, t, techno ogy · missouri assistive technology presentation september 4, 2020 author: missouri...

-- M SSOUR 'I ., t, '='-"' :- TECHNO OGY 816-655-6700 www.at.mo.gov

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Page 1: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

- - ~ M SSOUR'I ., t , '='-"': - TECHNO OGY

816-655-6700 www.at.mo.gov

Page 2: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

Missouri Assistive Technology

• Missouri’s federally funded Assistive Technology Act Program

• Our mission is to increase access to and the acquisition of assistive technology and related services.

• We achieve our mission through a variety of statewide and state level activities

• At home, work, school, or play, assistive technology provides choice, control, and independence.

Page 3: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology


Page 4: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

ATR 2019-2020 Summary

•287 Applications



Approved Grants Removed Due to


•245 Approved and


Page 5: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

Cateoorv Number of Students Dollars Autism 39 61925.60 Deaf -Blindness 0 0 Emotiona I Disturba nee 3 2094.93 Hearino Impairment 27 40927.34 Intellectua I Disa bi litv 30 48991.15 Multiple Disabil ities 16 41313.99 Ort hopedic Impairment 3 7804.76 Other Hea Ith Impa irment 26 44501.3 Soeech/ Lanauaae 15 20346.49 Specific Learning Disability 1 1 14910.35 Traumatic Brain Injury 0 0 Visual I mpairment 70 194431.54 YCDD 5 13068.84 Total 245 $490,.316.29

Table 1: Approved Applications by Disability Category

Page 6: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

T Cateaorv Number of Students Dollars Speech Communication 90 $162,520.40 Vision 57 $186,366.51 HearinQ 35 $50,085.52 Computers/Related 29 $47,309.90 Learning, Cognition and 29 $32,107.53 Developmental Disabilities Environ mental 0 0 Adaptations Other 5 $11,926.43 Total 2 45 $490,316.29

Table 2: Approved Applications by AT Category

Page 7: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

ATR 2019-2020 Fund Distribution Compared to

ATR 2018-2019 200000 180000 160000 140000 120000 100000

80000 60000 40000 20000


2018-2019 2019-2020

Page 8: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

h Communication on

, 1 g, Cognition and Developmental Disabil it ies

nvironmental ations

2019-2020 $ 162,520.40 $ 186,366.51 $50/085.5 2 $47,309.90 $32,107.53



2018-2019 $ 187,123 .58 $ 163,4 23. 1 2 $ 45,071.89 $13, 740" 4 6 $54,197.79



Table 3: ATR 2019-2020 Fund Distribution Compared to ATR 2018-2019

Page 9: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

1 St Francois 2 Sainte Genevieve 3 C..pe Girardeau 4St Louis

Distribution of Approved Applications Geographically

• 30 non-metro districts (represented in yellow)

• 20 metro districts (represented in red).

• Of the 243 students approved this year, 167 attend districts located in Metro areas and 76 attend districts deemed Non-Metro.

• Overall, applications were approved in 50 counties and St. Louis City. The map identifies the counties that had at least one approved application.

Page 10: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

The Faces of ATR Andy is a student at WarrensburgHigh School. He is non-verbal and has difficulty reading and writing.

Andy is now able to express himself through dynamic displaycommunication via the Proloquo2Goapp on the iPad.

Andy is now also able to independently read with the use of the Snap&Read, Text-to-Speechapp, and create written text throughthe rate enhancement app,Co:Writer.

Page 11: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

The Faces of ATR Fisher, a young man who attends school at the Shady Grove State School in Poplar Bluff, Missouri is discovering the world of communication through his new NovaChat AAC device that was made possible through the ATR Grant Program.

Fisher was introduced to the device during an on-site consultation, and then was provided with a device through Missouri Assistive Technology’s ETC Loan Program.

After the trial period was completed, Fisher received his own dedicated communication device through MoAT’s ATR Program.

Page 12: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

The Faces of ATR Natalie, a student in the Orchard FarmsSchool District, was struggling to keep upwith her peers and participate in class.

During an onsite consultation by MoAT, it wasdetermined that Natalie’s desire to be independent in the classroom and at lunchcaused her difficulties in completing tasks inthe time allotted.

The time it took Natalie to independentlyfeed herself, plus the time required for a clothes change after lunch, would often takeher away from her classwork. With the use of the OBI Robotic Feeding System, Natalie isindependent at lunch, is able to socialize withher peers, and is able to return to class ontime.

Page 13: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

Equipment Technology Consortium (ETC) S H O R T - T E R M A S S I S T I V E T E C H N O LO G Y E Q U I P M E N T LOA N T H AT E N A B L E S AG E N C I E S , D I S T R I C T S , A N D OT H E R O R G A N I Z AT I O N S TO B O R R O W E Q U I P M E N T O N B E H A L F O F I N D I V I D U A L S W I T H D I S A B I L I T I E S S O T H AT T H E Y C A N T R Y O U T T H E E Q U I P M E N T B E F O R E P U R C H A S I N G , U S E D U R I N G T H E T I M E E Q U I P M E N T I S I N R E PA I R , O R F O R OT H E R S H O R T - T E R M N E E D S .

Page 14: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology
Page 15: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

ETC 2019-2020 Summary

•681 Requests


•1931 Devices loaned

•74 Counties Served

Page 16: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

Communication Devices

Vision Devices

Hearing Devices

Computer/Related Devices

Daily Living Devices

Learning, Cognition, and Developmental

Environmental Adaptation Devices

Mobility, Seating, and Positioning Devices

Vehicle Modifications and Transportation


Number of Devices Loaned





52 292

173 2


Table 4: Loans Devices by Catagory

Page 17: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

ETC 2019-2020 Device Loans Compared to

ETC 2018-2019 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100


2018-2019 2019-2020

Page 18: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

St Fra:r.coi:s 2 Sainte ~e J Cape Girardeau -4 St Louis

Counties That Have Borrowed from ETC

•40 non-metro counties

•27 metro counties

Page 19: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

The Faces of ETC

Therapy Home School

Page 20: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

1 St A"ancoi:S z Sainte Offltltit'le 3 Cape: Gkardeau • Stlouit:

1 S1 Francois 2 Sainte Genevieve 3 Cape Girardeau •St Louis

Changes for ETC for 2020-2021

Counties That Have Borrowed from ETC Counties That Have Been Approved for ATR

Page 21: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology


Know AT with the Help of MoAT (vol.21)

(§)11:J Missouri A ss1st1ve Tec hnology fi_J©') A l1g ust 2"1 · 0

APH is .an officia l pcvtner, responsib le for d istributin g L E GO<©Braille Bricks to s t 1JrlF?nt s i n thP. l JSA. I hP. h r-ir.ks, rnolrtP.c1 w it h ~hu1s th.-=if r.or-rf=?~fX)n '1 to

numbers & letters in the b r.;::aillc a lp habet, .;:illow students w ho cJrc blin d , & e ighted to leo.rn together. http s;//wvvw.o.ph .o rg/lego- br~ille-brick s-a -fu n -way­lu- 1 ~i, ,r .. ./

- Missouri AT @MissouriAT · Jul 30

In this video, MoAT staff member Scout demonstrates the Scan Pen Air. This affordable hand held device scans printed text. The scanned text is uploaded into the app & can then be read outloud.

MoAT 111troduction Video • The Scan Pen Air

Scout introduces the Scan Pen Air in this video. This device is available for loan through the ETC Lending ...




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Page 22: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Boot Camp JP.,'\D.,\PPLIC.'•.Tl:INS i Oll !iTUDEN T!: ',\o'ITII :ilGN irlCM H IN I H L::C I VAL ll l::.At:111. 1111:S


Training at Mo-AT

Remote Training YouTube Channel

Page 23: , t, TECHNO OGY · Missouri Assistive Technology presentation September 4, 2020 Author: Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Subject: Missouri Assistive Technology

- - ~ M SSOUR'I ., t , '='-"': - TECHNO OGY

816-655-6700 www.at.mo.gov