ՓԱՐՈՍ the lighthouse bulletin the rev. fr. shnork souin...

ՓԱՐՈՍ The Lighthouse Bulletin The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor 70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 Tel: 401.272.7712 http://www.stsahmes.org e-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] ------------------- Sunday, May 5, 2019 Sunday of the World Church - Աշխարհամատրան Կիրակի Green Sunday Կանաչ Կիրակի ------------------------------- Morning Service (Keesherayeen & Aravodyan Jham) 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10:00 a.m. Today's Scripture Readings: Acts 9:23-31 (Pg. 116); 1 Peter 2:1-10 (Pg. 209); John 2:23-3:12 (Pg. 85) Parish Council Members on Duty: Dorothy Martiesian & Margaret Chevian Nicene Creed: Armenian ----------------------- The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John 2:23-3:12 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again. How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit. How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? Glory to You, O Lord our God!”

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The Lighthouse Bulletin The Rev. Fr. Shnork Souin, Pastor

70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908

Tel: 401.272.7712 http://www.stsahmes.org e-mail:

[email protected] | [email protected]


Sunday, May 5, 2019 Sunday of the World Church - Աշխարհամատրան Կիրակի

Green Sunday – Կանաչ Կիրակի -------------------------------

Morning Service (Keesherayeen & Aravodyan Jham) 9:00 a.m.

Divine Liturgy (Soorp Badarak) 10:00 a.m.

Today's Scripture Readings:

Acts 9:23-31 (Pg. 116); 1 Peter 2:1-10 (Pg. 209); John 2:23-3:12 (Pg. 85)

Parish Council Members on Duty: Dorothy Martiesian & Margaret Chevian

Nicene Creed: Armenian


The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to John 2:23-3:12

Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and

believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any

testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person. Now there was a Pharisee, a man named

Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we

know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God

were not with him.” Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born

again. How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time

into their mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of

God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You

should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear

its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.

How can this be?” Nicodemus asked. “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these

things? Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people

do not accept our testimony. I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you

believe if I speak of heavenly things?

“Glory to You, O Lord our God!”

Աւետարան ըստ Յովհաննէսի 2:23-3:12 Եւ երբ Յիսուս զատկի տօնին Երուսաղէմում էր գտնւում, շատեր հաւատացին նրան, քանի որ տեսնում

էին այն նշանները, որ կատարում էր: Բայց Յիսուս անձամբ վստահութիւն չունէր նրանց նկատմամբ,

որովհետեւ ինքն ամենքին ճանաչում էր եւ կարիք չկար, որ որեւէ մէկը վկայէր մարդու մասին, քանի որ

ինքն արդէն գիտէր, թէ ինչ կար մարդու հոգու մէջ: Եւ փարիսեցիների մէջ Նիկոդեմոս անունով մի մարդ

կար, որ հրեաների իշխանաւոր էր: Սա գիշերով եկաւ նրա մօտ ու նրան ասաց. «Ռաբբի՛, գիտենք, որ

Աստծուց ես եկել որպէս վարդապետ, որովհետեւ ոչ ոք չի կարող կատարել այն նշանները, որ դու ես

անում, եթէ Աստուած նրա հետ չլինի»: Յիսուս պատասխանեց եւ ասաց նրան. «Ճշմարիտ, ճշմարիտ եմ

ասում քեզ, եթէ մէկը վերստին չծնուի, չի կարող Աստծու արքայութիւնը տեսնել»: Նիկոդեմոսը նրան

ասաց. «Ինչպէ՞ս կարող է ծնուել մի մարդ, որ ծեր է. միթէ կարելի՞ է իր մօր որովայնը կրկին անգամ մտնել

ու ծնուել»: Յիսուս պատասխան տուեց եւ ասաց. «Ճշմարիտ, ճշմարիտ եմ ասում քեզ, եթէ մէկը ջրից ու

Հոգուց չծնուի, չի կարող Աստծու արքայութիւնը մտնել. որովհետեւ մարմնից ծնուածը մարմին է, իսկ

Հոգուց ծնուածը՝ հոգի: Դու մի՛ զարմացիր, որ քեզ ասացի՝ պէտք է ձեզ վերստին ծնուել. որովհետեւ

քամին ուր ուզում է՝ փչում է, եւ նրա ձայնը լսում ես, բայց չգիտես որտեղից է գալիս կամ ուր է գնում.

այսպէս է եւ ամէն ոք, որ Հոգուց է ծնուած»: Նիկոդեմոսը հարցրեց նրան. «Այդ ինչպէ՞ս կարող է

լինել»: Յիսուս պատասխանեց եւ ասաց նրան. «Դո՛ւ ես Իսրայէլի վարդապետ եւ այդ

չգիտե՞ս: Ճշմարիտ, ճշմարիտ եմ ասում քեզ, խօսում ենք, ինչ որ գիտենք, եւ վկայում ենք, ինչ որ տեսել

ենք, եւ մեր վկայութիւնը չէք ընդունում: Իսկ արդ, եթէ երկրաւոր բաներ ասացի ձեզ, եւ չէք հաւատում,

ապա ինչպէ՞ս պիտի հաւատաք, եթէ երկնաւոր բաներ ասեմ.

Today’s Requiems (Hokehankist) Christ, Son of God, forbearing and compassionate, have mercy in your love as our creator, upon the souls of your servants,

who are at rest, especially upon the souls of your servants:

THE SOUL OF THE DEPARTED DONOR of Der Shnork’s new heart and for consolation for his


ANNA ASDOORIAN (Karasoonk) – requested by Mark Asdoorian; Dolores Norigian; Aileen & Peter

Babigian; Kippian Inglis; Elspeth Inglis; Margo Lehman; Daniel Shadbegian; Diane Shadbegian; Sharon

& Bob D’Antuono & Matthew; Michael & Amara; Tania & Gary Alexander; Luke & David; Patricia &

Paul Rendine; Samantha & Greggory; Peter & Nadya Babigian; Alex & Jason; Stephen & Dorothy

Masoian; Carole Melikian; Virginia Hazian.

RUTH KOJOIAN MORAGEMOS (Karasook) – requested by Arakel Kojoian; Zabel & Mary Meklian

and family.

SYLVIA LONG (Dareleetz) – requested by Zilda & Ed Medici; Susan, Rick & Sophie DeBerardis; Ed

Medici Jr.; Nancy Robert; Christopher Long; Carly Long & Nasos Dousis; William & Amanda Long;

Benjamin Long; Sondra & Terry Pitts.

MIRAM KRIKORIAN (Dareleetz); NOUHIMZAR KRIKORIAN (28 Year Memorial) – requested by

Diana Barsoumian; Mr. & Mrs. Azarig Kooloian.

MARY CHEVIAN GRANT (20 Year Memorial) – requested by Richard Grant; David Madoian; Sylvia


ROBERT G. DERDERIAN (3 Year Memorial); ARSHAG DERDERIAN JR. (12 Year Memorial);

DR. MARK CARDOZO (12 Year Memorial); ALDOLPHO CARDOZO (13 Year Memorial); MARY

DERDERIAN (16 Year Memorial); ARSHAG DERDERIAN (43 Year Memorial) – requested by

Hosanna Derderian; Richard Derderian and family; Agnes Cardozo; Steven Cardozo; Richard Cardozo

and family; Terry & Dorothy Martiesian; Jason & Lisa Martiesian and family; Joshua & Patricia

Martiesian and family; Julia & Eli Burakian and family; Jenny & Bernadino Ramos and family.


Memorial) – requested by Boghos Gyuleseryan and family.

…for whom we are offering these prayers. Remember them on the great day of the coming of your Kingdom. Make them worthy of your mercy, expiation and the forgiveness of sins. Glorify them and reckon them with the company of your saints at your Right Hand. For you are the Lord of the living and of the dead and to you is befitting glory, dominion and honor, both now and always and unto the ages of ages, Amen.

“Sincere love and thanks to everyone that has acknowledged me in some

way during this difficult time”

Requested by Andrea Arzoomanian

Prayers of Healing

Vicky Jamgochian, Kathy Seropian, Ruzanna Zaziyants, Suren Semonian, Arsen Shamshoian, Dino Ricci,

Alvart Hagopyan, Gloria Kasparian, Bertha Mgrdichian,

Prayer Card Call the Church Office today if you would like to request a Healing Prayer Card from

the Church. The forms are also available on our website. The name will be remembered in prayer by

the Pastor during Divine Liturgy. We also offer and provide Memorial, Wedding, Congratulations,

New Baby and other occasion Cards with special prayers. All names will be printed in the Bulletin and

remembered by the pastor in his prayers during the Divine Liturgy.

Parish Member Dues Take advantage of the many payment options in the New Year. Pay by check or by credit card in

full or in part – weekly, monthly, or quarterly. You can pay securely online through PayPal on the church website

(stsahmes.org) using the dues & stewardship donation button. Membership dues are $175 ($125 for seniors, $100 ages 18-

24). Become a steward of the church by contributing beyond dues as part of the Stewardship Program. Existing members’

dues must be received by Dec. 31, 2019 and new members by June 30 to vote at the Parish Assembly on February 23, 2020.

Diocesan Scholarships Diocese Now Accepting Scholarship Applications - Applications for Diocesan scholarships are

now available online. The application deadline for the 2019-20 is May 17, 2019. Each year the Diocese awards scholarships

to youth heading to or already at college. Students must be confirmed and active in the Armenian Church. For scholarship

application go to https://armenianchurch.us/scholarships/

Daughters of Vartan, Aik Otyag #10 Providence Chapter encourages Armenian RI High School seniors to apply for a

$1000 Scholarship. Students will be attending an undergraduate program at an institution of higher learning as a full-time

student. Applications must be postmarked by May 10, 2019. For further information and application, you may contact

Naomi Thovmasian Marsh at (401) 942-3886 or [email protected].

The John M. Azarian Memorial Armenian Youth Scholarship Fund is now accepting scholarship applications for US

colleges from Armenian American students for the 2019-2020 academic year. For application, contact Sephorah Usher at

[email protected] or www.azariangroup.com/scholarship.html. Completed applications must be submitted by June

30, 2019.

Join Our E-Mail List - To receive all the latest, please go to www.stsahmes.org and click “subscribe” and add your e-

mail address so that you receive updates and events.

Love Your Neighbors Reminder- Remember your non-perishable food donations for Mary House food

pantry. Items that move very quickly and are needed the most - tuna, peanut butter, jelly, soups and rice.

They also need personal care toiletries such as tooth paste, tooth brushes, shampoo & conditioner,

deodorant etc. As always thanks so much for supporting Mary House. For info contact Joyce Avedisian

(935-1815). Next Meal Kitchen dates: June 24, 2019.

Sunday School Drive – Products for human dignity. Sunday school students collect various hygienic products to be

distributed to the needy at Mary House and homeless shelters or when someone approaches our church for help. Collection

containers are located in the church hall. Please consider donating any of the following items: tooth brushes, toothpaste,

mouth wash, toilet paper and Kleenex, soap and shampoo, hand sanitizers and deodorants, wipes. These products provide

the necessities of life that we take for granted. Did you know that government assistance programs do not cover personal

care products, leaving many without access to these basic products? Please help us meet the needs of our neighbors!

Meet the Doctors! The Cultural Committee of the Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church proudly present a special series

of programs: “Meet with Armenian Doctors—Questions and Answers”. Learn about keeping healthy! Today, 12:30p.m.

- Dr. Sevak Stepanian, Anesthesiologist. Future Dates- June 23, September 22 and October 20. All Sessions to be held at:

Hanoian Hall, 70 Jefferson Street, Providence, RI, 02908. Free admission. Call 401.272 7712—Church office, or e-mail:

[email protected]

Armenian School Handes: Come join us on May 19, right after church for

some great entertainment! Our Armenian kids from Sts. Sahag & Mesrob

Armenian Church will perform songs for you to enjoy, as well as poems, a play

and more. Refreshments will also be provided. Please bring family and friends

for a fun time. Free Admission. Donations will be greatly appreciated. For more

information, please call Mariam Saribekyan 401-714-6327.

Weekly Schedule

Mondays (Except Holidays) Seniors 10 a.m.

Wednesday evening - Jr. Choir, Nazeli Dance Group

Saturdays - Arts Education Program and Armenian School 9:30 a.m.

Sunday - Sunday School 10 a.m.

May Today Sunday School Graduation and Meet the doctors 12:30 p.m. (Dr. Sevag Stepanian, Anesthesiologist)

15 Preparation to an Active Shooter Incident 6 p.m. (Please call our church office to reserve a seat 401-272-7712)

18 Welcome Bishop Daniel Findikyan back to America (Divine Liturgy 10 a.m. at St.Vartan Cathedral)

17 Sports Scholarship Committee 50th Annual Sports Banquet (For tickets, please call Ann Ayrassian at 401-529-5210)

19 Armenian School Handes 12:00 p.m.

June 24 Meal Kitchen (Love Your Neighbors)

Armenian Radio Hour Sundays 9-10 a.m. WARL 1320 AM

Ardzagang (Armenian TV) Statewide Cable Interconnect, Ch 13 (A), Thursday 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Service Project for St. Mary Mother of God Monastery in Armenia: Donation towards this project is greatly appreciated.

Please seek in your heart to support Fr. Shnork Souin and the faithful of St. Mary Mother of God Church. Update on Service

Project- We are at $5,800 toward the $8,000 goal to complete our service project in Armenia. Thank you to all those who

have contributed so far and I encourage all of you to consider making a heartfelt donation now towards this God pleasing

an important project. You can make contributions in any amount and all donations will be greatly appreciated and recorded

permanently on a plaque in Armenia. You can send checks to Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church attention service

project ARMENIA. Thank you and God bless you.

St. Nersess Seminary is proud to continue its long history of hosting summer conferences for high school students and

college students. This year, we are adding an adult conference and bringing back a winter conference for college students.

Summer Conference Dates: Adult Conference (New), June 6-9, Deacons’ Training Program, June 28-July 7, High School

Conference, July 26-August 4, College Winter Conference, January 2-6, 2020. Registrations will be open soon. For more

information please e-mail [email protected].

St. Vartan Camp 2019 (Registration starts January 15, 2019):Session A (June 30 – July 13); Session B: (July 14 – 27),

Session C: (July 28 – August 10) If a parent is a member of Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church & your child qualifies,

you are eligible for scholarships up to 100%!

Important Notice: Please have all notices for the bulletins: Hokehankist,

organizations, activities, etc. into the office no later than Thursday 11:00a.m. for Nayiri

to post in the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday. Thank you and have a blessed Sunday!