प्राचीन सम्रद्ध भारत_ shiv tandav stotra in...

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  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 1

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    Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English



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  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

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    I n Hindi




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    Vivek Chan



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  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

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  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

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  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 5


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    I n Englis h

    mat t ed hair-t hick as f orest -wat er-f low-consecrat ed-area


    in t he t hroat -st uck-hanging-snake-lof t y-garland

    damat -damat -damat -damat -having sound-drum-t his


    did-f ierce-Tandava-may he shower-on us-S hiva-auspiciousness

    Wit h his neck, consecrat ed by t he f low of wat er f lowing f rom t he

    t hick f orest -like locks of hair, and on t he neck, where t he lof t y snake

    is hanging garland, and the Damaru drum making the sound of

    Damat Damat Damat Damat , Lord S hiva did t he auspicious dance of

    Tandava and may He shower prosperit y on us all.


    mat t ed hair-a well-agit at ion-moving-celest ial river

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    agit at ing-waves-rows-glorif ied-head

    Dhagat dhagat dhagat-flaming-forehead-flat area-fire


    baby-moon-crest jewel-love-every moment -f or me

    I have a very deep int erest in Lord S hiva, whose head is glorif ied by

    t he rows of moving waves of t he celest ial river Ganga, agit at ing in

    t he deep well of his hair-locks, and who has t he brilliant f ire f laming

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 6

    on t he surf ace of his f orehead, and who has t he crescent moon as a

    jewel on his head.

    K ing of mount ains-daught er-sport ive-kit h-beaut if ul-


    glorious-horizon-all living beings-rejoicing-mind

    compassion-look-cont inuous f low-obst ruct ed-hardships

    () ||||

    some t ime-in t he omnipresent -mind-pleasure-may seek-in a t hing

    May my mind seek happiness in t he Lord S hiva, in whose mind all t he

    living beings of t he glorious universe exist , who is t he sport ive

    companion of P arvat i (daught er of t he mount ain king), who cont rols

    invincible hardships wit h t he f low of his compassionat e look, who is

    all-persuasive (t he direct ions are his clot hes).

    creeping-snake-reddish brown-shining-hood-gem-luster-


    variegat ed-red dye-melt ing-applied-direct ions-beloved-f ace

    int oxicat ed-elephant -glit t ering-skin-upper garment -covered


    mind-pleasure-wonderf ul-may it seek-in him who support s all lif e

    May I seek wonderf ul pleasure in Lord S hiva, who is support er

    of all lif e, who wit h his creeping snake wit h reddish brown hood and

    wit h t he lust er of his gem on it spreading out variegat ed colors on t he

    beaut if ul f aces of t he maidens of direct ions, who is covered wit h a

    glit t ering upper garment made of t he skin of a huge int oxicat ed

    elephant .

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 7

    I ndra/ V ishnu-and ot hers-all-lined up-heads-


    f lower-dust -f orce-grayed-f eet -seat

    snake-red-garland (wit h) t ied-locked hair


    f or t he prosperit y-f or a long t ime-may he be-Cakora bird-relat ive-on head

    May Lord S hiva give us prosperit y, who has t he moon (relat ive of t he

    Cakora bird) as his head-jewel, whose hair is t ied by t he red snake-

    garland, whose f oot -st ool is grayed by t he f low of dust f rom t he

    f lowers f rom t he rows of heads of all t he Gods, I ndra/ V ishnu and ot hers.


    f orehead-f lat area-f laming-f ire-sparks-lust er

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    devoured-God of Love-bowing-Gods -leader

    cool-rayed-crescent -beaut if ul-head


    f or t he S iddhi-prosperit y-head-locked hair-may it be-t o us

    May we get t he wealt h of S iddhis f rom S hiva's locks of hair, which

    devoured t he God of Love wit h t he sparks of t he f ire f laming in His

    f orehead, who is bowed by all t he celest ial leaders, who is beaut if ul

    wit h a crescent moon


    dreadful-forehead-flat area-dhagat-dhagat-flaming


    fire-off ered-powerful-God of Love


    king of mount ains-daught er-breast -t ip-colorf ul-decorat ive lines

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 8

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    drawing-sole-art ist -in t he t hree-eyed -deep int erest -mine

    My int erest is in Lord S hiva, who has t hree eyes, who has of f ered t he

    powerful God of Love into the fire, flaming Dhagad Dhagad on the

    f lat surf ace of his f orehead who is t he sole expert art ist of drawing

    decorat ive lines on t he t ips of breast s of P arvat i, t he daught er of

    t he mount ain king.


    new-cloud-circle -obst ruct ed-harsh-st riking-


    new moon-midnight -darkness-t ight ly -t ied-neck

    celest ial-river-wearing-may he bless-skin-red


    moon-lovely-prosperit y-universe-bearer of t he burden

    May Lord S hiva give us prosperit y, who bears t he burden of t his

    universe, who is lovely wit h t he moon, who is red wearing t he skin,

    who has t he celest ial river Ganga, whose neck is dark as midnight

    of new moon night covered by many layers of clouds.


    well-opened-blue-lot us-universe-darkness-lust er

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    hanging-inside-t emple-lust er-t ied-neck

    Manmat ha-killer-cit y-dest royer-mundane lif e -dest royer-sacrif ice dest royer


    elephant -killer-demon-killer-him-dest royer of Lord Y ama-I worship

    I pray t o Lord S hiva, whose neck is t ied wit h t he lust er of t he t emples

    hanging on t he neck wit h t he glory of t he f ully-bloomed blue lot uses

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 9

    which looked like t he blackness (sins) of t he universe, who is t he

    killer of Manmat ha, who dest royed Tripuras, who dest royed t he

    bonds of worldly lif e, who dest royed t he sacrif ice, who dest royed t he

    demon A ndhaka, t he dest royer of t he elephant s, and who cont rolled

    t he God of deat h, Y ama.


    great -all-auspicious-art -variegat ed-bunch-


    enjoyment -f low-sweet ness-f laring up-bees

    Manmat ha-dest royer-cit y-dest royer-worldly bond-dest royer -sacrif ice-dest royer


    elephant -killer-A ndhaka-demon-killer-him-Y ama-cont roller-I worship

    I pray t o Lord S hiva, who has bees f lying all over because of t he sweet

    honey f rom t he beaut if ul bunch of auspicious K adamba f lowers, who

    is t he killer of Manmat ha, who dest royed Tripuras, who dest royed t he

    bonds of worldly lif e, who dest royed t he sacrif ice, who dest royed t he

    demon A ndhaka, t he killer of t he elephant s, and who cont rolled t he

    God of deat h, Y ama.


    vict orious-f oot -sky-whirling-roaming-snake-breat h-

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    coming out -shaking-evident -dreadf ul-f orehead-f ire



    sound-series-caused-f ierce-Tandava dance-S hiva

    Lord S hiva, whose dance of Tandava is in t une wit h t he series of loud

    sounds of drum making Dhimid Dhimid sounds, who has t he f ire

    on t he great f orehead, t he f ire t hat is spreading out because of t he

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 10

    breat h of t he snake wandering in whirling mot ion in t he glorious sky.


    t ouching-varied-ways-snake-embodied-garland

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    most precious-gems-brilliance-f riends-enemies-t wo wings

    grass-lot us-eyes people and t he great emperor


    equal-behaviour-always-Lord S hiva-worship-I

    When will I worship Lord S adasiva (et ernally auspicious) God, wit h

    equal vision t owards t he people and an emperor, and a blade of grass

    and lot us-like eye, t owards bot h f riends and enemies, t owards t he

    valuable gem and some lump of dirt , t owards a snake and a garland

    and t owards varied ways of t he world

    when-celest ial river-bush-hollow place(in)-living


    released-bad mind-always -on the head-folded hands-

    agit at ion-shaking-eyes-t he best -f orehead-int erest ed


    "S hiva" -mant ra-ut t ering-when-happy-will-be-I

    When will I be happy, living in t he hollow place near t he celest ial

    river, Ganga, carrying t he f olded hands on my head all t he t ime, wit h

    my bad t hinking washed away, and ut t ering t he mant ra of Lord S hiva

    and devot ed in t he God wit h glorious f orehead wit h vibrat ing eyes.

    This-indeed-daily-t hus-said-t he best of t he best -st ot ra


  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English


    12/03/2015 : Shiv Tandav St ot ra in Sanskrit -Hindi-English

    http://secr et- of- i ndi a.bl ogspot.i n/2013/07/shi v- tandav- stotr a- i n- sanskr i t- hi ndi .htm l 11

    reading-remembering-saying-a person-sanct it y-get s-always

    in S hiva-in Guru-deep devot ion-quickly-get s-no-ot her-way


    removal of delusion-indeed-f or t he people-blessed S hiva's t hought

    Whoever reads, remembers and says t his best st ot ra as it is said here,

    get s purif ied f or ever, and obt ains devot ion in t he great Guru S hiva.

    For t his devot ion, t here is no ot her way. Just t he mere t hought of

    Lord S hiva indeed removes t he delusion.



    who-S hiva-worship-dedicat ed-reads-early in t he evening, af t er sunset

    t o him-st able-chariot -elephant -horse-having


    LakS hmi-always-def init ely-f avourable-gives-S hiva

    I n t he evening, af t er sunset , at t he end of P uja, whoever ut t ers t his

    st ot ra dedicat ed t o t he worship of S hiva, Lord S hiva blessed him wit h very

    st able LakS hmi (prosperit y) wit h all t he richness of chariot s, elephant s

    and horses.


    t hus sri-Ravana-done


    S hiva-t andava-st ot ra


    Thus ends t he S hiva-Tandava S t ot ra writ t en by Ravana.

  • 7/25/2019 _ Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English
