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Parish Church of Saint Cuthbert Lytham July/August 2018 Parish Magazine £1 Page 1 of 29

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Parish Church ofSaint Cuthbert Lytham

July/August 2018Parish Magazine £1

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The Leadership Team

Vicar: Revd Nick Wells 01253 279676

Curate Revd Adam Thomas

Hon. Assistant Priests: Revd David HirstRevd Helen Houston

Readers: Mr David Matthews Mr David Chapman

Mr Barrie StaceyMrs Bev Wells

Mrs Nicola WhiteheadServicesSunday Services8.30am Holy Communion (BCP)10.00am Holy Communion (CW) 6.00 pm Evening Prayer

Weekday ServicesFriday 11.00am Holy Communion

Bi-monthly Services on Sunday4.00pm Taize – 8th July

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Dear Friends,Back in 1984, a few months before Bev and I got married, I began to recognize a call from God to be ordained. Being a vicar’s son, I had often been asked if I ‘would be a vicar like my Dad’ and the answer had always been NO.Eventually though I recognized God’s prompting and began to explore ordination, leading to a selection conference in 1986. My pre-ordination training lasted 5 years and my memories of those years are rather mixed. Through it all though I believed in God’s call and know that I grew as a Christian and as a leader.In 1991 I was ordained a Deacon and the following year a Priest, both in Blackburn Cathedral, formerly Blackburn Parish Church where my maternal Grandparents married early in that century.So, it is a joy to celebrate the anniversary of my ordinations this summer especially following the diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma and the resulting treatment I have had over the past 12 months. I do hope as many as possible will come to the Communion Service of Friday 13th at 7pm to join me in saying thanks to God for His faithfulness.The preacher that evening is the Rt Rev’d John Pritchard, John grew up in Blackpool and attend Arnold School. His father Rev’d Canon Neil Pritchard was vicar of Holy Trinity, South Shore, which meant he was not only my Dad’s training incumbent, but also became one of my Godparents. John and my paths crossed at theological college in Durham when he became a member of staff at Cranmer Hall whilst I was thee training.With Adam being ordained this June and joining us as the first curate at St Cuthbert’s for something like 20 years it seems recognizing God’s call on our lives is being highlighted. Within the Blackburn Diocesan Vision there is a desire to ‘grow leaders’. Although leaders within the church do not

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necessarily have to be ordained, it is important we seek out and nuture those whom we recognize as having a call to ordination.I am grateful to those who recognized my vocation and have prayerfully and practically supported me ever since. Let us really mean it when we say the diocesan prayer each SundayHeavenly Father, we embrace your call for us to make disciples, to be witnesses and to grow leaders. Give us the eyes to see your vision, ears to hear the prompting of your Spirit and courage to follow in the footsteps of your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

Yours in Christ,Nick

Lytham Club DayPage 4 of 22

On June 23rd, the annual Lytham Club Day was held, which this year was extra special for St Cuthbert’s as one of our youngsters, Daisie Smith, was to be crowned Lytham Rose Queen 2018.

Following the wonderful parade on Saturday morning, in the afternoon, it was onto Lytham Hall for the crowning ceremony, where Daisie was crowned Rose Queen accompanied with her retinue. There followed by an afternoon and evening of entertainment where lots of fun was had by all who were there. The weekend continued on the Sunday with our Rose Queen Service in church followed by refreshments in the hall, (Thank you to everybody who donated cakes and to the ladies who helped in the kitchen). In the afternoon it was back to Lytham Hall for Songs of Praise, the singing lead by the Lytham Community Choir.

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To Daisie, Zara, Emilia, Jessica, Georgiana, Sophia and Willow we hope a very happy memorable year ahead representing Lytham and St Cuthbert’s at numerous club days and events. A huge thank you must also go to your parents, Grandparents and extended family members

for the work, time and effort they have put in over the past months leading up to Club Day. The theme of our float this year was ‘The Life and Times of Moses’. The children all met on Westby Street early on Saturday morning full of excitement and eager to get on board the float, we were delighted to be awarded second place. The children were all wonderful and it was a joy to have them on board so thank you to each and every single one of you who took part, you made us proud! Lots of fun was had by us all! A special mention to Caleb who at the age of four months old had his first starring role as baby Moses.

The float has been a work in progress for many months and it would not of happened without the following people: Claire Rowlings and her mum Linda, Liz Willis, Carol Wildon and her

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magnificent art work (we are really going to miss you), supported by to David, Michael, Ali , Cheryl, Liz and Matt, without whom none of this would have been possible.And last but not least, Club Day would not happen without the hard work and dedication of the Lytham Club Day Committee who give up their time voluntarily and work hard all year round to ensure Club Day is the success that it is, so thank you to you all. We look forward to seeing you all on Club Day 2019 which is to be held on the weekend 22nd – 23rd June.

Church Warden’s NewsThe Scot’s Pine trees by the Church Hall have been trimmed recently. This was essential maintenance due to the fact they were a danger to the Church buildings. A big thank you to Colin Ballard who instigated and arranged for this work to be done.

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Our June meeting was very enjoyable when our speaker was Mr. Barry Band who gave us a most interesting and amusing talk on 'Ladies of the Theatre'. The vote of thanks was very ably given by Mrs Debbie Edwards.We meet on Thursday 12th July at Lytham Hall at 2.30pm for afternoon tea and there are places available if would like to join us.Our next meeting is on Thursday 9th September at 2.30pm when our speaker will be Mr. Eric Lee who will tell us of the

work of the Red Cross and also about trips and falls.Mrs Christine Hodgkinson will attend the meeting with the MU Literature Stall. Margaret Fisher

QUIZ for July: General knowledgeA man said, ‘The greater our knowledge increases, the more our ignorance unfolds.’ You may like to put the extent of your ignorance to the test by attempting to answer the following questions on general knowledge.Please write your answers on a separate sheet, adding your name and contact details.

1. Whose is the quotation is written above ? 2. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in which country ?

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3. Who has been the longest serving presenter on Blue Peter ? 4. Of the United Nations member states beginning with the letter S, which country would come first alphabetically ? 5. In computing, what is a PDA ? 6. The HQs of the Mormon Church are in which American city ? 7. Watches in most watch adverts show what time ? 8. How many different colours are in the South African flag ? 9. In backgammon, each player starts with how many checkers ? 10. The 2018 Winter Olympic Games were held in which country ?11. The film No Country for Old Men is based on a novel by which author ? 12. Enceladus and Mimas are moons of which planet ? 13. Which country is home to the greatest number of Arabic speakers ? 14. In which British city was the author Ken Follett born ? 15. Only one London borough begins with the letter N. It is … ?16. How many of the eight starters in the men’s 100m at the 2012 Olympics finished in under 10 seconds ? 17. Phil Silvers [Bilko] appeared in one Carry On film. Which one ?18. The busiest airport in the world serves which city ? 19. Who married Ned Rocknroll in 2012 ? 20. How tall [in metres] is The Shard ? 21. The Battle of Appomattox was fought in which war ? 22. Rosalynn was the first name of the wife of which US President?23. What celestial object derives its name from the Greek for ‘hairy one’ ? 24. Which country left the Commonwealth in 2003 ?25. What unusual arrivals joined Paul McCartney on stage at a concert in Brazil in May 2013 ? 26. Which number lies between 18 and 13 on a standard dartboard ?

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27. Who provided the voice of Puss in Boots in the Shrek films ?28. Leathers lift [3,9] is an anagram of a Brit Award winning band. Can you sort it ? 29. In what field of the arts is Akram Khan a notable name ? 30. Which TV presenter was the co-founder of a restaurant called Fishy Fishy ? 31. The cheese Blacksticks Blue is from which English county ?32. The Basin Reserve is a sporting venue in which capital city ?33. Who is the only child of two Oscar winners to win an Oscar herself ?34. The Posh Sardine is a gift shop and café on the promenade at Arnside. How is this name oddly appropriate ? 35. Which Anglo-Irish poet wrote mystery stories under the pseudonym of Nicholas Blake ? 36. Holly Golightly was the heroine of which novel and film ?37. Which TV drama is set on the Chatsworth Estate ? 38. What is the last opera in Wagner’s ‘Ring Cycle’ ?39. What nationality was the composer Franz Liszt ? 40. What name is given to the full moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox in September ? Entries to David Matthews by 15th July.

QUIZ for June: If consumed, I’m confused: rearrangedTop honours belong to Dorothy Jones who provided a full house with 40/40. First class, Dorothy ! Answers: 1. Ken Barlow, 2. Usain Bolt, 3. Clint Eastwood, 4. Grant Mitchell, 5. Stoke-on-Trent, 6. United Arab Emirates, 7. Trinidad and Tobago, 8. Highland Games, 9. Peter Crouch, 10. The Conservative Party, 11. Inverness, 12. Milton Keynes, 13. Faroe Islands, 14. Gaelic football, 15. Steve Davis, 16. Pommel horse, 17. New York Times, 18. Scarborough, 19. Sri Lanka, 20. Nottingham, 21. Kos, 22. Nice, 23. Costa Blanca, 24. Lanzarote, 25. Benidorm, 26. Dublin, 27. Dubai, 28. Faro, 29. Tenby, 30. Rome, 31. Bermuda, 32. Goa, 33. Croatia, 34. Brighton, 35. Biarritz, 36. St Annes, 37. Venice, 38. Newquay, 39. Ayai Napa, 40. Cowes.

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ConfirmationWe were delighted to see 12 people Confirmed at St John’s in a united service shared by the Church of England and Methodist churches on Thursday 29th June. As well as seven children from Lytham Church of England School, 4 members of St Cuthbert’s congregation were also present. Leslie Cunningham, Anja Profijt, Sally Ward and John Webb were all confirmed by Bishop Philip and Rev’d Dr Adrian Burdon. We congratulate them and pray that God’s Holy Spirit may continue to guide their lives.The following prayer is part of the Confirmation Service:

Almighty and ever-living God,you have given these your servants new birthin baptism by water and the Spirit,and have forgiven them all their sins.Let your Holy Spirit rest upon them:the Spirit of wisdom and understanding;the Spirit of counsel and inward strength;the Spirit of knowledge and true godliness;and let their delight be in the fear of the Lord.Amen.

Anna and Joachim

The calendar of Holy Days at the beginning of Common Worship doesn’t draw much upon apocryphal literature – no surprises there! But ‘Anna and Joachim, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary’, listed in this way for 26 July, are rare exceptions. Their names and the story of the circumstances of the Virgin’s

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birth occur only in New Testament apocrypha, the earliest written text giving us this information being the Gospel of James, from around AD 150.

The traditional story is that Anna, born in Bethlehem, married Joachim of Nazareth, where they lived as a pious couple. However, they suffered from the sorrow of being childless and this led to a certain Ruben denying Joachim entry to the Temple in Jerusalem on the grounds that men without offspring were unworthy to be admitted. Joachim, grief-stricken, did not return home, but fled to the mountains to pray. Anna realised that her sterility was the reason for Joachim’s absence, and so she, like Joachim, called upon God. Their prayers were answered when an angel came to Anna promising that she would ‘conceive and give birth and the fruit of thy womb shall be blessed by all the world’. The angel also made the promise of a child to Joachim, who thereupon returned to Anna, and in due course they had a daughter, whom they called Miriam (Mary).

These apocryphal texts, of which the Gospel of James is one of the most significant, satisfied desires for more information about the lives of New Testament figures. There are those who consider that they enshrine sound oral tradition. But modern scholars more readily point to the mirroring of stories elsewhere in the Bible, and argue that several of their narratives are inspired by and modelled on these. In the case of Anna, we see something of the story of the barren Hannah being blessed, in answer to prayer, with the birth of Samuel, as told in the Old Testament; there is even a coincidence of name, since Anna (or Anne), as we know it, is actually the same name as Hannah. The story also includes a form of annunciation, expressed in terms similar to that of the Annunciation to Mary, as told in the Gospels; and there are echoes too of the story of the birth of John the Baptist to the hitherto childless but devout Elizabeth and Zacharias. Anna / Anne / Hannah means ‘grace’ in Hebrew; Joachim means ‘he whom Yahweh has set up’, both being obviously highly suitable names for the principal figures in this particular context.

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Mary’s parents are honoured in the Eastern Church as well as the Western, but in the West they were not given much attention in the liturgy until the twelfth century. Indeed, Anglo-Saxon church calendars, which closely follow the wider traditions of the Western Church, have no feast-day for either of them. In the East, though, the cult of St Anne is traceable to at least the sixth century, when the Emperor Justinian built a church in Constantinople in her honour. In the West, despite their absence from the liturgy, we find the earliest sign of Anna’s veneration in an eighth century fresco in Santa Maria Antiqua in Rome. Mary’s ‘family story’ entered popular imagination in the thirteenth century, thanks to its inclusion in Jacobus de Voragine’s Golden Legend collection, and from then on scenes from Mary’s early life, including depictions of Anna and Joachim, were given imaginative expression in western art until apocryphal scenes were restricted by the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century.

Joyce Hill

Community Craft Group

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The Community Craft Group are delighted to show you a sample of the lovely teddy bears we recently made. We made approximately 40 of these huggable bears, some “adventure bears” and some “feel good bears”. They have all been adopted for future hugs, some by Trinity Hospice, some by the Friends of Ansdell library for their activities with children and some are going to the Food Bank for associated children.

The Group meet in church each Thursday 10.30-12.00. A Community Group crafting for the Community and all are very welcome. Come and see us and have a coffee or tea and biscuit.”

Thank you also to all who supported the Easter project this year by making Easter novelties and by buying them. The money raised has been sent to Trinity Hospice and the Food Bank who are both very grateful for all our efforts. Please continue to support the Community Craft Group in whichever way you can so we can make a difference to the community as a whole.

September MagazinePage 14 of 22

There will be no magazine in August so articles for the September magazine need to be submitted to the Parish Coordinator by 22nd August.

100 ClubTake part in the monthly draw and you could win £100! All profit goes directly towards the upkeep of the church! All you need to do is pay £5 per month by standing order. This buys you a number between 1 and 100. Each month a number is drawn, rather like a raffle, and the owner of that number receives a cheque for £100. There are standing order forms at the back of the church. Or please have a word with me, Debbie Rogerson. I am usually singing in the choir at the 10am Communion service so catch me afterwards or ring 01253 422500 / 07540284517.Congratulations to Margaret Fisher with lucky number 4.

July’s DiarySunday 1st 8.30 am Communion

10 am Communion 6 pm Evening Prayer

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Monday 2nd 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 3rd 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 4th 9 am Morning Prayer

9.45 am Bertie Bear Club7 pm Bell Ringers Practice

Thursday 5th 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 6th 11 am Communion

1 pm Wedding BlessingSaturday 7th 1 pm Wedding

Sunday 8th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion 12 noon Baptism4pm Taize6 pm Evening Prayer

Monday 9th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 10th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 11th 9 am Morning Prayer

9.45 am Bertie Bear Club7 pm Bell Ringers Practice

Thursday 12th 10.30 am Community Craft Group10.30 am Stepping Stones2.30 pm Mothers’ Union7 pm PCC meeting

Celebration WeekendFriday 13th 11 am Communion

7 pm Celebration Communion

Saturday 14th 6 pm Pulled Pork Party

Sunday 15th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion4 pm Songs of Praise and Picnic

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Monday 16th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 17th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 18th 9 am Morning Prayer

9.45 am Bertie Bear Club7 pm Bell Ringers Practice

Thursday 19th 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 20th 11 am Communion

Sunday 22nd 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion 12 noon Baptism6pm Evening Prayer

Monday 23rd 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 24th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 25th 9 am Morning Prayer

7 pm Bell Ringers PracticeThursday 26th 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 27th 11 am Communion

Sunday 29th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion 6 pm Evening Prayer

Monday 30th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 31st 7 pm Cell GroupAugust’s DiaryWednesday 1st 7 pm Bell Ringers PracticeThursday 2nd 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 3rd 11 am Communion

Sunday 5th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion 6 pm Evening Prayer

Monday 6th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 7th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 8th 7 pm Bell Ringers Practice

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Thursday 9th 10.30 am Community Craft Group10.30 am Stepping Stones2.30 pm Mothers’ Union7 pm PCC meeting

Friday 10th 11 am Communion7 pm Celebration

Sunday 12th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion12 noon Baptism6 pm Evening Prayer

Monday 13th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 14th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 15th 7 pm Bell Ringers PracticeThursday 16th 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 17th 11 am Communion

Sunday 19th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion 6pm Evening Prayer

Monday 20th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 21st 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 22nd 7 pm Bell Ringers PracticeThursday 23rd 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 24th 11 am Communion

Sunday 26th 8.30 am Communion 10 am Communion12 noon Baptism 6 pm Evening Prayer

Monday 27th 7 pm Choir PracticeTuesday 28th 7 pm Cell GroupWednesday 29th 7 pm Bell Ringers PracticeThursday 30th 10.30 am Community Craft GroupFriday 31st 11 am Communion

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St Cuthbert’s Uniformed Organisations

MondayCubs meet at 6.45 – 8.15pm

for more details email [email protected]

TuesdayBeavers meet at 6 - 7pm

for more details contact Sarah Johnson 01253 739457

Sea Scouts meet at 7.15 -9 pm for more details contact

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Graham Igoe 01253 734861

WednesdayRainbows meet at 6 - 7pm

for more details contact Muriel Ward 01253 738729

ThursdayBrownies meet at 6.15 - 7.30pm

for more details contact Jeannette 01253 738443

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Useful Church Contacts and Phone Numbers

Alpha Course Bev Wells01253 279 676

07742 709 994

Community Craft Group

Paula Chapman 07891371358


Beryl Matthews

01253 725 552

07788 683 706

Churchwarden Liz Willis

07771 634 818

Fairtrade Julie Webb07914 926 422

Mothers’ Union

Margaret Fisher 01253 737310

Parish Coordinator

Fiona Newbold 01253 736488

Vicar Nick Wells 01253 279676Vision Champion Julie Webb

07914 926 422

Vision Champion

Marion Smyllie 01253 738099

Webpage Facebook & Twitter Bev Wells 01253 279676

07742 709 994

100 ClubDebbie Rogerson 01253 422500

07540 284 517

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Parish OfficeSt Cuthbert’s Parish OfficeSt Cuthbert’s Church Hall

Church RoadLythamFY8 5QL

Tel : 01253 736488Email: [email protected]

Usual office hours: Monday – Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm

Website http://stcuthbertslytham.orgFacebook St Cuthbert Lytham

Twitter @cuthbertslytham

Lytham St Cuthbert is a charity registered in England and Wales | Charity Registration No. 1143673

Registered Office: - St Cuthberts Church, Church Road, Lytham St. Annes, FY8 5QL

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