01-ethernet port commands (1)

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  • 8/13/2019 01-Ethernet Port Commands (1)


    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches Table of Contents


    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port Configuration Commands................................................................... 1-11.1 Ethernet Port Configuration Commands............................................................................ 1-1

    1.1.1 broadcast-suppression............................................................................................1-11.1.2 copy configuration...................................................................................................1-21.1.3 description...............................................................................................................1-31.1.4 display counters ......................................................................................................1-41.1.5 display interface ......................................................................................................1-51.1.6 display jumboframe configuration ........................................................................... 1-81.1.7 display port..............................................................................................................1-81.1.8 display transceiver alarm ........................................................................................1-91.1.9 display transceiver diagnosis ................................................................................1-111.1.10 display transceiver interface................................................................................ 1-131.1.11 display transceiver manuinfo interface................................................................ 1-141.1.12 duplex..................................................................................................................1-151.1.13 flag.......................................................................................................................1-161.1.14 flow-control..........................................................................................................1-171.1.15 flow-interval .........................................................................................................1-171.1.16 interface...............................................................................................................1-181.1.17 jumboframe enable .............................................................................................1-191.1.18 link-status hold ....................................................................................................1-201.1.19 loopback..............................................................................................................1-211.1.20 mdi.......................................................................................................................1-211.1.21 multicast-suppression .........................................................................................1-221.1.22 port access vlan ..................................................................................................1-241.1.23 port hybrid pvid vlan............................................................................................1-241.1.24 port hybrid vlan....................................................................................................1-251.1.25 port link-type........................................................................................................1-261.1.26 port-mode............................................................................................................1-271.1.27 port trunk permit vlan ..........................................................................................1-271.1.28 port trunk pvid vlan..............................................................................................1-281.1.29 reset counters interface.......................................................................................1-291.1.30 shutdown.............................................................................................................1-301.1.31 speed...................................................................................................................1-301.1.32 vlan filter enable..................................................................................................1-311.1.33 vlan-vpn enable...................................................................................................1-32

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port Configuration Commands

    1.1 Ethernet Port Configuration Commands

    1.1.1 broadcast-suppression


    broadcast-suppression{ ratio| bandwidthbandwidth}



    Ethernet port view


    ratio:Specifies a percentage of the total port bandwidth for broadcasts on the port. The

    value range is 1 to 100. The smaller the percentage is, the smaller the broadcast traffic

    is allowed.

    bandwidth:Specifies the maximum bandwidth for broadcasts on the port. The value

    range is 1 to the maximum port bandwidth.


    Use the broadcast-suppressioncommand to enable broadcast suppression. When

    doing this, you can set the percentage of total port bandwidth for broadcasts or set the

    maximum port bandwidth for broadcasts. Broadcasts that cross the threshold will be


    Use the undo broadcast-suppressioncommand to restore the default.

    The default percentage of the total port bandwidth for broadcasts is 50%.

    The broadcast suppression setting you configured with the broadcast-suppression

    command will overwrite the previous broadcast suppression setting, if any.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    You cannot enable both broadcast suppression and multicast suppression on the

    same card. Namely, once you have enabled broadcast suppression on some ports

    of a card, you cannot enable multicast suppression on the other ports of the card,

    and vice versa.

    While broadcast suppression does not work on multicasts, multicast suppression

    can suppress broadcasts.

    No distinction is made between known multicast and unknown multicast for

    multicast suppression.

    Related commands: multicast-suppression .


    # Set the threshold that triggers broadcast suppression to 40.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] broadcast - suppr essi on 40

    # Set the maximum broadcast traffic size that triggers broadcast suppression to 40


    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] broadcast - suppr essi on bandwi dth 40

    # Restore the default broadcast suppression setting.

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] undo br oadcast - suppr essi on

    1.1.2 copy configuration


    copy configuration source { interface-type interface-number | interface-name |

    aggregation-group agg-id} destination{ interface-list[ aggregation-group agg-id] |

    aggregation-group agg-id}


    System view


    interface-type: Source port type.

    interface-number: Source port number.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    interface-list: Destination port list. You can specify individual ports and port ranges in

    the list, but the total number of them cannot exceed 10. Specify an individual port in the

    form of interface-type interface-number where interface-type is the port type and

    interface-numberis the port number. Specify a port range in the form of interface-typeinterface-number to interface-type interface-number where the end port must be

    greater than the start port.

    agg-id: Source or destination aggregation group ID. If it is a source aggregation group,

    the port with minimum port number is the source port; if it is a destination aggregation

    group, the configurations of all its member ports change to be consistent with those of

    the source port.


    Use the copy configurationcommand to copy the configuration of a port to other ports

    to keep their configurations consistent.


    # Copy the configuration of aggregation group 1 to aggregation group 2.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] copy conf i gur ati on sour ce aggregati on- group 1 dest i nat i on

    aggregat i on- group 2

    1.1.3 description


    description text



    Ethernet port view


    text:Port description character string, with 64 characters at most.


    Use the description command to configure the description character string for

    Ethernet port.

    Use the undo descriptioncommand to cancel the port description character string.

    By default, the port description character string is null.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    # Configure the description character string of Ethernet port Ethernet 2/1/1 as


    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] descri pt i on l answi t ch- i nt er f ace

    1.1.4 display counters


    displaycounters [rate ] {inbound | outbound } interface[ interface-type]


    Any view


    rate: Displays the rate information of the ports in the Up state during the latest sampling

    period. If this keyword is not specified in the command, the system displays packet

    counts. The sampling period is 300 seconds by default. You can use the flow-interval

    to set the sampling period.

    inbound : Displays the import statistic information.

    outbound : Displays the export statistic information.

    interface-type: Specifies the port type. Three types are available: Ethernet, Gigabit

    Ethernet, POS, and RPR.


    Use the display counterscommand to view the statistics on the ports of the specified

    types. If the port type is not specified, the system displays statistics orderly on all the



    # Display the inbound statistics on the GigabitEthernet ports.

    di spl ay counter s i nbound i nter f ace Gi gabi t Ethernet

    I nt er f ace Tot al ( pkts) Br oadCast( pkt s) Mul t i Cast ( pkts) Err ( pkts)

    GE3/ 2/ 1 12, 345, 678, 912, 345 OverFl ow 12, 345, 678, 912, 345 1, 234, 567

    GE3/ 2/ 2 0 0 0 0

    GE3/ 2/ 3 0 0 0 0

    GE3/ 2/ 4 0 0 0 0

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Over Fl ow : more t han 14 deci mal di gi t s( 7 di gi t s f or col umn "Er r ") .

    : not support ed.


    Statistic values are comma-separated decimal numbers.

    For the Total, BroadCast and MultiCast items, decimal numbers of 14 digits can be

    displayed at most, and those of more than 14 digits are indicated with OverFlow.

    For the Err item, decimal numbers of 7 digits can be displayed at most, and those of

    more than 7 digits are indicated with OverFlow.

    1.1.5 display interface


    displayinterface[ interface-type | interface-type interface-number [ packets] ]


    Any view


    interface-type: Specifies the port type.

    interface-number: Specifies the port number.


    Use the display interfacecommand to view the configuration information on the port.

    If the port type and number are not specified when displaying the port information,

    the information of all the ports will be displayed.

    If only the port type is specified, all the information of the ports of this type will be


    If both port type and port number are specified, the information of the designatedport will be displayed.


    # Display configuration information of Ethernet 2/1/1.

    di spl ay i nter f ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    Et hernet 2/ 1/ 1 cur r ent st ate : UP

    I P Sendi ng Fr ames' Format i s PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address i s

    00e0- f c00- 85f f

    The Maxi mum Transmi t Uni t i s 1500

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Medi a t ype i s t wi st ed pai r , l oopback not set

    Port hardware t ype i s 100_BASE_TX

    100Mbps- speed mode, f ul l - dupl ex mode

    Li nk speed type i s aut onegot i at i on, l i nk dupl ex type i s aut onegot i at i on

    Fl ow- cont r ol i s not enabl ed

    The Maxi mum Fr ame Length i s 1552

    Br oadcast MAX- r at i o: 100%

    Al l ow j umbo f r ame t o pass

    Mi xI nsert - Por t VPN st at us: not enabl e Mi xI nsert access

    PVI D: 48

    Mdi t ype: aut o

    Por t l i nk-t ype: access

    Tagged VLAN I D : none

    Unt agged VLAN I D : 48

    Last 300 seconds i nput : 0 packet s/ sec 61 bi t s/ sec 1%

    Last 300 seconds out put : 0 packet s/ sec 0 bi t s/ sec 1%

    I nput ( t ot al ) : 54 packet s, 7465 bytes

    42 br oadcast s, 5 mul t i cast s

    I nput ( nor mal ) : 54 packet s, 7465 byt es

    - br oadcast s, - mul t i cast s

    I nput : 0 i nput er r or s, 0 r unt s, 0 gi ant s, 0 t hr ot t l es, 0 CRC

    0 f r ame, 0 over r uns, - abor t s, 0 i gnor ed, - par i t y er r or s

    Out put ( t otal ) : 1 packet s, 64 bytes

    0 broadcast s, 0 mul t i cast s, 0 pauses

    Out put ( normal ) : 1 packets, 64 bytes

    - br oadcast s, - mul t i cast s, 0 pauses

    Out put : 0 out put er r or s, - under r uns, - buf f er f ai l ur es

    0 abort s, 0 def err ed, - col l i s i ons, 0 l at e col l i s i ons

    - l ost carr i er , - no carr i er

    Recei ve Packet Peak Val ue I nf o: 7215 byt es, happened at 03: 30: 35 3- 7-2001

    Transmi t Packet Peak Val ue I nf o: 64 byt es, happened at 03: 30: 35 3- 7- 2001

    Table 1-1 Description on the fields of the display interfacecommand

    Field Description

    Ethernet2/1/1 current stateThe current status of Ethernet port(enabled or disabled)

    IP Sending Frames' Format Ethernet frame format

    Hardware address Port hardware address

    The Maximum Transmit Unit Maximum transmit unit

    Media type Type of media

    loopback not set Port loopback test status

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Field Description

    Port hardware type Port hardware type

    100 Mbps-speed mode, full-duplex mode

    Link speed type is autonegotiation, linkduplex type is autonegotiation

    Both the duplex mode and the rate are

    set to auto-negotiation. The rate of 100Mbps and the mode of full-duplex areadopted after negotiating with its peer

    Flow-control is not enabled Port flow control status

    The Maximum Frame LengthMaximum length of the Ethernet framesthat can pass the port

    Broadcast MAX-ratio Port broadcast storm suppression ratio

    Allow jumbo frame to pass Jumbo frame is allowed to pass the port

    Port VPN statusPort VPN status (enable or not VPN


    PVID Port default VLAN ID

    Mdi type Cable type

    Port link-type Port link type

    Tagged VLAN ID The VLANs with packets tagged

    Untagged VLAN ID The VLANs with packets untagged

    Last 300 seconds input: 0 packets/sec 0bits/sec

    Last 300 seconds output: 0 packets/sec0 bits/sec

    The input/output rate and the passingpacket number on this port in the last

    300 seconds.

    Input(total): 0 packets, 0 bytes

    0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts

    Input(normal): 0 packets, 0 bytes

    - broadcasts, - multicasts

    Input: 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0throttles, 0 CRC

    0 frame, 0 overruns, - aborts, 0ignored, - parity errors

    Output(total): 0 packets, 0 bytes0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0


    Output(normal): 0 packets, 0 bytes

    - broadcasts, - multicasts, 0 pauses

    Output: 0 output errors, - underruns, -buffer failures

    0 aborts, 0 deferred, - collisions, 0late collisions

    - lost carrier, - no carrier

    The statistics information of

    input/output packets and errors on thisport. - indicates that the item doesntsupported by the switch.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    1.1.6 display jumboframe configuration


    display jumboframe configuration


    Any view




    Use the display jumboframe configuration command to view the Jumbo frame

    configuration on all cards. The supported Jumbo frame length ranges, as well as the

    default values, may vary by card.


    # Display the current Jumboframe configuration in the system.

    [ H3C] di spl ay j umbof r ame conf i gurat i on

    The j umbof r ame conf i gurat i on at present :

    Sl ot 2:

    Al l ow j umbo f r ame t o pass

    The Maxi mum Fr ame Length i s 1552

    1.1.7 display port


    display port{hybrid |trunk}


    Any view


    hybrid : Displays hybrid ports.

    trunk: Displays trunk ports.


    Use the display portcommand to display hybrid or trunk ports.

    If a hybrid or trunk port is present, the output displays the port name and VLANs on the


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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    # Display hybrid ports.

    di spl ay port hybr i d

    I nter f ace VLAN passi ng:

    Et hernet3/ 1/ 1 Tagged : 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

    Unt agged: 1- 2, 4, 6,

    Ether net 3/ 1/ 2 Tagged : none

    Unt agged: 1

    The output shows that two hybrid ports are present on the device: Ethernet 3/1/1 and

    Ethernet 3/1/2. Ethernet 3/1/1 carries tagged VLANs 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11, and untagged

    VLANs 1, 2, 4, and 6. Ethernet 3/1/2 carries untagged VLAN 1 but no tagged VLANs.

    # Display trunk ports.

    di spl ay port t r unk

    I nter f ace VLAN passi ng

    Et hernet 3/ 1/ 3 1, 3- 5, 10

    Ether net 3/ 1/ 4 none

    Et hernet3/ 1/ 7 1

    The output shows that three trunk ports are present on the device: Ethernet 3/1/3,

    Ethernet 3/1/4, Ethernet 3/1/7. Ethernet 3/1/3 carries VLANs 1, 3, 4, 5, and 10. Ethernet

    3/1/4 carries no VLANs. Ethernet 3/1/7 carries VLAN 1.

    1.1.8 disp lay transceiver alarm


    display t ransceiver alarm interface[ interface-type interface-number]


    Any view

    Default Level

    2: System level


    interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.


    Use the display transceiver alarm command to display the current alarm information

    of the optical transceiver plugged in the specified port or all optical transceivers if no

    port is specified.

    If no error has occurred, Noneis displayed.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    # Display the current alarm information of the pluggable transceiver in interface

    GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

    di spl ay tr anscei ver al arm i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1/ 1

    Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1/ 1 t r anscei ver cur r ent al ar m i nf or mat i on:

    TX f aul t

    PCS r ecei ve l ocal f aul t

    Laser t emperat ur e f aul t

    The following table describes the output that the display t ransceiver alarmcommand

    may display.

    Table 1-2 Description on the fields of the display transceiver alarmcommand

    Field Remarks

    RX loss of signal Receive signal is lost.

    RX power high Receive power level is high.

    RX power low Receive power level is low.

    TX fault Transmit fault

    TX bias high Transmit bias current is high.

    TX bias low Transmit bias current is low.

    TX power high Transmit power is high.

    TX power low Transmit power is low.

    Temp high Temperature is high.

    Temp low Temperature is low.

    Voltage high Voltage is high.

    Voltage low Voltage is low.

    Transceiver info I/O errorTransceiver information read and writeerror

    Transceiver info checksum error Transceiver information checksum errorTransceiver type and port configurationmismatch

    The transceiver type does not match theport configuration.

    Transceiver type not supported by porthardware

    The transceiver type is not supported onthe port.

    RX not ready Receiver is not ready

    RX CDR loss of lock Receive clock cannot be recovered.

    TX not ready Transmitter is not ready.

    TX fault Transmit fault

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Field Remarks

    TX CDR loss of lock Transmit clock cannot be recovered.

    Module not ready Module is not ready.

    APD supply fault Avalanche photo diode (APD) supply fault

    TEC fault Thermoelectric cooler (TEC) fault

    Wavelength unlockedWavelength of optical signal exceeds themanufacturers tolerance.

    Transceiver info checksum error Transceiver information checksum error

    Transceiver type and port configurationmismatch

    Transceiver type does not match portconfiguration.

    Transceiver type not supported by port


    Transceiver type is not supported on the


    WIS local faultLocal fault of the WAN interface sublayer(WIS)

    Receive optical power fault Receive optical power fault

    PMA/PMD receiver local faultPhysical medium attachment/physicalmedium dependent (PMA/PMD) receiverlocal fault

    PCS receive local faultLocal fault of the physical coding sublayer(PCS) receiver

    PHY XS receive local faultLocal fault of the PHY extended sublayer(PHY XS) receiver

    Laser bias current fault Laser bias current fault

    Laser temperature fault Laser temperature fault

    Laser output power fault Laser output power fault

    1.1.9 display transceiver diagnosis


    display transceiver diagnosis interface[ interface-type interface-number]


    Any view

    Default Level

    2: System level

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.


    Use the display transceiver diagnosis command to display the currently measured

    values of the diagnosis parameters for the pluggable optical transceiver in the specified

    port or all transceivers if no port is specified.


    The diagnosis information is available only for H3C customized anti-spoofing



    # Display the currently measured values of the digital diagnosis parameters for the

    optical transceiver plugged in interface GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

    di spl ay t r anscei ver di agnosi s i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et hernet 1/ 1/ 1

    Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1/ 1 t r anscei ver di agnost i c i nf or mat i on:

    Curr ent di agnost i c par ameter s:

    Temp. ( C) Vol t age(V) Bi as( mA) RX power ( dBM) TX power ( dBM)

    40 3. 3 1. 1 20. 0 - 30. 0

    Table 1-3 Description on the fields of the display transceiver diagnosiscommand

    Field Description

    Temp.(C)Digital diagnosis parameter temperature in degreescentigrade

    Voltage(V)Digital diagnosis parameter voltage, in V, accurate to the firstdecimal place.

    Bias(mA)Digital diagnosis parameter bias current, in mA, accurate to

    the first decimal place.

    RX power(dBM)Digital diagnosis parameter receive power, in dBM, accurateto the first decimal place.

    TX power(dBM)Digital diagnosis parameter transmit power, in dBM, accurateto the first decimal place.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    N/A is displayed for parameters not supported on the device.

    1.1.10 disp lay transceiver interface


    display transceiver interface[ interface-type interface-number]


    Any view

    Default Level

    2: System level


    interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.


    Use the display transceiver interface command to display the major parameters of

    the optical transceiver plugged in the specified port or all optical transceivers if no port

    is specified.


    # Display the major parameters of the optical transceiver plugged in interface

    GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

    di spl ay t r anscei ver i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et hernet 1/ 1/ 1

    Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1/ 1 tr anscei ver i nf or mat i on:

    Transcei ver Type : 1000_BASE_LX_SFP

    Connect or Type : LC

    Wavel engt h( nm) : 1310

    Transf er Di st ance : 10km( 9um)

    Di gi t al Di agnost i c Moni t or i ng : YES

    Vendor Name : H3C

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Table 1-4 Description on the fields of the display t ransceiver interfacecommand

    Field Description

    Transceiver Type Physical type of the transceiver

    Connector Type

    Type of the connectors of the transceiver:

    Optical connectors, SC or LC

    Other connectors, RJ-45, CX 4, or any other type

    Wavelength(nm)Wavelength (in nm) of the transmit laser. If the transceiversupports multiple wavelengths, they are separated bycommas (,).

    Transfer Distance

    Maximum transmission distance. If the transceiver supportsmultiple transmission media, their values are displayedseparated by commas (,) each followed by the correspondingmedium enclosed in brackets. The following are possible

    transmission media: 9 um: 9/125 m single-mode fiber

    50 um: 50/125 m multi-mode fiber

    62.5 um: 62.5/125 m multi-mode fiber

    TP: twisted pair

    CX4: CX4 cable

    STACK: stack cable

    Digital DiagnosticMonitoring

    Indicates support for digital diagnosis, YES for supported andNO for not supported.

    Vendor Name

    Module vendor

    For an H3C customized anti-spoofing transceiver: thevendor name in the RFID

    1of the module is displayed.

    For other transceivers: The original vendor names on themodules are displayed.

    Note: RFID = radio frequency identification (also called e-tag)

    1.1.11 display transceiver manuinfo interface


    display transceiver manuinfo interface[ interface-type interface-number]


    Any view

    Default Level

    2: System level


    interface-type interface-number: Interface type and interface number.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Use the display transceiver manuinfo interface command to display the radio

    frequency identification (RFID) information of the pluggable optical transceiver in the

    specified port or all optical transceivers if no port is specified.


    # Display the RFID information of the optical transceiver plugged in interface

    GigabitEthernet 1/1/1.

    di spl ay t r anscei ver manui nf o i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et her net 1/ 1/ 1

    Gi gabi t Et hernet 1/ 1/ 1 t r anscei ver manuf act ur e i nf ormati on:

    Manu. Ser i al Number : 213410A0000054000251

    Manuf act uri ng Dat e : 2005- 09-01

    Vendor Name : H3C

    Table 1-5 Description on the fields of display transceiver manuinfo interface

    Field Description

    Manu. Serial NumberSerial number generated for an H3C customized opticaltransceiver during transceiver debugging and testing. Theinformation is stored in the RFID.

    Manufacturing Date Debugging and testing date.

    Vendor NameThe specified vendor name for the transceiver. Theinformation is stored in the RFID.

    1.1.12 duplex


    duplex{auto |full|half}

    undo duplex


    Ethernet port view


    auto: Operates in auto-negotiation mode.

    full: Operates in full-duplex mode.

    half: Operates in half-duplex mode.


    Use the duplexcommand to configure the duplex mode of the Ethernet port.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    Use the undo duplexcommand to restore the default.

    By default, an Ethernet port operates in auto-negotiation mode.

    Related commands: speed.


    # Configure Ethernet 2/1/1 to operate in auto-negotiation mode.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] dupl ex aut o

    1.1.13 flag

    flag{j0|j1} { sdh| sonet} flag-value

    undo flag {j0|j1} {sdh| sonet}


    Gigabit Ethernet port view


    j0: Specifies the trace field in the regeneration section. The field is a section overhead

    field and is used to test the connectivity of the connection between two ports on the

    section level. The field is default by default.

    j1: Specifies the channel trace field, which is a high-order channel overhead field. The

    field is used to test the connectivity of the connection between two ports on the channel

    level. The field is a string of 1 to 63 characters and is default by default.

    sdh: Specifies the frame format as SDH. For 10 GE WAN interfaces, the frame format

    can only be SDH.

    sonet: Specifies the frame format as SONET.

    flag-value: Value of the overhead to be set. The range of this argument varies with the

    keyword specified, as listed below.

    C2: 0x0 to 0xFF.

    J0 in SDH frame format: a string of 1 to 15 characters.

    J1 in SDH frame format: a string of 1 to 15 characters.

    J0 in SONET frame format: 0x0 to 0x7F.


    Use the flagcommand to set an overhead field for a port.

    Use the undoflag command to restore an overhead field of a port to the default value.

    Note that the flagcommand is available only to GE ports in WAN mode.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    # Set the overhead field j0 for the 10 GE WAN port GigabitEthernet 4/2/1.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et hernet 4/ 2/ 1

    [ H3C- Gi gabi t Ether net 4/ 2/ 1] por t - mode wan

    [ H3C- Gi gabi t Et hernet 4/ 2/ 1] f l ag j 0 sdh 1

    1.1.14 flow-control



    undo flow-control


    Ethernet port view




    Use the flow-control command to enable flow control on the Ethernet port to avoiddiscarding data packets due to congestion.

    Use the undo flow-controlcommand to disable flow control.

    By default, flow control is disabled on an Ethernet port.


    # Enable flow control on Ethernet 2/1/1.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] f l ow- cont r ol

    1.1.15 flow-interval


    flow-interval interval

    undo flow-interval

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Ethernet port view


    interval: Interval of performing statistics on ports in seconds, in the range of 5 to 300.


    Use the flow interval command to set the interval for collecting statistics on ports. The

    switch collects the statistics about the average speed during the interval.

    Use the undo flow-intervalto restore the interval to the default.

    By default, the interval for collecting statistics on ports is 300 seconds.

    Related commands: display interface.


    # Set the interval of collecting statistics on Ethernet 3/1/1 to 100 seconds.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt er f ace Et hernet 3/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 3/ 1/ 1] f l ow- i nt erval 100

    # Restore the interval of collecting statistics on Ethernet 3/1/1 to the default value.

    [ H3C- Et her net 3/ 1/ 1] undo f l ow- i nt er val

    1.1.16 interface


    interfaceinterface-type interface-number


    System view


    interface-type: Specifies the port type. It can be Aux, Ethernet, Loopback, M-Ethernet,

    NULL, VLAN-interface, GigabitEthernet and 10-GigabitEthernet, POS, RPR.

    interface-number: Specifies the port number. It adopts slot-number/subslot-number/

    port-numberformat. slot-numberspecifies the LPU slot number of the port. For S9505,

    it ranges from 2 to 6. For S9508, it ranges from 0 to 3 and 6 to 9 (slot number 4 and 5

    are SRPU). For S9512, it ranges from 0 to 5 and 8 to 13 (slot number 6 and 7 are

    SRPU). subslot-numberspecifies the sub-slot number of the port and ranges from 1 to

    3. port-numberspecifies the port number on the daughter card. It is 1 or ranges from 1

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    to 12, 20, or 48, depending on the service board type. M-Ethernet is used to update and

    maintain. It ranges from 0/0/0.


    Use the interfacecommand to enter various types of Ethernet port views.

    Before you can configure the related parameters of a type of Ethernet port, you must

    first use this command to enter the Ethernet port view of this type.


    # Enter the Ethernet 2/1/1 port view.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    1.1.17 jumboframe enable


    jumboframe enable[jumboframe-value] slotslot-number

    jumboframe disable s lotslot-number


    System view


    slot-number: Specifies the slot number of the card.

    jumboframe-value: Specifies the maximum size (in bytes) of jumbo frames permitted to

    pass the card.


    Use thejumboframe enablecommand to permit jumbo frames to pass the card on the

    specified slot and set the maximum size of Jumbo frames.

    Use thejumboframe disable slo tcommand to prohibit jumbo frames from passing the

    card on the specified slot.

    By default, jumbo frame is permitted to pass cards.

    Related commands: display jumboframe configuration.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    The system supports discrete values of Jumbo frame size ranging from 1,552 to 10,240.

    However, effective Jumbo frame values fall into several sections: the effective Jumbo

    frame sizes for the 1,552-9,022 section are 1,552 and 9,022, that for the 9,023-9,192

    section is 9,192, and that for the 9,193-10,240 section is 10,240.


    # Permit jumbo frames to pass the card on slot 6 and set the maximum size of Jumbo

    frames to 9022.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] j umbof r ame enabl e 9022 sl ot 6

    1.1.18 link-status hold


    link-status holdhold-time

    undo link-status hold


    System view


    hold-time: Link-state hold time in seconds. If this argument is set to 0, the state change

    of a link is reported to the upper layer without delay. If this argument is set to an integer

    other than 0, link state change will be reported after the specified interval instead of



    Use the link-status holdcommand to set the link-state hold time.

    Use the undo link-status holdcommand to restore the default link-state hold time.

    By default, the link-state hold time is 3 seconds.

    Related commands: display interface.


    # Set the link-state hold time to 5 seconds.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    [ H3C] l i nk- st at us hol d 5

    # Set the link-state hold time to 0 seconds.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] l i nk- st at us hol d 0

    1.1.19 loopback


    loopback {external |internal }

    undo loopback


    Ethernet port view


    external: Places the Ethernet port in an external loopback. Currently, the Ethernet

    ports on the S9500 series do not support this mode.

    internal : Places the Ethernet port in an internal loopback.


    Use the loopbackcommand to enable loopback on the Ethernet port.

    Use the undoloopbackcommand to disable loopback on the Ethernet port.

    By default, loopback is disabled on Ethernet ports.


    # Place Ethernet 2/1/1 to operate in internal loopback mode.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt er f ace ether net2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] l oopback i nt ernal

    1.1.20 mdi


    mdi {across |auto |normal }

    undo mdi


    Ethernet port view

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    across: Network cable type is cross-over cable.

    auto: Network cable will be recognized whether it is straight-through cable or

    cross-over cable.

    normal: Network cable of the port is straight-through cable.


    Use the mdicommand to configure the network cable type of the Ethernet ports.

    Use the undo mdicommand to restore the default type.

    By default, the network cable type will be recognized automatically.


    This command only takes effect on the 10/100 Mbps and 10/100/1,000 Mbps electrical



    # Configure the network cable type of Ethernet port Ethernet 2/1/1 as auto.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] mdi aut o

    1.1.21 multicast-suppression


    multicast-suppression{ ratio| bandwidthbandwidth}

    undo multicast-suppression


    Ethernet port view


    ratio:Specifies a percentage of the total bandwidth for multicasts on the Ethernet port.

    The value range is 1 to 100. The smaller the ratio is, the smaller the multicast traffic is


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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    bandwidth: Specifies the maximum bandwidth for multicasts on the port. The value

    range is 1 to the maximum port bandwidth.


    Use the multicast-suppression command to enable multicast suppression. When

    doing this, you can set the percentage of total port bandwidth for multicasts or set the

    maximum port bandwidth for multicasts. Multicasts that cross the threshold will be


    Use the undo multicast-suppressioncommand to disable multicast suppression.

    By default, all broadcasts are allowed to pass, that is the ratioargument is set to 100.

    The multicast suppression setting you configured with the multicast-suppression

    command will overwrite the previous multicast suppression setting, if any.


    You cannot enable both multicast suppression and broadcast suppression

    simultaneously on the same card. Namely, once you have enabled broadcast

    suppression on some ports of a card, you cannot enable multicast suppression on

    the other ports of the card, and vice versa. Although the commands are based on

    ports, the mutual exclusion between these two commands is based on cards.

    While broadcast suppression does not work on multicasts, multicast suppression

    can suppress broadcasts.

    No distinction is made between known multicast and unknown multicast for

    multicast suppression.

    Related commands: broadcast-suppression.


    # Set the threshold that triggers multicast suppression to 40%.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt er f ace Et hernet 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] mul t i cast - suppr essi on 40

    # Set the maximum multicast traffic size that triggers multicast suppression to 40 Mbps.

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] mul t i cast - suppr essi on bandwi dth 40

    # Disable multicast suppression.

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] undo mul t i cast - suppr essi on

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    1.1.22 por t access vlan


    port access vlan vlan-id

    undoportaccess vlan


    Ethernet port view


    vlan-id: VLAN ID defined in IEEE802.1Q, ranging from 2 to 4094.


    Use the port access vlancommand to assign the access port to the specified VLAN.

    Use the undo port access vlancommand to restore the default.

    By default, all Ethernet ports are access ports and belong to VLAN 1.

    The condition for using this command is that the VLAN indicated in vlan-idmust exist.


    # Assign Ethernet 2/1/1 to VLAN 3 (assuming VLAN 3 already exists).

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] por t access vl an 3

    1.1.23 port hybrid pvid vlan


    port hybrid pvid vlanvlan-id

    undo port hybrid pvid


    Ethernet port view


    vlan-id: VLAN ID defined in IEEE802.1Q, ranging from 1 to 4094 and the default vlan-id

    is 1.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Use the port hybrid pvid vlancommand to configure the default VLAN ID of the local

    hybrid port.

    Use the undo port hybrid pvidcommand to restore the default VLAN ID of the local

    hybrid port.

    The default VLAN ID of local hybrid port shall be consistent with that of the peer one,

    otherwise, the packet cannot be properly transmitted.

    Related commands: port link-type.


    # Configure the default VLAN of the hybrid port Ethernet 2/1/1 as VLAN 100.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] por t hybr i d pvi d vl an 100

    1.1.24 port hybrid vlan


    port hybridvlanvlan-id-list { tagged| untagged}

    undo port hybridvlanvlan-id-list


    Ethernet port view


    vlan-id-list: vlan-id-list= [ vlan-id1[ to vlan-id2] ]&: Specifies which VLAN the

    hybrid port will be added to. It can be discrete. The vlan-id ranges from 1 to 4,094.

    & indicates that the former parameter can be input 10 times repeatedly at most.

    tagged: Packet of specified VLAN will have tag.

    untagged: Packet of specified VLAN will not have tag.


    Use the port hybridvlancommand to assign the hybrid port to the specified existing


    Use the undo port hybridvlancommand to remove the hybrid port from the specified


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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    A hybrid port can be assigned to multiple VLANs. If the port hybridvlanvlan-id-list

    { tagged | untagged } command is used for many times, the VLANs carried by the

    hybrid port is the set of vlan-id-list.

    Before assigning a hybrid port to a VLAN, create the VLAN first.

    Related commands: port link-type.


    # Assign hybrid port Ethernet 2/1/1 to VLANs 2, 4, and 50 through 100 in tagged mode.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] por t hybr i d vl an 2 4 50 to 100 tagged

    1.1.25 port link-type


    port link-type { access | hybrid | trunk }

    undo port link-type


    Ethernet port view


    access: Configures the port as an access port.

    hybrid : Configures the port as a hybrid port.

    trunk: Configures the port as a trunk port


    Use the port link-typecommand to configure the link type of the Ethernet port.

    Use the undo port link-typecommand to restore the default.

    To change the link type of a port from trunk to hybrid or vice versa, you must set the link

    type to access first.

    By default, the link type of a port is access.


    # Configure Ethernet 2/1/1 as a trunk port.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] por t l i nk- t ype tr unk

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    1.1.26 port-mode


    port-mode { wan | lan }

    undo port -mode


    Ethernet port view


    wan : Configures the port to work in WAN mode. Use this mode for connecting to an

    SDH network. This mode is available only on 10-GE ports.

    lan : Configures the port to work in LAN mode. Use this mode for connecting toEthernet.


    Use the port-modecommand to configure the network mode of the port.

    Use the undo port-modecommand to restore the default.

    By default, Ethernet ports work in LAN mode.


    Ports on the XP4CA and XP4B boards do not support the WAN mode.


    # Set GigabitEthernet 2/1/1 to work in WAN mode.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Gi gabi t Et hernet 2/ 1/ 1[ H3C- Gi gabi t Ether net 2/ 1/ 1] por t - mode wan

    # Restore the default (LAN) mode on GigabitEthernet 2/1/1.

    [ H3C- Gi gabi t Ethernet 2/ 1/ 1] undo por t - mode

    1.1.27 port trunk permit vlan


    port trunk permit vlan{ vlan-id-list| all }

    undo port trunk permit vlan{ vlan-id-list| all }

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Ethernet port view


    vlan-id-list: vlan-id-list= [ vlan-id1[ to vlan-id2] ] & is the VLAN range joined by

    the trunk port. It can be discrete. The vlan-id ranges from 2 to 4,094. & indicates

    that the former parameter can be input 10 times repeatedly at most.

    all :Assigns the trunk port to all VLANs.


    Use the port trunk permit vlan command to assign the trunk port to the specified


    Use the undo port trunk permit vlan command to remove the trunk port from the

    specified VLAN(s).

    A trunk port can be assigned to multiple VLANs. If the port trunk permit vlan

    command is used many times, the VLANs that the trunk port belongs to are the set of

    these vlan-id-list.

    Related commands: port link-type.


    # Remove the trunk port from the default VLAN.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] undo port t r unk permi t vl an 1

    # Assign the trunk port to all VLANs.

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] port t r unk permi t vl an al l

    1.1.28 port trunk pvid vlan


    port trunk pvid vlanvlan-id

    undo port trunk pvid


    Ethernet port view


    vlan-id: VLAN ID defined in IEEE802.1Q, ranging from 1 to 4,094 and the default

    vlan-idis 1.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Use the port trunk pvid vlancommand to configure the default VLAN ID of the trunk


    Use the undo port trunk pvidcommand to restore the default.

    The default VLAN ID of the local trunk port should be consistent with that of the peer

    one. Otherwise, the packets cannot be properly transmitted.

    Related commands: port link-type.


    # Configure the default VLAN of the trunk port Ethernet 2/1/1 as 100.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] por t t r unk pvi d vl an 100

    1.1.29 reset counters interface


    reset counters interface[ interface-type | interface-type interface-number ]


    User view


    interface-type: Specifies the port type.

    interface-number: Specifies the port number.


    Use the reset counters interfacecommand to clear statistics for ports.

    If the port type and number are not specified, the statistics of all ports are cleared. If

    only the port type is specified, all the statistics of the ports of this type are cleared. If

    both port type and port number are specified, only the statistics of the specified port are


    This command cannot clear the statistics of 802.1x-enabled ports.


    # Clear the statistics of Ethernet port Ethernet 2/1/1.

    r eset counter s i nt erf ace et hernet2/ 1/ 1

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands


    1.1.30 shutdown



    undo shutdown


    Ethernet port view




    Use the shutdown command to disable the Ethernet port.

    Use the undo shutdowncommand to enable the Ethernet port.

    By default, the Ethernet port is enabled.


    # Enable Ethernet 2/1/1.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Ether net 2/ 1/ 1] undo shutdown

    1.1.31 speed


    speed{10 |100 |1000 |10000 |auto}

    undo speed


    Ethernet port view


    10: Speed on the port is 10 Mbps.

    100: Speed on the port is 100 Mbps.

    1000: Speed on the port is 1,000 Mbps.

    10000: Speed on the port is 10 Gbps.

    auto: Port speed is in peer auto-negotiation status.

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands



    Use the speedcommand to configure the port speed.

    Use the undo speedcommand to restore the default speed.

    The optional parameters of this command are determined by the port types and duplex

    modes. For example, the 10/100/1,000 Mbps electrical ports support three optional

    parameters including 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 1,000 Mbps. You can select proper port

    speed as you require. But when the duplex mode is changed into half duplex mode, the

    port speed can be set to 1,000 Mbps or auto.

    By default, the speed is auto.

    Related commands: duplex.


    # Configure Ethernet 2/1/1 port speed as 100 Mbps.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Ether net 2/ 1/ 1] speed 100

    1.1.32 vlan fi lter enable


    vlan filter enable

    vlan filter disable


    Ethernet port view




    Use the vlan fil ter enablecommand to enable the VLAN filtering function for a port.

    Use the vlan filter disablecommand to disable the VLAN filtering function for the port.

    By default, the VLAN filtering function is enabled on a port.


    # Enable the VLAN filtering function on Ethernet 2/1/1.

    syst em- vi ew

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] vl an f i l t er enabl e

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    Command Manual Ethernet PortH3C S9500 Series Routing Switches

    Chapter 1 Ethernet Port ConfigurationCommands

    1.1.33 vlan-vpn enable


    vlan-vpn enable



    Ethernet port view




    Use the vlan-vpn enablecommand to enable VLAN VPN on the port.

    Use the undo vlan-vpncommand to disable VLAN VPN on the port.

    Note that if anyone of GVRP, STP, NTP or 802.1x has been enabled on a port, VLAN

    VPN cannot be enabled on it.

    By default, VLAN VPN is disabled on a port.


    # Enable VLAN VPN on Ethernet 2/1/1.

    syst em- vi ew

    System Vi ew: r eturn t o User Vi ew wi t h Ct r l +Z.

    [ H3C] i nt erf ace Et her net 2/ 1/ 1

    [ H3C- Et her net 2/ 1/ 1] vl an- vpn enabl e