–F 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Hello church! There it was…my name and signature on the official paperwork, “Definition of Compensation, Benefits, and Responsibilities of the Pastor” or translated from “church speak” – what I’m going to do, what you as the congregation of RLC is going to do and how much is it going to cost. As I begin my third month here (where exactly the first two went, I’m not sure…) I again pull out the paper work and specifically look at section E: Other Provisions. I look at it often. It helps me to focus. This is the section where it specifically states the special emphasis of the pastor and special encouragement by the congregation. Here is the nitty-gritty of what I’m going to do and how we are going to do it together. In all that I do, I strive to remain transparent. When Judy Devey, council president, approached me and asked would I be willing to share Section E with the congregation, I was “already humming the tune” she wanted me to sing, “A Resounding YES!” So here it is.

1. During this time period, the pastor will give special attention in ministry to the following:

a. Inspirational preaching, worship, teaching b. Sustained and dynamic youth ministry c. Close relationships with congregation and sense of

community d. Proactive actions to grow the congregation and with

connections to the community e. Sustained and vibrant Christian education programs.

2. The congregation will encourage this pastor’s ministry in the

following ways:


Pastor Heidi Moore 540-786-7778 [email protected] Office Staff 540-786-7778 Stephanie Anderson Donna Roberts [email protected] Music Ministry Leader Amy Burcher 540-368-2557 [email protected] Youth Activities Director Donna Roberts 540-498-2774 [email protected] Preschool Director Megan Snell 908-692-5032 [email protected] Preschool Staff Jeanne D’Anza – Teacher Becky Watson – Assistant Joanne Dunn – Teacher

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a. We are committed and working on strengthening our volunteer pool. We are in the process of developing our Christian education and youth group. Strong community volunteer work

b. Commitment to agreed-upon salary and benefits c. Open communications between committees, council and congregation d. Dedicated time set aside with the council executive staff for assistance and relationship

building e. Financial clarity with budgets and obligations.

What exactly special attention to ministry and encouragement of the pastor will look like in the coming months (and years!) is yet to be revealed by the God who loves us most. Here’s the most exciting aspect of all of this: It’s a start – an exciting start to this great adventure of us together. I don’t look at this document as a static list but rather a dynamic, living breathing document. As it grows and changes, it will shape and form me as the leader you need (not necessarily want) me to be. It will also shape and form RLC as the kind of community that God needs us (but we may not necessarily want) to be as we reflect the love of Christ – reaching, loving and caring. From ELW 801 “Change My Heart, O God”: “You are the potter; I am the clay. Mold me and make me: this is what I pray.” Blessings to all during this Easter season as we proclaim, “He is risen, he is risen indeed…ALLEULUIA! P. Heidi

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I write to thank you for our final service together with the wonderful musicals extras; for the luncheon and the joyful mood, for Judy’s and Mary Grace’s kind tributes; for the cards and gifts—gift cards and signed cards with thank you notes, Valentines from the SS kids; for the warm feedback from so many; for gifts—crosses for my collection, the art of the Philippians plate, a prayer blanket, an original artistic Illustration of “It is good for us to be here” with woodland characters (Pastor was a squirrel in a tree; you were critters!) a CD, a book; the handcrafted tribute from the Men’s Bible group; for the flowers, and for a note all the way from Arizona! How blessed I feel for this sendoff; you know I have you in my heart. Thanks be to God, Pastor Tim

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Please join us for the Spring 2017 Germanna Women’s Conference “Women Re-Formed” at Peace Lutheran Church, 1510 Broad Crossing Rd., Charlottesville, VA on Saturday May 6th. The Reverend Jennifer Krushas of High, NC will speak on “Women of the Reformation.” Registration begins at 9:30 with Worship at 10:00. We will be collecting items for Grace Inside, Virginia’s Prison Chaplain Service to include all occasion greeting cards, white envelopes, decorated paper for letter writing, Forever stamps, stick pens – not click- in blue or black ink and pencils. Following the business meeting and lunch, a Sole Hope cutting party will begin at 1:00 pm and conclude the events of the day. A new member of the Germanna planning committee will need to be installed. For any questions, please call or text Sue Skinner at 540 907-5720 (cell)

Jeans, Jeans, and more Jeans

The women of the Virginia Synod are collecting used jeans to cut out shoe patterns for needy folks in Uganda. People in Uganda are plagued with terrible insects that bore into the skin of barefoot adults and children. Digging the insects from the feet is a very painful process, but shoes will eradicate this nasty health issue. Denim patterns are cut from old jeans and sent to Uganda where native workers assemble them and attach soles made from old tires. Workers are gainfully employed and healthy feet return. So please search your closet for worn jeans. Even though they may look worn out, there is probably plenty of good fabric to make a pair of children’s shoes. A box in the narthex will receive your jeans. We will be collecting from now until August. The first cutting party will be May 6.

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Marks the beginning of Holy Week. Worship starts with palms waving and shouts of “Hosanna!” In the Gospel, we then hear the foreshadowing of what lies ahead for Jesus.

“Maundy” from the Latin, “to command.” We recall Jesus’s words to his disciples: “A new commandment I give to you: Love one another.” We also remember the first “Lord’s Supper.”

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The most solemn day of the church year, remembering our Lord’s suffering and death. Tenebrae (Latin for “shadows” or “darkness”) is marked by the gradual extinguishing of candles along with readings from Scripture, the removal of the Christ Candle, and a harsh sound signifying the earthquake or tomb closing (“Strepitus”). Then silence, as we depart.

“Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” The resurrection of Jesus is the signal event for all Christians. Easter Sunday is the most important festival of the church year as we joyously celebrate Christ’s victory over sin and death.

Resurrection Lutheran Church is on Facebook and Twitter. Be sure to “Like Us” or “Follow Us”.

Page 6: 04 17 April Newsletter - Resurrection Lutheran Church1 April 2017 Resurrection Lutheran Church and School 6170 Plank Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407 Website: ResurrectionPeople.org


Do you know? Nearly a quarter of the world’s

population lives on less than $2 a day.

During Lent, ELCA World Hunger is asking us to reflect and pray for our brothers and sisters around the world and in the U.S. who face the harsh realities of hunger. ELCA World Hunger is challenging us to give, as we are able, and help address the issues of hunger and poverty that exist in nearly 60 countries, including the United States.

The ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving through Lent has a goal to raise $1.5 million during this season. Resurrection people can participate by reflecting on this challenge in prayer, using one of the World Hunger Banks found on the table below the TV in the narthex, or writing a check made out to “Resurrection Lutheran Church” with “40 Days of Giving” written on the memo line. Envelopes for your checks are found on the table in the narthex and should be put in the offering plate.

� Begin each day in prayer. Ask for an opportunity to share God’s love with someone…in a new way. Expect to be delighted by God’s answer.

� Put a prayer list on your refrigerator and pray daily for those in need of prayers.

� Worship on Sunday mornings and attend Adult Forums on Luther’s Small Catechism Bring your children to Sunday school.

� Participate in Lenten Soup Suppers and Lenten Services each Wednesday. (Meal at 5:30 and Service at 6:30)

� Telephone a friend today…someone you have not seen lately.

� Extend small kindnesses to others.

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� Add additional ideas of “Giving Up Something” or “Giving to Something” during this Lenten Journey!

Dinner and Reception to Honor Bishop James Mauney

and Virginia Synod Staff

Tickets are available to attend a dinner and reception honoring Bishop James Mauney and the Virginia Synod staff. The event will be held Friday, June 9th, at 6:30 p.m. at the Creggar Center at Roanoke College. If you are not attending the 2017 Virginia Synod Assembly, you may still celebrate Bishop Mauney and staff at the dinner and reception. You will need to purchase tickets for the dinner by May 12th. These tickets can be purchased by completing the 2017 Virginia Synod Assembly registration form and simply signing up for the dinner. www.vasynod.org - (Go to the website, then click on the NEWS tab. In the box to the right of the screen will be a section labeled Synod Assembly. Click on that to register.) All delegates of the 2017 Virginia Synod Assembly who purchase a meal plan are invited to attend along with representatives of the Virginia Synod Youth

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Assembly. At the dinner, there will be a designated area where individuals can leave cards, gifts, or mementos for Bishop Mauney or any other members of the Virginia Synod Staff.

Music News

Hello RLC Friends and Family…Happy Spring! There are so many things going on with our music ministry right now with Lent Services, Easter preparations, Cantata rehearsals, and many other songs in the air that let us know a new season is here. Music paints such a picture for us with the different seasons we experience. When words alone are not enough, music helps speak to the deepest emotions of the heart. Music can comfort the broken spirit and bring solace to the sorrowful. Music can offer consolation to the grieving and bring peace to those who are speaking. In the quiet hush of contemplation, music can decorate our silence with the graceful sounds of assurance. It can awaken in us the dormant memories of hope that rest in our hearts. God's music strengthens and affirms our life and encourages our journey of faith.. As you listen and share these timeless songs of promise during our spring services, may you be surrounded by the gentle music of God's love and may it echo and ring peace to all who hear it. The choirs are busy rehearsing the Easter music as well as the cantata which will be presented on April 30th at the 11 o'clock service. Please invite your family and friends to join us that day as we present "Eyes of Faith." It is always a pleasure in serving RLC and all of you with music!

Love, Amy

The Health Ministry has a walker, a cane, and a wheelchair that may be used by the congregation to enhance their ability and comfort in moving in, out, and around church. If you would like to use one of these, please let Nancy Downie, Jean Kobuchi, Emily Slunt or Sue Merna know and we will come to the door to assist you. We also have an electric motorized chair (like new) for a member in need to borrow. The chair is for their person use. Anyone requiring this chair, please call or email Sue Merna for more information: [email protected] or 540-972-3600.

H Health Ministry

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Lucille Covic Memorial Plant Sale

Flowers from Deep Roots

Saturday, May 20

Youth News

Easter Sunday – April 16 RLC Youth-sponsored Easter Breakfast & the Easter Egg Hunt

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Donna & Greg Phil.1:3 Faith in Action On March 9th, the Faith in Action Committee met for what I had hoped would a 30-45 minutes meeting. It turned out to be almost two hours, with a large discussion on the many Lenten Self-Denial options. Please pick one of the many choices in the Narthex for ELCA World Hunger. If I remain the chair of this committee in 2018, by the next Lenten Season I will have met with Pastor Heidi and, hopefully, chosen one area for concentration by the Resurrection Family. Please remember the ongoing collections in the Narthex. The carts for the Brisben Meal items and Christ Lutheran Food Pantry have brand new signs. It really is good to see more non-perishable food items in the Christ Lutheran Food Pantry cart. Please keep it coming!! We really do want Jack Morisak busy each week on his trips to Christ Lutheran and the weekly meals for the homeless. MICAH is always in need of the toiletries, gently used towels, wash cloths and various clothes. I take these items to the Princess Anne Street location on a regular basis. The MICAH attendants are always extremely happy to receive these much needed items. If there are any questions or ideas about project, please feel free to contact me. Watch the Narthex bulletin board, screens, bulletins, and newsletter for Faith In Action information. Our theme remains (using Tim McGraw’s award winning song): “Remain humble and kind and try always to turn around to help the next one in line.” Our next meeting is Thursday, April 13th, at noon, after the WELCA meeting in the conference room. Planning for the annual sock and underwear collection will be on the agenda, along with budget and end-of-the-year report for the June congregational Meeting. (No two hour meeting!!) Blessings,

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Gene Ernst

Mama Mia! NAF Is Going to Castiglia’s! You’re invited to join Nifty after Fifty (NAF) for lunch at Castiglia’s on Tuesday, April 18, at noon. The address is 10705 Courthouse Road. (Note that this is NOT the downtown Castiglia’s.) Please sign up by Sunday, April 16 (Easter Sunday). Questions? See John or Jean Kobuchi.

Theology Pub WillnotmeetinApril



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RLC SUNDAY SCHOOL (Age 3-5th grade)

In April, the Sunday School kids will discover the Story of Easter

using our popular Sparkhouse curriculum. Please bring your children ages

Pre-K through 5th grade for a video, an engaging story,

and best of all, play activities.

Sunday School teachers for the month of April:

April 2: Brenda and Gracie Scheel

April 9: Jean Kobuchi and Cheryl Huntington

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April 16: Gail Andersen and Cheryl Huntington

April 23: Cheryl Huntington

April 30: TBD

RLC Council Minutes for March 28, 2017

• 500th Anniversary – St Peters, Christ and RLC. Morning of Reformation Sunday – worship service in Dodd’s Auditorium. Pastor Heidi will ask more questions at the next meeting in regards to the cost and staff time. We discussed having an Oktoberfest in September – Pastor Heidi will put together a task force for this.

• Donations are down for February. $500 towards mortgage reduction.

• Dave Howe has stepped down as Stewardship chair and the council is actively looking for a new chair.

• A separate checking account for the MEF board was opened in the past month with two signers on the account.

• Preschool has submitted financial reports to the council for January and February. • MEF Distributions are as follows:

RLC Council

Judy Devey, President

Terri Evers, Vice-President

Missy Arp, Secretary

Barry Thompson, Treasurer

Mike Halston

Bill Huntington

Kevin Johnson

Marti Martin

Kurt Schadewald

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Hospitality - $200 – special occasions, kitchen upgrade Pre-school - $400 - scholarships Worship/Music - $500 – new and/or replacement worship accessories Evangelism - $700 - banners, website upgrade ELCA - $600 – Disabilities Ministry Local Outreach – Legal Aid - $600

• Youth Group – Hanging basket fundraiser for the 2018 National Youth Gathering approved.

• June Annual Meeting Report – They are being submitted. The deadline is April 9 so that it can be compiled and council can read it before putting it forward to the congregation at the annual meeting.

• A proposal for a policy regarding background checks will be presented at the next council meeting.

• Audit Committee - Dave and Doris Howe have stepped down from the committee and we are actively searching for new members.

• The Evangelism Team is working on how best to schedule banner time. They also are working on a new banner that will replace the one that had the services information for both RLC and the SDA church.

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Church Office Requests Please call the Church Office at 540-786-7778 when:

• You are in the hospital or prior to going to the hospital. A relative may call for you but in order for the pastor to visit the hospital, permission must be given for the church to be notified.

• You are confined to your home for an extended period of time because of illness or accident;

• You are going to a rehab center or a nursing home;

• There is a change in your family status (birth, death, marriage, or divorce);

• You move to a new home, move out of the area, go away to college or graduate school, or join the military;

• You would like to schedule a meeting or event at the church. For communication with everyone, all scheduled gatherings must be included on the church calendar.

In Our Hearts and Prayers Members: Jenkins Family, Sue Perdue, Marion & Frank Jacobeen, Betty Parde, Elayne Lyman, Mary Grace Niemi, Arlene Rosheim, Shevawn & Paul McIntire, Virginia Shkrlac, Hazel Riedl, Greg Williamson, Carol Cappozzi, Paul Sydow, Wayne & Gaye Lauderback, Julie Young, Burcher Family, Diane Brunjes,, Shelley Lee, Hope Hall, Kathleen Lisagor, Family of Lucille Covic, Sue Scarbeck Military: Chris Griffiths, Tony Jenkins, George Winters, Christian Jenkins, Greg McIntire, Nick McIntire, Terri Piekosz, Brittany Patterson, Leah Lauderback, Aric Roberts, Christopher Harold

Friends and Families (Short Term): Baby Sebastian, Gerrit Boyer, Family of Ida Matthews, Diana Marrhens, Hannah Campbell, Matt Campbell, Abby Ernst, Galloway Family, Owens Family, Charles Frye & Family, Minor Family, Adele, Seal Family, Debbie Askin, Tom Baker, Dan & Nancy Wessel, Family of Mary Ann Carroll, Noelle Holland, Diana Mararhens, Howton & Lipscomb families, Puckett family, Morton family

Friends and Families (Long Term): Nia Jones, Carol Williams, Art Franco, Sue Gasperson, Carole Downie, Karen Howard, Ray Williams & Family, Joy Morgan, Julia Lyman, Mark Fenton, Cindy Chafian, Jerry Dado, Dawn Shifflett, Ron Davis, Jesus and Jennel Vidal, Dave Meilstrup, Gene Covic, Danielson Family, Hollyanne Robinson, Tim Compton, Val Ellis, Jones Family, Rae Stevenson, Michelle Patton, Cherrie Hensley, Andrew Schelske, Ann Sutton, Dwayne Boyd, Lonnie Putnam, Florio Family, Karen Anthony, Laura Barth, Johnson Family, Babb Family, Corbin Skaff, George Anderson, Chris Grimley, Dave McCracken, Rae Stevenson, Stallard Family, Carrie Wyatt, Our Nation, Alyssa Sherman, Cristy Curtis, Ivy Penser, Mary Anne Schneider, Sue Stonehill, Andrew Lyman, Lois Culler, David Dalpe, Johnny Yates, , Jimmy Albanese, Bill & Joni Kuckuck, Suzanne Geislinger, Dan Ferguson, Kit Dodd, Cindy Pool, Barbara Smith, Kathy Nick, Mike Kish, Tom & Myra Bannon, Cox Family, Pastor Carl McKenzie, Karen Nich, Matthew Arrington, Mary Trigg, Sue Fidelmann, Thomas Barr, Debbie Betts, Sam Steele, Daniel Askin, Gloria Melillo, Mary Jane Spiers, Bill & Mary, Holland Family, Larry Budd, Callie Harry, Brian Bahr, Family of Spencer Paris, Michelle Simones, Rosie Tarkington, Donald Hair, Donna Straka, Rochelle, Claren Henderson, Jane Gearhart, Zoe & Cody Jones, Sam Steel, Mark Suplicki, Natasha Kepler, Joy, Kathy Bennett, Brenda Deel, Catherine Faith Evans, Steve Lee, Willow Hahn, Jen Peelman, Katie Hawley, Brenda Deel, Joyce Huffer, Hylton Hale, Ruth McNeil, Janis Spencer, Arrington Family, Dan Podpaly, Melissa Mansfield, Harry Clawson, Stubbs Family, Mike Nemanic, Cheryle McMahan, Brian Bahr, Linley Mullins, Susan Markwood, Brad Johnson

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April Ben Crawshaw 4/2 Paul McIntire 4/24

Todd Slunt 4/3 Linda Kennedy 4/15 Gail Anderson 4/26

Nancy Downie 4/5 Marcus Fennema 4/15 Duncan Wrightson 4/27

Lauren Fischer 4/6 Barbara Lee 4/16

John Hogan 4/8 Marilyn Scarbeck 4/18

Christian Jenkins 4/9 Sue Perdue 4/19

Ike Johnson 4/20

Frank Jacobeen 4/10 Katherine Johnson 4/20

Ed Gratzick 4/10 Matthew Arp 4/22

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VBS 2017 “Hometown Nazareth”

Mark your calendars! Kids will enjoy traveling back in time to when Jesus was a kid in “Hometown Nazareth”

June 26th-29th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. For more information, please contact

Cheryl Huntington at [email protected].

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