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What the WorkKeys Reading for Information Test Measures There are five levels of difficulty. Level 3 is the least complex, and Level 7 is the most complex. The levels build on each other, each incorporating the skills assessed at the preceding levels. For example, at Level 5, individuals need the skills from Levels 3, 4, and 5. The reading materials at Level 3 are short and direct. The material becomes longer, denser, and more difficult to use as readers move toward Level 7. The tasks also become more complex as readers move from Level 3 to Level 7. At Level 3, readers begin by finding very obvious details and following short instructions. At the more complex levels, tasks can also involve more application and interpretation. Leve l Characteristics of Items Skills 3 Reading materials include basic company policies, procedures, and announcements Reading materials are short and simple, with no extra information Reading materials tell readers what they should do All needed information is stated clearly and directly Items focus on the main points of the passages Wording of the questions and answers is similar or identical to the wording used in the reading materials Identify main ideas and clearly stated details Choose the correct meaning of a word that is clearly defined in the reading Choose the correct meaning of common, everyday workplace words Choose when to perform each step in a short series of steps Apply instructions to a situation that is the same as the one in the reading materials Leve l Characteristics of Items Skills

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What the WorkKeys Reading for Information Test Measures

There are five levels of difficulty. Level 3 is the least complex, and Level 7 is the most complex. The levels build on

each other, each incorporating the skills assessed at the preceding levels. For example, at Level 5, individuals need

the skills from Levels 3, 4, and 5. The reading materials at Level 3 are short and direct. The material becomes longer,

denser, and more difficult to use as readers move toward Level 7. The tasks also become more complex as readers

move from Level 3 to Level 7. At Level 3, readers begin by finding very obvious details and following short

instructions. At the more complex levels, tasks can also involve more application and interpretation.

Level Characteristics of Items Skills

3 Reading materials include basic company policies, procedures, and announcements

Reading materials are short and simple, with no extra information

Reading materials tell readers what they should do

All needed information is stated clearly and directly

Items focus on the main points of the passages

Wording of the questions and answers is similar or identical to the wording used in the reading materials

Identify main ideas and clearly stated details

Choose the correct meaning of a word that is clearly defined in the reading

Choose the correct meaning of common, everyday workplace words

Choose when to perform each step in a short series of steps

Apply instructions to a situation that is the same as the one in the reading materials

Level Characteristics of Items Skills

4 Reading materials include company policies, procedures, and notices

Reading materials are straightforward but have longer sentences and contain a number of details

Reading materials use common words but do have some harder words, too

Reading materials describe procedures that include several steps

When following the procedures, individuals must think about changing conditions that affect what they should do

Questions and answers are often

Identify important details that may not be clearly stated

Use the reading material to figure out the meaning of words that are not defined

Apply instructions with several steps to a situation that is the same as the situation in the reading materials

Choose what to do when changing conditions call for a different action (follow directions that include "if-then" statements)

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paraphrased from the passage

Level Characteristics of Items Skills

5 Policies, procedures, and announcements include all of the information needed to finish a task

Information is stated clearly and directly, but the materials have many details

Materials also include jargon, technical terms, acronyms, or words that have several meanings

Application of information given in the passage to a situation that is not specifically described in the passage

There are several considerations to be taken into account in order to choose the correct actions

Figure out the correct meaning of a word based on how the word is used

Identify the correct meaning of an acronym that is defined in the document

Identify the paraphrased definition of a technical term or jargon that is defined in the document

Apply technical terms and jargon and relate them to stated situations

Apply straightforward instructions to a new situation that is similar to the one described in the material

Apply complex instructions that include conditionals to situations described in the materials

Level Characteristics of Items Skills

6 Reading materials include elaborate procedures, complicated information, and legal regulations found in all kinds of workplace documents

Complicated sentences with difficult words, jargon, and technical terms

Most of the information needed to answer the items is not clearly stated

Identify implied details Use technical terms and jargon

in new situations Figure out the less common

meaning of a word based on the context

Apply complicated instructions to new situations

Figure out the principles behind policies, rules, and procedures

Apply general principles from the materials to similar and new situations

Explain the rationale behind a procedure, policy, or communication

Level Characteristics of Items Skills

7 Very complex reading materials Information includes a lot of details Complicated concepts Difficult vocabulary Unusual jargon and technical terms

are used but not defined Writing often lacks clarity and


Figure out the definitions of difficult, uncommon words based on how they are used

Figure out the meaning of jargon or technical terms based on how they are used

Figure out the general principles behind policies and apply them to situations that are quite

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Readers must draw conclusions from some parts of the reading and apply them to other parts

different from any described in the materials

Reading for InformationThis information is provided by Work Keys to help you prepare your students for the Work Keys Reading for Information test.

The Reading for Information assessment measures a person’s skill in reading and using work related information including instructions, policies, memos, bulletins, notices, letters, manuals, and governmental regulations. These printed materials represent actual workplace conditions where reading materials are not necessarily well written or adapted to meet the needs of the reader. They are unlike those used in most reading instruction because they were not produced or selected to facilitate reading.

The assessment contains 33 multiple-choice questions at five levels of complexity with Level 7 being the most complex. Although Level 3 is the least complex, it still assesses a level of reading skill well above no skill at all. The levels build on each other by incorporating the skills assessed at the preceding levels.*

Level 3

Questions at Level 3 measure the examinee’s skill in reading short, uncomplicated passages which use elementary vocabulary. The reading materials include basic company policies, procedures, and announcements. All of the information needed to answer the questions is stated clearly in the reading materials, and the questions focus on the main points of the passages. At this level, the wording of the questions and answers is similar or identical to the wording used in the reading materials.

Questions at Level 3 require the examinee to ;• identify uncomplicated key concepts and simple details;• recognize the proper placement of a step in a sequence of events, or the proper time to perform a task;• identify the meaning of a word that is defined within the passage;• identify the meaning of a simple word that is not defined within the passage; and• recognize the application of instructions given in the passage to situations that are also described in the passage.

Level 4

At Level 4, the reading passages are slightly more complex than those at Level 3. They contain more detail and describe procedures which involve a greater number of steps. Some passages describe policies and procedures with a variety of factors which must be considered in order to decide on appropriate behavior. The vocabulary, while elementary, includes words that are more difficult than those at Level 3. For example, the word "immediately" may be used at this level, whereas at Level 3 the phrase "right away" would be used. At this level, the questions and answers are paraphrased from the passage.

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In addition to the skills tested at the preceding level, questions at Level 4 require the examinee to:

• identify important details that are less obvious than those in Level 3;• recognize the application of more complex instructions, some of which involve several steps, to described situations;• recognize cause-effect relationships; and• determine the meaning of words that are not defined in the reading material.

Level 5

Passages at Level 5 are more detailed; more complicated, and cover broader topics than those at Level 4. Words and phrases may be specialized (e.g., jargon and technical terms), and some words may have multiple meanings. Questions at this level typically call for applying information given in the passage to a situation that is not specifically described in the passage.

All of the information needed to answer the questions is stated clearly in the passages, but the examinee may need to take several considerations into account in order to choose the correct responses.

In addition to the skills tested at the preceding levels, questions at Level 5 require the examinee to:

• identify the paraphrased definition of a technical term or jargon that is defined in the passage;• recognize the application of technical terms or jargon to stated situations;• recognize the definition of an acronym that is defined in the passage;• identify the appropriate definition of a word with multiple meanings;• recognize the application of instructions from the passage to new situations that are similar to those described in the reading materials; and• recognize the application of more complex instructions to described situations, including conditionals and procedures with multiple steps.

Level 6

Passages at Level 6 are significantly more difficult than those at the previous level. The presentation of the information is more complex; passages may include excerpts from regulatory and legal documents. The procedures and concepts described are more elaborate. Advanced vocabulary, jargon, and technical terms are used. Most information needed to answer the questions correctly is not clearly stated in the passages. The questions at this level require examinees to generalize beyond the stated situation, to recognize implied details, and to recognize the probable rationale behind policies and procedures.

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In addition to the skills tested at the preceding levels, questions at Level 6 require the examinee to:

• recognize the application of jargon or technical terms to new situations;• recognize the application of complex instructions to new situations;• recognize, from context, the less common meaning of a word with multiple meanings;• generalize from the passage to situations not described in the passage;• identify implied details;• explain the rationale behind a procedure, policy, or communication; and• generalize from the passage to a somewhat similar situation.

Level 7

The questions at Level 7 are similar to those at Level 6 in that they require the examinee to generalize beyond the stated situation, to recognize implied details, and to recognize the probable rationale behind policies and procedures. However, the passages are more difficult: the density of information is higher, the concepts are more complex, and the vocabulary is more difficult. Passages include jargon and technical terms whose definitions must be derived from context.

In addition to the skills tested at the preceding levels, questions at Level 7 require the examinee to:

• recognize the definitions of difficult, uncommon jargon or technical terms, based on the context of the reading materials; and•figure out the general principles underlying described situations and apply them to situations neither described in nor completely similar to those in the passage.* A small number of questions are included for developmental purposes. Answers to these developmental questions do not count toward the examinee’s score.

Reading for Information - Level 3

Find the place where the first tree seedling is to be planted. Hold the planting bar straight up with both hands on the handle. Put the bottom edge of the bar against the ground.Then put your foot on the crossbar. Dig a hole by pushing down hard with your foot until the crossbar is touching the ground. Move the bottom of the bar back and forth two or three times to make the hole a little bigger. Take the bar out of the hole and lay it on the ground beside the hole while you plant the seedling.

1. How must you hold the planting bar to dig a hole?A. Across your footB. Beside the holeC. Near the bottom edgeD. Straight upE. Very hard

How to treat small cuts and scrapes

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First, wash the wound with soap and warm water. Use a soft wet cloth to do the cleaning and touch the injured area very carefully. Try not to cause pain to the injured person.Then, put AB Ointment on the wound. Squeeze a small dot of ointment out of the tube directly on to the injured area. Use a dry soft cloth to spread the ointment evenly over the entire wound.Again, touch the injured area very carefully and try not to cause pain.Next, cover the injured area with a bandage. Place a soft white cotton pad directly on the wound. Tape the pad in place. Put one piece of tape along each side of the pad. The tape should stick to the pad and also to the skin outside the injured area. Finally, put two pieces of tape all the way across the pad. Stick the tape to the skin on each side of the pad.

2. What do you use to clean the wound?A. AB ointmentB. A soft dry clothC. A soft wet clothD. A white cotton padE. Wound cleaner

MEMOTo: All businesses in Logan CityFrom: Philip Charles, Logan City MallRe: New garbage collectionLogan City Mall has hired a new garbage collection company. SpeedySanitation, Inc. will be collecting garbage from all businesses starting next Monday. Collection days will not change. The pick-up time will be one hour later.

Each business will be given one blue garbage can to use. Each business may ask for 2 extra garbage cans. You may have a total of 3 garbage cans. You will not need yellow collection tags anymore. Full garbage cans must weigh less than 30 pounds. Put your garbage in bags before putting it in the garbage cans. Put your garbage cans in the alley behind your business’s back door.

3. Starting next Monday, what is the greatest number of garbage cans each business is allowed to have?A. 1B. 2

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C. 3D. 15E. 30

Reading for Information - Level 4

South Liberty LibraryMEMO from the DirectorSUBJECT: Book ShelvingBooks that have been returned to the library must be sorted before they are put back on the shelves.Three carts are normally used to sort books.First, look at the sticker on the back edge of the book. Books with a blue dot above the sticker go on one cart. These are new books and they will be put on special shelves at the front of the library. If books do not have a blue dot, put them on the other two carts.

Next, the books on each cart must be sorted by the code on the sticker. Codes always start with a letter of the alphabet and most books have two letters of the alphabet. Put all the books in alphabetical order according to their codes. When you have more than one book with the same first alphabet letter, put them in order according to the second alphabet letter in the code. For example, put all the books that have the first alphabet letter P on the sticker together on one cart. Then, put the books with the letters PN before the books with the letters PV.

Often you will have several books with the same alphabet letters. When that happens, the books must next be sorted by code number which is on the sticker just below the alphabet letters. For example, a book with the code PN 103 must be put before a book with the code PN 225. When all the books on the carts are sorted, you can start putting them in the appropriate places on the shelves.

4. Where should you put a book with the code RC 405?A. After a book coded RA 410B. After a book coded RC 410C. Before a book coded RA 310D. Before a book coded RC 310E. On the special “new book” shelves

Leaner Dry Cleaners

When a customer comes in with clothes to be cleaned, follow these steps:1. Pick up each piece of clothing and look at it to see what type of clothing it is (for example, a sweater).2. Write down on the order form in the correct space how many of each type of clothing the customer has brought in (for example, 1 sweater, 2 shirts).3. Ask the customer if there are any stains on the clothing. If the customer says “yes”, ask what kind of stain it is and where it is located. Put this information on the

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order form and also put a red sticky dot on the stain area on the clothing. (Red sticky dots are under the countertop, next to the order forms.)If the customer doesn’t know what kind of stain it is, put a red sticky dot on the area and write “unknown stain” on the order form.4. Put the clothes to be cleaned in the bags behind the counter.5. Ask for the customer’s name and phone number and write both on the order form.6. Check the schedule sheet on the counter next to the telephone and tell the customer when the cleaned clothes will be ready to pick up. Check the box next to that day on the bottom of the order form, tear off the bottom of the form, and give it to the customer.

5. What should you do next if the customer says there are no stains on the clothes?A. Check the clothes for stains.B. Put a red sticky dot on the clothes.C. Put the clothes in the cleaning bags.D. Write the customer’s name on the order form.E. Write “unknown stains” on the order form.

Greenfield Memorial HospitalDuring and after a snowstorm, there will be both route and schedule changes for the hospital employee bus. The bus will run 15 minutes early, so be at your stop early. The bus will not stop at Bellevue Square or the Stadium. Employees usually boarding at those places will be picked up at the Eastdale Mall stop. Olive Street will be closed, so people usually picked up at that stop must walk to the Spring Street stop. If your stop is on a hillside, wait at the city bus stop closest to the top of the hill, so that the driver can stop safely. At stops where the snow has been piled deep at the curb, be prepared to board out in the street. Ice storms may cause the shuttle service to be canceled for a period of time. Listen to your local radio station after an ice storm. Any cancellations will be announced regularly.

6. Bellevue Square is your usual stop. After a snowstorm, you should go to which stop?A. Bellevue SquareB. Eastdale MallC. Olive StreetD. Spring StreetE. The Stadium

Reading for Information - Level 5

Goldberg’s Auto Parts is served by more than fifty different accounts, each with its own sales representative, company name, corporate address, and shipping address. As a shipping and receiving clerk at Goldberg’s, you are required to return defective merchandise to the manufacturer.Standard procedure for returning an item begins with your written request to the company for authorization. Always send the request to the corporate address, not to

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the shipping address. Unless the company file folder contains a form for this procedure, write a business letter to the manufacturer supplying the item’s stock number, cost, and invoice number; the date it was received; and the reason for its return. The manufacturer’s reply will include an authorization number from the sales representative, a sticker for you to place on the outside of the box to identify it as an authorized return, and a closing date for the company’s acceptance of the returned item. If you do not attach the provided sticker, your returned box will be refused by the manufacturer as unauthorized, and you will need to obtain a new letter, authorization, sticker, and closing date. Always send a returned box to the shipping address, not to the company’s corporate address.

7. What should you do if you lose the authorization sticker?A. Send a request for a return authorization along with the rejected part directly to the manufacturer’s shipping address.B. Send a request for return authorization along with the rejected part directly to the manufacturer’s corporate address.C. Repeat the standard procedure to obtain a new letter, authorization, sticker, and closing date.D. Use a sticker from another company’s folder.E. Send the rejected part to your sales representative.

Re: ALVAH Conference Exhibits

Dear Ms. Murphy:

Thank you for agreeing to participate as an exhibitor at the ALVAH conference scheduled for October 5-8. The Conference will be held at the Burr Hotel, 114 West Hamilton Avenue, in Madison.

The exhibit area will be set up in the Promenade, which is the foyer area for the meeting rooms on the main floor and connects to the lobby area. This area is not a secure area and exhibitors will be required to remove any electronic equipment or other valuables from their booth each night and further be sure that their booth is staffed during conference hours.

Each exhibit booth will contain an eight foot skirted table with pipe and draping, two chairs, signage and standard electrical access. The draping for this area will be Courthouse Rose. If you need additional items, please complete the attached hotel request form and return it directly to Hurdley Hanlin at the Burr Hotel.

The exhibit set-up time will be between 12 Noon and 1:30 PM. The exhibit area will be open at 2:00 PM on Sunday and close by 6:00 PM. This end time may change based on the security requirements surrounding the President's address at dinner. The exhibit area on Monday and Tuesday will open at 8:30 AM and close by 5:00 PM. The area on Wednesday will open at 8:00 AM and close by 10:00 AM. Teardown of exhibit booths will take place between 10:00 AM and 11:15 AM.

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8. You must schedule staff members to tend your booth. What is the minimum time you need to cover?A. One full day and two part daysB. One full day, one morning, and depending on security issues, one afternoonC. Two full daysD. Two full days and two part daysE. Two full days, one morning, and depending on security issues, one afternoon

FROM: Business and Finance DepartmentRE: Car rental during a business trip

TCA will not reimburse employees for the cost of additional insurance options offered by a car rental agency. In this regard, employees operating a rental car for TCA business purposes are provided the following insurance protections:• As part of the basic rental fee, rental agencies generally do not hold the renter responsible for loss of or damage to the car resulting from accidental fire or acts of nature as long as the employee is not in violation of the agreement at the time of the incident.• Collision damage to the rental car not covered above (collision, rollover, theft, or vandalism) is reimbursed by TCA independent of the rental agency.• Liability to third parties as follows:1. First, car rental agencies will usually provide a limited amount of liability protection as part of the basic rental fee.2. Second, liability protection is provided by personal automobile insurance coverage. In the unlikely event that an employee does not have a current policy in force, that employee must purchase basic coverage at his/her own expense.3. Third, if the liability limits of personal coverage are exceeded, or, if the employee’s personal insurance does not cover rentals for business purposes, TCA will provide additional protection for the employee up to the limits of TCA’s own liability insurance policy.If a car is rented for a combination of personal and business purposes, TCA will not reimburse for the cost of personal use, nor will its collision or excess liability protection be available in case of an accident while the rented car is in use for personal purposes.

9. You are traveling on TCA business and are visiting nearby relatives when a hailstorm strikes and damages your rental car. According to the memo, who will most likely pay the damages?A. TCAB. TCA’s liability insuranceC. The rental agencyD. You will have to pay out of your own pocketE. Your personal insurance

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Reading for Information - Level 6

Section 113.18A lawful fence shall consist of:1) Three rails of good substantial material fastened in or to good substantial posts not more than ten feet apart.OR2) Three boards not less than six inches wide and three quarters of an inch thick, fastened in or to good substantial posts not more than eight feet apart.OR3) Three wires, barbed, with not less than thirty-six iron barbs of two points each on each rod of wire; or four wires, two thus barbed and two smooth. The wires are to be firmly fastened to posts not more than two rods apart, with not less than two stays between posts, or with posts not more than one rod apart without such stays, the top wire to be not more than fifty-four or less than forty-eight inches in height. The bottom wire should be not less than twelve or more than eighteen inches above the ground.The middle wire should be not less than twelve or more than eighteen inches above the bottom wire.OR4) Wire either wholly or in part substantially built and kept in good repair, the lowest or bottom rail, wire, or board to be not more than twenty or less than sixteen inches from the ground, the top rail, wire, or board, between forty-eight and fifty-four inches in height; and the middle rail, wire, or board, not less than twelve or more than eighteen inches above the bottom rail, wire, or board.

10. A farmer’s fence has three barbed wires attached to posts spaced two rods apart with two stays between posts. The top wire is forty-nine inches in height. The bottom wire is ten inches above the ground. Why is the fence NOT lawful under Section 113.18?A. The fence must have four wires, two smooth and two barbed.B. The fence posts should be spaced closer together.C. The top wire should be higher.D. There should be more stays.E. The bottom wire should be higher.

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5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS5.1 SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTSBelow are listed those impacts that the staff judges could be of sufficient magnitude to be considered significant if the proposed or alternative actions were implemented.5.1.1 Proposed ProjectWithout proper timing of construction, the physical disruption of spawning, incubation, and rearing of salmon and steelhead trout would occur periodically during the 27-month construction period.Without effective erosion control methods, turbidity and sedimentation of salmon, steelhead trout, and shellfish spawning, incubation, and rearing habitats could continue beyond the 27-month period.Depending on operation of the sluice gate, the release of clear water and subsequent increase in sedimentation transport capacity would change channel morphology, causing deterioration of salmon, steelhead trout, and shellfish spawning and rearing habitat.Without adequate gravel replacement, the interception of bed load material and subsequent loss of natural gravel recruitment would cause degradation of the spawning beds.5.1.2 Alternative Design, Configuration 1The significant environmental impacts for Configuration 1 would be the same as those listed above for the proposed project with the following exceptions:Without adequate gravel replacement, the interception of bed load material and subsequent loss of natural gravel recruitment would cause degradation of spawning beds; however, natural gravel recruitment would resume sooner than under the proposed project because of reduction in the height of the dam;Reduced stream flow in the diversion reach would affect 0.8 mile of steelhead habitat and no salmon habitat. False attraction of salmon and steelhead trout and subsequent migration delays and pre-spawning mortalities would be lessened (in comparison with the proposed project) by relocation of the main powerhouse at RM 1.9.11 Conclusion to report (Hamma Hamma Hydroelectric Project, FERC No. 3178. Draft EnvironmentalImpact Statement. [Washington, DC: Office of Hydropower Licensing, Federal Energy RegulatoryCommission, April 1985], 5-1.)

11. You must recommend either the proposed or alternative action based on this report. If you use the design that includes lowering the height of the dam, how would it benefit the fish?A. Incubation will occur periodically.

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B. Spawning beds are damaged less.C. Turbidity will occur periodically.D. No fish would die before reproducing.E. Sluice gate concerns would be removed.

Standard Mail (B)General ——Mailers not already doing so will have until January 10, 2000, to place the current required subclass markings “Bound Printed Matter,” “Special Standard,” and “Library Mail” (or their authorized abbreviations) in the postage area.Parcel Post —— Except for mail qualifying for a drop shipment rate, mailers will be given a one-year grace period, until January 10, 2000, to print the “Parcel Post ” or “PP” markings in the postage area. Effective January 10, 1999, drop shipment mail must show the “ParcelPost” or “PP” marking in the postage area and the marking “Drop Ship” or “D/S” in either the postage area or on the line above or two lines above the address. An exception is that currentDBMC rate mailers using the “DBMC Parcel Post” or “DBMC PP” markings may continue to do so until January 10, 2000.

The “Bulk Parcel Post” marking will be eliminated and so will the requirement to show in the indicia or as part of a DBMC rate marking the 5-digit or 3-digit ZIP Code® of the post office of mailing when postage is paid with permit imprint and other conditions are met. Mailers will have until January 10, 2000 to remove these markings.

Marking Changes for Bound Printed Matter – Required January 10, 2000, and permitted immediately, the marking “Bulk Rate” or “Blk.Rt.” will be replaced with “Presorted” (or “PRSRT”) or at the mailer’s option “Presorted Standard” (or “PRSRT STD”). Effective January10, 1999, mailers at carrier route Bound Printed Matter rates will, in addition to the required“Bound Printed Matter” marking, be required to show only the “Carrier Route Presort” or “CARRT SORT” marking (i.e., the current requirement also to show the “Bulk Rate” marking will be eliminated). Effective January 10, 2000, required markings must be placed in specific areas on the mail piece (the “Bound Printed Matter” marking must be in the postage area and

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“Presorted”, “Carrier Route Presort” or authorized abbreviations must appear either in the postage area or in the line above or two lines above the address). The “Catalog” or “CatalogRate” marking is eliminated and mailers will have until January 10, 2000, to remove this marking from their pieces.(Excerpted from “JUST ENOUGH…TO STAY STRONG AND TO BE BETTER THAN EVER, a 1999RATE CASE IMPLEMENTATION OVERVIEW from THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.)

12. You now write “Bulk Rate” on your department’s mail pieces. When these rules are fully effective, you will write “Bound Printed Matter,” “Carrier Route Presort” and:A. nothing else.B. “Blk. Rt.”C. “CAR-RT SORT.”D. “Catalogue Rate.”E. “Special Standard.”

Reading for Information - Level 7

Section 108a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 106, it is not an infringement of copyright for a library or archive, or any of its employees acting within the scope of their employment, to reproduce no more than one copy or phono-record of a work, or to distribute such copy or phono-record under the conditions specified by this section if ;1) the reproduction or distribution is made without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage;2) the collections of the library or archive are (i) open to the public, or(ii) available not only to researchers affiliated with the library or archive or with the institution of which it is a part, but also to other persons doing research in a specialized field; and3) the reproduction or distribution of the work includes a notice of copyright.b) The rights of reproduction and distribution under this section apply to a copy or phono-record of an unpublished work duplicated in facsimile form solely for purposes of preservation and security, or for deposit for research use in another library or archive of the type described by clause (2) of subsection (a), if the copy or phono-record reproduced is currently in the collections of that library or archive.

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c) The right of reproduction under this section applies to a copy orphono-record of a published work duplicated in facsimile form solely for the purpose of replacement of a copy or phono-record that is damaged, deteriorating, lost, or stolen, if the library or archive has, after a reasonable effort, determined that an unused replacement cannot be obtained at fair cost.

13. Based on the information given, which of the following conditions would prohibit a city employee from photocopying an unpublished manuscript?A. If the photocopy is to be sent to a public research library that does not have a copy of the manuscriptB. If the photocopy would not produce any income for the city libraryC. If the city library’s original copy of the manuscript is in danger of damage through useD. If the city library is accessible to any and all citizens and researchersE. If the employee makes only one copy of the manuscript as a secure transcription

Recommended Year 2000 Contract LanguageCommercial Supply Products WarrantyThis clause is recommended for voluntary use by Federal agencies in their solicitations and contracts for Year 2000 compliant software, hardware, and systems comprised of commercial information technology products with the following exceptions: (1) the requirement will not continue to exist after December 31, 1999, or (2) the agency has decided to accept offers from vendors that do not have the needed Year 2000 compliant products, but will be required under the contract to upgrade the information technology items to be Year 2000 compliant by a suitable date in advance of the year 2000.The clause may be used when some but not all of the products being acquired are required to be Year 2000 compliant. The words “listed below” in the clause refer to products that the offeror has identified as

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being Year 2000 compliant in response to the procuring agency’s specifications. For unlisted products, contracting officers are reminded to adhere to the provisions of Federal Acquisition Regulations(FAR) Part 12, and to obtain an express warranty that includes repair and replacement of any such defective unlisted products discovered within a reasonable period of time after acceptance if merchantability and fitness for use are waived and not included in the offeror’s commercial warranty for those unlisted products.

Year 2000 Warranty—Commercial Supply ItemsThe contractor warrants that each hardware, software, and firmware product delivered under this contract and listed below shall be able to accurately process date/time data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, and sequencing) from, into, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000 and leap year calculations to the extent that other information technology, used in combination with the information technology being acquired, properly exchanges date/time data with it. If the contract requires that specific listed products must perform as a system in accordance with the foregoing warranty, then that warranty shall apply to those listed products as a system.

14. You are a contracting officer and your agency is interested in purchasing software that is an unlisted product. According to the regulations, can you purchase this product?A. No, only listed products may be purchased.B. No, the software must be upgraded first.C. Yes, if any part of the software package is Year 2000 compliant.D. Yes, if the product warranty includes a guarantee of utility and worth.E. Yes, if you examine and find that the software is not defective in any way.

COMPENSATION As compensation for Consultant’s full and satisfactory performance under this Agreement, Contractor shall pay a sliding fee dependent upon the role(s) assigned to the Consultant. Contractor shall pay a fee of up to $1000 (for up to one day of consulting) to prepare for each week of job analysis in anticipation that, during the week(s) that Consultant works with Contractor staff, less than one day will likely be required for preparation. Contractor shall pay a fee of up to $500 (for up to one-half

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day of consulting) for each on-site inspection and observation under this agreement. Contractor shall pay a fee of $500 per day whenConsultant assists Contractor staff during a job analysis session; $700 per day when Consultant is the primary job analyst (with Contractor staff assisting) and $1000 per day when Consultant conducts job analysis sessions independently and without assistance.

INSURANCEConsultant agrees to maintain, during the term of this Agreement, such insurance to cover any claim which becomes payable pursuant to a claim filed under this state’s Tort Claim Act as will fully protect both Consultant and the Contractor from any and all claims under any workers compensation act or employer’s liability laws, and from claims that may arise in the course of performance of work and services under this Agreement by Consultant or Consultant’s employees, agents, representatives or any other persons directly or indirectly acting for the Consultant.

INDEMNIFICATIONConsultant shall indemnify Contractor against any and all claims, actions, loss and/or liabilities (including but not limited to attorney fees and court costs) based upon or arising out of damage or injury, including death, to persons or property caused by or sustained in connection with Consultant’s performance of this Agreement or by conditions created thereby, or based upon Consultant’s violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation. Contractor shall promptly notify Consultant of any legal action, lawsuit, or other legal process served or commenced against Contractor and which may involve services performed by Consultant under this agreement. Consultant shall also indemnify Contractor against all liability and loss in connection with, and shall assume full responsibility for, payment of all federal, state and local taxes or contributions imposed or required under unemployment insurance, Social Security and income tax laws, with respect to Consultant’s employees, agents and representatives engaged in the performance of this Agreement.

15. According to the contract, as a consultant, which of the following is NOT your responsibility?A. Cover all tax liability for a clerk that you hire to help you on a job analysis that theContractor has hired you to conduct on your own.B. Guarantee that the Contractor cannot be sued for a mistake made by you while assisting a Contractor representative to perform a job analysisC. Limit preparation for a particular job analysis study to one day or less.D. Notify the Contractor that you are included in a legal complaint by a client’s employee concerning an equal opportunity violation.E. Provide insurance to cover the company’s video equipment that you broke accidentally during job analysis.

Answers to Reading for Information Level 3 Practice Set

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Answer to Level 3 Sample Item 1:A. Incorrect. Your foot is supposed to be on the crossbar, but the planting bar itself is to be held straight up.B. Incorrect. You lay the bar on the ground beside the hole after the hole is dug.C. Incorrect. The bottom edge of the bar is to be against the ground; this is not where you hold the planting bar.D. Correct. You are to hold the planting bar straight up while digging a hole.E. Incorrect. You push down hard with your foot to dig the hole and you hold the bar with both hands but “very hard” is not part of holding the bar.

Answer to Level 3 Sample Item 2:A. Incorrect. AB Ointment is applied after the wound has been washed.B. Incorrect. A soft dry cloth is used to spread the ointment after the wound has been washed.C. Correct. A soft cloth is used with soap and water to wash the wound.D. Incorrect. The white cotton pad is used to cover the wound after it has been washed and treated with ointment.E. Incorrect. The wound is to be cleaned using the soap and water.

Answer to Level 3 Sample Item 3:A. Incorrect. Each business will initially be given 1 garbage can, but may request 2 more.B. Incorrect. Each business may request 2 additional cans, for a total of 3.C. Correct. The memo states, “You may have a total of 3 garbage cans.”D. Incorrect. This number is not mentioned in the memo.E. Incorrect. Each garbage can must weigh less than 30 pounds when full.

Answers to Reading for Information Level 4 Practice Set

Answer to Level 4 Sample Item 4:A. Correct. RC comes alphabetically after RA and, therefore, the number is irrelevant.B. Incorrect. Both books are RC and 405 come before, not after, 410.C. Incorrect. RC comes alphabetically after RA and, therefore, the number is irrelevant.D. Incorrect. Both books are RC and 405 come after, not before 310.E. Incorrect. Only books with blue dots are put on the “new books” shelves.

Answer to Level 4 Sample Item 5:A. Incorrect. You are to ask the customer if there are stains, not check for them yourself.B. Incorrect. Red sticky dots are used to identify stains; if there are none, no dots would be put on the clothes.C. Correct. After asking about stains, the clothes are to be put in the bags behind the counter for cleaning.D. Incorrect. Writing the customer’s name on the order form is done after the clothes are put in the cleaning bags.E. Incorrect. “Unknown stains” refers to the type of stain, not the customer’s response that there are no stains.

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Answer to Level 4 Sample Item 6:A. Incorrect. The notice states that the bus will not stop at Bellevue Square after a snowstorm.B. Correct. The notice states that, after a snowstorm, “The bus will not stop at Bellevue Square or the Stadium. Employees usually boarding at those stops will be picked up at the Eastdale Mall stop.”C. Incorrect. Olive Street will be closed after a snowstorm, and people usually picked up at that stop will have to walk to Spring Street.D. Incorrect. People who are normally picked up on Olive Street will have to walk to SpringStreet after a snowstorm.E. Incorrect. The notice states that the bus will not stop at the Stadium stop after a snowstorm.

Answers to Reading for Information Level 5 Practice Set

Answer to Level 5 Sample Item 7:A. Incorrect. Although it is correct that returned boxes should be sent to the manufacturer’s shipping address, the box will be refused if it does not have an authorization sticker.B. Incorrect. Returned boxes should not be sent to the manufacturer’s corporate address, and the box would be refused without an authorization sticker.C. Correct. The passage states, “If you do not attach the provided sticker, your returned box will be refused by the manufacturer as unauthorized, and you will need to obtain a new letter, authorization, sticker, and closing date.” Therefore, if you lose the original authorization sticker, you will have to repeat the standard procedure to get a new letter, etc.D. Incorrect. An authorization sticker from another company would not have the correct authorization number from the manufacturer’s sales representative.E. Incorrect. The sales representative provides the authorization number, but the rejected part goes to the manufacturer’s shipping address after the authorization sticker has been received. The rejected parts do not go to the sales representative.

Answer to Level 5 Sample Item 8:A. Incorrect. The exhibit will be open both Monday and TuesdayB. Incorrect. See A. Also, the letter doesn’t indicate that the whole Sunday afternoon exhibit may be cancelled because of security, just that the ending time may change.C. Incorrect. This ignores the Sunday afternoon and Wednesday morning sessions.D. Correct. This includes Sunday afternoon, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning.E. Incorrect; for the same reasons as B.

Answer to Level 5 Sample Item 9:A. Incorrect. TCA would not cover in any case because the car was being used at the time for personal business.B. Incorrect. Although this would not be considered an accident, neither TCA nor TCA’s liability insurance would be involved on the personal part of the trip.C. Correct. This is assumed because the rental agencies generally do not hold the renter responsible for loss of or damage to the car resulting from accidental fire or

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acts of nature as long as the employee is not in violation of the agreement at the time of the incident.D. Incorrect. The rental agency covers acts of nature.E. Incorrect. Your insurance is only required in liability instances.

Answers to Reading for Information Level 6 Practice Set

Answer to Level 6 Sample Item 10:A. Incorrect. Four wires, two smooth and two barbed, are an option, not a requirement.According to paragraph 3, a fence may have three barbed wires OR four wires, two barbed and two smooth.B. Incorrect. The posts do not need to be closer. According to paragraph 3, the posts can be up to two rods apart, and the posts for the described fence are two rods apart.C. Incorrect. The top wire does not need to be higher. According to paragraph 3, the top wire is to be from forty-eight to fifty-four inches high, and the top wire for the described fence is forty-nine inches high.D. Incorrect. The fence does not need more stays. According to paragraph 3, there must be at least two stays between the posts, and the described fence has two stays between the posts.E. Correct. The bottom wire should be higher. According to paragraph 3, the bottom wire should be from twelve to eighteen inches above the ground. The bottom wire of the described fence is only ten inches above the ground.

Answer to Level 6 Sample Item 11:A. Incorrect. This will occur periodically either way. The Report is worried about disruption of the incubation process.B. Correct. The alternative design would affect no salmon habitat.C. Incorrect. The proposed project creates worries about extended turbidity; the alternative design does not ensure prevention of periodic turbidity.D. Incorrect. While “pre-spawning mortalities would be lessened” under the alternative design, this foil’s promise is not guaranteed.E. Incorrect. There is no mention of this “removal” under the Alternative Design.

Answer to Level 6 Sample Item 12:A. Correct. The current “Bulk Rate” will be eliminated.B. Incorrect. This will be eliminated.C. Incorrect. You have already written “Carrier Route Presort,” so this is not necessary.D. Incorrect. This will be eliminated.E. Incorrect. Only “Bound Printed Matter” and “Carrier Route Presort” will be required here.

Answers to Reading for Information Level 7 Practice Set

Answer to Level 7 Sample Item 13:A. Correct. This condition is NOT acceptable. According to subsection b), copies of unpublished manuscripts may be sent to another research library only if that research library already has a copy of the manuscript.

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B. Incorrect. This condition is acceptable. According to subsection a), clause 1), one of the conditions for permissible copying of any work is that no commercial advantage will be gained through the copying.C. Incorrect. This condition is acceptable. According to subsection b), making a copy of an unpublished manuscript is permissible if the copy is being made for the sake of preservation. If the original is in danger of being damaged through use, then an additional copy would be justified for the sake of preservation.D. Incorrect. This condition is acceptable. According to subsection a), clause 2), one of the conditions for permissible copying of any work is that the library be public and/or open to various researchers.E. Incorrect. This condition is acceptable. According to subsection b), making a copy of an unpublished manuscript is permissible if the copy is being made for the sake of security.

Answer to Level 7 Sample Item 14:A. Incorrect. In the second paragraph, you are reminded to adhere to Federal regulations if you purchase unlisted products, so that is not prohibited.B. Incorrect. According to the first paragraph, if you require the software to be upgraded by an appropriate date before 2000, you can purchase it.C. Incorrect. The software itself must not only be completely compliant, but it must work in compliance with other information technology.D. Correct. According to the second paragraph, if merchantability and fitness for use are waived and not included in the offeror’s commercial warranty”, you must get an express warranty for unlisted products to cover this, implying that products which do guarantee these things are okay.E. Incorrect. Software might not have any defects and still not be compliant.

Answer to Level 7 Sample Item 15:A. Incorrect. The consultant is responsible for taxes for his or her own employees.B. Incorrect. The consultant “must indemnify the Contractor against any and all claims…”C. Incorrect. The consultant is cautioned that he or she will only be paid for up to one day of preparation so this should be a self-imposed limit.D. Correct. The Contractor is obligated to notify the consultant, not the other way around.E. Incorrect. The consultant is responsible for insurance on herself or himself.