| steady texas quintet wins | tourney consolation...

z ouUl en. COB- ofl ally >uw| i«cr ifl.! e«t| ted] »i hat) gol-men Drop NCAA Tilt, 54-50 | Steady Texas Quintet Wins |_Tourney Consolation Round i Hi A ># /^ VT By ,)0N COHBN iBUagel tyrant \ The CVuteiinial IJeaverK hit their second bump on the ' Tsx l^«. A ' ^"Munent trail when a steaity Texas quintet hunir on to ;1 O UrOp /imty«am«-oiM»niiiir lead to tag the Hol-men with a 54-60 de- IMM ,, rfc , ^ f«at in the consolation round of the NCAA finals laiU eve- ill Oil Rentals Spuusurvd Hv t'CNY Veterans* Association IXfiY t'hapter of American Veterans* Committee VOL l-No. 3 k ^gg^» IM Hy Milton K <;ilber' <''injplel:ng ulmust one y«ai >:fi effort «>n ibe part of ih* VeU'rans! ; Association, ti.e City Collet AVC j and the Columbia AVC, an annual ! appropriation by the Board of Es- i timate of JOO.JOO for the Army ——^——•i—»; Hall e<lui-atioiial facilities was MARCH 26, 1947 j nUMl * ,m T'^^'ay March ia. ^ M «^^i MM ^^^ l ; The Board voted to incorporate. i the appropriation and the .itlmin- ' istration of the Army Hall educa- • tional facilities into the opera- ' tional budget of the Board of. j llipher Kducation. The appro- ; priat:on is earmarked by the t Board of llifrher Kdoeation for; deded in a 20 item general supply list for vets drawn up by '• ^ ^"^ ult ^aTwer^Tf I AiT»aber r Veteran's Association representative, and 31. SJ r)ri!9ent renUb at Amy Hall : Jacobs of the college bookstore, which will be presented t o ^ j ^ nliUlis ^^ horae 4 - burl' djejfuch 27th meeting of department heads for their apvden of S tvnport;n K the djsroon' 'vr* . A . ...i ' faciliti-.'.-;. Vetenn representatives will | /• ^ • "i : Piil.se Qt* la Mmy <ash Aw™^" 1 "" The new issue jf TfLSE ning before a full-hotise Garden crowd. j Holy Cross romped to its 23rd consecutive victory and TOURNEY STANDOUT Dept. Heads to Consider New Vet Supply List A Webster Collegiate Dictionary o,- its equivalent is in-l^ty "coJleae ""rhis 1 led in a 20 item general supply list for vets drawn up by! tined ^ ^ in a 1 I—That the supply list he up- : 2—That injustices now existing ' ix tliainated. 1—That implied requirements * Wadded to the list of items. Tie Grievance Committee of the : Vtteiaas Association and the Stu- f *it Affairs Conunitiee of AV'<"' «^Jetters to all student organ-j mikm on the campus asking them *• report any injustices to the vet.; -4* oaaple of unfair treatment is ; *? f*et that art students chip in to pay for the services of live 9 third stiaiKht tourney sUviess | with a r>K-47 win over Oklahoma , to cuptuiv the NCAA champion- 4 ship in the teaturod game of Die •i twin-bill. (;.-OIIC«* Kaftan. the .. Crusaders* center received tiie most valuable player award. Ilargis. Top Scorer John Hurgis, »i-4 l^onghorn left forwaixl. proved to be the chief varmint by teicialcrutg 17 points and polioing tlie backlMMirds beau- tifully for the second place West- ern Regionali(its. Plotting free under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars. which de- flated the spjbsniodic l*i vender | scoring thrusts. Beaver All-American to be. Ir- j|j"§o/-^ />• if~» twin Uambrot, continued his »tel- IfJlrM^ ifrOUp J01J|$ lar tourney play with' i^ points, # m m -for his third straight' post-seaaon Investigation List I double-figured game. Ex-Army ~ J medic, Evvie Fineatone netted 14 j '1*0 Metro|Militan Inter-collegia- i markers for the St. Nick's top Because the rurrem hscal year j ^ Student Council, at its meeting L o r e . One of the brightest stars on the Beaver horizon. Freshman Irwin Oambrot. spaHcphigged •^e Hol-men tourney entry.' will be issued at the beginning ; en ^ on iuw M * 194 '- lhe ^ tual . last Wednesday night, joined the j Early Texas l^d of May and material is being col- i ™ JPP ro P r,ated wr the ™"* in - growing li<t of organizations de-• KoUowing Dambrot's successful lected m»w. All vets who are in- ! < ? r *L l !lL year ZnJH Tfc- ** I mandin « a ro-investigation of theipusVshot after the tap-off, the ierested in writing are invited to »«WQ or *-.f.6(IO. Ihis »!>-j anti-semit: .charges made against | Westerners cashed in on four fast- attend meetings in Room 225 : Propriat^n KS retroacuve to cover j Profcssor WjlIiain „, ^ ^ ^ Main at 12 mHH, on Thursdavs. ^ ~ nM * te, ^' n n « lhw ?*« . barker. In a letter sent to the New -oruary. Vork City Oouncilf t h e M j. S ( Several months nrevious to this or to place their material in faculty box 30. Cash prizes are awarded for the best stories and future writ- ers ran have their material criti- cized free <:f charge at the meet- ings. V / ••Wt. The vets claim that their *«» should be paid by the Vet- [ PROF. SHARP ABROAD «mAd»i„istrat;o,. Public Law F 0 R HEALTJ1 M B m M G -. move, Mr. Davis, tfcreclor of Army j HaJI. had assured i^epresentatives of the Veterans Association Hous- ; ing ComR>ittee that if and when (Contmned on Page 3) \ Vet % Subsistence? Rally ISels $300 urged that body "to carry on an impartial, official and thorough in- vestigation** and that it lie followed up by appropriate action, if wa - ranted. j Other liroups Protest j Other groups who have recently j t o a - 6 - 11 '«*****• : demanded similar action include' --* t t ^ le halfway ithe CCNY breaking layups featuring Slater Martin, A) Madsen, and Hargis for an »-3 advantagi*. Pinestone*s foul throw accounted (pr the Hol- men s third point. The Texan's scoring» drive gained momentum when a success- ful series of drive-in shots and one-handers boosted the margir. mark, the Inc. and Teachers Union <CIO>. Student Council, the states. 'The Administrator •*"•» «••«»«-an «•«.«.a i ^ w Josh White, ballad singe ' ~" •ay pay for books, supplies. Prof- Walter C. Sharp, chair-; l>ancer. National Field Secretary | mocracy •W^ent, and other necessary ex- : man of the Government Depart-1 of the American Veterans Commit- Wws. . m generally r-xjuired for men*, at City College left the Col-1 *<* -«"<* ® v *r 2000 students of the fte «iccessful pursuit and com- lege last Fndav. March 21. for a -4 college appeared at tlie flagpole . 0 . P>«i« of the course by other three week trip to Geneva. Switt- raiiy last Thursday in support of charges of anti-Semit-sm .n the sta *ats in the institution/' Sdkad Reimbursed By V.%. take active part in the nwreung H«erer ;he administrators of «he World Health Organizat.on. A request for money to atd in Cliff! Church League for Industrial lie- M >x SCOR, L XA$ Friends of Democracy j *,„„ c c " F6 v f •, M^, ft f ? fmnttm. 6 I M j Mafia, f 1 t It _.. . , . A , . (OMbitt. r s t n. Mart;*, r ? • i« This is the latest development in i timn—. r « z n umtm, c « MJIMBH. « i Or. e a the three vear old case of the three weeK trip :o ueneva, awiiz- . »•»•» ••»•• »»•«-—j ••« —ft-"" — —:-»— -- ~ crlai.d. during which time he will tJie Rogers Bill for increased sub- Romance Language Department. take active part in the meeting of sistence for student veterans. j On March 13. the Hillel Community the lobby campaign to obtain pass- atpe of this bill was made at the ti* achuol hesitate to pay the vet! Prof. Sharp has been acting as feup item that is not specifically a consultant u* the World HeaUh ii«,.^i CTA the money and be reira-' metings of the United Nations, i on i«ter by the VA. At pre- j The conference, beginning 1 **' the school owes $100,000 to \ March 31. will discuss the wide- j ** CNy Treasury and $200,000 to : spread food shortages existing to-1 (Ceatisaed am Page 3) day. i cost of the rally. Series Of Ratl.es Action* Committee released a re- port containing "new and perti- nent evidence," and strongly urged the retirement of Professor Knick- erbocker and a colleague. Professor Maxime L. Bergeron. Calter. C StiMMOt* Farfeaon TfatavHa TOTALS I I I 1 t I » Matfua. C 2 2 6 NaaHltoa 0 Wa«mr Marfer a t * 21 • »'TOTALS a N M weary St. Nick cagers suddenly came to life with Lionel Malamed and Sonny Jameson supplying a (Ceatinaed o» Page 3) Students Discuss Tolerance toCommuiiitv Service Series ! The rally here was one m a ser- j ies of rallies on campuses all over j , the country in the campaign to , get increased veterans assistance, sponsored locally by the City Col- lege Veterans Association, and : nationally by the American Veter- : ans Committee. ^ group in January 19*6.! Aft * r the "•«*«»£*• the group j White ^^i^ from t sickbed, ^•••cial experiment ir which j adjowrns to the dining . oom for j ^g^ gmnA of the songs for ^ learn loferaace thro(«h j refreshments. Since -compart- ) witic ^ *« , s known. r>a»cer out- '"th other mdividoals has j "«»"* «•»"« >» New York City j j ine j x}te hjst^y 0 f "Ope.^tioa Sabaistence" whid only recently at the University of se S,W! «»r as a veteran civilian* '•'"••fally compMeJ its first offers few such opportunities for ~^' <> *P*taoon t atcotJia« to Mr.lthe normal eontart of *• Shobaan director of the Serriee DrrisMm at the _ _ wln«h meets at the ri? 0 "*' S***^ Boose. 2K A^«w o« dnene backgrounds and bd'efs." Mr. Sbwhaan feeb that the ex- change of penenal experiences that tafcaa pJac * *he dining raom is the mast signi6caat aspect of these m»stiag». grwop at presort is of a tM—mn «f vets and a the U.H. and from foreign *»- Installation Plans Completed For Seismograph Says Wright Plans for the installation of th €» latest type seismograph at City) v «y- College have been completed, it was} Professor Joseph A. Babor, ff oAcially annwinced last we?k byjtfc* Chemistry Department, i> Dr. Harry N. Wright, President, credited with doing much to a*- and Professor Daniel T. fPtVamrll. so « r * *• success of the plan by bead of the Geology Department, guaranteeing payment of $3^7.>. The eartb«iuak* recorder, con-' * * *"'*'*» «** • ' lb « instmiaeat^ S a l - i s ^ e - ^ ^ h "wm Vitiated siting of one ^rti^l component, H e » ^ S J T S ^ T J S Z Maeter. two horiasntal earn- f »l»»n« *nd friends ot * e cotM«e r. two herisoMal) <* 9*7 ^J***"* 1 **" ***' *** t a m tsmpaiwati operating expearns. recorder and a short-ware j The first shipment of ioxt'a- radie time recorder, will he *K spi meats it is hoped, will eomcide 4 of Finley Hall. . with Ceafcewual Day, May 7, 1MT. the eatirecjstaf the i This wiD awrk the waliiarinw of hi mstallatMa aad | a prajcot, fanaa^ted aaaaral yaana at hetwe** t^a and ten | ago by Pimadmt Wright awl Fr* O^Coa-.fesaor O'Coand «f this «alk^ that ac^msrtwa of the! wiih the hsip ef S«e. & 4. Mac Otyietwaae, Dinctoc W the iMtitaf a »r*<ia« inin ief Geophysics «f St. VmtiK <*** M the tSS. V and IMmirts Mdlsthm aathsrittm ia tfea Se>d who Kansas. He ceauaeaded the cam- ptign of letter writing to mem- bess of Csogrna ia support of the Bitt. Ia this coanectisa it nsaaced that veterans at Ci«r Calkge haw* •« letters. dewt of the City Cotkge Veterans of the CJ- Ml +-* paneat theCJwCeasal started the bafl raOinf.

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Page 1: | Steady Texas Quintet Wins | Tourney Consolation Rounddigital-archives.ccny.cuny.edu/archival-collections...under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars. which de flated



en. COB-

ofl ally >uw|


ifl.! e«t| ted] »i hat)

gol-men Drop NCAA Tilt, 54-50 | Steady Texas Quintet Wins |_Tourney Consolation Round i Hi A ># / VT By ,)0N COHBN

iBUagel tyrant \ The CVuteiinial IJeaverK hit their second bump on the ' Tsx l^« . A ' "Munent trail when a steaity Texas quintet hunir on to ; 1 O UrOp /imty:» «am«-oiM»niiiir lead to tag the Hol-men with a 54-60 de-IMM , , r f c

, ^ f«at in the consolation round of the NCAA finals laiU eve-ill Oil Rentals

Spuusurvd Hv

t'CNY Veterans* Association

IXfiY t'hapter of American Veterans* Committee

VOL l-No. 3 k gg » I M

Hy Milton K <;ilber' <''injplel:ng ulmust one y«ai >:fi

effort «>n ibe part of ih* VeU'rans! ; Association, ti.e City C o l l e t AVC j and the Columbia AVC, an annual ! appropriation by the Board of Es-i timate of JOO.JOO for the Army

— — ^ — — • i — » ; Hall e<lui-atioiial facilities was

MARCH 26, 1947 j nUMl* , m T ' ^ ^ ' a y March ia. ^ M « ^ ^ i M M ^ ^ ^ l ; The Board voted to incorporate.

i the appropriation and the .itlmin- • ' istration of the Army Hall educa-• tional facilities into the opera-' tional budget of the Board of. j llipher Kducation. The appro-; priat:on is earmarked by the t

Board of llifrher Kdoeation for;

deded in a 20 item general supply list for vets drawn up by '• ^ ^ " ^ u l t ^ a T w e r ^ T f I AiT»aberr Veteran's Association representative, and 31. SJ r)ri!9ent r e n U b a t Amy Hall :

Jacobs of the college bookstore, which will be presented t o ^ j ^ nliUlis ^ ^ horae 4 - burl' djejfuch 27th meeting of department heads for their apvden of Stvnport;nK the djsroon' 'vr* . A. ...i ' faciliti-.'.-;.

Vetenn representatives will | /• ^ • "i: Piil.se Qt* l a Mmy < a s h Aw™^"1""

The new issue j f T f L S E

ning before a full-hotise Garden crowd. j Holy Cross romped to its 23rd consecutive victory and


Dept. Heads to Consider New Vet Supply List

A Webster Collegiate Dictionary o,- its equivalent is in-l^ty "coJleae ""rhis1

led in a 20 item general supply list for vets drawn up by! t ined ^ ^ in a


I—That the supply list he up- :

2—That injustices now existing ' ix tliainated.

1—That implied requirements * Wadded to the list of items.

Tie Grievance Committee of the :

Vtteiaas Association and the Stu- f

*it Affairs Conunitiee of AV'<"' «^Jetters to all student organ-j mikm on the campus asking them *• report any injustices to the vet.; -4* oaaple of unfair treatment is ;

*? f*et that art students chip in to pay for the services of live

9 third stiaiKht tourney sUviess | with a r>K-47 win over Oklahoma , to cuptuiv the NCAA champion-

4 ship in the teaturod game of Die •i twin-bill. (;.-OIIC«* Kaftan. the .. Crusaders* center received tiie

most valuable player award.

Ilargis. Top Scorer John Hurgis, »i-4 l^onghorn left

forwaixl. proved to be the chief varmint by teicialcrutg 17 points and polioing tlie backlMMirds beau­tifully for the second place West­ern Regionali(its. Plotting free under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars . which de­flated the spjbsniodic l*i vender

| scoring thrusts. Beaver All-American to be. Ir-

j | j " § o / - ^ />• i f ~ » twin Uambrot, continued his »tel-I f J l r M ^ i f r O U p J 0 1 J | $ lar tourney play with' i^ points,

# m m -for his third straight' post-seaaon I n v e s t i g a t i o n L i s t I double-figured game. Ex-Army

~ J medic, Evvie Fineatone netted 14 j '1*0 Metro|Militan Inter-collegia- i markers for the St. Nick's top

Because the rurrem hscal year j S t u d e n t Council, at its meeting L o r e .

One of the brightest stars on the Beaver horizon. Freshman Irwin Oambrot. spaHcphigged •^e Hol-men tourney entry.'

will be issued at the beginning ; e n ^ o n i u w M* 1 9 4 ' - l h e ^ t u a l . last Wednesday night, joined the j Early Texas l ^ d of May and material is being col- i ™ J P P r o P r , a t e d w r the ™"*in- • growing li<t of organizations de-• KoUowing Dambrot's successful lected m»w. All vets who are in- ! < ? r * L l ! l L y e a r ZnJH Tfc- ** I m a n d i n « a ro-investigation of the ipusVshot after the tap-off, the ierested in writing are invited to » « W Q or *-.f.6(IO. Ih i s »!>-j anti-semit: .charges made against | Westerners cashed in on four fast-attend meetings in Room 225 : Propriat^n KS retroacuve to cover j P r o f c s s o r W j l I i a i n „, ^ ^ ^

Main at 12 mHH, on Thursdavs. ^ ~ n M * t e , ^ ' n ' » n « l h w ?*« . barker. In a letter sent to the New -oruary. V o r k C i t y O o u n c i l f t h e M j . S (

Several months nrevious to this or to place their material in faculty box 30.

Cash prizes are awarded for the best stories and future writ­ers ran have their material criti­cized free <:f charge at the meet­ings.

V / ••Wt. The vets claim that their *«» should be paid by the Vet- [ P R O F . S H A R P A B R O A D «mAd»i„is trat ;o , . Public Law F 0 R H E A L T J 1 M B m M G

-. move, Mr. Davis, tfcreclor of Army j HaJI. had assured i^epresentatives • of the Veterans Association Hous-; ing ComR>ittee that if and when

(Contmned on Page 3)

\ Vet%Subsistence? Rally IS els $300

urged that body "to carry on an impartial, official and thorough in­vestigation** and that it lie followed up by appropriate action, if wa -ranted. j

Other liroups Protest j Other groups who have recently j t o a - 6 - 1 1 '«*****•

: demanded similar action include' --*t t^le halfway i the CCNY

breaking layups featuring Slater Martin, A) Madsen, and Hargis for an »-3 advantagi*. Pinestone*s foul throw accounted (pr the Hol-men s third point.

The Texan's scoring» drive gained momentum when a success­ful series of drive-in shots and one-handers boosted the margir.

mark, the

Inc. and Teachers Union <CIO>.

Student Council, the

states. 'The Administrator •*"•» « • • « » « - a n «•«.«.a i ^ w Josh White, ballad singe ' ~" •ay pay for books, supplies. Prof- Walter C. Sharp, chair-; l>ancer. National Field Secretary | mocracy

•W^ent, and other necessary ex- : man of the Government Depart-1 of the American Veterans Commit-Wws. . m generally r-xjuired for men*, at City College left the Col-1 *<* -«"<* ®v*r 2000 students of the fte «iccessful pursuit and com- lege last Fndav. March 21. for a-4 college appeared at tlie flagpole . 0 . P>«i« of the course by other three week trip to Geneva. Switt- raiiy last Thursday in support of charges of anti-Semit-sm .n the s ta*ats in the institution/'

Sdkad Reimbursed By V.%. take active part in the nwreung H«erer ;he administrators of «he World Health Organizat.on. A request for money to atd in

Cliff! Church League for Industrial lie- M>x S C O R , L X A $

Friends of Democracy j *,„„ c c "F6v

f •, M ^ , ft f ? • fmnttm. 6 • I M j Mafia, f 1 t It

_ . . . , . A , . (OMbitt. r s t n. Mart;*, r ? • i« This is the latest development in i timn—. r « z n • umtm, c «

MJIMBH. « i • • Or. e a the three vear old case of the

three weeK trip :o ueneva, awiiz- . »•»•» ••»•• »»•«-—j ••« —ft-"" — —:-»— -- ~ crlai.d. during which time he will tJie Rogers Bill for increased sub- Romance Language Department. take active part in the meeting of sistence for student veterans. j On March 13. the Hillel Community

the lobby campaign to obtain pass-atpe of this bill was made at the

ti* achuol hesitate to pay the vet! Prof. Sharp has been acting as feup item that is not specifically a consultant u* the World HeaUh ii«,.^i CTA

the money and be reira-' metings of the United Nations, i on i«ter by the VA. At pre- j The conference, beginning

1 **' the school owes $100,000 to \ March 31. will discuss the wide- j ** CNy Treasury and $200,000 to : spread food shortages existing to-1

(Ceatisaed am Page 3 ) day.

i cost of the rally.

Series Of Ratl.es

Action* Committee released a re­port containing "new and perti­nent evidence," and strongly urged the retirement of Professor Knick­erbocker and a colleague. Professor Maxime L. Bergeron.

Calter. C StiMMOt*

Farfeaon TfatavHa


I • I • I • • 1 • t

I » • •

Matfua. C 2 2 6 NaaHltoa • 0 • Wa«mr • • • Marfer a t *

21 • »'TOTALS a N M

weary St. Nick cagers suddenly came to life with Lionel Malamed and Sonny Jameson supplying a

(Ceatinaed o» Page 3 )

Students Discuss Tolerance toCommuiiitv Service Series

! The rally here was one m a ser- j ies of rallies on campuses all over j

, the country in the campaign to , get increased veterans assistance, sponsored locally by the City Col­lege Veterans Association, and

: nationally by the American Veter-: ans Committee.

^ group in January 19*6.! A f t * r t h e "•«*«»£*• the group j W h i t e ^ ^ i ^ from t sickbed, ^ • • • c i a l experiment ir which j adjowrns to the dining . oom for j ^g^ gmnA of the songs for

^ learn loferaace thro(«h j refreshments. Since -compart- ) witic^ *« , s known. r>a»cer out-'"th other mdividoals has j " « » " * «•»"« >» New York City j j i n e j x}te hjs t^y 0 f "Ope.^tioa

Sabaistence" whid only recently at the University of se

S , W !«»r as a veteran civilian*

'•'"••fally compMeJ its first offers few such opportunities for ~^' < > *P*taoon t atcotJ ia« to Mr. l the normal eontart of

* • Shobaan director of the Serriee DrrisMm at the

_ _ wln«h meets at the r i ? 0 " * ' S***^ Boose. 2K

A «w o«

dnene backgrounds and bd'efs." Mr. Sbwhaan feeb that the ex-change of penenal experiences that tafcaa pJac * *he dining raom is the mast signi6caat aspect of these m»stiag».

grwop at presort is of a tM—mn «f

vets and a

the U.H. and from foreign * » -

Installation Plans Completed For Seismograph Says Wright

Plans for the installation of th €» latest type seismograph at City) v«y-College have been completed, it was} Professor Joseph A. Babor, f f oAcially annwinced last we?k byjtfc* Chemistry Department, i> Dr. Harry N. Wright, President, credited with doing much to a*-and Professor Daniel T. fPtVamrll. so«r* * • success of the plan by bead of the Geology Department, guaranteeing payment of $3^7.>.

The eartb«iuak* recorder, con-' * * *"'*'*» « * * • ' l b « instmiaeat^ S a l - i s ^ e - ^ ^ h "wm Vitiated s i t i n g of one ^ r t i ^ l component, H e » ^ S J T S ^ T J S Z

Maeter. two horiasntal earn- f »l»»n« *nd friends ot * e cotM«e r. two herisoMal) <* 9*7 ^ J * * * " * 1 * * " * * * ' *** t a m tsmpaiwati operating expearns.

recorder and a short-ware j The first shipment of ioxt'a-radie time recorder, will he *K s p i meats it is hoped, will eomcide

4 of Finley Hall. . with Ceafcewual Day, May 7, 1MT. the e a t i r e c j s t a f the i This wiD awrk the waliiarinw of hi mstallatMa aad | a prajcot, fanaa^ted aaaaral yaana

a t hetwe** t^a and ten | ago by Pimadmt Wright awl F r * O^Coa-.fesaor O'Coand «f this « a l k ^

that ac^msrtwa of the! wiih the hsip ef S«e. & 4 . Mac O t y i e t w a a e , Dinctoc W the i M t i t a f

a » r * < i a « i n i n i e f Geophysics «f St. VmtiK <*** M the tSS.

V and I M m i r t s M d l s t h m aathsrittm ia tfea Se>d who

Kansas. He ceauaeaded the cam-ptign of letter writing to mem-bess of Csogrna ia support of the

Bitt. Ia this coanectisa it nsaaced that veterans a t

Ci«r Calkge haw* •« letters.

dewt of the City Cotkge Veterans

of the CJ- Ml



theCJwCeasal started the bafl raOinf.

Page 2: | Steady Texas Quintet Wins | Tourney Consolation Rounddigital-archives.ccny.cuny.edu/archival-collections...under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars. which de flated

'«9*2 O B S E R V A T I O N P O S T March 24. 1947

if* Your Fault It'ti >our own fault! Y«MI who coatpLiin bitterly of in-

lurttk-eti and wrwfw in the ayHtem shouM iutow thai the rol-

|Vj^Notes..|W^f7 ^ " ^ ?,r,,er

/n Lost-Found Boudoir PARTY INVITATIONS ha\u|j '.fin. taidi.r M in r^li iv American uncialv ia minature It ««. . '^n cuiing in at the rate of about! T h e pUr|oined Canadian atomic-hush-secieU caused no K„.aU.r

vtse t4*dtt> M in reality American wocieiy in mmature. 11 re- twu |M,r ^ k ^ ^ ,Ui.ky veteran', u o mon v noroous wrath, no vile curses than do the MUW*

HITIH aH the Htiperb features and rejcrettable characterwttcK A.h0; ^^ me.„i>eis who have : 'Utitt ^ Cily .mdeats. » the nation. Why the deiitructive cynteitiM and the sareaattcj IM-CI v«atching the \ A Bulletin mileM whenever the word demncraey ii tit>ed? Jtorawte the; Board

iivup*e of the nation. a« weB as the student body of the college have, with few exceptMMM, made a Mockery of the word by lailine to twe the right* they have to make it work. Nut uxtttg .1 rijeht in the surest way to lone it.

•p)io>ite the l/ouinrv Imvi* Inffi ctijoying inexpensive Fiulav and Saturday evenings .

T h e s e victiroixed or care les s scholars dai ly weep on what has (.otonie the - W a i l i u g Wall' o f C.C.N.Y., Room 20B, where the l i . s t and

— <S>Fouud keeps i t cached. Here is brought the

li'i. a good i.iea t«» |»:ck up your ti« kets in !•>* .Main l ight after >o:a i •.»*«• the ;tiui»uiic-'iitent. for the j tickets disappear rapidly. This ; column will carry invitations placed on til* Bullet in Board-

F O t R T K E N tjt K E N S < Ot

not Kveryoue here is quick l«> jioint out tin* t ;i.s**s where th** <"oitKrettM haiuls down a law in the name of the iieople that 'kies not represi'tit the will of the people. Cut <lo YOl' know what i* issued from the college in your name? Ilo you know I J & K cti-BDS have invited Wt-what your student Kovernment is doiiiK? Aren't you even «••»••> Asso«iatioi« mem -r-. w. a .ntenulinl to see if their decisions as your representatives , ,ous* »M4,tv , , , '** i ,eU, F' i , , a v-reflect your will? This is not a slur against Student Council.

Aa V; Sees-ooo N A T I O N A L . . .

On March 15 and l1': the Nat ional P lann in t Co„,mitt.*e of AVt held j . . c | j | > p # H r l<Kken

leavinKs"* . of the co l lege and what U left of j the "takings"; scarfs , hats . ulove<, S g l a s s e s , socks, »kirt6, b louse- , . l ip . , i books , e m p t y wal l e t s , compacts , a I paper cutter , and the loot of

i ts seiui-aintual m e e t i n g t . I The enthus iasm displayed by lil>- i one of The en .•ral* l ike Charles <i. Bolte . Frank

to It* iiehl Maicti 'H. The catch i - t.'iat it wilj

. , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . be in them thar Koict.: i l i l l s . Much of us work is highly commendable. But the student** Twenty v \ menJxsr are wa.ued are not takinif any interest in it. If we can't make democ- f,>r lht. IVJ,M.e H;,U^ ,iK,w..town* racy wwk in school because of student inertia, apathy, and oartv also on .March 28th, W-lharify. how can we expect it to work ontaide where citizens said, tre more occupied with economic burdens and supiMNiedly less informed. THE *A «;iUiiVAN( K t OM-

MITTKK. heade.! >, F m t 1'ollak, l>o your share. ..We have made gainti, but we can do so, \m* t^,, accomplishing a grvat

mtich more with your support. Your activity will not only' deal m alleviating the supply situ-benefit yon hut the entire student body. Make the student a l io , ,- s<"»* important aimounee-or^inizations represent you. Make the college publications n ,M, : s vni '* ttU»',e *Km A , T a u-represent your opinion. We'll print your comments, but

U p o n th is door heat the jiuny hands of bereaved s tudent s «iiant-

<) n ! ' , , K " < ) l , € n •J**1 ^oor a m * , e t MU- M'" with utter disregard for the time schedule posted on the door.

I Oh, The Quest ions

lin l». Roosevelt . Jr., ami Hoot. Jr. . in ilischiiiKUijr their busi­ness wa> a welcome relief to t in Jiscoora-rinjr conunit tee work jr«»-ing on in Congress and el.-ewherc. ] . . | , 0 < t m y j ^ , . ^ iV)i u m . l l R e

Nuff H c r e w e r * ' v * t ' s w ' l h * I"""!*** w h o ! und tuy jji,.) g^ye i t t4t m t . » . . | ) o

realized the import of today's • v o u ^ ^ wufagf. Applied Kine. AVC is an organization ; m a t k ; l o r n i t a k e ^ytij},^ ^ •n • events ,

that the nation wi l l do well «» ' Bio or C t e m . " These are onlv a few watch; many of i t s future leaders o f t jM. q o C s t i o n i J 8 u f f e r e d bv NV. are g e t t i n g tlieir groundwork here . ! UiweT ^ Seymour Scharff, mem-

tier aiid Mr. Jacobs o f the book store have «lor»e a great d«'

please don t send us Daily News type letters; be concise. w«rk in dmwing up a list of needed

• her* o f the service f r a t . Alpha Phi j O m e g a , which h a s b e e n handling j t h e L o s t and Found during the day ' se s s ion .

ai of ;«-l>»Ptw* * " <»ver th** <»"»'»> f«> ! A relat ively smal l percentage of , . « AV'C's national convention in Mil- 11

CONVKNTU>. \ . . .

Preparations are under way in :

straightforward, and above aH, constructive.

OPINION Leffer to the Readers

supplies which will lie presented waukec from June 19-22. In addi­tion to election of otiicecs for the

the lost art ic les are reclaimed. Mo : o n e ca l l s for the stuff. E v e r y year

ap- " " _ "" '" i t h e m o s t serviceable c lo th ing is next year , panels on publ ic i ty . ; t u m e 6 o v e r ^ J | c h a r i t y i n i t i t ^ menil>er.-hip recruit ing techniques. ;

under the <>! Kill have not yet been

We feel thbi btsue must be presented t o the student body. Thin in

"ae point of view. If you dwagree . wr i t e your view d o » n . send it • •

%»x 2*7. and we will print i t .

I X C O S S I S Y K X C Y ? M R . r B E S l » K K T

President Trunsa:; "keynoted": punt. I:i at tempting to regenerate in.- new American foreign pol icy democrat ic inst i tut ions by support-in a speech t o Congress o n March J ing react ionary regimes ( in Greece ' SOUMf reso i t s by the next issue of

to the department heads fot pro vat.

Mel Hendrickson. anothc. act ive • » * « » » * ™ I P • ^ ' l u . r . g wcnnapH*. | t i o n w h i c h ^ ^ 5 ^ ^ i t t o t h e

nieniber of the committee , was pre- a n d c* l a«> tM>» w , n , > * h * s l d - T h e <**'. n e e d y - s o eventual ly the City vet-vented from doing as much work •<>»»«*« t h « P t * r i s ^ ^ *» f i x e r a n s g e t it. as he wantwl t o l ^ a u - e his .vife ; d e l e g a t e s - o n e for ea«h twenty- l ive ; u , ^ ^ ftom a , i a i j t o t c a s e t h e

gave birth recently to » l»ahy girl. * m o m b e r - s - ^ d i s traught males ami embarrassed Hats off. keep trying. : co-eds who come to c l a i m lost JM>>-

SOMK V K T S t iOINt; to schooi CCNY C H A P T K R . . . [ s e s s i o n s a t the Lost a n d Found, is

. - Jack Chonole?. Chairman of City le-inibursed for their p u r e l y o f ^ r o | l e K e ^ A V C # ^ ^ p ^ ^ r , > n .

:cern over the poor s h o w i n g of mem-out-of-stock hooks. Rudolph Michel

• a well worn bra, s i ze undetermined. Dirty ami l imp, s o g g y from the

• d a m p air , it looks baleful ly at all and Israel Kefcr the situation and

r2th. That the speech is epochal a n d T u r k e y ) , we lay bare the fal in it.< presentation of a new p o i ^ lacy o f oui position. A democrat ic icy cannot be doubted . That con- victory wil l no: come through «istuncy is lacking is self evident , transfus ions to an ideological de-

Lilt le in the way of consistency venerate . an k> found when we are asked \ T h l . , . l „ u . 0 | . , l a h o u t n^^^.

to <>onci>m ourselves with the hwi - . • . » « . . . - _ , . „ „ J , . . , r . . , ti-ncy. Mr. Presul-nt , s tems from gei and pes.jlencv of but one group of people. T\w panes of hanger , h o u K ' n " f =i'»»-Ja happenings af-•«MI the t.»i! of iiestilci-./e do rji»;

r. cognise ethni • houiid.-<. N o r can i; i«e said that :: i> uni-

• o'-ni t • naively de ry on;* f •mi of 'o^alit.irianisin whili* we deft'v


Letters To The Editors V £


are invest igat ing ' ^ c h a m „ t i n ^ H c f w l s i w h o smirk at i t , a s i f t o say . I I expect to h a v e ; t h e mitmhers ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | w a s n t lost . I w a s left behind.*

pecially s ince the g r o u p i s d o i n g . S o We AH C o H o m e uch effective work on h o u s i n g sub- T h t . O | | 1 V j y n ^ i t y w h i c h plti„ues

s is tence , and other pert inent i ssues . the omee ^ o n t h e f a c e o f i t a

tr iv ial and even comical one . How-

It was an "iru-ousisten:**

which let lh«» lrf»a nte of

•J by the wayside. T«» l»e

:a-n our backs so other* n«iw ram-

Observation Ptsf

i er U'lS.


Nat ions irresponsible again in taki::e from ;Se I ' .N. i ts rutessary lif.•-blond -collective action —can asa : i i only !e;id to th.> tiiu<i ile;l confusion which K.*!d >\vay i:i :;ie I ' .S. itefore l!»4t.

Thi* iVi-on-.-iii* :. v and

Every member on a commit tee

the goa l . ever , searching ileeper into ihe AVC's national |»olicy is initiated problem, its potent ia l i t ies for cau*.

on the chapter level . B y r«"licipat- i ing a complete breakdown of the in-r in the Thursday m e e t i n g s , ' I ^ ^ J a r M i Found be.-otnes «tuite

The S.H*icl<»gy S«K-'.ety feel* tiw.t liln-rttls here in school can init iate d e a r . "What" ask the guardians "The l a n i p u s . " in its editorial of nat ionwide act ion! . , , f ^he 1^ and F . d«M)r. '*if the fcey


ike Oil^itMi^lt l^t ,- * ki-ixvlily owa. 1 calim n'-'iy -.mntne W nw C.C.K.Y •vnif cl ike A I W ^ M VHtji-.t CMnMIt* -M tk« C.C.«».V. V*t«<*»\ A.wulwn. ,1.

<ot~ tM mir BmHni IMft Slr»»t Mtf ConrJii Arciwr. Calitst S M Ml.


c.»:if i- > :.<>n • My cUtu.is t .".*• !llO' i v e s

e>p-.:i - • : ! » ! e l o r o u r " n e w " f o , . ijrt> pol:,-y. \\«- n w t l a n iiw'rn* St a n d s : l l cer . p i ; i . -y. Mr. P i t - >d. 11 - -•ha: • r a n t o i e d . in.V l o o k s If r e a l

u.-t .. • » : • • • • ' it • s .

l l «o»ar> t..:<i <te .ri

sf*rr Jwi S M a w i «•

; t-.» C»kw « • f - k i t i Bly° 49

i-c*. « ] •* . •?•

. • • € « M m

1 -t » Cat** a

viti CtMrtr -m

t*%t* C-atan* M mmmmck -m


r al K.rijn* •«»

»* • tf(f • «

nirm mmmti - «

ICl fV

FashiiHi Show Held At UalJorf-Asttiria

Tiie w.-men's div:sion for <"ity C •!!«*/*• "s Cir . cnn ia i Fu;xt pnesent-<"l :: i j Mir ra -n ion i . a i a " at lib WaiiLn-f \>:or;a on S a i u i d a y M.x-.-!-. T2.

I*i>ren.-.* i.as.iK s picintere of l>-IT - i r n e «-rea:>oiis » e r c ' l i s -i>ia>e.| as ve i l a s IS4T aihi 2**47 -:.vl.--.

I»iir n^ :".e >ho\\ Milton Be'Ie m d h'.- wife . 4«»y<v Mathews, a u c -

March •: on the Austin-Mahoney Bill. complete ly fai led in its fun--tion as a student newspaper in " \ -pressinjj an opinion which wa-

, completely ct»ntrary t • the c.\-pre^s-.d opinion of the student body. The negative tone of the «-diu>rn! says in effect that the hill is mean-injrJess. not worth tigiit .ng tor!

We of the Soc io logy S«M*iety rc i -l;ze that such lcgisiati-»n would nn rely be a t tack ing the -ym-u.mi o f the disease, but we are also aware that many ot* o,:r own stu­dents have changetl th-.*:; ••H-ati.mal objective^ Ut-.ui e •>( d >• i m i n ^ lory t«i:». t ice- i:» some •;radua:e -chiMtls. I i i c - c n-nSHijr- were |MI»- . l.shed in tile reiN»rt «,f the Social Kc.seaich ljiiH»ratory. Th«*se prai-t. e.« are real. The Atistin-Mah.n- v H;!! ;v.»uld ^iv*- the indiTid'ia! rh^ r jrbt to nrosei l i te atrain-t any !:*t* pia<-ii.*e. This »> i real and vain-;''de i ipht. Let's not confute th • i.—ii* hv offering the State Ci.iver-.-ity •*< rt %s(i:»st:tute; both g o ha'i.l in hand. The areunicnts presented in the •d t tora l concemjnjr legi la-ture ioop-holes (without «^fer-.nx a:iy -u^ffe^tion to:- mpr»vrerrf-n:» and the jnab l i ty to i eg i sHte pe«-

i«» iN AVC—i'OMK


TO is lost ? How will w e e v e r open thj dtM»r to s ee if it w a s found ?**



'•c«a?v aansra

. l imed a<»d modeled hats donated |de'> attitude*, if carried to their ny fire big N e w York hooves. T h e y • log: .a l <^mluN».»n would result i i br*w?ht a n av; rage o f $14l» e a c h , the «iefeat .»f miM-h pn«cre<stT

Amon^' others who Jenc the ir legislation to cvate . This de feat i s :

• :aW*iit!i were John Kieran. H a r r y att i tude »* hardly worthy o f th?'. A Hir.^bfteld. Peter l>awald. J i n x t radh iaa o f CaaiT«s . • FaUaenberg, T « E M « C - a t y . <^dda * Tht< M t e r w a * WWT printed by ' }P?:ry . H o r a c e IV-mood. a - d '^ntpn«*

* ! - •: ••.• ••. r -pat a vsi- " • 'al *etH>r «"'»ir!n;ncr nf i'«*tr :hmt Ht'M

Page 3: | Steady Texas Quintet Wins | Tourney Consolation Rounddigital-archives.ccny.cuny.edu/archival-collections...under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars. which de flated

47 * W7 O S S E R V A T I O N POST



Page 3

er leg

as nd

s" of

w^fUL be a football coach? Drop a liiu> pronto to OK.' IPAHKBR. facuity adviser of .ootball at the collefe ' your qualilicatiomt. If your application i* ap- •

fJJull be first on line to take the ".screcninir test" next;

JHSAVE* «iKii> wHiNew ApproprUition' j g flJJJ-Kl'tN—-the four; .

E , - who passed their entrance j f ^ U W S ReiUals , i ^ week are currently be- .

,^.isierviewed by the faculty-j « oaiinued from Page I) fommittee. which as i t s . tiie

jjiphtr and for some strange has no students 01 present:

players in the group. I^F. PKANK L. M.OYO. Hy-

Dept. chaiinian will act on eoaaiitfee's recommendations' Mek- There is reason to be- j

& that the AMERICAN ftMlT- •

appropriation is granted to! the College, the rents al Arjnj Hall would IK* reduced by approximate­ly 2.r»';. On the basis of an average rental ot ?* oer week per man, tiiis would mean a reduction of aiiout $2 or more.

KaU>s Higher

CantenaiaJ Bali The Ktadeat Ceateaniat Hall

Vommittee w rapwUy coapUliag arraagemeau for the Ceateaaial Ball to he held ia the tireat Hall oaMay Itlat » 4 « p . i | .

Oae of Broadwa, >. i«p h*md' line bands. Tommy Tucker and hi«i orcheara aloag with a yromi-r«at rhumhs combinations '•ill furaivh the muMr for the semi-formal affair. Subtrripti'm* **H at $«.«# per couple Ticket mm nouacemeats a ill be |MMUd soon.

Pruceedr* from the birthday hall will be added t» the Sladeat I uiou Kaildiag fund.

Bfeavw Rally Falls Short in NCAA

ulL COACHES ASSOCIATION ' , , , »»« aforementhaied Housing j 1 O U f l M t V I V e l l l l l

S i H ^ y t * * » «*»<* 0 » **: . l ^ T ^ ^ l iL!^.T^!ai'\ « • • * • - < from Page 1) *J he es'iabli>ouicol i ed. by comparison with other insti- •

^^'"Siri^vsi^is1?;tha:th* mi**ai Aru,y

. . . ! Hall dornutoi v nrave somewhat embarras- -« y *i»—« » two-man

m to ^Mg Mmen. * * *

oi.».-t-A'«» )>U;'nii a."> J o e

;» tegislative Note*—

1 Bogus BonuB Bill? S Hy JACK MONOKKKIt

! i If someone offered you a $850 gift, would you take it ? Probably you j v.ould be a bit suspicious, and would look for the inevitable antrle : involved. Well, that's exactly the issue of the N .Y. State Bonus BilT. ' This bill is, in reality, on amendment to the State Constitution, : and as such, calls for a referendum vote In the coming elections. This

©means that every voter in the slate will have a say tone vote> on this iniportunt matter. The Aineiiduieiit allows:

(II l-ogitduturc to create n debt of iMtHKOtMjIMIO by a bond issue.

(2) debt to be u*ed as a veteran.*' bonus tpayable to next of kin if veteran is deceased I.

H i m E Y E K . whether or not >ou want, or ui>prove of a IKMIUS is not the entire Lssue. The original tbxius Bill does not SIR** ify how the debt shall be paid, but empowers the

at'.!r<» »<» fl'fide. In th* l.««»ri*-.

Competitive Exams For Tech School

Itean Albert J. Newman, head of • the School of Technology, staled in

an interview, that the problem of excess enrollment in the Tech

. school may lie solved by competi­tive examinations to he given at

j the close of tiie sophomo-e year.

! When askod if any special con-it.kd | 3idcra'ion or prvf•??»»»»•••• w<mld be

averagi! f o r t h e ««m-iaK.T. , . , ,

room are 11.8'* higher; than at Columbia. 2«.2', higher; WhwoosiaUke Karst

, than at Princeton. .'19'-; higher Tiie Keavers with a closing first-makes I t'>an at Yak*, and as much as 84?. period Wisconsin-like scoring

! burst puJIed up to 32-28 as the

• j Irwin Dambrot UoKged the rebound -given to veterans, the Dean said J ^ ' S ^ i i u n j«« caidudei l .^ bill that, while that phase of i;ic prob-

SAM i sities. The admitted reason for \ *>«ffl»i sounded, squad i th*5* charges was the fact that '• «-'-«ach Frosty t:ox's outfit ripped

CflrrBNOTAI. SPIUNG tiletmed how in the Stadium i higher than at s->:ue other univer

S*rfcy when COACH IgHKKAirS baseball . , — ,

the campaign against • the veterans living at Army Hall «" anothei* seven point spread at nafT, imm^hately followed hy were forced to pay for the main- j t h c hegiiuiing of the second half fctntfe practice contest between ; Ufiwi.ce of forty six classrooms! More Jameson bagged a Held goal ^ptm. ^Bd CHIEF MILLER'S Ia , ,<* otiwr facilities in the Army *»' m a , i « th«' -"c*"* 'Kl-W.

. JACK RIDER,' " a " building, which are used by

J tem had not yet been discussed, would pi-obab>y not. I low-consideration would be given

tla'y over,

to those vets who would suffer hardships under the plan.

Plans For '48

i pflgted the Lavender mermen j t h * t!olleg»'. |tt*S-l record in his first season, j s ' n c * n o t**1*


liflOCUTION. . . . # * *

He recent metropolitan sport-J •dhn' i t e t at the college's fac-[ *f atUeitic committee's accept-

IMB of the NCAA Nd j A p f tih with Syracase was

I bat certahriy not all ia | At same direction.

Wky tfda't the sport colam-apts sake their copy bark al dfcNCAA select ions committee?

n a g the Wyoming team *krt| ia the Western Regieaals Id iUae ccasidering the Com- ' %«. vas tacit admission of tha» Nb caadeaing the notorious ia-Htthreihibtthm at the Garden me. 25 hy SbeJioo and his g-Kff Ima Laramie. Thank ti*:& for T«ms!

funds were made available to ihe College for that purpose, and after many months

! of discussion, the President of the i Colk-gc* was finally persuaded dur-: ing last semester to submit to the i Board of Estimate, through the

Plans for the completitive exam­inations, which include comprehen­sive and achievement tests, are

i still in the evolutionary stage. In Dambrot Hits j sekvting students, weight would be

The two runner-up (jnslists ex- • given *n relative standings on the changed baskets throughont the [tests and the student's previous period with the tanghorn's lead schoiaslic record, i f approved by narrowed to a four-six point range. With four minuteo left in the con­test, a Dambrot pop made it 4y-47 but the Beavers couldn't draw-abreast of their opponents. Two

Board of Higher Education, a re- {Hargis cliiscber tallies and a Mad-| quest for a supplementary appro-jsen foul insured the Texan's vk*-I priation, specifically for the pur- ] tory. j pose of making the educational! .

facilities and the power-plant »«! V * * * * * * * * A k l r (**± Army Hall self-supporting. { V e t e r a n * At* tOT

Paie«tia Ad*. Vou* • D i c t i o i i a r y , S u p p l i e s : ] City Councilman Ira J. Palestin: (Coatiaaed from Page I) ' in a letter to the Veterans Asso- independent publishers and sup-, jciation said that he understood • pliers. ! I that the reduction may be too! in line with implied require'

little to count much. He recom- j ments is the desire to get sup-! meiKied continued pressure on City _ plementary texts in the fields of I officials if mote • needed.

the Board of Higher Education, the prom-am will probably go into etfrt fo:- the Spring term of 1948.

Jack Chonoles. AVC head, and Paul Brown. VA head, stated thai: "the Veterans Association and the AVC will investigate the situation and emleavoor to protect the rights

j of veterans who have been away."

i ^ »


Girts I * <*

: I

rent relief was specialiation. a thesauruc f w i p n r « - « » d d i d t t d d i * # M * » H | English majors and handbooks for

k-Jtt «| thit. Year—llenver Pro Vm tourney. PEPPERDIXE -4.: . (UJiCOLJi M T H O I S B -::!».

"^«n«y is ihc Trees** *« March '2Hih and 2J*th the

'^5*8 -Thiatre Workshop will i*«eBt a prtxluc.ion of "Sweeney '" The Tree?" at the Pauline « « * Theater.

terry Eskow. "4X. will |iorti-ay ***.a«l Sweeney and Stan Katz. -•• will play the alter ego, Sween-

1 Himself.

Sheean. Wolf at Anti-Franco Kally

Milton Wolf and Vincent Shee-: ban are the speakers slated to ad­dress an open-air Anti-Franco Rally, sponsored by Student Coun­cil on Thursday. March 27.

Ir. addition to talks delivered by Milton Wolf. CtHmmandcr of Vets of Line dn Brigade and Vincent

Msy i She.-han. noted journalist ^ and Ed-! for.*ien .-.»rrespondent a letter

• from Henry Wallace is expected. If wcathe" conditions do not per.

mit a rtag-i»oie raily. the jnceling will adjourn to Room !«K»-7 Toa-n-<eiid Harris.

; eugineeis. The S'J=;:!:y!tra»!0»» • feels this violates the contract that j the Board of Higher Education has • with the VA. The contract al- \

> lows the schools $11.02 per credit; hour and the equipment given the vets will ** . .. in no instance .. . . be greater in variety, quality, or !

amount than is required of all: other students."

t At the .March 14 meeting called j • by Oean Theobald to discuss gen- ' : eral book and supply issue t.i vet-

Ifs AUegerooey! I DRAMSOrr



THEATRE 5.a.t>i>o.<Lfl.a.g.s.3.a.tm.o a B cajLtf^ i / I N K

-o'Jege. two m a m i

a K+xmmnrmmt « 1 S BROADWAY

*« are now serving a fall ••••••cearse IHnaer of ytmr '«w»te dishes. • E A ^ N A B l . E PRICES


* b i t t e n and Aawr ican Kevtaurant

m\m s«. w- 1 U

erans at the points were discussed.

I»r. Oan:el F. Brophy. I •.•an of r > Student Life, declared at the meet-, [ in:f. "Any vet who has a nrobicm ' ••n books or soppl;es <:ioold «-i»nie ; to me.

LIST:: j \ I l»» Yna H a v e t h e W a n d e r l u s t ? | ^

J O I N t *

AMERICAN YOUTH HOSTEc! / Thursday. March 27- - [ £

Km. ZM—12^t I . <

was passed impoeiug a tax t«u cigarettes a ml a straiglit 10', in­come Lax increase to provide the revenue for the payment of the bonus debt, if the bonus bill i« passed.

The Legislative Committee of tho Vets Assn. has gone on record ** approving of the bonus — us :• bonus. It does not approve, how­ever, of the methods decided upon to raise the money. It seemed to the Committee that due to the un­fair taxation measures, the vetenm. in * great extent, would IK- p.»yinjr for his own bonus.

NKtKKTHBLESS, realising the controverwal aspects of this bill, we decided to present an unbiu'ed accounting of the pros ami con;:

Pro—il l <;.L discharge allot­ment was insuflkicnt for clothin.r and other readjustment esroenseK. (2) There now exists a higher cost of living. CO Vets need money now to cover their expenses. (4* Bonus would not interfere with housing or increHsed subsistence program*-.

Cow—<l I Bonus doesn't solve tho Vets* pn blems. (2) Bonus money could he utilized for more impor­tant projects < housing, hospitals, schools, increased subsistence*. CO Tax measures unfair—bonus pah! for by vets. (4) Bonus mighs come in handier a few years from now. {.->> Vets don't want handouts.

IF YOl HAVE any questions or comments «n this or any other current legislation, join in at tho Legislative Committee muctlntr* held every Wednesday at 4 P.M. in Koom H»A.

* CITY C M J J * * : ;

BARBERS — No Wailin- £




in Army Hall

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I C I J P .%xm SAVE)

Page 4: | Steady Texas Quintet Wins | Tourney Consolation Rounddigital-archives.ccny.cuny.edu/archival-collections...under his own basket. Ilargia hit for six easy hangars. which de flated



Veterans' Affairs By RROWM aad Ml RLAND

THE Ml<; NEWS this month isjcausoil deh^wi subsisten^ checks the fact that tho Social Security j last term. (1) Vbur ue&Uiet to re-Act ha« been amended to provi.lv f port change of addr<-s* <2> failure -urvivors' twitetits for dependent^ j tr> report earnings (3) usual red of World War II vets who die i tape in getting necessary papers • a-ithin three years after date of: from st huol to regional oltice. discharge. Base* for tiualiiicati'.i.s | S l U S I S T E N t E TROl RLE? Did. arc {a) at least 'JO days of active i you go to Koom 223? Did you And ! service since Sept. Itf. ItMO, unless .that they were not able to aid you? discharged for * ^crvire-connected J We told you that Sy Brown of AVC . injury or di. ability (i>> a discbarge '• is the man to see. He is still located under honorable condiiions. . in Hooni lt*A on Tuesuay and Fr#»

Survivors and 'or de|>eitdeiits who day between 12 and 2 P.M. By the are already .eceiving some form of I May, if you have started using your cotnpensation or be/iclit from the j G.I. Bill this semester, don't expect V.A. will not be considered for | any check until at least the end the** special sui vtvors' lienefits of , of March. th,- Social Security Act. Dependents ' IH>NT THINK THAT PRISON receiving money from a deceased • can interfere with the education of

LUCIAJV* S I V M * om. n» TM* 9aum

We'tt Ua Aay f hotographie Work Par l o *

Morch 26. 1947

« * ttw 0L» WATCH L«Mt N£W

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serviceman's N.S.L.I. Policy are eligible for benefitt.

IHIS AMENDMENT actually puts the ex-serviceman in ai> in-sure«l status for a three year period regardless of whether he owns or does not own dome form of gov erument insurunce. In the event of . the vets" death, his widow and chil- j dren are guaranteed monthly bene- '

an honorably discharged veteran. Those who may lie unfortunate enough to be routined in prisons for civil offenses can take advant­age of their G.L Bill via corres-ponden>-e courses. Everything is handled by the V.A. Of course, no sulwistenve U paid to these men.

VETERANS WHO ARE S T I D V -INC under the G.L Bill in foreign

tits until such a time as the widow , schools are finding themselves un-remarries and the children reach!able to continue living and eating age IK. If parents over tJo were for- • "a the meager sums th«> receive merly dependent upon the deceased, they may lie eligible for payment. Claims must lit filed at the nearest Social Security Field Office where further information can be tamed.

Many are living in squalid cond-tions and others are on the verge . of malnutrition.

Ironically, many of these foreign , ob- i lands have laws prohibiting these

. students from working. Warning * * * • was given that the subsistence pay

WE'D LIKE TO CALL this fact j ments would have to be supple-1 to the attention of all C.C.N.Y. < mented with pergonal money. As ex-marines. If you find yourself in j an example t f conditions, in Mexico! need of a loan, you may very easily J t-'ity it was fo-jnd that room and j obtain «ne by contacting "Marine hoard costs from SUO to $80 per :

This j month. If you haven't, any of your '. j own money, you can see what a t

•* * * ' serious problem it can and has :

HAVE YOtr FINALLY RE- | turned out to be. CKIVED your terminal leave checks and bonds, only

* t i« «r. A. — 6«t M Nr CM* OMMMM

oeuA* WATCH cr MS W. Mtk $». M*Mt M M A K J *

SUn ««. » — >—mti aaey» MtrtM Stort: 2M Mais S««Wt

• r • * - •



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to bud that thruu BRAND NEW. Never Csed m»me stroke of fate, a miscalcula- j • Whiner Motor Hike. Speed 5 tion has been made on your ac- j} to *> miles per hour. 12* miles count? Adjustment is quite simple. : j on gallon of gas. all attached. You merely send back your checks I' f 'ady to use. cost $164 aew. and 'or bonds to the Army Finance '.' *<" S*1* Re«soMbl* — Ask For S«m tltfice which made payment. Of ! \ 0*»» ' m S - 2 M • Ev••* - C * *->20» f j course, be sure to include a letter ' . — . . ' . ^ ^ > j re<iuestiiig a correction. The above applies only to former Army men. All others will have to contact their I respective disbursing offices to ob­tain full instructions.

AFTER A C A k E F l L S I RVEY. the following were found to have

mmra 86 a a d a o m-*-* o a ^ i ioiHftJimrHt* Of A Yet


^ . » * » - J i * » .



JEWISH STUDENTS' ORGANIZATION OF CCNY Join Hillel Discussion and Activity Group!


Plain Talk Ahoat Judaism 12 M.

Waia Talk Ahoat Judaism I P.M.

Palestinian Dancing . . . 2 P.M. Hebrew 4 P.M. Moskrale 7 P.M.

TIESDAY Hebrew II A.M. Coortship and Marriage 1 P.M. IZFA Zionist 3 P.M. Maskale 3 P.M.

Mascale »P.M. Hag Ivri 10P.M.

WEDNESDAY Hug Ivri I P-M. Dance laslraction 2 P.M. Choral Croup . . . . . . . 3 P.M. IZFA Zionist 5 P.M. Yiddish (Tub 4 P.M. Elementary Hebrew . . . . 9 P.M.

THURSDAY Membershia Meeting,

Forams and Rallies . .12 P.M. Masieale 3 P.M.


Jewish History Survey 12 M.

Contemporary Jewish Affairs 1 P.M.

Oaeg Shabbat


2 P.M.

.2:3a P-M. Braadeis Zionist


Palestinian Dance Group 4 P.M.


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