022.desquamative gingivitis

Dr Jaffar Raza Syed Desq describe a peculiar condition c desquamation and ulceration o desquamative gingivitis is not a response associated with a var quamative Gingivitis characterized by intense erythema, of the free and attached gingiva a specific disease entity, but a gingiva riety of conditions Page 1 al

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Page 1: 022.desquamative gingivitis

Dr Jaffar Raza Syed

Desquamative Gingivitis describe a peculiar condition characterized by intense erythema, desquamation and ulceration of the free and attached gingiva

desquamative gingivitis is not a specific disease entity, but a gingival response associated with a variety of conditions

Desquamative Gingivitis

describe a peculiar condition characterized by intense erythema, desquamation and ulceration of the free and attached gingiva

desquamative gingivitis is not a specific disease entity, but a gingival response associated with a variety of conditions

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desquamative gingivitis is not a specific disease entity, but a gingival

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A. Dermatoses

• Oral lichen planus

• Mucous membrane pemphigoid

• Pemphigus vulgaris

• Bullous pemphigoid

• Erythema multiforme

• Linear IgA disease

• Lupus erythematosus

• Epidermolysis bullosa aquisita

• Dermatitis herpetiformis

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B. Local hypersensitivity reactions to



dental materials,



chewing gum

cinnamon, etc C. Miscellaneous

Chronic ulcerative stomatitis

Orofacial granulomatosis

Plasma cell gingivitis

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Clinical Features • Females are more frequently affected. • Buccal aspect of anterior gingiva most commonly affected. • The gingiva is fiery red, friable and desquamates easily • Patients complain of soreness, especially when eating spicy or acidic food, and of bleeding and discomfort with toothbrushing. • Lesions get aggravated by local plaque accumulation. • A positive Nikolsky’s sign where the surface epithelium “floats away” when lateral pressure is applied to the mucosa, may indicate vesiculobullous disorders • The presence of white plaques or white striae indicate lichen planus

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Etiology • The etiology is unclear • Mainly affects women at middle and advanced age Symptoms • Warmth, tenseness, tingling, itchiness, burning, and pain. • Erythema and edema of the marginal and attached gingiva are clinically Observed predominantly in the frontal areas. Signs • Desquamation of the epitelium with painfull erosive lesions and sometimes formation of hemorrhagic bullae by pressing.

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Diagnosis • Detailed clinical examination of the oral and perioral lesions • Biopsy (perilesional) • Biopsy for direct immunofluorescence and with indirect immunofluorescence of the serum

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Summary of diagnostic procedure


(data regarding the symptoms & historical aspect is collected & information about previous therapy is also collected )

CLINICAL EXAMINATION(recognition of the pattern of distribution of lesion & performing Nikolsky’ssign)


[ Either incisional or perilesional]


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Management • Plaque control: Oral Hygiene, education • Avoid stimulants, e.g spicy foods… • Identify and manage the cause • Topical corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment for lichen planus and MMP And should be applied directly onto the affected gingiva. • Systemic corticosteroids are needed for pemphigus • Treat • Collaborate with other clinicians • Refer

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Diseases Clinically Presenting As Desquamative Gingivitis Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is an inflmmatory mucocutaneous disorder mucosal surfaces (e.g., oral cavity, genital tract, and skin (including the scalp and the

occurs as a bilateral disease

presence of cutaneous violaceous

appears as radiating white or gray

‘Wickham’s striae’ or ‘Honiton Lace’ Gingival types

Keratotic lesions:

Erosive lesions:

Vesicular or bullous lesions:

Atropic lesions:

lly Presenting As Desquamative Gingivitis

inflmmatory mucocutaneous disorder that may involve mucosal surfaces (e.g., oral cavity, genital tract, and other mucosae) and the skin (including the scalp and the nails)

presence of cutaneous violaceous papules that may coalesce to form plaques

appears as radiating white or gray-velvety thread like lesion, which consists of papules

Honiton Lace’

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may involve other mucosae) and the

that may coalesce to form plaques

velvety thread like lesion, which consists of papules

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hydropic degeneration of basal cell layer.

saw toothed rete pegs.

colloid bodies present.

lamina propria exhibit band like infiltration of T- lymphocytes.

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Corticosteroids Topical application and local injection of steroids

topical steroid such as 0.05 percent Fluocinolone acetonide

triamcinolone acetonide (10 to 20 mg) Other treatment modalities are



cyclosporine and

free gingival grafts.

Addition of antifungal therapy

Topical application and local injection of steroids

topical steroid such as 0.05 percent Fluocinolone acetonide

triamcinolone acetonide (10 to 20 mg)

Addition of antifungal therapy additional benefits>>>

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Topical application and local injection of steroids

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Cicatricial Pemphigoid (Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid MMP)

chronic autoimmune subepithelial disease primarily affecting the mucous membranes of patients over the age of 50

multiple painful ulcers preceded by bullae.

characterized by mucosal blister formation with subsequent scarring affect women more than men

oral mucosal presentation

erosion or desquamation of attached gingival tissues or large areas of vesiculobullous eruptions

healing with scarring

+ve Nikolsky’s sign

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Histopathology Sub epithelial clefting with epithelial separation basal layer

Sub epithelial clefting with epithelial separation from lamina propria leaving an intact

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from lamina propria leaving an intact

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Bullous Pemphigoid

skin disease with infrequent oral lesion.

ulcers preceded by bullae.

no scarring.

seen in elderly persons. Histopathology Sub epithelial clefting with epithelial sepration from lamina propria leaving an intact basal layer.

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Pemphigus Vulgaris

multiple painful ulcers preceded by bullae.

middle aged patients commonly effected.

positive Nikolsky’s sign.

it is a progressive disease. Histopathology

intra epithelial clefting above the basal layer.

“Tombstone” appearance of basal cell layer.

acantholysis present.

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pemphis vulgaris of the gingiva. oral lesions confined to the gingiva consistent with desquamative gingivitis

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pemphis vulgaris of the gingiva. oral lesions confined to the gingiva consistent with

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Dermatitis Herpetiformis:

Skin diseases with rare oral involvement.

vesicles and pustules.

exacerbation and remission seen.

young and middle aged patients are commonly effected. Histopathology:

Collection of esoniophils, neutrophils and fibrin in connective tissue papillae.

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Linear IgA disease:

manifested as vesicles.

painful ulcers are seen.

erosive gingivitis. Histopathology:

Separation of the basement membrane.

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