· root rayu into ll...

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SllfJiln In a dark fQOJJIIlt night . a llsbtnlnt: lit otorm ®llllpg on. tbo obli9rvcr oC tho (!lectrt~ml phcnOilll1M wlll be unat,>lc tp tell trow ·whletl ot tllo cowpnoo polnto a bUndln111 Ull•h comen, even Jt the room b.ll.Y~ t,(l)lr . .,,... to tho tour p<Jintu of tho pu.aa. T), of ~fill!, provided tho ebndtlD bo lowered· cni.Qlclently Cor tho possible bolt to e11cnpe the eye. The roll ot tbuncler followlns the naoh wlll bo tho Orot lnthnntlon tho oboervor bu or tbo aton:n 41rocUon.

l!mpoclnlly 111 tbtll fnot mnrkec! 11fter tho ratn Ia fnlllng heu.vlly and when tho\ min dropu become rnllcctol'll or tho light, l{ivlnll tbe eaoct or ulieet UgbUtin&. At lucb Umco when tho 11We:s oonm ubccto of flnme, ono mny tJbDcrve bow thl11 reflected light pooo­tratc:l to every corner or n room with a briiiiiUlett not oq ua.led by oumwor ounllgbL 'rbo ounllgbt, corulng In ell· root rayu Into ll room, leavett Ito 11bnd· ow upoLD. Tho rofiooted light of the lightning ntrolio leaven tbe ceiling nnd tbo lloor t•Qu!llly Illumined. Even tho amnlleut obJnl't mny be> plcltcd up from uodnr n bod or oth"r rumlturo a little rnloud llbovn tho noor

BURNER FOR ALCOHOL LAMP Particularly Adnptod to Conaumo,

ond Facllltato Formotlon and Dis· trlbutlon of Vopor.

A bumor for nn alcohol vapor Jnmp, tn•ontod by 0 lalct~lnn of tlnnto Do­miQgo. DomlnlCllll RCJlUbJ1c, la dc­Bt!Tibcd by tho Scientific Amcrlcnn an rollmva·

Tho lnvcmUon rolntca p:lftiCUJnrly to burnora o.clllptad to conaumo nlcobol

Luna Teater.

the' utrot<:blng ot the eli:wtlo Alltl that polnta to tbo VllfloUll flt;urc~:~. Ono eot or numbcl:ll dcnotcu lUIIIl' cn,pnclty. Ao tho WC!ll'(lt oC lllll nPPilmtUD lnhnleo, biD or her· cheat expondo, otrct.cbco tho clnnUc end movc11 tho nelldlo. An tho pol'llon .ellhnletJ, tbo cllul' contmctn nod tho needle c.utomnttcnUy rctumo to r.oro. All the phynlcnl cxpnnalon of the chect lo a good tndlca.don or tho cnpnclty ot tho lunWJ, tblo device lo 11 r;reat hvlp to phyalclonn. -----DEVICE TO ASSIST AERONAUT lncllnomttor lntondcd to lndtcate at

Gl11nco How Much Plane 11 Tilted, Elavated or Deflected,

!u.ld 'tl\'CCt­$ tei\Sp!i6Jltl1l £f:W'1ln . SR\'C~ .1\ ,e)llld W,~Ol'i row. · · · . As~ ~t., thll at(!re tor :a GO..c¢.lt bqtUe

ot "Oa1flomln S:Vt.llP o( Fl~".'' which bas tuU dlreetton$ for b(tbl~ chtldren. ot aU AtciS· f.U4 tbr ~Wii·'apa Jlllll,nlT on enc~ l,l.:Jttle. Ad'f.

GOOD MEN AAE DISSATlSFIEO Feel That TheY Don't Mc••uN! Up to·

Own Standard' Every Day • In Week. · .........

So ')'ou tccl tbtlt TOU'ro .a. taUure boCAUllD you don't menaure uv to )'QUr own i!ltlDdardu, evorv dny In tba week?

Buo'lt up, brother! Thllt'o the way nll co.od, &&nbcnd men tool uomo­lhneot

[f thPY weren't dln!lo.UIIfied with thnlr pcrron:nnnccn no w9ll Ull .their promtlll!ll, they'd be. trotUnr; etround In n clrclo; and t.bnc. meaJlll ~aclr:it:DO drY rot, If II~YODO llDim you.

A cortllln .lUJloun' or noU-dlnaaU.Otnc­tton 111 tbo bl!llt tOnto In tho world for tbG- s-enun, wa.n. J t Jtco~ lti.Jll !rom brooc1ln' oli bctn· o man-lUto D.lvld Hc.rum'n ncn-blttPD doc. you Itnow!

.AD long M you ca.n find fault wJth yournelf nnd your worlw, you'ro nllvo. my fl'lend. 1

Whvn you get to tho point whoro you reel aorry tor other mon bc!et!Uoo they Qron't ouch sood n.alolJ111en, or I'Jl!Ulll&WG. or proi11dentn-or portorn­llll you, 'then la tho tlmo for tho doc­tor to llUt you on n diet nnd prencrlbc perfect qulot-to lteop you from ne­llis cn:lZY nbout YOUI'IIIllfl

Don't cot tho gloom.') over .111:\tr.f!ID­b'uot.. Amb!Uou fibd d1Motlntact1on half brolberG, tmY\YilY! ...;,;, Ex· chong a.

. ;

With .an lntere.Ung Tunic.

FOR HEALTH ~NO BEAUTY M11ttcr of Diet Ia Highly lmpOrtllltt, It

One would Acquire and Pre­llorve Good Look&.

A 11 or tho rrouh trulta add tbelr quota or uncfulncaa to tho dlot. and l'nteu plonUtully will help to ltct>p you \veiL nnd pretty. Tbero to 11 legend that one tomouo French beu.uty lived o:r.clU.IIlvely on· ornngl,\1!, but cowmon aena!l tella uo tbnl obo occnplonnll)' ol1pped In ll mcnl of thtngo moro aub. ntnntlnl. Tile thtn girl wtn do woll to ent lnrcoly of rlllulflll, tor tbo.Y ton·

t1 rteh proporUQn of IIUJW.rn U!llt nro co ra.tte,ntns. Trntn yollrtlelf to oat a vnr1oty of fooclo. Many a girl Vllth n. b!ld complexion owen U to the thnt oho sa:.rf? up with tho foollob hnbtt ot cntlng only ~ t~rw tavor.tte dlohoo. Tho dlltcront fruita o.nd vcgo­mbJc.o ()Otltllln o vq.rtolY of cnltll, nll vnluntllo 'o tho bod)', llnd the onturnl a.ppetltc dcmnndo u chllDitll, vvcn from tho bellt nnd mont nutritious rnro. Eat IJCncrouoly of tho frnltn 11nd vvgctnblcn tbo oeoson 11flordo, but-Juot ono word of cnutton--cco to ll that they nre frl!llh. A ollll!IO helping of tomntooa thnt bavo bccun to apoU. n bit or (!tl)o

oort modo of ovompo or utnlo bortl®, t\ ,;Inn ot tn.lllt thnt bllD boon oxpotlod to tbo liiUmmcr dunt. .nny of tbeae tbln!l11 mar gtvo r1ao to one of tboao little a~llo known nn "oummer c:om­pla.tut. ""-Chlcoao nccord·Hert~ld.

, Mado th~ J:lappy. I Jt wnB DJ', Cosmo Gordon L:u• d

llrchbllihop or ~orlt, wllp, when n wne btP,hOP ot Btcpbney, remnrl!.t• apropos of tbo chlldNn Qf the F.a CJtd: "They doing tl GfeAl deal ' Albuko the tendency or tho clergy . becoll)o mlddlo-ntcd tn uplrlt- du morose and I!Uporlllr.'' And be t,.· on~t of hill tc.vorlte ntorltm or " Euat. end cleric who Willi fecllng ~~: lena a.nd dlsconBolo.te Oil netting oo; t • his dally round ot vlllltn, when n IHI ntrcct urchin looked up ut him w.,,, cbecrtul oye llnd !mowing nmllc. ,, llnlcl; ·uno, young mnn! · That gTro•

lng quito rca.aoured tbe pnrnon fer rcllt or the dny," Or. Lane dcclar•·•

ECZEMA ON PAC~ AND Plcroou, N. Da~lll.-"The

etartcd on mY ucnlp. It flnaJiy on to tho bnck of my neclt, then my baclt, nrmo and chMJt. ll out In pimpleD Ol'llt nod then to ron togetbtll' in como plnCCD, tng Q core llboDt the Plzn or t\

At timers tho Itching Md burning ao lntenoo tbnt It eccm•·d u Tho mpro I cerntcbccl n tho bccnmo, and there would bo t\

dltchnrgo from U. cnp••clnllY on Bcnlp, oo llD to 1liA1to my bnlr mnt' and otic~ clono to tho ocnlp 1 hnlr "llll drY. llfclcca nud tblu blltr wan fAD~s llO tmtbly thnt I t begun to dcap:llr ·Of ever nndlo~ ' llct: My dothlnii ltrlmtccl thn tlon on my bnciL Tllo ~()Ctt'd wero nJmoot a tolld ccnb.

"[ bad been boellcred wttb ~n for atwnt n )'c:;r nnl! a. 1mU. 1 btPn l!,tliDS tbo OuUeuro. Soap OllltmCXIt. I uocd them <lnlly lor monUlll llll4 I Wllll etJ'l•td.'' Mtea Mlldrcd Dennin, Apr. no.

,CuUcuro. Sqop and Dtntment tbfO!lCbout t!lo ttorld. Sample ol trce••lth 32-p. Sk1n lJoolt. A!ldtws s;ar<l,.CuUeum. Dept. L.Doston. "·-

... <= • .- .. it' . :.'; •. t<-.- ""~~ · No Small Attentlont Now

"Mnnitt&U nee~ to ~~Avo tlutotont mt~n ot-Tom.'"

''UtA 'llJ16 CL\YII 1L htm mtldo no

dllforent. man of 111m!'


' \

. , . . '


It I); !!'9ti!UMII<>Il,, ..... :. . • ........ ('!ljll(flll!MIIl•ll

Wll\,U. f'\11!* , ................ : .. fedal'l'l Juil!flt Suu~nlllt•ll~r!lh~r~.... .. • 1"11d~1'1\l v lit; .\th, ,\.lt. ltud•p~~ilt •.• · .. :... . . • .. 1J 1:1, .IIII'J'•lilil .Tultu,W. ~~~rqiJ,. •• . .. .. · .. altrr~x"'··(lll~tul tl.l'• lil!t:.J~hiot ...... ., • · .. ; . "1.'. :;; t'•>l1~<'tot • 'l'. ('. 'l~llrllhiun, fllltw«~U :.: ... itac. I.auil Ol\)ri>"'""-.. ·--UIImld lJg~d,liQI<Wtll . .. . tt~n I>~~ rill Oft\ru .'

· ::>'1'1\i'n • W:ti..~lcJ>oll~h\ • · •· ... : .. . ;,,;' , HIIYNMr ·R ~·. dttlhQ"I .. , :. . ... . .11N\t. Hnvemor Abttillio t.u.c$N ...... · ... .. l:ltwrilt~ y •it !Ill\ hi It' \V, t'l11n1.1,r. ••• .. .... .. .. .' . .Utorlult (l!ill•l'll.l W.-1!. •&rliQUI .• , ... ·"·• ........ AUtllt!ll'" 0 • .N. Mlirtuu. • . · . , , .......... · 'l'rHi~nl'tlf Jt, ~·, lkvi~ll- ,, .. - .,. . )•!IUilt'mnUii~~~llUIIr Ah!lll 1'1 •. Whitt". ' ..... l:hi)!t.l'tlb. J!lilfUC"OU

,J·. !lt>ll~rl•, <lhi~r Ju$iiQc, t Jil!>IJ<'<~ nf 1h" W i'llrll;or. ·.lt~wlwr. •!llllltl·rll" . l{, lll•llllll, )l.,ml!\•r, ll'••llr\ · .

11· .

~1. Wlllinm~. <'b-~!rm~q . I'OrJ!uranunl'nm · At. s.-uf .. Y!II!, M~mli~r... · " U.t..UwNhM<·mb!lr,.. ... " ·'·'

· .Pisi-tuc'l\ k:drt».rd J,.,_· !Urdt4tr.· .. : • . ·. . . J'ntlV..- · ,. J{. :Jl. Unnillt•1i( • .'h...... ... Att•wny

rl~ut1N"-t\·~-~-.-- -- -&l~f,in J"rn!ll!•, C'l;blrtn•n . • ... C;<tnl\lltll'lui!~t w: Ill- f'uumao~. Men1b•r .... :.e\lmnll,...hnter

··-··-.. ·--·~----... · ·-•-r ll:. A...lluw~.;\fl'!nbor .... ,. ,, •. {kuiunJ••hm'" -Ili!/,J.Ul:llta.~ • ., •n• ...... l'robi•l~·hld~t>t

~-l _____ ·_· .... ·_~_· _"··_ .. ~· .... ·-. · ..... ~ ..... '~c._.~·_·"'"_ ..... _" __ _, .. ·J Allkinus ·omames;:RooksJ ~-~~,.~---.l?HCL'lE.-29 -·- _

. .

' lUtN'rt!f't -·~ ... - ....... Motor Boat$ at bargain Ofiiictf it1 ptict!!f alt mak~s; bl.'lutd ttew mn· ~~~;gj~f.U~i~~~ltc~~tt~E;~x~ee!hl'\nge S...ank Builditig- • ~liiu~s-; oti •asy montbly payment ..

1 · ... " .. New ooe::na:.l Get-ourptoposition befot~ .Jr~~NK J. "SAO~:R

C011:N~itf,J:.ltj1t•J~'1'-l Af¥'! tN.MJl(ANCE HftUy·~·~


Carrf2!ozo, ·. • .. Billiard and.fooll' Connection.

• -ne-

a . sy~ .. •w!·

ear, k!ts, tcs, ·~Is, !lf,'S,



~eft Brls:. fnRVer fleer. J!l4 lntilt "-bit· St•m• Cliabl r011r .~ ,ytitS tf4 $4.00 Jtt 'illfl, oekt 8Ut1Qll~~ WJm, Y. It ®J~.

. · Beer Ph1u1 rs: Cents. · iwo Oood l'aol iables for Sal'e.

O..·lll 11xollu.-. ~· &ttiU~

buyhrg !Jt J'OU. -witt H, also batgaitl.s {a ttstd Motor ~1<ll~~. Wtite 1UI today~ ~uclo$e Stamp fo.t ,reply. Aadre:at~ ~ock .. no1i: 11 Tre~to~h Mich. • . ...r.. ...... .-...... ....,.......,....., __ ....,.....,...,.,_ ..... -.....~...._...._.~--... ............... ..

•'- U. Uarrc,r ... • : .. •. .. .... t'nm1t,r l'lnk. .. l'••rtlrlrll'l•~n• . . . .• . Sl!bfin· lt<'11ry at. ·t'oriJ.. . . -. .. · .. .A•~•~nr

w. w.t•mt. .. .. • .• ·.. .<rl'i'Mu•'l'r :\Itt~. W.J .. Iluul·o.,. • l'l••hni•l Rut••rinl<JIIIl~li\ • l~rllnl< It 'l'hour.~r.. ... tlun~tnt .. ' ~·· --·-·J.;j~~n·~~unty O~ts·

~""" , ..... ~ .

Pl~O f>I ... l~ wiH> pa'>s thruugh lb'ii;\SI,Wtiou of thl' c.uwty d(}

•10t hnld a very bH~h l'Sti!llatl• of tltt• agrknlturi\1 po'>sibilitics of l.1n~Pht---~uunlv.~ · ,y~t-·~in---ih"'­i.l'tigatml tii!CtiOI;$ of t.h~• \'OIIIlt_)'·•

wbh:b in th!i ugJfr\•ga t'• run-. into a good 1,1creagc ruost .t>x,·dhmt results h;n•c bcNI _obta.incd. - ~1\tk\L·nals- ror in~tl!llt'"!r, 'l''lii"S" -grldtt·«ottprt) -- · this c•HIIH)' . ltas t<cpt I~:d ('. • Pllngstctl__goi~1L1Yltlr nJlt rc;;hitt..t.: •.. _ t&acltllie sin •\! Augu:it· · u u(l ht: ti.'lls llS tiHtt hi.' wilt uot he rlblt:-to tiuish UIHit JnlltHtn·. He. has COVI.'tcll qllit~l!.U.ttle.t\•t:ri!QfJ;tJ.t ' is true. goutg down lhe Uumlo to f>k1t~iho, :md up l~uhlo~o t<t· tJtl! -lildiun rt.':'!i'f\'ution, inchnhng an tlle utrcams on· the c;tst sui c. ile . • l@ not !'!l':<tUtc dg:urcs comvlct{•,.. but says. h11 h1ts Utrcslu.:d· quit~ a liUlc 1nnr~· than lL tnitlmntmtmtl;,

oat~ arl.' or a fiuc •lUality, nlso. and it will be rcmettlben•cl tltllt I~hh·oln~:otuth' oatli, grown on tb~ Hmduso, ouc:c took llr!'it 11ri~c rtt uur Wnrld's i~'tur, .


Bapfut" Church - t.

Utbk Sr ltnul .tt lfllr. Ul, . Prt" ... bu·~ ~wl,~<ti:(ot nt J tin tiH·­

. momm:: .tl111 nt 7:15, 1' m. Y«IUUJ.:: Peut,h•'!i! ~lvt>t

~otlet fat l'libllfutl!ur UUtJ.~

i•El>.Ufi'MI:~l'OI''l'llt. 1N1'l':IUOK · U. If. Jiiitll 01!1"* !If lttlloW•tl, Now Jlnl('lt,

tf.,y · 1UJJ.

Mrhll Nt>. I!U:IU, fill' M\\1( if!~!!. It, fp, l!'i', lfJiUIIe tl4, f.lut Whldt ~~~

~~ Jilllt, WUtii)IWidttl w Mt!> Nlt ~,t.;~, bW!oi.l.fRlt, '\ W)t S.., 8, 'l'WPr J;t, llt~iliCot

.lt. I~ ?ohtWl<~ll, bn llltd_ Bulle<t .. t ltf. · liiJikir flti'l'~jt l)f<il•f• tll tJIKbltdi

lli!lil•\:>lltot ll""'tt•,o.J, l>i!l'!tr<> Jolltl tJ. w. t~<Humlll«~>~btt, In ltf.r ,,m,~. ut

Caf1r~,,,, N. ll: .. ttit lJCi<l lil.ll!l. (:WmUfo.Ml!.'ll•"* Ji.r 'WIIPti ~-~ ., ll"etn M loliilll<lii,:Millo n.Jr .. r;;mu, FAwnrJ J: U~?'*• Alh1ri!'ll' M. P!!tHlhl, ilii f)tl'tnt}ll(~:i:

• "1'· t :, tlr.t.Ott.IOS. Ufi!\*W'• · b\ t'.ub. Nut U! l1.t<J u. ' ·



O!IHI'Ver ~f J!J.C$riq,!PhC!~C1Miili,a. tin• ablo t~· 'Tlllf Qfrlit;~l)n ~iJ.MI'Ifl '

~··•Jt. eomn f1'9!1't.' ' ·~'·,

Slttlllr. In· tl dar~ f(loll'i tit nb;bhdth a llgb!.nlng ut flWJ'Il:) ~llltpc oil, ~b'Q. oba9rvc.- ot u~(! eW:ti'lCAI Pllol\cmt~IUl wiU be uttpf;lltl t<> UIU fi'()Jn wl!Jclt Pt Uio comJliiOfl PQlnta n. bl~ndln*' Pnsb COIIlen, even lt room ltl&'Yo1QJll''Wln· dQIIJ& to tho f!)Uf I)OlJit.ll 0( tho COJll· paas. Tblll, of cournc, provl41ld . tbo abD.dco bo lowered rJull{clolltlY for thu j,oaslble bolt to escape the eyo. The roll of thunder followlns the nnnb will bo tbo tlrot lntlmnUon Uw observer hall or tbo atonn dlrecUoD.

Eapeclally Ill thlll ftwt tnarkc4 utter tbo t11ln 111 fallinG hoavlly and wbon tho\ I'UID dropll biJCOIUO rollcctorll Of

tho Jlgbt, 1lvlolf tho eacet or olicot ll&btnlng. At lucll Umen wben. tho csklca ooom aboclo of ttnme, one mnY obecrvo bow thlo rollcctod Ugllt pooc­tmtca to ovcry corner or 11 room with 11 br11111loco 110~ equaled bY 11ummcr ounUgbt. Tbc ounllgb t, cootloS' I» 41• reel rnya Into o room, leaven Ill! llblld· ow apoto. Tho ~llcctcd llsbt ot the tlghtnlnr; ntrolso leaven tho cclllnr; and tbo floor equAlly Jllumlned. Even tho amnlleot obJnct mny bo J)lckcd up from uodnr o. bed or otbor tumlturo a Uttle mltwd Rbovo tho Ooor

BURNER FOR ALCOHOL LAMP Particularly Adnpted to Consume,

and Facilitate Pormotlon and Dl• trlbutlon of Vnpor.

A bumor ror em rucobol vnpor, lnTontcd by D. JsteoluD of 8t111to D& mtoco, Domlnll!tlll Republic, Jo d& acr1bcd b)' tbo SclcuUflo A.mcr1CM 4B rollowo~

'J'bo lnvontlon rol11tco p!lrliCUllltl)' to burnoru ndnptcd to collllumo alcohol

Burner foP' ~teollo1 Vapor Lamp.

tho ofrot<:hll polntn to the ot numbcfl! tho weat()r hlo or bet cl oi1111Uc nn<J pemon cxlll o.nd tho not to zero. Aa the Cb(!Ot It c:4pnclty ot GrMt help t

DEVICE 1 I nollnomete

Gl.llni:'O HI E!le1

· Alrcndy , tlrm,. to kh mqbUo cntl nod OrO oft~ Chlot amon tnventod b: nocto4 wlU Tblo lnclln. mcnt AlllOl York ctty r fCfC)OCO Of whether U altlvn or c n dovlcc fc tblnp tllt1 that lo, tb ton:vard al oldowtco.

YCLllOr, IUid ta nrrnna«t to tocllll.lltc tbo !ormation lUld dlutrlbotlbo ot tho vnpor. Tho burner t~o llt:bU:d by la· nlllna ntcobol ClOOihlllod In A omtlll cm­nuttlr pnn. C4:lntr~:~tly <liDpcll<:d wlthln thO mnntlo In n ~ whtcb tD heAted by tho bUTiltld, IUl.l1 <r blrh ccnoo to Yllporl:o tbo a.loollol ComlnU trom tho {llllln c:onrco of oupptr When Umt 1tl tbo p~n ban bccn e:hamtM.

lt ooonlo Ill tho cOJJ COillJlMO. plo.nct~ null ed ao tbat lr In t1c61' Ultcd Ol1t much tho 1

It Ia ll!l14 mlno tbCJI WGIUbor $1

qlltth ltldc

' .. ...._... _ _,_...__ '

TACKLE IS ft1ADE lWlSTJ..ESS ~-= ~ --

Oovlt• llape<:l111ty Uaeful tn t.owering

f. t Pmmv~ fx,ert w DtUfer A N 0 ·T 0 0 L F l S: H E R.

1 wllt gtiaratiti:e to t~l~e any· pill.:~ ofirop ot strini -.. of tools Qllt o£ nnv well or no p.,y. l Wllf ~ontrnc~ to clrill a W\'11 from IUO to lOilU fet>t :aml· gr,t.ara~tee · a :;tcaighl hole .. If iuter~sted call Q!lt o.r write. lUI.} at CAI~RIZOZO, N. M; . . '

vou WILl.. PfND r'lY. PRICES' RtOHT


and all the articles usually found in an up-to-date drug shop. We believe in t~e

Good Service Idea and will give you the Lest we know how. 0111.



Con1plete lines of Clothing. <Jn,., ~1

ceries. tlanh".:are,Shoes,DryGoods ,,

John R. Flour

, ' I •

I •

. . .

I ... '" ... '

' FltD~Ji!.U.. ll.- Jl, ~r(IU~/In, •• , ...... • ........ (!ppl(fll'lli!J'IQII Wm.U,l'!lp9 ......... , ...... , ... .,f'&lurod ,Jui)Bl' lil!l.lllll_~t~ l'.l.!!.rkllat~.-·f~; J>'e<l•~~~~ .·l:t.,t. Artli . ii,, Jl. Uu!l•Pil~l\. ... ., ..... , .... U. a lol•~-h•t J~tb!J 'IY· ~!'rill!·.'"' , .... -: llo•r~~y'or.H~tu~nl n. ·r.l!Mflloili~Jl ................... t!. s. eoollu<'l<lf ~. l~. 'l'ill(olllt>J:I, nOIIwu!l. " .. u~ ... .l.t\1111 Ollie..: ll~rol . .:ll'turol, tl<llll'eW .... ., • 1\~11 .J...uul Ulllr~t

.. ' · S-rA'tl~· · . . W ~ (~. )tl'l>Pioal<l .. ; ... , •. : · ..• · ... : ... nonrni>r }I;. (1<~l~··lho~ ... : .... , ...... I.J~nt.tlnveruor· ,\_111\l!ill!l,ol.lqttv... • ·, •· ..... l:!~rr~t:1 1 o( litRto V'~ w. f!)~uuy .......... • .... Afl!>m"t Uottoral W. <~. ~rc~M .... · ....... 1...... ... . .\lldl~•r (), .!{; Nart<•u: ...................... .'.fnW.ur>!t; .

l', Jlttl~ll.'., ............ · , l..•ulll t!mnm14Jilll.tnr N. WI.IUo .......... l.'lllpt.l'o1b• !natr,j~!ll)il

· }'h\illh••• nt .th.. · .~ .. ··~~ ..... :'""!"'T• HUfll'l'l!IH . . ,.e,mr;. · .

U:. ~1. ('I!Alrm•u l'Prvnr!'lltm t'iluo ~. s, Qtinl\11, Mrl!•bvr..... .. • "

· r.>.:.r~. Owen •. At.-mbt~r .:: ·~-· . .-. H .k ·"

·.-1'he{l~t~st,·PerpleXi~gProQletn isBestSOlv~dfte~e· ..

. . . lhS.1'1tJC'i'. · '

uo-ti~i\·, =;-.;Jn;i,,. ·


.. ,.

. -- - - - ~-.- -----~-_-__,..,.____ __,_.,.__,_, __ , ______ ~,----+·····-'"-- . •• . -··· ·--,----~- :-..

8 1t . - . +"' .. . • .. . . , • .. . ' .. '" .

·The Selection of .Qifts for Christmas reqitir~s careful thought, an.d the Selection ·-some· - ~ .. . . . ' ..,.

times develops into a problem thatbecomes quitetrying, ~spec rally when your listof friends ·!and relatives · i.s ·a .. long ·one~ · But ·we shall endeavor to make ·your. Xmas; shopping a

. .. . . l ..

pleasure, and hav~ displayed many gifts which will helpyou and:make buying easy. Our stock is filled. with articles th.atareuseful,and vve.urge early inspecti.o.n. Buy Now!



Our sel~ction of Gifts fo_~ ~~n m1d Bo_ys will make YOUts an easy one-just a hint for you! . .. Hole-proof Hosiezy, SUk Hose, Fancy Suspenders1

Gloves, Neckwear, Lipen Handkerchiefs, Silk Muf­flers, Sweatel'$, Itouse Slippers~ Betts; Smoking Sets, · ?tlUitary Brush Sets, Necktie Holders, Cuff Buttons, COllar Bags, Leather Traveling .}3ags, Suit Cases, Scarf Pins, Tie Clasps~Cretome Tourist Cases, Safety Razors, Pocket Knives~ lAundry Bag; Hat Btttsn, Glove Case, Hattdkerchie£ Case.

Each article will be packed individually in a beauti­ful holly decorated Christmas Cartoon teady to"' give

·Parcel Post •'

Prepaid on

All. Orders 1\!qny Beautiful Gifts and among them arc useful articles for Girls and Women~ Make ~your sTtoppfng · a_plcasure-buy here •

Silk llosicry,Bcdroom Slippers. Kid Gloves,Neckwcar, Hand Bags, Stationery, Toilet Sets, 'l'nweling Sets, Cut Glnss, IIand Painted China, Clung l .. ace Pieces, Drawn Work, Lunch Cloths,Ndpkins; J .. incn Towels, '!"able Damask, l.inen .Handkerchiefs, .~fcsh Bugs, Silver Vanity Purses, Manicure Sets, Glove Cases, Iiandkerchief Cases and many other useful novelties.

Remember the earlier ·you see our display the more pleasant your task will be~so come in today. We. will1nake later deliveries.

Our Stock of Fancy Groceries for the Holfdny Season is filled with Toy .s;96-H.s, ~J!t:6am e Rember tliis 'Store is the Home



in white and « 35C: . . , a~d: 40c per yard.

not buy .hbn a nice Suit or Overcoat. •

'rhe New Things while

theytre New and always

on D.isplay Here First.

,\l~hlr· fmnh, C'l>lllnlllln" .:. l.'t~lii1111;11IUB~t \V, M l"etcl••n~:\ -id('Jttlil'r · ·.-.· .• "' ()ollllo\li!•h•~~er It: A; Pllrf\iid!~~L.= .. ~·~"i'.o.runtiulillli!Jt ... Dm·otNl 1;11\'l.lto ...... ;, .... , .... t•rnMtO J lbfltil d. ·lJ'. lliitt'l!)' .. -. ,: .-•. , .. ;." (~l!l"tf l'ltrlo:• P•lfllrltll'h<iUJ . .. .. . , . • : Sbutlfl' lffnr.r)l. l!ilf¥1. . .. : ......... A,..,~.~»or ·r. w. W11t•ml -. . .. .. • ... , .... , •rrttt•ul'llr ~tr•· W. J,, (hun mo. .... !li-huol, lll!l•~rhllr.llll~tn l!'rllto~.t;, 'fb•ut~r..... , · , ... • l:l!lr'!'~H•r

,- Liacbla Cuunfy O•h

P.EOPT ... l¢. who ·pn'is · through . thissc~.·tiou of th .. ~ .:.muty do

'lOt hold n very h!gh ('Slimut!l of ' · the pu~"iibilitics of '

l~tll>.IU!ll .. ..t::.O.UU.t.j. - -\"!lt..-Ul .t.hlf irrigate~! sections Qf th~· coimt.P" wbkh itt'the aggn•gntl.' rnm. hno 1\ gmHl Jl~t,eag:l.! uwst . cxJ:dJcr~t rcsultslmve bet.>n obtaiitcd.

'l'.u.lce (llltl4- for 1ttHtatu't'. '!~hi& ·~~-'• {lt~~luce.d.thh; .. ,v""ar, fu~ -

this cmmty hus l!:~tlt l~d c..:. Plingtih'il goiugwitll•• tltrcshitll{ nim:Iii.IH' Hill c Ailg'U.,t nud he n~lls us tbat he will not lit~ nb1l' to lhtish until Jntm;m•, He has .. ~<Wt>rcd llttitc tt little t~·rritory. Jt

Pkncho, nn•l 1111 l{ui<lo~o Ht llH• ltrdhm.rt'!!t•rvation, itwhlthnrr nU the streams ott the ea$t side. lle t}.itl.!!<>.!l•11~~.tltc .. fiJmr9.lf.~(lmpl~1rtc but lltt)'!i·h~t lms llsrcllhcd quitt.t :a little! tnori.• tbnn a milliou I)Ulnt!l'S. Our o:n .. nr•• or n fin~ IJUtttity, ~tlso. {Uid it wiU b~ rentcrnbl!'rNl lltRt t~incullt \'OU•ty Oill$1 g'l'OWtl

Ott da! Hmdnso, om:e took .flist tJri~e at our Wnrltl's l"nir.

K. P. l.Odce Elects Olficert · -A'r the regula~ mcl.'thtg or tb<' l~··al l\:. 1'. lodg.-. \tonday

nigltt u{ tlu" we,•k the following offic<>rs were (.Jc, ted for thv f!i'I.SU• 1ng hmu:

s. <;. Atut('r'lon. c. c.; HoriKt!·I'reudt, ¥. C t ;\!Jtlr<'W ~lcl~urdy. Prcln.te; ~. L. Sttuicr~ M. of W.; ~ 1•' Mouw, ~l. t'~ A ; ~1'. 0, J,uo;tf't;-~t.-ot !1'.~ l\f B Padeu. M. of 1~.;

-· · ilt"frtwrn·· ·a l~utm. tW.l• i; · · -

UalJJ,.••nl •tt lll"il. m.

,· ... ! ~"' ~.,.-.~ ... +,,....-,___,.__,~-~ ~·--"~<"-- .. v--- .... ·-·-->\+,

Ca.-rJzozo, Lincoln Co~oty, New M,exico ' . "• .1;..~~~ M8 S*'~mJJ,J~IAAf. )I ftllttt 11~ tht• !i't>~~t IXn"o U l~llni~'"'"; ~ M: .. J•~n", 1(, ~~ .. ' ..

. ' '.:: ... '..,·...,.."""",....,.,.;~.,.-..;S:u:;;···~::;~:.:":.;ri~p;:.t.f::;.;::."..:R:.::. ll;:. tAl:',:!~'~·$::· 2::•.:.00:. . ..:'Itt>:..;. ;:,'~'.,.:1:.;-•:.:a:.r;:...:;.:•i.:K...;m;;;.:.o...;nth...;· :.:';..• ~$,;.,.1'..:.00_~,.,.,~;..

f-IAiEY- &·'D.INGWALL . P~bl'-her•~

· ~-· ~;~_<_·~--~l-CB~S-co_ nv~m.•~L · __ in r~·s_,.J(itiic-;r !l_u_ .mber, Mr. N'l~m~~ •. ;~_I' V uJar !fe!:i~Joa 'MQI'Idil_)'• •IUI!tl ~~~.·: t~e JU~~~e <U:Hl. U;'>k fo: l'l 'mocli~ r P·ellid<!il~ ·W:iJ!IOn read lus IJr!)t, itt.ttwn. l hemodJficatlotl,l.tsked 1

An Open·:Letter to the · · · Telephone Usin·g Public_

. ' . . . . ' ': .

<l:•n.ual ;tW,Mge lo th~ • ~~omliiJII'u; wa1> g'iv1:1i, and we ~rf' gratified 1 lll••ml~ur~hip·of l;otlt hou'l~~w. · Im·! that we IHlV<' 327 · ;ncn who c:~n"j l'lrti~i :nuthorith~!i pr(1nonn1 r it I fac<• <~ th·fcmdflnt •11!d !>olcllJ c~m- 1 .. · 1i· of ~ftl,!'.!il1>t:41t; patwr•, · h·; fc·.,~ tu th~· worl<l Uw ~ _~::a,~h ~nil !

-:--c-oc......e:..'-~~ ..... mt-ll I rom thc> :· \V·hite Hou'ie in cvt·nmw l'> hts ·peer soru,•thmg. uiany ytu.w., ;~nd iu .additirm tt> iM wlHdJ .t .. vc·rv nanlly can not ;r-; !'ltn•ngth it ba..ll <liM> tlw merit: llo;,-.t. ,i

i ~'rchty. 'l'Jw pn•nidrmt w.t·• l -~-- ,•·;lll'h!!! ~vil~-.Mcxit.:u; .... ~Arrested- (o,r Stealing Saddle

.~mt Jlrnil y U'i'lr;ttcd tltll.t. IH'a1:,, · 1 -

.-·~~-4Hthl--tiot-~~1~t. with Huc•rta..::'\1-"~ill~ f} 1.,.ir~~ t1). f'O'>'if'Sif a guudf J•W! prrl>Hle!lt. · l "'IIMh~ gut 'a young nHm · JJy j f Hl~ cnt~r(•t.t;~tc ~!_I'_!liltu~hl!~~-!ht' 1_~am~ Jlf\HH'll>. 1N,varcls)

· -· . · l!! m;w-tif thr han•lr. r•t lJ!l' uttu tmuhlt> thHi WN:k. Ue fl,Jl•: lllllllHllliuuuli'lttl,l!f rdwh:. 'flw•ll tht· >t<llilllc uf \1. B ;'

il.'th:ral~t c•v;n:uatc•d ihc t'lt \ ul t lu·: .r ·~mk, ui Thrt•t· Hn·t·r~.: wtu/ wa.,! lumluin, Un· t:lllll~al uf o; .... tilt!:; 'IH·t·· •s'th''>lliH ui~-;ht a'iHt' h;ul Jdt I! Wlll!OtH tJ~e f11rfllahty ul ·~ ltJ{ll~. lw • ... ut•llt• in tlu• Sh•v'·.n•• lin•ry. •tiHI df~ tryti,g to ·u~·utiJ the vt • · T.h•• ulli·t'r!> Wt·r~· tlllttlkd tht• fol~ :' tnrwu .. VlHil fur,., . .,., Jt .1'1 1.11th dowin:c morn mg. tlw .,add II' ltwat•;. dll •ufthtwllnt'!J;uw til tu~: tmh'r· 1·d JUHI·tlw l!MU at>.u, l<lll•r, and: 111H Htll•rta ad!mui··~ratlllll,.' ;wd •.Vht·~t ill'rl'ill'll aud lmmulH lwfo~~· , muy lllt'all lhu.t tltt• LJIItt·•l t;tiltt·•,. Jn"'tt \! \ht'l>iill' ph•arlt~lttlly tu.tM• ·J • ll~l yt•1 11\'UHl lltll'r\I'UUun. '4'h,li'JW• atHI,,I'I 4 rt"•UH, l<tni{UI'Ih~~ ,·

..,. t"l in th1•. t 111m 1\ jail. awaiting . _ !Jht•a"tinn •IL!lti~cue~Lgt"JJ.lld 'jury.,_ An1tabkMen Liinite·a- - - · i

[;' l'r II EN goml ltlt'u in J,ir!•'tlitt • .., IIJUIIJ ~- art• Jill I as iJh•tHiful .

-ar, n•purtt•d ~Jr Ill!• jun~ \UUutUtP -o·-·. %,. l·'lNlr1':Y, n f'ha\'t-"'

, 'll0111'f'• .\\l'fl' t_>H;f_•pat.ti.:uJat ~-1;+ - ..ll ;.\HIIIHY~ ,~;Hlt• lltlt1l<·'h<t1t {iUf•

. I Itt• t Ull> IJI'IInt/lh<ll llll!'~t hi' tl'itt IJ•. dl-1'>1'11 1tn!ihftgq llt'~Jt' fll~fl• illll}

• d I rnm llw •I• tiuu of tlw ,·,muni•· wdltml•t'••vt; ,, r.uu h .tts,d 'flud: tt.: · • "'nil Jtulu•• I~dwrml 1: .. \tr,il!i-r' Mr. l'mll-\' >w~'itr•··l· tht• U"nbh• -~ •ll'f'llllllt•d W 0 Nurm•ttJ,'ul l.itt• 'lh<Jilllll\ll.!t·h fnmt (;,ncrnor • oht. ('J~o~rt.:., I> \l.tV!'f, n( \\'lutl' M' Ullli.llil, lt11• l'J,.lf'li Hn·•t fM(t>Ut

t '·"'"· rntd J H•urd l·'rt>n< h. ul · an•l k.,.,,. UJ.t t \\'.1'" lwid_ll\' !·hwar: . {' ii rri;~,i;-;li!.'d Jllf\'ci'iluiilt1;,;-;;;,ill:\~;itittntt•'li Ilrll'l • tiw. ~,~:lti;;,!,;.:J~ilWIII~ i

111 trn• linn" to '•"h•d :-:ll!J n.iltll''• of S.tttUI\'1 J(d-.t·) ,• 0. J.' Hintun;. Tlu· • nmmt.'-'"ll>ll uH:L -~uwtmw >Htd \1-r<>,--lrtt-·A _:Hft>••r- ·Hl' ·ltas ! ·•I-:"• ··1'1•·· tc•l .t l'nrtwn uf tfw h•.l, UM•lt• ~lflpltt <~tiun ltr h•.t'il' nddi•; I uuk ,, ra•, ,.,., '''"! I'<~ uut"l~l~l'~!l_~~~~·!l_IIJ!~~L~I~JI~J~!!~!I":)If!I!JH2.1l1t'4.!!1l~ \\ i•c'k. i\ t !lit· ... '>'•IIIII tin.. Wc•t•lt •• ~~~'"•h rl'ltllllll''<h•.td Altu;.:t•tll• . tlw tllliiiiii"'•Jull h.ul rNtdtul a •·r ~II' wJfl b.n,t• •.riiU••tlunn lll!t•l, l<lftll ... h·· lttlfl uf 'l~i' lhlllh••· .uul. J,,.un ... rt·• u( r.uuJ .utjnlllitlg tht• : "'"l'•••nn~: u! luulmJ.! 17.1- lllllrt· 1-'nl't''>l z~,:.~~:f\'1', .whi• h l~lH'" 1um"}. l:"lll)lllt II •IIIli 11111', !lt•itj,f,ttCd IIlli' .Ul t':tl\(l4Jt Ul' f,IJ)l!t•.

50 cctits per copy tt . • -

'· ...

·II il"t<n·i<·nl. stu1 iht ii·at d(1tWd}Jtiv<•, The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company biogt·nph i<•nl. und ~~WNli<•/ ......


i til built at 1.!\,· aud 211, twr A nnmht~r C)f .('U()h•n fur salt': Htk(\ otw .,~ du.l:tlt Zw:zl~·r Hr.. .

. . !<'or s .• ~t• A h·w JN" .. l'\ 1uilk fur \'Ullt'l•i(•lf, HNU' Hotll(• to \our· frh'lHls . ~41\\ .... 'tll!lh' H?W gnm~: mmt.: HUMPHREY BROS ..

Wholesale attd RetalJ

' -

c . ~


' f .


• • • , . urht•r"' wdi tiL' lft'"'lt .. nn.u. -. ""'! __ ·~ :"'f!L _ . ..,., ___ --·-~•~----~--,...,:.. ... ~---'L~\:,_1 .. _\\\s.,. .. __ · ;-;~·--'-- -· .;;-----"-· ...;_--~~- .;;;------ .. __ Iii..-·.. .a.ll_ HI Z.f .1h l~m uht, :!\('\\* ~t••:d .. o ~-<'-'h!o.."'----~--- __ .. _________ _l)eaJ~r~JrL .... ~~---~.- ... - --·-···· ... ~-~It--~·-·---~---


• LitJery Barns¥

· Bets· Corrq:ls El Po.o Alitn~ct • .

·rvers First.-: Class· Teams,, Hacks Safe and Relillbk Tran1porta•

· lion .Anywhere

lttlltf"' ftt IIU !In~. tlt<\t lt W!lf tC\1~ iflll'-d · dl,.-k 'I'M rhulc~~t thlll tltn f(<l tli>f>ll­lalld, (lt d~f!ft lrt>Pll\ d~•Uull!iiulf ·f>ro

''Wllllf 1\'tl•rok ((If alltl Jf~l. 'rhe ffi1f tlll\t 'WM ~ ~ll~h<t_ \'<Hl(limi tla~• it _iiltll~<f u\'t>t· ~tlltl!lo.wnuhlh!ttll~ll thw 111"-~ (nt 1li It '!<Ill ro<~M hn'i'll lllii~t~l n. \\'It ill! )'lltt won£ prime,

· .1•1~1 ~~>~at~ fJ\11 IIJ\W ~~• ali$¥ t~n "'til ••-' tit~ i\llMt In \h., )lij)<f

·~four, Hay, Grain~ Peed Stuffs, Etc.



G•ncral 'Cranshr a11d btayagtt Buiine-;$ ..... Pfompt Seroe~e

.,.......__........_..._-~- - . ·~-~o'!l-7iiil rua;-~. -T~~=--~~::··:r.-:::~;~v-uu,·•• ~BOrn-----4111~wri·ft'?'tf-""':n--•-··~--4 .. •••

-~ -' Touri,ts 1 Side Trips a Speeialty! · Call'or ti;e tJ../'Itti(tt't lfo.. :u Cltaei.~'~ Plaotte, No• I()

~,-~-JN~~~~-~*W~~~ tti~~-: !fi!t!~~~~~M~MI1~l~ ·"

OSC.UR-A ·H·OT·EL· .Swelfest fn Lincoln County.

·paeD·-CO~At. NOTARV-PUBI ... IC ~ ~ · N~w "Meltt~<-Q..:...':-"----.....,.-............. """"'-!_.._ __ .....;..,..........,.....,......,......, ..... ,....~

' " -"'-"-• '-<~-· ......

'_iii. . ....

. ~

.. ~ . .. .·. . J

SIB~~"UASCAREJS• , : .P~ntty .Oteao~e your. liver antr ~-~· ~oO.isWbowets whUtl' . . • . . . .yn,, '\leen '

'· .,.,. .~ . til!

. . .Uti A tkent. J!Q~. . ;, .··... · . . ~~"le; '' li~ll.dl{cQ.(!~ bllloul!xul~;~s, !JJ:1;i"' ::.,?~'*"·. ·~.•f.e4 W~Jll. ~. tolll tas~!).Jin!l to\11· w• ~~~~\war~t t.~e tlie~ to torplil

.\ ')tt~.: 4eij;Ye4A·~~rln!lnth1~ ioi:ld ~the' Jmw.t:l~ ur eO~ft taaa):' 11tow.~t!. . ..

. . J?pf•9110ilf\ ~l!.ttlll::· c:}p~g:ed l~ ~thE) ~· iqU~e111 ·tn~~t~~<t q'f li~AJf C!!-EI\ o!lt ot .Unt".sPJfem ~~~. t~bslirbild .tnto tlte

•· '· · .'f:llQ94~ ... Wbf;)Xt .tbt~ {'olaon rene.~ea. t4~ · «leU~t,; l!ta:ln tf!JilUII Jt Cll.U!le~ ~il/ . ~~!o» !'nil tl!"t !lull, tbrohbJI!g, .sll:k· ~~n~ l!eailaelte. · ' ·

c-.c'Witll' 1!IIIl,lllillately clep.nse tho t~tq,~~t!(ch._l'!w,l.o'V~ tht~ l!o!}L....!lll~enell t9Q4 cm<l ~o!ll. Sill! ell, take tM. exce/3$. bU!!- troJ;~. j!J_o llver lllld carey out o.n tho COn!lliJ!.ated waato mu.ttei ·.·and p(llsowd'* ilte bowt1ls. · · • ""' ~ CAAC~jltet to-ll.l~ht wUl surely

lltraJgllten·~on out by 'lnornlnc. They ,'!.;Citk w~tf() :yo~ eleep..-p. 10-cent boif ~in iouf \tru~glet means Your hea~ Cle~tr, atom.ach 11\Veot nnd your llver ~nd. boWel~ re~lnr for months. ..Adv.

F~thcr'• Neat Rebuke. 'l'lll.d {s a. story told or nn old :Jilvnn·

G,eUcaJ: clergyman wllo had u eon In o~em, T~ young man became a .tilll·blOWl\ JUtunllat. On one occaJ~lon t~q tatller paid a vll!lt to bill son, wlJ,o l:IBko!l him to preach In blo ~btn'Cb. l•ur some' time tho old mnn :rotu/Jed,: but preesed to do flO, he nt Jf)ligth •ton~Sented, nnd chose the text, "XA~ ha.vo n1er'w upon my non, tor bo ~ n ldnnUo."

Somo Couraoo. "l11 llnndbox a. brnvo man ... ''Well, he wenrs n. b11t with n red

footbet In tho bow "

Ten 11111ile• for o nlekel. Alwaya bot Red OroAD:!It Jllu~; bnve ~utiful clear wbltt ~!.W. AdT.

" . ---· -----·---Ala!!, tb11t n wise mao <"Bn't help

looll!Dg Jlko a fool Ill hlo own wed­ding! J . XI'II.WIAA!ow•~ Bootblall' Ofrup for ChlldND

:teeib)D:foiUiflt!JlA \be lfUCJA, rvdu~eu t11JlaCJU1A­U0DAlla1p pO>Ili,CUre# .,lad COli~~ a. Wllle.Mr

Aws~mlhl rn.!~Jllll nearly 10,000,000 nc.ttllS or v.Jlcnt n r~'nra.


. ~litr.a.;~There:: J11 ~oti,~ .at l;l!l.llil 'of n"ll!l nlone :hM th~ no.p~ectoua t)o~;u~ente~ ll.O. ~Jry, no bullto.n che!l(, ·· 'lttll·hm&tll. Jlortt.i\t .ot n: ul'tr1ce$S'. alnce ch!pqJ'~cl· The 1,pi11$e .s~r:\1 . .f)ll.illx !!lit . lte.r . tra~e. · ll.l)d' OioUgll ~t;nllnand' btl mo· men~· ot ~'hli.lm\Uoi ll~~lletl bY · tlle room wlttl b.en.d p.vE!);t~il • .ln pf str~l! D.nt! trouble ll~n>eol(ll to wlll!)ry Jn tlie J~tfenc~ .f>t th!l. atld secret chamfjcr. ·· · · Dl!d~ the last ·ten months mys·

t!l.l'fous rusWnCJ;~ hcwo been be~rd IQ Oie Natlonul M\l~~u$ .A!:Id the horror· strlcltcn palllco !111 ot some one wa.n­dcriJlg unbuppl!r from· room to room, ocell!Dg oomepi(ng dtllt could never be found. On these occasions,. whell ~lng Ferdlna.nd bethought hlmselt of leaving the chapel di)Or open, his wlte'o shadow hllll J;et1n seen to pasa the portnls, nnd be 'has himself 'knelt nt the altar there. }lis race burled In hto hem do, a.o ·thot(gh n wnltlng a sU• pernntural vloltunt'. No nllualon to these vJglla bllll ·9ver passed blo llpo, tor Ferdinand con.fides In no one.

Over her children the oplrlt ot Marte Louloo. nluo brooda ns Condty no In bcr lifetime. nnd the people be­lieve nbo vlnlts thoJr b~>dlflde when· ever they nre Ill. The nuroeu who cared tor Princcuo Eudoxia during her long lllncl!D hwt ycnr ntti"lbuted her nlmoat mtrnculouo recovery to tho prn.ycro or the. dt'nd mother, who WIUJ and chnnu:tcr l"ntlroty rorclgn to her. her .conotant warning. ··And. one dll)' oeen In opirtt Corm In the chapel Tho porconnl lncllnatloua of lllnr\o ~Jncedonla will be loot to uo through nightly, nl\\:llyo kneeling In tho same LouiBo were nll tor tho clolntnr, tho evil dcodo of our "'lid propugnn· place lllowly fingering bor diamOnd Wjlei'O, lndcc!L 60Vt'rl11 Of bCl' GllltCrtJ dllltll." ro:sary bends. hnvo olnco round n home. but In dof· Saw .Impending Dloastor.

Owca Suc:ccaa tel Wife. Qrcnca to her (Bther'a wtoheo oho £!)VQ She wau probably tho only person King Fcrdlnntld, who han hnd nn ex· bor hnnd to PcrdllUlnd and net otr who know whither fo'erdlnnnd"o ut>cret

trnordlnary caner, owco hill morJt wl~ him to work for Lho advancement hopeo tended, and ob!' foretold tho.t oolld nuccenr.oo fo the dead Indy who f' Dulgnrla. dlnallter would como nt . the moment even now wntcbco over him, an be be- Almoot every cducntlonnl and ch11rl· wben his utnr aoemed md11t In tbo no­lleveo, to reotrntn tho lmpulnca 11\ble tnnillUUOJl tn the <"O\tntO' owen cel:ldnnt. When In tho recent war t11Ju.1not which obo vnlnly warned him Ita origin to her lnltlnllv•~ In a ohort lucti turned ogniMt blm. tbo "ohllcrs '~I(!D alive, nnd roncomlng which tltt10 olw nchleved what ho hnd vnlnly murmutt>d nmong themnclvt•a · ··sure­even rrom tho other world obc hall nttomptl'd-tbo rcconcllla.tlon of hlo ly this In what o'Ur prlnccnn foretold. given otr::no or sorrow nnd dlanpprovnl. oubJocw to a torelgu ndcr. Legondo EV(Iry oln domnnda 1111 pun!ubmcnL"

Ro wno tho pet eon of hlo mothQr, of bl'r bounty uDII .:.-votjldncllo otlll After ht>r death King f'f:'rdlnnud, tbo clevcrqat daughter, or tho tntc aurvlvo n'mong tho. people -tod~. dc'Diroun of ronto'lns:: the grl'nt ;tnt\.1 Louin Philippe, king ci tho l?runch. Wben an heir to tho throne woo born, tuncUonn wbll'h wor.- 11 vltnl fcaturo She no\·cr cenacd to plot Cor tho ro- nothing occmcd wBnllng to the bnppy of hill court, looked nround Cor a hoo­olo.rntlon or the Bourbono to tho I ouUoolr.. But thlo nry cbUd. who tuo who would obnrc U1o throne. throne or Frnnco, but In lho moan- obould hnvo oct tho tWnl on her bnp. which from being princely bnd now ttrno did not dlcdaln to Jilek up nnr ptncnn. become tho • :·:np ot dlllcord boon ratood to the ntntuo or royn.lty. pooslblo crown Cor her Dono. Her and ulllmnlley Jed , the unUmclf But It WilD not raoy for him tcro llnd n plnns were moollr toll«>d, an In tile 4eoth of hlo mother. ·~ .ssln. who bnd mote. No Pnthollo priDCCIIII would cneo or Philippe, older than 1'\!rdl· vloued with dlotnvor •be conoollda· glvo bcr !l!l!.!di ho m_odo 8\IV~irnl over· nand, who mnrrlcd Prlnccoo Louloc or Uon or Rulgnrla under n prtnco nbout tureo ut tho nuuoltm court. but tht>ro Belgium In tho hope of aucccedlng tho uhooo olcoctlon 11bo hnd not even been wna no Orand Ducbt'&D rorUicomln~t. l.nlo lCIJIIl' Leopold. But lho marrlllljll ~;onoulled. now c:nme rorwnrd with P'lnnlly, however. n Proleotnnt prln· m 110 lll·rumorted. nnd PriDCCliU bPI' ln(>xornblll d(lffilltld tbnt tho fU• {"tlD>I ot tho Houoo or Reuao ronnented IAJulpo ohowcd uu<-b violent nntlpntby turL> rult>r or llulgarlu &hould bt>long to nbnndon ller nplnntt't'bood and oc­to her huobcmd. thnt a opeedy ae,l):lrn· to tlw crtbodox <-rc:>nd .>r forfeit tcf){lt;- cur>r t,ho place left vol:llnt nino 1011111 tton wnu Lho rconlt. nlllon by tho powcra. ngo by Morlo Loull!c.._

With Ferclln,.llqci, Prlncello Clem<'n· Rel'uille ·to Oo ApootAto. Though unpon4caocd or bar PM-Unc hnd liO such trouble. He WalJ tlJo Ferdlnnnd'o mind 'I;'IW soon mndo de<"o•oaor'o winning cbnrm. llhll ban moot docllo nod obedlcn~ o{ htot nono. ut~. bot It r('mnlnf!d 10 him to per- MTertht>looo done ltl'l'nt nnd good lllheriUna bet .. own oubtlo dlnponJUon nunda :Marte Loulao. Th"underatruelt work In Bulcartn. During lho recent oncJ tclinc.Tty of purpooc. o.t tbo nlt€'rnnUVP. obt> nt oncP retuoPd wnr her devotion to tb<- wounded wan

Whon Prince Dnttcnbcra ot nul· to conllldrr wtmt ber rons<'lenco told unbounded. but II In I:Voll known thnt gnrhl. hnd dtnpfeMed tho Rusnlnn f>m· her wn 11 1111 nN of npootMy. DurtnR: her married lifo In by no mMno hap­J)ttor bY hlo fndopond~nt ntlltude, nn6 tno ubolt! $'enrll nbc oucco!!dt>d In py, h<>r relntlono with her buobnod bo· WIUI conooqucnlly fotccd to Jcavn the getttoa tho bapUcm cll'f<'rred. but no lng mnrltodly 11tmtned. country In tho dMd or nlgbt. with Russia grow moN> lnolott>nl, nod Fer· Frrdlnnnd hlmoelt boo nover eon· only tlmo to lbrot'l o cont.over bin! dlnnna more nnxtouo for hlo crown. ce.niPd tho tnct thnt. In nplto ot their olceptng nttlre, tho ,l):llnce at SOfln ro- she wnn forced to fn<'e th(' lncvltsble dltr.,reoeco, .blo hrnrt and olloglnneo mnlned vncnnt. Aa 1100n aa &tten· Realotnnoo nvnll~ no longer. nod nn nrr with tho prtnc:euo, wbo11o uhnde

--~-:-i=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~berg·n frlcndo recovered from tho n lllllt proteot ohe lert tho rountry. hovers round· him. ndmonlnhlng nnd n!Lot'lLJ>tJlli! bct!!& J<Jdll~JL!b_!l!..Jl~ _Tho_J!ru!ll!!!!Lnf Prtn~o aor!!L nbiPldlng. <'.0nDdenl of bor novcr-oft: on a tour of Euro~ to oenroll for COI'dlng to orthodox rlten wcw liilTTng · nssliffiine~ Yio- iffiiile·

ulio'\\'oUIU1Irialiffiiltif a ourwmr grc!i'tr t>6mt~ Til tl!n nr<>nll;iirrrt lllfrffi<lkJA~ott[ron~ tb .. ·-t~tn1Lcllli"-II'EIO<etClr-t 4tmeult job or ~verntng Dulgorla. of nuculnn envoys, and Ferdlnnnd'n who trans her ~tnphnnoun dltlportoo

Quietly Becomeo Sovel'l!lgn. pooiUon ~aa henceforth necnre. along the CDl'rldoro ot tbe p:ililce thnt Thts QUest cnme to lbe 1!:11'11 ot Stronge to any, bin own oubjeets ~ wttn<'liPI!d tho trnglc dla:lllunlotuDent

CJemcoUne, who. learning that n fnV· volte12 ngnlout the brendJ of faith or her hopeo. . ohtthtiattnt. of these big game bunt- whtrb weighed uo henvlly on their bo­en wben Jn }'lennn won n rourth·rnta loved prlnee~U~, nnd even Rnnn!n'n np­r<!iltAiil'atif.Mnt her son to mnke lhelr proval did not mend rnbtteML A wnvo 1;1equnlnttu1cn. Atrer some triPndly of crttlclom nnd conu•mpt wblch ronnd conven:nUon. durtnc. which th<'Y did ll%Jlflllllllon In tho Bul!;nr1an prone n6t ougpect Uurt bo. ~ anything but proved the generul Indignation. MIUly wbnt bla untronn ptodalmed him to !lPtzod the opJ!Ortunlty to von1 the!r


Mon No Ooubt Had Often Been. Un­favorably Compared With Oead

Man He DeacrlbecL

-___ 155

~~~~~~~~~~~~tbe-$~Q~~~~Ueuit~en~nn~t~Jn~n~oA~uotrtan i prtvote vPlem ngnlnst n prtnoo \ibone , It wns a eonteoted will eaoo, nnd their .1lftect£d snpet!mftr mJ>tmdeil....:thll!lr! nn.e o1.!h!!..!?l!!L~oga_.jn ~unm..Dl mnn. W'lthont Curther prenmblo he demot'rlltlll tJrlde. (t1vln~ bin evidence. deucrtbe4 tho te~~o t«lk thetn to hlo mother's ,1):11· Rcturnl to Her Husband. tntor minutely. aoo 11Eld thtW proved to than the renl· NE>vPrtbeless, 1-'enJinnnd. bllvlng ne- "Sow; sir," anld counsel Cor tho do-tty Of hiD (!latm to high birth tmd hill t'OlJlfJIII•hed bill pul'lJOllO of ln!;mtlnt• fense. "l l!UppO!IO W0 may take It,

--~~~~~~i~=;~~~~~=Jieon~tro~c~tl~on~~~~th~ two' great rotnl lng blmEelf with Ros1lln. now began to from the fla.Uerlng druJC!rlptlon you house&',. Tt!erG wlllJ no rencon Why pot lhtng~~ ntrnJgbt wttb tbe N!at or hnvP gl91'tl of tho totJtntor, bla good sbollld not etnrt n dYnasty of b1P the w01'ld. nod tor this 10 succeed 1t point A, end hlo poroonal npvoornnco

'1\'rul ®lckb. genemllr. tbnt you were lnU~tely iinya tiie .citJZello ocoi1iiliitit1WJlli1iTiii'?Y-. . . . - . -•.

#Et'Q ~Uy 1111tonlshed t4 ~>C<! •·lJiml" etctalmed the wltbea'B. "Uo tlli!. .01' JJ'lllg once more over tho wn.q nt> ocqunlntance of minot• toM 1;1i1Ja¢. and n yoqng ntan •·tndeedt Welt then, yott btn!ltilnve &·p'toJJ!fnen~ .none nod n serloga tae<f·l tl'eirdllwtJ:d's oba<>rve!d hlllt vary entotully wheMvot

· dtSYfu.C thtollllh tllo town In ·ooUtnry you saw hloJT' lJnrtJued' eonn11et. lllitclJJi:etL ".l'h.llto 'Willi DO equerry, "l rlavet fiQ.'ir hlm ln my lito.'' Willi

eafl~; r·tt!J'· :dl~fut, JlO '&<:Clntlllitlon. no reJotc- ibe reply. _,__.."""' ___ ...,.._.~---~··•I lot• Peopt&· w~ atru ·lltiktng them· 'I'blll ' prmifcatlon, i.\11 «lttmel

:aelt(!t,' "llolr: fulil' wtll Uuilllla nllow thought . it, 1if1il too much. (!lid bo ll.hti ~ .lil'f'. . ··. . . iiald:

.· ltoyjl W)t• 'Ffnall~ Sec~ ·-d. ''*''(I~>IU.& ~~d~Jl&M teti bf: tb,ono

'b()! 1. um~ · . · llrll'ic~s

--'#---MET· ·--- ·POWDER

·.The· coolc is happy, the other members of the frunily ere happ)"'"""':'JlJ)etltt:s sh:li'Jlcn, thln~ors

~~~~~~ brlahtcn up gcntrnlly, And Calumet ~ &ldntr Powder l:> respollllible for lt,nll.

•For Calumet never filils. lh wonderful lea.venlng qualities insure pcrfccUy shortened, fllulllelillly millcJ. b:lklngo. Cnnnot be compnrcd with other brudna tmwdcrs, whh:b prom1se without pt;.rformtng.

Even n. beginner in cooking (l"ets dcllahtfuJ rt~ultn wJtb tJ.iJJ Ul"''Cf­

fllillng: Calumet llnkina l'uwdcr. Your awccr !mows. Ank him.

RECEIVED UICJIEST AWARDS w.,w·.r ..... Foodbpoc!

Pula w~ Franco. Much. wt:..

"REPEATER" Smokeless Powder Shells

These Bhells cost a little more than blnck powder loads. but for bird ahooUn~r they are worth many timeo the difference,

llD there Ia no omoke to binder the oocond barrel. They are by fur the best low priced omokeleno load on the

market. When you buy, inalat upon having them. w ~...-. .,.

Stepping the Wind. In tbP vlltngo church durl1114 rbr

morning Grrvlee lho orJ;DDIAt uno on· noyod bet'.nuno tbo organ·blowPr ltrp! troTklng tho fevor · nofsiiTi nfil'r Tu> briif­llnlnh"d playing. A rnmoun prrneb••r hnd tome d(Jwn from l..ondon tc• prench. Tbo orunnlat serlbbh•d n noto to thP .!Jiower, nod Prnt It roun•l : by n ~bolr boy, wllo. mlllundrrntand· : lng bin lnotroctlonn. put It Into tlw

bllndR of the prencber. Thn nol"e'~,w~~Bll=-~--~~~='::;,~~~~:~~~~"~~!.~-lmTOWY' . ""i'r.rtllltnr yuu wflt ft

atop when I toll you to The peoplo have eome hero to hPar my munlc. not rour not~o. ·•

-Qulpa and Qulddltlea. A aoldler crot~olnc tho barrnck

aqunrc w1U1 n pnll met n ocrgonnt, uh() notJc:W thM Pat wn.o wcnrtng tt vary dlarepUtnblo pnlr or troullera. Jn• tending to report 1\lm tor nnaoldlerJy uppC!IJ'l1Jl~~>. fte ofopped lltm and nokod: "Where nrc you golnt;?" "'l'a sot nomn wntor, ~WI'," nna,~d ~at. "\Vhat, In those trouaero7" "No, nlr, In the tlaJI."-St\turd:ly ~<vG'ntng Pb$1..

~e t.u!m:A or th• ~•"- and lin mallltl:b """"'.- tl tl:t ''""" ,.,._ lo IJ<.t...U..tty wt:""' lh• buytt """ ·~!lt.1f ~ "" totlfng a "tt;r.JI"' <!nl."

o-~rtttfiUAh'llat=C#I t.'!>m:t ... •oll•fl'<l .c.a lll«l!o-:.tft st•nd.>td, ~""""''""' U:lutt .. ll:«nla. t'li rl!p <t'.f>1"'A"'· lmoM to"· 1"'14. Wli!<tt:oo:ilneut lllJr illc,tn.~•n· A~ ar.4 r;«bl &d.._ ~.<~ll11>? '""'' 'lCi:Y will 1>11 ttr.t lm, ,...,~z~. 111" .. = tbftrli>{:«,o ll!l:iJ!t ii!J'.I.>I ~·

KNiGBT.CM!PnELL 1\lUSIG CO. .. ect.J.

tllet·ltt·ia• i>f 411<_~,·~· ·J· E .. 11, .. 8, .WilrD~~tt Ni; ~· '. ;·fW'.-. · la.,.,Ojl);~~ • 'li!P> '

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:i, QANDlDA'l'~S.-Youar l~tdltJ iq. tid• autl adj~ln1na- towP. . .,Ir~ •lfrible to enter tbla con teat, and tlae. patt1 tecolvtag the largeilhmmber tll votes tludl rec:etvt tlio be.auti!~tl$400 Obermc1tr & Soua Plait() allil' otbtr pri~lutnt wtu be- dl•lribtUod ht utordluu~o whb the..:o~tteata"tt' stlt:u:Hng at tho • Gn11.l count. • 4. Tl~ IN VOTES.-Should •ur ot the cott.• h:ilt-.nt• tJe in vt;l~A. ·•the ltub1i~Jbtts )tusit. Coot• P~ny will lWilt4 .tfiltnilar prix~ •ceorttif1(t, to ata&d• inlt it the tlual count. ·

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YP-f.ett wjll be tuued After$ days. 'ko •ot,l?l ~c­eepted at leu tlta,u :regular vrtuot paper Cfl~~t:raec;l iu llti• <:outut. No ~tie c(Jailtetecfwith tala paper will be: allowed to btcc>me a cttntidtte iu ·~J.a «tu• }tllt or work lor contataab. •

Vott11 alter Willa' -voted, C:llllUOt be ttaf1tftrred to auonn~r~ Be au:t~ t61tnow wllom you are goiua to vote r~>r ~tore coming to &be ballot bOx-, at tbc editor ot a!l!One Will posUivel.r uot give •tty fu· formtUou <l!i tlie -aubjeet. The key t~ tboc gcvettt~ Uli!Ut b;t)lut box l!lUttl ~in ):lo!~lld()ll of tbe I:Watd~ Ju~ co»tu:sittee dpridg tlte t:out~at. •

l"ot lite iltat 30 di11J the paper wtn l'ud' .2S•voto cnttpoll-Wlilea tin" voted lrce for any 1~uly Cfllt•. test:uu.

. . - . I _ , f.: fPl , •

· -Cont~tt~01'UU1tOf. Jest Jltar:riO-dayt~; , ·CJO.ltrg' . ol'eqat~t witt be anJtoarlced ~5 da}a tJt advat~c, of clos~ng. 'l'~e rirbt tq: ~tl'Qh~ 41lte 'flt ~lo~iti~ li res~l'Vc4 ihul&ciedt c&u.lC' should bccar.


Thi, c»tftett eba1l close .o11. a 4•1 wltieh will be t. ... .. . . •

attuou1ice4 Jat~r. 10 di11J Rf{Ot' to ·cJoaiofC co11te.t, 'the ju4(tJ will caro!ully l«k or .seal ballot bo~

• at:zd ta~t same to tbe Exchiu:lrc Baak! ~here th9 . na:te will ~ina. -place, \fh~• .,-otiog .caa be do11e 4~rhst 'buliatll lu~lU't ••4 lotked be • viult at digltt 1Uttll tJoto oE «;Pdleat, -,hen :tbe iu<lgd will . Wtt~: chatto ~-~~ eoual tam~ attc\ ao.Jta&utee th•

'"1oltllg l•dlu "hltllug 111 ibtit tum. 'The Jut.ten da.ta aU 1>otlt1g must ·i?e 4ol1• J~:~ a

uale!l borat the biiak. lf1ou do.uot wish an1oue to k!iow l'holij you aro 'Jadu.r lor, plllct )'Out-a.:b ~t~t sttbittit)Uou• together with your tqupdt:t~<; ia: • ~a ted envelop which wall ~ !urttithed )'~.til and }»lt '-me ·ba ba.llot ~x;X.. 1' will gin eveuone t ·:t~it

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Slx Kaita, Forb, T.ea. •n<t 'T•bte Spodui I)o.u&tod b1 Doudtdby


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.~ .. ~~ohn-£-~Bt;Jl· . Su;pt. 4tu~FG,tcy a~


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'l'h~_rt ar~ t<J bg · s,rdces: . bot\ m<m;~lng attd evenl~ft .t~ the Metbodis~ 4burcij Sp»4i1. Y•. . ' of setmondl~ U .,.,: m.,

''CbtiJt,s ln!!trucHcms to the·. . ty" ·". -. ·· ....

.. • '1 v~ m.. the ch~rcb. 'a:.: .· . Divhte Instit~tJ.ou anli l?..romiM<l Divine .Protecdop. ' r • .

~veT,1t1thi~ is In ol'lier aud tile clJurcb. is. ready ttr ru~ in .lull' 1;111sl; QuualJfpre is off~ lt'lie pastor i» lq hi~, reaclr.· io.~ -·~rv~ w~ clJ_~rch ll,b'~f>t:_ople,· ' ,; ~.J/(,

You nee4 tbe church ani;\ .1t · needs .rou.

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