022309 virtual ability metanomics transcript

METANOMICS: VIRTUAL ABILITY FEBRUARY 23, 2009 ROBERT BLOOMFIELD : Hello, everyone. I’m your host, Robert Bloomfield, and, on behalf of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management and Remedy Communications, welcome to Metanomics. Today we turn our sites back to nonprofit organizations in Second Life and talk with Alice Krueger, founder of Virtual Ability Incorporated, an organization that is devoted to assisting people with disabilities to come into Virtual Worlds like Second Life. As always, Metanomics is filmed from the virtual Sage Hall right here in Second Life’s Metanomics region, home of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management. I’d like to say hello to our live audiences at our event partner locations: Muse Isle, Confederation of Democratic Sims, Rockliffe University, New Media Consortium and Orange Isle. Welcome, as well, to our growing web audience. If you’re having trouble getting into Second Life due to a firewall or lack of bandwidth or any other reason, you can go into metanomics.net/watchnow and see the show live, but also participate in backchat through InterSection Unlimited’s ChatBridge system. We start our show today with an update on one of the most successful nonprofit fundraising events in Second Life: the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. To tell us the story, we welcome Fayandria Foley, event chairman for Second Life’s 2009 Relay for Life and also the founder of Second Life’s cancer survivor and caregiver groups. Fayandria, welcome to Metanomics. Fayandria, are you there?

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Metanomics is a weekly Web-based show on the serious uses of virtual worlds. This transcript is from a past show. For this and other videos, visit us at http://metanomics.net.



FEBRUARY 23, 2009

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Hello, everyone. I’m your host, Robert Bloomfield, and, on behalf

of Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Management and Remedy

Communications, welcome to Metanomics. Today we turn our sites back to nonprofit

organizations in Second Life and talk with Alice Krueger, founder of Virtual Ability

Incorporated, an organization that is devoted to assisting people with disabilities to come

into Virtual Worlds like Second Life. As always, Metanomics is filmed from the virtual Sage

Hall right here in Second Life’s Metanomics region, home of Cornell University’s Johnson

Graduate School of Management.

I’d like to say hello to our live audiences at our event partner locations: Muse Isle,

Confederation of Democratic Sims, Rockliffe University, New Media Consortium and Orange

Isle. Welcome, as well, to our growing web audience. If you’re having trouble getting into

Second Life due to a firewall or lack of bandwidth or any other reason, you can go into

metanomics.net/watchnow and see the show live, but also participate in backchat through

InterSection Unlimited’s ChatBridge system.

We start our show today with an update on one of the most successful nonprofit fundraising

events in Second Life: the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life. To tell us the story, we

welcome Fayandria Foley, event chairman for Second Life’s 2009 Relay for Life and also

the founder of Second Life’s cancer survivor and caregiver groups. Fayandria, welcome to

Metanomics. Fayandria, are you there?

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: I am. Thank you for having me.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Oh, wonderful! Yeah, delighted. So tell us how did you initially get

involved in Relay for Life?

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: Cancer. I was diagnosed with cancer. I have melanoma, and, when I

came out of the doctor’s office, the oncologist’s office, and I sat in my car gasping. Gasping

literally. I happened to notice some activity on a school playground, a football field, behind

me, and I went over there, because obviously I really wasn’t as ready to die as I thought I

was, and it was a relay. And, from there on in, I tell people relay saved my life. I have no

doubt that it saved my life that day, and I absolutely know for a fact that it’ll save my life

when it comes down to the line because we’ll find a cure. So that’s how I got tied in with it to

begin with.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: This is the first Relay for Life that you’re going to be organizing,

but it’s been going for a while. I guess the first Relay for Life, in Second Life, was in 2005,

organized by Jade Lily. Can you tell us a little bit about how the event has grown since then

and what you expect for 2009?

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: Oh, I expect huge gains in 2009. I think this is actually my second

and a half Relay to organize here in Second Life. Jade started it as a fundraising event for

his real-life Relay team. And then, from there, it went into 2006, which was an event, and

Jade chaired that. I came in then to find Jade. I don’t know. I just wanted to walk in it. Jade

talked me into co-chairing with her, and it just grew from there. It just kept going. What I

think we’re going to see is, every year we’ve more than doubled the amount that we’ve

raised. 2005, it was 5,000; 2006, it was 41,000; 2007, it was 118,000; last year we did

211,000 U.S. dollars. So I mean I get goosebumps. I absolutely have no doubt that this year

will hit 250,000 U.S. dollars-plus. I have no doubt.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I’m curious. Naturally, as an accounting professor, I’m very

interested in the money side of things. You mentioned your introduction to Relay for Life. It

had a very strong personal effect on you, not just because it eventually promised funds for a

cure, but also you said it personally saved your life. So I’m wondering if you can talk about

what it means, from a personal level, for people to get involved with Relay for Life and also

whether you think that that effect will be stronger or weaker in the virtual environment of

Second Life.

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: The personal effect that it has on people is, it’s vital. It’s what makes

Relay special. Instead of just being a fundraiser that you go to and you throw some money

in a kiosk and you go home, you actually go there and are encouraged to mourn, miss, cry

for the person that you’ve lost to cancer. You’re encouraged to laugh and tell stories about

that person and about the people that you know dealing with cancer. You share so much

information. You talk about your fears, and it’s just a big emotional support group. And relay,

it seems like the larger we get, the more we pull in, the more people we reach and the more

intensity of those stories and those feelings because, heck, they all basically have one thing:

they all have pain in the middle of them somewhere, somehow.

It can be the pain from being scared that you’re going to get it. It can be a pain from knowing

that you do have it. It can be losing somebody. I mean we’re all tied together in that, and it

does not matter whether you’re in Second Life or real life, that emotion’s the same. And

therefore, as we get larger and reach out to more people, there’s more people feeding that

emotion, and you can almost feel it. It knocks you for a loop; it’s just so intense and

powerful. And they’ve all got one goal: relay.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Do you see other nonprofits likely to follow this model actually in

real life or in Second Life?

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: I anticipate, in fact, I’m really kind of surprised that at this point more

people haven’t tried to follow it, more nonprofits. Maybe indirectly they have with the--what

do we have--the three-day breast run. There’s breast cancer run. There’s different things

that are kind of out there, but the American Cancer Society has made this their signature

fundraising event. That’s a well-known fact, and besides taking donations, it’s really the

main one that they pull out, and that’s what they run their services and research from. So

I’m guessing on this one, but I really kind of think that the other nonprofits are going, “That’s

ACS’s thing. That’s what they do. We’ll try to find something that works for us.” But I mean--I

don’t know. I do think that other people have tried, and it’s not that we’re better at it. I think

sometimes it just has to do with the sad fact that cancer is more prevalent in all of our lives.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Yes, well, that is certainly the case, and I think we all appreciate

you for taking on this task, which I’m sure is a great deal of work. And I’m sure you would be

looking for help. Could you give us just some of the details on exactly when this will be and

what people should do if they want to get involved?

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: Well, we have officially started the relaying part of Relay, and what

that is, is about a six-month time period that we spend getting our act together, and sadly it

sometimes takes six months, but not really. It just started this week. If you want to be a team

captain, you need to go to the website. It’s relayforlifeofsecondlife.org. Contact me. Contact

anybody that you know that’s into Relay, and they’ll tell you who to get hold of. And we’re

taking team captains right now. We’re taking people that want to become involved as just a

volunteer. We’re taking people that want to come and walk as a survivor or a caregiver.

I mean if you want your finger in the pie with Relay, if you want to come and be involved at

the very beginning, come on. We want you there. We want you involved. The only way that

we’re going to keep growing and keep being able to turn out the amount of money that we

are to support this fight is by encouraging new people to come out and step in and help us

to relay, to be part of what we’re doing. What we’ll do now is have team captain events

between now and July 18th. Our Relay is actually going to be July 18th and 19th. It’s an

overnight thing. We relay, I think it works out to 23 hours. But, by the time we get to go

home, it’s easily over 24 hours.

We’re going to have 37 Sims this year. So if you’re a builder, ask Stella. She is our design

chair for that. She wants names. She wants people. She’ll plug you into a spot. I tried to get

on the design team, and she told me I had to pick up litter, so I’m not going to sign up for

that group, but there’s a spot for everybody. If you’re not a designer, she’ll find a spot for

you. And, of course, we have some other great people. We have Nuala Maracas. She’s

doing entertainment. We have Tayzia Abattoir. She is doing our teams. We have Belle Loll,

and she’s our community outreach. So I’m serious. If there’s anything that you want to do,

we have a spot for you in Relay. We’ll plug you in. We can cover it.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Well, thanks so much, Fay, for coming on to the show and

telling our audience about this year’s American Cancer Society Relay for Life. I look forward

to hearing a report afterwards.

FAYANDRIA FOLEY: Thank you. I look forward to giving one.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I’d just like to mention we do have a question here from

DavidBatty Hathaway asking--on the numbers of fundraising that Fay mentioned, he’s

asking, “Is that cumulative or annual?” Those are actually annual numbers. So when you

see the numbers being raised going up and up, it’s not because they’re just adding in what

they made in prior years. It’s actually increasing on a per-year basis. So congratulations to

the organizers and, of course, to all the people who were generous with their time and with

their money in contributing to the American Cancer Society.

So let’s move on now to our main guest of the day, Alice Krueger, known in Second Life as

Gentle Heron. Alice is a founder of the nonprofit organization Virtual Ability Incorporated,

which provides customized training and orientation to the growing number of people, with

disabilities, who are exploring Second Life. Alice, welcome to Metanomics.

ALICE KRUEGER: Thank you very much.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: It’s great to have you here, and it’s been fascinating to prepare

for this show. Alice, you know very personally how disabilities can pose challenges for

participation in a Virtual World. Can you tell us about your own situation?

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. I’m a person who lives with multiple sclerosis. I also have a

very large spinal fusion. I have three college-age children who are also disabled. I am a

volunteer with VAI, and so I get to interact with lots of other people who have different kinds

of disabilities.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Most people are used to thinking about the technical

requirements that someone has to use for a software package like Second Life. A recent

computer, a certain quality graphics card, broadband internet connection and so on. But, on

the Virtual Ability’s website, you also spell out some of the more personal specifications for

a successful Second Life experience. What are those?

ALICE KRUEGER: Oh, yes, that’s very important. We look at these as being sort of the

enablers of participation in Second Life. For example, pressing two keys on opposite sides

of the keyboard at the same time or pressing and holding down a key and the mouse button

while you’re moving the mouse, those are things that are generally thought of as necessary

to control your character, including adjusting your camera or your point of view. But those

are very difficult to achieve if you have a stylus.

Another thing that we do all the time managing our inventory, dropping and dragging with a

mouse, that’s very difficult for people who don’t have mouse systems. So people who have

these kinds of access issues either use assisted technology already, or we refer them to an

assisted technology practitioner, an ATP, either one of those who volunteers for VAI, Virtual

Ability, or through the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North

America; that’s also known as RESNA, and that website should appear.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Can you talk a little bit to deal with these sorts of motions? You

actually use special technology. And so I’m wondering if you could about the technology you

have and how specifically it helps you with multiple sclerosis and spinal fusion.

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. I have an adaptive office because of my disabilities. My state

Department of Vocational Rehabilitation has given me a specialized reclining chair so that I

can recline flat back, and that takes the pressure off my lower spine. That’s difficult then to

access my computer, so I have a desk that is on hydraulics. It can be moved up and down,

and I can tilt it up over my reclined chair. And sometimes you’ll probably hear [SOUND OF

THE HYDRAULICS] me changing positions.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Yes, I can hear that.

ALICE KRUEGER: I need to do that pretty regularly. My computed is bolted onto a platform

on the desk so that screen is always horizontal to me. That’s how I can see what I’m doing. I

also have voice-recognition software called Dragon Naturally Speaking, and that helps me. I

can talk, and it will type what I say onto the screen, but it interferes with voice so I can’t use

it right now. It’s a commercially available program. With Dragon, I can control the position of

the curser on the screen, and I can also tell the cursor to click so it helps me navigate.

I have some hearing impairment from the MS. I do have trouble understanding people on

ventilators or people with speech impairments like I have. So sometimes I have to change

my volume settings. And small print and things that rez slowly are really difficult for me, and

I have a super-large screen to help that.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: You have a number of friends, obviously, and people you brought

in through Virtual Ability, who have some different technology. I understand a friend of

yours, Tom, has cerebral palsy, and he has some different equipment?

ALICE KRUEGER: Yes. He types with his toes actually. His toes work better than his hands

do. He’s a graduate student now. He has actually graduated, and so he types all his papers

with his keyboard on the floor. It’s not an adaptive keyboard. But the way he uses it is

specialized because of his particular needs.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And Leigh-Anne is doing outsourcing work through Second Life.

ALICE KRUEGER: Not through Second Life. She actually is very successful. She’s also a

toe-typer, but she also has a stylus on a headband, which she can use to touch her screen.

She is a very successful commercial graphics artist, and all her artwork is produced with her

feet and nods of her head.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Wow! That is impressive. And Linda?

ALICE KRUEGER: Yes. Linda is a woman who was deafened late in life because of head

trauma, and she now has Cochlear implants that allow her some hearing. But listening for

her is really physically and mentally demanding using those implants. So while people with

normal hearing can listen to sound, except for really loud rock music obviously--listen all day

long, Linda has to rest after a certain time spent concentrating on understanding what the

sounds mean that are transmitted to her.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, those are very impressive stories. Your nonprofit

organization is devoted to essentially onboarding the disabled into Second Life. I think we all

struggle with this, getting people who have never come into Second Life. It’s difficult even

with people who have all the technology and they are meeting all the personal specifications

as well. I understand that you developed your region specifically to be convenient for

introducing people with disabilities. Can you talk about some of the considerations that went

into the design of the Virtual Ability region?

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. Virtual Ability Island is now a community gateway for people

with disabilities, and we know that some of our new members will be brand new to online

gaming, while others of them have a lot of experience in other games. So we made the

orientation explicitly directive for those who need to learn the very basic skills, such as using

the arrow keys for walking. We don’t want to bore or insult the more experienced

newcomers, but those who are brand new to gaming need to learn those keys. So our brand

new avatars land on a highly visible graphic of the arrow keys, and they’re labeled so that

you know exactly what to do to move away from where you enter Second Life.

Another thing we wanted to accomplish was to make the whole place feel comfortable for

everyone, whether they used a wheelchair in Second Life or real life or not. So we made the

pathways broad. We made the ramps very generous, and we’re getting good responses.

People seem to feel comfortable in the environment we’ve created.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And how about issues like colorblindness and dyslexia? Are there

features that are designed to address those?

ALICE KRUEGER: Colorblindness is an issue that is a problem for all websites, and so we

followed the WC3 Guidelines for colors. We also were very careful to user-test the posters

that we have on our island. Dyslexia is difficult, and actually a technology that we will offer,

that we’ll talk about in a little bit, is going to be something that will be very helpful to people

with dyslexia, as well as to people with visual impairments.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I should mention that the backchat is now responding to some of

the graphics they’ve seen and the things you’ve mentioned. In particular, Riven Homewood

is exclaiming how simple the graphic is where you have people on that screen moving

forward and backward, with the up and down and side arrows. It really is an excellent design

for them.

ALICE KRUEGER: Yet we don’t want to insult people who already know that. We don’t

want to slow down the experienced gamers.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Actually, I’d like to talk about that because your orientation and

training program is actually based on specific educational theories that deal with adult

education, and, I guess, the terms here that were new to me were andragogy and spiral

curricula. So could you tell us what those are and how they’re reflected in your programs?

ALICE KRUEGER: Sure. Andragogy is concept from Malcolm Knowles. It’s a theory of

adult informal learning, and that was really important as a theoretical basis for the design of

our accessibility-friendly orientation. For example, we know that adults learn best by solving

problems, and they use knowledge from their life experiences. So we incorporated that into

our design.

The idea of a spiral curriculum is from the education theory of Jerome Bruner. I am an

educator so I could go on and on in educationese, but no doubt you’ve experienced the

spiral curriculum. To learners, it feels like you’re reviewing what you learned previously. To

educators, it’s reminding the learner of the scaffolding on which they’re going to build their

new learning. The same principles apply to the able-bodied, in terms of adult learning, but

it’s really more important to do this carefully and well for those of us who have disabilities.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: If we could, I’d like to talk about two particularly common

disabilities: hearing and visual impairment. Let’s start with hearing. What are the options in

Second Life for the hearing-impaired?

ALICE KRUEGER: Of course, one option is to stick strictly to text. That’s definitely an

option. And there are many reasons that people don’t participate in voice, in Second Life,

not just because they’re hearing impaired. There are also transcription services, both

directions, voice to text and text to voice, and we have in our audience today

LoriVonne Lustre, who is a transcriptionist, and she is transcribing our speech today,

Beyers, into typed text for the group that is hearing-impaired.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Actually, I’d just like to follow up on that because my

understanding is that Virtual Ability is going to try to provide this type of service on an

ongoing basis to our hearing-impaired Metanomics viewers. So thank you very much.

ALICE KRUEGER: It’s definitely going to make your show more accessible.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Thank you very much. I appreciate that. This is something that

we’ve been struggling with from the beginning is trying to get the word out and make it

accessible to everyone. If anyone is interested, by the way, out there in transcribing in

different languages and taking our text transcripts and translating them, please let us know

as well. How about American sign language for the hearing impaired? Is that an option in

Second Life?

ALICE KRUEGER: I think it perhaps will be eventually, but, if you look down at your avatar

hands and look at your fingers and think about how much it would take, how much in terms

of scripting of your avatar it would take to make the fingers move in a way that would be

recognizable, it’s going to take a while for that to happen.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. ASL, American Sign Language, can be typed, right?

ALICE KRUEGER: Yes, yes. The words in American sign language and British sign

language and the other sign languages around the world, they are the same words that we

use in English. American sign language uses English words, but the grammar is different.

So sometimes when you’re talking with someone who speaks ASL, if you’re an English

speaker, you won’t recognize their grammar. But understand that that’s because they are

speaking a different language than you are, using the same words, but a different language.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now let’s turn to visual impairment, which, boy, that seems like a

much more difficult challenge in a World that is primarily visually defined. We had hoped to

have some demonstrations live during the show, but that didn’t quite work out. We will do

those after the show and get them up on YouTube and make sure they become part of the


ALICE KRUEGER: Oh. Be sure your audience looks at that. That’s just amazing.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Let’s just talk about it a little bit. So the two tools we were going to

be taking a look at were a cane and a guide dog. How do those work?

ALICE KRUEGER: Oh. Well, technically, I’m not going to be able to answer that question.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Oh, no, technically actually, I’m not really that interested.

ALICE KRUEGER: I’m someone who’s non-technical [CROSSTALK]. There is a group in

Second Life that works with virtual guide dogs, and they have a fantastic scripter named

Charles Mountain, who has been able to create a guide dog and a cane that look like the

tools that people who are visually impaired use in real life and that allow people with visual

impairments to function somewhat in Second Life. Please understand this is in beta still. It’s

not a finished product. They’re still working on this. They’re all volunteers. They’re making

amazing progress for an all-volunteer group.

Louise Later and Jolie1 Magic are officers in that organization as well. They are twin sisters

who were born very prematurely. Jolie is completely blind. Louise has only central vision in

one eye. And yet they both are able to enter into and work in Second Life a little bit with their

avatars. Obviously, Louise much more easily than Jolie.

The dog is able to identify, in its surroundings, to the user the avatars that are there, the

objects that are there and the scripts that are there. And a screen-reading program reads

that out loud so that the blind person can hear the dog’s basically talking to them in English.

And the blind user will be able to understand what’s in the environment. Then the blind user

can tell the dog to go to either an avatar or an object or a script. So, for instance, if Jolie had

her dog open, she could--

It looks like my Second Life has crashed. I’m not sure if you guys can still hear me.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I can hear you at this point.

ALICE KRUEGER: Well, that’s good. All right. I’ll keep talking then.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, it does happen. One of the things I’ve learned about

Second Life is that it’s actually a bunch of different programs just kind of stapled together,

so your voice may continue working, and I may end up talking to an empty chair in a minute

or two.


ALICE KRUEGER: --can go to, and it can follow. So a person with a visual impairment can

navigate in the environment of Second Life and can actually follow others who can see. The

part that we’re not able to do yet is to access--


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now, Alice, we’ll get a chance to see a demo of what the dog and

the cane can do for people with visual impairments, but I’m wondering if you can talk a little

bit about what it currently can’t do. What are the biggest challenges in developing in-world

technology for the visually impaired?

ALICE KRUEGER: This is something that a lot of people with full vision don’t understand.

We see text similarly whether it’s typed into local chat or an IM or whether it’s a texture on a

poster or is a blue drop-down message from Second Life that you’re about to experience a

major crash. To us who see, those are the same thing: they’re all text. But to a computer,

they’re different. A texture is an image so the texture with text on a poster is an image, and

a screen reader can’t see it so therefore, the dog, which uses a screen reader basically,

can’t see a poster as anything other than an object. However, if the object can have

embedded in it a WAV file, with an audio description, the dog can read that WAV file. So it is

possible to have people who create objects with text on them as textures embed that text as

an audio text, and the dog can then access it. But we still haven’t figured out how to access

the pie menu, the inventory. Those are things that are really important, and the dog can’t

define it yet.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Now the inventory is, of course, the list of all the assets that an

avatar has on the Second Life server. By the pie menu, you’re talking about what you get

when you right-click on an object, and it gives you various ways to interact?

ALICE KRUEGER: Right. It’s the way you interact with objects. It’s a menu--

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: It sounds like it’s a mix of technical fixes that you might be able to

do something about, like being able to have a guide dog access inventory or access a

pie menu. But some of these, it sounds like, are really things that have to be done by the

people who are creating content. It would be up to the person creating a graphic poster with

words on it, to attach a WAV file or some other type of file that could be read by the visually


ALICE KRUEGER: To use the current capabilities of the dog, it’s very important that

builders label their prims. Right now many builders don’t bother to label things because a

sighted person can see that this collection of 14 prims is a chair. However, the dog will read

those as object, object, object, object, object. So it’s very important for builders to label the

things that they create so that the dog can find them and name them correctly for the user.

That’s something that the dog can do in its current embodiment.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: So that actually takes us to a question that I’ve been seeing a lot

about in the backchat just now, which is Section 508 compliance. As I understand it, Section

508 is part of the federal law that requires the ability for full participation in--and

accessibility--what is it--it requires that federal agencies’ electronic and information

technology is accessible to people with disabilities.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: So I know that you’re not a lawyer, but I’m curious right now. How

far are we from having an agency, like for example NASA, which is in Second Life, from

their being able to have a Second Life presence and be 508 compliant?

ALICE KRUEGER: Well, as you point out, Second Life is not Section 508 compliant. As far

as I know, no Virtual World is at this point. It’s a matter of working towards this, and, as long

as everyone is in good faith, moving in that direction, I think we’re going to be seeing more

and more federal agency presence in the Second Life. And I would like to point out that

Section 508 is U.S. law, and there are similar laws in other countries.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: If someone from a federal agency is interested in getting more

involved in Virtual Worlds and they’re worried about 508 compliance, is there someone at

Linden Lab they should talk to or someone with your group that they could turn to?

ALICE KRUEGER: There are many people that they could talk with. I don’t think there is a

specific Linden assigned to Section 508 compliance. Linden Lab is obviously interested in

this, and you’ll find some very good information on their Wiki. You can talk to our group. You

can talk to Accessible Builds with Polgara Paine. There are a number of places that you can

talk to that’ll help you.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay, thanks. So far we’ve focused primarily on how Second Life

can be made more accessible and the challenges of using Second Life for people who have

disabilities. But, we haven’t really talked at all about why they would bother coming to

Second Life in the first place. It seems to me that there are really four key reasons, and I

thought maybe we could go through these in turn. The first one is basically to find support

communities. Well, the four, I guess I’ll just list them: support communities, information,

therapy, and, of course, entertainment.

But let’s start out with support communities, and can you tell us a little bit about Cape Able,

or I guess it could be pronounced “CapeAble.”

ALICE KRUEGER: Right. People pronounce it both ways. I pronounce it Cape Able. And

that was a Sim that mainly served the culturally deaf, the recently deafened and the

hearing-impaired people who came into Second Life. It has residential areas. It has a

service center that has a great collection of resources, not just for people with hearing

impairments, but for other disabilities as well. They have an art gallery that features the

works of artists with disabilities. The grand opening of the art gallery yesterday features two

Second Life artists who are deaf.

There’s also the first deaf-chat coffee house in a Virtual World, here in Second Life, on

Cape Able. And deaf-chat coffees are a project of Starbucks, and they have a website that

recognizes deaf-chat coffees all over the United States, and now they recognize the one on

Cape Able as the first one in a Virtual World.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And as an example of information sources that people could be

seeking out coming into Virtual Worlds, we’ve got Health Info Island and the Path of

Support. Can you tell us about that?

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. There’s a number of good resources for people on Health Info

Island, and one of those is the Path of Support, which is a series of posters that are about

the peer support groups here in Second Life, for people with disabilities. We were really

pleased. We found over 70 different peer support groups that are in English, and we know

that there are others in other languages as well. So a Second Life resident walking down the

Path of Support can get information about these support groups and learn how to access

them for information. And so it’s so much better to be part of a peer support group in

Second Life. I belong to both real life and Second Life peer support groups for multiple


To get to my real life group meeting every month, I have to arrange para-transit. I spend an

hour on a rattling old bus, to get to a place that is 20 minutes from my home. I am told when

I will pick up the bus. I can’t go when I want to. When I get to my real life support group

meeting, then I have to figure out how to get into the building. It’s not totally accessible

where we’re meeting. And then, after the meeting, I again have to catch the para-transit bus

when they decide to pick me up, not on my schedule, and it’s another hour rattling back.

In Second Life, to go to my monthly peer support group, I teleport, and there I am.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Yeah. Well, there definitely are reasons to come into Virtual

Worlds, which I guess are also, hopefully, clear to the people who are joining us right now

from literally all over the world.


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Just by teleporting. Now therapy. There are people, with

disabilities, who are actually using Virtual Worlds, and Second Life in particular, to actually

get some therapy. What can you tell us about that?

ALICE KRUEGER: Well, I need to distinguish between peer support and therapy because

therapy is a professional thing that cannot be offered by peers. There is published medical

research, which is summarized on the Virtual Ability website, that shows, for example, that

people with mobility disabilities moving an avatar through a rich three-dimensional

environment actually improves spatial visualization. And there’s a really interesting research

project with a profession from the University of Boulder, in Colorado, that has a person in

real life using a Nordic Track, so a ski machine, to exercise muscles, and that’s connected

to his ski area on his Second Life Sim. And so that visualization helps people to feel

motivated by their therapy and to get a sense of what their muscles are doing.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: You mentioned to me, when we talked a couple weeks ago, that

simply navigating an avatar through a 3D space, the way we all do in Second Life, can

actually help the spatial skills of the mobility impaired.

ALICE KRUEGER: Right. And the research is actually on people with multiple sclerosis, like

myself. I am very clumsy when I walk in Second Life, but it has definitely improved my

posture in real life. I am not able in real life to stand unaided. I have to use crutches, but, in

Second Life, my avatar has a very good posture, and so it helps me when I’m sitting and

standing in real life to think about what my avatar does in Second Life.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: I guess the fourth category of reasons I had on my list anyway for

people with disabilities to come into Second Life is entertainment. And I guess the most

famous that I know of is the Wheelies NightClub. So I’m wondering if you could just tell us a

little about that.

ALICE KRUEGER: Oh, sure. The owner of Wheelies is here in the audience today,

Polgara Paine. Wheelies is a nightclub. It was started by Simon Walsh, and Simon is a

young man from UK, who has cerebral palsy, and he determined that a good thing to have

in Second Life would be a social venue where people with disabilities could mix with people

who didn’t have disabilities, and all just have fun.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: We have a bunch of questions that I’d like to turn to and one that

just popped up from Bluewave Ogee. She is asking for the name of that researcher in

Colorado that you mentioned. Did you happen to know?

ALICE KRUEGER: Sure. In Second Life, his avatar name is ThreeDee, spelled out:

T H R E E D E E Shepherd. And he’s actually a retired professor.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Joia Sands has a question: How long do you find it takes

new disabled members to adapt and orient to Second Life? And what tips can you give us

for helping friends and relatives with disabilities enter Second Life successfully? And let me

say you’re allowed to make the shameless, self-promoting plug and say that they should

come in through Virtual Ability.

ALICE KRUEGER: Well, thank you. I won’t have to make it. You already have. Tell me the

first question again. I have short-term memory loss.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, it’s basically about how long does it take for people to get


ALICE KRUEGER: How long? Okay. Great. Our community gateway orientation is built for

people who are English speakers and readers and who have assistive technology that

functions for them. We have made that work in about an hour to teach six basic skills that

we think will enable people to function reasonably normally in Second Life, after some

practice. We chose an hour for the length of our training for newcomers because that’s a

fatigue limit for a lot of our population. We’ve also made it modular so that people can stop

and start as they wish during that hour or as they need to, as their fatigue level increases or

their pain increases. And now you’ll have to remind me of the second part of the question

because I can’t--

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: The second part is the shameless plug part, that I gave before, “

What can people do to make it easier for friends and family with disabilities?” But in addition,

on top of sending them to Virtual Ability, do you have any advice?

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. You would want, of course, for them to check the personal

specifications on our website. You can sign in through the virtualability.org website, and

you’ll see a page there that says, “Join Second Life.” And, before you get to the part where

you start your account and create your avatar, there’s a page that lists those abilities that

you personally have to have natively or through using your assistive technology, that those

things you have to be able to do or you won’t have a successful experience in Second Life.

We do have a way to contact us through the website, and people do talk to us and say, “I

don’t have those capabilities.” And we will help them through RESNA, through the assistive

technology practitioners, find people who can either help them with their assistive

technology or help them get assistive technology so that they’re capable of accessing

Second Life and other Virtual Worlds.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: There are a number of questions on various mental disabilities

and, in particular, Hydra Shaftoe is wondering if you have any commentary on why people

with various forms of autism function so much better in Virtual Worlds than they often can in

the Real World.

ALICE KRUEGER: To use educationese, it’s a much less restrictive environment in Second

Life than in real life, and there are several reasons for that. People on the autism spectrum

have difficulty understanding and interpreting some of the parts of communication that are

involved in the Real World. People who are not on the spectrum look at facial expressions,

look at body language. You notice that my avatar is being animated by a program from

Metanomics so that it has body language, and that’s part of the communication. That is

generally removed in an avatar in Second Life. You kind of look like an expressionless

plastic doll. And so a person with an autism spectrum disorder can focus on the text, and

that helps take out that extraneous and confusing and upsetting pieces of communication

that are in the Real World.

The other thing that text chatting allows a person with autism is it makes them think about

their reply, and that’s been very helpful for a number of people. There are research projects

that are looking at ways to use Virtual Worlds, like Second Life, to help people with autism

learn to communicate better in the Real World.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Okay. Let’s see. I’m just looking through the questions. We’re

almost out of time. I would like to report Robby Kowalski, who I guess is a builder, says, “I

usually remember to label my objects, but I pledge to be better now. So thanks for clarifying

the importance of that to us.”


ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: And a couple people are hoping you will come back soon. I guess

I would include myself along with that.

ALICE KRUEGER: If you have any questions [CROSSTALK]

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Yeah. Are there any good points that we have missed, that you’d

like to get across?

ALICE KRUEGER: I would like to say, both personally and in terms of the people that I

represent in Virtual Ability, that being able to socialize with others, those with disabilities like

our own and those that we affectionately call [AUDIO GLITCH] disabled, that socialization is

the most important thing about Second Life. It’s what makes Second Life a much more level

playing field than we experience in real life. So to be able to interact on a more level playing

field, with everybody else, is an extremely powerful feature of Second Life, for those of us

who have to live on an extremely tilted field in our real lives.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Thank you. I should let you just have the last word with that very

heartfelt statement, but I do have one more question that I would like to ask you about,

which is, many Second Life residents present very different identities and personalities for

their avatars and their real lives. And so as I understand it, some people are using Second

Life as a way to present an identity free from disability, while others are actually embracing

those aspects of their identity. I’m wondering if you can just give us some insight into why

people make the choices they do, from, I guess, a social perspective.

ALICE KRUEGER: Certainly. Because that’s a spectrum and this applies to people who

don’t have disabilities, as well as to those of us who do. And the spectrum is quite varied.

We have members in our group whose avatar exactly represents the level of disability that

they have in real life. We have people in our group whose avatar and whose profile do not

reveal anything about their disability. And then I’m sort of in the middle. My avatar is much

younger, much slimmer, much prettier than I am in real life and not at all disabled. But my

disability is clearly revealed in my profile. So that diversity is pretty representative of our

entire population of people with disabilities.

And Louise is pointing out that there’s a cane and a dog that the wearer can use to identify

themselves visually, as being visually impaired, but that same technology can be put into a

ring, and the blind or visually impaired user could wear the ring and function in Second Life,

and nobody would know that they were visually impaired.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: Well, thank you, Alice Krueger, Gentle Heron in Second Life, for

joining us on Metanomics and really just giving us a fascinating insight into the challenges

and the opportunities confronting people with disabilities as they move into the Metaverse.

So, Alice, thanks a lot for joining us.

ALICE KRUEGER: Thank you very much for having me today.

ROBERT BLOOMFIELD: For those of you who enjoyed today’s topics, there are a number

of past shows that you might find particularly relevant. We had Engaging Virtual

Communities which looked at the Public Good Community Challenge, and Doug Thomas,

from the USC School of Communication, and Rik Panganiban, from Global Kids. Another

show on nonprofits with Susan Tenby, senior manager of TechSoup. And also you can get

more detail on the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life in a discussion with

Randal Moss, who was one of the major organizers within ACS for that.

For those of you who are particularly interested in the research on the psychological effects

of interacting in Virtual Worlds, take a look at a show with researcher Nick Yee, of the Palo

Alto Research Center. We talked about how people put on avatars--for example he

presented evidence on whether taking on an avatar of an old person actually makes you

less susceptible to ageism. So that was a fascinating show, for me, the academic. And then

also a related show I would just suggest taking a look at Who Plays, which was an interview

with Dmitri Williams, also of USC, who has a tremendous database indicating who are

playing massively multi-player online games, and he talks about some of his research on


I’d also like to just mention very briefly, from the backchat I see this line from

Chimera Cosmos, “Journalists should write this story, instead of the ‘Second Life is dead’

junk. Sheesh!” And I have been following in the backchat that Valleywag has written yet

another “Second Life is dead” article which seems to be taking its evidence from the fact

some brands moved out several years ago and a couple news organizations have decided

they are not going to follow every hiccup of Second Life and try to put it on a writer’s Second

Life and the like. And I’d just like to second Chimera’s thought. I read an article like that, and

then I talk with people like Alice and Fay today, to see just in one tiny segment what

nonprofits are doing in Second Life, and I think maybe I’ll give Valleywag an email sometime

later today.

We always close Metanomics with an opinion piece called Connecting The Dots. My topic

today connects two ideas. The first is that, as Virtual Ability’s Alice Krueger said today,

Virtual Worlds level the playing field for people with disabilities. Not completely, but enough

to make an important different.

The second idea, which we haven’t talked about today, is that a theoretical framework is a

powerful tool for helping us identify fundamental differences while ignoring the superficial

ones. For example, once we have a theory for understanding the economic principles

behind supply and demand for consumer goods, we can say things like, “Washing machines

are like nuts, but newspapers are like fresh bread.” Now why is that? Because nuts and

washing machines both last a fairly long time, while newspapers are as perishable as fresh

bread. They aren’t worth much the next day.

So if you’re looking at the dynamics of production and consumption of these items, durability

and perishability are important differences. But the fact that something is edible or not is just

superficial. So you’re probably wondering what’s my message today. As one of the not yet

disabled, as Alice put it, I know that my community treats the currently disabled as special.

But Virtual Worlds don’t just level the playing field. In the theoretical framework that I use to

structure these interviews, which is to focus on the challenges and opportunities that Virtual

Worlds present, I see almost no difference between today’s topic and our previous

65 interviews. And, yes, you heard me right: 65.

Let’s start with opportunities. Whether you live in Colorado, with multiple sclerosis, like

Alice Krueger, or you live in London, working at an ad agency, like K Zero’s Nic Mitham,

Virtual Worlds provide you with opportunities to do things you couldn’t pursue as effectively

in the Real World with another technology. All in all, the opportunities the disabled are

pursuing just don’t seem that different to me--entertainment, information, engagement with

global communities, sharing similar interests--these are goals we talk about almost every

week. So over 65 weeks, the opportunities Virtual Worlds provide to people with disabilities

seem rather mundane.

Now how about challenges? Naturally. We spent a good deal of today’s show talking about

challenges, but again, how is that different from any other interview we’ve had? Every

organization I’ve ever covered on Metanomics has had its share of challenges. Many of

them are technological. The blind may need a better guide dog, but marketers need better

data tools. Experimental researchers need better laboratories. Enterprises need better

security. And, everyone needs better web integration and stability. Some of the challenges

involve business strategy in practice, like how can in-world businesses charge for live

entertainment, without alienating their devoted fan? How can serious enterprises maintain

their reputations in an open Second Life community that often embraces behavior that

would be inappropriate for professional settings?

But, how are these different from the challenges facing Virtual Ability as an organization or

the individuals they’re trying to serve? Now many of the challenges are personal. I can’t

speak to the personal challenges facing those with disabilities, but I do know that we all face

challenges in Virtual Worlds, of maintaining virtual relationships with people we’ve never

met, multi-tasking with constant interruptions, and, in some cases, dealing with multiple

identities. Now, I’m not saying that people’s physical, emotional and social abilities are

irrelevant. Disabilities obviously present their own specific challenges and force people to

pursue opportunities and confront challenges that are uniquely appropriate to their situation.

But I could say the same thing about Arlene Ciroula, Chili Carson, who has set up an

accounting practice in Second Life, to assist Second Life businesses, with accounting,

consulting and taxes. Arlene has her own specific opportunities and her own specific

challenges. That’s why we’ve had 65 shows, not just one.

My bottom line: I found this week’s event to be fascinating, personally quite moving, a

wonderfully distinct illustration of what Virtual Worlds can mean to yet another community,

and a rather humbling demonstration of just how far this technology has to go before it can

truly be said to be integrated into our existing society. But, when we look at Virtual Worlds in

the terms of the opportunities they provide and the challenges that confront us, there isn’t

actually anything so special this week. After all, that’s the type of discussion we try to bring

our community every week.

So with that said, join us next week for Metanomics. We will be talking with two cultural

anthropologists Tom Boellstorff and Celia Pearce. We’re going to follow that up with a

discussion with Beth Noveck, a transition team member from the Obama Administration.

And, on March 23rd, we have Second Life CEO Mark Kingdon. I’m sure they will all be

fascinating discussions about the opportunities and challenges of Virtual Worlds, and I look

forward to seeing you next week. Bye bye.

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Transcribed by: http://www.hiredhand.com Second Life Avatar: Transcriptionist Writer