· 0 the omaha daily bee : sunday august 8. irscv-twelye pages. mr,...

0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY AUGUST 8. IRSCv-TWELYE PAGES. MR , KEELY ASD Ilfs MOTOR Viaitctl and Investigated by on Gentleman , SEVERAL EXPERIMENTS NOTED- .Cyclones" . CnrofullJils - ensued Discovery T n Now Furoo mill tlic IJcvlsintf of n Metr . , o < l to Utilise I* IIVfHciiorMiefrt 7y I ) ' . II'. fMxA.r , VrctMtnt- of Jletktuc Colfruf , TUP. KIIIA' : : Moron. Wooing niong one of the streets of- PlnMadeiplua In Stay la t , I saw u SIKH , "Ollico of the Keoly Motor. " Tills re- miiuliul - mo that 1 had frequently soon notices oMllo "Kociy motor , " chiell.v in the way of ridicule , and 1 resolved to in- vcstigatu - the matter for myself. After n day or two 1 found n gentleman who kuovv well , and he offered to- tnko iiics ( o the sliop of the inventor. The discoveries 1 made 1 lay before the read- ers ¬ of the lliu. : run MAN. John Kccly , a native Philadelphia ! ! , IB a musician and an organist of no mean attnilihiiitits Many years ago twenty or more Mr. Keoly , in building and l la.ying tliu organ , was struck with the fact tlmtf 10 vibrations of the organ ] ilpc.i nrpthifcuil not only what wo called sound ** , but that a vast amount of force- r power was developed , Milltclont in many instances to cause vast buildings to tremble as though .shaken by a giant's hand Havintr brains , Mr. Kccly began to Inquire whether this force might not be- utilised , lie noticed , or thought ho did , that harmony had .something to do with the volume of force emitted by the vibrations. With these indistinct and shadowy hints he went to work. No one had ever Fought what ho was seeking a force from vibrations , which could be utlhed- in place of water and steam , lie was an explorer in a Hold utterly now. Ho could consult only with his own busy brain.- IIo . had no predecessor on that sea. . Ho was another Columbus , reaching out after what all but ho Boomed to re- gard - as a chimera. For years ho labored on alone and in poverty. At length he succeeded in inspiring a few friends with conlidoneo. They rallied around him. A company was formed. Money was fur- nished ¬ him. Machine after machine for generating the new force was .invented , tested , and discarded. Machine after constructed for the applica- tion ¬ of tuo force , tested and discarded. Hut progress was made with each trial. New Ideascamo with each failure. Mean- while ¬ the public press , when it stooped to notice him , was lavish with rid.culo- ."Fraud . , " "humbug , " "impostor , " "mad ¬ man , " "crank , " wore among the mildest opithetrt employed , while those who assisted Mr. Kccly were denounced as- 'dupes ami fools. " Undismayed , how- ever ¬ , our Columbus bore stei'dily on with Ills laeo towaid the now world ho saw with the eye of faitltj anil now. after all these years of toil , discouragement and abuse , secures recognition as a real in- ventor ¬ from men who stand high in the scientific world. THK VISIT. Under guidance of my friend I soon reached Mr. Keely's work shop a small , two-story brick structure on North Twen- tieth ¬ street , Philadelphia. Hero , sur- rounded ¬ by hundreds of curious , unfix- mMai' - , contrivances , 1 found this man w'liyjr 1 am not mistaken , will have a name in history when his traduccrs shall bo forgotten. John W Keoly is a man whoso physicpio would be noticeable any ¬ where. He is fully MX feet in height , with n largohead , co.xl black eyes , d-irk com- plexion , and wearing constantly u thoughtful expression , llo received mo cordially , and after a few moments spent iu giving some general inlormation , pro- ceeded ¬ to explain the "machines ho now uses in the production and application of his now force. ' "THE I.IUEIIA.TOII. " This , as its name indicates , is the in- strument employed for generating and garnering the force. It is a metallic in- strument ¬ about three feet in height , and stands Upon n wooden pedestal , which may "bo moved easily about the room , to show that it has no connection with tubes or pipes qr lovers by which power may bo- becretly communicated. The liberator itself stands open before you , and may- be subjoe'teil to the closest investigation. Near the bottom , lastoned upon u me- tallic rim , are four or live largo tuning forks. These stand upright. Within these , in a horizontal position , supported by a small metallic standard in its centre , is a circular stool plate about eighteen or twenty inches in diameter. Above and around the machine , and attached to higher rims , are several brass tubes , within which arc small , slender , vibrat- ing ¬ steel blades. On tlut top of the liber- ator is a brass globe four or live inches in diameter , which is used to collect and re- tain the force until drawn oil' for use. Having courteously shown all these different parts of the liberator and given the ample opportunity of guarding ngaltlbt imposition , Mr. Keoly proceeds to generate the now force named by him "etlieric vapor , or inter-atomic forco. " This he doosuy drawing an ordinary violin bow' a few times across the stationary tuning forks , and striking the circular metallic plate a times with a small hiunnuu' faced with rubber. This is nil. In two minutes the machine is charged and ready for business. That this is so Mr. Kccly proceeds to show by- uthreefold KXIT.MMKNT. 1. By a heavy iron lover of the first class , as follows ; To the brass globe on the top pf the liberator whore , as wo have Keen , the force is garnered , Mr. Keoly at- Inches a long brass tuba something over half an inch in diameter , having an ori- lieu not larger than a common knitting needle , The. other end is connected with u oyllnuhr , in which plays an upright piston one-half inch in diameter. On llio upper end nf this piston rests a long heavy iron lover. To raise the lover alone apicssnroof l.GOO pounds to the squaru inch is ueeoi ary. When all is ready Mr- .Kccly . turns a wheel valve , and imme- diately - the foro6 IB liberated and the level is lifted.And ( miw weights are added to the extremity of thn long arm of tint lovoi until a pressure is demanded to raise it- emuil to 20,000 pounds to the square ineli , The lover rises with apparent ease when the force is fciijlllod , and when it is shul- oil' the lever falls. It looks almost llko n miracle to sou this enormous weigh ! tossed with such case by a lorco goner mod byaniQunssoapparuutlyiuadcrjuato , The second KXrCIUMKNT- is the firing of a cannon by means of the edicrio vapor , lute a small cannon Mr- Kenly drives homo a leaden ball abonl one inch ami oue-lifth in diameter. Do- tachlnglht ) tube from the piston oyllndui described In the above experiment , he at tactic * it to the breach of thn gun , ami turning the wheel valve and letting pi the vapor , the ball is forced out will great velocity , passing through an iucl plank and Hatloning itself against ni lion target bojond. Thi > . Hko the loyoi experiment , is repeated by the good nahtrcd inventor until all bpeetators an- Batlsllcd that no propelling power ib em- ployed oxccwt what is generated by tin vibrations of the liberator , THE THIItU r.Xl'RllMiNT- mi ! ; , most wonderful of ull , is the cation of this force to the running of- machinery. . As this is the practical end aimed at , and as this is the tct of sue- cei - * , I wish to lay before your readers a report recently published in thoScientilic- Areim by its editor , lr A Wilford Hall , who with some thirty otherScientific gen- tlemen ¬ recently investigated the now mo- tive ¬ power at Mr. Kecly's shop , extend- ing ¬ their investigations through four hour" . Says Dr. Hall in the Arena for July , 188(5 ( , page 50- 'These experiments having been con- tinued ¬ till satisfactory all iotin l, and until man } present had been supplied with flattened bullets , the dual and most important demonstration of all wa givcn- in the actual running of the 'Ivcely Motor * it.H'll , ollileli the world has heard so much , and which consisted of a twenty- livehorse - power rotary engine actuated alone by this so-called ctlieric vapor. And hero we approach the description of- n performance In verj simple machinery for which our readei.s will need to sum- mon all their resources ot credulity in- oriter not to suspect us of deliberate fab- rication. . wo declare in advance that what wo are about to state are facts of which wo are n positively certain as we are that wo were personally then and there present.- "Tho . 'engine , ' if it may be thus desig- nated ¬ , consists of a smooth hollow sphere of metal about two feet in diameter. At- one end or polo of the sphere is lilted n- licd trunnion , around which it revolves , and at the other note n rotating trunnion made fast to tlio sphere , and thus in- tended ¬ to revolve with it. On this revolv- ing ¬ trunnion , which extends as a shaft beyond the frame which supports the sphere , was secured a common pulley of- a foot or so in diameter and of about six inches face , from which a belt of leather led to n saw , turning-lathe , etc. , in the room overhead. A valve-pipo leads into the interior of the sphere through an opening made in that trunnion , which remains stationary with the iron frame supporting the sphere. To the Inner end of this lixod trunnion ( as was shown by a similar sphere which was left open for inspection ) are secured numerous reso- nating ¬ tubes ailu.6the ( vibratory device ? , but which also remain stationary or fast to the inner end ot the trunnion without touching the revolving sphere. " .Now comes the mystery of mysteries in mechanical contrivances , namely , the revolving of this sphere as the valve- wheel at the trunnion is turned , thus ad- mitting ¬ the otheric vapor from the re- ceiver ¬ through the lloxible copper tube as before described- ."How . this 'engine' runs or on what principle n mechanical foothold can bo secured within this smooth , eniptyspherc- by the vapor for moving any kind of ma- chinery , was a matter concerning which no one present ventured to proller oven an approximate guess. Mr Keely ex- plains ¬ the process and the modus oper- and ¬ ! by saving that the gas when once let into the spore takes a direction which causes aortcx or whirl around its axis , thus brushing its inner surface at enor- mous ¬ velocity ami tat | ] this inter-atomic vapor is of silcll penetrating nature that it upon the molecular struct- ure ¬ of the sphere itsc'f , thus propelling it along with it in its prodigious Iliglit. This , perhaps , is as good an explanation as is possible to get at during the present stage of his invention , though it is utterly incomprehensible to the writer , even after thinking and dreaming over it for weeks since witnessing this marvelous tcaturc in the working of the engine- ."What . is most astonishing about the rotation of this sphere , by simply turninjr- on the vapor , is tlic fact that there is no escape for the gas anywhere after it has done its work , nor any ouilct or exhaust- pipe for such escape , as is well known to bo absolutely necessary in the. use of any gas , liquid or vapor known to mechanics , and by which engines are readily driven. Instead of such apparently essential pro- vision ¬ it seems , when the pressure of vapor is once admitted and the claimed whirling process has commenced , that it goes on indelinitely in some unaccounta- ble ¬ manner , doing its work with unabated energy , and with no wings or internal projecting abutments against which to brace itself and thus exert a moving pressure. And even if there were such projecting abutments , the force , when once inside tlio globe , must be free , ac- coiding - to the laws of iluid pressure , to act on both sides of such projections , thus preventing all motion of the sphere by stable equilibrium. This must be so , according to all known or even conceiva- ble ¬ principles or laws of mechaiiic.s. " "Another.und perhaps still the strangest performance of all , in tlio operation of this engine , is the startling fact that Mr- .Keely . can cause the sphere to revolve in cither direction and with similar power md velocity by letting the gas in at the same valve , and precisely in the same way. Wo suggested to him several times during the hour thp engine was working , which way to , starL the globe revolving , and after touching it with his lingers and moving it slightly in the direction wo- named'ho would turn on the force and the revolutions would begin with almost terrific velocity in the direction wo had indicated- ."This . single fact , with absolutely no exhaust ami witli no possible piston ar- rangement ¬ or movable abutment device inside as in rotary steam , gas and water engines , demonstrates to our mind be- yond ¬ the shadow of a doubt that the sjihcro must revolve by the whirling mo- tion ¬ of the vapor inside of it , as lr- .Keelv . cl'iims , and that the direction ot this vortex , or whirl of gas , must bo de- termined ¬ by tlio initial push given the. sphere bv the hand of the operator. This initial push of the globe in a now direc- tion ¬ must therefore change in some way tlio oml nf the inlet pipe to an opposite whirl nt the point whore it emerges from the trunnion withiiKtlui.sphere. Still the mystery of its tlirniii'i at. all remains the bnmo- ."Wo . have had sonio considerable ov- pcrienco - of late years in physical and mechanical investigations , and , as our friends believe , with some degree of suc- cess ¬ in solving intricate scientific prob- lems ¬ , but wo have never before been so utterly nonplussed and at our wits' end ns in trving to give a rational explanation of this Keely engine on any known or conceivable principles of physical science or mechanics- ."That . the engine , as well ns the frame on which it runs , is entirely disconnected from the door , having no pipes , wires or other devices loading below or outside of the building by which extraneous power can communicate with the sphere to cause it to icvolvo , is incontcstibly cer- tain ¬ , since the fullest opportunity was given us to every part of it and the foundation on which it rested. That it actually runs , with the , most tremen- dous ¬ mechanical power tuid velocity , alone from the gas or vapor , or whatever it is , lut into it by turning the valve- wheel referred to , wo are willing to stake and risk what little reputation wo have , or ever expect to possess , tor bcloutillo or mechanical sagacity. Wo have been warned by friends since returning from the exhibition > ingour opinion privately , not to injure our reputation by- a public statement of such facts , liut our reply has been that nil the reputation wo have earned has been from frankly avow- ing ¬ our conscientious convictions upon every physical problem picscnting itself , and however much sued opinions might- ily into the face of the prevailing notions ot science , "Tho power ot the ongluo to do cff- lciont mechanical work was abundantly demonstrated in sawing wood , runninp turning lathes , etc. . in the room over- head , connected by belting from the pul- ley attached to one of the trunnions , uni also by a plank pressed down on this driving pulley , in older to check its mo lion by friction , witli the weight of twc tlio plank * * * men resting on , "With the actual running of this engine as an incomprehensible mybtery , am with the demonstrated fuel of u success ill application of its mechanical power o do work , there can no longer bo any nannor of question but that Mr. Keely ins made startling discoveries both in a- icw and undreamed of motive power and Is mechanical application to machinery ) y new methods as astonishing as they arc novel. " So far. Dr. Hall. And now what is the nev liable conclusion to which wo are Iriven in view of these experiments re- icated - again and again , for years past , n the presence of the mo t competent vltnessis ? Is it not that John W. Keely- uts developed from the utmospherlo air.- at . its ordinary temperature and normal HT.ssuro , by means of vibrations alone , a- icw force capable of application twhur- svcr - force may bo applied and utilised ? le is now at work upon a larger and n ore perfect engine one that will show .V >0 horse power and when this Is com- ilctc.l - , which will be done in two or three nonths , we shall be prcpaicd for rcsulUs hat will revolutionize the motive power of the world.- Ami . is this now force so utterly inv irobable that it should bo rejected with- nit investigation , us some seem to think ? ) oe.s not tlic atmospheric air under ecr- ain conditions as in the tornado ox- ilbit - a power absolutely irresistible' And what if Mr. Keely has discovered the "hidings of this power , " and is able to apply it to useful purposes , as many other forces of nature are applied ? If water , while in its normal condition , has a certain force when applied to the wheel , and a very greatly intensified force when expanded by heat into steam , why may lot the atmospheric air bo subjected to conditions which will develop miw and wonderful characteristics ? The writer of this article suggested in May ast to Mr. Keely the title "Bottled Cy- clones" ¬ for Ins wonderful force. Who can toll but that he is actually able to control and govern the element , whatever t may bo. vvliieh forages has been mani- fest ¬ in the irresistible energy of the cyclone and tornado ? It seems to bo forgotten by those who are so ready to pronounce Air. Keely's discovery impossible , that over since the use of the mercury pump to produce a vacuum , the atmospheric air , when in its state of highest tenuity , has been discov- jred - bv scientists to present character- sties which indicate that it has been changed into an entirely new element in- lature. . Just what this element is , re- mains ¬ as yet undetermined ; but that it is- no longer ordinary atmospheric air , is- settled. . Says Francis 11. Upton , Mr- .lidison's . mathematician , in Scribnor's Monthly for February , 1880 , page fl8i : "It is found that by the use of the mer- cury ¬ pumps and chemical appliances , where a perfect vacuum is formed , the minute portion of air remaining shows some remarkable properties. When elec- tricity ¬ under strong pressure passes through an Edison lamp , the whole bulb shines witli a delicate blue light. So re- markable ¬ is the behavior of various sub- stances in a vacuum prepared by means of mercury pumps that physicists con- sider ¬ that a gas thus rarilied constitutes mother state of matter , differing as much rom that of an ordinary gas ( either un- der ¬ atmospheric pressure , or with the pressure removed by means of a common iir pump ) as a gas differs from a liquid , or a liquid from u solid. " If this is so , it requires no ordinary temerity to pronounce in advance and without investigation the Keely Motor an- mpossibility. . In view of the advance- nent - made in t'ho last fifty years , all nlong the line of sejentilio discovery , the .ruo philosopher will be very slow to cry "humbug" whenever a now invention is- mnounccd , however wonderful it may at- irst sight appear. Scores of witnesses whoso llrst attitude toward the invention under consideration , was that of absolute skepticism , are now ready to aver that iftcr caicful consideration and actual in- vestigation ¬ , they believe in Mr. Keely and lis motor. One notable instance ol this character has come to the knowledge of the writer. A leading scientist of Phila- delphia , adopting the cry of the press of- iraud and hunibug against the Keely Motor , refused for years to make a per- sonal ¬ investigation. At length , through . 'ne earnest solicitation of a warm per- sonal ¬ friend , ho was persuaded to "come and sec. " After a most careful and pro- tracted investigation he loft the shop and walked some rods without uttering a- word. . This friend at length asked his opinion of what ho had seen. "Well , " said he , " 1 must confess that I know of nothing more wonderful , except the miracles of Christ. " And yet , in tlio opinion of the present writer , there is nothing miraculous here. It is simply the discovery pf a now force in nature , and the devising of a method by which that force may bo utili.ed.- Itonmiicc. . . T. It. AMitcli- .Up . to her chamber window A slight wire tiellls goes , And up the Komeo's ladder Clnmbeis a bold white lose- .I . lounge in the ilex shadows , I see the lady lean , Unclasping her silken girdle , The curuin's folds between. She smiles on her white rose lover. She i caches out her hand , And helps him in at the window I bee it where 1 stand.- To . her searlct lips she holds him , Anil kisses him many a time Ah , me I It was ho that won her Ik'canso he daied to climb- .1'131'lMOnSIINT . DIIOP8.- "Do . you use glasses ? " asked the Inquisitive bartender o the shoit pation. "No , sir , schooneis , " It Is vvioiiR to speak of a "respectable" ein- bcz.lci - ns a "KOOU innii gone wrong. " llo is- a bad limn found out- .Kvciy . hbth In Uiooklugs , Dak. , for several weeks past has been a gill , and the locjl- papcis call lor diversified production.- A . Mlniiuaiiolls milkman died the other day fiom dilnkini ; the milk fiom his own dairy. Water on the biain was wlmt knocked hlniont ( iccuullni ; to the physician's certifi- cate. ¬ . A man should never boast to his wife how skillful ho Is and how much superior to oilier men because ho can sliave himself. Ho Is reasonably muo to cash his chin or his check the next minute If ho docs , Thus elderly Mrs. Hiiliiuch : "I can't Im- agine ¬ nuliovv why my darter talks fo Incor- rect. ¬ . Shu don't hear notliln' but good snciik- In' - . As fur her liither , ho's a pulllck imtren for laiijjuhlso. An' 1 nevei make no conse- quential ¬ mistakes. " It is told In Washington that after a certain senator , noted for his absentmlmlediiess , came to tills city for a short visit , this mem- orandum ¬ Wtis found In his loom : "Things to take along * One pair socles , ono shlit , two coliais , one pair cults , one wife , " "Vou can get a watermelon a yard lone ; for 25 cents , " Fays a Floildsv paper. And you can get acramj ) forty-suven feet long , done up In a knot as big as your list for the water- melon ¬ , and have the rinds lelt tor sweat- meats and plcklus. Tat O' ell , Detroit detective , recently se- cured ¬ 82,000 which hail been Molou from an Ohio man. The other day Tat received as his toward a box of cheap cigars and u glass breast-pin. The cigars were given nwny and the pin was shipped back with the statement that Detiolt detectives could iiotauoruto wear diamonds- ."How . to Tell n Ohl'sAge" Is a subject BOIIIO of our esteemed coiitciupoiaile.s buem to be discussing. It's ' mean business telling a chl'b ao ; , anj way , imrtlculaily some girls , but It ) oilmen little brother and tliu girl is your oldest slstcrnnd you btnit In to tell her aye vvhun her oulr youn : man Is by , a L'ood , safe way Is to tell It by Telephone just alter you have left homo on a long vacation- .Apiomlneut . resident of Tensas parish , La. , was over at Cooper's the other day, vyhpn nu mithu.slastlo prohibitionist tackled him with "What s the piohfbitjon news fioui join section , my frleiul ?" "Well , reallv ,1 don't know , " was the answer , "We have been so eonfouuded busy titrating water nil spunguml summer that 1 don't believe any of us has tound time to fight whisky yet. THE SWEET OLD- mtflitnaton tVM. When ( irover came homo t'other ilaf Krom olt his llslilng ttiji Ills Franfcio met him at I ho door, And carried In Ids grip , As (1 rover dressed himself todltio Ills wife , with merry Mioul , I'nlocKed the grip mm set It down To take the content * out , A fast week's shirt , n pAtr of sockg , A eminent , whllo and wide } A collar and a pair of cults , A tie Hint had been tied. These thincs she took fiom out the crliv.- A . nd then delayed hortnsk , As fiom the depths she brought to sight An empty, battered flnsa.- 'Oh . , ( Srover , what Is thtsf" BIO crlol And ( liover looked and ( milled Then bluMietl nndhesltatliiir said D"Why , that's a bait can , child.1'- "A bait can , dear ? " slm ( rnc tloneC hln- "What makes It sutell so queer ? " "Oh-ah , " ho s nld , "that's spirits to- 1'rcservc the bait , my doar. " "Vou s-.vcct old thine , " she softly said , Wltuuthci loving terms , "How pond ami kind jbu are to thov- J'oor little fishing MOIIA.I. . Vlio vounger the wife thn more voola- nisbaml can pull oVcr.her eyes- .j.irttVMaud . Ogllvle , daughter of the late nrl 01 Airllo of London , Kngland , is soon to marry an American- .Vpsilnntl . Is excited over the rumor of a- rorthromlng vveddlUB. the prospective bride behiK eighty-six and the gloom sixty years of- ago. . The Del Kol ( Tev. ) Dlit Is edited by a yoinijrl- ady. . She remark : " .Man inonoses but ( t sometimes takes a great deal ot encoinnge- ment - to get him to do so. " London society snys the engagement be- tween ¬ .Miss Minnie Smith , sister of Mrs. William K. Vandcrbllt , and Count Moinm , nn Italian nobleman , has been tnokcn otr because it has been found that the Count's estnlcs are owned by money-lenders and the family jewels are In pawn. The Sioux Indians celebrate in a rather odd manner tlio marriage ot a member of their tribe. Lately such nn event eamo oft and nf toward about llfty of the braves , in- cluding ¬ the bildal couple , took a ttampof several days over the teirllory , pitching tents at night and glvinir dances and other festi- vities. ¬ . Among the wedding ine ents already ic- celved - by Mine. Christine NilKson Is'ono- fiom the queen , consisting ot n photograph of her majesty In nu exquisitely carved ox- odbcd - silver finme. Beneath the portrait is- n small nutngmph Keg. , " and the date , "Usboine , June 14 , IBSfi. " A wedding took plnce on Monday at the county Jail at Newark , the justice uniting the couple In picsenco of the bride's parents and the prison ofllclnls" . The ceremony took plnce In the warden's office , but the rest of- llio pilsouers becoming KM arc of It , one of them whistled n wtnidlne inarch and the otheis applauded vigorously.- A . romantic marriage was solemnized nt- Kcihoukson , N. Y. The gioom wns John Waid , ot Wolf Trap. Ya. , am' the bildo Mis. Jennie Lnnsinir, of Kerhonkson. .Neither of the newly wedded couple had over seen one another until the night preceding the mnr- ihiC. - | . The courtship had all been cairled on- by letter.- An . interesting mnrrlnijo engagement was announced List week , but lacked continua- tion ¬ till vesteitlny , the Dailies being John Augustus Mobbing , jeweler of this city , mid DaioncbS do Massenbach of HeilinGermany. The baroness wns a member ol the party with which Mr. Kobblns Is making a tiip- nronnil the woild. | Sprlnclicld Republican. Florence Schuster nnrt Frank Hooper live in St. Joseph , Mo. , and nre both popular. Florence went visiting In Leavenwoi tit and Finnk went over to.seo her. He nsked her to take a nallc , and before they ictuincct the two vveie man led. The next day they vent home , and , ns the account says , "vveie warmly welcomed by hosts of admiring friends. " Hev. William 3. Sheiman ,n Catholic priest of Brooklyn , was inartlcu to Miss Tlllo McCoy , on June 14 , by 1 ". K. s. . Schneider , nn Episcopal clcigyinan , < ln New York. He continued 10 pel form the duties of a pi lest until a few weeks ago , when he nmt his wife dlsappeaied. It Is fiupjsoscd they wont to Boston , where Sherman1- expected to be em- ployed ¬ as a cleik. t The engagement was announced last week of Miss Maria Winthrop , daughter of Mr. T- .Lindnll . Wlnthiop. nnd rattddaughter of thu- Hon. . Kobcrt C.Vinthroiv and Mr. Louis I'vemont , nn officer offtlln Jiiitish armv. Miss Wlnthiop is nt llydo, Isle ot Wight , England , with her family. The wedding Is- to take place shortly , theyoung ) couple sail- ing ¬ Immediately after for India- .Piinco . Henrv , secoud'tou of the crown prince , Is , it is said , tojmairy Irene , third daughter of the grand dime of HesseDarm- stadt. ¬ . Other gossips asstit that the fortu- nate ¬ "better lialt" vvlll''l ' u Alexandilnn of- AnlialtDessnu. . I'rinco."Henry Is now in his twenty-fifth year , nnd Is taller than his brother , but even less roynl looking. Ho Is a- spaiely built , beardless young man. with a clover If not nn Anolln-Ilkto fare. The only Hohenzollern who has entered the navy , ho- Is n keen nnd bravo sailor, as his dnrin : nd- ventuies - In his journey- around the woild amply prove. Them was a magnificent wedding at the old Boulogne plantationIbcrvllle parish , La. , Wednesday. A special' ' train canled the guests from New Orlcnhs. the baud nud re- freshments ¬ were of the first chop , and the dress magnificent. The bildo was Miss Eladie , daughter of Theophilo Allaln , planter and member of the legislature , and the gioom- Prof.. Palmerston Lnndry of Mnnsficld col- lege. ¬ . The bride's father wns foimcrlyn slave and ouco coachman of the Soulogno- tamlly. . The wedding Is the greatest social event of the year is the southern society of color ; not a few whites were among the guests , nnd telegrams ot congratulation were received from leading coloied men throughout the country.- JUU8IUA.L . ANIJ DUA.MA.TIC.- M. . . Tieinunyl is now playing In India with consldei able success. , The bnllct of tlio Paris opera compilscs 1,027 women and costs S'JOO.OOO a jear.- Joachim . will devote the mouth of January to a concert tour In l'nls and other Pi ouch cities- .Ktelkn . Gorstcr, who has been voiy III nt Pails , has recovered sufllcloiitly to appear again in a concert. The cowboy pianist Is performing In n- Chlcairo museum. A thick white cloth is placed over the key boaid to juotect the piano. y Mr. Charles Sumloii , tUe handsome English actor, who eloped somu years slnco with the Countess Dcsart , will vjfcll this country as a member of Miss Fortoacije's company- .Tho'prlnclpal . pleco in Mr. Lavvicnco Bar ¬ rett's icpcrtory during, ( his coming engage- ment ¬ at the Star theatiL'Now * i'ork In Sep ¬ tember next will bo "Ulejizl. " The tingle fnte of King Ludvvlg has al- ready ¬ Inspired n wisely anonymous play- night with "Tho Tragedy of the Swan King , " which Is peiformed at the summer hcaue of Buda. Miss Marlon Booth , aidaiiRhter of Junliis- Biutus Booth , nppeared'lhst week nt Lclaud's Ocean Hotel theater , Long Branch In- "Sweethearts , " "Koucn Diamond" and "In Honor Bound. " The Hamburg onera house closed Its season with n pei foimanco of AVagjei's Nibelung tetralogy , The same work will bo given twice at Dresden Immediately alter the Buy- routn - festival , and twlco in Munich , Mr. Louis 1. ( lottschalk , the baritone , who has Deen in Europe during the past two ycais , will shortly letura to his native land , In order to commence his duties as chief vocal In- structor ¬ nt the Chicago musical college.- Dr. . . Huns von Bulovr Is at Geneva. JText winter ho will direct the concerts of the Im- i erlal Husaian Musical Bocietv at St. 1'etors- mug. - . amlaseiles of concerts In lluinburg , besides uuuei taking a bhoit concert tour in- Austria. . The great flusstan pianist , Rubinstein , has resolved that the two prizes ho has founded at bt. Petersburg , shall bo open to musicians of all nations. One of these prlics is fora- pianolotto conceito , and ( Iw other for piano- forte ¬ playing. 1'ho competition Is open until Henry Irving pad Mr , and Mrs. Nicollnl to dinner ut the famous "SUr and darter , " at- Hlclimond , three weeks ago. A number of the great actor's ndiilntore also had the honor of eating and diinUug nt their hospitable. host's expense. Irving > as waited upon by his secretary and stage uiauagcr , and a Rich ¬ mend mnld of honor attended upon Pat 11. Ellen Terry wns invited but pleaded Illness , The Berlin Uoerscii-Courlcr says that "tho report that Itublnstcln Intends to visit Amer- ica next w Inter Is Incoriect. The composer- .lioisnt . present atvoik on n new sym- jihony - for the tiewnudhnu , will in the autumn visit his nged mother at Odessa , and then , following an Invitation of the queen ot Koumnnla , spend two weeks at the court of Duchnrest , Subsequently ho will so- Jo Prague to conduct the Hist pcimrinnnce of his ojicrn , "Fernmors" nnd niter that he will probably visit sevcial Geimaii elites to direct his new sjmphony. Teresa Caireno writes fromheriullve'clly , Caracas , Vcnonieto. that lici reception there- by her oompatilots was of the mostconllal- order. . Serenades nnd fetes In hei honor suc- ceeded ¬ each other , the government droir- ntcd - her with the "Bustn do Bolivar" the highest order In the gift of the republicwhile the mess of Car.icns piesnnted livi with n su- pei - It gold medal. The roneeit he pnvo In conjunction with hei husband , Sh-nor Tnc- llnpetrn - , were htghlv nppieelnte'I , After n- piofesslonnl visit to Trinidad nlul Porto Klcoshe will retuiii to York- .P.uticulms . have been u-relved of Mme- .r.itti's . engagement with llemy E. Abbey , tot n conceit tout m this countiy dining the coming season , Mme. Pnttl will sail tiom- Oiieeustown foi New Yoik Xovember 7. Prior toher depaituio she will sing In two concerts in Dublin under Mr. Abbey's man- ngement - , Xov ember 'J and.1) , to open n new music hall. Her season in this country will bcitin at Stelmvnj hall , Xew Yoik , the even- ing ¬ of Xov ember 10 and 17. 'Hie perfor- mance ¬ will consist of a concert , with one net of opera In costume. Hrr opeintlc repertoho- dm ing the tour will emhiaco the gat den scene in "Faust , " nud selected nets of "gem- Irnmlde. - . " " "Tiaviatn , " "Lucia , " nnd "Lido. " She will bo supported bv Mine , bcnlchl and Slgnors ( inline and Xovnrro. Aullttl will conduct the Instiu- mental part of the pcitoruiance. Mme. Pattl will give only two conceits in Xew ork city, and will then visit the piliieipal cities in the east , west nnd south. Including the southern cities of the Atlantic coast , Fiom- inlvestlon ( she will go to the City of Mexico nnd thence to California. Her tour will last five mouths and a half , and aspecial clause In the continct makes It her last piofcssional- vist to this countiy.- Bly . Creed , . .IllU'l- .I . hold that Christian pcaco abounds Whciochnrlty Isscou ; that when climb to heaven , 'tis on theiounds- Of love to men- .I . hold all else named piety A scllish Fcheinc , ns vain jiicteucc , Where centio is not can theie bo Circumference ? That I moieover hold nud daie Affirm where'er my rhyme may go- Whntcver things bo sweet or fair , Love makes them so- .'Tis . not the wide phylactery , Xor stubborn taste , nor stated mayors , That make us saints ; wo juage the tree By what It boars. And when a man may live apart From worlds , on thuolo : lc trust , I know the blood about his heart Is dry 05 dust.- N'VTUU.VLi . CU1UOS1TIES.- Vene7iiela . has been favoied with blue and lose-cploicd hailstones.- Tlio'mas . Golden , a flagman In Galena , III. , hnsn tame lobin that ho taught to walk out of the flag house and wave a tiny Hag when- ever ¬ n tiain comes.- A . baby is icported to be liv- ing ¬ In Salem , Mass. , which has nu extra lin- ger ¬ on each hand and an extra too on each foot. The weight is n pound and a hnlf. Daniel Stover , of Gallon , 111. , has an un- disputed ¬ record of 133 lattlesunkes killed In- tlio past four months. He has 53' ) rattles to show for It. Ho has also killed 101 blue r.xccis.- A . century plant that for fomtcen jears has been in the Boston public gniden is in bloom. The plant Is not huge , hut the flower stalk lises fifteen feet Into the air and benr lour clusteis of yellow blossoms.- A . Pennsylvania man has a collection of- SOO live rattlesnakes. He caught them In the spi ing as they vveie leaving their dens. Some ot them are ot enormous size- .It . Is alleged that there Is n street-car horse In Noward , N. J. , which , if a lady comes out on the ciossvvalk , or stands bytholiackto take the car , wlllstop of his own accord. He- haslcaincd throuzh a long and vniled ex- perience ¬ that a man cnn get on without the car stopping. Bees have n strong antipathy to dark- colored objects. In a brood of chickens limning nbout some beehives recently the bees stung to death the daik ones , but did not molest the light colored ones. A man with a black plug hat rarely gets .stung , the bees devoting their entire attention to- "sljooting the hat" The mountain lions of Montana nro large nnd ferocious , and the ficqucntly attack full- giown - slcois. The teriitoiy oilers SS for every scalp , and tlio cowboys make quite a business of hunting them in the winter. Lions nre frequently killed measuring nine feet trom tip to tip, nud weighing SCO toiiOO- pounds. . Many more mcnsuring fiom ten to cloven foot aio ftequoiitlv bagged , and , oc- casionally ¬ , n monster reaching twelve feet.- A . huge alligator wns killed by the negroes at Lime Creek , ( in. , recently , nnd Its head cutoff. It was then lolt until night , nnd when It was then approached , It Is related , thosovered head opened wide its jaws nnd snapped viciously a times , coming down with u force which would have cut otf- n hand. After the body was skinned the legs diow up and srtetched out convulsively ns If In the agony of death , notwithstanding It had been dead seven houis. The coloied people legaul this wondciful vitality as an evil omen , A Bmnesvlllc , Ohio , blacksmith Is .alleged- to bo the owner of a dog which , when six months old , burned its paw on n piece of hot Iron , which so cmngcd him that ho nt once seized tlio piece of Iron In his month and be- gan ¬ to chew It viciously. This was the be- ginning ¬ of his salamander antics , and It Is now a dally pccunonco to see him grab pieces of redhot Iron in his mouth and chew them.- IIo . has bcon known to jump into the foigo- nnd seize n mouthful ot redhot coals and grind them between his teeth with as much complacency as If they vvcra scrnps of biead and meat. Bliss Interrupted. ACT I. Lovers swinging In a hammock, Close together in the dark ; Small boy , hiding in thoginpcvines , Chuckles , whllo the lovcis spark. ACT II.- K.OVC18 . , of the world unconscious ( Next week she will be his wife ) Small boy , weary of their spooning , Calls to mind his brand-new knife. ACT m. Lovers In n heap together Neither injured much , let's hope. Then the.youth profanely mutters : "Damn the boy that cut that lopel"- IMP1KX1E9. . .A lglous scruples nro Inconvenient In the case of some criminals. A Boston scamp thought it would bo blasphemy to put ' In God wo trust" on the counterfeit dollars he was turning out , and the omission got him Into trouble.- At . a colored camp meeting near Nonls- town a clergyman who had been Invited to- vieach wan so disappointed by the small at- tendance that ho merely sang n hymn , took up a collection , which netted 8.05 , sang another hymn and departed.- A . gentlemen generous in his contributions for chinch purposes , but not regular In his attendance upon public worship , wns wittily dcsciibcd by u clergyman ns being not ex- actly ¬ n pillar ot the church , but a kind ot- Hying bultiess , supporting it from the out side. How irreverent the most reverent prayers of children sometimes seem. Little Jack wanted a tiicyclo. ana ho wns taught to pray for wlmt ho wanted , As ho dropped on Ida knees by his little bed he added to his "Now Hay mo" : "Please , God , make papa buy mo- a tricycle. That's a dandy. " [ Hartford Post. Lulu Is about five ycora of ago , Her uncle Harry recently died , A lew days ago bin came te her grandmother vv 1th n bit nt papot- In her hand and said ; "Mamma. 1 have wilt- ton a long letter to uncle Harry. " The luttei ran : "Dear Uncle Harry : Wo mo all well and hope you are. 1 went out to the ceme- tery to-day with papa nud saw your menu ment. I think It Is real nice. Ilowdojou and God eet along ? " Out of 27,001 public school children In Buffalo , only 7,1C5 are of American iiarentajo , MY SOPRANO.t- nitfttm . - ( litVitrtiWji Above the organ's highest note I hear her dear voice ringing , And I nm spellbound to tlio spot , Though 1 don't khow what they're singing.- I . searched the book to find her name, Heronithly name wnsAnnn. The angels limit have thought that t.imo When they sent down my soprano- .Iheic's . no place now llko church for mo. They vvhUper I've ciown pious , Thej know not how I wish to he Besldo her skirt cut bias. What cnie I though the tenor ihoi1- As on a sly banana' ' Bat Hone , alto , nil may stop , But leave mo m > soprano.- I . hnve no ejcs for men or things , The -ei mini is but a jargon ; 1 have no eats lor him who sings When she's not by tlieoriran. But when slip comes the whole thing hum" , Joy swells like showering manna. And , rather queer, no voice, But hers , my dear soprano. ( When she's not thcio thewholecholr's wrong ; 'TIs not foi mu to pi also her ; The counter scieams all tlmuigh the song , And the base bccomoa still baser- .Ahl . when I miss hertle.u , dene face- .I'd . give a straight Havana , If thcyvveio In some other place , 1 here with nif soprano- .HONI2Y . FOH TI1I2- Thcie Is n tendency to shot ten dicss bodices. Orange nnd grnv aio a frequent combina ¬ tion.Biocadrd silks me icported passe for gen- eral ¬ wear. Black mantles aio worn with every vnilcty- of costume- .Hosleiy . vvlfh fine hair-line checks Is shown by the leading houses. Buttons , parasols nnd dresses nre often mloincd witli painted designs.- Snve . the glove buttons to replace others that may take wings to themselves. The skit Is of pongee diesscs have a broad- band of coloied velvet nt the bottom. Plaid surah is used for punters and scnif- on costumes of plain silk or Slclllcntin. Spanish nnd Bieton jackets arO'Vvorn with lull chemisettes which tall Over the belt. Black lace skirts arc worn with bodices of- coloied ciepc do chine , silk , satin or molic- antique. . Dark materials with hair lines of lighter tint me fashionable for entire diesscs , or In combination with plain mnteilal.- Hiiih . collars of rlbboif with floral designs aio edged with bsausnnd are finished with tlnco loops and two ends of the ilbbon- .Shoiilmid's . plaids In all combinations aio- In favor for hue woollen mnteilal , and the Indications are that they will not soon bn- discarded. . Bends mo much used Tor trimming. Some of them me nulto Inige. For evening diesses they nroiisod. rope fashion , upon sleeves fiom shoulder to elbow. Miss Florence Mairyatt , In a lecture ndvls- ing - women wlmt to do with men. snys , "Sit- on them. " Wo aie afiaiil that this practice has always been can led to extremes , Flor- ence. ¬ . Swallows and butterflies set with diamonds and niinnzed on line gold'vvlrcV'Wlilch ' causes them to sway with every movement of the wearer , me vvoin In ( ho hair and about the low corsage of evening diesscs.- It . is olten said , and truly , that a lady is- recognled by the state or her shoes and gloves. Willie they mav not always bo the best , or even the best of their kind , they will be peifectlv whole nnd neat , and In harmony with the lest of hcrdiess The new light-weight stinvv Ince anil bns- ket - braid bonnets and hats aie veiy chic ami- attractive. . Their gainitiues arocoiieopond- Ingly - light nnd etheienl. Soft-tinted crapes , tulles , and Illusions arc used , as well ns fancy silk L'iciiadincs andctnmincs.- A . Pailsian fancy in white diesses Is to make them up ol alternate stupes of muslin and embioidery or lace. Lace also alternates with silk or satin , or two designs iu lace foim alternate stiipcs. With these chesses bonnet and puasol must bo In the same style , and gloves ofvhito suede kid aie- worn. . A curious novelty In the wtiy'of Paris hats has lately niison. They sue made in knotted hay nnd pliant i ashes , In n soitof trelliswork design , very open , nlid trimmed with long branches ot hawthorn , violot-coloied tulips , with their long leaves knotted together , and a bow ot moss-green velvet ilbbon as a soil ot- bicksroumt for the tlornl garnitmcs. When a woman dashed into the pilothouse- of a Penobcot river exclusion steamer that had just left the Buckspoit wharf , n few days ago , anil frantically demanded to bo put nshore , the captain did not understand it. Her bonnet was on nil light , she had her shawl stiap in her hand and her lunch basket was visible nlso. Her explanation was that she had loft her baby on the wh.ut. The boat went back after iu- "Botanists' parasols" have been Intioduced- in Paris for the use of Gallic belles during country excursions. It the fair uedcstilnn wishes to gather some floweis or bunches of- fiult growing high above her , or in the midst ot n thoi ny hedge , she has enl > to toucha ] knob on her parasol stick and a tiny strong pair of- scissois springs out ot the top. With these she can reach the deslied treasure without pricking her fingcis or spoiling her glovei.- A . fashlonably-diessiMl lady.who.had scon younger yeais , cnteied n public library the other day, nnd approaching the chief libra- rian ¬ , said : " 1 want something to icad mm- don't know exactly how to deseilbe the kind of book that would suit mo. " " 1 guess wo will bo able to suit vou"was thoieply.- "Something . lively , eh ? " "Yes something , you know , that ci well , that wouldn't bo exactly suitable for n young glil. " "Mary , " ciied the chief to an assistant , "French novel tor a woman of IB. " A fashion which just ut the moment ap- pears to bain great tavor for young ladles' sticots suits Is that of a shoil jaunty tailor made basque of stripedbailed or dotted sum- mer ¬ woollen goods ot serge , camel's hair , cheviot , canvas or ctamine. The basque Is never ilccoiutcd In nay manner except with handsome buttons , nnd nine out of every ten of these gaiments open over a chemisette ot linen or peicale , with natty tie to match , and studs set down In front. Wlicie this style is not followed , tlieio is usually a me- dium ¬ sized mailiie collar with sailor-knotted silk scarf nnd hLjh standing linen collar as a finish ? - Washington Critic : The clock had struck midnight in thn residence of u congiessiunii , and still the young man In the parlor did not go. The young fellow had been away for two weeks , and the gill's lather wns willing that ho should have n fair show ; but this was too much , nnd nt last ho went to the head of the stairs mid listened n minute. "Motllol"- ho callcu , Fharply. "Yos , papa , " camu the silvery voice ot his chllil , with a slightly smotlicicd ncront. "It IH alter 13 o'clock. " "Yes , papa , nnd we're doing all wo ean to expedite the accumulated business. Wet will adjourn by-pnd-by , papa. " The helpless father , unable to answer the nrguincnt , ic- turncu - to his bed in tears.- A . good glove will boar Indefinite cleaning , and at last may bo colored , while a poor onu- ottcn tenis or bicnks at the scams the lust 01 second time It Is worn. Bciuliio or naphtha is excellent for cleaning gloves , hut It is too btroug for delicate colors ; those of light shades may butter be cleansed by putting on the hand ami rubbing with a pleco of sponge dipped Iu milk ; allttlo vvhlto coup may bo used nlso. Tlio greasy nattm ! ot the milk Keeps the kid bof t and counteracts the alka- line ¬ effect of the Houp. Black kid gloves may- be renewed by the application ol a mixture otHvveetoll nud Ink , or the dressing mndo for ladle * ' boots. A crumb : of stale bread rubbed over thu glove will of ten lomrive much dirt. The new low colledbasket plaited cnlfTuro has suddenly come Into fashion , ami 0110 of the methods of aiianging it Is follows : The hair , beginning just back of the soft bubo bang , is divided Into tlncn equal paitsasltf- .ilNon the shoulders. It U tlicn again sub- divided , making an upper nnd lower plait of each of these divisions. Then take thotvvo- mlddlo plaits , cioss them and wind to form a- coll. . It Is necessary just heie to pin these braids focuielv , forthoy mo the foundation for the lest ot the colffmo. Those pi oil mi- nailcs - attended to , the plaits are then taken from behind each car and carried round the cell , Lastly , cioss the two iialts on each side over the top ot the cell , firing down mid fasten thu ends securely underneath , Ac- cordingly us It suits the wcauT. tlie coils must bo airauged either high or low , nt the Ixick of the head. For' to whom It Is becoming , the basket braid is twined low In the nnpe of the neck- .EDUCATIONAL. . . Jt Is leporteil that Professor Uradltv of the Albany high bchool has received * call to be superintendent of schools in Mtnncnp- ctIK salary 55000. The night .school nt Slug Sin * prison for Iho benefit of the prisoners which wns slarted- by Warden Biimh In January , 1S 4 , Is cald to accomplished excellent results , The geographer , Oi l-'rlrdrleli HaWtu who , among other books h s written fin excellent work on tlio United htnte.s hns ncfypteil call to Lclpsie ns sucee oi tn Ferd von Illch- tliofen - in the chair of geography. Most of the 1,000,000 nece-ismy for the en- dow ¬ incut of the new Human Catholic mil- verMty - nt Washington hns already been sub- sctLed - , and giouiul will bo btoKen for tlio election ot luilldlnes spring- .Pioft.Mir . tioodale , of Hiuvnid Oolleee , In- tends ¬ tolslt Scandlimvln In August , vv Intro he hopes to examine in the old mil- veisltv - of I'nsaln , In Sweden , the wonderful botnnlcnl collection ot l.inna'ii ?. The eslimate bv the Philadelphia bonrtlof education of the expenses for 1SS7 ot the eltv'.SK-hool aj.ks foi S31WTOS.W ! , or nbout ? "WIKKI ) mote than tin1 appropriation of St- NHm , - , for the pieseut ojear. ' item is S1U7MO. : * 0 foi teachers' salaries. The collide nt Hnrvmd has been so elmnged that the young mnii buut ( (0 enter "flic col- lege ¬ need take only one of tho. ancient Inn- gauges ( ireck or Latin. The ttqmicmcnts- In French and Geimnii have also been ad- vanced. ¬ . '' - Alter n long struggle , Chicago uulvri.slty , nn Institution which Stephen A. Doilulas mi- ( lowed with thn gift of mi adiuliabla site , hns lost the endowment. The Union Muliinl In- surance ¬ company has foieclo cd Us moit- gageon - the piopeitv , and It Is lost. Ot course , the charter continues , and llio tele- scope ¬ and other personal property aio re- tained ¬ , bin another location must besought. The Holloway college is n iiingulllccnt In- stitution ¬ , but the idea Is fantastical. Fancy 2M) glils , nil under exclusive feminine ( ruin- ing ¬ and teaching , each with a separate bed loom and sitting loom , besides n conversa- tion ¬ loom for eveiy six. and n rotectoiy , li- brary ¬ , lecture rooms and plctme gnllmiesl- No inalo Is to be allowed on thu picmlses. The service in the chapel N to bo Christian , but not to bo associated with any church or- sect. . Them Is nu altar under n cuuopv of carved oak , an oignn and stalled seats. Thu site Is noble high , airy , spacious with ex- tensive - sluubbeiies nnd tcriaco gardens. The Into Piofes or llolloway sold pills nnd n harmless ointment , with which lib recom- mended ¬ pei sons to miolnt themselves. Theo he pushed by menus of advertisements. The college was nothing but a gigantic ad vet Use- incut. - . [ London Tiuth. Their Trip to Cnnndn. Said Mr. M. to Mr. 1) . Fnultor , While slttiiiir one evening at tna ! " 1 see the-v are tiying that tie.ity to niter , I think 1 shall skip the tin-lee. " "My purpose exactly , " said Fntilter , "in fact 1 I've- Pinpaied to get elf after tea ; i Xo tie.ity , } ou know , can bo made ictro- aetlve - They never shall extradite me. " So over the bolder they skipped It together These two , with n tia-ln-hi-le And they sang ns they lied : l lt Is vciy warm weather Back thuio for such mortals ns we. " UK M CIO US.- A . Mormon older is seeking conVctts In- llocliChter , Minn. The llov. Dr. Phillips Ihooks pays Tilnlty church , lioston , § 500 a j ear to secure seats lor poor people. The roll of membcishlp of Mr. Spurgeon's chinch now stands at 6,314 , a dceieaxeot- eightylive as eompaicd With last year. The Colpoitngo association connected with the chuich has n staff of eighty men who ire en- gaged ¬ all the time as city missionaries.- A . Scotch ship Imlldor has sent Mi. Moody a model ol King Solomon's temple , made o cedar oveilaid with gold , with many ot the smaller aitides of solid gold. It Is one lltt.v- lil Ih tlic ol the oiigliial , haviiiL' thocom't , tabeinaclc , lav er, aik , holy ot hollc . mercy scat and clieiiiblm in pioper piopoition and relation to each other. Ten pounds ot caith fiom tlio reputed tomb ot Clnist mid a bushel ot icllcs from the Holy Land composed ot n Inigo poitlon ol Father John Tnrut's baggage when ho landed from the steamer Wisconsin In New Vork the other day. Father Taiat boio papers phovvr- .Ing that he wns a pilest nt Jeiusalem , for a' number ot jcais and n brotherbPthc'bttiWVtf The caily home of Martin Lifthernt tm ilifri feld , in Saxony , to which place his parents moved when he was an Infant , has been re- stored ¬ to the condition in which It was' at that time , four centuries ago. It hail bccomo much dilapidated , but will now be occupied by a bodj ot deaconesses , who will care for the .sick nnd poor. The total number of Sunday schools of till evangelical deinomlnatlons In Now Yorkjsli- TO , Of this number Piotestnht chinches Mippoitbtt. Picsbytoiian churcho- mo < next with 00 schools , Methodlstb 69 nud- liaptists 41 , Chinese missions number VC. The remaining 05 schools aio Hcatteml among chinches of vailous dcnomiiiatliiiis. The scholars in nil the schools number lOJ.SW , over whom there aio 10,152 teachers. Five thousand and htty-slx children united with tiochinches | dining the War nnd SRT.Wl.Cs was tatccn up in collection In the Sunday schools. The wealth of the Catholic church In tlio province of Quebec can only bo guessed , nt , for no data ean bo obtained For Its computat- ion. ¬ . It owns a thiid of thomeaof the city ot Quebec , and it is the largest properly holder In Montieal. The estates ot several of the religious order , us the Chay Nuns and the Ursiilliies , yield princclv revenues. The chinch's possessions of real estate form the least portion of its wealth. Of the grain raised by its pcopln it receives oveiy twenty- sixth bushel , and It Imposes and collects , by authority of the couits , special tuxes to build and keep in icji'iir its churches nnd pnibon- aces , and the Income trom tlio rendering of- olllccs by its pi tests is fabulous.- VVlicn . Joliaiilo Cnmcs Marching Homo.- A . little green npplo hungup In n dee, Singing "Johnnie , come Johnnie , come Johnnie ! " And it was ns modest ns modest could he. Singing "Johnnie , come Johnnie , como Johnnie ! " ' ' And Johnnlo ho came , In his sweet childish way, And ate up that fiultas his own lawful pioy The angels In heaven mn singing to-ilny "Ileio's Johniilol Heie's Johnnlo I Heie's Johnnie I" ' ROSEBUD AGENCY. Farewell to Major Wright , llio Old A sont. Cherry County Republican : A gmncl council talktookplacoat Kosobud agency Tuesday , which was participated in by all tin ) chiefs on tlio reservation. Jt wan a kind of farowo.l to Major Wright , and as Indian Inspector Pearson was present , the Indians look occasion to inform him of some of their wants , They want more fanning implements ; want u bo> H farmer to take hold and give them Hrao- - illustrations instead of silting in u buggy nnd telling thorn how * to do sound so ; they want their children taught at home , instead nf being hunt to ( Jonoit- nnd Carlisle to bn educated ; they want white moil kept from eutMiiK timber ami gras on tlioir reservationj they wtin ) tha government to employ Iiujlnns instead of whiles to do the work in and mound the agency , in fact , Voung fipottcd Tall in his talk informed the inspector that ui boon as the now agent camo-A council would bo held for the purpose of asking that this latter reciuest bo granted , ami that if the agent refused tho.y we nld then take the mutter in their own hands ami drivci every white employe from the reservation , lie said if tlio great father wauled them to adopt tlio wuyn of the white man they miiat be given ( tie place of the wliito's on their own terriloryf ' 1 vvostrikes only had one grievancehe still wants to go to M outturn nnd xisil with the Crows. The sentiment rs nx- nressnd in tlio council by the Imt iaiiii was that they are in f.voi- of progression , us ope chief oxpiessod it they "want to learn to work so they car amass properly and get'rleh. " Tihov all snoko in the kindest terms of Majoi U right and the troatnieut'thoyyhuvo re- ceived at his hands. Wednesday ww beef-issue day , anil about three thoubiiw Indians worn congregated at the agency the Omaha dance was indulged in , an * aitoirelhor the red brethren enjoyed llioiu- buh'Cb in line style.

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Viaitctl and Investigated by onGentleman ,




CnrofullJils -

ensued Discovery T n Now Furoomill tlic IJcvlsintf of n Metr

. , o <l to Utilise I *

IIVfHciiorMiefrt 7y I ) '. II'. fMxA.r , VrctMtnt-of Jletktuc Colfruf ,

TUP. KIIIA': : Moron.Wooing niong one of the streets of-

PlnMadeiplua In Stay la t , I saw u SIKH ,

"Ollico of the Keoly Motor. " Tills re-


mo that 1 had frequently soonnotices oMllo "Kociy motor , " chiell.v inthe way of ridicule , and 1 resolved to in-


the matter for myself. After nday or two 1 found n gentleman whokuovv well , and he offered to-

tnko iiics ( o the sliop of the inventor. Thediscoveries 1 made 1 lay before the read-ers


of the lliu.:

run MAN.John Kccly , a native Philadelphia ! ! ,

IB a musician and an organist of no meanattnilihiiitits Many years ago twentyor more Mr. Keoly , in building andl la.ying tliu organ , was struck with thefact tlmtf 10 vibrations of the organ] ilpc.i nrpthifcuil not only what wo calledsound ** , but that a vast amount of force-

r power was developed , Milltclont inmany instances to cause vast buildings totremble as though .shaken by a giant'shand Havintr brains , Mr. Kccly began toInquire whether this force might not be-

utilised , lie noticed , or thought hodid , that harmony had .something to dowith the volume of force emitted by thevibrations.

With these indistinct and shadowyhints he went to work. No one had everFought what ho was seeking a forcefrom vibrations , which could be utlhed-in place of water and steam , lie was anexplorer in a Hold utterly now. Ho couldconsult only with his own busy brain.-


had no predecessor on that . Ho was another Columbus , reachingout after what all but ho Boomed to re-


as a chimera. For years ho laboredon alone and in poverty. At length hesucceeded in inspiring a few friends withconlidoneo. They rallied around him. Acompany was formed. Money was fur-nished


him. Machine after machine forgenerating the new force was .invented ,

tested , and discarded. Machine afterconstructed for the applica-


of tuo force , tested and discarded.Hut progress was made with each trial.New Ideascamo with each failure. Mean-while


the public press , when it stooped tonotice him , was lavish with rid.culo-."Fraud


, " "humbug , " "impostor , " "mad ¬

man , " "crank , " wore among the mildestopithetrt employed , while those whoassisted Mr. Kccly were denounced as-

'dupes ami fools. " Undismayed , how-ever


, our Columbus bore stei'dily on withIlls laeo towaid the now world ho sawwith the eye of faitltj anil now. after allthese years of toil , discouragement andabuse , secures recognition as a real in-


from men who stand high in thescientific world.

THK VISIT.Under guidance of my friend I soon

reached Mr. Keely's work shop a small ,

two-story brick structure on North Twen-tieth


street , Philadelphia. Hero , sur-rounded


by hundreds of curious , unfix-mMai'


, contrivances , 1 found this manw'liyjr 1 am not mistaken , will have aname in history when his traduccrs shallbo forgotten. John W Keoly is a manwhoso physicpio would be noticeable any ¬

where. He is fully MX feet in height , withn largohead , co.xl black eyes , d-irk com-plexion , and wearing constantly uthoughtful expression , llo received mocordially , and after a few moments spentiu giving some general inlormation , pro-ceeded


to explain the "machines ho nowuses in the production and application ofhis now force. '

"THE I.IUEIIA.TOII. "This , as its name indicates , is the in-

strument employed for generating andgarnering the force. It is a metallic in-


about three feet in height , andstands Upon n wooden pedestal , whichmay "bo moved easily about the room , toshow that it has no connection with tubesor pipes qr lovers by which power may bo-

becretly communicated. The liberatoritself stands open before you , and may-be subjoe'teil to the closest investigation.Near the bottom , lastoned upon u me-tallic rim , are four or live largo tuningforks. These stand upright. Withinthese , in a horizontal position , supportedby a small metallic standard in its centre ,

is a circular stool plate about eighteen ortwenty inches in diameter. Above andaround the machine , and attached tohigher rims , are several brass tubes ,

within which arc small , slender , vibrat-ing


steel blades. On tlut top of the liber-ator is a brass globe four or live inches indiameter , which is used to collect and re-

tain the force until drawn oil' for use.Having courteously shown all these

different parts of the liberator and giventhe ample opportunity of guardingngaltlbt imposition , Mr. Keoly proceedsto generate the now force named by him"etlieric vapor, or inter-atomic forco. "This he doosuy drawing an ordinary violinbow' a few times across the stationarytuning forks , and striking the circularmetallic plate a times with asmall hiunnuu' faced with rubber. Thisis nil. In two minutes the machine ischarged and ready for business. Thatthis is so Mr. Kccly proceeds to show by-uthreefold

KXIT.MMKNT.1. By a heavy iron lover of the first

class , as follows ; To the brass globe onthe top pf the liberator whore , as wo haveKeen , the force is garnered , Mr. Keoly at-Inches a long brass tuba something overhalf an inch in diameter , having an ori-lieu not larger than a common knittingneedle , The. other end is connected withu oyllnuhr , in which plays an uprightpiston one-half inch in diameter. On llioupper end nf this piston rests a longheavy iron lover. To raise the lover aloneapicssnroof l.GOO pounds to the squaruinch is ueeoi ary. When all is ready Mr-.Kccly


turns a wheel valve , and imme-diately


the foro6 IB liberated and the levelis lifted.And( miw weights are added tothe extremity of thn long arm of tint lovoiuntil a pressure is demanded to raise it-

emuil to 20,000 pounds to the square ineli ,

The lover rises with apparent ease whenthe force is fciijlllod , and when it is shul-oil' the lever falls. It looks almost llko n

miracle to sou this enormous weigh !

tossed with such case by a lorco gonermod byaniQunssoapparuutlyiuadcrjuato ,

The secondKXrCIUMKNT-

is the firing of a cannon by means of theedicrio vapor , lute a small cannon Mr-Kenly drives homo a leaden ball abonlone inch ami oue-lifth in diameter. Do-

tachlnglht ) tube from the piston oyllnduidescribed In the above experiment , he attactic * it to the breach of thn gun , amiturning the wheel valve and letting pithe vapor , the ball is forced out willgreat velocity , passing through an iuclplank and Hatloning itself against nilion target bojond. Thi > . Hko the loyoiexperiment , is repeated by the goodnahtrcd inventor until all bpeetators an-

Batlsllcd that no propelling power ib em-

ployed oxccwt what is generated by tinvibrations of the liberator ,

THE THIItU r.Xl'RllMiNT-mi

! ; ,

most wonderful of ull , is the

cation of this force to the running of-

machinery. . As this is the practical endaimed at , and as this is the tct of sue-


* , I wish to lay before your readers areport recently published in thoScientilic-Areim by its editor , lr A Wilford Hall ,who with some thirty otherScientific gen-tlemen


recently investigated the now mo-tive


power at Mr. Kecly's shop , extend-ing


their investigations through fourhour" . Says Dr. Hall in the Arena forJuly , 188(5( , page 50-

'These experiments having been con-tinued


till satisfactory all iotin l , anduntil man } present had been suppliedwith flattened bullets , the dual and mostimportant demonstration of all wa givcn-in the actual running of the 'Ivcely Motor *

it.H'll , ollileli the world has heard somuch , and which consisted of a twenty-livehorse


power rotary engine actuatedalone by this so-called ctlieric vapor.And hero we approach the description of-

n performance In verj simple machineryfor which our readei.s will need to sum-mon all their resources ot credulity in-

oriter not to suspect us of deliberate fab-rication. . wo declare in advance thatwhat wo are about to state are facts ofwhich wo are n positively certain as weare that wo were personally then andthere present.-


'engine , ' if it may be thus desig-nated


, consists of a smooth hollow sphereof metal about two feet in diameter. At-

one end or polo of the sphere is lilted n-

licd trunnion , around which it revolves ,

and at the other note n rotating trunnionmade fast to tlio sphere , and thus in-


to revolve with it. On this revolv-ing


trunnion , which extends as a shaftbeyond the frame which supports thesphere , was secured a common pulley of-

a foot or so in diameter and of about sixinches face , from which a belt of leatherled to n saw , turning-lathe , etc. , in theroom overhead. A valve-pipo leads intothe interior of the sphere through anopening made in that trunnion , whichremains stationary with the iron framesupporting the sphere. To the Inner endof this lixod trunnion (as was shown by asimilar sphere which was left open forinspection ) are secured numerous reso-nating


tubes ailu.6the ( vibratory device ? ,but which also remain stationary or fastto the inner end ot the trunnion withouttouching the revolving sphere.

" .Now comes the mystery of mysteriesin mechanical contrivances , namely , therevolving of this sphere as the valve-wheel at the trunnion is turned , thus ad-mitting


the otheric vapor from the re-ceiver


through the lloxible copper tubeas before described-


this 'engine' runs or on whatprinciple n mechanical foothold can bosecured within this smooth , eniptyspherc-by the vapor for moving any kind of ma-chinery , was a matter concerning whichno one present ventured to proller ovenan approximate guess. Mr Keely ex-


the process and the modus oper-and


! by saving that the gas when oncelet into the spore takes a direction whichcauses aortcx or whirl around its axis ,

thus brushing its inner surface at enor-mous


velocity ami tat| ] this inter-atomicvapor is of silcll penetrating naturethat it upon the molecular struct-ure


of the sphere itsc'f , thus propelling italong with it in its prodigious Iliglit.This , perhaps , is as good an explanationas is possible to get at during the presentstage of his invention , though it is utterlyincomprehensible to the writer , evenafter thinking and dreaming over it forweeks since witnessing this marveloustcaturc in the working of the engine-


is most astonishing about therotation of this sphere , by simply turninjr-on the vapor , is tlic fact that there is noescape for the gas anywhere after it hasdone its work , nor any ouilct or exhaust-pipe for such escape , as is well known tobo absolutely necessary in the. use of anygas , liquid or vapor known to mechanics ,

and by which engines are readily driven.Instead of such apparently essential pro-vision


it seems , when the pressure ofvapor is once admitted and the claimedwhirling process has commenced , that itgoes on indelinitely in some unaccounta-ble


manner , doing its work with unabatedenergy , and with no wings or internalprojecting abutments against which tobrace itself and thus exert a movingpressure. And even if there were suchprojecting abutments , the force , whenonce inside tlio globe , must be free , ac-


to the laws of iluid pressure , toact on both sides of such projections ,

thus preventing all motion of the sphereby stable equilibrium. This must be so ,

according to all known or even conceiva-ble


principles or laws of mechaiiic.s. ""Another.und perhaps still the strangest

performance of all , in tlio operation ofthis engine , is the startling fact that Mr-.Keely


can cause the sphere to revolve incither direction and with similar powermd velocity by letting the gas in at thesame valve , and precisely in the sameway. Wo suggested to him several timesduring the hour thp engine was working ,

which way to , starL the globe revolving ,and after touching it with his lingers andmoving it slightly in the direction wo-

named'ho would turn on the force andthe revolutions would begin with almostterrific velocity in the direction wo hadindicated-


single fact , with absolutely noexhaust ami witli no possible piston ar-rangement


or movable abutment deviceinside as in rotary steam , gas and waterengines , demonstrates to our mind be-yond


the shadow of a doubt that thesjihcro must revolve by the whirling mo-tion


of the vapor inside of it , as lr-.Keelv

.cl'iims , and that the direction ot

this vortex , or whirl of gas , must bo de-


by tlio initial push given the.sphere bv the hand of the operator. Thisinitial push of the globe in a now direc-tion


must therefore change in some waytlio oml nf the inlet pipe to an oppositewhirl nt the point whore it emerges fromthe trunnion withiiKtlui.sphere. Still themystery of its tlirniii'i at. all remains thebnmo-


have had sonio considerable ov-


of late years in physical andmechanical investigations , and , as ourfriends believe , with some degree of suc-cess


in solving intricate scientific prob-lems


, but wo have never before been soutterly nonplussed and at our wits' endns in trving to give a rational explanationof this Keely engine on any known orconceivable principles of physical scienceor mechanics-


the engine , as well ns the frameon which it runs , is entirely disconnectedfrom the door , having no pipes , wires orother devices loading below or outside ofthe building by which extraneous powercan communicate with the sphere tocause it to icvolvo , is incontcstibly cer-tain


, since the fullest opportunity wasgiven us to every part of it andthe foundation on which it rested. Thatit actually runs , with the, most tremen-dous


mechanical power tuid velocity ,

alone from the gas or vapor , or whateverit is , lut into it by turning the valve- wheelreferred to , wo are willing to stake andrisk what little reputation wo have , orever expect to possess , tor bcloutillo ormechanical sagacity. Wo have beenwarned by friends since returning fromthe exhibition > ingour opinionprivately , not to injure our reputation by-

a public statement of such facts , liut ourreply has been that nil the reputation wohave earned has been from frankly avow-ing


our conscientious convictions uponevery physical problem picscnting itself ,

and however much sued opinions might-ily into the face of the prevailing notionsot science ,

"Tho power ot the ongluo to do cff-lciont mechanical work was abundantlydemonstrated in sawing wood , runninpturning lathes , etc. . in the room over-head , connected by belting from the pul-ley attached to one of the trunnions , unialso by a plank pressed down on thisdriving pulley , in older to check its molion by friction , witli the weight of twc

tlio plank * * *men resting on ,

"With the actual running of this engineas an incomprehensible mybtery , amwith the demonstrated fuel of u success

ill application of its mechanical powero do work , there can no longer bo anynannor of question but that Mr. Keelyins made startling discoveries both in a-

icw and undreamed of motive power andIs mechanical application to machinery)y new methods as astonishing as they

arc novel. "So far. Dr. Hall. And now what is the

nev liable conclusion to which wo areIriven in view of these experiments re-


again and again , for years past ,

n the presence of the mo t competentvltnessis ? Is it not that John W. Keely-uts developed from the utmospherlo air.-


its ordinary temperature and normalHT.ssuro , by means of vibrations alone , a-

icw force capable of application twhur-svcr


force may bo applied and utilised ?

le is now at work upon a larger andn ore perfect engine one that will show

.V>0 horse power and when this Is com-


, which will be done in two or threenonths , we shall be prcpaicd for rcsulUshat will revolutionize the motive power

of the world.-Ami


is this now force so utterly invirobable that it should bo rejected with-nit investigation , us some seem to think ?

) oe.s not tlic atmospheric air under ecr-ain conditions as in the tornado ox-


a power absolutely irresistible'And what if Mr. Keely has discoveredthe "hidings of this power , " and is ableto apply it to useful purposes , as manyother forces of nature are applied ? Ifwater , while in its normal condition , hasa certain force when applied to the wheel ,and a very greatly intensified force whenexpanded by heat into steam , why maylot the atmospheric air bo subjected to

conditions which will develop miwand wonderful characteristics ? Thewriter of this article suggested in Mayast to Mr. Keely the title "Bottled Cy-


for Ins wonderful force. Whocan toll but that he is actually able tocontrol and govern the element , whatevert may bo. vvliieh forages has been mani-


in the irresistible energy of thecyclone and tornado ?

It seems to bo forgotten by those whoare so ready to pronounce Air. Keely'sdiscovery impossible , that over since theuse of the mercury pump to produce avacuum , the atmospheric air , when in itsstate of highest tenuity , has been discov-jred


bv scientists to present character-sties which indicate that it has been

changed into an entirely new element in-

lature. . Just what this element is , re-


as yet undetermined ; but that it is-

no longer ordinary atmospheric air , is-

settled. . Says Francis 11. Upton , Mr-.lidison's


mathematician , in Scribnor'sMonthly for February , 1880 , page fl8i :

"It is found that by the use of the mer-cury


pumps and chemical appliances ,

where a perfect vacuum is formed , theminute portion of air remaining showssome remarkable properties. When elec-tricity


under strong pressure passesthrough an Edison lamp , the whole bulbshines witli a delicate blue light. So re-


is the behavior of various sub-stances in a vacuum prepared by meansof mercury pumps that physicists con-sider


that a gas thus rarilied constitutesmother state of matter , differing as muchrom that of an ordinary gas (either un-


atmospheric pressure , or with thepressure removed by means of a commoniir pump ) as a gas differs from a liquid ,

or a liquid from u solid. "If this is so , it requires no ordinary

temerity to pronounce in advance andwithout investigation the Keely Motor an-mpossibility. . In view of the advance-nent


made in t'ho last fifty years , allnlong the line of sejentilio discovery , the.ruo philosopher will be very slow to cry"humbug" whenever a now invention is-

mnounccd , however wonderful it may at-irst sight appear. Scores of witnesses

whoso llrst attitude toward the inventionunder consideration , was that of absoluteskepticism , are now ready to aver thatiftcr caicful consideration and actual in-


, they believe in Mr. Keely andlis motor. One notable instance ol this

character has come to the knowledge ofthe writer. A leading scientist of Phila-delphia , adopting the cry of the press of-

iraud and hunibug against the KeelyMotor , refused for years to make a per-sonal


investigation. At length , through. 'ne earnest solicitation of a warm per-sonal


friend , ho was persuaded to "comeand sec. " After a most careful and pro-tracted investigation he loft the shop andwalked some rods without uttering a-

word. . This friend at length asked hisopinion of what ho had seen. "Well , "said he , "1 must confess that I know ofnothing more wonderful , except themiracles of Christ. " And yet , in tlioopinion of the present writer , there isnothing miraculous here. It is simplythe discovery pf a now force in nature ,and the devising of a method by whichthat force may bo utili.ed.-



.T. It. AMitcli-


to her chamber windowA slight wire tiellls goes ,

And up the Komeo's ladderClnmbeis a bold white lose-



lounge in the ilex shadows ,I see the lady lean ,

Unclasping her silken girdle ,The curuin's folds between.

She smiles on her white rose lover.She i caches out her hand ,

And helps him in at the windowI bee it where 1 stand.-



her searlct lips she holds him ,Anil kisses him many a time

Ah , me I It was ho that won herIk'canso he daied to climb-






you use glasses ? " asked the Inquisitivebartender o the shoit pation. "No , sir ,schooneis , "

It Is vvioiiR to speak of a "respectable" ein-bcz.lci

-ns a "KOOU innii gone wrong. " llo is-

a bad limn found out-.Kvciy

.hbth In Uiooklugs , Dak. , for several

weeks past has been a gill , and the locjl-papcis call lor diversified production.-


Mlniiuaiiolls milkman died the otherday fiom dilnkini ; the milk fiom his owndairy. Water on the biain was wlmt knockedhlniont (iccuullni ; to the physician's certifi-cate.



A man should never boast to his wife howskillful ho Is and how much superior to oiliermen because ho can sliave himself. Ho Isreasonably muo to cash his chin or his checkthe next minute If ho docs ,

Thus elderly Mrs. Hiiliiuch : "I can't Im-agine


nuliovv why my darter talks fo Incor-rect.


. Shu don't hear notliln' but good snciik-In'

-. As fur her liither , ho's a pulllck imtren

for laiijjuhlso. An' 1 nevei make no conse-quential


mistakes. "It is told In Washington that after a certain

senator , noted for his absentmlmlediiess ,came to tills city for a short visit , this mem-orandum


Wtis found In his loom : "Things totake along * One pair socles , ono shlit , twocoliais , one pair cults , one wife ,"

"Vou can get a watermelon a yard lone ; for25 cents ," Fays a Floildsv paper. And youcan get acramj ) forty-suven feet long , doneup In a knot as big as your list for the water-melon


, and have the rinds lelt tor sweat-meats and plcklus.

Tat O' ell , Detroit detective , recently se-cured


82,000 which hail been Molou from anOhio man. The other day Tat received ashis toward a box of cheap cigars and u glassbreast-pin. The cigars were given nwny andthe pin was shipped back with the statementthat Detiolt detectives could iiotauorutowear diamonds-


to Tell n Ohl'sAge" Is a subjectBOIIIO of our esteemed coiitciupoiaile.s buemto be discussing. It's' mean business tellinga chl'b ao; , anj way , imrtlculaily some girls ,but It ) oilmen little brother and tliu girl isyour oldest slstcrnnd you btnit In to tell heraye vvhun her oulr youn : man Is by , a L'ood ,safe way Is to tell It by Telephone just alteryou have left homo on a long vacation-


resident of Tensas parish ,La. , was over at Cooper's the otherday, vyhpn nu mithu.slastlo prohibitionisttackled him with "What s the piohfbitjonnews fioui join section , my frleiul ?" "Well ,reallv , 1 don't know ," was the answer , "Wehave been so eonfouuded busy titrating waternil spunguml summer that 1 don't believeany of us has tound time to fight whiskyyet.

THE SWEET OLD-mtflitnaton tVM.

When ( irover came homo t'other ilafKrom olt his llslilng ttiji

Ills Franfcio met him at I ho door,And carried In Ids grip ,

As (1 rover dressed himself todltioIlls wife , with merry Mioul ,

I'nlocKed the grip mm set It downTo take the content * out,

A fast week's shirt , n pAtr of sockg ,A eminent , whllo and wide }

A collar and a pair of cults ,A tie Hint had been tied.

These thincs she took fiom out the crliv.-A


nd then delayed hortnsk ,

As fiom the depths she brought to sightAn empty, battered flnsa.-



, ( Srover , what Is thtsf" BIO crlolAnd ( liover looked and (milled

Then bluMietl nndhesltatliiir saidD"Why , that's a bait can , child.1'-

"A bait can , dear ?" slm ( rnc tloneC hln-"What makes It sutell so queer ?"

"Oh-ah , " ho s nld , "that's spirits to-1'rcservc the bait , my doar. "

"Vou s-.vcct old thine ," she softly said ,

Wltuuthci loving terms ,

"How pond ami kind jbu are to thov-J'oor little fishing


Vlio vounger the wife thn more voola-nisbaml can pull oVcr.her eyes-



Ogllvle , daughter of the latenrl 01 Airllo of London , Kngland , is soon to

marry an American-.Vpsilnntl


Is excited over the rumor of a-

rorthromlng vveddlUB. the prospective bridebehiK eighty-six and the gloom sixty years of-ago. .

The Del Kol (Tev. ) Dlit Is edited by a yoinijrl-ady. . She remark : ".Man inonoses but ( tsometimes takes a great deal ot encoinnge-ment

-to get him to do so."

London society snys the engagement be-tween


.Miss Minnie Smith , sister of Mrs.William K. Vandcrbllt , and Count Moinm ,

nn Italian nobleman , has been tnokcn otrbecause it has been found that the Count'sestnlcs are owned by money-lenders and thefamily jewels are In pawn.

The Sioux Indians celebrate in a ratherodd manner tlio marriage ot a member oftheir tribe. Lately such nn event eamo oftand nf toward about llfty of the braves , in-cluding


the bildal couple , took a ttampofseveral days over the teirllory , pitching tentsat night and glvinir dances and other festi-vities.



Among the wedding ine ents already ic-celved

-by Mine. Christine NilKson Is'ono-

fiom the queen , consisting ot n photographof her majesty In nu exquisitely carved ox-odbcd

-silver finme. Beneath the portrait is-

n small nutngmph Keg. ,"and the date , "Usboine , June 14 , IBSfi. "

A wedding took plnce on Monday at thecounty Jail at Newark , the justice unitingthe couple In picsenco of the bride's parentsand the prison ofllclnls" . The ceremony tookplnce In the warden's office , but the rest of-llio pilsouers becoming KM arc of It , one ofthem whistled n wtnidlne inarch and theotheis applauded vigorously.-


romantic marriage was solemnized nt-Kcihoukson , N. Y. The gioom wns JohnWaid , ot Wolf Trap. Ya. , am' the bildo Mis.Jennie Lnnsinir, of Kerhonkson. .Neither ofthe newly wedded couple had over seen oneanother until the night preceding the mnr-ihiC.

-| . The courtship had all been cairled on-

by letter.-An


interesting mnrrlnijo engagement wasannounced List week , but lacked continua-tion


till vesteitlny , the Dailies being JohnAugustus Mobbing , jeweler of this city , midDaioncbS do Massenbach of HeilinGermany.The baroness wns a member ol the partywith which Mr. Kobblns Is making a tiip-nronnil the woild. | Sprlnclicld Republican.

Florence Schuster nnrt Frank Hooper livein St. Joseph , Mo. , and nre both popular.Florence went visiting In Leavenwoi tit andFinnk went over to.seo her. He nsked herto take a nallc , and before they ictuincct thetwo vveie man led. The next day they venthome , and , ns the account says , "vveiewarmly welcomed by hosts of admiringfriends. "

Hev. William 3. Sheiman , n Catholic priestof Brooklyn , was inartlcu to Miss TllloMcCoy , on June 14 , by 1 ". K. s. . Schneider ,nn Episcopal clcigyinan ,<ln New York. Hecontinued 10 pel form the duties of a pi lestuntil a few weeks ago , when he nmt his wifedlsappeaied. It Is fiupjsoscd they wont toBoston , where Sherman1- expected to be em-ployed


as a cleik. t

The engagement was announced last weekof Miss Maria Winthrop , daughter of Mr. T-.Lindnll


Wlnthiop. nnd rattddaughter of thu-Hon. . Kobcrt C.Vinthroiv and Mr. LouisI'vemont , nn officer offtlln Jiiitish armv.Miss Wlnthiop is nt llydo, Isle ot Wight ,England , with her family. The wedding Is-

to take place shortly , theyoung) couple sail-ing


Immediately after for India-.Piinco


Henrv , secoud'tou of the crownprince , Is , it is said , tojmairy Irene , thirddaughter of the grand dime of HesseDarm-stadt.


. Other gossips asstit that the fortu-nate


"better lialt" vvlll''l' u Alexandilnn of-AnlialtDessnu. . I'rinco."Henry Is now in histwenty-fifth year , nnd Is taller than hisbrother , but even less roynl looking. Ho Is a-

spaiely built , beardless young man. with aclover If not nn Anolln-Ilkto fare. The onlyHohenzollern who has entered the navy , ho-Is n keen nnd bravo sailor, as his dnrin : nd-ventuies

-In his journey- around the woild

amply prove.Them was a magnificent wedding at the

old Boulogne plantationIbcrvllle parish , La. ,Wednesday. A special' ' train canled theguests from New Orlcnhs. the baud nud re-freshments


were of the first chop , and thedress magnificent. The bildo was MissEladie , daughter of Theophilo Allaln , planterand member of the legislature , and the gioom-Prof.. Palmerston Lnndry of Mnnsficld col-lege.


. The bride's father wns foimcrlynslave and ouco coachman of the Soulogno-tamlly. . The wedding Is the greatest socialevent of the year is the southern society ofcolor ; not a few whites were among theguests , nnd telegrams ot congratulationwere received from leading coloied menthroughout the country.-






. Tieinunyl is now playing In India withconsldei able success. ,

The bnllct of tlio Paris opera compilscs1,027 women and costs S'JOO.OOO a jear.-


will devote the mouth of Januaryto a concert tour In l'nls and other Pi ouchcities-


Gorstcr, who has been voiy III ntPails , has recovered sufllcloiitly to appearagain in a concert.

The cowboy pianist Is performing In n-

Chlcairo museum. A thick white cloth isplaced over the key boaid to juotect thepiano. y

Mr. Charles Sumloii , tUe handsome Englishactor, who eloped somu years slnco with theCountess Dcsart , will vjfcll this country as amember of Miss Fortoacije's company-


pleco in Mr. Lavvicnco Bar ¬

rett's icpcrtory during, ( his coming engage-ment


at the Star theatiL'Now * i'ork In Sep¬

tember next will bo "Ulejizl. "The tingle fnte of King Ludvvlg has al-


Inspired n wisely anonymous play-night with "Tho Tragedy of the Swan

King , " which Is peiformed at the summerhcaue of Buda.Miss Marlon Booth , aidaiiRhter of Junliis-

Biutus Booth , nppeared'lhst week nt Lclaud'sOcean Hotel theater , Long Branch In-"Sweethearts ," "Koucn Diamond" and "InHonor Bound. "

The Hamburg onera house closed Its seasonwith n pei foimanco of AVagjei's Nibelungtetralogy , The same work will bo giventwice at Dresden Immediately alter the Buy-routn

-festival , and twlco in Munich ,

Mr. Louis 1. (lottschalk , the baritone , whohas Deen in Europe during the past two ycais ,will shortly letura to his native land , In orderto commence his duties as chief vocal In-structor


nt the Chicago musical college.-Dr.


. Huns von Bulovr Is at Geneva. JTextwinter ho will direct the concerts of the Im-i erlal Husaian Musical Bocietv at St. 1'etors-mug.

-. amlaseiles of concerts In lluinburg ,

besides uuuei taking a bhoit concert tour in-Austria. .

The great flusstan pianist , Rubinstein , hasresolved that the two prizes ho has foundedat bt. Petersburg , shall bo open to musiciansof all nations. One of these prlics is fora-pianolotto conceito , and ( Iw other for piano-forte


playing. 1'ho competition Is open until

Henry Irving pad Mr , and Mrs. Nicollnl todinner ut the famous "SUr and darter ," at-Hlclimond , three weeks ago. A number ofthe great actor's ndiilntore also had the honorof eating and diinUug nt their's expense. Irving > as waited upon byhis secretary and stage uiauagcr , and a Rich ¬

mend mnld of honor attended upon Pat 11.

Ellen Terry wns invited but pleaded Illness ,The Berlin Uoerscii-Courlcr says that "tho

report that Itublnstcln Intends to visit Amer-ica next w Inter Is Incoriect. The composer-


present atvoik on n new sym-jihony

-for the tiewnudhnu , will in

the autumn visit his nged mother at Odessa ,and then , following an Invitation of thequeen ot Koumnnla , spend two weeks at thecourt of Duchnrest , Subsequently ho will so-Jo Prague to conduct the Hist pcimrinnnce ofhis ojicrn , "Fernmors" nnd niter that he willprobably visit sevcial Geimaii elites to directhis new sjmphony.

Teresa Caireno writes fromheriullve'clly ,Caracas , Vcnonieto. that lici reception there-by her oompatilots was of the mostconllal-order. . Serenades nnd fetes In hei honor suc-ceeded


each other , the government droir-ntcd


her with the "Bustn do Bolivar" thehighest order In the gift of the republicwhilethe mess of Car.icns piesnnted livi with n su-pei


It gold medal. The roneeit he pnvo Inconjunction with hei husband , Sh-nor Tnc-llnpetrn

-, were htghlv nppieelnte'I , After n-

piofesslonnl visit to Trinidad nlul PortoKlcoshe will retuiii to York-


have been u-relved of Mme-.r.itti's

.engagement with llemy E. Abbey ,

tot n conceit tout m this countiy dining thecoming season , Mme. Pnttl will sail tiom-Oiieeustown foi New Yoik Xovember 7.

Prior toher depaituio she will sing In twoconcerts in Dublin under Mr. Abbey's man-ngement


, Xov ember 'J and.1) , to open n newmusic hall. Her season in this country willbcitin at Stelmvnj hall , Xew Yoik , the even-ing


of Xov ember 10 and 17. 'Hie perfor-mance


will consist of a concert , with one netof opera In costume. Hrr opeintlc repertoho-dm ing the tour will emhiaco the gat denscene in "Faust , " nud selected nets of "gem-Irnmlde.


." " "Tiaviatn ,""Lucia , " nnd "Lido. " She will bo supportedbv Mine , bcnlchl and Slgnors ( inline andXovnrro. Aullttl will conduct the Instiu-mental part of the pcitoruiance. Mme. Pattlwill give only two conceits in Xew orkcity, and will then visit the piliieipal citiesin the east , west nnd south. Including thesouthern cities of the Atlantic coast , Fiom-inlvestlon( she will go to the City of Mexico

nnd thence to California. Her tour will lastfive mouths and a half, and aspecial clauseIn the continct makes It her last piofcssional-vist to this countiy.-



Creed ,

. .IllU'l-



hold that Christian pcaco aboundsWhciochnrlty Isscou ; that when

climb to heaven , 'tis on theiounds-Of love to men-



hold all else named pietyA scllish Fcheinc , ns vain jiicteucc ,

Where centio is not can theie boCircumference?

That I moieover hold nud daieAffirm where'er my rhyme may go-

Whntcver things bo sweet or fair ,Love makes them so-



not the wide phylactery ,

Xor stubborn taste , nor stated mayors ,

That make us saints ; wo juage the treeBy what It boars.

And when a man may live apartFrom worlds , on thuolo : lc trust ,

I know the blood about his heartIs dry 05 dust.-






has been favoied with blue andlose-cploicd hailstones.-


Golden , a flagman In Galena , III. ,

hnsn tame lobin that ho taught to walk outof the flag house and wave a tiny Hag when-ever


n tiain comes.-A


baby is icported to be liv-ing


In Salem , Mass. , which has nu extra lin-ger


on each hand and an extra too on eachfoot. The weight is n pound and a hnlf.

Daniel Stover , of Gallon , 111. , has an un-


record of 133 lattlesunkes killed In-

tlio past four months. He has 53' ) rattles toshow for It. Ho has also killed 101 bluer.xccis.-


century plant that for fomtcen jears hasbeen in the Boston public gniden is in bloom.The plant Is not huge , hut the flower stalklises fifteen feet Into the air and benr lourclusteis of yellow blossoms.-


Pennsylvania man has a collection of-

SOO live rattlesnakes. He caught them In thespi ing as they vveie leaving their dens. Someot them are ot enormous size-


Is alleged that there Is n street-car horseIn Noward , N. J. , which , if a lady comes outon the ciossvvalk , or stands bytholiacktotake the car, wlllstop of his own accord. He-

haslcaincd throuzh a long and vniled ex-perience


that a man cnn get on without thecar stopping.

Bees have n strong antipathy to dark-colored objects. In a brood of chickenslimning nbout some beehives recently thebees stung to death the daik ones , but didnot molest the light colored ones. A manwith a black plug hat rarely gets .stung , thebees devoting their entire attention to-"sljooting the hat"

The mountain lions of Montana nro largennd ferocious , and the ficqucntly attack full-giown


slcois. The teriitoiy oilers SS forevery scalp , and tlio cowboys make quite abusiness of hunting them in the winter.Lions nre frequently killed measuring ninefeet trom tip to tip, nud weighing SCO toiiOO-pounds. . Many more mcnsuring fiom ten tocloven foot aio ftequoiitlv bagged , and , oc-casionally


, n monster reaching twelve feet.-


huge alligator wns killed by the negroesat Lime Creek , ( in. , recently , nnd Its headcutoff. It was then lolt until night , nndwhen It was then approached , It Is related ,thosovered head opened wide its jaws nndsnapped viciously a times , comingdown with u force which would have cut otf-n hand. After the body was skinned thelegs diow up and srtetched out convulsivelyns If In the agony of death , notwithstandingIt had been dead seven houis. The coloiedpeople legaul this wondciful vitality as anevil omen ,

A Bmnesvlllc , Ohio , blacksmith Is .alleged-to bo the owner of a dog which , when sixmonths old , burned its paw on n piece of hotIron , which so cmngcd him that ho nt onceseized tlio piece of Iron In his month and be-


to chew It viciously. This was the be-ginning


of his salamander antics , and It Isnow a dally pccunonco to see him grab piecesof redhot Iron in his mouth and chew them.-IIo


has bcon known to jump into the foigo-nnd seize n mouthful ot redhot coals andgrind them between his teeth with as muchcomplacency as If they vvcra scrnps of bieadand meat.

Bliss Interrupted.ACT I.

Lovers swinging In a hammock,Close together in the dark ;

Small boy , hiding in thoginpcvines ,Chuckles , whllo the lovcis spark.




, of the world unconscious( Next week she will be his wife )

Small boy , weary of their spooning ,

Calls to mind his brand-new knife.ACT m.

Lovers In n heap togetherNeither injured much , let's hope.

Then the.youth profanely mutters :

"Damn the boy that cut that lopel"-

IMP1KX1E9. .

.A lglous scruples nro Inconvenient In thecase of some criminals. A Boston scampthought it would bo blasphemy to put ' InGod wo trust" on the counterfeit dollars hewas turning out , and the omission got himInto trouble.-


a colored camp meeting near Nonls-town a clergyman who had been Invited to-

vieach wan so disappointed by the small at-

tendance that ho merely sang n hymn , tookup a collection , which netted 8.05 , sanganother hymn and departed.-


gentlemen generous in his contributionsfor chinch purposes , but not regular In hisattendance upon public worship , wns wittilydcsciibcd by u clergyman ns being not ex-actly


n pillar ot the church , but a kind ot-

Hying bultiess , supporting it from the outside.

How irreverent the most reverent prayersof children sometimes seem. Little Jackwanted a tiicyclo. ana ho wns taught to prayfor wlmt ho wanted , As ho dropped on Idaknees by his little bed he added to his "NowHay mo" : "Please , God , make papa buy mo-

a tricycle. That's a dandy. " [ HartfordPost.

Lulu Is about five ycora of ago , Her uncleHarry recently died , A lew days ago bincame te her grandmother vv 1th n bit nt papot-In her hand and said ; "Mamma. 1 have wilt-ton a long letter to uncle Harry. " The lutteiran : "Dear Uncle Harry : Wo mo all welland hope you are. 1 went out to the ceme-tery to-day with papa nud saw your menument. I think It Is real nice. Ilowdojouand God eet along ?"

Out of 27,001 public school children InBuffalo , only 7,1C5 are of American iiarentajo ,

MY SOPRANO.t-nitfttm


- ( litVitrtiWjiAbove the organ's highest note

I hear her dear voice ringing ,And I nm spellbound to tlio spot ,

Though 1 don't khow what they're singing.-I

.searched the book to find her name,Heronithly name wnsAnnn.

The angels limit have thought that t.imoWhen they sent down my soprano-



no place now llko church for mo.They vvhUper I've ciown pious ,

Thej know not how I wish to heBesldo her skirt cut bias.

What cnie I though the tenor ihoi1-As on a sly banana' '

Bat Hone , alto , nil may stop ,But leave mo m > soprano.-



hnve no ejcs for men or things ,The -ei mini is but a jargon ;

1 have no eats lor him who singsWhen she's not by tlieoriran.

But when slip comes the whole thing hum" ,Joy swells like showering manna.

And , rather queer, no voice,But hers , my dear soprano.


When she's not thcio thewholecholr's wrong ;'TIs not foi mu to pi also her ;

The counter scieams all tlmuigh the song ,And the base bccomoa still baser-


when I miss hertle.u , dene face-.I'd

.give a straight Havana ,

If thcyvveio In some other place ,1 here with nif soprano-




Thcie Is n tendency to shot ten dicss bodices.Orange nnd grnv aio a frequent combina¬

tion.Biocadrdsilks me icported passe for gen-


wear.Black mantles aio worn with every vnilcty-

of costume-.Hosleiy

.vvlfh fine hair-line checks Is shown

by the leading houses.Buttons , parasols nnd dresses nre often

mloincd witli painted designs.-


the glove buttons to replace othersthat may take wings to themselves.

The skit Is of pongee diesscs have a broad-band of coloied velvet nt the bottom.

Plaid surah is used for punters and scnif-on costumes of plain silk or Slclllcntin.

Spanish nnd Bieton jackets arO'Vvorn withlull chemisettes which tall Over the belt.

Black lace skirts arc worn with bodices of-coloied ciepc do chine , silk , satin or molic-antique. .

Dark materials with hair lines of lightertint me fashionable for entire diesscs , or Incombination with plain mnteilal.-


collars of rlbboif with floraldesigns aio edged with bsausnnd are finishedwith tlnco loops and two ends of the ilbbon-


plaids In all combinations aio-In favor for hue woollen mnteilal , and theIndications are that they will not soon bn-discarded. .

Bends mo much used Tor trimming. Someof them me nulto Inige. For evening diessesthey nroiisod. rope fashion , upon sleeves fiomshoulder to elbow.

Miss Florence Mairyatt , In a lecture ndvls-ing

-women wlmt to do with men. snys , "Sit-

on them. " Wo aie afiaiil that this practicehas always been can led to extremes , Flor-ence.


Swallows and butterflies set with diamondsand niinnzed on line gold'vvlrcV'Wlilch' causesthem to sway with every movement of thewearer , me vvoin In ( ho hair and about thelow corsage of evening diesscs.-


is olten said , and truly , that a lady is-

recognled by the state or her shoes andgloves. Willie they mav not always bo thebest , or even the best of their kind , they willbe peifectlv whole nnd neat , and In harmonywith the lest of hcrdiess

The new light-weight stinvv Ince anil bns-


braid bonnets and hats aie veiy chic ami-attractive. . Their gainitiues arocoiieopond-Ingly

-light nnd etheienl. Soft-tinted crapes ,

tulles , and Illusions arc used , as well ns fancysilk L'iciiadincs andctnmincs.-


Pailsian fancy in white diesses Is tomake them up ol alternate stupes of muslinand embioidery or lace. Lace also alternateswith silk or satin , or two designs iu lacefoim alternate stiipcs. With these chessesbonnet and puasol must bo In the samestyle , and gloves ofvhito suede kid aie-worn. .

A curious novelty In the wtiy'of Paris hatshas lately niison. They sue made in knottedhay nnd pliant i ashes , In n soitof trellisworkdesign , very open , nlid trimmed with longbranches ot hawthorn , violot-coloied tulips ,

with their long leaves knotted together , anda bow ot moss-green velvet ilbbon as a soil ot-bicksroumt for the tlornl garnitmcs.

When a woman dashed into the pilothouse-of a Penobcot river exclusion steamer thathad just left the Buckspoit wharf , n few daysago , anil frantically demanded to bo putnshore , the captain did not understand it.Her bonnet was on nil light , she had hershawl stiap in her hand and her lunch basketwas visible nlso. Her explanation was thatshe had loft her baby on the wh.ut. The boatwent back after iu-

"Botanists' parasols" have been Intioduced-in Paris for the use of Gallic belles duringcountry excursions. It the fair uedcstilnnwishes to gather some floweis or bunches of-

fiult growing high above her , or in the midstot n thoi ny hedge , she has enl > to toucha] knobon her parasol stick and a tiny strong pair of-

scissois springs out ot the top. With theseshe can reach the deslied treasure withoutpricking her fingcis or spoiling her glovei.-


fashlonably-diessiMl lady.who.had sconyounger yeais , cnteied n public library theother day, nnd approaching the chief libra-rian


, said : " 1 want something to icad mm-don't know exactly how to deseilbe the kindof book that would suit mo. " "1 guess wowill bo able to suit vou"was thoieply.-"Something

.lively , eh ?" "Yes something ,

you know , that ci well , that wouldn't boexactly suitable for n young glil. " "Mary , "ciied the chief to an assistant , "French noveltor a woman of IB."

A fashion which just ut the moment ap-pears to bain great tavor for young ladles'sticots suits Is that of a shoil jaunty tailormade basque of stripedbailed or dotted sum-mer


woollen goods ot serge , camel's hair ,cheviot , canvas or ctamine. The basque Isnever ilccoiutcd In nay manner except withhandsome buttons , nnd nine out of every tenof these gaiments open over a chemisette otlinen or peicale , with natty tie to match ,and studs set down In front. Wlicie thisstyle is not followed , tlieio is usually a me-dium


sized mailiie collar with sailor-knottedsilk scarf nnd hLjh standing linen collar as afinish ? -

Washington Critic : The clock had struckmidnight in thn residence of u congiessiunii ,

and still the young man In the parlor did notgo. The young fellow had been away fortwo weeks , and the gill's lather wns willingthat ho should have n fair show ; but this wastoo much , nnd nt last ho went to the head ofthe stairs mid listened n minute. "Motllol"-ho callcu , Fharply. "Yos , papa , " camu thesilvery voice ot his chllil , with a slightlysmotlicicd ncront. "It IH alter 13 o'clock. ""Yes , papa , nnd we're doing all wo ean toexpedite the accumulated business. Wet willadjourn by-pnd-by , papa." The helplessfather , unable to answer the nrguincnt , ic-turncu


to his bed in tears.-


good glove will boar Indefinite cleaning ,

and at last may bo colored , while a poor onu-ottcn tenis or bicnks at the scams the lust 01second time It Is worn. Bciuliio or naphthais excellent for cleaning gloves , hut It is toobtroug for delicate colors ; those of lightshades may butter be cleansed by putting onthe hand ami rubbing with a pleco of spongedipped Iu milk ; allttlo vvhlto coup may boused nlso. Tlio greasy nattm ! ot the milkKeeps the kid bof t and counteracts the alka-line


effect of the Houp. Black kid gloves may-be renewed by the application ol a mixtureotHvveetoll nud Ink , or the dressing mndofor ladle * ' boots. A crumb: of stale breadrubbed over thu glove will of ten lomrive muchdirt.

The new low colledbasket plaited cnlfTurohas suddenly come Into fashion , ami 0110 ofthe methods of aiianging it Is follows : Thehair , beginning just back of the soft bubobang , is divided Into tlncn equal paitsasltf-.ilNon the shoulders. It U tlicn again sub-divided , making an upper nnd lower plait ofeach of these divisions. Then take thotvvo-mlddlo plaits , cioss them and wind to form a-

coll. . It Is necessary just heie to pin thesebraids focuielv , forthoy mo the foundationfor the lest ot the colffmo. Those pi oil mi-nailcs


attended to , the plaits are then takenfrom behind each car and carried round thecell , Lastly , cioss the two iialts on each sideover the top ot the cell , firing down midfasten thu ends securely underneath , Ac-cordingly us It suits the wcauT. tlie coilsmust bo airauged either high or low , nt theIxick of the head. For' to whom It Isbecoming , the basket braid is twined low Inthe nnpe of the neck-




Jt Is leporteil that Professor Uradltv of theAlbany high bchool has received * call to be

superintendent of schools in Mtnncnp-ctIK salary 55000.

The night .school nt Slug Sin * prison forIho benefit of the prisoners which wns slarted-by Warden Biimh In January , 1S 4 , Is cald toaccomplished excellent results ,

The geographer , Oi l-'rlrdrleli HaWtu who ,among other books h s written fin excellentwork on tlio United htnte.s hns ncfypteilcall to Lclpsie ns sucee oi tn Ferd von Illch-tliofen


in the chair of geography.Most of the 1,000,000 nece-ismy for the en-


incut of the new Human Catholic mil-verMty


nt Washington hns already been sub-sctLed


, and giouiul will bo btoKen for tlioelection ot luilldlnes spring-


tioodale , of Hiuvnid Oolleee , In-


tolslt Scandlimvln In August ,vv Intro he hopes to examine in the old mil-veisltv


of I'nsaln , In Sweden , the wonderfulbotnnlcnl collection ot l.inna'ii ?.

The eslimate bv the Philadelphia bonrtlofeducation of the expenses for 1SS7 ot theeltv'.SK-hool aj.ks foi S31WTOS.W! , or nbout? "WIKKI) mote than tin1 appropriation of St-


, for the pieseut ojear. 'lhepiincip.ilitem is S1U7MO.: * 0 foi teachers' salaries.

The collide nt Hnrvmd has been so elmngedthat the young mnii buut ((0 enter "flic col-lege


need take only one of tho. ancient Inn-gauges ( ireck or Latin. The ttqmicmcnts-In French and Geimnii have also been ad-vanced.


. ' ' -

Alter n long struggle , Chicago uulvri.slty ,nn Institution which Stephen A. Doilulas mi-( lowed with thn gift of mi adiuliabla site , hnslost the endowment. The Union Muliinl In-surance


company has foieclo cd Us moit-gageon

-the piopeitv , and It Is lost. Ot

course , the charter continues , and llio tele-scope


and other personal property aio re-tained


, bin another location must besought.The Holloway college is n iiingulllccnt In-


, but the idea Is fantastical. Fancy2M) glils , nil under exclusive feminine ( ruin-ing


and teaching , each with a separate bedloom and sitting loom , besides n conversa-tion


loom for eveiy six. and n rotectoiy , li-


, lecture rooms and plctme gnllmiesl-No inalo Is to be allowed on thu picmlses.The service in the chapel N to bo Christian ,

but not to bo associated with any church or-sect. . Them Is nu altar under n cuuopv ofcarved oak , an oignn and stalled seats. Thusite Is noble high , airy , spacious with ex-tensive

-sluubbeiies nnd tcriaco gardens.

The Into Piofes or llolloway sold pills nnd nharmless ointment , with which lib recom-mended


pei sons to miolnt themselves. Theohe pushed by menus of advertisements. Thecollege was nothing but a gigantic ad vet Use-incut.

-. [London Tiuth.

Their Trip to Cnnndn.

Said Mr. M. to Mr. 1) . Fnultor ,While slttiiiir one evening at tna !

"1 see the-v are tiying that tie.ity to niter ,I think 1 shall skip the tin-lee. "

"My purpose exactly ," said Fntilter , "in fact 1I've-Pinpaied to get elf after tea ; iXo tie.ity , } ou know , can bo made ictro-


They never shall extradite me. "

So over the bolder they skipped It togetherThese two , with n tia-ln-hi-le

And they sang ns they lied : l lt Is vciy warmweather

Back thuio for such mortals ns we. "




Mormon older is seeking conVctts In-llocliChter , Minn.

The llov. Dr. Phillips Ihooks pays Tilnltychurch , lioston , §500 a j ear to secure seatslor poor people.

The roll of membcishlp of Mr. Spurgeon'schinch now stands at 6,314 , a dceieaxeot-eightylive as eompaicd With last year. TheColpoitngo association connected with thechuich has n staff of eighty men who ire en-gaged


all the time as city missionaries.-A


Scotch ship Imlldor has sent Mi. Moody amodel ol King Solomon's temple , made ocedar oveilaid with gold , with many ot thesmaller aitides of solid gold. It Is one lltt.v-lil Ih tlic ol the oiigliial , haviiiL' thocom't ,tabeinaclc , lav er, aik , holy ot hollc . mercyscat and clieiiiblm in pioper piopoition andrelation to each other.

Ten pounds ot caith fiom tlio reputed tombot Clnist mid a bushel ot icllcs from the HolyLand composed ot n Inigo poitlon ol FatherJohn Tnrut's baggage when ho landed fromthe steamer Wisconsin In New Vork theother day. Father Taiat boio papers phovvr-.Ing that he wns a pilest nt Jeiusalem , for a'number ot jcais and n brotherbPthc'bttiWVtf

The caily home of Martin Lifthernt tm ilifrifeld , in Saxony , to which place his parentsmoved when he was an Infant , has been re-stored


to the condition in which It was' atthat time , four centuries ago. It hail bccomomuch dilapidated , but will now be occupiedby a bodj ot deaconesses , who will care forthe .sick nnd poor.

The total number of Sunday schools of tillevangelical deinomlnatlons In Now Yorkjsli-TO , Of this number Piotestnht KulM-up.ilchinches Mippoitbtt. Picsbytoiian churcho-mo


next with 00 schools , Methodlstb 69 nud-liaptists 41 , Chinese missions number VC.

The remaining 05 schools aio Hcattemlamong chinches of vailous dcnomiiiatliiiis.The scholars in nil the schools number lOJ.SW ,over whom there aio 10,152 teachers. Fivethousand and htty-slx children united withtiochinches| dining the War nnd SRT.Wl.Cswas tatccn up in collection In the Sundayschools.

The wealth of the Catholic church In tlioprovince of Quebec can only bo guessed ,nt ,for no data ean bo obtained For Its computat-ion.


. It owns a thiid of thomeaof the cityot Quebec , and it is the largest properlyholder In Montieal. The estates ot severalof the religious order , us the Chay Nuns andthe Ursiilliies , yield princclv revenues. Thechinch's possessions of real estate form theleast portion of its wealth. Of the grainraised by its pcopln it receives oveiy twenty-sixth bushel , and It Imposes and collects , byauthority of the couits , special tuxes to buildand keep in icji'iir its churches nnd pnibon-aces , and the Income trom tlio rendering of-olllccs by its pi tests is fabulous.-



Joliaiilo Cnmcs MarchingHomo.-


little green npplo hungup In n dee,Singing "Johnnie , come Johnnie , come

Johnnie !"And it was ns modest ns modest could he.

Singing "Johnnie , come Johnnie , comoJohnnie ! " ' '

And Johnnlo ho came , In his sweet childishway,

And ate up that fiultas his own lawfulpioy

The angels In heaven mn singing to-ilny"Ileio's Johniilol Heie's Johnnlo I Heie's

Johnnie I" '


Farewell to Major Wright , llio OldA sont.

Cherry County Republican : A gmnclcouncil talktookplacoat Kosobud agencyTuesday , which was participated in byall tin ) chiefs on tlio reservation. Jt wana kind of farowo.l to Major Wright , andas Indian Inspector Pearson was present ,the Indians look occasion to inform himof some of their wants , They wantmore fanning implements ; want u bo> H

farmer to take hold and give them


illustrations instead of silting in ubuggy nnd telling thorn how * to dosound so ; they want their children taughtat home , instead nf being hunt to (Jonoit-nnd Carlisle to bn educated ; they wantwhite moil kept from eutMiiK timber amigras on tlioir reservationj they wtin ) thagovernment to employ Iiujlnns insteadof whiles to do the work in and moundthe agency , in fact , Voung fipottcd Tallin his talk informed the inspector that uiboon as the now agent camo-A councilwould bo held for the purpose of askingthat this latter reciuest bo granted ,ami that if the agent refused tho.y we nldthen take the mutter in their own handsami drivci every white employe from thereservation , lie said if tlio great fatherwauled them to adopt tlio wuyn of thewhite man they miiat be given ( tie placeof the wliito's on their own terriloryf'1 vvostrikes only had one grievancehestill wants to go to M outturn nnd xisilwith the Crows. The sentiment rs nx-nressnd in tlio council by the Imtiaiiii was that they are in f.voi-of progression , us ope chief oxpiessod itthey "want to learn to work so they caramass properly and get'rleh. " Tihov allsnoko in the kindest terms of MajoiU right and the troatnieut'thoyyhuvo re-ceived at his hands. Wednesday wwbeef-issue day , anil about three thoubiiwIndians worn congregated at the agencythe Omaha dance was indulged in , an *

aitoirelhor the red brethren enjoyed llioiu-buh'Cb in line style.