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  • Copyright IBM Corporation 2011 Web- RESTful- Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverter

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    Web- RESTful- Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverter -IBM


    Spring, Java Platform EnterpriseEdition (Java EE), (Representational State Transfer REST) --(Model-View-Controller MVC). Web- RESTful , . , HttpMessageConverter. , RestTemplate HttpMessageConverter . , , Spring Web- RESTful-, , ATOM Feed, XML JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

    " Web- RESTful Spring 3" (. ) Web- RESTful Sping. , ContentNegotiatingViewResolver , Web- RESTful. HttpMessageConverter, RestTemplate HttpMessageConverter .

    REST Spring MVC

    Spring ( ), Web- RESTful.

    @Controller @Controller, , MVC HTTP-.

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    Web- RESTful- Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverter

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    @RequestMapping @RequestMapping, , HTTP-, URI HTTP-. REST Spring. method HTTP-.:

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/emps",headers="Accept=application/xml, application/json")

    @PathVariable @PathVariable URI .:

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/emp/{id}")public ModelAndView getEmployee(@PathVariable String id) { }

    @RequestParam, URL- . @RequestHeader, HTTP- .

    @RequestBody, HTTP- .

    @ResponseBody, HTTP-.

    HttpEntity , .

    ResponseEntity, HTTP- .


    public @ResponseBody Employee getEmployeeBy(@RequestParam("name")String name, @RequestHeader("Accept") String accept, @RequestBody String body) {}public ResponseEntity method(HttpEntity entity) {}

    Spring (. ) , .

    MIME- RESTful Web-. , URI HTTP- . URI URI .

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    " Web- RESTful Spring 3" (. ) ContentNegotiatingViewResolver, URI ( ). , ContentNegotiatingViewResolver .

    HttpMessageConverter @ResponseBody. View.

    HttpMessageConverterHTTP- , .. . Spring String ( Java-). Spring / ? HttpMessageConverter. Spring , . 1 .

    1. HttpMessageConverter

    ... ...

    StringHttpMessageConverter / . - text/* Content-Type, text/plain.

    FormHttpMessageConverter / . - pplication/x-www-form-urlencoded MultiValueMap.

    MarshallingHttpMessageConverter / XML- / Spring. -application/xml.

    MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter / JSON- Jackson'sObjectMapper. - application/json.

    AtomFeedHttpMessageConverter / ATOM ROME Feed API. - application/atom+xml.

    RssChannelHttpMessageConverter / RSS ROME Feed API. - application/rss+xml.

    Web- RESTful , Web- RESTful, . , , " Web- RESTful Spring 3" (. ). .

    -, HttpMessageConverter. , HttpMessageConverter

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    -. - JSON,ATOM XML.


    . JSON - , . 1 , JSON.

    1. HttpMessageConverter rest-servlet.xml

    .MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter JSON . Jackson ObjectMapper JSON JavaBean, Jackson JAR- classpath.

    org.codehaus.jackson.jar org.codehaus.jackson.mapper.jar

    JSON. 2 .

    2. JSON-, EmployeeController@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/emp/{id}", headers="Accept=application/json")public @ResponseBody Employee getEmp(@PathVariable String id) {Employee e = employeeDS.get(Long.parseLong(id));return e;}

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/emps", headers="Accept=application/json")public @ResponseBody EmployeeListinggetAllEmp() {List employees = employeeDS.getAll();EmployeeListinglist = new EmployeeList(employees);return list;}

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    @ResponseBody , (Employee EmployeeList) , MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter JSON.

    HttpMessageConverter @ResponseBody , Spring View, ContentNegotiatingViewResolver.

    CURL REST- Firefox . HTTP-: Accept=application/json. 3 JSON.

    3. JSON- getEmp() getAllEmp()Response for /rest/service/emp/1{"id":1,"name":"Huang Yi Ming","email":"[email protected]"}

    Response for /rest/service/emps{"count":2,"employees":[{"id":1,"name":"Huang Yi Ming","email":"[email protected]"},{"id":2,"name":"Wu Dong Fei","email":"[email protected]"}]}

    XML Spring MarshallingHttpMessageConverter XML (OXM). JAXB 2 / . 4 .

    4. MarshallingHttpMessageConverter

    dw.spring3.rest.bean.Employee dw.spring3.rest.bean.EmployeeList

    , JAXB 2 java.util.List XML. - . " Web- RESTful Spring 3" (.) , JAXB-.

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    , ? 2. , . - Accept:

    headers=Accept=application/json, application/xml

    (JSON XML). 5 application/xml.

    5. XML- getEmp() getAllEmp()Response for /rest/service/emp/1

    [email protected] 1 Huang Yi Ming Response for /rest/service/emps

    2 [email protected] 1 Huang Yi Ming [email protected] 2Wu Dong Fei

    ATOM ATOM - Web- RESTful. Atom Atom, ( ) , . atom:feed. ATOM Publish Protocol (APP), . ( ATOM APP- . . .)

    AtomFeedHttpMessageConverter ATOM, ROME ATOM API. JAR-sun.syndication.jar classpath. 6 .

    6. AtomFeedHttpMessageConverter

    7 , ATOM .

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    7. getEmpFeed() EmployeeController & AtomUtil@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.GET, value="/emps", headers="Accept=application/atom+xml")public @ResponseBody Feed getEmpFeed() { List employees = employeeDS.getAll(); return AtomUtil.employeeFeed(employees, jaxb2Mashaller);}

    public static Feed employeeFeed( List employees, Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller) {Feed feed = new Feed();feed.setFeedType("atom_1.0");feed.setTitle("Employee Atom Feed");

    List entries = new ArrayList();for(Employee e : employees) { StreamResult result = new StreamResult( new ByteArrayOutputStream()); marshaller.marshal(e, result); String xml = result.getOutputStream().toString();

    Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.setId(Long.valueOf(e.getId()).toString()); entry.setTitle(e.getName()); Content content = new Content(); content.setType(Content.XML); content.setValue(xml);

    List contents = new ArrayList(); contents.add(content); entry.setContents(contents); entries.add(entry);}feed.setEntries(entries);return feed;}

    , :

    GetEmpFeed() URI, getAllEmp(), Accept.

    employeeFeed() Employee XML, .

    8 application/atom+xml URI /rest/service/emps.

    8. /rest/service/emps application/atom+xml

    Employee Atom Feed

    Huang Yi Ming 1 [email protected] 1

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    Huang Yi Ming

    Wu Dong Fei 2 [email protected] 2 Wu Dong Fei


    9. POST, PUT DELETE EmployeeController@RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.POST, value="/emp")public @ResponseBody Employee addEmp(@RequestBody Employee e) {employeeDS.add(e);return e;}

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.PUT, value="/emp/{id}")public @ResponseBody Employee updateEmp( @RequestBody Employee e, @PathVariable String id) {employeeDS.update(e);return e;}

    @RequestMapping(method=RequestMethod.DELETE, value="/emp/{id}")public @ResponseBody void removeEmp(@PathVariable String id) {employeeDS.remove(Long.parseLong(id));}

    @RequestBody addEmp() updateEmp(). HTTP- , HttpMessageConverter. RestTemplate REST-.

    RestTemplate REST- " Web- RESTful Spring 3" (. ), CURL REST- REST-. Jakarta Commons HttpClient( ). Spring REST- RestTemplate. Spring, JdbcTemplate JmsTemplate.

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    RestTemplate HttpMessageConverter. .


    10 RestTemplate. .

    10. RestTemplate

    , . RestTemplate , :

    exchange: HTTP- . getForObject: HTTP- GET . postForObject: HTTP- POST . put: HTTP- PUT . delete: HTTP- DELETE URI.

    RestTemplate. RestTemplate API (. ), API.

    11 , , . MarshallingHttpMessageConverter, . -.

    11. XML-HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();headers.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML);HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(headers);ResponseEntity response = restTemplate.exchange("http://localhost:8080/rest/service/emps",HttpMethod.GET, entity, EmployeeList.class);EmployeeListingemployees = response.getBody();// employees

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    12 POST. AddEmp() - application/xml application/json.

    12. POST

    Employee newEmp = new Employee(99, "guest", "[email protected]");HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(newEmp);ResponseEntity response = restTemplate.postForEntity("http://localhost:8080/rest/service/emp", entity, Employee.class);Employee e = response.getBody();// employee

    13 , PUT. - ({id}) URI .

    13. PUT

    Employee newEmp = new Employee(99, "guest99", "[email protected]");HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(newEmp);restTemplate.put( "http://localhost:8080/rest/service/emp/{id}", entity, "99");

    14 , DELETE.

    14. DELETE

    restTemplate.delete( "http://localhost:8080/rest/service/emp/{id}", "99");

    HttpMessageConverter, Spring 3. , . , HttpMessageConverter , ContentNegotiatingViewResolver " Web- RESTful Spring 3".

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    src_code.zip 11

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    Web- RESTful- Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverter

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    Build RESTful web services with the Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverterfeature (EN).

    Web- RESTful Spring 3(developerWorks, 2010 , EN) Web-RESTful Spring.

    REST .

    Spring MVC Showcase, , . , .

    Spring 3. RestTemplate API. JAXB Reference Implementation Project. ROME - Java- Atom/RSS, Java

    . ATOM. DeveloperWorks Atom Publishing Protocol

    ( 2006 .), , (EN).

    Jackson - JSON- .

    Spring. Jackson. IBM

    IBM SOA Sandbox, DB2, Lotus, Rational,Tivoli WebSphere.

    developerWorks, Web-. Web- Web-

    . Web 2.0

    . Web-, developerWorks.

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    Web- RESTful- Spring 3 MVC HttpMessageConverter

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    (Yi Ming Huang) - - China Development Lab, Mashup- Lotus. Web- . REST, OSGi Spring.

    Copyright IBM Corporation 2011(www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml) (www.ibm.com/developerworks/ru/ibm/trademarks/)

    REST Spring MVC

    HttpMessageConverter Web- RESTfulJSONXML ATOM POST, PUT DELETE

    RestTemplate REST- RestTemplate