€¦ · 0 ihtts uhmsrk9ii v-- t j. .as by ku-t-on & price;...

0 iHttS UHMSRK9II V-- T J. .AS BY KU-T- ON & PRICE; PROPRIETORS TERMS OUTADVERTISING. i 01t1 J AS. FULTON, Editor . . .A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor Tcru of Subscription. One year, !n ttdvance, ot Tithht three months, .... .$2 50 "When payment is delayed ever three months, 3 00 No subscription received for a less term than one year. ' No subscriber permitted to discontinue his paper after fife commencement Of a subscription, till the expiration of said year. ' Any subscriber wishing his paper discontinued at the end of Per Square of 10 line or less ah In ndTati:.- - One gauare, 1 insertion,.. ua 60 Do. do. 2 insertions,-- . as ....'.."".'.' 75 Do. do. 3 - do;. 1 00 Do. do". SlWonthS, Withtiut change,-.- . 3 00, Do. do". 6 do.... .do.... .do.....-.'.-- . ;.'.'...5 00 Do. do. 12 do..j .do.'.-.-.,do...'...- . .... ...8 00 Do. d,o. 6 do. .renewed weekly,.... ...12 00 Do. do. 12 do v.dflf .'.v. . . do"; t:; m. .. 20 00 Jty'Advertiscmcnt; ordered lob. cttitinuedon the inside charge 37 cents per square fefr each insertion after the first . Any advertisement upon wlffch the number (Vf insertions itf not maried, will be continued until ordered Out, and charged 23 cents per square f6r ettci insertion. A Kberal discount Will be nttide 6n advertisements exceed ing one seprsire, Wnon published 6 or t'i montfts, tAsk in ad VANCE. jTNo' jidfertisferrrcnt,- - reflecting upon private chafactef can, under any ciKcu.MSTAiic:s, bis admitted. AWEEKLY NE WSPAPER:-Devo- ted to Politics, the Markets , Foreign and Domestic Neire, Agricullnre, Commerce, afid General Information, TERMSi $2 60 IN ADVANCE. the year, must pay up in lull and give the proprietors two weens notice, otherwise the paper will to continued and charged for according to the above terms. JO" Any person sending us fire NEW subscribers, accompa- nied by the advance subscription, ($12 50,) will receive the sixth copy gratis, for one year. Money may be remitted per mailj at fur risk. All letters on business connected With this office, must be addressed (post paid) to the proprietors. VOL. 7. v- - WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1851.-' -- NO. 50. Business Cards Legal Notices. Legal Notices. Groceries, &e. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, fcc. C. DuPRE, DRUGGIST, NOTICE. WILL be sold at the Court-Hous- e in Kenansville, on the Monday in October next, the following Tracts of Land, or as much thereof as will be sufficient to pa v the Tax WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in Paints, Oils, Fancy Articles, Liquors, IVindoxo Glass, Fitnch and American, as NOTICE. WILL be sold at the Court-Hous- e in Wilmington, on the Monday in September next, the following Town Lots and Tracts of Land, as will be sufficient to pay the Taxes due thereon for the year 1849, and costs of D. McMillan, S. Davis. McMILIiAN & DAVIS, IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, DEALERS North Water and Chestnut Streets, Wilming- ton N. C. Feb. 14th, 1851 23 fUST received I 25 bbls. Mess Pork; 10 boxes good cheap 1 dbaccc 30 bbls. snper Ffour; . . TO hh'ds. retailing Molasses. For sale cheap, by Aug. 1st, 1851 M. McINNIfv. es due thereon for the years 1846, '47, '48 and '49, and costs ol advertising. Acres. Ain't Years. By whom listed. Ain't. No. of! Situation of Lots and By whom listed. D Town Lots. Thx. $ct Lands. 253 $4 20 1848, '49 Wolfsmipe District. Austin Swinson, Sen., Benanra Herring, Luke Kornegay, Archelous Dail, '47, " Margaret Allen, 114 iVILV expected. 100 bbls. super and fine Flbnr; 10 hhds. Western Bac6h; , . , 15 bbls. that ofd MrfnCmgahela Whisky; 50 do. Rectified . do. 8 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar. Tor sale chcap for cash M. McINNlS. Wilmington, do. 268 268! 40 Nathan F. Bourdcaux, 3 WILLIAM II. IPPITT, and Retail Druggist, and Dealer in WHOLESALE Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c, corner of Front and Market-street- s, immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil- mington, N. C. 5 J. M. ROBINSON, and Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stoves, IMPORTER Front-stree- t, 3 doors South of Market, Wil- mington, N. C. 30v7-l- y 11 34 7 53 1 3i 1 92 3 76 Brown & Blaney 5 John Blaney, 7 144 Joshua Goodson, fey 113;Frcderick Outlaw, Simon Uurgwin, 4 185 Do. do., for J. and N Whitfield, Adam Williams, 32 36 Do. do. for Sarah Holmes sorted sizes. The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a inrgo and well selected stock, which he will sell as low as any Druggist in the Southern country. Every aiticle is warranted to be of the best quality and put np in the best stylo. Physicians and Merchants will do well to call and look for themselves before buying elsewhere. Drugs. Epsom and Glauber Salts; Castor and Sweet Oil; Rhu- barb Jalap; Ipecac; Arrow Root; Cream Tartar; Carb. Soda; Gum Arabic; Assafoetida; Gum Camphor; Alex. Senna; Peruvian Bark; Borax, &c. Chemicals. Sulph. Quinine; Iodine; Iodido Mercury; Iodide Potash; Calomel; Eng. Blue Mass; Spirits Nitre; Sulph. Ether; Spirits Hartshorn; Nit. Acid; Spirits Iodide of Iron; Cit. Feni et Quinine. Patent Medicines. Sands' Sarsaparilla; Lee's, Beckwith's, Peters', Spencer'g, Wright's, and Brandreth's Pills; Mofiit's Bitters and Pills; Dead Shot; Fahnestoclt's Vermifuge; Cod Liver Oil; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral; Swayne's Syrup Wild Cherry; Balsam Wild Cherry, &c. Paints, Oils, &e. ' Pure Lead; Extra and No. 1 Lead; Verdigris in oil; Chrome Green, in oil and dry; Paris Green, in oil; Vermellion Black, in' oil; Spanish Brown, in oil; Venitian Red, in oil. &c. All the above articles will be sold cheap, at the Drug Store of C. DuPRE, Market-stree- t. Wilmington. July 25, 1851 disson's District. Owen T. Waters. 93! dug ald McMillan, of Naval Stores and Provisions, Office INSPECTOR Water and Chestnut Streets, Wilmington, N.C. The usual prompt attention given to all business in his Feb. 14th, 1851 23 Nancy Campbell, 1144 Samuel H. Firth, 2GI24 D. J. Gilbert, 1930 Mrs Ann Guthrie, 19:71 William Gilln, 7,42 Peter Harriss, 18 90 Wm. Hill.for M. A. Burr 22 32 E. W. Hawkins, 570 Henry S. Haines, 17 20 Richard J. Jones, 19 91 Francis James, 680 Soi Jones, 2 66 Mary J. King, 1111 D.D.King, 1111 Eliza Kine, S 88 Albertson's District. 306jGabriel P. Cox, 200!Andrew J. Hardy, 289iWilliam Hardy, 362jWilliam Outlaw, Jr., 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 4 do. 1 do. 1 do. 2 do. 2 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 1 do. 72 acres land joining do. John Imdal. 8 73 21 21 2 71 6 21 2 20 4 79 3 70 2 72 3 92 2 19 3 95 7 08 1 69 8 80 2 20 4 62 10 12 Smith's District. RECEIVED per Schr. Fidelia, direct from the Mann- - 25 dozen UMBR ELLAS, eiiH bracing a great variety, and will be sold low for the cash. Call and get One. C. MYEK S. Hatter, August 1. Market-stree- t, Wilmington. N. C. TOBACCO! Tobacco!! superior Smoking Tobacco 500 lbs. Virginia Leaf do. ' 100 boxes Eldorado Tobacco, (superior); 200 do. Cabincss do. (prime); 20110 lbs. Seoteh Snuff.- - For sole low. by June 27th, 1851 . ; " WILltlNSON" & ESLEit. FRESH Flom . -- 25 bbls. superior Flour ; 15 naif do. and for sale bv PEliRIN & HARTSFfELD. . - ... .. - . FUUTON Market Beef Just received per schr. Charles bbls. superior pickled Beef. For sale bv . PEKR1N St HARTSFiELD. FLOUR. Just received, a fresh lot of Extra Canal. LcRoy, and Qnarrv Mills, in bbls. and half bbls. For sale low, by SAVAGE St MEARES. 396iAbraham Ktifnegay, ALEX. E. MOTT, of Timber and timber, Wilmington, INSPECTOR solicits a share of publie patronage. March 21, 1851 28-t- f Do. do., 24 town lots Joseph Kendrick, 14 09 in J?arecta, Elizabeth Rhodes, David Smith, rriscilla London, :SfS 100 60 A. B. EVERIETT, '4?, Jonathan Lees, 24 13 C. Lutterloh, 1101 A. Mindel, 19 91 Wilmington, N. C, will pay the highest BUTCHER, for Beef, Mutton, Lamb, and other live Stock suitable for the Butchering business. READ without Y-s- t. Just received from N.York: B 5 boxes Babbitt's Effervescing Compound for maktner Margaret McLellan. 230 James McGary, 883 Robert S. McComber, 1193 Persons bringing to market such articles, will nna it to their advantage to call on him before selling. The citizens of Wilmington are requested to visit Stalls Nos. 10 and 12 when they attend market, as the best of the Bread, Buckwheat, and Tea Cakes ; a verv fine article. Try it ! To be had at C. DuPRE'S Drug Store, 46, A liminerton. Charles R. Malett, 1 56 60 July io Market-stree- t. 1 11 above meats may always be found for sale at these Stalls, on as low, if not lower, terms than any of the others in market. I Arrival and Departure of the Malta at Wilmington. Tho maQ from the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about 11 A. M. The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar- rives daily about 8 A. M. The mail from Fayetteville, via Warsaw, is due upon the arrival of the cars, oa Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The mail from Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, is due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The mail from Onslow Court-Hous- c, by sulkey, is due on Monday's, at 5 P. M. The mail from Black River Chapel, via Long Creek, by sul- key, is due on Thursdays, at 5 P. M. Closing of Malls. - The mail for the North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10 P. M. The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes daily at 10 A. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, closes on Tues- days, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey, Closes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-Hous- c, by sulkey, closes on "Thursdays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. y Letters should be in the Office at least 15 minutes be- fore tha tihie Of closing the mails. Professional and Business Cards. Dr. WILLIAM F. BERRY, located himself in Clinton, N. C, and offers his HAS services to the citizens of Sampson and the adjoining counties. March 28th. 1851 29-- tf PORTRAIT PAINTING. Portrait Painter, would respectfully in- - JMASSALON, of Wilmington and the surrounding country, that he has permanently located himself in this place, and will be happy to receive the patronage of any la-d'- es or gentlemen who may wish to procure faithful likenesses of themselves or any member of their family. He flatters himself, from his long experience in the art, that he will be enabled to give satisfaction. His room is at Mr Love's Fur- niture Establishment, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. April 4, 1851 30-l- y WM. E. HILL, AT LAW, Duplin County, N. C, will ATTORNEY of Duplin, SampEon, and Onslow Coun- ties, and attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. June 27 42-l- y THOMAS H. HOLMES, AT LAW, Clinton, Sampson county, N. ATTORNEY promptly to all business entrusted to his caro. 41v7-l- y EDWARD CANT WELL, Market-st- ., WUmliigton, N. C, at Law, Commissioner for Georgia, New ATTORNEY South Carolina, &c, will give prompt attention to U. S. claims, and all other business entrusted to his care. WILLIAM S. READ. and Ship Painter, Glazier and White HOUSE Office under Commercial Hotel, Wilmington, N. C. Thankful for past custom, ho respectfully informs the public generally, that he is prepared to execute all work in his line of business, and takes this method of soliciting a share of the public patronage. July 4th, 1851 43-l- y WILLIAM A. GWYER, GENERAL A cent. Forwarding S Commission Mei take pleasure in informing my friends, that I am prepared to give all business entrusted to me, efficient and personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores, with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse. Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and all kinds of country produce solicited. Cash advances made on consignments. Wilmington, N. C, June 6, 1851 39-12- m Domestic Segnrs, of the most popu- lar brands imd best qualitv nt wholesale or. retail, hit 84 April 18, 1851 32-- tl 70 52 JESSUP & MOORE, WILKINSON & ESLER. JOHN DILL & SON'S superior Scotch Snuff, warranted to any in the United States, direct from the mantt- - turers. For sale, by WILKINSON &. ESLER. Manufacturers and Rag Dealers, 21 North PAPER 23 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Aancy MciNciI, 67o Sally Moore, 483 Mrs. Hillory Moore's Est 7 22 John C. Millis, 234 Sylvester Stokely, 748 Bradford Sherman, 3112 Arch'd Skipper, 7 46 John Sneeden, 4 82 John Stewart, 233 Joseph Springs, 4 35 Thomas Southmayd, 1280 Wm. Shaw's Estate, 24 12 Mrs C. C. Stow, 2774 Peter G. Tilly, 1687 without Labor. A few boxes of Babbitt's WASHING a cheap and good article for making Soft Soap. Those that have used it pronounce it excellent. To be had at C. DuPRE'S Drug Store, July 25 Market-stree- t. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, -- c Sulph. Quinine, Calomel, Oil, Seidlitz and Soda Powder, RLeubarb, Jalap, Ipecac, Adhesive Plaster, Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Lubin's Extract, Yeast Powders, &c. Sre. Just received, for sale by W. II LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist. Book, News, Hardware and Manilla Paper made to order. March 14, J851. 27-l- y 3 45 1 20 21 43 53 3 84 2 20 34 2 45 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do do do do do. do. do. ' do. do. . do UGAR, Coffee, c. 20 bbls. Porto Rico Sugar; , r 1 , i , , ... . s in oois. ciarineu 0 nuis. crnshea do. HOWARD YARNALL, WILLIAM CORFIELD. ALCOHOL AND BURNING FLUID, &r. &e. URNING FLUID. Always on hand, varrantcd. For 50 bags Java, Laguyra. and Rio ("Hffefi 50 4i Shot, assorted sizes; 10 kogs Powdei4, For sale by ZENO II. GREENE. NOTICE 50 bbls. extra Familv Flour. For sale by MILES COSTIN'. & CORFIELD, Manufacturers of Absolute, YARNALL and Perfumers' Alcohol ; Also, Burn- ing Fluid or Ethereal Oil: Phosgene Gas and Camphine, or Piiie Oil. The above articles always on hand, at the lowest B sale by W. II. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist. D.Thallv,forJ.M.Babcr !8f Joseph M. Tilly, 4 49 4 Ezra Thomas, 1331 cash prices. Orders by mail or otherwise will be strictly and promptly attended to a t the Manufactory, 274 and 280 North T . 1. A 'I1 1 r AT.. i. 1 A CON. 5,000 pounds N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders. 33 ) ry C. Moore, Third ttreet, t'liiladeiptiia. t or sale by SAY AGE & MEARES. 16 34 26 48 26 55 80 39 66 34 94 2 19674 CIGARS, Cigars. Just received, a fine lot of extra enough to walk. For sale by W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist. LINSEED OIL. A fine lot of pure Linseed Oil. just For sale by W. H. LIPPITT, . Druggist & Chemist. August 10, lDl 1 William A. Williams, John Williams, 147jSamuel Suinner. Limestone District. 455Necdham Brown, 23 ,Iacob Brown, 375, Lot Brinson, 260.Tohn Brinson, 543 Fred. Edwards, 250Vicey Edwards, 373lVilcy Thigpen, Agent, 450 William Edwards, 124 Hugh Hunter's children, 36 Thomas Kenady, Jr., 23 Wiley D. Southerland, 1,380 Lincoln Shuffield, 243 John B Shuffield, 567 William W. Turner, 157 Silvia Turner, lOO Joscph Williams, 6Cj Edward Williams. Cypress Creels. 339:Thomas Horn, 100 Benjamin Horn, 700jIosea G. Lanier, 450Milbry Lanier, lOOiGibson Lanier, forchildrcn 200!Jacob Lanier's Estate, 148'N'ixon Pearce, 115. Frederick Pickett, 192 'Isaac Rochcll, 60;Mitty Rainer, 250iJaines Southerland. Island Creek. 50 William E. Groves, 50Jamcs Murray, 90 Sainucl Southerland, 135' William Teachey, 467 Isaac W. West. Rockfisli District. 1,000; William Bland, 120Joseph J. Blanton, 457 Ann Davis, 60;Jesse Lee, 266'Samuel Newton, 182 Willobv Powell, 118: William W. Rivcnbark, 514 Isaiah Roberson, 20 Wright Rivcnbark. Court House District. 59 David Strickland, 120;George E. Houston, Jr., 500 Henry Moore, 35 William Best, 188! William Stokes, do. do. do. 3i 2! 3S19 28:99 William Wilson, No. of Millinery and Dress-Makin- g. NEW Mess Pnrk(400 lbs.) 60 bbls. in store, and sale low, by SAVAGE fc MEARES, SUGARS Porto Rico in hhds nnd bbls., Refined, Crushed For sule low, bv SAVAGE & MEARES. ITeivs of Waters. 7"HITE Lend. A fr?sh supply direct from the ry, recently crrouud. For sale cheap, by 38 48 28 19 '47, A CARD TO THE LADIES. SAKAH J. TAGGART begs leave to inform the MISS of Wilmington and its vicinity, that she has just returned from the North, with a new and fashionable assort- ment of SDrinc and Summer Millinary eoods. which she has T I ME, Inline, Inline. 500 barrels Lincolnville White I . T 4 1 ... r, . , . ... W. II. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist. DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dye-Stuf- fs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, and Patent MEDICINES. 3:78 'or 1 .j ijiiuip. .fis, v nicnieu i lasicr, 1 lastering Hair, r i Brick, and Hydraulic Cement ; 1.000 bbls. Lime, &c. F sale by J. C. & 11. B. WOOD, selected with great care, and invites the Ladies to call and 140 361 It. J . 1'ridgen, lieuben Williams, Batt Batson, Henry Batson, Win 11. Batson, William Justice, Bcnj'n Wadkins, Sterling Allen, judge for themselves, as she feels confident that they cannot 1:27 211 4 00 2 34 1 45 6 00 5 97 11 66 3 80 2 11 55 7 24 68 1 43 4 08 THE subscriber has just returned from the North a large and fresh stock of articles in his line, selected with great care from the first importers and ' u.r contractors ana j'jiiiiiters RIO Coffee 25 bags. For sale nt reduced rates, bv SAVAGE It MEARES 205 be surpassed, and wfll be disposed ot on tne most moderate terms. April 4, 1851 30-- tf .Coinmercial 3t. . - T- ,- tl i i rf . . John Bradshaw, 1 imothy Groom, Samuel Highsmith, Martha Ornisby, FI.OUR1 Flonr! 100 bbls. Genesee Flour, assorted Just recei rcd and for sale by June 20th, 1851 ZENO II. GREENE. 162 130 209 724 216 536 45 439 !80 John Smith, MRS. SHAW'S Millinery and Dress-Maki- ng FASHIONABLE Second-stree- t, opposite Mr. O. G. Pars-liy'- s. Always on band, a handsome assortment of Cloaks and Mai-llllas- , of the latest styles. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 22, 1850 11-l- y RITA NN I A Ten and offee Pots, for sale low toclose B a consignment, at the Hardware Store of 46, 1101 June 27. 1351 J. M. BOBINSON. PATENT Boxes for Wooden Axles The best articlj being perfectly tight, excluding all dast or sand from the action of the wheel. For sale in evert va- riety, by J. M. ROBIN'SO'X. 3 00 5 51 16 61 3 78 3 73 7,61 John Bowen, Isaac N. Blanton, E. A. Filyaw, Stephen C. Filyaw, liufus W. Garriss, John Gideons, William Lamb, Henry A. Malpass, S. Stallings, Lewis Thomas, Lewis Whitfield, Genera Notices. 10 21 4 51 146 13,81 C EDWARD E. I1USSEY, Sheriff of Duplin county. Kenansville, July 22, 1851 Pr. adv., $39 37 46-3- VBINESS and Eldorado Tobacco, received direct from manufactors. For sale, bv WILKINSON & ESLER CST arrived Fresli. 4 Kosa new Butter? 1 rase Olivn J Groceries, &?. Oil ; 4 baskets do. do.; 6 bbls. Crushed Suirar 111 bbla. 'George Henry, .Harry, a free negro, William Avcrett, William Brown, H i. W. Barnhill, Alexander Herring, mauuiaciurers iu iub ionuurii cities, wnu-- ne oners at tne lowest prices, and warrants every article to be of the best quality, consisting in part: Gum Cau.phor; Pow'd Rhubarb; Seidlitz and Soda Pow- ders; Bermuda and American Arrow Boot; Ex't Jalap; Ex't Colocynth Compound; Calcined and Carb. Magnesia; Castor Oil; Cubebs; Copaiva and Sarsaparilla Capsules; Coufect'ry Senna; Emory; Peruvian Bark; Shop Furniture; Vials; Corks, &c. ( hrmlrnla. Calomel; Sulph. Quinine; Sulph. and Act. Morphine; Syrup Iodide of Iron; Strychnine; Iodides of Mer- cury Sulphur, Lead, and Iron; Lactate of Iron; Citrate of Iron; Citrate of Iron and Quinine; Elaterium; Anconitine, &e. For Pastry. Cooper's Isinglass; Preston's Ex'ts Lemon, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Rose, and Nutmeg: Rose Water, English and American; Preston's celebrated Yeast Powder; Cloves; Pepper; Mustard Seed; Ginger; Alspicc; Nutmegs; Cinna- mon; Sweet Oil, &c. Perfumery and Fancy Articles. French, German, and American Cologne; Luhin's Extracts, very large assort- ment; Aromatic Vinegar; Guerlain's, R ousel's, and Ha uel's Shaving Cream; Lubin's Toilet Soap; 50 dozen assorted fan- cy Soaps; 25 dozen French, English, and mcrican Hair Brushes; 50 dozen assorted Tooth Brushes; 6 dozen Shaving Brushes; 6 dozen Nail Brushes; Military Shaving Soap; Hat and Cloth Brushes; Toilet Powders, Meen Fun; Prepared Chalk, in balls, white and pink; Alabaster Powder; Lip Salve; Cold Cream; Essence Bouquet; Jenny Lind IlairGloss; Seal- ing Wax; Toilet Bottles, a large assortment; 6 dozen Barry's Tricopherous; 6 dozen Phalon's Invigorator; llauel's Eau Lustral; French, English, and American Pomatum; Oil of Rose; Powder; Puff Boxes; Cachon Aromatise; India Rubber Balls; Salt Bottles; Ivory and Buffalo Fine Combs; Horn and Buffalo Dressing Combs; Tooth Picks; Bear and Macas- sar Oils; Indelible Ink; Dupuy's Liquid Solder. &c. For sale by WM. H. LIPPITT, Druggist and Chemist. October 11th, 1S50 , 5 $300 REWARD. SCAPED from the Jail of Kersha w District, on Monday, 171 the 14th day of July last. Samuel J Love, who was con- victed for the murder of Mr. Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term, 1851. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of agf 6 ft. 2 inches high, has rather dark hair, and of a sallow complex- ion, and has a down-ca- st look, with dark grey eyes, and some of his front teeth a little decayed, and is a carpenter by trade. I will give the above reward to any person who will appre- hend the said S. J. Love, and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for his safe con- finement in any Jail in the United States, so that I can get him. JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D. Camden, So. Ca.. August 8, 1851. 49-6i- n A. A. If. SOIT1I ALL, GENERAL Agent, Commission Merehant, and Wilmington, N. C, will receive and sell on commission any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and Country Produce that may be sent, to his care, except Spirituous Li- quors. He also offers his services to ti.e merchants of Wil- mington, aud the public generally, as Collecting Agent. All claims put in bis hands for collection, or any other business entrusted to his care, shall receive his prompt attention. He respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends in the above business, or any other business where an Agent is wanting. REFERENCES : Elms Mitchell, R. H. Grant, G. R. French, C. Myers, May 9, 1831 35-t- f Wilmington, N. C. iiusii .:1.1c; in nan Dois. ao. ao. for sale bv , HOWARD & FEDEX. COFFEE and Sugnr 20 bags Laguyra Coffee: 20 bbls! For sale cheap, by M. McINNIS. Acres. 70 On N. E. River. 350 Middle Sound District. 355 do. do. 60 do. do. lt2 Sandy Run do. 213! "do. do. 360 do. do. 330j do. do. 114' do. do. 229, Rocky Point do. 100 do. do. 540 do. do. 150 do. do. 500 do. do. 303 do. do. 445 So. Washington do. 92 do. do. 500 do. do. 140 do. do. 348 do. do. 500 do. do. 870 do. do. 89 do. do. 240 do. do. 320 do. do. 1,785 do. do. STO Uppcr Elk River Dist. 353 do. do. 156;LowerBrk River do. 200 do. do do. 287j do. do. do. 207 do. do. do. 174 do. do. do. 73i do. do. do. 120 Piney Woods do. 1,320 do. do. 630 do. do. 200 do. do. 451 do. do. '400 do. do. 541 do.' do. CO) do. do. 67S'Cane Tuck do. lb'5j do. do. 30 do. do. 436! do. do. 436! do. do. 237 Long Creek do. 7901 do. do. 95i do. do. 414 do. do. 50 do. do. 470 do. do. 92 do. do. 67 do. do. 55 do. do. 500 do. do. 12i do. do. 164 do. do. 100 do. do. 10 do. do 84 do. do. 150 do. do. 94 do. do. 150 do. do. 91 do. do. Lydia Orr, Joel Orr, for Ann Rittcr, William Branch, Arthur Crews, Ann Jane Henry, Esther Jacobs, Aaron Lewis, Hannah Walker, CltEAV LISTS. A large supplv on hand and for sale low JOURNAL OFFICE. 19 52 375 38 146 158 1 15 1 80 218 1 03 134 2,30 7,08 149 5,87 426 193 1 05 1 95 283 1:87 2 46 2 46 158 SULR"" and Harness for sale. Apply at the JOURNAL OFFICF Joseph II. Walker, John W. B. White, IUARS 10,000 imported. For fale low, by C SAVAGE & MEARES. NEW GOODS. JUST received from New York, per schr. Lillie Sanders, new stock of GOODS, cansisting of Muslins; Lawns; Ginghams; Laces: Edging; Calicoes; Prints; Cam- bric; Serge; Alpaca; Cotton and Linen Diaper; Silk and Lin- en Thread ; Needles ; Pins and Buttons ; white and colored Hose ; Irish Linen ; Linen Drills ; Coat and Apron Cheeks ; Cashmercte ; Drab D'Ete ; Kentucky Jeans ; Tweed ; Osna-ber- g ; Canvass ; Bed Ticks ; brown and bleached Shirting ; Turkey Cotton ; Palm Leaf, Fur, Leghorn and Wool Hats ; Leghorn, Straw, and Lawn Bonnets; Boots and Shoes; Brown, Clarified and Loaf Sugar; Coffee; Flour; Mess Pork; Fulton Market Beef, in half barrels ; Butter ; English Dairy Cheese in 10 lb. boxes ; Pickles ; Peppcrsauce ; Tobacco, Snuff and Segars ; Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; Axes; Hoes ; Cross-c- ut and Hand Saws ; Hand and Mill Saw Files; Cooper's Tools; Augers: Chisels; Gimblcts; Hatchets; Pocket Knives ; Knives and Forks ; German Silver, Britania and Iron Spoons: Shovels and Spades; Cut Nails; pad & stock Locks ; Wire Sieves ; Tea Kettles ; Sauce Pans ; Pepper ; Spice ; Ginger and Starch. A general assortment of Crocke- ry daily expected, all of which will be sold low for cash or country produce. GRADY & MONK. April 4, 1851 30-t- f James I. Brvan. Agent, William P.'Hall, A. J. GRADY. J. M. MONK. GRADY & MONK, Merchants, and Dealers In Dry COMMISSION &c., Hall's Building, North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention will be given to the sale of all kinds of Countrv Produce which may be sent to their care. April" 4, 1851 30-t- f LOST, ON Monday last, (11th inst.,) between Mr Nixon's in Wilmington, and the four mile post on the Fay- etteville Road, a brown leather pocket-boo- k, of a large size, containing between seventy and eighty dollars in money, and two land warrants, one in favor of V. Robinson, and the other in favor of Win. C. Henry, as well as some other pa- pers of no value to any other person. A liberal reward will be paid to any person who may restore the above property to the subscriber, or leave it at the Journal office. WM. ROBINSON. Black River Chapel, N. Hanover Co., Auj. 15, '51. 49tf John F. Herring, (1 AKDEN Rakes and Itos Fryers, a new cle. just received, a fine assortment , and for sale cheap, n.v J. M. ROBINSON. April 18th, 1851 No. 3, Front St. John W. Potter, Hazell Potter, Silas Bryant, James A. Bunting, Henry Eiler, 1438 ECXIFIED Whiskey 200 bbls. For salu low. by R Thomas Futral, Elizabeth Flanagan, B Flour 100 bbls. fresh ground, daily ex- pected. For sale low, by SAVAGE & ML'AR ES. William George, COMMERCIAL BANK OF AVILMINGTON. Dividend of six and three quarters per cent on the Cap- ital A Stock of this Bank has been declared by the Presi-d- et and Directors, payable to the stock holders or their le- gal representatives, on and after the 18th, instant. By Order of the Board. T. SAVAGE, Cash'r. Aug. 13th, 1851 49-- l und Domestic Cljrars- .- Brands of the teat IMPOLITE prices from $4 to fcKO per 1000 Cull on June 27th, 1S51 WILKINSON & ESLER Daniel 1 . George, Elias George, Edward W. George, George Moore, Francis Miller, Robert Miller, Jesse Miller, Drewry Orrell, 118 119 1 46 136 1 19 ro5 211 1.86 219 119 2138 243 144 43 1 19 133 1 19 MILES COSTIN, COMMISSION Merchant, l Wilmington, N C. REFERS TO E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank of the ? tate ; Tuns. H. Wright, Esq., President Bank of Cape Fear ; O. G Parsley, Esq , President Commercial Bank Wilming-tor- .. N . C. 25v7 CAUSE & BOWDEN, COMMISSION Merchants and General Agents, Wilmington, N. C. Thos. F. Gause, Joh. C. Bowden. REFEREES. Gen. Alex. McRae, President W. & R. R. E. O. G. Parsley, President of Commercial Bank. E. P. Hall, President Bank of the State. John Dawson, Merchant. J. & D. McRaf. & Co., Merchants. P. K. Dickinson & Co., Merchants. 13v7-l- y ORDE AUX Almonds 1,000 lbs. very fino and fresh B Soap and Cnndleg. STAKCII, Colgatcs Pearl Starch; 20 do. do. No. 1 Soap: 5 do. do. Almond and Rose Soap: 30 do. Mould, Adamantine and Sperm Candles. For sale l.y HOWARD & PEDEN. for sale low. by WIGMNSOiN IJSLLK. NOTICE. UP and committed to the Jail of Jones TAKEN N. C, on the 20th of July, 1851, as a runaway slave, a negro man, who says his name is Sam French, or Sam Chavers. and says he has been FM)i;i. Just received, 100 bbls. fresh ground Baltimore. by SAVAG K & ME A R ES. Joshua Penny, "l iKSI Clgrs! 150,000 Cigars. Low and Medium George Wilson, Elias R. Wilson, George White, Silas Wadkins, runawav 24 or 25 vears. and that he belonged then to a Mr C priced, . tl. GKLLA L, Market St. Received Severn Hoxes of Fine Cut Chewing JUST direct from the Manufactory. We name the different kinds : Sweet Cavendish, fine cut, in papers ; The Solace Brands " " Lead foil, extra ; Pres?ed fine cut Ilonev Dew. Call and taste for vourselves, at the Tobacco Store of HATCH BURBANK. Sign of the Turk. OWEN FENNELL, Sheriff. Bl'ACIi Plk Ilitc. Just received, a large lot, ready Also, fine Pole, Lines and Hooks,' suitable foV the Sound. J. M. ROBINSON. Wilmington, N.C, June 12, 1851 Pr. fee, $56 87 41-3- m BL.AXKS. SAVAGE & ME ARES, Commission Merchants and GENERAL N. C. EDWARD SAVAGE. GASTON MEARES. New Li-ver- Stables. VireProof. Having completed my new Livery Stables, I am now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day, Inspector's Certificates; Certificates of Justices a ttchd John French, of Wilmington, N. C, who purchased him in the State of Maryland, of a Mr. Roberson, and brought him to Wilmington by sea ; that he absconded soon after he came to that place, & has beon running at large ever since, some times passing as a free person. Said negro is about 45 or 50 years old, dark complexion, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, square built, has a downcast look, and would weigh about 150 or 160 lbs.; is slightly lame, caused, he says, by a fall from the roof of a house. He had on when taken up, a common home- spun shirt and blue mixed cotton pantaloons ; he has a scar on the left side of his face, and a piece bit out or torn off his right ear, done, he says, in a fight with another negro. The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove proper- ty pay charges, and take him awav, or he will be dealt with as the law directs. BENJ. ASKEW, Jailor. Trenton, Jones Co., July 30th, 1851.-48-6t- -pr adv. $3 85 week, or month. T71XCEISItHt. Segars that are worthy of the name. Vj We have received bylate arrival a case of Segars, which, for quality of Leaf in them, cannot be excelled, as they have a most delightful high flavor, leaving no bad taste. We ask but for a trial of them. Call at the sign of the Turk. HATCH & BUR BANK. ing Court: Mv Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and Third Marriage License: Streets, directly opposite the Court-Hous- e, and very conveni Ust OF County Court Writs; Superior do. do County Court Subpoenas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Sci. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; WM. C. HOWARD. Wit. N. PEDEN. HOWARD & PEDEN, GROCERS, Ship Chandlers, and Commission Water Street, Wilmington, N. C, will make liberal cash advances on all consignments of produce to them in Wilmington, or to Peter Van Ness & Co., New York. 21v7 ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick, and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proo- f. They are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev- ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables in the United State?. For i he Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW-HI- T IS, WHOOPING-COUG- H, CROUP, ASTHMA and COIJSUIVIPTIOrX Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the business of life, increase its en- joyment, and even prolong the term of human existence, none can be named of more real value to mankind than this contri- bution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven heyond a doubt that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known can so surely control and cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe a remedy has at length been found which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous af- fections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affeeted by its use,' but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further snquiry to the circular which the Agent below name 1 will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars and indisputable proof of these facts. From tlie President of Amherst College, tlie celebra- ted Professor Hitchcock. " James C. A3'er Sir : I have used your Cherry Pectoral in my own case of deep-seate- d Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable com- pound for the relief of laryugial and bronchial difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior character can be of any service, you are at liberty to nse it as you think proper. "EDWARD HITCHCOCK. L.L. D " New We invite all true lovers of the SOMETHIIV try a paper of our ge.vuixe Scafarlati Turkish Smoking Tobacco. HATCH & BURBANK. Mozart Hall. letters 1 estameiitary; Vendi. Exponas; Ca Sa; Laud Deeds; I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) alarge and County and Superior Courts 0 f REWARD. R unaway from the subscriber, comfortable Lot, together with a basement under the Stables sufficient to hold one hundred horses, aud shelter them well Witness and Juror lickets; AVEST HEWLETT, Commission Merchants and 4UCTIONEERS, N. C. tJDwcl about the 8th of July, a mulatto fellow nam ACK Salt. 200 sacks Salt. For sale by ZENO II. GREENE. S and comfortably. ed W UNDbOK, about 3o years old. He is about V-- e Notices to Tax List Receivers; Commission to take Deposition do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cape FenrBnnk: do. Branch Bank of the State; Notes, negotiable at Bank: May 30, 1851. Goldsboro' Telegraph copy REFER TO feet eleven inches high, full bushy hair ; rather slow, Horses, Carriages, and Ui ggies, kept constantly lor nire. Mv Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and I Potter & Kidder, therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those Hooks nnd Lines, of all sizes and kinds. Best FISH Gras3. Linen, and Cotton Lines, in quantities suf oomuy vouri xecuiion; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Appointments: Administrator's Bonds; who favor me with their custom. John Dawsox, O. G. Parsley, E. P. Hall, Edward Cantwell. Wilmington, N. C. 7-l- y G. W. Davis, Barry, Bryant & Adams, George Harriss, October 25, 1850 I feel irrateful to mv friends and the public for their liberal Guardian do. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Peace, State, and Civil War- - patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance of their custom. 11. R. NIXON. jS otcs of Hand; rants; Sh'ff Appearance do. AVilmington, N. C, June 27. 1851 14-- tf ficient for all the wants of the trade, to whom he offers them at the lowest Northern prices. For sale by April 11, 1851 J. M. ROBINSON. LUMBER nnd Timber. Always on hand, alarge Sawed Wide Boards, Flooring, and Scant- ling. For sale by MILES COSTIN, Feb. 21, 1851 London's wharf. spoken, and rather spare built, his front teeth slightly decay- ed, and probably one or both of his eye teeth out. Said ne- gro is a Cooper by trade, and will attempt to pass as a free man, and may probably have free papers, as he has said he can go any where. He is a little rinkley about the eyes, and has an old appearance The subscriber will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery to him, in Conway-boro- ', S. C, or confinement in any jail in North Carolina, so that he can get him. Said negro belongs to James M. Bell, of Greenville, N. C, of whom I hired him. August 1st, 1351 47-- tf S. BELL. Fayetteville Observer tf, and send bill to this office. $10 REAVARD. do. Constable's Sheriff's Tax MA RTIN CRONLY, and Commission Merchants, AUCTIONEERS Wilmington, N. C. A. Martin M. Cronly. Attachments; State Recognizance; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro Bonds; PATENT YOKE SHIRTS. do. do. do. Forthcoming Prosecution JUST RECEI V ED, and always kept on hand, a fine of PATENT YOKE SHIRTS: also, a lot of figur Crew Lists; do. JSillofSalc; ed LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, and an elegant article of gentlemen's figured SATIN IIES ; and Knottier lotot tnose fine linen aud silk CR AVATS, just to suit the season. Gall and examine. For sale by CHARLES 13AKK, RUNAWAY from the undersigned, about the 1st his negro girl, named MARIA. Jk may 23 Merchant Tailor, W ilmington A. G. fehe is ahout 22 vears old. dark comnlected. 5 feet 8 U or 9 inches high, large full eyes. She is well known THEY HAVE COME I From the widely celebrated Professor Sllltman, M. D., L.L. D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, &c., Yale College, mem- ber of the Lit Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Soci- eties of America and Europe. "I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composition from some of the best articles in the Materia Medica, and a very effective remedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure." New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 1849. MAJOR PATTISON, President of the S. C. Senate, states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wouderful suc- cess, to cure an inflammation of the lungs. Prom one of the first Physicians in Maine. Saco, Me., April 26. 1S49. Splendid assortment of READY JSi A Ut, Gi.ui tiuLr, A made expressly to my order, for this market, among which will be found a new article, " Prince DeJoinville," Received and for tale low for Cash, JUST bbls. Whiskey; 5 bbls. Rum; 10 " City Mess Pork; 10 bags Coffee; 1,000 lbs. North Carolina Hams; 10 bbls. super Family Flour; 10 " superfine ' 10 half bbls. and 30 bags Family Flour; 5 hhds. crushed, pulverized, and brown Sugar; Good retailing Molasses; Rice; Meal; Bacon; A fresh lot Shoes and Dry Goods, suitable for Spring, &c, may be found at the old stand on Market-stree- t, Betten-court- 's building. THOS. C. CRAFT. B ACON and Pork -- 3000 lbs. N. C. Bacon, hog round; 5 hhds. Western do. 30 bbls. Mess Pork. In store, and for sale by ZENO II. GREENE. O. & G. HOLMES, and Retail Dealers in Domestic WHOLESALE Wines, Liquors, Provisions, &c, corner of Water and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C. Feb. 14, 1851 23-l- y J. g. hatch, d. l. burbank. HATCH & BURBANK, WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Tobacco, Front-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C JOSEPH L. KEEN, CONTRACTOR and Builder, respectfully informs the is prepared to take contracts in his line of business. He also keeps constantly on hand Lime, Plas- ter, Plastoring Hair, and Fire Brick, of tho best quality, for sale. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 10, 1S51 18-l- y Lama, Sack, Black, Brown, Green I51ue, Drab, c. c. c. Sack. Dress, and Frock Coats : Black, Brown. Green, Drab, Cashmerett, Sack and Frock Coats ; Mohair, Lustre, Alpac-ca- . Sack and Frock Coats ; Puritan Coating, Linen, Lustre, Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell Dear Sir: I am now constantly using your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints. From obser- vation of many severe cases, I am convinced it will cure in w llmington, where she is supposed to be lurking. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to the under- signed, at Castle Haynes, on the North East River, or for her confinement in New Hanover Jail, or any other Jail in the State, so that she can be got. July 11, 1851 44-t- f J. C. McFARLANE. $33 REWARD. BROKE JAIL in Whiteviilc, Columbus county, on the 19th inst., a man, or boy, by the name of ELIJAH ARNOLD. Said Arnold is about 19 years old, about four ft. six inches high, light hair, and looks pale in the face, badly grown, and will weigh about 85 or 90 lbs. He has been convicted of murder. I will give the above re- ward of Twenty-Fiv- o Dollars for his delivery to me in Whiteville, or any Jail so that I can get him again. LEWIS WILLIAMSON, Sh'ff. Whiteville, April 21, 1851 33-- tf NOTICE. and Jirown Ginen sacK Goats, ranis, .c. c. c. varie- ty of Silk, Marseilles Vests, &c. &c, just to suit the season; prices very low, at the " Old Stand." Remember 5 per ct. off for Cash on all sums of $5 and upwards. CHAS. BAR.R, Wilmington N. C ,May 23, 1851 Merchant Tailor. coughs, colds, ana diseases oi tne lungs, mat nave put to ae fiance all other remedies. WILKINSON & ESLER, 1SII Dealers In Confectionary, Fruit, Nats, Toys, LIQUORS 30 bbls. Rectified Whiskey; 15 do. N.C. Rum; 10 do. Gin. For sale low, bv June 20th, 1851 ZENO H. GREENE. 1 invariably recommend its nse in cases of consumptisn, C Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Tobacco. Segars, &c. &c, Wholesale and Retail, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease. THOSE TRUNKS HAVE COME! Schr. " Harrison Price," just landed, 20 superior PER 1 a handsome assortment of Car Resnectfullv vours. 1. S. CUSHMAN, M. D Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost disputeh. Officers of the Courts and other officers, and all other per- sons requiring Blanks, orany other work in the printing line, would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. We ere determined to execute our work well, and at the ehonpcj-- t rates for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. BROTHERS L,INE. Steamer Brothers and Tow Boats, THE and David Lewis a?-- prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to tho Pro'pri-cto- r. The Steamer Brothers is of light draught, and well suited to run in low water. She possesses paver and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores ; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers'. From his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Companies, he tiiinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayett- eville. His Agent in Wilmington is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all communications may be addressed, as Agent of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 16th, 1851 S6-- tf REMOVAL. Removed to Mulberry Street, bctvecn front and Nort U Water Streets. THE subscriber continues to keep on hand a la rgc S3CT!9 general assortment of CARRIAGES of his own manufacture, which he offers for sale ou tho most reasonable terms ; among which maybe found Kothawv, Baroncktt, Dunhams, Boggles, Wagoiit, Gigs Su- lkey, &c. Also, Harness 0f all kinds. , Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and exam- ine before purchasing elsewhere, as I am det?ruiLied cot to be undersold. N. B. Repairing done at short notice, and in the ncftt-c- st and best manner. ISAAC WELLS; Wilmington. N. C.l.Tulv 4. 1S51 V 43-t- f pet and Gutta Percha Bags. All selling at a small advance Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist, Lowell Miss. Sold in Wi'lminston, N. C, by Dr. A. C. EVANS & on manufacturer s prices. ian at SCOTT & BALDWIN'S, Market St. ALEX. MacRAE, Jr., of China, Glass and Eurthenwnre, and IMPORTER retail dealer in all kinds of Farming Im- plements, South side of Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C. Nov. 8, 1350 9 1.Y BROTHER, and Druggists generally throughout the State Feb. 21, 1S51 6n TAKEN up and committed to Jail in New Hanover N. C, on the 28th September, 1850, (as a runaway slave,) a negro man, who says his name is GLOliuL AAR.OJN. tie is about so years old, o teet. NOTICE. mHE heretofore existing between the suh I Re.rihers. under the firm of HATCH & BURBA INK, is 4 inchej high, black complexion. He came here as a seaman from Boston in September last. He pretends he is free, and says he was raised in Brooklyn, New YTork. Tho owner of said negro is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will he dealt with as the law directs. OWEN FENNELL, Sheriff Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 10, 1851 18--tf HARD W A RE ! Ha rd wa re ! 6 dozen Collins' Axes; 6 dozen Ames' Spades and Shovels; 50 kegs Nails, assorted, from 4 to 40d; Locks of all kinds; Hoes; Coopers' Tools; and a general assortment of Cutlery. For sale by June 20, 1851 ZENO H. GREENE. I7LOUR FOR SALE. 100 Bbls. fresh ground Baltimore; to-da- y. O. & G. HOLME. BACON AND LARD. 300 superior N. Carolina Hams ; North Carolina Sides ; 220 " " " Shoulders; 10 Bbls. do. ' " Lard, in store and for sale by O. & G. HOLMES. PORK. 50 Bbls. Rump Pork. For sale by . O. & G. HOLMES. VINEGAR. 40 Bbls. very superior Cider Vinegar. For O. & G. HOLMES. 25 Hhds. for sale by . MOLASSES. . . O. G. HOLMES. dissolved by mutual consent, and the affairs of the concern are to be settled by David Lyman Burbank, who continues business at tne oia sianu. jamuou. u.iivui D. LYMAN BURiANK. August 12, 1851 Baskets. Handsome assortment of Work, LADIES and Fancy Baskets, opened t his day. For sale by WILKINSON & ESLER. TTTI.DOW Glase. Another supply of Cape May Win-V- Y dow Glass, just received direct from the Factory. For sale at New York prices, by V. H: LplTT.' Druggist & Chemist. Starch, &c. 20 boxes W. Colgate's Palo Soap; SOAP, 20 ' ' Toilet do. 20 " . " Pearl Starch; Alum, Saltpetre, Saleratus, Copperas, Pepper, Pi'ocn-t- o, &c. For sale by ZLNO H. GREENE. 10 Boxes Telegraph ; 8 boxes Hazard's ; 5 TOBACCO. & Shipton's; 5 do. Express; 5 do. Cul-lough- 's ; 5 do. Rucker's; 5 cases Caddris Jwwby pi.iFr Hands AVanted. C. MYERS, ANUFACTURER and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Umbrel- las, M and Walking Canes, of every description, whole- sale and retail, North side Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C. BENJAMIN F. KEITH, of Navnl Stores and Provisions, INSPECTOR O. Having had considerable experienco in the inspection of Navnl Stores, ho is prepared to execute any order in bis line with promptness and dispatch, and respoct-full- y solicits a share of the public patronage. Feb. 28th, 1851 2512m CVPRESS LOfSS WANTED. i"" Would contract for 250 or 300 thousand feet Cypress Tim- ber in Logs, to be delivered as early as the water in the rivers will'ow. Persons who can furnish snch timber, will please correspond with the subscriber, and learn particulars as early as practicable during the present.month. subscriber is desirous of either hiring or employing THE ahoi-o- a nnmher of hands for the fishing business, WASTED TO PURCHASE. competent Blacksmiths, aged from 25 to 35, TWO a good Wheelwright. For such as will suit, we will pay the highest cash price. VfW O. 4- - G. HOLMES. April 11. 1S51 31-t- f on the beach daring the next season, commencing on or be- fore the first of September, 1851. Persons wishing to en- - v- - r l knnac2 will n?A!uf tiv.ilip parlv snmica- - . . x nc- - o A f t f nr fcv trip snhsnher. HUH LU .OH - njitli . , . , rr--i l :i. .l.i .ffari fnf nnl. a pftftfl inside anil D AILY EXPECTED 20 miassarted Brown fngar; 100 Bags Rio Coffee : daily expecttd per If. P. Rassell. - 0? k G. HOLMES. Up I Pay Up I i All persons indebted to us, cither PAY Note or Account, will please come forward and pay np or we will be compelled to put them in a train for collec-tio- n, as money we must hlR 1IART5FIELI); Outside Fishing Stand, at Deep lgjJgf le- - --20 hbls Baltimore rectified. - For? o by .1 CJOAP and Candle -- 0 boxes PP.aPL ' J I For sale low, by - SAVAGE MEAREs. Auj. 15th, 1851 K. vv. ijjisr. 8th, 1S51 48-3- t ' Augusti',5' N"C ' Ana

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01t1J AS. FULTON, Editor . . .A. L. PRICE, Associate Editor

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AWEEKLY NE WSPAPER:-Devo- ted to Politics, the Markets , Foreign and Domestic Neire, Agricullnre, Commerce, afid General Information, TERMSi $2 60 IN ADVANCE.the year, must pay up in lull and give the proprietors two weensnotice, otherwise the paper will to continued and charged foraccording to the above terms.

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VOL. 7. v-- WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1851.-' -- NO. 50.

Business Cards Legal Notices. Legal Notices. Groceries, &e.Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, fcc.

C. DuPRE, DRUGGIST, NOTICE.WILL be sold at the Court-Hous- e in Kenansville, on the

Monday in October next, the following Tracts ofLand, or as much thereof as will be sufficient to pa v the Tax

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER inPaints, Oils, Fancy Articles,

Liquors, IVindoxo Glass, Fitnch and American, as

NOTICE.WILL be sold at the Court-Hous- e in Wilmington, on the

Monday in September next, the followingTown Lots and Tracts of Land, as will be sufficient to paythe Taxes due thereon for the year 1849, and costs of

D. McMillan, S. Davis.McMILIiAN & DAVIS,

IN Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions,DEALERS North Water and Chestnut Streets, Wilming-ton N. C.

Feb. 14th, 1851 23

fUST receivedI 25 bbls. Mess Pork;

10 boxes good cheap 1dbaccc30 bbls. snper Ffour; . .

TO hh'ds. retailing Molasses. For sale cheap, byAug. 1st, 1851 M. McINNIfv.

es due thereon for the years 1846, '47, '48 and '49, and costsol advertising.Acres.Ain't Years.By whom listed. Ain't.No. of! Situation of Lots and By whom listed. DTown


$ctLands. 253 $4 201848, '49Wolfsmipe District.

Austin Swinson, Sen.,Benanra Herring,Luke Kornegay,Archelous Dail,

'47, "Margaret Allen, 114

iVILV expected.100 bbls. super and fine Flbnr;

10 hhds. Western Bac6h; , . ,

15 bbls. that ofd MrfnCmgahela Whisky;50 do. Rectified . do.8 hhds. Porto Rico Sugar. Tor sale chcap for cash




40Nathan F. Bourdcaux, 3

WILLIAM II. IPPITT,and Retail Druggist, and Dealer inWHOLESALE Dye Stuffs, Window Glass, Garden Seeds,

Perfumery, Patent Medicines, &c. &c, corner of Front andMarket-street- s, immediately opposite Shaw's old stand, Wil-mington, N. C. 5

J. M. ROBINSON,and Dealer in Hardware, Iron, Stoves,IMPORTERFront-stree- t, 3 doors South of Market, Wil-

mington, N. C. 30v7-l-y

11 347 531 3i1 923 76

Brown & Blaney 5John Blaney, 7 144 Joshua Goodson, fey

113;Frcderick Outlaw,Simon Uurgwin, 4185 Do. do., for J. and N

Whitfield,Adam Williams,32

36 Do. do. for Sarah Holmes

sorted sizes.The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a inrgo and well

selected stock, which he will sell as low as any Druggist inthe Southern country. Every aiticle is warranted to be ofthe best quality and put np in the best stylo. Physiciansand Merchants will do well to call and look for themselvesbefore buying elsewhere.

Drugs.Epsom and Glauber Salts; Castor and Sweet Oil; Rhu-

barb Jalap; Ipecac; Arrow Root; Cream Tartar; Carb. Soda;Gum Arabic; Assafoetida; Gum Camphor; Alex. Senna;Peruvian Bark; Borax, &c.

Chemicals.Sulph. Quinine; Iodine; Iodido Mercury; Iodide Potash;

Calomel; Eng. Blue Mass; Spirits Nitre; Sulph. Ether;Spirits Hartshorn; Nit. Acid; Spirits Iodide of Iron; Cit.Feni et Quinine.

Patent Medicines.Sands' Sarsaparilla; Lee's, Beckwith's, Peters', Spencer'g,

Wright's, and Brandreth's Pills; Mofiit's Bitters and Pills;Dead Shot; Fahnestoclt's Vermifuge; Cod Liver Oil; Ayer'sCherry Pectoral; Swayne's Syrup Wild Cherry; BalsamWild Cherry, &c.

Paints, Oils, &e. 'Pure Lead; Extra and No. 1 Lead; Verdigris in oil; Chrome

Green, in oil and dry; Paris Green, in oil; Vermellion Black,in' oil; Spanish Brown, in oil; Venitian Red, in oil. &c.

All the above articles will be sold cheap, at the Drug Storeof C. DuPRE, Market-stree- t.

Wilmington. July 25, 1851

disson's District.Owen T. Waters.93!

dugald McMillan,of Naval Stores and Provisions, Office

INSPECTOR Water and Chestnut Streets, Wilmington,N.C.

The usual prompt attention given to all business in his

Feb. 14th, 1851 23

Nancy Campbell, 1144Samuel H. Firth, 2GI24D. J. Gilbert, 1930Mrs Ann Guthrie, 19:71William Gilln, 7,42Peter Harriss, 18 90Wm. Hill.for M. A. Burr 22 32E. W. Hawkins, 570Henry S. Haines, 17 20Richard J. Jones, 19 91Francis James, 680Soi Jones, 2 66Mary J. King, 1111D.D.King, 1111Eliza Kine, S 88

Albertson's District.306jGabriel P. Cox,200!Andrew J. Hardy,289iWilliam Hardy,362jWilliam Outlaw, Jr.,

1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.4 do.1 do.1 do.2 do.2 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.1 do.

72 acres land joining do.

John Imdal.

8 73


2 71

6 212 204 793 702 72

3 92

2 19

3 957 081 69

8 802 204 62

10 12

Smith's District.

RECEIVED per Schr. Fidelia, direct from the Mann- -

25 dozen UMBR ELLAS, eiiHbracing a great variety, and will be sold low for the cash.Call and get One. C. MYEK S. Hatter,

August 1. Market-stree- t, Wilmington. N. C.

TOBACCO! Tobacco!!superior Smoking Tobacco

500 lbs. Virginia Leaf do. '100 boxes Eldorado Tobacco, (superior);200 do. Cabincss do. (prime);

20110 lbs. Seoteh Snuff.- - For sole low. byJune 27th, 1851

. ; " WILltlNSON" & ESLEit.

FRESH Flom .--25 bbls. superior Flour ; 15 naif do.and for sale bv

PEliRIN & HARTSFfELD.. - ... .. - .

FUUTON Market Beef Just received per schr. Charlesbbls. superior pickled Beef. For sale bv .


FLOUR. Just received, a fresh lot of Extra Canal.LcRoy, and Qnarrv Mills, in bbls. and half

bbls. For sale low, by SAVAGE St MEARES.

396iAbraham Ktifnegay,ALEX. E. MOTT,

of Timber and timber, Wilmington,INSPECTOR solicits a share of publie patronage.

March 21, 1851 28-t- f Do. do., 24 town lotsJoseph Kendrick, 14 09 in J?arecta,

Elizabeth Rhodes,David Smith,rriscilla London, :SfS 100

60A. B. EVERIETT, '4?,Jonathan Lees, 24 13C. Lutterloh, 1101A. Mindel, 19 91

Wilmington, N. C, will pay the highestBUTCHER, for Beef, Mutton, Lamb, and other live Stocksuitable for the Butchering business. READ without Y-s- t. Just received from N.York:B 5 boxes Babbitt's Effervescing Compound for maktner

Margaret McLellan. 230James McGary, 883Robert S. McComber, 1193

Persons bringing to market such articles, will nna it totheir advantage to call on him before selling.

The citizens of Wilmington are requested to visit StallsNos. 10 and 12 when they attend market, as the best of the

Bread, Buckwheat, and Tea Cakes ; a verv fine article. Tryit ! To be had at C. DuPRE'S Drug Store, 46,A liminerton. Charles R. Malett, 1 56

60July io Market-stree- t. 111above meats may always be found for sale at these Stalls, on

as low, if not lower, terms than any of the others in market. I

Arrival and Departure of the Malta at Wilmington.Tho maQ from the North, by Railroad, arrives daily about

11 A. M.The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar-

rives daily about 8 A. M.The mail from Fayetteville, via Warsaw, is due upon the

arrival of the cars, oa Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.The mail from Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey,

is due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M.The mail from Onslow Court-Hous- c, by sulkey, is due on

Monday's, at 5 P. M.The mail from Black River Chapel, via Long Creek, by sul-

key, is due on Thursdays, at 5 P. M.

Closing of Malls.- The mail for the North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10

P. M.The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes daily at 10

A. M.The mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, closes on Tues-

days, Thursdays, and Sundays, at 10 P. M.The mail for Fayetteville, via Elizabethtown, by sulkey,

Closes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at 9 A. M.The mail for Onslow Court-Hous- c, by sulkey, closes on

"Thursdays, at 10 P. M.The mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays,

at 10 P. M.yLetters should be in the Office at least 15 minutes be-fore tha tihie Of closing the mails.

Professional and Business Cards.

Dr. WILLIAM F. BERRY,located himself in Clinton, N. C, and offers hisHAS services to the citizens of Sampson and the

adjoining counties.March 28th. 1851 29-- tf

PORTRAIT PAINTING.Portrait Painter, would respectfully in- -JMASSALON, of Wilmington and the surrounding

country, that he has permanently located himself in thisplace, and will be happy to receive the patronage of any la-d'- es

or gentlemen who may wish to procure faithful likenessesof themselves or any member of their family. He flattershimself, from his long experience in the art, that he will beenabled to give satisfaction. His room is at Mr Love's Fur-niture Establishment, Front Street, Wilmington, N. C.

April 4, 1851 30-l- y

WM. E. HILL,AT LAW, Duplin County, N. C, willATTORNEY of Duplin, SampEon, and Onslow Coun-

ties, and attend promptly to all business entrusted to hiscare. June 27 42-l- y

THOMAS H. HOLMES,AT LAW, Clinton, Sampson county, N.ATTORNEY promptly to all business entrusted to his

caro. 41v7-l- y

EDWARD CANTWELL,Market-st- ., WUmliigton, N. C,

at Law, Commissioner for Georgia, NewATTORNEY South Carolina, &c, will give promptattention to U. S. claims, and all other business entrusted tohis care.

WILLIAM S. READ.and Ship Painter, Glazier and WhiteHOUSE Office under Commercial Hotel, Wilmington,

N. C.Thankful for past custom, ho respectfully informs the

public generally, that he is prepared to execute all work inhis line of business, and takes this method of soliciting ashare of the public patronage.

July 4th, 1851 43-l- y

WILLIAM A. GWYER,GENERAL A cent. Forwarding S Commission Mei

take pleasure in informing my friends, that Iam prepared to give all business entrusted to me, efficientand personal attention. I have a wharf for Naval Stores,with ample accommodations, Spirit House, and Warehouse.Consignments of Naval Stores for sale or shipment, and allkinds of country produce solicited. Cash advances made onconsignments.

Wilmington, N. C , June 6, 1851 39-12- m Domestic Segnrs, of the most popu-lar brands imd best qualitv nt wholesale or. retail, hit84

April 18, 1851 32-- tl7052JESSUP & MOORE,


JOHN DILL & SON'S superior Scotch Snuff, warrantedto any in the United States, direct from the mantt- -

turers. For sale, by WILKINSON &. ESLER.

Manufacturers and Rag Dealers, 21 NorthPAPER 23 Commerce street, Philadelphia.

Aancy MciNciI, 67oSally Moore, 483Mrs. Hillory Moore's Est 7 22John C. Millis, 234Sylvester Stokely, 748Bradford Sherman, 3112Arch'd Skipper, 7 46John Sneeden, 4 82John Stewart, 233Joseph Springs, 4 35Thomas Southmayd, 1280Wm. Shaw's Estate, 24 12Mrs C. C. Stow, 2774Peter G. Tilly, 1687

without Labor. A few boxes of Babbitt'sWASHING a cheap and good article for makingSoft Soap. Those that have used it pronounce it excellent.To be had at C. DuPRE'S Drug Store,

July 25 Market-stree- t.

DRUGS, CHEMICALS, --c Sulph. Quinine, Calomel,Oil, Seidlitz and Soda Powder, RLeubarb, Jalap,

Ipecac, Adhesive Plaster, Fancy Soaps, Cologne, Lubin'sExtract, Yeast Powders, &c. Sre. Just received, for sale by

W. II LIPPITT, Druggist & Chemist.

Book, News, Hardware and Manilla Paper made to order.March 14, J851. 27-l- y

3 451 20

21 4353

3 842 20

342 45 ' .do

UGAR, Coffee, c. 20 bbls. Porto Rico Sugar;, r 1 , i , , ... .s in oois. ciarineu 0 nuis. crnshea do.HOWARD YARNALL, WILLIAM CORFIELD.


URNING FLUID. Always on hand, varrantcd. For

50 bags Java, Laguyra. and Rio ("Hffefi50 4i Shot, assorted sizes; 10 kogs Powdei4,

For sale by ZENO II. GREENE.

NOTICE 50 bbls. extra Familv Flour. For sale byMILES COSTIN'.

& CORFIELD, Manufacturers of Absolute,YARNALL and Perfumers' Alcohol ; Also, Burn-ing Fluid or Ethereal Oil: Phosgene Gas and Camphine, orPiiie Oil. The above articles always on hand, at the lowest

B sale by W. II. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist. D.Thallv,forJ.M.Babcr !8fJoseph M. Tilly, 4 49

4 Ezra Thomas, 1331cash prices. Orders by mail or otherwise will be strictly andpromptly attended to a t the Manufactory, 274 and 280 North T . 1. A 'I1 1 r AT..i.

1 A CON. 5,000 pounds N. C. Hams, Sides and Shoulders.33) ry C. Moore,Third ttreet, t'liiladeiptiia. t or sale by SAY AGE & MEARES.


2 19674

CIGARS, Cigars. Just received, a fine lot of extraenough to walk. For sale by

W. H. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist.

LINSEED OIL. A fine lot of pure Linseed Oil. justFor sale by W. H. LIPPITT, .

Druggist & Chemist.

August 10, lDl 1 William A. Williams,John Williams,

147jSamuel Suinner.Limestone District.

455Necdham Brown,23 ,Iacob Brown,

375, Lot Brinson,260.Tohn Brinson,543 Fred. Edwards,250Vicey Edwards,373lVilcy Thigpen, Agent,450 William Edwards,124 Hugh Hunter's children,

36 Thomas Kenady, Jr.,23 Wiley D. Southerland,

1,380 Lincoln Shuffield,243 John B Shuffield,567 William W. Turner,157 Silvia Turner,lOO Joscph Williams,

6Cj Edward Williams.Cypress Creels.

339:Thomas Horn,100 Benjamin Horn,700jIosea G. Lanier,450Milbry Lanier,lOOiGibson Lanier, forchildrcn200!Jacob Lanier's Estate,148'N'ixon Pearce,115. Frederick Pickett,192 'Isaac Rochcll,60;Mitty Rainer,

250iJaines Southerland.Island Creek.

50 William E. Groves,50Jamcs Murray,90 Sainucl Southerland,

135' William Teachey,467 Isaac W. West.

Rockfisli District.1,000; William Bland,

120Joseph J. Blanton,457 Ann Davis,60;Jesse Lee,

266'Samuel Newton,182 Willobv Powell,118: William W. Rivcnbark,514 Isaiah Roberson,

20 Wright Rivcnbark.Court House District.

59 David Strickland,120;George E. Houston, Jr.,500 Henry Moore,

35 William Best,188! William Stokes,


3S1928:99William Wilson,

No. ofMillinery and Dress-Makin- g.

NEW Mess Pnrk(400 lbs.) 60 bbls. in store, andsale low, by SAVAGE fc MEARES,

SUGARS Porto Rico in hhds nnd bbls., Refined,Crushed For sule low, bv

SAVAGE & MEARES.ITeivs of Waters.7"HITE Lend. A fr?sh supply direct from the

ry, recently crrouud. For sale cheap, by38482819


SAKAH J. TAGGART begs leave to inform theMISS of Wilmington and its vicinity, that she has justreturned from the North, with a new and fashionable assort-ment of SDrinc and Summer Millinary eoods. which she has

T I ME, Inline, Inline. 500 barrels Lincolnville WhiteI . T 4 1 ... r, . , . ...W. II. LIPPITT, Druggist Chemist.

DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS,Dye-Stuf- fs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, and Patent



1 .j ijiiuip. .fis, v nicnieu i lasicr, 1 lastering Hair, r i

Brick, and Hydraulic Cement ; 1.000 bbls. Lime, &c. Fsale by J. C. & 11. B. WOOD,selected with great care, and invites the Ladies to call and 140


It. J . 1'ridgen,lieuben Williams,Batt Batson,Henry Batson,Win 11. Batson,William Justice,Bcnj'n Wadkins,Sterling Allen,

judge for themselves, as she feels confident that they cannot1:27211

4 002 341 456 005 97

11 663 802 11

557 24

681 434 08

THE subscriber has just returned from the Northa large and fresh stock of articles in his line,

selected with great care from the first importers and

' u.r contractors ana j'jiiiiiters

RIO Coffee 25 bags. For sale nt reduced rates, bvSAVAGE It MEARES205

be surpassed, and wfll be disposed ot on tne most moderateterms.

April 4, 1851 30-- tf

.Coinmercial 3t.. - T- ,- tl i i rf . . John Bradshaw,

1 imothy Groom,Samuel Highsmith,Martha Ornisby,

FI.OUR1 Flonr! 100 bbls. Genesee Flour, assortedJust recei rcd and for sale by

June 20th, 1851 ZENO II. GREENE.




John Smith,MRS. SHAW'SMillinery and Dress-Maki-ng

FASHIONABLE Second-stree- t, opposite Mr. O. G. Pars-liy'- s.

Always on band, a handsome assortment of Cloaksand Mai-llllas- , of the latest styles.

Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 22, 1850 11-l- y

RITA NN I A Ten and offee Pots, for sale low tocloseB a consignment, at the Hardware Store of46,


June 27. 1351 J. M. BOBINSON.

PATENT Boxes for Wooden Axles The best articljbeing perfectly tight, excluding all dast

or sand from the action of the wheel. For sale in evert va-riety, by J. M. ROBIN'SO'X.

3 005 51

16 613 783 73


John Bowen,Isaac N. Blanton,E. A. Filyaw,Stephen C. Filyaw,liufus W. Garriss,John Gideons,William Lamb,Henry A. Malpass,S. Stallings,Lewis Thomas,Lewis Whitfield,

Genera Notices.10 214 51


13,81 CEDWARD E. I1USSEY,Sheriff of Duplin county.

Kenansville, July 22, 1851 Pr. adv., $39 37 46-3-

VBINESS and Eldorado Tobacco, received directfrom manufactors. For sale, bv

WILKINSON & ESLERCST arrived Fresli. 4 Kosa new Butter? 1 rase OlivnJGroceries, &?. Oil ; 4 baskets do. do.; 6 bbls. Crushed Suirar 111 bbla.

'George Henry,.Harry, a free negro,William Avcrett,William Brown,

H i. W. Barnhill,Alexander Herring,

mauuiaciurers iu iub ionuurii cities, wnu-- ne oners at tnelowest prices, and warrants every article to be of the bestquality, consisting in part:

Gum Cau.phor; Pow'd Rhubarb; Seidlitz and Soda Pow-ders; Bermuda and American Arrow Boot; Ex't Jalap; Ex'tColocynth Compound; Calcined and Carb. Magnesia; CastorOil; Cubebs; Copaiva and Sarsaparilla Capsules; Coufect'rySenna; Emory; Peruvian Bark; Shop Furniture; Vials;Corks, &c.

( hrmlrnla. Calomel; Sulph. Quinine; Sulph. and Act.Morphine; Syrup Iodide of Iron; Strychnine; Iodides of Mer-cury Sulphur, Lead, and Iron; Lactate of Iron; Citrate ofIron; Citrate of Iron and Quinine; Elaterium; Anconitine, &e.

For Pastry. Cooper's Isinglass; Preston's Ex'ts Lemon,Cinnamon, Vanilla, Rose, and Nutmeg: Rose Water, Englishand American; Preston's celebrated Yeast Powder; Cloves;Pepper; Mustard Seed; Ginger; Alspicc; Nutmegs; Cinna-mon; Sweet Oil, &c.

Perfumery and Fancy Articles. French, German,and American Cologne; Luhin's Extracts, very large assort-ment; Aromatic Vinegar; Guerlain's, R ousel's, and Ha uel'sShaving Cream; Lubin's Toilet Soap; 50 dozen assorted fan-cy Soaps; 25 dozen French, English, and mcrican HairBrushes; 50 dozen assorted Tooth Brushes; 6 dozen ShavingBrushes; 6 dozen Nail Brushes; Military Shaving Soap; Hatand Cloth Brushes; Toilet Powders, Meen Fun; PreparedChalk, in balls, white and pink; Alabaster Powder; Lip Salve;Cold Cream; Essence Bouquet; Jenny Lind IlairGloss; Seal-ing Wax; Toilet Bottles, a large assortment; 6 dozen Barry'sTricopherous; 6 dozen Phalon's Invigorator; llauel's EauLustral; French, English, and American Pomatum; Oil ofRose; Powder; Puff Boxes; Cachon Aromatise; India RubberBalls; Salt Bottles; Ivory and Buffalo Fine Combs; Hornand Buffalo Dressing Combs; Tooth Picks; Bear and Macas-sar Oils; Indelible Ink; Dupuy's Liquid Solder. &c.

For sale by WM. H. LIPPITT,Druggist and Chemist.

October 11th, 1S50 , 5

$300 REWARD.SCAPED from the Jail of Kersha w District, on Monday,

171 the 14th day of July last. Samuel J Love, who was con-victed for the murder of Mr. Robert J. Lester, at SpringTerm, 1851. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of agf 6 ft.2 inches high, has rather dark hair, and of a sallow complex-ion, and has a down-ca- st look, with dark grey eyes, and someof his front teeth a little decayed, and is a carpenter by trade.

I will give the above reward to any person who will appre-hend the said S. J. Love, and lodge him in any Jail in thisState, or One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for his safe con-finement in any Jail in the United States, so that I can gethim. JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D.

Camden, So. Ca.. August 8, 1851. 49-6i- n

A. A. If. SOIT1I ALL,GENERAL Agent, Commission Merehant, and

Wilmington, N. C, will receive and sell oncommission any Goods, Wares, Merchandize, and CountryProduce that may be sent, to his care, except Spirituous Li-quors. He also offers his services to ti.e merchants of Wil-mington, aud the public generally, as Collecting Agent. Allclaims put in bis hands for collection, or any other businessentrusted to his care, shall receive his prompt attention. Herespectfully solicits the patronage of his friends in the abovebusiness, or any other business where an Agent is wanting.


Elms Mitchell, R. H. Grant,G. R. French, C. Myers,

May 9, 1831 35-t- f Wilmington, N. C.

iiusii .:1.1c; in nan Dois. ao. ao. for sale bv, HOWARD & FEDEX.

COFFEE and Sugnr 20 bags Laguyra Coffee: 20 bbls!For sale cheap, by M. McINNIS.

Acres.70 On N. E. River.

350 Middle Sound District.355 do. do.

60 do. do.lt2 Sandy Run do.213! "do. do.360 do. do.330j do. do.114' do. do.229, Rocky Point do.100 do. do.540 do. do.150 do. do.500 do. do.303 do. do.445 So. Washington do.

92 do. do.500 do. do.140 do. do.348 do. do.500 do. do.870 do. do.

89 do. do.240 do. do.320 do. do.

1,785 do. do.STO Uppcr Elk River Dist.353 do. do.156;LowerBrk River do.200 do. do do.287j do. do. do.207 do. do. do.174 do. do. do.

73i do. do. do.120 Piney Woods do.

1,320 do. do.630 do. do.200 do. do.451 do. do.'400 do. do.

541 do.' do.CO) do. do.

67S'Cane Tuck'5j do. do.30 do. do.

436! do. do.436! do. do.237 Long Creek do.7901 do. do.

95i do. do.414 do. do.

50 do. do.470 do. do.

92 do. do.67 do. do.55 do. do.

500 do. do.12i do. do.164 do. do.100 do. do.10 do. do

84 do. do.150 do. do.

94 do. do.150 do. do.

91 do. do.

Lydia Orr,Joel Orr, for Ann Rittcr,William Branch,Arthur Crews,Ann Jane Henry,Esther Jacobs,Aaron Lewis,Hannah Walker,

CltEAV LISTS. A large supplv on hand and for sale lowJOURNAL OFFICE.

19 5237538146


1 151 802181 031342,307,081495,87426


1 051 952831:872 462 46158

SULR"" and Harness for sale. Apply at theJOURNAL OFFICF

Joseph II. Walker,John W. B. White, IUARS 10,000 imported. For fale low, byC SAVAGE & MEARES.

NEW GOODS.JUST received from New York, per schr. Lillie Sanders,

new stock of GOODS, cansisting of Muslins;Lawns; Ginghams; Laces: Edging; Calicoes; Prints; Cam-bric; Serge; Alpaca; Cotton and Linen Diaper; Silk and Lin-en Thread ; Needles ; Pins and Buttons ; white and coloredHose ; Irish Linen ; Linen Drills ; Coat and Apron Cheeks ;

Cashmercte ; Drab D'Ete ; Kentucky Jeans ; Tweed ; Osna-ber- g

; Canvass ; Bed Ticks ; brown and bleached Shirting ;

Turkey Cotton ; Palm Leaf, Fur, Leghorn and Wool Hats ;Leghorn, Straw, and Lawn Bonnets; Boots and Shoes;Brown, Clarified and Loaf Sugar; Coffee; Flour; Mess Pork;Fulton Market Beef, in half barrels ; Butter ; English DairyCheese in 10 lb. boxes ; Pickles ; Peppcrsauce ; Tobacco,Snuff and Segars ; Adamantine and Tallow Candles ; Axes;Hoes ; Cross-c- ut and Hand Saws ; Hand and Mill Saw Files;Cooper's Tools; Augers: Chisels; Gimblcts; Hatchets;Pocket Knives ; Knives and Forks ; German Silver, Britaniaand Iron Spoons: Shovels and Spades; Cut Nails; pad & stockLocks ; Wire Sieves ; Tea Kettles ; Sauce Pans ; Pepper ;

Spice ; Ginger and Starch. A general assortment of Crocke-ry daily expected, all of which will be sold low for cash orcountry produce. GRADY & MONK.

April 4, 1851 30-t- f

James I. Brvan. Agent,William P.'Hall,

A. J. GRADY. J. M. MONK.GRADY & MONK,Merchants, and Dealers In DryCOMMISSION &c., Hall's Building, North Water

Street, Wilmington, N. C.Prompt attention will be given to the sale of all kinds of

Countrv Produce which may be sent to their care.April" 4, 1851 30-t- f


ON Monday last, (11th inst.,) between Mr Nixon'sin Wilmington, and the four mile post on the Fay-

etteville Road, a brown leather pocket-boo- k, of a large size,containing between seventy and eighty dollars in money, andtwo land warrants, one in favor of V. Robinson, and theother in favor of Win. C. Henry, as well as some other pa-pers of no value to any other person. A liberal reward willbe paid to any person who may restore the above property tothe subscriber, or leave it at the Journal office.

WM. ROBINSON.Black River Chapel, N. Hanover Co., Auj. 15, '51. 49tf

John F. Herring, (1 AKDEN Rakes and Itos Fryers, a newcle. just received, a fine assortment , and for sale cheap,

n.v J. M. ROBINSON.April 18th, 1851 No. 3, Front St.

John W. Potter,Hazell Potter,Silas Bryant,James A. Bunting,Henry Eiler,

1438 ECXIFIED Whiskey 200 bbls. For salu low. byRThomas Futral,Elizabeth Flanagan, B Flour 100 bbls. fresh ground, daily ex-

pected. For sale low, by SAVAGE & ML'AR ES.William George,COMMERCIAL BANK OF AVILMINGTON.Dividend of six and three quarters per cent on the Cap-

italA Stock of this Bank has been declared by the Presi-d- et

and Directors, payable to the stock holders or their le-

gal representatives, on and after the 18th, instant.By Order of the Board. T. SAVAGE, Cash'r.Aug. 13th, 1851 49--

l und Domestic Cljrars- .- Brands of the teatIMPOLITE prices from $4 to fcKO per 1000 Cull onJune 27th, 1S51 WILKINSON & ESLER

Daniel 1 . George,Elias George,Edward W. George,George Moore,Francis Miller,Robert Miller,Jesse Miller,Drewry Orrell,

1181191 461361 19ro5211




431 191331 19


l Wilmington, N C.REFERS TO

E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank of the ? tate ;Tuns. H. Wright, Esq., President Bank of Cape Fear ; O.G Parsley, Esq , President Commercial Bank Wilming-tor- ..

N . C. 25v7

CAUSE & BOWDEN,COMMISSION Merchants and General Agents,

Wilmington, N. C.Thos. F. Gause, Joh. C. Bowden.

REFEREES.Gen. Alex. McRae, President W. & R. R. E.O. G. Parsley, President of Commercial Bank.E. P. Hall, President Bank of the State.John Dawson, Merchant.J. & D. McRaf. & Co., Merchants.P. K. Dickinson & Co., Merchants. 13v7-l- y

ORDE AUX Almonds 1,000 lbs. very fino and freshBSoap and Cnndleg.STAKCII, Colgatcs Pearl Starch;

20 do. do. No. 1 Soap:5 do. do. Almond and Rose Soap:

30 do. Mould, Adamantine and Sperm Candles. Forsale l.y HOWARD & PEDEN.

for sale low. by WIGMNSOiN IJSLLK.NOTICE.UP and committed to the Jail of JonesTAKEN N. C, on the 20th of July, 1851, as a

runaway slave, a negro man, who says his name isSam French, or Sam Chavers. and says he has been

FM)i;i. Just received, 100 bbls. fresh ground SAVAG K & ME A R ES.Joshua Penny,

"l iKSI Clgrs! 150,000 Cigars. Low and MediumGeorge Wilson,Elias R. Wilson,George White,Silas Wadkins,

runawav 24 or 25 vears. and that he belonged then to a Mr C priced, . tl. GKLLA L, Market St.

Received Severn Hoxes of Fine Cut ChewingJUST direct from the Manufactory. We name thedifferent kinds :

Sweet Cavendish, fine cut, in papers ;

The Solace Brands " " Lead foil, extra ;

Pres?ed fine cut Ilonev Dew. Call and taste for vourselves,at the Tobacco Store of HATCH BURBANK.

Sign of the Turk.

OWEN FENNELL, Sheriff. Bl'ACIi Plk Ilitc. Just received, a large lot, readyAlso, fine Pole, Lines and Hooks,' suitable foV

the Sound. J. M. ROBINSON.Wilmington, N.C, June 12, 1851 Pr. fee, $56 87 41-3- m



New Li-ver- Stables. VireProof.Having completed my new Livery Stables, I am

now ready to receive Horses at livery, by the day, Inspector's Certificates;Certificates of Justices a ttchd

John French, of Wilmington, N. C, who purchased him inthe State of Maryland, of a Mr. Roberson, and brought him toWilmington by sea ; that he absconded soon after he came tothat place, & has beon running at large ever since, some timespassing as a free person. Said negro is about 45 or 50 yearsold, dark complexion, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, squarebuilt, has a downcast look, and would weigh about 150 or160 lbs.; is slightly lame, caused, he says, by a fall from theroof of a house. He had on when taken up, a common home-spun shirt and blue mixed cotton pantaloons ; he has a scaron the left side of his face, and a piece bit out or torn off hisright ear, done, he says, in a fight with another negro. Theowner or owners are requested to come forward, prove proper-ty pay charges, and take him awav, or he will be dealt withas the law directs. BENJ. ASKEW, Jailor.

Trenton, Jones Co., July 30th, 1851.-48-6t- -pr adv. $3 85

week, or month.

T71XCEISItHt. Segars that are worthy of the name.Vj We have received bylate arrival a case of Segars, which,for quality of Leaf in them, cannot be excelled, as they havea most delightful high flavor, leaving no bad taste. We askbut for a trial of them. Call at the sign of the Turk.


ing Court:Mv Stables are situated on the corner of Princess and ThirdMarriage License:Streets, directly opposite the Court-Hous- e, and very conveni

Ust OFCounty Court Writs;Superior do. doCounty Court Subpoenas;Superior do. do.County Court Fi. Fa.;Superior do. do.County Court Sci. Fa.;Superior do. do.Apprentice Indentures;Letters of Administration;

Tax Receipts;Insolvent Notices;Writs of Ejectment;


GROCERS, Ship Chandlers, and CommissionWater Street, Wilmington, N. C, will

make liberal cash advances on all consignments of produceto them in Wilmington, or to Peter Van Ness & Co., NewYork. 21v7

ent to the business part of the town. They are built of brick,and covered with tin, which makes them entirely fire-proo- f.

They are large, commodious, and well constructed; and in ev-

ery respect as comfortable and convenient as any Stables inthe United State?.

For i he Cure ofCOUGHS, COLDS,


Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in thisgeneration to facilitate the business of life, increase its en-

joyment, and even prolong the term of human existence, nonecan be named of more real value to mankind than this contri-bution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast trial of itsvirtues throughout this broad country, has proven heyond adoubt that no medicine or combination of medicines yetknown can so surely control and cure the numerous varietiesof pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from ourmidst thousands and thousands every year. Indeed, there isnow abundant reason to believe a remedy has at length beenfound which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous af-fections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us topublish any proportion of the cures affeeted by its use,' butwe would present the following opinions of eminent men, andrefer further snquiry to the circular which the Agent belowname 1 will always be pleased to furnish free, wherein are fullparticulars and indisputable proof of these facts.From tlie President of Amherst College, tlie celebra-

ted Professor Hitchcock." James C. A3'er Sir : I have used your Cherry Pectoral

in my own case of deep-seate- d Bronchitis, and am satisfiedfrom its chemical constitution, that it is an admirable com-pound for the relief of laryugial and bronchial difficulties. Ifmy opinion as to its superior character can be of any service,you are at liberty to nse it as you think proper.


New We invite all true lovers of theSOMETHIIV try a paper of our ge.vuixe ScafarlatiTurkish Smoking Tobacco.

HATCH & BURBANK. Mozart Hall.

letters 1 estameiitary;Vendi. Exponas;Ca Sa; Laud Deeds;I also have (for the accommodation of Drovers,) alarge and

County and Superior Courts0 f REWARD. R unaway from the subscriber, comfortable Lot, together with a basement under the Stablessufficient to hold one hundred horses, aud shelter them well Witness and Juror lickets;

AVEST HEWLETT,Commission Merchants and4UCTIONEERS, N. C. tJDwcl about the 8th of July, a mulatto fellow nam ACK Salt. 200 sacks Salt. For sale by

ZENO II. GREENE.Sand comfortably.ed W UNDbOK, about 3o years old. He is about V-- e Notices to Tax List Receivers;Commission to take Deposition

do. Affidavits;Garnishee Notices;Checks, Cape FenrBnnk:

do. Branch Bank of theState;

Notes, negotiable at Bank:

May 30, 1851. Goldsboro' Telegraph copyREFER TO feet eleven inches high, full bushy hair ; rather slow, Horses, Carriages, and Ui ggies, kept constantly lor nire.Mv Hostlers cannot be surpassed in any country, and IPotter & Kidder,

therefore feel confident of giving entire satisfaction to those Hooks nnd Lines, of all sizes and kinds. BestFISH Gras3. Linen, and Cotton Lines, in quantities suf

oomuy vouri xecuiion;Magistrate's do.Capias ad Respondendum;Overseer's Appointments:

Administrator's Bonds;who favor me with their custom.

John Dawsox,O. G. Parsley,E. P. Hall,Edward Cantwell.

Wilmington, N. C.7-l- y

G. W. Davis,Barry, Bryant & Adams,George Harriss,October 25, 1850

I feel irrateful to mv friends and the public for their liberal Guardian do.Appeal do.Ca Sa do.

Peace, State, and Civil War- -patronage heretofore, and hope to merit a continuance of theircustom. 11. R. NIXON. jS otcs of Hand; rants;

Sh'ff Appearance do.AVilmington, N. C, June 27. 1851 14-- tf

ficient for all the wants of the trade, to whom he offers themat the lowest Northern prices. For sale by

April 11, 1851 J. M. ROBINSON.

LUMBER nnd Timber. Always on hand, alargeSawed Wide Boards, Flooring, and Scant-

ling. For sale by MILES COSTIN,Feb. 21, 1851 London's wharf.

spoken, and rather spare built, his front teeth slightly decay-ed, and probably one or both of his eye teeth out. Said ne-

gro is a Cooper by trade, and will attempt to pass as a freeman, and may probably have free papers, as he has said hecan go any where. He is a little rinkley about the eyes, andhas an old appearance The subscriber will give the abovereward for his apprehension and delivery to him, in Conway-boro- ',

S. C, or confinement in any jail in North Carolina,so that he can get him. Said negro belongs to James M.Bell, of Greenville, N. C, of whom I hired him.

August 1st, 1351 47-- tf S. BELL.Fayetteville Observer tf, and send bill to this office.


do.Constable'sSheriff's Tax

MA RTIN CRONLY,and Commission Merchants,AUCTIONEERS Wilmington, N. C.

A. Martin M. Cronly.

Attachments;State Recognizance;Military Ca Sa;

do. Execution;Negro Bonds;


ForthcomingProsecutionJUST RECEI V ED, and always kept on hand, a fine

of PATENT YOKE SHIRTS: also, a lot of figurCrew Lists;do. JSillofSalc;ed LINEN BOSOM SHIRTS, and an elegant article of

gentlemen's figured SATIN IIES ; and Knottier lotot tnosefine linen aud silk CR AVATS, just to suit the season. Galland examine. For sale by CHARLES 13AKK,RUNAWAY from the undersigned, about the 1st

his negro girl, named MARIA. Jk may 23 Merchant Tailor, W ilmington A. G.fehe is ahout 22 vears old. dark comnlected. 5 feet 8 U

or 9 inches high, large full eyes. She is well known THEY HAVE COME I

From the widely celebratedProfessor Sllltman, M. D., L.L. D.,

Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, &c., Yale College, mem-ber of the Lit Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Soci-

eties of America and Europe."I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composition

from some of the best articles in the Materia Medica, and avery effective remedy for the class of diseases it is intendedto cure."

New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, 1849.MAJOR PATTISON, President of the S. C. Senate,

states he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wouderful suc-cess, to cure an inflammation of the lungs.

Prom one of the first Physicians in Maine.Saco, Me., April 26. 1S49.

Splendid assortment of READY JSi A Ut, Gi.ui tiuLr,A made expressly to my order, for this market, amongwhich will be found a new article, " Prince DeJoinville,"

Received and for tale low for Cash,JUST bbls. Whiskey; 5 bbls. Rum;10 " City Mess Pork; 10 bags Coffee;

1,000 lbs. North Carolina Hams;10 bbls. super Family Flour;10 " superfine '10 half bbls. and 30 bags Family Flour;5 hhds. crushed, pulverized, and brown Sugar;

Good retailing Molasses; Rice; Meal; Bacon;A fresh lot Shoes and Dry Goods, suitable for Spring, &c,

may be found at the old stand on Market-stree- t, Betten-court- 's

building. THOS. C. CRAFT.

B ACON and Pork -- 3000 lbs. N. C. Bacon, hog round;5 hhds. Western do.

30 bbls. Mess Pork.In store, and for sale by ZENO II. GREENE.

O. & G. HOLMES,and Retail Dealers in DomesticWHOLESALE Wines, Liquors, Provisions, &c,

corner of Water and Princess Streets, Wilmington, N. C.Feb. 14, 1851 23-l- y

J. g. hatch, d. l. burbank.HATCH & BURBANK,

WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Tobacco,Front-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C

JOSEPH L. KEEN,CONTRACTOR and Builder, respectfully informs the

is prepared to take contracts in his lineof business. He also keeps constantly on hand Lime, Plas-ter, Plastoring Hair, and Fire Brick, of tho best quality,for sale.

Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 10, 1S51 18-l- y

Lama, Sack, Black, Brown, Green I51ue, Drab, c. c. c.Sack. Dress, and Frock Coats : Black, Brown. Green, Drab,Cashmerett, Sack and Frock Coats ; Mohair, Lustre, Alpac-ca- .

Sack and Frock Coats ; Puritan Coating, Linen, Lustre,

Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell Dear Sir: I am now constantlyusing your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and prefer it toany other medicine for pulmonary complaints. From obser-vation of many severe cases, I am convinced it will cure

in w llmington, where she is supposed to be lurking.The above reward will be paid for her delivery to the under-signed, at Castle Haynes, on the North East River, or forher confinement in New Hanover Jail, or any other Jail inthe State, so that she can be got.

July 11, 1851 44-t- f J. C. McFARLANE.

$33 REWARD.BROKE JAIL in Whiteviilc, Columbus county, on

the 19th inst., a man, or boy, by the name ofELIJAH ARNOLD. Said Arnold is about 19 years old,about four ft. six inches high, light hair, and looks pale inthe face, badly grown, and will weigh about 85 or 90 lbs.He has been convicted of murder. I will give the above re-ward of Twenty-Fiv- o Dollars for his delivery to me inWhiteville, or any Jail so that I can get him again.

LEWIS WILLIAMSON, Sh'ff.Whiteville, April 21, 1851 33-- tf


and Jirown Ginen sacK Goats, ranis, .c. c. c. varie-ty of Silk, Marseilles Vests, &c. &c, just to suit the season;prices very low, at the " Old Stand." Remember 5 per for Cash on all sums of $5 and upwards.

CHAS. BAR.R,Wilmington N. C ,May 23, 1851 Merchant Tailor.coughs, colds, ana diseases oi tne lungs, mat nave put to ae

fiance all other remedies.WILKINSON & ESLER,

1SII Dealers In Confectionary, Fruit, Nats, Toys,LIQUORS 30 bbls. Rectified Whiskey;

15 do. N.C. Rum;10 do. Gin. For sale low, bv

June 20th, 1851 ZENO H. GREENE.1 invariably recommend its nse in cases of consumptisn,C Fancy Articles, Perfumery, Tobacco. Segars, &c. &c,Wholesale and Retail, Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease. THOSE TRUNKS HAVE COME!

Schr. " Harrison Price," just landed, 20 superiorPER 1 a handsome assortment of CarResnectfullv vours. 1. S. CUSHMAN, M. D

Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed withthe utmost disputeh.

Officers of the Courts and other officers, and all other per-sons requiring Blanks, orany other work in the printing line,would do well to give us a call, or send in their orders. Weere determined to execute our work well, and at the ehonpcj-- t

rates for cash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE.

BROTHERS L,INE.Steamer Brothers and Tow Boats,THE and David Lewis a?-- prepared

to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to tho Pro'pri-cto- r.

The Steamer Brothers is of light draught, and well suitedto run in low water. She possesses paver and speed, and isadmirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about20 passengers.

The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself,and will give special attention to way freight and navalstores ; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort andconvenience of Passengers'. From his long experience asAgent in Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Companies,he tiiinks he can give satisfaction.

To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goodsshipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayett-eville. His Agent in Wilmington is JOHN C. LATTA, towhom all communications may be addressed, as Agent ofthe Steamer Brothers.

JOHN BANKS, Proprietor.May 16th, 1851 S6-- tf

REMOVAL.Removed to Mulberry Street, bctvecn front and

Nort U Water Streets.THE subscriber continues to keep on hand a la rgc S3CT!9

general assortment of CARRIAGES ofhis own manufacture, which he offers for sale ou tho mostreasonable terms ; among which maybe found Kothawv,Baroncktt, Dunhams, Boggles, Wagoiit, Gigs Su-lkey, &c. Also, Harness 0f all kinds. ,

Purchasers will find it to their interest to call and exam-ine before purchasing elsewhere, as I am det?ruiLied cot tobe undersold.

N. B. Repairing done at short notice, and in the ncftt-c- st

and best manner. ISAAC WELLS;Wilmington. N. C.l.Tulv 4. 1S51 V 43-t- f

pet and Gutta Percha Bags. All selling at a small advancePrepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical Chemist,Lowell Miss.

Sold in Wi'lminston, N. C, by Dr. A. C. EVANS & on manufacturer s prices. ian atSCOTT & BALDWIN'S, Market St.

ALEX. MacRAE, Jr.,of China, Glass and Eurthenwnre, andIMPORTER retail dealer in all kinds of Farming Im-

plements, South side of Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C.Nov. 8, 1350 9 1.Y

BROTHER, and Druggists generally throughout the StateFeb. 21, 1S51 6n

TAKEN up and committed to Jail in New HanoverN. C, on the 28th September, 1850, (as

a runaway slave,) a negro man, who says his name isGLOliuL AAR.OJN. tie is about so years old, o teet. NOTICE.

mHE heretofore existing between the suhI Re.rihers. under the firm of HATCH & BURBA INK, is

4 inchej high, black complexion. He came here as a seamanfrom Boston in September last. He pretends he is free, andsays he was raised in Brooklyn, New YTork. Tho owner ofsaid negro is requested to come forward, prove property, paycharges and take him away, otherwise he will he dealt withas the law directs. OWEN FENNELL, Sheriff

Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 10, 1851 18--tf

HARD W A RE ! Ha rd wa re ! 6 dozen Collins' Axes;6 dozen Ames' Spades and Shovels;

50 kegs Nails, assorted, from 4 to 40d;Locks of all kinds; Hoes; Coopers' Tools; and a general

assortment of Cutlery. For sale byJune 20, 1851 ZENO H. GREENE.

I7LOUR FOR SALE. 100 Bbls. fresh ground Baltimore;to-da- y. O. & G. HOLME.

BACON AND LARD. 300 superior N. Carolina Hams ;North Carolina Sides ;

220 " " " Shoulders;10 Bbls. do. ' " Lard, in store and for sale

by O. & G. HOLMES.

PORK. 50 Bbls. Rump Pork. For sale by. O. & G. HOLMES.

VINEGAR. 40 Bbls. very superior Cider Vinegar. ForO. & G. HOLMES.

25 Hhds. for sale by .MOLASSES. . . O. G. HOLMES.

dissolved by mutual consent, and the affairs of the concernare to be settled by David Lyman Burbank, who continuesbusiness at tne oia sianu. jamuou. u.iivuiD. LYMAN BURiANK.

August 12, 1851

Baskets. Handsome assortment of Work,LADIES and Fancy Baskets, opened t his day. For saleby WILKINSON & ESLER.

TTTI.DOW Glase. Another supply of Cape May Win-V- Y

dow Glass, just received direct from the Factory. Forsale at New York prices, by V. H: LplTT.'

Druggist & Chemist.

Starch, &c. 20 boxes W. Colgate's Palo Soap;SOAP, 20 ' ' Toilet do.

20 " . " Pearl Starch;Alum, Saltpetre, Saleratus, Copperas, Pepper, Pi'ocn-t- o,

&c. For sale by ZLNO H. GREENE.

10 Boxes Telegraph ; 8 boxes Hazard's ; 5TOBACCO. & Shipton's; 5 do. Express; 5 do. Cul-lough- 's

; 5 do. Rucker's; 5 cases Caddris Jwwby

pi.iFr Hands AVanted.

C. MYERS,ANUFACTURER and Dealer in Hats, Caps, Umbrel-las,M and Walking Canes, of every description, whole-

sale and retail, North side Market-stree- t, Wilmington, N. C.

BENJAMIN F. KEITH,of Navnl Stores and Provisions,INSPECTOR O. Having had considerable experienco in

the inspection of Navnl Stores, ho is prepared to execute anyorder in bis line with promptness and dispatch, and respoct-full- y

solicits a share of the public patronage.Feb. 28th, 1851 2512m

CVPRESS LOfSS WANTED.i"" Would contract for 250 or 300 thousand feet Cypress Tim-

ber in Logs, to be delivered as early as the water in therivers will'ow. Persons who can furnish snch timber, willplease correspond with the subscriber, and learn particularsas early as practicable during the present.month.

subscriber is desirous of either hiring or employingTHE ahoi-o- a nnmher of hands for the fishing business,

WASTED TO PURCHASE.competent Blacksmiths, aged from 25 to 35,TWO a good Wheelwright. For such as will suit,

we will pay the highest cash price. VfWO. 4-- G. HOLMES.

April 11. 1S51 31-t- fon the beach daring the next season, commencing on or be-

fore the first of September, 1851. Persons wishing to en- -v- - r l knnac2 will n?A!uf tiv.ilip parlv snmica- -

. . x nc- - o A f t f nr fcv trip snhsnher.HUH LU .OH - njitli . ,. , rr--i l :i. .l.i .ffari fnf nnl. a pftftfl inside anil

DAILY EXPECTED 20 miassarted Brown fngar;100 Bags Rio Coffee : daily expecttd per If. P. Rassell.

- 0? k G. HOLMES.

Up I Pay Up I i All persons indebted to us, citherPAY Note or Account, will please come forward and paynp or we will be compelled to put them in a train for collec-tio- n,

as money we must hlR 1IART5FIELI);Outside Fishing Stand, at DeeplgjJgf le- -

--20 hbls Baltimore rectified. - For? o by.1CJOAP and Candle -- 0 boxes PP.aPL ' JI For sale low, by - SAVAGE MEAREs.

Auj. 15th, 1851K. vv. ijjisr.8th, 1S51 48-3- t' Augusti',5' N"C ' Ana