03/01/12 classifieds

7B The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012 HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED: Always start with a keyword that makes it clear what you are advertising. Include as much description as you can so the buyer or potential employee knows exactly what you are offering. This may avoid unnecessary calls with redundant questions! Don’t be afraid to be creative to make your ad stand apart from the rest! Still need some help, call us and we will help write your ad and design it for FREE! SOMETIMES ERRORS OCCUR. After placing an ad, it is your responsibility to check your ad on the first day of publication for any errors. Refunds are not issued for classified ads, but if notification is given to our department after the first day of publication, we will run your corrected ad for one extra day. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect publication of each ad. DEADLINES Monday ................ Noon Friday Tuesday ............... Noon Monday Wednesday.......... Noon Tuesday Thursday.............. Noon Wednesday Friday................... Noon Thursday Saturday .............. Noon Thursday For display ads or ads requiring a proof please allow us extra time. THE ST. ALBANS MESSENGER www.samessenger.com PHONE: 802-524-9771.... Gail x117 Lindsey x122 FAX: 802-527-1948 EMAIL: classifi[email protected] MAIL: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478 Classif ieds CONTACT US FOR A FREE QUOTE OR TO PLACE AN AD: Employment Employment EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Opportunities available at Pepsi Bottling Ven- tures for Route Trainee, Key Account Manager and Swing Merchan- diser. To apply go to: www.pepsibottling ventures.com/careers CHILD CARE PROVIDER Teeter Totters is look- ing for a full time em- ployee. If you excel in a fast paced setting, are reliable, and trust- worthy, we want you to come join our team of teachers. Please send resume to: 31 Swanton Road St. Albans, VT 05478 DO YOU LOVE WORKING WITH CHILDREN? Looking for energetic, loving and nurturing individuals to work with 1-5 year olds. Center- based experience pre- ferred but not required. Benefits include gym membership and Hy- droMassage. Please submit resume to: People’s Plaza 328 S. Main Street Richford, VT 05476 or stop by to fill out an application. 802-848-7400. DRIVERS FIRST STUDENT CHARTER/ROUTE BUS DRIVER $500 HIRING BONUS* Opportunities in Essex, St. Albans, Fletcher and Fairfield. Our benefits include: Flexible hours, bring your kids to work pro- gram, competitive wage, health/dental benefits, paid weekly (direct de- posit available), perfor- mance plus incentive, drivers may qualify to take bus home. No Experience Neces- sary! Paid Training Provided. Please call June Ross for info: 802-849-2800 *conditions apply, con- tact location for details Equal Oppty Employer FLAGGERS WANTED in St. Albans and sur- rounding areas. $9.50./ hour starting pay. In- cludes paid holidays. Some weekends are required. Must be 18, have own vehicle and telephone number. Go to St. Albans Depart- ment of Training, fill out an application and enroll in our classroom training. EOE M/F FRENCH TEENS NEED families now! Adopt a teen 3 weeks this summer. Great cultural experience. Students bring spend- ing money, insured. Families compensated weekly. E-mail Kim to- day! facekimhill @gmail.com or web- site: www.LEC-USA. com PLEASE HELP! Merci Beaucoup! Holiday House Residential Care Home PCA/LNA Full/Part Time Positions Available Please contact: Linda Bruyette (802) 524-2996 NOW HIRING: Compa- nies desperately need employees to assem- ble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500. weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. VT-2349 RETAIL CLEANING 3rd Shift KBS is recruiting in St. Albans. Full or part- time, available. $9-10/ hr. Basic cleaning du- ties. Call: 800-537-1376 ext. 5057 and leave a voicemail. www.KBS-Clean.jobs EOE Business Opportunity START NOW! OPENRed Hot Dollar. Dollar Plus, Mailbox, Discount Party, Dis- count Clothing, Teen Store, Fitness Center from $51,900. World Wide! www.DRSS32. com 1-800-518-3064 Legals NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT OR ALTER A DAM 10 V.S.A. Chapter 43 Application No. 2012-2 An application sub- mitted under the pro- visions of 10 V.S.A. Section 1083 has been received by the Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation from the City of St. Albans to al- ter the St. Albans South Reservoir Dam located in Fairfax, Vermont. (Contact; Shawn Pat- enaude, P.E., DuBois and King Engineering. Telephone Number: 802-728-3376). The project is the reha- bilitation of the existing dam and consists of re- building and regrading the downstream em- bankment; rebuilding the emergency spill- way, replacing outlet and transfer piping; in- stalling a new toe drain filter; and recontouring surface drainage. Before an application can be approved or disapproved, a deter- mination must be made as to whether the pub- lic good will be served and whether the plans and specifications ad- equately provide for the public safety. Fac- tors which must be considered in making this determination are stated in 10 V.S.A. Sec- tion 1086(a), copies of which are available on request from the De- partment of Environ- mental Conservation, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0511, Attn: Don- ald Robisky (802-654- 8991). As an aid in determin- ing the public good of the proposed project, comments from per- sons interested are being requested. Any comments or requests for a public informa- tion meeting regarding this project should be PREPARED IN WRIT- ING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN March 30, 2012. Oth- erwise, it will be pre- sumed there are no comments or requests. The Department will hold a public informa- tion meeting upon re- quest from twenty-five (25) or more persons. Additional information concerning the appli- cation can be obtained from the applicant or this office at the address and telephone numbers provided herein. David K. Mears, Commissioner Department of Environ- mental Conservation STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION FRANKLIN UNIT DOCKET NO: S 128-08 Fc BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Successor by Merger to BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP F/K/A COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SER- VICING, LP Plaintiff v. KEVIN T MALONEY; USAA FEDERAL SAV- INGS BANK; Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in ex- ecution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Kevin T Maloney to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, N.A. dated February 15, 2006 and recorded in Book 193 at Page 589 of the City/Town of Saint Albans Land Records, of which mortgage the under- signed is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded on March 7, 2008 in Book 217 at Page 435, for breach of the condi- tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on March 20, 2012 at 1730 Hathaway Point Road, Saint Albans, VT 05478 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To Wit: Being a lot of land with residential buildings and appurtenances thereon located on the westerly side of the Hathaway Point Road, so-called, in the Town of St. Albans, Vermont. Said lot is more par- ticularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron pipe located in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road, which point marks the southeast corner of the within lot; THENCE proceeding westerly along lands now or formerly of Mitchell and Bigelow a distance of 176 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; THENCE continuing in the same direction a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe, which pipe marks the southwest corner of the within parcel; THENCE proceeding northerly in a fence along lands now or for- merly of said Bigelow a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pin; THENCE turning to the right and proceeding easterly 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pin; THENCE proceeding in the same direction along lands now or for- merly of Cantell a dis- tance of 176 feet, more or less, to an iron pin in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road; THENCE turning in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road; THENCE turning to the right and proceed- ing southerly along the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to the point or place of be- ginning. Also included here- with is the right to use, in common with oth- ers, that portion of the beach located between land now or formerly of Loren Mitchell and the State Fishing Access area, which breach has an approximate front- age of 400 feet, more or less. Reference is hereby made to a certain Wa- ter Line Easement and Right of Way from Jef- frey King, Karen King and Elizabeth (Betty) Hope to Stephen D. Smith dated January 16, 2001 of record at Book 117, Page 14 of the Town of St. Albans Land Records. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Kevin T. Maloney by Warranty Deed of Stephen D. Smith dated January 24, 2001 of record at Book 117, Page 18 of the Town of St. Albans Land Records, Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by the pur- chaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the bal- ance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Saint Albans. The Mortgagor is en- titled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by pay- ing the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be an- nounced at the sale. Bank of America, N.A. successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Ser- vicing, LP f/k/a Coun- trywide Home Loans Servicing, LP, Richard J. Volpe, Esq. Shechtman, Halperin, Savage, LLP 1080 Main Street, Paw- tucket, RI 02860 877-575-1400 Attorney for Plaintiff VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION Franklin Unit Docket No. S 597-09 Fc OneWest Bank, FSB, Plaintiff v. Bobby G. Scott, Rickey J. Napier, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Quicken Loans, Inc., and Occupants resid- ing at 26 Elm Street, Richford, Vermont, Defendants SUMMONS & ORDER FOR PUBLICATION THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO: Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Vermont Superior Court, Civil Division, Franklin Unit, 17 Church Street, St. Albans, Vermont. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights. 2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Fore- closure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promis- sory Note and Mort- gage Deed dated July 18, 2006. Plaintiff’s action may effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Richford at Volume 106, Page 176. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promis- sory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Franklin, State of Vermont. 3. YOU MUST RE- PLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plain- tiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is March 1, 2012. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plain- tiff’s attorney, Joshua B. Lobe, located at 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 306, South Burlington, VT 05403. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at 17 Church Street, St. Albans, Ver- mont. 4. YOU MUST RE- SPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Com- plaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plain- tiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your An- swer. 5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the com- plaint. 6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAIN- TIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insur- ance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may have. 7. LEGAL ASSIS- TANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you can- not afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to pro- tect your rights or you may lose the case. ORDER The Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods pro- vided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Proce- dure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defen- dants, Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4(g) of those Rules. This order shall be pub- lished once a week for 2 weeks beginning on March 1, 2012 in the St. Albans Messenger, a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin County, and a copy of this summons and or- der as published shall be mailed to the defen- dants, Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier, if an address is known. Dated at St. Albans, Vermont this 8th day of February, 2012. Hon. Martin Maley Vermont Superior Court Civil Division, Franklin Unit T�� O� MRoad Maintenance Worker Wanted CURRENT CLASS A CDL LICENSE REQUIRED Please submit letter of interest and resume by 6:00 p.m., March 5 th , 2012 to: M�PO B�� 356 M�� C�, V�05471 Entry Level Clerical Opportunities 274 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT 05478 Tel: (802) 527-0006 / Fax: (802) 527-0009 / To ll free: 800-557-9056 Call 527-0006 Today!! Gain the valuable experience needed to further your career in an office environment! Details 2nd shift from 3:00pm to 11:30pm $14.54 per hour Description •Perform various clerical tasks •Sorting and setup of applications Requirements •High school diploma or equivalency •Must pass credit and background checks •U.S. citizenship •Ability to lift up to 50 lbs. CLINICIAN Substance Abuse - St. Albans HowardCenter is looking for a candidate to provide substance abuse services including outpatient counseling, intensive outpatient counseling, assessment, referral, student assistance services, support groups and educational presentations to clients/recipients in a variety of settings. This candidate must have a master’s degree and rostered license as well as internship provided counseling. Written and verbal communication skills, record keeping, counseling, assessment, and diagnositc skills are a must. To apply visit: www.howardcentercareers.org TRAINING SPECIALIST Milton area young man needs 20 afternoon hours of home based support, working 2pm - 6pm, Monday thru Fridays. This gentleman enjoys locomotives, movies, music, and listening to books. Ideal candidate will provide compassionate personal care while enjoying a slower work pace. This position might be a good fit for someone with LNA or nursing home experience but we are willing to train the right person. Health and dental insurance as well as generous paid time off make this an exciting professional opportunity. To apply visit: www.howardcentercareers.org Individuals who apply for the positions must have: •Valid driver’s license and insurance •Basic knowledge of Franklin County •Reliability and punctuality •Need to be available between the hours of of 11:30AM and 5:00PM Please Apply in person at St. Albans Messenger, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT EOE PART-TIME POSITIONS AVAILABLE DELIVERING THE ST. ALBANS MESSENGER RURAL ROUTE DRIVERS 802 524-9771 Ext. 101 Tammy Jo Routes start at $ 150 plus! Routes take 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs Routes Available Immediately in Richford and Fairfax. Apply today! Delivery includes stores and residential areas. PROPOSED STATE RULES ============================================ By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at http://vermont-archives.org/aparules/ovnotices.htm. The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members. To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible. To obtain further information concering any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to te Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (828-2231) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules Governing the Vermont Therapeutic Use of Cannabis Program Vermont Proposed Rule: 12P006 AGENCY: Public Safety FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Francis (Paco) X. Aumand III, Vermont Department of Public Safety, 103 S. Main St, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-241-5488 Fax:802-241-5557 E-Mail: [email protected] Web URL http://vcic.vermont. gov/marijuana_registry For Copies: Jeffrey Wallin, Vermont Department of Public Safety, 103 S. Main St, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-241-5220 Fax: 802-241-5557 E-Mail: [email protected]. vt.us ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E m a i l : c l a s s i f i e d s @ s a m e s s e n ge r . c o m Legals Continued Onto Next Page

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7BThe St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012

HOW TO WRITE A CLASSIFIED: Always start with a keyword that makes it clear what you are advertising. Include as much description as you can so the buyer or potential employee knows exactly what you are offering. This may avoid unnecessary calls with redundant questions! Don’t be afraid to be creative to make your ad stand apart from the rest! Still need some help, call us and we will help write your ad and design it for FREE!

SOMETIMES ERRORS OCCUR. After placing an ad, it is your responsibility to check your ad on the first day of publication for any errors. Refunds are not issued for classified ads, but if notification is given to our department after the first day of publication, we will run your corrected ad for one extra day. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect publication of each ad.

DEADLINESMonday ................ Noon FridayTuesday ............... Noon MondayWednesday .......... Noon TuesdayThursday .............. Noon WednesdayFriday ................... Noon ThursdaySaturday .............. Noon ThursdayFor display ads or ads requiring a proof please allow us extra time.

THE ST. ALBANS MESSENGER www.samessenger.com

PHONE: 802-524-9771.... Gail x117 Lindsey x122 FAX: 802-527-1948EMAIL: [email protected]: 281 North Main Street, St.Albans VT 05478





Opportunities available at Pepsi Bottling Ven-tures for Route Trainee, Key Account Manager and Swing Merchan-diser.

To apply go to:www.pepsibottling

ventures.com/careersCHILD CAREPROVIDER

Teeter Totters is look-ing for a full time em-ployee. If you excel in a fast paced setting, are reliable, and trust-worthy, we want you to come join our team of teachers.

Please sendresume to:

31 Swanton RoadSt. Albans, VT 05478


CHILDREN?Looking for energetic, loving and nurturing individuals to work with 1-5 year olds. Center-based experience pre-ferred but not required. Benefits include gym membership and Hy-droMassage.

Please submitresume to:

People’s Plaza328 S. Main Street

Richford, VT 05476or stop by to fill out

an application.802-848-7400.



$500 HIRING BONUS*Opportunities in Essex, St. Albans, Fletcher and Fairfield.Our benefits include: Flexible hours, bring your kids to work pro-gram, competitive wage, health/dental benefits,paid weekly (direct de-posit available), perfor-mance plus incentive, drivers may qualify to take bus home.No Experience Neces-sary! Paid Training Provided.Please call June Ross for info:

802-849-2800*conditions apply, con-tact location for detailsEqual Oppty EmployerFLAGGERS WANTED in St. Albans and sur-rounding areas. $9.50./hour starting pay. In-cludes paid holidays. Some weekends are required. Must be 18, have own vehicle and telephone number. Go to St. Albans Depart-ment of Training, fill out an application and enroll in our classroom training.

EOE M/FFRENCH TEENS NEED families now! Adopt a teen 3 weeks this summer. Great cultural experience. Students bring spend-ing money, insured. Families compensated weekly. E-mail Kim to-day! [email protected] or web-site: www.LEC-USA.com PLEASE HELP! Merci Beaucoup!

Holiday House ResidentialCare HomePCA/LNA

Full/Part Time Positions Available

Please contact:Linda Bruyette(802) 524-2996

NOW HIRING: Compa-nies desperately need employees to assem-ble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500. weekly potential. Info. 1-985-646-1700 DEPT. VT-2349


KBS is recruiting in St. Albans. Full or part-time, available. $9-10/hr. Basic cleaning du-ties.

Call: 800-537-1376ext. 5057 and

leave a voicemail.www.KBS-Clean.jobs



START NOW! OPENRed Hot Dollar. Dollar Plus, Mailbox, Discount Party, Dis-count Clothing, Teen Store, Fitness Center from $51,900. World Wide! www.DRSS32.com 1-800-518-3064



ALTER A DAM10 V.S.A. Chapter 43

ApplicationNo. 2012-2

An application sub-mitted under the pro-visions of 10 V.S.A. Section 1083 has been received by the Depart-ment of Environmental Conservation from the City of St. Albans to al-ter the St. Albans South Reservoir Dam located in Fairfax, Vermont. (Contact; Shawn Pat-enaude, P.E., DuBois and King Engineering. Telephone Number: 802-728-3376).The project is the reha-bilitation of the existing dam and consists of re-building and regrading the downstream em-bankment; rebuilding the emergency spill-way, replacing outlet and transfer piping; in-stalling a new toe drain filter; and recontouring surface drainage. Before an application can be approved or disapproved, a deter-mination must be made as to whether the pub-lic good will be served and whether the plans and specifications ad-equately provide for the public safety. Fac-tors which must be considered in making this determination are stated in 10 V.S.A. Sec-tion 1086(a), copies of which are available on request from the De-partment of Environ-mental Conservation, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont 05671-0511, Attn: Don-ald Robisky (802-654-8991).As an aid in determin-ing the public good of the proposed project, comments from per-sons interested are being requested. Any comments or requests for a public informa-tion meeting regarding this project should be PREPARED IN WRIT-ING AND MAILED TO REACH THIS OFFICE NO LATER THAN March 30, 2012. Oth-erwise, it will be pre-sumed there are no comments or requests. The Department will hold a public informa-tion meeting upon re-quest from twenty-five (25) or more persons.

Additional information concerning the appli-cation can be obtained from the applicant or this office at the address and telephone numbers provided herein.David K. Mears,CommissionerDepartment of Environ-mental ConservationSTATE OF VERMONTSUPERIOR COURT


DOCKET NO:S 128-08 Fc


NOTICE OF SALEBy virtue and in ex-ecution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Kevin T Maloney to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, N.A. dated February 15, 2006 and recorded in Book 193 at Page 589 of the City/Town of Saint Albans Land Records, of which mortgage the under-signed is the present holder by Assignment of Mortgage recorded on March 7, 2008 in Book 217 at Page 435, for breach of the condi-tions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 a.m. on March 20, 2012 at 1730 Hathaway Point Road, Saint Albans, VT 05478 all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,To Wit:Being a lot of land with residential buildings and appurtenances thereon located on the westerly side of the Hathaway Point Road, so-called, in the Town of St. Albans, Vermont. Said lot is more par-ticularly described as follows: COMMENCING at an iron pipe located in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road, which point marks the southeast corner of the within lot; THENCE proceeding westerly along lands now or formerly of Mitchell and Bigelow a distance of 176 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe; THENCE continuing in the same direction a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pipe, which pipe marks the southwest corner of the within parcel; THENCE proceeding northerly in a fence along lands now or for-merly of said Bigelow a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pin; THENCE turning to the right and proceeding easterly 100 feet, more or less, to an iron pin; THENCE proceeding in the same direction along lands now or for-merly of Cantell a dis-tance of 176 feet, more or less, to an iron pin in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road; THENCE turning in the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road; THENCE turning to the right and proceed-ing southerly along the westerly sideline of said Hathaway Point Road a distance of 100 feet, more or less, to the point or place of be-ginning.

Also included here-with is the right to use, in common with oth-ers, that portion of the beach located between land now or formerly of Loren Mitchell and the State Fishing Access area, which breach has an approximate front-age of 400 feet, more or less. Reference is hereby made to a certain Wa-ter Line Easement and Right of Way from Jef-frey King, Karen King and Elizabeth (Betty) Hope to Stephen D. Smith dated January 16, 2001 of record at Book 117, Page 14 of the Town of St. Albans Land Records. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Kevin T. Maloney by Warranty Deed of Stephen D. Smith dated January 24, 2001 of record at Book 117, Page 18 of the Town of St. Albans Land Records,Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash by the pur-chaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the bal-ance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Saint Albans.The Mortgagor is en-titled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by pay-ing the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.Other terms to be an-nounced at the sale.Bank of America, N.A. successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Ser-vicing, LP f/k/a Coun-trywide Home Loans Servicing, LP,Richard J. Volpe, Esq.Shechtman, Halperin, Savage, LLP1080 Main Street, Paw-tucket, RI 02860877-575-1400Attorney for Plaintiff


CIVIL DIVISIONFranklin UnitDocket No.S 597-09 Fc

OneWest Bank, FSB,Plaintiffv.Bobby G. Scott, Rickey J. Napier,Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., Quicken Loans, Inc., and Occupants resid-ing at 26 Elm Street, Richford, Vermont,DefendantsSUMMONS & ORDERFOR PUBLICATION

THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO: Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Vermont Superior Court, Civil Division, Franklin Unit, 17 Church Street, St. Albans, Vermont. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights.2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Fore-closure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promis-sory Note and Mort-gage Deed dated July 18, 2006. Plaintiff’s action may effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Richford at Volume 106, Page 176. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promis-

sory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Franklin, State of Vermont.3. YOU MUST RE-PLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plain-tiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is March 1, 2012. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plain-tiff’s attorney, Joshua B. Lobe, located at 30 Kimball Avenue, Suite 306, South Burlington, VT 05403. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at 17 Church Street, St. Albans, Ver-mont.4. YOU MUST RE-SPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Com-plaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plain-tiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your An-swer.5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the com-plaint.6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAIN-TIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insur-ance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may have.7. LEGAL ASSIS-TANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you can-not afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to pro-tect your rights or you may lose the case.

ORDERThe Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the methods pro-vided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Proce-dure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defen-dants, Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4(g) of those Rules.This order shall be pub-lished once a week for 2 weeks beginning on March 1, 2012 in the St. Albans Messenger, a newspaper of general circulation in Franklin County, and a copy of this summons and or-

der as published shall be mailed to the defen-dants, Bobby G. Scott and Rickey J. Napier, if an address is known.Dated at St. Albans, Vermont this 8th day of February, 2012.Hon. Martin MaleyVermontSuperior CourtCivil Division,Franklin Unit

T��� O� M���������Road Maintenance

Worker Wanted


Please submit letter of interest and resume by 6:00 p.m., March 5th, 2012 to:

M��������� ���� �����PO B�� 356

M��������� C�����,V������ 05471

Entry Level Clerical Opportunities

274 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT 05478Tel: (802) 527-0006 / Fax: (802) 527-0009 / Toll free: 800-557-9056

Call 527-0006 Today!!

Gain the valuable experience needed to further your career in an office environment!

Details2nd shift from 3:00pm to 11:30pm$14.54 per hour

Description•Perform various clerical tasks•Sorting and setup of applications

Requirements•High school diploma or equivalency•Must pass credit and background checks•U.S. citizenship•Ability to lift up to 50 lbs.

CLINICIANSubstance Abuse - St. Albans

HowardCenter is looking for a candidate to provide substance abuse services including outpatient counseling, intensive outpatient counseling, assessment, referral, student assistance services, support groups and educational presentations to clients/recipients in a variety of settings.

This candidate must have a master’s degree and rostered license as well as internship provided counseling. Written and verbal communication skills, record keeping, counseling, assessment, and diagnositc skills are a must.

To apply visit:www.howardcentercareers.org

TRAINING SPECIALISTMilton area young man needs 20 afternoon hours of home based support, working 2pm - 6pm, Monday thru Fridays. This gentleman enjoys locomotives, movies, music, and listening to books. Ideal candidate will provide compassionate personal care while enjoying a slower work pace. This position might be a good fit for someone with LNA or nursing home experience but we are willing to train the right person.

Health and dental insurance as well as generous paid time off make this an exciting professional opportunity.

To apply visit:www.howardcentercareers.org

Individuals who apply for the positions must have:•Valid driver’s license and insurance•Basic knowledge of Franklin County•Reliability and punctuality•Need to be available between the hours of of 11:30AM and 5:00PM

Please Apply in person at St. Albans Messenger, 281 North Main Street, St. Albans, VT EOE



802 524-9771 Ext. 101 Tammy Jo

Routes start at$150 plus!

Routes take 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs

Routes Available Immediately in Richfordand Fairfax. Apply today!

Delivery includes stores and residential areas.

PROPOSED STATE RULES============================================By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. The purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. The public notices for administrative rules are now also available online at http://vermont-archives.org/aparules/ovnotices.htm. The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.

To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.

To obtain further information concering any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to te Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 (828-2231)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rules Governing the Vermont Therapeutic Use of Cannabis ProgramVermont Proposed Rule: 12P006AGENCY: Public Safety

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: Francis (Paco) X. Aumand III, Vermont Department of Public Safety, 103 S. Main St, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-241-5488 Fax:802-241-5557 E-Mail: [email protected] Web URL http://vcic.vermont.gov/marijuana_registry

For Copies: Jeffrey Wallin, Vermont Department of Public Safety, 103 S. Main St, Waterbury, VT 05671 Tel: 802-241-5220 Fax: 802-241-5557 E-Mail: jwallin@dps.state.vt.us----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Email: [email protected]


OntoNext Page

8B Classifieds The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012

MerchandiseApplicAnces. Antiques. bikes. building supplies. clothing. electronics. Furniture. lAwn & gArden.

Motors For SalecArs. trucks, suVs & VAns. pArts Vehicles. pArts/Accesories. tires.



Peoples Trust Com-pany of St. Albans,Plaintiff Docket Num-ber S 539-10Fcv. James P. McGregor,Cathy H. McGregorCapital One BankCapital One USA NA andMidland Funding, LLC Defendants



By virtue of the Judg-ment and Decree of Foreclosure by Judi-cial Sale (“Foreclosure Judgment”) dated June 27, 2011 and the Pow-er of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by James P. McGregor and Cathy H. McGregor (“Mort-gagor”) to Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans (“Mortgagee”) dated October 15, 2002 and recorded in Book 94 at Pages 345-355 of the Town of Enosburgh Land Records, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the under-signed will cause to be sold at public auction at 11:00 AM on March 12, 2012, the lands and premises known as 79 Elm Street, Enosburg, Vermont (“Mortgaged Property”) more par-ticularly described as follows:Being all and the same land and premises con-veyed to James P. Mc-Gregor and Cathy H. McGregor by Warranty Deed of Peoples Trust Company of St. Albans dated March 12, 1993 and recorded in Vol-ume 73 at Page 514 of the Town of Enosburgh Land Records.Being a lot of land, to-gether with the build-ings thereon, situated on the northerly side of Elm Street, so-called in the Village of Enos-burgh Falls, and bound-ed substantially as fol-lows: On the north by Enosburgh Falls Coun-try Club; on the east by one Vaillancourt; on the south by Elm Street; and on the west by Car-roll Bashaw.Also conveying hereby a small wedge shaped parcel of land on the easterly side of the above described parcel of land.Reference is hereby made to the above mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the references therein made, and their respec-tive records and refer-ences, in further aid of this description.TERMS OF SALE: The auction will be held at the Mortgaged Prop-erty. The Mortgaged Property will be sold to the highest bidder “AS IS, WHERE IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, WITH NO REPRESENTA-TIONS OR WARRAN-TIES OF ANY KIND”, subject to all title de-fects, rights of tenants in possession, unpaid real estate taxes and municipal liens. The successful bidder shall pay the full purchase price in cash or bank treasurer ’s/cashier ’s check at the auction, or shall pay $10,000 of the purchase price in cash or bank treasur-er’s/cashier’s check at the auction and provide a commitment letter from a lender licensed to conduct business in the state of Vermont to provide financing for the balance of the pur-chase price, or other satisfactory evidence that the bidder has the funds available to complete the purchase. The balance of the pur-chase price shall be paid within fifteen days of entry of the Court’s Confirmation Order. Before being permitted to bid at the auction, bidders shall display to the auctioneer proof of ability to comply with

these requirements. The successful bidder will be required to sign a NO CONTINGENCY purchase and sale contract satisfactory to Mortgagee at the auc-tion. Title will be trans-ferred by Confirmation Order. The auction may be adjourned from time to time for a total time not exceeding 30 days, without further court order, and without pub-lication or service of a new Notice of Sale, by announcement of the new sale date to those present at each ad-journment. Other terms to be announced at the auction or contact Su-san J. Steckel at 802-563-4400.The Mortgagors, or their personal representa-tives or assigns, may redeem the Mortgaged Property at any time prior to the sale by pay-ing the full amount due under the mortgage, in-cluding post-judgment expenses and the costs and expenses of sale.Dated at Cabot, Ver-mont, this 6th day of January, 2012. Peoples Trust Com-pany of St. AlbansBy:Steckel Law OfficeBy:/s/ Susan J. SteckelBy:Susan J. Steckel, Esq.P. O. Box 247Marshfield, Vermont 05658-0247




DOCKET NO. 103-2011 E



To the creditors of the estate of Carol Evelyn Baker Raine, late of St. Albans, Vermont. I have been appointed a personal representative of the above named es-tate. All creditors hav-ing claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first pub-lication of this notice. The claim must be pre-sented to me at the ad-dress listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above within the four month deadline.Signed:Michael D. Raine, Executorc/o Timothy G. Hurlbut, Esquire375 Lake Road, Suite 2ASt. Albans, VT 05478-2295Telephone:(802)527-7200Dated:February 7, 2012Name of Publication:St. Albans MessengerFirst Publication Date:February 23, 2012Second Publication Date:March 1, 2012Address of Probate Court:Vermont Superior CourtFranklin Unit,Probate Division17 Church StreetSt. Albans, VT 05478



TuesdayMarch 6, 2012

The Board of School Directors of the Ba-kersfield Town School District have received a petition requesting reconsideration of the action taken by voters during the January 10, 2012, Special School District meeting. There-

fore, the legal voters of the Bakersfield Town School District, Ba-kersfield, Vermont, are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Bakersfield Town Hall on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, between 10:00 a.m., at which time the polls will open, and 7:00 p.m., at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian bal-lot upon the following Article of business:The Board of School Directors of the Ba-kersfield Town School District proposes to incur bonded and other indebtedness of $1,125,000 for the pur-pose of making certain schoolhouse improve-ments, specifically ren-ovations to Bakersfield Elementary School at an estimated project cost of $1,351,322.Article 1 Shall the bonds of the Bakers-field Town School Dis-trict of Bakersfield, Ver-mont in an amount not to exceed $1,125,000 be issued for the pur-pose of making certain schoolhouse improve-ments, specifically ren-ovations to Bakersfield Elementary School at an estimated cost of $1,351,322?The legal voters of the Bakersfield Town School District are further warned and notified that an infor-mational meeting will be held at Bakersfield Elementary School in the Town of Bakers-field on Monday, March 5, 2012, immediately following the Annual School District Meet-ing, for the purpose of explaining the subject proposed school build-ing improvements and the financing thereof.The legal voters of the Bakersfield Town School District are fur-ther notified that voter qualification, registra-tion and absentee vot-ing relative to said spe-cial meeting shall be as provided in Chapters 43, 51, and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.Special notes:a) REGISTER TO VOTE: Voters may ap-ply at the Bakersfield Town Clerk’s Office or submit an application at the Department of Mo-tor Vehicles or another voter registration agen-cy by noon on Wednes-day, February 29, 2012. The Town Clerk’s Office will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, on Wednesday, February 29, 2012.b) ABSENTEE BAL-LOTS: Absentee ballots are available twenty days before the elec-tion. Voters may apply for an absentee ballot at any time until the close of the Bakersfield Town Clerk’s Office on the day before the elec-tion, Monday, March 5, 2012. Authorized per-sons applying on behalf of another voter must apply no later than 12:00 noon on Mon-day, March 5, 2012. A voter or family member may apply in person, in writing or by telephone for an absentee bal-lot. Other authorized persons may apply for the voter in person or in writing. There are three ways to vote by absen-tee ballot: (1) vote in the Bakersfield Town Clerk’s Office before the deadline; (2) have a ballot mailed to you and mail or take it back to the Bakersfield Town Clerk’s Office before election day or to the polling place by 7:00 p.m. on election day; or (3) if you are ill or physi-cally disabled, you may have two justices of the peace bring a ballot to you at your home on any of the eight days preceding the day of election or the day of election.c) Voters are further notified that absentee ballots, voter qualifica-tion information, and voting information may be obtained through the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Bakers-

field, P.O. Box 203, Bakersfield, VT 05441-0203. Phone # 802-827-4495. Adopted and approved at a special meeting of the Board of School Directors duly noticed, called and held on February 9, 2012. Re-ceived for record and recorded in the records of the Bakersfield Town School District on Feb-ruary 10, 2012. Katherine Westcom, Town ClerkSchool DirectorsTennyson Doane, ChairTerri Gates, Vice-ChairMelissa Dion, ClerkPatricia CurtisMarie Race


CARING AND DE-VOTED married couple will provide loving, and stable home for your newborn baby. All ex-penses paid, for infor-mation please call 1-888-728-5746, Carolyn and Todd.



BREAD MACHINE, ELECTRIC, used twice. $20. Call 802-848-3277.FREEZER, COLD SPOT. 15 1/2 cubic feet, older, runs great. $40. 802-891-6580 WASHER, KENMORE, AND dryer, Hotpoint, Propaine, good condi-tion, $75./each or both for $100. 802-933-9996


MAIL BOX, ANTIQUE. $50. Please call 802-485-8266.MIRROR, ANTIQUE 36”X38”. Good condi-tion, $75. 802-868-3691


GIRLS BICYCLE, 20”, heavy duty, $25. or best offer. 802-524-1139 leave a message.

Clothing & Acces-sories

COAT, WOMAN’S, 36”,Australian Imperial boiled wool collection, sleeve 23”, light green, size 14, $20. 802-485-8266COAT, WOMAN’S, VINTAGE Gordon of Phila., very expensive, Irish green, corduroy, full length 41”, size 16, like new. $40. 802-485-8266EXERCISE SUIT, SLAZENGER, men’s, 2 piece, blue, size 2X, paid over $100. will take $30. or best offer. 802-485-8266LEATHER JACKET, WOMEN’S, medium, brown, needs zipper. $10. 802-782-4146MAN’S PREGO SWEATER, 70% Shet-land wool, 30% virgin acrylic, size XL, dark gray, pull over. $30. 802-485-8266MANS PAJAMAS, 100% cotton, LL Bean, size large, blue, never worn, still in package. $20. 802-485-8266


SUCCESSFUL FARM-ING MAGAZINES, (6), 1948, American Agriculturist, (5), 1976, Hoard’s Dairyman (4), 1979. $10/each. 802-485-8266

Children’s Items

BABY CLOTHES, GIRLS, newborn - 9 months, all different brands, (2) big boxes. $30. for all. 802-782-9910BABY WALKER, PINK car, in great shape. $15. 802-782-9910

INFANT SLEEP BED, and little girl, infant clothing and accesso-ries. $50. or best offer. 802-782-4146SWIMMING POOL AND/OR Sandbox, paid $89. Brand new, asking $20. or best of-fer. 802-782-4146

Crafts & Sewing Supplies

MATERIAL FOR QUILT, Cotton and Double Knit, $12. or make offer. 802-868-3691SCREEN PRINT BARKCLOTH, Vintage Country village scene, scotch guard finish, preshrunk, 17 yards at $18. a yard. 802-485-8266


CLAY BAKER, 1.5 quart, Romertopf, makes tender meat, used once. $35. 802-485-8266


DIGITAL CAMERA, SAMSUNG, runs on battery, works great, $30. Please call 802-891-6580.E N T E R TA I N M E N T CENTER, WOODEN, 41.5”w X 47”h. Good condition. Room for large TV, DVD player or game machine. Also storage for DVD’s or games. Asking $20. 802-868-7163TV, SONY FD Triniton, 27”, Color, includes remote control, $50 or best offer. Call 527-0270X BOX, COMES with 1 paddle, and 5 games. Please call 802-868-6015.


SAWMILLS FROM ONLY $3997. Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lum-ber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info & DVD: www.NorwoodSaw-mills.com1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N


CABINET, 5’ HIGH x 2’ wide. Please call 802-285-6663.HANDMADE WOOD CRADLES, (2), for big doll. Good condition. $25./each. Call 802-868-3691.JELLY CABINET, BRAND new, Pine. $145. Call 802-868-3732.ROCKER RECLINER, LAZY Boy, teal color, fine quality, in like new condition all throughout. $135. 802-527-0677ROCKING CHAIR, SOLID Rock Maple, Us made $100. 802-485-8266TRUNDLE BED, AN-TIQUE, brown, metal, in excellent condition. Includes new mattress-es. $100. Please call 802-527-2390. Leave a Message.


AFGHANS, (8), VARI-OUS colors and sizes. $12. to $20. each. 802-868-3691BEDDING, FULL SIZE set, in pink, by Brook of Canada, very warm, used once. $30. or best offer. 802-485-8266DUVET COVER, RALPH Lauren, Poet Society Collection. $100. 802-752-9931PILLOW FOR BED lounge, or couch, 26” by 18”, never used. $30. 802-485-8266

Garage Sales


Sun., 3/119:00am - 4:00pm

Different vendors and crafters. If interested in a spot call:Tim at 802-782-2101

Dairy CenterStonebrook

Rte. 105, Enosburg


BIRD HOUSES AND feeders, hand made, different sizes and prices. Call 802-848-3277

GARDEN TOOLS, DIF-FERENT prices, call 802-848-3277.


GAS TURKEY COOK-ER, used twice. $25. Call 802-848-3277.PILLOWS, (2), WITH goose feathers. Good condition. $35. for the pair. 802-868-3691.PRIVACY HEDGES, BLOWOUT sale, 6’ Ar-borvitae (Cedar), beau-tiful, nursery grown. Free Installation, and free delivery. Regular $129. now $59. 518-536-1367 www.low-costtrees.com will beat any offer!SAP BUCKETS, GAL-VANIZED, (40). $3.50/each. Please call 802-524-9225 or 802-782-0608.SLIDE TRAYS FOR projector, 3 for $10. 802-868-3691.STEP LADDERS (2), (1) 6’, $15. and (1) 2-3’ $5. 802-848-3277


DVD MOVIES FOR kids. (11), at $10. each. Call: 802-528-8938PILATES VIDEOS, (8), all for $5. Call 802-848-3277RECORDS, LARGE IN size, 3 for $10. 802-868-3691.

Office Supplies

OFFICE CHAIR, GRAY. $25. Please call 802-848-3277


BULL TERRIER, MALE, Max, 2 years old, brindle. Free to a good home. For more details call Shawn at 802-309-2834.CHIHUAHUA PUP-PIES, $300. each or two for $500. Ready to go. 802-848-7090RABBITS, BORN IN 2011, female Siamese, male tan colored, black/white Dutch female. $20/each. Cages for sale. 802-782-0008RABBITS, FREE, LION Head and Lop Eared, (10) females, can breed, (3) males, warm and fuzzy. Friendly and tease for treats. 802-933-2345

Pet Supplies

BIRD CAGE, SMALL, wanted for free. Call: 802-527-8318DOG KENNEL, ME-DIUM size, folds down, has pull out tray. $40. 802-891-6580


TRACTOR, TORO, 18HP, with 4 foot wide snowblower, cab and 44” mower deck. Asking: $2,000. 802-524-0127


BENCH GRINDER, $15. Please call 802-848-3277.CHAINSAW, MC-CULLOUGH, ELEC-TRIC, 16” bar. $30. 802-782-5000.SAW HORSES, (3), handmade, heavy duty. $20. each. 802-848-3277TAP AND DIE set, $15. Please call 802-848-3277.

Lost & Found

ALUMINUM NOTEPAD (JOURNAL), lost, 5x9. A lot of sentimental value to a 67 year old. I would re-ally like to get the journal back. Please call: 802-338-7165, text preferred.

KEYS, FOUND, IN St. Albans, near Kellogg Rd. and Lake Rd., found 02/20/12. Please call to ID. 802-524-1748

Wanted to Buy

BUYING ANTIQUES, Estate Lots, Gold, Silver Jewelry, most anything old. 40 Years Buying. Fair Prices. Ed Lambert Antiques.



2010 Chevrolet2500 Express Cargo Van, only 15K miles. $19900.STK# P1-452010 Chevrolet Im-pala LT, auto, 4 dr., loaded, V6. Only $16900.STK# P1-442009 Chevrolet Ta-hoe LTZ, loaded with every option, too many to list, black with black heated and A/C leather, moon-roof, DVD player, etc. Only $39900. STK# 48k12009 Ford F-150 XLT, e/c, 8’ box, 5.4 V8 with auto. Only $22900. STK# 248k12009 GMC 1500 SL, crew cab, 4.8 engine, cd, tow pkg., upgrad-ed seats, etc. Only $25900.STK# 156k12009 GMC 2500, reg 8’ W/T, 6.0 engine, this truck is very nice, must see!!! Bright red. Only $24900.STK# 298k12008 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ, loaded, leather, moonroof, all the toys, bought and serviced here. Must see!!! 2 to choose from. Only $17500.2008 Chevrolet 1500, Crew cab, 4.8 engine, W/T package, with A/C, CC, TW, PL, RKE, CD, rubber floor and a tow pkg.$22900.STK# 299K1

802-933-445557 Missisquoi

Street, Enosburg Fallswww.champlain


Mon.-Thurs. 7:30-5:00

Fri. 7:30-7:00


DONATE YOUR VE-HICLE receive free va-cation voucher United Breast Cancer Founda-tion free mammograms, breast cancer info www.ubcf.info. FREE tow-ing, fast, non-runners accepted, 24/7 1-888-444-8216


Southern Pre-Owned Vehicles

802-766-4924DERBY VT 05829

Take I-91. N. To Exit 28. Take right Next to Shell Station2004 Subaru Legacy Outback Limited Edi-tion S.W., auto, AWD, loaded, double power moonroofs, mint heated black leather, immacu-late throughout, black/gold, rust free. $9,295.2001 Dodge Ram Quad Cab 150 Sport, auto, 5.9, 4x4. Mint in-terior. Well maintained, rust free. Must see. Runs and looks excel-lent.$7,995.2001 Buick LeSabre Custom, auto, V-6, 4 door, 1-owner, 65K miles, loaded. Mint inte-rior, rust free. Excellent condition throughout. $7,295.2000 Ford F-150 Ex Cab XLT, 4 door, quad cab, auto, 4x4, mint in-terior, Green, new tires. Runs and looks great. $5495.1996 Ford F-150 Ex Cab XLT, auto, 4x4, mint interior, loaded, 113K miles, two tone. Rust free, must see. Runs and looks sharp. $5995.2000 Dodge Dakota Sport, auto, V-8, 4x4, 4 door, 80K miles, load-ed, mint interior. Rust free.$8495.2000 Ford Ranger Ex Cab 4 door XLT Sport, auto, 3.0, V-6, 4x4, loaded, mint inte-rior, rust free. Runs and looks sharp. $5995.1996 Cadillac Seville STS, auto, V-8, North Star, 89K miles, loaded, leather, rust free. Must see. $3995.2001 Chevy Camaro SS, 6 speed, 5.7. load-ed, mint black leather, mint T-Tops, immacu-late throughout, black, sharp car. Must see. $8495.

1999 Subaru Outback Legacy, S.W., 5-speed, AWD, loaded, mint in-terior, rust free, 105K miles, runs and looks sharp. $4595.2001 Volkswagon New Beetle, 5-speed, 2.0 turbo, 2-door, 83K miles, mint interior, loaded, p.moonroof, heated seats, rust free, runs and looks excel-lent. $6695.1999 Chevy Subur-ban 1500 LS, auto, 4x4, 9-passenger, mint interior, dual heat/A/C, loaded, rust free. $6495.2002 Saturn SL2, auto, loaded, 4-door, mint in-terior, 69K miles, rust free. Runs and looks excellent. $5495.1999 Chevy ExCab 2500, auto, 6.0, 4x4, 8 foot Minute Mount Fisher Plow. 82K miles, 3rd door, mint interior, loaded, rust free, im-maculate, must see. $9295.2002 Volkswagon Jet-ta GLS, auto, Tiptronic, 1.8 turbo, nice interior, 114K miles, rust free. $5695.1998 Ford Expedition XLT, auto, 4x4, 5.4 li-ter, V-8, loaded, nice interior, leather, 3rd seat. Well maintained, runs and looks sharp. $5495.

Trucks, SUVs & Vans

CHEVY BLAZER, 2004, 6 cyl., auto, 2 door, 55K miles, $4500. 802-868-6248


TOOL BOX, TUFF, for pick up truck, PFC, black, good condition. Asking $35. 802-868-7613

Legalslegals. notices. letters to creditors. foreclosures. name changes. personals.


Lost & Found Curt’s Automotive

13 Beauregard Drive, St. Albans(802) 524-2824

8am-5pm Mon-Fri Saturdays by Appointment

General Repairs • Tires • Alignment

BOAT REPAIR•Service •Repair

VEHICLE REPAIR• Tires • State Inspection • Service

LAMOTHE’S REPAIR SHOPNewton Rd., St. Albans | 802.524.6867

Only 4 Weeks for $40.Call today to advertise!

802-524-9771 x 117 or x122


Maple Sugaring2012

(802) 524-9771 x117/x122St. Albans Messenger

8 Weeks


Reserve a

Spot for Your

Maple -Related




Your Ad Here!Call: 802-524-9771

Ext. 117 or 122

9BClassifiedsThe St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012


Apartments Furnished

ST. ALBANS, NICE lo-cation, 4 room for singular, second floor, all utilities in-cluded. No pets/smoking, comfortable and safe, security deposit required. $750./mo. For application call 802-524-4750

Apartments Unfur-nished

304 South Main Str.St. Albans Town

Brand new 2 bedrooms, 2 full baths, single story living, underground parking, elevator ac-cess, on-site laundry. Available immediately. $1250./mo. Call for de-tails 802-881-3003.


x7852 or 802-524-6763 www.lmsre.com

FranklinCarriage House

55 and older, private apartments with

services. Market Rate apartment coming

available. Call Stacy for more

information or a tour.802-285-2944

ONE BEDROOM APTS, Nice locations. Clean, quiet. Heated, appliances, yard maintenance, rub-bish. Some with laundry rooms. Deposit. Also 1st floor furnished apartment. References required.

802-527-7263ONE BEDROOM APTS, Nice locations. Clean, quiet. Heated, appliances, yard maintenance, rub-bish. Some with laundry rooms. Deposit. Also 1st floor furnished apartment. References required.

802-527-7263SWANTON VILLAGE, 2BR, 2nd floor, $900./mo. includes heat/elec-tricity. Also 3BR, $950/mo. plus utilities. Refer-ences/security deposit required. 802-527-7312.WEST SWANTON, LAKE Champlain, small studio apartment. $625./mo. Heat and lights included. No pets. First, last and deposit. Call 802-868-5865.



Accepting applications for waiting list at the following locations:MILTON - Meadowlane

Apartments - 1 bedroomST. ALBANS - Hillcrest

Views Apts. - 2 bedroomsWelden Villa - 1 bedroom

SWANTON - AbenakiAcres - 2, 3 & 4 bedrooms

Swanton Village Apts. - 1 & 2 bedrooms

Some Restrictions May ApplyFor information contact:

VSHA - 1 Prospect St.Montpelier, VT 05602-3556OR (802) 527-4202 (Voice)(800) 820-5119 (Message)


Commercial for rent


FOR RENTat 118 North Main Street, St. Albans.

Heat/water/garbage removal included.

Great visibility. Could be beauty salon,

small retail store, etc. 802-782-9599

or 802-524-9690.

Homes for rent

FRANKLIN, CLEAN, NEWER, 3 bedroom, 2 full baths. Includes: trash/snow removal/lawn care. No smok-ing/pets. References/deposit required. $995/mo. plus utilities. 802-285-6795.

Land/Lots for rent


West Swanton/East Al-burg. Call for details.

802-868-7138Mobile Homes for

rentALBURGH TOWN, 2BEDROOM, private lot, stove, fridge, W/D, new carpets, com-pletely redecorated. $650/mo. plus deposit. References required. 802-782-1341 or 802-796-3078

Roommate Wanted

ST. ALBANS, 1 bed-room available in a 5 room apartment. Full kitchen, largely fur-nished, upstairs. Call: 802-338-7165, text pre-ferred.


Homes for sale

112 No. Main Street St. Albans, VT 05478office 802-524-9526

cell 802-309-1223

Mary SamsonREALTOR®

Residential &Commercial

Alburgh - Set on one acre of land, 2 bed-room, 1 bath home features open floor plan located on a qui-et dead end street in the village.…$45,000. 4105554

Cardinal Circle Con-do - Beautifully main-tained 3 bedroom with open floor plan, 5 star energy rating, master suite w/master bath and walk-in closet. 1 Car attached garage with storage space. In-ground pool and basket-ball court…$186,000. 4115567

Maquam Shore Road - Beautiful custom home on 1.93 acres of sloping land and lake views from most of the rooms. Two con-crete ramps into the lake, 400 feet of lake frontage…$625,000. 4045195

East Shore Drive - Take advantage of this very special offer as the price reflects. Camp overlooks Lake Champlain on owned land with a 38ft right of way to shared beach. This camp is high and dry and not affected by the high water…$99,900. 4098190Call Coldwell Banker Choice Properties 802-524-9526.AUCTION, REAL ESTATE, Killington, VT-Lender ordered, 5,600+ sf, luxury vaca-tion home, with 4BR, 3.5BA. Auction: March 13, for details & terms, visit www.tranzon.com/AP12019, Tranzon Auction Properties, 1-866-503-1212, Thomas W. Saturley, VT AUC Lic. #057-0002223ENOSBURG, COUN-TRY, 3 bedroom ranch. Open concept, on 10 acres. $110,000. Pos-sibility of owner financ-ing.Also coming to a 2 acre building lot, all Maple, septic design. 600 feet plus from the road, driveway done. $50,000.

802-933-2747LUXURY CONDOS, BANK acquired, Naples Florida area! Brand new, 2BR, 2BA, own for below builder cost in warm sunny SW Florida! Close to over 20 restau-rants/100 shops! Must see. Only $239,900. Same unit sold for $624,771. Call 1-866-959-2825, x44.

New Listing - Country Home, hillside ranch with three bedrooms and two car garage. Many recent updates, Hearthstone wood stove included. Sys-tem 2000 furnace recently installed. Ten acres of hardwoods to enjoy $209,900.

Price Reduced - HOME WITH BARN AND OVERSIZED GARAGE. Kitchen w/ granite countertops large living room w/ fireplace. Great room w/ vaulted ceilings and natural light. Fin-ished basement w/ game room and bar. Master suite w/ fire-place and whirlpool tub.$289,900.

Price Reduced - Starter Home - 1st floor laundry and mas-ter bedroom. Enclosed porch, 2 car garage with automatic opener. All on a country setting with 1.5 acres.$114,900.

St Albans Town - Home with room for your toys. Attached garage, at-tached barn, bonus room over the garage, country kitchen.$229,000.Call Rachel Smith at S.R. Smith Real Estate (802) 524-6717

OPEN HOUSESunday March 4, 2012, 1-3 PM, details and di-rections log onto Forsa-lebyowner.com Listing #23202099. A lot of house for the money $309,500.

Call Sandy & David802-782-8041

SWANTON4 years old, 1,600+ sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 2 car garage, open floor plan; situated on a qui-et, mostly wooded 1.7 acres. Minutes to I89. Will consider rent-to-own to approved buyers.


Kristine StellRealtoR®/Managing Broker

Destinations802.527.7666 ext. 108802.782.2834 [email protected]


Franklin County Board of REALTORS®


SWANTON - Newly constructed home ready for your cus-tomization. Allow-ances for flooring, cabi-nets and appliances of your choice! Private corner lot with walk-out basement, large front porch & attached 2-car garage. Located in a private subdivision just over St. Albans Town line. $259,000.

SWANTON - Buy this home at $30,000. be-low appraisal! Open floor plan boasts cathe-dral ceilings with sky-lights in LR, MBR with 2 closets, hardwood floors and ceramic tile and outdoor FP with seating. $255,000.Call Kristine Stell, CDPE, REALTOR®/Manag-ing Broker, at RE/MAX Destinations (802) 527-7666 Ext. 108!

Mobile homes for sale

SKYLINE MOBILE HOME, in Highgate, 3 bedroom, 1 bath, 1.5 car garage, newly reno-vated, on 1 acre coun-try lot.



PHONE: 802-524-9771 Gail x117 Kristen x122FAX: 802-527-1948EMAIL: [email protected]


RENT YOUR SPACE! Real Estate For Salehomes for sale. land for sale. office space for sale.

Saturday, MarCH 3 @ 10aMView & regiSter froM 8aM

131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT

200± VeHiCleS . open to tHe publiC Cars, Trucks, SUVs, Vans & More!

More info & updates: tHCauction.com



Thomas Hirchak CompanyFrom: Amy Crawford/Matt ChaneyPhone: 800-634-7653Fax: 802-888-2211

To: Gail WellsCompany: St. Albans Messenger - ClassifiedsPhone: 802-524-9771 ext. 117 class or 103

Cost PCI: $7.50

1c= 1 3/82c= 2 3/43c= 4 1/44c= 5 3/4

REGULAR PAPER:2c=4.253c= 6.4375

TODAY’S DATE: 2/29/12NAME OF FILE: 03012012SAMDATE(S) TO RUN: 3/1/12SIZE OF AD: 2x10EMAILED TO: [email protected]

THOMAS HIRCHAK COMPANY800-634-7653 · 802-888-4662

Cars:‘06 Honda Accord

‘05 Audi A4‘05 & ‘02 Buick Century

‘05 Chevy Aveo‘03 Ford Taurus‘03 VW Passat‘01 Ford Focus

‘01 Subaru Legacy‘00 Saab 9-5‘00 VW Jetta

‘00 & ‘98 Volvo V70SuVs, Vans &

Crossovers:‘07 Subaru Forester

‘06 Chevy Tahoe‘04 Ford Freestar

‘03 & ‘99 Ford Explorer‘03 Honda Pilot

‘00 Dodge Durango‘00 Honda Odyssey‘99 Jeep Cherokee

trucks:‘06 Toyota Tacoma

‘03 Ford F-350‘02 Chevy Avalanche

‘01 GMC Sierra‘99 Dodge Dakota

& many more!List Subject to Change

wednesday, april 4 @ 11aMinspect & register from 10aM

2394 west enosburg roadenosburg, Vt

foreCloSure · Country Store1,680± Sf . 0.5± aCre . gaS puMpSwalK-in Cooler & eQuipMent

This could be the right opportunity to locate your existing business or begin anew. The original (c. 1900) building has been enlarged for a total of 1,680± SF of retail space. 480± SF basement with bulkhead access. Recently operated as a convenience store with gas pumps, but the possibilities are endless. Ideal location with ample parking. Sale includes equipment and a 14 door reach-in/walk-in cooler. Put your ideas to work!

Call for info package & terms or visit tHCauction.com

Auct ions����������


-BACK TO HEALTH- Chiropractic, Gym, & Nutritional Therapy

drmolly.com 802-527-2225


To advertise Call (802) 524-9771 Gail Ext. 117 or Lindsey Ext. 122 Fax (802) 527-1948

Email: [email protected]

Timothy S. Hawkins, Esq.Real Estate, Wills & Estates, Bankruptcy, Evictions

17 Stebbins St., St. Albans, VT 054787am-5pm evenings & weekends

802 524-1434We are a debt relief agency






Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling

Susan J. Powers, LADC132 So. Main Street, St. Albans, VT 05478

802 524-4883



Minimum Run Time of 3 Months $130 = $10/week


375 Lake Road, Suite 2A, St. Albans, VT(802) 527-7200

[email protected] Estate Planning & Real Estate

INJURED?William T. Counos, II

Kissane Associates 2 North Main St., St. Albans

(802) 524-9546 x15

DENIED SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY? Local Experienced Attorney Representation

Attorney Paula J. Kane18 Kingman St., St. Albans, VT 05478

(802) 524-7338

Scott R. Bortzfield, Esq.Family Law and Family Mediation Services

Wills and Estates, Real Estate66 South Main Street, St. Albans, VT

(802) [email protected]

Grant C. ReesAttorney at Law

BANKRUPTCY: Stop Foreclosurer and RepossessionPersonal Injury/Accident Claims

164 Rte 7 South, Milton, Vermont(802) 893-7400 We are a debt relief agency.

Mowing • Mulching Trimming • Pruning

Rototilling • Bush HoggingStone/Gravel

Driveway Repair

Call Chris: Home 802-527-0316 Cell 802-782-2523

Spring/Fall Cleanup • LandscapingSnow Removal • Free Estimates • Insured

CNB Lawn Care & Snowplowing


Six Weeks For Only $120. (That’s only $20/week.) Call today 802-524-9771 ext 117 or 122

SNOW PLOWINGCommercial & Residential

COMPETITIVE RATESTim Totten 802-370-2486


Free Estimates for Franklin County

ResidentsJ & A Excavating& Snowplowing, LLC

Residential/Commercial24 Hour Emergency Service

Sanding & Salting802-752-5949 802-524-0784

Free EstimatesFully Insured

802-285-6245 • 370-5350

•Snow Plowing•Salting/Sanding

•Back Hoe Removal•Roof Shoveling

On Call Service


CALL US524-9771

Ext. 117/122

Add A Photo

FREE of Charge!

Placing An Ad?

Are you looking for a kitten?Check theMessenger ClassifiedsPets Section

Merchandise • MotorsReal Estate • Rentals

Call (802) 524-9771 x117 x122

EMAIL [email protected]

10B Classifieds The St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012

To advertise in this directory contact us at: (802) 524-9771 ext. 117 or ext. 122

[email protected]



Business & Service{ DIRECTORY}


Ye Olde VermonterFirst Steps Playschool

Rick GabreeKemps Property Maintenance



868-3373www.nunezelectric.comLicensed & Insured

868-3373www.nunezelectric.comLicensed & Insured

868-3373www.nunezelectric.comLicensed & Insured


527-9995Serving Chittenden & Franklin Counties

Roll-Off Dumpsters & Storage Containers


E-Z Container Service

S u p e r s t a r L i s t i n gCelebrating our longest

running advertisers.

Experienced Auto RepairDomestic • Foreign • Light Truck




Lake Street, St. Albans, VT(across from the VFW)

Curtis Brusoe 524-2824



AUCTION SUN., MARCH 4, 2012Doors Open: 11:00AM

Auction Begins 1:00PMGeneral Merchandise, Antiques, Collectables

Please come join us at the St. Albans Moose43 Lake St., St. Albans, VT 05478

RAIL CITY ENTERPRISES, LLC 0570002461802-370-2261 • See full listing at auctionzip.com


Repairs, RemodelingConstruction, Installations

Chris McVicar, Owner93 Bank Street, St. Albans

Fully Insured

Ph: 802-782-4306Website: www.mcfixitllc.com


Seamless Gutters CustomMade at Your Home

•Cleaning & Repairs•Work Guaranteed & Insured

Call Jason For a Free Estimate1 800-994-7984 • 524-5225

Residential, Commercial & Manufactured HomesHOME INSPECTIONS


6 Ethel Court St. Albans, VT 05478802-309-2648 • 802-527-9881 • [email protected]


Jeff BelroseCertified: PHII, IICRC, IOT, CMT, CMP

$265.00 For



SERENITY HAVENRelaxation Massage

by DaunaCall for details 802-673-7514 Years of Experience

802-673-7514 Located in [email protected]


Made to your order, you decide, I will bake.


I Pick Up/ Drop Off5 yrs Commercial Experience

Call for details.




(450) 378-4929If It’s Broken We Can Fix It!

[email protected]

• Gears - Fabrication & Repair• Tooling & C.N.C. Production• General Machining

82-6 rue IrwinGranby Quebec J2J 2P1


C.L. ConcreteCommercial & Residential

Concrete Construction

(802) [email protected]

Corey R. Laughlin, Owner


Hank Gadouas & sonDecorative concrete

FounDations anD Floors9 thibault street

swanton, vt 05488(802) 868-2711

telephone:Hank: (802) 309-0901tyler: (802) 782-0840



Virus Removal • PC Tune-upPC Sales & Support

Data Backup & Recoverywebsite http://www.RandomAccessIT.com

12 Kingman Street, St. Albans.

(802) 782-6133St. Albans


www.rebootcomputers.org 86 N. MAIN ST. SAINT ALBANS 802 528-5167

Computer recyclingWe never charge hourly rates,

just low flat feesThe First Microsoft Registered Refurbisher

Servicing Franklin County



NICHOLS CONSTRUCTIONNew Construction & Remodeling

Specializing In:Kitchens, Bathrooms, Windows, Doors

Roofing, Siding, Framing, SheetrockPainting, Tile, Interior Trim

Home Repairs & MaintenanceRandy Nichols, Owner






YOUR ONE STOP HOME REPAIR SERVICE!Roof Snow Removal, Roofing, Siding, Chimney Cleaning & Repair, Window

Replacement, Painting, Electrical & More


Remodeling or New Homes Replacement Windows • Additions Finish Carpentry • Kitchen & Bath

Vinyl Siding • Decks • Garages Fiber Cement Siding

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Custom Renovations

G.A.R. ContractingFully Insured • Free Estimates


Nutritious Home-Cooked Meals, We provide a loving, caring & nurturing environment for your little ones. Serving 6 weeks - 13 years old. Free or reduced rates available to those qualified for the Child Care Financial Assistance Program.





Kim’s Daycare


Full/Part-time OpeningsPreSchool CurriculumMeals/Snacks ProvidedAges 6 weeks & olderHome Setting


Full Time & After School OpeningsYour child will enjoy:• Full day of play • Learning Opportunities• Activities • Home Setting, Loving Experience• Preschool Curriculum Also Offered• First Aid/CPR CertifiedCall us at 802-528-5253


Ryea & SonsMason Contractor

Residential & CommercialBrick, Block & Stone

Fireplaces & Prefab Chimneys a Specialty

1645 St. Albans Rd., Richford, VT 05476802-848-7175 • Fax: 802-848-7137

Richard R. RyeaChristopher J. RyeaRitchie R. Ryea

Free estimates

masonry& roofing

brick • block • stonework

ChimneysBrick FrontsChimney SweepRoof PaintingShingle andSlate Repairs

FREE EstimatesRick GabREE

(802) 933-4004 cell 782-2457Fully insured


KEMP’SProperty Maintenance802-363-4091Offering Seasonal or Yearly Contracts On







Business & Service

Auto Services

F&S TOWINGJunk Car Removal

Flatbed Wrecker Service

Paying $100.-$500. for junk vehicles.

60 Mile Radius ofBurlington.


Child Care Services


CHILDCAREOpenings for infants through 4 years. Fun

and learning activities. Small group of chil-

dren. Lots of attention.802-782-1679


AIRLINES ARE HIR-ING. Train for hands on aviation career. FAA approved program, fi-nancial aid if qualified. Job placement assis-tance. Call Aviation In-stitute of Maintenance 877-202-0386.ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINEfrom home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hos-pitality . Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certi-fied. Call 888-216-1791 www.CenturaOnline.com


Cathy’s Good Housekeeping

I have time to clean your house. Weekly, Bi-Weekly. Please call:



IF YOU USED Yaz/Yaz-min/Ocella birth control pills or a Nuvaring vagi-nal ring contraceptive, between 2001 and pres-ent and developed blood clots, suffered a stroke, heart attack or required gall bladder removal, you may be entitled to compensation. Call at-torney Charles Johnson 1-800-535-5727


Guitar LessonsJason Whalon

Graduate of Atlanta Institute of Music. Now accepting students for instruction. All levels/

ages. (802)524-0062

11BClassifiedsThe St. Albans (Vt.) Messenger, Thursday, March 1, 2012


The directory will be in the Messenger Monday-Saturday, and in the Extra

This directory will appear in our publications - January 11th to April 14th.

Sizes: 2.5 x 1”...$110.2.5 x 2”...$240. 2.5 x 4”...$500.

Carol HoodaCCounting ServiCeS

Income Tax PreparationAuthorized e-file Provider

Quickbooks & Peachtree Accounting

New Business Set-up &Consulting

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195 Don Mar Terr., Colchester, VT

Cota CPA, PCCertified Public Accountant & Consultant

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Raymond S. Cota, CPAToll Free 800-244-0451Fax: 802-878-1449

www.cotacpa.com Email: [email protected] Knight Lane (PO Box 1405) Williston, VT• 802-878-1158


278 South Main St., St. Albans, VT802-524-3548



Individual • Self-Employed • CorporateReasonable Rates • Quickbooks

25 Years Experience

802-893-698971 Racine Road, Milton

Kim LeBlanc Accounting &Tax Services• Individual & Business• Income Tax Preparation•Free Electronic Filing•21 Years of Experience•Very Reasonable Rates

Year around Payroll & Bookkeeping Services available.

Call 802-524-5474

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NANCY CLAYTONSenior Tax Advisor

Over 30 years experience.HFree E-File

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Taxing Matters, Inc.Champlain Commons, St. Albans

Julie Hoy, Enrolled Agent•Individual • Multiple States

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42 Jewell Street, Saint Albans, VT

05478TABS, Inc.

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at Senesac Yamaha email: [email protected]
