TrafficDeath ^^^Sooreboard M S a Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc V*llp'. : ~g£~,yS!°J “M VOU 38, NO. 213________ ' Quick Aid Requested 1 Of Russia! LONDON, Nov. 14 <U.RI— ■ rhe Eio’ptiftn RO''®” '"'*? .^kcd Russia to dispatch vol. W intecp” forcc.i to E gypt im- ,yt: mcdialcly. a Moscow diapRtch ?cportc-d fhrSid Enst crisis nnd took > ^ ! «ddJS ilnnlflcancc bewuw the y.,'. ?i,f MMCOW dispatch clewed the „■.... .irlet Moscow ceMorshlp. The dU- * |JJ|chw««*ti^ibul«<lu»AMb»urce* i . EMt lhe_»ubject nf urulous conlertneefv In London, r. * rirLi. Wftihlnstoti' »nd th# Onlled ^In^’wlulilnslon. President Elwn- K hewer pledged conUnued U. 8. sup- K ; Sort of tue United NaUons «»id sftld K l ■he United flute* would continue. p;4 tlirouuh tfte V. N„ to oppose the intiwluellon-ot-*ny-iitw_JorsMjn ■>' p«»»= i ^^f^5ie*hM(l‘Prease4_Unlutd N»- & lions'll could mean an ImmcdUU H moment ol decision. A United Na- tlons police force pledged to rutore MAce to the Middle East was build* H up slowly today In the Naplti. luly. staging area but 11 could not move predint final afreement unoRf the powen'Involved. H Me«n*hUe.'French, British, and Israeli troops faced Egj-pUan* In ^ ^ ihe_Part 8*<d area of the Suez canal Ax] Sm aAd inlhT-SEnKrdMerl-wim ~nzk rifle shot of each other under an bai ineuy ccftJt-flre. .> . The Arab source* In Moscow aald he ZsTpUan reouut for volunteera ^ ltd beea made throueh the Efyp- J Ish embassy.' - Such a move removed It from the ^ Mtejory ot a general broadcast'ap. . xtl tar volunteers to aid Egypt and made It a formal action between' governments. It.wa# under the piUe of a formal-request from the puppet - • • Eovemmenl lo Hungary that Rus- -i »)in-t«»eps-aoved-ln_la_cnuh. th t _ .J, revolt there, CC 1 --------------------- Th< Ai’ab League S 'l 'Backs Egypt;~ » Meets Closed “ BEUIDT,,Lebaaon,^No». iV.IW-: to . Leadera of leven Arab nations open- c a t ti the aecond and last meeting ot nr!* tftelr "summU- cotiTereoce today to sg The sereii nations' threw their 5 .“ jfl^nlm ous support behind E«ypt at Mir opening ^ io n ycBtcrday and sld an attjick on one Amb aUte ^ cmsUUiled aa.Attacle o n alU g*"; The meeting was attended' by the Ines ot SiuiU Arabia. Jordan and rag. the presldeats of Z«bai]on «o^ ijTln, ted reprmntatlva of the oj-al families of The' Yemen and sp .Ibya. Eg}-pt,«ma represented by .Its mbamdor* In Damascus ■ ^ n d ^ The meeting was barred to the rs-fupported-Ejypt-lR-thclc-open- B«>: IE iweche* and repeat*d- their Har «b league pledge to stand by eaeh Tl iher In case ot attack. - Fall T affirm that any jict of-agiBra- the on on aay psrt^f our'Arab nation the <sn set ot aggression icnlnst nil ars r us." King ^esal of Iraqu said in Pe I* opening addrcaa. . Agpi . . ------ -------------------- dowi i Area Farmers ’Sn To Send Entries S For*k Shnwa'-l CHICAGO, Nor. I t—Two Magic five al ey llveslock farms will be repre- char nied In competition at the IfiM coup iternjilonal Livestock exposlUon W: '’'’•23-Dee. 1 In the International cuat- npfiltheater at the Chicago stock- •»ov rd*. . Ings, Von A. noHbin*. owner of the Var ' nr f«rm ne»r King Hll^wlll exhibit |----- v?.^. ^ “ n-Angus cattle In •; wunty.. sheep.nUer, _vi! • W.Decker.^upert, has luted en- JL? iM tor the suttolk sheep compeU- extend over JO hii Itl one-half acres In the newly en- 2 'd amphitheater, the. nation’s «cst exhibition hall, and also will ONTACT PERCCNTAOE HIGfl CONTACT, Nev.. Nov. 14 W -T h ls nu ly community in northern Elko Sl “>e highest we ung percentages In the stats In <■ _ weeks general election, I Russians De] »t^w*' Buda- “I ,1 ^«y that •Hunaarlaa# cord ™d to the East in era JM MUttay cars by Russian East -^snos Kadar, mad* the "ivo; 'lakfuie *Sk‘“ .u" ‘Z* * ^f««dcast Ing ' c S X u ’ln^" 1 '*"* workers Tl Si. •ath A Regional-] OHlfl.l riiT ...t «.»unlr Ready i i ff e -s ^ ^ Alt thlno are.Mad? for.tbe Twin Fa Axprem. Airs. Il^ne;^ Tegan. office aecj -nejfean7r£HnTrT)TB5«etT-fttitiiren“nan1 baTS 60,000 coupe&s and drawing UckeU t 2-Day Indii To Star Hundreds of free pnzes and thou "cr'items-wIirixj-jrlvcn-awny'Fi'Idff^ The Agprom is a snlute to Magic Vi essiny. The fair will be open to th to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Radio Bi for the drawings, reports Ar- lonnBft3tianr"Agprom'“Chair- n man. The prizos include food I |i and merchandise ccrtifjcatcs; he said. The firat'76‘‘Arsons to . enter Kadlq, Rondevoo on . cacH day will receive a door said M .llrm i will hare ^ booths dutt|ig the •event; These In- toda; elude' OrMfi Giant Canning com- any pany, Coca-Cola Bottling company, Jq *i, Schroeder-s popcorn. Twin PalU Feed and Supply. Swift nnd com- pany..Vork Pocking company. Bo- icnsi hemian-Beer, Young's dairy. Twin Unit .FaUs Flour mlUa, C. J. Marshall, Je- u . ^ rome Co-op and Idaho Fr^n _01obe Seed and Feed. Shields, nlth( Starch plant. Cannon's noodles, - Thi SegD Milk company. Independent at t0( &feat company. Buhl Feed and Ice ly, H company. Bean Growers Warehouse cautli association. Magic Valley Ttout Ume OMWiMl“totirlgiiiwted'‘Sniftn'T!tfitf^ W nn aany,-J.-H..H«iry-3ioduca..aad-Stf -. tjh Harper,’ « as ’ These flnna along with Twin "f/hni FttlU reUll merchanU are 'footing broug the bill. In addlUon to supplying the prUss, the parUclpatlng fUrms ars providing free food coupons. shoul Persons planning to atund the y, Agprom may stop- by one ot « _ . downlown businesses and receive a coupon worth Xfve cenls. This fou- pen will cnUtle the person to a hot- dog and coffee, double dip Ice cream cone, bag of popcorn, Coca-Cola or all Uie milk he con drink. In case ,J j" ' nia tlve cents. However, the local mer- in rei chanU have purchased lO.OW of the vlet i coupons. • diers While In ths merchant's store. Uie lutlar customer nbo jnsy obtain a Ucket the f allowing him to enter in the .draw- concc Ings, These m tut be deposlUd. how- world •■> r*(« 1. CalnMii » Bot I- ------------ "rn Chini ----- Wetter— S PreclpltjUlon is due for Msglc -Vallay-acoordlng-to the five-day forecast received Wednesday via Associated Press. •'Good for ducks and duck w ^ hunlers," commented the AP re- ®*ted porter, reading thta report: ••precipitation heavier than “«re> normal, occurlng as rain or snow. turning to.raln Thursday or Prl- the^a -d«}t.,snr1 agaln-abnut Bimrtan- -JXt -Total'prtclpttsdon-HTcniBlng^- State to ,50 of an Inch. Tcmperateres termi rising to above normal with was, maxlmums becoming 40 to 50 nnd bellev mlnlmums as to 35 by the end of ment week.” Uie I (Probftbly.) “gain - such •eport Hungai "But." Uie sUUon added, “*«r- starte 1 cording to thejatest reportawUon. dren I era have been transported U> the out t I East In locked railway cars and for Comn , thn rf**"" myn utiir^ __Met I cd to strike again." Secre The sUUon added that various skjold I plants bad ben notified of the de- nlst I portaUon of Hunpulans and that he wl : ••workett. thertSon,■ now a re ’leav- relief 1 Ing their Jobs In Increasing num- sattlll ; bers." .................... Hui Rumort that the Russians were glme I rounding, up reWllous youths for poeal ; deporUUon-have-eiroulated on the to ch Aii«»rtiin hnrder-fQT_sevttnil-dnyi. It—wl I The Vienna newspaper Der Kur- wlthd : ler quoted Hurgjulan refugees as holdli reporting ms~ Russians also , bare p u t : ^ ^ . onal-N«wspaper Servins . . ' . i TWI.N- K ly for Industry Saliii In Falls Chamber et Commerce talale t« ] :e aeeretary for the chamber; Jack f'^rrar^ “Hunt, MoretarT-mananr. and AxP^m Chk :keU ready for distribution lo local merchan iiistriai Tril irt Here on thousands of hotdogs, b6t_tlc.s of iwp, 'rldtiyand Snturday at'th'c CHhmbVf i fie Valley industry concerned directly to the public n t 1 p.m. Friday to, 9 Ilo Rondevoo. So far more than 600 p peyowsO]^ To Red ‘Vo WASHINGTON.'Not'. 14 Pr today this'cquntry wll! oppose throi any dispatch of Russiann or Chines to the I ^ le East. The United StaU will not undertake to decide by Itsc fense against peace had been comr United Nations might do, the Presidi U. N. 18 not' limited to adopting rea had-the Horcan w ar fn mJnd, —— although he did not say so. I T a • The President answeced.questlons JX C i at today^s nen-s conference eauUous- _ ly. He said Uiere U need for such | | caution in public statements at this w Ume lest dellcaU U. N. negoUatlons w-mwt --------- ----------------------- :r-*H —Ths-normalljt-smUlng Prfsltlent _____ : was solemn today. The quesUon, "What are the chances for peace?" n>tasloo brought no quick or opUmlstic-an- ),oid a swer. After a moment of reflecUon. further he said he did-not believe Ihere j^wnln should be speculaUon on this point at Uils time. But he said grimly that men who slon is can Invent nuclear weapons . so a la-di powerfifT it would be suicide to public : them cerUlnly should be able to rexonlc find peace. man L) The prospects ot failure to achieve An e peace are too horrible, he uld. plannlo — Hls-most-outspoken-stawmsnt-was agreed, in response to questions about So- ‘TOveral vlet use of Unks. cannon and sol- ‘‘Vs mi diers to crush the Hungarian revo- commu lutlan. Vehemently "he denounced Otho Uie Russian acUon aa negaUng all »Uon concepts of "right and JusUce In the PoJJce world:- Both Russia and- Communist “'P ” " China havo threatened lo send "volunteers'’ to fight.with Egypt. . And-a-,Mosr,rtg .dlspatch-jcportgd .M ag shorUy after Uie news conference ended Uiat Egypt had requested A| Russlnn volunteer'fighters., , In sUUng Uie V' 8. position to- Madli ward any such action. Uie President heart c cited a Nov. 5 White House sUte- worth, ment which he said 'referred not the .ld« merely to volunteers but' to “the ed her« IntroducUon of any armed forces In m«« Uie^area, or arms or ammunlUon.” «m m'. _»5l.-m.nnLgptn.r tn TTnH>«< H e a rt . sute^-would make a unllaterai de- the-Pai termlnaUon of what the offense ' The ] was, if'any" the Pfesldent said. ••! for ast believe I said In my (Nov. 5) sUte- In Febr ment It would be Uie duty—with msn o the United Nations, we would try which - again to'be their aupportera In any coopers such acUon." __________ . ■ ho Llt< arian Wor^erf started deporUng the wives and chll- let in dren of rebels' In order to stamp represe out Uie list vestiges Of the- anU- Communist revolt.-. .... skjold awaited word from Commu- nlst Hungarian auUiorlUes whether w h£ej ho will be permitted to lead a V. N. relief mission Into the revolt-torn satfclllte. Hungary's Moacow-insUlied re- P««lo« time had rejected an assembly pro- The poeal to send a tenm of. cbsenrers Soviet to check on coibpllnnce—or lack of SQ%ed it—wlUx Uie assembly's doinnd for (iuesUoi wlUidrawnl of Soviet forces and Uie take u] holding ot free elecUons. The Buda- first cl< p u t .government lalw .agreed-to cammlt ------------- ^ ------- — 1— ■I.N ' FALLS. IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, iliitei j s t j BOISl dozeii ahd.grni taxes — cise sources to eral fund. 'nils fu public sc public ' tlons dklal anc of sUte X " V WIckbe: Ji—: XcundJlUt ' proximate u.- eral fund 1^-.- n,o„ ti,«, ..... else taxes —I ‘*nicreti . , . R - • - ;i ■. mlttee fei -■ ---.■■fiBSSwSSlffialBiJ ^ftid wo' l« t« Made Valley Indwtrr. the person on arrar, left, chairman ot mvuutl- <c«niiBi m CTiilrmah'ArIbnTl»»HsBrfl|Titr ------- '"r-r""'’ Edu dbute He n Fridar^ 7 .......... y biggest ll r l)op,_cups of colfce nnd oth- “ re*«^i nbVf of'Commerce’s Agprom. non for 0 rectly with agricultural proc* He m Ic to 9 p.m. and from 10 a.m. >■« 600 prizes have been donated ___________ _______ _____ _ capital al )position i^oliinfeers’| i | —PrcafdehtEiaenhowersaid eets that through the UnUed NaUons herpeopi hinese arm s or “'/olurtteers" States, Mr, Eisenhower said, p wiisw / Itself w hether sich ^li- of- dent, anc committed. As to what the rectors, resident pointed out. that fhe ^ bi" *> g reaolutions. Apparently he o*i‘ Kabpribir Hearinj* Due O In o(h« Ou Rezoning S™ ~ Area TTie Twin rsJls cJt/ board 0/ com- “ *LiI ntasloners voted Tuesdsy -night to lold a public hearing on bee. 3. to Named urther discuss and decide upon the was ^ y eionlng ot land owned by Jay Dsvls ^ e tour nd Uie Okay Pteod markeU gates'to I FurUier delay in reaching a decl- Producer! Ion is due to a .law which provides John > la-day naUce be given before a worthy, : ubllc hearing can be held and the Emnxtt; esonloff accomplished. Board ChsJx- Jiasoe J lan Lyons Smith explained. Wllsm, Ji An earlier meeting of the city's jerorie. lannlng and toning commission xhi di greed-uiwi «in- roveralal area-and the minutes o( .qpc boi hU meeUng were read to the clly . Other business Included authorl- T T -v tI aUon to call for bids lor three new «Ilce cars snd- one truclc for the «-> nnlUUon department. The police M I5 epartment will trade In three of lU ** «■ p.i» i..c.Upm 1) buhl, 3 e a r 4 ^ r is iilta n t- S i." A rriv in g in T. F. Nodlne S'yinncs, New York City ton. Was leart consulUnt, and Mrs. Bee Dll- 'orlh, Boise, executive sccreUry of The id he .idahoi Heart assolcaUon, arriv structunil d here Wednesday afternoon. nigated 1 Miss.Symnes wlU address a lunch- lelt bel«i on meeting ot the Magic valley the recen teart ^winplBtlnn.Thiiridvi.nain,«t build ano he-Park-hotel.-*--------- ---------------------Wortun The local association Is organising Don fsr 1 or a sUtewide Heart fund campaign plant. R n February, G rant Russell is chair- building 1 lan of the Magic Volley group, being bul thlch wlU sp<7isor the luncheon. In form will ooperaUon wlUi'ths southem Ida- acres ot lO Lite Dnderwrlters sssoclaUon. cha^^ et 3rs; ’ta ^ E a st^ !t In -relief supplies wlUi' U. N. ; XO epresentaUves. a .u p e r v l s in g the ::J4EW.:_1 rograja on the apot, Asian pi dmlt Mammarskjold at thU stage 'The H fhllB. soviet legions sUll hold the free to di ounUy ln a'Brtp of steel and Uie form of 1 ountry ta paralyxed by a general without.* (rike .protesUnr the' Russian re-any quai: rtselon'of Uie rebellion. declaratlo The general assembly overrode T h e Ici Ovlet Dbjecta fla-a isst night and MlnUUr ?F««1 J o . debnt«_lhe, .Hungarian n ^ 'S , \ uesUcm. rtn delegates atao voted to 8> ske up Uie Usue dirccUy, .wlUiooi ^ n d a r a r irst clearing itrthrough Uie poUUeal long to U “ " '" '“ Kt - ...... .................... - Ttlopmco ............. . V . T -------------------------------------- ------ - Nil )AY, NOVE.MBER M, )tateJLej Recomi Two lOISE. Nov. !■> (/P)— The Idaho ] 5ii following a two-.vcar .study by t .grnup.i intcrc.«itcd in Iiliiho's lax i ph Wickberg, R.. Sho.shone, chain 23 — properly, inconic, ox- ------------ and snic.t.— na possible a /\g ils fund supporU stale nid to Ic schools, public as.ilatuucc. Ic health and all other fuiic- i of executive. leBi-ilntivf,, Ju- I and ndmliilstrntlve branches j»te government. '!‘|ie n Ickberg said the committee i,.. (IJlULPMjeru:taxjuppllcs-ai>- Imately «4 per cent ot the gen- fund moner;, the Income I ax "'il taw ! than M per cent and the ex- will bCK taxes “tlielr fair share."___ _ Fruni_6 ircret5?e.--TiTTrdae^dr"nirMmr^^.^^^^^ ee felt Uiese u x sources were ' idy overburdened and couldn't meet- “ >• ailed nn to supply morr taxes. i ieft the sales tax as the best ' .. , ee ot new revenue." ^ 10 committee estimated the pro- ). d two per cent-sales tnx—which Id woulc^ be paid by the avernge >n on goods bouniit with about «« rtc« u. ctUwi) . iuca^on Is B Seld Idaho’s , ■ Big Problem l | )CATELLO. .N0V...:4,.WrTO0V. :rl E, Smylie said yesterday "Uie ; ■ . V est llngle problem" facing the . '.'-V sUte legislature “will be making J ’ ...'.L'' we get Uie best possible educa- lor our children." 9 said he will put education, er roads, an agricultuhil mar- Ig research agency, and changes 4ia law regarding out-of-state •Si tal at the top of hta requesu “ !! -------- tlK legUlature;..................... ... V7 ------- nyHe,:ln addressing the Idaho Jf Q ]^ il'O tocers assoclaUon conven* 1 ,.notW.there waa a DemocratlB 'O ;.- ortty bi'thft I d ^ senate and a . KTI lublieaa majority’ In the house, said he was confident the legta- ire wlU "wo^ together on proj- !■«' that.lire good for Maho and people." SPOSi elegates reelected Andrew D. scntAUve le of Howe as president. Wilbur tj,e NaUi IVllsen ot Hammett, vice presl- Ktlve asi t. asd chOM three dUtrlct dl> ^ ^ ^ n r ors. be made 111 JmlUi. Boise, wns elected «rve th «tori of dlsU-lct ' No. 1. J. sutes. h ol Burley. No. 3, and Dave . >t^. r, wribirth, Kilgore. No. 3. . colum he (ato'and locaUon of.the .next noratieh venilon will be decided laWr. Jrea to i ottier action, the assoclaUon -on Ida led vlth representaUves' ot four noUd co n gBups and 14 wool and Iamb j;,. j, U In Idaho Tuesday to orgonUc gimiinr t ,Td«»> ijhrfp Prwlucfa councili tog.«uu liejrw.trouflj4jledlCRtejLto.w* ity>____ rch snd 'Study aimed at selling ^At the ‘e wool n d Iamb. Irig, T. ( smed -ellirm an of Uie council ager of 1 I Jlsy W.[Llncoln ot Twin Falls, companj 5 touncll luo electcd seven dele- ecutlve es'to the barent'Ameriean Sheep «nd waj ducers coincll. They were: . ohn Noh.'Kimberly: E. A. Stol- •thy, Idiho- m ils; David -LiUle, n*tt: J. W. Mathews. Burley; toe J. flJah, Burley; WJJbur F. sm, Hammett; and H. C. Bacon, Bllllncs hi delegates picked Noh and Alluros ;lr*a9-dlrectors~ to-sst-on-the p.ffcg r PC board. Eftriic -------------------------- - Wash., s xpansionfor a'^Sud _ Uiorlty I Plant Planned % '£r‘ sUucUor UHL, Nov. H — Approximately Ner" Per >,001 will be.spent by the Green Bruces E nt-campany-here-for-lhe-con-' -------- ictim ot a 290 by 80-fool ad- Y^^• , on tb Uie building now In use l ) | r g prefluoUon, U. M. Kraker.-Day- , Wash., dlvislonil engineer of coacttny, reports. 'J he iddlUlon' win be made of SHOS1 ictuniV steel'w ith sides of cor-son, Rlcl kted aluminum. Space will be Dietrich, belveen the new building and Uie Big recenUy completed warehouse to Tuesday d another warehouse.________ ot Qoodl rorkmen hava-flnlshed-axcava. I fw a spur-Ilne railroad to the ^ it. Rraker said. North of the In the ding a 'com storage ptatform U fsllowlnt ig built of concreto. The plat- son, Oo< tl wm be UO by'^'iao feet. Ten dent, Jc »• ot tend 'recenUy were pur- presldcni Md c u t ot the plant for allage gaUon, 1 age, Kraker said. rlcli, wai 9 ians Ask Russ To Quit Hungary ' let Russlaho withdraw Its forces xdUj»i-tew»-batteredTininwi>: rhe Hungartan people should be for beeu to decide their own future and - Q of government they will have WAtJH lOUt'external Intervention from Uiai Ion. quatar.- 'they-sald In a Joint tor hom aratlon here.. . ' . . ___ . . ne IwJers w-ere India's Prime ,-V N m UUr Xwaharlal Nehru, Indo- marshjol a'S Ali-Saslnnmldjojo, Bunna's Into Egz 3a'8K>.' and Colon's S^omon ' . daransike. All four KEUX [ to Ull Colombo pact Asian de- annound' pmcsisdlema. . Volon of --- -------------^ ^ V . ^ Nine lrrignl^ laho Counties ^gisative ime ids I I P e ■C e i ho IcgislntivP ti structure commit in}f>nd(lilionAi-n Hoy-nTi^mnCBCJGCs: i>y tlio' group. 1 c sluiiy included n' :ix problems. S< oral of the groups airm nn, told m 'fimen the'com m itt OODebgatesO Local M eet' lie niniiiiil Idalq convention of .noil cc under wnv lore Wednesday afterr gales and thir wives exjyeiitcdto"; take placc ii the American Legioi begin at 4 p.ii. WcdnoHday nnd cout nL-6.lo-8-p.jn.^ivc)ct)mc-Jjoijr_M^JJLl; ,U .served by|locnl diatriSl supervi t at 8 p.m. Tlnrsday morning, regiai * * T * _ 8 o’clock ^ - ‘ - called at - ' : will be de ' ports ^ well Dr. Dom IngtonrD.-' K ' ' 6- ' conclude U PSH - .^{w ' AnoUier 1^ jV Edward '■ '< ^reau of I Ington,D.< clal. Mrs. aualllny-p '• three pan topics, *^0 nances for Uon ConservaU to Keep gpyABO WOOtlSY ODeratlojU ------------ ----------------------- * • Th* Trl ^rmation of 5 - 1 -^ *ubU<i^Pt^er S S Grouj)"tjrgedS-3 >oaANE, Nov: 14 ifl-R ept^ “• '^ e ^In; aUvea to a reRlonarmeetlnglo'oomrali NaUonal Rural Electrlo-cooper- of rtsolutl ; association have urged that At 6 pj Bonneville Power admlnlatraUon Implemen lade Into a public corporation lo ^ l the/ t the four paclflo-Northwest ThU will 61. by the » le resolution recommended that —— jlumbla River Development cor- T ' >tion be formed wllh atiervloe XI . to include Washington. O re - X l V * Idaho and MonUna, Hie pra- d corporation would be permit- - y to. Issue elecWcTevenue- bontls ■-f lar to those used for self-flilanc- ' V I the association's closing meet- iSevel T. C. Waller of Spokane, man- fnr». nf ■of Ihe Inland Power and Light pany, was named Uie new ex- portaTlCi 4ve committeeman and Port- Dr.:Roy I was selected as the site of the Farm B conference. The 1BS8. session f p » n r a be held in Montana, al a „ fu L „ innounced later. - prinpipa ate directors named were: B. R. day-lon{ le, Corvallis, Ore.; John M. -------------- rge, LewUton,' Ids.; Reed Burr, itleld, Utah; George Lackman, 1 . 0 1 1 ngs, Mont.; clarence J. Hunter, - - iras, Calif., and . Mrs. JusUne irilcr. Rep.’ Wall Horan, R., lh., said .he would prepare a bill -*1 :h would give army engineers . .-I« idato and full congr^onal au- « ity to store water u stored wa- &OISE, In the Columbia basin. sugar tm ther resoluUons-called for con- be'donea cUon of d a ^ a t Helta Canyon, in spuds ■pcrce, PaMUse. Olader View, ot the.m ees Eddy and Penny ClUfs.__ porting s fectors.Samed For Water Board lOSHONE,N0V.-14—C A .John- most hall Rlchneld, and W. F. Stlmpson. ground, rich, were reelected directors ot , Howeve; Big Wood River Canal companj^ to dry li (day and Cecil Trosper, north Idaho, thi reelecUohr ; ; stiHdTln I Uie rcorganlsaUon ot the h ^ rd The ser iwlng Uie elecUon. A. C. Thomp- 1 the sU t Ooodlng, Was feelected presl- bushels o Johnson wss reelected vice year. Avc Idcnt from Uie Richfield segre- esUmated >n, and Willard Nelson,, m et- two bushe , was reelected vice president; <c:«iitiiii NEWS bull : QDEN,—An-4oiUa|-payment^ be made to sugar beet growers In Utah, Idi th«i-amal^am«tM Biigar eomtwy, H. A.' T.-He sald-the payment re^SenttdTTper beets harvested through’0 :t. 31. ASHINGTON. Nov. M («-8ceretary of Ui loag-rante jet bemberf, "eapabie of dellv homeland." are eemlog off Soflet prodaeUc «TSD NATIONS, N7Y.iNoT, H (IB—Seer ihjold today gave Uia signat'to ‘^lart mo E n p t . .■ :: . . OXOGO; Nov. 14 UV-Agrement'on iTn« junCed today by Uie Bunker Hill compai in of Mine, Mill and Bmeltei ^Voricers. —^ ^ --FTN P EDH 7 .r .'i,a ’v a ! - _______________________p e-Groui Passage nt Sales imittee today .recommemled a twc TntCTPngml-fiTTirWPhirTircommpni ;d numerous hearings nnd appenrr >ups expressed opposition to the e: nittee had made a concentrated s Open IFI t Tonight “ lil conservation distrietn ternoon with some 400 -to-attcndr-All-aesslons- { -^5^ Bgion hall. Registration inst month continue throagh 9 p.m. contact \y ■JILbliAelil .iLnil rcfrcah- ervisors. Directors will etreet”'^ Dffiatration will begin nt The cou jck with the firat session ctaion, had ; at 9. The first nesHion atlve could e devoted to officers’ rc- 'Vith R. Lyo..., Smith, man of the city commia- ir not an 1 welcoming delegates. it was sub Donald A. Williams. Wash- piibUc uUi rD.-0;;'admlnlstrator for-the munlolpall soil conservation service, will power to 0 de the first meeUng wlUi a Uibutlon t ’•Tha Challenge of .the Fu> The cll> Uoning toe llier ouutandlng speaker will ed «>• ward Woosley, director of the caUons fs 1 of land management. Wash- ImPJct up I, D.O.; and former Idaho offl. . T he^ ars. Bessie M. Basil. Prarie, »y•preslden^.wl^ speak, - )«« «« afternoon wUI be divided into panel discussions on the . "HOW Supervisors Obtain Fl- , s for OperaUng Boll Conserta- DtaU-lcts,“ "EducaUon In Soil rrvaUon DlslrlcU," and rW*>s eep the Publlo Informed on ,5 illons Pf' soil CowerwlUon ^ ^ ^ X v ? > Friday momlng lesslon'wlU at,B:l6 am, wim Uiree.panel L ■slons sl^tod. At noon . Uie I lunchcon will feature Blroy .jne ne » master. c«; esw^pen^ . ... e final session itia 1» devoted petaons' tmmlttee reporta;^d studying board nii toluUons. ' and. It'i 6 pjn. Friday, the Twin Palls comcU ' sment Deslers*’kssodaUon will deslgnatl< the delegntea at a social hour. The dt will be followed a t'1:30 pai. ouesUon’ ae I4th atmusl banquet._______ (c^d eied for Lead Cited at Buiri - I _ ' Photo Page Eert evelopmenfof~JMder8 who coWTit r-.of constantly-encrbachins goven ance to America’s i»ntinued hap Royal Garff toM Twin-Falla coiinl m Bureau fcderatioQ" Tuesday eve or of marketlnic and'specch a t Ui icipal a dinner at St. E -long convention. Attending.the. 1 -- ---------- ^—; --------------------- flono, ii msiderable H ic''po Jeet-Hajpvest- Not Fiidished s ' S iWE, Nov. 14 «>-Considenb1e Oielr vle • »>eet harvesUng .was left to thetradl >ne and field frost was reported •’We m 3Uds -being dug the first part teaching le. month, the. USDA crop re* serted £ ng service for idaho'^cald to- Amerlcai a report It noted the first three tern, bm s of Ocldler.were Ideal for cmMiuli esUngr-But-th(rr«sl-of-the - TKev-a il was cold and wet, leaving ucuSf.? t, 6,000 acrw of spuds and al^ J half Ul# sugar beets ia Uie - of the Ai wever,.Uie moUture was f boon • ,1^ . ry land ftirmera of southern mon,|„» B, Uio se«lce sald. In UiU area irin sp«^ e service «Umated u of Nov. ; sUto's com would be 3.77flW0 ®L,‘ sis compared, to 3140,000 tast JS” ^ Average yield this year was |2Dri LETINS 0 . • . .- .. . jusUM nt Tf rrrr-^‘‘'"itily tMBoW 1, Idaho and Oregon tomorrow nwa!S>5 FpercenToTUU-tolBrarsaa fooV«3- . - Arthur of Uie Air Force Qoarlea siud been cite delivering atonio weapons on Weldon 0 iaeUon Unes. - jjuaoe; -SecreUry-Gweral D sr llam - <=»*;• *PP< t moving"-l[r-N. police erect Judg« Ds . ' gJOand l k nw.three-yesr contract wss iTtipany and th# International “aya, ______ . ' :V -/ INAL- ITION [II PRICE B CENTS ^ 11 1 P— J e.of .I sTax I two per ccnt sales tax fi] mcndntioir\’rniron(rofTi -------- nt earnncc.i by indtVltlualB---------\ g le ealcH tux idea. Rop. . : id study of all types of '.Is Seeking. li jhearing for I o-Op Ruling I 8E, Nov. I4 MV-Thc city ot h Fulls todsr culeed tha sUte ji ne court for a rehearing on (i onth's court decUIon that Uie I ct between the city and the -jj Falls coopernUve Gas associ- 0 .was..viUegal.-vol<Land_ofjq_____ j court. In a unanimous, da- ‘I) . had decided Uiat the cooper- . 't :ould not legally serve the city ;fl naluml gas because'the asso- • !|| 1 was not a true cooperaUve: 1| n insUumenUllly of the city; an InstrumenUillly of the city .1 I subject to regulaUon by ths [I : uUIIUes .commission, and a in > .... . J ’ to own and operato a gas dls« {{ Ion system. I ^ clly of Idaho Palls, in petl- I ig today (or a rehearing, point* Jj t that the decision has “ramlfi* .ii IS (ar t^ond lU.lmmediat* ._i :t upon the parUea thereto.” i J case was the first teat rf eoo-; : between U Idaho municipal* and similar gas cooperatives. »nlracts were opposed hy'thd' mountain Gas company-vbleti Uie sUte franchise to serv* . _ «m Idaho with natural gas. :w._— ^ peUUon filed by Idaho Palta -1 ’ maintained that the city waa- (olng beyond lU conaUUiUonal-; ■* rs in contracUng wlUi the co*. H itlve because It "dim not and - tiot . . . Issue' bonds__._. . levy 1 . . . collect tax« . . or"pajf' s'* In opeiaUon o( the gas sys*' eratlva tsseelaKdadra* - nentoiitar-of Uie'cltr^ iW .cH yl.:; the only c9nn*«on. w a VPr^ - a that- the city wuia.desigSitirr.' }ns'-who-aiiy'''be seleotea'.»— d manbeiii ot'tbe. coc^ii^atfTe.l it'w as “not-eertata thiB-rdtcr; icU w l U 'e x e r d s s - J t o - r i j J i t ’- i ^ - niatlon."- —.........r-r -------z..'? ledtymalntalnu.thatthaDslr Uonregardlng city opet»Uon.of'‘ CCTtl»««*«a r w V C tiM M i Sl idersl^ i ' ireauMeefc initesorvr^reeflom in*^hy ivemmcht ia_of prime inw ___ happiness and prosp^ti',. oiiaty convenUon of Idaho*. evening. "Dr;'GarffrPro»-: '• t University of Utah, was'. It. Edward’s school ending' he. banquet were;884.p«- 8, including masters rt alii. in Falls county Granges . . . . ' Pomona Grange master- - v. [•other guests. - pmsnt in Ita current program;. O ir(( 'warned that coQeeUvlsU doing's better Job o( “selling”- r vlews th w are spokesmen for* traditional Amertcan system. Ve must devote greater effoft to hihg our vlewa on America," as* - sd Dr. Gar((- "We know fh« ^ irlcan'way produces norfcgoodi ' ' . but ve must not put too .L‘ h u ls on goods and aervleea." , • ^ey’areruiaw.'Girfrrby-pjpd-'-- T of -(alth in Ood and the cour* ' to live according to the moral epls which fonn the (ouDdatiOQ ' ' ' / le American aystem. le. convenUon opened Toesday • ■< tilng’at-the. Grange hall. Re* . ^ s from committees were heard, 'i- polldes forthe'oomlngyearset.. *mam''iTrfrffTlMng. ■rr q - lUier officers, wlUi the excep*. of Uj* second vice pre^ldeat,,'. v reelected at the afternoon s ^ Fred Thleme-was named toy •' - ad Louis Rcialw.assecond v lc a , ^ Drivers l^ ed .? O n S p e ^ Cou n t: i Um of. uia'PeaM Joe WejdcSTT.i ly, Tuesday (Ined twtf • 1 3 - a n d - | 8 - « l s . r ---------- Lhur. 0. ColUnihiMli^.iaw bu.'^ cited to appear'J^or* lononaalinllM.obiipge.' aae'P. Olanpllt, Tbe-Dail^'^^'; appeared before Wei£Ml.:poUM e David ooUet;, and ' ; md «s oosU (oc.n<«U««nt4riT-^ Hla' U^nse. iras' «ospeDfied-iQr-,;-| lya. Deputy BherUC It Ui>-an « U - . '

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Post on 13-Jul-2020




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Page 1: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

T ra fficD ea th^^^Sooreboard

M S a Vo^ tV h J - « iiM m u .

M»8ic Valley, l i w _ ; . M«g^lc V *llp '. :

~g £ ~ , y S ! ° J “ M

V O U 38, N O. 213________ '

Quick Aid Requested 1 Of R ussia!LONDON, N ov. 14 <U.RI— ■

rhe E io’ptiftn RO''®” '"'*? ■.^ k c d R ussia to d isp a tch vo l. Wintecp” forcc.i to E g y p t im - ,yt:m c d ia lc ly . a Moscow diapRtch? c p o r tc - d ‘

f h r S id E n st c ris is nnd to o k > ^ ! «ddJS ilnnlflcancc be w u w the y .,'. ?i,f MMCOW dispatch c lew ed th e „■....

.irlet Moscow ceM orshlp. T h e dU - *|JJ|chw ««*ti^ibul«<lu»A M b»urce* i .

EM t lhe_»ubject nf urulous conlertneefv In London, r. * rirLi. Wftihlnstoti' »nd th# Onlled

^In^’w lulilnslon. P resident E lw n- Khewer pledged conUnued U. 8 . sup- K ;Sort of tue United NaUons «»id sftld K l ■he United flute* would continue. p ;4 tlirouuh tfte V. N„ to oppose thein tiw luellon-o t-*ny-iitw _JorsM jn

■>' p«»»= i ^^f^5 ie*hM (l‘Prease4_Unlutd N»- & lions 'll could mean a n ImmcdUU H moment ol decision. A U nited N a- ■ tlons police force pledged to r u to r e ■ MAce to the Middle E as t was build* H

up slowly today In th e N ap lti. ■ lu ly . staging area bu t 11 could no t ■ move predint f i n a l a freem en t ■ unoRf the powen'Involved. H

Me«n*hUe.'French, B ritish , and Israeli troops faced Egj-pUan* In ^ ^ ihe_Part 8*<d area of th e Suez canal Ax] S m aAd inlhT-SEnKrdM erl-wim ~nzk rifle shot of each o the r under an b a i ineuy ccftJt-flre. .> .

The Arab source* In Moscow aald he ZsTpUan reo u u t fo r volunteera ^ ltd beea made th roueh the E fyp- J Ish embassy.' -Such a move removed It from th e ^

Mtejory ot a general b ro ad c as t 'ap . . x tl tar volunteers to a id E gypt and made It a formal action between' ■ governments. It.wa# u n der th e piU e of a formal-request from the puppet - • • Eovemmenl lo H ungary th a t R us- -i » )in -t«»eps-aoved-ln_la_cnuh. t h t _ .J , revolt there, CC 1

--------------------- Th<

Ai’ab League S'l 'Backs Egypt;~ »

Meets Closed “BEUIDT,,Lebaaon,^No». iV .IW -: t o .

Leadera of leven Arab na tions open- c a t ti the aecond and la s t meeting o t nr!* tftelr "summU- cotiTereoce today to

s gThe sereii nations' th rew th e ir 5 . “

j f l ^ n l m o u s support behind E «ypt a t Mir opening ^ i o n ycBtcrday and sld an attjick on one Amb aU te ^ cmsUUiled aa.Attacle o n alU g*";The meeting was a ttended ' by the Ines ot SiuiU A rabia. Jo rd an and rag. the presldeats o f Z«bai]on «o^ ijTln, te d r e p r m n ta t lv a o f the oj-al families of T h e ' Yem en and s p .Ibya. Eg}-pt,«ma represented by .Its mbamdor* In Dam ascus ■ ^ n d ^

The meeting was ba rred to the

rs-fupported-E jypt-lR -thclc-open- B«>: IE iweche* and repeat*d- th e ir H ar « b league pledge to s tand by eaeh Tl iher In case o t a ttack . - F a ll

T affirm th a t any jic t of-agiBra- the on on aay p s r t^ f ou r'A rab nation th e < sn se t ot aggression ic n ln s t nil a rs r us." King ^ e sa l o f Iraqu sa id in Pe I* opening addrcaa. . Agpi . . ------ -------------------- dowi

i Area Farmers ’ Sn To Send Entries S

For*k Shnwa'-lCHICAGO, Nor. I t —Two M agic five al ey llveslock farms will be rep re- char nied In competition a t th e IfiM coup iternjilonal Livestock exposlUon W: '’' ’•23-Dee. 1 In the In terna tional cuat- npfiltheater a t the Chicago stock- •»ov rd*. . Ings,Von A. noHbin*. owner of th e V ar 'nr f«rm ne»r King Hll^wlll exhibit |-----

v ? .^ . ^ “ n-Angus cattle In • ;

wunty.. sh e ep .n U er , _vi! • W .D ecker.^upert, has lu te d en - JL?iM tor the suttolk sheep compeU-

extend over JO hii Itl one-half acres In th e newly en- 2 'd amphitheater, th e . na tion’s « cst exhibition hall, and also will

ONTACT PERCCNTAOE H IG fl CONTACT, Nev.. Nov. 14 W -T h ls nu ly community in no rthern Elko S l

“ >e h ighest we ung percentages In the s ta ts In <■_ weeks general election, I

Russians De]» t^ w * ' B uda- “I,1 ^ « y th a t •Hunaarlaa# cord ™d to the E as t in eraJM MUttay cars by Russian East

-^snos K adar, m ad* the "ivo; 'lakfuie *S k ‘“ .u " ‘Z* * ^ f««dcast Ing' c S X u ’ln^"

1 '* "* workers Tl

S i .


A Regional-]

OHlfl.l riiT ...t «.»unlr

Ready i

iff e -s ^

^ Alt t h ln o a re .M ad ? fo r .tb e Tw in Fa Axprem. Airs. I l^ n e ;^ Tegan. office aecj

-nejfean7r£H nTrT)TB 5«etT-fttitiiren“nan1 baTS 60,000 coupe&s and draw ing UckeU t

2-Day Indii To Star

H undreds of f r e e p n z e s and thou "cr'item s-w Iirix j-jrlvcn-aw ny 'F i'Id ff^ T h e A gprom is a sn lu te to M agic Vi essiny . T he f a i r will be open to th to 5 p .m . S a tu rd a y a t th e R ad io Bi fo r th e d raw in g s, re p o r ts A r- lonn B ft3 tian r"A g p ro m '“ Chair- n m an. T h e prizos include food I | i a n d m erchand ise cc r tif jc a tc s ; h e said . T h e f i r a t '7 6 ‘‘A rs o n s to . e n te r Kadlq, R ondevoo on . cacH d ay w ill receive a door

said M .l l rm i will h a re booths dutt|ig the •event; These In- toda; elude' OrMfi G ia n t Canning com- any pany, Coca-Cola Bottling company, Jq *i, Schroeder-s popcorn. T w in PalU Feed and Supply. S w ift nnd com- pany ..V ork Pocking company. B o- ic n s i hem ian-B eer, Young's dairy. T w in U nit .FaUs F lour mlUa, C. J . M arshall, J e - u . ^ rome Co-op and Idaho F r ^ n

_01obe Seed and Feed. Shields, nlth( Starch p lan t. Cannon's noodles, - Thi SegD Milk com pany. Independent a t t0( &feat company. B uhl Feed and Ice ly, H company. B ean Growers W arehouse cautli association. M agic Valley T to u t Ume OMWiMl“ to tirlg iiiw ted '‘Sniftn'T!tfitf^ W n n a an y ,-J .-H ..H « iry-3 ioduca ..aad-S tf - . tjh H arper,’ « as’ These flnna along w ith T w in "f/hni FttlU reU ll m erchanU a re 'footing broug th e bill. I n addlU on to supplying th e prUss, th e parU clpatlng fUrms „ a r s providing free food coupons. shoul

Persons p lanning to a tu n d th e y, Agprom may stop- by one o t « _ . downlown businesses and receive a coupon worth Xfve cenls. T his f o u - pen will cnUtle the person to a ho t- dog and coffee, double dip Ice cream cone, bag of popcorn, Coca-Cola o r a ll Uie m ilk h e con drink. In case , J j " '

n iatlve cents. However, th e local m er- in rei chanU have purchased lO.OW of the v let i coupons. • diers

While In th s m erchant's store. Uie lu tlar customer nbo jn sy ob ta in a Ucket th e f allowing him to e n te r in th e .draw - concc Ings, These m tu t be deposlUd. how- world

•■> r*(« 1. CalnMii » Bot I - ------------ "r n Chini

-----Wetter— SPreclpltjUlon is due for Msglc

-V allay-acoordlng-to the five-day forecast received W ednesday via Associated Press.

•'Good for ducks and duck w ^hunlers," commented the AP re - ®*ted porter, reading th ta report:

••precipitation heavier t h a n “«re> normal, occurlng a s rain or snow.turning to .ra ln T hursday o r P rl- the^a

-d«}t.,snr1 ag a ln -ab n u t Bimrtan- - J X t-T o ta l'p r tc lp t tsd o n -H T c n iB ln g ^ - S ta te

to ,50 of an Inch. T cm perateres term irising to above norm al w ith was,maxlmums becoming 40 to 50 nnd bellevmlnlmums a s to 35 by the end of mentweek.” Uie I

(Probftbly.) “gain- such

•eport Hungai"But." Uie sUUon added, “*«r- starte

1 cording to th e ja t e s t rep o r ta w U o n . dren I era have been transported U> th e o u t t I E ast In locked railway cars and for Comn , t h n rf**"" myn uti i r ^ __MetI cd to strike again." Secre

The sUUon added th a t various skjold I plants b a d ben notified of the de- n ls t I

portaUon of H u n p u la n s and th a t h e wl : ••workett. th e r tS o n ,■ now a r e ’leav- relief 1 Ing the ir Jobs In Increasing num - sattlll; bers." .................... Hui

R um ort th a t th e Russians were glme I rounding, up reW llous youths fo r poeal ; deporU U on-have-eiroulated on the to ch ■ Aii«»rtiin hnrder-fQ T_sevttnil-dnyi. It—wl I The Vienna newspaper D er K ur- wlthd : le r quoted H urg ju lan refugees as holdli

reporting m s~ Russians also , b a re p u t

: ^ ■

♦ .

onal-N «w spaper S e rv in s . . ' .

i TWI.N- K

ly for Industry Saliii

In Falls Cham ber e t Commerce ta lale t« ] :e aeeretary for th e cham ber; Jack f'^ rrar^ “H unt, M oretarT -m anan r. and A xP^m Chk :keU ready for d istribu tion lo local merchan

iiistriai Tril irt Here onth o u san d s o f h o td o g s , b6t_tlc.s o f iwp,

'r ld tiy a n d S n tu rd a y a t'th 'c CHhmbVf i fie V alley in d u s try concerned d irectly to th e public n t 1 p .m . F r id ay to , 9 Ilo Rondevoo. S o f a r m ore th a n 600 p

peyow sO ]^ To Red ‘Vo

W A S H IN G T O N .'N o t'. 14 P r to d ay th is 'c q u n t r y wll! oppose th ro i any d isp a tc h o f R ussiann o r Chines to th e I ^ l e E a s t . T h e U nited S taU will n o t u n d e r ta k e to decide by Itsc fen se a g a in s t peace had been com r U nited N a tio n s m ig h t do, th e Presidi U . N . 18 n o t ' lim ited to adop ting rea h a d -th e Horcan w a r fn mJnd, — — alth o u g h he d id n o t say so. I T a • T he P resident answeced.questlons J X C i a t today^s nen-s conference eauUous- _ ly. H e said Uiere U need for such | | caution in public s ta tem en ts a t this w Ume lest dellcaU U. N. negoUatlonsw - m w t --------- ----------------------- — : r - * H—T hs-no rm alljt-sm U lng P rfs ltlen t_____ :was solemn today. T h e quesUon,"What a re th e chances for peace?" n>tasloo brought no quick o r opUmlstic-an- ),oid a swer. A fter a m om ent of reflecUon. fu rther he said h e d id -n o t believe Ihere j^w nln should be speculaUon on this point a t Uils tim e.

B u t h e said grimly th a t men who slon is can Invent nuclear weapons . so a la-di powerfifT i t would be suicide to public : them cerU lnly should be able to rexonlc find peace. m an L)

T he prospects o t failure to achieve A n e peace are too horrible, he u ld . plannlo — Hls-most-outspoken-stawmsnt-was agreed , in response to questions about So- ‘TOveral v let use of U nks. cannon and sol- ‘‘Vs mi d iers to crush th e H ungarian revo- commu lu tlan . Vehemently "he denounced O tho Uie Russian acUon aa negaUng all » U o n concepts o f " righ t a n d JusUce In the PoJJce world:-

B oth Russia and- Communist “ 'P ” " China havo th rea tened lo send "volunteers'’ to f ig h t.w ith Egypt. . A nd-a-,M osr,rtg .d lspatch-jcportgd . M a g shorUy a fte r Uie news conference ended U iat E gypt had requested A | Russlnn v o lu n te e r 'f ig h te rs ., ,

In sU U ng Uie V ' 8 . position to- Madli w ard any such action . Uie President h e a r t c cited a Nov. 5 W hite House sU te- w orth, m ent which he sa id 'referred not the .ld« merely to volunteers b u t ' to “the ed her« IntroducUon of any arm ed forces In m «« Uie^area, o r a rm s o r ammunlUon.” « m m'. _»5l.-m.nnLgptn.r tn TTnH>«< H eart . su te^ -w ou ld m ake a unllaterai de- the-Pai term lnaU on of w h at the offense ' T he ] was, if 'a n y " the P fesldent said. ••! for a s t believe I said In my (Nov. 5) sU te - In Febr m ent It would be Uie duty—with m sn o the U nited Nations, we would try w hich - again to 'b e the ir aupportera In any coopers such acUon." __________ . ■ ho Llt<

arian Wor erfsta rted deporUng th e wives and chll- let in dren of rebels' In order to stam p represe ou t Uie l i s t vestiges O f the- anU- Com munist revolt.-. . . . .

skjold awaited w ord from Commu- n ls t H ungarian auUiorlUes whether w h £ e j ho w ill be perm itted to lead a V. N. relief mission In to th e revolt-torn satfclllte. •

H ungary 's Moacow-insUlied re - P ««lo« tim e had rejected an assembly pro- The poeal to send a tenm of. cbsenrers Soviet to check on coibpllnnce—or lack of SQ%ed it—wlUx Uie assembly's d o in n d for (iuesUoi wlUidrawnl of Soviet forces and Uie take u] holding o t free elecUons. The Buda- f irs t cl< p u t .governm ent la lw .a g re ed - to cam m lt

— ------------- -------— 1—

■I.N' FA LLS. ID A H O , W E D N ESD A Y ,

iliite i j s t


dozeiia h d .g r n i

t a x e s — c is esources to eral fund.

'n i ls fu public sc public

' tlonsd k la l anc of sU te X

" V WIckbe:J i—: XcundJlUt

' proximateu.- e ral fund1 - . - n ,o „ ti,«,

..... else taxes— —I ‘*nicreti

. , . R - • - • ;i ■. • m lttee fei

-■ - - - .■ ■ f i B S S w S S l f f i a l B i J ^ f t i d wo' l« t« M ade Valley Indwtrr. the person on a rrar, left, chairm an ot m vuutl- <c«niiBim CTiilrmah'ArIbnTl»»HsBrfl|Titr ------- —

'"r-r""'’ Edudbute He

n F r id a r ^7 .......... y biggest l l

r l)op,_cups of co lfce nnd oth- “ r e * « ^ i nbV f of'C om m erce’s Agprom. non fo r 0 rectly w ith ag ricu ltu ra l proc* He m Ic to 9 p .m . and from 10 a.m. >■«

600 p rize s have been donated ___________ _______ _____ _ capital al

)position i^oliinfeers’ | i |— P r c a f d e h t E i a e n h o w e r s a id eets tha t t h r o u g h t h e U n U e d N a U o n s he rpeopi h in e s e a r m s o r “ '/o lu r tte e r s "S t a t e s , M r , E is e n h o w e r s a id , p w iisw / I t s e l f w h e t h e r s ic h ^ li- o f- dent, anc c o m m it t e d . A s to w h a t t h e rectors, r e s i d e n t p o in t e d ou t. t h a t f h e ^ b i" *> g r e a o lu t io n s . A p p a r e n t ly h e o*i‘


Hearinj* DueO In o(h«

Ou Rezoning S™~ Area

TTie Tw in r s J ls c J t / board 0/ com- “ *LiI ntasloners voted T uesdsy -night to lold a public h earing on bee. 3. to Named u rth e r discuss a n d decide upon the was ^ y eion lng o t land owned by Jay Dsvls ^ e to u r nd Uie Okay Pteod markeU gates'to I FurU ier delay in reaching a decl- Producer!

Ion is due to a .law which provides John > la -day naUce be given before a worthy, :

ubllc hearing c an be held and the Em nxtt; esonloff accomplished. Board ChsJx- Jia soe J la n Lyons S m ith explained. W llsm, JiA n earlier m eeting of the city's jerorie.

lann lng and ton ing commission x h i di g reed -u iw i a .so luU nn .to -th f «in- roveralal a re a -a n d the minutes o( .q p c boi hU meeUng were read to the clly .

O the r business Included authorl- T T - v t I aUon to call fo r bids lor three new «Ilce c ars snd- one truclc for the « - > nnlUUon departm ent. The police M I 5 e partm en t will trad e In three of lU **

«■ p .i» i..c.U pm 1) b u h l ,

3 e a r 4 ^ r i s i i l t a n t - S i . "

A r r i v i n g i n T . F .N odlne S'yinncs, New York City ton. Was

leart consulU nt, and Mrs. Bee Dll- 'o rlh , Boise, executive sccreUry of T he id he .idahoi H ea rt assolcaUon, a r r iv structunil d here W ednesday afternoon. nigated 1 M iss.Symnes wlU address a lunch- le lt bel«i

on m eeting o t th e Magic valley the recen te a r t ^w inplBtlnn.Thiiridvi.nain,«t build anohe-P ark -ho tel.-* ------------------------------WortunT he local association Is organising Don fs r 1

or a sU tew ide H ea rt fund campaign p lant. R n February, G ra n t Russell is chair- building 1 la n of the M agic Volley group, being bul thlch wlU sp<7iso r the luncheon. In form will ooperaUon w lU i'th s sou them Ida- acres ot lO L ite D nderw rlters sssoclaUon. c h a ^ ^ et

3rs; ’ta^East^!t In -relief supplies wlUi' U. N. ; XO epresentaUves. a .u p e r v l s i n g the ::J4EW.:_1 rograja on th e apot, Asian pi

d m lt M am m arskjold a t thU stage 'T h e H fhllB. sov ie t legions sUll hold the free to di ounU y ln a 'B r tp o f steel and Uie form of 1 ountry ta paralyxed by a general without.* (rike .p ro tesU nr t h e ' Russian re - a n y quai: r tse lo n 'o f Uie rebellion. declaratlo T he general assembly overrode T he Ici

Ovlet Dbjecta fla-a isst n ight and MlnUUr ?F««1 J o . d e b n t« _ lh e , .Hungarian n ^ 'S , \ uesUcm. r t n delegates atao voted to 8>ske up Uie Usue dirccUy, .wlUiooi ^ n d a r a r irst clearing itrth rough Uie poUUeal long to U “ " ' " ' “ Kt - ..........................- Ttlopmco

............. . V .


------ - • Nil


)tateJLejRecom i

T w olOISE. N ov. !■> (/P ) — T he Idaho ]

5ii fo llow ing a two-.vcar .study by t .grnup.i intcrc.«itcd in Iiliiho's la x i ph W ickberg , R .. Sho.shone, c h a in23 — p ro p e rly , inconic, o x - ------------

and snic.t.— na possible a / \ g

ils fund supporU sta le nid to Ic schools, public as.ilatuucc.Ic health and a ll o ther fuiic- i of executive. leBi-ilntivf,, Ju- I and ndmliilstrntlve branches j»te government. '!‘|ie nIckberg said th e committee i,.. (IJ lU L P M jeru :tax juppllcs-a i> - Imately «4 p e r c en t ot the gen- fund m oner;, th e Income Iax " 'i l taw

! than M p e r cen t and the ex- w ill bCKtaxes “ tlielr fa ir share."___ _ F ru n i_ 6ircret5?e.--TiTTrdae^dr"nirM m r^^.^^^^^ ee felt Uiese u x sources were 'idy overburdened and couldn 't m eet- “ >• ailed nn to supply m orr taxes. i ie ft the sales ta x as the best ' .. , ee ot new revenue." ^10 committee estim ated the pro- ). d two per cen t-sa les tnx—which Id woulc be paid by the avernge >n on goods bouniit w ith about

«« r tc« u . c tU w i) .

iuca^on Is B Seld Idaho’s , ■ Big Problem l |

)CATELLO. .N0V...:4,.WrTO0V.:r l E, Smylie sa id yesterday "Uie ; ■ . V est llngle problem " facing the . '.'-V sU te legislature “will be m aking J ’ ...'.L '' we get Uie best possible educa- lo r our children."

9 said h e will p u t education, er roads, an agricultuhil m ar- Ig research agency, and changes 4ia law regarding out-of-state • S ital a t the top of h ta requesu “ !!--------tlK legU lature ;............— ......... ... V 7 -------nyHe,:ln addressing th e Idaho J f Q ] ^ il 'O to c e r s assoclaUon conven* 1 ,.no tW .there w aa a DemocratlB ' O ; . - ortty b i'th ft I d ^ senate and a . K T I lublieaa majority’ In th e house, said he was confident the legta- ire wlU " w o ^ together on p ro j- !■ « '

th a t.lire good for M aho and people." SPO Sielegates reelected Andrew D . scntAUve le of Howe as president. W ilbur tj,e NaUi IVllsen ot H am m ett, vice p resl- Ktlve asi t. asd chOM three dU trlct dl> ^ ^ ^ n r ors. be made111 JmlUi. Boise, wns elected « rv e th «tori of dlsU-lct ' No. 1. J. su te s . h ol Burley. No. 3, and Dave . > t^ . r, wribirth, Kilgore. No. 3. . columh e (a to 'and locaUon o f.the .next noratieh venilon will be decided laWr. J rea to i ottier action, the assoclaUon -on Ida led v lth representaUves' o t four noUd co n gBups and 14 wool and Iam b j ; , . j, U In Idaho Tuesday to orgonUc gimiinr t ,Td«»> ijh rfp P rw lu c fa councili to g .« u u

lie jrw .trou flj4 jled lC R tejL to .w * ity>____rch snd 'Study aimed a t selling ^A t the ‘e wool n d Iamb. Irig, T . (smed -e ll irm a n of Uie council ager of 1 I Jlsy W.[Llncoln o t Twin Falls, com panj 5 touncll l u o electcd seven dele- ecutlve es'to the barent'A m eriean Sheep « n d waj ducers coincll. T hey were: . ohn N oh.'K im berly: E. A. Stol- •thy, Idiho- m ils ; David -LiUle, n * tt: J. W. M athews. Burley; toe J . flJah, Burley; WJJbur F. sm , H am m ett; and H. C. Bacon,

Bllllncsh i delegates picked Noh a n d Alluros ;lr*a9-dlrectors~ to - s s t - o n - th e p.ffcg r PC board. E ftriic

--------------------------- W ash., s

xpansionfor a'Sud_ Uiorlty I

Plant Planned %'£r‘sUucUor

UHL, Nov. H — Approximately Ner" P e r >,001 will b e .sp en t by th e G reen Bruces En t-c a m p a n y -h e re - fo r - lh e -c o n - '--------ictim o t a 290 by 80-fool a d - Y^^• , on tb Uie building now In use l ) | r g prefluoUon, U . M. K raker.-D ay- , Wash., d lv is lon il engineer of coacttny, reports. 'Jhe iddlUlon' w in be made of SHOS1 ictuniV s te e l 'w ith sides of c o r-so n , Rlcl kted alum inum . Space will be D ietrich,

belveen th e new building and Uie Big recenUy completed warehouse to Tuesdayd another warehouse.________ ot Qoodlrorkmen h a v a-fln lsh ed -a x ca v a .I fw a spur-Ilne railroad to th e ^ it . R raker sa id . N orth of th e I n the ding a 'com storage ptatform U fsllowlnt ig built of concreto. T he p la t- son, Oo< tl wm be UO by'^'iao feet. T en den t, Jc »• o t tend 'recenUy were p u r - presldcni Md c u t o t th e p la n t fo r allage gaUon, 1 age, K raker sa id . rlcli, wai

9ians Ask Russ To Quit Hungary 'let Russlaho w ithdraw Its forces xdU j» i-tew »-ba tteredT in inw i> : rhe H ungartan people should be for beeu

to decide th e ir own fu ture and - Q of government they will have WAtJH lOUt'external Intervention from U iai Ion.

q u a ta r .- 'th ey -sa ld In a Jo in t t o r homaratlon h e re .. . ' . . ___ . .ne Iw Jers w-ere India's P rim e , - V N m U U r X w aharla l N ehru, Indo - m arshjol a'S A li-Saslnnm ldjojo, B unna 's Into Egz 3a'8K>.' and C o lo n 's S^om on ' . daransike. All four KEUX [ to Ull Colombo p act Asian de - annound' p m c s isd le m a . . V olon of

--- -------------^ ^ —

V . ^

N in e l r r i g n l ^ l a h o C o u n t ie s

^ g is a t iv e

im e id s I I P e ■ C eih o Ic g is ln tiv P t i s t r u c t u r e c o m m it in}f>nd(lilionA i-n Hoy-nTi^mnCBCJGCs: i>y tlio ' g r o u p . 1 c s lu i iy in c lu d e d n' :ix p r o b le m s . S< o ra l o f t h e g r o u p s a i r m n n , to ld m 'fim en t h e 'c o m m i t t

OODebgatesO Local Meet'

lie n in iiiiil Id a lq c o n v e n tio n o f .noil cc u n d e r w n v lo re W e d n e s d a y a f t e r r

g a l e s a n d t h i r w iv e s e x jy e i i tc d to " ; t a k e p la c c ii t h e A m e r ic a n L e g io i

b e g in a t 4 p .ii. W cdnoH day n n d c o u t n L -6 .lo -8 -p .jn .^ ivc )c t)m c-Jjo ijr_M ^JJL l; ,U .se rved b y |lo c n l d ia t r iS l s u p e r v i t a t 8 p .m . T ln r s d a y m o r n in g , r e g ia i

* * T * _ 8 o ’c lo c k - ‘ - c a l le d a t

- ' : w ill b e d e ' p o r t s

w e llDr. Dom

IngtonrD .-'K ' ' 6- 'conclude U

P S H - . ^ { w ' AnoUier1 ^ j V Edward

'■'< ^ r e a u of I Ington,D .< clal. Mrs. a u a llln y -p

'• th ree pantopics, *^ 0 nances for UonConservaU to Keep

g p y A B O W O O tlSY ODeratlojU

------------ ----------------------- * • T h * Trl^rmation o f 5-1- ^ *ubU<i^Pt^er S S G ro u j)" tjrg e d S -3>oaANE, Nov: 14 i f l - R e p t^ “• ' ^ e ^In; aUvea to a re R lo n a rm e e tln g lo 'o o m ra li NaUonal Rural Electrlo-cooper- of rtsolutl ; association have urged th a t A t 6 p j Bonneville Power admlnlatraUon Im plem en lade Into a public corporation lo ^ l t h e / t th e four paclflo-N orthw est T hU will 61. by th e »le resolution recommended th a t —— — jlum bla River Development cor- T ' >tion be formed wllh a tierv lo e X I . to include Washington. O r e - X l V *

Idaho and MonUna, H ie p ra- d corporation would be perm it- - y to. Issue elecWcTevenue- bontls ■- f la r to those used for self-flilanc- ' V

I th e association's closing meet- iS ev e l T. C. W aller of Spokane, m an- f n r » . n f

■ of Ihe Inland Power and Light pany, was named Uie new ex- portaT lC i 4ve committeeman and Port- D r.:R oy I was selected as the site of th e F a rm B

conference. The 1BS8. session f p » n r a be held in Montana, a l a „ f u L „ innounced later. - prinpipaa te directors named were: B. R. day-lon{le, Corvallis, Ore.; Jo h n M . --------------rge, LewUton,' Ids.; Reed Burr, itleld, U tah ; George Lackman, 1 . 0 1 1 ngs, Mont.; clarence J . H unter, - - iras, Calif., and . Mrs. JusUne

irilcr. Rep.’ W all H oran, R., lh., said .he would prepare a bill - * 1 :h would give army engineers . . - I « idato and full c o n g r^ o n a l au - « ity to store water u stored wa- &OISE, In the Columbia basin. sugar tm

ther resoluUons-called for con- b e 'd o n e a cUon of d a ^ a t Helta Canyon, in spuds ■pcrce, PaMUse. O lader View, o t th e .m ees Eddy and Penny ClUfs.__ porting s

fectors.Samed For Water BoardlO SH O N E,N 0V.-14—C A .J o h n - m ost hall Rlchneld, and W. F. Stlmpson. ground,

rich , were reelected directors o t , Howeve; Big Wood River Canal companj^ to d ry li (day and Cecil Trosper, no rth Idaho , thi

reelecUohr ; ; s tiH d T ln I Uie rcorganlsaUon o t the h ^ r d T h e ser iwlng Uie elecUon. A. C. Thom p- 1 th e sU t

Ooodlng, Was feelected presl- bushels o Johnson wss reelected vice year. Avc

Idcnt from Uie Richfield segre- esUmated >n, and W illard Nelson,, m e t- two bushe , was reelected vice president; <c:«iitiiii

NEWS b u l l :QDEN,—A n -4 o iU a |-p ay m e n t^ be m ade to sugar beet growers In U tah , Idi th«i-amal^am«tM Biigar e o m tw y , H . A.' T.-He sald-the payment r e ^ S e n t td T T p e r beets harvested through’0 : t . 31.

ASHINGTON. Nov. M (« -8 c e re ta ry of Ui loag -ran te je t bemberf, "eapabie of dellv

homeland." are eemlog off Soflet prodaeUc

« T S D NATIONS, N 7Y .iN oT, H (IB—Seer ihjold today gave Uia s ig n a t'to ‘ l a r t mo E n p t . .■ : : . ■ .

O X OG O ; Nov. 14 U V -A grem en t'on iT n « junCed today by Uie Bunker H ill compai in of Mine, Mill and Bm eltei ^Voricers.

— ^ ^


7 .r . 'i ,a ’v a ! - _______________________p

e - G r o u i

P a ssa g e n t S ales

im itte e today .recommemled a twc TntCTPngml-fiTTirWPhirTircommpni ;d num erous hearings nnd appenrr >ups expressed opposition to th e e: n i t t e e had m ade a co n cen tra ted s

Open IFI t Tonight “lil conservation d is trie tn te rn o o n w ith som e 400 -to -a ttcn d r-A ll-aesslo n s- { - ^ 5 ^ Bgion hall. R eg is tra tio n in st m onth co n tin u e th ro a g h 9 p .m . contact \y ■JILbliAelil .iLnil rc frc a h - e rv iso rs . D irec to rs w ill etreet”'^ D ff ia tra tio n will beg in n t T he cou jc k w ith th e f i ra t session ctaion, had ; a t 9 . The f i r s t nesHion atlve could e devo ted to o ffice rs ’ rc -

'V i th R . L yo..., S m ith , m an o f th e city com m ia- ir n o t an 1 w elcom ing delegates. it was sub D onald A. Williams. W ash- piibUc uUi rD .-0 ;; 'adm ln lstra to r fo r-the munlolpall soil conservation service, will power to 0 de th e f irs t meeUng wlUi a Uibutlon t ’•Tha Challenge of .the Fu> T he cll>

Uoning toellier ouutandlng speaker will ed «>• ward Woosley, director of th e caUons fs 1 o f land management. W ash- Im PJct up I, D .O .; and form er Idaho o ffl. . T h e ^ a rs . Bessie M. Basil. Prarie, »y •p reslden^ .w l^ speak, - ) « « « « afternoon wUI be divided into pa n e l discussions on the

. "HOW Supervisors Obtain F l- ,s fo r OperaUng Boll Conserta- DtaU-lcts,“ "EducaUon In Soil rrvaUon DlslrlcU," and rW*>s eep th e Publlo Informed on ,5illons Pf' so il CowerwlUon ^ ^ ^ X v ?

> Friday momlng lesslon'wlUa t,B :l6 a m , wim U iree.panel L

■slons sl^tod. A t noon . Uie “ I lunchcon will fea ture Blroy . jn e ne

» m aster. c«; e sw ^ p en ^ . . . . e f ina l session i t i a 1» devoted petaons' tmmlttee r e p o r ta ;^ d studying board nii toluUons. ' and. I t ' i6 p jn . Friday, th e Twin Palls comcU 'sm ent Deslers*’kssodaUon will deslgnatl< th e delegntea a t a social hour. T he d t will be followed a t '1:30 p a i. ouesUon’

ae I4 th a tm usl banquet._______ ( c ^ d

eied for Lead Cited at Buiri- I _ ' Photo Page Eert

evelopm enfof~JM der8 w ho coWTit r-.of con stan tly -en c rb ach in s goven a n c e to A m erica ’s i» n tin u e d h ap R oyal G a r f f toM T w in -F a lla coiinl m B ureau fcderatioQ" T u esd ay eve o r of m arketln ic an d 'sp e c c h a t Ui icipal s p e a k e r .a t a d in n e r a t S t. E -long convention . A tte n d in g .th e . 1 -- ---------- — ;--------------------- flono, ii

msiderable Hic''po Jeet-Hajpvest- Not Fiidished s 'S

iWE, Nov. 14 «>-Considenb1e Oielr vle • »>eet harvesUng .was le ft to th e tr a d l >ne a n d field frost w as reported •’We m 3Uds -being dug th e first p a r t teaching le . month, th e . USDA crop re* serted £ ng service for idaho'^cald to - Amerlcai

a repo rt It noted th e firs t th ree tern, bm s of O cld ler.w ere Ideal fo r cm M iuli e s U n g r - B u t- th ( r r « s l - o f - th e - TKev-a i l w as cold a n d wet, leaving u c u S f .? t, 6,000 acrw of spuds a n d al^ J

h a lf Ul# sugar beets ia Uie - of the Ai

wever,.Uie moUture was f boon • ,1 . ry land ftirmera of southern m on,|„» B, Uio se « lce sald. I n UiU area

i r i n s p « ^e service «U m ated u of Nov.; sU to 's com would be 3.77flW0 ®L,‘ sis com pared, to 3140,000 ta st J S ” ^

Average yield th is year was

| 2DriLETINS 0. • . • .- .. . jusU Mn t Tf r r r r-^‘‘'" i tily tMBoW 1, Id ah o and Oregon tomorrow nw a!S > 5

F p e rc e n T o T U U -to lB ra rs a a fo o V « 3 - . “ - A rthur

of Uie Air Force Qoarlea siud been c ite delivering a ton io weapons on W eldon 0 iaeUon Unes. ‘ - jjuaoe;

-SecreU ry-G w eral D s r lla m - <=»*;• *PP< t moving"-l[r-N . police erect Judg« Ds

. ' gJO and l

k n w .th re e -y e s r con tract wss iTtipany and th# In ternational “aya,


■ ■ . ' :V -/


PR IC E B CEN TS 1 1 1

P — J

e .o f . Is T a x Itw o p e r ccn t sales ta x fi]

m cndntio ir\’rn iron (ro fT i--------n te a rn n c c .i by indtV ltlualB ---------\ gle ealcH tux idea. Rop. . : id s tu d y of all ty p es of

'.Is Seeking. li jhearing for I o-Op Ruling I8E, Nov. I4 MV-Thc city o t hFulls to d s r culeed tha sU te ji

ne court for a rehearing on (ionth's court decUIon th a t Uie Ict between th e c ity and the -jjFalls coopernUve Gas associ- 0.was..viUegal.-vol<Land_ofjq_____ j

court. In a unanimous, da- ‘I). had decided U iat th e cooper- . ' t :ould n o t legally serve th e city ;fl naluml gas because 'the asso- • !||1 was n o t a true cooperaUve: 1| n insU umenU llly of th e city; ■ an InstrumenUillly of th e city .1

I subject to regulaUon by th s [I : uUIIUes .commission, and a in > lpa llty d o ssn o th a v eth e .le g al.... . J ’ to own and operato a gas dls« {{ Ion system. I c lly of Idaho Palls, in pe tl- I ig today (or a rehearing, point* Jj t th a t the decision has “ramlfi* . i i IS ( a r t^ o n d lU .lm m ed ia t* ._i : t upon the parUea thereto.” i J case was the first teat r f eoo-;: between U Idaho municipal* and sim ilar gas cooperatives. » n lra c ts were opposed h y 'th d ' m ountain G as com pany-vbleti Uie sU te franchise to serv* . _«m Id aho w ith n a tu ra l gas. :w._—^ peUUon filed by Idaho Palta - 1 ’ m aintained th a t the city waa- (olng beyond lU conaUUiUonal-; ■* rs in contracUng wlUi th e co*. H itlve because It " d im n o t a n d - tiot . . . Issue' bonds__._. . levy 1 . . . collect ta x « . . o r"p a jf ' s'* In opeiaUon o( the gas sys*'

eratlva tssee laK dadra* -nentoiitar-of U ie 'cltr^ iW .c H y l . : ; t h e on ly c 9n n * « o n . w a V P r ^ - a th a t- th e c ity w u ia .d e s ig S it i r r . ' }n s '-w h o -a iiy '''b e s e le o te a '.» — d m anbeiii o t 'tb e . coc^ii^atfTe.l “ i t 'w a s “no t-ee r ta ta thiB-rdtcr;

icU w lU 'e x e rd s s - J to - ri jJ it’- i ^ -nia tlon ."- — .........r - r -------z . . '?le d ty m a ln ta ln u . th a t th a D s l r U onregard lng c ity opet»U on.of'‘CCTtl»««*«a rw V C tiM M i Sl •

idersl^ i '

ireauMeefci n i t e s o r v r ^ r e e f l o m in * ^ h yivem m ch t ia_of p rim e in w ___h ap p in ess and p r o s p ^ t i ', . o iia ty convenU on o f Idaho*. evening . " D r ; 'G a r f f r P r o » - : '•

t U n iv e rs ity o f U tah , w as'. ‘It. E d w ard ’s school ending ' he. b a n q u e t w e re ;8 8 4 .p « - 8, in c lu d in g m a s te rs r t a l i i . in F a lls coun ty G ranges. . . .' Pom ona G range m aster- - v. [•o ther g u e s ts . - •

pm sn t in Ita current program ;.O ir ( ( 'w arned th a t coQeeUvlsU d o in g 's be tter Job o( “selling” - r vlews th w are spokesmen for* trad itiona l Amertcan system.Ve m ust devote grea ter effoft to h ihg our vlewa on America," as* - sd D r. G ar((- "We know fh« ir lcan 'w ay produces norfcgoodi ' '

. b u t v e m ust n o t pu t too .L ‘h u l s on goods and aervleea." , • ^ey’a re ru ia w . 'G ir f r r b y -p jp d - '- - T of -(alth in Ood and th e cour* '

to live according to th e moral epls which fonn the (ouDdatiOQ ' ' ' / le American aystem. le. convenUon opened T o esd ay • ■< tilng’a t- th e . G range hall. Re* . ^ s from committees were h e a rd , 'i- po lldes f o rth e 'o o m ln g y e a rse t.. *mam''iTrfrffTlMng. ■rrq -lUier officers, wlUi th e excep*. o f Uj* second vice p re^ ldea t,, ' . v reelected a t the afternoon s ^

Fred Thlem e-w as named to y • ' - a d Louis R cialw .assecond v l c a ,


Drivers l^ed .? O n S p e ^ C o u n t :

iUm of. u ia 'P eaM Joe W ejdcSTT.i ly, Tuesday (Ined twtf

• 1 3 - a n d - |8 - « l s . r ----------Lhur. 0 . C olU nih iM li^ .iaw b u . '^ c ited to a p p e a r 'J ^ o r*

lono naalin llM .ob iipge .' a a e 'P . O lanp llt, T b e-D a il^ '^ ^ '; appeared before Wei£Ml.:poUM e D avid ooUet;, a n d ' ;md «s oosU (o c .n < « U « « n t4 r iT -^ H la' U ^nse. ir a s ' «ospeDfied-iQr-,;-| lya. D eputy BherUC It Ui>-an « U - . '

Page 2: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

a i r ;■■—

I F A C E w o ........

i Gonsiderable- :U Beet Harvest F : i . NotFinishei

1 Tlie dry '^ a n produ%'on eallm i: i ■ b t 3,052.000 lOO'pound bae> rcm alai’ I . unchanscd tro m OcC. 1.

i; •• I T h e fftll *pud crop w m ealim al• h i 33.116.000 lOO-pound W cJti. I

I S' ■ luime M ft m on th cnrllcr. a n d oboi j i , iwo mlUlon above th e 1955 crop.-| i • I Com mercial npple producUon

- fHiBhelT ■lightly boftw th e 18I______ crop. . ........... ............1 - ' - I n an o th er report on ran e e niI. - livestock conditions in Idnho, t

i U S D A ta ld there hnd been no grt^*-7 hnproX'ciduU since Oct. 1. "I t r . j Caltio a n d sheep 'w ere report'! U n good condlUon. bu l slightly bI « ow avcm go and feeder c a ttle d) ^ taand v a a rathe rslugg ith . ' I ' l lUuige condlllotis were descrlb{ iis being sUghUy below thoae o(• f year ago. .> ' » Way «ni< n ih f r iiippHwi Wf. Acscribed a s "generalty am ple" ai'■ ■ tr t l expected to be la/go enough; ' m eet d f w in a i~ m th o o jn —»nppi> inen tal Xeedlng tU rted e arlie r thi : , p iual.

; Service Held for : Robert Johnsoi n u P O lT . Nov. U -P u n en U ser icoa wer* he ld Tuesdsy a ltem oi # t th e O oodm an chapel fo r Robe

> ' ‘ « » u g la s Johnson wlUi th e R( ! : • ^ /en d e ll. Ooo oflleiaUng.:— r-------^ T h B 'M c th o d b t Junlo rxho ir-san

;< 3>allbcircra were Charles Bohle L ISlcven BroadJieod. Leonard Butte

y ield. W endell Dean. Jen llolling A nd Q regory lloUingcr, members i

• ■. J4ie deceased's Scout Itoop.------ I-M rs.— A rth u r— CopeJand,_-Mi

G eo rg s K noblauch. Mn. W ren Co . i !kln). Don Cojt, Mrs, Enid V anE ro

. ]. fUJd Mrs. Harvey BUderbaclc' we; I 9n cliargo of flo*'er».

I Concluding rites wer» held i . J h o R u p e r t cemetery.

j i_: Visit in ShoshoneI SHOSHONE, N or. 14—Ja n e t At

I jB h^tegul. freshm an »t th o Un ^ iirerslt? o f Idaho , h as been vUiUr ' ' . 4 ie r p a re n ts Mr. and U rs. Kuteb:

^ncIiustcguU- * tlir. a s d him . Bobert Hewet

'i! 3>amitt. h a v e . b«en TitiUng here.: ~ a P iu la F urm an, BacrtRiento, Oalil

Jitt* been Tisltlng Mrs. Fred Clinge

: Hpspitds! ; Magic Valley Memorial

i ViolUnsr hours a t Maglo Valte : gwemorlaT hospital a r t rrom a to

Ikad 1 to B p jn .; ' .......... ADMITTEO -------------I ! VlrgU M cBride, Richard Clarl : iMancy B barp , Jon Thorpe. M rs. Ja : : ftUttoD. M rs. I« e Lucich a n d Irwl (f { W o t t l o . aU T w in FalU; M rs. Joh U «lam U ton , M rs. Charles Bchoonovc I j ^ d Mra. V lrsll Bowman, sr.. a ;; - S u h l : N an o y /av tttm ao . Boise, as i Slames B la d e s , a n d Mrs. Harvc » fru ck cr. K im berly.; -4 DISMISSEDI ' ! M i*. Jo h n Noviwel and w s . M i

Ooo V lsser and.dAU<bt«r. M rs. A rn- ; ' «3onton « n d sa n .'M n . V e lm s .a i :

, £ w . M n . Alvle K night a n d M i LS" W aglge Wixrd. , a ll Twin FalU ! 1^1

M mos F a w cc tt.D e lb ert H arm s a t A irs . H o w v d P a rb h , »U B uh l; Mi S .uthet' B e n n e tt and son, Jerom' } ^ t y C tu ils . EUra. Nev„ a n d Mi

1 C h a r le s D opson. Hansen.• / .BIBTU S■ A son WM bcm TuesdAy to ^ n d M ra. c b a t les Bchoooover. Bul

■ V lsltlns hours a t fit. Benedic __ ____Jiosp ltal ax® from a to 4 a n d 7 to

ADMITTED- -■ Carley O sborn and S to v tn Jlat fnons. boUi Twin FaUt; P4urIUs c ilaz , Rogenw n: Mrs. R obert BU M rs. A lpha FiiUUps and M n . I p e r s o n , a ll Jerom e; Sunanne Ha • n d M rs. Archie Winter, bo th We

................BeU. a n d CecU W. Moore, Wentjovp ta h .■ DISMISSED; M rs, S lerling B ny , B liu , a: Iklrs. Y sedrs T on rs , Jerome, t D1RT1I6! A son wns born to Mr. anif M

"y rc h le W inter, -WfHUtll . unfl flnughter v,-ns bom to M r. nnd M Lee Em erson, Jerome.

• Goodin? Memorial• VlslUng hours a t Ooodlng Com &femortftt hoip lta) are rrom X 1:30 a n d 7 to 8:30 pjn.■ DISMISBED

___ * I .<illB Parsons. BUM. «n'd M■ Lloyfl-Thuroer nnd ton a n d ’meii

^ 1 . b o th Ooodlng.

;— -C ottajtvB u^lcy-» ADMITTED

■ J-Mrs. E dna Dayley, Burley, s M rs. M aude Oreenwcll. Paul,

f : DISMISSEDI < G nry Clnrk. Burley; S usan 5ml

f nut, a n d Mrs. Erma Vigil. Rup<

------ i l - I P t t p i > r f f ir> n t> rn l____1, ; -------- A T nilTTEU ~

..ll 5-Gall StoUer and Judy K ra lt.UI .X upcrt, nnd M rs.-Joseph Bov1 Pnul.I , DISMISSED1 ‘ .A nn CampbcU. Itupert.

ij ! Weather:____ S Maglo Vnlley--Falr to n l jh t ;

tjtnorcow : colder .JeeighCKigh U p c n tu re tomorrow 35 to 40: low

----- }! d g b t 10 lo IS. Low la s t nlgbtJ SS a t 8 a . tn. and 33 a t nootr.

^1 4«ti»n U.x. Mln. -------| j - -----__________ ____ «« <1

;< i| ____i \

A S E s s r i r .

— K e e p th e - W h l le - P la g o f S a t e ty F ly in g

| S t j L

i i e d j p l v . 'aUm ate! 3 a:m alned, I j ^ S .

iim ated^ - I « I;lts. the! I " " " S m . g I d about 1 I ■ N v 51 I

Uon a i ' I

>e 1655| JJ W i th o u t aige nndl t r a f f i c d e a th in o u r M a p le ho, th e V a tlc u .10 g reat \_________________ _______________

I. F. Is S e e k i n gItle <1** , • «

» c r.b « i R e n e a m i g f o rse o( a ”

« g«M svAtfm was con*eefflrt w ith “ft nonclng" Ui# system, and th e coop

' “ e r a t lv e h a d a “l e | t l “ m e u jo d o rsu d tlnanclng.

Id ah o Falls aUo argued th a t lh Y S U association waa a tru e coopera ^ Uve. since l l was no t an Instnim en t o A t i or th e c ity . “U follows U tat th e asso l a U l l e lation operates only for th e fienefi 111 **rv. consumer* who are reoulrcd (, t _ o o n applications fo r membcnihlp. nnhert a rgum ent said.

,« - T h e c ity also contended th a t Un "* court rinding U»at to e cooperaUve. 1

utiU tles commission was InconsUten wlUi Id ah o law.

peUUon also argued th a t Jhi of quesUon of wheUier a c ity h a s U»<

r ig h t to operate a gas system wai “prem ature* s ln c t th e c lty or-Idah* PalU w as no t considering Immedh

2*.“ ; , ^ a tely tak ing oyer the system fron JC were u so c la tlo n . T he peUUon adde< ..M th a t Idaho code granU th e power K leld ‘ t ow n property.♦ivlU ioutrestrtctlon.’*

,ne H e a r i n g D u e

O n K e z o n i n ^VlslUng :____ _____ . O

“ M a r k e t A i - e a(ftM f i |» Out) ,

Oallf cars. T h t truck will be an addl- 31inger Uon to the sanlUUon departm ent.

A n agreem ent to perm it th e Boise- I Paye tte Lum ber oompany to buUd i

tem porary structure across th e allej In block 1, w ood's addlUon, was ap-

......... proved by-’th e board._______________—I c i ty M anager Joseph LaUmore re-

, , po rted to the commission oh h is trip r i a l la s t week to F t. Ord, C a lir , to re- Valtey view th e reserve train ing program a to 4 H e Indicated h e was ravorably Im*

Pressed by w hat he had sten .-------------T he-com m U slon authorised thiClark, c ity a tto rney to draw up an agrte-

rs. Jay m e n t wlUt th e in te rm oun ta ln O u I Irw ln com pany lh a t would allow th e com- t. John pony to use th e city tresUe *cro« lonover ito c k c n e k a t Shoshone' stree t roi sr.. aU plaelaK 'gas lines. LaUmore expUtne« te, and .th a t th e tresUe U lUghtly w est oi H arvey th e b rtd g t and U now used, to c am

t h t e lty ^ w ater pipes across thi creek. H e lald the pany de

n . M rs. slrea t o place Ita pipe* ad jacen t U I. A m ie th e w a te r line. a I top - n i e . «m m l*s/e in«» toolf_und«i d M rs. advisem ent a request trom th e U nit s; S^rs. ed N ations c h i l d r e n ' s func n s and (UN ICEF) for 1.000 postcards of thi a ; Mrs. a re a to be dUlrtbuted to Itallai lerome; achool children. T h t request, li }d M n . te rm o t a letter, s ta ted th e card

Would have a eulturat and tourU value, and would give tJiiB chlldrei

to M r. v isual knowledge of Uie beauties o r, Buhl, th e world.

A rier the meellng h a d ad journ^

l o ^ e commission on th e Munlclp* < 9 a league meeting In Boise la s t Satur » ' day. H e said Uie league w as prepar

____ lng lto rg o "b efo ie :u » e ~ lo rth eo m ln

o 5 r **»<* tl'® hlghwa? B lu e . liquor rundt. . .


M ethodist ofllclal board will me< enqover, ^ ^ church.

?■ '»'> Magic Valley WM„, .„ Putterals - nng K’ ' y

nd Mrs. R tJPE R T — Funeral services re M rs. S usit K enaston will b e held i 10 A. m . Thursday n t th e Ooodma

s - l m ortuary w ith the R«v. R ex Lawso: pasto r of th e ChrUUan church, o

r County (leintlng. Concluding rile s will I m X to held a t ihe R upert cemetery. Frienc

mny call a t the m ortuary (roi W ednesday aflem oon lo Ume <

nJ Mrs. se rv ice s .____________________"'nTelmn ^

WENDELL—Funeral services fi M rs. Motile. RuskU will be held i

-------- 3 p jn . Thursday a t th e W tavcr mo;f - tu a ry wllh the Rev. Chad Bollc , . p a s to r ot the Wendell Presbyierii ley, a n a church, officiating. Concluding rili

will be held a t the WendeU cemi ... tery. Friends may call a t th e morti

— S f r C ' d W o T r d s ^


m D I N N E R

r : T H U R S .I "’I MOVEMBER -TS J; j 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. --1‘ . - ST . ED W A RD S SC H O O L

--- ---------- :B A S iM E N T t----------- :

ju \ ‘‘“ i A d u lts S K S O jD erp Io tc .__

"I.......... '" 'C h i ld r e n to 12 y rs . S l .00

i* II ■ •_____________ ■ __________________^

' ' r * ~

________ ____ ■

A r & T l n d u s t r y —

Sautes Slated b ---- Oi Two Days J

; (P t.« r> f OM' Jever, n t :* Radio Rondevw. Bns- lin n saJdi i* “very poislble th a t c, th e draw« wlU be c o n lln u ^ , n o t- ^ Ing the«»re more thnn 600 w oe

- Riven k v In a to u t of 15 hours, g W inners eed not be present,

--------- — TJie’chnlKr Is sponsoring a-ou*i- -jne*5mao*nnerBftr(metat-1:30p.m r g

--------- O T iu rsdaJ^ t-U ifi-A m erlcan^glon ju i a h a ll a s ;* lc k .o ff for the Agprt>m.r " , . J a c k Far.r. banquet chnlrmnn. u r g . ,lu y io blnessm en lo conlact n

fn n n e r X<nd and bring him t{> the « ) d in n e r. • i case the husinetsm an g

know s Bione on th# fnrm F a r ra r ; I o r sa id do*«J of names have been sub-

m ltted b members of th e cham - { lK r’4 AfiEultural dlvltlon.

r t l * S penkeat the banouei will be D r. < D onald JlllUms, sdminUirotor fo r i

• th e consivsUon service. W ashing- Im o r ton . D. C w ho U m Twin FalU to U I g > d d rw s-4 t-iU i* - to l| cflntrrvallon j

d u tr ic ts snvenllon. Also appearing lUt “ff- on t he PKrmm wifi be Liter S{Jen«. i! coop- U n lv ^ ^ r d iH T e x U M to n lB t:--------of such T h e pupotes of UiU week's even ts i

a re two-fld. reports MlUheU H un t. ,u t Iha cham ber ic reu rym ansger. U is de - ;Mpera* signed to-.are Magic Valley lending rum ent th e s ta te in u tu le to lhe naUonal le asso* c ity farmWeek snd the second a im Benefit Is to cduc*t the people to w hnt th e Ircd to valley h s 4 , rrahlp." ^-^6 A f ^ n l U designed prim arily

. “to c reate n& Industrial clim ate4>'‘- ■"lUve, If t) ,! , ^ re a ca inollned to th ink In-

be sub- u ..I h»i.iin<« n t t him Ih fira u ltu d e s tOTtld C a m b e rs of com- m crees and loTdustry itself become antagonU U c. li large ^ r t . I t Is the

IS* the people who h ip Industry se ttle In ' « a n area. 1 " i.* * * E xp la ln ln i lls point, H unt nnid-Idalw b r ie n ‘ a -f in o ie k in g -a p lacB -fo :-anmedi- new or b raa c f plant will n o t con- i rrom U o t lh e chamfer o r any oUier. civic

organltaU on. is te a d . Uicy go to th e I J people. A t asdvlee station, th e firm

repreientaU ieU sks w hat the com ­m u n ity does f r Industry. T he n t-

, te n d a n t doeint know and the m a n ' g e ts th e .lm ir ^ lo n the com m unity______ sl n o t wlUn to help Industry

enough. J ‘ISJL 'nTie Agpiom U aimed a t educnt- C? Ing th e ICTY ice station a ttendan t,

w aitresses tnil olher persons deal- L C c t Ing dlrecUy wtth the public th a l we

a re deeply Interested In industry,"' H uA fconU iutd .

‘ T o th e pioplo who u « of the opin-Io n - th a t icdusUy is virtually non -

Bolse- ex isten t, H in t said ta 'M ag lo V nl- )uud a Joy thero- ore 450 persons working In e alley in ^ u jt jy « l l Ume. in addlUon. a n - M »P- o th e r BOO are employed seasonally........... T h e ir oomMned w aget nre WWOiOOO.u . f* P roperty ; owners of processing ‘I* Xlnna have tlx million dollars Invest-

In machinery snd buildings nnd pny 1300.000 prtperty lax nlone.

*J “ ** F ro m th U they show n gross volume o r th ir ty mllUoa dollnrs.

f , — •L efs-open o u r -e m -to -w h n l-w e « I have." H un t said. “And le fs n ttend

” c o t^ th e Agprom Fridny nnd Snturdny.*'

E B Undecidedrest or • R obert W arberg. who resigned a^ > carry e h a lm a n o e planning and £on<- M U»« la g board Tuesday, reported W ed- ny de - aeeday h t U undecided w hether to lent to p ress h U resignation.

H e sa id board m em ben refused to .u n d e r oocapt th e reiliiia«<t.ndded K s U n ll- probably will be seWed a t th e nex t

fund board meeUng. or the M eanwhile, L. Jam es Koutnlk, who

I t a l l u Prom pted Uie rtslgniU on by ques- « t , in uon lng the need of n special m eet- ' enrds claimed none of the acUon was to u ru t •loftlclnl.'' He held the meeting had hlldren closed before Wnrberg nnnounced hU itles o f resig^ctlon and ssltf voIm of con-

. lld tn ce n n d . eenture h a d been.“. s a -■■orgpl.l-.- .■

's a 'tu ri READ TIMES-NB\V8 WANT ADS.

r^home 1

ces for Aa Amsriean U n mnn who isn 't held a t o traia ta bawl ent U>e president oodman b n t la n lw nji peUle to policemen, tjawson. ■ -rch. of- will be .Friends f (rom Jme

Ices tor held a t ' er mor-Bollck, ------

lylerianng .

m ortu-lo tim e

--------------- - M ? MAIN. WEST ” -


- [ --Twin-Falls-^Ne1 From HM piUl

.M rs. H enry. J . w ise haa returned E J c hom* a fte r undergoing m»}or sur- fini r ' s aery n l T w ln-FalU CUnlc.hMpital. Twl

--------- lnr. Jo in s H ertford U nit He>"*' D. L. Pace. Tn-in .PnlU, wnn re- Fsl

cenUy nam ed n member ot Uie 'b e Hercfoid nssocUtlon.

M n rrU g e .U c en s t. wo;A marrlsge license was laued in

T uesday -by -the-T w ln -F alls counli- « n clertrto -rB obble-L ee-Johnston snd Ilon jan lc t3L X flngE U )Q th .T w in_F all^ ghi■om. ------------^rg- nu n m ag e Sale Scl

* PrlmroM Rebekah lodgr will hold Tb Uic a rummnge sale from 8:30 s. m. to (

8 p. m. Friday a t Dean Motor « m - Flir r a r p»ny show room. ............ h am b- ---------a m - SpevUi Meet Set wll

Barrack 509, V eterans ot World I D r. w ar I. will hold a speclnl meellng

fo r a t 7:30 p. m. T hursdny a t 320 Ing- SevenUi avenue east. n .Is to --------- ■ ]lUon o a i tn by Dng________________jts>rlng Marlon Klinger. 1783 Borsh ave- fs mcc. nue east, reported to poUce his son en• wnirblttZn on' the leg Tuesday night xn 'cnU by a black nnd w hite dog. Hs re- fn lu n t. ported he believed th e dog belonged ^a s d e - a l jM Maurice s tree t norUi.ding --------- Cllonnl Bonds Posteda im George Kelso. E arl Terry. John . j

I th e Bertie. Naomi Egbert, T ed L. John* „son and H. J . W eaver posted »1 j ,

a rlly bonds Tuesday wiUi Tw in FaUs po- m ate Uc« for overUm e p a r t ing vloUUont. q ,

4-II Club Meets ^ihP ir T he 4-H club of w hich Mr*. R. r JStT W lt to in r f fa t te r mef n t-the-W IUon *

home Tuesday (or a lesson on cook- *“ r°.h* ing nnd measuring. ChrlsUna Slump ‘ wns hostes, Susnn SUvers wiU be

hostess n t th s nex t meeUng.

, Missouri Man Fined „Qllbert W .”Anderson7TV«bb"Clty. t i

“ **}■ Mo., wtis lined »50 nnd P costs . 1 . Monday in Twin PalU JusUco MUrt ^

for csm vnnnlng a m otor, vehicle ^ w ithout a perm it. He was cited by „ sU te police on Fourth avenue within

- the cfCy limits. " sti

Jn ity No License NeU Floe ^ ae uslry -- sonn ie HunUey. 232 Monroe street. ^------- w5Jrilned »5Taid-|3-eosto-Wedn«day- ^ucnt- In Twin Palis JusUce court for op- dnnt, ernung an nulomeblle wlUwut n deal- driver's license. She was cited byII wo atnte police east o f Kimberly on »try," JilRhway 30. _____ ni

opiri- General Meet Set ’ Un o n - The general meeUng of Uie C hrb- V nl- Unn Women's Fellowship wlU be y

ng In held Thursdny evening a t Vnlley jj a n - Chrlstinn church. 'H ie Rev. James

nnlly. R^ Crowe, Jerome, will spenk on th e ^ OOM IdabO -R nnch. (or VouUi. Rupert. S M eS bm - h i^ n d V -w lll -b e -g u e s ts - Ivest- t n d refreohments will be served.

Nominated a t Colle7* c.“Sf: Sharon Miller, T * 'ln Palis, U one ^

of four frw hm en coeds nominated as candidates for queen of the Col- _ Iofe” o f“ ldaho * lnu u tra tem lty bnll

i i?r. Friday evening. Students attending ‘*•5'- UiB dance will vote on Uie eandl- *

d a t« . who were nam ed by me two •; campus fnitemlUes. SUident chair- mnn for th e dance includ* Oeorge « W alton. Hnnseo. and Hefb Evans, p

'^ J I J T y tU e .W ed- " ------------- ---------------

LDS Rites Held SS 'S__At Ward Chapel' DURLEY. Nov. 14—Funenil serv-. .*hQ held . for Mrs. FrancesouM . ‘Nellie) Owen Tuesday a t the

Acequln LDS, ward chawl w ith Bishop O arU i O . Enines ofllclaUng.

, The family prayer wss given by L h l i Mel SU venton. Prelude nnl post-

lude wss played by Gwm M acln- tosh. InvocnUoh was given bj £3mer Saxton. The obituary w u lead by

•' Bishop Enmes. Mavis HanlU. LoU XttW MSrO«HnirDMQeVbMJ.*«enei -

ADS Stevenson. Loin Hnnlcs. Med MllU, John Nibset nnd Alfred 'fhnxton

- ' Mng,__ Accompanist M re ! Phyllis■ r n - Thomas. Blnhehe C ^ k snd Gwen B U Macintosh.

I \ Bishop MclvJn M onair snd Boy Moncur spoke. T he betedleUon was

• I ^ given by BUhop Dnvid Parker. Con- I ■ eluding rites were held a t Ui9 Rup-

e rt cemetery where Ue grav* was dedicated by Harold Jmton.

Pallbearers were Robert Moncur. Ervin Moncui*. LouU Moncur. Jamea Moncur. Bud Robinson tnd Otirind Peterson.' 1

Flowen, under the dlrecUoa of Uie Acequin Rellef^foclely. ■

‘Isn T ’ Or?n'*RoWln! .^ r s ! ^ g!" a, Br<ft'er-']r Iden t ton. Mrs. R. .Mien. M ra O. O. Ekmes i imen. and Maxine Parker, |

m m t n t e l - — — r ~ ■■■- ■■: '-----------

ow,..; e n e d b e y o n d k - . . .

i U s e Y O U ■S i n t e r e d ,

- - — fH O m 33I - •

y i N P A L L S . . I D A H O ~ r . . . . . . .

in Brief | Faulty M atncc Brings Fine '

<1 Earl Coker. J r , ro u te 3, Buhl, was •- flned-j7 *nd-<3 co eu “ru esd sy in i, Twin PslU JusUce court for operat­

ing a'vehlcle w ith a fnuley m uffler.He wns nrrested S u n d a y In- Twin

:■ FslU by SU te Pntrolm an H . E . Carr.

Sfl License NeU FineRaymond Armstrong, T w in PnlU,

was final W and S3 c o su Tuesday , rf in juiUcc c o u rt- fo i^ r lv in g n cnr li' with .00 driver's license; Arm strong » ' td w nn-nrrM U d^Sunday by Xlepilty thi _ Sheriff W ayne H ankins In Tw in “

FalU-: - • th.

Id Turkey D inner p lanned ^to ch ruU an W o m e n 's Fellowship, cli n- F ln t OhrUUan church. wiU hold a aji

harvest fosUval and turkey .d inner tb a t Uie church Thursday. T h e festival will begin n t 10 n jn . nnd th e dinner

‘<1 will be served (rom 6 to a p jn . T h e pr pubUc U welcome. wt

Flaed for Bad Ftates fuRobert D. L ln d ja y .-ro u tn rE a e n : 5F

_ fin><t SIP and 13 coulil tn_T yln u e- FalU JusUce court Tuesday for op- tS 90 eraUng a m otor vehicle w tth fic- th h t -nnonrllccnse-plnteeHH Ift-w ne-aUo th ■e- fined $2 and »3 .costs for. driving a cd car wlUi no renr lighU . O

--------- ... s tCm sh BeportwJ O

A 1942 Dodge driven 1 ^ Alvin Big- « iui ters, Conwlche, W ash., a n d n O nr- » n* re tt Frelgi'tllnes truck collided n t U

J a. m. Wednesday In Uj# jpoo block w of Kimberly road.-D am age to Uie Dodge waa estim ated a t WO. Damage to the truck was alight. *'

— rt

sS a l^ o f-Y id ^ i ™ Seals Slated S

’hie*'50Ui annual C hristm as seal di officially tn Idaho »I

V ' Thursday. ' ”Locally, ithe lllUe red nnd green

seaU plct4*-lng a boy and girl, each 1 carrying a double-barred red croas. 1 are being mailed and dU trlbuted by the Tw tniFalU County Tuberculo-

" sU'assocIsUon.Mrs. Jo to E. H ahn. Tw in FalU. U

. senl saiee chairm an for th e county ^ et. aasoclatlos. “ T he annual aale of the ^ ‘•y C hrtstnw een ls-la lh ^ « n lr» o u n » -o f f »«>* funda for Uie county nnd sto le tuber- ^

* culOBUassoclnUons," Mrs. H ahn said.°y The committe© preparing the senU «

tor mailing are a ll volunteers and do “ n e t fe t paid. Persons falling Ui re- » celve Uie aeaU by m all m ay purchase P

. them a t CIm Book Store. I3 l M ain » avenue west, or n t th e office of Ju s- b tloe of Uie Pence J. O. Pum phrey. 214 Second street north , pum phrcy u

[*“ U liensurer of th e county nseocln- f|


D u a l C a s t ?.JEROME. NOV. 14— A Ulree-nct

comedy will be presented by two ?"S cnsu, members of the Jerom e high

school DramnUcs club, TTiursdny nnd » ;®*,: Fridny a t Uie high ichool. CI?" The c M ffo r Uie ir ta e n U llo n 'o n I J “ Thursdny U being directed by Law- F

„ rence ,Coupe. O n Friday the enst c \ r . directed by Shfriey Jfusay will pre- 3 rge «ent the piny. ' rns. r — '

, Gomee l _ . / _____........ .rv- Icesthe ■ith Ing.

S .In*ie rbyoU ' - ,

Coma righ t In . . . s— :_________ E/aa!/_Y c« v o u ca n

c o m p le te tu n e , mcIo< - a n d a ll t h e f i r s t l im t

[pi B u t d o n ’t ta k e any lvns

C o m e to o u r H P a r ty a n d see

g fj F in d o u t h o w m u c h»r- w i th t h i s e a s ic s t- to

fi. ----------B ring -th© -fam ily .«n<les! i t . G e t a •free p r ize __ p la y in g y o u r f ir s t tu

H e re 's h o w

ONE FINGER o ! y o u r __________ th e m c lo ttv .

, • ONE FINGER of your ___________ - b u tto n to p lay a rid

C hristm oi It coming t h a t f i r s t tu n c , a n d :

' " , f u n i t is , i t m a y give ■ f o r w o n d e r f u l i

^ p ro s e n t . E a s y te rm a ---------- ^ -------- l lvinT . f u i G iu ibU iim


FUN! .


— — j Prracn t~ th iiT T O U pon ''a l . H nrvest H ouse P a r ly and

I z«cording.I 'I ^

j A ddf» i_

... . — i _ i — - — — I City__________________ Z(,

I S o r o p t i i n i s t s ’ j

“ O E a y s G i v e n 4

! S c h o o l F u n d ” ”; S o ro p tto iis tc lu b m e m b e n v o ted a t

the ir regular TSiesday luncheon • meeting a t Uie Rogenwn coffee ahop win:

to conu-lbute *35 to assUt In .p ro - vldlng . uniforms for elementary hav

I; achool safety.patrols. agn ^ According lo Pollce.ChUf Hownrd bro' ^ W, GiUette, there nre appfoxlmntely ave < as elementary aohool patrqU and tem ^ th e ' uniforms, o f. caps, ave “ m ir is a ts and belts, a re needed f « exti

the n ew ~ p4 tro ls^ t*H arT isoo -nnd to - i Momtngslde schools and for replace- sm i m ent o f worn o u t unirorms. Service n a i

>. clube, civic organlxaUons and In- clul » dlvldunU have made contrlbuUons clai X through thsi’Cham ber of CocTOcrw c a r >i wRlch U ncUng as collecting a g e n t a n J- -n ie three-piece unlfonn ooeU a ^ <jur e proxlmately $4 and will be provided yen;

wtUiout profit by a local firm. uie Luclle Wolfe, president, dUeussed hen

fund rBl«ing projects ___

a anri a h fll r t Pecans. ContrtbuUons of ' T >- 15 were v o tw 'to ' U16 TW CA“ nml " j t :- the Oommlttee tor Bnploym ent of

ConstJUice LcUer reported on thes u te meeUng held in Bwley duringOctober when Mrs. Mabel Thom p- son. Loveund. Colo., governor of Uie

? . Rocky M ounUIn region, reported on 1 »t the naUonnl and • IntemnUonal b l- hoi Jc ennlal conventlona In- New Y ork U o

12 ^A nnouncem ent was m ^ th a t Uie dn j nuto-DBM a drlve-up book reUirn 1 ?«cnU y presented to Uie Twin Falls con public library by Uie S o r o p t t a ^ , U nat

— m -opernU on-and-A tU uuL D c^IdC t. mfi K S ? . reports Uiat In a 34 h o w p

J period 60 volumes were returned W lon the library through thU service. He H sta les th 7 t none o f t h e books a re gov damaged In nny way b e c ^ e of ^ e mo

K, speclnl mechnnUm which genUy ties lowers Uis-booka.-------- -------------------cor

I Ex-Local Couple K Saved in Mishapu MONROVIA. Cnllf- Nov. I 4 ^ r . , , i tv and Mrsi-ChrU Bender, former Twin me Z FnlU residents, were rescued Sunday hei of n f te r - th ^ m oior bont_cnpd*ed nenr ley r . Long Bench. weId Excessive speed nnd Inrge waves e tl ,u were blamed for the nceident. W hen oii do the boat capslsed.- Mr. nnd Mrs,■e. Bender clung U> 11 unUI they were f l M pulled out by occupnnu of ano ther \ J In boat, who ,also towed th e Bender IS. boat to shore..y Tlie Benders' 8-yenr-old son, w ho , ev usuaUy rides w ith them, had been ft. refused a rid e and wnUhed l h t cnp- ^

ilxlng from th e sljore. ^Now residents of Monrovln, M r. ,

— anfl'M nc-Bender-sUil'Own-properlyItt Twin Falls. be:

LADY U O NS T ^ M E E T ^ gh RUPERT. Nov. 1 4 -U d y Lions pu nd will meet n t 6 p. m . Thursdny n l (oi

Cousin Roy's cafe. W ivta of a ll on L Jo n s-c lu b -m em b ers-n re Invited; de w- Reservations may be obUlned by V* is t calling Mrs. Robert Snapp. HE 0*-e- 3(20. TninsportaUon c sa be a r - a t

ranged by calling HE 6-33M. pr— ----------- -------

e on over...I our...

. . sit right down and on . ♦. you con play a lelody, accompaniment t im e you try!

anybody’s word for i t

j r H a rv es t H o u se s e e fo r y o u rse lf

luch lun you can have it«to*pIay in s tru m e n t.t.«nd4ot<verylK)dy-try-----------rize recording ju st for . it tunel

lo w e a s y it is : . I ^

your right hand plays [.

our left hand presses a . i .^ E L rich, full chord. _______

ling and while you play B W md find out ho v much 'give you a tejrific idea t j f lj 1 fiim ily C h r is tm a s .J l_ .> Q!fms, of course and do- H H

ROING H i>P1NG*THIS C O U PO N — ------------------ ;----------------- 1 Dodn a t o u r r ia ifiliio n d 1“ ,' an d receive a free L P— |

~ - I I

-------------------------- ^ I t :1 ^

- - ^ r . J

■ W B D N E SD j

SeeiTToday,Sem l-tm ller loaded w »h sium i- ^

num ouUjoard boots parked on Sec­ond avenue e a s t - . . Rootera on top of roof tn dow ntoun secUon h u r­ry ing down Indder to extinguish lire .-j sweeping over tn r fumnce. . . BUxl wing on sldewnlk of Second tlrce l wesl s t poslofflce. . . Young boy B®® hnvlng trouble pumping • bicycle cor ngnlnst w in d .. . Large sh eeu of lo brown paper blowing along Sccond j avenue north. . . Service station n t- g, tendnn t stnrUng car stalled on Afnln avenue by connecting csbles from

Sm K **glrl standing in doonray waving to members of local service _ club. . . High school soclnl tUidies . J

> elnsses touring d ly h sil. . . Man> carrying henvy bound ledger. . .• Employe* of Inundry dUcuwlng Job; during noon hour. . . Snltsm an .> removing high school fooUiall sched- „

uie from store w indow .. . And over- heard : “Thataa lo tta people." . ^

13r4butes-Eaid_ Sl : -ByJ£*oup-£oe- I Club Officials ii Twin FnlU U ons club members - honored R. M. Serpn. one of alx • , c Lions Intem aU onal •counsellors In ,

Uils area, a t th e ir meeUng. W ednes- J day noon a t th e "Park hotel. J,"1 The special ceremony w u nsld in ■' s conjuncuon wlUi Uie club's in te r- s naUonnl counseUors' week. Club ~

mfmbem 3av MerrlU s n d Robe rt r Hlnkley. also Intem nllonni eounseP *” 3 lors, were nlisent. e F a ren C. Paler, deputy dUtrlct e governor, spoke briefly s t Om cere- wl e mony. ouUlnIng the counsellors du- 30 y Uce nnd commending Serpn for hU co

contrlbuUons to U ons Intem nllonni. wi ■ Richfield Oil c o m p a n ^ color-rilm; —

“Idaho and I ts N atura l Resources,” nc wns shown by W nlter BUylock. Bob lh Bnker reported on hU vUlt to chn r- $7

) Icr presenlnUon n igh t s t th e newly- p< organised Grandview Lions club. di - Roger M arsh, president, reminded

n members of the tone soclsl to be T y held a t 7:30 p .m . Nov. 30 In 'B ur* > £ ley ,_0uesu , in addlUon to Blaylock.

were Robert'Sm lth nnfl'W ard Crock- 3 e tl . both Salt Lake City, a n d HaroldJ ” "” " - __________________t t

J Open House Held S* By PTA Tuesday 5

More Uian 300 pnrentA sltended ^ '* open house n t TVi-in PnUs high school q, '* Tuesday n ight, sponsored by the ^ aohool'fl PTSA.

PTSA members held n nhort husi- “ ■y nB M T hffcm inn-u ie-achool-im m ry J‘ before th e open house. Mrs. Lionel “ Dean spoke on the sMoclnUon's p ro]- y ect for the year, raising money to ^

IS purehnse n 60-tervic« sUverwnre se t ^ «t for the fscully. ^ Jl Dr, George P. Scholer. eo-presl- “ d; dent.-conducted the m eettng.-Jnm es --- >y Vsndenbark gnvs the InvoaU on. I- J* Pnculiy members were Introduced a r - a t th e o m o house by V. I . . le feb rre , n

p rincipal______ ______ C

.be the life

)on’t miss it!

' ^ M U S I C C E N T E R- H O S — »♦»


i l l . S . S c h o ( ^

"Aid Reported " I n T . F.Mec,5 n i e denn ot (•<iuc«--,n- fn.I U niversity of Idaho , good and bnd llluslrn;;(i; < ft" v ’'"' t control na a rcsiili of rrjc:.->l f lo s ta t t s . f o r efliic.inon

. J „ F . Wcllzlii, ,1c,VI o: iii'f , of fcducntion nl tlir

J Idnho, nddrc.w ed-ihr--i> ,;i.-I-,'- ) Rotary club Wecln;f<i.iv ni. r J

support lo scliooU folln.*;,”

^ American L e g l ^ haS, tf*s . f irs t fedcinl net b-.- rn r..^- for the support o{ »cii02i, .^ pnased In 1785. De.m \\>uu*u the K lw anliiiii..T lie a a “ fedeml land grnnts, s iiu r a ct was paMcd. more than e . lion ncres of land hi»\e btcu rr'L’ to th e various sUlcs nii<j schooU.

T lie ilrs t federal c .i« conctrr-- educoU on-w t|,.

suprem e .court In 1810 by 0, .,;

college, D esn W eltiin T he case wss brouchi ijv Hit mi,

“ -of New HampstTtr! tryiii^ (g over the college and mnke li tninl

J s u u university. Accordlns to D«.5 W eltiln , Uie supremr court ^ fnvor o t Uie collese nud nRniwu’

* T ouching on the vnrlm»Of federnl supjxjrl lie s»ii] wort ih.- th ree billion dollnrs for Mipr»,i ve tcm na was spent In one y«r C

. . th e federnl government. In oi''» ij, school tields the Eovet'a.

m ent m ade cnali grani.i for f7 tlon-whlcli-Added-itp-)mnjr7fi»T3-

over one billion dollnrs.;t One provUlon or n fedcrsi Kiri •- w hich provides Umt not ;j!o« uu- I- 30 per ccn t of the Icdeml mom U could be spent for lenclien' uUria ,1. w as condemned by Dean.Wtltun n; — Preeedlng-the-tB lkr^tt-»-sj-,n .- ,” nounced the bonrd of dirccion ol lb lh e club had approved cantribuilns r- $75 to th e (und to-purchnsf uidy

pntrot uniform s for ’l\> in Ptiii im .' denU.

!d -----------------------------

Veterans ArriveI — To-View Farms

RUPERT. NOV, M -O nly tljht tt th e I I veterans invited to pick la s t rem aining hoiiiestrnils here thj year a rrived Jn, Rupert Wcdnciijf, T hU m eans another ^mnll stoupcf

Y potenU al homesteaders will htie u i bo Invited lo Ruperl m 10 dtys tt ^ tw o weeks, bureau ol reclamiUx ** offleloU said.

T he e igh t who a re vlewinj finia J thU week Include Dnllon W, Du-

■ fcy .jO gdcnt Stcivln Downs. lUal. ,/[ to n ; Em ll W. WriU, KIjwwDi f t i i |i. Ore.: Clftlr R. Stewnrt. Clciriitlt ta U U h ; George H. GrnnberE,' fiil'i: ,» R aym ond Rclfer. Pronibcrp. Mact:

W llllam W. Bro«’n, Hazelton, ttiII- Kelly Ko«U)tf, Tremonton. Utth. es .—T he th ree who did not nrrljf w

I . J . Blixct. Artesln, N. M,: Der.- ed a id Milby. HasUngs. Nebr,. tnd lU?- re, roond Aldridge, Cheyenns WtlUi

C o lo .________________________

J of

i.'. . d j f t __


221 M ain Eoit

\ PHONE 204 4

l l j _____

P R ...........

R fcord Shop

Page 3: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

3 p .■ l ^ D l f f i S p A y r N O V E M B E n jL I .

^oiiaoolte^ _

Disregarded, ■ Gtizens Aver 1

vTONrt CARWX NOV. 14 n n -J u s t ■ w Sks m e t It ■

LSH ni- Will P rtncta i Or*M h«ve « ■

“ f c l ' S " i S w u i i U ’o'* “ m .M Je I'"*.1. c»re ft g r t» t <!«**■ i f .

, J ”^ / ^ « l u l e d F ebruary 'an lvftl^ ,n e » lS ? l o th e O r lm . ld l th r o n e M fL ^Siiy so»exlou»ly ihey w e « »n* ■

U lt .p rlng-. »'«1- IPrince lU ln lcr and J h e ■

g^ o t lhe pHace ctm virted Into t r . The rtfem* torm etly were .

^ S i c ^ t y have been decorated In i S ;S ;r3^p ln lt-«u ll*W e to either J

m■ ‘ilrtu shou t lU JOO rooms. TTie public W

f e ^ ‘= s s M |fourO'ard have been carciuijy re- h stored by iwo U u v ra experts from ■

^An'ewmovlehouK, Europe'# p lush- H Mt h w been buHt undefground. J t ■ L ncath lhe (amous SporlnE club. < ■ JS or^ ted in the Monacim c o l ^ . : ■ rrd and white, It cost almM t *250,000. • r^hn. a m 'iil box w ith adjolnlnff

„ j.»l balhroomi and AcroM the square, the -fadsd old

?,*.?.. . ^ lQn. raa in o prealdcnt « HM Trney has jo n W o T Jrv W ir ra

■0 Dopulnr and profitable.■me pleture-card harbor has been ^

BCitlng a going over. too. A pile driv­er lias been wnklog th e populace andthi» w tourlsU dally a t dawn In lhe _work of enlarglng'a qunyslde.-Huge —- cranes h i « been used In lh e demo- lltion of the old and ugly gas worlcs „,u Uiat h u stood on the w alerfronl for gj„three generaUon*. j.

Monl* Carlo hopea th e world reU comes 10 lla senses soon enough to ing

Order R e f i i ^ - pBOISE. Nov. 1< tf>—'Cleanii-aier

Power company, a ru ra l electric eo-ap, hss been refused a federal; cflun order rcjira ln lng W ashington w»wr Power compi\ni from expand- Inir In lhe Oroflno area.

Judge Pred Taylor tu rned down ihB co-op's re<juejl yesUrday, noUng Ihit slmlUr acUon had been U ken by lhe sU lo public uUUlles com- . .luprtme court.


NOV. I*, tits irrtM r*«rt> kr BirMB »t lUcIiiutlsii.- - C*.WW»l-8«rr»r •»< - -■u«.. ' M S . . . V . . . . . .iulM nUli*— 4I1.0I0I*) UI.MQ(a))<lu4 FtVk'ninCr it.«IO(a)niludn S « .___ 4»,4i»|4)

------- i ,u«BlKk/eot__— , 1.460 3.«(l)A^r«IJ«B«. — .l».«10[Q M J-W .)Hllsrr U kt . . . . . ' K>«

» 8 C.n»U » t 4«lift!"al Mlln.r. “ J.loS *«S

k ri) Aer^lNt i ellur quxiUiIm In itcond- "rtlUUM .Ui«l im4 •tar«i« In ti Niir.

II tnd ri«w Itarouih p«rmtntnttunfltl InuVr.rml»luilon Put w nk: Idaho r«ll>

>.<( Inrh. IiUn4 Park O.U Iticb. TalUad*!«.i< Inck, Mens 040 Inch.

»Mw'4«il” “ l “illd®r4Tk*'"l1 Inehtf. Jljitn t Inthti. r.tiuy Uko SS Inchti.Ir<lni Krick pr«dl<U Int thtn nnrmal rwlpluileB for N srm U r en Snak*

LYNM CnAKDALL.Slilrlet CntlnMr. USGS. finikt IUr*r Waurnutar.

_ SUl« ef latho___________ M

L oca lcd 7 ‘m i l e s w e s t o f W e n



-------------i h c l u i l i i r s p l - S p r i i

il '* !** '!" “ 'V. i y r a „ j u s t ( r

^ 1 7 ’Holatcin cow, 3 yr« ., upringiii l io i s ie in c r jy s b r e d c o w , 4 yi

■ , i n s . 6 s A ) .* l io l s te in cow . 8 y r s . , m ilk in i

8 gn la . w h e n f r e s h G u c r n a c y c o w ,- 3 y r s . , h cav5

. . . . 5 gaJ.______________ _________G u ern se y cow , 5 y r s . , m ilk in

‘ b u e rn s e y .c o w ; 6 y r s . . m ilk in■ G u ern se y c o w . 7 y r s . , m ilk in ]

B n n ille cow . 5 y r s . , f r e s h 60 < - MoiHteiii h e i f e r s , 18 m o s . < b u e rn a e y h e i f c r . 18 m o s . oli i H o ls te in h e iT c rs . 5 m o s . o

c a l f ; 3 m o 3 . o ld - ^ 1 c a l f , 3 m o s .-o ld

H M f i u " 3 0 t ia y s o ld'A l! t h e a b o v e c o w s B a n g s tcj


I DAVI ’• " '■ "y Iverson a n d Rm . A« : _ * < _ j a o n e , 3 8 3 , . G i > < r f l „ i _ j i

. j i a s o s

T o i ^ r a p e A i


■ (*.' ^°

IS , t r &

I- | «Is . • I

■> i B n r s M H l H

d Dr. A aielo May bo ld i llie lnilnim«D( ^ clofged coronary a rle rle i by s«rapln( | , l m il and scale (rom % w ater pipe. Thii

f h eart dlK aie ealesorles. T h li new broci Francisco's Ml. Zion hospiUI. where Di

D m enlat laboratory. (AP wirephoto) r.

0 _ E v e n t s L i s t e d CH:* “ RICHPIECD.-Novn<=M r8.-Lnurii 5 ;^ ^ 1" Woods hna retu rned from Nnmpi\ *«m ■Z where slie visited h e r aon. Hov,’nrd P'nyc

Sluder. and fnmlly, terdaMr. and Mrs. Dick Johnson hsve -------

d returned from S n ll Lake Clly. bring- nol :o Ing back two HoUleln bulls lor After t Johnson and M onl Johnson. Al nl Fi

Provo they vislled M n . E llube lh su ilc - Kunx. formcrly-of RIohfield.-------— mont

jy, . . .

1; New Shipment

D I N E 11-

^ ---------- '• -G o ld e n Bronze

j • B lack Coloram

B. _ S e v e r a l a ty i e s , v a r io u s s iz e s a m d ^ o p li ia f s t j

- 5 a n d 7-Pieca) --------------------P r ic c d lo w e r t h a n y o u th in k i

■) s ty l e s a n d t h i s q u a l i ty . C om e il o u r B c le c tio n a n d o u r q u a l i ty .

.d- C D C C . F o ' «^ r K c E * " C O S C O " PA D Dnt w ith e a c h d in c tti11*

D ro p in , lo o k u s o v e r— y o u ’ll lil ... . . . iu r j i i tu ro . . . p r i


*■ Art Schwartz

n . i c sW e n d e ll b a n k o n H a R c r m a n ro a d , o r

^ r a d e . « , • " "

DAY, NOV.:m. ; \

d MACTTLE I 2^ row IH C s p d

i p r l n g c r r = ^ = l : S a c k r a k e ^ 0 ^ ^

s t ( r e a h , 6 g a l . h

4 y r s . , sp r in ff-■ B o o m 'w e e d s p r a j

‘I k in * -G o o d o il h e a te r ,

ic a v y s p r in g e r ,

l ilk in g , 5 g a l.l ilk in g , 4 g a l . 2 d o z . N e w H a milk m g , 4 g a l. t o la v1 60 d a y s , 5 g a l .103. o ld . 's . o ld Io s . o ldI. o ld ' ■ - ., - 2 ,0 0 0 b a le s to p <o l d ---------- ---------- -- c u t t in g s -

, '2 4 0 b a le s c lea n JS te s te d , c le a n )

r m s : CASH D a y of S a l

WILL, 0«i , A u c l lo n e e r s 'e— ^ ----------- :

A i - t e r i e s M ( » (

coiialrvB E ^ I I i r .'a (r lotH V B K (our

( r(-M:y «i (ru:u


t> u


— lore orcotJiforl

f . /■ , A mnk . • ' tine nn

\ . . -------- i'l'.vinjV ,. me Ills

im ,nl lie developed for o p e n ln /u p ip int ihem like » plumber scrapes

T hii in strum ent gtves anrgeoni ah« prln-lj>-t . . . . . . . nf --------r brocedure was developed a t San ere Dr. May works In (h s experl-

>’IO L IN IST D IESCHELTENHAM. Enitland. NoV. li .

M wM ftrlo-H all,-ia.-w bo,.grnduatcU i ___ Ifrom s ire e l violinist Into a concert ■ plnycr o t world repu ta tion , died yes-terday.____________________________ | —_

nobert Luff arrived home Sundnyi I ftfler recclvliTg a n arm y dlscharRC, I nl n , She ridan ; HI. H e had betni su ilo n in G erm any tho last IB;

lent Ju s t In!

■ T T E Sinzc Coloraniic------ — ' —


!H a n d c o lo r s . E x t e n s i o n a n d | ____i f s ty le is . ' " 1

Piece S e ts j

lin k p o s s ib l e f o r t h e s e n e w ^m e in a n d c h e c k o u r p r ic e s ,.I lty . !

]a y e n d S a tu r d a y o n ly A D DED S E A T ST E P STO O L lin c tte t o ld .

i ’ll l ik e o u r s e le c t io n o f n ic e j ^ . p r ic e d r i g h t . ] _ '

tzFumiture '

d , o r Yi n t l lc c a s t o f V a d e r

/.16LU N C H on G rounds j |

ACHINHRYS pud p l a n t e r

J i ^ ^ r a c t o r -------- I ____

e e l h a r r o w

VNER Of f s e t .'disc "] | j

s p r a y e r , w il l f i t a n y t r a c t o r

a t e r , a l s o c o a l s to v e

P G U L T R r^ ^ -— —H a m p s h i r e p u l le t s , s t a r t i n g

FEEDto p q u a l i t y h a y , a l l 3

lo a n s t r a w |

Sale" ^

^ w n e rB Im er K n ig h t, C lerk .

- T I M E S - N E W S ; - - T - W 1 K - E A L

loderii Puzzle on P Crises Pon<lercd

nv ll,M. DOYLE J j " , ’ ;NKU'-YO-nK;-N«-M-“t iMon by“ U ^ m. .e or a miU.lU.-.Red mai» Ul the

' , over old cIhf r:<-,'iioi> U over. »na ,„j,

tt i 'ir ' n o rm a l 't im e s th e ur

1 r '”' '''dcprtM^

ml .I blc wnr ii i n .« i. very ;o or : s venrs . . . T h is gave J® coplc ,im r m .bpiuTfn -<o make >*■? or leak up a t the sU rs fo r *•' ^''1 omfori. RiLV'lnA mnn (lon'i mind »o m uch gel- t» preser

ttie nn uke r Ifom cftrning « living, only ircr oft Ills m ortease. a n d keep- " « ihiw

nc_hi» kUis In ncliool a nd out o f wonder i


ONE [-F R I D A Y —9 : 3

Limited Quantit— 7 ^ b e “e a r l^ o

TRAINING IReg. 39c ea. . . . ^

- HANDMADE IB atiste in W h ite an d P oster C o b r s .......................

TERRY LOUA ssorted C olors-Long S leeves ..,...............................

TODDLER TEt. A sso rted Colors in Finest

C otton F C nrC S izes~ P 3~

GIFT ITEM ASSOC la tte r B a lls -C o m b a W a te r Balls— Etc.

Reg. 1.00 eo......... J


Special...... ........

-REeEIVINGBlS p e c ia l . . . : : — 2


- Sizes"S-M-L.^.. . . . .

USE YOUI? ACC i_ _ i _ - I h » ; C h a r o i : - A c i ! S ! n L V ! ®

— ■ . “• , ' -■ ....................

^ L S , ^ A H C L _________________

rPeac'c ; i i i ( r ~ 1 . S S______ ________ _______________ i'Ll’‘.''.''.ervj

;d l)y ', , , Il'.< the ev::., \i;,cr !;<• Ki-i.t.iu Kiiypi?• boUitM lUm, u if oi;.' ot iLi inonolonoii,< mriii.i', .iii-! ,r' 'r iip Kr of crl.its , . . Y.-Mi c,.; .1 ' M jirc.ier old crUl.< for li:r.\kln,»i. >ilrvrlopeU ll _liile'r_crL>U lo: luniii, miii sll 'n rp ivpill nrw roiiii);.-:ily ;,iw .-..MriiWioilier tj rtlnnrr . . . ’llip niiiut J.;uinly;iirr.scrvlii[ L .itoniitrl) thni'. ,i!l, U.ilmtd.

It alu ! n nvcr iii.iybi' SnnieJmh\tlii)Kcii boiiii. will :,i;i, it> n ,n„ ,., u it s over iiuyti»-:;ir ro. ; I'f livmc KO lip . . . Kv.-n Ilir

T lir iluiiaip )iicr niul In niiinlicr in.oiio I1 uhvii I fliullv lliiuh p .'u iiK ,| n I my liom r' ilir c-oiiiiiry m;iy in- J I

;o piopfiiv v;ilur,0 j Jlien tliprp's ;iln'.ivs tlir i ^• lUMCf . . . Win 111 lirii.'P .vri':n.v J • ae jiiftiy nuTiir like pio.viiru:, . - (SH Amciicii—It ihu'i n n>.r«l ili iiij . 'iLl ou the liistiiliiiciu pl.iii, )ILV'In IllOVM (;iiik.< Into Hims.iiy.J ,jrc.iervi- lireilom niul mioii ilir P u b lic■ frcr MmiKsHiiii.i In llie fuu iitiy iOdi

lhi«e tivi dond tii ir,ill7i> tlie[ 131. sh ider of It . , , 'Jlicii


: 3 0 - A .M .^ T I l

tity Specials^ o r t h e s e ! - - - - -


^ p a i r | . 0 0


1 . 9 9


1 . 7 9


? = B -9 c = lp

ISORTMENT ®lb an d Brush Sets

88cID TIE-.SID E - 9


BLANKETS — ^2 ^ 1 . 0 0 I

^^>V L E R S - I

C A C G O U N X r SfW ith Budget Term s________ '* • ''

■'-> 1 '■ Icns to puC’“ tlif ' uScIe 'n i r r nnckfl,% wn n, Pm ncr. .itid l,)- 111 oi'dri llcrl in I8U I

Ei: • • , Hilt in»vp. Ueiicrn. Krnncf niul doiTt A rrjirif t;tnrr"“ln iglc of llinl ,<t at) • ■ W lial-Huiiiirr." •icy alieiiilv im.v il^tin i:'to r'-

•Mcrvc poiii’e nn .-(riiiy' --------------:>peU prolmblv lo Jii.M ili.ii:I’p . , . Wliiit |)\ ;Im me i»' _ A a ler tience I'li'ii *uii. nuM riiioie'I'vUiB wHhoiii \\;n ig up n il-:Nl.iiejmw I rnn 'i tja;i s*"! it . , ,U li poMlblr !o .I lid by

d e n t u i es


McDowiibU c D e n ta l T ee n ic io n t V #lODposllc Iiinho '1 cnlre) j

I Shufhone .Nk,.. . lone C03 | |

LY! 4IL-9-jP.M___


^ 1 1J

' *

Sturdy Crib & IV• Drop Side • W o• C aste rs fo r Easy Movi

SPECIAL , 2Baby Swing W/

• C onverts Into C a r J

- • H eavy M eta l From

• S tu rdy D uckw ith P P added S e c t

9.98 Value------_______ ■ I N F A N T S - 2 N B F L


i i i n i n H H I * ^


- : ; r,% v incV w rt by ilip Brlllsti 8 ITE t,8U Ul thn ntlnclt on DallU LO3 jiicr llir line 'lliP rocketa' ...i l .P n i T '- n i ^ B t a r s p . n . l t i l '"■ m u tjo b to

ami ciirlo s i-----------;---------------------------- ncroM ih e s tr

anil pvc.ierve the peace 1» 1' « butldlr ;liii! ll? _________ I policemen.

ig. Fair Special!


ires 1. 2, 3, 4, Medium weight M ull-over lop, double sole with ilcistic covering ,. Hug tight .nit cuffs. R c 'in lorccd scorns.


f W


^ 8 ' ^“ c ™

. B i z : = 3

^ [ 3

S im ilarto lltu stro tlon . . j y

M attress | |W axed Birch | | |lO v in g , M

l A - 9 9 ^R f —


V /Standor Seato m e N

h Plastic AC(

P L o n a ' ' ■ "


• H igh C aste rs E'S"'' H o lds Bottom - - o ff o f Ffoor

• Easy to M ove ■ '

• Coifgpsibli - L .BAS

P A G E T H B B B !q | H

TE UNPROTECTBD - ■ j S W ^ N O E L ^, Nov. ]« l » - A i | M K 'Q bbed-^-Jap«me4«.lmporl— H n lo store yesterday dlrecUir m | l l le street from th e city's n e « • HIIbI ulldlng which h o u su 1.S0Q;n.______________ __ ___ i lW I

e' I;PERS fji;i


| M |

S r ]STURDY , ' I


HardwoodComplete witKTabletop T ray - " |

' '

Q b J . ^ O Z E b l _ _ _

auzeJ)japersi i : Z

2 . 7 9 I


Tib Bumpere ~ “ iloin Po3ded Plostlc. , , ._,j

loy W n PoHi ^jured Pfldded Plostic ; j v.j

2.49' ' ■■■ > — ■

SSKETPADT-'lain Podded. Plostic •' .’-.V: '

Page 4: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

lOAia. br U)« T Iaw M m PsUJj-i s j a y r J i . T A ' l i a ^ n ' i s ' s : t

P' " S r u ' T % S ^ V - i » - Sf u ta t «l thU g«»«r punetnt U

. , c x , . i y E ? 'A 7 1 S l . 'J

r E l B ^ S:f r BT HAlU>PATABt.« IN

- >1 KOs.CMBtr. MtrOa

.^ . iS r i l l monOi. ■■f fi tttil lu S u u «f.ld«h«l ^ X r Iht mcrnu^------------- ------------- :-

Jl..i . i S ? ' " ""—1 : , “ ' S S l' S S S• j ; t» ' « » Mjirlirt Btm t. 8m Tr«i

1 S T H E “N E W ” COM '! «) F o r tw o weekfl tho world •f y f i tu t H unB arJans. I t w as t

ij S i l s t ty r a n t t h a t h a d muffle

- • Z L ed b y tan lc s 'a n tl planes.t 5 ) f R u ss ia n so ld ie rs sw arm edI tt jo p u lo tlo n to ta ls consldcrat; !®f th e New Yorlc m ctropollti- 3 T h o u g h th o b rav e rebel; W h ere fo u g h t.o n ag a in st cru!' P c lc a r th e rev o lt h a d been sn■J ^ o n a .a r re s te d P rem ier Im ij ^ s t r a n g e process h ad In a

_ L S ty p lc a ljp u p p c t regim e behol ?■' Z I t w a s a te rrib ly unhappy i " t h e m o s t g lorious chap te rs 1 i f ic f m a n 's qu est f o r liberty ,

u I n P o la n d ,.d o fian ce of M * d id n o t go too fa r.

—j— tt^ jjorg-held 'tO 'C om m unlst-lln 1 " o p e n revolt, n o c ry for lu ll i I " th ro w , n o p u llin g down o f R i S b u m ln B o f red books.-

2 B u t in H u n g a ry all these c f Mwero flu n g a t th e K rem lin. I k th e l r f i r s t successes, th e t

- f - R m ore ond-cjera ,-O n .poJJit_o—J?yreiacd:— ----------------------------

, 5 . -H e ab o lished fa rm collectlv ) g f r e o e lections, am n esty fo r n ' S e rn ro e n t w ith non-Commui y S tlo n . H e called f o r w lthdrj !! R troops fro m B udapest, a n d i t C g a ry ’s re p u d ia tio n of tho V, I . ; t h o r l 2lng S oviet detachm ei

:j £ B u ss ia 's .lin iltc d forces In 1 1 f o u l l -b a c k ’ a s to e K rem lin

—■( —g d ra w a l- n o to n ly - th e re .b u t_ I ; KiRomanla.If ^ Y e t a ll th e w hile Moscow li g d lv ld ed . T h e p e r il of a free bi ,1 S in g to th e v e ry border, o f t

_ J _ 3 w a s _ d e e a je d g re a t. O ther sa ^ S spU t, a n d f lan k ed . ■ “ .

;1 e 6 0 , a s m illions o f Hungax i] . S th e l r b re o th o f f re e a ir , a n d i

R era ''nego tia ted '* t rw p w lth d i 1 S e r R u ss ia n fo roes pounded s

« a h d :to o fc a i t r im g ld io ld o n j S A t d aw n o a S u n d ay , N or. i,I B fu ll-a rm o re d m ig h t.

. 1 g 'T h e o ld R u ss ia o f.B talln , j E w lth a b low f ro m th e m ailet

K in th is a c tio n . W ith lU re b l & C o m m u n l s t Iw d e rsh lp -d e •san d Justice c ra sh e d In th e * 5 N o t even th o c lam or o f w S E a sV c a n c lo ak th e evil of-i

I " le s s ly re a sse r te d . T he U nited ■ e d to a tr ip Off th e sm iling m S to th e w o rld Its su p p o rt ;f(

I S ^ o l e w tr ld m u s t see th e B

T i l— S " ’l i m igM y*fl>m l.^«aar8aa c t l a n d m a y n o w bo long yea

If * b u t th e m o s t gu llible follow }|— I f t rw n rc iu e s t id n - th o t- th e 1 j! g a r ia n s a ro k e p t from Ub«

am o fit overw helm ing sppUca T h e ir fie rc e sp ir it shoulc

I . S o f ou fre^ m en .

.....a - T U R N IN G PO IN T II ' 2 "When G e n e ra l Elsenhowe t M consldered a s a cand ida te fo [ JJbe r e ta ile d t h a t bo th pollUcj ) ' would carryi : 2 election 0i S tle k e t, th e re w ero m any coi ; S p a rQ ' w ho com plained of tb

i g d e n c y to follow new dea l p -i • 2 Now re p o rts have I t th a t

<>£0 en co u rag ed b y h is smoa ^ 0 in te n d s to m ake h is m a

parcy, in u u ngrtis nm — i i— ^ - ln _ ia c t- s o m e _ p o ll t ic a l_ o

i ^ p re d ic tin g t h a t Mr. E lsenho ■ ;' - t o m a tc h ' th e Roosevelt-Ti

|i' S h e win a t t e m p t to g ra f t the. [{' 2 body p o litic In a m ore acci

| l ijiiessllke m a n n e r , r I t Is ex p ec ted th a t Ike' I ic x tre m e ly UberaV leglslatlv)'>» S in g th e G O P defin ite ly or

^ ?i, -“ “ l i t t le fellow .”2 ^ ^ o f ' t K e c l c c t l b n ' w i *i5)Ubllcan p a r ty ’s^^utter depe

i I r^and h is pU losophles, th e P rjf ^ ttb o u t q u ite a change in thej ; ^ n h is to r ic tu rn in g p o in ti r ^ A m erican p ollUca.

N O T E O F SAD Z N o t on ly lovers b r i ia l le t ; ^ l r e ta le n t a n d g race m u:

'I 2 ^he th o u g h t of 'l in a q u l l 1----- -------fh aH n rln n .'A t- th c Mew Ynyk

- !i; u ca sed In a n Iron lung In Q ti M iss r-e Clerque, fam ed J te rp re ta t io n s of th e cla jjs tr lc k e n by p olio w hile en jo

■ ^ c s s lu l E u ropean to u r wit — ggr oup. - > ^ r husband ,~ -G e

I;. • ^ h o s e e f lo r ts havo galne'd . il rtw orld nam o . - ^ t s b y h ls t il; i ^ u r con tin u es .

• !a. T h e re c o w ry a n d tr lu m p l S t a ^ e by th is llow er-llke w ^ o o n I n th e s e tim es o f m uc

— ife- “ ! » « » » . . _ _ __________________:r •»

W HUw l4*l>o TIM ■ ▼ T i J

. s S S v r Sr ik« Mt at iurtk ». in». (rom » Dwight I

Mm to B*c. «&•»» M*>» CaJ<u rTT '


• IM

mT ^ advaF «

-■■! i s______ _— — — » *.M . tu r T«Hk»r■' '■ - revolvu uoundirar.HTATivca Ufg jj *elinowJt

. »#ure. tnd U«--------------- pQJiticfll lu tu n .

COMMUNISM ro rld h e a rd th e voice was a voice t h a t c ried i n c r e a s e d f tsn ln st th e C om m u- For one UUng. Ii

lu in ia I t « . long. B a r . . . .

m es, m an y th o u sa n d s be needed u> tin m ed In to a la n d w hose *on advocated a lerab ly less t h a n t h a t ^ipoUtan a rea .ebel forces h e re .-a n d pennituxi to eol , cru sh ing odds, I t w as iiu u expecce< }R sm ashed . T h e R u s-

Im re Nagy, w ho by f e d e b a l h

q c r , a nn—insiiaiiLw Ljv. cb e h o ld e n to M o sc o w . session, w hich m ip p y e n d in g to o n e o f tance , he will pi to r s In t h e lo n g s to r y *® ^Y h6*di^ [ ti

g -M o .c o w m « « d c d ) fa r . T he gov e rn m en t c»uon of tedersl jt-llnes.-T hflre-w as-no .not-impiemcniei fu ll C om m unist o v e r- ^ah to f R ussian s U tu e s o t He fsvon eS?.l

........................... he believe* thstese c rucial c h a llen g es solved on IocmI m miln. E m ^ ld e n e d by ho rebels ^dem anded- Sm t a f te r p o in t, Na_K^ uio

ectlv leatlon , p ro m ised ' PRESiDENfl for rebels, a n d a gov- JTil n m u n ls t re j f re s e n ta ' gf hu policy ot i thd raw d l o f R u ss ian trtni dirtieuiUes. xnd an n o u n ced H u n - He believes no W arsaw p a c t a u - S X ? i^ e iv V to h m e n ts o n satelU te

And SouUi, ss « i In H u n g a ry b eg an a i t u u » estiy illn ta lk ed o f w ith - “" f ,.u t j r o m P o lan d a n d

Iton ot the oppi iscow's councils w e r e th« vorid to our •ee b rid g eh ead re a c h - land's mind, c f tho S oviet u n io n

sr s^ o lU te s w ou ld be V 1 i l l W »

in ea rian s M lolcBd Inand Soviet c o m m an d - «re pum enousiIthd raw als, f a r g re o t- But Mr. OomaJtled across th e b o rd e r 55» V “ *»rinj 1 o n stratQ gip p o in ts . * * 5 i ^ i n r t o -7 . 4 , th ey s tru ck 'W lth ported' to hsre

stADdsrds Is to Ia ln , Im posing Its w ill insuttlelent #mcla lled l is t , w aa tobo rn " S S l S ' t Sre b ir th th e im ago of, lutjiy mispjaccd.

p -d e d lc a te d 'to peace not-only acknoth e dust. on® o r w a r t e m . M iddif. o f- ty ra n n y so ru th - .p^r this psrsili te d N ations h a d a c t- piamt' sgainst rJ8 m a s t a n d p roc la im Ii r t . lo r H u n ea ry , m e “ Sh e R ussians fo r w h a t trouble with

m .a o rn u o * ;

; s e a rs oH , V e t no n e '3llow trs of th e K rcm - divldasl t im e rth o - r c m a r ta b le -H u n ' I1 lib e rty on ly by th e plication o f forco. to the thought tiould f ire th e h e a r ts ductJon might i

the Issurrielenc in eoonomlo dls

A noa*So»let?^T F O R G O P? ■ countiy ought howcr w as f i r s t b e ing t e fo r P re s id en t, I t wUl S iit cillUcal p a r tie s h e ld o u t only be cured b ir ry th e ir b an n e r. inc on o n th e R epub lican ^o<naai. _ y conservatives In h is r r gof th e P re s id e n t’s te n - cw uem u6n sal philosophies. Uist can be ncth a t th e P re s id e n t Is

sm ashing v ic to ry t h a t u„g aticnUon i t m ark o n th e R ep u b - Hence. 60 yet

:al_ob5crvers a re now ij^ '^m ow 'eft^ enhow er w ill en d eav o r forester thnc sc ilt-T rum tln social a n d seWnR Umtiy i

f.M>1 hnxuPVt^r th n f .t th e se re fo rm s 'o n tb e hw direct^: accep tab le a n d b u s i- ot siat« umber

. ' ment dUpoie olIke w ill p r^ss to r a n “ S ' S > m” ? la tlve p rogram , a lig n - be* no more or ly on th e side of th e 'in«te sIasu bm ^ thousnnds of dc

m 'w s u lts ra n d - th e R e-- ^''TSe-res^uitdependence u pon h im on their rcacucle P re s id e n t m ay b r in g • ”3 th e GOP. I t c o u ld b e ....j ln t in th e h is to ry o f „ , ^ c r c - S

csterplUsrs are■ business.

SADHIESS;allet.‘'b u f a i r w h o a d - th e ia o ofthei

m u st be saddened a t Ull Le Clerque. p r lm a " o r C i7 c f t tK - Q tV cox . ■SLiftVAmetleIn C openhagen. hajjded downnod fo r sy lph -ilke In -

classic d ance, w a s through. 'The en joy ing a h igh ly s u e - wrons." h# any ■ w i th 't h e New Y ork TlUa b very i ~ G e o r8 e-_B a)|u ich lne, S a , w ° i h ? n e d A m erican ba fieT S eorapei- us to fi h is w ife 's b ed b u t t h e or the ottlclsl

both were dl5cM p H a n t retiu -n to th e ke w o ipan w ould, be a_ T here 's qi m u ch s t r i f e a n d l i t t l e ' faces iKtte r

_____________ big g irls m a l

■ - . - _______ • i '

K E E IS lJ A I lO N A L

H IK jIGIGMOTON—W hst CM th e people o f the United 1 o u r o r m e s s expectfight D. Elsenhowf who has been re-elected « term s by the fre»«*t popular and electoral .a lven to « Bepullcan candidate fo r w e ^ ' r ' ’ prt»S6tn c j W sihioBton I* but t ing

-with admtedly specuUUve aniw ers - &,■ to th a t *>lm portont question.

P- I t Is no enougli lo say th a t, as N c i c he h u intnated. he will propoeo tn L S f 5 cxpsnaeane-i&Utlve—proBram-; o f

h u w n e s(lal economic leglslAtloo. S a f l l N or Is I t itt lc len t to forecast th a t S ^ m h e 'WlU cntlnue to lig h t-a g a in s t ^ ■ 'j t fn I p r t lc n iD n l* iu m - * n d - to p e f i i i l4

Ism, w heier U em anatea t r o n Moscow o London and Paris.

Tlie qmtlon uppcnnost -in the •»k.r pro-Ilte pople*' m tnds today re - J-ound specifics, n t generalllle*. Now u ia t inowieaaed ,to be-ae free worW a lofcm ost Id the RepubllcoB' only anchor Ior the uture, w hat wlii b do or ask In the way strHtion and con^sslonal policy In order t tn d m a ln u in UjiOOP's s ta ture?

. .V .ISED SOCMI. « C U » lT y M N E F rT B - Jlng. Id th e tlcJd qisocJal legUlaUon. Elsen-

.^.MirUy for ain tn d wife a t 05 b raised to »3.a00 Instead S«>-jiTCTiiyft-0n5y’>-smBlHaxJacrCM e_fflll to finance this otfuu lon . Adlal E . Steven*

ated a maximum Qlt3.1&0. s' strong congresslcal dem and th a t social enetlc la rlu , who n y now e a m on ly .$1,300 Ithoul forftlUng ep 'em nen t paym ents. t>e to collect iJilOO otW W ) o n outside work.

Kpected to favor th it revUlon.

VL liE A L T l/ INCTBANCB FR O G B A M ^ gain ask congress to underw rite » federal Insurance program .'B ul.,lnste«l o f th e 05'-llpr ‘•"'"TTillinrn* hi m>r^«n1 ilc h medicos and poU la» tinindcd u a p it- will probably sug test IK million dollars lo }ports.d a t the last session, IkqwlU urge » five bll- - program for constnicfon of new school*, m was thw arted In n c ntroversy over aUo- tederal m oney to school distric ts which had mcnled_lhe.*uprcmd_< lUrVs desegregftUon

rlih ts , Ike's posltloa c learer th a n ever, equal opjwrtunlUM for nlnorlty group?, bu t t th a t such delicate pn items should be re- local sn d sU te levels, t i com m unity groups dcrstsndlng courts asdilocal officials, ederal JurUdloUon, t# ha* gone th e llinlt ng equaltty to m lo o r t; elejnents, especiallyi pw ple- __________________g K r W c o 'f f l i * t f E r l i r * N n O M E M E O T necially encouraged )y th e endorsem ent, as a l study of sample lotlog d istric ts showed; ;y of non ln terferena *IUi labor t n d Jndus- ulUes.ves th a t h it ‘'p a r tn n h lp concept.** which ^ n e u tn l and stan lo tt a ttitu d e , h as been ed, In view of th e fact th a t h e carried s l- th e g rea t b d u s trb l ( ta te s In Uie North ,, as weU as pow er^iungry areas,

early, and events sversesLS aro moving too nd violeaUy; to jn rU aee foreign policy tu t Ike h as d e lln iu iy lined up against ag- ; any U nd. and may eventually w ln^w o biU e oppressed a n d underprivileged peoples o t to our s ide in th s duel w ith R ussia for man* ■d. _________________

WS OP O T H E R S'A '8 tn iV B R 8 1 V fl» M M U N I8 T --------------- -.lonsllstlo elements In th e Polish rtbelllon enough tb everybody. Including th e Sovleto. omulfca. ths Polish CoRununUt leader, seems orlng ano ther thought ju s t os disturbing to

i r t o W arsaw reports. M r. O om ulka U re- h s re sftid: "Tho only way to raO e living

is to produce more, cheaper and better. Tho it am ount of building m A tertals could be by resorUng lo private enurprtse.'* d type ts our own b u t th o em phasis Is no t >laccd. I tj th a t brief p a rag raph M r. Oomulka acknowledSMi that, econorald’ troubles are

s roots of Uio rebe lltonm ra inst Moscow bu t suggesting th a t p a rt of th a t trouble m ay be im (iseir.I paragraph a t any ra te la no t J u s t« com- ilnst having tho d irection of a Commxmlst »m e from Moscow; i t is ig a tn s t having the laterMl* ladiutry ru n aa * socJnllstle en ter- \ ttbcrever directed. And he proposes lo cure e with a dose of private enterprise. nutta,~so (or t s we know, did not. p ress the ) t In oU)cr rconomio fields. B u t he d id ta lk

th a t It tiad tKought ru in to "m any a n la* larmer.*.-Uis -In iu fflc len t.quan tlty . o f. building m a- n be overcome by a reso rt to private e h ttr - s dangerous clukin of reasoning could itad lought th a t the Insufilclcncy o f farm pro* night be cured In th e sam e »-ay. O r likewise riclency o fo th e r goods th a t haa kep t Poland nic distress. • '.Soviet Communist who suggests t t i s t his )Ught to be free to operate Its own Commu- it seem dangerous enough to Moscow. B u t a 1st who goc* around suggesUng, however Jutt Communism creates troublea th a t can ured by a resort to free en terprise ts harbor*

subversive Uiought* Indeed.—W all e tree t

I T S A CONSTANT ENDEAVOR niU6n of na tu ra l resources Isn 't something be accomplished overnight and a t a single

, requires not only tho setU ng u p o t a policy, u t have also consU nt vlgUsnce and unremlt* nUon to Uie adm inislm U on of details.60 yenrs s in ce 'th e enactm ent o f a national

nv.n.-nttnn program . Idaho 's land board^hM necf.-unry to take action to m ake its pravl- re effective in thta sUit«..A(]viscd b2.the_sUt« IhnC some difficulty h a d been experienced in Imtly nnd satisfactory Slash disposal on some ib«r snles wheas th e open itb r'c lM ted to do -hlmae-lfrHhe-board-hos- U w iod-a-new .atdct. irected lhal a ll fu tu re c o rilm tu for thc-saje Jtnber provide th a t th e a U te loreatry depHrt- Tose of the slash unless the s tn te forester de* Uie opcrntor can do a 'sa lislnc tory Job.I menns assurance c an be given th a t there ll )ro of nullification by careless or indlscrim.! ill bum ine of reforestry operations coaling s ot dollars and Involving loresi. resources Jor

jpouible’sta te 'o fnclttls-srB -to 'be 'w m nienatd reacUon to th is chaUenge.—Boise Statesman.

GOODDY, W O O LtY DEARS wonder Uils sudden ' onsIaugUt of winter

c.iUKht US so im prepared. T lio wooUi- bear .rs a re out of tb e w in ter w eather forecasting

I mny conUnue to p red ic t the kind of winter [fing. S<)uUTels m ay determ ine lt« lerigth by 3fthetr-hoiirds.“ ThffTvllaT;eeBe mayaUU de-

soon w inter’s to lng U) close do».-n. B ul Uie m n n re rejected and discredited.H. Curran, cum tbr o f Insects- and spiders

American Museum of N atura l History. h«j Jowu Uic V4Hll«C"Aner'rtIhb“ i-fetir»-of pij: iih rring the bears and counting the number Df the tMnds on the ir backs, he has said he is "D ie supei«llltioD abou t the wooUy u n# s.-iys.very dtaliearienlng. N o t only docs i t deprive

. opponuntty each fall for editorial eostm- it the coming w inter's w eather. I f waj- e\cn s .to faU bnck on the Old. Farm ers' Alm.iimc jtflclal ventherm nn. And goodness knoivs, ■e d^sc^edIted lane b e fo re - th e woolly-Oeara ■ su n d ingt—S alt L ^ e 'Tribune. ___

:'s q u l tp „ .a d lf fo r .c 'n c e , b e tw e e n .tiie ttfe Klrls m a k e a t b o y s a n d th e o n e s J m a k e l o r - m e n . .

i ________ ______________________ -

. . , l - T i m S - N E W S j '

■Lr ~ '

I S h o t s . ^ ? I,*5* _________________________________ det in g i,nwera THINOS ARB TO UC IT- ^

D ew P otso : Uii•• “ D id Uie T -N have W p u t th a t story Tt ^ ■“ about the m an shorU ge rig h t out on SK ,, th e fron t page where a ll th e men Ue

were bound to' aee it? Now, Uiey co , mi ght lU r t playing h a rd to get. It's dl(

dlfflenlt enough now to t n p one of rei

■rom c w t ^ t * U i f l ^ ^ n ? h a i ^ t o ’be hMty pa bu t can Just w ait a n d pick the girl

ti»o Uiey want. ........... ...... l i*hf» ^ depo rtm en t cared ,to

build up its presUge in th is country, “ it-^could a tart- lm porllng -m en-on ly . 5P A lter all, wouldn't t h s t tend to re- ^ s tore the Jjalance?

(TwUi FalU> ^

^ H M JM B M M M M l Jn r aiS sS • Ever? - Tnat n r ' a ' p e t e a t i B r ^ t e Ut

beater. There a re on ly two things as y»n» That keep the aveiaue uian-'fioiii Ni

beating h is wife. E ith e r h« isn 't pr oclftj m arried or he'* a fra id . ce1.300 . ■ T w o-Q nn F sU Ci

l/orfc ANENT »>EN PALS [>'Probably some o t you good con- p,

sUUienta recaU o n e .o r more of Uie LM— numerous pleas the P en Pals Z>ep't. ^ le ra l >its received from Nigeria. The ^ M 35 D ep t, has been aomew ltat amused {.

la st by the letters. AU of them read like "b it- V fty tu m e e n iio p ie a - lT v m 'tn r s a tn t „ rs in sample le tU r w ith a few perU nent ^

' qbanges. ‘‘‘. h ll . ' Flnslly, one of you readers answer- looi* ed a le tte r nnd received a letter „ ,U o- froiR Nigeria. I t 's r ig h t here on our * h a d deek. The le tter ts too long to print. l \

lUon bu t Uiere are a few polnta Uiat stand .o u t-a l ttr^ re a d ln g _ tb o Je ttc r

•var twice,•hTf: In U » first place, th e w riter re- “ : ouests h is pen pal to -use airmail. ■nunc Th® request ts repeated several r ' ““P* limes. The second po in t th a t seem* “ K _ i, U) Stand ou t is. *'I will be glad nnd • ^ iv happy If you can send me ?

someUilng In your country, such as " eyeglaas, towel and m ou th organ ,, ; := tw m - t h e a ia c n d . : jo u - ;d r e » c i l Ji calabash. nsUve comb nnd fine rings ?.

n t ^ - beauU ful things." ridus- llie re 's the usual request for ex­

change of personal photos nnd the ,h ith Jett®'' closes w ith "Youra forever." Of „

course, it's powlblc t h e closing S wouldn't be so form al a lte r th ree o r p

4orth ^0'“ ' h

g too OWB BULLETIN BOARD ? wllcy Lonely. Lonesome. Twin Falls - p t ag - We’re acared of th is one! Before we c J bll* go sawing off th e limb, you w on 't «- es o t mind If w e 's o r f o f th ln fc -a b o u t- lt;- man* will you? Dunno why. b u t th e a lam i t<

keeps ringing! n

> r j E. X. Vet. T w In T a lis -S o rry . b u t b iv O th e U)plc of your le tte r qualifies I t f _ fo rj jse In the Public Forum w here l

i t w ould'have to a p p e a fo v e fy o U T t eilloh true name. W ith th a t In mind, you t ivleta. m ight w ant to expand on your topic teems somewhat. Ju s t addr&ss your le tte r P ng w to the Publlo Forum edlUir. T hanks, e

living OUB BULLETIN BOARD n D alU Know. Je ro m e-Y es. and a t ”

^ the time we cauUoned anyone who * I, might have ia need for the Inform a- P SnH t. Won to clip th e address. Because we " ” • Just happened to foUow. Uiat advice " I K i ‘I* "0 trouble a t aU to.teU you th e _ " “S : nome and address. Send It lo "T he !

' DoU HosplUI. Box 14. H aielton.- J

iW iUt V FA M O lis LA ST LINE ig th e ■ • . . Bamember how I told you to n ite r - finish yoar outalde work while the ^ J cure wssUier was n le e t" j

GENTLEMAN IN TUB t ts Uie FO U RTH BOW t 1 ta lk - — —------------

A la* ’ ■U b M i; Wky

_____________ _____ ..typiaLeUmii?. let wm inside,

» p ,^ . outsHelorlodsykewlse lul ol tuellns.’oland

»t hU

I Only ’' © B io Cor

policy,remit* .

‘tional “•d^haapravl- “ I estntA«ed in ^> aome K . f to do K . ^ ■

■acdet. 't --.:, • ' • J f ' - ' • 1> c « je ^ S s s a i i i t B S Ieptirt* -'«'■ H B 5 5 5 5 9 H 5 H !

• J ■ - « i ' v j«rim.<

ces lor

iendtd ------------

winter ^f bear ' , . ^a«»ng

w inter 'gih by , '“ S ; q E E t h c r a r o t i u u l i i u

O U n it ConstaructioD tpiders fa r cosUicr a ^ 'w i t hoi“ p*. " ■=*‘-=handhag:gfeB:w'TOni'pa lumber • R oom for s ix' u " d e w ith Deep Coil Sjlepti- - ’ '^ ‘ '^ • ^ ’'■linerRccliniE ;ostin- 'y even ■ • <ni.iiiiic

- s L ^ OEA'o " ;S ~ ~ 1 2 6 M o i n " A y o

----------------------------- --- ---------__________ ;___ :_____ _________________________-f •

V IN F A L t S , ID A H O '


WASHINOTON—T h e bulletins oh hi the nines* of Secretary of Stute ' John Foster DuUe* have been very Ll much like Uioee w hich camo from sL W alter Reed hospital iv h e a Frcsi* Q:

_ J d e n t E l « n h o w e r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ pi underwent an l n * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H bi

there in b:iry They have b e e n B K S .> r& U ^ ^ B u on glowUiKly o p t l m l s * H g i r : 2 i ( ^ H b] en Uc. w ith each b'ity cessive one p r e - ^ B R « V ] ^ ^ H :t-s dIcUng h is e a r U e r B ^ g n l ^ H hi o i return to hla d e a k ^ H E S ^ H H

lot In th e sta to oj)ty p a rtm u L Srirl NeverUielea. a

t h e chancelleries • __ . _ U• j; of slJD O st-every- ***nr»l»-CWI*i p, „ cap ita l of th e world, there is anxious « .•V spMulaUon about Dulles' sueceasor, >

since'lt'U 'U Sum ed U iat » m an-w ho U haa h a d a m ajor operation fo r can* ai

. cer a t Uie ,age of 68 canno t carry ei ' on for long in the Incredibly d e - Q

manding lob of secretAty of a tate : h T his is a ha rsh fao t o f Uxlay's deeply C Uoubfed world. p

T he names moet frequenUy m en- R I t t U ooed•^n^hb■w culatiotrt^e^Tho^^. * iss a* E. Dewey, form er governor of o:

n 't p u d e n c y a n d today a highly sue- a cessful corporatkin law yer: H enry

, Cabot Lodge. Jr., head of th e Ameri* n can delefratlon to th e U nited N a- n tlons and, in. U iat capacity . sltUng e< in o n cabinet meeUngs; Jp h n J . Me- n

P : Cloy, former u n ite d S ta te s high d „.5 commissioner for G erm any and now t B ~ chairm an o t Chase M an h attan bank r ^ in New York, one of th e na tion ’s ^ largest.. bif? Therff h - c v e f f lndJcatlon_thiv.t .h . Dulles means to re tu rn (o the ornce d

in which he has «-orked so Urelessly s „ and In which h e considers him self a T‘ , indispensable. T h e P residen t rIvm V

every indlcsiJon of holding th e sam e t ™ view and he h a s cheered Dulles In '"7 h is IntenUon of reU im lng to w ork t I f , a t tb e earlfest possible moment. o

—I f Uie-se*reU ry-w ere-to.d*oiae-to a ^ reUre, one of th e th ree m en on t

whom speculaUon, curren tly centers a probably would succeed him . Cer- t tolnly no ^ne In th a t office could b

^ work harder Uian Dulles. No one t.could truvd farU ier a n d faster Uian n

^ h e has dom. b" ' B u t anoUer secretary m ig h t decide

2i2 h e coutd ao t c a n y tfic burden of i n n pgUcy-m niarnf-tind-pblley-dlrecllon -{ ^ m a t DullM has held alm ost exclu­

sively In bis own hands.**■ One.eonsoQUence of th is personal

concentration Is th a t the U>p level o t o f dirtctlon and p lanning In the de-

p a rtm ent h a s been gravely weak^' ened.-In the reconstruction and re*

hablllUUon .o f American foreign policy—th a t long delayed agonizing , reappraisal which mual now take {

I _ plnce—there is a quesUon about the | v e effectiveness of the apparatu s a l the '

m 't secretary's disposal.- i t ; —In U »-past io u r .y e a a m any able ‘ im i top eoreer men have le ft Uie depart* \

m ent. o r have been foced out. Pew J replacements, in term s of brains, i

b u t brackground nnd s ta tu re, have come ' s I t from ' the outside. H erbert Hoover, lere Jr.. ivas brought In as under secre- I our tnT y~ after-h la-suoceot'in -handllng I you tlie Iran ian oil conuoversy. hu t i )plc nelUier Inside nor outside the de* ( Iter partm en t has he Inspired any mark* Iks, ed degree o t confidence. ' i

T ho increasing reliaoeo has been | on overworked, career officers, tn m any lnstanees,they'liavo.been able .

, . f m en w ith wide experience and back- , ‘hn ground. An example is R obert M ur- J

phy. deputy under sccrelary for po- ■ llUcttl affalra. Few diplom ats can ‘ m atch hIs,slctU and knowledge. ‘

B u t too often th e career men ele- i{); ta te d :*to dlrteUve posts become „ memoranda .writers walling anx-

Joiiily Ibr th* signal irom DuUes be* ' fore thej: move. ■ , , . . , ’

, T hey are handicapped b y Uie re- i * quirem ent under law th a t they m ust '

evenUMlly re tu rn to service abroad ‘ if they are lo m alnuiln the ir re- J

B U rem ent-and o the r privileges. Tills. together w ith the unending s tra in . 1

Wky o n Uks ihh t n . . - t f . ,Amerian dqipt. But 0

rIodsy'slfiinivtDOwut*. I -------1illn*. ■ •—

’5 7 Ram: a r R o o m a n d C o m f o r l

e dimensionat Sm gle— B cdsrlow estp i tio n ©vcs room of • A m erleq’s L v i ^ economy and resale value (F m p ac t-ea « .— ----------- G u jd e h f im a r tf ters. Sm oothest • 3 2 .09 m ilts )il Springs, on al) 4 coast record ot d ining Seats, T rave l drive. AlNnew

^ S E E T H E ' N E W R i

;A N M O T O R C(Vvo.W. ; - Phone 115^;

_ . t -

>I C A L L I i r G ' ’ - B Y | -

S CMILDSlh haa m ade for~ % h igh turnover, le P o r th r w y e m " career— officer y L lvinsston M s 'c h a n t served a s u - J n sls tan t aec te ts ry fo r Europe, one of J- Qie m ost exacU nc PO*U ta th e de­

p a rtm e n t I n M ay h e vras mado sm* ( b a m d o rtoO on« la ,a re laU ve tyc |U ]et ^ poelUoo. and b la deputy. Burks' B - „ brick, h a s been acting aaaistan t since si*i Uiea. T h e poat iriU be fUled ahorUy ^ by Jam es W ddieberger. .w ho h u iS b e e n amtMosadar to Yugoalaria cs* where Uie dem ands on him were heavy. <

There ha s-b e en a n .a c tin g aaalstr M t Ml

H eniy F . HoUand resigned 4ii Bep- J ' tem ber to go to work In Uie cam* I » ln i lo r U l . J U ju b llo n U U onU "

iis committee. “ iir. > Oeorge V. Allen. asalsU nt secre* _ ' 10 l a ^ fo r th e N ear E ast, SouUi Asia n- ahd Africa, anoUier key post, w as te - W ry cenUy d rafte d to be ambassador to Be e- Oreece w here the w estern alliance «* le; has been w eakened by tb e bitter wa lly Cyprus controversy. AUen was re* H'«

placed by « career m an . WUllam te: n- Rountrte . w ho had been Allen's «tiR« detHityrJn>».pn*tflf rtlrrrtnr gcngsl lis

ry O utsiders brought into th e d e p a ^ Im :1* m ent have been re luctan t to stay for m. a - more th a n aho rt periods. An able tn ng ecohomlst-banker. H erbert V. Proch- , c- now of Chicago, ha&been deputy un* ly gb der secretary for. economic affalra <1 >w for about a year. H e Is resigning to nk re tu rn to h ia buafneas.I ’s A long-stand ing com plaint haa

been th a t n o one in th e departm ent lilt hJ^ h a d t i m ^ t o ^

Uy summ ed lip tn the wisecrack aimed elf a t thB 'peripateU c Dulies, reverting rM the ' tisunl advice: "Don’t do some* , Tie tjilog. Ju st aUind there." tic In Increasingly In th e -p a s t year or wt ,rk tft-o th e aUnosphere has been one fcb

o t Improvising to m eet crises as they on .to aroae-W lth . th r iirg taL jresau re -o a _ on the U nited S U tes to come up with a . ;rs an overall p la n for a setUement tn lei •r- tha Middle E as t, th is no longer will tc lid be possible. Aa the . terrible peril in de ne the Middle E ast has sho«’n. merely 1q an making do in one moro crisis coujd

be fatal.___________________ . n,'

i 5 Main-PoSsli^— "I Officials Slate ‘fi Visit to Nation

WASHINOTOK. Nov. 14 (IB-Plve .J t Polish housing officials are coming iv t U> Uie U nlU idStaU s Sunday to study

housing developm enu-In 34 cities. DlplomaUc circles here , rcgirded -

l,I( the visit (IS an im portant develcp* rt* r iie n fln vlew 'o rPoland 'ST noves to hj

break awny from s tr ic t Moscow dom- uj ns. Inatlon. U. S. home builders prob- ni me atily will r e tu rn the vlslL ^rer. A -Soviet housing mission visited re- the U nited s ta te s a year ago. Amer- ‘ ing ic aa -h o u s tag . experts foUowed-up ^ 3Ut with a to u r of Soviet housing proJ* o. Je* eets. •

T he Polish housing mission will at be headed by Vice M inU ter o t Cos* te

^ iUvcUon Czeslaw BabUsky. e,’, B o tel espessea wUl b t paid by Uie bi

.V® Polish governm ent. *1110 sta te de- ai partm en t «1U furnish a n interpreter, at

^ T he to u r ‘ will be directed by the kl ^ NaUonal AssoclaUon of HomebuUd- le

era. lo

l^g ■ . BABY BAPTIZED dlIX- WENDELL. Nov. I t - B c t ly Lou C be* Trounson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. tl

Wes Trounson. was baptized Sunday Ui re- m om lng a t th e Presbyterian.BspU st y< ust church w ith th e Rev. Chad E. BoUek C >ad OfflciaUng. He waa assisted by H. S. re- Lamb, ch u rch elder. ccIlls. ----------- ------------------ . ftlln. READ T IM ES-N EW S WANT ADS. U

___ _______________________ ______ X

_ ■ ' - W h V i a r .

nbler Givort 0 Compact'Car I

s t .p r ic e d - A ir -C o n d ! t i o n in g . ••s L ow est P ricM l H igh(»tle (by Official Used C ar ^a rte a tT m o s td is U n e tiv c s ty le r- --------- Ul i l ts p e r g a l l o n ; coast-to - ^ d o f R am b le r 6 vrith dvcr- — lew V-8, to o !

R A M B L E R A T - Y O U

C O . W ll5 ^ -x T w jn Foils. 236Shoshoi

■ W E D N E S D

^t F l o w i ^ s F r b r n F l o r i s t ' ,

[I . B o w t o P r o l o n g „1* , (in • n r a t . a r t l ^ , llev u> Pralsnf y >t Um Ut* e( Y»ur Cut I'lowtn. 0«n* Bum* t : u M MS«n ot thi* Mptr ea whlcli {)««. t >* m lb*r -kMpliif-* binu In i»r(lc- ‘‘X »l*r. Tk« zm vrnf fill sM tlr Inlo two E ly u u rfti e tw rsrin: rio»«n por*»»»«l la - ^ ftorliu' aMM and Umj** »ni»n In bamt “ " n r tr a i. pr»«tWia *<Itlc« <)mU »llh tl!a Cb* IhrUu- tlow tn; s*u Wtdottitr'*■g wllh hana-arawn » a tU tf ).. So your thoughtfu l dinner guest U f brought you -a t>ouquet of roses or tl

* a gardenia o r o rch id corsage. Fine, U . now how can y o t i L M M « m t M ^ \ j double o r tr ip le T W

Uieir Ule7 ^ r / « i i | k « i nU n p a c k your F ■ tl

[ii flowers a s soon a s *t. you rw d v e them . ' ^lo Becaizse f l o r i s t s ’ t.X f l o w e r s a re a l- o ;r ways condlUoned.(* il's merely a m a t- ®in te r o f can y in g on t'>’s where th e p ro fes- ^ d rional c a r ^ w ^ P l i M B M K I

El a t e m « a p p e a r g»«i»« B in* 1 c ’ black or coated over, recut the item s ‘ t* im mediately w ith a sharp knife, re* P w moving from H to l inch. And now P *® to be- specific. ®>■ CamaUons: T hese are parU oU ar- ® *• ly ha rdy cu l Howers. Upon opening ^ tho box, re -cu t th e stems wlUi a » ” sharp knife, alant-w lse. under wa- “

te r. Because cam aU ons have ha rd ® J? nodea along th e stems t h r o u g h * !,! which i t ts d iff icu lt for w ater to t , jia ti. th ry .sh o u ld J? cj0 P d itlg a ttL 0 t: I

em ight in cold w aler reaching righ t • Jg Up to th e flow er heads g. tjn llke m ost o th e r plants, cama*

tion leaves do no t decay quickly sr when submerged and actually help ie absorb water. H ence, remove leaves « sy only a t the very base of th e stems. ')a _Alter_ftrrongLn8, J p r 5 J _ ^ m 2 th a fine m ist o t cold w ater bu t do no t J In le t them get d ripping wet. Por beat f ill results, re-cu t-stem s, keep stems In in deep w ater, a n d replace the water t Jy in a clean con taine r dally. fId Roses: I f th e roses have been in 1' , Uie b o x . for sometim e and ’nrvive «

somewhat wUted and soft, they can 4

1 / i l i r ' i

ito be*revivedTjult«-qulekly-’by recut- -

Ung th e stem s, splitting them n cou* D* pie o t Inches, and placing the flow- ,

. ers In w ater m w arm as your hand , will bear J o r a quarU r hour or »o.

-'* Remove w hatever/o liage is crush* { “P e d -a o d -i t m ig h t b*-weU-to-remove } ’J* the under row 'o f petals.

Roses m ust always bo cu t with a 'Ul a b srp knife. T o hove Uiem keep bet- « °* ter. shave down a side of the stems '

exposed to w ater wlUi a razor blade, ’ he bu t-n ev e r above th e w ater-line — < le- and allow fo r evaporation.* Floyrcrs er. Btld foliage respond to a light sprin- ’ he k le of water. Like camaUons. rose d- leaves aro ha rd y and wHl no t de ter- ‘

lo rate quickly in waler. 'F o r best Results, change water

daUy and re -c u t s te m s . slantwise, cu Commercial prcsenratlvea added to { rs. the w ater he lp ; despite popular be- i ay Uef. aspirin is of no help, and keep ‘ 1s t you r-penn ies in your. piggy*bank i iek Copper doesn 't help either. <S. O ardenias: T re a t your gardenia '

corsage kindly and i t may look i fresii for a second wearing. A fter I

>S. th e f irs t evening, remove the rib - i

X - ____________

W o « » * t h b » i » t y ^ l ^ • . «nd*dtn.Tb«yirieccoom* I j f c n^rtirfarrtle lirtitfffe-tart— zrH ry j c V ^ t h m till room meal Amtrt. l i e tw ^

v es You I] r Economy and Hanc

M s l t / i O u f W O & r t t f f

• - M v d Amttkan M

r<M k D bm rhm i-A K S<

> U R D E A L E R N O W

^ IL L S M O t O Ri h o n e S t r e e t W - P h o n e 1 4 !

!SD A Y , N O V E M B E R n . ^ j j j ^

' Benson Says— FaSm efS^^

Policy of IkeWASHINOTON. Nov. U ,> .

reU ry of Agriculture ■n, yesteniay Uie election r e S i S ?™ calc a clear m ajority of u . r u m e n again supported

Benson told a news eon'fr« a t U iat agriculture liw b « n ‘' or through a d ifficult period of *

y U ian-ev tr before follov.ins

B T he eltcUon returnsi Uie secreury wild, th a t In eQ as of the Mldweai and the w w9 Uiere was a eubstam isl d e c 'l r , .^I - Uie farm vote* cas t for R eniiw J?p candidates fo r th e (leniiu and ^ ^ He said west of Uie NtiwiuiSS^,'H Or 13 Republican house « » u J !■ two senate seaU were Inji t■ all of these conUsis the i»tm .J tp was a factor In varying d tK rta-

cans who lost, favored U}e a jffla i

posed It. I t would be ow prove U ial Uic controversy ovfr rtw

or flexible price sufTporU « , i , , J,. a . cislve factor. “n g . B enson-said I t uould be

ft say, however. Uml ll^^ drought which gripped some Wo;, cm areas was a m a /ar fuctor (a ij..

^ elecUon.,Q "No' government drouclit ttui

jv- program can ever be' a sftiljUctt:,t a b s t s t m e l o r - r a t r v n m / i t i r ^ ^

' CHAPTER .^fiETS Icly JEROME. Nov. 14 - Tlie KortS sip Side cliapJcr o t DeMolays met Mm- t n day evening a t the Masonic lemp!t J . An InltiaUon ceremony waa hfid [r Ith Tomnvv M nhan and Dnvid amn,ioj- T h e-M o th e rr“ cJub'serTrd-Jr/ffa>"cat ments.In ~ ---------- -

ler bon 'and place th e ihort-stenmt^-t flou-era on w « collcn and slore tefa

in in a covered box In the refrl«nte' Ive or a cool room a t a tempersnirt« a n 4S to &0 degrees.

Some florists tu rn the ffottn— fflgfl.dnu.-n.ln-mi>>1 r .rS .,i,>i

to prolong th e ir life. And petal* tu rn brown easily. ii hdwa wc( both hands and lloaen ta d l water before handling. (At »noiic time. I ’ll explain how to dry t:4 p ress It.)

Orchids: Despite the ir frsfilc i> peamnce. orchids are e x t re m t l j hardy. Many keep up to 20 din when properly handled. (A joaj grower will n o t cat the Wosjom Be­lli it has been unfolded a l Icul fra days, and even six.)

“u “ For~ovcnilKlit“ storing, fashioned Icebox ts tieat, There, tem perature seldom drdpped belw 60. I f you m u st keep It In sii eleeWt

J refritierator. keep them away frca , * frcerJng colls. S e tte r yet, plice chea

liT the- leasl^cold location. ', R Avoid welUng Uie petal*, place thi

stems in cold water in a conUlner inis which will support the tilooms abort .de water. To preven t the flowen fron J drying, you m ight wrap Uiem In a

'c g thin, wax paper, or eeliopliine and In- then place them In a covered box. ose m displaying th e m , keep thi « r . orchids ou t o f drafts and exUemei

o t h eat and cold..ter r n s c i Or a ^ U l trr>nr«n»( <Kli tb

be- Ua ratdir whf Mnii Bi» Ut bnl U*” p A “! s . M V Sn k tnd wlldllft, II ceaplcta S».TotEB« M 4

ibl* Kgrld-nmoui rtftranea v«ik U >n it “‘m a f r i ^ 'U b i S i i i S ; . -IK b .« :ook ScrfT. I •fmplr ««'« «•*»«■ ne


mdling Ease-

i i e F U R ^ h -canMalon /

i ik U tT V nrihgi h r l l m t c ^ tSeW.

I W — - -----------------------------

R C O .r450,TwiirFallj-^----

Page 5: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

Hank in Natioihere . M»d now I » h

^jRDcr nere.


^ n ~ t i n ^ S « t *^^^R|I hSdiDoer o l Mch

. £ ^ - - : s o » & s" i r e no luch word! •* nib- « '

b l? b n e ” r Bn»clt In the Dutch of

I ? ^ l “YeJ. n i have w m e more. Ar

j r . j i ; . p » l . . U « r . - „ , ............. yAlKr .

■S“ »“ »i •«>•“" t,?i ''''S to le lr for purpose of ^


ru ^ g u .i’ny.?i."'- -s-Scholarship^.iL-,1

Brings ‘W ^ n g ’ 2WASHINOTON, Nov. I« Ifl - T h e

exeeuUve »ecret*ry of the Amcrlean mi C JS iU o n of L(Uid-Or*nt Colleges co in d ^ iA te UnlverslUes caulloned »a T^esi^r •* J* lw t w hat h e w iled «

-^ lS u r tln » -? -P « > p o M li- io i^ fe d c r* l Ll icholinhlps.

In his «nnu»l report to the **- r« ...♦i.iirLn, which reprw enta » fif th or

T of »a r a . - £ 0UepJ -enrollment. Bus- di i»it I. Thttckrey « iid It any fu rther m w J i l aid w e i extended to higher th tductUon i t would be better to give th It to Institutions ra th e r thnn Indl- »r

North Idaho Has Highway Seminar fjUOeCOW. Nov. 1* tfl—Plfty-flve —

north Idsho highway eoglneera *nd cllr. county and a tat« represenU - Ure* attended a day-long "Wghway , seminar” Tuesday »pon«ore<l by the I Asphalt InsUtuU and th e U nlver- I

' ilty'of Idaho." ■ ■ ■ — ■ . ’ ' IThere wer0 technical dUcusslons I

br J. P. Pearrlng o t Denver, dlslrlc t I — tnilnM r-for-tbe-lnsUtute;..&ndJi.Jr. .1

Erickson, materials engineer ot the I lUle highway departm ent. I

Ptarrlng discussed control of h o t I plsni mixes for highway surfacing I m st^a ls , and Erickson followed I

—*lUi recommendations of-aeol-ooaU -I ing applications and o ther surfacing deuils.

-------------------------— 1

School Children , ^ Totals Increase \I WASHINGTON. Nov. 14 W t-TIie

number of school age children In- etased by 8.107,000 In th e lost six * Tears, the census bureau said Tues- <

, d»y. 1I Otflclnls said thU emphasised the ]

neta for more school rooms now and , more Jobs In the future to take c tre ' of a rising population. ^

The census bureau reported there «tre 38.7SG,DOO.children o t elemen­tary and hiEh school age'lnst July I. This was about 23 per cen t o t the population. The toUO compared with -30,SSO.OOO or about 20 per cent o f th e population In the school age bracket In igjo.


leadlnit M ontanrm rchltectund -1 Intemallonally known chess player. Oohsnne Van Teyllnaen o t G reat •! « lls , died Tuesday. He .Was t*. '

jBam M li® * i ^ — (



a n d ./Vf^ Q u a l i ty


E R 14. 195G .

«ligi[fs=Aniaze—j'™ ion of Windmills,, tlonal coat o t a n m doesn’t luve iI- crossed knife and fork on ll nom*- 1 Where, then I have lost my faille in t- heraldr>-. Hollanders eat the wny _ other people b reathe. I am po»ui,t I th a t th e national appetite explRiw■ the millions of blcyclcs In the coun- I try—th e people don't w ant no loie 1 I time by walking from one groaning'I UIjJe, (o_«notJicr. . . . , .I . T o make. matter.i more atnrmtnci I for th e visitor who Is Interested In'■ keeping h is waLitllne w ithin renaon-'I »,«inn/U’ !>%» fTKifl- li-n n f—onlr^ _■ abundant, but of superb quality.:R R otterdam and Amsterdam are the!I homes o t some ot the most celc-■ brated restauranui in th# world, and

b e in g . world seaports there ateie dishes (o r every tnsle. prepared by

native chefs froth delicacies iuKtltr- D- Wved from nil lhe f a r - l iu n i^ m e r s ;h Of th e Biobe.a t 1 have a m enu in (ront o t me that i . J w bh you could u e . I l Is trom ■e. Amsterdam 's LldOl a charming m «pot w ith an Intem aUonal reputs-

tion, which Is located on the bnnk of -Jl »_cannl m nhe .hcB rt.o tJhe.c It^-. _ ie T lie m enu llsis 80 separnte dUiiH. o r Tieuiiiiiiim m il l cmimtf au ' <jre ll3 d'AlRletln and ending wllh crepes re convent. T here arc 20 canapes. a«y. of cn soups. 21 egg and fish dlshis. es 2® m ain dishes, with the remainder

made up of des-ierti, ,Vou mny hnve a s m ud) o t th is ts

I I you w ant, plus a- magnum ot graves t . Buperlur, a magnum ot macon blanc.— or » mngnum of beaujolnls for jw t

un d e r- to iir dollars Amerlcnn. And the Lido 1s a handsome, panelled

chairs, heavy napery, and perfect 9 I w ish I had room to lU t U)e an menu. I t 's tnntasllc, a l least to this ;es country boy. Pllels de sole friis. ed sauce remoulade. beetstenk hache ed a la Moelle, supreme de Voblller»l Tjirty ffiirrnn , r niipf _

I n H otlerdam there Is a restsu-18- ra n t s im ilar to Ihe-Lldo a t which th one m ay e a t all he chooses, and IS- draw nil th e wine he wants fromler massive casks, to r a sum Just over ler th ree dollars. And le t me repeatve th a t th e food Is superbly cookedII- and served.

. I f T om T hum b had lived he re he__would have hnd.(o.changeiils-Q an*

To, sa y ,"T o n m s t7 T ie -w o u ia “ ji»ve grown so m uch. A few more dsys and M ary will be calling me "Zep"—

i r short fo r Zeppelin., roiilrlbulxt br MtNiuihl drnjleiu. In,.)Ive ■ " nd __ ____________

f«y M I r I —Jje

' ' I 'J)e ll|~lo t h ^ T R I P S D A I L Y ^ ^Ing 1 ^ ^ ^ ^'ed


BOISEBuses Leave a t:• p 2:M a .n . 2:55 pjn.8 :i0 u n . 1:BS p jn .

One lUiund y j- from T w in FalU way trip

S a lt Lake C i ty .........S 5.S0 $10.«SLoi Angeles ..... 20.S0 37.45

the X iia itT ___________ 1»JS 23.45" J C b l ™ ----------------- IM S

New Y o r k ....... ........... S0.4S M.85ere . Plus U. S . Tax:n- . . . . . .....................

GREYHOUND BUS DEPOTiLh 137 2nd St. E astthe Phone 2000ket W . A. B«t«k«

» ANO •OTTUgO IT - >IS m ilN Q C O M P ^ ^ V»imw, IU . ^ ______

n i i a w T

M a o u n o M

___ _______________________ h_____________

• T W IN I

. P e n t

S Ip ^ " 7 7 ' .

V '- - i '. r . 'V T . ’* —sI \ ^d -‘- . '^ - K S S W W

• J l ■ » ,m \e 'e W y f

h I L >

.t ■ 9 m ■ d ' W "

■e i . ■ ' ! ■ . '— ’ ••••—’-----'• -.—T--.-— ------

■a •


-Hw«'a a bik« yonntster* d r« I ;'r abonl! Now a t • special Penr

' pricel Steel fnune, remova I '•T' cross bar, balance wheels; t- — r “: •-ju»i«bies»ddle,handlebir.-O rj

I ■ \ and while.


8 . 8 8W o n d e r f u H o r bab y ’s a irinR l Penney’# 'l i f t - o f f - doll c a r r i a g e . S tu rd y • fitcel construction . . . le a th e re tte b o d y . . . con* v e r ts to bed, lo r do lly 's

/ afto rnoon n ap l

H M m i r i ! Soft-as-do.)

i COTTON FLA^ For feather bed w arm th i ' ■ down ta yonr toc« . . . Pena

cotton' flannelettesi P rln tji hues . . . . pretty enousb to en a eoudi in fro n t o f T V ! e torised; - ' -

______ , . . - . I.





S i 8.88: p I

HIM ^ -


JJ u s i ju n io r’s speed! Pen- Z' n e y ’s 1957 a p o r t s c a r . R uR gcl stam ped s t e e lb ody , 87 inches lonK. • 3

I . ..K u b b e r tire s . Colorfully Sp a in U d . 1

-dow n gow ns in m .

LANNELETTE | ,.a th r tx h t « ■

M j X .V U I


rFA L LSrlD A H O ■ ■

: i A iK'cr;' " — ~

Extra SpeciaH Drdsticd»iTR

I Wien's 100% Orloi 4.00

u-,; — ..............—

f. 100 Women's Beti f — *2r»4r 6I GIRLS' WINTER

- j j ...... ^ 4 0 . r l » . . l ^ ^ I


T T o n l , o t * 6 (

She curtsies! She Coi^ 21" VINYL PAR

. Z u -A; favorlt* guest a t lltUe t<a partiesl Penney's 21-lnch "Social

1 8uccess"l . . . w ith coo voice, w inking eyes, long low eyelashes

V . . . . n i r u w ith ^ d y 'I n - th e

I '^Special Purchasi '■ _ Aincri'cqn Style■ H ’“ L u ju i io u s l ''W o re ’n 'o f heavy

looped oottoni BeauUtul bed- ’■ ■ 1 apreads patterned a fte r yester-

y M n handmades . . . a t bbm i ' la.'«Tery decor .R eren lbU ,-w »-

H washable I n l a k m r ta ------------------ —


L j i llo T B u y r^ ^R ^ m ^ \ lonSweatirs -0 i-l-

etter Dresses .H ~ j g


RESSESi ;2 &*3 ■ p> suits! i) & »15 ’

"■ H S S !

C oo 'sl'


1 5 . 0 0 | I




L l

- • V

S woMmsRruim PRICE T A G !

^ a n ta .For Agriculi Processing I

g l K-:

I VALUE PACKED . WHITE SHIRTS1 Compare a ll t h e s e (ealurest

combed San fo rlud broadcloth J (330 th reads-per square lo ch ): ■ j 3 - ply superwear coUon and 1 cuffs: n e a t comforUWe body- • tapered fltl G et tha-ityle*. you — w aatrtoo .------------------ ------------------ -

■’ '’'^ rM

' f o r h im ' . SPRING HORSE '

8 . 4 4

Boek 'n ’ rcll horses, fe r Jnn* i ^ n llers . . . F eaaey th r if t priced! <(urdHorse rests on four safe and ampli tound springs, solid oak' base. ' ^ndBrilliantly colored. 0. 4


| | , Three .Wheeled BeSpeedstm y e n a« a tm a t k

M ' tire . >-tiwh rea r .wheels, rubber pedals. adjustalBle u d d le , B r ish t-

^ .W ^ o r e d ie d and wblU.

• i T ' i l H H


^ j l l f f l

i l t u r a l . . 1 1

I F a i r ! ^ I I


i l0 Hj \

^1 .A ^ I1 2 . 0 0 I - I : :^ nocktlzef r I------------ 1 4 1 0 -1 7 --------k i - 1 - - | "

bOk Hbk I- DISH S E f--^h

2 . 2 2r oty degwood tp rayf en .1

^ y stM l p U te t- . '. v f o r - '" - l " “ unple servings'of mud plea I .

Uld patty caketl Benlce fo r II. 40-plece . . . Includlncc. - I ’ Uiver-coior spoons, forks 'and I ’ :Knlvee—no t th a rp l .. - I -


• £ l ' a'J I


' B a r g a i n

1 ' ^

Page 6: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

.- Fish E x p e rts ; ;; TaU i A gains ? T T*lanned DaV - W AShlN O TO N . K o r. 14 W -I

^ r y re se trch expert* from M iho W M hlngton voiced, concern yo

r d « r over OAmtee Co m h ru m w jn lg h l resu lt from eonatrueUoi

' J l e i Perce djujj on th e Snake i '•! in MttHo.r — p T B rT if ltn e sse r» p p e* i?a -* t ir .1 l i n l power eom m huloa tiev ln i I i license to build M ounU tn Sheep r C pleuant V a l)e 7 ;d aa u . They ' I pnorrest n . H auck o t BoUe Bnd-I

■ • p ld R . Johnson o f S e iti le . re»e '5"-4tapefrl*<»« reapecUvely-fer-toe.

« o a n d V /u h in s lo n f lth e riu ai

' i I Public power opponenia to Pn r-. JNorthweM Power comp&ny'i m B IcMiioa tiiYor coTutnjctjoo of Vi R r c e dem , v h lc h -th e y a y w i j .. tprovlda more cosiprehentlve I', fre lo p m te t o f ^ e rlver'i poten

■1;— } - Httuc)f toUt. g w w ln fr. r dgaa 'i A la reah the m ain contlderaUoi u & daho In In terren ln s In the H (proceedlnB waa Ute interJecUoi h Ne» Perce propoial.rJ I Located dow nstream from the i H —-pluence of th e Sauson and. 8 i

b lv e n , Nex Perce would a tfect I ‘ fBO pe r cen t e f id a h o t astd roa

h Cl#h. H auck la id .I; 1 B e iCsUmated to ta l value of

5 o n a year, ihc lud infr; tmUHon d o lla n cUrltiuted U

*-"bU ' f

;. r BarUer, Johnson told the exan S' ,c r U U 'too early a n d tb a t too UtC ^ about' aa^moR n lf ra tlo riS tt r e d le t th e effectlveneu ot dev ('. a im ed a t helping mlBratln* u l i

S e t over p6w ei^dains.1lB 'citlnii 9 t w ould take a minimum of 8 yi

rJ m o a eh o n a n o V io e tte c t iy tn tiio t !;i Slevlce and n l d • to 13 vcari w<

4] |m tha '■m ost probable Ume."

] lu. S. General Y-i^WarHS-Soviei i I For War Adj f a PA R IS, KQT. 14 W t-O tn. All | r - - m . O ruenther. th e out«olDS NA ; w m m a n d e r , w arned the So T B ^ lo n U u t any . a tU ek en ; . V e s t vou ld be m e t with inst

- R e ta lia tion a n d . th a t Rusila. wo ^ deitroyed.

P ~ B 'A ofw ertnff wha t h* eaUM "thre i ■ fltnd 'blaekaiaU." O ruenther tok

T afew ell - n T w l - e o a r w e n e B - t ro ck e u could n o t' d e i t n ; the . lan tlo alllanee'a ab ility to r t u l l i

j/ B e /anB M 1( C teir.] Althousi> h t . did no t fflent ri Soviet p rao ln * B ulsan lo by na: :s h e 'w u 'c le a r ty -re fe rr in r to ths-R 1 s lan 'a im p lied -> a m ln s to v rai 8 a n d B d ta ln a week a so th a t a £ powerful na tions could attack th .1 w ith “roeket lectauaue*-. unleta U J] . ended, tb e lr a tta c k on K op t.V O nM attw r a a l d i . .{ **Ko na« lon :tt c o to f (9 p r e a t '] Tockat tm ( to a .U ; i i .means auU ;I a n d 3 ^ -d M i.aM U ^ ju M -th a t. ; '\ . B e t k l U ^ DMit . 'OletaUailQa ;Hlir: iaks place

. V . day feUow*- a J ltJ t,;a n d the -Sffi T Jn lo o * m ^^ 3 ^ * t^ o y td ." ...........It O m e n th tr . w iio .'bas commaA il th e l iA T O .fo rc e * .ia .su re p e al ^ ahortly m ftw P n U d fo t EUehho ? took otllea . t u n a o rer hU post t h 30 to U ; 8 . O ea.-L aurU Not*'

H e la to » U r« M a tbe anny I U a i and become' prealdtnt ot1 A m erican R ed O ro u 'th e toUoa


ANN ARBOR. Mlch,.Kov‘ 14 I P ostm aster O enera l Arthur E. 8i

' in e rfle ld w aa reported tn rw o d < d itlon and rw tln teom fortabJj’" a u n derto lnz a cuccesstut th ro at oration.

O ftlcU ls a t tlie University__L .^ _M lch lfan hosp ital said they

M cted S un inerfleld to' b« o u t of2 hosp ital "111 a week or 10 ds t T hey aald he . would have to t f, valesce a t h t t PUnt, Mich., h<

lo r several weeks.BuounerfJetd, 57; was admlttci

il th e hosplU l Sunday n ljh t and «rated on yesterday by Dr. Albet

' ’ rursC enburf.

i i Woman Pined on Bad Check Cou

'T ----------**~-P*‘rH lt'P im ii1l rtm rrrtl*. •- D btalalnff.m oney, under false i

' . tenses, w m fined 110 and - u c • ..Tueaday 9 Justice of the . P

J . O . pum phrey.

: th e Rogerton how l wortl; check fo r »45£3. She pleaded p

. I a n d asked fo r Icnlency on the t . she was m aking resUiuUon on

Iw check. ,■f S he waa represented In coun

th e law firm of Stephan, s u p a n d Heap.

Let's Eat af

I SCOT1 . . . . . t n th a t cengen io l

'" . p h e r ^ wKe7«~fh« food.. vvoys good .

■ */:; ' Try- O ur,

~ P ? t m f : i H b r o f - B (

. F i i e t M i g n o n

I t o l i a n S p o g h t

• . SirfoinSt«flk.ji.i , ; (Service fo r two)

in F w n c h l r j a d - S J w .

Jl_ ; _ '* ' 'H o m a .M ad*

Pies and Coki

E . ^ e i > ( n c e f e i 7 ? S

l_i l l ' ", '

" MAG--------i

Damm -T U ti- w n

f "m yeater- ( , u TtMim« r«.t - i n ; «»•uns whJeti »»*; J | «

M ke°rlvcr l i t i p« tfi»g Urm, a w«it(ii*r

earing on a v/*tib>r rr*9heep«nd f.lj 112*22* ” =*•*"“rhey were i»>m n«v»* Wmim thi and-Don- }«•« «'{m a . a r.c .

!. reieareb lu Mwt u* Anui . 1 :M Hoar ,toe Id a - i ;jo m»» Ah«i Mu.i. t u j U rrJe iag e n - |SJ S n ’A ba^^iu.t. ’ ’ i l J i nr^

III M*sb*ltai) Mr

w i r . Tss i! .? : -AiJ^rp^r',:' ? i i] of N e t ]1> 11 :M Mnlay would ■** K ;* rnslve d c ‘JJ ? : ? ; | ;S5 ^potenttnU y.*,;'.***' ' I S SSt

W sra a U , w «i» .r t :i» j »?.

JecUon of lU aiitkwrti h m j mns T«U.ft.THM i i l i c« in th e eon . IS?nd. Snake i** . I 'ifS * * '

:V“/m‘i1-“ Salk Advises S i : Polio ^Shots’

~ lV A irSdu ltA T I^K TIO o n v , Nov: 14 m - i

“ ‘‘ w l * Jon“ E- 8 «lk yesUrday recommen. Ig w lm ^ ed th a t adults up to age W UciiOTBietj 8hdl«“er-SS irT »tlo-*acclne.---------L . W t»>ey '•o- •» »» children aH* 01 any v«c inated . Jhen 1M7 couM be t: irs would j i r j t ye^r of complete o r nearly cor *• plete freedom from paralysis by p

llo, the P lttsbu rth ' scientist p r ^ lc

al ife aald this (oaJ-eao be won en If each pe iw n U kes responsiblll

■ . k ' to have shots him self and get the ' l © i — f o i^ U f lr a n- artH ta la tlTts.

PoUo U s t r a in * hard a t adul yi sow . h« warned, and one«fourth% C l S a l l 'c a s u occur am onf persons agi

20 to 60. . ■ •B. A llred Speaking to th e American PubI Ig NATO H ealth service. Dr. sa lk present) I sovie t these h lfbU ghu of a report on U

en the prasent s ta tu s of th a vaccine:1 in stan t Discovery of a self*perpetuaUt la. would s tra in bf monkey h e a r t cells mi

e lim ina te 'the need to Im port'tho i ''th rea ts sands of isaakeys csch year fro

r tsld a IndU . T hU stra in of h e a r t eel ee—th a t iro w rto n tln o b n siy v ^ d -p re m lse s- the At* supply enough m ateria l to grow a

r tu lla te . th# v lrus needed *or Vaccine produi ' Uons, and ^or tu U n y iV for aafety.

mention . 'P o “ ncy th s vaccine h w bet IV n«m i Increased and made m ore uniform

Children vaccinated fn the 29J , 5 S ttiiO irshbuldT>e'r«tnoctnlate l a i m m ^ a l r e a d j r d o n e ,b e e a u ie m u c h i ^ S m th a t vaccine was weak, a n d aho S a ^ were; alven too clostiy together.I t -New shoU probaljly should I

given to any chUdren w ho 'had th n M th a t etibU .w lthlq;m «-w eeks Ume. o r r

tho ^ two a h ^ ; w l t h l ^ ^ ths

• s h o t ' i w ^ t t a n ^ a w ^ ^ a i ^ s s5 ttb e aecond^dose.----------■

place u PoUo’ shot* should bo -liven IS -Sovlst babies m uch Uka sboU a i ^ I u t dl]

------ --- th e r ia ite ta n u sa n d w h o o a lo ie o u aamanded T he-baby should get tw» »hoU U ipe since to aix w eeka 'spart.'.w ltiv the t h i tenhower seven^ m onths or.. l o n i ^ a fte r ti W t Nov. « c o n d . ^ ,N o i s l ^ M others could bh.vacAlnated

nny 1 t o n th e ir / I n t p re tn a W e s.. o t toe would th e n pass p ra te C tlv t' ant foUowtBg bod leacn to lbe lrbaV les.T he»*an l

b o d lu would last several m o a u . untU th s ba b y .w u vacclsated h is

i i m r - r K a a m i i o i n f r « ct a r.t» » »wol^onn it may no lo n t t r be oept

». 14 i«W~ testing. ' • • 1 • -^ 8 um* Prom • scattere'd and tocompie ^ c w - reports, u seems th a t / t h m - a h c ? iL , ' i f properly-spaced are tw ifo jdm atii “ “ t ’’P* the goal ot perm anent imm unii .« i .« Time will teU whether fu tu re boost they « . n « d N l.' : • ,

I v ' s - M a n I s C h a r g e d

h , h ™ . F o r N o n - S u p p o im ltted to Carl Earl T um ey. .charged wl

and op* non-support of flvQ m inor chUdr Albert C. under the age of 18 years, w ss boui

over to d istrict-court Tuesday aft a preliminary hearing iMtore JusU of the Peace J . O. Pum phrey.

o n T urney's bond of 4500 waa coi , . tinued. T he bond was no t post.

. o u n t K ' S r " ' ’" " "t e e d J i llh _ Attorney H arry, T u rner appear< alse pre- af'thVTf«srsnrTrtth-TmT\eyr-Robt I $3 coals N. W. Ballelsea represented tl ha. Pesce sut*.,_

wortW M *~ V M S H IN O T O N .rN ov^* MW! Jed g u ll^ A rthur P. Bum s rtalgned vesterdi the basis U chairm an of th e council of k

Q on the nomle advUera—a group th a t kee President CUenhower potiod on tl

court by cconooiJe su c e of Che naUon. B ur SU phan said i t was prompted by “person

fac ton ." _________________


m CAFEinlol olm o5* ^ < vfood • is - o f--------- --------------------------------

n o n ^ M f , y

g h c t t i ,

« o k 'two) .

d a ■

: o k o j _

A p p r e c i o t e Y o u r - P o t r b n o g e


(U M U M T ciM ) . . U « » KUaeyeMI

■ wanNBOAT

iiiH siyS s f e t e v r i|!S|Ea^s.:«e M . 1.4 R tf lt,M N!«kt

. •rauaaDAT . ... I

ti Mule t^o 'C k^'kr ^_ TiiuajDAT • ’ UJ }|“;[J

0* SJSrSf r “ « .r* [ it * » ? .u c « r r r -;J# L4»r» W4lU* Jl'**

I S l S w ‘ i l i j i i lK; | ! = s =

J S ' s ' ”""'' is ra''L'S."Jul.. II.I I J M M. ? ***" '

; ;!! Z W 5™t D«>ellnn< M Httflt P tt Cta! i i a ! ? . t e . >, j ■ I!!

58 Ha^ to Please> t s ^ p. *PerhSro!'a ■ 37^"

year-old sihool teacher, will ap- “ 1 : " -pear-lrrc ttrim art-here.S atiin Ia jt_ l i l t s ^ >*ce Chsrtes he drove too fast

and no t f&it enough on the U rns ir>—Dr. stree t. !

mmend- perham «ai arrested Oct. 17 60 take for spcedlnj |0 miles an hour.---------------O n Saturdsy Bs-waaArrcsled |»ndIren are charged wllhl Impeding traftlo

be thfr by d rlv lnf slzjmlles a n hour, rly com- 1- - I

‘‘ '"Cool Weatherm only _ , , : ^

S'S Blankets Most ~ 0I YasfAreas

I Public t i g h t snoir accompanied a eold resented a ir mass tbnt moved through the

on th e northw est portion of the country e: early, and ieavy snow was forecast stua tlng lo r portloni o( Nebraska.Iis m ay Ooid a ir moved iilto the N orth- t ' th o u * west and nade considerable head - i r from way e u t and southwestward. I t r t cells covered t h r region from the upper nlses-to MlssUsippl.vaUe]L-vtc»tward-thiaufth crow a ll th e northern snd centra) pla ins to produc- Pacific coast trom W ashington 4fe ty . to cen tral CaiUomla. as been W eathermen expected th s nippy ilform. a ir to penetrate tha n o rthern O reat tie 2944 l>akes a re s today and also swingcnlated; southw estw ard— through__ Kansas,a u c h o t Artcona and southern California, d ahots Scattered snows have fallen from tier. the western D akotas to .eastern ruld be Oregon. Most am ounts, however, Id th ree ^ av s been light.I. o r Kot 'R m *now wss expected lo w hiten « lh a n the.'c ountryside from U u Rocky a th ird M ountains eastw ard to .the n o rthern IS MtUr today. Bhoifera 'irera torecasi

along the leading edge o e ooM Iven to »h lch dropped tem pera tures M Eut dip- t*** 30s and to th * teens In m oun- r eouBh. ta in regions.loS^-two The east c o u t « a a sUli under ths IS th ird influence cf ano ther cold a ir m asi W th a moving e u tw a rd over the A tlantic

A lew snow fJu rte s occurred In th i ,tad b e . ‘“»11V a ir from no rthern New York

through'N ew Ham pshire. . a ' antl> Between I h s two cold a ir masses !sa a n il. *Mther]iy w inds brought a warm- moBthi. ^ a m th e m Csilfom la ea»t- ^ * a rd through th e soulhern pUln<

. snd Mississippi and northeastw ard

tu f ju n f E ast today w ith a few ahowen a'^iafelv Posslb^-to-aorthern_AtlanU c_ca*»J “ , lU tes. Bhowsrs and thundershow en lomplete forecast from TVxas ter«-:*iMls — -------- -

BKIDOE COLLAPSES 'I booster CARACAS. Venezuela. Nov. 14 tjt

• — A concrete bridge under construc­tion in dbvntpw n Caracas collapaet!

■ J " Jat* yesterday, crushing ab o u l 4( B U workers under tons of debris.

REPORT D ^ f E D U U I t ■WASHINOTON. Nov. 14 itP -U . 8 ed With bificlato have denied a published re- children port th a t 50,000 Russian “volunteers- IS bound have (locked Into tha Middle East ay a fte r reoenUy.s J u s U c e * ----------------------------- .r- . RSAD TIME8 .NEWS W ANT'A DS as con- -. potted '

' ' ■ ■ ■ ■ >t« l the

_ r l f

kt keeps m m ■I on the1. Bum s "personal

W E D N E !

To All• •<.

i ) . NOriCB.,— Bus SUtiot— v ~ r —— — DAH^VL-SCHBBSItEl- ! \ BAT. - S tm . — Leave*

g e - S o u th <

- ■ _ TIMES-NEWS. T ^ ]


•I < !» • U o e y e la ) • <U7* BJ]'AOC IMutuiI ilmimtm o4IIC

WeONESOAY WCSM4II> t l lm it io ir . <M«a4lt* Uutk T»>l Kill Si»* Kl**

. i iS S i l f r 1 i HS:U CInwflU; •Allta:;?J Sb.--

............Si«t Ra4r.p#t«t stw»;--------------USSJ1«»^U -------------. THuaSDAT ie:SO

r *i!ofl C4I1 u f r „ ,r **'** tKiLHaU,-, H aa„U ,t m.m.

’■ ’ iOD >Rok*rt UurltUk l :0«T<>»«rTill W««U«r. Ntoa t:OS W<ti«r;i!!

! I i! ! 1 5 * . r , K w T„. S V '■ t:< tC(, KWli Jflub •:<»r . tiOS ■llr«<k/>U Cluk lOlU .Si«i

r IliM JMouif: X»l> ' ISiU UbiU

1 !1S Allan. i^nS'J :li >Urrrz Sl S^liaiki

:1J Miik'TbuKlU** « ' • ilt«*i-I iM ID«b Ra; tl I Kli-fU:III K-UI-X'ln. h»«» *■ • Cnwnir•n !»0 JWulhrr i.iJ You 7!W><:ild«i

!■ ’ iiisSiii'Sa' - . j i i i S

e Appeal o£ Lee T s 1 5 r a i e i J - i j y -

^ ~Hrglresr6ourtWAs h i n OTON, Nov. 14 Ijfi-J.

17 Bracken Lee. defeated Republican lOur. governor of Utah, yc.iUrday wss de- ,^nd^ nied_p_e^tu(on to tJike before the aftlo suprem e court tils c la im " thsc~the

V. S. foreign aid p rogram Is un>I corisUtuUoaal.

T he co u n denied Lee’a request .M he Ik allowed co file a suit / I which would have nsked th e court

to rule against the aid program and k c - l ' p rohibit the siecreUry of tha ireas- 1 8 1> urv from using tax fu n d s for such ____ purpcsee.:% a a “ In -a sW n g -p e rm lss io n - to -fl ie -an . . / d o original "c'6irtpUlnii=onB --In -which

the first action would b e taken by , th e high court rn ther Uian a lower

t cold tr ib u a s l-L e e *sJd; h th e "Congress Under the constitution sun try » ,« no power to collect a n d expend irecast taxes for such purposes. Enforce­

m ent of federal U x law s wlUiln fo rll} ' U tah Is causing n o t m erely a vJo- h e ad - la tlon of the righV of U u h citliens rd. I t In the ir capacity as U. s . cltlxens upper bu t financial dam age to the slate

Ins to Lee, who so u s h tl^ In i t ia te " I 'n ta l ington action on behalf of h is sU te . said

ycsterdiy In Salt L ake C ity th a t he nippy d idn 't know K hat could b e done now O re at m a t hla request has be«a denied by swln# the supreme court;

a u a s , _X he.iuprem e court yeaterday also w * - wiped out sta te a n d ~ lb c * rU « s re- 1 from qulrlng segregaUon on buses, a stern » did so by atflm iiA g a decision wever, of a special th ree -judge U.S. dis­

tric t court In M ontgom ery. Ala. T hat m i t r o court ruled th a t enforced legrega- RW ky tion of wbltea and N egroes oo Monc- r ^ w n lo a e ry buses v lo u te d - th s federal

consUtutlor's gua ran tees o f due process and equal protec tion of law.

: More Supportler th a • WASHINOTON. Not. 14 tfi - a

“ f " move among D em ocratic senators to aantic, in*tall Senator M ansfield of Mon-

tana as the ir new -w h ip - won sup- ' *®rk port yesterday from ' Sen- Lyndon

Johnson o t Texas, tiasses. The endorsement o t Mansfield b y ' w arm . Johnson, the se n ate D e m o c r a t j c '■ f* * t. le tte r , seemed to p re tty well sM urcJ pU lns the M ontanan o t ge tting the No. 3 1 siw ard party post when th a chamber con-'

yenes In January. • ' '(lowers

- , - E n d t J C H U R S . ^ * ^ ' ^

ExeiUac 14 t^ Suip«RHt

u tr u c .lUpsed NSAMOUMT K tso n t U I I M B


i t e . ^ r z i ' i S S* ^ Sf w J w w 1222w *


s r s diWMtjESDAY ond THt

Bus PasF R E llU JS E R V ie f

BUtion Is now a t 415 Second Avenue SouU JL E ;-L eaves-T *tn Falta* a t V pm . l .« .t n -eaves Twin Palis a t 3 p jn . and '7 L a s t .

illW IIII — — .

t o n f a l l s , IDAHO :

»ULES , IKTFI--------i-KAHT

7* U e e jtle i» _ ____ (1^00 M oeyeleaJ-*■ ^ i . » « K i = 5 a A r '

S S ’J l i s & i K . . . ™

'it; a .ha a - . u S S•Nt»» a«»nit s.m. *n>mr« Tla» «:u« Cruk O' D>wbTBURSDST Tiit «port U«bi

SlUKotfM Xu*Ta> «t liorvtoff tiOOW«it.ri lUaJo* •:«! I l r a uBrnXfut UIU» l«:IS M<Mr Shoo,! , » ? ■ • - - - ! ! l ! ! E a r t , . " . ' "lAlii Drl» 11 iM Klub NetM'

' * I ;M XI N«ea8u>dir4 S«S«»1 J lU P . ^UbiU Wtn«»r4 * Ion •Ni«i. MokfU :M N««>r in . - - >:<ii KABTwtMbxHIIMV lim it ajU RtMnS JtOOTI

^ »r Mtiltw -- *■** 71**“ *^KliaiM* 4:3S nKor4 Rao«lf g f t . . u'.«ii]r — :-------KliMbtk* SIS') OtnilOKblHlfCICutK N tw 7i»e NerlhtU*J*m><ontCfwi,irr,Mml« Si*0 TrauUM Chtav><:i{dmU«>*. tiM Nr««VirL«LvTlm« S!lS I lH ’Cluh sn», U*a'> r ta lb N t«iMir.frilu.1 W w lOiOt u w CMh

‘ Hungarian Phone „— SeimesJRestoredy Nov. U W — Telephone•' communications w llh H ungary were • • f - te tto rr t Tuesday for th e f i m time J T l alnce if ir to v ie ra rm jr-m o T C d -ln -te ' , crush the H ungarian revo lt Nov. 4.

Vienna long distance exchange re- porud. however, th e re w ere “very

tile u rg en t rate

th e V. S . embassy h e re b o u n c e d th a t several officials o l th e U. a .

1, , , . , legation a t B udapest w ill re tu rn to their. posU tomorrow.

. U. S. M inister T hom aa W alle* and 'and number o l.Q tberarem ained In B u . -» s - th m g hou t th e uprislnss.

Payment on Neon -S ign^ught Here

over Balance of »3S0 due on a . neon sign rental co n tract la . sought In a

Itlon complaint filed In T w in P a lls pro- pend bate court Tuesday by the Brldgea >rce- Neon Sign com pany ag « in st R . Clair lUiln Mathers.vio- The com plaint alleges, th a t on

.sens Sept. 30. 1U4. th e com pany entered xens a contract -with M athers whereby Kate the la tte r was to pay gSO a m onth____for ?8 months fo r r e n ta l - o f - n e o nirsBj sijfiiir;------------------------------------------aald The company fu rth e r sta te s th a t ,t he Malhers made paym enta u n lll May, now I M . and th a t d u r in r AprU. ISH, d by M sliiert closed h is business known

as "Clair’s Drive In n " w llh 18 ren ta l also installmenta rem aining to be paid,

r r e ? - T b e - s lg n « w ip a n y -n o w .;s e e k a Judgment against U a t h e n lor t380

Ision and 1100 a ttom ey fees. Attomey dls- H. W. Jewell r tp resen U tb e compsny.

” I ^ S E S S H f f lH Ileral I ! v -due W E D . - t H U R S :

John .Wayne'.= JetXrey. H un te r^

^1 T H E S E A R C H E R S


. Tony Curtis - co lleen MUler.. I


E B M B B H i Doora Open

E J F i l



ssengersSouth, behind Plrestone 's ■

a st Return T rip a l 13:30 H Last S e lu F ir 'T r ip -a t“J2;30— ------- .!

n Official Calming J Threats for War c

SKOOL. Korea. Nov. 14 V—Repob. lie o f K ere* Defense M inister' Kim

, Y o u n t TOO ruled-out-the-posslbdlty cf w ar w lth the Com aninlst north in a report to worried KOK aasembiy- men, .

f i« said, there was no possibility o f an immediate outbreak of w ar. Mll-

„ Itary steps taken recently by ROK defense offlclaU were -purely de­fensive." he said.

K im and chiefs o f staff of the RO K armed forces made the ir report 1

' l a X ih r e e and one-half hou r m eet- I- ing called by tB«-ROK-ma»embiyi -

‘ T h e legislators said they wanted de- tails 00 A reported communist mlU- t a r y ^ l d u p along th e noK hem edge - of th e K orean aemllltarlM d sone and

► an explanation of why a ll ieares w m canceled for RO K arm ed foreea - personnel________________' . ' •

:oae “

^ -P^ ' ' j

| J § | V w .l» * fa g lc m

■ j K I W E f f l a i l H A !

-i t m U p y f ! » » III T n jtfrn^

O p e n 5 : 4 5 -

^ R e g u l a r A d m i s s j p i o

IBHSSlha l i — ■■ isy ,■M.own . .n ta l I ^ / T r Ii-'iniMiI I B B

E oU m L U m S m a u a I m

. C ■’

-------- .W E D K ia D

EtECO EO T O PO ST .BOISB; Nov. Xi Ult—J- 6. K eel. Jr..

m anager o f th a Jefoone Cham ber o t IT Commerce, waa elected vice presl-tb- . • ■ ■

i TONIGHTy - i----------------------------

i THE Cl

£, SHOWiy i — ------ ----- ------- ----------------------- -g ; t l a r n n g . .



. ___ • a n d B p e d a l gue&l

HAL MARCH1 0 : 1 5 P M C h a n r

b ro u g h t to y o t i b v y o u r a t

“ TPj^^HEgTRT^y ^ l b k ' t / 2 ' A F r M M l i

I .




T he f«w cen ts Inv

will tu rn Into a p ro ft i

^ a d now. .w hethdr you

e rty or sell household

H - ' Y ou'll find It als

" H elp W on ted Ads! 1

■ t« r Jobs w ith more, i t

See ou r wide listing {<


■ P h o n i3 F O R T I i l l l l

g C L A S S i n t

^ A X J N O y E M B E R . H H ! ) 5 5 —

’ ■ i .i


V- ■ ....................................... ■


• ,

H ~

a n n e l l l K L I X - T V '

t r auihorued Chmolct dtaler

E ^ | ^ | g y *»»Ur»HtimMU„d.»„t

ludlan In te rpT ttta tlon ff %mx a n d y« a» lo n


mim’•“ " 'I ’d



'EM A N D -S E E C rXi Invested In a W o n t a S

o ft for you! Coll in your

you w ont to rent prdp-

io ld t]n d p c « o n a l Items.i

qIso p ays to read our

s! They p ay o ff In bet-

■e, money and a future. ng for m en ond women.

" READ AND - -NJSE-OUR— --- - -I CLASSIFIED I A D S . . .I MogirVdiley's I Biggest ; V

Market Place)' .

i e 3 ^ttsmis iId DEPV:-

Page 7: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

• p M E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R 1 4 .

R h e e E j^ la in s —

‘Alert’'O r d e r s ; | | f e a t o f F o rc e s J ;

: | r S S S i s :a l« u « l >■ •;

f S S s r s S ^^ • - v » T T i iN w » e d


Jnil U" S J«n i u r t - in order to be I

??■ ” In cope wlth.»Tiy emergency jgM

KY«-r»l bombs n i- J

Ii S s s r M s l j i i , “p ^ S .111., ■* r i : *iKiiJtifffnee IntonniUlon re-

w ^ lw u V v e been In iro d u ce d 'o r " H

Jf}^?w S”unllcd N.UOH. m w in o a s y - t i i r t o e i r - H

?r M evldraee In e ither N orth o r ■ faium K o«« which would Indicate » H S i A . 1 C of w .r in lh« divided ■ n>U o n . __________ ,___ _

“ T e l l t a l e ” B r e a t h y I G i v e n t o B a c t e r i a ■

ATUUmC CITY. V . J .. Nov. 14 H (K_otnM itf# belne Riven a te ll- H uie ndioaeUvB breath to ehow H JiiicUT whether w«Ur U *»fe ta H

"‘'^IrarUOUTorlMBtrthtji-teft cwld - Htha* whether drinking u-#ter had a be«n eonOimlned by flood*, • « ! - ann flfBli, w «»en se rm w arfwrt by an *ui:

Tb* U.W1I teo ti'to de tec t eontam* t n rjration Uke two Ifl three day*. -------

A form of radioactive auitar U „

- ■aibcn dioxide o r "b ream " whleh

_c»n bt dtteeled and meaaured.

British Prince Is — Es 8; Schooling Set J J

LO^aX)N. N o v .'H W ) ,^ Prince J il» ; .C hulta.w u.8 yearn,old lo d a y - w d g « ihtre *■*» a renewal o f dl#cuMlon iboul h ll brlnsln j-up . ■

One London nc»-8papcr, T he Dally tn r ts j. u ld C harlei w o n will bo enrolled In a prIvaU day KhooJ In ’ tht chle K nijhtebridge d i i ^ near « ” • SncU nsham p«l*ce.'lheE xpreiidld y . ; DM lire the Kwrce of lU In lorm a- | | ^ ]

U th« heir Id the BrltUh throne B lo t Khoot, It WlU m ean th a t the Oiie of Edinbur* ha* prevailed over ©P lit «lIe,'Q ueen Elizabeth .H . in Estai nuUnr irranBementa fo r th e comi pilnee'i education. ' was

Dance SchedulednupEtlT, Nov. 1 4 -T h o Perahlne ^ l ih

m will hold lU benefit harvest o t tl •Suite Friday. Proceeds will be used a(«lr W «M lr playground equipment.. pan j

r r / i members wiil repair play* here reund eculpment'on a ttu n td y . At Tt. » metuns last week. Conservation 000 1

W*mer. Jim LaRue and A nn LnRue, th ro KoiJmtrBr“ A W n J ilK e rs " p 1 a y e d — M»er#l piano selections.

Thn oritinnl frame ta ilo r'shop o t will Andrfw johnaon, .n th president ot ache lhe United SUles, U prewrved a t will GrffnyllK Tenn.___________________^

> V iIS t o d a y s !

to u r l jO M i-

i. Six-ycat-< jm artejt cl

straight \ like 8ne I

6 y i

" '‘'eHt 6 « « :» >

«M ;i,-D isrxH 0D -c0Rp;;H :y^jrM ^

^ 4 . 195 6 ** _____

— ----- E arm B u rea i. ■ / ^

■' • '• —

All officeri o f ihe Twin F a lli county F annual convenUon. Daring tba aeaalons, oulliaed fe r the comlnc yvar. S tand inc ai prctlrfent. S tated a r t Monro« Haye*. reerel enrraT ln t)_____________________________'

Statistics Given I BER On Idaho Farms

WAflHINOTON, N ov..14 MV-Thf! »"*’ Census bureau aald yeslerday 47.1p c rte n r o r - th r ta r m a - ln - I « i* h o - a c - -------counted for.nearty so per cen t of the value of farm producLs Mid in 1S54.

T he burenu, reporllng on the re- iu lt4 of a 1954 censai of agrleullure, a lurt said th e to ta l value ot a ll farm products sold In 1B54 for Idaho wasm«,«w,ooo.----------------- --— ...........

I t «ald 3,319 farms In Ihn Inrgesl oiajBltiCAtlon averngcd t4B,430 In sales for th a . year and accounted fo r to ta l p roduct sales of tll4,626,-

Firm Foriiied for Non-Tipsy Men |

OiCLAHOMA CITY,.Nov. 14 WV- I Establishm ent of a new..lnsumnce '. .IT company for non-drinklne driver* w as announced yesterday by Joe B.H unt, s u t e insurance commissioner.

Rev..64im Morris, Texas tonpe r- ance evnnsetlst who recently parted iifllh a sim ilar firm, Is the organiser o f the new company. I I ts the Ab­sta iners National Insurance com- I.- pany and will have national offices

T he new company will have tlOO,- - i 000 capital and will Insure automo- ' I

throughout the nation. "™V

OPEN IIOUSE PLANNED , 'JEROME. Nov. 14 —Open house - \

w ill-b e 'h e ld a t the Junior high - achool a t S p.m. Thursday, parents will a ttend 10-mlrtut« c luses ot which th e ir children a rt members.

gi» s m a r t e s t ;;;

i - c K o ic e » — —

ycac-old P M is your Mt choice i n fine igh t bourbon. I f you fine things, choose P M l


i4RAI0Ht.BoW8O»>ilSK% «S.P«MI' | _ i .

n ■

------- ------- ■ , - : ;-q i]

eau Qfiieers Rcclcc. ............. % ■ . .

^ ----

n ty Farm B u r ta ti federalien were rceieeirt Jons, r tp c r lt f ro m various com m itu t neaoi ing a re William J . U nUng, preaident, left, •ecreU ry, and M r». DoatM Mine*, wtmeit't

GOOTiR DONATED cnvf.mmiBERLIN, Nov. 14 Hn-The gov- the

:m m en t of Cocntnunlst East Oer> na n y ha* donated Boods-valued a t 13 mllHon dollara tfl thn Hungarian TtRAD 1

Guaranteed to Thru key Mud I or We Pay th


T O W N & C O U N T iiY No p p llv d M to u n d t l r * b o d U i o r

D ro p in a n d !« t Ul show Six*

- y o u t h t bifl d Jffe ren e # 6.40-1

"lit T ro c t io n 'T l r# ! . A m l ~ ~ -a,70'-~1

l e t Ul ih o w y o u w hy w# . 7.10-1

g tv # »ha g r® of« it t r a c - ‘ 7.60-1

t io n g u o r a n te i In th * 8.00-1

w o rld . »nMi

^RIPLE-ACTJONJf o r . . . Q u l c k ^ >

S u r e 0 o i

S a f e S u

------ ^-Visit-the-MagicAGRICULTU


^^-:^R qdio^R oi^(i

- " ^ = - " - ^ F r i d a y - a n « P S a i

B e .su re to -g e t your tickets for fre« T -xiM he-A iH *fom r-^d.O ftU !.pur b k ij

f re e priz# drawings olso.

l^ lp jjb u th Main ^

- .-TlM-ES-NEWS.jamj'AL

icctccl ^ s

--— ' ^ V^ l l l Nl M urces snld

s . ' n Ical (ilfflcv 3 ^ . . .............. sa ry to repl

. ' j a T hese tr(W W f ■ ■

•^ '"9@ 8S E ‘ atomici -Mj '• n o t been li•---------------------------------------------- In tl»f llqu

------ ja-Uaed-.tii-for

• ,‘i ^ ^ ■ ^ a R i ' i Sodium 1 . '■ m ent. ThP

i th a t In ik tdockalde tr. h en tlne cqi

TT he ienk:

pone n Seawolf'nn testing division corporation

catjs'eof Ul corrective

Among tlon . nnvy th e superh th e ioi) po

■ 'TPT***"gr ' ' p e rm it her

f A nother' ■' ■'{ ■ p m H th o moUei

" P l ^ ltw li

:eieeied T uesday a l Ih# gnop'a neao i w ere neara and policies

. left, and K . J . Bfii. f in t tIm ■e h a fn aa n . (Slsff phoio- H

v*mment .o f Prem ier Janos K a- r. th e S i s l G erm an radio iald dsy.


to 6 » T . .d or Snow the Tow ^

w U h n o w

Firestone MT o w n & C o v i i t r y \

T I R E S >V «’r * « o a u r a o f t h o '» r r l f l c p u l l i n g p o w o r f th a m o t i r o B t h a t w *

g u * r * n t « # i n . </ r i l i n g 5 V o u g o o r w o rC *■y t h * t o w . ” S t o p Ins a i y j T R a T s r o i i r i T i i s w ------------p u n r o ‘w 'W * ' 'c « n “ o t f o r ------ —----------f i l » « m » * l n g a u « r « n t M . ^ -

: Y O U P A Y F O R

Y N E W T R E A D S ★ 'lo i W M y o u r o w n ttro *

S iM E ach* Polr* ^ j j

6 .40 -15 1 4 .7 7 3 8 .9 5

6,70-T3~~ 1 7 .1 5 7 3 3 :9 5 ; ‘ i i / l

M O -15 - 1 9 .0 5 3 7 .9 5 W l

7 .60-15 2 0 .2 0 3 9 .9 5

B.00-15 2 2 .1 0 4 3 .9 3 |

*n»* tax and ra«oppobl« tin i - 9

iJCRACTlON- ^' ■ S t o r t i n g ________________

B o / n g

S t o p p i n g

g i c j < a l l e y _ _ _ ________


i ^ e y q o _

S o f y r d o y “ — ' — ^

r frcB g o o d ie s o f o il k inds J

• M 4 4 . ^ - r a

~ri>~fi 375D ^

^ALLS. IDAHO ________

j m R e a c to r Spea^ BUHL, N

I S u b Mi<vlit_ _ _ " I lu irrau met

r C t I \ C l ) l U ( ‘ C ( l " l" '* bureiI _______iia«m6 a sa

iltlN C iO N -X bL L U -lC __Na>. .■~^tr'tf.<nnv>s snld lod.iy Him .'rnous i f .n - ' ripried. T hi ilfflcuUlM niav m nkr it lucr^- Hn K nlep.5 replftcc llic co-iLly :<•- —of the. subm aiine Scaivoir. , l ? „ „ y v r . se trmiblca ;ilu-aciy linvr itr- r j l l l C o )>«a trl.iLt of Ihf iw lintis *co., f k « toinlc aub. The dlfllcullv l,;„ r a i l ren in th e Kiiclor ptiiper Inu• liquid soclliini syMem ^utlcralH tn .rm i-iffr Hr,., from .8i»yth wenr for pro<lucllon o{ , \y«inri.<tayUim is a hlKlily lo riw iv r d r- ’ I'apel by ThP nnvy aiinoniicrci n

In ikf hnd develoiiert ilinmi;Ide tc.^dug in thc Menm O '" '1C rQUlpmciit at)oni(i ili.- .<,.>. ' ainwnri

.-'i'n. B rrnaT r i;t ..l- .« lp o .m i

• ienk-n foiccti lllf navy 10 , n scheduled-sea (rlnl nt H iennonson

llf nnd to prolong tUf ‘<o«KJi(trlHnR|nnd, 1 g progrnm a l llie H rciilr oo.nlQroui3n of th e O rncral D,ninmic»| Cnnclurti ration In Groton. Comi. •sun.iei Mi

more tlinn twn moiiiii* i h f -------------- w - h te T m m TKr e ^ n c jo f th e ienk.-* 10determine «hM ':tlve s teps c n n -b e -.^ W ': orfM ur^f. ong th r s teps undernnvy sources snld. Is ienlliie <'lf ■ |o ,., 1» uperhenter. which would lo"<r 01) pow er.of the submniliie bul ; U h ? r l „ . l „ d „ o ™

ro.».»IWHty Ext,I io„rt.other possibility. If ll l.i dpcirird —»oUen sodium cootnnt I'eseior Pimlico, lu>.'< no fu lure. would be lo ic .lA m erlca 's

SI’ ECIPMRCEVEN'.........................^ - ■


— ■'1 i

k Splash Worsted Tv

Ar Twist Twills - —

k AH Hard Finish Fa


*65 V du

w i t h s i n q Le

T R O U S E R S ............................

i b X i H b ' s i I e a p i n g M Ei - B S e S b e f O nr-C B a_ijn l*et:« uW I ro

N o ^ I j r if .com plete.m U l-ybii - V t -eo


leaks at IV eet [BatterjU NOV. 11-MrlvU OppUg»r, m em ber nf nte Fnrm L r r O P , spoke nl Ihr Cl ver l-'nrm meeUnB Wonriay venlng ou

jurenu w n a pm r» ord »a op.a sale.i t.■ . Dele* ites to the ± ' ^ ' invenllon.m.Txi-ln Falls were Ine-the doge*w .tr , ,C T i,n ,

______ _ luins Jury nA r » O x L rnwed ycstc,est P. Snyth

aid Last Honor dS',"'.’., 1■ral aervliT* lor ’ Erne.1i. P. b it him m were conilurifil aL ll:30 a. m. « h rn h e Incl wiav a t tlir W hlii mortuary 1**^'' ' wncoi'by Uie Rev. So roan Stock- -------

/ TWiiKi a n d oiujnlsi*. was Mrt. JERONtE.O slrom BaW-ock.j............... la rd .-Jr.. an

iwnrera weir Stanley Jack- Rupert. api rrn a rrt •aerRen, Atfhur Ryiin. JndRe T lier d Johnson. Orville Haii.ien wci;r flnn i < ohn Pyle. Hniiornry palibcar- disturbing llrre O corgt N. Taylor. E. W. ___on, • Curl Cramar,. Charles REAt> TIM: Id, M. M. W ebsterund W. M, p , - ---------

clurtmg rite* wft« held ai I M emnrlsl p.irk.- * - '[ . .

--------------1 = ^NauUlus reactor, whleh uses'

irlsfd w ater «.» a. eoolsnt, hss •med far beyond navy expecU-:

At report, the Nautilus i t ]Bllrd more tiisn aO.CM m lles - :rge(i more th«n h»U of that- ice—on her otlglasi uranium ' •**

“" I :----------- — :— i . rillco, opened nn Oct, n , 187fi. Is . • v / i r lea's sccond oldmt aeUve honei

l A l i ^

:h a s iIT ;





lies 9 K


-T R O U S E R S ^ ^ -----------^

J 9 “

H E< 1 E ( ^ 'S C L O T H I E R S , '

: Xrom' R opers U'a .dependable. »- BleuTy « tW .l« i

ery Charge Piaj1 . BURLEY. :opped in Case fnw'e

INGTON PAr K. Cftiif„ Nov. metUn?*Tues Authorities li.ive dropped . Taktn» n>i>

iharges agfllnst Mi». Margie of q 'g :fi. who was accused o t bll- N e„ U t)7vu doK catcher_^ft caught her | « v ^ *

rial la sl'w cek e.idM V n 'a p T / n S e . ’ iry and chnrK " »ere dls-yesterday In S-in Antonio . --------at court for Isck <>f furUier Ceylon, an

nf W esi Vlry rtoRcatrher limi.ild A. ‘lependenl c 38, .m W tJint .\frfl. Oomcs I t !•* J3 mH<

In an altcrr.nipn s ta rted — e Incketl her lie.ielr. Prince. C iTcBinajr-Brpr^tir------------ [ ----------------

TWO ARF. KINKl) I w w rME. Nov. 14 —Jn.Tph M il-.'.. and-Havlow PH lon,-bolh; - -•. appealed belnre Probate I■niernii• W nrd Siindny and! 'neil JUS cnrh on Vharges o f ■■I n g jh e peare. ^ j P | | 0

TIMES-NKWS WANT ADS.--------------------------------------- j

>r. J . L . ' B a l l a r d ; _aim npnnis:iL . ■ooT^pisci^ftis'r----- ----------nnimeefi th r relncatlnn of 1 offices lA . .

i i i K i i o s n o N R i K 7 \ mNORTH ; M e j i j

lover Clly Drus) I

P H O N E S|17 . ' I t ' T o r Appoinlmcnt i


______P A G E S E V B I I

lay for Club t pfflPZY. Nov. 14 - T h e h lA llBlffiiS ittslc department provided .fiW in tB iram^^for the Rotary d u b ^ H I m H

[ p a rt under the dlrecUon l i B u f Tew, music Instructor, were i ' l l MG

)ayley. Scolt Mullikln. Oon- {19 H i t ens and JonBU U ner.—AC=~H fl M | sU weri Miss B lauer and I w |

\ an Island aboui. th » six* t; ll J. Virginia, ha* been a n In- 11’ •- jm l country for e ight years. >! t Hm«M from southern-India. ] r ! /

— FOR------ i i -;:e a t i n o ~ a l

OILS ; | |io n e l6 8 d 11*toy or Night k ; !smstlfl Ke«p-fllltd « r r le * ' ) '' get raym ent Plan 1 ||]


M liaa iw H ~ '* a S i < f l f t -~ “ ii


n , E . l - ! utltn ^

^ fiBHTniKT-

' ’ 'T' >'

^ -

■ t '

Bto’K"* \V T

i ' ■'

Page 8: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

I People Spend Tiint

|~ ^U 8 t Blfnkin% CHW AOO, Hoif.'M (m -H j# u ! ' ' KR« p « n m ■petfcte 11 t o K p e r 0;". o(. h ta i r tk io c M u m l a toU ) ix'h T h afK h o v muoh-jrou blink.‘j.' p r . Nowlon K .W « le y ,» a iiuUi r.! lty, o n bUnUnc. aa ld .a nervous hli

p e r a o n - m iu 4 0 p e r c t n t o f t n e ttffle.- •

P benoB C U DbctUMd ' W«»JeT. d iacuss rt bUnWnr. » t :U „ ln B ..« n < l MsocUUd phenomenn r ; th e f l n t nauonal con tac t lena c

' vl , gnsts.! 'M e n b link m a n th e n wooi( f ■ “h# •* Jd r "ThB t t e n c e m *n b ll

-p. onoo e re iy t l i m uc a tu tt. T he a t i> «se w oman haa a b link n t « of o ;S In rou r setonds." • i r j • W ealey SAld th»- wofld'a (a<> ■f bUnk U probnbly J /10 or a aeeor \ T h e averace. he ta ld , la 4/10 « a tecond .t • . tfe lp t i^ ea

( O p t io n to r Kvahln? a o d rat< V th e vyc." W a le r f i d . ."Xt proj - - w ara over th a cornea." t B u t b llnU ns a lto ean b t * r t w u * habit,K I “Blind- personi w llh artlllc lal t

■ t. I t in k a t the norm al rale,’* he tt l i I frodneedI w c d e y sa id t h t BTerai* blln

*• lirodueet t e w a t i h t raU of ; i I f a d w n « n hour.

—-— 1 pcfflon-KCtpe • a tu r a i Bi^ase a round tho eye

n keeps t h t to a r t from fpU llst o r A *;Bable« m a r whoop and hoi

^ P r a c t i c e ^ —ti 1 D E m o r r . Ndv. i« (in -A ihi.

-tn I t to le two p ta to la ,‘1,100 rounda .<r l I ammunlUon, (Ive belU o( miU I eh lne ru n bulet« and 10 c a n t <tj I Bunpowder. y e a t a r d a y ^Ji I C harle i MuhoiuT.:l I M uhoney ta ld w n t o f t t7 I bulIeCa wlU f it th a itolen pUto]

J ~ f e l ] p T S “ G i v e n

I I ForRefuge(■J:, I OKNEVA. S w l^ la n d . Nov. 14

. I I . . l - d c l i t t e n counfriM have eontrll S l e d more thnn l a o o W 'to Hi• 1 ' rffuKccii and hav* offei

j I h e m RByliim. acconllnK to figuJ ^ p l t e d by a UnlU d NaUoni eo

■ I T h o fund i flBUffl doei n o t Incli• h r tv a t tiy r«iaed contribullosj. wh!

- - i « -e x p e c te d . to .b a _ a c J jU lh e r ,_ — f-T h o -o fric a-o f thB -U Jt.h i«h -co

: InlssloDer to r refuseei compiled < > n p o r t to r 33 International o r t i

• / — I p itlo n t -c o n e e m e d —w W h-rtfm i , i^ h ic h m e t herp ye ttttd a y tb i

- ' c rd ln a t t th e ir a id to iIeelcK.Hu ' J ia r lan i. ■ •

I I n addiUon. th a MUDCU of Bun ^ n s stven about «3,000, th e wo:

i » e te rao * o m n la t lo n h u oKei ; f tin a n d a l he lp and ’the RTTlcss-of.

K xpert, a n d aQ o rgan te tiona n p ^ t e d a t .th e 0 « im » 'm e ^ tln « « t h e y w e n m p s » 4 - t o chip la w |n o o a y tP 4 penonaaii y t : : .*


i |[ '


p e rc e n t *J da rk -

. auihor* --------- ------- X

n ^ w i t -----------"he aver- ■ sicji.v > o fonce

^•ecot^. ^ j ^ u ^ t A

u ! k p i ^ _ ' ■ ■' _ i s B a » w L raa u n r » .. v ■; - iW fflS SS !■ propel* <• ' ”

I « n e r- ALGEKIA,

Iclalnre* ' • r EGYrP-Lead

' Wlnkw K g g g g Sotiit itMm• j r a A ' « b ^ b o w in t jy p

1 holler, ;

's im T w T ’________ EnrotM and th e M U dIt Eaat. A

n Im m inent un le tt tfct M »dl« Rai

A w SpeakeFSwSrded Pencil for Speed

• from J e r r t OOTtr won th t blue pencfo r th a beat ap tech a t Um TUeKit

of i h t n ig h t m eetloc of the Twin Fal pU toli. I T oaa ttnM len club a t the T ur( du'

________ ' T h a meetlQs officially ended t t________clubla recen t memberehlp drive I

whlch~iraeWTnBmBtr«-werB adde ueeordlng to K u rt U o u . prealden

/ r n a a of th e .wlnnlns recnilU rg v v S te am received tte ak dinner* n t tf jv. I4.(in ^5 " H a n - Jw n tti H ln ln a »-a» taaitm aalc

o f t e ^ O unnlncbjun w m U ble topliI roaatar. a n d T . W. QUvert w u c&iM e r a l u a t o r . Spcaken, In addition 1 “ * ? ? Oovar, ■wero.Joa Pl*. R ichard Coo:

O . D . A ndenon and David Hamlet

il. w h S h • ®' *‘ ” “ « "“ *•>er,____________________::-----------------rh -com r ngA D - m n c a - i n w B . 'W / t i ^ A p ;

’“S i 'S - N o w M a n y W « o r

F A L S E T E E T H» - ^ ^ W H h l l t H r W o r r y

V ' l i m i t s q U d rt tity “ S ^ S A

• F u l ly g g a ra n t« « < l ^

- • A p p r o v e d f o r . c M tp o e l o r

M p t i c t a n k S p K

_____ • l n « l< i l l i t v o u r w » ,

C a ll o r w riH today I M iiJ


- t ■ —-- r--^--------:--------------- ----

What’s Russia up t


°‘?n M m m!

|m A N O H>~ltnM >ea pitMM ICYMUS<vX I| 0A c r t v f npcftt^ fctfi>

»9 E jip t wlA wtw^ j t t I

leektng le u t up mililory 9 ,n Egypt b ifera e m it ttera » le ir ltd . P tn iH tn t f t-

* " I ! * * l lrm cd-B rtf-PeralateBt n flerta o t la rte .aea la 1 innded up on n e in H in iV o v tT T lU u U irn tU t J t. A n e ad ln c A n b ipoktiffian” waa qao t» Ja R a tt mcaa U tf t e l t ^ d np " Im nedla te l

I n s u l t t o I H j u r y ^Been no sB X L B .» . J - t<ov. 14 ( tn - Mr*. A rlene dlM , B lM beth , N . J..

»pencU p a id * $ m w * ln municipal cou rt r w ^ f .y yeaterday for »peedln».

*Sho returned ahortly afterw ard ir( dub . m ia handed the Judge another led th e « l fo r an-o?<rtlme parW nt Ucket Irlve In th e found on he r c a r w hen aha rvddedr ~left~thg~court. ■ ■ ■ *' -ealdent. I

qU A m s'B E P O ItT E D , jember- JAKARTA, Nov. 14 n n -A *erle.» o

th ree weak carlhquakcs awaye< •*** f««»*« o ti thi

« W e t yw ta rd iy . T here wenItlon to Im rnm iale report* of any damac< i Cook, o r canuMty.

inA D Sr — ( M M 0 U H Q U I l _ 3 l ^ _ .A 7 ~ Y l i A R & ~

•r .MCwMlvl (WflClli* In lk» 1r»ol-#"l___ gi >«<UI, (alen and tl«ino<li dliwdtft.

MO R O S P i m O PIRA TIOH>rry-1 «g?M»rttt^wwiit -■ •- • - - ....... . -

iketf46ally r-:-- ^M—----- — f-r----

............K M

3 1 8 S O . L IN C O L N S T . -

- ^ ^ = ^ H E B 3 ^ W S , - T W E

p to ? --]l E S S i IllyT«J<rfa«rt.- Hb j« S#W ^i een<«Ktraltd a t k ty poiai ^ —

W /M M M M /M SM !'/. muiiia pear* ia kaadrtd i ^net to cnn ii ravtlt.. ^*>^'v////////////////m I and (^ftffcfc ladopait

HON , a » a S 8 w c 8 R M w f t ^

SY K IA .lltA N ^R uuio r tp o r led 'tT t T h n t itc r tlty lle«a hunditdt of L je t f tgk lirt end bom btn into Arab I . ROtieai, WMtly is Syria aad Iron. ( R tu io bttiMing up tercet along Ker L

BfigS Iraa border. Xuiiion p ioa tt olio r t- E g g g i ported iw Saudi Arobia.___________ |

i e a I a ^ ^ i t t U a . l r « p _ » 5 l g |^ j « ^ ? ^ « J ^

qnotod a t taylnx (b a t W orld w ar ZU f tidlatoty'* <NEA1 _____________________

— I An eitlm ated 7.400.000 Callfom l- M tn»-art-covered -by -jom o_ io rm _n(■ J health or hosplUl ln»urance. w y t <m— the H ealth liu u ra n c t council. I

N. J . . ------------------------------------------------------court

•rle.» o f ■iwayed 0on th e ’ K•eiwww J J«m aca

x/m' : ‘e<**M '' HK

^ 1 '


I THEII T h e a ]

H I t ' s n e ^

B f r o m 8

H - — --------------U S e . w s

Miw R m o A io coK raoL -Fa________ iritiim iwion. Contrtilt 7 tifivit' i coniml» neu lril, rtrive» low a

miMioa when p u W , ani] eve

S t r a i g h i

' W m - F A I I ^ . I D A H O _____ _

Death Plunges- Port Said Into Reign (jJPear^ R T SAID. E jy p t. N o t. 14 (ffV-

fh e ;n u n le r of an E gyptian accused of coIInbornUni w ith A njJo-Preneh occupation forces plunged P » r t Said Inio A new grip 6f te rro r today.

A member of th e B ritish «on»ulat«- n td there w u also erow lne fea r of

h new A nb uprising, poetlbly spa ik - kJ by Ihe R uulans, i f allied troopa

- »iUidraw. •— ^ u « (U u _ » e te_ c k cu l4 lc4 _ Jn _ _ lh e

Ar«b QUarfer th reaten ing d e a th to «nyone coIlaboraUng or fra te m U - Ine with the AnglO 'Prcneh forcw . A Almlltr th rea t sw t potted on the bulletin board of one o( th a clly'a la iseet rwtfturanU.

The murder victim w as P o r t Sald tt Dottt »<■ t« legrapht direc tor. H t presumably was aho i by guerrillas still living undencround In th e tnaze-llke Arab quarter. He h a d been p trtu tded by the a U te to re tu rn to hU Job to restore opera tion of th e telephone exchange.

Several beatings wera rvported to 1 ~ BO com ft-—Bcyptlan— o o o p w t ^

L shop WHS burned in w h at British r authorities described a t a n obvlbutI ’ e«s« ot intimidation.I The oulhreak of tinderground ac-b tivity Boeed new problem s fo r Anglo-K French authorities in nuiln taln lngI the city adm inistrative m achine, l h eS city ts sUll w ithout e lectrical pov,*er.X foodshopt are' ahnost 'em p ty andg _ water has been rationed in tome

V ISIT FJCPECrCD “I t - rn lE S . Nov. 14~C apt. and Mrs.

CtirTOCff-Bhowera-and-chUdr t t t -a re ’ ^ expected to visit h e r pa re n ts here

before going to Tucson. A r l t . whera the captain will b« sta tioned.

im l- ... _ - ...............n_n( N etrly half (46 per cen t) o t all w ys Mr* iir th rD n ited -B U iten iT rijarked

outdo9« ov tm lght.

te f ir s t d o w n - , t i (


4 M CAIS^Cooa ll the plunp look of n o it otbe:

: BIG M FORa l l - n e w M e r c u :

l e w f r o m . J e t = E

1 a K e y b o i £ u x i ' " C o ]

■ s i z e " , n e w w e i g !

iL -Far Dot« thsn a pusti-tiiiiinn Niwv<4 tifiving opefaiions. Start* engine— Car De*lo w * a S ~ rtn ¥ ic _ lo c i* the’ tr»n^. the newjJ even rcIeaac*_Uie.parlinK bralfc Nolice.'t

j h t . o u t o f . t o m o r r o w

THEISE351 M ain Avenu

K h 1_______ \ ■ ___^

*14 iiiiiiihIH IH V B M I

th e " ■ I------ " - I -------- I ....... - -

i d tH t \ ..........r “— ■r r r ' T rlias I L ----------1— :---------

te n .....WM, * • • « , / ' !I to l _ J — ‘A „ ... M— „ Jth e

‘ to p i P f l l l i l i P i l i S B S


a c - ] ....— '*1— ^ - i ' I — r

I*-" ' ' ■•' ■' ■ •■ ' • ■' ' ' ' •'^ d

I I I ~ ''''1 Mrs. 0 10 » M 40

" '■ S S i d S r s & S E S w t r - s t t r t i n j r 'S i^er« tenaU co ap rita d of 4> D ea o cra t t ai

la s t U c t a g r u t ta . (tea Bcwtchart), ,, elected In 193«. the OemocraU lie n

.{(H «*"«te. OnlT Ib th a »Oth eang rc tt (H KepgbUcant e iercU td eontw l. (N ffi

d f i i a r n c

lot jusl'

other csr*. Bulging curves bive given way lo bet

R'57 WITH £i u r y p a x i k s y e a r ;

E i o B u m p e r s i

b n t i ’o l to a a e x c

i g h t , 3 i e w i d e a s

H VMHOU TAIUIOKn—A' Stunning eum plo < : Design. T he d n iu t l o slant of llie tail-ligliis e

new width and w ei|;ht o f ihis bifg;er.all-ov lice,'too,tl>e iculplured.-stce] roor,andtheJel.F1

owrtHE BIG I iENMOTOt! T iu e E o s t

■ , W E D N E S D

te Seats '


Wr\i i f L»■ ■ ^ 1 9 5 2 (ON INDEPENDENT)

40 » W 70 »

ijr“ *Is=aee«d-<C T »~ vriH -4*il-w Jtli-*_ Its and 47 BtpobUeans. I n ulne o f the >rt), beginning w ith i b t 78 tb eengrtsi Iw r t been W w jo r l ly party In «ht

s t (1946) and the U rd (1BB2) hsva the I INEA) • ' - ■■■■i

ia r v o u ( ' lo o k a t


lo bold, elein<ut Itnesc And tiers'* new power


I T S o f p r o g r e s s

t o V a n g l e T a i l

s d u s i v e F l o a t i r

■ s w h e r e v S * ^

0 .npio of Dream- DKiAM-a* rtA njR O tv i ;Iils emplissiiet in tho Montclair icrios, u all-over bic u: Rida h s i a .cushioning ac /el-FloBumper. - But w by not teaoU th t d

FMERGCTRYI R S r ^ ln c .—~ Phono242F

E S D A Y , N O V E M B E R I J , 153,

FussIsMado" Over Joyride

P n T S B D ltQ H . Nov. U •. teen-agers couldn’t .?

fle a they were dny ( o r _ t a k l n r - a - J o r n e r 4 ^ - : = body olse^ auiomoblje. . .

T he the ft had nf Bble Pittsburgh poUc, fo .ce 'h a n ^ them down. ^

An o b W n ? officer rxnlairM the vehicle they hnd .-!o>n locked up in . lu . t ru n k , jg u m C n « » U sb le AmertaiH p any money ordera. Oe.-jia v';‘ p s ^ i ^ ^ ^ j l ^ U i e c-d^i

collection s t a company » 'u u ° iu * ^ K enneth F ljher and Loui. ju iii-

bo th le. readily admitted to » Chorge b( automobile larceny., rw e .o n ly went (cr a lii-.;t one tried to explain. ' ( |


[Frank's ~]

’ Sfioe~ Shop

Hos Moved t o

» 1017 Main, Buhl------- tN eiL iQ_WMlem .

“ .Open fo r Business 1^1 NOVEMBER 13

ca nM



owsr to n t f c h .u p lo 290 hortcpo«erl


3 S i n o n e .

a i l - l i ^ t s ,

i n g R i d e . ^

w T IoqIc!-

i tv n W H l i l - A Power'.Boosler/an.e s , t s v * horsepower.ThonewFlosua* ,sg action you Jisvo to/ed lo b e J i ^Ih t dresm<sx features? Stop in todif. -

Y f o r S T

Page 9: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

' , 5 ^ N E S D A t ; N O V E M B E f tT



V ( o T o V

^ |B i » E r u i u C A t i s V ^ PSSa CEMXilATS I------1— I i i i c n o rw v iousi

(NEA) _______________— _ : ----------

C o n s c i e n t i o u s P e <

— I n h D i l l i e i J M i i a t


” too wrapped up In ob-

Jjdf w tlonn l-ho lld«ys-llk fl-N cw ”..TetfS. Tli»nk»Bivln». L abor day: «■ lleloui hoUdsys of the Mvernl fnllha ,nd the like. . F

'S *« the Hor«« w«k'* (Oct. 13-10) ,- (Uld -Old M»id»' day" (Juno 4). Not ' i tu l l h*va »nythlnsepcclftl nRftliul , _. S i lm hoTM*. or old mald-(. cimer,

1 know » lot o t fine horse*. Ako > 1 Iffl on Irifndly terms wlU» r num - celt h r of lovely unm srried Indies who of prohiWy '"oul^ QUftllfy. aite-w W . m fen

**’lrt^Juat tha t time snd lack of troi fnerjy Kt« In the way T 'hen these -v ctlfbrallotis a rt Rolnf on. In j

I mlsht t*ke a few mlntuc.** off durlns the week of Jan . lO-M lo do

lUUe'wonrto-1itljr« lebn»«e-''N n- , 5 1llon»l Crochel week." slnee work wllh th f needle and ynm hns done , me up 'bright In »omo pretty fine ^ , BUllt work. . '

And naturally. I can nacrlflde pu t of one lunch hour to honor our . m iU r ciris oir"N iillonnl' Sweater j tH i r <Bept. 10-23i.-Tlie sponsor of ao' till week untnllzed me by snylne. gui In p»rl, th a t tho celebmUon la de* jicj Tottd to "brlnKlnB to the publfc the to idunlAKA of cweaters tn d 're la te d knllwftr." un]

Moit of us. I horw. will ru n nlontc «lth - N a t i o n a l Rug O leanlntr— month"—the monlh of April. "Nb. I Umil LAUgh" Ume the aame monUi. ' ind "NRtlonttl Lftdder month," If tlie tidy of the house Is strong enough ^ ^c llm bone. M

But there are still mnny things a ■ buir m tn htif to miss. To mention n ■

■‘KtUonsl Fur Cara w K k," “ lee ■

Crtam'n Cherries m onth." "Bettor H Bedding Ume." -National Tnvem ■ m«nih.“ and "Nntlonftl Do-It-Y our- ■ •flf-week.' (April 18-23.) ■

T h tt "d ca -- th in g U one I miss ■ on purpose, along wlUi "Don't-Tnkc- ■ Any>Stulf-Prom-Uie«Boss week." ■

in c tjS ^ ^1 n li tUe I H

______________ R e o L E !

FHday, N pvem bei 1226 10th A venue

— - 3 - B E D R ^UvlnK room. Wichen. baUt.'full-ali

-X250 feet detp, n n e location 'a t F»ll»:,2 block* fcom W ashlnglon'sc home will be sold a t nucUon a t this

- foom suite, rugs, refr: room set. 20.foot deep fre ea . wna t«blti. end Ubles. floor U mpi, dUI to mention.

Due In iitkness thU nice home and an ij,e furnishings

- Will be sola to th>. high^.t _no reserve!

J- B. Addin - — f o t i i l f s t i i s i B r

7 ; *neU51ie«f—

5 f t ' r t . 1 9 5 8 '


D ° I

/ iouslyI

t in t h i t tecand te rm In J a n u y y hii will fir

ioer*tlc-lnetimb«ni—D cira lt-J—R o b ri- le td lB Nor. 20 *ihen 11,000 absentee ballali are eoi leant from goT trnnrth lp t In MatMrhu>rtU, >er DemocraUo t la ta h o u te t In Ohio, Weil

People W U l B e 1st o f N ex t Year "=

woman. She can Uilnk of such non*, tense as beating rugs, cleaning the. blinds nnd i-unnlng ttu oush—the- ____n closetfl ta turow nwny trcnsure* I -----. havo been aavlng for years.

So 1 have a eyslcm. The "Do-Il"' week lind Uic lim e net aside for, "Don’l-Tnke-A ny-Stuff-From - the-1Bosa’l.n re pnrInycd..wltlul'Nfltlonalj ___

5 DomesUc Rnbblt week,"‘I W hen Uieae th ree c venu come to-

gether, I run nwny on vacation.

; Vet of Civil War Reaches 114 Agell

^ FRANKLIN. T e x ' Nov. 14 W I-;

,1 in Hood's T e r n brigade who h ts 7 seen Uie South ouUlve. th s North,

lurned IH today.0 His fnmlly canceled the wual- ,- celebrnUon bccauao of Use lllneu 0 of Ills second wife. S3. She Is suf- is ferlng from a h e n rt ailment, harden.:

Ing of (he Ar(«ries and kidney, if trouble. 1e Wimnrns, tho nntlon 's oldest Hr-;,, ing ex-soldier and one of three '‘ survivlng'ConfedeinicK, snld he wasj ® sorry to hcnr Insl .spring thn t thei '* i5sV T7nl6n~«'iiiy"vettrifn”hitd'dle<J.-; — * B ut, he added, " ll JusL soc.^ to show I* w hat I’ve alw ays sa ld -U ie SouUi

U going lo ouUlvo the North.", -----------------------------ir PAY H IK E ASKCDTf - PHICADELMIIAr-Ncrr:— ----->f Aobut 3,000 police, firemen nnd p.irk g. guards wlUi m em bers of their fiiral-,:* lies marched on clly hall yesterday le to support dem ands for more pay " nnd ehw ter hour* .,*W y were not In

unUtorm." r o r ly uniformed pollce- I* m en patrolled th e crowd.

'* I

S J T.V. & RADIO . ; | SERVICE:e I Q ualified T echn ic ian ier H .....................

: | MOON'S I■ SOI BUln W . PboDi I |

-E s lo te — -: — —

ib e r 16, 2 :0 0 p .m . lue East, Tw in Falls

ioiil HOME™ -ull-slze basement, stoker heal. L o t . 1 „ m a t 1328 10th Avenue Easl.'Tw In , | , Ion' school. All th e furn itu re In UiU 1t this Mle. ParUM llsUng; 2 bedroom ,

refrigerator, electric range, dining, j s, washing m achlnc. TV set, coffee I, dUhes, o tte r Jl«n* too numerous .

Terms: ^«.00<Mo4n, balance i cash, 10% down paym ent <(

. the clcM of aucUoD, balance- - - I t r M s y r o v t m n n w v r t n r - “■ — loan: ----------- ----------- - —

lington, o w N i R

; t I 5 p ' H o H r 3 0 2 5 - - ~ \ - - — -

W. A- O tlraoder-«-_I i— T "-------------- T W * -------- .. b

■’ (*•

•uses ------ Um

J n.\NCt® fT —Sn.'ikM

«-v f Nfvrr i

^ rOMicia

j t e l i a i i i i_ 0 TA1(•-‘’nt

P ^ R B y o r ^ i r * w i o foii»rrte- 0 • rlullinR

- d l.rt-m , ---------------------- IcM ju u

/ . l l* r

0 \ y t tximuI ' i - Piirannr

drni-il"S ^ k 0Cf> bee.

the liu- hnnrilfrj. VtoQEEEja t tb rn ih

.. J But liltTill find a l least i t of lha naUon’t desih o

i r f e o u V t^ * D w « ra U bueked the “ "liiT j lunrtu. W athlngloB, Oregon. Inwa kralLv , W ell V lriln l* a n d New Mealfo. qmuU s,

Tlir-----------------:-------------------------------------- bl

... DOG G O N E . wnrkliicNBW YORK, Nov. M HB—A news- up >qi

paper p rinted a noUee Wednesday ttpccu r of a rew ard offered for a dot; Dr. C named T uesday w ho ran away sn.ike i Mnnrttv. lear_an





• D A W N G R E Y

• M I N T G R E E N

• yiireoQB China '• Tough Cast Iron .• All Color-Matched

----------! CKroETFintHgr

• F r e e D E L I V E R Y


Plumbing Installs tion

O ur com petent s ta ff of expert:

to " 8 0 I t Yourself," ond lodn.

$ i » C . ^ T E E t r l

' ' I* W M T -P »«ceOw|U» m odem B-foot whiU s l« l tu

• • • ba»lo »bd Homwt'.waab do ro toUet,


J n u s u a l Snake F a r n

~i*roteetioa-EQ£Asin.\NC.KOK, T hailand , NOV. U 'V ' ‘" ^ ' r ^ a l l Sn.^kM allvelNfvrr difl ft„ « p r e « lo n ring W e r C ha l^n iMl hi Baiiskok. . i i^ - o r o n t o r - th tirld’s most unusual -farm s."OfJ.cially. l;> the Pasteur InsU- »;r. Rui 10 jh o u s a n ^ of visitors , i-« the "sti.ikc farm . jo<,d ryes

TAl(•^ tourlsta. s iu d fo u 'j , ,:<t Ii'nsum e ip.ildcnis o t Bangkok su thc r awi i^ r r te on ilic farm to w alch a p , ulli.iR rmnh-r. In to elgfat-fool , °■rp. ^ .•vlIed pi;^.'* iolid-faced h a n - L

ll* r«re w hfn a handler gels ittpu, df.^pltp hi* know ledw ‘h» t stream ii Iximu .,wniu him on payday for m |,non c

‘•eiy imp he rccelvcs. Dr. Chaloem „ ,iirannntia, d irector of Uie InsUtUte,'Id the high Incidence o t "sccl- biles dropped 'several years }»<•

bWfllMr ol t« o fa c w n ; i^ illt lM 1le liiMituie beg tn making Uie *1’®^''*'’" anrilfrs p.iy for tnU -venom serum h r iiih e bite d idn 't look accidenUl.■ut llic biegr.M. d e te r re n t-w a t- lh f t------------=e"ih o t.jin c^h.\ndlfr who^ ^o u g h l ____

ue. lie hadn't.•l-n rin tw Imking'coU rgSTbanded

raiLv n iw p ll'i v iper* 'and dbW lra ~Tl>e In Mutas. aM dMdly poLionous. nouneenT lir xnake 'l ,trm got s ta rted In

025 becnuip many T hai farm ers » n d oul ■ orkliie In their-fields were plcklng rrLatlve.?., ip jqulrmhiK cobras Instead of T lie or ipriU nnd d e iillw ran high. mew.T|ie 1Dr. Chnlorm anys 15.000 died o t Of names

nake blic.'t In 1S53-53 and blames length. R' ear_anil^ld-mi-ci-.Lalrs fnr hlnder-„.Uin.Hul»

k Act Quickly | E SALE ENDS ' ^ - i-M ONDAYJ____

1 1 ^ION! ^TORS M

- U E Y .

J / . H b

I ' V o n . \

: i t e d /iffg s— - t — :— ;--------------------

r ccRY \ ^T E S - V>N I 4 0( t a U a - j ^

m m m y Rtg-y S 2

^ r t s con estim ote , engineer

loan .th e tools free. PHONE 2860..


HAkT i-F IE C S 'Z N S p tB L B '

Icel tub . l» z »


irm'Offci-s_Sisiatic Nation jIrtual eliMi'nutioii o! »i\.iKe intrA " Irc.iulUne dc.i;l-..v Jaloem emplinsire.^ a 5ii;ike ' — cobr.t (0 the ki'.il:. u ;ll ...

to ovei'puncr ils pn'j 'f iT; ntlTir hen 11 b unduly lMi;Utriir.l ii:,v - ^ 9 ling: Doti'l »:<> p;idtUti>: A | j |.'f bvmh unlr.v you've no;

fvcslKhl. c .n n n i;y . fit, he .'aid. Mi.ikr.' »iU it.'ii.illv cr awiiy when ihey hf;ii- n no\'p. inloem ».ild fi'.'r aiunhi-: e of d r.uh. A fter a victim ki' i.'- Vn. liP I.' u.'u.illv ,'o nl;ii'mpd "pciids unnrcr.y.iri- looUlii: ' , ' 'iB-ttQUud-liL 'tr.ul 0( li'Okim: In:- __ j_____[«pllal. The (lodor tli.nM Uie vennm r iite ri ilip bliKni »m im mediately—n our In ,i ion chalice—iiiiv pobonnu.'* jn.iVr can be liuiiiute'.^ big tJimiwlKii L« In- '

tlie Thnl people knna U'.\i llUe.t In trea t blie.i nre avnlbble I—roxlmntfly . 0( 11?ople were imtpn laiiBkok b s l year bu t no drath^ cTTTTT ’ • . l u l ' u "

-gecvicc-Stahs-ENEVA,.8 «lW:crlniid. Nov, M np lie In lcrnatlo iin f Red Cifvvs n'n- ( • ‘ jTr need today Innugurntlnn of a ,0 service to help peraons nbrond TALAr 1 oul w hnt h n < hnpppiicd to loeen ere tlv e .^ jn jlu n g n ry . . . .— . ihppc r l he o rgnnim ion saU! 1I5 "fnmlly nficr abt jwRO scrvlce" will broiulcaM ll,<ts Pnclflc o lames on the H .«l m r tr r w a ir. T he li ;lh. Replies will be miidc (hrnugh nnd s'nnii Hungarlnii Red Cross, tt mid. Th^cj-ev


^ 1 6 5R tg . S e ll, f o r p O M P L E T I V

S 2 1 7 . 0 0 FITTING S

i p lan y o u r N E W b o th ro o m f o r you , th e to m e .b a s y M y m e n t Hlon o r show I.

-P H II lil

- 3 . P C . C A S T m m- w a a i u T B S L o w u T - n u c x :

ie t 'ln e lu d e * big S-foot c a s t 'ln tub—n t* white ehlna lavatory, and v l t m eloM-ooupUd toilet, .lU g a la r 17011 .

E i s e n l i i



-orlng (hn grea teit Republican presidential I 457 electoral volet. Ste»en»nn wnn te ten ^.Iw iiliim ei m r ep tJim e-tn-U nrSnuih wher ilurky and Went Virginia, all In the Steven > ^TI..fiurL n h lrh «tlBnnfl>ri t^Uenlinwrr ll

^ r e w m e i r S a v e d - jlb h ln g boiLARA. Peru. Nov. .14 (IR-Thlr- , crewnicn of the Amerlcnn tuna icr llon ie i Iw re arrived here ' abaiuloulng Uieir ship in the flc off the Peru.EcUador border. Largest le Hortiet. c/iushi lire Su»dAy bills la bi t'nnk near Snnla Elena b land, sum ption crewmen took to lifeboats and person.

r a

Four lus(

I r I ^


I W JT H V I I PN G S V ^you,. FREE o f V >A' f lsw ry o trh m v ;------------------

■ ■ ■ 5 A V E _ H |


; t l r * 1 0 - i C f c «T“ 13 V -i > | ^ r - - : - _ _ 6 E E h L ! :

p a r k f r e e -

■ ft----------------

iliower SVveeps

aanEwsiaAirn tla l victory In hIMnry, President Elsent rren sla tea, two 1cm (han he eap turtd In where th e ehlef'Tkeeullv* Kored Impretsl tevensnn enliimn In lfl52. Stevenson rexen <rrr In ‘S?. Stevfn«nn wnn 74 electoral vnt<

jc*eued- b y-AUQUier."Amrrlr fln lg boat, the Svablivpa. They I ' I f 1 1 were transferred 10 a Ihlrd I n i l '

Iran vr.vel. the Agre.wes. I l » l i \ broughi theme here yesterday. I

'gesi single Item on U. S. food I Ja beef, iivcrase aiuiunl cim-tion being over 60 pounds p e r --------------IV____________________________ RE A P TI

scius Coio

W r ' > K t ' l ~ r E l x 11^*A.DELCXK SET,AT N E W l^ W RU

xtter-cask-lron-bath •et-w lU >-chriw »-Ci [t a t .- lh i price-you p a r for regular, ,T . t ^ o o t e a t t I r o n tub. dtM -ooupledv.- . m odem china b u m . B cgalat W M } - . • .1/J tL 9.00 P.M. FRID

- 4 0 3 W « rt M ain . ^ P

— — p a g e -k i m b - « M

| i' 11'

■■ | | | :

■ ; | j

gggi II:ls«nhower captured 41 a U ta t |V; 5 d in 10S2. Biggest ta rpris* o( V.'Uiresiire.T lc torltaJnX eelslana,___ iLJLCTtrwd the trend 1q otily OM .' {il 1 vntes. (NEA)___________________Ifl!

i G T O f f i t lWARBERG'S I

PHONE 246B i |


Borsi ■ ■ II

-■ J

ia S A V E - g i n o Q - ---------

i . . P h e n « a 8 W ’~ ' ^ P

Page 10: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

. r r ~ ^

I Cdmttiercial Sl |4 ^ ^ R o u g l i Til

-1 B H O 'W H 8V lLtr,'T ex„ Not. M W» U '—ttV K in l tT in iX e - mucn-Tnonty ~ u 'A CBmmeroiAl ahrim p ttiherm an

Uiese d M » - th e th rlm n are eelU ni . .« « « « . TTJla 11 w h r r o w l n j u n ilo n

ijew ecn ihe UtUled s u iu a and Mexico haa led to ahooUng on U u

j hJgU aeaa. • ^• ' Salty traw ler captalna on Uib

doclta o f Brownavllle and nearby ^ P o r i la a b e l.-T e x . J f lU .k y you of

fT Iexico Says I : Rifle Fire Is

Sea Accidenti TAM PICO. Mexico, Nov. 14 ni»-

T h e wounded captain of a U. 8. L ahrlm p traw ler, nhol In the oacK ' '^ 'henM exleanaM lM d hla boa t Mon> y day n igh t, Illes home to Tcx»* today. f M /r l r .n ■■■thnrm ci ta ld th« ahOOt-

I n r « '# j "an aecJdent"_i-------^xom JW U aon.caDU ln.oU liBJhrlm p.{ boa t fcK ad o r. leave* for hla home 1 B row uvllle . Tex., aboard a prl<

' ; » a te plane, accompanied by hU wUe

ri I Wltaon 'auffered -* bu lle t wound ; l In Ui« back In Ihc U t « t and most

acrJoua o l * loag u r l u o l Jncldenu !: In Uio Q ulf of Mexico "ahrlmp war."

pie Waa n u h e d to a hojiplUil here ■ w hfra doctora «nld hU

|«rounil waa "aerious."

T j i n e p . jM ‘‘l£«Kore?D"^Tex.. who»e f! jdU lrtct Jncludea BronTuvJlle, aaJd h Ji» wouM dcffl«nd acUon by U. s . U i ta to departm ent.A "T hla calla for aomeUilni atron jer

' 4han th e ordinary exchanie of notaa betw een tho two BOvemnsenU." he

r- . • «ald. “Mexico muat be made loT ------->infler*Und u ia t-w rw iu n o t toleraU

l«ny moro auch incldenta"" i s im ila r aencimcnta wer* voiced y flaat n igh t a t a m a u meeUng of i lahrlnip flahermen la Brownavllle,

fThey threatened to arm Uielr boauI !jf Uie U. s . coait gunrd rcfuaqd loII » -give tho lr boata protection. .

’ Mexicana A nn- i i ' fl«h>rm>n. rtffW mlnfd to

chaae Amertcan "plratea'* ou t elI w h at Utey aald.w ere Mexican Urrl* rt' to rla l w atera. arm ed <a boata with

rifles and pUtoU io tak« lha law ?• In to th e ir own handa Tueaday. f A a ho rt Ume later. Uio. Mexican

coaat*uard corvette 0 -28 apotted the Pescador. off Soto la M arina. IOC miles n o r lh of 'n m p lco and !M

L' m iles sou th of Browravllle.T h e M exican crew contended the

T exas b o a t wai Inalde Mexico's nine* mile te rrito ria l lim it and opene<l fire. Wlteon waa felled by ona ef

•; . ‘ 8 b e l n t* d“I t was a n aceldem ," Vlca Adm.

<:< Cuauhtem oc P e n Zavala of Uii M exican navy, aald l u t nlghU Hi

;i sa id Uie coaat r*» rd crew waa flrln i - 4 - w arning ahoU into Uia . a ir wlUi I

M auaer rifle .when " k movement ol V.I ' th e aea" caused th e capU Jn ta b * h ll ■A T h e M exican c u tter forced Uw

P ttc a d o r to Tam pico a t funpolnl v4 and tta ahrlm p catch waa sa lted b: j M exican a ttth ^ U aa . T h a craw wfc i n o t held. . '^ DelaUa AwtlUfl4 T h e V . s . sU U dopartm ent aald li ■A 'W ashington I t waa jkwalUng fu ll da H ta lta o f th* lB{ild*ak befor* tak ln (S a n y acUon.n ' i n B row nniu* . t a a tto m e r fo ft th e T exas eh rlm p Piaherm en’a aew)II claU on aald h a w u ofllclally In n fo rm ed U ial th a ' Mexican govern fc] m e n l wlU pay W ilson's hoaplu ^ cxpenaea and fo r dam age to Ui

H H e sa id h e also. Underatood thi r M exico w u drafU nc a formi

.til apology. ___________ .

— A l^ lio lio link- Z-3Fo£rimesNoM j Stressed AnevI NEW YORK. NOV. 14 .(».TAleoh

la th e horrible handm nlden^f criir I T lia t is th e con/e««d word of tJ

...... m e n you find in prison*., accordli' to a spiritual worker who has bci

1 Interview ing Inm ates for more thi M years.

"Thousnnds of men have aald m o; •• -I’m here bccauw of alcohol, Oeorge n . Andrewa. an ad ju tan t

i th o Volunteers o l America, said ; a n Interview. "And w ardens will V ' you it 's a standard Uilng to find th

J* |bo to 8S per cent o t convicts * ■■'a ■ ' ■ th e re due to alcohol.

I " m e Impulsion to crime wh Jdrlnklng b disclosed over and o |ln our work of spiritual counsellnt

— X -------aa»4o-U>e-oata-of-*-priiooer I .fallfwUh recently.'

. ' H e sa id: " t don 't iKlons here Iprleon:' I ’m a tn ick driver and m*

‘ I ' >a good living: One day- anoU___ _____■dr iw r and T oarlceu a t a tavern a

n ^ g o t to d rlnung . And suddenly' t>*'cre telling each oUier how easy y o u ld be to go over luid hold up iaen'lcc stAtlon across the way.'" i- Andrews and hU wife, .both «

— - t ------ U utanta In the national religious i... {I iclal welfare orgonltaUon, and be . 'li 'prdalned ministers, spend el|

___m o n th s c ac h ^y e ar^a ^a ^^ an ^ ^Ii

. J ^ * ^ r l8 o n c r » w lU i. the ir p e w i

I MinorDamagels I ; Caused in Crasa • M inor damages were reportedi] iTwln r a i l s police Tuesday In an :3 c lden l between a lOSO Dodge drl<jl by Owen R. Kinney, route 3 . 1><t| t=Sills, and a ISM Ford drivenIj ■ B e tty G ran t, Eden.

'Ij a t-S ilS p ^ . in the iOO block of 61:i Avenue east. T hey 'esU m ated da

a«o to Uie Dodge a t »1M. Damage,1} th o Pord w as estlm ated^at M3.[I Pollco reported th e G ra n t e a r '

■; .pu lling away from the curb wl■{j n collided wlUi th e car driven J ] K i n n e y .

f - I. FORGOT LENS;tl .. r SOMERVILLE, N . J , No*. 14 H

„ . i \ . . T h e Uilef who atole * $800, mat :j[ . lu rg lcal m lcnscope from th* Ra '&! (orpom U on of. A merica p la n t n ;n ' nere forgot to take th e spe<

_ J i f l— j B n a M J i ? c d e 4 j » j i ^ i U a s j d ^ t a ld to d a y . .

■ ■■.....

Shrim p Fisherm Kme, T roubles W14 nn the good old daya when a m an could 1: oney make SIJ.OOO a-y*ar **U ln*.outlnto I rman the n o rth e rn GuU of Mexico and tu r n coming back with, boatloads of fresh | osJon brown shrim p. ' ' ■;

and M organ City. U . . was the m ajor a I U u base of operaUons then. B ui LoulsU t

ana sh rim p gol am ill and scarce, | the and fisherm en m ltra ted here, a u r t - <

s*rby ing about 13 year* ago. T hera a re i IU of BiKiut BO iMaU b u e d a l Brownavllle I

and P o ri Isabel, averaging 60 Ie«l '

i 0BiM on-;od*y. -hoot« _________________________

home ■ ■"I p rl.

most •IdenU

3 — M - C K I3 — m t w

JSld'U .a .!

onger H notes ----------- ^ H ------9 l ile raU ------•;------------------------------------- -------

voiced ng of lavllle,

."s, Reg. to

i " ^ 1 8 ' . 9 5 -y.:xlcan ed Uie I . 100 d 150/

___ ______ f l l ± l e a y y _ W e i g b

A dm • W o r s t e d s - G i

' f i l i • S i z e s 2 9 t o 4 2r lth a ............. ....................................

M E m S T yipolnt.w d by ■ — ■


S .Cotton iid U u l . ,formal # L o r g e S e l e c t i o n

D i s t i n c t i v e P o t t ^

a l C - ____ • S I z p s 1 Q 1 4 t o I j;

bw:iew | Reg.- 75c ' fiS.l end 1.00 pair

of mewording ...., a* beenire jh an ! ___^______________ __________ _

ii"J5PECwill leU ^Ind th a i ’

. - ■ ■ ■ i a iind over, isellng— ,X Jaiicttt. — »

here Iri! . , " § \ndm adei another!

I'crn and

t easy It>ld up a ' / \

I / A pV►oth a d '{lous 10- ........ . \ •.nd boUi \ ■

eight \and led* \a » .^ h e lp - ---------— N .- — —personal



-eeeurrtd —4 — --;___


tb w hrnj

o’ metal-R a d b , . .

m l near

m e n N ote , W ith M exicans I

Buld in lengUi and .carrying a crew of|»hiIn to .seven^m en.___ anand Beveral y e a n ago Uie s li r lm p e rs rp reah lU rted h»vlng> trouble with Mcxlco. tei

T he SltuaUon hu -beeom «-p rog ru* _ ; a jo r alvely worse. euimUiaUng in Monday Te ulsU n ight's chase In which a M exlcanlth: irce, gunner shot a n d aerlously wounded th< a r t - CapU Tom. W ilson.. Brownsville, gu

a re aklpper of the Pescador, a fte r a on ivUle three-hour c h u e In Uia guU. :fe«l 'S ro w n n llle --ca p u ln s - and b o a ljin

4 S b 0 R EL A C ja

1 f trst Quality!s i g h t W o o l P a b r i c s __________

■“ G a b a r d i n e s a n d F a n c y P a l

D 4 2



ARGYLES■ io n o f E x c i t i n g C o l o r s a n d t

P a t t e r n s

£oa_____ ___ ■- ■ ■ -

p a i r


_ _ _ M a n y C o lo r sRegular 3.9*


- J C I M E S r N E W S , T W I N 7

S I ow ners a ra dem anding more p ro u c- 2.i - n 'ro m Uie U, S . e o u i guard. At * » « A m ass m e e lin i la s t n igh t they pro- « '* ' ccsub th e Sh00tu\| Incident and (rom th rea tened to a rm Utelr boats. >■ - .A t.T am p le a .-M ix ieo . more lhan ioni<

jlO O mllea souUi of here . Mexican this 0‘ sh rim pers m a d e jh e - s a m e threa ts cro.v

I and accused U. 6 . u iw le ra—«( !ra|* 'p lracy"—ih a l'ls . fishing In Mexlcsn the co.l territo ria l-w aters . . u>{-W ish ing . Is a gamble, a l.b est. tor la ay T e x u shrim pers . Beside* Uie f*« w B a n i th a t th e re a re n 't u m any shitm p a.i Shrt led the re used to > e In ihe northern atioi lie, gulf, th e dispute wlUi Mexico hlngea stop

a on Uiese factors: Tan1. T h e best, place fo r ih rlm p I* C<

>al) in aliailow w ater n ta r th e shore. beet

g A g g .

r = §e s s = H

S z z z l .8 8 ■

' P a t t e r n s

F L O O R ^

■ ---------------- r r — r — T -

PURCH/\SUAL FLAS K l H S ^ S H q E ^)rs a n d S lze^.99 and 4.99 Val


r / t E E T F L O O R j

N F A L I ) S , . I D A H 0

2. Mexico claim s lu territo ria l capi water* extend nine n a u U e a l miles, eiUi fqutvaltnt to nearly 19 U nd mllea, m et

I from Uie c o u t. • • MmS. American capU ln# ad m it Uiey u » j

I jometlm es'drop th e ir big 'n e u n e a r a 1 this Ilmli, bu t' « y they have never Tex S crojuied Uie Imaginary ;llne. T hey trai ( *sld-Uie lim it ahould be th ree miles, hon 1 Uie generally- recognised In tem a- c

Uanat territoria l lim it. boar la the past four m onths, according w il I lo Bascom Cox, Javyer to r th e T e z u got s Slirlrop Fisherm en's assoclaUon,'i about 40 traw ler c ap u ln s have been m n » sioppeil by M exican gunboats h e a r one

Tampico. Th(il Cox fald th e sam e procedure h u boa

bfen followed In each Incident. T h e If :


a p ^ i


ASE! iATS--------



c ap ta in s have been forced lo aign 8K X eiUjcr blank piece* of pap er o r a U te - 8 . m en ts admllUng they were inside fi M exican terrlterla] w aters. O ften 8 U wlr cawho? have been confiscated, g

A s ahrlm p tiave m igrated ftouth, 8 T exas skipper* have been forced to g trave l furUier in d fu rth e r from O hom e to get Uiem. 8

Cmpt. A lbertO aby,.wh03C .*hrim p f i_ . tw a i w u In the same vicinity u & W ilson's a t the time of Uje ahooUng, g go t home last n leh t aod asJd; 5

" I w u aure glad to get ou t o f th a t ( mes*. They'U never ge t m e u> sign I one of Uiose blank pieces o f p a p e r . I T hose gunboat crewmen have never ^ boarded my boat and they never wUl ^ If X can help I t / ' . .. ____



m mValues to . R

1 4 : 9 5 f

sale'In Tweeds, Flai Worsteds and F

S I Z E S 1 0 '

. a . ■

^ IV I

S P O R T S )


: ; ^ R E T (• Made of the Fine

Hellonca Stretch

• Washes Easily -

.*i S tretches to Fit /

Reg. 69c pa i r ..

H O S I E R Y ~ ~ S T l

W E D N E S D A T ,

I F O R H O M E D E t


UNITED OILI V Kimberly Road,

' R 1 ^D T P ^ S - N E W

5 1 S ^ iDAY ONLY!

I b H h

7 ^lannels, Gabs,J Plain Fabrics

1 0 T 0 2 0


------- TOO


CARDII n a L a r g e S e l e c t i

S I Z E S 3

| “ Reg. 7.9ff " ® — a n d S M ------—

T SW E A R -F A SH IO N .F L O i


rCH^NKinest . . . ___dr\ Y arns '

— Dries Quickly

t Any Foot

3 rPai r


^A T , N O V E M B E R i t , u j , '

> E L I V E R Y O N H

3ILS t a l•IE 957 \IL CO., Inc. 1ad . T w in Folti *

2 2 S 9 e ° 5 2 2 5 S 5 5 ^ ^ x x s x s s J E W S W A K T ADS

»K IAl1I



i I


^ L EroO% : H i:Bu1k - r -

> R L O N ^

IIGANSi c t i o n o f F o i l C o l o r s ,

S 3 6 t o 4 4 ' !

5 .« LW O R r

A y ^ y : . :




Page 11: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

ir tiD K E S D A Y . N O V E M B E R U .

Heal Is Noted^As_Sbield fo r t F ^ o i i t ’s lh i s t I

tM**,‘ “^ » . r S ^ o u l a be m et by H ih« home < lm bum tng In H

f . , 7 not by flMlnc to th e H

nhvitcun. J3r. H rnnan A. I

’“^ S f S « o S ^ t o m l e debru . I

f e h r . f i . r 'r f IjS L n 'iH ( M 'iS lh S 'S S v W c u l l , I

ih . f»fiou Prtblem ><hlle uslne hla I t^ gather pollen » m p lM ^ n I

5mdi al -cimStTKey ~j

»'“ S? L 2n i & -wllh . vUlble p h o r . 3 nti«ut/c*J powdef which ha* *ome IK f f i ^ w r l s t l c s o f . t o m l c d u a t . I

• t V S i S S “^ ' ” “ ' ” '>- Ime 10 the wmc conclmJon. I

ExperHnented ' Isullcnbener **Jd he had p l a ^ I

'S-r«yT)l»«s oo the «oor Bnd heat«d - I the il r above them w llh Infrared I When he sprinkled « d o«e- I Uvt_dUJt over tW», he IM lntd »usp*ndcdrvm en-the-U m * - Iw e turned otf. the r ,d lo « c t \v e d ^ •

.dropped and mftfked th« X -ra y _

• piM t ‘peaker before th e C Boulhero Flylnf Physlclnna orRnn- C liatJoa *hlch U meeUnz In een junc- u m ” tb the SMA. M id l« e a ir ' abore clUei normally U lUghlly *«m er than tha t ot the su iround-

’in* coimlo-aWe. W hile't*l*-nrrorda -lome natural prottoUon, h e »4ld. i ^ c>air temperature ahould be fftlaed foi ftom one W «ve deBre«5 for best no rraulis-

Thlj could be accomplished by In . 1 crrued ute of home h eat producers, ed funueea, stoves and flrcplnces. he ol uid. Fires rtnslne lhe ou tsklrls of ii ml tlir abo could help provide a aheU be terinf umbrella o( ho i a ir. he eald. lili

mrmer*. Helse.sald, m ight u w ^oi taudse pols to protect the ir hom e-

H ead l'n o m lflllo a fjtn tn n rth ej-p ro - -Le to t their crop* from unieoionftble b i frtstsi nl:

— en

Committee Seeks . S News Leak Block f

WA8HINGTON, Nov. 1« » - A n he liTfwry commIl(<e appolnt«d b rU ie PentaEon to atudy ■'leaks” proposed m ttrday th a t reporters be hnled w ere srand Juries when th e mlH- tuT cannot discover the ir sources M tecurlly information. qi

But Secrelary of Defense C hnrles oi Z.VciUon, In a letter to th s com m it- P‘ tn. laid he vould hnve "serious rw -

I ^ B p a U o n s '' about that. InThe five-man commlltee Is he ad - *‘-

M 6y Chnrles A. coolldcc. a fo r- *" mer aMlsUinl defense secretary. Other members are high rank ing ^ rtUffd officers ot the arm ed forces. r=

Day ObservedniCHPTCLD. Nov. U - Veterftwi

day was observed wllh a p rocm m ^ the lifBh Khool Monday morn -

Amerlcan Lesion post. ..............Thoma.1 Vauihn. commander, «,’na

o i^ u nca r-and -aave -the_pclm Jpal wik. Melvin Pope explained th e nsme ehanse from Armlstic# day to Vettrana day.

Curtl.1 Parke, chnpldln. cave tlie Invocation and benedlcUon. T . R . Brisss led Uie flag oalute. pa trio tic wnsx *ere *unj hy the high school chonu.

Drivers Cited, 1^ O IS E . Nov. H w - s u t « police |h e d :oi traflle violation tlckotj.l JiifluUlnK 27 mnde passible by rad a r de<«.lon l« i .e .k ’ .c S rd ln V S o a j

Hie repori aUo )isi«d 31 drivers’



'^rD R EiFoil and w in te r ,i ty lc ime u d in j w ool,' , | | | „ .ond JO H o n ,. S p .c l . l l ,

: 1 4 . 1 9 5 6 ‘

~ ~ He Vote


id:d '

l - H H H I D H !ly ■

1- Searches End F i; ' For Lost Men ;■»1- • J. I1. — U:W ISTON,-N0V.-l<-HV-OfflclaU -Sn,e closed the book today on searches for | su ^ lo u r hunters who disappeared In i t norUicentrfll Idabo b u l wera' la te r

found. «n1. noyT hom pM n. 11, Lewiston, tu rn - — - ~s. ed up near hl< hunU nc camp n o r lh te q l Borlll, where he had >een reported ll missing ovemlnht. He said h e h a d H U been "confused" nnd wna working I. h is way oul. of the wood* w hen RC found.e- Iinlpb Hnrvey. a member of th e0 - -L cw l3{on-«liy-councll_A ndi.S ,_C . lie Brinks, a retired farmer, spen t th e

n igh t In the woods nenr W alut. They snid they bad gone up the w rong trail while bringing a deer., to th e ir

, Jeep.

k Robert Gormnney. Lewiston O r­chards, wnlked ou t of the wood* n e a r Lenor© while » search pa rty was being formed. H e had been mUolng

^ only a few hours._________

^ VEHICLES CRASHe s JEROME, Nov. 14—P rank D ih l-

qulsl, Jerome, driving a ieS4 P lym - ea outh. collided wllh a ISM Dodg« u pickup driven by Floyd Sandera, a . Jerom e. Monday afternoon a t the

Intersection of Dlrch and W est D rt sUecU. Sandera wns cited for driv­e l Ing on a n expired driver’s llc e n sB ^

■Jf: nEA D nM E a-N E W B W ANT ADS. ca. rp . - a . ~ ' ll


5 ^ U M - S E Sb FOR

All shifts; full o r p a r t tim e. O ffice or hospitol

jo i duty.

TWINFALLS- .J CLINIC ff>l«M • «.>«lar! OR ^

'i Twin Falls S Clinic Hospital .’a* . . .


i : s s E S " i

i V a ■' / 4 OFF


. \z^ o g u e

^ ____ :________

■'* “ r T

oted—The Hard Wr

■ . - J

r Top Secret hJuDAYTON, 0-. Nov. U (iB — " J E"

L "W hnt Ume doe* the n e « busleave?'* .*■ w oman asked OUs W H

|.a m i! th tr -b u s - su tlo a ..o w D e r^ in I ____r I suburban Fnlrtwm . In "Where to. mn'am ?” h e asked, Ir "None o t your buslneu,” she I

__________I p.3 HEAD TIM E3-NEW 8 .W A N T .A D s J ^ *



B efo re Y o u T r y T h o N ew L A U N D R O M A T A T 01

W«.wm tnslall a n e v W estlngh your home to r a one-week de COST TO YOU so th a t you m


I LAUNDROMATS"I PRICED AS 1 B J.O W A S ..................... .................. I

I -DRYERSI PRICED A S --------- — _ j _ _ -J LOW A S ................. .......................

I NOTHINGI _ 2 j r f A R M


U l Ma la East


T I M E S - N E W S ; - T W I N F A

Wav' ' Sei


tlv d

r i i I. Pk-arc

ilud; n. n p u u th islati :uagi

th t ■nu lleta •. ml ira 1

MAN IS riN CD AJEROME. Nov. 1*-Char1ei Camp-1 ^

bell, Eden, was fined IM and cosU In probate court Sunday en » chargo of being drunk on a public highway. . .

I P rA N O TU N IN G -------1 ---------I CaU or W rlU II “BILL” LOGAN I |I PHONB 2303. TWIN PALL8 I K | ^ 4 M 6 t l ^ v e n u ^ i o r » ^ ^ J J l

HT- HI Y !jtomatic 5HER ‘N ew W E S T IN G H O U S E ” ! ~ ^T O U R EX PEN SE i •

stlnghouae Laundrom at In tek dem onstiatlon a t NO you may

£EQRE_ _

J 6 9 .9 5 f

^ 1 3 W iG DOWN I ' TO PAY! j J

Electric j., __ ____________. ' • • • ir

BURLEY “m a OTCftopd J , I

F A L L S . I D A H O '

e ie n tis ts E ndea Zdhe of F o u rth ]O S ANOEUia, Nov. f i •> . " a .luiiuB t tn o f UCLA sclem m .1 1i;ia psn- th r ir thi ed bullrtlnc an rlrciioni.- Tiiiip Uj* Jiopr o l fjjiijljii: i!i<- uii<- I"' ilip

rtlv dlnirnsloti t in t m,iy nil !>rhirsl u n d man, ' *-i% r w n i)r. Robert T.vhiii;!. * pli'M,iii>. n pvunn I a l Ih r iinivci.Miy'.i lurduMi nmV.i b; lOol. b fllfv rs ihiil iii;iii, Ii.tiuIi- - lu tl >ped by a Itmili'd nbilitv in p f ;. rtf .7(in,<;!v ix- .«»warc of tlif m ie ?hnpc fl! ih in i:' u !’,;ch v {e hn.i advancril <1»* coucrpt oiilv ax Btudylns th f lUiiitntii>iw n! lv.> • nn

n ^ u ^ o h l l t ! rtum untir ih dlm'eaMonnl rou iri " ;iti(l ^Aslate.i tt'hnc l( fiml.i Clirir Into .i kgtiage he can imdrrMiMicl. ' •If th a l occurj«, .•.ay* Dr. ■I'M'iiirt:. imnble i rfnt* which neom iin»' l<i lir un- ililngn. fdletnble. nnrt th rrrfo re iM<nvi-til--- l>yrlti ie. m ight be forr^PMblr, niitl iin- rvolutlo lur* would »eem le.w m ynpniiiu " not beci o r. TK hlrgl and his nM.v:;.lp^, M»nnl ■ ■. R, D ekaan nnd Dr. U. S. T:i>loi ,;sfrv f* I r t been enRasi'd lu n thnnp ta -sl' , ’•MW i idy --of -dlmen-Monal pm crn iio n ilm llar,

O r i o t f i f g S a v i n g C a f c h o s f o S « U c f f o n o ( T o p Q u a l i f y i

W m

" / . l l j w d .


I 16-pc.Kei

------------& f«Ty-tiondsom «-pi»co.—^. I . <J. S. A , m a d e b y 9 fam o u s A c o l S e t in ­c ludes 4 e a c h : t e a ­sp o o n s, d e sse rt s p o o n s , m edium fo rks , ta b leJtnivej. Com es in g o o d .....

•looking g ift b o x . ..............—

Lodies' FELTT ops fo r comfort— L odies ' ribbc in ruby, oquo, royal o n d w ine. S

-R eg ^$ 1 ^9 r-S p ecv ^

L o d i e

~ i - o e e - P a n e H

A lovely royon Vz slip w ith on < terrific value o t th is p rice . S-M colors.

~Spec^ ~ . . . . . ----------

Child's FlonneA lively flonnelctte P.J- in .a 1 p rin ts ond colors to d e lig h t ony

Reg. 1.29, S p e c ....

— “ L o d i e

P a i r a n d a S p <

Beautiful-shcor firs t q u a lity 60 in cellophane w ith o spo re . You sp o rt ." Beigetone ofMy. S izes 8V

Reg. 1.29, S p e c ... . .

iavor Breakthroi I Dimension, SecUK Hie pa .i^ iea .-..A -report oti r ish i and r ih e o r le .rh M i t f u released, .w ill ic.iil imp U frfQuniily considered to "Hoaever. ilip fmjrtJ} (Ijjurji.tion. But Dr. terfn i e«) iiirsl propoaps ilir idpa th a t ttm r usually 'di vKntlntly a bioli' fac tor nnd pmduceA ivUimrlly relntrd in a "clock" In bul_ennbliV.I ------------------------------------------ 'Map from111 the world oiiuuiff of us.", he "Perliap V ’'motion ninv nc^iir In d lr« - lla» » arc i< f-iiiriot W and .ilwrtouji ,ch \vp mual thfrpfnri* Interpret him. We •• an a change in iim e." In iIiokp» ah llluau-mion cf u>ls porilble ‘■niina. Dr. T»chirei% olnta to a |*ntt I n o i

ml uorld In Milch It la Impo.'i- • '’.” ‘1^' '' p lo.conceive a third dimen.ilon. “ I11. he sucKrsts,-may be-foiially ible to perceive Uif true sliape of CfPH'f * ngu. airucuonihiring.Ihft-fpw -m iiiion year* ot ih roush . 'lutlDii on lht!i plniiet. m an haa y |^. been long oul of the iwo-dtnipn- HAQEf :inl world of ih» flatwomi. »b- j | ve* Dr. Tschlrgl. daughlennw iwonldes nre atilt ram irkably vancoiive Ular, niid .he Ireguenlly confiiten'len. and i

s f o r O n a a n d A U I N o w a t N«;i t y H o u s e w a r e s « . . . E v e r y C m

l l l jH

^ ^ 5 5 FLATWARE : ~ j

enilwortiiSet' ^ r

________ I J S

r SLIPPERS «ibbon trim m ed fe lt slippers' t . ,

h H o l f ^ i l > ^ J (on overlay of lovely lace. A P ur S-M-L. A huge selection o f Exti

n oo Slelefte P.J.S ..o beautifu l .asso rtm en t o f , Sup ony youngster. Sizes 4 .6 -8 . for

8 8 c :ies' - — I pare Nylons- I60 go. 15 d. nylons sealed W oi

■'flu o e t "two to w eor plus a o«o‘ i S V ^ t o l l .

: *1 . 0 t t | R e

^ p = ^ - = ^ = =

’OUgh Into L e g i o

econd S ight Bo“f*. ' son. comr

and left, as any drill sergeant LcKton of le.itlfy," Dr. T.ichlrgl snya pomiiupni ever, hla b rain hn.i l>Pcome dlt* Kl'H'i' 'ires '1 on Ihf two nlilpc. One tide I.t o t ilie oik lly 'dom inant, .which not only D o iie i itce* rlRhl or left UflniiiidneM T^uii rnnblea him to dli>ilnRUi.\ta one Driioit, |> from the other, polnipd irrlinpa all of man> frlrnlU lc cpinimiiei

are only three (tll>lrn^lonal uha nnmi ou* ol Uie real wojOjI »round cMimiur, We must In teip rr^M l mollon la.ii-.aado

lOKp dlrecUons we f.nunni per- G0(k1iiis.■ n.i Inexornble chancps m ilniP Ipv; nirni Invoke the god.i of ch.iiice nnd co'iiimiiip -i<>-piplnln-otip-percrj>iiire—In - —Tht~*p luacie.i, ironiiimrHit « e may yeutiire fwiijipr Into AHilrw fourth dlmcimlon ihnii nur per* tionnl cs Ive aen.ies will allow -hy con- idnho, cUnng a computer tn break u th the dlmetialonal linrrler." ^

v ia iT i7 f6 ”nA iiC inT i;tis w k n dAOERMAN. Nov. 14 - Mr. and by Reed , J, D. Ellis nre vUiltlng Uielr pioduced Shlera, Mr.i. M. H. Rockwell, lu 43tt pouii couver. Wash., and Mr.i. Verl Al- leal, the and family. In atelncoom, W anli.ltlan of /

N e w b e r r y ' s . B i g T a l k T u r k e y O n e S l a s h e d W a y D o w n I n P

_ m a tc


Colton Tohleclollis

Re'«)>«»• »1«». Colon,

WELCOME 'S o i l C o n s c ^ a t i o n

D elegates ~ _ .


>CX.rst q u a l i t y 6 4 /6 0 Nev th read drow n pillow coses 800 stam ped in 2 colors. Full ity <

_______$=— ___

Reg. 59rE ach Special

44-Men's S-t-r>e-t

A real volue in top qualify m en 's i colors. O ne s ire fits any foot.

Reg. 6 9 c 7 ^ e c .

Men' CushioiiPure w hite heovy w eight cotton S( Extro th ickness on th e foot. S ites 1

Reg. 3 pr. 1 .00 ^ S pecial ■■■.................... W

Boys' JESuper heovyweight I2J4-0Z. boys' for really rugged w ear. Heavy stil points o f stroin. Sizes 4*12.

Reg. L98, S p e c ... . . .

tddieV GCW oshoble, p ro tclco i fodfes' ^ovel^ beoutifu l ossortm ent of colors. N; S-M -L . .

Reg: i.oo t o 1.29, Spt

• • P A G E E L E V E N ^ i i f l

? i o n C o n u n i t t e e J " ^

o s t s A r e - i i s t e d j ™ISE. Nov. M-Rnwley AUln- —' H | H commatider.of Uie American. L II U ■11 of Idiilio, announces tho op -' IIH |] iiipnt of ilx Mngle Valley Le- ' ( 1 1 ' 'ire*. 10 imtional commltt«« [. V « orKontinDwi. ' >■ I I)‘t ie ln s Kramer, commander I. } I®

h'lilln piiftl No. 7. and K any {' iff ■It, iwlh Twin V’nlls. were-ap-— .;ed 10 llie dlHineulahed guest ■ i H Iiiilee. Jack P. namsey. F iler. I ’ I nnmrd lo the nntional housln i li iiiitcp; f'rcd Turner, KeCchrnn. .'i ’ ll md ordcr.commlliee; Ouy Coleoi— U j J lins. and Vnrnp Peterson, 0 * i ^ l '? 1 nirniberslilp nnd poat acUnUe* f t) I'l I'Ultee, ■ V3 1it~ *ppoln tm rnt.'t--v*rrm a< n«r W Snimrndation of AUlnson one S,1rw Jdfiira, Gofldtnff. Legion t u - t'.-’i (,\nl cxccutlve commlltecmaa-Xor - til! 1

“ ■ ---------------------------COW PRODUCES ................. f l :

'KNDELL, Nov. M -A cow owned I'*llrcd Taylor and aons. Wendell, !y.’ I'liicpd 13.5« pounds of milk and | i - vPouiul.1 of Ijiiuertnl In a 313-day ;c • j-. the llolsteln.PVitslan assocla- i !ot America reportjj. ■

I , ,~i ......................... 1 3 ___ i y

e y S a M A C e tn p f e f d I In P r ic e l H u rry I n i ;

Brush &Comb Set

■lolf round, ho lr b ru s h ..............:vith nylon bristle • o n d ...........I•notching comb, In V inyl 3og. L o lo r s ^ l r i lc ^ b lu e ” ' and ivory.

Reg. $1, Spec.

7 7 -J u m b o C r o c h e i -

THREADNewberry's own speclol 800-yd. boll of first q u a l­ity crochef threocT. W h ite.ppjy, —

R i^rS ?^ Spec. ^

44--t-c-h Sockn 's Helenca A ssorted

n Fool Sox)n SOX for work o rid ress. es 10-13.

^ > ' - 8 8 c "

EANS 1o y s 'ie o n s th o t a re b u ilt ’ stitchings and rivets at.-

OWI«S jjvely royon gowns In 6 ' t

Nylon loce,;trijift.:;SliM_ . ..

i p e c . 88c

Page 12: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

E = = ^S ^ A G B T W E ^ V E . : .

I ' S < ^ o o t3 B p » ^ -

I - j ; f w J P jc i lU ie-M - , — Bchaol.boM d member*_«f dJti«

■chooj dU trtct No. « I T u e td iy tlig . w ith o r iu d S m u t k. lU cU nd . i

; p e rinU ndon t’o t •cbooU.1 xw ceuarr ttc p t” to IUI a need i l i. — xU fffl.curU liu.K ad kddltlonkl >« ' In s for tb e ju n io r h ish achoQl'tui

:!r- torlum . > .ti_ ---------■nw-Mtbcrte»t lonc»m « . i tU r l t i■-r ~ lu w l- tu d .o u tU n « ( l ' tb e .n e e d Tor t u J in e re u e d iftclUUe* In th e audtlo r. lun . w hich U eu rrtn lly tw in r rtm c

----n?ro» rew ta i very well" on lhe b u l

I • I n f . .1 L — ' ' C irJ S w d . 'b o a rd chairm an . « 'i7 '■ Sw lnted' l a « « com m ltteei a t • l

m eetlnc. JPvU Cain a n d Robert !«. S tep h an were o a n e d to the aecu

U u coinznlUee, S r. D . A. jack i 7 « n d a e t t U WInMer. buJJdlnfi co {■ jn lttee . and W lnltler and C* : transporta lion committee.

In o th e r aeUon. th e board ■ H ' pw vea~lh e~ WUgBiUOfr »r H uU a

r; ------ sSfWdlfieapwlritCTcnt b r a: ■ dya o . B ord -aa a fUth grade tn a tr ,1- to r at:,'W aahlnEton achool and » ” d red W . AnJauf a i a lan iuage a

i In structor a l th e Junior h lsh tchi i' , B ord announced b<da for atudi

■*r------ locken-nrlH -be o jened-N ov^M ^! " i ftUo rem inded membera o t the a t : l l . te u a te u ’ meetin* In poc*tello Thu > -y day. F riday a n d S itu rday .' I Oaln wUl participa te In a pa

7 —!' O the r T w in P*lli boa rd memb *> planning to a ttend a ra W loU er i

u .Boyd. •

II Farm Units Are T ^PIaced~for-Sal: B 0I8® ; Nor. 14 W -T h e bureaui. reclam aUon today announced pli

' to teU 'lSO fa rm u n lti on Uie < i ' lum bla b u ln projcet, W aahlnston, 1 Teterana and other qualified a p i

eanU.> The unltA fo r aale Include’■ famlly-alM fa m u In- th e eoilth ( : ' lum bla baaln irr liiU o n dlalrlet not t ' o f Paaco and e lsn t part>Ume fa r it Columh'"Ii d istric t n o rtheast of Mosea U k e .

'v - " rlg a tlo n 'v a ta r for th e f a m s con >. ilrom G rand OouUe reeervolr./ •. AppUcanta fo r U>e family far a 'can fils applications wlUi Uie b u n

;of reclamaUon. rn h rn la . from N T- •;i» .D ec.-ai. T ho film s period to r I

j g ^ U m * l a m ^ r u n lta Is K o v .;

‘L S PrloriUea fo r purchase of I < :fanna will be deU nnlned by.a dra . .In s . Uie bureau sold. .

_ -------i------------ -BERVtCCS-llKLD---------i necoinlU on aen lcea for the Tyy ■ BapU st church , u s T y le r street.

■ • >be held "at 1 p ja ..'M onday a t ' J ‘church. Messensera from Conaen l u r e B apU st church of Idaho

> .im e et la council to - re c o m lc e ' church as w orthy;.of en terlns 1 Use fellowBhlp wlUx Uie Bap church c l Idaho; i

i N O W . . . i I READY T

! ' l," ™^ » . . X . c h o m p to n ih lii “ • r tro k o -E lg h U

: ' j I ' a f te r m ile . •

I ! ' 2 . S u re r Troctioi: j ! t i o n a lo n W - t

i < e t b e n w a i t o

• 3 . S a fe r C en rre lI I ' b rak e * a n d c

! ■ c o n tro l i n an ;

-= "^ 4 -------^--------- — 4 . fanriltr «*H-■'— 7 ------ i------ ----- ------tw o *aU s« rwi

I a n y lo a d , a n j

j S tu d e

' f T ~ T W Y C L l------3044th-A v«r

3 ' In v e s t

niB ht 9 ^ -------->nd. au* t0 .^ ia k e leed for

seat*Q i'audf- I t

tuLO as- for Uie

ludiuiri- :remod> work Is


i te r t w !! securl- Jackson ifs com*1 Cain.


b r a i i ^instruo* md MU* age artst\ school. . Dr. Alberto LIcraa a f Celembla, 1atudrnC son o t Atarway. r irh t. h a re

v-38.-He GeneraLD ai_IIaim nar«k}eld to Ilhe aU U LUraa wll] bead a troop t« InvioT hurs* (tr la n affairs, aad G undcnoa wl

will visit HBBfary. <AP wJraphot

S e R e s e u f r - T e a m - I s —

S ™ ^ . " R u s h e d T o T l i e iEDMONTON. AlU., Nov. 14 im-

Skl-eQUlpped rescue plane hesde< ^ for W ataon lake In the Yukon ler C o I A rtWrles to d ty to pick up a maroonnd U l 6 trB r itr fo rc fl-p iio K ---------------------ureau of The a ir force eald the pilot, who* ed plana name waa no t released, was seei Uie Co- from Uie a ir aoon a fte r he reporUi is ton , to trouble with hts Je t flghC«r pl«n< d appli* about noon ycflterdny.

. . . The pilot was on a tllBht tron ude 131 Alaska to a UnlU d StAUs base. W al HlUi Co* ton lake la 688 a lr.m lle s no rth olet norUi Edmonton.

The sUanded pilo t was reporlei • ^ 5 ^ to- btf-^ln-tood-condlU on_H e_K a

»P«ttcd by flylns o ttleer Ted H arrli IS come* va lk ln s aroum

1 farm s; burenu ______________________________om Nov.

Heart Diseaseo f Uie

•a d raw - ,

Stomach Trooble_he Tyler . . Can o S S n Be c o rrec le d 'b j reel.-will c e n l i e . accuraU OblropraeUo ' a l th e AdjustmentsI

Dr- A lma H ardinS “ » C B m O P M O T O B

B apU it ' » M.J” NortJ* ' «* “»■ « »

. A : T R U C K < A S I T O E A R N ITS I

, 1, ^^1 - '

m m n


> n th l p l t e n o m y . . ,T h r i f ty Sixea a n d ahoi |{ghU 'uvq~ gaa , sa v e w oar—m ile a ft« r mlo. •,

a c tio n ; : ; T w in^T m clion D ifroren tin r {n 1 H -to>u) kecpa y o u r tru c k on th e jo b w h a i t o u t lb* w ca lhe r.

in lre l . . . E aay ctoaa>link a tc« rin s . o \‘crsi m d op tiona l H ill H o ld e r give y o u positi n a n y s ituation .

R id a . . . L oad -ra ted fron t auapension m ■9 n » r springs give batSK ecd-cttshtooingrf1, a n y road .

l e b a k e r - P a (C O R P O R A T I O N

W S ^ T W I N ^ I.venu»-W ost,_Twin_Eall5_

sstigafdrli' " -

nbla, le tt. and Chlet JasUee O scar G rader-' bt«a aam ed b r V eliti NsUbb* SecreUry

1 to Inveslltata Uis U nacarian-a ltaaU om |0 Invesllratc Soviet In terference-Ib R an - •oa will head an s b ie m tta n group whleh raphotol

_ Top lure for hlkera Is Uie 2,0503---------m lle lU p p a tm U an -tra lL u h lfh ax-

{rom, Moun t K atahdln In l i e r M *lne tT T K O n r-O g le U io rp e - ln .

^ ;. ----------- ^ I

'*phm e 50® F^oofVODKA H f f i j f l

s Wli

s/SaiiMWar?— I _

i n O BN U IN K D RY VOOKArrediiei ol Q i X o Bo«^e CompoAlyo,'

, s u t Schanlav ta^VnnraiAe. Colll Mode I tnm O nin.' iOOfvol.

» R U G G E D AS I 5 K E E F S v

. 'r.< .

^ £ ju mJU t£h

! T H A N T H E l N E X T B E S T T R (J

d sh o r t- 5 « . H lgha r E fflc ieney . : .T h e rt« r m ile ------- ^ o b — 9 i2 c o m b in a t» o n s .- f r

O verd rive o p tio n a l on a ll.

w h iU ® - 3b While itru c U o n . W id « t d e a r floow heel wells! S o a ll floor.api

o \‘crsizopo sitiv e MEET THE NEW STUDEBAK

T h e y look r^igged, a n d they ion a n d th e ir k e e p — priced {oicer thiOingrfoc_______ v o u r D ra lo r a h^v^ you

* on y o u r h a u lin g jo b s , vfliy

E i c k a r . d1


. ; . T l M ^ i r e W S ; .

— Buhi einb-Plans^- - sn . Events for Aged; : i 4 BUHL, NOT. 1 4 -B u h i’s ootogener-~ I fans wtli be p ie s u of th e R oU ry e;ubf ' ' ! a l a p a rty Nov. » a t Uie lO O P hsil. 'K 3 Lee Hoag Is general ch aln n an for■ i th e pa rty . H s . l r being assisted by;■ 1 L eonard Probasco and Roy Hopkins.■ f Approximately 35 oc to jenerlans sref ■ i exepecteo a t the turkey dinner.■ j Shelby c onsU nt. program ehalr-B l m an . will present Tom Holmes, bol*V I Ue musician, who will be accomps*■ I nled by M ra.O ua A verett on the p l- '

Escape Injury 1. Two Ifr-year-old youths escaped,

: In ju ry Monday n lg n tw h e n the drlv-; c r lost conlrol o t a 1050 PlymouUi: a fte r atrUdng a hole In a county road

■ tw o-mlles eouthw ealof-H anaen-and th e c a r went In to 'a b o r m p it.

William 8. Neer. 16. H aM en. was!. driver of Use car and L arry Yosl.

Ximberiy. a p m ttn g ir . T he accident w as tnvesUsated by a ta ts police. D am age lo th s car was estim ated a t W -______________________________

■ i f u r n a c e s e J J i c b *J . O as, Coal and OH Pum aces. ♦ , Z o i l H eaters. *1 . PIIONE 3 U l o r ! » ♦ ♦t B U S C O W H A M <& S O N *

l a n . ; - FU R N A C E S E R Y I C E _ i h leh » ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

i _ a x - __in

LEWISTON24.30 p lus tax

MOSCOW.PULLMAN _ 25 .85 p lus tox

I t

Modem m i i i i i i i i i n i i m

i IT LO O K S-

wsrmHERB!t r u c k

T h e riR bt com bination for you r « . - f r l o n th rough 19;000 G W . — n a ll.

Ekcluaive doubtehwall boz .con- \T floor apace in a n y p ickup . N o >or.apac« tacloar.


d th e y are rugjied—b u ilt to earn t* r th a n com parab le truck* . L et )u th e m oney-iw ^ing d i f f ^ n c a rVVKV-tlnt-aftiirhim^Jw i.u l-

I p r td e o f W orkm ansh ipf i n t t ____ ________________ __________ ___

O T O R COT”_ ___ _Ehgne^D D 6 ___ :


M a g i c V d

J l" , ■ . ■ V a n E n g e l <

___j ____________ o n d w i n t e r

W a rm , W ondcrfu i


Regular and Sub-Teen Site* AmarlnR Value.i! . . . Newest Styllngsl . . . Fashion Newsy COatsI AlUWool Fabric.'* . . .

■Interlined tor W armth nnd Handsomely Det.-klledI

S ix es 3 to 6x' i 0 « 9 5 l 7 . 9 5

S iz « t 7 to 1 41 4 . 9 5 * 1 9 . 9 5

S u b T e e n s 8 to 1 4

— 1 — L C 1 2 . 9 p 9 . s i

G IR L S '

' A L P iNE COATSC ar-caa t Jensth.-Jn ati*wooI for*colder days.nhend. Nn\-y.

- and G ray. Convertible Hood. Toggle clo-Mng. A lot of vnlue.

. • 8 lw 6 to U.

~ 1 4 ^

j) Be sure to

^ SEErB/ a l l e y ' s A g r i c u l t u r a l P r o c e :

j e l e n s n e w _ p r r | v a l s t o f i l l y

t e r n e e d s . - t w o . G o o d S h o v

J Fall CoaC h o o s e f r o m , o u r t

^ p r i c e d a r r a y . S e e I

b o u c l e s , c a s h m e r e , f

----------- c h o o s e R o c l y ____________

^ f f i S r e s s -New arrivals In

n g Q f l l P r ~ th fll-cxprossthem !------ ond-votfi_complirr

y o u g o — Jersey ,t

m 1 0 * ’’

l | \ th e® b I \ ® o n l y - f o '

rli& ■ i -------- All wool pl

T ^ k e t s . ^ C o l brown, blu<

. 12 to 20 .

--------G EISH A ROBES. . FOR GIRLS. Colion P ro v in c ln l P r in l.3 to 6 x ......... .V ..4 .9 8

VELVETEEN JUMPI........... S leeve less - Scoop Neck -

' s to n e buckled top. Sizes 1 0 - 1 8 ^ - ...... ..................... ;......

SLA CKO RA M AF la n n e l P roportioned Slat an ti f ly f ro n t. W ashable a r e XO.-18....,....................... .

F resh flow ering DU!________ Efifkt-Ur^s ny lon qu ilting wI w o n d e rfu l AvasK'n wcftr'Wa

1 2 - 2 0 .................................. ..

r r ~ Ladies^SfriF^trO C O. . o f N Y L O N . In a Rood

^ co lo rs . T he p a ir ...... .............

M u sic a l PIANOS lin ia tu rc baby s ra n d pif

■ — p o lishcd -lnc ite -T \'ith~ flcck*c3t c f fc c t . P r ic e d a t ...............wsy

Ind N o v o 's PURSE-LITEU se fu l fo r th e a tre , movies, t i f u l ly packaged in tra iispa

g g in - lin cd g i f t box........ ...........

35 . J u m b o JEW EL BOXL e a f dcaiBn toolinp. Aut<

_ _ v e lv e t lined . H ere in a sel S i ------- fo u n -c o lo ra - . ............... ..... ......

R A IN SHEDDERS___ ___N o v e lty w oven rayon flaifool fnalcH m ^T fat, Idrge'fJolJ-pcJ''"•■y t a f f e t a lin ing . J u s t recelv 000.

- ; ^ D N E s r

a c e s s i n g F a i r - o n d

i l l y o u r p r e - h o l i d a y

h o w s ! ■

a t Buysi r t h r i l l i n g , b u d g e t -

• e t h e n e w t w e e d s - ^

i , f i n e w o o l e n s - B u t . ^

7 t o 7 4 * 8 «


in cxciting new fosh ions nc Kemsclvcs in v ib ron r sh ad es fat ipliments for you w herever _ { a j ;ey, fo ffe ta , b ru sh ed rayons, . h j


' ' “ 2 2 - ” ^____________________________________

e Suits J.clt,

for q u ic k c le a ra n c e ' '

IES' PLAID Z^CKCTSll p laid ]ac- - ^ 1 a b . Colbrs;. red. SLblus. S ires '

0. ,

^ y / J ed

i s t m ^ h o p p e i s - ^

~ - 81 i b n q u ilt, f i t t e d ro b es In

7 to 1 4 ................ 5 . 9 0

INFERS:k - a n d S h ea th cd i R hine- __! i i i . a r s 1 0 . 9 ^

Slack. Iv y L eag u e back m \ lable. S izes 3

DUSTERS Ilg w ith ro seb u d p r in t . . . 0 -r w a y « r s iz c . - ^ 9 p - ^

i e o v E S = = ^ = ^ = =[ood‘ran g e o f ^ 0 0 ^

_____ ■ ; ta

i p iano. M ade o f h igh ly - ■ tFl cckcd-al l ver— O ............ ...................... g

• InITE _vies, sp o tlig h t k eys. -Beau* isp a rc n t, s a t - 0 0

o x • . fA u to -lift e a r r in g t r a y . . . * a selection 2 ^

flanne) ra in c o a ts -with ftr p ^ k e t s , — U J J ----------2ccived l.........1______________________

I t N ^

E S D A Y . N O V E M B E n H ,

( mderellaT ^ h o l i d a y

f a s h i o n p a r t y

—J l’i at mucj>.fun a i a p a H y ^ ---------even fust looking a t the new '

—Q ndcrclla p a rty /ro c b f~ E xciiingnew ideiiyrfresh-----------------

new silhouettes, wontlccliil' fabrics. . . all mean to miiclij---------—fashion (unlC om e in a n d . ______• ha v ca p .irly ;sec o u r

holiday Cindercllas Jodayl Sizes 3 Jo Git. 7 l o l 4.


NORTH STAR_____________


These famous blankets nre msde _ .o t nelecl W00L1 . . dyed to erjutal.

clear colors. Individually boxed.

‘ J 4 . 9 5 . 1 9 . 9 5


Nylon and Rayon Blend. A resl value. £Uo 13x90.

5.90 "



P retiy as a pjcttire. Itfee-ller* ed nylon horse hair.


- £LANNEIETTE_______

------5K I-PA JA M A S ------81aa 34 to 40. Provincial sU . p*}nm»». K nit cu lt, a-aljt, iiKk - and ankleU.


TIM E T O STITCH■|0 fill th e ir Christm os wish

Lorely W in ter C o ttons ___

X hpose'tfo tri m a n y .F is h lo n * R U hl PrlnU • Plaids.- P l s l r ^

• In a ra lnbow 'of auperb shsdes.

8 9 c -1.49% Y A R D

F ash ion”-'Tdvored ‘W ools .LoU to choose from . . *

' F lannels - Jersoy»-Uie iLn«‘ ■w nde. |K>ft and smoblh ana u» lush u lo n i; *■—

2 .98-5 .90- w ---------- Y A R D .... ^ J

iLEN#- 4 ? .

Page 13: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

E x p e c t e d f o r j ,

^ i V e g r o R u l i i ^ K

m n «

S b s s i " " « r r ? ° - ™

^ O D ." ’. ' »ldtd.■ T — .ptsn A anouaew ............ , , tfL ^ f d iu e ly «»««■ luprem e

VM l« n d e d do»n P n SS den t C C -• O w « .o / *S f lu b im * public wn-lce c o m ^ " -ETs.M'ir-1^ ’TTRorld#. pfbBii■rt m in w!d the decision w Qrovi S . M l«*rin» on hU alal* 'un t 1 5 ^ t »ult IS brouBhl w l n s t our g[,j,n ? .« ind city ordlnftncM." , t <i

WKfoes of Montgomery. Ala-. »nd jj^j •m iS liw e, Fill-- »re boycoUlns „ tity bua lints uhUI ihcy wln_ the rttht to lit anywhere. In Mlnml. j j , ^^N clroes .rrcsied tor .I ttln g In J J f - irhiw *f«tlon» h»ve »ued for the . , ritht ta lit where they wtoh. by J

In MonlKomcry Negroes ^ n n n ed In »sk Uie U. S. dlstrlc l court todny

“ w >'^M on^omciy Im provem ent o f BliMOClallon. orgftnlMct iJiorUy a fte r mfiuittifboTColt-bcBan-lMtJDcc.-S._wa8 ntghtfnlolned yc.itertlBy ngBlnsl opcr- monttUiiC Uie ear pools. "nn

However, # m#8» m eetln f w m JulyMiied lonlght to end th e boycott mlno

^ ^ c » u i e of the supreme court dcel- chim'

Becommen* hUt M « rTtie H*v. MnrUn L uther K lnc, broftt

ptMident of the M IA 'nnd tender Uie cel the boj'colt movement, *nld h e -------»1U recommend the boycott be

. KUiB u ld a ll 'p e n io n i 'f l f "fiood T ll will Accrpt the deelsinn In foM fflWi nnri win Sffk tn comply Tim ths tlnal lav/ nf the Innd."

‘nicrt w>>9' no Immediate IndlcA- tlm wtixt action. If nny, c ity offl- (tiU would'Uko in vieiv of th e or* dff, Mnnt;omcr>- Police Commis- ■ iloner Clyde Sellers anld It mlRht I V te tomorrow before the commission ■ i l l a statement. ' I

[toy Wtllclai. executive aecrclnry I e(-U>eNftilonaI-AsMolaUoti-{or~the . 1 Mrincement cf Colored People. * nl(l he was 'hopeful th n t th e ma*)«ity of communities Uiroughout the’eouUi win fall In line" now th a t “the supreme court has apokea.”

36 AppointedBOISE. NOV. :« (Uv-Hawlcy Al-

Unon. Idahn LcRlon m nandcr. todny announced np- peinlment of 38 Leslonnnlres to na- luotl committees o t the Idaho rrsnlutlon.He u fd Che appointm ents were

made Uirough rtcommendnllona Iran lilmself nnd Andrey' James, roodlnc. Legion natlonnl executive rnmlltecmM for Idaho. ^

Program GivenWENDELL. Nov. iW -S lftn Lnn-

Wase" wa. the theme of the pro- iram given by Mnrllyn Brown a t Ihe Sundny evening meetlntf of Westminster Fellowship, Erm a Ruby fd de*Dtlon.vMiry Ann NraljrouBli reported on

he youth presbytery council meetlnB liiniiy Klieivoon « t the WendeU

l ld in .lfrnm> ftfl ..HnT 1fl T.tnrtu . Jmb reported the tennis c ou rt can mt be lacd as a akaUns rink.- She ill iry-ia locate a aulUblo place ‘ or a rink.

Discussion LedWENDELL, Nor. H - J lm Hyder

td tlie dlicuaion a t the M ethodist ouUi F«llott»lilp meeUnf Sunday

« n ln r Bt the church. • JoATOb a interjon presented Uie devoUona, C Plans were announced for » chill w er Irom S to 8 p jn . S a turday /

fie church. Gloria MarJow wUI ^ »fn clurge of the leason .nex t

U l ^ ^ d Jim « y dcr U ii devo-


H‘cn tjy John Robblna and Bud AU -n collided on the grade aouth of i n - ne river Ssturdny. Damage to each tnicif WA.< wUmated a t aioo. ^



T ht h io H n g a ll d « e U r w h » c ‘W sM alU a n ln r i t p a n d t n tb i m en p a iio n a l ly i n f t r t i r t d I eom lort, to f t t y a n d td tl if e c t >> p t td 9 « d to g lv* you d a p i •« rv lc i, ta \r h v $ in n i ,p r o t t i t |n8h»st quo lltv o f f l d u t u . .

^ 0 1 1 H eat lnsU tn le-(T w lB -r»Ilf

. . J

Woman and Child Son Naturalized Here -t

A 7 .year.old boy and a 62-year- A old womnn became ciclrena the United S l a t e a - a t - nnluralitniion Ivearlngs held. In Tn’ln PalLi dL«rlct'^ledlcal court Tucsdftj-. inre me

They were Donald Edwnrd Kn.^e-\el lack. w n of. Mr. and Mrs. Jack tionivl i lUnea Kaselack, Twin Fnlta. and least si Mm . Emma Oelsler. Jerome. ' Tlils

The boy wa^ born tn Franktort. doctor I G ermany. Mrs. Oclalef n a s bofn in cx iea 'li Porkaton. S. D„ but la ter mnrrlcd m u v .< Andreas G ebler, an alien from Rus- mankin »**■ The *t

The two new citizens wero pre- *et>l*d—wlUl— Amcrlf jn fliip< hv Hawley AtklnMn. Mate commander of the American Leclon. after then a tun illw tlon ceremonlM.— ------ -----------

Mnllory C, Walker represented the U. S. tmmltn^Unn wrvice n t th e ' hearings. Judge Hugh A. Baker pre- aided.

Probate of Will Sought in Courti

A petition to probata the wilt ofl W arren H. Sullivan, who died Seot.lT f. n)i>a. w ai n itd IH -W ilt -------

c o u rtr -T u rr ta y -b j—l= -V r -------Groves, Twin Falls. .

A frt SuJJJvan Ir/t xn cul/tlf een- slstlnit of personn! property valued a t tl.OOO.

Heirs include a sisicr. Mrs. Edward P. Andrews, E.i.itpfirt, Mc.._nnd_two’ brother*. John E. Sunivnn, Kemey.N J., and D aniel C. Sulllviin. Lubec,Me.• A hearlnir of the petition wn.i aet

by Judge Everet t Sweeley for 11

__ CkckJBooms ' _LGNDON. Nov. 14 (m -Tlte chimes

of Biff Ben boomed out from West- m liu tf r iw e r nt m idnlflit ImI n lch t for the flryt tlmt* in fourmonths. -------

T lie lamou.^ clock waa stopped July 3 Ior rcpnira. I t sUll needs minor adjustnientd beforo the chimes aound once moro over the B ritish BrtMidcnstlnir corporaUon. iM eonwhJlf, BBC will continue to broadcast Uie chimes of O reat Tom.Uie clock tn S t. Pau l cathedral.

il ’s fun to play a Kim ball note. B u l think of Ihc rew ards iha t will rem ain through th e long years ahead — poise. seU-cohfi- / dence, coordination. I

AN D fO K S T Y t l . . - . I5 « ) M tth * I


C O N S O L I /»Y K IM tA lL I

Beautifulln'every d e ta il. . . superb in , pctfonnance. . . Full 86-notet. H«i

' Klmbair* delusive••lone-Toueh” featurea. I


Music Co. I133 Sho. S t. N . Ph. 501

TING OIL rLER WHOSEAL OF QUALITY___vho d l ip l a y i f • n tb u iln a i i* - i r td in you r l ife c tlo n . H*'

« » d . ; .J a .H i w .y a u ------ ------------------------------ —m th » _ d to 1 tr ■ _______ _

r»Ilt-H e tU n» Oil l)ealtr*>J l « I I I H I . #

■ ---------- - l i ' - ~

14. 1956

Some Occupations k To Headaches; Sii

W a s h in g t o n ; ,Nov. i< —jp rr m itledlcal students, « survey shows,ih.ivr Ifrai re niotB a p t ' l a . h a v e-rc cu rru ig . .'•ii(t_!\elies ih .in nny oUier occupa .;ii«u iwrr- onivl group. And farm ers a ie the"‘’d ”''':ast susceptible. ' ^ ''< '''1^ 'T ills was reported by a Lou1}1hii;< '" ’

octor (n describing one of the fiKisc j xteailve surveys ever m ade of tlir SUV.1 and d istribution of one of a|H to ii;i innkmd's m osl p revalent d l s o i d c i s , ' f f l k ; •he otudy. sho<ved U iaf -over f,o-

—^Starting tompi

= 4 hi=4E5wAddis

the Boss __ Employ!

Tho Boss Nvcnf hunting bc<-------------‘-couldn 't-bear-tho-thought-c

ing ou r huge stock com e i tim e. W e 're going fo surp by g e tting it cu t down to nc

■•BIUXTTE Shadow t e x ''“ autlum n brown ahade. All 2,100 square leet. Ilegutar aijuare f e e t ..........................10

STORM W IN D 01■'RUSCO" Bonderlscd '. . C Screens. For r ^ 'x - i 'G ' v Ings. R e tu la r 23J)S1 Slaih i last) to,..................................... .

ASBESTOS SIDINFln t-E rade, U. S. G. quallt: tifu l pastel irreen. (dlscontln bundles. Rec. IT.OS per ICH 100 Squnre Feel NOW.........

REDWOOD SI D lln u jtic Ext<rtlor Type <T< Shadow Wood). pieces. aheeL NOW, per sheet....„..

ASBESTOS SIDII>1s t r i a t a type . . dozens of u ED on Odd Lou. r e r Buo

j^AI'---------S b o d ^ Q a d

_ __ ' It e m s W <

This Lot Inclii• HOUSE• ROOF P

--------- . SHAKE• FLOOR


_____ O n fiit FRI-— --------------------- ^

- — ;------------------------f z

t :

s A r e P r b i w ^ i S " 'Survey Notesin i t of th e seneral populitlori ,ic „ h lW t

r liradiiclirs •' . jOUj annl':iV<l_!lic^?urvcy^lnY6WUi£'n«“ *y SouUietii : )u i»'i r.(.ii», 5iv>«v«l nlso U iat head - ond larses' irs are Mroner.M if you are ( l l Ul# countr lonmii; 7> iiiulpr 50 yeari.o f **ei Dr. Ogt .1 '3 ' >uininiriP(t, ' « n lo r met'ivpV wild m e (tivarted o r 'w p ar- quesUoned ll frnm tii r i r -ipouses are more aches of : to ii;\vr them than happily m ar- w u found (t (mk. . cant o t th

\U tli n o 'educntlon at-'%l ^v«i busU

iprrow. . . Boise P

m4 « i4 ^dlson Avenue West

»s has gone Hui yees-TakejQiH bccousc ho . fore he returns! V\igh t-o f-co u n l--------PRIGE5-EVER.YWH1jm e inventory down for th#- BIG*

surprise him EVER! to norm al be*

Carl W. "Flash

SAVEN ow 's th e tim e lo 'remodel inside wl

. H ere o re top quality m oteriols (rom

SID IN G _______ _rex'nn“anna*ome“ il~#%-;95— ~(. All flret-quallty. I gular 24J0 per 100 I ___ 100 sq. f t. NOW ■ ^ . c

DO W S ' ^' . . Com plete with ■ I B . 9 5

t'G" Window open- ■ ■ TSlashed iwlille they ■ ■

D IN G „ ;quality • . in beau- i | . 4 9 eon tlnued color). 74- ■ - - K >er 100 aquare feet. ■.......... ................................. ^

ID IN G # ^ . 9 8 ’K iTexterior Nr>. I l leces. n e c u la r 13.76 per y

D IN G m .0 0s of uses. P r lc u SLASH- I r B und le------------------------ I 1

^ ^ A lb ^ r t '^ h o r p ie ^

I B rig h ten u p your home

I d a y s an d stock up for ; d e c b ro tin g needs.

' Money Saving

IN1LS/□ a lf tv ^ ^ ^ S ta n d a r c

Ne H a v e A c c u m

icludes:-----7 ^SE PAINT F PAINTR EPA IN T , 4 )R PAINT 41

Present btocks Only

L-till 9 and CEsp ec i a lly - fo r th is SALE! •

- i • ------------

TIMES-NEWS. TWIN^'FALi^ A L t,S ;? JD 'A lJ -0 '

nat np t to b r Mitfcrrrs amniiK'.i7 per cent s hnvlnc v-nr.Miiu desrefs e ti 1>' ‘"bscj tion. I rroff. .Moiiii, 'H enry Opden of L cii.-bnn '''® "” '? '" * uiilVFralty schiwl of mrOicuieiVl^’ N

rtauJts of Uie study Jn » w if,,!}.) .<5't h lb i l 'n t th s opening of tliel 1. U P«r annlver<uir>' mfctlnE of Hie l'" ' ''“**e*dn

letTi M rdlcnl n.vioclntli'n. ^rf- sutferct a rs e s r mcaical-on:;»nti;iiion u j^ccades Ui ountry . • i :a per cen

Ogden w td frrshm an- and ' “ " ‘bled, r m edical school studrm.'* u n c -■ 8 « ‘ ' ioned to j:e i o.ii.i on the h r.u ). suffeitr*.1 of collece student*, ami it per cciii o found Ih itt more thnn 80 per] 3. Marlu o t them were victims, lopptug! ixd llie Ilj b iulneM cxccuuves.'Of tthom line hcatta

Payette's ■ ■


sl W E 'V e SLASHEDW H ERE'-So c om B -on------- ------------BIGGEST SAVINGS

sh" Porter

E ON BUILIie w hile th e w ea th e r Is bod outside (rom o u r regu lo r stock . . . oil Firs


Row Windov• S izes for th a t new hom e or your

th e house, born , coop or goro^c

A ll H ard w are FREE 1

OD D SASHToo mnny sizes to ll&L Alt shapes . Chicken Coops. B am a, Garages and Y our Remodeling Projecta. -Bla»he<

_ each ........................... ....... .w— ...-......

V IN Y L PLA STtC-CO lDresA up your kitchen w ith a coupls c n e i i l a r 105 NOW-----------J -----1

GLASS BRICKSPractica lly IndestrueUblo u id we've T O O MANY'of 'em. E b to la rU l! .! T ak e 'em away for only

D ex te r Lock Seff,;.;..™

i ? ^ S h a r ^ = ^ne fo r .the H oli-

for f u t u r e re-

ig Prices!

A ltir c h B r a n d ^ ~ mulated.R e g u l a r l y ^ - S o l d — -------------

o r M tich M ore ^

2 . 5 0^ L L O N

6 5 e Q uorf , '

iDoy SAT. .■

' i - ' .. ' • '■ ./

.ubM jJw t d rlt^ /'on -lhe »l«tr Trs’s ^ T h * Moiiiil people i7H p e r c e n t ' . prr.MHU l^ C vires (01»; r lrrk j (08): sales- calrRori- wn 58): ninnunl lii'orer^ i55)M >ndr d,- Omie,' f*/50>. • vvhicii then> per ccnt ol iK-i ile un d e t-20 chnrnctcrize lendnche*—Him itie percenrtKC lavtinnce-CJ'- tfercrs drop^ i':i>i;i-es*lvcly l)y' i>rcdispo3l es UiereBllet.„'Mlh_onlv i»bout i „r cent of Uitoc ovcr-.OO bcliigl ni,onin;fj, )■ led-. . . . ! »ui 1-. ttiiercllex: 71 per crui oi females ,tr* . coniparnt u u h n b o u t ^ . . ,. ., • iiio fm ale .v.larltAlaUnis; Piiitflc tolk* ta p - ''* '"8* 1 lie Hat. wlUi 70 8 per ccn t h n v .!» ‘o'»' nllerg icftttachcs, cloii'ly followed tiy* trm 1 )l . nn

ireatest Sale Evi-^ M » r ic e s^ lA S H E D - - ^ A I L E I R S ^ A U

* Use BESTWAY T•Borrow .?30 to .?3!

(U p tl


LDING MA';side!' Grode M erch an d ise . . . r First we hovo ju st TOO MUCH

ION SPECIAL SHEE^------------ ' Now-s thi9W Units K',;:/ou r rem odeling job on “ • *'ro^e. >

E D uring S a le '.......... ■ — cnstng, .1

pletfl wll— ^ ^ I N<

’“ n d A » C A T nuh ed to, C A TI------------ ^ io - e - x 6-

■ ^''TAQCb- 01

: o u r t T E Riplsot. thesfl, ' % A Q - lONLY. ---------LL— - ;■ Model N

. . „ . . T i . . s o % o f M


RFD No. I Typo. R eg . 4 .9 5 NC - W a O v a r -B o tig h t

’ «R U C E FIbor C le a n e r-BRUCE C le a n in g W a x

BRUCE S elf-P o lish ing >

_ j ____________________ 1C o m p le t* S toclc ofs JlU t

= — F i i t E P i ^ e E = = a ^aurfa

• Screens, G ra te s overt.

_ _ A nd irons *“***Buy NOW for C hrU lm asl —

I I 39 Ui

' * T I A #


'^ = = ¥ =

W ^< 70 .():-« iH l ''dlvrvrcfd"l*«.^*.M>ii«>w> Tlie pertenuvKe for ranrrlcdK -

l^ Cl.l. while the wltlowcd S I . . . m t y wns lov.csl-.6J4 per cen t, S L ^ J S p ! iKclen ktid all hendnehes, of l< there are many t>^s, a r o l l ^ V I T n f

let-lzeil by sonie kind ot dla- < |” i j l l |i | c?T57=tttir-Wood_veaMb. < 1.1 ptnposlns (actors Include such j T L lf^ n.l sex tension, claiidular d ls- / l | B ev<-». liereillty. high blooU^irc*.!? .ilrrclM . su c tt. and injurlM of ------ C .■per spirit."frIcCT f«el«r«" Include such UT. n.i Intlgue. hunger, ifx te n - .rE IO !

illerslc reactions., acute nasal J and e x « » l« smoking____

iver! HERE'S VIIE D - l i i - E v e r y L D e p a r t m e i i

U l T Y M e r c l i n n i l i s e

( T i m e P a y m e n t P l a n

.?3500 with NO MONEY I p to 5 Years to Pay)


\TERIAIS!, . n o t 0 th in g th e m o t t e r w ith I t

ICH 6 f il! Buy N O W a n d SA V E!

EETROCK PAN ELING■» the Ume to_ilnlifi_of{_that axtra___I, upstairs or down. In % "x ffl” x8 '. i : qun llty .' Reeular IZe fool SLAfiU* i to . square loot............. ........... ....... ..........

di-H ung Door U n itsh dodr wlUi pine frame ni)d;1B, brass hardwaro. C om - k j m r “, w lU i'Hwdwanj. Bcfslai " ' I ; * J5, NOW.....- ...................O N L Y J i

kTTLE GUARDSr x 8 ' «l*e. Impzora your F O W M 5h- or farm to a d . .-.Hfcnlar . Q N 1 . Y ^II,..WOW.: ■' ”

NLV UfiAXnATOB .. ■■ i lel No. J f ^ . M JO ----- -----------

I. iSTEJ* 1AD0ER8oves' boQitrU - ....' „ . ;

r t . LACDEft VwUeal f r i t o I i rajto. p t »

PLicow B T O « c n -u r e k a b i e l--------«

^irtrich'-:S ipedols f'flL B O X E S I J

A 0 W % 4 9 «ig h t a n d W e 'r * O v e r -S te c k e d f

ir ' ' ^Reg. . ■

»x - V ” N o w l

g W ax each ■ !

- * S . x - B U I L T - i N - R >J ust the thing for your n w j» m e , o r to i M R S lM m roJM jnJn rC toppB r-M il-C hro surface unltd,.Briddle and oven; Regular «iS9 c e n * S j KpUU. NOW, ONtV---------

......... ; (ThlJ U A n ra t-Q u a llty lBM Mo

39 Ual. Table Top ELECTRIC WATER B E A T E R rIttr-X lt.oe.-O ne «>ly — N<

w i j ^ i y v M i i



EIG N E '2737 o r 3782 h tJ


WHY: jlent-,--------------1

{ D O W N I

; n o w ! ; '’______» . _____ ._____________ ____ jl

1 It except th a t •I '

r S i ^ - -

■l;i^U39.S0 ,

3.49 : ■ ,t^^,T5.39 , /

I I .

R A N G t_ ______r_to ranodcl your • _ ^ Chroow-ltetohi-8---------- ---- — —

8 8 “I Modell) • - • ^

5 ... 79,95

iS-— ^ I


Page 14: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

I P A G B 'F O U B 'i to a i—

I “EM thmGbd”" —Remains 1 iijeatli of CUil<]rl t:— o tia W A L L rN ,- -AiimtiiTri^oy; i

_< ttfa -A -m U *lonM y-'i*h»^ tch« lT he fl-m onth-old io n d ie of coW whe th e ir jMTtjr waa *tnu>ded,- on a A tu k a n beach In sub-rero ,w enthr M id today th e atUl h iu ''/a lth I

tl i O od."'H ^ .‘ifiven • thouBh tny b»by U' dent

u!i " h a v e JalUi tn Ood: he h w bee'4 i........ Kood to ua.” aald M n.-A lbert-K ell:

■ a t O ceaiulde, L. I., ii Kelly, h e r. hu ib a n d and_lw.-'I children, and J im PauU on. 19. a in r*: m a r. - Alaska, le ft Ellam nr Nov. •j; in a M -foot boa t for a tr ip U> Vnldc;

M n . K elly aald-lhe te a BOt rouRhc a n d aocnethlne happened to Ui

• b o a t‘1 m otor w hen th e ve8»el reach e d O a le n sb a y .

il l , . "Sw elli t t ftlch u a houM been ?!( . pounding our boat." ahe u id . -w f t b e ja n to take on w ater. Pln#lly, m ~li husband decided to U ke th e 8-fo< ;-ii . ^ j *

‘ | | row inc w ound a po in t or Und.!' **Buddcnl7 J im came Into thsboni

cab in w here T was w ith U>e ehl d ren and y e l le d ‘se t ready lo lum r

- ! l -------. - r w r»ppcd ._an arm y blnnki;j'i a round T o m m y 'an d iB*lchc(I m ‘- \ hu sband 's aleeplna batr. A ble

iw am ped the bout as we ncrnmblr ■ to the beach. We were *lnindp

w ithout shelter, food o r mntchM. : w astmowlnE and the jv lnd w u how: I n s te rrlb le .'W e spefit Uir nlRht 1

T -------- t wo T lfcp l n r -biiKS- n 'e - enlnictdr-^I i ■ "Next m om lnit wo w ent lo .Ui

wrecked boa t and nil wo could tin 1.1 WSS a t tn o l bear m e al I ’d cannc ^ th e p a s t sum m er. •

1, died. N ex t m om lm t we found wrti------ im ustaiti-and-lM echup-ln-the-w redi

5 ; a se and » v e I t to,D ebbie. Sundo K • w e found somo cerenl and appl

bu tter. M eet of the Ume we huddle ■'I- in our Meeplntf bas# w alUnf an

. praytns.**O n M onday, 0»« day* a fte r the

w e n m arooned, th e flshlne bor f ‘■nusUer*’ ipoHed th»* castof/« an

rescued Uiem. M n . Kelly waa In • hosp ital hefre wlUi froeUjlltcn foe H er daughter. Debbie. 3. was rc

• -p o rted In “fine" . condlUnh anr f ---------P aU B oirw uT lorhnsp ltn llrcd :--------

A land , sea and a ir aenrch a f a r has failed to lu m up nny clue t th e fata o f th e woman's husbnn( T h e Rev. AlbeH Kelly, of Hnddon field, N . J .

__ . . . A doe team w ss-sen t to wouc Ui'' coasUIne M f a r as Valdes In hop

th e m inister m ny be awalUng reacu somewhere a lons th e shorr.

_ . '• I t 's a pilracJe. Mtfone^atirylVBd, ! _ aald a doctor a t thn hMpIU).

-Thanks Sentl \ LONDON. No*, i i 4n-PrM lrterr:l Elsenhow er h a s se n t a brief m eunsp ' o f thanks to Soviet Prem ier Nlkoli: J B u l i tn ln In response to Bulganint;,[ consratulsU M U of h b reeJeeUojr r Moscow rad io said today,li ' " I a m very pratefu l ‘for the mei

' ss(« o f conBratuUUons nnd tliI pertona^ |o o d wishes which you a tiV| to -m e on th a ooetslon o t my reelet fl . tlon ." th a PreeJdenl'B no te said. ■([ - a s s u r t you U iat t will conUnue <i ' w ork fo r Uia benefit o f peai (i ' th roughou t thft.w orld snd for bett4(! 'u n d e rsU n d ln s '.b ssw l on JuiUc«.f<t averybody,**

I Plans Draftedil LONDON. Nov. 14 o n - U r d ItniIK , cUffe, app o in ted by th e BrltUA ror e m m en t to seek peace on O h inl i h a s com pleted h la d ra f t for a ncK ’ ' consUtuUoD...R‘ I Colonial Secre tary Alan LennoK, S oyd to ld th s house of commons thg ( ---------RadoU ffe'a-M com tpendaU oos wer delivered lo h lin yesterday nnd «I f he nubltohed **<n du e couwe."

................1 3 ^



i ; . '8®P"

F Plant (:erfld' o r r i i ■■■■ edTher -

renthcr iith In

9 brcn ^ kelly , ■

. The V eU uw sfen p lan t a t Wolfibi nrtU th aad now n m by G enaaoy .

Hti ‘Volkswagerf O ffeW Treat-

s -Ta^U.S. Marl8-foot W OLP8BURO, O erm any (NEA)—

« r for Scft-are. D etroit. '

ind. p n l iu nnd pence or mlncl 'ol UU U .0 boats s . m otor cap lln l a t th e slgantlc e ehll- VoUuwseen p in n t here, lump.' This yenr th e Identical cnr de*

Ijlanket alsned on HlUer'x command In 1D3S led my p c n e tm t^ th e Amerlcnn market E wave wltli 23.000 m Ica for frre Germnny. nmblrtl Nfxt yenr VW will "nllow" U. 8 n ndpd aiilcs to alm ost triple. T h a t 's movlns -hen I t inlo the anlea brackets o f stude* show l- baker-Pnekard" and American Mo; iRht In tor*, r t^ Che rfrat tim e th n t the V. i ^ r - - — 3, »iilfl.lnrtU8tr y J acfts.fcnuiJoi:.Uirci\l10 the mnas anlra compeUUon from a Id (Ind foreign producer.canncd D aeklos Cited

Tliey sny "nlJoiv" here hcetUM

i aome IT. B. ordera. A nd VW’n Amerlcnn w tw k . deaJfM rrpprL t h s t a a J r w t^ l d be Sunday bigser If Qfllverlea were fiatflv The

noDlr Oerman VW bncklos la nine monUU. luddled It'* >” °re th a n a year In some of IE and countrlcA where VW han act

up anlea orm nlsa tlon .v Dally pro- •r they duetlon of Uie pnaw nser car ta 1.- z bont J'Wty-tlvo per cen t of Uinl

J In” ? "T h riw o '.m U IIonU i bue-Ilke VW n fpet. wlll-aoon crnwl o ff the llnet 03 re- T h re a t Outlined1 nnd The th re a t to DeU-olf* peace of — ^ mlnd-ls the-baelo-VW -phllosophyrJa rch ao htony rcspects opposKe <o Detrolt'a duo lA Ihlnklng. R a th e r, It'a thn philosophy isband**** VW d irec tor Heins Nordhoff, ji tiddrm' Oermnn entrincer—«JU« p re-w ar

Uolt experlencc^w ho alngte-hsod* lur Uie ^ w hat, I t ’ll1 hope He ‘enmbled th n t Uie w orld w nnti rescue ^ n good, c heap car. cheap to mnln- , ^ t n l n . chenp Ia opera te nnd never

chanced In -a ty lc iiA t thla.stflge-.of the (tnme. n t lenst^ he 's a pheno-

' ■ menal w inner. ................ .........._________ VW aella fo r abou t »IiOO In the, u . a n t ’ ceW ■ a b b u n tr jisn fa~ t? r tm

, Ballon. T he c n r Ia built ao th a t I t ael* eameni need* re p a ir nnd when n molot j’*®*"" wears ou cnn be replaced In a few Nikolai hour*, for »15.gan in s Further, N ordhoff Inalstn U iat nr leeUon, y w a be sold where th e re aren'i

• trained m echanics nnd p le n ty . ol e m u* parts for th e VoIkswHsen.Id the lU tusea . Sale*o u se n t Hn tu rned dowri a huge sale In reelec- India, fo r exam ple, because hn found laid. “I It' Impoaalble to act up a n adequati Inue to jervlcB fac llity 'th e re .' peace, a fln sl eJcm cnt'of th e VW auecesj r be tter itory is N ordbpfr’a policies toward Jc a .fo r hlX S4W I w orkeri. • ' - .

T he VW, employe sto ry glvea i good Insight In to th s life of the nv-

d . erase Oermai> worker today, be' cause VW Nilarlea and working eon'

. _ . dIUons n re Juat about th e best tha ' a iiatt* exist In the counWy nnd th e goal o

the a v en g e O erm an w orker.The average salary Is roughlj

a new equivalent to »80 per week In Amet' Ica. con ilderln s relaUvo costs of llv<

>nnox* Ing. T e Uie frln<e benefits ) n s th a t Wolfaburg U a city o , mod ;s were em .. home*. BBartn\enla. • bachelo >nd will quarters, hospitals. tb e a U rs am

oitirKO F

> U R ^• . ■■' MBWBniBOico:

P l


it Cliailenges U.S.

Voiraburr. GertDany. was bolIt by th e n a ils . i (any. T o ^ j , th* hnge p ro riu a r t d u n [ ^ IW

z A )—


n 1035 narketnnny. l S S 2 i H ^ B S ^ S a ^ ^ K ! f f l H ! 8 1

u . 8.novingBtude*1 ikio- the V.

rom a

« a a v— T hls-l»4h*-ear-tha t-thrB «t«ti|-S B

ericnn T h is year Ihs V. 8 . bought 23.000. Jld be thew ssiM U triple- (.NEA)UrThe --------— —

plant. All homes and bulldlnRs nre ITf centrally heaU d a n d electricity

eoR>eJ» *rom the sam e anuree. Aa a resu lt re n u are low. nbout $30 per

If thrl't m onth fer a two-bedroom apart* m ent. for example,

a VW O ppartuniile* Offeredi r a worker w ants to buy a home

he can get an Intereat-free loan for n f 30 yeara. D eath nnd dUnbllUy Inaur-

wophy money to Oermana. loff. A T here’s a t h r e e - w k vacaUon w llh nrZ >^ pay, special bonuses fo r m arrying hand* and having children and autom atic t . l t 'U Increnaes In sa lary . O n top of lh a t

.■ th is year N ordhoff gave a bonus of wnnC' four per cent of a m an’n average mnln* wage to each e m ^oye . He aay* thl« never will conUnue.

jge-.<tf ...T h e m o a t.d l lf lc u lt ia c e to f th e VW )heno- a tory to graap la lls ow nership. H lt-------- le ra n d Uie N all labo r fro n t financedIn th e and bu ilt Uie p la n t a n d D r. Ferdl- toTOT H in rd T s rf iif fm J io n ie r auto-fxpert: Itae l* dHlgned the car. , .

W ar L le u U a .n l.-W ar Interrupted Uie plan t's f irst

,»► «« feeble producUon—th e n diverted lo iiw n 'i l*eP*' a n U sh re-

itv nf bu llt.lhe sem l-rulned planU-used for a repair depot and finally h ired Nordhoff—a refugee then—to try to

. t . I,, ge t It In full scale paasenger c a r pro* *}* i 2 ducUon.

UP lo th e O erm nn gov* em m ent to decide w h a t to do wlUi

........... the plant.. I u huge profits, menn-^ f ? while a rs lAIng dum ped into a tru st

fund. ■■■ -I .,.. A t the sam e .time, Uie tnerg#Uo Ivea a jjopdjjoff u <eonUoulng to exp^txl n e nv- ou tp u t a n d plan ts., ile w es t

“®* facility Is a^'huge p la n t nearby in .K .I Hanover. I f Is U lrrtln j ou t trucka

| p u M r R E P A i n ! oVm“. I •"»*«« Aim SERTini , , .1enefits. I AQ m a k n . repa ired p ro m p t^ , I , mod* I afllcleotly . a o d ecoaomlcally.' ■ achelor I P B O N l 7 3 8 - W I « and I f f l B B fU M r A 'E Q U I fM E N T i



— Bonni^<M>ld>fniihio>ii B s n n a a , , • a < ,u r j ,o „ \vi,i.skL-y i-

■ u n r fc r 'a ro rm ii la p ai E j t l i -to R u n e m tio ii fu r ov


o f t h e w o r id 's f i i u

.inOoij.VmiSKEY_JAWES 0 . ’DEAl.i-OIST!Uir

T i M E S - y E W S . T y i i ;

>.'Autos ^

■ SfiD«





i a l ^ ruined by the a lllei. rebu ilt by the 7«d lo lo a tru s t fund. (NEA)

f f

^ ^ K a ^ l j j j j n n

n r-xan rra 'rau [a~ Inaaitrrr-V D lk*w B r« i.- 1.000. N ext yesr Veikswsgen will -sllow-

p a n - Tough Campai^lI /,m . SANTA FE. N. M.. -Nov. M Cfl- Iiome s ta te T reasurer Joseph O . O n n t. a " D em ocrat reelected to a «cond lerm.

llaw hU campaign expenaes as orkcr _______________® •** • But. aald O ra n t In a ra ther plaln-

, Uve poatK ript lo the aecretary of ; " j “ s u t e , he found tha following to be

some of the haisrd* of the campaign tra il:.

us of . "Two thousand headaches — alx erase weeks la « of alcep—los. of voice ( thla —one cold—alx dust atorma— kiuing

1,000 babies and no aduluv>4lx houra pV W longue atuck due io'sUcklng__st«npi , H it- oh envelopes—»nced ' "And all forgotten, alnce th e peo- 'e rd l- plo gave me a second u rm £ ______


n to r jnekjon, Wnah.. s«ld today he e a i« “strongly favon" th e selecUon of

S en . Mike Mansfield of M onU na ss

W r'S ______________ ___porters. And a sport c a r VW Is be­ginning to ahow Increasing ssles.

gov. As of loday VW's f u tu n teems un-' llttilled.nean- —. , — ________tru s t gK K «O O tK KMgty EKKK30Cgt»CC

s s i ™BERG'S Ik | T ■ -.MOYrNG- ,.i ' g | S.TORAGE I


U S TihioH ctU lCvnlku^ky S triiiu lH — U - J--------ik fv isdLHtiUod Hiitl asc<J lia pn.'wcd o n f m m c o n rra l io n fo r (iv o r U ii .vcars.

Ilk» ... ___________U ttit le

.A M . . . iH n li l l tr s

. ^ f i /u - s l b o u jb n n

>r 'I f i l y x v r s - / 7 ! ) 5 - 1 ^ ~ '


■ _ _ . -------------•

W I N F A L I 5 . I D A H O

“ BuU Sale Slated I"BOISE. Nov. 14 (A — T h e Idaho ' c ittie m tn ’s-aaiociaU oti;aa ld :yM ter- :

I day It will sponsor J t s e igh th a n ­nual purebred ran g e bull, aale a t .the . Welaer Livestock „auct l,on yard on

cbllii McLeod. Ir.. aales mannger. ^- Aald-60 h ead -o f.lU refa rd , S horthorn ^

tn d Angus tiulU.wlU he offered for Mle. They will b e g raded the day before the aafe.' • . h

----- -------------------------- --------------STORE MANAGER SHOT

■ DENVER. Nov. 14 MV-Edward K . !]- Moore, a norU i-D cnvcc-druB -aw re -

manager, wns ah o t th ree Umes In the- rh e a t-a n d -k l l l rd J a 8 t_ n lg h t In an. attem pted ho ldup by th ree bandlO : ~

la ------------------------------ aT he Maya elW llaieion was found* a

rd in Mexico a n d G en u a l AmeHca V W the 4'c a r 500 B. C. . - Ij

_ J A U T ouA rieIV- F R Y P A N

Y ou tioiply Ml the dial and yc

** 'In- 3 » i«> -«ed lum , I« se and ivof need*.be ■


I JCifteaa


be- i-------- ^

1 , ' ^ / 4 Y M fh /i

Econom bargain pa

• mOST PH0B6RN HtAT YOURb u m c lcan — w c ry d ro p I

ONE CALL DOES IT A ll —-----------------’- a u to m a ti c n l ly i------------ — ■

QUICK. CLEAN. TIDY SERVIC_ n t i t s b e s t from y o u r H o

-------- -• r i g ;— T>a>ia to suRRcst w nys you c

' henfctns ^ l !

C a ll y o u r S tn m


P e 6 p l e , ~ M o n k e y s - -

- W i l l G e t J S e n e f i t s £ ;? ; OKLAHOMA C H V , Nov.’ 14 m - J ?„ A fence will be bu ilt to shade the Cll

glssi-enclosed monkey houae a l ria- U ncoln park too here ao U ia t patrons DaJ * -_and Uie inonkfcys — w o n t be _ Of cheated. .»y Zoo official* aald w hen th e aim . *

hits Uie house from c e r ta in angles.Uie (!lutomer» ean see only the ir ‘ own reflecUons In .U ie * laas.,.A nd 5™

„ the monkeys preaum ablyhave a hard _ Ume seeing Uie people._________ ___

PROTEST STAGED Q : -B O tfrH -B E N D Jn d „ .N o v , 14^W -

Some 1.000 NoUe D am e slifdent* - d - sCsged « "prayer/ul p ro tes t” agslnst ca th e Russlsn oppresajon o f Hungary

U afW th t. ............ . ........ ..

nd You 6lv« thi Finest

nd you get CONTOOLLED HEAT rylng rewilti. N o guniworic M fr-MUfoe, eaiy-w aihtag-A «ulshla-ia______ad luptr ii t i to inc«i your family



' ^ H j r

imical standard H package of clean,DUR m o KEY'CAN buy — S ta n d n rd H catii ■op tu m a to p u re!— Y our H D iisow nnncr k e ep s you ir 'tan l

RVICE -— Safe, h e a lth fu l o il h e a t cotiics H ouscw nrm crtP a r t T>f p^r^nnm-

DU a m fu rth e r im p ro v e b u rn e r clHcicni

k n ru ia rd H e a t in g O il D is t r ib u to r or loi

J P A ^ R P 0 I L C O


- u - V i s i t i n D e c l o -DECLO.-Nov. 1 4 -M r; nnd Mw:

B Ray W hipple nnd daugh ter, Ogden.have been vlalUng here. »'

- Jo h n , C. D arrlngton. S n lt Lake “ le Clly. Is VlslUng hU (oos. H arry D ar- f ' It riagton. D arrell D nrrinston . Melvm I} u D arrlngton and Earl D axrlngton. <1

* CONVENTION S E T ll_ IDAHO PALLS. Nov. 14 lff i-Idaho a . beekccpera will converge on Idnho ei f : Palls Friday and S aturdny for Uie p I anaual convention o l th e -Idaho i“ SU lo Beekeepen* aasoclaUon. B

o n o

_ — C hriilm osohopping-co tubaJun .ta lk o r a lo it m lnult rvih. D

to llo rt my Chrijtmot buying eor O ur lelecliont for Mom . .

Dflughler or# now complef* - \ ■ our U y . AWAY plon -ih#

A imoli depotil ho ld i your leleci no axlro chorgeil

yrm er


Heating Oils off n, comfoKable trIca ling O ils • ' ^

ta n k filled

ihics to y o u

oiiatTCrvicc-----------ic ic n c y ,,c u l

Dr io'coZ ^iindard M an todayl

O M . E - A N Y O F _C


ESD A Y , NOVE.MBER u . i J ?

- S u i t s . P a ^ -;ni CHEYENNE. Nov. u .> .

aulis against Umiea Air ke Ing nearly V.i million d S . > r . damages wcre pa.v;ed

i9 ] ^ - « « h o T r u n i r , : , ' 5 »ho on Medicine Bow pe«ic m ho e m Wyoming which kllkd he peraons abonrd. '■ Iho ----------— ______



Jun_Doejn!t.hovi.«»ucfy.wp-lh. Didn'l you toy "thit yeor I’m

I eorly?" Why wait ony longer?Tl . . . Ood . . . Son ond t — you con buy oil your gihi en •lh* eoiy, «onv9ni«nl woy lo bi;/. lelflction . . . eoiy on ih t budgal. . ,


S 4 ^erv/ce *

0 H |L f

iffer you a modern lieat!

C A - L T F 0 E N

--- ------------------------- , ,

Page 15: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

7 — T — r r = —

t3 7 | J « ^

\m t ^


iiA ■ '^ji’''* *if'


K IlijjjjjH ) 7-PIECE

RegulorI'^ow Rct this complete

__foe Iws than you*d dreaDaveno; matching Up!

' { delightfulEnd Tablcs'wi for cach; plus bright m Table, - ........

' ” I

iTl -----= ---r-rr

U . 195G . _ _ , . ____

i~ II iwimi|ii|ii

j i - -■■ ,-^ Z A R t

DELIVERY ^.CHRISTMASM#tr*p*llt»n Arc* C\Jl]jjj]K^ ^


, ‘’5 ^d \ Price Cut! 7 i ~ Virii WIZARD 30“ Cai

• A- IU *nr 30‘W M« m i l ' ■ ^

II M it* tw tt« th«T t* l»nc« I ■ ■ ]* a « < k 4 b M r4 « y k t , l .» 4 r

■tUly t M ( , hr**!* ■ J P

IS down »r

■ "i. ■ . .

s ^ ’ T nMm

;e liv in g rir $ 2 4 » " , ai le te l i v i n g r o o m e n s e m b le • I d r e a m 1 B i g b e a u t i f u l B e d | i J p h o l s t e r w i l ; h a i r r T w o ~\ i w i t h ’ m o d e r n T a b l e t a m p i t n e w C o f f e e o r C o c k ta i l

A 1 \ ' N*"__ \ I .____ Vt:________ ___ ‘T 5 C

[Bj0 irtp ~

— ' l i

V f

p -


..... •_..

------------- --!ARDT„^^S.:______________sm/em ;

JlXfRK O'" Sav*

Gas Rartge Turkey!ll4 .95 ..V o lg* 5 ,0 doy

' F«U lUtU. WMMh.POUDd 10«d of ct( Uan! TIDAL W/

^ ef dirt. Short cy>«n and $1 m onthly ritue* w d d*ep «


_________ • G L E A M I N G C H R

• B R A S S 'N B L A C K


Ntw. m odtrn m I< «pen t« 72 inclict.

\ v n 8p*eUI Bay* a»w a t W etUrn |

Aqta. f a r U lT U.OO doirn. ^

2 3 3 EoaifO p e n 9 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 . F R I E

-------------------— — j -

__ 1.^.^ • • :. t i:T I M E S - N E W S . t w i n . F A L I


rou ge t . r*__________________ ^

■nttUA |T < lf

Qm____________ __________ ^ 6 9 ^ 7 fw


* ^ S 3 p — 369:90— [ H j j ^ ' VALUE /UH5|1K>. J'*

jve on W asher orI W IZARD A utom atic W e ih i r

^ , 1 9 8 3 ) 00 down and $11 m onth ly•rjufae*. ip ia - ir te t a big »• ^of ctetbM In one eon tlnaaaa opera* al

IL WAVE AeUon reU out . a ll U nda dort cTCIo for ‘‘band -w aab lo t.’’ T h r t t Tdoep orerfloir. 2JZ634 b



: h r o m e . f

a c k . 1 1


If Ma i n -----------F R I D A Y . ' t i l 9 p . i r

= 3 ^ j g .

i~ - — -■■■■— ■'- ---------------


«liat VM 5ai^


^ Bi<. teflder, fuecwlent lobbler* }uM in tii fo* T h m k y tW nt

wilh p u rc h o ta of


or Dryer Separa, SAVE $21 W IZARD l l te t r i*

$5 down ond $8 m onthlyNo moro inuhdMj- w etU ier wodrec! A e t lU dial eOBtroU the ( ra p tra ts M ctoUie* come out n u IU o c ' ‘in iu lila TbermooUl h e i i conlrol a e d «as;*l«-< m eat trap.

ro u r Old W o ih ir o r D ry irl

A ttracfive 2 -P c . BiR tra 's G hana! HardV M d eoattm e-

. Uon a t a MnwtUonally low prle«! T h b ’ •tlraetiTO talU ~ ccntU ta e t DoabI* B«d w tth Footboard >nd a BookeaM H w dboard - M ateh tnf DoabU D rew tr with lA ri* FU U a i a « M irror. No. UO.

M otehlng C h « t . . . . . . ... ..3 9 .5 0 ;

H it t S tand ......................; . . n . 5 0

^rSm/ '• • •• T ak f 7 » « pick ofK , . I ' a ly lo . T b e r a U a la i [■ ■ ■ ' ■ s U tr o f a iu rn o m 01* “ < <1.1 I I U ' JOBf bODM.

TABLE/ a t low 0 * .................

p l FLOORo i low O I .................


i*-i=s=>.cxO 'ik'■ *r ' ■ ' ' ■ •

— • "li" ■ ■- - - -- .-----


. _ j | ^ H ^ H | | | | |

# i - l S0 -^tth

ER“ “ ^ s p ' S i i " ~ ; ( i. Food M iK tr. J1 ER R«9-21.95 J

Budjtel-prleed. JOT . , ipteri (elector, t

- - -------. — »W«- l-ye»r iu » ra

rately i | | Srric Dryar jP a S a M ^ a ^

:~ -V /lio -rd -D ty ^ . U U St«am Iron* ' ' ' ' Rig. 13.95

t h lv Bteami In mlnut<' dlimry u p water.

«! A (auch « f colarsi 1-yr, gua, s r e cyelo . . . '4h la* -i» rM t"l ..^1

BUY 01r imerfw »'bk—m’— an

Bedroom Suite

i 139“ iwh|t«

50, . 1 4 .0 a Down *

.SO 1 0 .00 Monthly ^ ■ 'o r

of d e i a s a of different 'a U m p lo •a irU iV p « * 0B -- - ------------m e r piece of (n rs lta re In


........ 3.95> R L A M P S • 1=

..^ 5 I

i S T E R N ' S I A G I


j i ^ t 3-doV ^

al b

P e fco lo to r ^


WlMrd’brew* l-n T i Jet . . . * l the flavi lecil l-yc»r ju a m n

fet-'vr^-i I/m T\WKJ:


■2 0 “a t a lime. Fully

. Dowerful rtlxe r tingle knob control) or, n e e a ip o r t - J i m . R ej. W.9S._ ;u»rantee: J i m

3-0 E l.clrle r . - ^ 1 . 9 S Woll Clock ^ 1 1 R .J .3 .6 9

lnut<8l Ums or- 3 -dlm entlon face a ter. Choice of a rcd.plnkoryellow

Kwtr. J1129*32 - t - l o o l cor^

O N L A Y i f ^ W A Y ‘! S S

5 2 7 C O I L S O F C O K

H A T t R E S S e n d | B O X S

rrthe i a p p e r l M a ttr ra a n d - V q I d U tcbln< B onprlnca coshlenod . rith Foam Robber te riT i Ute 10*1 eom foriabU rtttt.oblalnabtt.. loverln t Is rich charcoal and W 'hji* U cklncw lU t lo re* ilripe*.'on wUI REST-aauired you a n ■tUnc yonr noBey'a w erU il. . . o

■ 5«


^Cdnly - Cec

C H E l -R e g u l a r 5 9 . 9 5

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> E ^ c t r a d e e p , M

- — V i s i t - M a g i c V a i f i

A G R I C U L T U R A L , P R O C E S ! F r i d a y o n d , S o l u r i l

. R a d i o R o n d a y o p r T w i n


B P B i i m :; " r r r i j f f l

to Ih i ;* : L * | . , 1

%---- af

i ^ l r iE a» jT ertn i r, ^ 1:3 j

-n cup* of c o t . .'J i " 'iflavor jo u »c- '. < .'■,!!!arantee. J lS U U I Ij

I I }l

;P-FRyEB. Tip I raq u a rt capacity I ‘ ti10 fuU portion* . I a iilly auiomntle. ' ^ 18

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|-:;:|ploatA x ^ fe

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8.00 Down ] J 5 .00 M on th ly ...........


i^dar ^ ]

T s 4 "»;■' " 1 - - “ T - S o l -

/ f r . .

ii<iry kE S S I N G F A I R 1

saiy I u,w in F o l l i ^

Page 16: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

r ^ 'T iC G E 'S l X i 'E i a N -

lj r' i’. Recent Bride i i ^ | i | | g | g j | g l l l l _ | ^

'IHiHIIIHI ' <6taff c n c n f ln t)

^ , : . r I * *M i s s Holmes a n d

} Noel L. Bottom: j Unite iii Nevad^! t l X O , Nev.. Nov. 14—Llndu Hr H o lm u ; dbughU r of Aaymond

; i , Molinw. ^ 0 . •Dd Noel U Bo t ^

-j i PWla, wero m unled Nov. 1 « t Ii l ! _______ P i n t C hrlitlan nhufch.--------------l i i T o r t t ie aouMa rlog eertm ony j>' ; fonned by the R«v. LwIJo A. Hu

•on., th e bride chow u fcltcrno • d resi c f theer blue wool w ith bel

M cetsorlet. SnlUe A tebeun . Rei a n d 'th e brlde 'i fa ther a ttended t couple.

-f--------------Ml«-Holme#-WM. jr»dualed-fr(i EaBlo Rock high achool. Loa Anael! M id U a student a t tb e University; N evad*. Reno.

Sottom a WM e»d u » ted from Tw Jf^llA h le h achool In U M and is el tlohed With the navy a t R iln i Mui

■■■-------c a l i f .- ------------ .---------------¥ ¥

^BaztrarHeld“f o r i , BurmohMeetinJ BIOHFIKLD. N ov.,14-M ffc I l t o u , s r , was auctioneer for tn e B l

: m a h club b a r n r Friday a t tha hoi1 of M r* ,p .R .B riW 8 .M T t.W .:L Je

aen won th e hostess p rlie . Pollyan ! Blfta were received by Mrs. L«R1 : ■ ■ M agoffin and Mr*. PrancU ,8U»hl.

a u e s ta were M rs. 01en>Hel(le I : relch . Mrs. O. Mayes, Mrs. Done

w a rd . Mrs. Ray Appell and M 1 H a te l Powell, Shoshone, Mrs. a

O hatfleld was co-hostess.M ra. Jenaen t t a d tb e Bible lessc

T h e Eentlem an's eveolne party w se t fo r 1:80 Nov. 30 a t the lO O P h« M rs. J . 6 . M dntoah wUl be cl hoateaa Deo. P la iu fo r a a e ^ tl

j I J a n . . l l and a program by a hoi ' ; cxtenaloa agent m ade.

i _ ^ c e p t e d ,j- — BtJKL, Nov. 14-M r#. Luke RUi

-fe lt waa accepted Jor membership th e B uh l chapter^ Royal Nelghb of A merica lodge, Prlday a ltem c In th e clvlo d u b rooms.

! T h o tu rkey dinner and gift «< change, scheduled for Dec. 14. w; discussed. Contest prizes were w' . . . by M ra. B ari U ughU n and M

A m anda N ^ n . Hostesses were N ■■ C a rl Q ubler and M rs. Pau la La:

! ■S antos, BrasU. th e world's la rs

coffee p o rt, U situated on an IsU ' w hich U protected by a hlg!

m a n d from Atlantlo atonns.



(1 W S! I

JwPI j—I I

t ■ 'WEEK’S SEWING BUTi ; H ere’s a wonderful wardrobe

- I you — from th is one euy-aew• ’ : t£ m l W ear th s seoop.neck i;!._________; » .

t th e f itted Jacket to make a iii ' Hiny eniemblel W ear the drei : : ■ m jum per, tool

: P a tte rn « 0 4 t M im s* stiw i: ! J :e . le . 30i < a O m 16 dress take,! ^

; I - TW a easy-to-use pa ttern perfec t fit. Complete, U lustratet

I ; ; c h a r t ahowa you every s tep .--j Send th trty-flve eenta la coin

i' ' th is p a tt«n ta -add f ire eenta fori ’ . p a tta r a for flrrt-elass-malllng.-1

to M arian M artin, care of- Ttir — --------T N ow sTPattem Dept.? » a W est

S t.. Hew .Yoidt U <K .Y. P i ln t pli r n a m e , addieas w ith n n e . alee

;--------- atyT enam bet.- - - - - --- ----------

i i . / _______ __

ei D inner Given for

Il\ 'e t.C hap te r and- Aijxi I iory Women

- O tra d le rc h a p te r No. * .a n d aux- Ulanr. D isabled Amertean W ar Vet­erans. he ld tbelr linnual .turkc) d inne r Monday a t the DAV hall Mrs. Dewey Julian. M rt. M utrel Bladea and Mra. Prank Horejs wert od the. food commUtee.

M rs. E lm er O rird th and Mrs. Bll Clawson were accepted as memben of th e auxiliary a t the mcetlnir (o l low D ir ; th e dliuier. Mrs. Bewli Horejs a n d Mrs. Roy Jansson wer<

T he-g ro u p voted to send MS t< the veterans ho«plUil and soldier home. Boise, for Chrlslmss. Thi ehaptor donated 130 and the aux illary. i l« . for Uie ta lk -a-letter home projec t spotisored by th< women n t the hosplul.

Mrs. Oene Ifetms report<»f ot child welfare. I t was announced thi auxiliary will meel Nov. 77 a t thi home of Mrs. V. R . Lawson to tli

iMM qullta fo r welfare and to make— : im d t r r r o r - tm m w p t t t i : --------- —

Mrs. Bladea reported on the socla meeUng held a l the home of M n

n d - e o m m ^ d eT ”p ^ ^ t < d ' 'a ^______ m ander’s p in lo Mrs. Helms, Im) m S m ediate past commander.

- M r8 ._Prank_H oteJs.w aa_nam ei 'Q G U chairm an for the family Chrlatma .7 . n . . 6he requested mem

bers to aubmlt to her the names am nona p . ages of a ll children under 14 year

of p lanning lo attend by Dc(

, a t U>e wi'll be present. Turk#y,_rjiJla_ftni---------- =“ COTTee~win”binurnr»heo and memony per- bers a re asked lo-brinir two coverei A. H ud- dishes, a dessert nnd u b ie service, tternoon « ¥ V

Pair Entertains® SHOSHONE. Nov. 14 - Mr. an<

from Carlos Berrloehoa. Jr.. wenho#W »-*t-thelr-homo-for-tJie-8«tur

N lghl . hno c h le club foUowlni d inner a l a local cafe.

..V. .ru,ln Bell’" 1 . ^ , " vue, and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Berrlo d is e ta- jhoa .ll Mugu, Broyles, M «- T — ~ ay d e-R s-p p r-C lau d e ; chess,‘ M n

R ichard Baumann, Clyde Rapp ani

W------- Mrar-Hobertr4Jaddock. -----------------' ¥ V

ting Dance Slated^ s.;H B l SHOSHONE. Nov. I t - A lUankB ■he B ur- giving dance will be sponsored b; 10 home l d s B laine stake MIA Nov. 23 ji L .J e n - c s re y w ard recreation h a l t ’m i

Hlyanna event will be held In place of thi , I ^ y usual Saturday n igh t sponsored b:lU»hl.- theM IA -..................... 'T '. ;H elilen- T h e dance la st Saiurday nigh D onald waa held a t the Shothone c h u r o l

Id Mrs. recreation hall and the nex t on< s . a O . will be held Dee. 8.

j S Care o f YcI B yA N G I

* T h e fac t th a t a child Is a certaliage does no t always m ean lie I ready for Instruction th a t anothe child h is age can accept and use. ]

' n , ~ . a ll ch lld rtn were bam wltli the sam Inheren t ablllUes. If they a ll had th

elshbors economic advantsigta, tiien w ftn o o o n oould expect a ll of them could lear

and progress w llh somewhat equi gift «x- •“ » « » •14. wer« B u t children are n o t.lik e tha ere won They do not come graded neail; Qd M rs. P a r from It. T heir ability m ngt rere Mrs. from genius to feeblemindedness an % L arrl- a ll grades between. We find a pup

w ho la b rilliant in-m athem atlcs bi . a diid in langusge studies; .we fin

■ one who Is all wrapped up in sci enUflo research, and hU aeatmal

I nigner cannot see anything la a mlcK *• scope un til It Is poloted out. a(

problem for the schools as do U youngsters who seem -unable i

. , . p roU ^by any class InsiruoUon. ■••r— — - —> 2 1 ^ who-hav«-a-iopelded-abll|i

e an be allowed to develop It ful-------------and become aucccssful In the ir flelc

B u t those ' who have no ability a n y subject and mnke heavy d

^ m ands on Ihe teachers' time aiattentloQ are a d ifficult problei

r o Indeed.............................r P o r these chlldrcn. we hnve

Y J have special classes. No p a re n t Ilk/ T \ to have his child In a special cln/ \ because th a t marks him dellnlu

/ 1 1 1W ^ comparison w llh h b scho<' I \ \ m ates. No parenl 1 ever m et w y I I M happy to hear th a t his child coi - . V ^ ^ n o t p ro fit by academic Instnictl■ \ b u t m ight be helped to leam .t


^ CHILSf« Strops -*1 " From Infant'BUT I 'rdrobe for;'■sew pa t- _ , ,

Mto 4.98 ^

K « W .-i4 .I takes 3 na yards; I •

e mtratedep.----------I co las for

each ' ■ ■Ung.' Send ' of- ‘n m e s - r

a t plainly

i r ^ Engaged n d - B U j j H rienr Vet- turkey r hall.•lurrell s were

Bill embers ng foi-

n were

I U lo wldlers I. The

•letter- ly the


a t thelo tie

loke T CARLYN JO CARTEBrE ee3B ttnnn tt$= nxm H grsvh iiy~

•social . ¥ # *

S M i s s - C a F t e r - a n B —

■ Cornwall to Weda m e d —Tlie engagem ent of Carlyn-Jo^Sar- rtsimns adopted daughter of M rs. Con-

n ie C arter, and Jerry L. Cornwall, ies a n a of Mrs'. Oscar H. Olson. Is a n - * nounced. T h e wedding Is plam w d for >y P « - Nov. ao m Tw in FalU.BBtrai- M iss C arter hns a ttended . Twin H _ an d paii#-hl*h-tehool;-St.-M arle»r-O or--

Rosary.-overeo porciand. O re. She wns a m em ber •rvice. j j j j 4.JJ gjm, a n j gi^j gcouts In

Olympia, Wash., nnd hns been em - ployed by CapU nnd Mrs. Clyde

I d Acree. winnemuecn. Nev. Comwnll r nnd ^ stationed w ith the nnvy n t Mof- . were « t t field, Cahf.

» Leader E lic tid TI. Bell- OLENNS PERRY. Nov. 13—Mra. Berrlo- MatUo W ntts was elected president

o t th e W orthwhile club Prjday a t !, M rs. th e home of Mrs. Plsy_Lawrence.I M rs. ; M rs. JOe Pachner Is the ' new vice PP and president and Mrs. U w rence . sec-

T en u tiv e plans were m ade for a

d C hrlstm ns p a rty Dec. l l . Mrs. R ich­a rd Coon a n d Mrs. Howard H ansen banks- e o - h o t i ^

red by # ¥ ¥

Etching DoneOf th e HEYBURN. Nov. 14-M rs. Howsfd red by P la tt , Paul, demorutrnted <ilumlhum

• e tch ing- for. tha Jolly Neighbors n igh t Home Dem onstration club la st week

1 u r 0 h a t th e home of Mrs. Alvtn Mix. D in- » t one n e r tm ys will be finished W cdpes-

day .a t the Mix home.

Your Children^ N G E L O P A T R l

certain Im plest elementary fac t and also lie 1s ge t b e lte r control ot hU muscles,

m other h is em otions, nnd his a ttitu d e s’ to - use. I f w ard o thers. . ,

lesam e Y et th a t Is w hat any school m ust lad the do: Separa te Ute unready from the hen we ready, th e unteachabls from the d le am teachable. I f this Is n o t'd o n e . th e t equal unready a n d the n ta rd e d ones will

take up th e teacner's time and a t- e th a t, ten tlon to Ihe great loss c t t^ e neaily. QUlck a n d ready pupils w ho are m ngcs e sger fo r lnstrucllon. We c anno t af-

ess and >^°rd th a t, a n d this Is the reason for a pUDll special classes, tics b u t Special classes should ba - very we find sm all, a few pupils to a teacher, and In sc i- th e u a c h e r should be a specialist

satm ate and . p a id as such. To give such ■ > micro- pupil an Inexperienced teacher, and )Ul ac- Blve th a t teacher a big group ol i t these >uch ch ild ren Is to set th e stage' foi

■*do*the ^ tfle c h an c e ' Uie y?ung8lers“^ a i tbie to growth nnd development,on A te ac h er of n begloncrs' c lass tolcI Ahititu me th a t h e r new class of 38 pupilsV. lia T C n ra lx -a iia rtn -w h irco u ld -n o tIr f t a k e - a - d t r c c U o n . s li quletly-for. ever Jt, iV„ ^ five m inutes, attend to anything, noi »v l /(I c v c n ^ a y longer than a few min-

" 5 ; u le s‘— so thftt mosl ef h e r tim e, un- ‘ til these children were tested ancproblem, clnsses. was spen t or

Just keeping them in the room. Im- hnve to ngine w hat a loss to the rendj enVllkca chlld ren l We m ust have specla ia) clnss, clnsses.eflnltely -----------J school- , Som* fhlWmi 4r« flow •» rU r *1111 ili..In Mhcl. hut Dr. r*1tl « p aln. Iti h ^!5 f - " - "Sl—nt..." Ihat rh.lbm d.lid could ««U»» ta iu r muilon. In t child. To obuli

IdAlrCLEAR Soose and YL D R E N 'S s

>s — Oxfords - Patent! an ts ' sixes SY2 thru Cl

y to 6.45

----- ---------------------------- ^

.. - r - . v ” T I M B S - N E W S . T W I

Barn D ance He[d For-Shoshqne

^MusTcr^Auxfliar^! ’■ SH O SaO N X ,-N ov. - l« —'T he ' Ol

b a m dance.** a hom etow n versloa of _ th e ^ r a n d O ld O pera." w m prei a w l« d Sy tba Musle auxiliary F ri­d a y n lg b t a t th a new high • ^ k>> sym naslum -audl torlum.

1116 event w a i th e f irs t public a n terta lnm ent to be -presented thU . f a ll In th e new building and Ralph VUlera. thanked th e audience for . th 0 'support they h a d given in the bulMlng project,

t l r s . l ^ l t h Shew m aker. auxiliary _

come and explained auxiliary work. Ployd Sllv> waa m aster ot cere­monies.

Square dancers, directed by 'M r. and Mr*. P. N. stow ell, were Mr. a n d Mrs. Olen Croft, Mr. and Mrs. W ayne Sorensen. Afr. a n d }>th. W »- Uam H aux and M r. and Mrs. Oakley B arnard.

Singing in a w o o en ’a trio were M rs. Velma Allen. M n . Ray Clayton

and Roy B raun sang several cowboy solo and duet numlKrs. They played

___ th^ lr aw om p^iw lm ent^

r J ga tlen class of M ra Paul Shortt G Q daaced snd Iva Lee McClure, r^le- ' 1 trlcb. did a solo acrobatic number. ' S f ' John Adkins and Shnron M srtln ‘

were featured In a couple's dnnce.^ . .I Allen ■njome pU yed a trum pet solo

and the men's q u a rte t was R a l p h Sm ith. Jack M. M urphy. Omer

I - Tbmmy C arpen ter « u ig and a ba llet dance was presented by Cheryl

* Oneida. Oena S h o r tt and Jennifer 5 ^ r « S h o rtt.. Wes Kepford played hU

fiddle for the aquare dance.Poliowlng th e p rogram , a public

dance was held a t th e Lincoln___schDoLaudltorlum.;£Lm daJiPcn_the *

two projects will go -tow ard p u r -^ • chase of a concert piano for the V

sldent Committee m m b e rs In charge ot ay a t tho program were M rl. Hownrd Ad-,ce. kins. Mra. Allen, S hortt M dV vice Mrs. Franks., sec- I

Social C alendar i‘ansen ' ' „ . _ j «

SHOSHONE—T h e B aptU t W om­en 's Missionary society wltl m eet a t t 3 p jn . *niursday a t th e home of e

; Mrs. Arnold K ennedy. Mrs. T . V. Dwnrd Strunk will be In chargo of the g iliium program . „ „ „'hbora ¥ - ¥ - ¥ .................. tweek SHOSHONE—Civic club will m eet (

. D in - a t 3 pjD. prlday a t th e lO O P haU 1 •dnes- fo r fc P“ *>'lc w elfare program and

reports. Hostesses will be Mrs. J . O. 5_____ preem an. Mrs. E . G . Ooodlng. Mrs. c

1 P rank OrosA »*nd M rs. M argaret t

, !HAOERMAN—W W club will meel (

a t a p jn . T h u n d ay a t th e home ol 1 _ _ Mrs. Porrcsl M iller .to elect officers, t I « t« . Roll 0““ *»* answ ered by Christ-

m as h ints. ^ ^ .

SH O SHO N E-Lucky 13 club will , m eet a t S.-ao.p. m . > P r i ^ a t_ th e ' “ y* '’ home of-Mra. M erold Buhfer. m th e y n . H i ' P U E R -H llls ld e H elpers club will c* meet Prlday afternoon a t the home » will of Mrs. Nelvln R u th . Roll caU will Id a t - be .answered by “w h at Z am most

thankful for.- ................................. ..0 a re V « ¥lot a f- B tJH L —T h e Cnthollo Women’s on fo r league will m eet' a t 2 p jn . T hu rs­

day In the civic club rooms of the1 - very city hnll. Hostesses are M n . Louis !r, nnd Monnln, ^Us. Leo Jnnkowskl, Mrs. Klallst Prank K a r e l and Mrs. Paul lUch a and ^. ¥)up of D IE T R IC H -Friendsh ip c i r c l e ige 'fo r will m eet T hurJday a fu m o o n -a t

w hat the -hom e_of_M rs. Alfred Helken i m a y wRJi 10H r«nr61d ClhU'ell iU“ Cd=nent. hostess. - -- ........... -as told » t f ¥ ¥ .

Repor-t~Given-b^ ng, n o t G rl a t Meeting' ‘" ‘n* Mickey H ulbcrt. who was spon­ge. u n - j^ e d by the Ladles of Elks a t Oirls* ^ state Inst spring In Cnldwell. gave icnt on her report tc ihe group Tuesdijr m. Im - evening nt th e Elks lodge,

rendy Mrs. Bert Larsen wns accepted u special n new member snd speclnl prises

were received by Mra. I. A. Hnael. Mra. Charies Smnzel nnd Mrs. Bert

‘'" r auvens.'ihm dil A skit. *’Lndles of the Mop." wna o obuin given by Mrs. Eugene Breinholt,

Mrs. Ernest Wickham. Mrs. Jack Leavitt and Mra. W ane W hlU kcr.

I R A N C E ^

YanigansSH O ES

snts - Colors Children's size 3


" " " ....... T T T uF

his .Iph

^ j


u r .

OTtt ^rtln — nee.

ip h

eryl fc !M af tB .» SB3 fif a jC T a < e a a «liter Tbeae are tb e firat g rea t luxury fihis set th e fashion pace. Classic polo &

when It’a done In craba diadem miblle Fron t la .doable breasted , collar Is ^H)ln ara large pockets. Slim co at e t n s.the . ____ ..............

Guild's P art for Church Festival

■-“a N oted-at-Parley^ Guild Fellowsh ip m em bers of the

I* jihe ir participation In th e harvest ' festlvnl Mondny evening a t the home — I of Mrs. U. N. ’Terry. ; om- T ha women w ill fu m lsh food and t a t heip w<th the serv ing a t th^ publicI o t event Thursday a t the c h u rc h ..........■ Y. T hey voted to s c n d ’ a Christijina the gift to M n . G race Pnul Hendricks,

"living link'* m issionary of the ' church in Jnpnn. T hey also decided

neet to continue sponsorship of th e Comp hnll pire group led by Mrs. Jo h n NovaseL and Mrs. R obert Nelson gave th e pro- '. O. gram on home-m ission w ork carried htra. out through arm ed service grouju. a re t college studen ts and Puerto R lcan

nationals. She waa aaslsted by Mra. Em m ett Holmquist. Mt^. R. O. Me-

neet Cnll. M n . Paul Mosely. jr .. nnd Mrs. e ol S tun rt Swan. M yrtle A nderson gave eers. the devoUons. Mra. Bessie Z latnlk, rlsl- Mnry Jones a n d ' Mra. Lawrence

Swanson were gueals.¥ ¥ ¥

mi Woman EntertdinaSHOSHONE. Nov. 14—Mra. F rank

Cnrolhera wns hostess to Ocho Pinochle club T hursday . Mra. Alica

om® willlama was a guest. P rlrc s w en t to Mrs. J . E Roeasler. M n . H arry Led- Ington and M rs. Horel PowelL


RICHPIELD. N ov .14—M n . Ellis Newby enterta ined a t a birthday anniversary pa rty S a turdny a t her

2 ” home for her dnughter. Carol. Re- becca Fchlm nn wns in charge of gnmcs,. .______________

e l e

I ^

- _______ 1LM_ I NOW— —

i R E D U C E D ^ t t TO ■ ^

- 1 _ O N L Y . _


1-^ - -BEAUTlFUt--------P A T T E R N S


: I ^ a » d ^

I~ j f 106 M ain No.

- — ■ — r

ur T akes on New lm[

iry furs of fall and w in ter,'tbe fors t h a t ': >l» coat. left. becomM ile tk a n d e le g a a r tn mink th a t's a beanUtal honey color.■ Is wide and deeply oolebed and tber*I gvay Russian b r o ^ ta i l , center. Is fu ll

New Leaders for I Local Club ToldQ . . Mrs. Iris Good hns been elected -■ y president o f the-P alls Aveni/e club, the ^frs. Butcher Li vice president;

U rw .^ n d '^ M ra !* "^ aw '* A S ew rrc ~ ome porter.-

T he group held ita nnnunl T hanka- and giving d inner Friday evening a t th e iW k borne -of M ra. N orm an Webb. A r e -— co rd lng .o f.the T haaksglvlng-dlnncr

seven y e a n ngo wna played .by M ra.rJ*® Webb nnd Mra. Percy G reen rea d ‘* ir: the nrUcle-“T h e Thanksgiving d ln -i S d '’**■u n n Mrs. Al. H ankins, p rogram chair- ue L nian. discussed simple a n d effective pro- m aking Ctiristmaa door

swngs a n d table pieces. T he Christ- lutu maa p a rty wna planned for Decem- icM ber a t th e home ef Mra. Bulcher.Mra. * * *

-program Given*“,'[5 SHOSHONE. Nov. 14—T hanksglv-

ing w as th e program them e for th e ®nce M othen* circle Frldny n t tho hom e

of Mrs. P ra n k Bnyli&s w llh Mra. T . V. S tru n k in charge. Co-hostess was

n c Mrs. L illian Carr..I - T here will ^be no raeetlnjt th e rank fourth week In November na sched- jcho uled becauso of the holiday.Mica ¥ ¥ ¥I t to READ_*riMES-NEWS WANT ADS.

‘? ^ ' g e t "t h e b e s t ' f o r ’ l e s s '

- t e ^ 2 0 0


ha v « a w o n d e r f u l te le c H o n o f

' R e g u l a f e d C o f f o n s

( s o l d T o n e ( C o t t o n s

E v e r g l a z e C o t t o n s

J m a n y o t h e r s :________ L :


Q Q c " ■

^ ^ Y D . ' "

^5__.EABR1C„3 a £ /^ S H 0 P

Twin M is


^ W ED N E Sl

m portonce in Fashio

H iI fH ^ e ElaC ' length, baa s ta n d ln r folded eellar a .a t- •’Basle’* sheath d r m righ t. U lb b

•ra nre allem alo Jacketa fe r 'It. AH de«l oU (NEA Bewsphoto)

Farewell GivenI J RICHFIELD. Nov. 1 4 -A fare* 'U well pnrty was given for Jeanette ited DeOlee hy members of th e Junior tub. high sehdol clnss S aiurdny evening rnt; a t th e home of Iona Appell. '

MIm n - n i - r Is moving to-CasUe- r c - ford. Parly arrangem enis were

made by Judy A lexander nnd Miss ika- Appell and Mrs. L ester Stubbs and th e M n . Edward Appell, room molhera.

----------------------- ■


.u v e ' \ J OI ™ ' tV K U C I l l ^ K O U


I ■ ' i ^ a t c fio u j

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T l- B - D i

(OtoUMiL I

...............................^9^ i

j a----------- . . . - ~' i ' } h s c w x i ^

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? 4 i M o it

— - t — -------------


lior -

la r and deep box picats t t eUbtr ai, lb blnek Russian brondtall. It li )lng bnek and white mink edlUr. i w designs shown faers 'arc .b r Leo Kiu^

1 Woman Honoreoare* DECLO. Nov. 14_Mr*. tb J letle Clnrk was honored by Irlendi b nlor rclnUves on her birthday its nlng versory-Mondny-ni n buffet luav

eon n t her home. Sh.i «m tliiM

Miss Yern Lott. Hagermsn. nnd ¥ ¥ ¥:>era, READ TIMES-NEWS WANT Atft

■jo&m, ion- viiiujjf-

xapi U f d i t 4

m5 0 c t T >

W lM . t O t , ‘ ’

f v t b ^ H i t O ^ n S L - C M i -----------; -

. im 1

M f 0^ J ^ a i L ) — j

^ o in Ave. W est — -

= = = = = 3

Page 17: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

^ K E S P A Y . N O V E M B E R H

Poilice F o r c efe Ready i o r IEgypt Flight I

1iM W la a l r ' pUnc I

^ ferry them to ■‘***1 »hort“ notice. I

j .u * t »rrlvftLi boosted to fl.h«ti 300 tbe numDcr o f fnCer- I

a® ® ^ftroM J Atindlnif by, Bt th e I

Cunwiiftn ^ 1

“ f f J u i i M M “ po- IS C I o S S n . sn n d ln s - b j IR r s * ^ t r DC-O-B u»M porw . I

f e s S ’ to- « .- or

r ''» ' f a « n > dm ed I{ j^ 'd ttlin i tio n U |

1(W-m(iff contrlbu tjon Ic th e 1 force «U1 be flown dlrcctly I

I n c f informed MurccS »Ald de - IS u r t o l the ro«Ji«nlK <l-forcB-b Jtxpcctcd ihorcly- I

Coiicern for ~ j ^iiaiife^SeT-

Subordina'te jSALT LAKE CITV, N ov. 14 MW I

The rejoluUops cwnmltWc of the I NiJJoMl RKlamfttlon M soclatlon I^ l^ » y _ ten U liv e ly _ n p p ro v ed _ » _dKUnUon th«t tn developm ent of , W «um w l«r-u»e projecta fish nnd

-» ■*-lld-W* rtcrefttlonnl nspccta should , be iu60fd/n*«e‘l ^ tium on values. J

The n r o p o s e d resolution w y* _ ^ ^ - 'w . te r - u s e p ro jec ts In the H W ,t h ir t becn -ham pered jn .rpcent J te in by unrealistic demnnd.i on «eh prajecta by ttiose fn te rc itfd In Uirrun-»n(J-«lld!lfe-ft6P«;U -o f.rc - , Uied recretllon.”

-It b olivlous." It continue*, " th a t wppoft of Ute of our nfttlon’s irrow-

* Ini pspulatlon m ust be of h lshe r “ ■ cooeero thsn m ulntenance of recre-

iUn*l flslilns ftnd hun tlng . where- tr eitr Ihere U conflict betw een the u {10 lAieKJiJ." e>

11 would pu t the 17-stttt« orKunl- tiUon on record ns fftvorlnj "full u direlopment of recreation faellUies

feasible." HTtut resoluUan a n d fome 30 rl

oUiera «UI be 'considered a t IT le p - tl inU itA(« caucuses 'Wednesday tt Wore U ie .fonna l-open lh f of th e a toDTtnUon. P

Last Honors Paid To Mrs.-Sturgeon«

runertl serrlcea for M rs. O uy P. ei iurtcon vers conducted a t 3 p jn . (;

lapeJ tiy th f R *r. H. L . T iy lo r «fuJ „ cnrna d u p te r- No. M , O rddr of tl' utera 8U r. • • . p,Bolotjt *M Elbert P. Rice. A duet :w luns by Mrs, E ulls Csvldson w )d Chutes H aw leytccom panled by n . Hawley. M rs.-N eill* O strom bi ubcockWMoraanL^t. ' «cPtllbetren ver'e Clyde Mont<om-

ry. Vemon Lance. O leen H aight. IS Hill Davidson. Perry Ronan. and st Tom 03rlen . R o n o ru y p i l l b u r e n h .CI* Albert W oodhead, J s c k .M a - 11 heney. Duncan McRae, Peter Pear- on. Chtrle* 8tone, 8 . Q . Da»is and 1. A. PalnUr.Concludlns rites «e r* held In S u n , F

el Memorial p a r t tr



G0t Your

7 Idaho’s To

to ■ . i i M a

t l 1 ^ ^ ^ . - - j ™ ;16



UY J'U.heIht




eion ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■v") — H onored-ai-ldaho Gr»»*m »n-of-lhe- j,rt hB'recelYed a t th e A ll-Idaho e o n p e u I

of Idaho row er com pany and chalrma three o ther dlatrlct Cra»»man of the \

>y* • .

|T w ,o I ^ e d b y

ri” Auto Accident. tor

lu Snowstorm'"le r Oeire- REXBURG. Nov. U UV-A car nnd duv re- truck collided on icy, snowbound On Ibe u . 8 . fil-101 south of h e re yesterday by

evening kJJJlns a n e lderly couple Jn nl- the ear nnd sllghUy Injurlne the C uU iruck driver. mn•iei Madison County S h e r i f f E. A- are

Hansen Identified th e dewl «# H ar- — SO riet Ifanjen, 66, widow o f « S«, An-

^P■ tJiony nren rnncher nnd driver of lay tho car, and Lewis Peterson. 7S. St.

A n ttjonyrher h ired hnnd . H* *ald Petenon wos decapllatcd.

Hansen snld Jay Rom rell. 26. drlv- IhB a grain truck for a Sugar' City firm, told Jilm Uie Peterson car spun out bt control on th e icy highway

I I I and sm ojhed JnW“ h ts oncom lnj • truck. The collision demolished the

ear and r ip p e d 'th e fro n t wheels from h is truck.

K 7 •■Th|'*»KErirrrquot*il Rom rell as uylDS th v e Was a bad onowstomi a t

of the Ume of the crash , about 8:46 pjfln and v islb llllyw aa poor,

uet The crash happened about h«U- lon way between R exburs nnd Rigby, by Romrell wns tren ted a l a Rex-

om bunr hospital fo r A ls injuries and sen t home,

m - The double 'faU llty raised IdahoV :ht. ItSO unfflc toll co 234 fo r (he year md so far. By thla Ume Insb >-ear. Idaho t n highway crashes h a d claim ed IBS ta - lives.

,nd rAftX Y MELDBXniLEy. Nov. 14 — Veterans of

ini- Foreign W ars post a n d auxlUary members held th e ir a n n u a l V eterans

■X- hnV —38. evening.________ I

urs ^jow!

R U . 1956

Top Grassman Gets

f-ihe-Y ear.-H ariY -N ob._rl*ht,_£oreri£itt r«r grew In ttalia M onday. At le ft U Roberl ¥. I la lrm ah nf Ihe S U te G rassraan eommlllee. the Vear. [Sta tf eng rav ln rl ________

. Groups MeetBUflLEY. Nov. 14—T h o -B u rle y

, LDS *uka MIA held a meeU nc , (It the MnKe house M onday cvenlntf cn ,a

tor Gleaners and M -M en oHa tKelr ^ parent.v n !11 Ffttlieri nnd sons heard a ta lk by

Oeors# Pnce nnd moUien* and , u., )d daugliten heard Mrs. Mnx C raner. . ' , )d Ora nnd H elen Mellne; accom panied »y by Marlene B ean, sang.Jn . n :Ite Cincinnati se t a new a tten d an ce of tl

mnrk in 1058 w hen tho Redlegs ft p. A. drew l.iaSJSB fans. - All r

“ T r IOLETTE Eou• by ANJO

X- • THREE ITHfFFS fO R >£' $h« mokn Mrm «.ho laku tS«M utn

ooti. fttoding «rem t<fl lo tlQhl In Ih*

nr %tt» Invllti. eremlMt. ItovtiA»r*»*t-^U iMngi to eU womtn at

55 '

of L J 9■ ■ . ^ ^ I ■ ■ L

J B A M n iS ip U iP lI

mm35 fashionable

Cards w ith en

3 . 0 0 n

- V A W E ^

• “ ' " i i ' -

Cts Award < Tw<

» 1M l i

tiu « ln<. ' 1 7 oategorl

iS about ite n em l

If.m e by t h e ' ed by t

Uon enc^ - th e gen

V • • X ^ i & V y boring

r s ^ T v T - r r l ' r M th e cor

^ in w ls .” - rnated

ii B S Ml i f f f " g

^^ K g m B B S a B A roeosur plre ot mean luinunl

'' «avln(tw r ' pertoni

ThB c<tirfmplheadn

»$300And r r ollowni

m itteei f i s E a K 9 l ^ B a i l ^ 9 H i ^ ^ H i taxpny

nnd Ulnti_ r«n rhfr,.(j|tp lM s_th t_C ttl» ica lo_ io_Uie :rt ¥. tu n . BMlnlant tn the president The nlltee. Nnh recelred the honor over ijroppl:


C Iu b M cets I f ?. ..BURLEY. Nov-.' I J -D c l R upert T h is . wns loftstmaster ivt lhe ToMlmaBters isoo.tx) ; cltii> mecilne Mondny evening, ^n am

Spcalcsis~wcx«-Jamca-AuiieU_LeA «(-thai Moib4I» nnd Iterm nu E- King. T lie

C hin crlUo wn» Ed Cailcr w hile movnl , Robert Wnlkup had chnrco of the ' table topics. Next week's tnnstmas- : ler will be Olenn 8lmmonit. .

GR ANG^jtfEET'BET In L E R . Nov. l4_ReKulnr meeUng

! of the Pller O rnnge will ba held n t » s p. m. Friday n t the OrnnRe hall.

All membera are asked to attend.

I:o u de P a r fu m sNJOU■OR -CI'ERy VHIM>M Ktnli xllh h»f »htt»y»i 'ih»M lnih*lr llMI«oeld«nwerd>Ob«: . . iblt. wendcitully ctangtrovt m«n ot all llmtt

ClIlluHter 2 .2s plinlox



lie Greeting

envelopes! _

H -^ ^ S m S E IE E E l L -

• ■ ■ i ‘

T i a ; t ; s - N E W S . T W I N . F A

_ _ _

V o Per Cent Sales Backed bv S

( tn m F t f Unrt i\!iilir<p t r cent of his l»c«mp

lie 14 million riolluM ;inmi.<U\. :„,nncy ' However. »upBe»ted. lax rrlic'.i ln ':i;p {wi a* Income, rxclse nml p ii'iv iu clrtXpdu tegorlea woul d— ' .,.j , «U( «,650.000 ench yenr t!.r nera l fund.I f .th e enUre proKinni m • the commlttcf were lo h r ,,. by th e .next IrcW nture. ll "ovild ,can •llshlly nioic ili;iu-foui' mil-.i-.l,-*,, . A each yenr "oiilri be pouiril iu;.>,0 general fund. '■nio u l u tax p la» prn|)(»<'(l Ijj . ' V'.V. e . coniii^Uee^^Is ^R.-\tifriir<l *

»lng Utall, ■ 1; •'«As a means ot rrllevUiu p rop riiv .”! evnl roers of pn rt ef ihe lr in \ buuini. lO commltieo recwumciiclcd-cliuii-..'-’! .li 'S j n f U « live mill propetiy. |i t m inimum education rrq iin r; r^.ilunl w ls l'T til.i would menn nn r . v . ; . t h ated three million tor ir lirf n.' inrninl lopcrty taxpnyera nnrt n .1; Tiie 1 lat omtiunt annually 10 the. k i t - <l'c •a lfund . :T here »er« * couple r>f itcinn- i-'iulc endaUons deidlnc w ith Income -..n ’f " 'illef^GTIdaho. ---------- ----- Uie-mnO ne was to remove the per '•'<■ coi

sm te Income (.ixe.s, nn enirvcfnry H»'hi t leosure which Is scheduled l» <•<- ' r.iup lr Ire on Dec. 31, 1050. This umiirt''•‘' ' “ •ill i ta n nil entlmnied MOO.OOO lii,ssi nnuMly w> U ie 'isencrnrfuurt .in tl-n ; ''’ '"ce ivlng of th a t m uch to taxpnyri-.v '''ic*' T he Mcond- w n s .a n Incrrasr in ccuniiy

ertonnl Income tflx exciuinions. l'^>’e<l Tib commlltee sugRested bc.niim: ue. ih( tom atlnn.1 fmL-slug le pergQiM .^i»l ' ”;r wl eadn of hou.ieholds from si,mo io:» ''vui|!r.oixrr^isrTm ow TniTinK rinstrntt-ritr'jw 'u it$300 deduction for cnch depciuiriil ,d irii'ic

nd rriDovlns Ihe $5 per depcniilpiilj_ I" 'I Ilownnce now in effect. I > W ^T he esllmnled result. iJie ro n i- 'g

ilUee xnld. would b e 'a Mivlnc 10.X i ixpnycrs of $3,800.0(H) ench yciii. x nd th n t much les.^ from the souicr i)_Uie_Een.«;al fund.____________ ■/_______IThe eommllUTTvlso reconimenilrd 5 "

ropplnr lh e kllowntt hour tnx. now 5 elnc paid by household nnti com- S lerclol users only, with th e ;iipu - < s lUoir the s&vlngs be pnssed on to S he consumer. 5T h is would m ean an estlnmted 5

800.tX)0'tavings to those people nnd ^ - n annual loss to lh e generni fund Sf- th a t am ount-^ -------------------5 _ 3T lie committee recomincnOed rc- 5

novnl ot taxes on household tu n i- ^ lac x

D on't fa il to v isit F A IR -R A

One sm all group

= ^ l k m t ^ s r ^

R e g u l a r 5 . 9 5 . . . .

Small sizes only


Ruhbei-----------C o f n e ~ 1 '0 ~ H u d s o n

~ ~ r a i T iO n e o f th e f re e A n P ro m C w ill e n t i t l s y o u lo ^ E E Ice C c a n d r in k , , H o f.D o g s , F n c d C o th e r o f a lo n g lis t o f g o o d i

____..,P fO ce ss in g F a ir .

Be sure to get you

FREEa t the Ag Procc

• W in o n e o r -m o re o f ,th e r r

o w d rd s H u d so ri 's h o s p ro v lc

"^ ^g -P ro n rV

F A L L S . I D A H O '

les Tax - .S t u d y G r o u p ■ '« " ? * !

. J I muuuuiniIns* nnd *nlrt_i/^a:iy surplus Is citrwciitcnII lip in Ihe kcmi.i i fund th r Rni:it«l. iicy s)ii>uld be iijfU lo help re.Wre ’I'l) .'Olv

lwo-lnllllon-^Ulll.^r bonded 'in* iniiii-c .m. 'lertiierji of th e si.'ie. Ifoniiula.inie Interim thx .■.■iiiiiuuce.nRreecl!^'''’' ' ‘-''*T> h A rcceiit repov. by the mini-!III riUicntlon ci'niiiiiurn th a t the'-'*^*''- :M;ilure .'iioulcl ihiow o u l the i 'm e t'O !ait k UIcU litr <•!.»!? ha* been oiiiiiicmU 11,: tn dlstrlbule iir.nimum edu- 11111.117(1 ic-n funds nnd ?r; ud n new one. uifd lo n lie t;ix comniili'-'- I'rillclied tlie■■.■nt RVstem n. I a v o r i n g the ‘ '''’ ''Cuik.•h‘“ coiiniles-anrt prnnllelng the “ '0“ ri' «„ro-„n„>T=------ :--------------- - _ tiLaUUllU1 siilrt ll tound «ii|p varlatloivicvnluailon of properly In the . <’■

(I1IIC.V Bfcauae J.ik ttxes lliiiii.i '‘rcP‘«S *i,tx.rnte.i,,ihose_«.nli less taxable clinvKe 01mcriy in them niiui of necew lo ' HoAeviiluule the property higher to pro- clin rre-lIP the fund.% needed for govern- of liquoriim roperntiun.''. for ilie cI lie reverse ts true. Wickbcrg I 'n ld ,--------- --

the •'rlclier" counties — Uia<cili-li hrtve more tnxnblc properly.L'nder itie presenl dUitrlbUtlonay.A-II tho.'e m charge of dlabursiiis --Hnn>»mi»^^diicaunii infinry ta k e .________p county'.*, evalunllon figure andiltiply IL.liy la 'ii illlr.T tlf tL g lvw ___t'Hi tJie n;iioiinl /iiicli a levy would Ue In the County for lhe minimum 'n a tlttii jiroKiniii. Tlie s ta te funds Ml mnke up ilie dlflerence neededmeet the iiiliili'iuiM.................. . ..

WicktierK poiiiled out Uint in n limy with h ish evalimtlon n.< com- red with nctunl ca.'U market val- . the 13-niill Mle produccji n fig- e which re.iului In th e .s tn te nnt

im.-f . In—Iiinlt/|'-Iip_ihft mlMininm ___ __tli'icnco.In Ihc "rich" eouniltj by comparl*

A ny S ize C u t to O rd e r i

GLASS IRoplnrc helore w inter ^

Store o r Home InsUIlatloD p

WOON'SJ-B— 301-MAlN-W----- T IldN E j ___| _ ^ M


j p - 1 r a i S H O E S ^ - -

1 0 0________________ ______________ I u e s


I's Plastic

srs49‘~ ~ — J - F

— S. o n V f o ^ ■ ■ . - 1 ^

Coupons 1^•n C o u p o n s f ro m H u d s o n 's c e C re o m , o il th e M ilk you;d C h ic k e n Of o n e o f m o n y - - d io s o v o ilo b le a t th e A g

~ 1 Aour name m. th e

lAWINGS _Dcessing Fair. mae m o n y f re e m e rc h o n d ise J j B

ov ic icd .

VnlpH^ridny 1

the evaluaUon as compared to to munlol iiinrlfei value I.1 comrjjinHlvely This « So. w hen' Uie 13-mill rate U dues, pat l e d - l t look.n like the county in-keepln

rnL'lng nnielT money ior the phw.N. T muni educnUon proxr^ni. As a on ' the rciitcnce sU te aid li.ij to be would lUi

■ __ nun ily to■ .^olve thLi Inequity, ih r com- ■~*nr,’ ror ec .^UKKeJlcd a rntio lu la.ns a mciins ol I'omlni: us ■-a.i-pwatolrtn etiunitrmi; values v.'Xalion purposes UiioURliout Uie J,*

le »'oiiimlltee nlso hn« fee- ^\\uo,?v icmuijoji de.illiie w «h Die es- led »:50.00CI nnnually dbirib- lo nflecled counties iroiii fed- . .' “ '"I'l timber sales. U .'ugsesied

1CUIK the present ^o this Ci- nuuld so .to Ui««c.iMiitUles

U, Irom 'thehe fiiiiimlttee rttd recninmenti Mng lhe present " 5 pei rent su r. ice on hmior.ov\ever,-It-..URCCSted " ine . w ir.lScouts rre -lees-nnd - Uie 43.5 p tr -cc n t Comiiinn. Iquor fund pro fiu now .^rl nsldelcitn be t Uie Rencral fuifd. tie cit^tdtiucedlchlMren'

The Moit GlomoroBi Lipstitk'Xose tverl



— ( 9 4 * P



Hudson's Ag-J


Priced as Mai

V alues to $1

W om en's a n d M isses' shoe : q s u o I s . O dd lots, broken.s

je s if yo u r size is here.

B oys' Black W edgea n d

4 0 P a irs M en 's 1C repe soles e n d N ot

Friday and ^Saturday only . . —

M en's Full W.<

^ X F O R. B la c k , p la in to e o r V

Ag Prom V alues...


f ^ n d ^ tn r d a f

P A G E 'S E V E flT E E N ■ w S

Is would provide relief for . particularly Ui» larger once, ceplng up with mounting ex- ‘l I lB s ^^.•Tlle dlstrlbuUoD would be ', ' | |lfH the bnKls ot popuIaUon and i l l N)

- J 'i I•c eommlttee eoneluded Its aum- Sf e lJh cs iu d y w ith U jU o h ie rv a - i'

he committee I.i convinced U ie ' ' ' ?re eouri.e Li obvious: the o n ly i n■iiiitlvr lo expaiidwi s e r v i c e s ’ I r ‘oul new tnxea Is a m oro produc- I • i :economy. ,}(■' j i alliiiR this, the capacity to se- . ,lf! •tax revenue Is lim ited only by • U ! '

exprea»ed desire of the people ' i l !j 'diilio. They m ust be wJllJng to Ti j;

i*uli '*''1 iji

i m s BOUGHT ■ '! lrt.vo ItfLL. Nov.. H -B xp to rtr H Ills here have canvsued Uie I.i iiiiniuiiTlarrbrokcn—toy*—which— ■ - be repaired and donated to the ' '

dren's home tn Polw . j';*

I':! I

p r o c e s L g IDAY ' ^ ' l




hoes; S port, dress,' n.sizes. S u p e rv a l-

Ige O xfords

s L oafersleolite soles; . ■



RDS>r wing tip . ' =


y - O A t y l — =

Page 18: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc


i i f i i M F i

® E a r tSB o b P a sc a l, l la ff ie V alley f i r a t

**most vaJuaW® p lay e r” In tho P[on s ea so n , h a d a .8(14 av e rag e tb le

J. a c c o rd in g to o fficU l'f lta tls tlc s ro] ~H W B8T~^w iPift~BtgtlaU elgir'Pcsegl

tOWtfiMGi....... - Mjuo* LiAoua - • !!r,

w*L! n M I 1 441 hocg g s a . ,

IWal* t t l to t JIIJ T■■■ . . . lie

----^ l U .......................-IW I t IM T Og g -----------z z | t j u l« «

— ■■■■.- . I S I S.• n»n* »fc« a r t _______ for5 S S 5 » J = Z Z 5 « li? I V,l P,w S * l L r r r r z 3 j | | J |[ ' | • »

■WUJ11 - ^

j u ^ p t l ' ~vr

g S S = = £ « JK J ! !<11 MX tripi

!!! ii iii 5SSsgrLS* • " . i n »< u u i * t »i£ r i i % r .T m : — m i« u »« {[,„

_________ i » H « >«'»Khb*r<M«-i Pl

I~4 ~~ ' j ijfjH jLSToUli ■ - ___ t u «4 t u UU p]

Bu«k« . bor

T feE E E iiiiil H!-i“' :X. Kai«p___________ io» >*S t j I • nuMlS-. » = = ! ! !

r . . i k » . t » 1. . u l« 0ii „ r :

S??---------------- "■ ■•'•••■ s


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TbUI* .wo Ml too INI tloi

G i a n u l i a s W i l l ^ ^

M i s s N e x t G a m e- BERKELEY’. C*Uf, No». 14 W— T a Coach Uma (P»ppy) WaWwf broke Du

!M*-'WasblnttoQ 6Ut« BaUudiy irltbout SCc ■’•■ quairterback 0 0 » 01*nnH««. Ho Xft* cor - iB lin ^ h lil tc S ^ b m b y 'iQ ttw X n jr i

with u s e . , . . SW

t e = a

. ... .-V ■ •

'"i g n r e s , , '

P a s c a l S

i g K i n g If i r a t b a s e m a n w h o w a s n a m e d | Q P [ o ^ e r l e a g u e d u r i n g th e 106 6 H

t b l e a d i h c le a^ ru o in b a t t i n g , H 8- ro le a a c d to d a y b y W i H iam J . J H s s e a l e a r l i e r h a d ,jv o n th e t t t lo ^ 5 >

u n o f f i c io l l y . T h e r e w e r e ' f e w flUrpcieeA in t h o o f f i c ia l s ta* t in t ic s . T h e f i g u r e s t a l l ie d nl- m o s t e x u c t ly w i t h u n o f f ic ia l s t a t i s t i c s rc fc B se d a t t i i e c lo se o f t h e s e a s o n . ' ’

• M«(lo Valley tcored the m ott ; runs u B tc u n . 823, had the mott■ hom eruni. llO. th e m oet run i tMtted W /i i In. TST, •n d th e ^eweet tuilceouU. i J k i : 773. O M• n i c Cowboys, n h o flnltliKt In a H f :

Me w im Idaho. r » l t i fo r fourth end J g J

T O tlng with a J i t marlc. BoLte, ■ / wlUch won the pe n n an t (or the te r . U ] i ond conaecutJve year, iported » J78

■ team average.B oU «alM had the mont hlU, i m ’

, fo r,th8_m«* , 1.8M,k Paacal led th e leosue In baeof on ; -ili[ ba lli w ith 138 and tied wlUi Cow> i ' ' ]I boy catcher Sam M auney nnd G reat ' fI Palla ahortatop P fa n k Amaya In T ' ; b ^ ^ h jt^ by pltchea. Each wai

r —DU1HB— Herm oii; Mw l c - ^ l l e y rlBlit fielder, topped th e league with nobi

I 134 ru n t. Bob Johnaon , Idaho FalU eh et I th ird aacker. led th e league In' Umes a t ba t. hits , doublet a n d ___! triples. T > .

Pascal led th e leaeuoa f ln t ba te , l i ja e o ^ llh -U M O ip u to u U durlng-the season end th ird basem an Dob Pie- TT clano w ai tops in th ree departm enu 1 1 a t hU potlUon. H e had 30S aaaltU, J . J figured In' 33 double p lay t and com. m ltted 39 errora.

P a t McCotten flzured In 80 dtm- J o bla p a hare-the -U ad -fo r aeo^ n g th ond bBKmen w tth Bobby Jacobs of u : . • Boise, McCott«r->Uo amunltW d-48 th " t* d l* U l^ ^ second basenen tn

PIcclano and J . C. H artm an, Cow- " bojr ahortatop. played la every tam e during the season. 1

Cowboy p itcher Jo h n Burhnrdt ^ m ade 33 puiouU to lend In th k t de-w rtm e n t . ......................... r , . V 4 t l

Offlcta) b a ttln c averages for Magic Valley players appearing In C p

P ascal. " jM : “ a i Zarllla. JM ; M auney, J43: Picclano, JOI;' Her- m on ,-JM i H ar lm a n .-J7 4 : McCot- t e r r J73; Fred Babb, J4 J; Dick '” '*1? W right. J43; B usw r Cloud, J « :Oene Dupree, J U ; BurJiardt, J J I ; flo rin Bob Shaffer. JOOj Jo h n Mudd, JOO;E m le P a sto m lc l^ . .183; Bo lU d . ford, .170; Jo h n Q oeta. .IM, and ..MUI . b jd j^

S t a h l e y H a s .

L o m m e n d a t i o n- r i ' 'm r -a -mFor Vandals

th e blMOSCOW. Nov. 14 un - Coach h e vai

Skip Stahley saya he h a s “no doubt” t«rbai hla Idaho V andata ••wUl give K all" depar tbU Saturday again st Oregon SMte. naailt

A nd th e V andals wlU certainly se: have to when Uiey hoe t the Beavert, wint<

I who upset S tanford la s t week and s iS yi I a re now aiming to go to Uie note

1 B u t Idaho b eat a strong noncon-• ference U U h S tat« squad l u t week , 7 ^

and has ahown conalderable, con- ,? ?4I Unued Improvement thU season,

Uiough Stahley's tq u a d U In Uie I Pacific CoaJt conferenee cellar.» * " A t"C O '# V I'U lli. c&acn lolim iy ^: p ro th ro repo rtt ttA rtlng ends Dob

D egrant and Norm' Thie l will be out of the Idaho game because of In. ’ ""Rj Juries. D egrant h u r t hla knee and ^ Thiel h is shoulder AUo missing Th< from th e sta lls

t Z vah lea and guard V em Ellison, radio h u r t In Uic Stanford game. punti

The VondoU ran through a mild U t»n workout Mondny bu t wlU IntenaKy In pi drills Tuesday, 23 yn

: S tahley aald quarterback Gnry- Johnson did ono of th e finest Jobt A f0 h e ,h “ “ «n " g a ln i t U tah State. / I k l

~ i can’t aay too m uch for Uie CA o o u r a g e and c liaracter of Uils Fm n squad.” 'h e ta ld In tribu te . "The oui> tlin t look Uila Saturday Is only slightly ged •

J more dismal th a n It w as for th e liut a n p three games. 1 have no doubt Uie couiii squad will give l l all they have and th e 1 «-on't need to feel aahamed.'* Itrca

H i l l i a r d T . a i i H 7 <

1 Team After fin i1 'T hey had too m any horsw for us, In se _ bu t.our kldtrtld.a.c<v>d;job-" T hat

of the season-ending Big Six fool- T I? ? ball game between h is T * ln Fnlls X^L* Bruins and Uie Braves o t Boise. S” "

HlUlard said th e VcUrans day “iJ®' d s s h .W L l ’about as_lnier*.itlng a

J game as >'ou could w an t to see. nU ,' though I t would have been nice to :i have won IJ—o r even cotten a tie.” S ‘r„ 1* T he homesUiidUig BrivcfT rolled it up eight first, downs to six Jor Twin ‘I* FalU and got the Uc-brcnkliiK ,Z touchdown In tJielr 10-13 vletoo- on f®*' 5

a p a u Interception.Boise picked up 308 yards nu liln s

;! a n d '30 passing (or a toUl o f 338 .* yards. Tw in FkUs gained K rush.S Ing and 73 pasting (o r a lo ta l of i*' '•]I 188 yards. . « t tII Chuck Brown, Jim Duncnn and ,

tophom oret Jo h n ’ U lrich tn d Dave14 Angertwuer plaj'ed virtually th e en- '■ tire gam e 'In th e backfleld (or (he «

- ed by an Injury, taw de(eiislve ac- f II .tlon b u t could no t ru n well enough

to play on offense: vTackle N ebon D eK ram er and ?

, JOQUSLLyle Shockey led Uie BruUiI<’ Shockey accounted for 14*2

Uckles and D eK ram er added nine. ^ ^- T erry Randolph, Dale Henidoii,:e D uncan, Brown. KenC Anccrbaiicr. $

It Stowe and Dave A ngerbauer-etch X >• contributed th ree tackles. + ^7 D uncan « - u th e ' Bruins’ top T

g n u a d ia ln e r . p icking up 33 .yards ^ 4 4

Rolierts Scotes fo'smm

L .— ru llbt ck.Da tTaU-B«bar la-W »-»t-C *lU e«

r e e o te re ir f i i t th e o H le iS a n ile d Robcrtf RoberU was tackled by halfback E m la Zat photo) ______________________________

Brodie Nears In Passing Fi

By T h e Associated 1John Brodio of S tanford haa prai

BS the nntion's best passer in m ajor < reaching tiio Rose bowl. Tho senior with.l9-of.31-pitcheft-for-223-yardsS ----- ------------------------------------ State

Crawford Is }?om Co-Leader in Sp' Scoring Race S,'!• SALT LAKE c m r . Not, 14 f iP - h a r t t

Slow starting J im Crawford of W yo- Brod m lng finally cau g h t U tah S ta te 's age th Ja ck Hill in tho Skyline conference PUyer scoring race, according to figure* re - pastlni leased today by Com mUtlooer B. L, Tardag Bomney, . to ta l o

T he high-stepping Cowbojr UU* S1.S pi back picked up 14 points again st gains 1 M on tana as Wyoming clinched th e Paul league UUe. and Uie effort moved quartei Crawford Inlo a deadlock w ith Hill th rea t w ho was blanked fo r the aecond aithoui consecuUve week. wtUi h

Each backfleld aCe h as a to ta l of nung. DO polulB, and bo th have, one gam s p e r cer rem aining on th a Skyline schedule, three 1

Crawford's.tcftmmate, quarterback h as 01lA rry Zowada. -alto m ade o n s - o f the or th o blggeat advances of th a week aa tribute b e vaulted to th e head o t Aggie a u a r . team's t« rb ac k 3 o b W inters in the passing departaien t. Cowada a tta ined the paailng leaderahip fo r Uie flrsk tim e a ll season w ith a . to ta l of SIB yards. S S u r t W inters UalU In second place wlUi 81S yards.

Crawford also became tho first m a jo r coHcglate p layer U> reach the 1,000-ynrd m ark In rushing as he upped h is ground gaining to ta l to 1,034. HIU U In second spot wlUi 731 yards.

U tah S ta te ha lfback John W hat- ^

D enver's Johnny Wilson In tSie passI catching departmenU W hatcoff haa snagged 10 for 343 yards w hile W ll- son has caugh t 34 for 333 yards.

T hero wcre ho changw In n U ie r stjvtUUcs aa L arry .B am es e f.C olo- . . rndlo A and M stayed in fro n t tn punUng w ltli a 44.4 average, and U tah 's G ordon O bom held the lead In punt reU im s wlUi an .ave rage of 23 ynrda.

A rcher ScoresCAMBIUDOE. Md.. Nov, 14 ( T -

Fm iiklln Cnudlll, a 23-year-old tex­tile worker (rom 8ea(ord, Del., bng- ' ged a 200-pound. 8 -polnt buck w ith a n arrow In sou thern D orchester county early Tuesday—believed to be th e la rg M d err ever taken In the Itrca by a bow and arrow hun te r.

s-Sp idt-of—------inal Contest

In seven carries and c S t^ ln g a pair

John H il^ I jo ^ c a i^ lU T ^ f e s s s s r — ^ ench of them being a sciuntlonnl g rab tor a touchdown. U lrich mnde one of the finest plays of th e same w hen he snared th e -b a ll as Boise • hnd Uie Bruins backed up against tlielr own goal Une. He ran lhe pigskin back ou l of danger to hUown.35->iLrd41ne-to.cnd.th641raves: ---------scoring th rea t. - •

H illiard 'ind some words of praise for Chuck Brown who directed .the Bru in attack n t quarterback and completed four o f nine passes. He nlso praised hU squad's defen­sive work. 'T h e kids stayed right in there and kep t on fighting. May- be they won only one game a ll j-ear. b u t they never gave up," th e eoaeh declared._________________ ________

p A e iiS S l—f| COATS i<• • • ♦^ M E N -W O nrC N -CH IL D RE N 1 t AU Sltet — E la d a — Prfees |

|=St}rp1us-Solos—I —I H Block W est a t P ort Offlc* T

■ T I M E S - N E W S ,-T W I N F A

1 for CalHornia, Thei

EMUemUocerea-'W -totKhdinm-agaiiist^Smtlr

>bcrtf bad ero^md tha goal ilna aad ba wat ila ZaaipcM (U) mnd a a e tb tr USO pUyer. I

rs Title - j l— HSL£

Figures S .lated Preta ch at InJ practically clinched honors ‘‘“i ', - . . ajor college football although C-only-an-outside chancc-of • io n .--i enlor quarlerback connected him aw irds Saturday ag a in st OregonState but couldn't avert n 20-'----------19 defeat. The latest figures P n n -1 - 'rom the NCAA service bu- •cau show Brodie wilh 110 f l r n i i lompletlonsi in 195 attempts ;or 1,368 yards, an unprece- ' lented mnrgin of 36 comple- .ions over runnerup Bob Rein- {or Uie la r t o f San Joae S tate. leagues h

Brodie has passed for more yard- ing Tues< igo th a n any o ther m ajor college Jo h n ' }Uyer haa picked up by combined Braves w >astlng and running. HU ne t ground commute rardago of 33 yards gives him a prealdent » ta l offense to ta l o t 1,391 ynrds, or nam ed 'stIM per cent of s ta n fo rd ’i to ta l -------------tains In eight games, . yards Is i

Paul Homung. Notre Dame's Wyoming luarterback-fullback. s t i l l Is a Crawfo iire a t to Brodio In to ta l of( competlti ilthough he tra lU by 389 ynrds Bnm es o vtUi hla to ta l of 1,103 yards. Hor- to ta l of lung, who has accounted for U.S gives hln XT cent qt Notre Dam e's gains, has 8iD In 13 J u w gamea to pU y whUo Brodle has two u s only two. T h e two men are tord'a on Jio only players who havo con- nesnlli trlbuted more lh an ha lf of Uielr oa'SnB c team's to ta l gains. •

Jim Crawford of Wyoming, the Flores o( rushing leader, h a sn 't a chance In haa a ,( the to tal offenao departm ent a l- out of though hU overaU to tal ot 1W4 passers.



l i e n F j im b le s

- MOS( shouldn State's in the 1 tho-bra

F r e i9 | H n | H a sf l ^ « | ^ P | | | l n

Bolng, Pl Monday's a fte r An steady

Tho 3- race for. o t Paris oilman,

9 W | E 3 ^ K H ^ n V | son. Wai breeder.

The ngoBthem-OUlfornfarw T r t wgr- theTiext- l U a 4 J i p a r d _ r s n .G U k « ^ l ) Uio browi a waa credltod wlU rU w ieort— toT itnet) rer. u s e won *0-7. (AP w ire-" tries. I t

.. a grass tM arch 9 .

■un, Anyhow 3 “M B LB OO R NB ,-Tfom rt«=The'6 top deeaUilon aU iletu of Uie boI ^ u i►rid, R a fer Johnson of Uie S r o wUtad S tatea and Vaslllty Zus- of Uie lattiov of Russia, had a friendly PrlMOa t in th o Olympic village Tues- campalgr

Reported Johnson Informally of"'S .er: “We had a nice bull sea- InH c V m. - I c o u ld -n o t-u n d e rt ta n d EddleAri nt and h e could not understand wone_BuU t-»as-fU B jl------------------ ag o 'an d

.------- -------1 In Kcntu

Bgberg Is Funds Amp roup Secretary g „EW YORK. NOV. 14 Ml - The lor-m lnor league committee ap- MELB( itod to handle a tSOO.OOO fCmd S tatas Ol th e benefit o t minor baseball the ir fi

[Ues held an organ lu tlonal meet- since- re Tuesday. closed dt

olm Q uinn of t h e ' Milwaukee ing depc ves wns elected chairm an of the Coach- unltteo and Claude Engberg, Idaho St sldent of th e Pioneer league, was MUIer of ^ed-secretary. ____________ practice:

ds Is good enough for Uilrd place. omlng has only one more game. « ty l« of rawford h as only one serious T ho be ipe tlto r In the ruslilng class. Bill two weel -nes of W ake Forest, Crawford's Oakland, ll o t 1,034 ynrds In 183 carries tra ted c » him a. wide edge over Barnes' continue In 138 carries. However. Bom ta 70 pe r o

; two games to piny to Craw- - - i s one. GAVILAlesplte Brodle's yaiilage in- the LOS A sing departm ent, lie U n't tOM In punchlnr centage o t compIeUons. 'n m hooked res o t th e College of the Pacific unanlmo I a ,030 avcrnge wlUi 830' h its over Ch

o t 100 among the regular Conn., 1 sers. lhe Olyn

O u t of Keutucky, th e gi country, comcs the grcates mellow, warmhearted, aged

c £ i ^ six full years, . . Ancieni J


^Sflals, After ictories, FacirOSCOW, Nov. 14 OJ.R)— T b e m a n y .f ildn ’t happen to a dog, m uch le s s to te’s Rose bowl express m oves in to tc he Posadena.clossic a t Id ah o ’s cxpc: b rave decision he h as m adb so oftei

— -------- ----------------------------h a v e bee

rench Horse :_ f f v a g u e ly f

as New Home I America -g. French i ln S w of 170,000 In day 'sIntem aU onslrace.U golng• i^ e r lc a n money soon u a u ,lr t-a tr in i

10 3-year-old w at sold a fte r the w d for. IllO.OOO by Andre Lombajd

arls to N. B. Hunt, Dallas, Tex.. an, and Edward L. Stephen- .yW arrenUjn. V a. Uioroughbred w aahlngto;

? ^ 'n e w owners already have T«rtloo.OOOTaetrp!eked-out-f«r irow nxolt,w hoshq3vedJUsheeU tng~pther~horaea’froov-tlK‘COun^. ItU U ieS an Ju a n C a p U tra n o . ass race Uke Che lotefrwUonaJ.* 9 a t San ta Anita. Calif. Fnnr^^«™ lite r Bolng won by five lengUis,American betUng favorite. Mrs, Burke'sx»cdlcau.flnlihed flfUi,ckey Ouy Chanceller and M aster uR caught Llangollen farm 's MU- “3us o t the U 3A . In Uie middle {“ ',‘ '5 ^ le la s t tu rn and won-goIng away. 1inco Cortauld. an AuslralUn ja lgner making hU first s ta r t «tnAmerican owner Forest BmlUi. t -Bf LOS Angeles, came in Uiird " ,C. V. Whitney's FUherman wiUi fJx o-ArcaroupwasfodrU i. Flaher-- won Uie Intem aUonal Iwo years and now-goea-lnto retirem ent '*^hclons"c

Ur... ,

nerican Boxers SSf.y:' isume Training merely h 1EXBOtmNE. Nov. 14 MWUnlted u iS ^ T th re es Olympic boxers went through 22 o f 31 r first gymnasium workout dangerous j- reaching Melbourne belilnd A ldrich w >d doors a l a local arm y Ualn- ,00 r e t^ v depot Monday. ( ! „ , . , - 1- ,>ach-managert Milton -Holt of w S n u t m 10 S tata college and M ajor Don “ er of the U. S. army said doted - , lice sessions would be conUnued M f Q c l K ughout Uie games In order to maximum Impact to tho various T T o o T a of the 10-m an team. JL10 boxing team came here after l o S AN weeks of Intensive training a l Jones Ju r land. Calif. NUIIer said concen- mUs.. too) ^d conditioning workouU will selection 1 Inuo because "conditioning U in th e na tl c r cen t ateur boxing." plonshlp f

^ILAN WINS ^ * T h ^ * ^ fJS ANGELES. Not. 14 W -B olo cons hold :hlng Kid Gavllan. 140. Cuba, w estern dl led and Jolted hU way to a O th e r h ilm ous decUlon Tuesday n ight a re M eta

Chico Velar, 157. Stamford, Jtm clion. n., In a torrid 10-roundcr a t K ans.. 8-0 Olympic auditorium. Tcx. C-1.

W \ \

e g rea t bourbon Icnge you to findatest o f them all. tucky Straight Boiged to perfection Old • 86 Proof •n t Age. We chal- Company, Frank


r T l t t e e - e o n s

ing Rough 0ny.friends of Idaho grid coaciHT] w tb genial ol’ Skip, B ut the sch to town Saturday w ith high hopcf acpensc. "We’ll show up,” avers often In th e face of overwhelming bccn' looking relatively -

it - fo r - S ta h lc y - la tc ly , T I out some of t h o s e X j c U l i ely familiar faces he sees ^ .Ig practice sessions are | n t f > rmen who have been on i j i j u r e d Ust since the i

p art of the the point whero only 28 t f . i i . . . _

lulled up a couple ot weeks ^•he SltuaUon became to bad a s tr in g tackle played f lts t- takes Uie cen ter, and Skip hardly dared track and

I chalk-ta lk tor tear somebody o u ,e r previ . tr ip over an eraser and break suburbn

PoliticalV andtU were bumped by porarlly to

ington, Oregon, W ashington u t Hungai and ArUona (Tempe) S tate th e o lym ;

i j l n a l l y getting a break—an g n r ian .n tf da te. T lia t gave E ta h l^ t lm e no more itch hU shredded line and Russians. lU pT rheW -offenae r-H e itU o -^ in terea t- ed old acquaintances w ith ineet whlcl s who hobbled In (rom the tracks a t lary. They Included center cause o t L e W alker and tackle Dick Pos- f irs t look . lalnstays of the rugged (when te rlng s ta r >^da^lo^lne. games favi;e then , the VandaU have Landy. i 1 up three victories In a. row. who haa Ing presUge bullden over Achilles toi imd Utnh State. Stahley denr- miles even es to whip those Skyline toes the Russia

stam ping grounds are n l- Hatu Inclui fe to southern Idaho athletes, Lawrence i ipes Vandal victories will show , £ lh a t . th e Pacific Coast confcr= «

perennial doormat U good w iuh ^ to fm lernU e.In ,the_upper race wlH-t< ms of tho neighboring" Sky- —

acems certain th a t Idaho’s v '0 1 0 r < It winning ttrcnk will snap Oday, bu t Oregon State may JP U l U tho game to be more than - vtT A m y It tough.w orkm it irterback Oary Johnton. In Uireo victories, has completod31 i» « a . H rt p.rllc5l.rly S i™ ?

rous on passes to end Larry:h, who U among Uie nation's J iaccdvcrs. As long as Idaho's J!!®"'

ut*^^p a ’ba'tUeT' of m e * ^ n“ ~ SelecUor

ssissippi Team SSTu.’S s Top Ranking BURKE ti ANGELES. Nov: 14 UU-The „

Jun io r college of Elllsvllle. took Uie lead Tuetday for H?®

lon a s eastern reprcsentaUve Tuesday I national Junior college cham - 8«iier « l ip footoan game Dee. 15 In Oo»ingeles Memorial coliseum___t Cotteyvllle. Kans., Red F al- \ i / iil ho ld Uio top rating In the m dIvUlon. Lel ,cr hlgh-rfvnkers In the W est «. Seta Junior c o llm ot G rand ion. Colo., B-0; Highland. McRII . 8-0; Boise. O-O-l; Victoria, 130 2nd . M .__________________________

■ I iL J | J J

1 1 1 U 1 1

find a better bourbon. Ken- It Bourbon \Vhi*k^. 6 Years" ” “» f . Ancicnt Age Distilling •ankfort. Kentucky

b i i t e i F =

i - ■ , . '

r, NOVEMBER M, ia ;a

isecutiwTOpponent'i ) ..N c il-S tah lcy atrrcc it schedule show s OrcBoii

opes o f c linch ing a bcrtli ;rs S tah ley , rea ffirm in e lin g odda. F a c t ia, th ings •

n d y M o v e ^ toWai-mup r Olympics5BOUIUtBfitoV7l4 t.n*:_ ' Au,-----t g rea t Jo h n L,mdy RU-eichw RS competlUvely for the f i^ t In sU weeks nnd Uncic &im Uie wraps off Iil.i po^ifrJui

nnd field tonm tonlcin in preview of Uie Olympic c.imn lurbnn Geelong, llcal tension g.ive u.iv lem. ly to sport with tho nMion.ii- jngarlan flag now (Inpiiiti: nt ilympic vlllngc end lhe Hun- t_nthletea.»cttlf<l In nunri,.^. ore Uian 60 yards triim tho ins.

whlcli U to be staged on rm.m • a t K ardlnla park boUi br-

o t Landy's test race nnd tlie ook o t America's record-sluu j» ^ - j^ o a ? :o .h c n v y _ 01«nplc__

dy. world mile rccord lioldfr has been bothered by tom es tondons, will run In tlie f>o- even t against VIndlmir K uw ‘ ussian ace. and oUier Aii<i.Jy including Dave Stephciu, AlalT^ nee and Dave Power, am not completely w tljllrd - ny form.” said Landy, "i badly • ■■shnrpcnlng'' u p .' Tomorrow^ /lll-tcll mo how I am RolnE."

orado Named r Orange Bowlk in . Fla.. Nov. 14 0^-Col8-

footbaii team h the No. i ! of the Orange bowl schedule Ittoe th a t's arranging the y ear's day clastic here.I Kusserow, commlltee chair* said, "we expressed x prefer- for Colorado” f n -a meeting Reaves Peters, commissioner > Big Seven conference.KUon of the team s In Uie K bowl U up to the Big Seven lUanUe Coast conference.

(E nONOREDN ED IN .'F la, Nov. 14 W -Jacfc I. J r , who won tho M asters and >OA championship UiU year, iay was named professlonnl

of the year by tho Prote i- Oolfers ftssoclaUon.


icRILL AUTO REPAIRjWiad Ave. N. F b e o t 279jl

Page 19: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc


I b i i n c i l

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■ g S i ^^ ^ r L T „ r K hoo la a r c N o ^ ^

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gtlf AU AHGUS A tll

itanHWUl- U^l*'


«an '» g tw iiiu tor. We imieh- In H»e entire n in e - , ( t e r th

- a dteull UiU year. To win. a pe*t lh S'fiid-t»-»»-*trmU!-Bn<l-CO'»IJ^ bu t_ thc

BUI M«tth«»-»’ s p a ru t is frontier nboUu "T heiM ihk eparUns cllnchKl th e lo Hun;

JS^uuUjB by dctcftllni? Burley, lcnm«Io f 'S S a u Ion; had held n th e (wr

1 iMkhoW on Rupert nnd con- tf>cy «t S ^ l the Ural aenaon nftcr the w h a t I tfywAt eounly school* were con- J S S . BetUtis Budcy mnde Uie - r y iaTSamp^oiiship doubly s n e l f ^ l V ^ibe Ulnleo Jaw. '

<*»'nplonshlp’ wiw“ not ^ u M x p e e f k but u’ltJ) ut u el»e •* ll U»e c«>wn ^ -, rtfrt In Uie bus unlll ftftex th e I f | | a,] p n h»d wunded In Uib Ilnnl w

te#Bue conches Kcner- f r S ^ e d th»t Mallhewa had the ■M po«rfut U«m in the confer-

tol It look more thnn power to " ’«« '''■ Siheth*mplon»hlp, I t took cour- o«lcl»l ttdtltmlnailon and a p-ent will o«vcr I *liL The SparUns had o il ol B cnrs ]• « in unple-meaaure. bnai p1 ihini illnleo-Mid the o the r t«p p ln n loi m-6Ul« le»6U6 Uama — could to nppt ir the top Utms In the B is Six Entne a ; TO (CTiia. Tliere'e no u-ny tc EarJJi n it, but Il's {un to speculate Dnme © It. cano c

• • • “ Blcln« gfer Tirlft RUb Ura. On. cry Is. m m fill m m next year," T ho Bruins Q !l o( to a dismal t to r t b lit they ±t«d slrong by thumplnR Idaho ^ » m v Ihelr only fictoty and then guoujd:

by t single touchdown lo t» which took second place In I Bl* Bit • An IrOmA Bob HiUl&nl used a 'Bood ^ ^ P ’av itlllai c t sophomores in tho Inst ChJcdff,

(ines nnd they perform ed \i.'ell At b ^ nsulta Ihow, d lo iu i

Hot yur's edlllon of tho Bruins c e p t nro6»Wj'ront be « powcrhoosc b u t -----------w tsrewme BOod >-ouoK bnckfleld Brtdlroi ertmnB* -comlns up. Keep your Jao^^y re cn. Johnny Ulrich and thjve o S u i

. . . Da-reAnrrtdutr. » fullback, nnd hU ‘’“ i? « «aw Kent, end. boU> started s Ua Bolse pime. How long h a a it “ ,®«n dace T»to Fnlls haa h a a a f ^ wUitf comblnntlon In the atortlcg

w the rourt°t\inn <yi°^c atan'dot

T i m e s - N e

GRIDCASTING'G unn Iloople 'i ’ Tot


Wyonilnif Wyoming»IBYU 24-0

■ . Oreson Slnle OrcRon Slala»i Idilio 30-13 __

)V^lnift<»n Stanfordat SUnford 10-12 ’

u s e s i u s eOrejon . 7-0

Purdue n t P iirdu#Northwesitm. lo-o _____ ________________

Auburn Bt A uburnQcorsift J 9.7 _____

' Columbia Columbia.......■« "W l------------ ^1.13— ...

Colgate «t SyrocuM— Syracuiie jj .O • • '■

;lntll.ina nl MlehlRnn 'Mlclilgan 3 4 . 1 5 ______


_______ __________________________________B a « .r , t . . BajlorKcbrasiia' - .0

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, 1955 .

. A C E S m

3 f u s e s t o R {

n s t T e x a s A

^ w T G o n t iN a t io n n l C o lle p i .itc A th ic l ic ;isstHM;i

.in K e v e n ts f o r '[ ic n o d s runK iiuT f i ^ i h C a ro liim S t n l c . O liio S iu tc u n iv e r.s

: S o i illie i-

S’orry Takes^ --------- ■ " J 'l

oyO iitof STS! Lthlete’sLife S l3tfELBOOnNE, Nov. H lO — A nulumnllj unBlon woinnn awlmmer froiu jju-jj ingan- e w llirmigh ihc inonom ciiiuiicliiif ^tw»]ntn«-»vef ;i, urii;rTn-u»-m y<it4 = fn y -n ;;^ : .pool, bu t m her mind arc icj-.direcl jughla o t fear. linuded oi\ t n lsht she Ciiniiot nlccp tor luInlclnj of h e r m otlirr nml Ilancp C;iioliii;i

3he ls*cmnll. fnlr-hnlrrd Jud tt * 'QurliU!* m es. 20, who wna Uilrd In tlir ..qi ymplc 100-meler rnce n l IleLilnkl i „ , „ , m

1W3 a / te r brm klns U.e ri-cord ‘ 5

M l 'day nnd nlKht i.lie nsk.i her- X: "Arc they ^afc? W hnt !s hap-

3 h e lold a hew.iiunii: i'iuJlL t'LAal yenr I crnduiHcd as a doc-

r. We plnnned to ccl mnrrlcd aoon ~S o u n ic i :« • the Rnmw, When l le ft 3ud .i- on proij;i( Rt the Ruailnn* had wltlidriiwn. prolj:aion t-thty_ndvnnccd..nB Tiln_nnd_th- Coam coi: m tle ts 'w crc dosed to u.ic. S h lc 'a c;iT h e only way wc could Rct l.acJc leitiiia .tr. Hunijary wn,i to leave wllh tiie anti coiipi

\m ^ o r Melboiinie And return nfter rloiU, e (tnmets. B ut I do no t kno.v It Univer- cy .«U » are nllt-e. I don 't kiinw um, yo„[ w t I will find when I rcI home." uip

•---------------------------- pnrt, In "N

?ro Football -r sSUUC. lh

sfow SceMng- - [College ‘Color’ c,“S'CHipAOO. Nov. U W - Proles- frlcnd^ot onM football Is nfler ih a t some- ^,ju iln s lone asjoclnted w llh COIICRC jcholarsl lOlbnll — the color provided hy n , , , nrehlnff bnnd — and one collegc Jricltl doesn't like the Idea. ,Several wxeka afio the Chlcauo i-”- ' ' " , / ears had the Unlveraliy-nf llllnol.t ,Uld play a i Iial/tlnie. Now Uicy 'o » '« “> n n Jor th e Indlnna university bnnd SouUie► appear n t Ihe B ears-U » Anselc.-! the coun xma ftfW rleley Held next Sunday. S o u t h i EarJJer in tJio Moson Die N oire foundaili am e band appeared n t the Chi- letcs of 1 iKO Cardlnnls-W nshlnRlon Red- lownnce.-i :ln« game nt Comlskey park. council , From Lahyette,tvd.. came « pro- "'°"V.V

a t Ouy (Red) Mnckey, Purdue's ColWoi thleilc director, declared em phallc- cled net lly M o n d a y n ight: •'CollcKcn member* JOUJdn't parUcJpate In professlenal "n jorts.”An InvllaUon for the Purduc bnnd

> Pl#y a t the Benrs-Rams name InhJcttffo Sundny was turned down. >"emben At Bloomlnston. however. Uie In - „ T " " ,}

lona University bnnd voUd to nc-

rldlron—h e never hnd gone out for veralty > »lbBll u n til th is year, hu t he bnt- :ed hlfl way to a sta rU n j position.Daire sot' his s ln r tln j berU> on th e guy of

osls of h is pcrformonce w ith th e lose. Jphomorc'tcam when Mike Stowe, ae Bruins' regular lullbnck. in ju red .“ HslThe broUiera. sona -of Mr. an d P o i f

Lan'douts In the grime. ’ ‘ OAKL•• — ----- "f. ^ • '^== = If p ast

Uon, SUK 1 a «i #cI N 6 W S In g to n i

G CONTEST n t lenM

• Tour Choice Score re lM ?^ ''ruahlnp

T h e i;- . ■ --------------- -------- noriherr


■ ■■■ — — u n io s in ■ M

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_______ _________________________ T I16 n- . -...... - ^n a pr

n e a r 01 s lan s cl Amcflca

.. --------------------•_ oo-sa.,,.--------------------------------------------- Why

college........................................ ............ . . Mormon

feel th t- ' • - Russlaiu

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• - ' T' ----- r t — will winfinesse.

■.............— ........... . tenm Iscorwtani

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print) ~ u ke i'o ra en v ttea -to " — i u o - b«or* noan P rid a y j - .u o o ;

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M s e ' : t ^

i t e s t s • —;s tH 'i;it inu c o u n c il T u o s tli iv

fi'u tii Tn'iic” r i i o h th s ' l o f u i i r 'iv e r.s iiy . t l i c U n iv e r s i t y ol" t r a f c . i l l i e n t C a l i f o r n ia u n i l th e ivf>r5 i!.v o f D iH fo r n in . ^I Ihc siinic tim e, ihe council re- ijP tl lo -lift proSaUons-ngalnst the ^ v c rs i tro f Mlnml tP la.)-iind T ex- - . B \ iiiiil M. The action rule.'\ oui

jiauibtU iy th a t football icam i 4T II lUc-ie schools will be able to 1 S ♦ tii'ipiKe 1» post-season bowl tllU. \ A Bm txiis A arid M Is ranked fifth ^ roiinlly nnd Miami elRhUi. ■oth iciioQU were considered prime

nc-pmrem n B - ir m n ' m unctlrpol»- — L . - clirecllng body o f 't h e NCAA.(led OUI one of the s tlffe s t peniil- iii lu history In placliiR Norlh

oliii;i S ln lc on a four-year pro- ' 1 on. stnrU ng Tuesday. \„urlnu th a t period th e .ichool will 'be eligible lo en ter nXhlclcs or

n.l In nny of the H NCAA events iM -he i’5 coopcraUng events, fnclud- , . ' k po-si-iicnson bowl game.i. ^

he college aLio wn.i denied rep- r IJS ■■nt.tiion on nny NCAA commit- ^ nticl the rlglii fo~vote~8n “Jtny —

-siioii before the NCAA Ior ther-ycnr period. | j » i ®guiiicrn C.^ltfornta wBii - p la c e d __probiition untU Ju ly 1. lOSB. when b:Ulon Imposed, by the Paclllc gpyju ..^ ml coiiferencc nlso runs out. Ohio ; eCTA Ic's carrles 'to next Aug. aiTTJOUl' ~ w 4 ^ T tiu\ are bnnncf* from tho NCAA 1 coiiperntlng events fo r those pe- E w w tl,Iniverslly of Cnllfornla's. proba-I conCiiiuc.1 (0 Nov. 13. 1B57, but .school win be perm ltlcd 10 U ke ' ^ . 1’:, ‘

•t, In "NCAA sponsored nnd coopcr- ,IK events. r s t Mnn -U ic -c a sc -o f . N orth .C arolina "ihrJr |it(i' le. the council snld. Uie vloln* 'dies m«v»i_wfts offering nld to nn u n - ---------------m e d "prw pectlve'siudcnt-aU i- X T ' * ' !

Vnlktnong Uie inducements, Uie coun- y VJr J anld. were nnnunl cash gifts, a en-yenr medlcnl educaUon for a k ;nd ot U)c prospective a th lete n t Z l CII na n five-year unrestricted X x O lolnrshlp.>l)lo Slate. Ihe council nnld. wa.i ,,, lly of aiiowlnK Ila "hc.nd football . (erm c, ,ch" iWoody naycii) lo u llllie a f in is li in rlvnlc cmerRcncy aid lund" lor f in a l ta ll l u to iQoitolt p l .y c n , O k lahon ;iouUiern Cnlllom la's probntlon. ,,,, ■\t„ r council snld, came becausc the ■ u t h c r n Californio EducaUonal indailon "provided siudent-nU i- f o r lOll! u of the unlveralty w ith cash nl- OklahOtT .'nnce.1." Pnyment* mnRcd, tho .v,,,, 37 .n c l ls a ld , irom JIO U, »76, per

Jallfornla's probnUon waa lev- Jd because, Uie council nald. two in ' imbers o l the fooUmli concliinR Tenncs.i iff "ndmlnlstered nn cmerRency OeorRla T I fund.’* mnklng 18 loans "which bcsten • M ;roRed approximately 163" over a romped 01 o-year period. T he coaching s la f l *":mbera wero unnam ed. ' 1^1 ' i / ‘rh ls brinfis to lour, the number Pnclfle Const conference whoola

nsa ied by the NCAA. All b u t Cal- rTllft were bnnncd from p o s t - .w i , . JL, 1 bowl games. UCLA and th e Uni* i° , . ' , ' „ rally o t W ashington were chns- ca ,.,U cr . UCL* b on orob.Uon ,Ul Aug. 21. loss, and the Unlver. y 01 w « l. .n . lo n unUI w =1, * 5 2 ,cS.*

schedule ' Purdue, i

[uskies Put No .“"i’s :aitIikLass^_™“SOAKLAND. CriUf., Nov. 14 (fl— CSiI5”trB r p a s t pcrform nnce Is any Indies* A iM . anc

in, Stanford can Ju s t aboul forget »‘« 5 i ss defense when I t meets W ash, dlspoomg r to n i Huskies a t Pa lo A lto Sa tu r- beat M ini y . - Miami.Wasl^lngton simply doesn’t pass— ranked e

lenst to henr Husky publicist *«»« >>nb( h n Tliompaon tciJ It. ConcIiD iir. f f» <No.I Roynl bnnks nlmost enUrely on tie w iui shlng off Uie sp llt-T rormaUon. Syracus T he Huskies, Thompson Informed its best a r ih e rn CaUfomla football writers snday, completed oaly three pnsacj T he Mn a ln s t UCLA Inat week—the only yenr a t I ao since Uib M innesota gnmo Sept. races In the^^havo hlC on more than tifo bred and

jDS Missionaries Sa lingers Can Beat RusMELBOURNE, Nov. H t(J— A 'T h ey oup of Amerlcnn Mormon mLi- never h a ' jnnrlcs-w hoB liould-kiuiw .sayJiS , men unde llcne teams could bo^t Russia .1 oliciwe ac ip ip ic bnskeUMjl ■ Ie«i7>~<>ntl the a roou d g American Olympic leam should cn rc fu lrtln t l n - a-breenei-------------------------- - ing-f o m cTI16 missionaries plnyed the reds -B u t 1

a practice sartreT il "un uniiuiy collrgg te a r Olympic park th n t th e Rus- • 'n w lr in s claim Uiey won 101-50. The Hull of 1 ncrlcans' clnlni" th e ' score "w na speed," an-sa.__ , exccpUomW hy does Uie tenm of .former shooien . ' liege plnyefft—now workins ns nnd miss orm on mtsslonnrles In Auslrnlin— accurate 1 el th e American* cnn Uke the bnll hand jsslans when they lost to the , ■ivlets 'themselves.?DcLyle Condle of P realoh.T dn., 'e -"M orm on Y ankees"" plnyinR Mncli, soys he’s sure the Americans.11 w in bccause .the Russlnns Inckicsse. B u t he w arns th a t the rednm Is In superb cpndlUon nnd Is ■ ■nsCantly ffghUng nnd scrapping, U A■’They are more like a pro leam 1nn anybody I have ever .lecn," them e r Unlveralty of Utah playerId. H e.scored M polnuUn Mon-ly'a game w ith th e Ruislani...•T hey Rive you a lot of hip nnd 1 * / ^ ;)wt»«.-Thny-ttr»_nnt d fjlbcrn le ly I_________rty, I think, bu t Ju st big and DJJJ: ugh. They, ore solid drivers., j ___ ^

G A N G E S , R o u g h L um ber” I 4 1 , We Olve s i H ' a r « n ' 6 Umps _

- C H E S SH a i l r D I N G S U P P 1 .T ______

.UOO;amJ>erly Rd. - P h . 44»e_ ' 1

p r -

— ^ ^ ------

t i m e s -k e w s . f w i n f a l l

o o l T o N I

a oNavy Air Ai-n

At Mniiil. GiiM rra lialis and Tom F o rre tta l. ir |it(.'lilns armx befifml .Vxvy't cen te r, W dio \ miivff by land, ton. (SEA photo) ~_______ ^

' b l ^ R ' ^ l a ^ S i

ls Top Footba]lly The A uoelated Press

'eruic.'^wcc a tid O U iilunK a CH nie ilowi} tt sli in I b i s w cd i '.^ A s.^oc in tc tl P r e s s f ll t a l l y sh o w o tl Toiinc.-<.see H io N o . 1 u h o m a Icci TeiincH Sce in f i r a t - p lu c c vr M u jo r .s tl i c V o is h a d n '75-34 hcco iiL toUil.H a d d e d u p tn 1,4'18

T e n n e s s e e a n d l o r p lny 'ng Coi ahom 'n:. T h e S o o n c rs h a v e tHtJonai m 1 37 . s lr a iK h t a n d le d t h e lakea on ofi 1 e v e r y \v c ek cxceiiL o n e , . sn M kh ii 'i in S U ito to o k r in O c lo b e r wns a 0-0 winner over rgla T ech In a bnyio of th e \in- :en - JnsC SAtrirdny, OlcJohoma ped over Iowa Slate 44-0. licy fnce ruRRcd opposition Uils k-end. Tenncw ee eniorlalns Mis*'ppl (No. 10}, wJjJch hna won

Souihenslem Conference title la s t two .Bcnsotu, Oklnhotnrt

n Mivioiirl. which p;irtly ntoncd Jts four dc/c.iis by Jioltllnj; Colo- ) to a 14-14 Ue Insl week, ich lgan BUvtc, which nosed out rg la T ech nnd Texai A&M for <1 place wlUi 0S3 points, hns inc.iola <No. n> next on lu :dule a fte r a 12-0 victory over .due. G eorgia Tecli .plnya . Ala- r Vj?^ la. T ho unbeaten Texas Aggies. L.l.i.,' vlnclns 33-7 wlruiers over South- M ethodlst. m eet Rice. n o ^ ^ r ^ S a ^ ^ a y batOe m atches

St. and lowa.XNo, 7» Ohio Staus 's tre n g th en its Big Ten lead by

looing of Uie Iowa team Uiat ( M lnnesoU 7*0. ia ra l, Idlo ta st week h u t . still ked elghUi, fnccs a challenge n unbeaten b u t twice-tied Clem*<No. J3X Clcm.ion plnycd a 0-0

wlUi M aryland last week, trncuso (No. O) Ilnbhcs nne of best aenaons Iri many ycnre by

tie M nrylnnd Puturlly. held each : a t L nurcl, Is the 0lde.1t stake a In M aryland for 2-ycar-olds t and foaled In thn t stAte.

Say U. S. lussiansth e y use n typo of olfcWB 1 cr have seen, Tliey keep Uireo > under the boards nnd force then»STi5wirtK5-ffiram«. u ify iiuvc i-------- r r T rooij dc lcnse nnd It you nrcn’t U iUifu lrtherhold-you-w hlle-jockey--------- — • —f of pfj.ilHnti. __________3ut I th ink a lot nf -Amerlcnn effs tejujjs tuuJd-beat-JhejDr^^— ~ n w lr m nln weakness," s.tld Don I Of O gden. UUth, "Is lack of ?d,'arid 'O icle-floor-w ork Is 'n o t :pUonnl. B ut Uiey nre Rood 3ien . T hey 'llke clo.\e i;lde shoui m iss few layups. ’Ihey nlso nre

■rate from the ouUlde. b u t thclr h and ling Is aw lra 'n rd ,'-------------------------- —


f io r s e - S h u ■BUS

’ASSENGERS-TfUfTlew-Bu5-5iop - I s now located a t

415"'SEC6Ne .A V E j S O U T ^ H ,


P R O B A T :

B i

x n i Glory

;■ AfLo

t ; • im r n n n n e f J ninuiic of ci

qui;^«.M,'i .Im U

^ ' ’hrf,»tcned

X n | e * a A c»ui<i keepm K j i r p ' hou

lll^^lnrkf;' 9 1 ^ h<' iiii.s'ed n

■ T ! :'nil I,alcd I) i h '^l pliiy nR;

^ I 2 t-:o . DerrL j U-i,«t Snli

bcckoned lo/>'■> . _ riu;>i'U'r, wl

' -y lliMilr IheapiKiirni al

B K W r ! nnil kickcci

'I 'hrre wn


(■tal. le tl io Hxht, crank up Coach Tom W ilson W hitmire. TijeJUJd=_ >>n«k Ncpi

- • ------------------------- onto U it .l----------------------------------------- - OrcRon Sta

:_________________ porlnnt PISooners '“z:r____ clinch a R a

l a l l T e a mThiel nnd

rrcs* . played niUi iv» to th e w ire in fl ph o to sinnford. 1 ISS football poll, a n d tho touchdown 0 . 1 tepm by.rt^'Vo po in ts . . — cc vo les 92.;B8 b u t John - "K c o r d i Hccond-place edge . T h e ir m e l b o i

------------- !-------------2-------------- YounR ofg ColRtiU-. an unm nked trn-if rlvnj. ^f/cJtlgftn <No. 10) wnj, „ w«ion oft-benlen Ind iana ._______ Tuesdny._.

T a i lo re d fcO n c o , driving required

and goggloa, T oday’o mo of m ov em en t ond com

— practically everything

T h e l i e

s t r a

^ y o

' PffiH1 ;? ■Bwl Ov e a r s

I b I p

‘ ' jcpaicHT aa


I Fullir a j k ^ _ C h a ry \

J l i i l l l i l i lJ u L j— — — ------------------- f iK h lo r iiici:!*■ / - I d :iv I'lir-liu*

r y C o m e s L 'liainim m a^ ' si>n l \ ' i ' th e

Haceldcker .jong Last

loi* the I >. Tex.. Nov, 14 H '-T l was „,p ime comlnK nnd iheri; wcie ’n ip ,ui'

henrU clie* ,.Ion5 the wny. ,u„n;iRpr in e fB e r r j- •finnlly-hftd-hui n“ l:in3f Siory. n lllm r r »,ivs, th e s to ry of the guy \sho im iuiuh lull . qu it nllhouKli lie knew he tioni ilu- iuik desilncd U> piny, nnd who The "Ucnco inck n flcr frlEliIIul buiii.s nmiir in the led U> h n i r hLt foolb,ill nim ilirr n( I

cir.nvh :iml 11

ecp him w iil\**uic'itain—tie hours a t plnceklcklng. folk.i ■

nrkf.M (lay was in IBS5 when ed a poliii nftcr louchdown ^ led lu a field Roal u y cn ihe ''fi '"""* ' « y nRnltui Tcx^is. Baylor Inn "• ,,Derry crlccl like a bnby down locker room.Snturday Sam Boyd nAon*l^i\tmc :d 10Berry In th e lourih L’ ^ p . S l y , when Baylor hnd driven ..vnUunlly. Ihe Texn.i ID-ynrd line bu l sppftklng c •<1 alynitca, llriry I'fttcd oiii, j r n io n snld' ickcd n 19-Jj>ril field goal “vVc nvp fli dUflcull nnKle. Bnlyor bent „ ,p jppcd. 1

! w nsn 't nn.v weepinR In the -U 's no k room Saturdny. on a bwly nit ----------------------------- —you don 't I:

jtlu^MalicrS^;™«O l ' P . ing 20 knocki

l y e r b l u i t _ —

vA L L is. oiT,. NOV. 14 r ^ i- OrcgorTommy Proihro moved ends T n ' i i i i « v Ncprl nnd D;vayne Pournelr l l l J U l j h t- .f lra l. fllrlnK Tuesday ns CORVALIJ

S ta te prnctlced for Uie Im- BoUt of Oreg I Phclflc Cna.%t confercnce will be sidenl~ rdftho~5ntur(m yr----------- th m tiim c -n ton SLnle* could vlHunlly conch Tomm i\ Rose bowl bid w llh a victory He snld B Inho. . knee InjuryI nnd ffe»rn(er a re >hted lo ;> plnce of the Injured N orm Jn^d Bob D egrin t. Negri much of the snm e

rd. nnd caught U>e winning___________ • be uckle ET

Vem ElllsotUD BROKKN juries sulfeBOURNE. Nov. 14 W — Cy gnme.of Modesto. Cnllf,. who set ------;

lympic Jnvelln throw record R ay Schal :. bettered It by nenrly 14 feet e r. assists P

w arm -up throw ol 3M /c e t ing the P u r iy,_. -________________ I te am .'

fo r to d a y ’s t a s t e ,Ired a bu lky d u s te r , h e a v y gtov'e* m o to r ia t d ra s tto a f o r f re e d o m -

:o m f o r t M Is ta s to In c a ro , c lo th e s Ing — d e m a n d a e a s e a n d Hghtnoaa

l i g h t b

> u c a n

__________/ N o w y o u c a n b u y. t r e n d to 'llg h tn es m ild e r a tra lg h t bou

It Is ta ilo re d f o r i

r x : «N c

rr nnftiami iw iam f^A^ pgQQE •

J'-"” ' .

[I V I Q L A T

l l m e r L e a v e s

a m p i o n s h i p Er JO H D A N , r i a l ) , N o v . M (>P) f u L io m c T . lu 'avyw iM K liI d i;i in ii ('.( iiici:tl o f b i s lil 'c , w iis f ly in g ' l» Nov -U u '-l io u l ol'-hir* d i '. 'u n is . l lo w ill rin S i i c a r H ay I t o b i n - --------------------

t h e l i l l c l ) w , VJ. in A i 4 1 n 'S iiuaro KanU'ii. /V /V i" ! . Jr b iij i)Ji hix joii np-

^ u m o n ^ ' t v J l r ^ m ^ ' ^ ^ 'L 'C C l C lnluv tiishi fi'ii liiv :.'i mink 5

Ume until he ifliirn s ^ ^

Ui.itjlp mink all- n Kilt Irnm iRpr. Mniv JruMHi, \>lu> op- - l:trae -mink -n y ie h -here .»,.vs h r hoix-1 to rai^p ihe ^lull lime when he r.-tlrcs “ ''"n ciinflrn

, ci'ivrd ovcrtuJcncoir’ - he iiol liis iilck-

the nrmv brcauw jir Is n pawlbJllly of nf the L tllrr-ilny Saiiit.i {■'‘' ' ' ’"K a ft

iiul never (l^mk^ or Miioken >■ :s but h,i.i been llR h lin sL ..- ...,.."

^ ^i--i'T o"b i 'a 7»Tj- 'I '■ Ji'iison w>y:„ " l i t .Matled " 'i ^ 'h la CXjtlbltlOJM Hllf;l Jl,' IVM ,leaRtic lUc ir

er's 20-year-olil hvntiicr. Jiiy. '»'lnK 'h e 10 Ills lU-st pri>fci*lonul boui 'H-'n»‘Hve. irellji))«nr>- n ird ol IJic J!i>b-Ullmcr IlKhl, nnd Don. IH, bably will turn prolc.v.loin.1 I]., talc lartjer cIng of Uie Roiiliison scrap,

n r fiRUrlnRon 15 rounds nt cd. U It slops earlier, so

110 rccrct u r 'l l coiiccnlviite ly niinck. We w on't box him " 'V im i . i ^ sn 't box n master, Wo're go- mcuitonca n, h e re nnd \york on those 3D ^

c r has n 37-3 rccord, Includ- Jl •nockouls. ^__________________ n j Tl

;on State Has ry Problem .’ALLIS. Ore.. N ov.-14 (ffV- i,hu'.‘{floPil'‘' ’ Oregbri'Sinte's htnrtlng ends i'bi!i<i>lphi.! : sldellned^w lih l ^ i r i M ^ ^ n^ i^cw e’iiio

'ommy'ProUiro snld Mondny. ' iioi.yokk. lid Bob D egm nt suffered nnjury nnd Norm T lilel a nTTaiiuncr separnUon Uint will keep I’liuuirch. ti,om plnylng, a lthough they ‘itcted baclc In Ume for the B"*!

gnme here Thankaglvlng N nv’ont."

mlssInR (he Idaho game willle Emle Zwnhlen nnd gunrd _ _-----mison, boUi wlUi knee In- CUD® MAK suffered in th e e u n lo rd OHIOAGC

--------- . Chicago Ou:------:---------------------- fielder Pet

Bchalk. hnll of fame cntch- W arren Hni Sts Paul Hoffmnn In conch* Don Honk1 Purdue Unlvenlly buseball legs fo;' thi; and pltchcr

hesi s « i

S r r n t t c h

3 0 U r b c

T f i n d !

bu y a v /h lsk e y t h a f o k e p t p a c e v. t n e s a - e n t u r y C lu b . H e re ’a a li{ b o u rb o n th a n a n y y o u 'v e o v e r t*

fo r to d a y '* t a a to l -Try I t - to n lg h t I

e n t i i r

P A G E N I N B T E ^ ’ ' !


3 f o r

B a t t l e( > p ) _ n r i ) e F u l lm e r ,

[I .(lOiip ,T u n n cy cl_ a_ _ ___N ow Y ork C ity T u e s * ill m e e t n i id t lle w e ig h t

V FranchiseIcr-Sent--------Salt Lake\.\K E c n r . Nov, 14 (UV- innnaKcr Eddie Lel.ihmnn

Hit Laic any Offs fi.w bnll nfirnicil lodny he hnd rc- tcrtures irom the Amcrfcnn on lin.ioball Irngtie on the y of Uip UlnJi cflpltol Te- a frnni'liLio In the AAA

I >:inip tim e.'Leiairiian said

n il for. s.ilt UVn Clly to icrlh In llie IraKiie.Id mn^t o t Ihe teams In the •re m the rnsl, with Denver he nenn-xi we.%lcm repre- e.iiiiiiaRrr of Ihe elnss O Plo- iRUp Irani nlso noted Uint n i.uil:iblp sUdhiin to faclll- uer crowds would be a prob*5nll Lake City. ^

iclo-ied thn t Louisville. Ky,. lanRcr ot lorilng It.i trnnchlsa

Anicrlcfin nMoelatlon nnd lit L«i:e City. Des SfoIneF. liiiiipeR. Canada, hnd been icd ns clUes to be considered.

glitResults—nr Thf AimUttd PiM*

nK t.rillA -U rr7 Oe* r<I m4 n ,rll>ot.% ^C«n,^^<.uIMlnl«J DKtii'lttA — n«n« Tormn. I tt.Rj». »lopM_Jimi>v. 5 o » .. .J « .y iDKNUi:. tt. 1.—D«h SktUrfUM. nicmn. kuntVrt «ut CUuJ* Ch*p- }KK. floblnr CeunkMtM,mU. oulpoinOd T4t HcCor, U4.

nn‘lTAln',^C<.nn.-rJUreM Cobm.

MAKE TRADB JAQO. NOV. 1« W — T ho > Cubs Tuesday traded o u t-

Pete 'W hlsenuit, p ltchcr I Hncker and th ird basem on oak to the OlneinnaU R ed- i' third fscker R ay Jablonskl tchcr Elmer Singleton.


' '*■

t e s t -

o n

I ■ t

:e w ith th e —

o T T p m ^— ----------------s r ta a te d . .

g h t l -

ryr V ' . r

-U l' ■■ ■ ■ ■

Page 20: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

' A C B 0 8 8 ' . SS. C o rne red W . 1. I m iU to n t l i R o m an * S li

■ i : M r i1 3 . I ^ p r e y . 44. Shelter**! ^

^_li..M»c»W-i.:-:— «6<-Morc----- -— - B J JIS. G ro w ia c . u ^ » o r K

IIB. Stepped m any. .SO. Surveyor'i . ln*recflenU t«U

iM tniraM t 12. Abstract a i. Headpicc* belnj I ca

I I : 'f cM. m ioao-t* . 67. A n io u i

whom money , I. Ca....... i* M l d .............. ^ -DOW N-- — r o i- 4 1 . ^ a . ' ------- 1. C o d d a u o f :.. t. U

mtnowrf» • mUciUcX Icng

I | z 1> 1«» j s B I t i s

iT “ “ “ r “ « g i r \ jiVl

l E l M X f f l T25 2 6 ^ 2 7 1 ^ ZOI

- 4 ^ ” h f f ' m» SI « l ^ r ' l


E 1 [ I


r n n T[A6JTATK>J,V^ /MWED A ] S ? Z . . ; f O T m _ l U P 'm M T H & . ^ | P ‘

■ F i s H N e f v ^ j — TME < ‘ r r i J vCOVER //.< ?O IL T y 0 0 5OM /AV A DEALT A\B )


“ I 'l l b e jtin d w h e n w « R c t A m e r i c a n h i s t o r y 1"


30, M««mv oN tt. 1 p & f n c ^ om


•a lu tlM af V«jt«rtfay’i P u n l*

1 C a fa I. Deadly=arT»faciieiy=F=18rP»aiw— ■ .ttt4. r ix a d • fo d d e iich ars* 11. Founda*

9. Go tion ifu rtive ly n . K ln j

I. C alm A rthu r’*7. O bacrva— atk»da~— ......................tU e a a u r e o t 19. M ean ln i - le n g th - 21, J u m p '

, , • . . -, aa. M iikfljhK a i l 10 II 24. Came

___ together

[ '7 l “ w ff^ ird e d j — — — 30. R a ther tb a s '

I m iiU ke 34. Sm all m a rk e

3«. V ery h a p p y ,38. Stave*3B. Solitary.40. ConcUa r* 42. Idolize 45. W hirl 48. L am b'i

pen name j a ^ h M h o n e a n-90. Fu ll of:

aufftx91. O riental '


E - MAJOR HOOPLEy W OCD.'^'fU B eiANV^ETtf A C e . A R T H A / iK o o e FffO M .-m e 3D O r i o T & i ^ , CLEAMEC HE DEARTH JT iW O «:e(W *-(P >F_coVEK-<VVi?o.Fieo(<6Yooii - / . 6T6,TH0U(3HV F K e E Z tW ie M T . IVRU(36ED j \ SETTER PAY


aft*'- C A ti ALWAV5CRA'flL U t i o e c /

..........TM& g Q S » ■■•lil ■ '



® h r '

RCt' through Rtudyiiig early

■ * th

rF = ^ f !? 'i5 o f t 'a r a ^ ,\Kt> ON CM »C CALLED OWC.' MAS

r I ^

- ■ ■ ■'- T — ---------- f



-----r --------- ttFB3lBW O C grM IM LnB“


SIDE g la n c e s B

i “ W o u ld y o u m in d n a g g l n j m e r n in g to g o t B lc c p y l"


----------i n q ----------------------------------------------: -I H ti( U.t PM •«

“ I h a tp to le t you tro, F rn z ic r, I th e world acrics, w rong on th e el(


By WAUI / \ v \ (K B 0O>; WMAT HE

V v k \ \ -rtlAMVCANlC

. . ' J I- -----------

■ T 1 M ; e S - N E W 5 , T ^ N F l

^ B y wnXUMS p — --------------------------- ' ■■■■ - - - - A —> U U « e)f.M M K M N I> N'MAKS w ii f r a o T - V W « / \ • ■

XJTHB |-T9SEE>rHB ' LaH TM » / AKSXTBCTftOUNP P J B - - \ O ^K aK S O O M * _ /^BS^AM* V l SVSR TT

— H —

l L j I ^ ^

a -

• - , - g


--------- ^ ------------ - T ~

G• — T ' A

s- ' - ' ............. 0

_____ „ L- ' - I “ -N

me a little b it? T m begin- g



----------------------------------------------— UN

' N Y,

' A - ' '

GS K V i - J f ^ C A

Z S S f l l ' ^

^ S — < C

■____________________ 0J J —

----------------------------------------- _ J 0u

slcr, b u t you w ere w ro n g o a « he elections, w rong— r*« *j

\ r o o t W3KIKV I : -----------

W ^ I ^ B i j ' L A 'wxiatL. P ' B -

W 1 ^ ^ {p r 'O j j H H : RALT DISNEYUT HE WONT jT l

o ' r

f f a l l s , IDAHO

I ^ i ^ > r v r s % y - ^ tWM/«JTAt ... ' r - AMMANVT

--------- --; p iA ctcw ep-A N Pht SI W A w gK eA w y/ (

K Q ?


- B ^ P V I M V S Z T ’NorBLir

’------ f r K n i S i S r t T O ^- I L(VE».-E».»V? DIP L. R v o u REi’ORT H15


• w ’■ c r ^ u c o o ) ! w x ^ ? CAU■ sob\:M&.^ I w

> v m ■« 'j H

I r ! ■J ■ a • - «

5 n ^ n j Cain, nm Inside and get; ^ a - p a c J < o f c ifla rc tt^

O 'I t i r e d . ' > ^ ; U 3 a ^ ^I ■


A - " ^ -3 •-...........................................- ---------------

: —I ( WATCH

J / — / M5AN


} ^ RxrraALL W n J c : s S ' f ^ ’ ' ; S ^


fs1 _____

7 M b I K i r I l il

T /raiW K EBI'V /O T K l

5 ( ^ v ^3 A ^5i ~ IT —3

[ r —I- 3HlOOGW lUt-0*:tfcSW »l«W ^. Y/iu. teu . wev;h u t a o - ^ S' ^ ^

^ Bl- GAOFIWf IN A U >L ’ ■/: -'.' : / my TIME-TRAVELS. X r J • '-•"( NEVSCl GOT INTO A Li f : i -V phOnier-lOOW N' jE Ti y

u r* iS S S 7 t> 5 iiil [ jw - f r a tf f a im d« Vt » 'k N y f i w a - M Y - w w M i r v o j t o m e a____ _ afK5rPMCA»*»SD M O— Hci»r/w>wwre»jw l « *


Birr I iA*.v HWB~| I WT YOU hPMir X i s *

s.-: -^^x<-SUgE1

M 0O W IX 3W T m i o W ,P U & .H O UW T E . S O BB [—

CfttPrt.MOOrOE " g w o t . n ------- ' _


IrC H yi l-Od'UMBEBtEfiS' S I IT wrA N '-\ BUMNy CiN <SlVi VA J ^AUN PUHLENWO* / ^THIN} POINTERS! 7*7—’ ^ Y5

3 ' SS M M ' % t r " - =

7 l ^ - l ^ A # < O N C ^ W « i 5 ^ i j r t 3 i p 5BE SAFE AJM'HOPEPLU., , TD

W-J: . ■COME.SAOJEJiAWKI jaJ>Ww, . ,TH ^ ? ? -r/-T H E T P A G e iS - /

1 i



riT 'rt«o -'i^ -™ iB B l!T B jj«* fc¥eff-A ncsE-'SCMSKayAor siTM TH EosranA T i ? S R ^ n c N o s - j n4gMoafmiNMtN- w fM aw w rH BR ere* TRAwma/itoMawmTPHffur. — CPWOIAWSmwgABmv

t4fclPH £-»T«B e6T lIIlATgg6q3Wi1 ~ iP W SrecT iK M O WIwvwTcouiPVEPONe y < S g ,hr WJP E5;w>B0 uh* '* * « LWeHi-wrwMOTTw ........ —SUKBHEOtP-mOTtlftT-------------- - -

M y t t wiSHWU . ■ < T H J N K M l V

:<(aaTO¥ow t^Fi]|t'a:y' y,J R ^ Q u g S I -nwt a


r ' ^ \ a . I f / ' / ' WN.Aiml C < T K « P F i r ■ //lo o K A tT B



TVf l P C F ^ E ^ ^ ~ V

YEAH'i; 1 VkONOER. ) . I I . IW IF THAT5 A < # J

7 PHONY / r o - \ . JM (I TO O ?? / b e t t e r \ '■ / T K^ ----- ‘.■■■■■(^>

’, N p V E J I B E n - 1 4 , - i 5 5 ^ K

etfw ivy«K 8eFC R6/isH iivSriW ^raw T M a/w w flfjvA nv ii!!H av~tur*W BA W Hw ?3?i; B W iT M aaw w *vts> «9ioS ■ - WWVB>C«TMe5CE«-ftjIiS ■ - 'jeneNoeivoui wistucei ^ ■

■■ ^ j j

' / THERB5 A n : y m l I I 5E&V0UiCAi>rA;H ■ *

ciikKcrs ■ ■

V;m'-\'F«>VL’EViC't nGOIX3C>0.1

coa .xyv5£ .w > \iG yfT =rx ^

E T B i i *

WAT DO vou THINK ^ • ” 1 ) F ^ U R ^ ^ U N G T y

----------» - --------q

H 'C R il^ L D O /iP T rf« S fe e ? -- /- c » * > i‘'^*^ •L ^

Page 21: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

" M a r k e t s '

g t o i s ‘ Li

' g S : " - ■ ■■ 2 " - "22STi ^.I'ni 'm .l Itn.lon- mHlutn ' f c ’tr? '

‘'s= i''^ "7 \l"" jh .‘'.’.. fc i§ ^ '‘:

ronTLJ.SfS--. ^ .tl -""-S*" " . " i " . . 'k

« ? | S s S ^ " " S ;S ' ® ;;: s ’ is s v , .- ;”

»■ *?? 1 >‘, !■•« B»ln' if?,. Shf*p 111! :U « « j;*2;: r,‘:!.um :3‘t ' r r . , ; " ' . '

1 |i? H V LVnlr»l =*;• 1„ |«.o»:

0 : i E S “ ’ s}Sit-« t»ii r .r if i '‘5“ *";•J j '5 - i J*;"?* fc ir l r r ' CTTNTm

».'. I'.nn IIK Si'.i »»®;fg ju ff i;!;iili ,.“i'7i H 'i

jS '”"b * * - '" s ; -K ..’ : : ' ' ' ' S '; -"■■■'“ J

srSi-V r s r iv . - . i • U 5 “"" J i 'j i s K » ;:S'C";

^ i i 1“ f s s ” » : i ; s " ‘ I s : r L r ;

{^Sl Js‘« ' a ltutih»r *':• IS.UI

l l s '™ iSi! ” " 7 s ™ !H

a S f s S S

AHtmcAS K xriu sjin =;"■*“ •'■

K n ' - K ' s S C f- ' I Utlllir »n

Stock Averages'tarU*4 Vr n t A«M(Uli4 r rm ^

M a i . . . , a - " S ' - i t % , s ' y s

sg!£jl!;l !S!ii i:^ i!S S ;§w vbstm ent” rmiKTH ” c m u . ''

pr>4]mlir <1ailni« tru ln r K W.iHtRiVnii an4 naO R rl a riu , r>

b ! : ; j . ’!;‘''V— r r :_ ' ■:S r"i;.vT

s H s f e E E E E E E l i i K____ ________ __- Jj.ns cl.nlrr IK,a j j - t ; — — , , & ■

Shirt Theft Gets 10-Day Jail Term ?£,'?Eul a Pilmtr. 50, Ausfln, Tex., si'li!!?;’,

* « rawnetd to :o drtys In ihc *• k . t . wunty j»il WfiJflfiday lor BlenVng it ^ , »mrt irom S»w. nocbuck niirl com- i.r* , .n, Pflny Jtcff. Fn!l,v . .ii.,h,. ,ii

rollce Judw J, O. Pumphrcy pro- nounttd.MiiMne* m u t pi\lmcr '••InsihUrijliitoMiBitornevanU P*.;- ^ a i « ImmrtlftU; jentw ce. Pnlm- V ^ l C '2’*»”“WTue»day tn tlie 100 • ■Jllf ot Shothflfu jtrtet imutli. C

MAN IS JA1I.ED _.. nURLEY. Nov. U -} \tn vy B ow ^ 6 HO£

ffiin. Luplon. ^^r.. J5 tpenrtlnir. 1C‘I* ‘■“y J*ll here In lieu ot ti J'

^fiitfnccd ’IMm - Mrs. ;»ybj Police Judgr iifnry W.Tiiclc- olflccr.

nrdT ftr-------------- -— --------------------------- brlcl ni

r n • 11 '^'cre n— T-win-Falls— Livestock Prices c'.'f'

■ 'ibcTfrrr-?.

^'Klcd by the T am Fnlbi Uve- ^ “^ney,

" I “ s r s c ' C T s s s ;

, •. ... SlC.50lojn.90 SlutxmI !? '” '" ’.'* CulttRT-:* 0,00 to* Dio

-----41 J,00 lo J13JK) -"-M-Mli » ■ m ' / Sl^ OOlO *10,50•Mr r w , ' '’' ‘'" * S'2 f>OtOSM-25

•• t»3.M to$17.73 r e a d

Twin Falls M■S', I-.-.'fl

ll'i' • • •■ •>"

• r ... llliio

:v'--'«-4a C.«it N■■■■"• ------- i iiVio :o:d° jnn?^uii'•]»,, * I«,00-10'00 11«!n| | ; S = = = ! l i : « J i ,

| S a F -= £= E E !|’i K: s :iLrai ., II —»».oo i4 ()»■

~ii7m T.


3 a n d F m a¥ . ¥ ¥ JA ^

Livestock (1K.SV N ..fT u ..i’) -a '.sn .\-i- i- .iii .

lit fc«j»rm^ jl''iil *1

'bT* V- - i' ' h"l .1

xl": Ul* T«rt<l«r iliuchi^r U

roKTi.,\Nn IlTI.ANn. N.P.. II I f l ’ i- i 'iu l* S'i'i;« '^ 1 '" *1 fh' r *|r!'.l*-j'l

on'lla,*U’,('i>-r.,im. ' }■'MP SiU; tuirkrt iimI ruMr r.Mi>1,ll-ti. l; ' '-*"5,6l>; cliciirr Itmlx cjuoUMf j

lU l'(,ua-ll,lu: roinmim llihl Imjro I 10 11,00; r«« :,UD.S,M. J"„'J liKSVKIt 1,;

!»o'?b‘,' iyt>iT'i4,;:-yvi’i V-, "s 'u o .ii< 111- / ii.: i. KA.*is,\.s .»»p J.:ou: •l«u«hlrr lnmlM m.i.llr rm ti Ic ly; soihI jin«t rhi>lfp wiHilnj •UiiBhlrr *UrV htril « l*.oo-:o.uu 1 niU >ml uiinir •lAurhifr Ki^i <" >■ 1

scxkI >nil ci>lilr> »l<Ur(i>C'<l C-Tn: ,n •r ItmU I7.7&-]X,0U, Nn, : »hllUr 3.30A: crncrillr i Ixm ; •iwkiM IKiin m II,'

1; fluilr.’ f«l whh. kV 1.1

M7’!to‘!“ r'»lv''i"*r."0 : *!rJ.-l'^n(r *h*l" Ilji'n!l-irn >na PKlvr. 11 OO.ll..'.i): r»~l .l»»r ll.itf> II, r< i;,OU-lll.;u ; hiir<r<>U» u.uv-l(,0l), S.»l«>ni

1,0.4 AN(iKl.rj4 UhnrK l<1 M AN<;KI,IW. N »..-»i-Lai-0 3MNl- !♦• t.OWj- t l ^ r . •U*J|t;-ri.«r.,,lllU* ( - -■•-----

Pot;ii«,r.r«i'.l »iv' n rniiiTfrii-»ni-nirfraiiT -------------llitU cn; iilMltr cowi miilnlr <

't\rZ'y'\ mC.n“ur?! »nj'*i.-lT**r«uf1'1cr I’*'!!';'I3,UO.|7,oe; ni»JloB< *nd ituod «ioel»r .p t .U n l«,U<i.U.10. clfni.n.l . 1..

OM 130: •iMiIi': mli»«l tin NV urlct’ ;«ici~! l.;rr<:-« 'U.l ■llu SDn.-;!) IU. i(|,nn. un*«l.l cr r

n:,f«» 111 ti'i. II!,*.': '^»p t\nn.i ncimliiollr •len'lr. lh i.Jv "l"ll

OMAilA f"'- •hlp_pl«

JS t K . ; ; ; ; ,• ilia 7.SOO: »•!»»« 400: fra tWri tT.TS :

s ; . ‘ , r , i : s : i - . ‘T " »er. S3,?»; chole« hflf»t» Sl,6n.:i,00; S-‘0Hr .nrt fommprcl»l row. M .Vll.Jl: J " ; ''f»pp» fUtUrd UrB»lr

cholM 71 lh. WMlfin tt^Ur Jimba ii'i'n

CIIICAtlO tlfthlwrishlrru-ii.'ij

.nit‘on bolchrr.: lnii.n f« IM6 hjth.rilV'2uUbm*'^iir*wfl«hu‘ '''*<>»" ■t?id* CillCAC •ir.iB»; mwl No. 1 ami 3 ccaila loU Arrlra!« W no Ib. buuhtra l l . : ^ l l ,u . m n i. t4K.*lU< 11,000: ralvri 300; rrlma M SuppIlM It a«allnc mor* lhan 1.13A It*, falrlr kal dull.<r. fullr a lrx ir: *11 ollor wriihta Trark ai ■ railra tlr^ra ilcw. niu»1r alrailr 10 wllh : Infl

iV: apola S&.uO Iciwrr: vral'r* atraitr rtiaitia :.V >.»k; al-oul .l..i'ii 1n>.l<_prlnir l.Ul“ .1,;S: HahoV ’a ^ J '’i r V n « " a : )!w ‘i'r 'riin .!

rrln.. v«lfta ;i,00i meal 100.I anU bar.k, S.:lI- ix, a iim •■«P :.600: «Pn»raI Ira.U »1..« ; alaucb. Wa.hlniiloilamba »aak Ir. Ml l..»fr: ahfr;. al.iul *,40. OrnjiIr: mrnl aalra E»<-l In prlmf •W r.l maxar (>>'>• IT.S0.1».7.%; tw Inta mnailr prlma Imlnn 5,0i>« Umha 20,00. :0,10. rivtr roum

• • ■ fair nualll

B u tte r and E ggs i|"' CIIICA(;0 m«tSlfl"rir

IIICACO. Nnv. II lU n —Ch*r.»: Slnela TraVk «aJ r ^ .s r , }”e r ; ; ,:*.«!: C *MK. * }lVr*fl •luiwr: P4«,l>on maikn alra.jr;

*1"^" ;v ."Vrv ' 's i " ’•* ’*«*acnr. earlola: SO aeort * l \ : K» c)rfe«n w:

e^.'Vn!l'nT.“ *hiU"*«Vr.V'*«'.;"’f. ''! ' J . ' ' ‘” "11 »«flpl» ^ ’Mr"»(i; dIrtiM 2&|g: cb^ka 23',).

Jrange Seats . sS? Staff for Ujixitfi£'

SHOSHONE. Nov. U - ’JuvcnUe rnnsc o ttlcers were Inatnllert M Uio ood n ivc r Center O range.m eetlns i ' , ilurclny nlRht. nr<. its.'Mrs. Denn B aniey w m Insl.iDlni: fleer. H n rley n a n d y anti Mr*. How. w«<,i «< d Tftnkerslcy (Mine, Mrs, \V. V. O n- <'7‘* let nnd M rs. W. W. W :rc mwrthnln nnd Mr». Rus.-<11

nrd Mills wcre regalia bearers,Iiuimiled were EU Sandy. piM tcr; . ^cue Cheney, overseer; SMidrft DUHLTrTT~?;«W»rT'r -~^ ylHp . Jintly. nvlu; G aiJcn,Q .uU irlc,jtcK ftrd; J o n y >i d~~Fiarney, Ralekeepcr: A rthur M)»s. school gd lsiiint stew ard; Susnn Hnll, lady Ins apniuslstiim siew nrd; E m le V lnsnni, high «el crelnry; "Lily V liiianl, Ceres: Oten-1 GuUirlc. Pom ona and DcAnn —lutxmnn. p lom . "*Retreshincnt-*! wcre served by Mr. .j-oilet MU, C h ttord S tutzm an and Mr. ______;id >tr*. E lden ouU irle. ^


Markets ^• ’’V i --------- --5 -^I'So '"B*o(..... -...— ...... .. t-BO ifctiv.

(J <1faWa-?iot«llDKAN8 M«1

•at Norlhfrni. No. J _________ «•<« l l....................IUU.SV - T m ,

c e n ti.110 qunlinc IS.:S) t n . . . . OuDUUoBa r®r No. J «»«ll *ir1«tr M>3.r noautloni for No. 1 «Oi.. r * p ,o ,p ,irta to ctou lowtr ter No. 1 rod*.! comB I

rOTATOM«1 1 __________________ H.JIUI.T* ^(>. 1 ■ ...............— -------------»*e.7»« KAUK.i t fluoi»dl. , .-

UIVR POULTRT . - ”“• ‘ ' “5‘ V W a t

(Daal«f. ael «u«u4)

N - •

_■ • , t i m e :

Grain L .> !n ,T .lt.. on Iha boar* «C lra.1.

!-.“ '*’l‘>“ a* ami "ri’rn la iir i.marV»l »if»ri»nc»*l Ua alr<in«».i -lin«lni[ irnirla Kcrrl W rcu'i'Xx'aiwian •'lulunlMTj '. b« OBI <o <’'■ ________clnVt'"».ir* ait4 prafU Ukinf k rr I K

« i{ ;an” i 'v ' '" ‘'“ J" '-

v,;o. Z. , .1;.!; I..W: N* 1 r h•V.I M'rioana. B«rb»il* l^S- 3 C*i

• n nifal 4L0<uiS.tI>. 11arl«r rnmlntl. | § i' t rhnic**1.30.1,41; .(*«1 I.OM.U. U

(iHAlN” K'uVlII«ES I f ;"■'"ijp,-:?"'- ,’t ! , r - i ^ - c u »

;,iv ; 'jUni'l » i i s M ’’*5,30 ;,so«» iS j^ i H * * :-----------------

I’l***' I 'o '- 'I 'n '* Vl-*'

iiii;: i f ;' -ir fc S'- ^ S K ■

i , 3 t , i,iiN. i .» g |g g"T T t ' i.3«*; 1.6" ~ S W l. . i.M"; _i.s^'.v i . » ' \ >•»* j 9 m-----K-AN,*'*.'' n t r liWAtN---------------------K 8 -

riTY. N',». 13 Iflv-Wb»ati U

in‘ill4?.^” ': 'N a s’| j ” » to « .> \v(n. f r Wr>t: .IJ <ai>: ->inchitnKt<l In e(f ^ | | * 3 J : «hlla to tl,7QN: Ne, ?In |1,«>N: Nn. t ytlloir aBiJ Ril>r<! I Q m

■ Mr Ic. K>rN; Nn. X SU lo *KK K M U In m.lf* .S<k > t:,S7..fir I.MK lo i:,4DN. w a g

.'l«nVn,4l“ 1.ViM^V>iN. S r .>irl< 141 10 141.10. | 0 S

P u t a t o e s - O n i o n s ■ *

^r .a llrr.T -ln Kail*, Ilurirr d itirlfll:'(rrlnv< n«-lrrala; llebl >«l» Innuirr■ n.l ilnv; lmi>r«.r<l at allihllr l'»"'

•f.akar; f w ahlpmtnla rolld I.I nr rnntlKncl. .. . .... ..rk hundr.,lw«l,bt »«h*J » Aniliilmiini or 4-vi. alir A IIA I I C \|

ark .IHKrrxl aalta ablpplni PuInt biili

r i i l tM M C i cy‘';;„c";o'oa‘“ -'ii*r7" ........ U i

»?.b •, 3,:o.3,:in. I,.M 3,».%.3,<0. 1

if "j-’J-.v” : -«J°* ■ {J ™ "

^CM*T«'” r'owr.t Tfa.lli.» »rrr 1l»ht; J *I cmmrr, hol'Uni fnr 2,0«; US 1 n.anr mrnia fron. t»ckrr»: sruwn aioek hurw Iwrisht at eni"«ra‘ tallara In Ii h«l Uii IA■^-ll•eh tnlnlmum nr 4 *a.U a im I.IS'I.W. Urt* allll 2,00.

ClllCAfibs r s i ; ' , , s - . . i t . . ' i r u T r sippnJ*'mo<!»ral«: dtmanl »tow: B«f

^.'m "'.'al«: niL.tU t.lahn 4,:}-4,!;il, ih^iilnn; ^U kyi W^fn'nulnrp ’tw’ MM.Vn," Waih.:nn 2,on; MlnnrMvia.Norlh Jlaknla IU<' r rounil rnla :.TV3,:S. SU'a pvnrrr I.Si. nuallir I,.1,1. 1^0'a m ttur mRUfn"

-:.1&: riioria 3,:S-4;<0. S0'< l . ' i ' r vrmt 3.00. in'a 1,10; Witcnmln .J %.l. :o-a l . » : r'.M.i. I,3i., so-a 1,;k: Oarlr (ami i.on: rouB'l

Cniora.ln tCa rumi-niona: '.SuiiullM llth l: •lamand fOoH. kct rirm In illKhtlr atmnt«r.rack talr. <»0 lU .fU S I unlMi alalrH: ■ ■in'ioU 'V 'lliiw .rt'^a 70 te 7t f t r t«Bl irh >n'l larsrr I.IO. -trart aatci; Cnlnra<ln Spanlih S Inrb

la n fr whll* Apanlih 3 Inch, Iar«»f :.1J-J,f.ll, Ntbn-m n whU<- S|i«n lh 3 flch- anil lariri '2.M>. } In > Inch :,7.-..Xnn: Kin». nl>h J Inrh anil larcar J,I6-:.J3; ">M- I'-rn r'U»*a m»>lliim, tnmi r«r «0.],UO. ^

>^'TFmF>-h. r<'1ln>lnr Chk.iia futuraa quoltlloni . . . ^ H rd‘h r°r; wVucKoWrti an-l (ompany.

!i: iii; iii; j i . rth .,,........ --- r . '* * I .n . 1 .' ^ 1 .

IKW VOIIK. Nnv. 14 CAn—WnnI (uturrt

>rU/iV"Mi.l“ «:.,l‘V ia ‘ {5?,4n!*' '■

, l_K0 Uli Juir 177,011; Ofl. 15«,IB: >f!mcai~l^^«l-it « r.i| l"pa U1,H[t.

CARNIVAL PL.ANNKD DUHLEY. Nov. M—A cftmtvnl to 'Imt—niou»y-^or netly,lt,lr,^_a’lll ,b c -------rd~TngnV -B lgtit-» t-the—h¥h liool gymnasium. The event w uc- B f l K gpniisored by the senate of the gh nehool.___________ ^

I\mutiialfim(JvlthdiveoirjedhDl(1- :nB< o( **curitiea whoit pcimiry ob-Irctiv* il iticotn*.

MfllvSila Investm en t Co. *'137 M ain A ve.-E dit

Twin“ to H i, Phon# 1022 SenClemtn:Pleut itnd tn*. without ob)ie*l>°n<Protpoctus on lh« Vslui Lint In; urns Fund. '

WDtUCSt_______________.i--------- -

fnwil_ ■ I----------------------------

l.MES-NEWS, t w in FALLS.


* m e an s c o /o rs c a n ’t fa d

- -toiioinvit look or c> f'fj-t truly

C A N ’l ^ ^ s ; „ rUAPM ' b o ilin g sllnll/r/~»»M inTHsV~’a ^ ^ bemuse I

ITI \ 7 * ^ a re S O L

baby PETS

& B # 1

* •* -' ' —



Z H ^ F R E T b i n V E R Y - f o l



----------- ^ E x c l u s i v e

/ r Ll M a s l a n d— ....... r W i l t o n - ^

lie On sale


fade Print)T M O N ,i ! iT O lh t r n r > l other M.island miniclc rpci'.Vih,hudget priced Sq. Yoin with tlic tufted, tweedy 9 , 1 2 R gg , o f expcniive.wool is (lie , truly colok f a i l loop pile 'Jl. tarpel in ih t world. S w e e t ' sliglit can’tjfade it. even ( * _ - d -ing water'woh’t harm il '-^O p D eiiise MOOT MON colors Item llSOLARJZE-D, the deepd je in jt p rocess th « t locksn h r for the life of llie 'D O N * 'ic. Lonp wearing, friendly b bca.Nualaiidsoeasyto keep PROCn. HOOT MON is Ihc>el y'oii should see nowj

E x t/U l M

T - N a w . ^ * ~ -ENT.RCH 15, 1957JR COtsJVENIENT LAYAWAY PU

' f o “A n y r A r « d ~ m ”f < r t h o “a t " i


j c i n g t h e v e r y NOin> Corpet! fo r i

sr-Sweet— --------------------

| - M i l l 3 r ,

pcclal snvinp.s lo • I1 BA an in tro- . .o ffe r . thi.i am arintf p riccd tw ccd will m lc fo r ju s t

YI 3 Rolli Onlyl

Swoot's EASY . . . Charge ll (Sw col'sG i

l_Pay Later!

---------------- -- t i v rIST-RECEIVEO----------------- -■ M -Z -L

Wool Rugsjtifu l new colors 4ond pottcrns , A



it Linoleum ^ H K |

^ Z t V c............................... 6 . 9 5 . !

2<piiica o r it 's LAYAWAY k R O E I 3e Used on A ny - 1 in th e S tore TRAI



to- c M

m M 'B vd h a

D irectly acr< Chevr«i

n rPLAN '

it-Any-Time!^^^— L a ^ B

. y . - - --------------------z r z z n

P A G E -

------------ &UY-NNo Pay

Until Mo

r o w ON DISPL>r e c o n o m ic a l g i f t b u

See tlicse item s In th«


• W A LL O RN A M EN TS • M A n.\Z IN E R A C K S '


______________ • HASSOCKS• TV T R A Y S

--------------- ------ -------» T .V - S K I 3 -• SM OKER

• RA D IO ' • LAM

s Gift Gallery Is receiving id yum m ie iiems every day.)

SPECIAL PURCHAa o r Sectional ■ I



.D O If J B o rtCUtU A b ea u tifu l

P l a n t c r F R l iCJ • purchaats ov

C nrpo t C are K it F R E E > p e t o rd e r . A

^ N O W ! a way to ^ p b e com fortable

alm ost half th eA fabu lous Box S p rin g a n ircreprinR M a ttre s s m ade

J 0 ^ E ach one n 69.0& value, b i p riced a t ju s t

J 3 9

su re to

p ieces f i

' sh ip m e n t of e n d 'P ro v in t

FREE PARKINa e ro u M ain Avenue from spur i te

evr«n Station>.Atk fo r park in g tl ip .

i i n BSE TW EN T Y .O N E

-N o w f - 4 r faym ent i I tIvtarch 15 ' ;; | l

mb u y in g

i--------------------- ----------------

E R Y “ I!E3 - - - " ------------- 4 | t¥ '! « i^i- ,S • t !.'■S i - l ' - ' iIS . ■ . ' ■ ( ■


■S' f)M -eg----------- -----------------4ifekERS ' . 1.DIOS ; 1.AM p S ■;-! ii.;

----------" j l


1 7 9 ^ - ; . . ISET NOW! , i i

CULTURAL ' ■ i l l lAY. "GIFTS! ' ™ E R E ! ___________i i

5UBLE . . I I ONUS Iifu l Copenhagen : fF R E E w ith a n y ' : 1 5 o v e r ?S0.00.

'a r e C l o a n l n g !E w ith any car- r . A $4.95 value. ' ;

~ ~ r "to . le a t fie price: a n d m atch in g In - !lado by S im m ons. ' Y >, b u t now specially

l «W each

to see th e new'ir u u r afgp?g- ■ -------•Ma n y n ew;w0nder«!S from N ah tu ck c t,d-W akeficld.a n d C oun try Mod-B ji com plete new ____________it o f Colonial ftv’incial L am ps :a shades.

NG■ i te r e a t G u e tt 'itlip o i j t o r e . ------------ ------- :

^ = = = - = = § M

Page 22: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

Cottons and Ra‘ A larg* u so rtm en t of it

■ ■__ _ tit many Bewing nce<^. inrS* woven pA ltsnis. Fu o t colon. An outBtandioi

: -g ' " . 1*


iOTT.A n I. D. Spccial T urch

from a large va:

~ 4 YDS. ^

TWEED SUITIRayon nnd a te U le along

-...........■- e r blended fabrics. Colorstorn cholco. W r i n k l e -

• Regular 4 * , i . < i a t o i . o ? L - ..........

' WOOL FELThe latest Kolld nnd mott

___ __ to,chooae from In a 72t*

•' 2 . 9 8 ' . d


A nice scIcction of wooJfli ■ colors and p attern s '

2 . 9 9

80-sq. PERC/Choose from a huge sc

f . colors nnd patterns.

PURREY FORIFull size rayon*orlop ble

. ... ^.. .. . . .

We InWfe -Yoi

R ayons., BLENDEDof fabrics to a wide choice i eds. P rin ted and cotton blondr ^ H - r i i n g e ---------from—which__tindioff value I coloral

7 9 c .ydi to 1-23 ■


ro^NS^urchaael Choose e voritly .

UTING Astrakarilong w ith oth. A full 54” wldtV olora and pat- : . ing in a variety, c 1 e -resistant. 6.96. .

l . 3 9 y ^ 4 . !

l i j i j g B j f e a s s t e t e t r y ^

■ELT Aprons bmottled colori Nylon orBnjidy

72l'--<rldth. I ' ■ 'day serving.

> yd. Now only .........

KIRT BORDEI’HS Just arrived—J■col^nair. plain

9 4 !

C A L E ^ T affetiz .. . . , No Ironing neeess*

re Bclcctiun of w rlnk]e>resuunl : ttoven "Blnsham* G u an n tce d lu t .c c

' ~ n 7 !

)RECAST BLANKETn blend, beautifully bound. Long wcai0 . 0 5 ^ . . - . . — ......................... ..

= ---^ ;------------------------

>fou 'fo~0^n-oirI.D , C

f r i d f l i

^ 1

lED FABRICS)ice of rayon, acetate blonds. Several w idths h _ t o .chooae,. M a n y ________

1.2D.....9 8 c d . ; REI


coVfABRICS _ _width. Wool-faced cont- i---------riety .of colors. Regular,

» - 9 8 yd .

s by the Y ard(ijidy in blue or white iecl aprons. One yard ,“Slironii' fui l*uU-’ * ” ~

'.:.........1 . 4 9 yd. L "__________ _________________. wasl

;V Jnen

BER PRINTS ,cd—a beautiful apsort-lora and patterns ip th is j---------

4 9 c yd

tized Cottons..iKus»t>' for th t« wonderfulunl ttbrln. AUo Ineludu .nam* Rnfl" luedB ihirttnf.— * r[ut .colors. ^

7 9 C y

________ t itM \

r r ~ - V

w ear nnd O.....- ............ BRO

— H ESN EW S. JTWIN F)~ ' ' f ■ ■ ---------

'. C h a rg e A ecoont! 30-1

y A S a

“ SPORT^ m K t i'> All-wool and wool and orlon f!

sport sh irts in a brilliant ar- R ray of the season's most de- sirabJe c o lo r s . Handsomely tailored—full cut. Sizes small, medium. large-and x-Iarge.

—Valuea-to 8.95.-----------------------------

4 . 9 9


a -b -i

REG. 5.00 ~


Bomber style, reverslbles in wools, rayon gnbardines and nylons. Some are heavyweight wool-lihcd, oth- ,ers lightw eight jackets for all oc­casions. S l i g h t irregulars and

TarcTmeri'a”8aiftplW:'SlziV34’t6 '4 ir“‘

4 ^ . 1 3 ”

PILLOW CASES128 count, slightly irregular, mus­lin, long wearintr.

, O NLY 2 9 c

BEDSPREADSA genuine chenille spread of full • bed size. Beautifuir long-lasting, washable per instructions. Assort­m ent of colors and white.

S P E C IA L -A T 7 . 5 0

"WITCHCRATT— ^For A Snowy N Ite

T w lnklin j rhinealones form % circlet ,» l the th roat of a whltt »»Un brocftde low

^pump m a t.Is Durt (wwltcherr fo r w in ter— (estlv itlu . 11 n il make >-ou teel lovely.

4 . 9 8• R ^ f D E D MID HEELS .......S . 9 5 , .

I FALLS. I D A H O ____

}0-Doy— 90-D ay- Layd



Munsingwear Knit PojiCombed cotton pajamas, balbrlggai full cut, ex tra warm. Has crew ne Boxer-style, all around elastic wa comfort. Constructed and desigi sliminate binding—gives more bod ilom. Mnny colors to choose from A-B-C-D-E, .Slight irregulars.

Men's A thleticFull cut combed cotton v athletic shirts. Sizes am um, large and x-large. 1

7 5 «ne ---------------h- I------------------------------------- -

nd . Men's C otton I167 ' “ jviun'ainKWcir comoed co

briefs—full cut fine rib - •seat fo r comfort Snd Ic Slight irregulars. Sizes :

_ Regular ?1.15 Now ........................

Infants'CREEIS. In Linens - Corduroys-?

Cute, clover styles..6 mo years. Vnluesto 2 .9 8 .....................................

Infants' wear— Seconc


------PW qT Tlg. Heavy moleskin pants U

Dny. Completely washt--------_colac-OHl>i^ia©Jr-12,—— —Rcgulac.P-O.’i A


111- „_R0ME0 s l ip iLong-wearing ncolite sol

. rubber heel, lea th e r-11 sent. Sizes'from Q'/a to larly 4.98.

3 . 9 5‘" I ---------- --------- 'm m m m

»l / /lowtie r—

»5 L ^ j L

lya^ay OT Installmenl

m i ^

g i t p

. U- F (

■ R .^’1 AV/


^ DR---------------------------- rC ottonsn

— -------- VALU

'ojamos 3irgan style, ' j . . .. -r neck top. k j g % A i

w aist for N f c Wssigned tobody free- In washnblrom. Sizes wearing ur

10-20 and values.

) --------------^

■ic Shirt)n white knit small, medl-

;e. Reg. 1.00. U D *

™ Briefs-' i- VI ■'cotton“)cnit~ ^ l- rib— stretchy t d long wear. •:es 28 to .44.

■..- 6 9 c I b o y

: I Large selectlotE C D C D C Many fabrics*B C r C K d These arc factn - n n d K n i t . 1. m a n ’s sa m p le s

m o n th s to .2 8 to 20 . ,

9 9 c - . 8 8cond floor ~


S ' . 0J tailored byashable. Tan • ‘ V

______ ^

rH E R “ .......................

[PPERS , _; sole. Brown r- lin e d heelto 12. Regu- K H

9 ~ I J

. W E D N E S D A Y ,:

enf! . :

iA y m

griculture Processing





LUES TO 10.98 i

3 . 9 9 4

W PRINTShnble silk cclnnese. Ideal for g under winter conts. Slzca M nnd 14Vi-24y2. Amazing ^

' Repeat of A\£/ Famous name k n i t Auits lr ^ and styles fo r falL Sizes 10


• In bonnets an d band s t

--------8 8

r S ' JA CK E1ctlon of boy.s' winter jacket*, ics and styles to choose from.' factory close-outs and sales- iplcs, some irregulars. Sizes .

“ 1 4 “

15TB0YS' J■■

---------Ear- wooteriHeaiw___ c ix n ts j i ^ J i lL p o in ts - c

n l \ ounce denim.SizesC

V M SWEATW Large group of bI Very warm and vI w ant seveml of t:

-Sizes S-M-L.- ”_____ 'i j^ J R egular 1.20 .to 1

— -J ^

Y ^ O r e j l B E l! 1.1. i ' ; . ,



ng Foir


SJ99A Sellout

Ls in sll th e new colori s 10-20. .Values to 39.98,

0 0 ____

LIP HATS ^1 styles. 100% wooL

J E A N S ^e a n s s N o - a c m tc h - c o p p e r ^ its-oLsteain. H cavy_ten._ ;esG to 12. Regular 1.69.

i 2 9 1

T SHIRTSof boys’ sw eat shirt.s. nd washable. You will of these a t this price.

to i . f i s ..._


Page 23: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

1:00 P.M.

f l t l lC o c c f ^

_ . __________ fWITH CRFF T i r i l

• — •'A L L S #

T h ro u g h coepc Twin FalU ^ e - C o l a

k Rm B ack r>ca o( T t4 * ofTwlaFiaUBtorcai

r R E iH i ^ i


T W IN FALLS / Through cooporation o f

............York P ack in g -C o . 01

^ _ 8m B*ok r« c « of T tn A . Twla Fall* SlOTM

'F R E I- I c e C l- ■ ----------^ tw r r H - T R E T r ic f e

t w i n f a l l s ;

I -------------- ------- -----Ih ro u g h -c o oP * ^ Je t C r io m ond <

t h is s p e c i

A m algam ated S


Bohemian Brt

Buhl Feed & I

Cannon Food

-^— Coca-Cola: BoB

[ G i c ^


IDS4. t o 9 : 0 0 P .M .

1 — 1i ^ o l alC K aS J;R O M _ Y O U R -------------------,LS M ERCH A tfrS)

oopcrotlon e f tho •Colo Bottling Componjr

t t Tbli ^ U o n for LIrt lo rca f lrt flr ib tM U e k e U - -

! i — ID « ^ r s -

> C O F F E E


I o f In dependen t M e a t Co.,0. and M JB C oH m . Co.

of ThU Section fer U rt ,to m ciTlDc UtcM Ueketa

1 — 1S r e a i i in c k E T S FROM YOUR .LS MERCHANTS)

i-cooporation- o f-------- - -m d Colevlllo Ice Cream


d Sugar Co.



& Ice Co. . /


o ttling Co.

1 4 , 1 9 5 8


Everyone Is Invitcdl cducation&l and cntei Grated to pack the hi ucts and processing: r

__ ____ —ous^pcoducts-made-j;packaged, and you ar part-that the agricul

^ Magic Valley. There now to attend one of



H undreds o f Dollars .T here 's noth ing to b y o u r en try b lank a t scction, fill in your n

_ _ ner*B name will be di

BE HER! Over 25

_ Over 25 free pria ______ both o H :0 0 P.Ai


Feed & Supply Ce

— —— - G l o b ^ e e d ^

Green Giant

E. S. Harper Pe

J . H. Henry Pr

Idaho Frozen I

' ___________________________ T


t m r

ki n < l I

f E M B E R 1itcd! I t ’s All. Free! Come'and entertaining. Leading proccsso: le huge Radio Rondevpo with c ing methods. Here you will see .de-nght-hcrc-in-our-ow n-M af lU arfi su re to leave with a mud ricultural processing industry here also be fun, with-scoile of these two days!

\ -

!R 6 0

EEIriLL BE GIVIliars in Valuabie Merchandise to buy and you do not have to I a t any of the Twin Falls stoi u r nam e and address and depos i}e draw n every few minutes!

ERE W h e n t i 42 5 Door Prizes GprixiBS will be' given to the f P.M. on Friday and a t 10:(


C enter, Inc.

& -F e e d - ------------

in t C o. J

; Potqtoe.s


9n Foods - ^

T I M E S - N E W S . T W I N T A I


Mfc M n

Sffi1 6 a n d

and bring the entire family, cssors throughout the valley th displays .and exhibits of t see first hand the large numb RlagicrValley^-how-they-arc- much better idea of the very try plays In tlie growing e< -scores of free g ifts and priz<

1 0

i n z E^EN A W A \ise Awards -Will Be Given A e to be prcsent> to win. Ju: stores listed on the back pa cposit i t in the box a t the Fail___________ :__________

H E D O O R S O P G iv e n E a c h D a

be first persons entering tl 10:00 A .M . on Ssturday.

r T H E S E C O O P

Idaho Produel


Jerom e Co-operoti)

M agic V alley Proc

Rocky M ountain '

: ' IchroederPo

P A L L S . I D A H O




1 0 :0 0

f Ily. It’s botlii ■ ■ Iey have coop* _ .)f their prod- J Mimber of fam- Wire-m adc^dTT; 7 ~ IT”;ry important •.: economy of'irizes, so plan ..


Y L j1 Away Free! • •Just pick up I H I I Ipage of th is ' IFair. A win- I

>PEN ^ J►ay!g t|uj_Fair,_______ _____


nets. Inc.

-fiteot^ o;— — — -■

tiye Creamery

recessing Co.

tl Trout Men.....

Popcorn - ^

r • ____ ^


m' f fep ff


W .

i l0 A M . t o 5:0G



Through-eopiro tlon- i f Y our

' Sm B a g ra t* of t l d i SMUoB • f Twla nU a Stons |tvto< tbMi i i t



T nrough cooperation o f Schroei

Sm Back Pa^a of Tht* ^ cUod flf Twla FalU S tcru clrlog thei

’B i ti l l i I B C o l


th rb u g h “ eo6peratlon o f M JB


S e c u r i t y S q e d &

S e q ' o ’M i l k P r o ^

S h i e l d !

S w i f t & C o r

• T w i n F o l l s F l o

Y o r k P a c k i i

> ■ ^ I t ^ o u n g ' S ^ D

- __________ n

^ 1W im

:'[l ij |

' i f

5)) 0 P .M . ' I

- J - j ' IA L L , Y O U .. I

C A N D R I N K . - ■ J

:R 0 M Y 0 U R ' J:hai;^s) 'v ‘ IW n | i ^ l D o [ r y ,

iU o a f o r U U '’ tb w a 'U ek tta .' , .

w m - -

FROM YOUR ‘ ' ;: h a n t s ) , .

ir o a d e r 'a .iF o p c o m , "i

:Uoa for LUt th cM tlc lnU


>1 f e e j-ROM YOUR:h a n t s )^ . . . . ...

L)B C o f f w C f c --------7 7 “


& F e e d C o . - !

‘o d u c t s C o . " ■ • : t ,:

Ids .J""...-'!; b m p a n y

Flour Mills - ■k i n g : C k E ; - : ^ - : r ^ r - ^

r A G E ' A - J ; | i ^

Page 24: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

!.'■ '■' '■ ■' ■ ' i S .pAGE-A-2: „

I ;li;S. iBusinesS;, r Has Stress bn i Farmer Sales

NSW-TOI«CrNo»rM-<*--In-<i»lr -p"TeoiBpttmon-for th* eoniumer^ dol- L ll*r.* .naiaber:ot.iiuln(W w a n t«k>M • tag a elONr look todmy a t the tarm.I Belief th a t 'th e ions decilni in :: tu rn inoonu totala h u itopped tn d I -that a r tre n a l In tbe trend li due

! hMrtMM m er^an ta .

la m » a r lu t good for cuoh thtofa mI Ireeten. atoret, TV aeta and «aU>( to-wall carpetto*.

^ EatlmaU GivenI I H ie department of a^ lcu liu n

■atiotataa th a t f a m m 'V u i'tp tD d flTt btllloa doUan more In the next

1 four jeara for home appliances And I the Carpet Iu tU ut« n p o ru tha t

tha number of farm famlllea remod*. allnf or rsdecoraUng their honca la well abOTa tha national avera<e. .

I t ia farmer'a apendlns habiu.ap* pear to ' be In. their third major

" phaaa alnw World *a^-IIi ■ ■' • i ' 'looom atU S i----------- - ■

Paim locoma roea aharply durlns the var. And tha fliat phaae waa .

I the Uia of tha Increaaed Income to : I pay old debta. I t l i aiUmated tha t

I aaran o ut of every 10 farma ara bow I clear c f mort«a«e..

Tarm iscome continued hlsh af Ur the war and the farmer put a lot of tt into bujrlng new farm equip* m en t Laat year the' Inveatment In

I maehlnery and motor vehlclei med , i on t2>e f a m waa ammat«l a t nearly

' { aa great aa In 1040.. Balt Oeeuni

ThU phaM came to a fairly aud>7 ■ dm ha lt when the prieet of (a m i producU turned down—** maker* of - i farm equipment can testify. Tlie *

-?— Jirmer-declded-to-Bet-alon»-wUh . j the maehlnerr hi).already had.{ Sfia third phase, which mer- I chanta aay haa been particularly

notable In tho flfUea, haa been Ute v purohaalnv of houaehold equipment. Ii Arrlral o f electric power to many e

I ;ru ral..areat helped, and fanners turned to rmUlng living standanU. >

H ie*departm ent or'aerleulture re*■ g ^ ^ ^ t h ^ atandarda in^^^a^farm ,

cent higher than befora the war. ^

Stand Sought i I Foi*Woollict;

POCATELLO. Not. M W — -nje -5 : i>re»ldent of the Idaho Wool Grow- “ : v a ' aaaoelation haa urged hla ^

. crganlsatJon^to taka a atand. for ; ; AdeQuate protection agninst low il

priced Importa of wool and wool * producta. ♦

Andrew Little, Howe, told wool ^ frowera attending their invention °

I : here th a t the Industry deeded pro* l I tectlon In the form of Increased I tarUfa and amaller quotaa od raw ,

JL—eooum d^aoductejnada with wool. ;! ;He alao reeommended lHial~Wool f -grow m aslL for a quota on lm« ;

: ;porta ot Iamb- a sd mutton. ^1 • LltUe also aataUed tha rlalhg , .. leoatof tranaporUUon. Hft told eon- < •ventton delegates tha t ran ratei had ,

tlnereaaed 88 p er cent In Oie paat to f •yean th a t prlcM h ad *

1 taona up only ao per cent tinea lo&o. \ i - Th« president « f Uio Idaho Wool I : Orowars also defended ttsatiah and * ; irtldUfe lenlce'a prosram of using ' i -IIOM polaon in contwl'of predatory . ' animals. He also pointed out th a t 1

‘the commodity credit corporaUon '«-ould be laicely out ot the wool i . buslneaa by the time 1697 wool ba> I

I : gins to mova to market In volume, i


! ' ^CON i MAFi ern

I , Processiiij For Dist

ii' -: i I BUT1f ' ■ COT'

I I ■■ ‘

Largest (I

:slo ) .a k -rm.

tno dluau r -th v


i ; !

In s , '

ha^ * V .^


aed J H H H H I I I B H B I I H I^ Ptc td n abava (i a a aarlat view of tba ** BUHL l l U ttlg 'U rC tit 'ca n in iire tB r 'tm

batchcry utea 40,000 gallons e t w atar ]ud- * * ■ * . *

E'Rainbow Trout - -P ro v id e Sta

irly P a r t of Ute p o t of gold aaaoclatad o f - Uie w ith 0 » rainbow U being divided up pn •nu Id Maglo Valley to sU bllU a th a local toe m y economy.

T he • Ircaaun" Is from .n ln b o wtrw it.w hich a r* raised, m e U h t.ln - J*'

^ dividual commercial -trout, f a r m s ™ along 8 ni|ke river and Roek creek.^ T hese algBrpTahU.‘- | i n a d i a o r t o • employing 50 p e r s o n a full Ume. P°

bring «l,07fl,3M in new cap ita l to Uila a rta . Included In the lis t U th e BtJ Bnake R iver T r o u t farm , Jocated “ n e ir Buhl, w hich U U » largest com - •*

t « . m e rc la l^ tc h e ry in th o world; O the r «» j V are Rainbow Trout farm . Buhl;- R lm vlew T touteom pany .B uhU S ad-

die springs Ptah H atchery. H ager- “ 'Z l m an, and Blue L akaa-T rou t farm .

Oanj'on T to u t Farm . Praroe T ro u t - 1 " farm u d Greene's T ro u t farm , a ll 1 ? ^ Twin PalU. ' r

P ro m .th c s a e ight go l.e3S«00 ' V pounds of (Ish to m arkets th rough- i

ou t Uie un ite d SU tes. A large per- centaga U purchased by hote ls and resU uranta, b u t approxlm aU ly 300.- ,

^ 000 pounds a n sold to oUier sU tes lo r ptanUng In atream a. T he Idaho Idi

for producing Ita own. U tah, O a lK o r -„ || ,. n la . Nevada a n d New Mexico buy *V ^ alm ost the e n t ln amounU {^,^ 'O w nera and- m a n a g e r a o( th e 1 4A farm s report th e heavy seaaon Is ^ In th e summer, btcauaa tourlsU ap>BM) parenUy have % greaUr UsU (or it,, r x i ^ During Uie

aummw tnonlha employment a t tha ea ilna Maglo Valley farms rises to nearly pr, ^ <10. PayrolU of Uu eight olanU ap- u , hat proxlmate'llSSAOO annually.Uon History of trout raising In Magic wo rool Valley dates back to^lBU when Uia w< ba- Boaka River Trout coapaay began da me. oparaUon. Robert a itln s . president co

F r n j i P F R i i



ing TOP QUALI1 istribution Throu

'You Can Taste ’



E C O ^ O P j ^

3t Commercial Hate

i n io u f ta n a ta Uta wctlJ. tmidBclng-TOff.eO rater p e r m laata. (S ta ff tagraT loi)

ut Pot of H< Stabilized Econoiiad of - th a t orsanlcaUon and national waU up prealdent o( Uia.TVout Growers ns- tem] !al soclatlon. says four o t th e farms be- t j

gan operation before World w ar II. ly u )w v 'lth th a oUier four started nfler jgr- Q . th a t . O ne w u p u t Into operaUon a m ] i year ago and another is under con- J. sIdenU on now. TJt o —B rhlna -aald -M asl(u :V alU y .haa^ alm l

po ten tia l to become the leading of I to' tro u t producing area of the United tho he S ta tea and p < ^ b ly the world. Ue U ln ^ u l d each p lant has been mnklng 7 } B . “steady growth” In output and mosl new ,gf have a p a n d c d the ir faclIIUes a l ,,orL j). least once. The reason for bellevlnc rend

th e a rea will become a troul lender ;our ,f . Is almple. isys & klns. The bissest pom In. fac to r la no t the abutid«nc« or spring a

■“ Farm Bureau to “ Seek Role in Rail ,Ji M Bid to Hike Rate S!Jli POCATELLO. Nov. 14 Ofl — Tlie ho Idaho Farm Bureau haa m id It typo It- w anted to be heard regarding the the

penU 5K ~w htch-ralln«ds-have-fllcd -«»&i WlUi tbo InleraUU commerce com- mlaalon for a » per cent freight rate ^ J '

^ Increase plu> a aeven pet cent emer- ho g tn w increast;j * Jo h n W. Wabb. Pocatello, secre- :**■ ta ry-treasurer of the bureau, anld r—

Uie erganUaUon wanted hearing prooedurea revised lo allow adequate

■*}• coaaldernUon of Uie effccla of the proiweed Increasta on th# Idaho

T ho Idaho Farm Burfnu request glc waa contained In telegrniiui which ■ha W ebb aen t to Idaho 's conffrrMlonitl V I delegation. Uie sU te publle uUIIUm m t commlaslon and the ICC.



-ITY DAIRY PRC oughout Magic ^

e T he Difference

■ESE. . . ICE CRE SE . . . DRIED Ml ' P R O D U C T S

^ T I V E ^

-1^ .___ ___________________________________


itchery in World B

; . i f l '


T O ff,o o r-p eB n an t-n s irE- y 6a r ; t b i W M

■ * * * *

Helping to S lomy-in-Valley ■I w ater, whieli I* Im portant, bu t even Nyi• tem perature In th a t water. *>dnei ■ T ro u t raUing U lim ited exclusive-. ly to rainbow*. This specie Is “hard- * '™>■ le r- according to tho growers and‘ lla taale U prelerred by an over- '• whelm ing majarily.

T ho trou t growers face a situation

{ of having Inferior fUh placed cn ' 1 tho m arket under tho "Rocky Moun- } U ln" label.f T he trout Industry n o t only brings I new caplUl Into th e a rea b u t sup- t porU agrlculturo and Industry al- : ready here. A trout requires about ' f four pound* of feed to gain one t pound and he takes 10 to » months C to a t ta in marketable size. The;

T o p u t Ulo weight on Uie fish the e ight farm s feed aboul 38.000 pounds of feed a day. 1.

T he Indutlry liaa l>een able to re- t«cUor duco Itn overhcnd som ew hat In Uie ^ 1

, pnst two years, through use. of feed Qoulbl / prlleUi. These pelleta a re moaUy vsccln

grains and meoU. w ith some m eal (nctun concentrates mixed in. T ho new- j

'■ typo mcnl hss completely replaced jjo * „ t Uie use of meat. I t Insurea more K J jB P ld -sM u o h -an d -g lv ea-th e ^m eat c j u „

b e tter flavor. — . Qf u ,,, T he fish are processed w hen 'they publlo . a re from 9 to 13 Inehes long. A lter ^ xhe

being Individually ilf i^ g ed .'U )e y kre -------quick frozen and ready fo r m arke t

ir UshI MEXICO CITY. Nov. 14 a i \ - '' Police lodny searched for the ;

strong thieves wbo stole a steel .' croM welKlilng’ h a lf a ton from ^ thn lop of 17.400>f6dt anow-cap- '

ped Mt, liUeclhuaU.

;ALi)AIRYMEhL. 1::



RODUCTS : Valley! _

ce"; I

REAMMILK ^s . _ i _ _

FALLS,;IDAHO- . ' ' —

[ Boosts Trout Ou

Nyal U o fra a n . employs of tb e Snake bones (ren t fo r a n eastern m arket. This lo Alaglo VaUey produfce 1,623.000 pounds (arms htra M persons fu ll Ume and ha re 1 In addition to bringing In approxlm aUly side a p l ta l . (S U ff engraving)

Booster-Sliot^alu In Studies of Si

ATLANTIC C n V . N. J.. Nov. 14 vaecli A -S om e batched of S a lk 'vacclne wgj, may be stronger o r weaker thnn clilldi >thers In c rea ting pratecUon again st mino Mllo, aclenUsU «ald yesterday.

They u l d th la m akes It a ll the a lter nora Im portan t th a t children take uj.e ^ Ihelr th ird o r booster shots. T he tecUv third sho t of w h a t m ight be a weaker - raeclno apparenU y createa good pro- leeUon in m ost children. '

A sm all-scale study Indicating poulbla vartaU ons In poUncy of vaccine from fou r differen t m anu- Vnirj lacHirer* waa repo rted to the Amer- lean Publlo H ea lth association by ^ Sor lioward 3. Shaughnessy, PdJ>.; Richard A. . M drrlsso '. RuUi E. had 1 CHUrehrTJJ5.T~*nd“ 30hH“ i n J « a l K>“ *r Df the m inots a U te deparU neat o t entlb publlo health , Chicago. Bui

The polency--cf single shots of for a

.S te p

T h e Green G iont Pocki

founded in 1949 ond <

of M agic Volley, produi

tp Moglc Volley growci

«j<BQndAd_Lo w here -{he, o n cighl-ycor ovcroge i

O ur new, m odern worel

_______ * w ith o storage copacity

-------------------a n d e r w a y - 1 o r 'l ! v e ” CffriSt

building which will be <

fac to ries irt Iho United


------------------ ------------------★-LE51J

rGREI-------------------------------------------------- 1

)utputI BLUl

edltorli ed’ by a l elect

rM ked^■ i i i S

{u' ■■' •

~ - ~ ,V -.4 ^ etudled.-

effect In respondc of the ve

Dr. .

wheiher.- '- S '- r - '' c am dlJ

from Ul/ " 'M : potency.

ake lUver Trout compaay. Buhl,rhls trout farm and aeven e thers 'nds af troot eaeh year. T b e eightare a combined payroU of $19S,000 HiU ly $1.07fi.U0 eaeh year In out- ■

lue-Is rShowii— Salk’s Vaccine ^

/aeclne from cneh m anufacturer ^vns studied nn .imnl! 'groups of hlldren tn four d ifterenc arena of lllnols.

Blood teiils were made before andliter a series cf two shota to meas- 1u-e how well the shots crented pro- JecUve anUbodtes against polio virus. T

Except for children golUng one | larllcular lot of vaccine, the nntl- - IK>dlea were below the level generally yixpected. Uie health tenm snld In a hormal report n t Use opehlng of tho ( 1\PHA'a 84lh annual meeting. ^

Some children m ight hnve pro- \luced moro antibodies becnuse they \ lad already been exposed nalurally« - th e -T ln is r -« n d - th U 5 -h a d -so m t---------tntlbcklles to begin wllh.

B ut Uils probably d idn ’t account or all tho obsen’ed .differences In

l)ij. S t e j

^ ic % ^a fiacking Gompony In Buhl, Idoho, wt

id during its first seoson packed 2 oducts. T his^netted a return of S l;

owcrs, W e hove s tead ily grown anc

ge of $260,000. ' ' ' ' '

'o rehouse wos b u ilt in the w inter 0 acity of 750 ,000 cbscs, W ork is no

O'riStraciTon o^ o new producfion

be one of the m ost .m odern connin

itcd Stoics.


E N J C l— — B T JT IT triT J i



■CriticBLUPP. 111.. Nov. 14 itfl—The \ Jibllsher of Uie weekly Bluff b o i sMe« said lh - r f ro o t *ps«e l , t Uielltorlal he “ wasn't too dep ru s- < terlm ar by the outcome of th e naUon- given delecUon. . 1 oll-Idal

Publisher P . H . Vcnicr Uien chambe j t o d ^ h l s . ^ d e q , to t u r n . t o , i ^ _dniges-two. Uiree. slX' and K»cn .c his predlcUon oa what AgrI-. ijrterinrd tun Secretary E n t T. Benson .Duld -do for Uie farmer.- The four pages w en blank.

: .......^ congrea' nt ‘the w clnea this molle d rth e-sc irntlii^ ^, Uilrd dose gave a good bOMtef ‘* t in most youngsttrs who hadn't„ „ a ,d « .U 10 t . o p rior J jW i S ' '” ■' he very same vaccine, they added, j— Sh-iughniSsy— said - la rger flits should be made to leam LOWtiher Uiere actually are algnlfl- bter Sl;ll differences In yacclnes from day toterent makers, or whcUier lota tro of Jm the same maker can vary in split thency.________________________ ^

^ q n n



e p • • •

c v itli

(L f ■ *), WOS

td 275 ,000 eases ^• $185 ,000 T P

a n ^ m 20.000 with__________ -i

er Of 1955-56 |

s now____________________ ’ J l

1nning .


l A N TT n sT H 'O '------

— ^ _ ----------------------------

lY .J^O V E M B E H

9nunlfteelV ^ ~ Closes Program

JOISE. Nov. 14 Ifu-A n °<d. • ! Uie workings of leclslj'ii“ -*:‘

Im study ccmmltlec.^ J - en delegate: •.-> th r 30:h ,,'r- ‘ •Idaho congrct.1 n.i njf unbcr of commerce-nporjortd’.;*t-dren’.lQ Q dMc_________ ^;halrm en or members of ,11 in.,, e iliii comiuitteiis se t u j k*v « Idaho leslsla ture % L .;! ■.ts. minimum etlucation ir i Cher training nppenrccl lyiort 1 : igress during a half-day mjj;-- s m om lng to ouUinc th t netivinH

n ie ‘discussions hlglilichtrrf t Itlve forum th a t ended th ' cc-‘ ;a* a t noon.

,------KECALNS COXIItOI,______LONDON. Nov. 14 •U'-Prime M.n*. tr S ir Anthony E den apiicajtij :ofl y to have regained conipiric to -J >1 of the ConservaUvc p.irtv •Ahi-s Ut there weeks ago ovei hli noiiV, th e Middle Ea.-'l.___________

n o n T

S 0 H E B =


l>H Sadfc lighr an d o try , 0 tosle a t , a s . only Grondmothc: ew how. Post f ro zen with oil s flovor sealed in ond mode ]dy (0 eo t in m inutes,

a th e C annon Foods Com- ny booth o t th e M ogic Vol*- ’ Agriculture Processing Fair, dio Rondcvoo, Friday ond turdoy. T este rco l Chicken NoodLes just th e wcy you

ow they 'd ough t to toste.

-3 ' '


X o

Page 25: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

()p l)ividends ■ Now Awaited ■

^ d t r ld a < i^ ghareye tr ^ repoTMd ■

g ; i t t s s |

S 'S i2 S * > ''^ “ ”‘,“ ™‘'SS KSy K " " " ' K

pu reh u e 1* for *W H “ k ., fl iJ im a tnai ont to M. H

th e « u b lb h e d u n u Hi/tx«-dln». 100 »»»«*■ • ■

“Dry” Metliod j |

. Combat Colds•ssr«”;*o;eoUI-<lescrlbt<l m "» T T i

of f t ! . .doccor. ;

" ? 2 f ^ u * T Vbe. Meridi»n. m M v 'ew d Of BwUeot rtsulU " hnd bten

m m « than W per c e ^ „ « , 6f piUtnU O ''" * nve-year

W rtp-op ,U»ed'■ n ij tecIinJdu* -Includw.' »moj)jr . m olher Uilnp. V-Tapplng the pntlent mercl

- « th it ««n the face and head * r e -------

“ w f- h o t iwcftt w ck “ l9 Bpplled ^ - , jcf iwo houn dftlly In conjunction V F l iiib bai wslcr bottle* o r *n e l ^ l e p»4 All w»t«r Is denied, end food* 1 ^ iM fluids ire llm lUd to one cup of M. .

•i«p.fnilt Juice, vegeUbla Juice, t t l . . SlTM or (n ilt every thrc4 hour* { ThUi tha patien t Is tw ake. \

D ro n u»#d Dr. VUe told th e 50th' annlvenury s T

BK U nforUiaSoutiwm M wllM l**- den t KCUUon th*t fc UtttUre. «nd aome- une* other d ro ia, are also Riven aa tfurUierald torcm ovlas wat«r from , U a p ttle n l 'a l^ y . • _ . _ o r t,

AnUbloUcs. Mplrln, codeine and laUWiUmlnes m c employed In con*MneUoa with th s •'dehydraUoa- «hle* Klbod. *** * ___________________ p a r«

Tsraeri^allefl T , jBlockforJP.eac.eSAodXd; Iraq , Nov.' U Vr^’riit,

Ifi^l rovemment u y a peace can- Mt b« secured In the Middle Ea*l cniei* Iwael U wiped out. *2®

• Aa official announccm tnt ■'ap'. “ “ VT lo all nations to remove Is-

M f t i t l from the Middle E ast lo r th* ol security and peace."

Th* am e announetraent said Iraq Udrepplns lu support of the U nll«j { " 'i " i*Uon»’ 1M7 propojals to r a Pales- line setllement because of the ‘Uteii Israeli assrCAslon on Esypt.” He

--------------------------- frcetiSpanlsli women are trained to pit *oy i

»S(1 stuff oJJvea a t Ui« rat« ot about «>e Jtr a minute. • r e a ;



C ustom grinding , ro- = ^^i^fyiiTg^^Peileting^^

! ..............- " M A

RangerFor poulfry, dairy , s o lso sheep and c a tti

O ur cdntrlbution to the gro

- ‘o ’J n d i n g o f t h e c o m p o n y i ror)d now hove on onnual |

BUHtfEE■ b u h l

1 THeyProcess'

V i ■-----p la m p JU k s= ,JsU ,.» sid -le .U k laa so n _ « i■ifrora <we ef (he flrpu* coelln t room*. Ind

U r annually'fcUPrcxtmBtelj-W .W OTbejui^ of anlm aU kflfeil for e iutom ilau th ter. Oi pfaoto-eofTarfncI

* * * Ht

Ever-Growing Vi U sing Produi

H and In h a n d w ltti th e mulll- UUlnE million dollar livestock Induatry In Indept Magic Valley, ro c s a n ever-Browlnt PacUr m ent pacilntc business. compa - In thi;i a re a - th e rc -a r t - fo u r com* PflJU'.,, merclal pnckera, plu* several cmjiller 7 hr> hiiiilnr.wr.i devot«<l,entlrely to custom nr i? ' ----------------------

Group to Ask Flexible Rates A

, . , Valley

On Mortgages offS T . LOUIS. N ov. 14 W—The pre*l- volum

den t o f Che N stfonat A&sodation of >3J00. R eal £*U t« B onrds'p red icts th e or* i n a en n lu tlo n will ca ll for flexible Inter- by th e st r a t e * o n govemnient-baclted produi mortgage*. a fore

Clarence M . TUrley. a t . LouIj , a re kichief execuUve o f th e NABE8. m a d e --------hf« /o reeajt In « keynote «peech pre- pa red for th « u s c ^ U o n 'a cocven- yV u

A policy B tatm ent to guide NAREB U acUvlty in legislative and o t h e r . ^ l l e J ^ wUl be c o n s id e r^ tomorrow.' O ir iw afcld h e w m certa in "our

officfal position wflf be th a t Uie existing I ro ien condition of veteran* j.iBh ftdm lnlstratlon a n d federal housing adm in istra tion Interest rate* is to- -loje ta lly unrealistic, and we ahall offer Tuesd our services in cooperation w i th mortgaRe bankers , bu llden end oth- era sJmllaj-Jj'.Jntcrcsled tow ard *ome m ethod o r fo rm u la by w hich these m u re s t ra te* m ay follow the money m arket, w h eth er I t be up or down."

H e la id th e in U rest rate* m u it be jmpot freed from con tro l of congress and any alogle adm in istra to r. . -nie

--------------------------------- jioaREAD TTM E3-NEW 8 WANT ADS, vehlcl




, ro lling , m ix in g (bu ik o r sacI. - " 7 ^ — ^ ^

y^A N U F A C T aR E R S O F r-

ir Quality Fly, s tee r , c a lf . Iam b, swine, i a t t le ro n g e peliets.

s g row th a n d developm ent of the og r ^ o rc ^ u c fs IT ili^ fecT^d~7h~our^^' n y 'in 1925 , w e hove conlinually 'en lar lual po'yroll o f over $ 120,000.


SS Meat for-Yalley 1

B pHHIHi... J IBn..amployw of T nd ep c ad tn t-iam .c in p iian j *. Independent a n d th ree o the r eommtrclal uul or-Tatlle. a i . l aB -sw inaju id Jig .»h«p . T l er. 0 (h e r Bfarfo V aller com panfei <tKc>*tln

* * * *

Valley Packing ] lucts o f Livestocdlltng, The m a jo r p la n ta Include The f Independent M eal com pany. C arter byprocU PackjnR company. Custom Packing manufn company and Yorit Packing com- cuu apani'.__________ ___ ____ _________

The.w four firm s s la u g h te r a toUl In be 9U l2i8W _beeves each year, 31.130 and cu; iwlne and MO sheep. EM ause all anim al custom killing is done lo r Individuals Magic there are no record* of how many to repo anlmaU are killed fo r th is purpose, torj, th

AH th e an lm sU a re purchased beef a locally In d irec t sup p o rt of Magic countle Valley stockm en. « n t oi

Thrju. fniir n lan ls emnlnv a total ^ ****” Of 05 workers w ith a com bined pay- r ' " roll of 1337.000 annually . T b e lr to u t volume for a year approxim ates _WJOO.OOO. - - - ........... .......... ................I

In addition to payroll, expenditures I by these firm s In supplying their I products to th e m arkets a re heavy. i I A foree of 31 trucks a n d sa les cars I a re kep t In dally operation._______ * |

Woolmen Ask for Quota on Imporfs

• POCATEU/O. Nov. 14, W>—Idaho •W ool G rovers assoclatloD called for .. .Im port Quotas on lam b, m utton and / wool a n d voiced opposition to a rateh igh being sought by m ajor rail- Jroods In resolutions passed a t the ' iclose o f its an n u al convention here J T uesday. I , ■

One resolution cnlled present I ■wool tariffs "Inadequate" and urged I“effective" quotas o n wool imports. f lA nother urged reten tion of present P ta riffs on lam b a n d m utton andndvlsed quotas on any more such ' IImports. I

. T here are now more th a n 70 mll-j Uoa Jlcrnsed d r iv e n of motor vehlcle.s In th e U n lttd States.

CO. Inc.



sacked ), M olos-

Feedsle , ra b b it, tro u t,

e a g r i c u l tu r a l p ro c e ss* jivn 'grow fh.* 'From “ Th»------— f - - -e n la r g e d o u r f a c i l i t i e s t


^O dnfez J: PHONE 144

■ - - ■ I . "

. ' T

!V Tables —=— Tw(

one-third nuall>’ (0

9 ' twoJ farmers

r grade poli j r . th ro n alderabte

r a i H i v . J w a H ^ H H i obicT d’kn I''a

i r R I n e . Jero million p

‘ / af f i s f SImplot,

r potatoes :

' ' marketln

— » — ^ a i e F r / • ' Two r

ducts devrlopm thouct)

^ readyAmarlc.-ii

Instnni | becoinlni; business

mnaBT.-pren«r> <« » W f onri mnvlerclal packlnc cotnpanlei alaugh* pu t to ps ftp. T here U nn record of num ber A»olh( «f*HM 'i~co*tcicn w i i r n ? r - (S t tr f - fiSTnsm

tempMtlJ* * * * 65 per c

g'Industry '“SY ------1------- p r ---------- • '--------------w h lchh i

tock Growers « ; iT he firms n b o produce ihe -rcsu lar able pro

lyprocluct* of Uie Industry. He re; nanufftcturlng lard, wieners, cold Calif.. c< u u and o th e r item.'* containing in estab ncat. j_;^_-_ , , Jerom e,'

In boUi thft commercial channels along w ,nd custom k illing, nboiii 20.000 beef animal I inlmals are neTdW eacU year lo 7 « d ~ ”W1UT •laglc V alley. However, according Processli 0 reports o f th e sta te brand Inspec- otlier pli or<. there a ro approximately 350.000 potato p )eef an im als raised In th e nine be any i rountle*. show ing l&-u than la per shortage :ent of Uie to ta l am ount available Idaho, * being k e p t here.________ |________ ranks tt

FO T/)STARAnother Stl Magic Valfi Progress!/

M agic Valley Proccssin ' , ' ■■■ w a9»organiz^d~in~3iUU

pose o f producing stare 'p o ta to e s and to elevate lo by. provid ing jobs and ii

- c tiil po tatoes which H^d 1 w ere a n expense td dispo fa rm ers .

M ag ic V alley Processing p la n t is th e largest po p la n t in America. I t has j c ity o f 22 c a rs o f cull pot p rovides employment, a approx im ate ly 35 emplo; t o 20 tru ck e rs and trucka

H u n d red s o f thousands_______ a r e paid out annually in

ley to farm ers, truckei^ o th e r supplies^as a result a w aste product.

The potato starch producom pany is o f such high (w e a re supplying d em i H onolu lu to Bostfth, froj Jack so n v ille ; customers

T“ look to M agic Valley for- needs.


------------------p r o c e s s in g f


"Y our Potato Store

T I M t e s l N E W 3 . - T W l N F A I

wo-Starch Plant Provide Mart

t addition to pouiing nut abotit •third of a mllllnn dollnrs au- li>’ (0 emplojes. Mntite Vallej-'a

slarcl] planiJ> provide local ners with n markel tor low le potaiofa wliTch w rrr prrvIousT ;hron'n an’ny or so ld a t a con- rable Iom,:aglc Vnlley Proce.vilne ccNiipaiiy, n I''alls. and Idnlin. Troducts.. Jerome, use approxlmniely tso lion pound.i of potatoes annually

. J. Marsliall, who ow iu the 'Je* le company Jointly wlUt Jack iplot, reports ’’Stnrcli content in stoes h ins about 1< per cent, but s InipoMlble to uitr pver>’ bit of 'clTIn pointbrsT ln 10S5.~we mnn- d to extract one aack ef starcl] n every 10 aacks of polntoe.i be*M of'poor crop.-but (hM .vcnr U avrmRed one ou t of elRht."

h e two plnnts produced over IS lion pound* of a tnrch Inst year. rketlne it th rm ishout th e United tet. AlUiouRh pota to s tarch eau

It la UAed In th a paper and Qle inSustrleiT ~V'O rKeiitly-developed by-pro*:ts sive promise of even further elopment of (hn two plani* al- uet) the Tw in Falla firm U aU dy the InrRcst on the North H H larlc.-in continent.'re-sclfttlnlzed slArcIi for use In ^ B H | Innt pudding nnd pie fllltns* Is H S g ominR nn Incceaalnelv inrRer | B m M lines* for Idnho Produci.'. Inc., e u Q J 1 may somcdwy »urpa.<a in out- J U S n . to paper Industries. U l t i Kmother Idea w hich M nrshnll and liiftWBRcrrPoreat-niatrr, n rr fiyii. ipMtInc Is pu tting th e more thnn |3 H r y per cent wast® In the form of E S P lV p to um as an an im al feed aup* ment.Polatoes c o n ta in ‘every element B |M \ , ich hum nni'o r an im als a rc known if f i* ,- : need," Blake snld. ••PreJJmlnftry K gM ;mleal annlyaes show th a t rlRht B g t >_ ,v we nre throwing nwny a valu- B q J e product In our pulp." H B Blo reported th a t a BakersfleW. First llf.. company has ahown Interest _ „ u i_ establlshlng a feed p inn t In the

■ome vicinity to proce.v^ the pulp, mg with o ther Ingredlenti,- Into Imal feed.'W Ilh~oU rpiint‘*na-rt(igi(TV«lley ocesslng company, along w ith *ix jcr plants In the s ta te , to provide talo pulp. I doubt if there would any serious th rea t of a material

ortago for the lirm ." Blnke snld.Idaho, w ith ita e ight a tnrch plants, ‘nks second only to Mnine In the

i S o lICH ^>tep in i ilfe/s

■ I I

! s s i n g C o m p a n y I Im - £ o i O h e - | m c « __________1 _____It a r c h f r o m c u l l 1 It e l o c a l e c o n o m y ! In d i n c o m e f r o m ; . Il i i d n o v a l u e b u t - - — r - Il i s p o s e o f b y * ^ e I

s I r i g C o m p a n y ’s i It p o t a t o s t a r c h Ih a s a p e a k c a p a - II p o t a t o e s d a i l y ; I1 a t p e a k , f o r ®i p l o y e e s a n d 1 5 | pu c k s . h


i n d s o f d o l l a r s y i n M a g i c V a l - | "k e r s . ' l a b o r - a n d --------------- -- — Ii s u l t o f u t i l i z i n g

— — — — Ir e d u c e d b y t h i s 'i g h q u a l i t y t h a t ___ ,e m a n d s f r o mf r o m - S e a t t l e t o ----------------- -----------

l e r s i n 3 5 ‘ s t a t e s ; f o r i h e i r s t a r c h ------------ --

I T o V i s i t -

L L E Y 'SU R A LG g A I R — _ !

GALLEY I I N O X o ; I -foreh-Plant" - N

F A L L S . I D A H O

its HMeJioo.d_Ps ft for Low Grade

v \ii ^ hB K SFirst step In eonverUng le w g ra d t po ta toes >shlng the petatoet aa they are carried up t relesleve, where Ihe atarch la extractod. Oe' ■xle V aJIt/ ProreMlng e6mp»t>y, opcratea li »m th e belt before >t entera tha rotosleve.



FAMOUS THRC. ; ^ i r ', " n r w I i w ^ ' j ; , "

" f v ' -

n I i ^' < 1

'1 ^

I :V yPictured obove o re M r. a n d M rs. hom e south of BuHI. All p o p corn ods designed by th e S c h ro e d e rs ..

- f rom jusM w o ec I q-2 0 freight cai

t -E lm er Schroi

l in e s IB30, a:

to A . J . Am------prd d u ea L a .l

V arletjr pope O klahom a a Diam ond Po

_ thU tim e a li tin s a n d shl:

' ' m ost o f Schi packages asc have th ree t

" l i a l l grown I In M aglo Vsi:

You are cordially ifl= = = = J t G R I £ U l ^ R

NOVEM BER 16-17 : Potatoes

i * * * ^rt _ i r w It .whei

cut u The la

reallted i te re ited f' Ing a plai ano tlier s p lan t In £

Using tl

3<r years:g rea t decyear*D etwelierGeorge oin terestremalnlni

fromstreet ao' the edge w here a Ing was

Mar»h» Holders ' gaged lr establish i 'tlA S in

p la n t p la n t In

T h e J m any aJ poU toes day.

sam e lei carloads P eak st^ M ls - f ln loads da

B o th • e n t ro s t employe! soh.~w h so to J(ifcbout 69

ktoes into commercial starch U b o th 'p o t up th is eonTeyor bell and Inlo d u c t reg

, Oeorge Pullen, an employe oC quality itea th e eenveyor, acrtlng debris ______4eve. <8Uft phele.entravlBg) R gA P 1


P C0RALLEY PRODUCT TR e o ^ H O o r T H r " ^


Vrs. Elmer Schroediir In the pockc corn is packaged in this plant by n srs..

e o r & o f ^ p o p c o u L

M£lQad£ay.ear_ltchroeder h is gro«m and processed th e Bl 130, a t which tlm i h s planted th e l ^ e U he entlr* crop, except.that w hlcb .w M jtej . Amo*, who w u operating a s to re In 1 d_».Ultle.more..»nd .by.lfltl_h« w ju M popcorn to Safeway Stores, Ino., w ho sti

n a and Texas. In lOSB the tradem ark ,d Popcorn- was reglaU red 'w llh th e U.S le a large amount pf h is popcorn was b e to ll shl A e d ‘ta an-.parj* of th e U nited S t i Schroeder^ popcorn Ij p u k e d In 1 a a d

a and sold In Idaho aod neighboring sUI T«e v a rie tla ; bUck. golden and w h it* . I own In Idaho, and th e Blsck Varletj; is s t s Valley u iraJw ajri;h«i been. -----------^

Sehroeder't Popcern-jg ovail at your favorite g r^ ry ste

' invited to visit our d isp iLtRAk=E!R0GESSIbU3;


• ■ t ; '

Uon of a tm all p lan t In Klam« ^ H J '*>■’• -9 ?? . the_ t»o s U t« a re j K g ed lo have a .m onopo ly jo th » M > s u r c h InduBtjy. ' ~ - | 9h compsnlea hav* soowwhat '.\m ei histories. alUiougb K sgio U r Proce*iJn* company U 10 :1a Ll o lder. I t ( ta r u d In October, .. 'I ! Ftl

w hen world tensions.virtually t js j ff th e naUon's starch supply. - I 1 la to c, J. Strike, former J fjit- lenw>r-ldah»-Power-eompanyi— ^ ed the opportunity and In- : | ■ ed-fou r local e ltl«n* In bu lld * -^ ] r r r p la n t here. He also organlied I - Mi'

ler Kroup of person* lo s ta rt a ' I." fi/l InB lickfoot. b ; I 'lng th e remnant* Of *ugar p lan t . r- !,!j; ilngrv ft-hlfh hurt mi.. i a r* rU ie T )T a n l -M c ^ fc « a -^ —

d eal of trouble in l u early 'M fi, , of operaUon. in 1M<. Claude >; ;

eller, W. 'A. Colher and Paul ’vV ••'} ge offered to either tell th e ir j !l e s t In the firm or-buy-oul-lhe—f •yT:4 lnlnK.lnYeJtor8..The.BU)cklioIdi_: yM ; roted on tho la tter plan, .; e n*w owners moved the p lan t ' vli^H

Fou rth avenue and Ptjurtlt • m*"! t aouth lA its preaent site on - T 'V '’ edge of Rock Creek canyon. T , • •j •e a 40.000'square foot build- -...l;)! was constructe d liUrally with* ■ j ' j

owe o f_ th 8 jk ? C lti_ . | I i lers who sold o ttt Already en- MV.'d In .the poU lo business, he V .|jllshed a dehydraUon center : I r l

SIm plot In Jerenie. The p lan t .ivila te r converted to a glucoea l . (

t a n d finally becsme a starch ‘ 4 "t In 1951, ;■;[}>••le Jeroma p lan t can run aa M iy aa 4,B00 100-pound sacks of ■.■:]>■to e s throush lls machinery each I 1;:M agic Valley Processing com* f ;

e lengtlh of time wM da. about 60 per cent higher. , ' i! i: s ta rch ou tpu t fo r the Twin»-flrm-U-M.L.aL.«lv.iH. i-«r. *s dally. ' r i i i i>lh companlee have a pcrnian* ' 'U ro sie r of between tlve and 10 loyes. D uring their peak sea-

w hich TUha from a b o u f ^ t . ' i *0 Ju n e lOrOfer M rs a toU2 o l -h ii t 69 hddlUonal workers.' i ,j;i 3Wi also havo.etnip1et« U b « » -_ ] . .Ulj3 w hich run conipleta U*ta on i n rI'po ta toes a n d lhe finished pro* • f I; regularly In an effort to effect ! . i fn ty control In production. .^u

[p"TOIZS-NgTre~W ANT ADB; 'j | | j

E R 'S I f


■^NA TO|I~— I

ickaging plant a t their >y mochinery ond meth*

' ' ' - ■. • • ■

le Black Variety popceni; n e u ot tw o 'ean^ rt p o p - ;. ' i jc e p t for seed, w a i 'w ld .In Buhl. Each year he. ’,

jelling csr lo a d s o fB ta i^ J _ .IO s h lp ^ ^ m o s t of i t t o ~ ' -T n a rk ••Sclufleder’s Blua

UJS. P a te n t Office. At be ingcaoned .ln Bounce : state*. Since the 'irar,;.; a n d tp o u n d ceUophsne ,. ' -

sU te i. A t present th e r ' 1'.'. ite . Schroeder's.popcorn- Is still grown righ t h m . ' ~-

v o i io b l i ^ --------- rstore. I ,

sp lay o f tlie ■ '« B A p i


■ ■■■......

— . --------------- .


Page 26: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

- -l>AGB j w . ' .. ......... ... '


. T te M B p to t o a r d a ' t k m ^ v U * ) u d M e n nU tln g tb« (aeUrr U

■...............• '• « • « - - : t>.......... - :

-’ A tta f b tlM b a ik M w tib a i.' ■____ W ore » t l r t n o re d Irom th» w b^ ~ l ^ MMon. H TcIcIiU rM r 'o r« lW

' ' m tt7 O tn ltw . both Bahl. '(8UftI ; .

' yolunie ofCo] i During Lj

B13HL. N ot. 1 4 - ln t m a ib o rt

-. _ th » Otmd OUat'compkny. Buh), - bM n o r t t tu B doubled lU Tolumt ' a n d thU P*M WM.OOO to M il- lo V»Uw c o m |row«r» w th tU

’. crop.: Iln JUM. 1MB. Uw o m n ou&l ’ eom sasT ' bought ou t Plot 8 «m I i ' j^ » d i ,lB O , p u i th u l n i a o t only th i

' i • p la n t tftcUlUc*. bu t a lio tho r o m n i 1 t pw nar*' irow la* crop.

. 1 . : ' D uring th a l l i n t ye»r O re tn Ol- I • a n t bought com produced b y . 33(

t brought a re tu rn t o g n v tn o t | 1U .. ■ .■ 000. a» th e w n p a a jrp ro e eu o d 'th en

crop Into mOOO o a M 'o f com .' • D u r i n g the rocenlly*»njRlet«<

' 19M proceulng Miaon. th* oom' , p any produced more thon «00.00(

\\ (■ clftea o t com . grown on 3M 0 acre

- . I ; . .—crop ................... ............ ............ ,' ! ' D u ringa*T «ojeaT »th» tthe Oroei

! d lin le o m p a iu rh a * b e tn ln B u h i J ' ' a nnual pa rro ll haa a n ta te d •llghtl; 1. ' m ore th a n gSSO.OOQ. Th* l»M ! lfu n

t : 'hoK o»tr. la noarU cortain t* «xee«I • th* 4330.000 mark.

{I ; Combined wage* and paymenU t . farm en for thla year tlon* amoun

! ' to lfilO.000. *ni* toUl vorth to tb < ' Talley U increated aUll turther whti i ' locaV and countj^ taxee a n tlgure<

. aa well aa th* value ol locally>pur . i ' chased auppllca (or the plant... ' 6 lne« IMO. Magic Valley U rm tc

' have Incrta ied the ir yield o t Oree: : O I»nt_ccm _to .the point U « t_ lw • w in ter th e tlrro -»n lr*etisd_w lL : Reypolda and WaUter OonttrueUoi

I Enjby yoDpelf

■ You oreI : cordially invited

j' .| : to visit our " ' .I Ij ; Display at the

- ,j| Agricuituro ,—s------ Processing------- ^

: I Fair

3 - j ____lhe..Coso^- ■ -i • ' ■ of-l

I T W J N f a l l ;

; Volume of Corn P i

i : > P ’

w U « l i* * n to M a n « r U k u > * n t lw I I * ia 1 n y U * M m b w a . D aU rcrr >»(*«• r igh t. >

tr« tt w U di . th e e a m I* t a k u U a e n > «♦ - » ; » » . - •

«bei,.e«*m.lK tb e rw g U y lup*ct*« la tb* < • eob. Mere th a n 6M ,M >ea«*^e( «orn w«re

8ia f t aBgraTlBgh• • * •

Jom P lant at Bul Last Seven Years■hort a tu a n . w o it w u begun on a n*w rf^ iw pU n t building to repltc* th a old w ith ' Buh), on* o r tho m o it m odem canning oluffl* tactarlee In th * nation. ,Mig> AUo being constructed by Rey. th e ir noldi a a d W alker, th* new p lan t u

t p lanned to bo larger In. cataeUy a u n t { h a u ttw old p lan t, bu t I t wlU be d*. sw ee t ><|Bod to be oaly .th* t in t atep In S 'u»* a.propoM d growth pettem . ' ormor ThIa-propoM d expanUon will take

pUoo aa th* m arket to r locally^<n a l . grow s oom l&creuet. T h t ' Buhl ,y 350 pU nt buy* only trom 'U aglo Volley

Idahoan WilTBe Briefed on Arms

iRletM B O ia« . Nov. U «>-O hl*r W arran i com- o fJlcer Dale Hendry, an Idabo na -

(00.000 uonal KuartSanan ond member. o(I acres the V . 8 . a tr naUooal guard council.» paid u l t h e re yeel«doy tor PaJmdale.

tholr Calif., and a tbree-day eouocll look ' a t th * U U et-aerial lupereonJo wea-

'o roen P0« - ------------- "h i. tho H endry, a d ju U n t o( the IM th a ir lightly naUonal guard n th te r oquadron figure, here, eald tho wuneU hsa been mak- exoeed ing a three-phase atudy of pooalble

fu ture aislgnm enu to r tho a ir na- enU to tlonal guard..mount He aald th o coimeU, a t Palmdale, to tb e wouW receive a brienng on th* olr rw hen (orce •‘century atrleo" group o t au- Ilgured pertonlo a n d Mcret tlshlero. t b e y .p u r . cen tury •erlo* U part o t th* leoond

phase of t h e ^ d y . armers Hendry added th a l th* InlUa) O reen phase was spen l In a study o t air-

I t U si e ra tt c u rre n o ra n UM by a ir naUonal i r w l l h 'm n l u n i u ' l ^ l h o th ird Ph4*e! rucUon ^ouM c o w guided mU*llea» . ■

S ReM M Radu


m SlM iim

B i b *

c o - C o l f l C o . is o majo if-the Sugar Beet Indu. L S C O C A - C O L A B(

Processed atBuliil

le il 1* , * be lt whieb eaters the p reeeeriegai [h t. A t th* re a r ef the H c tm U a M s a d •< *■• eagravtag)

0 . —






I tb* O reea O U nt Canning pfant. BoM. a war* preeeased* pUnt daring Iho F-ri»bfc-M »fc-D »dU y_W sU aa.andj!ira^

( * * ' * *

luhlDoubles ars of Operationnew company. Tw in PalU. to *Tect a w ith 7» ,000-cas* warehouse. 'Alng As soon as th a canning m ach lne r? '

stopped a t th e compliUon of the 1BS8 ‘ Rey- growers, bu t th e proceascd corn U n t U sen t 40 wholesalers and eventually aelly re u i le r s thouihout iha U nited i * » '* Stale* and Canada. \** “ Nationally, ih e Company has more i

th a n 40,000 acrea .under culUvatlon | “ * • th roughout th * country. Becauaa a t ; ;> 'y - l u farm expertenc* th* company.

through Buhl and lU W other can- HUy neries. carrto* on a research pro*

gram dealjmed to help grower* get,

theh- U bor. > , .__ Jb addlUon to lU research a n d 'm s advlc* (or l o u l grawen. the Buhl.

tlrm tum U hea dUeaM reaUU nl seed 7 ^ and lends machinery. I I also olfers:’ “ r j a con trac t which enables local g ro w .' ^ . n era to know tn adtance w hat price ‘ ioSm they will received lor t te lr crop*. i » k T he B uhl pU ni and three c a n . '

V * .. neries In W ashington lU le . are Uia o ^ O recn O ltn l plinU wesl o( the

^ Rocky m ounU lni.

Sfi;| Fleet of Foot “*■ RENO. Nov. J* «*-M r*. T he-

,A .\. Oapurto chased a U vemr T i J b u r* Jao '« » p re t* (o o tn ea rly h » l(? * »"“ • through Reno strecls yes.

terday before sha gave up. - - PlAggtng down a motorist, the

" I 47>>-ear-old cleaning woman went ,,, ,1 to th e ah o rlrn office to report

nlUal the th e ti. Aa ihe and a deputy w nenied, the euipeel came b y ~

^stlU running. He was nabbed.

Refresh vith Coke"dio Rorfdievoo^^ridoy and Saturday Nov. 16 and 17th

ajor $upporterl_^__n d i i s t r y ' ' '

. B O T T L I N G C O .

. T O ^ i N E W S . T V n K fF i


a a r a s g s s f f . , - ; -------------- dewt■tfat fa a g tarrfiiM ladus






MUk chees Uler. cn t o Increi milk. - f l ln dense

Mag a ad caoDlng p U st. «ati«a)* right. isad a t kosks and r*)ect*d ear*. (Staff ,

naUo— :------------ Em

Decrease Noted K On Construction Sp

. _B O ia E _ M o rU 4 Jlfc = X h e ja lu t.o f.

. new construction In M aho U it m onth was 11.5 per cent less than £«.(, th e am ount of new building In the ,tsUi

- a u t e durinjr October. JW5. accord, cu t. In ' lo the laC iT E U irSC C U ntyT lint — MwsJetler. of fi'

T h* report lUled conslnieUon lor divlx IhU October as worlh tl.760.013. The prox decrease from la st year w u 'c a u u d orati by a drop In the am ount of commer- «nd d a l and Indualrlal building (rom p i la s t year, the neu ile tler lald , plan

ResldenUal conitrucUon was Up the slightly trom a year ago. unt)'


______________________________ '

1 -..nPtlT'yPin ilffF ly»i i l < n

n' • In conjuiery^ '

i O l< o t;lay.'

I : ' : iindl . u h l ,eed . ter*i

rice ‘


heWc cordially im

~ us on Satu rday

^ m eat processing

__: -________ doctcd t o u r ^ «

Icy people to (

'p ro cessed fo r th

-MI n d e ]

r F A L L S : 'ID A H O t------------

Sego-M ilk Elar M ilkBolsteri

3,400 U ag lc-V a lle y Ja n n cn id r whol* mllK. Sego Milk com pany^ B uh l con- denacry ranked am ong th* a re a 's top ladustries In ! • » . lU S ind y e a r o( operaUon.

In addlUon to wage* a a d pay- n t n u to la rm en , Uie com pany paid another hs » mUHro , doUara to

tboH sums, plus federal, lU te and local taxes, the company takes In only about tlOOMO from th e valley, p a r i n g Uie rest o t Its (InUhed product th roughO urtK e 'naH on 'U ld 'th* world. ........... , . , ,

In 1R4. 5eg« MUk com pany, the Interm ountaln aubddlary o t P e t MUk company, purchased tw o amall theese p U a u tn Buhl. Ibree* y e a n Uler. however, th e com pany's j)rea . cn t eondenaery waa buUbto m e et the Increasing demand to r evaporated

"grn ,-* it« ^ m i c t t o n . iHB c o n - ' densery has added two warehouse*.The aecond one. bu ilt In 19^3, U a 12s by iss .foo i refrigerated- w arehouse, one of the (ew o t lU k ind Hi th* . naUon. ■ '

Employing about loo w o rk e n . the company has two o the r properU**In the valley In addlUon to lU con* densery.' TTjc P e t Ice Cream com­pany. Twin PalU. known alscr as Col. vllle Ice Cresm company, m arkets ifA -fjeam nrodueari from ’ locally, puichased milk and cream. I n U47. fiego constnicted a m ilk receiving itfttlon a t Durley to serve th e Mlni- C usia area.

The c6tnp*nn~BpHl-T)lan t - la -one of tire condertseries in Pec’a western division. Its yearly producUon U ap- proxlmawiy a million cases o( evap. oratnl 7nllk.--worth-an-«eUm*ted-flve and one-quarter million dollars.

P r o c e s a l n g of milk a t Sego's plant U a non-stop operaUon from 1 the tim e the milk enters th e p lan t pre unlll It rolU In finished packoges on ma a conveyor Into railroad c a ra paj

Manager a t th e Buhl p la n l U V. IU

ijunction with th e Ag



URDAYTED t mile soufi

✓_ f

y Invite all Majjic Valley to cor

rday and see this completely i

ising’ p lan t. T here will be pers

5 from 9:00 im til 5j;00 P-mJTor

to sec where th e ir top-<jualii

>r th e m arket.

[ SAT., NOV.

s p e n d e i

• I

int^Eayrrfld??!? ring Magic Valle

* . ' • / ■

~E saaIa lng a periloo e t th* *ne' mlUion c preductd annually by th * com pany* eond* manater. T h* |Dtermoanlali» tubaldUry u y i oat apprexlBsU ly (hr#* aod «M-IiaJ IU Bob! pU n t foe wag** a n d wb»l* milk.

(Agricultural Processin

I l i cNEWLY ENI DERN PLA^t Nov.jfh, V4 mile W es

come and v isit I

ly m odernized

icrsonall.v eon- -

for Magic Yal;^_________

lality m e a t 'is

U. s. "CH( G R A D

_ i c o u r o N E w n i BE *■ r 1 7 . nothing to buy. or any ob

* * ' . also wlU be announced c

n t M e a

iirchase o f - ^ liey Economy Is

j ^ i y


T he^ H B B H b b e H k I < B w B IjfffflP IW S M S ffr sam«=i

<3ra^ ^ H Q S K f ^ n B S u R » centr*

■ jh e „ n

goodo la the CaU(o:



(ouUi .The

feed 1 llv^t< cent asheep1955.

T . P* years HU a ley



(resh 'develi ly in

lion ease* of 8<go evaporated milk Statei eendeasery in Behl U ^ . T . PaU b, ^ I n < Ury of Pet Milk company, Sego h sa 1 e -ha j/ aiU lea doUsr* a y e a r ( r e n sales Bilk. (S ta ff pheto-engratlag) emmi

■ i' '

sing Fair we ore hold

» U S^LARGEDtNT.1 7 , 9 1est M otor Vu C


Agricultural Procesi ~ F a i r - Nov. 16-1


K l v i

r T B E !3E AVAILABLE IN C O R OFTICE. The; ny obtlgatlan.. .w inners wlU be notified ar « d over K U X TV M onday Night a t «:3i

a t C o . ,

ianges’ Feed— 1 l s “P6orrSaYs~ USDA Report

. D ^ p t a i ^ . .M J ^ w D l « .p o 6f S r - ^ipply o l pasu ire and ranse u « i- ^! w estern s u te s alnce i s n u r, orted by the tJ. B. depirtnwni el p-lculture. “T h e .g e n e ra l condition of rv ii. ted on Nov. 1 was a per etni a« ormaf. aa a g a ln « JS per cent i t ihi

------ - ' ■ SRepert q u d t^

O raxlnc conditions In much «r ih.t tn tra l a n d southern plaina ir tii nd Uie Southwest “are vti^ p« i,.le repo r t Mid. ■_____________ _Range (eed suppU u are Uir ta t n d on th e oo rthem plaint m d t g ^ j I th e northw est and In Nevada 1aU(omta. ^ 1r * l r to good In western Mor.tini >

lUch o( N orth DakoU and part* c ' ‘ ou th D akota and Wyoming. <

Areaa Short <S ho rt In eastern Montana. <ouih. '

■eotei'n“ r ic rtn “ Dakot*r" somc^TfD ■ t SouUi Uagg U and • centralo uU K cn tra l Wyoming. '.The repo rt said the lack o( r>ni> eed U redected In the ih rlnka» et ' Iv^tock on we^tem lands — 16 ptr e n tto fn o rm a lfo rc a tU e (SJptrctni '; y ia r aigo) and 7B per cent tc« heep. com pared to S3 per « n i Ui 955.

•. Patch, who has l>een there i« ear* and-wlth41iecompany.3l->'«tt>— ~ Us assU tanU a n Lowell j . RoiktiJ ey and D onald PalmqulM.

H oward Clark manages the Butltj w e irin g sta tion . aRd.WlllUm . In fh T g e nf th . Twin P«IU Ir. _ ream o u tle t 'WhUe sUblllclng the market Iq.

resh m ilk la Magic Valley, Seto hu levelo p e d T sIU h lern irk tl. prlfiiuT" y In th e w estern half o( the United }Utes, Alaska and Hawaii.

I n addlUon. worldwide dUUlbuden u s been brought a b o u t . throuth . 4 lales to the arm ed (orces and loi, rm m enl ireUe( agtncle*. _ ’


. j



Til 5Corner



•voor H

I s l - 'l E PT here 's abaolulely !d and the ir name* - 11:30 p m .


Page 27: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

Demos Ready

L e f t is t 'T re n d ■

■ ■pUoa «Uc*>

i r S s i ~ l

r S g g j r i l

P5! ? .blA U tht dlrtcUon •»!- ■

^ V r » « s £ f . s PS .« u , . w t in r

“sTSut;. K. H .m p h r« , D... l“;

E rxsii'i.K S rc i.;;S iipU Ifl -------

T t . K « « « .U roujt J> rtt • iM l

V tollowi: , . becor% Bl*-*e»l« ipproprUUoM to » « lst

■^In Khool coMtnicUon; revision of U j I r S ta »ld th . lltOe re»ow by nW M P«»a»> exempUons by 1100 " i ‘J

the bis /ellow WrM- J S W wed*l proTUIoiu ror ilock

tocfcM* lo c u t t c u r l ty E.. -

^ttuw ! to l«ner»l term s U r ihcrrt T \ « «I Ib l t Ui» ftituw will b rlns. l»,»n >JO KOtnt et the ne*’ DemoenUc new 1 ^etl At Un Dcm oenU In &llUnce , J wim l»lt-»lnt elemeaU h»vo ino»rf to.Ibt W t la the p u t 30 ye«rj, the B ^ U u n i slowly tix it loUowed, nth weklni lo o fttr Toter* the bet- Itf t»Tf»In. Mmetlmea * t lh# i r e u -

) - K H 0U B 8H IP 8 OFFERED - MEW YORK. Not. 14 WJ-Colum-

bU unlrenlly h»» announced It will j.q_] (tfttr I t iMit 10 Jull tulUon K hpl- MhJM to QUJilUlKl H u n jir t in ref* < t t n itudtaU. ColumbU P retlden t - i . , , Dr, Onyson Kirk ippe iled lo other A atrian unlfeniilM to offer " It te Th tluneoiW to Huns«ri*n a tudenti n u tv lES-ned Mmmimlit ie rro r if l- lh e ir m country. John

-------------------- ------- . IneJu-CTAD T p q g - N g w s WAKT APS. Mra.

I T w i n

M a h u f a c





Twiiri----------------- DJVi5ieN-0P"


Sugar Ready fo

Proecu lnc « maxim um of 3.4M tom of factory pM kaccs tu ia r In IM -pound aarkt In fron t ef tho su sa r aacks are Dalle* Itltl tcodent. (S taff p b o to e n cra irln o

------------- is— w— yr— «t--------------^ ^

Sugar Company SgnculturEtl:

—I»T«wains-a"in«xlm tint-«f-*boiitrj>«rt-w 6J00 to m of sugnr beets dally a t l u j One p lants In Tn-ln F a lli and Ruperl. Valley. A malsnniated su ifa r company has mately become one of M agic Valley's larsea l crop c InduiCriea over Ita 44-year history, and U)

T he company f irs t came into Ida* o( a ,s ho In 1912 when it established a la ha r beet-proctSBlnff p la n t I n - B u r l e y . j „ , The T w in PiUli factory was com- eompn pleted In 1B16. a n d the p la n t a t R u - dried ( ■• —' ................ : This. (

Day Observed by '”'Z. Hagerman Folks S';

HAOERMAN, N or. 14—V eterans day waa celebrated Sunday by mem- ‘" J . " ber* of, the A m erican U g lon and auxlUary. ’>•.potluelc d inne r was served » t 1 . J ” '

p,m. in U>B U s lo n hall. , jThe auxlUary decided to hold a t l letmeri

d r iv o 'to tu rc h a s e S lfu for the s if t “ *«*• Ubie a t C hrlatm aa a t th e velernns In t hosplU l In Boise. T he nex t m eetlns * m be held r>ec. 13 and will be in Incrw the loem ot « C h rls tm aj pa rty and Studle Kitt exchanse ^or members and the ir « 'lln families. over c

Tho p lann ln s commute# for the enougl aartY _lncludea_M rs._Claude B u t ^ r ^ n t , M ra .'Jo h n ' M avencamp and^»fr* . t i f t tli John Petenton. D ecoration committee was u: Includes 'M n . Em asc B illiard and Hnn Mrs. V ernon M avencamp. ■ the be

I Falls Ii c t u r e r s o f P

s '



,,P E A K F I



INDi-l7200;000-Bushel! lUR PRODUCTION: 510, LL F£ED PRODUCTION:

45 R egular And 5 Sea )VE .FIGURES: TWIN F

F f t L t S FiF -fM E -eet:eR A D 0 - \

S O R S p F = ^ l lA lS C

__________________ 1

f o r S h ip p m g A cross

#m o f 'a u fa r beets ia l lJ . Amaljam aled Su* aarkt a* ahown h e re for ihlpptnc In imInU il e* UIII. l e f t ,^ r e h o u * « foreman, and J. II.

ly Has Become Or tIndMtrieslnrMEp«rt-wa»-flnlshe<l-ihfr-follo«.lnB-year.|JiQiv.plo»

One ot the la rs es t crops In the tops ant valley, beeU are grown on approxl* aJl in or mately 3,000 farm s I n .th is area.-A . Mecha crop contract betw een the farmer more lu and Uie company nasures the grower the nec. Dt a, specified price before h li crop time, b, h .rv L lta , S ll„,„

Jn addition to m ak lns sussr, Ihe incremt, eompnny also u U llu a bo th wet nnd The Rui dried l>?et pulp for livestoclt feeding, 3,800 toi Thla. double UAe has led to beeta ir.inB IjBlng called Uie '^w o for one" crop. piJ,,,"*,

Amalgamated em ployi 200 p traom among regularly In Ita T w in Falla and Ru- tion. ih pe rt planU and In Its beeV dumpa clency. located th roughout the viOley. D ur- Hnrry Ing th# lugar-m alclng and harvest tr lc t ma aeaaoni, the payroll Increa te i great- pervUln ly. firm 's d

In addlUon to Its large payroll, held U: the company, la one of th e valley'^ 1637.. leaders In th e federa l, sU te and local FactoiUxe*. . .............. .. - . eph H.

In the la st *«vcn yeara alone, the Wayne efficiency o t lu s a r b e t t farmers has Day, Tv Increased more lh a n 20 per cent. Rupert, Studlex by agronom lits show th a t ents. w llh m odem m achinery, sllghUy over one hour’s w ork will produce enough beeta for » 100-pound bag of RUPE refined sugar. T h b la less than half test co T ijrtim rre;Q uirca-w ifeh--«aH riin}w r n B im was used. cow owi

liftnd fuboe la on the way ou t In Rupert. the beet induaU-y. A single machlne m

F l o u r JV

Pike's Peak






ihels-of-Whent^----- -10,000 100-Lb. Sacks N: 10,000 Tonsn ______________ ___________________

Seasonal Employes'N FALLS MILLS ONL>



■ossf^ation Bett< ^ H e l

.-.T ilSAN FR

B elter and

■ iTMlern -U next 10 t o : jlns-C ongt

H en ry .J. w s l ly Of c tlry . laid bo and Wi of about 8;

■ jp^Wlh tin u n u p p e d t

Vaux em tn d prlva

, w hen thla - in an oi

: iis h lo n T ^ T he rlsli

j- on-public I problem tl I economy ( . hauH nsJft I the past 31 I Gordon 1- of MacO L Boise. Ida

the extra I roads llnl m anufacti Uie Indus! forcing hll

I road deal

Surar csm pan^'i T w la Falls ' _InU 111 nver the nation. SU nding T J - . U - J. 11. n in ih im , p lant M partn* J t Q a l l C

— -* * ---------- POiO neofBig„ M agic'V alW P£;Jiv .p low uip.U ikj3«ti|,2!lcesoffjhe « " * « « l!'Pa and loads the beei.i oh thick*, He »UC«1 in one operation. ha* beconMechanlratlon la being . uUllMd efore lully In the valley, reduclhs A naUvle need (or bbo rers a t thinning of the ael:me, SmiUi wl Slicing capacity M Tw ln 'Falls haa Jf*)** :cre»«d to almoM 3 .m tons daily,he R upert p lan t’fl-^ijure ls around ***°800 ton* a day, T ho ex| U ilng -m oacrn—equipmenU-boUilanis are 'genera lly recognlted aa “ mong the top factories in th e na- T on. lh both production and effl- U ' ' "

H arry Eicock, Twin PalU, la dla- Gr; let m anager for Amalgamated, au- b o iS E . ervlalng both factories and a ll the n . r ^ e n t rm‘s dum ps In the valley. Me hM nminesd cld U ial poaltlon linee October, p ~ j ,

Factory superlnlcndenLn are Jos* ‘ " f 3h H ., Bingham. Twin Falls, and _ '/ayne G . Bachm an. Ruperl. Robert "lay. Twin Falla, and Ernest Blauer, upcrt, are agricultural auperlntend- nts. The oil

. HorshuhiTEST IS'M ADE '

RUPERT. Nov. 1 4 - In a 322-day a l conducted by the HoUltin*n B lfim sa o c ln tlo n -o f-A m e rle a ,-* ----------- 1JW owned by Thomaa B. Maberly, Rhode* upert. prMlueed is ,030 pound) ol scholars- lilk .and 617 pounds of b u tte rfa t. «t<iea o t

Mills iIc FIbur 1

r ' ■] . ■ "M



« A. u ■ ! '

■4.— --------------- --------------


MittsA T O R r € € h — -----------------

i^ E E B sP ------- — -

T I M E S - N E W S , T W I N ™

stter Roads [eld Key for ■ ■ Timber Yield jjjH4 FRANCISCO. Nov. U i.r>- r and more lilchuav* kic the a * grcjiter Umbrr j-jjjd In.Hie ' I rn -U n ited -£ u t« s-( tu rm E -th » —10 to 20 yeara. the Paclltc Lor- Congress u-aj tolrt-lie ir. . try .J . VauN. <teau oC ihp Uni- y of C alifornia Khool o f (nr- . said C alifornia. O recon.'Ida- Id W M hlnecon have n tiACkloi; ou t 8J0 billion bo»r<i irci ol old 3t~t lii>t>ei. ■■lil^eh ^ o ^ = » w c t e t t j r ^ ^ ^ W >ped by rond-t." 'jx emp'hnslr.ecl U iat bolh public private Inlcreats will iirnitt 1 thla lim ber becomra nrcr.ulble an orderly and wrll planned onT’ ::e rls ln s cost of haulluE timber tublic-roada. he anld. ixftca a lem th a i Is fundam ental in the smy or th e We.'t. The cost n{Ins lo tt h a s riaen U ix-r ce»i In >ast 30 vears . he added. . irdon A. M ncOregor, iircsldriii- VfacOresor T riangle compnny,

Ida., sa id the locglng iniUis-

:xtra cost of building Key iricri.\i I linking foreaU wicti m.^jor u fac tu rln s areas. He added tha t Industry m ual lake the lead In ng highw ay planners lo Improve ^ 1 1 ^ ^

designs to handle 'renllntje"

aho Man Given ™“'"” Pos<r-in-Coloi'ado4^n-f-j)RT COLLINS. Nov. 14 Ih t R . Sm ith , form er game bl-1st w ith "the Idaho fLili a n d ____«—dapprtm ^nl waa appointed. '.L.iday aa r a n so conservationist lor Rock}- M ounU ln forest and

,X B.rlm =nt .U Uon. r»Uceeed3-W -M 7-Joim ian,-ttJici tcady_its become a re.ieareh cenier lead- /(,(- ext,|, I Laram ie. Wyo.native o f Idaho and graduaU K lm beilj

ie aehool o f forestry a t Moscow’, pnny t \ Ul will be p ro jec t' leader for opem tioi le research In forest range* of „ ion iha, irado a n d o th e r Rocky Moun- puyrolllU lf s ,------------------------- du ring 11

10 experim ent alaUon b m ain- Tdnho ed by Colorado A and M college. p eb ri

* . _ , — T . ' R iiarelte

) w Bidders for Gravel Reported . T iippli3ISE. N o r. 14 W -T h a »UU de- ^ a ie n l o f highw ays TMtiday a n - ineed a p p a re n t low biddera on

p rojects fo r furnishing gravel o ther a tockp lli material*. ne b a l N ew Meadowa In Adams .|Ity. A. D . SU nley of BoUa was arenl low of th re* biddera wlUi

he o lhe r one la a mile north o t hM h**^ ahuho« Bend. T here wert alx s n ip p e d lers. w ith Q uinn Brothers and A t p rt b lm of Boise apparen t low bid* j ts nrod w llh a bid of S39,«40. W ashing__ aro undihodai scholarshIpii“ ie lfc ta—a3Uh«v-mat slara. annually from the 48 “W e h es o t- th e United SUtcs, a m ore ,

. j i i i r ^


Rocky M


Yo i


F A L L S , I D A H O

Frozen Potato

- - ■ l ^ ^ m n i i i , ....

' IS ts -:-- ,.- ,----------- --

— 1— — ~

hecklnc ihe temperature of a caaa nf fro y tn Kimberly for tran iporU llon lo polnU n of th e firm. I.o4kins on arc. le tl lo richi )loye» of Ib r reeeaUy'formed bualness. (SI

* * il * 1

ifant-Frozen-EocAlready Mak

>glc Valley'* neweit agricultural M Ion-aoo: en ln g Induttry—froxen looda— m ajo r ' fnc barely atarted growing, but a l- leng th o t VL-twO-PlnnU are making pinna son a re ie x p a n s J o n . ---------------p o l» lo -c rle two, Idnhft Frow n Foods. bei'ly, nnd Cannon Foods com- inr. Tw in Pnlls, have a combined Poods pla fttional hlatory of only 10 auw m niic lha , b u t already ahow a loUil «bout is •oil o t nearly |1.«00 per week n g .lh e lr peak seasons. aho Pro ten Poods, eitnblinhfd A l l t t C • and markets relle*.'"frottirh«ah“bTown pota^ “ I v C P . Cannon pooda company, itlll a f irat'm onth ot operation, pro- •a fro ten noodles. ‘ ipplng-Moglc-Valley-farmers.lor >f Uie. 30i»0 poundi of potatoes ,:h I t uses dally. Idaho Fro ten “U haa four fulltime employes “ on lhs ei a n additional 30 employes dur- ~hUt coi

l u peak season.b e rt S nodsrau , manager of the T he I. estimate* nearly a one-third earn ings i because of drying and peellns b le .com p

.loea. T he company, d e ip iu thU p n ren t cc produces 30,000 pounds of frozen

\ browns per day. froxen and w tf t |i .0 4 pped in. 12-ounce boxo». ®d.. present, ihe company markeU “product In California. Oregon, (ihlnglon and Idaho, bu t plana WASH] under way now for expansion of Lyndon j ■m atkctluj.arca. AmericanVe hope to 'be a b irifl'm nke-lh la day—the ore aUbllUcd. year-round o p c r- 'g o from 1

s e e— M i n

at thnountainJ O i

'S AGRiaJLTURAL I. i ^ , . . .____________

t ^ r r r H o ¥ >ur O w n Tl‘ough Constructii

- G f

^ R M 1

atoes Await Shipm^

mf mn nnn^^^^H I

f fru ien h a ih brown polaloea w aillne al KtlnU throuKhoul Ihe rae lfle coast I* Kll righ t, George riew, Klinlierly, and Dnn

«. (SU ff phDlD-enirevIm)* * * * i

ood-IndustryJBLiiking Plans for.-aoon.i:_fipodgra»a anld. ‘T lie lo_dry be r 'fn c to r* w hich 'dclrm ilne .the fore the) h o t our peak production aen- PreerJiig are the quality nf ihe year's eralion. o -crop -an d -ava llab jB -stflm ge —Caaiioi tlca." from Idace they enter the Idnho Fro ten hna no p< a p lan t, the polaloea are peeled te r. la lt. nntically and then cooked for ingredlen t 15 minutes. Tliey are allowed noodles,

* yenr fror

laconda Copper 'W orklr

Reports Earnings;w YORK. Nov. 14 W—T h e dny. ondft company, third largest U, „ t. „ opper producer, Tuesday an - e r t earnings of MS,028,003.1 to 18.80 a share, for Ui* n ine n ^ i in n t

l5 compared with <40.003.138,'o r va sha re , for the sim ilar 1855 p c - gingio 'it T h e equity in undUCrlbuted chases i

ings of Anaconda W ire and C a- now we :om piny , no^. Included la - t h e w e;w lll. I t company's ne t income, was doubi B.530 for the period compared ' g itu oi $1,044^12 for Ul# year-ago peri* markeUr

bu t Cam— belns ve;

GOOD QUESTION H e air ASHINGTON. Nov. 14 W%-Sen. m arket t Ion Johnson of Texas, dlscuasing and Idif) rlcan foreign policy, said Tuea- firm , wl “ th e rea l qut«tlon-l8-w hcre-«.e lu m h o i rom here." ____ ; let* ^

' t h e l

o J s l o w

he:.n T r o u t f i

O J t H ^


m l x i H a y r ro u t Fish; t ib n & M a n a g e n

F A : r

j > O N i

tinent _, vHf^ 111

' : | r | n


Ig a t Idaho Froten Food eom- - , i * Elbert Knodgraiu, left, fore- I ,Dan Dnclnen, T « ln ValU, both , [[

* * * * ^

Here J s_____ L Ur Expansion j!lry belween 24 and 48 hours be- 771^!? they are shredded nnd btixed.' ' •;;]

rJiig la Uie final *Kp in Uie op- . ‘!it ion. • M'l »iji/>n Tnrni» eomnnny_ differs . ,1.,'I Idaho Frow n Foods In U iat ll ■ firno peak producUon season. But* i J ;i;|la lt. flour and eggs, tbe chlaf j H r r

edlenls i n 'th o firm '* frozen ;ties, a re bought th roughout ths : \ fill' from Magic Valley fanners and i { |.] |lesalers. i ’ jlorklng wlUi M r.-atid M rs. G.-B. T 't rjnon, co-o«‘ner3, are s ix lullUme 1 '< ■'!< ■loycj,_who_XrcCM_ttn(LJ)Wk*«?— j U i5J 12-ounce boxes o t noodles per ;

Ls soon as tve con k<id a drier j -If |) oU itr equipment." ta ld Cannon, m wUl,be able ta dottblo ou r pro- , b j r |

ilon without Increasing th e num- I lE of workers.** . ;s!{ga, he conUnued, are the blffgut lo Item which th# firm ;pur- i; . , L ies for Its producUon. -B lg lit h i fi

we US6-100 doMn a d a y ra n d 'j:-; ifj w ill.d o u b le .th a t.u n o u n t.w h e n , y double-our producUon.” h e said. P .tu On Its Infancy, tho firm Is iiT U keUns Its product only locally, iv E Cannon reports hla s o c l e s " u e £ I IS very well acccptcd hero." •: e already h as tc sla tivo plans to y {} 'ket the product Ih roughout Utah 3 || Idiftio Uirough a S a lt Lake City i U

1. while a Los Angeles company a -showLlntercs t. In.providing o u U l l Z t

Uifougtiouc the w eatem s { « tc f~ | i m

£ S - ■

m e n ' s

i i F ■ - -

h l n ^

B m e n t u j ;

p T ~

' ' '''

Page 28: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

i ijiybQOft I s - 'E a m e d _by D l i v e r o f C a t

I ' - w r W T O R R i l o T / i i t i ^ i i w n i -4&- 9.jcuu &.4B«j«i>el(l-ta«l.ditm tram Loekpott. N.Yn TUMdnT nigh t, oatbeteppnuentlMOBSWlrrl

i « k a HMW rxtta .MlOOO QuetUon.' ; a i l eiAc(is7-«a« «Ui* znfflJ«) l«a

^ ’b M b ^ t a i r t U a d . U t b t ^ Hbw th

v' . hover. And tola that more Uu^n so I vor<U could be torswd In uacram

ia e t Uie le tten er Uw PitiUeoV. ~'S BMoe. He w « tlyen e lih t dimuuoo

^ o l'w o n litb e t could bITomWff'rrea I . tbe le tten in sueobowcr, end u k *

- -C - to five tbe en«wer. Ttw deflnlllon ' <h end e n n rcn v e n :

-H 1. amtUest of the m a m m a l ,'{> <(bre«).I|j a . An evealDc perir (eolm).!8 J . A wUlow whoM Tlwdbl* iwli > E . e n ueed Tor lum ltun : 3 ' 4. H ie eljort uue ot a tJtopUi

—i — B*vel-<»rewhoB>,----------------------->\ S. A feneric to w for eny Import

plteber (Bwen). tl ' 7. A le rte nH for fUhlac (wUu) I: t . A <remt on which lU ni er I dried e i for perchmint (bcrM).

ij Explosion Fatal'i To Farm WorkeiI I t5 l« « w e . Not. 14 lA-Tlj# flem

et e welding torch touched off ei I i, ezploeloa on e fenn ilx mlle» nortl

; ) eae m e n aad bumid hto coapen ; 1 Ion.' I Robert Skelton. 35. died «n rout

to e OrelgmoQt hoipiUl e f tv th 'I'; eceldent on hi* perenU' firm.

" n ------- Bt«aleT-Mlller,-who-wee-worki«;t! wlUi Skelton In the cmill ahop buildiri ■iag,SMld.til*Unh**tOttM»XPlO

tlon tn e cloMd can of r**oune. J fleeh of flame cn rtlop^ Bkeltoi

V end -parUclee Dt Uie cm atniek hi ^ heed and body. MUler w u bume< » - en the handt.

■ r ------ Skeltoa'e-pareatJ.-took-thtirlnii Jured eon to the neereit f u n , 31

- b — mU«e^wa)r,-and-Uie JieliUKULJUU I drlvlnx the youth tbwent Onltmon 5 w heohe died.

Protests I^odged i On Rate Hearing

WA8RINOT0H. Not. 14 <m>Pub- Ua Miiloe ooBunluleni of 91 ita te here j i r ^ t e d the Intentete com n e n e oecunlulon'e prooedure on thi

-re llned Induttiy'i reaueet-for a ll per eeat (reUht rete tnereue.

H ie comtnUrioM eeld the pro­cedure doee net rlre cufflclent op­portunity to oppooenU to preeeni thetf cue. ' ' *

Tb» preteet. aude publlo Tum- I ' day by the 100. wee tUed by thi

Mldweet end the Sontbeeetem A* of lUUroed end TJtUlUe

\ , jS i id - ^ * to e T « t^ r a l^ o id com' ' Uld M lehoaa'e coiporaUa

- oooUJtllilQIb

j Dust Fumes Are listed for Plant

BOISS. Nor. t< (D-SUta Mine In •peetor aeo rie McDowell u ye " ra ther eertoue duit end fume conai

■ U o a ' b u artien a t ttie l u d «melt« p lan t of the Bunker HlU Mlnln

- compenyneatxeUocB.He told repeiMn he h u uked hi

deputy. Ted fiuah, to keep % cIoj check on the company* eltort* t alleviate the condition.

McDowell, who ipent lu t wet laepecttaf tbe mice* of Uie Coeu d’AleM dtotrtct, n Jd th# ' u fel

j p lan t *1e quite enceuraitnt.'*

- 5chdol TrusteesAnnual Meet Se

POOATSLLO, Not. 14 (^ M e n I bera o t the Idiho State School Tm

tees atsoclaUoa WlU open Uielr Uirt I ' . day annual meeUni Thundiy nlgl

I . oa the Idaho sta te college campv- J....... Cr.- Carl W. McIntosh, preildei

of ISO. WlU dellTcr the keynote «i J dreas I 'l i day morning. Henry To 1 ir., New York, pm ldent ot the Ni

' tlonal Oltlteoe Council lor Bett School*, will speak a t a banqu

. yrtday n igh t.___________D B m m a jsT eB V E n n o H

! LONDON, Nor, 14 (Jh-A BrIL cabinet nlnlater declared TXieed th a t U Britain aad Pntic* had i Intervened tn Ute Middle E u t -t domtriaUon of the area would hi

' , - fallen, la pracUce. Into the handa the Soviet union."_______ '

- I - We Are Gloi

3 '

-Hf- — Mqgie-VallefI r P R O C E S S I N G F

' ii - BE S U M TO SEI



RIGHT HERE IH I" l - j j p ■■■‘'■MAGlC=y*t*^EYI—


- T W IN F /

S L - ™ . _ J P a m e 8 ]

bWBMditver - |^^^H!iBB99BB59Snight

•Uon." ■ »b-iaa*

laU th ee the

i^a BOO

ideotv 'J



, ,tw ip :

• R. lVoiu Smllh. manaier of tbe ‘ T T 'A n w in ibe aiio f m m of (he :

■euu), u a n

I -

an. north


reuU er tha


i n ^ kelton ek hla lumed

lr in- 3H

gmontBeeettae ot modem oqulpnent n<

try U able (a proceu it* prodiicta i J plaala ara naed In cleeninc and aeri ll lUrley Blhm. Youare dairy eaploj

ing ■ * . *Dairy Plants (

on U ie ................... m " ........ - -- •

[“ • Transpo]I pro- ■ ....................i t op- Aa modem trancportatlon and ireaeat praaerraUon methoda hive come

Into being, the amaU tndapendent Tuaa- dalrlea, along with other typea of ly the bualneai, are gradually dl»appearlng n Ae- fra n the VAglo VaUey picture. tUltlei ' At this time, th e n an> Uu^e flrma •peak producing - treah rallk, although

m eral-gnallerrahopa-w atm -buy- com- ln< n w n)llk to change Into Ice

raUoo cream and other bjprodu,cl*.• ■. Proceaaon eseplaln relrlgerated

trucka and good roeda have been ‘0 - _ _gnt Idaho Bars Get toK- f Applications for “f i Liquor LicensesS ln lS - B o :a a Nor. 14 tf» — Warner C.

* MUls. au to liquor law enforcement ced hU «ll«ctor. aald Tuesday.that appllca- i. cloae U««“ fw “ S’ » » “ « ’■•ould be mailed next week to Idaho's bar

and tavern opcr*tors.I u’Mk On the mailing list are aome 3.300 ' beer licenae holders and UO holderiu , ! t r ot liquor lloenaea.

returned within the next three weeks.

a He M id h b ortlee would aUrl_ iMUlng the new lleentea about Dec

' ® b e e r licenses coit.gaa each.- Uquot-Mem- licenies range (rom $300 In th<i im i i - amaller communltlM up to gl.3S0 lrrUiree- Boise, Pocatcllo. Lewiston. I d a h iy night Nampa and Coeur d'Alene.

New Deadline Set For Building Sal<

>anouet POCATELLO. Nov. 14 lA - Th ^ Pocatello school board set Jan. 1

u a new deadiine tor submlttln 70V bldi on the Uocoln eleroenlar

Brltlah aohool and property »t a meetin Tuesday Monday nightf had not The board aet the new deadlln u t “the alter receiving no bld.i prior to Mon aid hsve day night. The school nnd propert nands ot are being sold because o( lU down

to«-n locallon and populaUon shitL

ilod tojCoopergte

le^AGRICULTURAL-.iO aR T N o^ T i^ T T ^

Swifts Brookfield



es Proce8s:Cheese a

r tbe Tw in Falls p tao l a f the J« ro n a Coepei if th e ' pU or A tKftea- ef tn iB rilx weeke-t e ' B! Threa M agie Valley d a lr r p ro c iso rs produe.

* * * * ___________| M r

m t n c b .ae th e bottler a n d capper ahown ab IneU n o r e aftlolently. A boui ha lt the man id aerabblng any pleea e f equipment cemlni MBploye, p la tea milk In e n ia s . resdy fe r si

• * i» * * . .

s Grow in Size as [jortation, Preser

and th e largest reason for t h b change. < come W here onen each community had lls > ndent amRii dairy to supply fresh miik «a of dally . I t la now more eeonomicnl , taring to hava trucks pick up milk a t the re. fa n n , bring It to a cen tral locallon •1™* a n d dlf/usfl It from th e re through ’lough ito rea to the housewife.___________‘

-T JecaU ia dairy '"p roducU rsn k . ° * " among th e top la lhe most pcrlalJ-

ab le produce departm eni, IM Magic , V alley realdenU work rtich *day^ re- ga rd leM ofSundays and holidays, to ge t th e dairy products to th a home. T hese people are connected w ith th e ' p lan ts thcmselve*. Trucks bringing milk from the tarfli a re owned In- dlvldually by the drivers.

Tor th e ir work, these 163 persona 8 0 S » “ I** o t n9«.000 in salftrles w C.em ent lepara te planU In tlie nren.lolica- produce BJIJ^SO pounds o t bulter. Id B,046,1i0 pounds ot cherse, about s ba r e igh t million pounds of dried milk,

and large quantities ot Ice cream.» 3.300 , I n addition, several million j)oun(ts tcldera

_____________________ — -

rj ' Providin i ' Ready h5?ie - - L o w G n— The lan . 14m lttlng ' —^enlarj' ■neetlng ■

eadllne I0 Mon- I roperty

F O I ^— ^ • ■ --------- F r o m - l i t t l c n

^ ' p r e s e n t a n n u l

___ _____________ i n t h e g r o w t

c o n s t a n t d c j t

— . — r c i u J y " i n a r k c

. > g r o w e r a n a r

t i m e s .

j ■ ' SEI 1 r _____ tho Agricujtui

~ Idaho— I m T a

T i f f l : s - > n E w s . t w i n j ;

B a n d M ilk . BI



■ f ; . ..•• . for

r . . r • • • • • - , « <

• - '> - ~ s . ^ H T T ^ T r T - . 3 ' tro

.....-------------------------------- to! hai


CpopenUva Creameries. Inspect^ a 'block ^ » ta BHi ? w r, n ip tBdiB i All tne type r t In ’foduea n bgut poundi e f eBeete- nv






u rofvliao


wn above, the M aile VaUey dairy Indns- I m an h o u n apent In milk processingcemlng Into contact w llh milk. Above, 'fe r shipm ent to retail aatleta. (B taff ,p

*- * * * . « j

as Modern ”lervation Added so

bllmge. of milk go nut through autom atic jo d Its vending mnchinrii and re ta il outlets, miik All UiEse producU are obUlned '>* " ‘c " ' from dairy herda owned by 3A75 ,®

farm ers In Magic Valley. Bccauae -,,_h th e milk b purchased locally, ap- c

proxJmateJy «7,SJ0«W 1« sdded 'tc C — - the-fartner'a-ineom e-and 'from -them — f * " ' directly to every person here.[«oir w ork in milk p lan ts Is divided Into “ { ® two dlltcrent phasea A bout ha lf the g ,, tn eight-hour ah ltt Is required to p roc- q,nme ®“ “ P ChCCM _, nrid make cottage chec»e.u«<l-ice «. xTinrr cream, Tlie rem ainder o t Uie tim e b ...

1,1 spen t defining up. Everything touch­ing ilio milk, including, all the con- ... duits trom the docks to the bottlers, •. b Inken down and scrubbed. Every- th in s In the p lants ts m ade df iJ s ia ln leu steel. «

nren, xop dalrlea In Magic Valley are lite r . Sm ith's dairy, Jerom e Cooperative « ibout creamery and Young's dslrj-. i n nd- gi milk, ditlon, the Swift p lan t In TN»'in KnlU w

turns out large amount.n ot cheese 11 lunds and butter. • li

ling A. 4

Market For 'rade Potato

PU LPR ^ tO C I C Jt l p - o r - n p ' T o m m c r c i n l . i n i i t ' k o f i

n n u a l p a y r o l l i n e x c e s s o f $ 1 0 0 ,OC

r o w t h a n d c c o n o m y o f M a g i V

d e m a n d f o r l o w g r a d e p o t a t d

a r k c t f o r ' th e s e ~ p « t a t o e s 7 ~ a 1s o “

,n a m p l e s u p p l y o f p u l p f o r s t o (


j j t u r o l P r o c e s s o r s F o i r , R r id <

D ProductJ E R O M E

5 I M P L 0 T a n d M A R S H A U

B o r n e o ’ s W J d ~

I M e n G o ‘ S o f t ’ ,

W o n ’ t P a d ^ e

I CIUCAOO, NOT, 14 on—b T e wild I men ot Borneo have gooe aott.I-T hey 're putUag . o titb o erd . m o te f * — I OR Uieir dugout' canoea.I . So reports Dr. R obert T. lag er,I curator ot am phibians and repUles I a t Uie Chicago ffa tu ra l H isto ry m os.I eum. Inger returned recently from I s rive-month expodlUoa to th e ra in I toreat ot Borneo.

I ' “I one ot Uie world's m ost prlm lU ve ~ I regloos.f -8UII C a rra BeatsJ _ ^ ie M t i m Itlll c a r re th e ir canoes I from ' tree trunks In th e laborious ~ !i euxtom of the ir ancestors. B d t they k have c u t aside Uielr peddles.& The tribesmen., known a s Ibans I o r Sea-Dyaks. earn th e money to I buy outboard m o to n a iul other a I such modem arU tacts by working , I In BrlUth^owned old fields a n d tlm - J

bcr camps.‘ T h tT 're the moat frugal people J ' " I n Oie world." I n k e r -u id . "A n a - ~ t . Hw«-.,ill-«aTlr a i an nIT fl>l.< rlrrpr /

Icr tlx months, maybe n ln«. H eU \ earn tlSO a m onth. ■

I Banks J tc m a la d e rI “On payday h e l l d n w only about I 110 to buy rice and le t th e com pany I u v e the rest fo r h im unUI he 's I ready to <tult and go hom e to h b I family."I Inger' aald h e w u am azed a t the I changes in Borneo since h b l u t " I vUll in 19S0. . . ' 'I ' “ •■ iS 'U iT B rltim nB tnber-C B npirw -■ North Borneo they’re using bull- p I doiers-and Uactora to a trip th a tlm - n

I IVeca Dtuppear <1I su n mora trees a re chopped down I by noreadic'natlve tribes w ho str ip u I o tf an area, p b n t I t In r ice for a g I couple of years, then move on w hen tt| - UirToU-growi-thtriT— -------------- u3 "As a result,” Inger aald. " the I n ) n forests a ra d lu p p e sr lag ," . I These (aU forest*, w ith th e ir dense „■ undergrowth, a re vita l lo th e study „■ of evolution because Uis lush e n - ^■ vlronment teems w ltli unusual I animal life.I _ "B u t.lf .w eT o jo ln g _ « o Ju rth e r our “■ itdules w ell have to h u rry before I the forests are gone." In g e r u ld .■ — .........Cillecta-Speclaene------------ "

In te r collected about 1,000 frogs, v S.OOO tlsh and several hundred ?

1 snakes, lizards. mammaU a n d oUier ° ‘ ipeclmena.

Accompanied by natives h e trave l- ^ «1 h itt jre d s of miles en th e R ejsng. „

, K ina taU ngan and K alabekan rivers ” \ In thn outboard-powered eenoea. *

Twiee he w u th e houae guest of ^

i lb an tamUlea In -th s lr tr ib a l h o u s u " - h u g e woodea strtic lu res oo stUts. i som e-M long^e^ i.00Q _fe« t-:S ueh - . bultdm bs-nousa-an .en tlra..v lllaga3! - tie 300 or more InhabltanU ,

is. SomeUmes Inger varied h b d iet t i by sampUng th e specim ens h e had

collected. Onca he dined o a fUets f. from an 11-toot python. I

u e __ P

I Soviet’s Diplomat ” "TSlained in Unrest'

PORT SAID. I ^ t . N ov. 14 M - B ritbh-P rench headquarters in t h b occupied city said T uesday th e top ranking Russian diplom at here w u the m an rcsponsltiJe fo r Port.S n td 's "undercurrent ot intlmidaUon.'*

Silps ot paper wlUi Uie w arning "deaUi to the foreigners w ho col- laborate w ith Uie occuplen'* began appearing under th e d o o n of homes In port Bald's big lU lla n and Greek coJonlfi'

ire Tlie I talians had organised a big Ive reliet e lto rt on the ir own to help id- get Port Said back on Its teet and lib were bringing in a food sh ip from cse it«iy to help Uielr Arab neighbors

In th b shattered .city.___________^


o e s . . .

?j : j i D — ,

c r i n - n i l . l O - t o - a — — — =

) 0 , 0 0 0 i s o u r p a r t

g i T Y a l l e y . O u f

L a t o e s c r c a t e s a '

1so~assures-the ----- -s t o c k f c e d a t a l l

-AYr i d o y a n d S o j t u r d o y .-

I s T l f i ^m I5ZZZZZZIZZZZ

N F A L L S . ' I P a H P .


~ l a ^ o Sepatfljr-I

« P t» B k C b |ire h ,B e l* e .a le e la d Id ah rtB f BaUilne, and Uielr g-yaar-ald aon, Forfei < W U ulag tba.eleeUoa .w u teaU u U ea pi * friasdly pollUcal arguments w bea Cbart

Bolsa. (AP phota)_____________ ^

i€razy-W ar-Is^ ! ,i Reported for S Port on Suez

p o a T SAID. Egypt. Nov. i i if»— T h lsh u b c e n 'a c ra iy m U e d u p U tU e

rif T in i r iw r liandllng n ewe dls— — I- patches trom 60 accredited w ar cor-

respondents here found ,out Tuesday- thal-censorship had been llfted th reo —

dsys ago.,n The 11 newsmen trom Uie Egyp- iP Uan side came Millng cuuaU y Into a B rltlih territory In one ot Uiose pic-

!n turesqua litUe Arab boaU called fe-— luccss.--------- -------------------- - • _

They were halted politely, by a BrIUsfi.officer and toW to go backl

;® Uie wny they came — across the ^ qu ie t-w tera southwest of P o rt Said . I

A 600-yard belt of no-m an's land “ below El Cap Is beginning to look j „ like Mnin street on 'S aturday nlght.l iT —T here -b -i.regu la r. tu Jh .o f white!

/lags from both slctfs across th e line '_ lo-dUcu4saU.jorl3.flL|UTBngemeritsJ _

“ We’ll need to pu t up traffic lig h t? here soon." mused a bewildered so l- ' .

•“ dler in a forward foxhole.And now because the end of cen-

, sorshlp ottlclally h u f i l t e r e d ''** Uirough lo Port Said, correspondents ^ no longer need to refer to la s t w eek^ I ” evenu here as police acUon.

This then b to confirm th a t the re I h u been a war here, a crazy ailxed I

^ u p lltu a w a r .- - - ------- ' .

! ~ O orlb

■ Tol Developi

>m ■

. i * - A v e r a g e

f a m i l i e s .

★ A n n u a l p

i n t o m i x e

f a r m e r s :

I , ★ A n n u a l r

. p o u l t r y . 1

p o u n d s .

★ S t o r a g e

7 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 1

★ S u p p l i e . r s

t a t i o n 5U|

★ C o m m e r c

★ F r e e n u t

-------- . i ? r s n n r l r

★ F r e e d e l i ;

-------- ------------- ^ ★ - F r a n c h i s e

' ■ '■ ■ R - B O A R C

p r o d u c e r :

f e e d s .

ieeii--------------------------- ------------l - h H i

T w i n F o i l s

I ■ ' i

>Elec^ Fam ay §■



-■ u a C

— Sch had

: Cha

C n e all

__h t t

.. Coi s e n

s— _]r.,- __ the.


i r t naw •aBataf,poa*a Wllh TUiwUa, Uo: ^orreat, tn Uia faaU y haoM ta Botoa. a a p f a dream whleb atarted wlUi ^ n»ureb w u la Jtmlor bigb sthaol la n.o

I ~ W e n A r e - G o o p (


' M agic V alley A<

PROCESSIfN b y e m b e

> ' . ' .

ii D I S P ]

i WAREHOUSE i*] Owned and Opene | Form ers of M o

rContributi ) the Growth or pment of Mpgicg e a n n u a l p a y r o l l s u p p o i

e s .

3 l p r o c e s s i n g o f h o m e g r o \

• i l x e s a n d p e l l e t s f o r r a n d

r s : 7 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 p o u n d s . . . :

a l m a n u f a c t u r i n g o f U v e s t

y . f e e d s ^ o n d p e l l e t s ; 1 5 ,

s ,

i g e . c a p a c i t y f o r f a r m e r s '

D , 0 0 0 p o _ y n d s

e r s o f m e d i c o n t s , m i n e r a

s u p p l i e s , l i v e s t o c k e q u i p r i

l e r c i o l f e e d e r s o f c o t t l e o n

n u t r i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n f<

iH r n n r h p r ^ ___________________

l e l i v e r y s e r v i c e .

b i s e d - d e a l e r i - f o r - P U R l N A :

\ R D f e e d s a n d c o n c e n t r c

E i ] ^ ~ 6 f ~ P U R I N A “ C H E f C

&lpply(!^ C - 0 - | M » - t 5 - i e A - n

I s P h i

School Group ~~T6 Be Formi^

POCATELLO. No\-. u ' f - . com m lttee 'fo r education i ;u k, ganlzed nex t SaUirdsj-. i« ;- son of BbcW oot, tempor...-.- m aa. sa id Tuesday. .

C arboa. president of ih» is.vSchoo l-T nn tettrem phM 'itinH itX "had agreed to serve «s chairm an uayi.U ie eom m iV ft^ '^ w u organbed.. Carlson.said In Boise Tue.-<;,t u...

n e a r l y 70 Idahoans. re-;;cstiMi‘ a ll facets, of Idaho's econo:;;v' k ’J been ,> r te d - tM m n { m i t - s ;« w ,^

CouncU for BetU r Sehoi-l- serve as temporary secreur.

Special guests wiil be Hciirv t . .]r.,-ot-New-York-Clty, prtjia'tr.:-.;UML-NaUonal_ClUzens .Council t B elter Schools, and Leeds Lacv ver. regional director for, iik J , Uonal council

Tw o-thirds of the Sfl nullinn iro to r vehicles registered u., world are In the United Su !« .

•p era tin g ---------T H I


ING FAIR—>er 76-T 7

l O - U R

P L A Y ;

ROWERFE ASSN., INC.)peroted 1>y The M ogic Volley

ition — - nndic Valleyi p o r t i n g 3 0

i r o w n f e e d s

n c h e r s a n d ^

' e s t o c k a n d .

1 5 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0

e r s ' g r a i n s :

e r a l s , s a n i -

i p m e n t .

a n d l o m b s . ' ___

f o r f a r m -

JACHECIC-:____ __ _i t r o t e s a n d •

: k t r ^ m i x ~ ’— —

Centerr e -d t ^ , . ' -

P h o n s 1 7 4 0

, N O V E M B E R ,3 5 ,

Page 29: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

P l o u r Q n

w r

^ P W * ™“jf**!, jofc, ^rtnxJ t)«viwr h tanW lti lo Ihe^iwUoj^ (SU ff photo

51 Million P out “ T I ^ i n Y e a

r*> -A

I ^ J I U —\:,S S IIB II^ ^ a ^ ^ ^

. n tun i ene e t the 810.000 lOfl-ponnd u 4 B kr a* twin r»m Fi»»r » » u i» Coidi

rttvUr tm p lo jn wbleh t b t (In a h u In th* flour ll rairlieted Jn n w l y e tery »t w n»»lm |_________ -

V i s i t s L i s t e d . ,DffirmcH.Nov. 14—Mr. in d M n .

Btn Liutr h ire been rMling in ^ Sill Uke city.

Bilne Metervy. Pow U llo, h»# bten visiting Mr. nnd Mra. H once O i;

_ ' _ ^'••■' ■• ■ ■

^ R Oby joining th im in Processing Fair Fri cordiolly invite eve

b u g lebCONCENTI

:^lobeSTruck Lane

ilhecked in Laborajti

r "

I, praUlB. u b «nd o lher eoatenU to the mtl lUOK t«*Unf on th » rtour. ReiulU o( lo u l

* * * *

unds of F lour Pi earFronrM agic-'---------- •* ** ; —* — i i r ^ - -------------A n-

.iack.4 ■ 000 10■ ty by ’ I C. J . I■ tlrm.■ Till!■ 200.00(■ Uie CO ■ ' out'M I seiits 3 In lh'

Jnc to ^ porls.g A d?5 . E le v

Rand ih fer<L‘W cTM iP* llie p*3 modllf i FIoi

: Mnslc. . polnL

J Kelly. . . _ In

.• Iirm I 3 n rd I *H vill«> • f r —In-

■T'J hirve& seven■ luid H durin■ Thi B UC9 I B Work

n SCAMH - »"«ln

m d u c k s e t ftonr nrnftffinl .nn iu illy Golden MeMurdle, F iler, one e t OO lU In M»«lo ViHey. From T w in Fmlli °«y ery «UU of the s n lo n . '(S U (t photo* j

G B0V P8 M EET HEYBURN. Nov. 14 — A llreilde

DieeUng (or th e lecond w ard Explor- line : " t n tn d MU M tld t v u he ld n l the mWI: ^ chureh Sunday evenliiB. B lihop . e O arth E am ts, Acequla, w*i th e [„ (]

^ le z S a h iM


fc is s cm in displaying o u r produc ts a t the h ir Friday ond Saturdoy , Novem ber 16 B everyono to v isit th e fo ir ond



_______________ 1

rajory ^M B BRT' TMratr-l ' cliMPnrii■ ■ ■ [ arou:iii :<

A r


on xll tl(

------- £<l<UUic^ A


of. other vx

' JorniAiicc '■ •V -.,-U |f< -! (Inn.

.......................... l ion—

111 Piniir Mllll' tulKtImB taboratorT f l Qhe mtlU' output o t ftonr. I d addl* H n

lo u l reaearch are aen t to other | M

* * ' * * . • ^

Produced ^ic-Vallej^Grop 1— An-iTTTmBO a( 810.000 100-pound - K g .»ck.4 of /lou r pla» nn addlUonal 10,•000 ion.1 o t bran a re produced yenr* fy by Twtn H o u r MHls. r e p o r t C. J . KeUy. dislrlc t m innB er of ihc {f|i|i (irm.

Tills output. Is proccMcd from I.* M B 200.000 busheU o(.w lien l bought by t t H Uie company (rom crowera throuRh-oufMaRlc V tttteyrT nnm pjre-T epre* ' - ■Mmseiils 15 per cen t o t the toU l sro v n H 111 Ihe vAlIey durltiR 19SS. nccord- f l | Jnc to departm ent o( nErlculture re- ports.

A dlvUlon o t Colorndo MllllnE and M K I E l e v a t o r company, ptD ceuors ot Ranch Houae bcnt«, R anch W ay B C H feed nnd Plke'a Penlc nour. the lo- V M ciTl lifm l* concerned nKlinly~wlUi '‘■ s j l the production o t th e la tte r com- M B modlty. M f l

• Flour milled In T u ln Falla (rom Mnglc Valley w hent U chipped to points Uiroughout th e U olU d 8Ute«,Kelly fAld.- In n<tdllion-tA -lU -m ill..ture..U ie (Irm abo operAie.t 16 grnln elevntor* nnd bean proeesslne planU In the

■ ■—ln-T«H n-Palls.—th e -m lll—hi« -an - avenge of 45-yBar'-round employeii;'taainc~n79'vrslx-more-^urtnirt}^^------^harveat leason. T h e (Irm opem tcj seven days a weelc m ost o t the Ume and has lltUe rarla U o a in output during the year.

ThU U due to th e ito rage (aclll- Ues available In Its 16 elevatora.W ork In Uie ouUylng sUUons U (a r . more varlalile, becniue Ihe harvest season U the only buay one. Tlie main .Utlf. during , t y . - r e s t - n f t h e ______

Conference Held . Need oO ations ,PARIS. Nov. 14 O R-Ism el's For­

eign MlnUtcf Qoldft M elr aald Tues* day nfgtit there will be no peace In the Middle E ast unless Israel and the Arab su le a Iron ou t tb e lr prob­lems a t a con(erencft Ubie.

Mrs. Melr wns e n rou te lo Ihe tJ. N. general assem bly tn New YorK.Israeli newspapere aald she wilt oul- llne a t the U. N. a n overtll plan (or

■ solving the A ntb-lsraell coofllct.

' ' Since 19&0. tho num ber o( (aim s > fn the United S U tes haa dropped L 600,000. There m e now (ewer la rn ii _____

1. .

________ _________________L

: Y ------------------^ ------------------ _

ORSthe Mogic V alley ■r 16 ond 17. W o lee.this.display.

y^lHER -1 —


€ e d _ C o t _ ~

Phone 407

TIM E S-N E W S^rylN - FAI

Popi>u;iMnK itaiioii* employ *»■••“ * •:p:ui as tiillUme worlcera p i " ~'U:m :s « M 0tinl laborers, m rtln g

nuDloymcnt In all s ta t^ M ________

I. Of thwe. 80 are (uUUme. rep* entini! « »it.iblo payroU. Schroedcr,> 10 mo.u divisions o( tW production loraflo MiliinK comp«ny. b rted lne t<lu MUU U>s Its w m d a b o rtto n r. aipti'on tlve ^ccon■d npcy~of~the ilrtii-.s »nrt. ciiiploylng ■* (uUtlnie t . . . .If oJ uaiiied teelinlclan*..?—— J U I I I Mrhp^p technicisiu run sam ple U sts •»u rioui. brail nnd oUier mate* _ £ ( |

I i)rocf.v>ed by the mill, a n tljt l r i s>,ple tor prolem, viscose. « h «AOERJII oHicr fn iitf iit________________A lull leiwi't .iMhe"t'ocal"st«*<'» K linyi?nnailcd to o ther company 'TCTiiT-^l— fo vi.rloVaH gcndes;ri'niLi aim leMuiK ilrms. ^ T i t iM 'In iddm un to tlnae testa, th e Xloitf pu: M !!!<• -.icid te st" as i l is

c J-ln^iT iicnm ilnnclM M -balC lns C ^ -O IUolcc. Dre.i(i, cooklM. pie c ru st and her y.iiiry iieiiis. HepQrU'oii per- g rmnncf se a t to th e pa re n t P 'o n e y j n ■ux. ■ • Properly Nnii'ly (1.1 joon t% It b milled. Abr«in.i nt ifclira nnil t.ickeo. m e -(lou r u nccrs, Bob ailfil onio (rr isn t enra a t the mUl er. Chnrlf: Id *eni 10 points all over th e n»- lor. Oeor; an,_______________________ 'McConkey

! l a p iK ^

m i ' . . i n d

..................... .......-u-O .;___ .^ 5 1


a__pe5 Ha^

r j_____________i _ _ _ _ _ _

■ - . . . § ■ III

i ^f-

~ R

. , t '- i ' V I• I'-l- . .

— -------------------------------------------— i ' l i r

. ........... - r - “ - ' •............ r'T

u — ------


)pcom Firm Lau W ith Two Ean

nnrN8vr~lT=^nrrrfmr3»"Trmr-nrtrfcm-bi vlth two e.-«is ot corn. EltiuT c»«» o( po Wrtcr, Cuhl. lias Incrrajcit liij Schi-oede ictlon th rouch nclrcliv.' t.nii ....q,,InC tA -»>e po in t u |ic rr he now p^tput — ...... ' ------ -— -r— SW -acres-

(liors Plannin;!: l v'wV"'' ro Present P l a y i n 'GERMAN, NOV. M - ' l l 'f V 'o 'J n on hll Him a Co-Ed," by John Nn.vli. "

ng ill llie hlKli •'•cliool KMuiusi- ‘ ly-Uie-Juaiur-cJnia,____________ ^ r naun r

Hnwkes. Lurry WwKly.-Doii.ililim . Don Prcsioii. Un.-> 6canl.ui. ‘''roughl_OlUiiQre^CiiroLSlliijr_CiiiuL:__ a IUioubIr. Mucv-Drown. OeorKia Hlisv, and white WflAon. Sh iiioii Ciiln. Jiiu lt>di-r., -'llli raise! py phiillpfl itiut-Gene-.M cAuuliv..cornJlls ] )p'eriy' mnniiKets are in.1 nnd Mnx Kului, Macr ■ nelRhborlt J, Bob Hownrd: curtnlu ni.iii:ic- " In Idft' ihnrles K iser, end itudem diii-i'- over co p< Georgia Bliss. Mrs. Ele.moia my. popcc

onkey is director. , coin la n

p p i ^ B r z


I ^ XP ^ f l H E r ^ , fev. '■

eople oflave Been Usini

YOUN<Processors Of• H O M O G E N I Z E D OR

. • IC E C R E A M ' •

• H A L F A N D h

• B U T T E R f

• C H O C

. • Y '


------------------- Durinfl the po5f 3 8 -y6fli____________ of-M aglc-VoUaylsJ.inest

processed .wholly from n ■> m ateria lly to Ihe

-------------------In the-neor-fu ture-w e-wyou to w atch for th e ann


iricul^ural Processing Fair

F H . - ^ S a n ; N o Y . , 1 6 - 1 7


Lunched 36 Years trs of Seed SouthBr-be{»<ert-9,M0'-«in J .».W»^.«j«K«--''Setir4 i( poixorii n yciir. popcorn." oeder's luoductlon depends, The swltcl t n . m « ;u i ..I IM crop III.

comes (rom between 150 nnn necf.«ltaicd :m - o £ _ H U U ^ I a K » la n d ^ r t -a f te r - lh e owned or diretily supcrvi&eil ,,opcorn in

n. b.\sk. roeder started hi» buslner.' In: three '' vhen he pi.uitcct th e kertieU ;procfW rt n w o ears ot i>bck varletv pop- n his (nnu south o l Buhl. T lia t’ hired du i told to A. J. Amos all cxccpt I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

dually lie Incrrnfted^ until tji; . | '

'ewnv Slorcs. Iik' . wtio ahlpped' DEKa lI}U8hot^ the nntlou. A Ahrilll'iiouBh_Jie_no«Miiarlcct8, ffoJticn. ‘’J'f'' ' « “•vtiite popcorn nU bl'B cnroM rr' "lin Horn-•Blses n lfU ls ow n-blaclt pou-- oJ-conUsjI lls product 13 now «oJd tn gro-; n»y "'rennstores-throiiBhoui idahO 'tind ; m e erouivborlns states. i. ,

Idaho, r d e.silmat« th a t well PO per cent of the stores cnrry,opcom." Scliroeder Mid. The *'''la Biorltetcri under the ti.iile " '

3 8 /

f magicng P ro d u c ts Pr<




ERMILK • c o t t a g e C


IY O G U R T ' '


oGSLdQicv g roduc ts . These products m m ilk p roduced hy M agic Volley fo the econom ic g r(w th and stobility of

re-wtfi-bfr-5ettled-ih-our-ncw -huiIdina announcem en t of our forthcom ing op

— --------- r s v r w a r ® ' ” ”


irs Ago Boy 4, ■th of Buhl /o'-T SMFour«yenr*ol

feet from_a Ttie clilld

iwltch (rom nalloiiwld? d is-lnS ip iU l Si? n to rtBlonat dlsulbuilq'n w ai juries were :aied when schroed tr switch- cecU Olw r-ihe-war-from -pncH lniC 'hle said hennd- 1 In Un cans to cellophane w|Ui them

drove 10 tfhrce'varietles o( popcorn a re 'o Pic's pem etl i t th e Setiroetler farm .Dl Buhl, where »lx employes «lons the i ed du rin j the peak season.—™ ^ enihed'xlo'

leilll's 'lnHeni’ilty irluniphed

onUicnlcd. inooM iiiie in to ll , .. itrenin (liuznrd to ll&ti) or on xntn 'rA ' rround ( fn r tinrard ..KP. he couldtVl Weep ttie n „ iflsa v ■r tlUier. he found a co- “ V h 'will MUp tnrm er who le t him X " l M el Ihe booie Into a sand plU L ta r t i t 0

■ -^Burley nu

O f

I J e a f S

Y a l l e y

Processed By

AIRYr's Finest:X '

) S O U R C R E A M ................

E C H E E S E ,


the-IJfoeessing---------------------- --------- -icts Hove bean ______________:y fo rm e rs ,. . . .7 of th is o reo.ding.;flnd_urge__________________ig open house; .

PAGE.A-T I | f f l

, 4, Silryive's 00-FootTumble 51 ran SMTTH. A rt. Nor.^4 «w:.~ ' ! f l :i>r-old Edwin Gloss (ell 100 | lU

________ . f jHclilld's r lsh t h ip and righ t m 3 e broken bu t a ttend iin ts a t a ' rijr v l 1 H id no other serious In- - v vere appntenl. ! ? mAOl*M. 41. (ftUier o f Uie boy.— - ! ?t)^

und-ttnoUier-man tooirEdwm— • ^ TT” Ihem yfsterdny w hen they ,10 atl orchard near Uie clirt ' t;V ': penrs. The boy wandered oI( i ■ i ' :12 (rom Uie ctlfr. O laet ran ■ i- i ' the chtr’s edEe u n til he was i ' i'l. te s 'ree nenrly on hieb as ttie >!• ’.il* i!^ Jumped Into Uie tree and ;■ l- i i d-don,-n -Uiroin;h-the-thlTi-up«— 3' r*1i •anchei'unUl he K o fn 'h tn d - •’ ^ " 1 ;

tn-w-aa—eotiaclous—when—h»- . i . 'jv f f 1 him up. 01ns.Msald. The other i .'V mull'd the father nnd son up t Iff wiUi a rope. ______________ i p ’ '

DANCKPtANNED , t l l jRTAUOH, Noi-,'14 — "SomB J t i llined EveninB’* la Uie theme b( v i r:^)S0 Murtaugh senior cUits ball , '. ! -Ii > m be held Prl^i.y In thn \.1 eymnoilum. Dnnclng willI t 0 p,m. to the music ot Uio ' hy nUie K nights orchesUa. .. , I

r— ~ ■ ll!~: I


i l f l - i 5 > n ;

i : i . ' ■ i n '

____ IL^____ y--------------------l l

i;; j ! i

- I '

i d ■ ti ' 1

'■ ’ I 1

■ ' ■

Page 30: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

- P A G E A ^ / - - J

4 -----------Mrfc-IfM»-l U«tf»..«aplo?>.i:iLS‘ .-for ih lp n t a t to c u ic m narkeU .

. .. MBi. Ib U m r MOM BOOMO peandi A t« a i o( I14M.0M U b ro a ih t InU

;{', . - » • > » *

I Poultry Proc( To Residei

' I M ieie V a]I»y 'j,pou)by~in(iiuto '11 I h o t o tu n apoken o( In th e w t ie toni

1 I ‘ u m n t.p aeU n B and da li7 ln i. Bui ' t turkeya. tnrers and seesa ara rei i I (ponalbltt for empJoyment of n per

' <wna fullUm> pIub an addlUonal I

; !S Coroner Inquest ! f Starts in DeatlI ' " ' RIOBY. >fey.“ » -w = ?A -Jen e r« n

county coroner'* Jury heard levsi .vltneaaea Tueaday. t h e n - T « 6 ^ u n til two mora can b« called In U

« inm ieat Into th e Nov. l tra ltle deatJ ; - ■ S thel BaJnK 38. Shelley. :' > Bhe died w hen h u huAuiqd' < tilckup truck collided wIlhiK true I . th a t v a i MTked along the hlghwA

no r th o t Roberta.'! ' Oeorge Hartwell, driver of th

K r ted truck. teitifJed he m ll hU on When h e le l t i t lo se t hei

’ t i t e r » atalled. 3 u t nobecl Ne I 36. the hu tband , taatUled it ’ iiiw no llghta._____________

■ j f ^ H A s p ioneers iiK M ag ic V alley,f , - . y /.ith . Q_rineagc

.; , p rogressed witI

j ivI We are now sh

- W ----------- i - B e a n s _ = . _ R e a s .

' M t o U . S . t n a r l c e

■ " a ~ " W « " m d lh ta In " o ”corr R • foreign m a tte r frorr

- - ^rr4- ---------^m«n»-ovoUobU-is-u:


' ! ' ■ ■• 1 jl;j ■ , . • . G rown a t a ,hi. -■ ; l U - _______ ^ 'h n r H s p p H " v

I -'I g row th . ~

r ■'{ I ShlBlds sew Ji'a fe 'S ilp p j i i I ' o f O rigin a n d Purity.

J ^ l l f

?y Fryers Headed i

i / )

I \ i

~ rr ;r" T * r

-oL Sw U Ljuifl-eom parr. prepare* and weUI lela. The M ttllry Induatry In th li arc* empt M andi or lariteyt. 3.410.00D peundi o f f ry e n I t lDt« the area th ro n ch Iba (owl. (Staif p

* * * * *

9cessing Gives UJ] ients, B rings “Oni try t» M aeaional w orkeii: Thm e worker* le tone receive t o u t wage* of tHB.IW each g. BUI year.ra re> * In five area poultry procculng 17 per* planlB. approxim ately SOO.OOO pounds nal 11 of Uirkeya, 3,410.000 pounds ol fry-

*'■■■ '■• e m u n t~ ^ ; W 'geCTe- tf ftB rT r ta a n 5 T . «^34,000 to Maglo Valley,

I . As In m o it Induatry In the valley.j f - th e produel o l tbe .poulln r planU Is

l & t n shipped to e u t£ m and w ee tM a a i r n ^ tm nufkfit& .T h ls_ in fa n * a l.a U rge

™ p e rc e n ia |e . .o f _ th ^ to U l I s ' ’‘new" , ^ 2 money ia lhe area,

V ^ m * of the p lanU m a ln u la and • death n ts e some of the fryers themselves, '(ly tn it moat of the birds ir e raised un> toa'nd's der c on trac t w ith fa rm tn . U nder L tn c k this p lan , the processor p r o v ld e ^ e IshwRv chicks a n d the feed while the farm -

er-pT om es th e labor, of the A form er,aeasonal industry, the left l u poultry business has now regulated e th e lp Itself Into year-round operation ct Nell T his U done by aUrUng * " b au h ' fled he of chicks each week. They r*(iulr«

' aboul days to pu t on enough


s in th e Seed P rocessing ey, we jo in th e A gricu ltu ral :ager s ta r t In 191!^ we ha> w ith th e volley to th e poin

shipping annually ov( as - Alfolfo - Clover fRefs and all overthYw

r c o m p le to p ro c c s s ln g p lo n t - f o r f h e er f ro m a ll. k in d s o f s e e d s . O n ly th e la ie - l> -m ed in th i^ p lo o L , J ___________ __


3 h ig h e leva tion , m ost o f t I" w hich mai<.es for be tte r

. ■®tr

i i l p p jd u n d c r ihV U ^ l O e p o r tm e n l ofi'. ' '

f i E m s•' ■ fr

d for East I


W^m-> :H r -

:- r '; t

' } t C

I weighs eoma Magte Valley*gT«wn fryera c > em pleyi 11 lullUin* M d U aeasonii per- y ry e n and ^<M0 gceae fiave been prepared. - - (aff phet^-engravlDg) t

* * • . * * t

HJmploymentOutside” M oney'irkers w elgh l to guarantee- |i three.pound each plus Iryer when dressed. Turkeya ,

and geese, having mostly seasonal , essing popularity, a re s ta rted tn the spring i QUnds and brought to p rim e ju i l before , : fry - Thanltsglvlng.-

a cross between V an T r e u roosters 'alley, and New Ham pshire Red heru. The nU is rem ain ing ' 10 per cen t a r t cither .coast New H am pshlres o r Rhode Island U rge R « y .___

'‘new” eom e of the leading Magle Valley poultry processors -are Commons

a and Poultry, W endell, aerU e'a. fiwUt, Mlves, K enny's Poultry. HuU's Turkey farm d u n - and CampbeU Ooose ranch. BuhL

MpSS TEST R W ^ T C Df^ n n - JEROMB, No?. M - J Y a n k W.

H ouston. Jerom e; hms a HoUteln cow r, the th a l produced 30,381 pounda o t milk ulated and ?37 pounds of bu ttc rfa l In a raUon. 9W -day test, the H olsUln-Prle- >auh" alan aasoclaUon o t America reports, •(iulr* ■ 'nough READ .T I^BS-N C W B WANT ADS.

ILing business in t h e . u ra l Processing F air. ^ hove c o n t i n u a l l y

)oint w here . .

over 15,000 tons of ver and other seeds e w o r l d s

h e e ro d ic o t io n o f - w e e d s - o n d ----------r-s la le s t ; m o s t m ode.ri^ e q u ip - ■

— — ----------u * - . ■ " > .......................... ..


of th e se seeds o re a te r g e rm in a tio n o n d

■«<r- ■

n l o f -A g r ic u l tu r e 's C e r f if iw t io n

S ol BUHL.......: ......

— : ^ ^ i M E s - N E W S r i v m i

New Increase

ii r r a i i e r f o p -


■ W Sm N O T O W rB ov: l4 t i c i n j e - Rstion 'j bo o R iar economy hinxfd tbrw ard during th e July-Septembet iu a rt« r..w lth atrong advancc* In : produeUoQ. p e ru a a l Inoome and ■rage*. ■ • '

T h « .- 'co tn m m -d ep a iim e n t's Ko-

the t ^ r t e f 1 9 } 6 ;............ _

r ' Ice* reached a record annual raU of n e a rly 4M bllUon iloU ars-43 billions more th a n th i 'n r a l o f the year. I t was th e fourth consecutive, quarter In w bicit the 'g ross national product toRP«d t i u 400-bnUon-donar m ark.

. . - • 3. l>eraon»J Income a n .an - s h u a l.ra te of 321 blUfons, up tour bll-

Uona from the eebond Quartw. 'S. tayroU s In prtvat* Industry

... w en t up to an annual rat* of 18*4 • blUlona. * two-bmioo-dollar sp u rt

. t r m _ th e A pril-June period.

‘ rose to * 98-blUlon-dollsr .annual J ra te , an lncre**e of about MO mil-

“Blue Jeans” Ambassadors . ‘

r? Back in U. S. ;^ nov n " n p - B w y - -*

tw o, ■•ambassadora In blu* ieans” from 91 M le t have retu rned (rom / I n awaths o t Urlnt '»'iti} / • m X

^ 3 fomnie* In 33 European. Middle £ E as tern and Afrteon counbie*.

k ;T T h e 3S glrU and 38 young m en of O th e Intem aU onal Farm Y outh t r - ^ change (tPYE> group arrived aboard

the-gue«n_M «cy.-Ther h* .y* _ j V>t throughout the summ er to promote .> f t l “peace through u n derstond ln^on a „ R i people to people basis,** a-spokeaman „ ! B f for the NaUonal 4-H Club (ounda- K j Uon sold.W T h e foundation, which sponsors IM ' th e IFYE program along wiUi the I I ‘ cooperative extension service, helped . U finance trips of 13i delegates to 50 H - foreign oountrlealn eVohsnga for'180 **' ■ f - rorel£n-rarm -7DUthrwiw-t*niF-heTe B thU year, he said. .® All the "farm er ambassadors'* ore

In th e ir early twenUe* and are •'4-H “? era club graduates," Uie spokesman said. e r - . M any are coUege students. ^ •d . - - T he delegate* are scheduled (« f o

to W ashington today to repo rt on " th e ir Uips to th e U. 6. a taU and w asrleiilture deoartm ents and th e em - mi

----- : bosslM of lh e KmI oountrieC----- --- ^

Army Drops Plan ?. ‘y To Take Propertysund WASHINOTON, N or. 14 Ww-The keys ,rm y has dropped, a t least tem po- _ «;'»* rarlly , lU proposal to take over 4JOO >rlng kcres of privately-owned and In - efore d lan land souU) o l P t.L ew ls, W ash.

Brlg.-O en. J . * . BssUon.. J r ... o t fo r i t * »rm jni«t«K T R m »tf*8arnttor-tf«ek» fc s te n son. D.. W ash.. O u t the proposal I r *The h as been turned do« 'n 'by th e de- wi

lUier p srtm e n t o t the a rm y .. . . .1 1 iland — ~ ' T

T her* ar* 75 mllUon lleensM a u - w k\lav twnobll*' d r iv e r s r in - th e - U nited flm o 5 S tales.______________________ . . mIwift, '

- . . . - -----------------_ .

, w ,

milk - -

» r ts .

ADS.- 9 |

P A Y R <Some I

p lo y ed a

“ . will'l5STTT

---------- -— L l _______________^


Seed Baggi

[n :Id

o f '


I A rlh sr Z. Greener, left, feremah foi i i4 i F«ortb sreR M s«uU>, prepares te

. W r ” ° - A

i Fame o f Valley s IsR eflec^ —X Iagie-V alley '*-fam eji4-pteduc*tiho “ o f the m ajor porUon of th e naUon's pit ” seeds U reHected In the yearly pay- ps

rolls o( th* valley's seed and feed companies, fn Tw in Falls county an alone more than 35 seed and. feed soi

” companies have a yearly payroll in sei excess_ofa million dolls/s. '

S W hile 'som e den lers 'han d le boUi he •0 seeds and feeds, o thers speclslUe In rji „ tha-HrBefjmlng nf seeds j n d othfra u l

In th e production and sate of feeds.Seed falls iln two cioues, Held P*

w seed and garden seed. Field seed in - ^ ,V c lu d u forage and grasses and gar- ' ' den seed Includes pess, beans, onions, *8 p , p o u to e s and other edible produeto. |^i

*■ ProducUon of feed bym lillng and id M ies for atock and poultry runs Into I . n - millions o t dollnra.yearly. About 30 ” — re ed and s n d buslntases are locau i l

efl In Buhl. Filer. Ooodlng, H a« l- ton. KlmtKrly, H ansen and Twin FalU.

, However, all such businw e* do >j n o t employ a big s ta ff. Some seed ^

buslnexies have only a represents- ^ Uve o r single buyer sn<j s)l »sre*

100 ~ riuW OR KSIIO r HELD

lh. BURLEY. Nov. 14—A rt workshops pr o t for eiemenUry teachers In Cassia Ci

:k» goantyschoolrrarybclny-d ljetled ' by rrl lal Iren e Buckley. T he first workshop m le- was. held after school T u e^ sy for ar

il r s t and second, grade teachers. . T h ird and fourth grade teachers gi

ku- will m eet T hurtdsy snd on Monday te «d f ir th sad -slx th-grad* leachen wUf ni

meet. -Ice

ROLLSle 800 men are preser

d t Brownlee - soo -rTrore-thoh-K)0e.—^

--------------------------- — - « s ^

I I ■

;ge_d for Shipment

n for Globe Seed and Feed e«mp«By, n o i !s te remore • b s f ef cleaned clever vail aninc m aeblae a t Uie footpany ware- and

waUhes the aeed. ( 8 t■-----------------iT -r y ,— *'— » -------------------

jy as Producer ol ected in Good-SLf th/nn ln p r i f r t l n f . hsgfin f end sh ip- iuefa S ping o t seed u done by oUier com- ness - psnles. Old For example, the Twin FalU Feed rese: y and lee companj-. 135 F ilth avenue com d south, provides «srehouse spsce for Ing n several seed buyers snd dealers. tUs '

O ne seed company, in business ployh here- for over-40 .y«st»,-employs_a „ t i„ regular s ta f f of 10 all yesr around, i^ r i « During the harvest peak sessoa l l (joi): , w sj-w srrthan -ico -rm p loyea e n - lu tfe<3 i pajTOll. During the hsrvesl spp ros- p , j i . im stely 1150.000 U paid in woges. t

Another company carries s n aver- — . age ol 15 eriiployes on Its payroll ‘ all year and increases lts-.sta(f to . 50_for. i« weeks during the harvest _-

“ seiuion. I ts psyroll during one ex- ^ cepUonally ■•good“ Tear was around

*90,000.Z T he Agrow iteaearcn uenier, near n Flter. experiments on nev meUiwU

of planU nc, growing and handling . of m any kinds of seeds.•° M agic Valley produces sn esUmsl- " ed 80 per cent of Uif garden bush I* beans in th e nation. An esUmated Z 60 pe r c c n f o f lhe field seed pro­

duced In the valley U certllled.Buyers and dealers ship their

» products to all p a ils of the naUon. la C anada and abroad'. Soma local ry vholesater*i-shijy-(»-N e*adir-W yo. — ip mlng, W ashington. Oregon and U tah >r a n d Into other parts ot Idaho, a. .W h ile beans ar*. Uie main crop rs' grown here , 11 U difficult to de- ly term lne th e toU l am ount of busl- i f neaS-CCtually done in doJIsn sn d |

Jc eo U o n th e 'p ro d u c t.D e s le n a re r« -


i e r i t i y e m - . _ m e n t i

) o n t H ’e r e C a n y o

----------d a W o r

^ H O ^ P O W la -A /> /> y r iw s 6 w c H > ( a h ^ -

at After

noT* through th s macbln's.' Th* Oleb^ <

r s :

o f Seeds . i Sized Payrollslue tsn t lo te ll Utelr volume of busi- ^ n e n or iK e'am aunt of payhJlls:

One- Twin FalU company U rep . . resented by one m an. He ssys his company pays 4 warehouse forclean*Ing and storage oC hU products but hU company does not psy any em- ployes. . C—T he-J850-*griculU ire_cyiau». for Idaho lu ted liS^M.OtO as a total dollar value for 143.571 acres of y « seed efcprhsrvested-la-JW B in-Twln on j PalU couniy alone.

*The financial picture and the Im-

- ^ — Seotlari Crowning Aa

K in g Willi . , SC O TC H W

’M a j f U i r i f i

1 . BINOte jgOTCW WW8«y

»ROGR it B r o w i

tenefit: v e r y o r

^ ~ p o w ¥ r

^reo growth is depe ting more power as s e'. —

iX E Srhe big privote-enteri It at Brownlee, Oxbo' >yon will result in (ji's .pf rit;vv anr

ER^ . / - T - - '

_________ • . W a - K


H I H Iob^ company Is sn* nf m an ; in Iht lalnes* of baylDf, aelllnr, pm ttuiB t r seed fe r gsrdener* snd fam m .

portance of the leed and seti] biui. ^ ness to lh* valley U not rrilnitd V e n U re lrio psyroto. Tfie ye»j!y U ib p a id by th* companies run into miaj o thoussnds of doiUrs. V

Brand names on feed maiiUlie. ' *' lu red here are known the ‘nsiiet nypr. being highly nu trJtlve and fci), anced w ith l i i e l iE e s l spe^ffli« ® form ulas. . . . ,

J n the m sjer producw prcdiitn . > h e re , local grains are used bec»iu,-_33 o f the high food value content. •

One *rwln FalU eompnny put. c h a s u an d ships around cn. loads of hay - to- the-m ldw w t- u ti- year. In addlUon the company t' QRO-Sl the^a rgM l sliippers of ttt- U tled seed graIns”W'Ui* Iht<rmo l^■ ta in WesL

iliamlVI W H IS K Y

'inlasteT:. ' ^ h ^ r i c e

I F ' " ' "• *



ne *

pendent upon 5 soon as. pos-

erprise invest- ■30w and .Hells ' n millions o f j frffiQcilly..

Page 31: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

i i W ^ o ’ s j

.« «hh »r* M ax tM c t^ ^ i

* *Idaho’s Famed ]

ProcessingB ^.tw i tre the bMis lor it pro* )>ave

J2 n » toduiUT which pay* W esll- JMO.'

r:»5 E3jn,iAnit -couptto. .where 18.000

peuioc* w e irow n « c tl;

“ a iS ^o f 15 of Ihe H Tft'ln Pull* lion J ; r « » u lo .p H tf » » r » .» h ^ th e y _ » o r r

jfndustrial, Motori Held Resjponsib

a t l a n t t o c n r . h j .. hov. j< tn s o -Uoit luni cimccf# *re no l cou»c4 inio bi c lp rttta , but Iwicnd ivpparcnt- Ij w firniM «nd chemical* from our MiaWal. molorl«d age. a am eer eijtrt ttW yetWrday. Huej

Of,w. C. liucptr o t Ihe NaUonal j , , Cuwr iMUtule Mid he bMc* his ^ en worldwide iWfUee by mTBH nll»Uconeem lnBcauie*of Ius( cancer. _

Ht «M fhU evldeneo Ind lcs tfi 7*' ■11 lUrtnlns Inereue In lung cancer U pf(*ltly'duc~W6*tly~W'^nnie!ii int. |»K» and various chemlcaU NCi. bUie air we breathe, o r to wWch tnple are exposed on aome lobs. Or

Smoklne »?enu to Blay "i» definite, rj-py tMe iHKr. direct o r Indirect role." o f B ta producing lung cancers, K ueper c e r u l l He n ld the total evidence from dxm'inipport the concept th a t the groa (Ml nujorliy of lung cancers, es> on ) pecUUr In men, tr e d u t ia cxces- thes< u n d m e tte smoltlng.________ th a i

T a s t e s s o r i s w a l lp v y s s o100% K en tu ck y flaivoi ye t each’ d ro p g o es dis o g e n d y . . . s o s m o o - Always nsk {nuBULi

- b r t h e d r in k . . . 'b y tl

I t a l I I ;

_ ' | y a S n B ^ E i l l i g ! M B !

L C u Jln r 1 .“ "^ company. DIVISION . “ ' ISVIUE. KV^TUCtff^SniAKSHT B

’sTamed Potatoes

H 9 bcled tbreugbQul Magle A'»1le;r aa th* Inc., ' JU t hird ■mOQth^_J?.n[te.tftn»b h « r t firm to rtln g potatoes a l Idaho P oU Im s . pholo

1 Potatoes Are B ig Industry, Hea)>ave' a n ealljnfltrd pnyroll of over u> Ju t»00.000. paid U) About SU seiiaonal where nnd 00 year-round employes. montf^ :z s ia f ln ia n i( lr rn g i» ( re n r lp a a r -D f -prDcupota toes w c «h»pj>ed Irom U ie 'M u n ^ — ty each year, nlthoutsh th a t figure sine r varies w ith tlie quality of th e crop, jj*,,)

T hese procrasors begin buyln# d l- jnpjsff rectly Trom the fn rm er-a s 'e s r ly ns A ugust' and continue th e ir opera- weu © lion xintll June. The nverafie proces- potAU to r remttlM In buitlncM Irom Sept. 1 pound

orized Age Is wnrd '

sible for Cancer Som e of Uie chtrnlcals released

Into the Mr by englncs'ttnd 'sm oke- stacks, or produced In certain In - ' dti8trinl-operftilon(irar®-known-l<^lie; able to produce cancers In iinlmals. K ueper said.

He aald Uiere Isn 't enoUBh da tal to esUmftt« (he relative to)e tiieyi m ay have played In th e rise In lung,cancer.- __

T lie jump In lunB enncer beRan before c ljare tte amoKlng became £onim_onpl»cejHueper. head of the ,NCT. ■fora~U fe~TU ncrtcttn~Publlc -----H ea lth asaoclaUon. •

One cancer-causing chemical, ben* z^'pyrenr, is found In (he exhaiisU o f Basollne engines, he said. And c e r t a i n suspicious hydrocartwRs from exhausu are released a l g round level, «here they c an aet on pedestrians and d r iv en before these producU becom* cfUut«d Inth a a ir, he added._________________

.... .........

l i r yr ^ .


rich— — so sm oothi v o r . . . s dow n iiOGthly.ill fltid H i l l . ■ •ly tf ir lJd ttle ! - ~

^ ' I I ’ 1 , 1 -


es Processed, Pack

- s f e m j ? - ,Inc., «arebou*c. Tw in Falis. Now i„ . « firm u p e eU >o ship 1.000 earlnada n t pot p h o i o - e n t r a v l o g ) -----------------------------

1-fc • f t c.m.vtl ,

! Basis of ..™: ,mnrltrlf

eavy Payrolls J;to June 1. bu t a few begin any- sllll .vV where frocn a m onlh earlier to th ree In too- m onths la ter, and complete th e ir f a l l i j■ p r D c w s J n r in 'M a y ." ----------------markrii

W h'cn'th'e 'p6tat^erencer~a-prDCWi'- P*«'*d-j sing p lant. U»ey are washed, sorted. slMd. snd Inspected before being " “ Ctni sacked for shipm ent. Some

Up until the end of W orld w ar f t . sacks fc well over W per cent of the na tion 's a re nm potatoes were marketed la 100- necni pound sacks. Mosl of them were no t culls nisorted acCordlnftO 'S lw ;------------------ IniT tnr

A trend, however, developed to - ihe pn ward both sizing potatoes and mnr* n c u ” i kcUnr them to sm aller quanUtlcs. sm ic. i Steadily gaining momentum. It hns lent of


has i one

In 1916 54,208 sugar: In 1955

S f H I :

T I M E S - N E W S . . T W I N . F J

ickaged for Stipint

i''tu *Mflnd y r tr o t epentU oa, tha t»t p o u to n before June. (Staff

xj.icrl « nrn-.c<iiicrpt In p roc^tsln f. ^ H g B Nnvi', tn ndilKtnn in th e oonven- onal IDO-pound yacks. poUt««s ar« inrkrird in &. lo. 35 and M ^pound DCS. T lir ciinncr haa no t been uni*

A Dulll dr.-iirr reported th a t he nil M h *S per crt)t of hU po tttoes 1 loo-pnund lacks, while* a. TM-ln 'alU ptoceuor reported th s t he iinrkried-nenrly—iill-o f hlsH n—10- «u»d-*Aclu,-8i*ienie»U-froR).«thor .enters varied between these two xtremM. ■ B Q |Some processors use the smaller ■ m B B S

icka for No. l potatoes, w hite No. 2s re marketed in the Inrge-sack*. « . in „ , necnu.v of reeulaUona prohibiting

uUs nnd low srade potatoes from *niT tn r-ihp -s ta tc-and -a lso -beoaiis*-------------he processors term It "poor busl* Local i iCM" Ior U»cm.ielvcs and tor the go lo eltl inic. tliey nre fnced wllh the prob* tw o vallc eni of getting rid ol culU.____________ -'Wllho

n m -~jjlayeti“an^ nd developn

208 tons o f beets were 955 292,027 tons were

n m mS E E O U B U N U S U i

~ ! fairtt;


jmenlriyi Ovcr“lI.S

llsrold Koch compleles the final step la pi loes aa he loa4ls 100-pound sacks Inlo a ti raughout th e nation. Koch Is an tmpley

oeal dealers Indicate the ir culls w ouidlit10 e ither llveslock leeders or the Ti»'ln FiI valley s tarch-p lan ts. ' ■ aren 't erW ithout those aUrch planta. we who feed

- „ " - w---------------- |s



i^mporfant m ent of tli

I- /V


sre sliced — producin re sliced for a total


T 7 7 N O V n S 1 7 T 7 7 R A D I0

I '

J ; S r ^ ---------


Ib proeeiaing Magic VaJiey po- • a truck for delivery t» polnU

ipleye e t Idaho Potato**. Inc.,

Id hnve quite a problem.'’'snrd~a ~~ n Falls proce».wr. "T here lu st Vt enough farmers and ran d ie rsI feed poiatots."______________

i l S l f f t S f i

SplizE:. . . . i . . . , . .u . .......-V ..- .

•’ . V ■i '/


it-papt-in-tl he Twin Fc

Made in Twin

Beets grqwn oi

Tract i . ..,Sinc

;in g .o to ta I o f 13,873II bf 88,M5;60~0 pound

•iL, ,

r a E s n i


aiORpN D EV OO — -

J,:., ■ - . . , r —

P ' ^ Y o u rf NEWPAP



BPOWEUM, tn>/ -V


^ ^ ^ 8 1 z

I - D Z r u ^ l


4 h j ^ r o w t [ ;

Palls Tract

n Falls from S

on the Twin 1

nee .1916;

}73,000 pounds of -re inds of White Satin.

I € * R ^lESSING.

P A G E A -9 '-_


= = = - i WANT.AI ' ^ |J||


.. ...... .........


I Falls

------- - • - =

-------- /•------------------ J — .±_


■. '■.......................

-----'• :'s|fe3

Page 32: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

|[-':Yeflr’F S i ^ 6 B r If - O t H f if in c a M ^I T erm ed ‘MUd’

3 ilcMW MMOn w u one of Uib mlM-9 c a t In tb o p u t IB y e a n b u t I t lUHI oo«t-ftt teM t 74 Ut u and tA74UM0 X l a propertsr da tnaae. th e weather " tra rw u repe rted toda r.g T te ^ tra p lc a l a tonn s e a e m ^ o ^

^ t t u W lndw anl UUiuU oa th e easternII cdca o t th a C aribbean to Eaitport, y ' . U e ,'a h d .a ro u iu l th e O ulf o f Mexico j ooaat to T u ea ta n . (h u t down unUl

------next- 'J o n * - 19;- T h e - n u l i - of- coWi l l . a ir aenthw ard over th e p a i t w uk*

-------ro d mean t th r e n d of any m o rg hot-blooded Irop lca l tw U ten thU year.

------- r -m o w ea the r b u r e a u clawlflede ig h t dU turbancea u tropical eUinni th is year. Only four b u ilt up windi o f huR lcane intensity — 75 mll«s p e r h o u r or be tter. I n th e pa»t IS yiwrt. <n «nH IBSa. h«Tg

’ a jn d to e a w ra w u io ^ fo r tb o p u t 30 year*.

O nly tw o ito rm s rcaehed the tI3 . s ia ln la a d a ad ae tthe r waa claatuied

a e m * .

Havens Iteady for ll Europe RefugeesIj HILWAUICEE, Kov. 14 nrv-'Komcs

-j today ,aod local weUare worker* pre­ll d ie ted th a t th e f irs t group o t Hun-

— ~gar1in~rtfugeea.w ouJdJJilvj.hy.K oti3 M.

O b a r le a C N e llt. execuUve aecre- I ta ry of th e a t . v incen t d e Paul lo- y elew . aald fUghU of refugee* would» ------- leaT0-A tt«trte-f0r- th e -U n l tr t-8 Ute»]j 'W ltbla two week*, ii _____ o - N e m ^ ld h e Ulephoned th e Na­il . -Uonal CaUioIio W elfare council In j W aih ln fton . D . C.. ye*terday after- i noon. H e said Uie NOWO Indicated I th e f irs t n ig h t o f H ungarians, escap- I in g communism lo th e ir bomeland, { would come here.1 ----------o w e u i - s a ld cJly-resW enU have

pledged homes for more th a n 300- - anri th « t th e fln il cmup

v o u ld probably Include 10 fam lllu a n d 30 ting le persons.

Early Bird................TOKYO, Nov. 14 W — Santa

CQaua h a s go tten a n early s ta r t ' thU year.

T bo f ln t San t* of Uie year h u

*lng a -a lg n advertising a coffee----------r i . » lr . l m „.ln,

' ^

Sale CalendarW A tC a T H IS SPA O I OAILXI

Tat Im portaq t news and d a te t o t----- M a g f o v S ^ Pan^-A uctiM i:. Oback iDdlTldnal ads aa they ap­

p e a r to r ’ IliU nf ol & u u _ to b a s o ld .

. . . N o v em b er 16 .Jo h n L . Taylor

AdTcrtiaemant,Nov. lS*li K laaa * K laas. AueUoaeera

N o v em b er 15 W. A. OUbert aad CnU* Gilbert

AdverUaeioant, Nov. U-U XTorsoa * Roe. AtteUoseera

M o v m h iir . . lS — ........: .e id Byram and L et Blm entaa

! A drertlsem est NeV. U -UEdlaborw tgh A L araea . AncUoaeen

1________Z _ _ N w a 6 ___________I Harry Reese

' ~ A drerUaem ent Nov. I M S K laaa A K laas. AucUoneera '

I N ovem ber 16Dave wax

- - .......AdverUaemeal. Nev. K -UXversoa A Roe. AaeUeneere

N ovem ber 19 P au l V. Bandy

AdverUaemenl—Nov. 1I«1T K laaa and K laae-AacM oneera

N ovem ber 19 i B ay Looney. J r . and Ja y D. I«ene > I A dverU sem eni-N e«. 18 a ad 17 {! K laas and K Iaa»^ tieU ooeers

; N o v em b er 191 Uwls Boatman

. i J i -------- -A 4w rllsem eal^M a«an411_E dlaboreugh * L an e n —AucUoaeei

il N o v em b er 1 9 ,

a 'Ive tvoa A Roe, A ucU oaetn

1 • N ovem ber 20S Clyde Oibometl -AdVertlseaienU-Itov.Jt-lT

. y - N ovem ber 20_____K l ’LcUa V. Hostetler, Admlnliiratrbil • AdverUMmeat-NbT^ber U

' vl - . aad Klaa^^ABetloaecrs

ilj N o v em b er 21I O. W. WUiamf AdverUsemenk-NoT. U and.SOftl Jea Daffek * Jim Hesaenatlih.

j 9 1 ........................ ' AucUoaecrs

i f " N o v em b er 21I n a re ld K rarc*

; l i . Advertlsetnent-Nov. 19 and JO ,. ] I Klaae and Rlaaa—AucUoneer*

- i j j — : ------------ >; i< Advertbc^enl—Nov. £0 and 21 r 9| ' wi»«« aad KUa*—ABeitooe«r«

I " ATTENTION PABMERS' l i ' W bea you p lan a farm sale con- • , to c t Uio Tlme»-Newa P a im . SaUT I - ' - D ept, o r -a r t 'y o u r ancUoffeer. Ul

1 explain bow - you can blan iel . . Maglo V alley oompletely a t oni

- -cm all'cost <less tb a a any oUiet ■■ r r * Tb«JllM>-wluryourstleU*

tb a T lmea-Newi.

I p t i x a ----------

a A l l - O u l l i r a b

i i :Id’

S -


>1 MUtfle U tt ell KeMi pretfuee ei ,^ '7* 4«erHr (23 per ceal) ef Hi* Ir!Stic _ L‘■y®"' ? I,7«WCiaO»

tonkin lood an ortrsee ef UOO.O t VJB. b«rreli o» Pinloa GiU eem a>sUled MO,000 bemit el MidlNrrane

/ ceeil pern. Tlie MWdie Cetr prerU 90 per ceal ef lhe crede ell Import

' Into Cerope. MWdl* Eeit't e» refill o r - cepe<llv, 971,000 becreU per dof

e e S ' 1-lome*dance — Har»dred*-ef-mllll«M-er-dellar*Hi I pre- East-* ell field*, ebewn ea large i Hun- EgypUan and Preneh-ErypUaa coa t Nov. mmA ih«

pretpeeUaf operaUeo* eleewJirre la

B King Hill Reports I ““ On Trips, Jaunts;c iu ii KINO HILL, Nov. I t-M r. and after- Mrs. J sm u OIrke have returned ,

from VlslUng her parenia, Mr. and . Mr*. O. L. BUUck, in Parma. ,

°! Mrs. .Robert Mickland has , r e - i have

= h A U C 1A s I a m q u i t l in s fa rm in g , 1

, „ u - a n d .</2-M ile W est o f .C as tli tart C as lle fo rd H ig h w ay 4 Miles

ro a d a n d go 1 M ile S o u th a rh uS m t§ S A L E S T A R T S 12:30

61-T O P HC

T iny— H o la te in cow, m ilkir c a lf

W T enn— H o la te in cow, j u s t f r calf

, Br ownl o— Holfl toln cow, tt 4 th c a lf

—P eggy— H olatcln-cow ,-m ilk]

■11*5 N ancy— H o la te in cow, inilki

y ■ D a in ty — H o la te in cow, du n t h w ith 4 th ca lf

B eau ty — H o lste in cow, m ilk n ca lf

T opsy— H ola te in cow, duo v Dec. 24

iibert Bloaaom— H ola te in cow, di » - c n l ^ c b r i i t h " • R u th -2 ^ o la tc in cow, duo

Ja n , T th ' “ ^ lS irare=lT6Tgl6!ii'"W W ; hi

J ■ ' 3 rd cftU eaeers 7&—H o la tc ln to w , ju a t fre

ca lf-------- —Snow ball— H o lste ln -cow j-dJ * c a lf F eb . 16 t n - Rosie— S h o rth o rn cow, n-

l a t ca lf P ink ie— S h o rth o rn cow, n

1 s t ca lf............ M ftlinda— H o la te in cow, h

“ • 1 st. cn ltK a y - H o la te in cow, milki:

calfIT P rin cess— H o lste in cow, d*«• c a lf F eb . 16

Goldie— G u en isey cow, di c a lf Dec. 18

A 17 N ig— H o la te in cow, duo w eer* M arch 13 v -

B rindlo— Brincilo cow, due • M arch 8 th

- Queen— Hol s t e i n cow, dueJoaeeri ------on-N ovom bcr-12 ------------

B u tto n — H ola te in cow, due _____ ■ Dec. 23 _____________

M arch 23 S p a rk ^ y -H o ls te in cow, njill

B e tsy — H olaleln cow. milk:17___ ______ m lC. ■ --------

T oni— H olate in cow, niilkl ca lf

iMirix P cach le— Hol.nlein cow, d ! w ca lf M arch Srd .leer* Must of the nbove co»s are B

and UUooed. T he entire herd ' . and found clean. Exact brecdlns

.ducUon records will be given d td. SO public U cordlnlly Invited to vU:imiU», Ume prior to date of sale.


Mr. Reese haa been shipping nd JO Op Creamery fo r ,th e past se leer* Premium Milk purposes. He h «

p ^ e t l o n records In unbon *li

3 HARReer, to

K L A A S & K LAAS. A udioUier ____IPhone 46G4, 1

- L i s t e n to O ur

ab War Can I m p e r a

f f l u u --- --------------

^ IR A Q


Hie IrM J jola n r * c H w a ^ ma t m & o u j

SAUDI ARABIAr preridlt 1^ • " I lmpert*d ® Oil rn td t ,

I W . c a O l l ripltlMf

lar»HBverted-br-AmeriesB,-BriU*i>rPreael>-a arge aew saup above, wonid be eadaagerei a compaale*' properUe* la E gypt Itself. Tw U*nuUoaaLABlst»,ean-Kg)-pUaa e o a p a a y |i rre la Egypt.____________

_ turned from vtolung h e r parents,O Mr.aj«LWDi.-PjtuiJEI#gar._la_Pat= Ui i t s underw ent su r- Ini

and Kenneth Jones, a stu d e n t a t the University o f-Id iho , h»s been vUlU Ing hU p tren ts. Mr. and Mr*. P rank Jones. Their daughter, W ilm a Jones, also has been vlslUng here . She Is Mi

re - a s tuden t a t tba College p f Id a h o ... In

f f i o i nng, 1 will sell th e fo llow ing , loca ted 2 [Castleford; o r fro m th e S o u th w e s t C M iles Sou th . 2 W ea t. 1 S o u th , 1 Wesi th and J^i-Mlle W est.

I D A ^ O V .L U N C H B Y R!

HOLSTEIN DAIRY Cinilk ing w ith 6 th

1. f u •iL < k yc***". 37 cow* ave 1s t f r e s h w i th l a t per day. T h e avei

agreo th a t tbU U <VV, m llk ln j w ilh YOUIm llk in i t- w ith l a t - J H o l . t o t a BP

» i i k t a w ith I r t

, due F e b ru a ry § i ? e S

m llkin* w llh 4 th A*1 above h c lft

duo w ith 4 th ca lf ®

« . - - - i h

lue w ith 4 th c a lf Etome M'ubuTketj

^ T T w r n n fT jr ^ w f tf r ^ ------------------ M A <

t f r c 'h w ith Cth- D earborn terracli

tW i- d u e - w ilh - B lh ------------mc».new ,L lndem an Ifl-lnch

,v, m ilk in * w i t h ? r p ” ; i k r s sC om igator with

IW, m ilking w ith . eou shanksD earborn double i

w , m llkine w ith ' S ' r l f c . ' u : m Feed ditch cleane

m ilk in g w i th l a t D earborn beet a spring shanks

.w, due w ith 4 th

kV, duc 'w ith 6 th Pord mowinir ma"(3-polnt h itch >09

uo w ith 4 lh r n l f T rac to r chains f< uo Wllll 4 tn ca ll, J , p,g,J • . , < » . . . 3*scctlon spring due W ith 2nd ca lf itubbcr-U red pho

. One-w lng ditcherdue w ith 4 th calf -

, due w ith 4 th ca lf ~ n .w ^ r- ti* ^ ” waB __________ ::______________ C ouuw htcicd-fia:

R ubber-tired m*i njilking w ith 1st - j-p o ln t h itch din

JenlUns su ck erj n i i k i i i g w i th 1s t MISCIm ilking w ith 4 th M am uette 275 *i

300-SAllon molasi |\V, due w i t h -1th BaUjroom-wjulpn

w ater heater CQS-callon gils ba

are Bmim vncelnatcd Lota of shop too herd h«a been tcslcd item s too num er ecdlnc dsU s and pro-Ivch dsy of aale. The T D A l lto visit th is herd any I K A I !*■ Good trailer hou.ION RECORDHERD C Y

pplng milk to the Co- 30 heavy hens (ra st several years for- 17 young White:le has kept very good 3 Hudson SOO-chi«□ w ith.the company. Several w atcrtrs,


[ R Y ^ R E E S E , (A u c tio n e e r . - - lG4, Twin F alls — 58-R , Je ro m e — i

O ur ^ r m C alendar D aily on K LIX

r a ^ ^ t V 0 i l - = = ^I— r j i B i i L L u i i . ^ ^ ' ..J J I ]~ GoodI W E n B Q S S prodi

w p^ W l S B t a f l B S ^ S ^ S X ------ .f ' Hon I


ijA»_____IRAN p r

, _ L : . i £

\ r .

OHPtfiNB C ::y .'.r ': - ' t - ilOtmOAtV ^ U —

A X 5_ . ' 7 ^KtWmAfI

h-aad-D ie tH Ur**t*-la-Ui TkllddU- - ngered by the spread of tbe Isn cll- If. Two largest oil (Inns la Egypt are .< aay (iBiet map) aod with widespread rji

Its. Prankle Lisle, a studen t a l t h e ____it= Unlvcralty-oUdihOMJuiaJKen.vl*.ik i r - Ing he r parenU , Mr. and Mrs. Don

u . . ^ ^ ^lEA V E FOR WINTEB

HAOERMAN, Nov. 14—Mr. snd .lu Is Mr*. Newt Crawford have left for J,*,'

>. Indio, Calif., to apend Uie w in te r.------

S Mle d 2 M ile s E a a t , 1 M ile S o u the s t C o m e r o f B u h l fo llo w th e i ___W e a t, t h e n t u r n o f f t h e o ile d


1/ J 6 - — IIY R E V I S E D L D S C H U R C H

CATTLE-61 1. I . , I - , .___ - ijjj;li t herd averaged 43 pounds of milk ^ day. In th e monUi of August of tb ls w j^ ra averaged 35 lb*, of milk per w w . j ^ e averago he rd te st U 3,7. You yrVi hU U definitely an ouUtandlng herd.

JUNG STOCK 4i n a p r in g e r h e i fe r s -i n h e i f e r s , 1 8 m o s . o ld , o p e n TiiiiIn h e i f e r s , y e a r l i n g s , o p e n ^in h e i f e r s . 6 m o n th s o ld ' unH o ls te in h e i f e r s • r ~H o ls te in b u l l calve.<th e i f e r s o f a g e a r e B a n g s v a c - ^

ING EQUIPMENT ^Deerlng milking machine, 3-unlt _n ,

I milk cans, good ones I)uckets. etc.

(tACHWERY—•acUir wlUi new rubber In back, over- ; s t springerraclng blade, w ith 3-polnt h itch,

fl-lnch. 3-way plow i L ,ang-on side rake, like new I___:. with 3-polnt h itch p iwith 3-polnt h itch and 4 s p r in g s __ :

(S 1^—ouble dise plow {9C, 7-foot, good one • ..............-to fll fron t end of Pordcleaner, w ith 3-polnt hitch 4i>>eet and bean eulUvator fer Ford. ___anks I,—leld renovator for Ford | ..on steel harrowsiscker. 6-foot. In good shapeIS machine, s-foot ; ' *>th-posthole digger : B'»lns for rea r wheels te21 plow. l 8-lnch. 3-wayprlng tooth harrowd phosphate drill L _

lltcher —ow j r -row slock trailerarniT noiraerto -T iK Ptirdrliiin itm ew — i — sl wagon jm d rack j

unnlng sears I lUd machine trailer (truek .tires) r ,

ch d irt mover o r barnyard scrapercker ^

SCELLAI4E0US—27S amp. welder. Uke new ^molasses tank . »equipment—stool, b a sln -and 'ho t--------« e r Wllgils barrelop tools, chains, shovels., and many numerous to mention - ut:/

LAILER HOUSE i:r house, fully equipped Inside ^

CHICKENS I ^ens (ready to butcher) wVhlte Rock laying hens ^SOO-chlek brooders tcrers, feeders, brooder stove, etc.

I 1

i T , .ra

O w ner “D . M. tH K N E Y , C lerk ! ®

e — 09S-B3, B uhl . ' _ . P ;L1X « l 6 :4 5 A .M .— |

' T I M E S - H E W S , T W I N I

______ COW TESTED • ______ H--GOODiNO.-NOT.-14—T h e-Id ah o ETFk BUte School fo r tbe Deaf and Blind. ooodlng. has a H obteln-cow th a t produced 14.417 pounds o f milk and ^ Ml pounds of buU erfat ia a 365-day test the Holstein Prleslan assocla- _ _ (ion’ of A merica reports. . 1

PE R SO N A LS ••WAWTm^_A^rtmW~«f Pr1»lk»» ^*1'*

JIACiASWK urd«f ncn> tor ------CbrlilrB^^^^crxra Haul N tntund. >*A«»

-_ W ISH_TO _A ppPT. , i i ^ ><e-tKirB ^ b r. tbiM. rhiidr«n. WsuK r:;;;! Ilk*.u mnk. tUi.tUId-1 t>w rr.(o««.tnil f«r Chrldnu. bipniMt t»U. n t r (Ml bom*. Wrtu 0«i l t . a (/» TIbm .N t-i. _!£SWAH

__________________________ _____ It <' ' mi


WoBBn*Kor-Woni<B.'' ',v« d<moBili»- Sihtlon. Wflw ot Phon. KIUm niilrlbullnc m 3Co. 7U to i lU.l. rbon. lUI. «

. . ' ■

SPECIAL NOTICES !j'SfC.NCeu Corwutn. Mr*. L?,i« <i>rei>«r. ---- ^

■ nilTiylan. LncllU Dmlwa. rhanr Snn. ’ ^

SC H O O L S & T R A IN IN G ^WANT».I>—M«n.»um,ii In tmln po.l-

tlon ot Cl'A. Aceounl4i<t or Ilookkmxr AU at hom*. Top Klirr. Diploma. »'rc« -J! riactmtnt 8«rTlc*. Krt» i«ju>rmifnli Intarm.tloB, KlUow lluiinn, IdiIUuIt.

—r.-o.-ni>r-H3ir»in-tak»-CTtr.- ui»h. - f j jC H IR O P R A C T O R S

Nr.ltVK Kl'KUIALlfiT. Ur. Alma lianlln. n»— ----B E A U T Y SH O P S ijiTi

CUMl-U.Tt; meiirs Uaulr a«rvlc« «i- l>>i

CUUri.t.-'rt Uautr uriK f br a.litnctd Wll- iludtnu «t rnlucad v'>c<a. ’ Junior aiu. d«nu wAtk {ft*. Ua<hlnt1n< and rold k*.»a»f«. SS.aa. Ilfamr Aria AfaHwMir, dr.

,1 ..........p e K 5 i a ? ;e n t s ,Vi PRICE _Jii:

;_______ Wllh Eath rutthata________A rarmanfxt At n»utar Prlc* Sma

Phona tl<________________In. rof ApTolnlniant___________ JJTJri

IDAHO BARBER ts BEADTY I-I _____________ SHOP_____________ ^

L O ST A N D F O U N D - J lLO.1T V«rr imall^Tnr ^rrHar. ,b1a«k LOirr ((male black Ubrador dol. >;rMn _ ± ;

U^srT'm aeh .J r -h iw 'v r . r ^ n S H tMl..ln» m day.. Phnr<P imvw.______ NKV

lltwanl. I'hon. f KVra.t nt Ka.l 1 r..lnl., It.mUl, ni

rui;NU: Arotilran Uiaa oil Iraaitd ilokar ilaek ailhcttd tor tU .» scr lon. al

' lolfrmouDlalB N il Cocntianr. rbftM

SITUATIONa W A N T E P ~ i jCAI(PKMTk:iL_i«>ik^AA>__klul__ Liana _ 1

WUMAN >anu .11 !>[>» hou.Kl..n>i>(. p |-h»n> i t n or 4I(]. oanlnXL £<

U>:r.-r TUI'I>iMu. U o U ^r. h.>.a.lir. I'h,m« OlSO-lT, L _

'*IMmi-, rhona aStl-M.**'" **** .‘" y f

hour . Phnna Twin fatia "llAY IIAtiUNb a.d aiMkloi. aua- IU

ion comolnlRC. Phona OSIbnx. RTTluotJlNC in n>, ko.c. Un. C. I .' Mac' Hi

Nabh. Sl« 4lh A.Tnu. Norlh. Phon. «m . >rWUUlJJ UKK Io caw for i: or j»n lio t

u^«r ■**' I* >>onii daj-a. fli

DUKSSIIAKINII. lallorlBi. Ura. UeCaf rlaon. Urt. KlapUo. : l l Trltr. Phoat A V

_ » i i ________________ ^VAUI'C.NTUt »«ra-au Hind*. Na» eon- f,'


and lrrl(alo^_ <.anu .Irady ’’ c |

■ •" ' * "• b,

I ' v a 'u g h n ’s t r e e I ’ »"i __________ S E R V I C E _______ I *'i

THlMUl.Nll-T01’J'mi!-nUMOVAL] 6klll«4 «r» roniplrltlj aqulppaO. f—I Kull* Iniuird Nl

WE StnVK AI.I. Of- SOUTJItlW I.kI IDAHO ri; >v. t w >-.iin,.i^________ _>>»

, . . I . : . - J , , ,1



Tne aulli. Illchwar and Clir l>u>|. •( nna. Small capital lo handla. Pbon*

il G R O C E R Y - M E A T l l ” M A R K E T -

‘ and Lockers. Doing a Good r<- : Business Jn Magic Valley. Easy

term s to righ t party. Write— ui • BOX II - 32 ^

C /O TIMES - NEWS | di _________________________________ __p.


i lu ltab ie for expanding business. | . ' CaU No. 3 of 323, Twin Palls.

HELP WANTEP— FEMALE' I J]WUMi^^ga^ ^ atm.—Apwy-iii-ixrtiiB: ^LAl>Y i:UOK. 0D« oho unUrr.un.l, baklns }“

and dlnn.r »e»k. Apslj in wnon. “■

WlLl. aUn-LV :-twl'n. Ijk.u.r jo nill|<lthHiw.V«plnr fo' «n.iil...<.r I . i" '* s ' ;.|

UEAtlTIClAN: tillkirm. u.i.rn.l>i.]t, oi>-1 *calof for an e.labll.b.d OIrntrL 'will !<•

H E L P W A N T E D — MALEWA.VTl;oriuiUbl. n..,n,d n.a^

to Oil (or oaa of A»<clca-i oidr.i com. panlta. Our in«:lui»<ll,r « ntcr.ilir In tZ »r«rr homr. Salatr -pIu.' r..mnil>.l«n. 1 ‘ Wrllo Ua. G-ll t'o Tlm ^-Nr...* _


t —^R -SE R V IO E -M A N fttJK ft----------«

j T op aalary, completely, new ca- *" , .rage and service fftciitile.';. Miut

be fully, qualified to ninn.-isc en­tire service operations__________ _ J i

; - • ------C on lM tJJr., nec.\e • :

; B O B R E E S E _ M Q J 0 R j : 0 .; DODOE— -PLYMOUTHI ' • 600 Blk. 2nd Ave. .South

[ N f a l l s , I D A H O ■

' ■' . ■ _ _ -------- ----------- ( — ■-

H E L P -W A N T E D — M A L E _ . 1^

Hnm«. Mabn. ---- ST T T i

r o u t e S A L E S M ^ I ' S i?»aUJJ8

Sfr. H «4W, PMhJ««»'. »'“ r « ►!».‘ ‘ JW

---------- HELP W A N T ^ ------ ---- £• M A U AND FEMALE

; =

** nyn^'and U A wS'iS ----WAItM on t pboo. aad bilk. UnaUaal

IC drairtd. In«tilr« alUr t i l l ar ftU d«7 MICE Waluwlaii. r?t Tlh •irr,a» »«nb.


n>..d, ___________

« « aa ilA 'i~"a.».ci....* CK** I" ’--------^ r » t r r r.llrtd »nrnan. _ _

«Bi 2nd A.»n'i. lU.l._______________UNFURNISHED APTS.

i UMUIOUM aparimaou. Korl* markLutuii Ai'arimti'U Cill Utl._______ from

ArruAirriv»;^iai«. t^roomi.

} IIOOMH. ’ Ural and "al«f furnlibwl.Adulia onlr. N« Ptl»- UcuiU Thana •

MUUKK.N * nwml. ground (loor. prlval* I _<nl«ncft. JlML.Mlrf Jurnl»btd._riioni J____

la wS.I1UUM apartCDfot. lUal. » la r. alKllU »IH I

au>r« furnl>hf L AdulCa. K> PaU. la- Horn. ntllr» 50» Wait ItfTburn. 1 *M t

- |-UHNIbHfcU-H0USE5-------MUUKII.N I numi. Ckx« In No cbUdnn cr

UNK :->i»ni Riodrrn. un* S-Toom aciDl-mod. I 1rrn. In'iuir* l»< KUInrr. '

WI1.1. aUl'l’LY :-ru..n. lo cj.upU and Mr oaiaa >a wlf* In aichani* for boiit.> 1 k..pln*^ for ;»nipIo»^^^;luU.. No chlU ^


SMALI. } brdtnon. Mixlrcn tictpl kaat. I al«i!tnuuir* 111 I.O-U.I. Phan* :•>!. I *> nnTin:

' ‘ IV llarriiln. UK, Phon* «M. InQuIr* 1

M i^ E L S N E O U ^ ^ RENT

* 8nd AV ntfi 50*01. *Phoni*ll°.“ ' *** I * ^r.w~rT.UUIl aandir and boiiiBar ~Clt4* I *

m.hnn Lumbar Cnmp.n. Phnn, 4U. |-------

T R U C K S F O R R E N TMACKS U-DRIVE n-picKup.ruAT DP.t>- n in H rr t in i


PHONB l t»I • ■ ' »ratW ANTED TO RENT, LEASE “

“r*ni*S*b*droom“ l£m»? rbonS

1:ik: 4D ACKKH. row <n>n ilock ranclklU«a h.lji . r.^fr.ncr,^ c |

UUUU i:u In Itv. Ila>« A-l R|UlDni«nt. •flnanc*. and rrf*rrnrr». 1 *«tl ef Wen­dell bank. Oa.* Will. nt. Ko. 1, llaiar.

‘'r J n l ' UON^^IO *'on.?” r.7‘"»a»1 UEijdrntr htjp and^niathlnjtr. Wril* Uoi

‘ "h o m es' FOR SALE ^::z^ Ca^llcfoul :u i . Mnndair Ihtn'ith Krldan. jf J ic

awnlnt, alarm w'ln^wi, rarnOrl "with I atnrac* .par*, do>n rarmrnla. I.AI

' ........ -T l- - ,1 |

NIC.- Ia.»; hnm* will. In,om*. CoM ; I<Kailnn. lo.»lr rard. rfoprrlr I* In ricrlltnl. rim<llllun hut iarr* horn* I nertia rtdrrnrailnr. I*rk* alluwi 'fnr 1

- iM c - if r .-v .i u r« ....... iii:ow .- | —N*arl» B.W I llr.lf.«m- kom.. (a IrJ I hocnran b* a.ldr.1 ra.lljr).* (In* • rra. i<rlm* liwatlon. Ilantr. Ili.tOS.S. llMlr.«.m homr. nrat k rlran. V*. nO(cam. Cood tocallan ...... ...... II.DOO. il aid*

ROBINSON-FELDTMAN i ' “ *■U(lk«.|n naalian .{

tIT Main Av». Wmi Tal. >U ll J EMcmWr tUliIpl* Ll.ilm | ^

---------------------------------------------------- SAi

~ I -----I !I IlKOnOOM itOMIL Vrtr atlracllYt. L _ ^In eaal^ i.a rl^of l.iwn ^ U^ri* IMn» j KXt

^ I'T ’kluhrn T!l,l liIn"?1. . ‘MJmi».| fo'r j Kim aulomalle wa.hrr. manr kulIMn,. Wau. dinl llful I»"B and ahruhbrrr, carace. ha.*. plan

! menl. “rna« and^n^k.r. ^On* nf th* Udi I drec>rated thrnunhnnr, ]'rlcr<l at Ju.i tie ,

■ T H E G E M __________I J ” ;

j R E A L E S T A T E A G E N C Y j u.o<

;j -43frM atn-Soatlr:------- P lionnO O r ~i'“

I_______________ ------’ wj'. hom

OVKn ONK ACHE on lU.bum ■sns iinlfnt in fim° ftntmM ~t'ne.^-r~ -----.ShruliUrr. famllr nrthard. f.nfci pa.. pK„, lure, r<-.>t crilar. rhickcn homr. *vcr>. ' ^

:^bi^tooni'*liome! * e" " ^rrwlj- tarpelrt! Il<[lnr rix.m. lJl.J,«,t frontatr on hlchwar. fcuttn. » . pant] heat, cllr water. Uwtirr »1II irll i.n ' eunirarl. nn nutilde finanrlne ncert.arr. a I.. lUMEDIATi: I'OSSESSiON.. | (i„ ,

L L O Y D R O B E R S O N i " " i A G E N C Y ^

tZ’ Slnthon* North» sTP I' Not a Member of Uilliiple Uillns

6 Y E A R S O LD I m .'.'Ita.r|«ml

, cellant NE loetllon. Il.auilful yt,d bura I and Undacapln*. Sal* ctlee |lJ,Soa.OO —t

P R E S I D E N T S T R E E T ! S

■ 'lineal-l‘re.ld*B^aii_Ootr_IH,TOO. [

S W IM IN V E S T M E N T ^ ^C o m p a n y “ •'


. H O M E S FOR SA LE _____ODC*N-l-«M.-lUrri.«i a a l ^ aUUleU

UI OWNEll-Dapl**. iMt toMtioa. Coed r«stal »t«|MrU. SOU a m p . r te«e SUa. UJil

-------------------------------------------------- -_________ «.BgDBOOM I Metn


t*«droo«-iM<tera.baiat-Bl« * .»P*rt;. —i" ''; ■xnia. C«olral i»*aUa» plant, hot w»-lar bMt. Or owner. KIX SLxtk ar«au* ........e«>L rfcoB* ...........- - [ r—

• l» lNICE 3 u irtea. bon* en half arr*

y r n v A^HACTIVE older bom*. » _ _ _ hedrocma. birtwood. flirplare. .leket heat, plenlr ahade. flower*. ^ |

J IM VANDENBARK \.m SIroahene Sl. Pb. SH ar ^^3i [;

LO OK WHAT YOU G ET 1 |#»MAI.S 1't.OOR; S bedroomi. klteken. ____K ;-.’7.T;.“ S 5 '. ,? * = r ’.ki T t —room 5 aVoraM roam,. Verr dealrabl* r m ea.i'location.^ Clo*. >» |n*- }„ I^mVr»f^l£.' PrV*kan^ean' b*'arr»n«e.l. I» t lllh A»a- ||

-J S’_________A-QDICK HALE________ j ^wlll**aV a'lerriric bur bn IhU 1 bedroom | • ■ —

We.t. If n>u ar. louklni far a lood cIm‘ Ineeatmenl ae« ihli Immedlaielr. , '*">

H A M L E T T R E A L T Y I « • ']0S Sbeibon* N. iKIki llulldini) ; and

rhon* »:S Dar ar g.rnlnf j Prl< MKMHtn MULTIPUi LISTING | --o

II . U»‘i

10 r.OOD ACIU-1 ncar'iowa. Uodeia I home, »ara»e, barn? Thli I* a lop __plic,‘'fSfll.i'--cU.lom--f»rhi»r-ar-II**-- — Ialoek dealer. Sea al onca. Pric* lU.OOO. cSI.OOO .Iowa*Tin.'J 13 UNUSUAt.1 A ••unlrr ham* ___tlful'*brlck hom* haa 1 brdroomi. full ------b.i.m .ni, carat*. lOO'iSOQ' lot. if a ioeaUon Noiili of tawn will ault jeu ,—rou batlar ae. thIt new home. Pile* j

I aad tarm* aeallabl* al eur offlea. _

I R E A L E S T A T E j n „ I - • S E R V I C E ,- I N C .- .......... j fu”;|.a:irM riB A<«. North - Plwaa l l t l |



ntaml new S bedruvm homel r.learalni la hanlwood floori; mailer bedrvom ha* aail

W f r ] - £nac*. 0«tnli* larafa. Total pile* firl

ArAHTMKNT II0 USE-?U«llcnt' re- turn on IneealRienl. Par eut in IS rrara. Small down parment. All uallt I U «zc*U*Bl tandUion. i

PERTILE ACHE ;> n«<lrnam brick home, full baaemenl. ) ^ —

(Ireplacca. an excaptlanallr well built ^ — home. Irrliallon walrr. deep well and ■ nreaiur* arelem. UMaled north of tnwn. Total prlc* IIS.OOO. Uaa rour GI loan rlihu en thi* «m.


U*aib*r UulUpla Uitinc

I — ' ■ ll Tk.NICK :.D1:DR00U rram* on SOitO.carner'lul. IIardwoe<l fioon. alekrr hr*1,

- “ !SI.AnCS ISVilIV LOT »B Cam*7 •! I Cl

’ *5ftt?srI DANDY t ACnES *lvh hame. bam. i

chlek*n hauM. «araie. lull water, mod- i ern bnnia (irept beat. Southaail loco* >>U»B. Onlr l».WI)._________________ ;HOST CIIOICK t.acre .ll. for 1 ee : | ___home* on (all, *aa1. MIfk priced bul -- fla*«i locaUen la vatier. ,<5000 rOOI. UALL-TAVEnN. Norlh. ini aM^ l«wn. Prlc«d lo Mil al eae*. $** Io.

------- jT e . White Agency j K 'I J. E. Wlill*>-ilEALTOIlS—C. R. t^ a a r I hor

137 Main A>*. i:aii-.PbaB* UT 'HtJLTIPLE LISTER | >et

9AUR LOCATION OVEn 41 YEAM J Wl__________________________________ pin


dlnlnr room. Very eon.enlrnr floor J”"

C' It, Heaullfullr land'taped. >Ulia room, den and hath downiuir*. Oil

f u r n a c * ; la ra i*; carpeted. Oalr VEitY NICK MIKDROOU, Kilra cloi* ' a,1 In—Northea.I. Thli ii the hell for the [ i|r

moner >n V. lone, loni lime. Owner I .ig antluua. LeiVi akaw rou Ikli hom* to- i f,,, dar-at onlr K.UK. Termi. l"


ur. are amonc Iht vcrr be,l In Twin fjalli. ^See^them now—ther^ w on ia,t. I Wehom. un I'ieree at tl.loo' for eili^I* >ou

M A G IC V A L L E Y R E A L T Y • '''• ___ a n d _ lN a U R A N C E ..C O _________

i:S Sho.hona Slreei Saulh I

..... - - ■ .k

P A Y S I T S O W N W A Y I —

— LOVELY -a c r e a o e — Ht ;■ r.1J be,lr...m home-wali v wall rarMt, lu« . fireplace, ha.emenl. beaullful view and All 10 acre, .arnlnc tOn dollar* .- rr ir - Tin Hente>l oul. Trice ala .hcd In TuiT

S E L D O M - ; • “On two nicer bome* bll marktt al lh* F-iiT•am* time: 1—1. : l.e.| hom. on Pre.ldrnl m.«St.. wllh lhal Igninl Jor. nlcelr finiihed I::.I>a.rmenl and e>tra l.aih.' A luxir .n|«mllr^hum* UB a^l«aulltuh.n.. Terji» J i tbur.r. Thi’. i’, ; 1^ t^"r , t —t S beilroom, wiih full Uiemenl. L I ^ d 'h^bbr .ha*t!'"Y.L"c.1!,o‘ W lTk"!'n ' : . ^*d !:y‘ —l l j f » 0> ^ 'N ' i - r i r f a r [ r =

T W I N F A L L S R E A L T Y i j f r - . A N D I N S U R A N C E !

■ ' k ' ; ; ? aiitMDEB L um -O I

■ I ’ ■ ,

HOMES F O R l;^ r r ~ ~ J

r a 3LV w u n r j - i f C " - tplaieir -----------------


R E A L -E S T A T rF O T s I r r. dl-A tU in i/aller V i..

Metnorial Park. l»h,m.

' S I S

BY OWNER—4 RenUla In butlneu dl.lrlrt ,,

1e r m ^ . i " l l i ; « r ‘*tv''ll.; i.'t /a TImea.Nrwa. ' *•'


A C R E A G Et.hedroam home. Garate enrrl^*!'* feedloc llreitoek and nthrr fa(m't..]'i!Ind. 13.000 will handl* er o<n .,'ir trad* for citf Prop<rlr. !

H A R O L D ’S A G E N C Y {10* Mala A»*. E. Phoaa <0t> or Itijj

I » CIIOICK 40 ACIIK KAIlM.'i. i„•IV* ' " ‘“ I’’’-., Kicilenlprlcrd ilibL Ca lot ptUo and iJktlon.A MOEIKim t DLDnoOU IIOUIL (ivchujcket. eehiiliTanTT^^m.rdTnlT irlel. tl.iOO down will put lou la itj low priced home. -*

.... •. L U I ^ ’S_

renr.r“ "llTme” ** ‘l*r°e'-khrh‘*‘'’” '’' f*n"i.V«l ba“7men*'wlVh**plrntV V7 .«s■V.ker'Tnd drrirr^Hai fMulV"”""'^K LVaT"!^*?^ **iiaiTci* ty p e now cnop lAnu j m i::0 acrea cultleated. U acir. iun.'wIni. *{iV**‘{wd.. iJIiUri will Xoi IttUalian. t n<«» m4l ern bom* with part Element an! 1 be.lror>m«. Slakar heat. Prlc* Iti.W

— P ,-J rB A C O N -A < J E N C Y -Claud* Drawn. Jr.-Lrman .trh.ak Act«> OtrMt Frnm Po.i Ofllc*

M*nib*r Mulllpl* Udine


ni>* (oel S*rrle* flutlea anj Molt Holel on. Ihroutb bltbwar dvlnc ti«t builom. nic* lacaiia. AddliloniT !».« for nei( ubIU la aialUU*. ToUl rx*


PARMSHudatuB^(tnrr ka^Mii^Xnod^fara*10 SO near*'r./*n. 8«e*rai >ir?i la th* nicbflald. Hhothoa*. Oirirkk and llactniian. a* wall a* aon>* af ibt alM bar* a (Md d r r ^ r a la* Ua rtli^r £ : : : “ : . r v ’s . ..<bur* la Ceediac.


i4 CROP PAYMENT PI.AN, ne bellir •?ll la Mafic ValicT. UO Acreu Good •If siodera bome. machina thed aa<acreare for down parment. ^PATHEll AND 60N RANCH, wltb 1 houu,. U i Acrri (ood fartil. aoll plu ctitur* for lO mlik'cawi. Milklnc r>A oulbulldlno. tlS.OOO dowa.10 ACnE.<l GOOD LAND, i bedre*. homr. modern eicrpl brat. Verr lood caw bar*. ISt.OOO. 110.000 dowa.Tk<** S farm* hav* b**n apprahid. wollk the aikinr prlc. br irxnlai atcnciea. Cam* In and t*l full dcuIlL WANT Tn SCRATCH IN THE (!00D KAimiT W* ha>* 4 acraaie prapeitlM

.ia.nier end 1 la Twin Palla. pl WANT A JlOMET^TOa 1 W rw .

A . G . H O L L A N D


U’a difficult to underttand wkr mbM one ba* not purchaied tbla eonr bsaii.>»"•, 1 lledrwjm., larca Helm rwa and klicbea. utllllr room and allarkrd taiaie. Nealled on a lane lei.l) lot In Ik* C«ok addKlea. All Ib. feaiur.i rou dealt* In rour dttta home a r. rour* for IIO.SOO wilh i 'elTran'' ^ * quatlfMWkti do rou want In a home: l4 r>| iirlnr n.em—hur* bednioma—VncctB p l^ kitchen—wall te wail carpetlatY aad Jmlr want. In* lail?* A**inw'd»«a r : : ; S M f w i s i S l ' j . - K"JJIrnlmeal aod aecuiIUr~(or J«*i

F A R M SMR. Ruilneaa or Profndonai min. O Aon .rnir « mllei ft«n Twin fiik. llraulllal .lew. Itri* Ittel flildi unt • lot.t; Land It clean, hiih >lale *( feilllllr, boaita at Iwmpar rl>l< *

Dliill.Ile.1 with raur Intemil We U.i -7jiuUHndli:«JiuMJn-Moi*l«_*mjn<'. fnr kiimr. nl r..m . ttf. . . . w.l.

We 'bay* a few iarc* farmi tbil in>X’ ” T Into 2 farmi.^BilK

Uan ‘"ama” " in il’

---------ID A H O -R E A L T -Y ------:J« Khoilione 8L Eail Phone JW Jim Dodd, 4 » 4 '- Clark Call

Member ef'MiiIlipt* Liitlnr 8ertl<* -


luu ACIIES and ao acre*, nnaate. *1 mem. refereneea reouirfd. Wlii*

~ FA R M S FOR S A L E ^

I ACRES. In Wauliful m'Hie?n 'h?ra” *irad*'*"A“ "»»k *•'*' I::.JC0, 11,000 down.

ACIlt-'^ Juit^^tjallM^ traa hoin.. m.OOO wllb U m tL E IG H T O N IM E S , Broktfm South Llncalh.^Plwa^H

~Co« and raif ,*tup. Tajlor »richti. NIre home. Ceed aU(k •"J;Trrmi avallabi* —Se.eral other food catU* ■•“t J • ' '■nHrr-ftnt*. Wall tmpTOeai aad.rfl*.Pfin.'* 10 Aem ■**» f -

ROBINSON-PELDrrWW . , . Dri.«-i». Raallor. . ^.IT Main Are. W**t —I

Page 33: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

1 ^ = - - - : ■ ■

■“ l iv e *r - ^ Y O W N E B t e J 7 ? n r

b f i S i “i r . . s S b - r ^ . T .

■ ^T i2 !y i^ '“” ' " ' ' I _ r * ^ - " '«* ' - L.AItliK V.

?W f‘? i ’«iK l!tr^i5ru VxtMT- ONE,1-AII| ' ! ’K . u r e N H N S . - - - . S a - i ’y ' lU Mtia ....... T il* IK

«M«lntl ' wrtki.

1 * ,« , >" ■ " ‘i ^ . s ' * I ■-J""?-''' s £ " r r S - 5 l “ r " - " ! I K ? * s i “ ; K , ‘ a ; . ' . 'S "™ ;“ " ;;! r - -

i i S i r• ,y M«b0M 8‘;.«‘„ , ^ . w .u .f.< Muiiici* u»ii°»

I----------------- -— ' n 'B L t

5 S J « S p ' | ! r ; “ » ; a S ' S - r — ^

" " w

t f s S a s f e [ b r S f . ; i | 5 1 —

S s i l w ^---------r

E - a i ^ T K / ' A S r "■cuM 'A 'daiht. n» 'p«r»ft» . *»S ^ r ' £ / a ^ ; r ^ s ' . ^E fS nw . S l«lr«)in mi>Jcfn hom. U —_

i tV to^u". 2!! ~ G 0 (

OXE or OUB ntST lO'i tn t >h«jprjfj. *'M«dror“ e ^ y j f t s s r v ’t s s " a i ' i

KOT IM TIIk'SANBI U nd •« »hU 10 rii>.i>.iS J i r i t ' f i ; t t ' K r S ; < ® sF li«ti>M . (iia irr. .oop.. MHVU:

‘ - T l E j a ' ^ T A T E ----------- p s r i lS E R V IC E , i N c r ,

ia 1UI> At* K«rtii - rk«»« U«I Cakkoi UUBU UULTirUS LISTIMO “ » ■»«

— , — i ^ 7 .


? K ;- . iE S i . - ' £ i . “i— ' 11I».U

» iXTriK-ui bur ar mII fer reu. ill 4 . .r , . . . i» . r r .

ALTON M A C H IN E R Y C O . \ j ^]RI Xlnb,flf n d Twin r« lli ■■-■■K

rh«iii« <]i'Tour Died M tchlncry Dealer" J«*»«



PAUL R O B E R T S G s W E L D I N G ' I M>x°i

H uiSt w«i •( hmpIiaI—t. I b r»iit

- " ' — ' _ - -bkitot:) a ix UA

JnDSTATE uiV t;. , UWJIHTMuomtUe N on.Preeilna ^i>r,

CilH* W tlerer* cTnHsr PoUlo Dijger C h iln j

. ■ Poiiio PUer C h ila “ «‘d”f -2= 12 .

Paul E q u ip m e n t a n d

W eldintr S h o p

PAUi; ffiABO UBKO tfonJli1 7 ^

^Jl^ G R A l N AND FEED■'>"i'"',‘ u!::sk7."‘• i*ti,„^s»E‘,?^;ii‘.V l i l j w

“■» lSPvi *?•’'*’• *"' •'"*'“'"1- i'rln* Of v |r^ roB*h

KOI.l,|Nl,. s .«m drT a S T

cutCn, b.r

J S ?*"■> «»'•*•♦• ">.,1;;?. . llonl

J 'O 'S . Alkia A,,BU*. Pheoi }J*^- _th1n«

|;s^iaS I_S ^ r a g f t ^ ^ i i E f R Y - j = =

•l.r. i.^U i,,' D „.„U r A l

Si. " w i n '; '" I--------rrr^----^ lllr l,| , • MIIOBl. _li-H ‘-'IHil. Iliil.iri,, .--------------- - I

- i S S ' I i I i ' ' ' ■’J tn . ,

r i g a a i S n ' i . . ' " ' ’' • ' - '> • <K‘ a s I X j" - ¥ > i- . .v - S i '

f “ "

narkef place ^^ o f ___ ___

m agic valley.IVESTOCK & POULTRY I m ISCELIiWkH l-UuH fur ,«r r«C r.i,.n.H Tt *aeLatuk.^-<tH»|,;i-~ttUO—i'lw^

S ^ ; i C S ! ? v i £ V ? i ; ' ‘“tliK WUcontiii~HciHl»li' ■Iirimir rifit.■ v ..> i...u .i,.i«UiNi-i, .

p s ' S i ' S i S S

s'l^AHUK i:i)<i^lv^itT7:il(‘( :u ^ .r r i - ' '

I «nil UUofl, M'i>1 Umllr » » . >-i-> 't - - *1. I IU ; «n» »\lr« 1iic< ^»mr '<■».>Mlntt*>l *n<l UtUiuMj. bi<h irii. dut

c i i E

ar or IrAtl*! (Wnllf "k O" Tior*r«; 1

S S s S ^ S S » S = ' ™>■« WMrhiTu.f, Si

--------’, Ne



r>U«r A. LtlUh. rti>n« OlMi. n>ihl i'lUl SAlT; »T» Wrigl.r. Than. J ill. Twii. K.U.,

'B LDPyV IEW ARTIFICIAL i U»KO _ PJ3gmW ATIOW SEnV IQ g S..I.M.. rB l<«ba Strtlei lei l«»b» Dilrri»B M»KU1‘H0Ub . . . I . , . r . , l . . . : . c . , l „ , K . : , ' ; "

s; : : a - ' - — r . , : : : r ' . - ; ; N P abog* CoodlBr Calltel ij,™* **pj

.: „ -----------------------zPOR PROMPT

REMOVAL ' L : w"u6ToX DMd and UmIcu ‘\


T - b K.I1J IU -nu».r» UE.JIOI || >.„ucaj.


G OOP THINGS TO E A T ~ j f lLKatl rttrliirilcd c u t. Lcihorn. <|6 INU«dr«Ti> !!l. I /

i5 ------;■'■ .1-

---------.!>lUl) KUttHtT <illfl( PflUtoti. I wctt Hill H Borli of 6ou>h Ttili. Fbon*)»».Kr_____________ :____________ _____ __Ju b MAOK UIIKAU. clnnia>on~ mill, Ipic* nnd DMtrr. I'han* •fdcrt t« AUC

k I x S S F vof Wwl I rninn. nn^KOTH ll.uu liuihcL ‘inrnipi *nd An4 Apinnnlm l^so tiutkrl. Na SunJtr ttl*. Hon Hot,mt J ttk ion, rhon« i»4tt.NW.______ ___Atrnu*t^ U UULL-H' TUkKKKB. «lc«n, <r«n- bulldint.S s ‘i s . r . S i l ? - w . ' s s " J i '—Curry. _

w l.i . , i l . . . . . . J . » B A K

| ; ; j a r g a - j “- . . r i ! i i B i

" '‘" j . F .'now Dl-V onniA RD | [J;

. PE T S ' *

' i i ^ ! ' y i ; , i S ^ ‘;,'i?‘. « l ^ . ? g a

ElToTKilflD " . '« r (*™.l.. 1 , » t CM. C.‘.l

P .l Phtrrl.. . Phnn. r i . c tiM. J

IX UAttUlillUNU puppic*. AKC~ rnl»- Ur»d: lt.monl)M>ld molr. fram Klu*UHibnn ilnrV. C«ll HArflflilK(il&TU(bU IlMfl* puppl^ ClulitBiM SIMUOl w Jh tn ito " _ ” V nrKlXIIISTMAS SIlOl'rEnn. ao<lan Terrier nup. ^ Mr.. lUlpb Sloi-

K(;i8TtUllU> CnclUh i'slnUr, l~mont^ BAROold. XAlkntl»lonifclp Kloodllnee.0-«n Aiken. Phoni UK ».<ltO Tiul ~

W ANTED TO BUY 1----------AT H>:My I lltrtlC* I'traluy f tm V J'hoo*

'Wru^lto*. i f i r»KU NIKONS etnereu MiU> b* In (sot Ilopf »i fondlllOB. Phone DAyl. • .« « Kller. «ood MjUSCEULANEOU^ fO R $Alfe Jffo't";;

■.l»e? tgl” *'.‘**M! »!°K°rr*{>WMn?.‘‘'‘ r l ' " \ T.KAN DUCK C U «r.. Poul.rr Supplr-Jh ""» m * -- • _ ■ *hr»l. «iity ^ p U -» y d tlir flfpl«>« DelliHMd. _ » U .^

: S ; S

lUMUEKfWcnoie b>r« B ^ ciiRply^ llecnliii

"a ^ U U h 'c L e B p*Mr ^ T c lo llu ,* . Jk^^llli cicirim!®"l!(S>d” uied‘’i&lrer*. Wl "!Sd M« I »•

:a11U TAUL^: M Uindlz UI*|.o.fflell7: I 'hi^’''JLVr^'‘«■••‘S ’l^^^VVu^*«*M” ‘ ^^i «W >•'

iM W i> A y»E i> f.n rU b i,— t

"n SlMBBtW « ^h .lw « W e* ln 1 l" f t . .iilfC! • ”


BR IC K 'S OUN SHOP i T<rmt.ia Oirriih SparUnf Coed. I

- ■ i------------------------------------ « 0 W

CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY, _A Stn.ll D»i»>*lt llolde Anr Ileml D

_Alfl MATTBCaaES — IM» »» ll»-»l J p J J j E . MARRY KOPPEL CO. KdUi.*

* u au> 11! '.I . ^ IUMO


x v " „ r i . » W i i .‘ ■''?H.ii J i L

fob 01- builBtu. "SM ••I^plu «l squtrt l7 nc


•LCT»; line! powrr .nd "hiiiil iiwti H',"",'' T""!

r T R U T K !

^■' -----^ j. ---------VtiMH!lDlm.n.iaB llW..i.d RU i : i ind 'SHKKTINU ttw il.ll rti. , t u ill.i ur. 1\ T'. '<IKWm.O. „ o .. I.ntlh .iM .i: . -II.


FaArtiold.M&fto ■ \ . --------------r

' — " ■ . . - i : • • 151C HRISTM AS CA RD S lw s

a s ALBUMS . COLlProm

W HICH TO CHOO SE w . _ i.,.u-------ftUN'NI R g tf-' INO. ■---------- = -3 m ts im -i

N ext to Id /^o Power— SI MPS

R N IT U R E «;~A 'PPL IA N C E SI IIKNDlX jtulnm.tlj ” wm.lier.. «»i) _____

L Mtilc Viller Aucliun lu acl^ 'x"-'M o ’

S W J ! 2

I. l i5 » e .t^ p rl« ^^ ^* ” um |

.m> »e«lni Micblne Service, 111 Eiit. 13:;t CIllA

. . . r > . . . TillflKTE

; s ; s t 'frl«cr.lni^» »Uh *& Ih.

— ii— I lOlfi I\T>'

.nV.lindirrf^.Ue^-nX*''d^r*“ ‘‘'rb«ne‘‘j?3l!w >t: V^.!]Jr.n. ______________________ IMi INTK

— i' _ i»«_m it;{UCAI. deluu ell he.lrr. tlOOi >0' I l»4: INTK lui* l.fon.rt rtnte. lUO; U'eublc .^g:» |NTE ol Leoi..r4.reftliier.lnr. Iltg. Detlrr uher. n i : oil ilUbllr UMd, 8e« «t - ird Tr.ncfer,

* Yi>, nu- i r liiiAii

T H E BEST B U Y S ' liv ' IN USED FU R N IT U nE ’


■i Cood OM Triiler R.«« y«u M"i>»rl : ■T R A D tR HORN I a l



-----------------w m r r ......................... ; ------- ->VJ

nRINOYOUKrUnNITUnB I hMlen. lln4 Apftllin<'<« to Tbe Furniture Auc Unl bodiron llouit. lO pn »»»r/.iJ*r.) JIS In i , , . .trnu* Cuu iB thi O. P. Skeo i < “ **ulldlnc - -•

- I G O B I

— S W E E T ' S —

B A R G A I N B A S E M E N T !

fiurrn jH.AHB j” ' j ________

t e *"'• 'i----------


1 Onlr. nrown ----------tl».lA , & P II S!^ln"t . ‘o i— i '1 aoU Bed -------------- MMO | DEMAN

DINING ROOM SETS WholCMt.riert-Cbronii —.......tC .M rOOn) 11ii.i‘ic<» o .k _________. 1: 1."" , o l TOW

CM to'sertmrCiri’Z Il^ln is! Oiir loi:REPOSSESSED FU R N frU R E ,

Le.thrr Top 8l<-p Tililre I ig il CII)

llibo<*i>r Drum Tible ><”'•

, r . . r lli!:” . Ch.lre K !i• i:» 1 IIUI

;|MUONS •»»! DOt .rK C IA y W ^ J ^ N C H K lJ . ' :

|..tO end up IBARGAINS OALORE . .DAILY! 1 w ..

— S W E E T ' S - I

■ U S E D F U R N IT U R E i ^

a K ! J S . £ ; ; s ; ^ : E . S : | ' “ s

I str.lor, l«.»0: l»r». Colilipol. I«l»: I

1 ‘- k ;ihfil. 117.40: 41-W|^«omplele. | aici

} -jtU -flT ttwin bed. cobi;Ii1 ^t4l>; llnllrwood [ >lci

■ouch. t:Ol floor l.tnp. 14: ■ntl'iu* | >'■'

l i s s n s i s I 1

N E W F U R N I T U R E ------- ---------------[I«e0 Krencb rroelncl.l d»e'npor( ■nd let. In .oil trren br<K>Ull'. b .lr ! . a4 .(llled bick...Mlld.4ii.huMDy.<>uod.lrlrn,.. ;nas (will trx irli I1B» Governor Win. .Ihrap U .boiinr s*cr«urr 'lnk,.IK»:U».OM.lrrU Kr<i«»l all bfiter. {lr In- Uko *u»r«nlee^<» *Y|* ®Jj »ndMra^drSue^ li5Uie*Ud*.^«^ibMUn^midt dr.pei.,h«’>drcde‘ ot e.mplM, “ f ' 'Mint from. Cuiioni ii:>hul>ierln(.Tcrmt. 8 * It Ureea .auBip*.

H A Y E S f u r n i t u r e " ]460 Mftlo South Phone. 73 :

RADIO AND MUSIC • BIC'.^rJn:^^Ar."ngi*‘i'ioy?/'o‘?Ti.n*rKr."i: pJL«t*»Ti i r ot s r UletUlOi MU. br hi.T ;?3;r.weeb'ereeBOrmoOTiblrTiM^-reWF _

au> 11“ KMKItaON TV. Hlgnd. coniokiu w o '* “AiK II" 0. “t ' r v . ^ iM-w-

Mblnel. J i r >»e.hirv Cuirto l*^ —--- ^

™u%r‘p t i ^ o " c o «I , rfcoidlOoned. u.h«t. 0«P,.■*!««;

“ .rBlwr. C , T -l. r.11. ^ 1- 1.

■ : _ . . _ 1 . _ _____ _ _ T I I_ T I M E S _ - N E W S . T W I N F A L I

s p e c i a u s e b v i c e s _____________ a u t (

■j-. riler D«»l» , — 18S'

i jT K T A N D T b A I L E ^ I— — n ! nance. Roj= i m a i d i = i = A i l Q S a =

CATALAC DEVILLE " ' U — - “ TRAILERS - - ' • " ~~

" **• I& B;TUAILER SALES j .. ^ .7

. . NEXT "1 li i m KonD ^

• H ire .\iu; HEREI • , '■ '"•|? '® ',.l e i s u r e HOME AND | :-toM l COLUMBU TRAILERS I „ j i , - o „ d 5

11 10 t l rOOT I drive. 1

- u u a » n _

rbone HEmloek Y -lili I' • be*tir*." 1»» H1.D5U-------------: ■ - — rfln .nd

<l«»n. I

McVEY’S, INC. ■«*RNATi6N*Ir- jVRTS - SERVICE —-----------E iC K u rs-------------------ji . - r r - 'T .

I 1SrKnNATI0SAL‘''l.i*n, VUt A S t

t t;iii;'viioLCT ‘..ton, 1 4 0 2 n d1/1NTKI1NAT10NALI ^VIMAS ..»lir,l drive. WI tIMC «-nhc»l .Irl... I NcW 1 T rOTIH I’.nei, 1 PuUy EOU t in tk iin av io .sa i. li-icR, j ered. Sf5 INTKHNATIONAI. ‘i.tnn, Benullful9 ri.YHOUTil U-lo". '

TRUCKSi 1NTKIIN,\TI0NAL :-lor. ! 1I-LNHULNATlO.NXL-LU-lsn______ . __________: INTKIINATIONAI. l ’i-l»i.. ' v irnV» INTEnNATIONAL I ’l-lon. ;

BODIES I.•!>, nUMI’ lionv A HOIST ■ ,B,

lillAlN nODY *;LIVESTOCK nonv » '


. '' — —’i . -itij AUTOS FOR SALE | -

------- ^ ----- ' ~ n ------- Exliei

DE SOTO'S _T jV .O _ia_53_4 - D g f lR S I ___s,.-*-C7liriKer-.nd-tm»-V.I.-B.dio..- 1 --------------->len. like ne> whlti will llrei, «icil< | a bodlr. .nd p.lnl. Tikt rour pick u »• iirM i„,bl, LOW PRICBI ' | H

, ' Ne;

G O R E 'S M O T O R M A R T * * ' '

(FORMERLY BARNARD'S) tone i : i Opes l l i t in4 Sundir*

•~ ' MOI— • -------1 YO


NEW DODGE --------6 P L Y M O U T H S A L E S I

'EMAND — t h a t «'* continue I 1:17x 77 holesallnK TODAY to m nka | T l i N i wm for trade-ins on lhe cflr 1 The wh : TOMOJtROWI Here are Juat, ; j> bou t Ui

Oli"lCfflflfi BUVa-*jwW_iiU j ^Bl'5^null i r lo l: ! ireAlmen

Lot on UII c JiK v n o m - Deun.r v-«| r o y j _ i» i >oni

Tone f’nTih, ONLY I '...*.....|II9» I .

“ I H t lHUY AT ONLY 1 . .... - ........« : « JUJl'

t l DODUK V.« Cuelom nor»l ‘-dunr. find 1T»n u,ne trrrn. po-rr etrerlnf. >'0RiiSa VctuaI i Ull

i5i nODKK Rlerr. V.» Woor [ «1>I'm‘r i t « . “ lfMlh«r »nd '"‘ 1 >e«Ui Ivor/lln jih ................... ...... I2«»» ] ^ » l l

III PLYMOUTH'4-door Slitlon W .f.nni.b'!^:*'!!!::.*^:...’ :'",:*,.... m . . >»‘ 5y 5 :

COMMERCIALS ' iim^ ii: ciiEViioLJrr r.t6».' t - o ' ip«ed iV*S

111 CJirVnOLCT Mon, Two .peed._____ . . . . s f f i

V,“ ; ; . i . t e ■ ” « s• •(•■lent llr. 1 ........ ..............« « | j , j ,

’“ T s r . r , ’‘i 3 C K : s s ' r ’ — S i,


B O B R E E S E ' ' ” ” S

— d s e d - c a - r - c o t --------: ' --------- ;;

S0^'Bloclc '2nd Ave. South___ _____A*k for "N utly” Northrop • so l Mali

o r Dlek scevenoon ' - -



■giri»» j. .HL w„L i l j - g-TTi-VT;CLOCK AND WATCH HEPAIH — ,,£ |.n

. r . n w t|o«i.' ~ J Witch iti^^c.ii.~ ,

- t m u n SANUiNU '

~t>LUMbtNn ^ HEAfliJii iJ a L iJ a S

- t U t ^ d l L "M Hut, olt ■ ' " i-ho«. i» g %. r(Pk . iiU U SE AfOVtNC tuiea. r ^

Ik !• VaaalMbiOk Tbooi « • • ' ***^


r s x i : E x r ; o w N E T r - ’v- j8s« -> o n b 'V -8— --------- — —drive" Counlrv Sedan. Li'.;r . B E .T 12J8S.0U. No tr«de. Will ! i, .. Roy Henderson. Pliuney ^ - ____________ usEn

T m n rU T tJ i

aURCHMAN’S.'A-l USED CARS i»4 i-iiKvii-----------------------,-|DCT TO OUR OARAQB ,.,i, ^Tun, ,

rJtoM’blue i“id*-btuVi'int'’7:\Vi

" a >i r -------------------------_ . l l . . | i j.j.

£ ' i i ' i r s i iA jj r:»f;vnOUr.T :-d~^r l" orellm t l“»» *'on.mion wltb Mdlo .n d -e .tc r -------------------------- M il Jtl.I)5U0nit.K ••»••• !-H,«<r. n*.' . ' ; . r r & ’T S ? m ! r ' ' " ^ TW iu i . ;K ^ n X '.f i? w '''‘ ' " t ' i i

JEROME_________ET«Blnt> . rhon* Ml 1' . . , .

ASHWORTH’S :1 5 5 H~2nTA TE N U E-EA ST- j

1955 CHRYSLER • 1 .'Mew Yorker - S t. Regl.i : -enjir,'". V'.i> Eoulppcd *nd Fully I’ow- . luione iiniii . SAVE ilAOO on T ills ilKul Curl—


. . a r E S O T O :4 - Door----------------— t -ifTdriitmir;

’ERY LOW MILEAOE— I luion. flnle

• NOW $23951 -19 1, , ! i « j riiNT

1»S5 PLYMOUTH : ijjii MKlicStillon W aton— Isti cI!ev


•1II3J CHEVROLCT ■ )«« ‘•w*'' -TON PICK U P '

FjtUfimrly.LQW MIICASfcr____; VALONLY 112051

1D5J PLYMOUTH ^'("piell____SULlonJyyagon --__.______^ ..................

— “ NOW-I1088I----- .-------------------- --— ^

m i CHRYSLSn 'New Yorker 4 -D oor |

A 1 - OWNER B E A U T Y -




" I IIU n.SDJ- " ■ "rei"

ItH rORIC om e In And , ^ ‘J’e

I N D O U T W H Y ! I• Whole valley U U lk ln t >itb' u t the, line Safe-Buy uied I , , , , !»*T rt»th»«w w rt«»«W rt*n^f» ■ - i i - n t f fd ilm ent they receive a t TTie ; i».m, on the Terracel ; „ „ j,on,

KOnn Cfo.B Vlclorlt BH bol j •" * ■|flttI''!Sio*’rfc. ■‘biV'Thi't.d^r'wH' v . | aiotar. dud ezhiuiti. chrome wbiel diaci. ridlo. hOier, rord> j | | ] r.llK millc. .while Will Urr.. llntrd w ir■ Ime ind eklrU. W. def, rou t»

‘- b !rt.YVOUTII *uburb.i. l.door. j

^ ! s » s r i * a s ' . M: MRRCURruoBlottri-door. Over- I —EnOS ,

drJr/. powtr jlffrlnf, power )ijfbul III '

n'iUb ?U ttlo T A f 0 N l / ““| 1II» --------------, ciicvnoLCT i-door^JiB. Tuiir

i a r s : ! “- : S ' - £ ■ “ <

I rono V.» Cuit^mlln*. EQu’iptwd

” N E '

i NAsii B u u .« i iT w ; ; ;r “ n7fE rssix w t i ^ t . " : n J L _ ^ J i v ( i » . cAn

' s s s s . s i ? . s s r " ' t : : : S____________________ • , t i l l nui

T H E I S E N ■ ~ r ^ ,

_MOJ<MS,‘JnA^ i JliMain E ait — Phone I I U - W [

r-M i n i« 4 l , Court^ui «.rvic.

I ■' J ) lln^


r O R Y 4— .11.;. — I . , . r ,00.

nonSE SIIO E IN C u . j pai.......s ;

ii£yn< ciiflA riO N s £ r V /c £ Km

• II.. " i n 'U . i . - e pT£LfcV/M6 ^f ' ■

■■ (

pS-n. p o n- r r P K w iu T E its - ’ eotUMi

A L L S , I D A H O " '


SE j CARS . - n T .r .v p ,

W l ,1^,. l i - M c . c o « r . . , USED I

z z ^ ' . S ' y i T r o ^ c - '.ir-nk j-.b J -b f.u r:------------- ; „ n

rr5riv'“ dlo,-!;«';«,‘"-A‘' ^ ^ ; ->«0 CAUILLAI “I*' ; UIJ CA0ILL.V

jirr. C ’.'u.ll/'»,'s 'rfor'*lhli ' AU the line '* » ; TiivdeMiu Oil

A N ) THUCKS nave alw.iy*» rnn^^tri.fL -Uh : .oi^'.* THU Is >our

."i in t ;in ,\i u )N,\i. inuL, I-------,»H J «(wd «*Jr. ;nr wbel l.4>e. ciii;vno:


PH)NE 10«__________ ■ : WORK

- - I ’O]

n . ^ 7r.IrUn.^^ •JiiO'- l-dnnr et.lin. .L. —'ie MltuI I'l'HkVnd'whU.'ViTl.h. —

11.1,1,- U l . .11 ..... I X O B U

1956 usuih SuN-lun. Ov.rdrlve. r.illo. 1 '. <in>ed 111-. Lll» new, ' „ „ CUKVIU

1954 ; -okll. 8ui'.r_"M' Woor or.l.n^ i H it TOnD C "fli.lel.. wklie w'.lli.' BHAnV” ' TIIIIOU

4N TTl\"!)rl!l ^ ^ ° S ' ' , d i . .niKVIlllI.KT i..loor'*iedin. < ^e.tor .

:iIEVKOLCT «..loor irdiii. mlolJn.Kill III

COMMERCIALS .~:M0 (■•i.~,|. .t.vk r.rk, m 2 rt.YHOIWrWlWATIONAl. Sub. ' hI'V®"'s s - ' i - ™ " i K ' . . , .


I TOPhone 439 ;

'U<k Une end Mb »L amitb I (Bick of Bob nee.. Motor, ^

■ ■ F ' ouis t


T? I^ , i t w i n

D i “

-R-A-B-E I-N-SCiSntLLAC ■•I2” lordor with l«w ■n<lleoie. now premium whllowill r~" .1.-..1 ■ —lire, ind loc.llr owneil „„..»U9I

s r . S a K - ' * ' , ' " - . . ) : : , ■ Cpower brikn ind tinled II l i i i --------------------------- K tM [ • _liKRCUKV Mnnlrl.Ir^JU^r i

II.MO mllM ---------- ---- IIOIIM .J 'onn^va Knidor Rtitlon W .». . “ YOUF i

| - * wKX)n». V.» F.lrlixe Town 5«d«n CHEVROTnd*' n i l iSi I

------------ t C h e v r oUNION

MOTORS, Inc. IBO. Schlftler - J a k e 1 . ^ 0 ^ ° ACROSS FROM SEARS

I PLYMOl■■■' — ' Power-

. ■ PLYMOl . Radio


— In O ur — Power

J E W E O C A T I O N - j- .6 0 1 = M A H t B A § : T = : ;: CADILLAC 4-4br.t erd.n. Fullr I CHEVRC

2 r « . : . ‘a nll'oe*l‘’o‘r “- l t .« * tLOCAL OWNM.

- . W r S - 1 .. WrV?'e"J?."'LO^i't o '^ ^ E /d ""

I Ot.I)SMODILE •HI- :-do»r .eJ»i>.-n.dl*-bMUr.-du»l-jinf.-Ju;dtj-_ -P^ .yM 01Z & > r r Heater

'? '" = T i i f h e " ; .^ ^ ’'ro‘; ‘’e‘ ;u5 :: ii:!f‘.!,*oi“ v£u?",iLEi!:N r ' “ ‘* c h e v r c

RadioI tMOTO * rrllxdrr CuiMcn Club

Ijxii?- % !^ :i ,V ir r I'niis: c h = v «Tnd out. 11.000 ACTUAL MILES. WdlO

! PONTIAC - r Cblelliln O.Iu.e BUICK :f c . ? i ‘c?‘“« s r " . i ' c : ojTiaii

good tlr« ind PilBL PLYMOlI PACKAnt) -joo" l-.tricUrt IJoor ..

i4<|.n.' Kidlo. b c u r, iulom iik MERCUl' b'*kB

Mumrroui slber old.r nndel.- TO CHOOSE K nO U_-------- - . • ,

— ; .. MS E E .P A U L B IS H O P . -----------

CARLESON■QNTIA C - C A D I L L A C ,_._C] fM aln A v e .£ is t -T Phonc 165


r / f f C W - . . & C E C E----- \ 0 -------------- — Magic

T R A D IM- i n ---I— 1|

.TOS.FOR S A U ' '■||„.,."v.T-1.' I-.V in...- ll4kJ,l n.ile*!;,.. Tt~~OhMr~iet i~lo..r, M t»e.. ' fH,\Kl‘l ,

»ni1-:'nniUr'i-K9-j - 1SJ»-j;lin-K-^

O R K M A N 'S

1 -1 -l^ R —l j U A -b l ----- ; -l»t}-WHil.Vft-l

KU CADILLACS S S f t ”ILl.AC Coure luVill.. ' 1J41 CllKVKOI________1___________— ; ------ ciub.coui1ILI.AC - i r «.d.>or erd.n. t • t>e<'n tl"uLLAcmr.couiii... . . _ 1 ! -:^ -ayebaq'..I I . r • I 1 1**' PLYMOIlIILL.VC •«!" 4'dP0r eedin. , n,j.line CadlUnc accessories. ii'*" nu

lu on new cnOillftci. You i »M }'UnsoNitv.iys \ssntcd a Cadillac, j pr'.rUciU>our chance lo drive onel ' s 'tov^ ''

■__________________ iiE!iri:ir...................... . ......... ~ C O t

__ ; u n w;u».iii;vnol.KT -;:8“ Club C«u»e. [ - li;ilSAT10N.\L Iv'on Plt^up. ' ItkaU

'. Open IT n u lc N iiw — OP" =*“

; JEROME •1) T U A U E R IG H T !

R K M A N B R O S , jl

I ’O N T IA C .C O . ; ., — Dial HEmfock «*3<7« |

— - 1050 OLDS I • S'i'RA

T liia I s ____________ \ ______ dftii.

P H E P L A C E ! ! S ' l

I BUY C E R T IF IE D ' save

USED CARS . i o ™4-dOO:IEVHCJ.CT v-» J-d9«r JiydroH.n, ludi« Only,

]nD,Cu.tomllne, R.dle.^heiUr, 1053 OLOE iiiiouuTiour_________ l u i iDOCK v.t Cornner4.door ted**. Illh power ileerln*. t.dio “"d jg jj ,q lD£i.tor __ - #ed»nACKAKD ••JOO- 4-door i*do». ni a I.^ .irrV n^M V V uS -lS -rV lSill t te. ,. . -I.YMOIITH Suburbia Bl.UoK . ‘

i m oiiDi

I n i ioil. A 8I1AUP ONCI |l Mrla:vEnAl. ni.DKii modela | ‘ ^

™°“ ■ mi MEI,■mUCKfl lU dl

t S i i S a v M r a a

K ™ ? : ; ‘Our New '67 Model | J;,..

Studebaker Caral |


Eve.-Tilt , .8«ndirTil4. 701 MAt

Q U A L I T Y .


U S E D . C A R S . . I _______- " rn

)u r S y m b o l o f V a l u e ! ” •

------------5 5 s — -----------:VROLET 4»Door— .’ TBiwer'>sllde, Radio and Heater <:V r 6 le t D e l-R a y V - » - l u i cHt iterdrlve, Radio and H eater

SVROLET 4rD 00r= i^__ , - .•. eater and Delroster t ill WAaSVROLET Del. Ray— •»“>ID I'.i -Ton Pickup V-B— I *•“ 5?iSDrdomallc I drtn’MOUTH 4-Door V-B— .. - M '” ” *® 3wer-PUle, Radio and HeaterrMOUTH 4*Door V-9— 5|«]adlo and Heater •

- 5 4 S - " “ a5VB0LET *4.Door—ower-Bllde, Power Steering, biiiowtL-Brakei. Radio. HeaterEVROLET3-Ton- - j tp ^ a l e ^ -------

EVROLET >i -Ton Pickup- , ^•Speed, HydramaUc .M3 Ranch Wagon V --»- liiJ ronordotnatlc. Radio and HeaterRD 2-Door— couiiverdrlve -WOUTH-2.Door-leater and Delroster |

. . - 5 3 s - . „ „ rEVROLET 4-Door— t 't rjJ lo and Heater • • |EVROLET Coupe- I;adlo and BeaterICK Hardtop—'. [i)TiaIlow, Radio and H e a ^ ; |moUTH suburban ' j X IRCURY Hardtop— . 1 n cSdio"and H ea«r........ ..............j -------nCURY «.Door— • Tl rereoimncrRadlo-«nd-Heater- -----------

M a n y O t h e r s ■ *_______ ____________________; J.hi.1. -B

L .E N g / j e n k i n s ^ S 1 . ' 7

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C H E V R O L E T ®iaglc-Vallc'yii----------------------- 1 ^D IN G D E A L E R ,. - i | | j■ Ilnjil t-.ncer V .| llirdtnp 'I ] Jp l, lUdlo., .utmn.tlo J fl4nuilon, wbiu w.lli, tinled t l [ H.

i n jK“ Vt»!»tt7—1 lTim“ f!irdltTir’ - I . ^

ii" , fl: VIIOI.VT v;i Orl.Ilrr Coupe. ......... p tj:

o’V^tuIi' mUei^ ONE Ow“ l h ti

l,Vft-«t.tHi^.TTm'^aiTvirr|.- ■ .lU^ ~

^ ! i jUi'fl. MUbTSEETO AITUJ> ;.jj

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'CO M M ERCIA ia ^ ^ F r ]LlUMIAKHIl V.I Mnn Irtiek. - vj" vkcel b«e, ridlo. beilcr. t- i f

= [I In I p.m. n'rtkd.ri \ '■

AE • PHONE 6M : '| <*

I -H i' A R R E S X X 5 A R S - —

I N T O W N ! -

)LDSMOBlLE D E M O N - ' •;ITHA'I-OR-08" Holiday S«. :- 1(111. Fully equipped and low credrrren iium -w -tt t t o -vail Ures. a ir eondlU onlnj. ; •>tonB belse and bronze. ' J5AVE 11.0001 t \ :

>LDSMOBILE Super -es-. :,-door aedan. Radio, heater. *,lydromaUc. ONE OWNER. :U)n ly ______ :--------------»IM8. . ,L] ■

5LDSM0BILE S uper “« i“ : ; >

DLDSMOBILE “08". 4-dOor ? Iledan. Radio, heater, h y d n - | ?. • i i a l l c . V E R Y , V S R Y 'i3LEAN_______________»U98 ' ] |

PONTIAC, Very cleat» • « « ‘ !

CADn.LAO “flJ" 4-door « ♦ I:.! dun. Radio; ’ heate r, tully ' , i^i etiulpped w llh a ll »cc«s- - -- le wrlea- LOCALLY OWNED. ,i O a ly ^ ~ ;--------- --------- . i W f t - ------ rj

MERCURY 4-door sedan.Radio, h e a t e r , overdrive.CLEAN ______________ «B#» :

13LDSM0BILC'' " A«dOOTr j•aedanrVERY -o r a A ir iW M - :----- i

OMO H -to n .p ick u p , Com- plstety overhauled a iu t tjev po in t I

YOUREE / M o t o r C o m p a n y ■

MAIN E A S T -P H O N E U l t

“SHOP”X R £ CABS B X E P 'R O IX Q ig .



CHeVBOLTT flit-Alr “f 'T f t t i . ^rde'^“'? l0B"‘^‘‘f li.u l ■ VM*CLUNI

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«u“ m w U.

Uf.‘ BEAL c l e a n ”r N A 8 « tu i5 5 * rc u « G 5 T n a iw "

Cou1i.* * S d i» . b«Ujr, r«wil»' “elide.

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Page 34: ^^^Sooreboard M Sa Vo^ t VhJ- «iiM mu. M»8ic Valley, liw _ ; . M«g^lc

-P A G B 'A -ISfWfi : . .......-

( 3 | E | i i B

jl Don^t miss th l i biff 2*da;: {.are big things to ice Bnd.<

tiie BtrMtal Twin Falls B

li valuable! Be sure to see tti j!— ^on^ t-faiI-to-ch«It-the-* i j tag ph almost any kind

w ant to buy* These arc di witli s a v in g s! ' ~

f R— I V Q O

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n n p a n

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iU E lU E J E L J - W ith-{M «-tick«tJ

I F R E E 1I ^ W ith frM tielMtJ


r C .C . A N Ij! ■ BECK'S

_ . c U 'U C E 'l

^ i t ~ BURSON'S r i t I i ' CITY

CLOS BOC - - - d i a m o n d I

1 / ; DITTER'!-F IR E S T O N

i l r'.. J' ' . 5'

i i i r iC e o p e

Nday show I There up ahd down ils M erchants have

ie the Ag Prom ande-special-low-priee------ ----------ind of item you’Jl -e days to celcbrate

Snji9:00 l».W

i M i i i

? © A I R (I rizes<M>CA-C<

I t from your Twin Foils n m

i n o n r i l oirfro itryaiir-tir iirF o llrT ne i

IC E C R E• tf ro m your Twin Falls ma

M IL Kw tfrom your Twin Falls me

jeO E C O BL etiro ih-your T w in Foll i me

M J B C Ourt’J ro m yo u r Tw in l^olls me

^ 7 ^ G E T " !

'S FOOD CENTER ' -^ N D E R 'S _________


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B S.M. ......

R 16-131 C S 5 0 P C »AT Tti;o L Am T chonts_________

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Tn«rch'ont» -^ ^ ___ . , .

BAMm erchants

; merchants

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Lm eichonti___ •'

PiFFEEI merchants





- THE Pi J. C. PENh


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m d \

7 at the

HE CTO^ Yoar Twin Fallii Klcrchants A

Make Thl» F irst Annual A f r -A-Hug« Suc«asf;and-t6m ak«

_ an t one. Each store listed bel w » th 5c eacii w th a t you ma a t th e F air absolutely free! ' have tick e ts rn c h item irlll Cl

favorite stores and s e t I t fre Free Coupons for th s Prize I day a t the Fair. Fill o u t the

. - - t he box a t Radio B ot^d^To^ hundreds cf Valuabis M a x ^ i


Be on hand when the doo 1:00 P.M. Friday and 1 Over 50 free prizes w ill b<

UtrtfOhs ^ t ^ ih g . "


You'll Find Listed. Bar^a ___________■ ' Member of tl

^ p o n s a t t F)N'S SHOES^AWALT'S _________DEPT. STORE !LECTRIC CO.


rpiJFAIXS. IDAHOWill a g i c ~ ^

i t ^ k n n


Mj R A P I

5FFREI>RES Li:________ . - • t

ts Are Happy lo Cooperate to A gricultural Processing Fairmake-your-vlsit-a-moat-pleas'--------d below isx iv lns away tickets irnTay get your reTfcshmcnts se! Remember, if not" rill cost you Sc. Even tha t Is p icK up your tickets at-your ~ t free? You also will receive . ize Drawings (o be held cach I the coupon and deposit it in foo— you may win one of the u ^ a n d is e Awards!


doors to-the Fair open at id 10:00 A.M. Saturday., ill be awarded to the f i r s t .

n r T O P A y s T X P E R ^ — ^ —

largalns Galore for Every of th e Family_______________






3 'S t E R L I N G ;



R C Hi«illeyH T « I =


1 0 :0

t o R O

w m mISTEP B

r a

~ WltL^^:-----Hundreds^LDQllarfiinJCi

Free! There’s nothing to Ju st pick up your entry bh

----- filHn-your-namc a nd addner’s name will be drawn (TING MERCt



_ ■ ■ W EPKE5DA1

' Firms

T urn the pages no^ every page is ^oac bargains! Make y> Valley Agriculturt

_________ off! Take advanfa« now on hundreds o

by yourTwin-Falli fo r this important

mi;06 A M. TO 5:1


mR E

mB T G i y i N inJVCaluahlg-McrcliandisG A wnr to buy and you do not have

r blank at any o f the Twin Fa addrcss'and"depffsltit*tirthe' ivn every few m inutcs!


---------------- TW IN FALL!LEE&



= T H E V

' m u AM





i f l i_________J - ■


■ '

now of this newspaper.., loaded with hand pickcil e your trip to the Magic ^iiral ProceflHinyFnir pay _ antage of bargain .prica — Js o f items brought to yoa 'alls Merchants espcciall; ant 2-day event! ^

m5:00 P.M.



ESwards Will Be Given Awaj ave to be present to wS Falls stores listed bclo»,

:hcBox'at'thTT'air.“ A-wi



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