*' rich a1s[d fashionable: goods -...

I'UK WATERFOHD NEWS. " ESTABLISHED 1647. (AMcrmau II KUSIOKD, Proprietor.) I.AUliMT ClKl l l.MKlX IX TIIK Sol'TII Or IKELAMI. Puti'is/iit ' crtry r ' r>">vj Jvimfiw , nt Jfn. .13 King Street |.-rro-.TK 1UK lTtOVIMUL KA.VK.J l' i;«:i. TIII ; I:I : TIINU :; YEAKI .V ( IS A DVANCE) 13 S.; l i v l' u:.T, Y ICAIU . Y, 15s., IN A DVANCE . Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: WATKIiFOUD— Mr.W. K KM.Y, Little George' a-strcet. TliAMOKE—Miss CLANCY , Refreshment Rooms, in Str.iml-stn. -et. PASSAdK KAST—The Misses LCVK , Hotel , Square. CARKICK- ON' -SUIlt—Mr. J.M. 51 iJiii'liY, New s Agent . DUNOARVAN—Mr. EBWAKD IS KENSAN - , Stationer, Ac, Tost and Telcgrapb Office , The. Square KH.JIACT1IOMAS—Mr. JI. DUNNE, Grocer, etc. IJSMOUE—Mr. J OHN X-. UNAN , Tho Jlall Warehouse- NEW ROSS—Mr. I 1 . MOHAN , XCWB Agent , &c. SHIPPING . WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. 1STEXDXV ORVSR of SA1LWG-JVLY , 1873. VTOT1CK. —The Watcrford Steamship *i * VA> jN Company receive Goods for Shi pment Srf!SM^& on the following Terms only :—They reserve 2«ffl£«K£r7 il.eTii;lit to carry by any, not by particular VSs "" «ili> liWity to Tow Shi ps . and call at other Ports ni! Hill not be mcoui.uMi- for injuries or losses arising from debt - .ccuWnts of the S«i» , Rivers , Hre, the Queen B Ene- mies . aefrttive Navigation , or accidents from any otliercause , nor fur .my loss which mi^lil have been covered by Insurance nor for LeW. Hr» »»se . Condition , Quality, or contents of auy Parcel* orP.ickr.KW . unless specially entered and «<J «• Irem Frei ght pi ' "' - (i "°' ls " ot inovcl1 t0 bl! storl:d at the risk and expense ol the Consignees W A T i: R F 0 K 1) AN 1) B It I S T O L . Qir<v , I-ar.T . or oilier clir<ible Vestel , direct. Krnii W-.n-Yiord in Hrislol : V torn BriKtnl in Wnterfonl s Ti»~.i:iv , ' .Inly 1 ...!« Slcini.Tliurf.lay. July 3 ...11 Mom. i"!, , . 1 s ... I Afl ' n. Thursday, lfl 0 Mora. ?f ; ' " IS ..l»i >l »"i. TlmrMlay, 17 _U Mom. T Z" , V- ' " ' - »• » Affll. Thlin-.liiy, 'J+ ... « Atfu. Tu-iv ' " •" . " .. 1"1 Mora. Thnmfeiy, 31 ...101 Mom. Jurernn. Fiom Wni.i ' uiil to UriMol , Kr. ni liiiMol to Waierfnid , ]>;,,., t | callinz at IVniliroke Dork. Fri.br , .lulv I ... 1 Affi. Tii. Hlav, Jul y 1 ... In Morn Vri.l-ir ' 11 ¦ " Morn;Tu<. -.l»y, S ... 1% Affc 1-ri.lnr " , " K 1 AffniWay, IS ... »! -M"™ Friciav ' j:. ... b SIornTuwcliiy Z2 ... 5 Affii Fr"IJ* 1 ' . iTiuwlny. *J ... U .Morn tX*' On Karlv Jlornini: Sailings , the Cabin ot the Steam trs will he Open " to receive l' asscuRe' S arriving froin London by the Nislit Mail Trail:. , Cal.iu Fare , 16s. Oil. 5 Servants and Children , 10s. 0.1. Return ilo., 23s. ; or with liberty to return from Dubliu Cork , cr Wexford , 31s. 6d., Steward ' s fee included ; Duel 6J Females attend the Ladies' Cabin. WATER FORD AND LIVERPOOL. Lara Camilla , ot utliir ilisiblc Vessels. —Tliree Sailings. Wick I T. mem WATr.RFOiai: moM i.ivtRPOOl, : WclneMaj- . J iily S- " Affi. JV«ln«day Jul y 2 - :> Aft;.. Friilnv >— Morn rnday, •» t Aft 11 VnndnY 7 1" "II "" 1 MonAiy, ,, 7—8 Mora w«lm«iav " 'J - W K"™ W.ilncrflay U U Morn (" -L " u_ :l Affn Mondar , 14- 1 Horn Sii nT " l.i - if Affu H- edi.ii.iuy 16- 2 Aif » Frttar " I 1 *- « Morn Kridny. ,. 18- I Affn tinndav '^1 •" Morn Monday. 21 » Morn VntaEMl'ir " U.S 11 Morn Wednesday. .. -'— » Morn ?rid " v S -11 Morn Friday. ,. 23 - 11 Morn MmSfiV -S - " ' Affn Monday, 28 - 12 Koon wSn»day. V. »> ~ " ' Aft . " Wclncsday, M - I Affn Cabin Fare , 17s. •>! i Servants (Travelling wilh Fmnilies) nd Childcu , 1<J»; Deck , 10» , Children. 5s. Females attend the La.lics 'Cnbiu. Goods received at Clarence Dock. WAT Klt r 'On I) AND NEW ROSS. Fitox WATEHTOKD Daily, Sundays eicepted , at 4. Or.a. FROM N P .T: HOBSDaily, Sundays eicepted, at 8.I0 A.M. WATKli r 'OKD AND DUN CANNON. F BOM WATH' .ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. OP .M . FROM DOKCASNOS Dail y, Sundaysexcepted , at 8.15 A. M. ]Serths secured and every information given by the Agents: Briitol ¦ The General Steam I'acket Office. Licerpual : U' aterlard Steam Ship Company, 23 , Ilrunswick-ntreet , Wanhinston liuildiiins , »nd ft tlieCuir.pauy ' s Jflice , the MALL , WATI : I : FOIU> . J-NHI.AND AND SOUTH WALKS , AND THE SOUTH Of IKEI.AND , nv GKKAT WJ&rKH.V UAlLWAY , ria MILKOUI) HAVEN , In connection with tbo WATF.uroiinAM ) LIMERICK and WATEHKOKII AND CENTRAL I UEI .AXU Lines. SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES. ««A Ks-prcss Trains -and Kcio 1' ast Mail J& A&5 ^^i Simmer* EVESY WEEK DAY. ^lat^ , Tjp. —LcaTC WATKniommt 'l p.m., 011 Arrival of 11-0 a.m. Train from Limerick, nnd 10.35 a.m Train from Mary boroug h, A KRIVIXU in LONDON (wea- ther ami circumstances permitting) at 12.5 on following 'hiy. - ' yjOWX. L K .WK LCM. O. V (J' atJO)Dg ton) nt 4.50 p.m., ai:il A KISIVK AJ WATI: HIOI : I> (weather and cir- cumstances pertnittiDj;) nbout 10.30 a.m., in tlmo lor trr T/ains on the ' .Vuterford and Lime- rick m:J Central Ireland Lines. K A It E H—WA TEnrOHD AKD L 0NV0X : SiNt.i.i.^ (available 1 Days) 1st Class <t Saloon , His 0(1 2nd Cluss & Saloon , 35s tj' cj 3rd Class &. I' oro Cabin , 20a Od H KJ I ' II . V < (avtiilablc foi l montb) 1st Clss & Saloon , 76a 2mlClES&Saloou, 5as Fu ' riher infonnntion can be obtained from Messrs. J M - KM .S IIIK I CO., X' CIV Jlilford ; nucJ Mr. DowNKV , Adel jibi Wharf , Watcrford ; nud the K KDUCKU FAIIKS ¦fcciwwn othor important Stations , the Timu Tables , and 'J'lirou^li Hates for Coods , Ac , of Mr. W. J. liLS- SKLL, the Great Western Company ' s A gent , Paul's Sqnarc , WatcrforJ. J. OIUERSOX , General Muuagcr. 1-addiugton , Jnly 1S73. [my-28 THE GUION LINE. UNITED iiTATES MAIL S TEAMERS -vj- yjfc. / " i-^^ °r 'lie f"" ow'"n " r other First 'SSPIfCFSS^ II class , full-powered Stcatnsl.ip. -i * pflryrfe will be. despatched from LIVERPOOL TO NEW YOKK, EVEKY WEDNESDAY. Captain. Cap tain . WY0MIN«. JAMB» iloBOAN . ^INXKSOTA .T r tr«o.an WISCONSIN T.W.Fr..inau M AMI All AN..I. 15. I' UICE ID A HO " * J AS . GI A SI.;MONTA. NA J AS . 1'KIOB " tA ! AirAV" .:.V. " w. Fc,.«yll. l IJAK(rrA •lludd-nR) ^^l iiiic-nd.-c! to S-il ... li.lluw : XKVADA Wedncsduy S'tli Jul y. MANHATTA N ..... Wednesday "!l1' Jul y- WVO.M1NG Wcduesdny - : >rd Jul y. CALLING « (jUKf.NhlOWN il-r ••»} loll..».i.i. , 10 raibaik I^' H- MJI -I *. IVbMu-crl, 1 roltd H.rou^ l' to S-" Crmci»f> »liJ all inljiid town* kt low into. . Hat.sol l' .i-'ntc f.tim l.ivtrpo. l tn ^l•K lutki—l«wn \' »>n*t £1 j lOr. nnd i. 'l" 17s., w<i A' - '!- *»I»- MKI - I' j=*nje aticclncHi !«. ' •>. The Imlft i»cludn mi uuliiniied tupul y of pioviiiouh , iiitkul and si-rvid up by the Co.nuanj ' . maids* For I.Htht ur |. -.»mp<- , appl y to •«»" JOHN DKVEUEUX. Quay. W alerfntd•?• > J THOMAS KAVANAGH , the Squan-Y JJjj 1 , ' , ivan JAMKS SCOTT & CO.. Ou"ii' - | own;i<; lncra (i L'ION <fc CO.. S6 Wn«rr-»lrMrlv.AHK» pool. KA T10 N A i LIN E _ T0 _ NEyfrom ( RK! •*„ ;:* LAHtiEsFsTKAll liitb 'Pp^AT. TS^^^ Fro.. LirrrrooU^f ^ UX E S I J AY THE " wcll-known Full-J^wcrcd Iron Screw bTKAJl^ 1 * 11 ' 0 ,...J'±'- , . , l!i« ¥.» " u! iu , Kemp tin ; " ( , ' . r " - iiu jKJ THE QUKES . Andruus... IM tin v ' J. "?" - %*tl HOLLAND , llr-«g »st7 K;\ v, :J'^P ' ; / 3571 KBIX. WK«I I'SU llUNth , Thnn.H.!i...y * : ^,, UKLVBTIA- . Kpooetr Ml \vi, <...i \M i""'-""" 110 ? rW York \" 'i'" 1 " ,;, , ,..v ., / . Wednesday Jul y Ulli. ^i'US /' . "" .. " ' ' .. Wednesday Jul y Hith. lT\kA' Wednesday Jul y 2:)rd. ~ f ] " MV ' II , ' IJ ' QU.-H.IIU*II the lollowinx .lays. ^Ve .Salo.m.ic.ii.u.odation \.un.o.pn.^rd . the .State-roora. 1^:- mtuMy l. ' r E e, «cd of.n dTlbe B»hon,, H ln.t«l » 5.U.K. UO * ^- t JO j. „„,, 17 G air.e. t , according to «• rn,nm, d».ion iU h.a,;.o.,u,--/!l h" l "K «0-e i;"vil r Re in '^" T^COJIKOKT .1 VrKKUAOK I'AhSKXGEK S A" mffi-l " »cc< ,n, , Uodu.ion leing uneoualled '" ill, "" ' u "fc"t T " » to' " « * T «T «ll.«' line-includ. fc ^ 'S Pr.,*Li.»* .«v«l up Cooled hy tb. Co£w , r.,f.nt f . Medici attend^- Free, htew.d. c«« ilt«.d«« 0.1 K.male St«t.K« 1' aiMBB.r,. . 8lWr,« P.,s.rnter, lur«nrJrd to O . uebec , liostnn 1'l..|. »4»' phi. »ud IWlimore . tc.Mout tstra c\ar<,t , and booktd UrcVloSui. yrai.ci.co . ai.il «« inland town, d Uu.ted ^•«t« tod CVnada on fnvourable l«im*. Pos»«i(jfr« bootto ttruujhto Austioli", New Zt-almd, Clnnn . »ud Japau. r * or Kreiilit or l' a»aa)<o upp ly to U,, sfl.OHAL STFAM MIIP taPil.1 (L.M.TE.O, 21 mid2.1 , \\al«r->tri-tt 1 ],ivfipcc.lj N . aml J. Cojoii>s a ' nd liEO«.. Qnmirtc.wp. lWm:.-r» •« »il»i«d to ^riiu- H.':r l' atugei liora tht L^r.l Atruta ktf.iie Ifutiiu licin ' . UUSSMlTnB AND DEALKKS IN ALL KINDS Or AUSiUNlTlOXS. Q om VA%A^ D. co - SHIPPING. CLYDB SHIPPIN G COMPANY Regular STEAM C0AIHVNICA TI0N between Waterford and London , Plymouth and Southampton, Cork , Dublin , Belfast , AND GLASGOW. 1 TvTK r *pMIK new nud. pnwrrtul Screw Stertuiers «lJ9rt^, -I TOWAKI) , CU.M HKAE , «ALATA. 2dyLto^ s KKUUYV01tK , EDDYSTONE . SANDA. ?* =* 1 * B *aifc^*s>^AKKLOW , are iutended ta Sail 119 undtr (weather penriltiun , unless prevented by »tiy unforeaeei. ci rcunmtnucej), with librrty lo Tow Vessels, nnd to render Assistance to Vessels in Distress :— FROM WATEUFOKI) TO GLASGOW , Tuesday, 1st Jul y 1 p.m., via Dublin Wednesday, 2ml 1 p. m., via Cork Friday , *l tU 1 p.m., via Cork snJ Ui-Ilsst Tuodaj- , 8tl. ., 1 p.m., via DuUiu. Wednesday, Uih 1 p.m., Ti« Corl . Kriduy, ll tl. 1 p.m., via Cork aud Hcl(»st, Tuesday, J5il. 1 p.m., via Dublin \Vcdupsday, llilh 1 p.m.; via Cork. Friday, 18tli 1 p.m., via Co. k. nud Belfast. Tuesday, 22nd 1 p.m., via Dublin Wedtiradar, 23rd 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, 25th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork nnd Belfast. TueBdny, 'J9.I. 1 p.m., via Dublin. Wednesday 30th 1 p.m., via Cork. Friday, l>t Auif 1 p.m., via Cork and Bolfast. FROM GLASGOW TO WATERFORD, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY. Jnd FRIDAY , at 2 p.m. ; Kail to Greenoc k ,7 p.m. NOTE. —Thff S.p«nier 01: Friday pora via Cork. FROM WATEUFOKI) TO BELFAST, Via CORK. . Kvery Fill DAY , ... ... at 1 p.m. BELFAST TO WATEKF0RD . Via GLASGOW. EVJEKY JIONDAV. FROM WATERFORD TO DUBLIN , Direct . Every TUESDAY ... at 1 p.m. DUBLIN TO WATERFOUI) , Via GLASGOW. EVERY WEDNESDAY. FROM WATEUFOKI) TO CORK direct. Every WEDNESDAY ... al l p.ro. Evety FRIDAY , ... at 1 p.m . FROM CORK TO WATERFORD direct. EVERY MONDAY. WATEUKORD TO LONDON. Calliug nt Plymouth Saturday, Jul y 5 3 i> .m. I Saturday, July 26 3 p.m. Tuesday, 15 :> i> .tn. Tuesday, Ansust S a n.w. LONDON '10 WATEitFOUD. Cnllia^' nt Plymouth, and Penzance. Tuesday, July 1 - o a.m. I Tuesday, Jul y 22 6 a.m. Thursday, .. 10 'i a.m. | Thursday, 31 6 «.m. lloiri? received for Shipment nt Jlilloi ' s and West Kcu t Wharves up to 6 p.m. on day before sailing. WATfcr.rOKD TO ILVMOIIU. 1'LTMOVTH TO WATERJOBU . OillitiK at Penzance. Saturday, July 5 3 p.m. VTcdnccdaj, July 2 8 p u. Tuesday, ,. IS a p.m. Friday, 11 8 p.m. Saturday, ,. -6 3 p.m. ^YednefdaY, 23 8pm Tiiewlay, August 6 a p.m. Friday, August 1 _ 8 p M ] WATF.HFOBII TO SOUTHAMPIOX . SOCTHAMrrON TO WAIEHFOKD. Tranfliipi.inK at Plymouth. 'iraushippinc; nt Plymouth Saturday, Julj S 3 p.m. Tuesday, ,, 15 3 p.m. Every Wednesday, nt 8 p.m. Saturday, ,, 26 3 p.m. Tuesday, August S 3 p.m. l'ENZANCK TU WATEF1F0HD. Thursday, 3rd July, 9 a.m. I Thursday, July 24 0 a.m Saturday, l^th 0 a.m. | Saturday, Aug. *J 9 a.m Theso Steor.era have eicellent Accuiumouttion for l' aa cngtre. PASSAGE-MONEY : Cabin. Kct.yn. Dec Waterford to Glan:oiv &, Uelfast , 17«. 6.1. 25». 10s. Cork ... Oi Dublin ... lOi G\ ,, Pl yinouth & Soullmuiptoii 20» 30l lOi Lcniluu ... 26« 37s Gd lol &4? NOTE—The Clyde Shi pping Company Insure all Goods Shi pped by three Lines of Steamers, at 3i4d per Cent, to Traders having yearly Bgreen.rutp . ind 6a per Cent, to oc- casional Shi ppers—values to be declared ot time of Shi p, racnt. Forms and all iiiforroalton to be bad at the Office. For Hntes of Freight , 4c., apply to— COBK STEAMBIllr Co., 1' enrcse Qu»y, Cork j CAX OMK »nd EQA . V, NO. 20, Eden Quay, DuEitN ; J. C. PIJIXKKTOIC , 10 Victoria St ., IWII HS I ; H BSRT I. WUIJG, Plyinouih ; J AMBS H A HTLKT , & Co., 137, Lraideulmll street , London ; also at M ILI .KB ' S WI I A B?, East Sraithfielil, nnd WE6T K BST WJIAHF, Sot.tl.wi.rk , Loudon ; Jonic LTDDT, Limerick ; IV. J) . MATTHEW <fc So. -*, Prnunc, and the CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY , Southampton , Greenoclc , Glsi<uw , »nil Waterford. AMBK1CA. t^f NOTICB. Americaui and ..then ti-jvelllnz on tlie Counnent of Europe will pleane make early HppHcition for Bertha in tfi c Stc-ner " PEXSS YLVANIA , " aa all tlm avoilable Cabin accommodation is enpectcd to be soul, taken AMERICAN LINE THE AMERICA N bTEAM-SHIP COMPANY'S PHILADELPHIA and LIVERPOOL LINE of Ne« Fun-clii'" Full.poiTered Iron Mteameia. PENNSYLVANIA 3101 Tom Captain SCMHIB . OHIO 3101 Tuns Captain MonBlsoir , IN DIANA 3101 Tons Captaiu ILLINOIS 3101 TODS Captain 1 The firit railing from Liverpool will be the PENNSYLVANIA Wednesday, ' J DUO 18, Calliug at Quetustown tbe following day to embark Pis- smteip. Tbe?e Steamers arc speciall y constructed for this setvice , and Lav* (.upi-rior accnumodatiot. for all classes of Passengers. CAIIIN PABEAOK , Filteeu and £iuhtei>n Guineas. Children btt*i-ni two and twelve yearn, Hall Fare. Hetu.n Tickets nt reduced r-.trs. STBKBA OK PA SS VGE as Inw ns by any other Line, i nclud- ing an aoip l* vuppl y of Provision', cuoked and served up by the Company ' i iMpwardi. i' astcngirs ate forwarded lo Ntw York , Boston , Quebec, or Baltimore, without aclditivnal cliarur , fur l* li Os. I NTSBMCUIATE PASSAGE. Superior accommodation , in- cluding lied*, Htddinp, bud all necessary Ulei.mU, separate Talilc , and steward ipedall y fur this cumpurtme.it. I'av saiie Money, Xi) a*. Each Steamer carries a Surgeon at.J .^tcntt.des). . IVijise-irjccrs are hooked at the lowest Thioug ], Hj t v ? , via the IVnu^y Uania Railroad end its councttiuns , Harrishur^, l' uulurif. Ciuci.n.htti , India.lup.dif , St. Louis , Kanpai. City, Victunsi , Denver , Cheyeune , Salt Lake City, San Francisco, ("trriaiid, Toledo, Detroit , Fort Wayne , Cbicigo, Madisou St. Paul , Duluth, S.oux City, Omaha, Lincoln, Republican Foik^ , Springfield , Cairo, Mtrnpliis ,Vick8bur|r , New Orleaim, IIuu>tun , Galvtstcin , and nil purls of the United ' otatea and Cai.aib , uiiii ^ by Slea.ncts , from bau Fraticikco to tbe 1 ritici- pa) |,u.ts on tbe West Coasl of America ; also to Japan , Cl.i.o , Australia , New Zealand, Va iuou ier aud Sandni ch Kl. mdf. [C7^ The l' finuylvania Railroad is the shortest anl most iliuct route from Philadel phia and New Yotk to nil places in I lit- U' tste.n States aud territories. Frei ght payable here or io Philadel phia , at the current rate of exchange, fur Haulers ' UjIK^iu ttie d<te of Steamer ' s artival. All risk of U<ver Ciall , Lighterage , and Fire, to he borne by shippers. Goods will only be taken subject to the claus. s ami cooditions printed in the Hills of Ladiug of thin Line. Drafts i»ord on Philadel phia for £1 and upwards, free of charcc. A pp ly ... Philadelphia to Louis C. MAOFBIA , at the Cuu.pa.iy ' s onices , '237 aud230 , Dock Street; in London, to UutAD A. MilTn & Co., Bartholomew House , Thread- umllt Mrert ; 111 Dundee , to J. T. licous; in llellast , ic K. J. L. A VVT , 3, Custom Hvoie Bquaie ; in Queemtown , lu .N. ttid J. Ccuuiria and Ilrotbeia ; ami to 1UCUAKDSON , SPEKCE 4 CO., 17 and 19, W»tcr-itrett , Liverpool. P»s>>xgcs cun be it-cured ty payuupt of a deposit to any ol the Cump.i>iy' « Local A.-UH8 . toy 30-tf JOHN DEVEKEUX , Quay. Waterford. W.M. GEARY , Spirit Mruliant , Liimoie. ALLAN LINE OF STEAMERS _^~ T^KOM DUBLIN to AMERICA. JUjf l|-^ SllOllTES T SEA l'ASSA OE. 'Ibe.e ateamera ta ' .l from DUBLIN Evety THURSDAY with lVvingrrj for QUEHEC , MONTREAL , IlOsTON , nnd NEW YORK. Tlirouv'i Ticktln ixufd to all the. Princi pal parts uf CAN A DA and UN 1TED STATES on the lovrert terms. saloon Cabin toQuebec .......£13 13 Intermediate Cabin toQuelrc, Hoaton , or N' cw Yorlr, 0 f* Steerage to Quebec , llobtci.i , or New York 6 6 Intermediate Hate includti Outf it , <?"• Pamp hlets 01. CANADA fret on application. For further particulais apply tn JAilES & ALEXANDER ALLA2J , TO, Great Clyde street , Glasgow, ur to >nd 10, Kdm Qv>y, Dv.Uio THOMAS. PURCELL , Wotcrford. J. M .MURPH Y, Carrick-ocSuir. EDWARD liUTLEU , Innistioguo.. " "W " ll i' Ti3 STAR" LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. LIVERPOOL to and from NEW YOEK. [BJEwaa ^^ mHESK now, full-powered Steam - ^^T -L slii pa Sail from [ ^fc U^J^ LlVERI'OOIj . - - OD illUKSDATS. 1/ QGEENSTOWN ' . . en FBIDAYS . GAELIC ... Thursday, ... July 10th. ADRIATIC ... Thursday , ... July 17th. BALTIC .. Thursday, .. July 24th. CELTIC ... Thursday, ... July 31st. TI1W Steamshi ps are all utiilciin ol the higbest speed uud lep lrtc with modern convenit-Lces in every drpartrmiit. Tbe saloon , ttate.ruorns, aod tmoVe-rooms »ra amidships. Ptsaengeis Wiked throurth lo all parts nf Uuit»d States, liritisli America. China , Japan, India , and Australia. Drafts mui-d 011 Net? Ycrk I ree of * charge . Saloon, £18 le« . aud 21 Guineas; ^Return Tali Is 35 Guineas ; Strerags £11 (i- . IO" On and allrr )-t Jul yHfit , Saloon Fares will I..- X21 nn.l X'J' ,; lictuin Tirkirts , L V). Fur I IIIK II I Mini lurllur pnrlii ulars , apply at the Ollitrs of il.r C. inpany, 111 lirnadwny, NIK Yuik , nnd 00 lln.ket sdet-t Cliir^uii; in Qut-eni.tMut , to J.imes >c'»tl & Co. ; or 1S11AY , IMRIE , &CU , lO Watei.strert , Liv<-rp,,.,l ; and 7. K '-t ri.di^.Hvrnu' , Lunilnii , fjaft-tf] I. S. IIAIlVKY , I.HI . Or,..«. ' . B.rr.t , «nd JAMEs HENNES^Y , Great Gtorge ' att , Waterford. J. 11. MUKPHY, 43 , New Ltue, Carrick-oa-Suir. IIAILWAY TIME TABLES F0H JUL Y WATERFOKD AND CENTRAL IRELAND AND KILKENNY JUNCTION RAILWAYS. TRAIN ALi ERATIONS. On Snmh>;s Ilia Up 'Ftaiiu w.ll laava Wnietforil at 11 .30 a.m., aod 6.45 p.m , arid ths Down Trains trill leave. Maty* borouu'i at 8.30 a.m., tiiJS.lS p.m. Tlie (.honest route Irttm Waterfnul and KIlkeDny to Dubho , A.bloDe , P. itumua , Par. -onstown .on Neuagh , l^ofaMuyburu ' . 13* * Impruted quiok aod ttjroush oally commualciii.t< n be Iween MaryLorouicr. at.0 othvr iiitfom to Wattfiforti, ibeaca via. New Millord to Louduo and nil btsllons 00 tbe Great \V«s- tero railoaTuf Enfland. *J TKA.KI ore WCtK DATA. 8D KPAT8. »TATioNa. Clas. Clais. 'Clais. ;oias» . Class Class jy- r-v * ZL*' I r * H - n ° oD _ p '*- h ~ m ' h m b tri" T m h m b m W»t»rford._ departure 1 IS 1 0 A 0 11 30 6 IS Kiluiacow _._.„... J 25 1 111 4 10 II <0 li S3 ^f^lllDavat V ?5 1 20 4 vo II 5" 7 5 linllyhale .„ hi I tll <<0 ~ li 10 7 2S Thornasiovn a m |53 4 55 _ 12 3D 7 (5 Uecuetsbriilge 8 •>i 2 t 5 » |tl] 8 ! Kilkenny arrival 8 411 2 21' i 20 1 I SIS Do departure Sis 230 i 3ll 1 15 8 35 Bally menu... .... l|i !IO 1 35 8 a Atla.ug h .... 9 - . '5 3 u Ij 0 _ 1 45 9 S AbbeTlolx 0 50 D IS C, 15 10 t'Jo Marjboro ' .....«rrlt«( 10 10 3 40 6 -13 'i 30 9 40 Ma.jboraaih tf>p_up 111 S3 < 2 7 37 3H PiTUrMomon Juno ' n U 11 4 17 7 60 3 43 Dublin arrival 1 5 5 40 9 40 S 45 Athlone Junction orrl 4 45 8 SO Maryboro '...((> ;, down "I 30 7 11 9 5J Balljbropb j ....... . 10 50 7 4U 111 21 Roscrea 11 34 8 23 I' araonatowt. 12 < 8 S3 Pertumnrt _ 13 44 9 38 -— NennKh 12 33 6 12 TemiiJemore i 8 17 10 fia D'urles arrival - ' U 33 II 15 ~ TO WATEB70RD. TRA IKS DM WKCK OAVB. SUP DATt STAT.ona I 1 2 &) ! * B-Z . l "I* ' 1J &> , < 2 * : :C\ B. I . ' CI«» S. Class CUis. Class. Class I j l .M. j A .M . I A.M . T.V ^ ^. ». \ P.M. _ t I h m j h m h ~ m b in a rri i p m Thurlct .». .departure _ > 7 111 _ 1 58 | a 2 Tcmplcuio. c I _ ; 7 a!) _ ill a 30 Usll jbrophj . _ , 7S4 ~ 2fl , 3 44 J»CnaKh._ _ . 6 30 la U5 . Portnrana _ 6 U _ - J 1 irionitou-ii ' _ ' e 4 . 0 12 J3 ' ¦ Ji-'ea 1 _ ; 7 13 130 I iWar/lOTO' ...arrl...up _ J 8 38 Hit I 3 24 Alblcnc Juoclioo ...~ fits - Dublin .- ...departure 60 00 10 8 30 P. -ittarllngton Jnnci ' n _ 1 7 55 I" 13 2 45 111 31 Maryboro '..arc<.-rfrn' , 'B as ! 10 3o 3D li sa UOWN IBAISB . I Mull Miiryhi.ru' ...rfr^>ir(Kr« "3 40 !lO 3.5 4 3 8 30 5 15 Abbeyleu ' ! 9 0 I1U Ss 4 83 8 50 3 35 Attanash .™ _ 015 440 95S5O Uallyragect _ 0 35 11 19 4 SO * 13 G 0 Kilkenny .... orrirol: 9 43 11 10 5 10 0 40 6 25 *>n departure 7 3) 10 1 'i\ 43 0 20 9 50 6 35 liennetsbrldKC J 43 , 10 12 ¦ 5 3J 1" !i 0 30 Thumattowi. 8 0 !lo Is 12 S 5 43 10 15 7 8 Ua. 'ljhale 8 25 KMu [12 15 t U 10 30 1 20 Mullinav.t 8 50 J11 0; 0 95 10 SS 7 45 Kllroacuu- B 5 ill 10 ' l2 45 6 !15 11 S 7 43' Waterford arrival 9 30 It 30 ( 1 0 7 0 1 30 8 131 . 'Note. 1 —Third Olaa* tickets me issued at all tbo Kilkonnj Jurction stations by this train. ( Mill trains). Tickets iuurd (or KiDg lo Jonrse; nra aTallabie only for tbe Tr.io bj which ibe; art Issued. First and Second Clsis Return Tickets are issued batwren an} t«oStBilornai»il»blefot thesaaa day ; those issued for an) diaiar.ee eicecdlng SO mlln, will bn stallable for return on tbi da; after tbe date of tho Ticket i nnd tho» isiued between VV». lerrord and Su.iooi lo KIIktnDj, lncla«lTe , and Marjboroug b, will I M a?allabla for return for two daj» afiar tbe date ot tbe Ticket First and Btco.i'l Cltai Retrr-i Ticket* Issusd on Saturday ars retnrnabla 00 Saturday, Sundsj, or Mooday i and Ihosa iuuod on Sunda/ ara returnable on Snnda/ or Monday Third Claaa Return Tlc,»u iuoed at all 8latlnna bj Third Class Trains , available! to retutu lbs uni dai bf inv Train except tbe Jislln. Tbroutb Tickets, at low fares , are laauad at Manborouib and Kilsennjr , ?iaWalerford aDd Mllford Baven, tu and Iron. Ix>n. ioo, Dortr, Bed Hill , - Aldarsbot , Readlsr, Ba.vD S»lcV». Swlo. don, Olford , Blrmingbsm , Worctaler, Htretoid. Cheltenham, Bristol , Gloucester, Newport , Merlbjr , Abetdare , Oardlrf , ^«atb , Swanaea , Llioellj, Carmarthen, and Carmarthen Juncil.m, and New Millord. W. WILLUHI. Sccretsrj. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY. Up Traint from Waterford. TKA1K8 OK fflH B1T8. 8' »1. WATiKroao 1 '* *3 < 4 ; 6 """ »« «f ,o u«««. lti?tti. Z£!;<tit . ti^ ] *l cJl£ ! _* j?. r. ^M_. _*i. : .tJ«i. 1 . ».M. | P. H. r.M. hm lira li m I' h m h m "!~ h ' m ¥ra ' Walcrford....>)<p. 5 45 ._ 8 til II 45 2 45 I 8 55 S . ' ,5 Cloamcl. I 7 S ... 10 3S 17 <5 I 4 4 ' m zi 10 22 T! |ipe.a.7 1 8 10 10 40 I ill i I [|1 40 11 40 Junction arlrl 8 2U II U : ... 4 10 5 20 ill 79 a 55 COBK arrival 1 30 ._ I ... 4 as I 8 19 pt 0 10 DunL.N...arWvo/| 15 „. ; ta. 5 40 1 y 4u ! 4 6 4 5 Dublin .. drp\ ... 9 0 ... ,10 30 I I 0 I 7 45 7 45 Cell ,. ... ... .„ .12 311 2 4S : l0 8 III 6 Junction 8 30 12 12 ... | 2 25 5 4S > li ' <3 12 23 Limerick.... aril|l 0 30 1 IS ... I 3 15 | C 45 I 1 3u 1 30 Dotcn Traint fro m IAmerick. j TKIIKI OH WtIK PAT». B' nv , " :. ' 12*312t3 143 HI I,J U, ,, ' fcj io » Aiisro«o. .Clnse.lClsss. Claes Class Clisa 1 Clasi Claaa ! JUM. I A.M. A.M. KM. r* .M. [ f.M, r.M. , hm rTm bm hm h m j b m Tm Limerick dtp 6 11 7 0 11 10 1 20 4 0 10 30 10 30 Junction..arriraf 7 5 8 15 ' 12 10 2 211 S 15 111 S3 II 59 Cork , 10 0 1 3D I 2 0 4 33 8 15 2 3 2 0 Dnblin... j ... 1 5 | 4 33 5 40 0 40 4 6 4 5 Dora.*........rfqi ... . |9 <> ... 10 7 4s J 45 Corn...... _... ... 6 0 ! u 0 ... tit 10 6 10 6 Junction..„ 7 15 u 20 14 20 . , 5 33 12 S3 13 23 Ti pperary 17 30 !) 40 ;I2 36 ... 5 45 12 50 1240 Cloumel _! 8 43 ... 1 33 6 55 S 20 2 20 Wi t<riflrd ...itri>l,ia 10 . y ' 3 35 ... 8 15(3451345 Mail Trains marked with an aaterlsk. ¦ ' AKta-FlrklClM* Single Ticket , 14s (W ; ^eco.i'l do. 11 Od Tlnr.l co, lis 3.1. Return -Kirn Clnsa.81a od 1 Second do, 16s ed J . F. N.cex.1, Secretary. WATERKORD AND TKAVORE RAILWAY " . Week Day Trains. r»0M ' J 3 ' 4 s « : 7 I 8 ¦ 9 '! a m am p ... [rut _ p in _ p mj pjn ! p m p m h m h m I. in h in b ro > h m; h m ih m ;b m ~ wr<..i «8 0 11 (i la 15 : u 4 0 ' 5 3d 7 - . '¦i | a u ... T' nire; 0 15 *11 311 1 15 3 u 4 30 ?() 0. 8 l.| 0 30 Sunday Trains. r«OM ' ' * 3 " " « "" "'" « " I a I 7 I 8 " * a m _ 1 a m , p m p m p in j p in |pm I pm ,p m h in 1 li m 1 li in I. m li in " h m ftTm j b is I h ra Word »S 11 ill 13 '15 15 1 30 S 3'l j 4 30 .1 3" 6 301 9 0 Trno.e !' 15 111 45 HI 4. ' , , - . ' II 4 0 I 5 I'l'o 11 « 0. 0 45 •Mall trains 0. ji , BA KKK , Seeretar;. TO THE NEHVOUS AND DEBILITATED. Juit Publithed, pott free for Tuo Stanj 't , PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS for tlie CURE of NERVOUS DKBILITY. By Dr. H EMBT SMITH . 1' iocri pliona and Instructions is a New Medical woik op tbe Eclectic Treatment of all Diseases of tlie Nervous Sys- tem , Nervous Debility, Mental tod Physical Depression, Pal pitation of tlie Heart , Noises in tbe Htad and Ears, In- decision , Impaired Si ght and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appet.tr , Pains in tba Hack, Timidity, Self-Dii- trnst , Dizziness Lo«e ol Solitude, Groundless Fears , Weak- lire* , Muscular Relaxation , ic., re«ultiDg from exbanstiou <>f Nrrvu i' ower. lllustrateJ witb Testimonials from grate- lul 1' aticuU. Sent flee by post to any address ou receipt of two penny stamps. Address Dr. U. buim, 8 Barton Crescent , Loodon , W.C. I MPORTABT TO Coosiar PATHHTB. CossriTAiioir BT LEITEB Wiinont K E».Dr. II. SMITH , the eminent SpectalUt for lue Cure of all Debilitatin ft Diseasra, will , for tbe, Uutfit of country puti> jl , who cannot consult him per- sonall y, en receiving del .ri ptioua of tbeir cates , aend hia opinion , with advice and directions lur tbo most sucensfp, Je.toration to bealtt. and vizoor. f28-t! NEEV0U8 DEBILITY, and all NERVOUS A FKECT10N S, wl.etber tbe result of early error* or otherwise , are by very simple and inexpensive means quicVlv cured in botli Kraui'e and Uermany. Tbe advertiser i rmi- deut in tbii country, will be bappy to aend free to all appli- cants toll particulars of tbe mode of treatment tberi. adopted, on rec ci pt of a directed envelope. All persons may cure them- selves , and tbns not run tbe ritk of being victimised . Address ifom. A. DUVAI , l !} , Newmarket-street Birming ham. HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR.-A Med ial man of SO rfira' eiper.enc* in tbe treatment of NERVOUS DE> UlLlTY, Spermatorrbtc and otber uSections which are ofttt, acquired in earl y life , and unfit snfferera for marriage and other . social duties , bai publisbed a Book Biting the full beneiitof his lonjr; tiperience gratis, with plain direction a lor the .eeovcry of Health and Strength . A tingle copy svdt Is auy address on ¦ ci « ' .3t of One Stamp. Address to tpe Secretury, Ittslituto of Jivatouty, Hirrniriffboro fil-lyl Just Published , lor Two Btan.pi TO THE XEHVOVH A$l) DEML1TATED. I' .cad tbe New Publication , by Dr. J. A. BABBII , il.D,, (U.S.), entitled ¦VTEKVOUS DEBILIT Y, or Woaos of WAHN - Xl ma—A Treatise on the Causes , Symptoms, and Treatment of NEBVoussr.ks aud ExBAOaTBD VliALHT. Tlie Author bas for years given his exclusive attention lo Ihe treatment of Nervous Debility, MenUl and Physical Depression, Pal pitation of tbe Heart , Noisra in tbe Head BDd Ea.g , Indecision , Impaired Si ght and Memory, Ind iges- tion , Prostration , Lassitude, Depreasioo of Spirits , Lots of Energy end Appetite , Pains in the Back tnd Limbs, Timi- dity, tell-Disliuat , Dizzineat, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fcmi , and many otber ailments, which , if neglected, bring tbe infTcrers to an early dtath. This valuable Work , which bas been trul y called " WOSDS or WABicmo/'is illustrated wilb Cases and Testimonials, nnd not only gives tbe cause but l.bc means of cure. Hundreds of cajes, thought hope- leu, have been icslored to perltct health and vi gour after a|l otber means bad failed. To IDS JIABEIKIJ A(TD SiaOLt tbis book is invaloablr. Ken t post frer, on recei pt of two start ps, or by letter post , three stamps. I MPOKTAIT IO COTJUIKT 1' IIIBII T9.—DB. BARNES iiinj- be couiulied persunally or b y letter , in all private aod c nfdeiitial cn»e» ; and tor the benefit of Nertons io8trer» «l.o cannot vi-it bim, be will , on rrceiving a description ol thrir casr, r..cloiiinii a ataruped rnvrlupe for reply, I*ready lo g ivr bia opi.n. n upon ihe nalU'efll tbe case, and tbu princU pies of treatment necersary tu (fleet A perfect curt. ICT 9 Address Dr. BAKBIB, 1 Lonsdale Squire , Barnsbury, London, N. [my!J3-6in « ¦ , EDINBUjElCilH r _ . IND^A. ..PALE,., , A^^ .piN^rER- . ' i.iAiBS , .. SPARKLING, REV HESHING, " NOUEISHINal AND ECONOMiCALi tb ' . ' bcj r ba'i ' .of . the Vnnci pal ' > ¦ Retailors. Observe Trade Marks ,;(»3 ( othor brands . aroir8quently,8ub3titutB(ii ! ;- ¦ :. ¦ ¦::.:¦ : - ¦ : : ~ 4^— , . : . i . ¦ . . .. - , . . . . . . ¦ . Breweries—Edinburgh . EBtablishod 1749. Waterftxr4 atores^81, Ciistopi-HoBfie Uuay. Dublin—7 ,'lower AbbeyTBtrcet and Sackville Place. ;-'BelfftBt-T' 8 , Qlq' ster- street. ' Cork—Merchant' s Ot ' tiay. ' limerick—12, ' Brnnswick-stfeet. : . Drog heda-^-30 , ' ¦ WeBt-Btreet. :Iondon-7BelTedere lload ,.S.E, . hiierpqol^rSi., Spiith^' Jdhii-Btreet. m vPOWMR : TJ ESPECTFITLLT announce tha Keturu !of tbeir X\. wh ere be bas seourod . SEVERAL ^HEAP , LOTS OJ? RICH A1S[D FASHIONABLE: GOODS WHICH THEY. WILL . SHOW . On MONJpA Y NEX T, and FOLLOWING. DA YS. VICKEll' S VALUABLE MANURES , DISSOLVED BOKES , SPECIAL, »Ni> HcKENZIE' S X.X., . The Best MANURE tn the Market—over 40 , per Cent. Soluble. ALSO, GENUINE LEOPOjLDSHALL KAINIT. " W IlV" u " 8 rTTA I N I T ?" Becauao POTASU forms an important Constituent of ull tbo CROPS , tbe Ashes of wbiob, on an average, contain full y 33 per Coot, of POTASH. Becanso G. L. K. natural , unmanufactuied Solt) is tho onl y M A N U It E which contains o large Quantity of 1' OTASH ID an ovailalle , i. c, in a soluble form. Because it is a CURE or I' BEVEKTIVE against WIUEWORH , MILDEW , and LIMPNESS cf STRAW in Cereals ; GRUBS amonggt Swedes, Mangolds, &o. ; CLOTEK SICKNESS and tbe POTA TOE DISEASE. &%• KAINIT is particularl y beneficial on LIGHT or MIXED SOILS. For Samples, Reports, and full particulars, apply to WILLIAM ROSE , MANURE DEPOT , WATERFORD. BEST SEEDS , IMPLEMENTS, AND MACHINES , ALWAYS IS STOCK. Two Ton* SUPERPHOSPHATE, Two Tons KAINIT , Carriage raid , and 5 per Cent, off for Casti. WALTER O'DONNELL & CO., 47, QUA Y, WA TERFORD (O pposite the Market House), WILL, On MONDAY NEXT , and following Days SHOW THEIE NEW ARRIV ALS IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS . COMPRISING - . - BONNETS. RIBBONS, PRINTS, TAILORING, MILLINBRY, LACES; CALICOES, WOOLLENS, MANTLE S , HOSIERY, PARASOLS, FLANNELS , SHAWLS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, BLANKETS . UNDERCLOTHING, HABERDASHERY, TIES, CARPETS, DRESSES, DRAPERY, COLLARS, DAMASKS. AGENTS for the LITHE WANZER and SINGER SEWING . MACHINE. X.B. _WANTED a YOUNG LADY of experience to take charge of tbe SHAWLS aud MANTLES ; al«o, experienced SALESMEN for tho RIBBONS , LACES, HOSIERY, HABERDA8HERY . WOOLLBNS and DKESSES ; also, a FOREMAN CUTEER. ; Apprentices also required YOUTHS and GIRLS. Apply immediatel y. jel3 (im i ' ' ' ' ' RICHARDSON, BROS., & CO., BELFAST, DUBLIN, AND CORK [mh7-6m] Agent in Waterford- GEORGE WHITE. ai AIL vs3»K»«!Kfr "* ^^ w' ^ Sif^SMnRi UPERPHOSPHAT Tho «bov« l'irtt-cltss Sucxrtihoip bAtt cu bt fc»d tnn L. A. RYAN, Waterford ; I JOHN MOERIS , Kilkenny; J. B. CDLLEN,. New BOBS j | D. M. HIGQINS , Clownel, my !6.tf MICHAEL FLYNN , •yICTUALLBE , WATERFORD and NEW DRESS: DEPARTMENT PES Yinu. PtB YiED. Stri ped Tassoea ... - 3Jd. Worth GJd. Plain Reps and Poplins : ... 9Jd. .vrorth Is. ; Plain Cballiea and Granito Poplins 6Jd. Bid. French Merinos Is 7)d & Is.Hid, ,,. 2s 3d &2) 6d Leno Mohaira and GIscc LuetroB CJd. OJd. Lyons Black.Silk ... ... 3s. 3Jd..„ 4s. 6d.:. A LARGE LOT OF COBDRGS, THIBETS, ALPACAS, . RUSSEL- CORDS, .&i\, VERY CHEAP. WOOLLEN B PER Yisu. Bordered Twist Trowiering e 2B. 'Id. worth 3B. Od Do. in Stri pes and ChecVa ... 2s. lid. 3s. 9d SHAWL DEPARTMENT. Heavy Tasmanian 8quareB 3s. lid . worth 5a. each Blaok Caahmoro Longs... 4a. 6d. worth 6a. Od. oach Queensland 4s. 6d. 6s. each Paisley Squares 11B. Gd. Ms. 6d. -each Ottoman Stripes ... ... Cs. lid. 8s. each DRAPERY I TEE VABD. Whito Calicoes 3id. 3Jd. Ic 3}d. \yorti. 4<1 4Jd i. 5d, Univcrsals ... 3id. & 4Jd. 5d & 5Jd. 0-4, Whito SheotiDg Is. Ojtl. Is. id. . Linen Towels ... 3d. -litl. HAT AND CAP 32 dozon Meu' s Felt Hats Is. Cd. each, worth 2s. Cd. 11 dozen Boys ' Straw IlaLa lOJd. each, worth Is. lil 41 Is. 6d. 3s. Od. & 1 B. 2Jd. Is. «d 35 2a. Od. 4s. Od. 7 lien' s Tusoaus ... ' la. 6d. 3a. Gd 47 2s. 6d. ,. Is. Gd. 34 Cloth Caps 5d. Ud 65 3a. Od. 5s. Od. r^g- HOSIERY nnd GLOVES , TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, BUACES , BKLTS, PURSES , &c , in great rariety, nnd JIucii BKLOW RF. ci t:t.*R 1' RICES . 2 & 3 , BROAD STREET, and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET. JULY kn , 187. 'i ' : "WILLIAM H,OS^3 , NOS. 5 AND 6 LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET , WATERFORD. AGENT FOR THOMAS McKENZIE & SONS, NOW OFFER THE FARMERS OF THE SOUTH "TTICKER' S VALUABLE MANURES , DISSOLVED BONES , SPECIAL, ANK MCKENZIE' S X.X., g^a : LINSEED CAKE ^?p: FEEDING CAKE ~ ttptfi - ESTABUSI -IED'SUPERIORIT y- PROVED SOLE CONTRACTORS POR IRELAND WILLIAM S3, EUSTACE STREET, 5. 6, 7, & 8, TEMPLE LANE, DUBLIN. THIS PRIZE CUP WAS AWARDED TO R. S. DOYNE , ESQ., WELLS , COUNTY WEXFORD. The Field ""'•'"''J Twenty Acres of Forple-topped Swedes ; the bulbs wen very deme «nd of tine shipc ; their keeping qu.litj toold not be surp.ssed. - . THE PRODUCE WAS SIXTY-THREE AND A-HALF TONS PER ACRE. Tk« Judfu coopUroented Mr. GOUK , Und Stevrtrd.for the excellent crop iron » under til eir*. eXIRACT FROM THE ROVAL 3UBLIH SOCItTr'8 REPOBT. •'The Stand of Messr». WIGHT & CO.; * EKStacc Street , was of very con»lderaMe intftrn d' fon it was Prentice ' s f<>" ^ "f, value ritly Guineas, awarded to R. S. Doyne , Esq., Wclli , Cyun.r Watford; alto specimens of the Turnips uhicli gained the 1' rlje. The Crop rroduced 6j and a-half toru ytracre. The quality of the Turni ps »as firu-clats; they ue.e nound , heary. well shaped bulbs, ari raficct great credit on Mr. Ouuk , Land Steuai J. under whose care l' ,ey were ero\in. " rROM THE " FARMER'S 3AZETTE." DEO, BTH. 18BB. PRIZE CUP FOR SWEDE TURNIPS. —Wt ut^ersHnd that the very h«nd«ome Prize of» Cup, value 5oGulneas, or A I'u.se containing Sovereigns , offc.ed by >lr. Wi ' Kht . forilhe be»t Ton Acr«a of Swede Turnips |rown upon Prentice ' s Superphosp hate, has been awarded to R. S. Uoyne. Esq., of Wells , Gorey, County Wexford, u). u,c crop weighed Si tty-three and a-half To?, per Irish acre. Thtre »aa close competition between this Cop and that pf 110 Irish »cre« , Rro«n in one held, by Allan PoUolr . Ecq , Lismany, of the cultivation ol uliich the Judges eipreis their hi^litst commend*tion. They regret tbat they bad not at their dispoul a special PRIZE OF EQUAL VALUE to give to Mr. Pollolr. WILLIA U WIGHT & CO. me cftn lo hritt vith ftirtin/or the Salt of thtir Uinurn in diltricU aheri thty are nut reprtttnUd. WIGHT & CO &, SONS:•- . ¦ BUYER from the LEADING MARKETS, DEPARTMENT. I rrR YiitD. )<J. Do. Fancy Silk Stripes , 3B 6d & 4sGd worth 4»6dcfc 6i »d. I Black ClothB 3s. lid. 5». . DEPARTMENT. I'KR VAKD. d. Printed Calicoes (fast colors) ... Ijd. worth 6d Brilliants 6Jd. 8d Fr/utcd Has Uas 6Jd. 80 I P DEPARTMENT. OF SUMMER GOODS i. ' -i HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS. All descriptions of Printing on such Card* %J f Eteoutea at THI WATIMORD NITTB OSkt. ; . ' .7. '^" .. . * . r;.7~T>-£ T T T . ~ . : ;T.'f7. " H O T EL S D. tJBLlit . ; Tbe European Hotel , fi olton Street, fi >HE ' EUROPEAN is tho Iargeit; the test" ritnato, I . irid the most comfortable Hptrt Jra.tho City. All raooern imp rovements hovo bow rewmtly introdn ced, and the entire ' House papered , painted , and decorated. :, Twenty Suites of Apartments for 'Families. .Draw- iri g Kooma from 2B. 6d. to Ba. Sitting Booms on the ground floor free of charge. ' •' •¦ ' -H ' t&.Baap, Pish, Joints, Fowl , and Entree in Coffee Iloom ' and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o'CIooV dail y, .Bed , including Servants, 2s. ' 6d., 2s. and 1 B. 6d. [m31-tf] J. MOLONY, Proprietor. TKAMORE The Great Hotel, Tramore, CoTinty Waterford , . DLtlancc from }VatcrJoril by Rail^-Scven Miles. THE MANAGER of tho WATERFOBD .COUNTY and Cur CLWB uaring l' urohaaed the old-ostab. liehpd and reall y fine hotel , begs to apprise tho Nobility and ' Gentry of the adjacent Counties , that it is now repleto ..with erery requisite for tho comfort of Visitors at this far-famed Bathing resort. It contains 50 Bedrooms , Large Ball Boom , several Sitting Rooms and , Dining Rooms , Spacious Coffee Room, Billiard and Stopping Rooms , Sun, Ac,.; , ¦ ¦ . S pecial attention will be devoted to the Wines nnd Spirits , and tho Kitchen will bo under the manage, meat pfa Srst-olass French Cooky Horaea, Carriages, Cars , &c., and Postillions on- the shortest notice. Balls, Wedding Dejeuners , and all large entertain- ments supplied on the most liberal terms, and in tha beat style. JAMES HEARNE, ' Manager, Waterford Club , Proprietor , Lato Messmnater, 89th Regiment, and Caterer to Garrison Assembly Balls at Aldershot Club House. June , 1873. jc20.tf MILFORD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, ADJOINING , the Tonninus of the South Walca Ruilwuy Company at Now Milford , and tha . Landing Strigo of tho Waterford Royal Mail Packets. Tho Public aro respectfull y informed that the aboro extensive Establishment is replete with overy accom. modntion. Coflce, Commercial , and Sitting Rooms j Billiard and Smoking Rooms. Tho Rooms aro large , lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantl y fur. nished, and aro otherwiso fitted up with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel is situntod on tho hanks of tho far- famed Milford Haven , unil command fa most eiUm. sivo view of Ilor Majesty' s Dockyard, and . of the romantic and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour- hood. Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, and Families will IIIKI this EBtabluhmunt , for situation and comfort, combined with Moderate Charges , sur- passed by no other in the Principality' ££T Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths. All communications should bo addressed to (jy2S-tf.) J. WUETTON , Manager. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS, TOURIST S, AND OTHERS. If you want comfort , convenience, and economy, T K r T II K WATERFORD ARMS' HOTEL, CORNER or COLBECK ST. AMI THE MALL. |S3" LUNCHEONS ready at all times. (jy l) IMPERIAL HOTEL, KILKENNY WALTER UANLON , I' KorBiKioR , BEGS to inform hia Commercial fricudit and the public generall y, that ho has just made large additions and improvements in his Hotel , and trusts by strict attention to business, to merit that kind pa- tronage which they have hithorto Koliberally bestowed. Tho POSTING tstAULtsiiMKNT conducted as hereto, fore, and Omnibuses , as usual , attend all tbo Trains. Kilkenny, March 8, 1873. rmhlO-tf] KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL MONCK STREET, WEXFORD. fTVIIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel , in which JL everything can be had os tho most moderate terms. %gg " Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also Brandios Wines, Porter, Ale, <tc. (aul5-tf.) J55" Cam on Uiro at tho shortest notice FLYNN'S Commercial and Family HOTEL, DUNGARVAN. THIS HOTEL has been Openod in tho TOWN of DUNOABVA . V, whero evory aocommodation will bo afforded on tho most reasonable Terms. DUBLIN and CORK WHISKIES , also BBANDIES , WINES, &c, of the very best Quality. 8§3" Extensive Accommodation for Stabling, Post- ing, do. my l6.t( DUBLIN. ' Commercial & Private Lodging Houne 49 MARLBOBOUGU STREET. PARTIES Visiting Dabjin can bo accommodated, with or or without Board , and all tho comforts of a home, on Moderate Terras. [o25-tfj t|3r Situation central , close to Sackville-Btrect. CURE FOR ALL! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. THE H EADY AND R ELIABLE REMEDY ; —Armed with this I' oKi'iful antidote to disease, every man is hit own f.unily pltjeiciitn. Tbe first Huspjta) Horgeous adroit its unimralleled oud liraling virtu??. Foreign Go- Ttrnuifnts mnclion it* me in thtir nriTal and military terriccs , nml tnnnkind tlirouijliont tho world repoiea tb« utmost continence in iln curative properties . , Oour, UBBUMATISH , ABP DROP SY.Tliete ire among the most terrible :uul iigonSu.K ilireasio to which the humnu frn.ua is lulijcet ; yit in thei r wor>t forms , and when Deem- iug ly iucu ial'l' 1 , Ihoy tlianppeur umlcr n pcneToring applica- tion of tln» Mii'lliiiiK nml |iowerful Ointment, if atrict attention he paid lo the priulcil iusttucViun wrapped round each pot. SOUK THROAT, DIFIIIKBIA , QUINFF . T, Muxr s, AUD ALL DBRASOBHKSTS OP IDB Cnt»T iNi> TaBAT.—lr, on the appearauve of auy ol Ilime ilweaM» , tlie Ointment be veil lllliboJ, »t leait three I.met a dxy, upou tha neck nnd upper part of tbe clirst , KO IM lo pruetrate to tbe glanda—tb« worst CHfipa will y iuM i.t K comparativel y short time, particularly if llollunay ' s 1'ilU be taken in appropriate dosea to purify tue l.looil. BAD LIOS, HAD DREISTK , ULCEROUS SOKE>, AKD OLD WonKDsv— Mui.y thimixods of martyra from Ibe abofe complaints h«ro found lifo rtlmoat iuinpportable ; but in Holloway ' a Oiotuieut be briskl j.auil plentitully robbed upon nd around the. parts aflorttd , it will quickly penetrate to the source oi the evil ; rase tmtj be aafclr guaranteed , aud diieato, drifeu frou. tbe byetcm. Nothing .cm , be more limplo or esfi r Ibau the manDcrtu which it ia applied nothing more sanitary tbau its action on the body, both locall y aud conetitnliuuall y. Tn» MOTHBB ' S KBIIKD-SKIW D ISIASH HOVTB IBB DZSFIBATE MAI BK HADICALLT CnB*». —Scald bead*, itch , blotches ou tbe akin , ncrofalotn sura, king ' s «rrl, Rud sncli like iHeclious , yield to tba mighty power of thin fine Ointment , provided it be wall rubbed around tbe affected parts tiro or three times a day, and tbe PilU be taken according to the priuted directioDS. A CBBTAMC tins* ion PILIS ASD FISTULAS. Thou- sanrli ol person* suffer excruciating agoitr lor years from tbtte fearful complaiota tbroogb falsa delicacy. Auyone to sufleriug tboald at once purchase a Pot ut Hulloway ' i Ointment , read lh» directious which accompiuy it , art upuu them to tbe Utter, and he will , without difficulty, inccted iu obliterating every vnti ge of these harassing comp laints. Bo th Ut Ointment ' and PilU ihouli bt tuti in tkt fo llow- ing Complaint*. Bad Legs Corus (cWt) Scalds did Ureasti Fistulu Sara Tbroatb. Unnu Unut SVin Diseasca Uoniona Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sora HeauV Cbopped Haoda Pil« Touiouni Contracted and Stiff Khcumatism Ulcers joint, . ' Son Nipples Wounds Tbe Ointment and Pills arasold at Professor HOUOTTAT' I Establishment , 633 , Oxford-street, London ; also by ne&rl every resuectahle Vendor ot Medicine throughout I hi Civilixd Work), in Pots and Boxen, at la. lid., 2a. W, 4s. 6J., 11s. 22s., and S3s. each . Tha smallest Pot of Oint- ment contains one ounce ; and the smallnt Box of Pills four dojeu. ¦ ' . ¦' Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Aroeuiau. Persian, or Chinese. 1 for the Blooi it the Life. " —See Deuteronomy, e/Sop. icit., vent 23. Clarke' s World Famed Blood Mixture , FOR CXKAN8ING and CLEARING the BLOOOirom ALL IMPURITIES, whether arising from youth(ul iodiscrvlion or any otber caose t cannot bo too hixbJj rtccin* m»uded. It cures Old Sorea ; enrta UlceraUd Sores in Ibe N«ck ; Ulcrrated Bore Left ; BlaeibMds or Pimples on Face , Scurvy Bores ; Canearout . Ulcata ; Blood and Skirt Dis- uies ; (iluudular Swellings , and clean the Blood from all Impure Matter, from wbaKrer cansa annina;. As Ibis mixlnre u pleasautlotbatistc , and warranted frtt from mercury-which ad jrii li anrltaosc nediciutl lord for tb» at»»e diuasw contain—tha Propriritor^olicita aiflarni to giva it % trial to ttst its vilue. i ,,, IdOD»AII)» OT IIBIIMOHIAH IJIOK ALL FAlTf. Bold in Bottlos 2s. 3d. cacb, and in Caws, containing 6 Dottl' S, Us. each, sufficient to effeot n permanent rar^ io lotiR-ilanaing cait», by all CheaUti nnd Patent Uediona Taadora ; or seut to any adilreu on recei pt of 27 or 182 •tamps, by , ¦ : F. J. CLARKE, Chvmist , Hig h-street , Lincoln. TTHOLISALB AOiara; Barclay & Sons , London , and ill tha WholouU Houu UTLEK'S QAXZCmsm H6 OATHOLIQ diiEEGf , ' BOOKBEI/LE It y , &c On Salt , at Tie Him Office , With.tbo RocotnmwidaMOQ of ths Bishop of WatcriuiJ :-nd ' ¦ L Lumoi« ,Uu. IUgbt BeT. Dc.O l BBi»i . A CatepHsm for the InBtrnctj on of Childioj ¦ ' •' ' ' ' BT TBE ' ¦¦• ' T|/rOST Key. Dr. JAMES BUTLER Ar.thhishop i.TjsVy . of Cosbel and Kmly. Printed en Good Paper , and in large dear Type. _ RECOHHENDAtlON : " I approve of this Edition of tha Rig ht Huv. Pr. JAMES BUTLER' S Catechism, and recommond it 10 tho Foithfnl of these Dioceses. «*D. CBEIEN, K.C.B. " Waterford , June 2, 1869?' f§T Orders from any part of the DiucubL' , :;cnL iu and directed to:C. REDMOND, Triutor uud l' iiMi. -;lirr Waterford News OfSco , 43 King-street , prom|ill y KI tended to. Tho Trudo supplied ou muderutu u-rm:- . May be had Retail from every Catholic Uouk.cil' . -r in the Diocese. . WHOLESALE WINE AND SPIRIT STORES , 86 QUAY , and Corner of CONDUIT LANE, WATERFORD. WILLIAM POWER Bogs respectfully to intituato to his Frioncju aud Public generall y, that he has NOW OPES , the abore STORES, lvliero ha by striot attention to busineau, nnd keeping tho very BEST WINES and SPIRITS , to merit a eharo of patronage. HOUSEKEEPERS will find it their iatoroat to patron- ise the-abovo establishment. $ST Pleaso observe tho address : No. 86 THE QUAY, (Corner 0/ Conduit Lane), f28 WATEf lFORD. MINERAL WATERS THE only PltlZE MEDAL , DUBLIN' EXHIBITION 3885, lor nroUeDce of WINilllAL WA'i'EliS , was awardtd to BEWLEY AND DRAPER. BE W L E Y AND DRAPER'S SODA WATER. B "~ E " \v " ITE . Y ~ " A N D TJ \C\ v ii iFii LEMONADE. BK W L E Y AND DlU HiK'S UIXGbR BEER. BEWLEY AND 1) li A P Kli ' S SELTZEK WATElt. B W L E Y A N I) D U A I' K K' S LEMON-FLAVOURED SODA WATEU . B E irl ET ~ A N D " i) 1: A p 1: 1: "s I.niflA WATER. E W L K Y AND 57 H A K U ' S SKATED SAItbAPAHILLA. BEWLEY AND DRAPER, 23, MARY.STREBT , DtJULIN. lii ' -i; ,- BREECH LOADERS, WHISTLER'S 11 , sT::.\X!' BREECH LOADE RS, CKNT1.AL FI liK Ui: I ¦;. BREECH LOADERS, from £111 Id.. ... . , . BREECH LOADERS, lly bcsl L.xul,,,. Mai. .. SECON D 11 A . -. '/.. A descri ptivf Crttiilugtirxutt Prico Iji&l foiw»u)t-<i .- M i-.wn.t ul Tbrc-c S(aiu|» . ll . STKAN'H, mjO-ly I.D. ' . 'li: : . . HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! Rjn^ (83T Manvjact 'ire fi ancukc) . jyH.mRY i , LITTLE GEORGE'S S'i l. 'UT * -, *• JL WATERFORD. J3" Hats iSought in this Establishmeut , l> .:v -u FKEE OF CltAKGK. jtll . 11 1 . Post Fret for 6 Stamps , open ends, or 12 SlitMi't h: n . .( Envelope. THE MEDICAL ADVISER, on premature decay of the ayatem, nnd its speedy rcstoiutimi : L II . I ].- ternon certai p disorders , and the btst uirans lur th.ir n- moval ; tbe a.icroscopo tw an aid to diaguosis ; Murnasi - , its disqualifications ; ruits aud prnaiptiuna lor kulf-lnnl inniil , &c; illustrated with numerous cases, lly Dr. Waller l> e R009, Holford House , Holford Square, Loudou. W.C. D3. DE ROOS' celebrated GUTT^I VIT.cE v or LIFE DROPS I lor bpermatorrbua, Nocturual Emisaiom, Impotencj, bciud Incapacity, Debility, Epilepsy, and all those di«eisf« for which Mercury, Saruparilla, &e., aro too often employed by Eoglisb Pbjsiciaui to tlie ultimate ruin of thg Sufferer' s health. . The (lUTTiE V1TJS are tbe result of loos; practical iu- vesti gation of tbo remedies be;t adapted lor these diseaarp. Their rich, ttimuhtiDg, stomachic qualities , and, abore all , tbeir complete renovation of the nervous system, reode , them in every respect worthy tbeir siguificaut title. The) may be taVen without hindrance or restraint of diet , &c., and in tbis respect also they may claim pre-eminence over roost other aJterlUed medicines, by promotion cti gestioD— nourishing the constitution—enriching without inflaming the blood—bracing without stimulating tlie nervous ayetcui too viol entl y—they Btrcugtbeo tbei;enerul habit , and restore the natural beallby toue of the uervouH ainl tDu&cular fibres , thus cDliveniug and iuvicoratiig both budy and raiud. The GUTTJE VlTyE have been paiticulnrl y sucWBsfu Vith young people who bave tbe appearance ut ' old ago ; who arrpale and erTeuiiuate , Bnd who , baviug an utter itiataste for every tbing, are incapacitated for study, business or enjoyment. ' Thuusauda of apparentl y liopelesi coses, g iven up by the fa, eult f, Lars beou permanently cuied , and have borne gratefnl evidenco of the fact. Price it. Od., Us. aod 33s. ol all C'litu,ist«i , or direct on recei pt ot bUmps, or po«|.office ord.r aildressed to Dr. lie Rooa , llolford Hoo.e, floltord Square, l^nJou , W. O. Sold by McManter & Co., 121, CapoUtrttl , Dublin ; .Mr. While, Ohtener OflJM,. Ballyniran; Mr. liatsptt , Southern OUronicU Office, Limarirk ; Mr. 1' olxon , Fermanagh Mail Offiw, Enuukillen ; or at The News Ollice, U'nloilBrd . P«ins in tbe Back, liraTrl , Luiubagu , Rheuu.atiMU , Gout Flatulency, Headacbp , Nertoudness, I)ehilily, Strirturc , &c DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAI PI LLS, (as their name Renal , or the Kiduey*, in- dicates}, are celebrated all over the world , ru the snTtst ami belt Remedy for the above dangerous complaintx , Discharges of any kiod, and Disease of tbe Kidneys , ISIadder , nnd Urinary Organs generall y, which, if neg lected , frequent Ij eud in Stone in rut. Bladder, aod a lingering, painful i)L«ll: For depression of Spiriln , Eicitemeut, Iucapxciiy lor So- ciety, Study or Busineon, Lois of Memory, Wr.icln,!uibs , Nervousness , and even Insanity itself , when (us if ul.i 11 t].u cue) arising from or combined with Urinary L>isca:>i' . < , tln-y aro nocqnalled. By tbeir salutary action on JI.Ic : KM I Acidity of the Stomach, they purify and proruoic tb» Kvu il secretions , thereby pretrnt tbe formation of Sionu, :uni loin establish tor life tbe healthy function" ol all tl.eec »riH.i.< . Price la. lid., 2s. Od., 4i. OJ., lla. and aj». per liux , with full directions through all cbomiats. TbeUeouinu lii.vi- ilin word. " Walter De ROOK, Lundou, " in arbita lelto , 1..1 Hie Stamp affiied to each box, by jpecial directioii ol lltr .M.i. ieaty ' a Honorable Commissioners, to protect the pul'ln- luuu fraud , and to imitata whicb in felony and trnuipori.itn.u. CAUTION.—Some unp.incipled Venrlora wlu u j^k.>i for Dr. De Boos' Pill s, have attempted to lout olln r , : ,.,i:- cincs or compoouda ot tbeir owu upoi. the purcint.i 1 , - ..- . arbicli tliry obtaiu a large profit , but whicb javaml>!. . ;: i. ; i| iisappoiuttneut. Aak lur DB. Da Itooa ' CUMFOUMI Ci N.U. PILLS, aud du not ba perBuaded intu trying luyllini- , I ¦ : but ahoultl the least d.fficnlty occur, enclose the aiui.unt l.y p«»t-om ' ca order or stauipt as ' abuvr, aud they will U nil per return. b' old by ilcMfiiler & Co., 131, Capel-tinxt , Dublin ; Mi While , Oburter Offid> , IUIiyinena; Mr. Uattutl, Soulhu:\ Chronicle Office, Limerick j Mr. Poltou , Finsanay h :>U,t Office,. EnniakilleD i and at 49, King-street , Waterfunl. DOES YOUR HAIR PALL OFF , OK TURN GREY. 4c. P Jl », use HU3AL1K Cull. PELLE'fl CR1NUTRUR , noted alluver the world for xi- . miraculooa properties , and aa the only remedy tba ' . MI . he depended ; opoo. It u gnaraDteed to produce vbihlcrr^ , moostachios , 4c, io a fair meks , and will be found emin- ently aoeeeufol in nonriibrng , curling, and beaatityiug the bair j cb»ckinj greynew , >treogtawioir weak lulr , prereut- ina; ita falling off and reatorina; it in btldtMsa from whatever cause. < Upwards ol 100 physicians bave recommwded it in the oorwry, for promoting ¦, fine, healthy head of hair , and ktertiag nldsew in alter yean. In bottles prico 2s each. OBSKRVfi tbat a 10 pagu namphlst is inolned with each ptckare , which hat a red ttarop outside bearing tba words Rosalie Coopelle in white latura ; tbe words CoupelU' i Crinntriar are ab>o moulded in aacb bottle. "I iu bald nine yeaii, bat I find new hair coming ra- pidly. " —J. Hone. " Thanks to jroor stuff , 1 bate an ex- cellent moustache and whiskeri. " —Major Browne. '" I bad lost my hair in paUbee , bat.it ba« rastorcd il. " HIM Hawitt. " After 20 year' s balduen , it bs< acted mirical- ousl y. " —H. Hoir. , : ! ' (d85.tf.) AsTSold at TUB Niwa Office, Waterlord. DB. DE.ROOS' PILTJLiB VIT^E , or V KGE- TABU LII« ttuA , are rap idly auperwdiug castor- oil and tbe old-iasbtoaed disagreeable medicines formerly ad- ministered by the faculty, which , 1 it ie now admitted too frrxjoeutly resulted io a confirmed state ol cottivanew. Tb, PilotavVilie , on tti. cuntrary, cleanse tbe atomacb , puriry the aaontiona , remove haadache , iodigeition, &:., and instead of nmieriog it neceasary to be always awallowing mediciiu a few dose* only, taken .occasionall y, will be found all tbat required to keep op a healthy atate ol the aj stem. Equally adapted for all ages , it Uing merely nec*saryto tegulaje tlie dou according Ip tb» age and atrength ot tbe patient ,; whi at

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Page 1: *' RICH A1S[D FASHIONABLE: GOODS - snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1873/WNS-1873-07... · FBOM WATH'.ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. OP.M


(AMcrmau II KUSIOKD, Proprietor.)


Puti'is/ iit ' crtry r'r> ">vj Jvimfiw , nt Jfn. .13 King Street|.-rro-.TK 1UK lTtOVIMUL KA.VK.J

l' i;«:i. TI I I ; I:I : TIINU :; YE A K I .V ( IS ADVANCE) 13S.;l iv l'u:.T, Y ICAIU .Y, 15s., IN A DVANCE.

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:WATKIiFOUD— Mr.W. K KM.Y, Little George'a-strcet.TliAMOKE—M iss CLANCY , Refreshment Rooms, in

Str.iml-stn.-et.PASSAdK KAST—The Misses LCVK , Hotel , Square.

CARKICK- ON '-SUIlt—Mr. J.M. 51 iJiii 'liY,New s Agent.DUN OARVAN—M r. EBWAK D ISKEN SAN-, Stationer,

Ac, Tost and Telcgrapb Office, The. SquareKH.J IACT1IOMA S—Mr. JI. DUNNE, Grocer, etc.IJSMOUE —Mr. J OHN X-.UNAN , Tho Jlall Warehouse-

NEW ROSS—Mr. I1. M OHAN , XCWB Agent, &c.


1STEXDXV ORVSR of SA1LWG-JVLY, 1873.VTOT1CK.—The Watcrford Steamship

*i *VA> jN Company receive Goods for ShipmentSrf!SM^& on the following Terms only :—They reserve2«ffl£«K£r7 il.eTii;lit to carry by any, not by particularVSs""«ili> liWity to Tow Ships .and call at other Portsni! Hill not be mcoui.uMi- for injuries or losses arising from

debt -.ccuWnts of the S«i» , Rivers , Hre, the Queen B Ene-

mies.aefrttive Navigation , or accidents from any otliercause,

nor fur .my loss which mi^lil have been covered by Insurance

nor for LeW. Hr»»»se. Condition , Quality, or contents of

auy Parcel* orP.ickr.KW. unless specially entered and «<J «•

Irem Freight pi '"'- (i"°'ls "ot ™ inovcl1 t0 bl! storl:d at the

risk and expense ol the Consignees

W A T i: R F 0 K 1) A N 1) B It I S T O L .Qir<v , I-ar.T . or oilier clir<ible Vestel, direct.

Krnii W-.n-Yiord in Hrislol : V torn BriKtnl in Wnterfonl sTi»~.i:iv ,

'.Inly 1 ...!« Slcini.Tliurf.lay. July 3 ...11 Mom.

i"!, ,.1 s ... I Afl 'n. Thursday, „ lfl „ 0 Mora.?f ;' " IS ..l»i >l»"i. TlmrMlay, „ 17 _U Mom.TZ ", V- ' " '- »• » Affll. Thlin-.liiy, „ 'J+ ... « Atfu.T u - i v ' " •"." .. 1"1 Mora. Thnmfeiy, „ 31 ...101 Mom.

Jurernn.Fiom Wni . i 'uiil to UriMol , Kr. ni liiiMo l to Waierfnid ,

]>;,,., t | callinz at IVniliroke Dork.Fri.br, .lulv I ... 1 Affi. Tii. Hlav, July 1 ... In MornVri.l-ir ' 11 ¦ " Morn;Tu<.-.l»y, „ S ... 1% Affc1-ri.lnr " ," K 1 AffniWay, „ IS ... »! -M"™Friciav' j:. ... b SIornTuwcliiy „ Z2 ... 5 AffiiFr"IJ*1 '. iTiuwlny. „ *J ... U .Morn

tX*' On Karlv Jlornini: Sailings , the Cabin ot the Steamtrs will he Open "to receive l'asscuRe' S arriving froin Londonby the Nislit Mail Trail:. ,

Cal.iu Fare , 16s. Oil. 5 Servants and Children , 10s. 0.1.Return ilo., 23s. ; or with liberty to return from DubliuCork , cr Wexford , 31s. 6d., Steward 's fee included ; Duel7« 6J Females attend the Ladies'Cabin.

W A T E R F O R D A N D L I V E R P O O L .Lara Camilla , ot utliir ilisiblc Vessels.—Tliree Sailings.

Wick I T.mem WATr.RFOiai: moM i.iv tRPOOl, :

WclneMaj-. J iily S- "• Affi. JV«ln«day July 2 - :> Aft;..Friilnv „ > — '¦ Morn rnday, „ •» — t Aft 11VnndnY 7 — 1" •"II ""1 MonAiy, ,, 7 — 8 Moraw«lm«iav " 'J - W K"™ W.ilncrflay „ U — U Morn

(" -L " u_ :l Affn Mondar, „ 14- 1 HornSiinT " l.i - if Affu H-edi.ii.iuy „ 16- 2 Aif »Frttar " I 1*- « Morn Kridny. ,. 18- I Affntinndav '^1 — •" Morn Monday. „ 21 — » MornVntaEMl'ir " U.S — 11 Morn Wednesday. .. - '— » Morn?rid"v S -11 Morn Friday. ,. 23 - 11 MornMmSfiV -S - "' Affn Monday, „ 28 - 12 KoonwSn»day. V. »> ~ "' Aft ." Wclncsday, „ M - I Affn

Cabin Fare , 17s. •> ! i Servants (Travelling wilh Fmnilies)nd Childcu , 1<J»; Deck , 10», Children. 5s. Females attend

the La.lics 'Cnbiu.Goods received at Clarence Dock.

W A T K l t r'On I) A N D N E W R O S S .Fitox W ATEHTOKD — Daily, Sundays eicepted, at 4. Or.a.FROM N P.T: HOBS— Daily, Sundays eicepted, at 8.I0 A.M.

W A T K l i r' O K D AND D U N C A N N O N .FBOM WATH '.ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. O P .M .FROM DOKCA SNO S — Daily, Sundaysexcepted , at 8.15 A.M.

]Serths secured and every information given by the Agents:Briitol ¦ The General Steam I'acket Office. Licerpual :U'aterlard Steam Ship Company, 23, Ilrunswick-ntreet ,Wanhinston liuildiiins , »nd ft tlieCuir.pauy's Jfl ice, theMALL , WATI :I:FOIU>.J-NHI.AND AND SOUTH WALKS, A N D THE SOUTH


In connection with tbo WATF.uroiinAM ) LIMERICK andWATEHKO KII AND CENTRAL I UEI.A X U Lines.

SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES.««A K s-prc ss Trains -and Kcio 1'ast Mail J& A &5

^ i Simmer* EVESY WEEK DAY. lat ,

Tjp.—LcaTC WATKniommt 'l p.m., 011 Arrival of 11-0a.m. Train from Limerick, nnd 10.35 a.m Trainfrom Mary borough, A K R I V I X U in LONDON (wea-ther ami circumstances permitting) at 12.5 onfollowing 'hiy. - '

yjOWX. L K .WK LCM.O.V (J'atJO)Dg ton) nt 4.50 p.m.,ai:il A K I S I V K AJ WATI:HIOI :I> (weather and cir-cumstances pertnittiDj ;) nbout 10.30 a.m., intlmo lor trr T/ains on the '.Vuterford and Lime-rick m:J Central Ireland Lines.

K A It E H—WA TEnr OHD AKD L0NV0X :SiNt.i.i.^ (available 1 Days) 1st Class <t Saloon , His 0(1

„ 2nd Cluss & Saloon , 35s tj'cj3rd Class &. I'oro Cabin , 20a Od

H KJ I'II .V < (avtiilablc foi l montb) 1st Clss & Saloon, 76a

2mlClES&Saloou, 5asFu'riher infonnntion can be obtained from Messrs.

J M- KM .S IIIK I CO., X'CIV Jlilford ; nucJ Mr. DowNKV ,Adel jibi Wharf , Watcrford ; nud the K KDUCKU FAIIKS

¦fcciwwn othor important Stations , the Timu Tables ,and 'J'lirou li Hates for Coods, Ac, of Mr. W. J. liLS-SKLL, the Great Western Company 's Agent, Paul'sSqnarc, WatcrforJ.

J. OIUERSOX , General Muuagcr.1-addiugton , Jnly 1S73. [my-28


-vj-yjfc. /"i-^^ °r 'lie f""ow'"n "r other First'SSPIfCFSS I I class , full-powered Stcatnsl.ip.-i*pflryrfe will be. despatched from LIVERPOOL


WY0MIN«. JAMB » iloBOAN . ^INXKSOTA .T r tr«o.an

WISCONSIN T.W.Fr..inau M AMI A l l AN..I. 15. I'UICE


"tA!AirAV ".:.V." w. Fc,.«yll. l IJAK ( rrA •lludd -nR )

^ l• iiiic-nd.-c! to S-il ... li.lluw : —

XKVADA Wedncsduy S'tli Jul y.MANHATTA N ... . . Wednesday "!l1' Jul y-WVO.M1NG Wcduesdny -:>rd Jul y.

CALLING « (jUK f .Nhl OWN il-r ••»} loll..».i.i. ,10 raibaik I^'H- MJI -I *.

IVbMu-crl, 1 roltd H.rou^ l' to S-" Crmci»f> »liJ all inlji id

town* kt low into. .H at . so l l'.i-'ntc f.tim l.ivtrpo. l tn l•K lu t k i — l « w n

\'»>n *t £1 j lOr. nnd i.'l" 17s., w<i A'-'!- *»I»- M-» KI- I'j=*njeaticclncHi !«.'•>. The Imlf t i»cludn mi uuliiniied tupul y ofpioviiiouh , iiitkul and si-rvid up by the Co.nuanj '. maids*

For I.Htht ur |.-.»mp<-, apply to •«» "J O H N DKVEUEUX. Quay. W alerfntd • ?• >

JT H O M A S K A V A N A G H , the Squan-Y JJjj

1, ', ivan

J A M K S SCOTT & CO.. Ou"ii'-|own;i<; lncra(i L'ION <fc CO.. S6 Wn«rr-»lrMrlv.AHK» pool.

KA T10 N A i LI N E_ T0_NEyfrom (RK!

•*„• ;:* LAHtiEsFsTKAll liitb'Pp^AT.

TS^ Fro..

LirrrrooU f ^ UX ESI J AY

THE"wcll-known Full-J^wcrcd Iron Screw


,...J'±'-, . , l!i« ¥.» "u!iu, Kemp tin; " • (,'.r"-iiu jKJ THE QUKES . Andruus... I M

tin v' J."?"- %*tl HOLLAND , llr-«g »st7K;\ v,:J' P ' ; / 3571 KBIX. L»WK«I I'SUllUNth ,Thnn.H.!i...y*: ,, UKLVBTIA-. Kpooetr Ml

\vi, <...i \M i""'-"""110 ?rW York \" 'i'"1",;,,,..v . , / .Wednesday July Ulli.

^i'US /'."".." '

•'.. Wednesday July Hith.

lT \kA' Wednesday Jul y 2:)rd.~f ]"MV

'II ,'IJ

'QU.-H.IIU*II the lollowinx .lays.

Ve .Salo.m.ic.ii.u.odation \.un.o.pn.^rd.the .State-roora .1 :-mtuMy l.'rEe, «cd of.n dTlbe B»hon,, H ln.t«l »

5.U.K. UO * - t JO j. „„,, 17 G air.e.t, according to «•rn,nm,d».ion iU h.a,;.o.,u,--/!l h"l "K «0-e i;"vilrRe in

' "T^COJIKOKT .1 V rKKU AOK I'AhSKXGEK SA"mffi-l" »cc<,n,,U odu.ion leing uneouall ed

'"ill,""'u"fc"tT"» to'" « *T «T «ll.«' line-includ .

fc ^'S Pr.,*Li.»* .«v«l

up Cooled

hy tb.

Co£w ™, r.,f.nt f . Medici attend - Free, htew.d.c«« •„ ilt«.d«« 0.1 K.male St«t.K« 1'aiMBB.r,..

8lWr,« P.,s.rnter, lur«nrJrd to O.uebec, liostnn 1'l..|.»4»'phi. »ud IWlimore . tc.Mout tstra c\ar<,t, and booktdUrcVloSui. yrai.ci.co. ai.il «« inland town, d Uu.ted^•«t« tod CVnada on fnvourable l«im*. Pos»«i(jfr« bootto

ttruujhto Austioli ", New Zt-almd, Clnnn . »ud Japau.r*or Kreiilit or l'a»aa)<o upply toU,, sfl.OHAL STFA M MIIP taPil.1 (L.M.TE.O,

21 mid2.1, \\al«r->tri-tt 1 ],ivfipc c.ljN . aml J. Cojoii>s a

'nd liEO«.. Qnmirtc.wp.

lWm:.-r» •« »il»i«d to ^riiu- H.':r l'atugei liora thtL^r.l Atruta ktf.iie Ifutiiu licin'.


Q om VA%A^D. co -


Regular STEAM C0AIHVNICATI0N betweenWaterford and London, Plymouth and

Southampton, Cork, Dublin, Belfast,A N D G L A S G O W .

1 TvTK r*pMIK new nud. pnwrrtul Screw Stertuiers«lJ9rt , -I TOWAKI ) , CU.M HKAE , «ALATA.2dyLto sKKUUYV01tK , EDDYSTONE.SANDA.?*=*1*B*aifc^*s>^AKKLOW, are iutended ta Sail 119 undtr(weather penriltiun, unless prevented by »tiy unforeaeei.ci rcunmtnucej), with librrty lo Tow Vessels, nnd to renderAssistance to Vessels in Distress :—

FROM WATEUFOKI) TO GLASGOW ,Tuesday, 1st July 1 p.m., via DublinWednesday, 2ml „ 1 p.m., via CorkFriday, *ltU „ 1 p.m., via Cork snJ Ui-IlsstTuodaj-, 8tl. ., 1 p.m., via DuUiu.Wednesday, Uih „ 1 p.m., Ti« Corl.Kriduy, ll tl. „ 1 p.m., via Cork aud Hcl(»st ,Tuesday, J5il. „ 1 p.m., via Dublin\Vcdupsday, llilh „ 1 p.m.; via Cork.Friday, 18tli „ 1 p.m., via Co. k. nud Belfast.Tuesday, 22nd „ 1 p.m., via DublinWedtiradar, 23rd „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, 25th ,, 1 p.m., via Cork nnd Belfast.TueBdny, 'J9.I. „ 1 p.m., via Dublin.Wednesday 30th • „ 1 p.m., via Cork.Friday, l>t Auif 1 p.m., via Cork and Bolfast.


FRIDAY , at 2 p.m. ; Kail to Greenock ,7 p.m.NOTE.—Thff S.p«nier 01: Friday pora via Cork.

FROM WATEUFOKI ) TO BELFAST, Via CORK..Kvery Fill DAY , ... ... at 1 p.m.


FROM WATERFORD TO DUBLIN , Direct.Every TUESDAY ... at 1 p.m.


FROM WATEUFOKI) TO CORK direct.Every WEDNESDAY ... al l p.ro.Evety FRIDAY , ... at 1 p.m.


W A T E U K O R D TO L O N D O N .Calliug nt Plymouth

Saturday, July 5 — 3 i> .m. I Saturday, July 26 — 3 p.m.Tuesday, „ 15 — :> i> .tn. Tuesday, Ansust S — a n.w.

LONDON '10 WATEit FOUD.Cnllia ' nt Plymouth, and Penzance.

Tuesday, July 1 - o a.m. I Tuesday, Jul y 22 — 6 a.m.Thursday, .. 10 — 'i a.m. | Thursday, „ 31 — 6 «.m.

l loiri ? received for Shipment nt Jlilloi 's and West Kcu tWharves up to 6 p.m. on day before sailing.


Saturday, July 5 — 3 p.m. VTcdnccdaj, July 2 — 8 p u.Tuesday, ,. IS — a p.m. Friday, „ 11 — 8 p.m.Saturday, ,. -6 — 3 p.m. ^YednefdaY, „ 23 — 8 p mTiiewlay, August 6 — a p.m. Friday, August 1 _ 8 pM ]WATF.HFOBII TO SOUTHAMPIOX . SOCTHAMrrON TO WAIEHFOKD.

Tranfliipi.inK at Plymouth. 'iraushippinc; nt PlymouthSaturday, Julj S — 3 p.m.Tuesday, ,, 15 — 3 p.m. Every Wednesday, nt 8 p.m.Saturday, ,, 26 — 3 p.m.Tuesday, August S — 3 p.m.

l'ENZANCK TU WATEF1F0HD.Thursday, 3rd July, — 9 a.m. I Thursday, July 24 — 0 a.mSaturday, l^th „ — 0 a.m. | Saturday, Aug. *J — 9 a.m

Theso Steor.era have eicellent Accuiumouttion for l'aacngtre.

PASSAGE-MONEY :Cabin. Kct.yn. Dec

Waterford to Glan:oiv &, Uelfast , 17«. 6.1. 25». 10s.„ Cork ... Oi — r«„ Dublin ... lOi — G\,, Plyinouth & Soullmuiptoii 20» 30l lOi„ Lcniluu ... 26« 37s Gd lol

&4? NOTE—The Clyde Shipping Company Insure allGoods Shipped by three Lines of Steamers, at 3i4d per Cent,to Traders having yearly Bgreen.rutp.ind 6a per Cent, to oc-casional Shi ppers—values to be declared ot time of Ship,racnt. Forms and all iiiforroalton to be bad at the Office.

For Hntes of Freight , 4c., apply to— COBK STEAMBIllrCo., 1'enrcse Qu»y, Cork j CAX OMK »nd EQA.V, NO. 20,Eden Quay, DuEitN ; J. C. PIJIXKKTO IC , 10 VictoriaSt ., IWII HS I ; H B S R T I. WUIJG, Plyinouih ; J A M B S

H A HTLKT , & Co., 137, Lraideulmll street , London ; also atM ILI.KB'S WII A B?, East Sraithfielil, nnd WE6T K BSTWJIAHF, Sot.tl.wi.rk, Loudon ; Jonic LTDDT, Limerick ;IV. J) . MATTHEW <fc So.-*, Prnunc, and the

CLYDE SHIPPING COMPANY ,Southampton, Greenoclc, Glsi<uw , »nil Waterford.

A M B K 1 C A .t f NOTICB.— Americaui and ..then ti-jvelllnz on tlie

Counnent of Europe will pleane make early HppHcition forBertha in tf i c Stc-ner " PEXSS Y L V A N I A," aa all tlmavoilable Cabin accommodation is enpectcd to be soul, taken


PHILADELPHIA and LIVERPOOL LINE of Ne«Fun-clii'" Full.poiTered Iron Mteameia.PENNSYLVANIA 3101 Tom Captain SCMHIB .OHIO 3101 Tuns Captain MonBlsoir ,INDIANA 3101 Tons Captaiu ILLINOIS 3101 TODS Captain 1

The firit railing from Liverpool will be thePENNSYLVANIA Wednesday,' J DUO 18,

Calliug at Quetustown tbe following day to embark Pis-smteip .

Tbe?e Steamers arc specially constructed for this setvice,andLav* (.upi-rior accnumodatiot. for all classes of Passengers.

CAI I I N PAB E A O K ,Filteeu and £iuhtei>n Guineas. Childrenbtt*i-ni two and twelve yearn, Hall Fare. Hetu.n Ticketsnt reduced r-.trs.

STBKB A OK PA SSVGE as Inw ns by any other Line, i nclud-ing an aoip l* vupply of Provision', cuoked and served up bythe Company 'i iMpwardi. i'astcngirs ate forwarded lo NtwYork , Boston , Quebec, or Baltimore, without aclditivnalcliarur, fur l*li Os.

I N T S B M C UI A T E PASSAGE.— Superior accommodation , in-cluding lied*, Htddinp, bud all necessary Ulei.mU, separateTalilc, and steward ipedall y fur this cumpurtme.it. I'avsaiie Money, Xi) a*.

Each Steamer carries a Surgeon at.J .^tcntt.des)..IVij ise- irjccrs are hooked at the lowest Thioug ], Hj tv ? , via

the IVnu^y Uania Railroad end its councttiuns, Harrishur^,l'uulurif. Ciuci.n.htti , India.lup.di f , St. Louis, Kanpai. City,Victunsi , Denver , Cheyeune, Salt Lake City, San Francisco,("trriaiid, Toledo, Detroit , Fort Wayne, Cbicigo, MadisouSt. Paul , Duluth, S.oux City, Omaha, Lincoln, RepublicanFoik^ , Springfield , Cairo, Mtrnpliis ,Vick8bur|r, New Orleaim,IIuu>tun , Galvtstcin , and nil purls of the United 'otatea andCai.aib , uiiii

^by Slea.ncts , from bau Fraticikco to tbe 1 ritici-pa) |,u.ts on tbe West Coasl of America ; also to Japan ,Cl.i.o , Australia , New Zealand, Va iuou ier aud Sandni chKl.mdf.

[C7 The l'finuylvania Railroad is the shortest anl mostiliuct route from Philadelphia and New Yotk to nil placesin I lit- U'tste.n States aud territories.

Freight payable here or io Philadel phia , at the currentrate of exchange, fur Haulers' UjIK^iu ttie d<te of Steamer'sartiv al. All risk of U<ver Ciall , Lighterage , and Fire, tohe borne by shippers. Goods will only be taken subject tothe claus. s ami cooditions printed in the Hills of Ladiug ofthin Line.

Drafts i»ord on Philadelphia for £1 and upwards, freeof charcc.

A pp ly ... Philadelphia to Louis C. M AOFBIA , at theCuu.pa.iy 's onices , '237 aud230, Dock Street; in London, toUutAD A. MilTn & Co., Bartholomew House, Thread-umllt Mrert ; 111 Dundee, to J. T. licous; in llellast , icK. J . L. A VVT , 3, Custom Hvoie Bquaie ; in Queemtown,lu .N. ttid J. Ccuuiria and Ilrotbeia ; ami to

1UCUAKDSON , SPEKCE 4 CO.,17 and 19, W»tcr -itrett , Liverpool.

P»s>>xgcs cun be it-cured ty payuupt of a deposit to anyol the Cump.i>iy'« Local A.-UH8 . toy 30-tf

JOHN DEVEKEUX , Quay. Waterford.W.M. GEARY , Spirit M rul iant , Liimoie.


JUjf l |-^ SllOllTES T SEA l ' A S S A O E .'Ibe.e ateamera ta'.l from DUBLIN Evety THURSDAY

with lVvingrrj forQUEHEC , MONTREAL , IlOsTON, nnd NEW YORK.

Tlirouv'i Ticktln ixufd to all the. Principal parts ufCAN A DA and UN 1TED STATES on the lovrert terms.saloon Cabin toQuebec .......£13 13Interme diate Cabin toQuelrc, Hoaton , or N'cw Yorlr, 0 f*Steerage to Quebec, llobtci.i , or New York 6 6

Intermediate Hate includti Outf it , <?"•Pamp hlets 01. CANADA fret on application.

For furth er particulais apply tnJAilES & ALEXANDER ALLA2J,

TO, Great Clyde street , Glasgow,ur to >nd 10, Kdm Qv>y, Dv.Uio

THOMAS. PURCELL, Wotcrford.J. M .MURPH Y, Carrick-ocSuir.EDWARD liUTLEU , Innistioguo..


[BJEwaa^^ mHESK now, full-powered Steam-^ T -L sliipa Sail from

[ fcU J^LlVERI'OOIj . - - OD illUKSDATS.


GAELIC ... Thursday, ... July 10th.ADRIATIC ... Thursday, ... July 17th.BALTIC .. Thursday, .. July 24th.CELTIC ... Thursday, ... July 31st.

TI1W Steamships are all utiilciin ol the higbest speeduud lep lrtc with modern convenit-Lces in every drpartrmiit.Tbe saloon , ttate.ruorns, aod tmoVe-rooms »ra amidships.Ptsaengeis Wiked throurth lo all parts nf Uuit»d States,liritisli America. China , Japan, India , and Australia.

Drafts mui-d 011 Net? Ycrk I ree of * charge. Saloon, £18le« . aud 21 Guineas; ^Return Tali Is 35 Guineas ; Strerags£11 (i- . IO" On and allrr )-t Jul yHf i t , Saloon Fareswil l I..- X21 nn.l X 'J', ; lictuin Tirkirts , L V).

Fur I I I I K II I Mini lurl lur pnrlii ulars, apply at the Ollitrsof il.r C. inpany, 111 lirnadwny, NI K Yuik , nnd 00 lln.ketsdet-t Cliir^uii; in Qut-eni.tMut , to J.imes >c'»tl & Co. ; or

1S11AY , I M R I E , & C U, lO Watei. strert , Liv<-rp,,.,l ;and 7. K '-t ri.di^.Hvrnu ', Lunilnii , fjaft-tf]

I . S. I I A I l V K Y , I.HI . Or,..«. '. B.rr.t , «ndJAM Es HENNES ^Y , Great Gtorge 'att , Waterford.

J. 11. MUKPHY, 43, New Ltue, Carrick-oa-Suir.



On Snmh>;s Ilia Up 'Ftaiiu w.ll laava Wnietforil at 11 .30a.m., aod 6.45 p.m , arid ths Down Trains trill leave. Maty*borouu'i at 8.30 a.m., t i i J S . l S p.m.

Tlie (.honest route Irttm Waterfnul and KIlkeDny to Dubho ,A.bloDe , P. itumua, Par.-onstown .on Neuagh, l^ofaMuyburu '.

13** Impruted quiok aod ttjroush oally commualciii.t< n beIween MaryLorouicr. at.0 othvr i iit fom to Wattfifor ti, ibeacavia. New Millord to Louduo and nil btsllons 00 tbe Great \V«s-tero railoaTuf Enfland.

* J TKA. KI ore WCtK DATA. 8D KPAT 8 .

»TATioNa. Clas. Clais. 'Clais. ;oias» . Class Classjy- r-v * ZL*' I r*H - n°oD _p'*-h~

m' h m b tri" T m h m b mW»t»rford._ departure 1 IS 1 0 A 0 11 30 6 ISKiluiacow _._.„... J 25 1 111 4 10 — II <0 li S3^f^lllDavat V ?5 1 20 4 vo — II 5" 7 5linllyhale .„ hi I tll < < 0 ~ li 10 7 2SThornasiovn „ a m | 53 4 55 _ 12 3D 7 (5Uecuetsbriilge 8 •>i 2 t 5 » |tl] 8 !Kilkenny arrival 8 411 2 21' i 20 — 1 I SIS

Do departure Sis 230 i 3ll — 1 15 8 35Bally menu... „.... l|i !IO 3» — 1 35 8 aAtla.ug h .... 9 -.'5 3 u Ij 0 _ 1 45 9 SAbbeTlolx 0 50 D IS C, 15 — 1 0 t 'JoMarjboro ' .....«rrlt«( 10 10 3 40 6 -13 — 'i 30 9 40Ma.jboraaih tf>p_up 111 S3 < 2 7 37 — 3 H —PiTUrMomon Juno 'n U 11 4 17 7 60 — 3 43 —Dublin arrival 1 5 5 40 9 40 — S 45 —Athlone Junction orrl 4 45 8 SO — — — —Maryboro '...((>;, down "I 30 — 7 11 — 9 5J —Balljbropbj....... . 10 50 — 7 4U — 111 21 —Roscrea 11 34 — 8 23 — — —I'araonatowt. 12 < — 8 S3 — — —Pertumnrt _ 13 44 — 9 38 -— — —NennKh 12 33 — 6 12 — — —TemiiJemore — — i 8 17 — 10 fia —D'urles arrival — - ' U 33 — II 15 ~


TRA IK S DM WKCK OAV B. SUP DATtSTAT.ona I 1 2 &) ! * B-Z. l "I* '1J &>, < 2 *:

• :C\B.I .'CI«» S. Class CUis. Class. ClassI jl .M. j A .M . I A.M . T.V

.». \ P.M._ t I h m j h m h~m b in a rri i p mThurlct .». .departure _ > 7 111 _ 1 58 — | a 2Tcmplcuio. c „ I _ ; 7 a!) _ i l l — a 30Usll jbrophj . _ , 7 S 4 ~ 2 f l — , 3 44J»CnaKh._ _ . 6 30 la U5 — . —Portnrana _ 6 U _ - — J —1 irionitou-ii ' _ ' e 4.0 — 12 J3 — ' —¦

• Ji-'ea 1 _ ; 7 13 — 130 — I —iWar/lOTO' ...arrl...up _ J 8 38 — H it — I 3 24Alblcnc Juoclioo ...~ — — f i t s — - —Dublin .- ...departure — 6 0 0 0 1 0 — 8 30P.-ittarllngton Jnnci 'n _ 1 7 55 I" 13 2 45 — 111 31Maryboro'..arc<.-rfrn' — , 'B as ! 10 3o 3 D — li sa

U O W N I B A ISB . — I MullMiiryhi.ru'...rfr^>ir(Kr« — "3 40 !lO 3.5 4 3 8 30 5 15Abbeyleu ' ! 9 0 I 1U Ss 4 83 8 50 3 35Attanash .™ _ 015 — 4 4 0 9 5 S 5 OUallyra g ect _ 0 35 11 19 4 SO * 13 G 0Kilkenny ....orrirol: — 9 43 11 10 5 10 0 40 6 25

*>n departure 7 3) 10 1 ' i \ 43 0 20 9 50 6 35liennetsbrldKC J 43 ,10 12 ¦ — 5 3J 1" !i 0 30Thumattowi. 8 0 !lo Is 12 S 5 43 10 15 7 8Ua.'ljhale 8 25 KMu [12 15 t U 10 30 1 20Mullinav .t 8 50 J 11 0 ; — 0 95 10 SS 7 45Kllroacuu- B 5 ill 10 'l2 45 6 !15 11 S 7 43'Waterford arrival 9 30 It 30 ( 1 0 7 0 1 30 8 131

.'Note.1—Third Olaa* tickets me issued at all tbo KilkonnjJurction stations by this train. ( • Mill trains).

Tickets iuurd (or KiDg lo Jonrse; nra aTallabie only for tbeTr.io bj which ibe; art Issued.

First and Second Clsis Return Tickets are issued batwren an}t«oStBilornai»il»blefot thesaaa day ; those issued for an)diaiar.ee eicecdlng SO mlln, will bn stallable for return on tbida; after tbe date of tho Ticket i nnd tho» isiued between VV».lerrord and Su.iooi lo KIIktnDj, lncla«lTe, and Marjboroug b, willIM a?allabla for return for two daj» afiar tbe date ot tbe TicketFirst and Btco.i'l Cltai Retrr-i Ticket* Issusd on Saturday arsretnrnabla 00 Saturday, Sundsj, or Mooday i and Ihosa iuuodon Sunda/ ara returnable on Snnda/ or Monday

Third Claaa Return Tlc,»u iuoed at all 8latlnna bj ThirdClass Trains , available! to retutu lbs uni dai bf inv Trainexcept tbe Jislln.

Tbroutb Tickets, at low fares, are laauad at Manborouib andKilsennjr , ?iaWalerford aDd Mllford Baven, tu and Iron. Ix>n.ioo, Dortr, Bed Hill, - Aldarsbot, Readlsr, Ba.vDS»lcV». Swlo.don, Olford , Blrmingbsm , Worctaler, Htretoid. Cheltenham,Bristol, Gloucester, Newport , Merlbjr , Abetdare, Oardlrf, «atb ,Swanaea , Llioellj, Carmarthen, and Carmarthen Juncil.m, andNew Millord.

W. W ILLUHI. Sccretsrj.


TK A1K8 OK fflH B1T8. 8'»1.WATiKroao 1 '* *3 < 4 ; 6 """»« «f,o u«««. lti?tti.Z£!;<tit. ti ] *l cJl£

!_*j?.r. ^M_. _*i.: .tJ«i.1 . ».M. |P.H. r.M.h m l i r a li m I 'h m h m"!~ h 'm ¥ra'

Walcrford....>)<p. 5 45 ._ 8 til II 45 2 45 I 8 55 S .',5Cloamcl. I 7 S ... 10 3S 17 <5 I 4 4 'm zi 10 22T!|ipe.a.7 1 8 10 10 40 — I ill i I [|1 40 11 40Junction arlrl 8 2U II U : ... 4 10 5 20 ill 79 a 55COBK arrival 1 30 ._ I ... 4 as I 8 19 pt 0 1 0DunL.N...arWvo/| 1 5 „. ; ta. 5 40 1 y 4u ! 4 6 4 5Dublin .. drp\ ... 9 0 ... ,10 30 I I 0 I 7 45 7 45Cell ,. ... ... .„ .12 311 2 4S :l0 8 III 6Junction „ 8 30 12 12 ... | 2 25 5 4S > li '<3 12 23Limerick....aril|l 0 30 1 IS ... I 3 15 | C 45 I 1 3u 1 30

Dotcn Traint fro m IAmerick.


„": . ' 1 2*3 1 2 t3 1 4 3 H I I ,J U, ,,'f cjio »Aiisro«o. .Clnse.lClsss. Claes Class Clisa1 Clasi Claaa! JUM. I A.M. A.M. KM. r*.M. [ f.M, r.M., h m rTm b m hm h m j b m Tm

Limerick dtp 6 11 7 0 11 10 1 20 4 0 10 30 10 30Junction..arriraf 7 5 8 15 ' 12 10 2 211 S 15 111 S3 II 59Cork „ , 10 0 1 3D I 2 0 4 33 8 15 2 3 2 0Dnblin... j ... 1 5 | 4 33 5 40 0 40 4 6 4 5Dora.*........rfqi ... . |9 < > ... 1 0 7 4s J 45Corn......_... „ ... 6 0 ! u 0 ... t i t 10 6 10 6Junction..„ 7 15 u 20 14 20 . , 5 33 12 S3 13 23Ti pperary 1 7 30 !) 40 ;I2 36 ... 5 45 12 50 1240Cloumel _ ! 8 43 ... 1 33 6 55 S 20 2 20Wi t<riflrd ...itri>l,ia 10 .y ' 3 35 ... 8 1 5 ( 3 4 5 1 3 4 5

Mail Trains marked with an aaterlsk.¦'AKt a-FlrklClM * Single Ticket , 14s (W ; ^eco.i'l do. 11 Od

Tlnr.l co, lis 3.1. Return -Kirn Clnsa.81a od 1 Second do, 16s edJ . F. N.cex.1, Secretary.


r»0M ' J 3 ' 4 s « : 7 I 8 ¦ 9'! a m a m p ... [rut_ p in_ p mj pjn ! p m p m

h m h m I. in h in b ro > h m; h m ih m ;b m~wr<..i «8 0 11 (i la 15 •: u 4 0 ' 5 3d 7 -.'¦i| a u ...T'nire; 0 15 *11 311 1 15 3 u 4 30 ?() 0. 8 l.| 0 30

Sunday Trains.

r«OM ' ' * 3" "


I a I 7 I 8 f»"

* a m_ 1 a m , p m p m p in j p in |p m I pm ,p mh in 1 li m 1 li in I. m li in " h m ftTm j b is I h ra

Word »S 11 i l l 13 '15 15 1 30 S 3'l j 4 30 .1 3" 6 301 9 0Trno.e !' 15 111 45 H I 4.', , -.' II 4 0 I 5 I'l'o 1 1 « 0. 0 45

•Mall trains 0. ji , BA KKK , Seeretar;.

TO THE NEHVOUS AND DEBILITATED.Juit Publithed, pott free for Tuo Stanj 't,


SMITH .1'iocripliona and Instructions is a New Medical woik op

tbe Eclectic Treatment of all Diseases of tlie Nervous Sys-tem , Nervous Debility, Mental tod Physical Depression,Palpitation of tlie Heart , Noises in tbe Htad and Ears, In-decision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss ofEnergy and Appet.tr, Pains in tba Hack, Timidity, Self-Dii-trnst , Dizziness Lo«e ol Solitude, Groundless Fears, Weak-lire* , Muscular Relaxation , ic., re«ultiDg from exbanstiou

<>f Nrrvu i'ower. lllustrateJ witb Testimonials from grate-lul 1'aticuU. Sent flee by post to any address ou receiptof two penny stamps. Address Dr. U. buim, 8 BartonCrescent , Loodon , W.C.

IMPORTABT TO Coosiar PATHHTB.— CossriTAiioirBT LEITEB Wiinont K E».— Dr. II. SMITH , the eminentSpectalUt for lue Cure of all Debilitatin ft Diseasra, will , fortbe, Uutfit of country puti> jl , who cannot consult him per-sonally, en receiving del .ri ptioua of tbeir cates , aend hiaopinion , with advice and directions lur tbo most sucensfp,Je.toration to bealtt. and vizoor. f28-t!

NEEV0U8 DEBILITY, and all NERVOUSAFKECT10NS, wl.etber tbe result of early error* or

otherwise, are by very simple and inexpensive means quicVlvcured in botli Kraui'e and Uermany. Tbe advertiser i rmi-deut in tbii country, will be bappy to aend free to all appli-cants toll particulars of tbe mode of treatment tberi. adopted,on rec ci pt of a directed envelope. All persons may cure them-selves , and tbns not run tbe ritk of being victimised. Addressifom. A. DUVAI, l!}, Newmarket-street Birmingham.

HEALTH AND MANLY VIGOR.-A Medial man ofSO rfira' eiper.enc* in tbe treatment of NERVOUS DE>UlLlTY, Spermatorrbtc and otber uSections which are ofttt,acquired in early life, and unfit snfferera for marriage andother .social duties , bai publisbed a Book Biting the fullbeneiitof his lonjr; tiperience gratis, with plain direction alor the .eeovcry of Health and Strength . A tingle copysvdt Is auy address on ¦ ci «'.3t of One Stamp. Address to tpeSecretury, Ittslituto of Jivatouty, Hirrniriffboro fil-lyl

Just Published, lor Two Btan.piTO THE X E H VOVH A$l) DEML1TATED.

I'.cad tbe New Publication , by Dr. J. A. BABBII, il.D,,(U.S.), entitled

¦VTEKVOUS DEBILITY, or Woaosof WAHN -Xl ma—A Treatise on the Causes, Symptoms, andTreatment of NEBVoussr.ks aud ExBAOaTBD VliALHT.

Tlie Author bas for years given his exclusive attention loIhe treatment of Nervous Debility, MenUl and PhysicalDepression, Palpitation of tbe Heart , Noisra in tbe HeadBDd Ea.g , Indecision , Impaired Sight and Memory, Ind iges-tion , Prostration , Lassitude, Depreasioo of Spirits, Lots ofEnergy end Appetite, Pains in the Back tnd Limbs, Timi-dity, tell-Disliuat , Dizzineat, Love of Solitude, GroundlessFcmi, and many otber ailments, which , if neglected, bringtbe infTcrers to an early dtath. This valuable Work, whichbas been trul y called " WOSDS or WABicmo/ 'is illustratedwilb Cases and Testimonials, nnd not only gives tbe causebut l.bc means of cure. Hundreds of cajes, thought hope-leu, have been icslored to perltct health and vigour after a|lotber means bad failed. To IDS J I A B EIK I J A(TD SiaOLttbis book is invaloablr. Ken t post frer, on receipt of twostart ps, or by letter post , three stamps.

I MPOKTAIT IO COTJUIKT 1'IIIBIIT9.—DB. BARNESiiinj- be couiulied persunally or by letter, in all private aodc nfdeiitial cn»e» ; and tor the benefit of Nertons io8trer»«l.o cannot vi-it bim, be will , on rrceiving a description olthrir casr,r..cloiiinii a ataruped rnvrlupe for reply, I*ready logivr bia opi.n. n upon ihe nalU'efl l tbe case, and tbu princUpies of treatment necersary tu (fleet A perfect curt.

ICT9Address Dr. BAKBIB, 1 Lonsdale Squire, Barnsbury,London, N. [my!J3-6in«

¦ , EDINBUjElCilHr_ .IND^A. ..PALE,., , A^ .piN^rER-.'i.iAiBS, ..SPARKLING, REVHESHING," NOUEISHINal AND ECONOMiCALi tb'.'bcj r ba'i'.of. the Vnncipal

' > ¦ Retailors. Observe Trade Marks,;(»3( othor brands.aroir8quently,8ub3titutB(ii !;- :¦

¦:. •

¦¦::.:¦ :- ¦ : :

~4^— , . : . i .

¦ . . • . . - , . . . . . .

¦ .

Breweries—Edinburgh. EBtablishod 1749. Waterftxr4 atores^81, Ciistopi-HoBfieUuay. Dublin—7,'lower AbbeyTBtrcet and Sackville Place.;-'BelfftBt-T'8, Qlq'ster-street.' Cork—Merchant's Ot'tiay. ' limerick—12,' Brnnswick-stfeet.:.Drogheda- -30,•'¦

WeBt-Btreet. :Iondon-7BelTedere lload,.S.E, . hiierpqol^rSi., Spiith^'Jdhii-Btreet.

mvPOWMR :TJ ESPECTFITLLT announce tha Keturu !of tbeirX\. where be bas seourod .

S E V E R A L ^H E A P, L O T S OJ?



VICKEll'S VALUABLE MANURES , DISSOLVED BOKES , SPECIAL, »Ni> HcKENZIE'S X.X.,. The Best MANURE tn the Market—over 40, per Cent. Soluble.

ALSO, G E N U I N E L E O P Oj L D S H A L L K A I N I T ." W IlV" u" 8 rTTA I N I T ?"

Becauao POTASU forms an important Constituent of ull tbo CROPS, tbe Ashes of wbiob, on anaverage, contain fully 33 per Coot, of POTASH.

Becanso G. L. K. (» natural , unmanufactuied Solt) is tho only M A N U It E which contains o largeQuantity of 1'OTASH ID an ovailalle , i. c, in a soluble form.

Because it is a CUR E or I'BEVEKTIVE against WIUEWORH , MILDEW , and LIMPNESS cf STRAWin Cereals ; GRUBS amonggt Swedes, Mangolds, &o. ; CLOTEK SICKNESS and tbe

P O T A T O E D I S E A S E .&%• KAINIT is particularly beneficial on LIGHT or MIXED SOILS.

For Samples, Reports, and full particulars, apply toW I L L I A M R O S E , M A N U R E D E P O T , W A T E R F O R D .

BEST SEEDS, IMPLEMENTS, AND M A C H I N E S , ALWAYS IS STOCK.Two Ton* SUPERPHOSPHATE, Two Tons KAINIT, Carriage raid, and 5 per Cent, off for Casti.

WALTER O'DONNELL & CO.,47, QUA Y, WA TERFORD (Opposite the Market House),


On M O N D A Y N E X T , and following DaysSHOW THEIE




X.B._WANTED a YOUNG LADY of experience to take charge of tbe SHAWLS aud MANTLES ; al«o,experienced SALESMEN for tho RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, HABERDA8HERY. WOOLLBNS andDKESSES ; also, a FOREMAN CUTEER. ;

Apprentices also required —YOUTHS and GIRLS. App ly immediately. jel3 (im

i ' ' ' ' '


ai AIL

vs3»K»«!Kfr "* • ^^ w' ^Sif SMnRi


Tho «bov« l'irtt-cltss SucxrtihoipbAtt cu bt fc»d tnn

L. A. RYAN, Waterford ; I JOHN MOERIS, Kilkenny;J. B. CDLLEN,. New BOBS j | D. M. HIGQINS, Clownel, my!6.tf


D R E S S : D E P A R T M E N TPES Yinu. PtB YiED.

Striped Tassoea ... - 3Jd. Worth GJd. Plain Reps and Poplins : ... 9Jd. .vrorth Is. ;Plain Cballiea and Granito Poplins 6Jd. „ Bid. French Merinos Is 7)d & Is.Hid, ,,. 2s 3d &2) 6dLeno Mohaira and GIscc LuetroB CJd. „ OJd. Lyons Black.Silk ... ... 3s. 3Jd..„ 4s. 6d.:.


W O O L L E N BPER Yisu.

Bordered Twist Trowieringe 2B. 'Id. worth 3B. OdDo. in Stripes and ChecVa ... 2s. lid. „ 3s. 9d

S H A W L D E P A R T M E N T .Heavy Tasmanian 8quareB 3s. lid. worth 5a. each Blaok Caahmoro Longs... 4a. 6d. worth 6a. Od. oachQueensland „ 4s. 6d. „ 6s. each Paisley Squares 11B. Gd. „ Ms. 6d. -eachOttoman Stripes ... ... Cs. lid. „ 8s. each


Whito Calicoes 3id. 3Jd. Ic 3}d. \yorti. 4<1 4Jd i. 5d,Univcrsals ... 3id. & 4Jd. „ 5d & 5Jd.0-4, Whito SheotiDg Is. Ojtl. „ Is. id. .Linen Towels ... 3d. „ -litl.

H A T A N D C A P32 dozon Meu's Felt Hats Is. Cd. each, worth 2s. Cd. 11 dozen Boys' Straw IlaLa lOJd. each,worth Is. lil41 „ „ Is. 6d. „ 3s. Od. & „ „ 1B. 2Jd. „ Is. «d35 „ „ 2a. Od. „ 4s. Od. 7 lien's Tusoaus ... 'la. 6d. „ 3a. Gd47 „ „ 2s. 6d. ,. Is. Gd. 34 Cloth Caps 5d. „ Ud65 „ „ 3a. Od. „ 5s. Od.

r g- HOSIERY nnd GLOVES, TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, BUACES, BKLTS, PURSES, &c,in great rariety, nnd JIucii BKLOW RF.ci t:t.*R 1'RICES .

2 & 3, BROAD STREET, and 1, LITTLE PATRICK STREET.JULY kn, 187.'i ' :







THIS PRIZE CUP WAS AWARDED TO R. S. D OYNE , ESQ., WELLS , COUNTY WEXFORD.The Field ""'•'"''J Twenty Acres of Forple-topped Swedes ; the bulbs wen very

deme «nd of tine shipc ; their keeping qu.litj toold not be surp.ssed. -. THE PRODUCE WAS SIXTY-THREE AND A-HALF TONS PER ACRE. •

Tk« Judfu coopUroented Mr. GOUK , Und Stevrtrd.for the excellent crop iron » under til eir*.eXIRACT FROM THE ROVAL 3UBLIH SOCItTr'8 REPOBT.

•'The Stand of Messr». W I G H T & CO.;*EKStacc Street, was of very con»lderaMe intftrnd'fon it was Prentice's f < > " ^ "f , value ritly Guineas, awarded to R. S. Doyne , Esq., Wclli , Cyun.rWatford; alto specimens of the Turnips uhicli gained the 1'rlje. The Crop rroduced 6j and a-half toruytracre. The quality of the Turnips »as firu-clats; they ue.e nound , heary. well shaped bulbs, ariraficct great credit on Mr. Ouuk , Land Steuai J. under whose care l',ey were ero\in."

rROM THE " FARMER'S 3AZETTE." DEO, BTH. 18BB.PRIZE CUP FOR SWEDE TURNIPS. —Wt ut^ersHnd that the very h«nd«ome Prize of»

Cup, value 5oGulneas, or A I'u.se containing 3° Sovereigns , offc.ed by >lr. Wi'Kht . forilhe be»t Ton Acr«aof Swede Turnips |rown upon Prentice 's Superphosphate, has been awarded to R. S. Uoyne. Esq., of

Wells , Gorey, County Wexford, u).u,c crop weighed Si tty-three and a-half To?, per Irish acre. Thtre»aa close competition between this Cop and that pf 110 Irish »cre« , Rro«n in one held, by Allan PoUolr.Ecq , Lismany, of the cultivation ol uliich the Judges eipreis their hi^litst commend*tion. They regret

tbat they bad not at their dispoul a special PRIZE OF EQUAL VALUE to give to Mr. Pollolr.

WILLIA U WIGHT & CO. me cftn lo hritt vith f t i r t in / or the Salt of thtir Uinurn in diltricU aherithty are nut reprtttnUd.


&,• • SONS:•-• . ¦:¦


D E P A R T M E N T .I rrR YiitD.

)<J. Do. Fancy Silk Stripes, 3B 6d & 4sGd worth 4»6dcfc 6i»d. I Black ClothB 3s. lid. „ 5». .


d. Printed Calicoes (fast colors) ... Ijd. worth 6dBrilliants 6Jd. „ 8dFr/utcd Has Uas 6Jd. „ 80

IP D E P A R T M E N T .



HALFPENNY POSTAGE CARDS.All descriptions of Printing on such Card*

%Jf Eteoutea at THI WATIMORD NITTB OSkt. ;

. '.7.' ". . .*. r;.7~T>-£ TTT.~. : ;T.'f7. "

H O T EL SD.t JBLl i t . ;

Tbe European Hotel, fiolton Street,fi >HE ' EUROPEAN is tho Iargeit; the test" ritnato,

I . irid the most comfortable Hptrt Jra.tho City. Allraooern improvements hovo bow rewmtly introdnced,and the entire'House papered, painted, and decorated.:, Twenty Suites of Apartments for'Families. .Draw-

irig Kooma from 2B. 6d. to Ba. Sitting Booms on theground floor free of charge. '• ' • ¦' -H • '

t&.Baap, Pish, Joints, Fowl, and Entree in CoffeeIloom ' and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o'CIooVdaily, .Bed, including Servants, 2s.' 6d., 2s. and 1B. 6d.

[m31-tf] J. MOLONY, Proprietor.T K A M O R E

The Great Hotel, Tramore, CoTinty Waterford,. DLtlancc from }VatcrJoril by Rail^-Scven Miles.

THE MANAGER of tho WATERFOBD .COUNTY andCur CLWB uaring l'urohaaed the old-ostab.

liehpd and really fine hotel, begs to apprise tho Nobilityand' Gentry of the adjacent Counties, that it is nowrepleto ..with erery requisite for tho comfort ofVisitors at this far-famed Bathing resort. It contains50 Bedrooms, Large Ball Boom, several Sitting Roomsand, Dining Rooms, Spacious Coffee Room, Billiardand Stopping Rooms, Sun, Ac,.; , ¦ ¦ .

Special attention will be devoted to the Wines nndSpirits, and tho Kitchen will bo under the manage,meat pfa Srst-olass French Cooky

Horaea, Carriages, Cars, &c., and Postillions on- theshortest notice.

Balls, Wedding Dejeuners, and all large entertain-ments supplied on the most liberal terms, and in thabeat style. JAMES HEARNE,' Manager, Waterford Club, Proprietor,

Lato Messmnater, 89th Regiment, and Caterer toGarrison Assembly Balls at Aldershot Club House.

June, 1873. jc20.tfM I L F O R D H A V E N .

THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,ADJOINING , the Tonninus of the South Walca

Ruilwuy Company at Now Milford, and tha.Landing Strigo of tho Waterford Royal Mail Packets.

Tho Public aro respectfully informed that the aboroextensive Establishment is replete with overy accom.modntion. Coflce, Commercial, and Sitting Rooms jBilliard and Smoking Rooms. Tho Rooms aro large,lofty, and airy, beautifully decorated, elegantly fur.nished, and aro otherwiso fitted up with every regardto comfort and convenience.

This Hotel is situntod on tho hanks of tho far-famed Milford Haven, unil command fa most eiUm.sivo view of Ilor Majesty's Dockyard, and . of theromantic and picturesque Scenery of the neighbour-hood.

Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, andFamilies will IIIKI this EBtabluhmunt, for situationand comfort, combined with Moderate Charges, sur-passed by no other in the Principality'

££T Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths.All communications should bo addressed to

(jy2S-tf.) J. WUETTON, Manager.


If you want comfort , convenience, and economy,T K r T II K


|S3" LUNCHEONS ready at all times. (jy l)


WALTER UANLON, I'KorBiKioR,BEGS to inform hia Commercial fricudit and the

public generall y, that ho has just made largeadditions and improvements in his Hotel, and trustsby strict attention to business, to merit that kind pa-tronage which they have hithorto Koliberally bestowed.

Tho POSTING tstAU LtsiiMK NT conducted as hereto,fore, and Omnibuses , as usual, attend all tbo Trains.

Kilkenny, March 8, 1873. rmhlO-tf]


fTVIIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel, in whichJL everything can be had os tho most moderateterms.

%gg " Best Dublin and Wexford Spirits; also BrandiosWines, Porter, Ale, <tc. (aul5-tf.)

J55" Cam on Uiro at tho shortest notice

FLYNN'S Commercial and Family HOTEL,D U N G A R V A N .

THIS HOTEL has been Openod in tho TOWN ofDUNOABVA .V, whero evory aocommodation will

bo afforded on tho most reasonable Terms.DUBLIN and CORK WHISKIES, also BBANDIES , WINES,

&c, of the very best Quality.8§3" Extensive Accommodation for Stabling, Post-

ing, do. myl6.t(

D U B L I N .'Commercial & Private Lodging Houne

49 M A R L B O B O U G U STREET.PARTIES Visiting Dabjin can bo accommodated,

with or or without Board, and all tho comfortsof a home, on Moderate Terras. [o25-tfj

t|3r Situation central , close to Sackville-Btrect.


THE H EADY AND R ELIABLE REMEDY;—Armedwith this I'oKi'iful antidote to disease, every man is

hit own f.unily pltjeiciitn. Tbe first Huspjta) Horgeousadroit its unimralleled oud liraling virtu??. Foreign Go-Ttrnuifnts mnclion it* me in thtir nriTal and militaryterriccs, nml tnnnkind tlirouij liont tho world repoiea tb«utmost continence in iln curative properties. ,

Oour, UBBUMATISH , A B P DROP SY.—Tliete ire amongthe most terrible :uul iigonSu.K ilireasio to which the humnufrn.ua is lulijcet ; yit in thei r wor>t forms, and when Deem-iug ly iucu ial'l'1, Ihoy tlianppeur umlcr n pcneToring applica-tion of tln» Mii'lliiiiK nml |iowerful Ointment, if atrictattention he paid lo the priulcil iusttucViun wrapped roundeach pot.

SOUK THROAT, DIFIIIKBIA , QU IN F F.T, Muxrs, AUD ALLDBRASOBHKSTS OP IDB Cnt»T iNi> TaBAT.—lr, on theappearauve of auy ol Ilime ilweaM» , tlie Ointment be veillllliboJ, »t leait three I.met a dxy, upou tha neck nnd upperpart of tbe clirst , KO IM lo pruetrate to tbe glanda—tb«worst CHfipa will y iuM i.t K comparatively short time,particularly if llollunay 's 1'ilU be taken in appropriate doseato purify tue l.looil.


WonKDsv— Mui.y thimixods of martyra from Ibe abofecomplaints h«ro found lifo rtlmoat iuinpportable ; but inHolloway 'a Oiotuieut be brisklj.auil plentitully robbed upon• nd around the. parts aflorttd , it will quickly penetrate tothe source oi the evil ; rase tmtj be aafclr guaranteed , auddiieato, drifeu frou. tbe byetcm. Nothing .cm, be morelimplo or esfi r Ibau the manDcrtu which it ia appliednothing more sanitary tbau its action on the body, bothlocally aud conetitnliuuall y.


DZSFIBATE MAI BK HADICALLT CnB*».—Scald bead*,itch , blotches ou tbe akin , ncrofalotn sura, king's «rrl, Rudsncli like iHeclious, yield to tba mighty power of thin fineOintment , provided it be wall rubbed around tbe affectedparts tiro or three times a day, and tbe PilU be takenaccording to the priuted directioDS.

A CBBTAMC tins* ion PILIS ASD FISTULAS.—Thou-sanrli ol person* suffer excruciating agoitr lor years fromtbtte fearful complaiota tbroogb falsa delicacy. Auyone tosufleriug tboald at once purchase a Pot ut Hulloway'iOintment , read lh» directious which accompiuy it, art upuuthem to tbe Utter, and he wil l , without difficulty, inccted iuobliterating every vntige of these harassing complaints.Both Ut Ointment ' and Pi lU ihouli bt tuti in tkt fo llow-

ing Complaint *.Bad Legs Corus (cWt) Scaldsdid Ureasti Fistulu Sara Tbroatb.Unnu Unut SVin DiseascaUoniona Glandular Swellings ScurvyChilblains Lumbago Sora HeauVCbopped Haoda Pil« TouiouniContracted and Stiff Khcumatism Ulcers

joint, . ' Son Nipples WoundsTbe Ointment and Pills arasold at Professor HOUOTTAT'I

Establishment, 633, Oxford-street, London ; also by ne&rlevery resuectahle Vendor ot Medicine throughout I hiCivilixd Work), in Pots and Boxen, at la. lid., 2a. W,4s. 6J., 11s. 22s., and S3s. each. Tha smallest Pot of Oint-ment contains one ounce ; and the smallnt Box of Pillsfour dojeu. • ¦ '. ¦'

Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box,and can b» had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic,Aroeuiau. Persian, or Chinese.1 f o r the Blooi it the Life."—See Deuteronomy, e/Sop.

icit., vent 23.

Clarke's World Famed Blood Mixture,FOR CXKAN8ING and CLEARING the BLOOOirom

ALL IMPURITIES, whether arising from youth(uliodiscrvlion or any otber caoset cannot bo too hixbJj rtccin*m»uded. It cures Old Sorea ; enrta UlceraUd Sores in IbeN«ck ; Ulcrrated Bore Left ; BlaeibMds or Pimples onFace, Scurvy Bores ; Canearout. Ulcata ; Blood and Skirt Dis-uies ; (iluudular Swellings , and clean the Blood from allImpure Matter, from wbaKrer cansa annina;.

As Ibis mixlnre u pleasautlotbatistc, and warranted frttfrom mercury-which ad jriili anrltaosc nediciutl lord fortb» at»»e diuasw contain—tha Propriritor^olicita aiflarnito giva it % trial to ttst its vilue. i ,,,

IdOD»AII)» OT IIBIIMOHIAH IJIOK ALL FAlTf.Bold in Bottlos 2s. 3d. cacb, and in Caws, containing 6

Dottl' S, Us. each, sufficient to effeot n permanent rar iolotiR-ilanaing cait», by all CheaUti nnd Patent UedionaTaadora ; or seut to any adilreu on receipt of 27 or 182•tamps, by , ¦

: F. J. CLARKE, Chvmist, High-street, Lincoln.TTHOLISALB AOiara;

Barclay & Sons, London, and ill tha WholouU Houu


On Salt,at Tie Him Office ,With.tbo RocotnmwidaMOQ of ths Bishop of WatcriuiJ :-nd

: ¦ '¦ L Lumoi«,Uu.IUgbt BeT. Dc.OlBBi»i .

A CatepHsm for the InBtrnctjon of Childioj¦ ' • ' ' ' ' BT TBE' ¦ ¦ • ' •

T|/rOST Key. Dr. JAMES BUTLER Ar.thhishopi.TjsVy. of Cosbel and Kmly.

Printed en Good Paper, and in large dear Type.

_ RECOHHENDAtlON :" I approve of this Edition of tha Right Huv. Pr.

JAMES BUTLER'S Catechism, and recommond it 10 thoFoithfnl of these Dioceses.

«*D. CBEIEN, K.C.B." Waterford, June 2, 1869?'

f§T Orders from any part of the DiucubL', :;cnL iuand directed to:C. REDMOND, Triutor uud l'iiMi.-;lirrWaterford News OfSco, 43 King-street, prom|illy KItended to. Tho Trudo supplied ou muderutu u-rm:-.

May be had Retail from every Catholic Uouk.cil'.-rin the Diocese.



W I L L I A M P O W E RBogs respectfully to intituato to his Frioncju aud

Public generally, that he hasN OW OPES, the abore STORES, lvliero ha

by striot attention to busineau, nnd keepingtho very BEST WINES and SPIRITS, to merit aeharo of patronage.

HOUSEKEEPERS will find it their iatoroat to patron-ise the-abovo establishment.

$ST Pleaso observe tho address :No. 86 THE QUAY,

(Corner 0/ Conduit Lane),f28 WATEf lF ORD.


3885, lor nroUeDce of WINilllAL WA'i'EliS, wasawardtd to

B E W L E Y A N D D R A P E R .


B"~E "\v" ITE .Y

~ " A N D TJ \C\ v ii iFiiLEMONADE.


B E W L E Y A N D 1) li A P K l i ' SSELTZEK WATElt.


BE irlET ~

A N D" i) 1: A p 1: 1: "sI.niflA WATER. •




BREECH LOADERS,from £111 Id.. ... •. , .

BREECH LOADERS,lly bcsl L.xul,,,. Mai. . .

SECON D 11 A .-.' / .• .A descriptivf Crttiilugtirxutt Prico Iji&l foiw»u)t-<i .- M i - . w n . t

ul Tbrc-c S(aiu|».ll . STKAN'H,

mjO-ly I.D.'.' l i : :. .

HATS ! HATS ! HATS !Rjn^ (83TManvjact 'ire f i ancu k c).

jyH.mRY i, LITTLE GEORGE'S S'i l.'UT* -, *• JL WATERFORD.J3" Hats iSought in this Establishmeut, l> .:v -u

FKEE OF CltAKGK. jtll. 11 1.

Post Fret for 6 Stamps, open ends, or 12 SlitM i' t h: n ..(Envelope.

THE MEDICAL ADVISER, on prematuredecay of the ayatem, nnd its speedy rcstoiutimi : L I I .I ].-

ternon certai p disorders, and the btst uirans lur th. ir n-moval ; tbe a.icroscopo tw an aid to diaguosis ; Murnasi -, itsdisqualifications ; ruits aud prnaiptiuna lor kulf-lnnl inniil ,&c; illustrated with numerous cases, lly Dr. Waller l> eR009, Holford House, Holford Square, Loudou. W.C.

D3. DE ROOS' celebrated GUTT^I VIT.cEv or LIFE DROPS I lor bpermatorrbua, Nocturual

Emisaiom, Impotencj, bciud Incapacity, Debility, Epilepsy,and all those di«eisf« for which Mercury, Saruparilla, &e.,aro too often employed by Eoglisb Pbjsiciaui to tlie ultimateruin of thg Sufferer's health. .

The (lUTTiE V1TJS are tbe result of loos; practical iu-vestigation of tbo remedies be;t adapted lor these diseaarp.Their rich, ttimuhtiDg, stomachic qualities, and, abore all ,tbeir complete renovation of the nervous system, reode,them in every respect worthy tbeir siguificaut title. The)may be taVen without hindrance or restraint of diet , &c.,and in tbis respect also they may claim pre-eminence overroost other aJterlUed medicines, by promotion ctigestioD—nourishing the constitution—enriching without inflamingthe blood—bracing without stimulating tlie nervous ayetcuitoo viol ently—they Btrcugtbeo tbei;enerul habit , and restorethe natural beallby toue of the uervouH ainl tDu&cular fibres ,thus cDliveniug and iuvicoratiig both budy and raiud.

The GUTTJE VlTyE have been paiticulnrl y sucWBsfuVith young people who bave tbe appearance ut'old ago ; whoarrpale and erTeuiiuate, Bnd who, baviug an utter itiataste forevery tbing,are incapacitated for study, business or enjoyment.'Thuusauda of apparently liopelesi coses, g iven up by the f a,eultf , Lars beou permanently cuied, and have borne gratefnlevidenco of the fact.

Price it. Od., Us. aod 33s. ol all C'litu,ist«i, or direct onreceipt ot bUmps, or po«|.office ord.r aildressed to Dr. lieRooa, llolford Hoo.e, floltord Square, l^nJou , W.O.

Sold by McManter & Co., 121, CapoUtrttl , Dublin ; .Mr.While, Ohtener OflJM ,. Ballyniran; Mr. liatsptt , SouthernOUronicU Office, Limarirk ; Mr. 1'olxon, Fermanagh Mai lOffiw, Enuukillen ; or at The News Ollice, U'nloilBrd .P«ins in tbe Back, liraTrl, Luiubagu, Rheuu.atiMU , Gout

Flatulency, Headacbp, Nertoudness, I)ehilily, Strirturc , &c

DR. DE ROOS' COMPOUND RENAIPILLS, (as their name Renal , or the Kiduey*, in-

dicates}, are celebrated all over the world , ru the snTtst amibelt Remedy for the above dangerous complaintx , Dischargesof any kiod, and Disease of tbe Kidneys, ISIadder , nndUrinary Organs generally, which, if neglected, frequent Ijeud in Stone in rut. Bladder, aod a lingering, painful i)L«ll :For depression of Spiriln , Eicitemeut, Iucapxciiy lor So-ciety, Study or Busineon, Lois of Memory, Wr.icln,!uibs ,Nervousness, and even Insanity itself , when (us if ul.i 11 t] . ucue) arising from or combined with Urinary L>isca:>i'.< , tln-yaro nocqnalled. By tbeir salutary action on JI. Ic :KM IAcidity of the Stomach, they purify and proruoic tb» Kv u ilsecretions, thereby pretrnt tbe formation of Sionu, :uni loinestablish tor life tbe healthy function" ol all tl.eec »riH.i.< .

Price la. lid., 2s. Od., 4i. OJ., lla. and aj». per liux, withfull directions through all cbomiats. TbeUeouinu lii.vi- i l inword. " Walter De ROOK, Lundou," in arbita lelto, 1..1 HieStamp affiied to each box, by jpecial directioii ol l l tr .M.i.ieaty'a Honorable Commissioners, to protect the pul'ln- luuufraud, and to imitata whicb in felony and trnuipori.itn.u.

CAUTION.—Some unp.incipled Venrlora wlu u j ^k.> ifor Dr. De Boos' Pills, have attempted to lout olln r ,:, . , i :-cincs or compoouda ot tbeir owu upoi. the purcint.i 1 , :¦ -..-.arbicli tliry obtaiu a large profit , but whicb javaml>!. . ;:i. ; i|iisappoiuttneut. Aak lur DB. Da Itooa' CUMFOUMI Ci N.U.

PILLS, aud du not ba perBuaded intu trying luyllini- , I ¦ :but ahoultl the least d.fficnlty occur, enclose the aiui.unt l.yp«»t-om'ca order or stauipt as'abuvr, aud they will U nilper return.

b'old by ilcMfiiler & Co., 131, Capel-tinxt , Dublin ; M iWhile, Oburter Offid>, IUIiyinena; Mr. Uattutl, Soulhu:\Chronicle Office, Limerick j Mr. Poltou, Finsanayh :>U,tOffice,. EnniakilleD i and at 49, King-street, Waterfunl.


PELLE'fl CR1NUTRUR, noted alluver the world for xi - .miraculooa properties, and aa the only remedy tba'. MI . hedepended; opoo. It u gnaraDteed to produce vbihlcrr^ ,moostachios, 4c, io a fair meks, and will be found emin-ently aoeeeufolin nonriibrng,curling, and beaatityiug thebair j cb»ckinj greynew, >treogtawioir weak lulr, prereut-ina; ita falling off and reatorina; it in btldtMsa from whatevercause. < Upwards ol 100 physicians bave recommwded it inthe oorwry, for promoting ¦, fine, healthy head of hair , andktertiag nldsew in alter yean. In bottles prico 2s each.

OBSKRVfi tbat a 10 pagu namphlst is inolned witheach ptckare, which hat a red ttarop outside bearing tbawords Rosalie Coopelle in white latura ; tbe words CoupelU'iCrinntriar are ab>o moulded in aacb bottle.

"I iu bald nine yeaii, bat I find new hair coming ra-pidly."—J. Hone. " Thanks to jroor stuff, 1 bate an ex-cellent moustache and whiskeri."—Major Browne. '" I badlost my hair in paUbee, bat.it ba« rastorcd il."— HIMHawitt. " After 20 year's balduen, it bs< acted mirical-ously."—H. Hoir. , : ! ' • (d85.tf.)

AsTSold at TUB Niwa Office, Waterlord.

DB. DE.ROOS' PILTJLiB VIT^E, or VKGE-TABU LII« ttuA, are rapidly auperwdiug castor-

oil and tbe old-iasbtoaed disagreeable medicines formerly ad-ministered by the faculty, which,1 it ie now admitted toofrrxjoeutly resulted io a confirmed state ol cottivanew. Tb,PilotavVilie, on tti. cuntrary, cleanse tbe atomacb, puriry theaaontiona, remove haadache, iodigeition, &:., and instead ofnmieriog it neceasary to be always awallowing mediciiu afew dose* only, taken .occasionally, will be found all tbat i«required to keep op a healthy atate ol the aj stem. Equallyadapted for all ages, it Uing merely nec*saryto tegulaje tliedou according Ip tb» age and atrength ot tbe patient,; whi at

Page 2: *' RICH A1S[D FASHIONABLE: GOODS - snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1873/WNS-1873-07... · FBOM WATH'.ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. OP.M







Establishment, BEHESFORD STREET, Watcrford,On MONDAY, 7TH JULY, at 1 o'clock.

THOMAS WALS1I & SON, Auctioneers.



.to., will take place at RATIIFADDEN HOUSE, OldCork Road, by directions of JOH .V RVAN , Kaq. (whohas polil his lutorest in tho Concern), on MONDAY,the SStli J ULY Inst., at 11 o'clock.

For particulars aco Placards and future Advertise-ments. THOS. WALSH & SON , Auctioneers.

Tlio Mall , Watorford, July 1th, 1873. fJU-H)


DESIRABLE INVESTMENT.mo BE SOLD BY AUCTION , on MONDAY,JL OJO 21st day of Jti-v, 1873, at One o'Clock, ontho Premises (unless previously disposed of byprivate treaty), by directions of Mr. MASON, theIXTESKST in ilio LEASE of that charminglysituated Residcoco known aa SEAFIELD, TRAMORE.The Houso aod Grounds, which command n magnifi-cent Weir of the Hay, arc ;;i perf ect order, tho formerri'ady for tho reception of u gcntloraau's family, thelatter comprising Pleasure, Flower , and Kitchen(¦nrdeii, with l'adcluclc and i'iold, in all about ThreoAcrus of Laud, togcllicr with ample Stable accom.mudntion. .

Purchasers of tho Interest will liaro tlio option oftaking tho l'uruiture nt a Valuatiou.

Fur cards to view , npplv toMr. XIASO.V, C A C, Mall , Watorford.THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.

Tho Mall , Waterford , July lth, J873. (iy4.lt)




Also, tho 1NTERKST in tho LEASE of thoHOUSK and PREMISES, &c.

JOHN PKNDKI! , having received instructionsIrom DANIKI . COMA N , Esq., representative of

tho late Mrs. FORKISTA L, willSKI.J. BY LNHKSERVED A U C T I O N ,





1'iiriicrl.irx in cataloguer, to be had of theAuctioneer.

The l-TKSITUliK is ucarly NEW, and of theznu.'t r- cl::cl < description, and in the best possible

condition. '

Nile ;it Twelve o'Clock.

Tl.i! INTEREST in tin: I.EASF. of the HOUSEwil l Le SOLD at Three o'Cloek. Time aud Terms atKali-

J 0 II N P E N D E H ,jc27.2t Auctioneer.In order to prevent ovcr-eniwdinp, a charge of Is.

wil l be made !it the door, which will bo returned toPurchasers only.


I am instructed by tho Owner , Mr. J OHN H AKTV , tuSell by AUCTION , on TUESDAY , Kth JULY , atNo. SI QUAY , his

XNTEREST lu the HOUSE and PREMISES , No.31 PETKR STPEET, Waterford, held in Fee.

Simple ,The House contains four spacious Rooms up stairs

a good Shop, with largo Kitcbeo , and a Tory linoYard. The PremiseB arc in through repair , and do notrequiro one shilling outlay. The Poor Law Valua-tion is i'j 5s. The Premises aro at present let tcweekl y tenants, and prodnco a rent of £1510s. yearly.The cnly claim on tho property is a sum of 10s. Id.yearly to tho crown. Tho Auctioneer respectfullycalls tho attentio n of Capitalists to this very desir-able investment. Sale at Twelvo o'Clock. Pur-chafers to pay five per cent. Auction Foes.

JAMES HENNESSY, Auctioneer.CJeorge's-street , Waterlord , June 2C , 1873.N.B.—Private oflers will bo reccivod by tho

Auctioneer up to Saturday, nth July. 2t


TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION,At the above Repository, ou SATURDAY , 12th oftJfJL'LY, prox., upwards ofON E HUNDRED HORSES, direct from the

Breeders.Noblemen, Gentlemen and tho Publio having

Horses, and intruding them for the abovo sale, willbe pleased to seud particulars ad soon as possible, inorder that they may have due publicity-.

$43" Dealers requiring first-clatis Horses will havethe opportunity of attending tho abovo great Sale,on SATURDA Y, lhe]2ih , and CAUIRMEB FAIRon the following .MONDAY and TUESDA Y.

M. HART1GAN , Auctioneer.Juno 20, iH t'.l. -I f, Georges-Street., Limerick.

In the Landed Estates' Court, IrelandCOUNTY OF WATEUFORD.

S.4LK MI THVRSHA Y, thu 17th <lv y of J i 'LY, lS7:t.In tho Matter of tho Estate of El. I.EN POWER , Widow

anc! Ailniinistr.v.r x.with will a nnexed, of jEorrRKY!'..>» KK , deceased, Jims POWRK , and M ARY CKOWLEY ,Wiilo«\ or some* or one of thrill , - Lhvner.*

TH O M A S II KM AT , limiKii r (imsoN PATCIIKL , and(iKo ui .K IJ i l i sc iN (M .'jutixi i , Trustees ef tho Pro-vincial Hunk nl I ic lu t i fJ . . I 'etit ioncrt.

ry.O ISK HOLD in TWO LOTS, ou THURSDAY ,JL 17ili day r.f J VIA , I-S78, at the Hour <if Half-past Two nVIuck in the afternoon , at MARSH'SAUCTION " ltOO.M .S, in the City of Cork , by MAJtS Uau'l SONS, Aueli '/ m-»TS.

Ii iri 1. — I'art of I he Laudi nf Xcwtown , contain.in^' lvi^i > | i f l i i t" 'c nic-nsure , situate in tlio liarany ofCiiM.i i iwi 1-* anil Co^hbriil,- , and County of Water,ford , Md fur III }tars from lliu 2Uth day of SKIT-K M I t K K , 1 N.">I , and producing an estimated profit rentof .CIS 7s. U.I.

L:>i :!- • —That pr.il of the «aid lands of Xcwtown ,containing ,ii.\. Ir. Sp. xtiitulo niuasuri 1, situ-t '.o in theJiamur and (.'wun ty, held fur three Live", ii r H l years,Ir.jin tl io -ii'.h 'I.iv o r S K r T K M i i E K , 1SS0, and producingan enrnai' d prulii re- ,t <:f JLM I lOs.

The biddiii^'S "ill '»' .¦'¦ibiniUcd to the Judgo onthe I S i h . l i l y, l*>7:i , with- nu further notice.

Dated t l i ij lilth day or June , 1S7II.H. A. ( iREEN , Chier Clerk

J A M E S B A R R Y , Solicitor , baviu^ Carriageof Rale , 37. North (Irrat (ieorges.Mreet , Dublin , and Youghal.

DESCiiirri vj - : PARTICULARS .The Lands aro yi iiinie about two aud a half miles

from Youg hal , to which there is access by tho riverTourin.

There i» a nice Cottage on Lot 1, fit for tho rcai.di'iico of 0 gentleman's family ; alwo good fnrm offices ,Fruit ::ii'l Vegetable- (iarditn , with southeru aspect,

Tlii" jmrcliascr will gut immediate passesgiju ofthe Lands. 2t.

STATUTORY NOTICET ^ ^X N Y IlAl.TON .'of theGlon , Wattrford, SpinsterJj

" 'i y 1« T Will , dnt«j( i 2.1(li October , 1H7 2 , riincU ii

th'it tcn'l^'W Mtirwssl .ould bo <^|pbratcd forhnr soul.Ti.'Mtrix n\ pointcdTiii iMA .WM. C'UMHIX and M A KY

Ccixn'hv , b..th of tin! Mali , Waterford, Executor

and Executrix, and Probate was grantcl on 19thinstant to said M ART t'osimx , by the WaterfordUistrict R gi.-try. —Uati'd I'Jth Juue , 187».

M A R Y CONDON , Executrix.jVl!i :tt PE1RSE KKI.I.Y , Solicimr. Waterford.


-m if FMY 'III . THE GLASGOW HOUSE, Ili 'j hJjX • Kf'-f"', Kilk mvy, 'J'uUmo islrtel , CuWoir,A . i l nircehHirti»ilr. U I K K O W I S in tlielnrcepremises,

3y, HA H WJX STRAW S TREET,jNext tho Great Chapel).

Wishes to htiitc thut he hus nHMJtl) and ijtrROvin

the uccon.modntlun vt m\<i Coiicerue , »t>d reopened

witliT " LARGE and NEW STOCK of HOOTS and

SliOES whic 1', lor variety of tty le, durability, «u(lcbei.pnr'ps, nuict command tlio ntiention of a discern-

iou pab.ic »'io trial , nud tho Uoods will epeak furtbemfelvi-^. l'Jbu«! note :


(RU7-3m M. SMYTH , Proprietor.


j \_ tu the MILLI.NKBY Bud CBESSSIAKI KC ut Mru.BUOTUEIUI, 118 Qiay. je27.t£


THE NEWEST DESIGNS in CARPETS,Curtain Materials, and Cornico Poles.


LINENS.SSS" Inspection solicited.

P. T0BIN & SONS,jl5-tf ] Quay, Waterford



tboso supplied by tbo Agents of theDERRY BONE MANURE COMPANY.

(J. k R. WILSON 'S.)Tho Anal ysis of every Lot 6ontout Ja Guaranteed,

aud all Bayers ore requested to Test.Theso Manures havo Nourishing and lasting

Fertilising properties.Agenis Wanted, ithere Not Represented.

97, Foylo-street, Derry, 1st May, 1873. mlG-tf,J. H. BROWNE, Agent, Watcrford.


Sole Agents in Ireland forPERUVIAN GOVERNMENT GUANO.




RICHAROSO. V'S FEEDING CAKE.Analyses and Prices on application.

AGENT-GEORGE WHITE, Watcrfoid.(atll-10t)



until further No'.ice, tho following will be theTrain Sorvico on above Lines :—

UP. Saturdays.Leave LimericV, 10.25 a.m. '2.30 p.m. 4.25 p.m. 'G.Mpm.Arritc Fojnes, 11.55 „ *. 0 „ 5.50 „ 8.10 „

„ Nei\-cajtlo, 12. 5 p.m. 4. S „ g.15 „•On Saturdays the 2,30 and 6.30 p.m. Up Trains

will not ruu between Bnllinfjrano and FoyneB.DOWN.

I^avi! Xeivcxstlc, 7.45 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 4.55 p m„ Foj-nw, 8.2ft a.m. 12.35 p.m. '4.25 p.m.

ArriTO Limerick 9.20 „ . 9.45 „ 2. 0 „ 5.55 „• On Saturdays tho 4.25 p.m. Down Train «rill not

rnn between Foyncs nnc Uallingraue.VANDEI.EUR STEAMER .—This or other Steamer will

ply betweon Koyucs and Kilrush, leaving Kilrushoach week day nt 10.15 a.m., in connection with tho12.35 p.m. Donn Train from Foynes, and returningto Kilrush on arrival cf 2.30 p.m. Up Train fromLimerick. On Saturdays the Steamer will await thoirriva l of tho 4.25 p.m. Train irom Limerick.

SATURDAY EXCLUSIONS .—On each Saturday duringtho Season, First and Second Class Retnrn Tickets, attho undermentioned Faros, will bo issued by the 4.25p.m. Train from Limerick to Kilrush , available forroturu by Foynes, or tho direct River Boat followingMonday.

FARES—LimerickUo Kilrush and Back, 1st Classand Deck Saloon, 6s. ; 2nd Class Poop and LowerCabin, 5s. (By order),

ISAAC BANKS , Traffic Manager.Limerick Terminus, June 21, 1873. jly4. t.f.WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY


DOWN from LIMERICK and following Stationsto WATEKFORD, on Gth, 13th, and 27th

JULY, 1873 :Fares to W'ford * hack.

Station*. n.ra. 1st. Class. 3rd ClanLimerick depmlure, 7.If. nt. 0,1. 4<. Ckl.Ti pperaiy „ 8.i!0 7 0 3 0II JI .SU „ 8.30 7 0 ¦') 0C.bir „ 8.50 U u 2 6Clnmrel „ 0.20 1 C 2 0C'sriii lt „ fl.6o II 0 1 0FiJilonn „ 10.0 a d 1 0Water.'oid mural I0.«

Waterloid df r«rturp, 6.0 p.m.; Kidctuu-u do., fl.2i p.m. ;C«irick do., U.4O p.m. ; Clonwrl do., 7.20. p.m. ; Cabir do.,7.60 p.m. ; Uauslih do., 8.10 p.m.; Tipiieraiy do., 8.25 p in. ;Limerick iirriral , O.'M p.m. Jteiurn T clii-t« will Us iBjurdUtween ulbtr Si .itiolH numed al Siu<le Fdiei.

Up from WA T K E J O R U aud followitijj Stations toLIMKKICK , on 20th Jutv, 1H73 :

Fiirrs In Limerick & bark.Sl.Miui .5 . n.m. ]-t Clu»s. 3rd Class

Wntfrfnrd dppurture , 7.15 H '. 01. i> . Od.Fiddown „ 7.*) 8 0 4 0J^rrick „ / . no 7 » 3 0

Cloninel „ H.'Jo ' u l> 2 0Caliir „ 8.55 It O 2 6H *mb * „ U.lo 1 G 2 0Tipperaiy „ '.1.3.1 4 0 2 0Limeriik arrival 10.46

Limeiick drpnrturr , 0 30 p.iu.; Tippcraiy do., 7.W p.m. :lUnilix dn., 7.50 p.m. ; Cnliir ilu., 8 13 p.m. ; Ciomntl do.8.45 p.m. ; (.'mrick ilo., 9, 15 |i.m. ; Fiddoivii do., t) .2i,p. ro. ;W'Aterfjrd ffniva) , 9.60. p.m. IC-Mtrr i 'l'if:liers *rill be issuedbetween aiber Sulimn n»ui '>l "tSuule Knrrf .

Fur the raBTtnitnw ol 1'nstengera ariiviiui by Up Exclu-sion , ou 2O'll Jnlr , d»m>ui ul Timing C^^llecoiltiell nrKillalo", tbe n.30 *. " .Tr«iu from Limerick for tbose place*will await the mriial ol ihe Wnttilunl Train an lb»v >Uy.The Kuturn 'fr i-i will lo-trt Ktllu lod at 6.3'J. p.m., midL'ofctltcon uell 5.13, arrivini: nt Limerick O. 'JO p.m. A secondTrain will leave l.irainct »t 2.3'J ('.in. lur a^inf Sc»liui ]> ,J'uBtengrn dy wliicu c-in ti-tut ii Ht ttiu liour>t iilre.idy tocn*tionrd . No Lii|;ii8ire xlluwwl , nor will Hands be prnni'tedto HCcnmjiMny tiie Tiaiti^ . Tu'kct^ hVHilulile for KxcorsiollTrains uuly. jv4. Ir

ISAAC BANKS , Traflic Manager.Limerick Terminus , June 10, 1873.


Cheap Saturday Excursions to Waterford .ON 5th JULY , 1873, and on each succeeding

SATURDAY until lurther Notice , RETURNTICKETS. 1st , 2od , aud 3rd Clnys , will be issuedfrom Limerick, aud nil stopping Sta '.ions , by 11.10a.m. and 4.0 ]).m. Down Trains to WATERFORD , atSINGLE FARES, avaikblo fur roturu by H.do p.m.Up Trains on Sunday, or by 5.45 a.m., and (to Stop,ping Stations) by 8.50 aud 11.15 a.m. Up Trains ouMonday following.

ISAAC RANKS, Truffle Manngor.Limerick Tcrmiuus, June 11), 1873. jy l. t


NOTICE TO PAINTERS.THE above COMPANY is prepared to Rcceivo

TENDERS for PAINTING and COLORINGtha PASSENGER STATION B U I L D I N G andBHEDS at WATERFORD , in iccordanco with thoSpecification, to bo eeeu at Ui« Kngiaoer 's Office hore.Teuderp, addressed to me, will bo received up to10 a.m. on TUESDAY , 8lh inst. Tho lowest Tenderwill not necessarily be acceptod.

J FOWLKK NICOLL , Secretary .Head offices, Waterford, 1 Jul y, 1B73. jyt.ltWATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY-

JULY FAIRS, 1873.rPHE Ordinary Goods' Trains or Special TraiusX will carry Livo Stock to Limerick, Waterford,

and tho principal intermediate Stations, fromKillaloo (for Scariff Fair) , Saturday, 5tb.Limerick (for Mountpelicr Fair), Tueaday, 8th.Tippemry, do.Pallas (for Hospital Fair). Wednesday, DthBallingraue (forNantenau Fair), Thursday, 10th

By ordor,I. BANKS , Truffio Mauagor.

Traffio Manager's Office, Limerick,6th June, 1873. all l


Sunday Excursions at Cheap Fares.MARYIlOKOVa i l and KILKENN Y to WA TERFORD.

ON SUNDAY , tho Rth JULY , and the followingSuDdays , until further mitico, EXCURSION

TICKETS will bn issued by tho Train leavingMARYBOROUGH at H.30 urn., and KILKENNY atii.JO a.m., availablo for return the saoio day by theTrain leaving WATERFORD at (i.45 p.m.

PARKS :,V»r )»rough, Abb)-;)Fi> , AtUinnf )i, l,t cliws Cor. Car'*.

HIM I Bull} rotiict, to KilUul.y aud Ixurk , ii. 0(1. i. M .D.I. rl-i. Ao. to Watcrfunl mid hatk , it. 0.1. :ii. 0.1.Kilkenny and Hcnnrt«briilKi:, rlitM>. 4s. Od. '26. tk\.TliowlutuH U uiii UJ II/ IJU IC, itilto. a>. Od. 2«. Oil.UnlliDavat mid Killnacow, ditto. la. 6d. In. Od.

These Ticketa uru not Truusferable, aud do notentitle the holders to ali ght at any other Statianathan those to .which they are booked. No Luggageallowed , and no Hull-farvB.

SEA BATHING—Trains ruu ucarly every hourdaring the 'lay to uml from tho Soa-Bulbiug Place,'I ramore.—By order, je27tf

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.Head Offices, Waterford Terminus, June, 21, 1873.

10 HE GIVEN AWAY !A New .Vedical IVoik on i l *r t U ) i rt the cHUne and cure o

premature drtline in nian, Neivuun Debility, linpiiitiiry&i-., <rith Kulrt lur r<flnn»iana iniu d:M|QaliDcalioiia thatcVilroy the bappineo of Wedded l,ili", or

E V E R Y MAN HIS OWN D O C T O R .For 'l vo vj lamps BuilVrrm umy avoid tbe nauieroui

impi^loiB who nenrf ('"'''¦ !/<x/l« lor iKi 'hing, puWith tnlumi>ni.il* » hii-'n tbry wri ie llwuiKUn, fictitbun i^viewi fromim iginniy J ourmil8,profeft« tocuru tlt nt- HFCR with inhtrumeiiliin-tJ»d ol Medicinei, and otbsr absurdities » ciuelaJthey¦rr dr- pptive.

A pbj» :cmn, 25 yeiirin'ilen<i»il j i1i89Ued in thhtrettmentof Debility anil 111' VBT IO-J- mrniei >nil n>-rfoDi aft"ecti"n4 re-laltinp therrlrom , wil l •^nd' lrre . un rr<6ipt of Two .PftDoyBt4ui|>« '0 pirpa) |iiftax<-, a |mu |.hlet cuntainiDg bil bifblyioot%i>Diul tiri'l t>ul y taftt «re«iin*-nt, »iiti all tha '.Deceaaarypretcrip iuiia and din cli..ti« by uhirli luffprtu m»r carrtheaisel<r« »t triliiift cn>t. Ad,Inn Jlr. Liwil, Mediu'iPablubar, U Bud Court , EJolbi tu , Louden.




ON M O N D A Y , J U L Y 7, 1 8 7 3 ,And following Evenings, at Bight, and on SATURDAY,

at 2.30 o'Clock,THE World-renowned PB0FB8S0R ANDERSON

will give bis great .Entertainment," THE WORLD OP MAGIC,"

OR, A NIGHT IN WONDER WORLD.Ho will be assisted by

M I S S C A R L O T T A ,The Great VoliniBt, or Female Psganini.

MISS MAGGIE ,The Great Enchantress ! The Groat Pianisto!J

The " Oraclo of Delphi."M I S S V I C T O R I A ,

The Electrio Phenomenon, in tho Great Scones ofthe Magnetic; StatucB Sleeping in tho Air.

MR. C. H. DDVAL ,Acknowledged by the Press of Cork to bo tho

Greatest Ventriloquist of the sge.On tho Stago will bo orected a magnificent Kn-

ehauted Psycbomanteuui, embellished in tho mostcostly stylo. Tho Gold and Silver apparatus havobeen specially manufactured at an immense cost, andconsists of orcry variety of intricate and beautifulmachinery, exceeding anything which ProfessorANDERSON has previously attempted.

Tho Groat En tertainment , " The World of ilogic,"will contain exemplifications of tho Magic, MjBtical ,and Mirthful , selected from every Department ofNatural Magic, and with tho resources derived fromthe sciences of Chemistry, Dynames, Hydraulics,Acoustics, Optics, Electricity, Galvanism, Electro.MagnetiBin, <tc., 4c. ,

The Thaurn&turgy of the Anoienle, tho Mysteriesof tho Rosiorucians, the Wonders wrought by Cagli-ostro, and the Marvels of Magicians of tho Orient,will bo njoro than e.tcollod on each night of tho Per-formance.*®" Fashionablo Day Performance on SATURDAY ,

JULY, 12th, at 2.30.PRICES or ADMISSION*.—Reserved Seats, 2s. Cd.;

Front Seats, 2s.; Back Seats, Is. ; Gallery, Gil.Doors open at 7,30 ; commenco at 8.15. Car-

riages at 10,30.Professor ANDEIISON 'S Book of Mag ic, entitled , " A

Shilling's Worth of Magic," being an explanation ofa. hundred trioks, »nd a Biography of ProfesBorANDERSON , together with an expose of. tbo so-called" Spiritualism," can be obtained at tho doors, or ofthe attendants ; prioo Ono Shilling. je27.2t


X> ESPECTF0LLY announce tboir return•"/ from tho LONDON MARKETS, to-gethcr with tbo nrrival of their


have appeared for tho SeasonJ N E V E R Y 1) E P A R T M E N T .

In addition to their regular Stock, theyPURCHASED au Important LOT of


J A P A N E S E D R E S S G O O D S ,At a Discount of 50 per Coot under

Manufacturers' Prices,WHICH ARE NOW READY FOR SALE



May 16, 1873. dG-tf


MAURICE WALSH bogs to acquaint tho Nobility,GoDtry, and TonrisU thut tho above

llotcl , the Proprietorship of which has been con-fericd ou him by tho Most Xoblo tho Marquis ofWatorford, nfl'ordu nil tho nccommodatiou that maybo required ut tho Seaside, and that ho will use hisbest endeavours to sccuro comfort and satisfaction,combiucd with moderate charges, to all who maykindl y patronise his Hotel. First-class LIVERYSTABLES aud CARS, &c, at the Shortest Notice.

l£55° A well-appoiuted OMNIBUS ruus daily fromDunmoro to Waterford in couuectiou with tho Hotel.

Duutnore East, Jul y 1, 1873. (jM-3m)


TO BE LET ON L E A S E,For cuch Term as may be agreed on,

N E W T O W N II 0 U S li ,AT present in tho occupation of J OSEPH O'N KILL

POWKH , Ksq., situate within a short distance ofTRAMORE , ono of tho most convenient and fashion-nulo Kathing places in the South of Ireland.

Tho Hoist: is largo aud commodious, and has beenlatel y Papered, Painted, and thoroughly Repaired inevery respect, and is now fit for the immediute recep-tion of a gentleman's family.

Tho GAKBE.V, containing about Two Acres, is mostproductive, and Stocked with the Newest and Bustdescription of Wall and Fruit Trees.

A buodsomo carriage-drive along tho cliff* at Tra-mo. a presents objects of the most striking Bceuury,and adds considerably to the convcnieDCO and beautyof tho residence.

Tho Stubles, Coach-houses, and other Out-Offices ,uro in perfect order.

A Pbck of Harriers hunts tho immediate neighbor-hood, and tho Curraghmoro Hounds moct frequentl ywithin an easy distanco of the plp.ee.

The Utouud to be Set with tho House, contains ,incluaivo of the Garden , about 32 Acres Statu'.oMeasure.

Should it be desired, a portion of tho furniture,which is quite New , may bo purchased by the Tenant.

Apply to JOSEPH O'NEILL POWER, Esq.,Newtowu House, Tramoro j or to

PI ERSE NEWPORT BARRON , Esq.,my lO. If Purk View, Wntefford.


CONSISTING of Drawing aud Dining Rooms ;Breakfaat Parlour ; Fivo Mud.rooms ; Bath-

room, W.C., Conservatories ; Stabling for Two Homes,with a well.stocked Gardou at rcre, of about half anIrish Acre , well walled in. For further particularsapply to Jlr. V. II. IJ KIUIVY, Johuson-streot , Clon-mel. jc27.3t.


House contains 14 rooms, six of them being18x24 feet, besides large bath.raonin, I no puntrien,store-rooms, three w. uioseli , and fitted throughoutwith gns, wuter supply, and every convenience) requi-site for the comfort of a gcntlemau's family.

Tho House is ono of tho most commodious, comfort,able, and pleasantly-situated residences in tho Rub-nrbs of the city, commanding nmll y beautiful viewsof tho river fcenery , and Htuiid:'ng in its own well-planted grounds, adjoiuiog the m-w I'srk. Being inthorough order, it is ready for occupation at anytimeTho out-Offices com print) stable , coach-honsf , andother ueccusury buildings. Tho Garden , which con-tains a heated vinery, is well stocked with fruit treesand vegetables. je27-lt

For terms, &c., apply to J. P. GHAUH .

FARM TO LETM'O HE LET, tho Lauds of A HANACUUCH , con-J taiuiugabout 10G Plantation Acres.

These Lands aro situated within one mile of Kil-mnctbonms, and nearly midway between Waterfordand Duugarvau.

The abovo Lands are well known for their first-rateGruzing ij unlitk 'H, iind aro now all laid down in Grass,or ready to be so, this tcason, except ubout fivo acres-

Any term can bo hiid by a good, Solvent Tenant.A capital Dwelling House anil a first-rato range ofOut-ollices.

(£}" App lication to bo inudo at Stafford Lodge,Kilinactlmmas. [ulS.tf]


T O B E S O L D ,riMlE INTERES T in a loog LEASEof a beautifull yI tituuted HOUSK aud FARJI of Mo fitatuto

Acres of excellent. Arable and Pasture Lnnd, all inGrusi", except, 11 Acres (Irish). Tho Houso stuuds onthe King's l'.iver , on excellent Trout Btrunni , aud itruplcto with every accommodation for a Gentleman'sfamily, including first-rato Stubling and out-Offices ,one mile from Church and Pout Oflice.tn a good neigh-borhood, in the midst of tho Kilkenny Hunting coun-try, und within reach of tho Tipperary und Currag h-more Hounds; llirco miles from tho markot town ofCulla.ii, and six from each of thn Railway Stations otKilkeuny, Thomastown , aud Ballyhalo. For particu-lars apply to

THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers,myl Tho Mall , Waterford.

LIEB1G COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF ilEA'l .None geuuiuu without tho Invento r'* facsimile

in •blue being on tbu Trade-murk, fabnt and outercover. Puro condensed Essence of Beef Ten, excel-lent economic flavoring stock for soups, sauces, undmade dished. " Food fdr tho nerves." (Liebig). jy-1

AGENTS f o r 110BS8D T !». REAPING and MOWING. . , MACHINES, . , ' . • :

Manufacturers find Ijnporters of all Muds ofFarming Implements and Machines.

CO M M I N S -A N D C 0 M P A N Y .66, QUAY, WAXEHF0&V. Cl6-6m




¦ . _ •:'• •• • ^ A .::

I tender you my most heartfelt'thanks fortho high honor you havo dono mo, in placingme in the proud position of your Representative,*nd I hope to prove myself not unworthy of theconfidence you have reposed in me, by my de-votion to yonr Irishes and Interests.

I am , Gentlemen,Yours most faithfully,

H. W. VILLIERS STUAHT.Charing Cross Hotel, Londsn , July 4, 1873. .

To the Burgesses of the TOWER WARD

/" BNTLEMEN—I regret to annonnco that your\X valued and muoh esteemed Alderman, RICHARDCOOKE, has decided on resigning his seat in yourCoanoll, and while deoply regretting the loss of hiscalm judgmont and experience which every Citizenmust feel, I would follow tbo usual precedent andoffer myself a Candidate for tho Aldormanabip bo.coming vacant daring my yoar of Mayoralty.

It is but lately you honoured me with the expres-sion of your confidence by re-olectiug mo with a largemajority. If you feel I have fulfilled tho trust re-posed in me then, and since endorsed by tho fnrtherhonours conferred by my Fellow Citixcns , 1 wouldventure to ask you to place me again in tbo samoproud position, aisnring you my best efforts ahall bodirected to furthering the interests of your Wardand City.

Should tho prossuro of Munici pal and Professionalduties prevont my having tho pluiwura of- callingpersonally on yon, I trust you will accept this asapology, from

Your obedient Servant ,St. GEORGE FREEMAN.

8, Uercsford Strcot, Juno 18th , 1873.



This Establishment having undergone a thoroughremodelling, will now bo found replete with everyarticle connected with the practico of Medioino. Itwill be tho objeot of the Proprietors, by Bcrupulouacaro in the selection and preparatiou of all theirarticles, to maiutain a character for tho supply ofMedicines, in tho purity and efficacy of which perfectreliance may bo placed, our constant aim being in allcases to supply the finest possible quality of Medicinesat strictly moderate charges.

THE COMPOVNUI .NG DEPARTMENT for Physicians andSurgcoDs' Prescriptions will obtain our personal careand attention ; it will bo a principle in this Establish-ment, in order to cnsnro accuracy, never to committhis important trust into tbo hands nf inexperiencedor incompetent persons. As thu Lllicacy of a pre-scription so entirely depends on tho purity of tho in-gredients employed, our Drugs and Chemicals, &2.,will be procured only frum Houses of known reputa-tion. For the convenience of families reniding inTrnmoro and Dunmoro, we shall bavo our Medicinesdelivored free of charge. Application of Leeches, andevery office within tho'provinco of an Apothecaryskilfully and promptly attended to.

THE RETAIL UtTARTiiEXT is supplied with crciyDrug, Chemical and Mcdicinul preparation in goneraluse ; also, with Lavement Instruments. StomachPumps and Breast Pumps, Feeding Bottles, <tc, ontho newest and most approved principles; TrusscB,Elastic Stockings, &c.

A»L PATENT M EDICINES of reputo ; Purfnmes andToilet Requisites by various Makers. Orders by postpromptly attended to.




OUR CASHMERE COTTON SHIRTS will be foundan agreeable subatitue for Flannel during tbo

Warm Season. Patterns, Prices, aud Inntructiousfor MeasurcmDt free on application.

P. TOBIN & SONS,Taiiors, Shirt Cutters, Hosiers, Glovers, and HattersUS" CRICKET COSTUMES. India and Colonial Outfits

NOTICE TO BUILDERSTENDERS will bo received OB or beforo the 14th

of JULY, for BUILDING ADDITIONS andMAKING ALTERATIONS iu and REPAIRS toFAITIILEGG HOUSE, WATERFORD, tho seat ofP. POMEH , Esq., according to Plans and Specificationto be seen at Mr. ROSERTS' Office, Beresford-street.

Tho lowest or any other Tender will not necessarilybe accepted. 'Tendcrd to be addressed to P. POWER,Esq., Woodlands, Waterford. It

UNPARALLELED SPECULATIONS.WITH a trifling Stake of 15s. you can realize

JtO.OOO ! With ill , £20,000 ! ! With £8,£37,000 ! ! !

For Prospcctnses apply, without delay, to EUGENETILI.OT, Gcueral Merchant, Guernsey. je27.6t*

N O T I C EMICHAEL POWER will . bo Discharging, ex

Ste»mor Liffcy, opposite his COAL STORE ,SS, COAL QUAY , on SATURDAY and MONDAY" Next,a CARGO of tbo Best Large CARDIFF HOUSECOALS, ut 28s. per Ton. It


Workhouso will not take placo till FRIDAY,tho 11th Inst. lly Ordor.

Jul y 2od, 1873. j y l.U

J IR . C A R D E N ,




IBKLAND RAILWAY COMPANY (for tl'o purpose ofREPLACING the INSTALMENTS nf tho GOVERN.MENT LOAN aud BONDS falling duo) aro prepared,until further Notice, to Accept LOANS ON MORT-GAGE BONDS at 4J per Cent., payable upou OneYear's notice, or for such terra of i' »r« as may bofi xed ; and for tbo Debenture Stock, bnviDg equalpriority with tho Mort gago Bonds, bearing, Interest at41 per Cent, iu perpotuity.

They will also accept LOANS en DEPOSIT,1

bearing lutorest ut 4} PKft CENT, payable on OiioYear's notico ; at i per Cent, payable on .Six Months'Notice j ut 3i per Cent., payable on Three Months 'notico j and at 3 per Ceut., pnyuble on ono month'snotice.

For tho year ending :.'f,tb Mnrch , Ih73-', the TrafficReceil>tH were JL'3'l,7b;) jg. lld.- iho Working uudother Expunges being j;l'J,571 In. 8dv—leaving abalance of £15,212 Is. 3d., being double tho Amountrequired for thu luteroKt t.u LOHUB, after the paymentof which there ix, therefore, u considerable burplusfor Dividends to Shareholders.

They will , every Half-year , send to each Creditor aStalemeut showing tho full particulars iwl Amountof tho severul Loans due by tho Compauy.

Applications to bo addressed to the undersiirned, atthe Company's Ollices, Wutorford Terminus.

(By Order),WILLIAM AVILLIAMS, Secretary.

Wuterford May 20th, 1873. mbl-Uf


TO C O N T R A C T O R S .NOTICE is Hereby Given , that tho Grand Jury

assembled at Summer Assizes, 1873,will recoiveTeudurr, und outer into Contracts for tbo Executionof the following Works :—

No. 13, Guultier—To keop in repair , for threo years,210 perches of tho road from Duumoro to Ballymacaw ,bottveen tlio Hotel , Dunmore, aod tho public roadfrom Dunmoro to Ballymucuw—not to exceed 2s. perperch per nunum—£21.

14, Oanltior—To keop in repair, for seven years,052 perches of tho rood from Waterford to Duumoro,betweon the cross at Leperstown uud tho eommonce-meat ot tho p ier at Donmore—not to exceed 2a. Gd.per ptrch per nmium^-i!Hl 10J.

15, (Juullier—To koep in repair, for Boveu yours,707 pwrclieir of tho road from Pasaogo to Dunmoro,between the Fairy Dash and tho police barrack , Dun-more, including tho branch at Nymph Hall , leadingto tho IJuuinoru and Watorford road—not to exceedIs. per perch per annum.—-£35 7s.

lb", Gaultior—To keop in repair, for sevcu year*200 perches of tho road f rom Wnterford to Woods-towu, between Sir Robort Paul's gute, Ballyg lao , andMrp. Blacker's house—not to exceed JM. per perchper aniium—£7 10s.

2, Coshmore aud Coshbrido—To keep in repair, forfivo years, S 'J7 perches of tho road from Listnoro ICTallow, between Owbeg Bridge and the .Cross of Cur-rabeen.—nut to exceed ed, per perch per anunm—£11 11s. 7d.

¦I , Coahmore, do.—To keop in repair, fur fivo years,1,427 perabes of the road from LUmoro to Clogbeen ,botweou tho loto Dr. Quiulan's house, Ballyiafter, andWilliam O'DcnnelL's hoiwo, Rosnabarna—not to ex.oeod 7d. per porch per aunura—£41 12s. 5d. .

5, Coshmorc, &o.—To keep in repair, for five years,1,821 perches of tho road from Cappoquin to Clogheanbetweui Boola bridge and the police barrack, Knock'

mealdowu—not to exceed 8d. per porch per annum£G0 16a.

G, Coshmore, 4c.—Ta keep in repair, for five years,224 percbeB of the road from Lismore to Cappoqnin,between Jeremiah Byiua'a house at Cooldelane andJohn Byrne's cross at Ball jgslsne Upppr—not to ex-ceed 6d. per peroh por annum—£5 12s. '

7, Cosh more, 4o.—To keep in repair, for 18 months,898 perches of the road from Tallow to Ballyduff, be-tween tbe Tallow road at Ahaunboy and the cross atGle'ncairn—sot to exceed lOd. per porch per annum—£16 lls. 8d.

18, Decies Within Drum—To keop in repair, forseven years, 1160perches of (he road from Duogarranto Helvick, between Robert's Cross at Gurtnadibyand Lord Stuart's pier at Helvick—not to exceed 7d.per perch per anunm—£33 16s. 8d.

2, Kilcnlliheen—To koop in repair for sevon yoare,84 perches of tbe road from Waterford to Carrick ,botwctiD tbo Bridgo and tbe old Railway Station—not to exceed 20s. por perch pei anunm.—£8t.

Specifications for the above Work s ran be eeon atmy Office, where also Forms af Tender can bo ob-tained. Tenders will bo received by mo up to Threeo'Clock p.m., on Thursday, tbo 10th July next.

P. NETTERVILLE BARROM, Sco. to Grand JuryCounty Secretary's Office , Court-honsc,

Watorford, Jane, 25th, 1S73.

CLAIMANTS FOR COMPENSATION FOR MA-LICIOUS INJURIES , and their Witnesses , must at-tend boforo tho Grand Jury, at Three o'Clock, onFriduy, 11th Jul y next.

SBtatcrtort* i&nftct;*.Waterford , Jul y i, 1873.

Some finn rain through the week. Scarcclj auything doingIn N'ativo Uraiu.

FOREIGN'—A (rood mlo at pricos of Iwt neck.INDIAN " COnS—A Urgo consumptive demand. Prices

rather in fftvor of sellers.FLOUR—No change. Slow nale.



WHEAT, per barrel of 28011M. ». d. >. d. B. d. ». 0— Wbit« - - - - M 0 toM 000 0 to IX) 0— IUA ¦ - - - W O 31 000 0 00 0— Shipping do - - 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0

BARLEY, per barrel of 22!lb».— lirimlinK ¦ ¦ - H O 13 000 0 00 0— Malting - - - 18 II 11) 0 0 1 0 00 0

OATS, per barrel of lWlhs.— Black - - - - 13 9 14 000 0 00 0— White - - - 0 0 0 iiO OOO O 0 0 0— Grey - - - 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 0 0

FLOUIl, poreack , of 2801bs.— SupcrtiOM - - • O 0 50 000 0 IV) 0— rn/criors - - - M O <-> 0 00 0 00 0

OATMEAL, per Sack - 00 0 3* 000 0 01 0BKAN , perCwt. - ¦ | t 0 O 0 0 0 00 0

FORKIOX. _ T r r '-_WHJi4T, per barrel of SSOllu. " " .«.' rt


3. "d— Amcriciiu, Sjiriug and Winter - - 0 1 0 to nt 0— Jl.-irinnuj.li, 0i) 0 M 0— Himlianski 00 0 00 0— Ohirkn, Tas-.inrov, and QActi* ¦ • 3i 0 :« 0— lbrail - " 00 0 Oil 0

INDIAN" C'OnX, Yellow, Odessa anil (ialati -10 6 16 9— — Ibmil and Foxouiau - - - 00 0 16 6— — American, - - - - 00 0 17 0— — French and American Wliito . 00 0 00 0— — Ecyiitian • - • - Ol) n 00 0— — Damaged - - - -12 0 15 0

FLOUR, American, per barrel of lOClbs. - - 00 0 00 0— French, per snek, of aiOlhs. - - - 00 0 00 0

INDIAN' JIEAL, American, per sack of SSWIw. W 0 IP 0C Home Manufuctnrc, per ) '.<. n 1O A~ - i sack, of 2801b*. j .19 ° I9 °

Import j If Exports for Week end ing Thur. *laij.IMPORTS. ! EXPORTS.

Wheat - 650 Quarters. Wheat • BarrelsIndiao Corn do. pats - - 100 do.Oata • • —• do. |Barlej - do.Barlcj- • Sacks. { Iudinu C'oni do.ru.. i W *i. ;Floar - - 50 do.Hour | Barrels. .OntmciJ - 8 Sacks.Meal Sacks. !lnduin meal do.

WATEUFORD BUTTER MARKETNumber ofFirkim neig hed at the P uMie Buttrr Mari tt

fo r Week ending Frvtay (thit rfi.W, and Prices.Saturday, — 620 — lit*. Oil. to 118s. 0.1Monday, — 78 — 114s. Od. 118.-1. 0d'Tuendaj, — I — 114i. Od. Hit . (IdWednesday — :!78 — ll;)s. Od. 117<. OilThursday, — -tiD — Ilia. id. 113a. t»lFriday, — U — UOOs. Od. 000s. 0.1

} io. ot rirkiuft corraspondiu^; week l.-t-it jear — 1635.Price por cwt. — 110*. 0d. to 115H Od.

(Corrected this day Jor The It'ofer/orcl News.)PROVISIONS.

Bicox Plos, pcr rwt. — — CO.:. 0,1. to 61a. 0,1.Omi do. — — «"». IM. Oif . Od.FKKI do. — — Kt . M . l:U. 0,1.Hull's dn. — — IJy . Oil. l l .<. Oil .TALLOW do. — — Uh. Ol. 47*. fid ,I/iRD (chandlers'; — — :'. 'U. od. :Ws. 0,1,

BUTCfllilW MEAT.BxKr, per ))>., 0* 9d to lid I Lisin, per qr. 8s Od to 9i Od

Do. etcak , Is to Is 2d I VEIL, per lb. 10.1 to IsMUTTOK , per lb M to lOd | FORK , per lb. «1 to Sd

POTATOES.Average price, (new) 2d. per lb. | (old) 12d . to OOd. pcr«ton«

BREAD.WU ITE, per tlb — Od. to Bd | HOO SIIL U, per 41b 81 to Od

WHISKEY.DUBLIN, per pallon, 19s. Od. I OLD Conn, gallon, 18s. OdCORK , puncheon, IDs. Od. |

F I S H .N'FMDLK n, prc\ rt, 20s. to 21s. I PKII . — O H Oil . to Oa Rl]{EliltlN(;s, per hr|, SWH . to 21 *. SOLK , — Is 1*1. to l.< I'.l3»LaoN , perlb. 0s 8d to Is Od. I TCHBOT, — 1.4 Oil. to la 2d

FOWL AND Klili.S.FOWL, jicr pair, 2j 0d to *>. Od I KIIUH , per IJn, 6J 10d to 0.< 0,1C. TKBKCIS , 0i to On per pair | DUCKS , :li to 3j. tid a eouplt

SOAP AND CANDLES.WHITE, per cwt. 24*. to dm. Oil I MOULU , per lb. — 0*. 7d,BROWK , do. Ms. to 30a. Od | DllT, do. — Us. 0|d.

WOOL ASD HIDES.H OCIOET WOOL, 1». W to Is. lOd H I V K S , :!¦'«. to 40s. 0<l per ewtW ETHEH A E WK .I H 7d to ls. «d Kiw , :id. to 4d. per Hi.SKIK WOOL, la :id to Is. 3d CA L F , 4SJ . to 4f>< . ]H:r doz.

T I M I ) E 11.MKMF.L, per ton, 75s Oil fiOs Od I STAVES , per 1000, JCUJO.YELLOW PISK, do 85= Oil to S7s I LArus,i*r do 12s, \3e, Us Oil

C O A L S .COAL8, per ton, 'JSs. Oil to 30s Od. | COKE, per ton, 2H.< . 4,1 to 20s

FODDKK AND OIIKEN CHOPS.HAT, lier ton, old, 60a to 70a. MAN<lOLUs ,pcr ton, Oila to Oiki

Do. N«w 40» to 45s. Tuimrx, ]icr ton, rms to KiiSTRAW , wheaten, 50s to 55s- CuiEOTs, |ier ton, 003 to UOs

Do. oaten, 40a to M*. |

Btvths, itturrirt ficfi, x Scattis.Announttmtntt vJB irlhl, ilvriaseM i D calhi , Is. each—pre-j.aic

B I It T 11 S .June 2r,th, at Shiinnoii Terrace, I.iuirrkk , tho wife of Farmer

Parker, K*IJ ., solicitor, Tallow, county Wau-rfurd, of a sou.At ltallybeajjh , the wife of Willliam JauieH Kavaiiat'li, E.^q.,

of a son.Juuo 28tli , at Putrick-street, KilkcnuT , tlio wife of Luean

Biug ham, Esq., County Ijisju^'tor, Rural IrUh Constabulary,of a ttou.

June :w, at her resideuce , l):illybrick( .u, tho wife of Mr.Darid Power, cl a daughter.

On tbu a)th tilt , tliu wife of ilr. Churlr.i CamithcM, T.C.,Clonmcl , of a daiigliter.

il A R R I A (i K S .July 1 , at the Roman Catholic Church, Rathmincs, Dublin ,

by tbo Very RCT. Dr. Mcivghcr, D.U., V .U., assisted by thoHI T . Fathers O'Uormun aud D. Hall , C.C.. George K. Power ,(it Eastland*, Tramore, couuty ^Hterfonl , Eftii., to NellieDwycr, of 43 Leeson-park , Duhliu, secoud daughter nf the LiteThomu Dwyer, Fjq., Mount Bruia, couuty Tipperarr.

M»y 16th, at Bt. John's Catholic Church, Clyde, New York,Jeun Edwin Warburtou , Liouteuant Kilkenny Fusiliers, eldest.son of Major Warburton. Hirer View House, Kilkenny, toMury, only daughter of tho lato Michael Langton, Esq., LnTis-tou-ii , iu tnnt couuty. .

Ou the ¦JOth ult., ut St. Canice's Chnreli, Kilkenny, EdwnnlDwyer , )*>r|., (traigue, to Johauna , daughter o! the UUiTimothy Carroll , Ksq., I.xcken, couuty Kilkenny.

Juue "il , at«. Tliouins' Church, lkillmaipton, llitDtn, WilliamKaye Ediiuu, Lieut. luOth llcift., eldest sou of Julin W. l>l,k-u,Esq., liarribter, Cork, to Ada , SL-coud daughter ot Vico-AdmimlC. O. HayoA , |of Brocklands, Havant.

Juno 2<i, at St. Kevi n's, Harrington-street , Dublin, M.FioigHu, to Louisa Matrdalen, youngest daughter of the luU>James Dutley, Esq., of Dublin.

June 3U, at tit. l'etcr'i t'liurcb, Eaton-sriiure, London, by tbuAcchbislinp of Canterbury, nnd the Right Hon. aud Her. LurdO'Neill , father of tho bridegroom, the Hon. Edward O'Neill ,M.P., eldest son of Lord O'Neill , to the Lai'.y LouUa KatharineEmma Cochraue, eldest daughter of the Eprl of Dundonald.

D K A T II 8 .•7" We feel happy, indeod, in being ablo to contradict the

prcvaleut report huit week, and wbicb, wo regret, found circu-lation in our coluuiuy, of foe death of Mrs. M. Walsh, DunmoreEast Hotel ; and we an* grat'tled to add tliat she is uow iu theeujoyment of excellent health, her nines* being of u rery slightcldiracter.

On Monday erening, suddenly, at his residenoe in Limerick,iu tho primo of life, to the iuezprcMiblu grief of his bereavedfamily and many friends , Dnnii'l Doyle, Esq., n solicitor inextensive practice, u member of the Town Council, and & usefulcitiieu.—H.I.P.

Junu 28, aftor a short illness, William Doolin, Esq., aged 55,builder, Great llruuswick-atrcet, Dublin.

J uno 21, in thu 23rd year of her age, Mary Franco, thisbrloTed wife of Mr. Patrick Stafford , Clonsilbi House, Gorey.

Juue G, at Sau Franciico, EUcu l)olan, wlfo of TimuthyDolan, a uatirc of Druueolobcr, eonnty Limerick, Ireland, intho GOth year of her a-f o .

JubcSt , Mi*. Peter Diir.ind, ganlcitiT, for upwanls of 40yearn tho fuithful KOII uiiK-U-vulu .-ii wrTuutof the late JosephD. Lapham, KM)., of Newtoivii Ludcr, Water/ord.

July 1, at New Fort, oouuty tteiford, Marianne, wife ofEdward Turner, E*q., used 4« years.

iJott i«U)S—JhuJfiagcA It It I V K 0 .

28lh—Vnltnre, s, Davis , Milfnrd , g e ; fliiisy, s, Bums, Lltir-pool, g c ; Einil Devrieut , isehwiibf, DauUie, timber ; Froduus,EllingHiu , liultimore. mnizc

ajtli—South uf Irelaud, a, Pearn, MiUord,« c ; Dublio, •,Tobiu, Newport, cor.ls.

lst-Towurd, », Glnsfuw , g e j Zi phyr, s, O'Donnell , Lirer-pool, gc; Hnlakoir, t, Peani, uilford, gc; Alccdo, Veiie,Cardiff, coals.

2lld—Stella , Whitehand , Ayr, Rom, coals ; Glide, Commlut ,Cardiff , ooahi ; Margaret, Walsh, Cardiff, coals j Eollpse, Ellin.Newport, coals ; Uiilutu, n, Robertson, lihugow, g c; Whil-holmina, Carly, Cardiff , coahi j Cornhill, Murray, Newport ,coals ; Vnllurc, « , Davl», Milfonl , p o ; Welcome, Hurt , New-port, Rons, coals j Cambria, Jones, Cardiff, Ross, coals ;Clodagh, Forrest, Neath, ooals ; Malcolm , Dunn, Neath, oouU ;Huldagb, HurpiT, Cardill , coals ; Mury Jane, Cbaruler, New-uort, coaU ; .luverua , », D*vi», Ilrutul, (c ; Owniii Maid,:>ouoghlic, IJnnelly, aaU ; .Mi-wiiycr, JiH-i.-eet, l."nrJin", «>ali. ;

Priseillu, Joui>, Icptali n l.i, l,iii-k ; Koiuelle Marie, (iiii'jv i:u-,Delaplaliec, Dcomarl;, :i:iil ; l'l-anceF, James, Ch^stiir, % c ;Thomas A Mary, Howe , Liv.-ri'-jul , Ci.rk , eouls ; Iris, Authuliy ,CanliA*, COHI.*.

3rd—Aldebarn, Keilv , l.idnty, co:il« j Vinilant, Swansea,DaTis, coals ; Cleveland, Dwytr, CurUitf, cooU ; New Dove,Roberti, Gloucester; salt j John iluuroo, M'Carthy, Yonghal ,1'roou, coahl ; Thomas Youni', Bie, Troon, Tralee, coahi; Syl-ranur, Etans, C.irtlff , ooals.

S A I L E D .28th—Harinouy, Noruort, White, pilwood ; Bao Koris, i,

arditf, Smith, biUbut.

~ SMh—Anto, Axcoaagal, Himborg, bsJlait j Orlando. Caldlfl,

<^ lJS '.y.i

;Oork; BpUUn»; ooalsi ; BwaUoir. Bnrt.,

Pow«r, ccmU i Banger, fljonoater. Lambert, grain; Bine BeU,Ber.h»Ton, Knlifht, ult ; Terpdchord, Cardiff,.GrMnwood,ballast; Mary K»te. 01«e, Bloen, oosbj; Haoonta, Cork, Steel,ooala; Eliiiboth,Duddln. Jones^ pitwooa i Plymonth


port, Orren, ballast¦ yK Needful, Cardiff, Thocuu, pltwoodiJTamratown, MewporVFlwlin, pitwood ; L»n», i, Lirerpool,

°°111 Minnie Campbell, MIsirnecnl, Mandal, ballatt ; Gip«T,>, Bristol, Burns, g o ; John Strand, Neath, Jones, pitwood ;Booth of Inland, s, Miiford, Pearn, g o; Toward, », Glasgow,g c j Dnblizu i. Newport, To bin, g o; Annie Ainille, t, Barrow,

2nd—iiepb.Tr, «, LiTcrpool, O'Donnoll, g c ; Malakeff, s, Mil-ford, Pearn, g o.

3rd—Vulture, (, MiUord, g c.

LOCAL RAILWAY TRAFFIC,For the Week ending Friday, Jnne 27, 1873.

¦"¦~ Watcrford Limcrick'Lmerick WaterfdlKilkonuyand and I and ¦ and Kil- Junction

Limerick, Foyncs Ennis kennr (31 Railway(90 miles 26H miles 24} miles miles 28} milesopen). open. open. ! open. | open.

£ s. d. £ s. d.!* ». d.£ 8. d.J£ «. d.Pfmscotrers, i • ' i

Pareefs, ic. 97* 18 2 146 W 10 2« 6 7 236 16 6 !>7 2 0Ooods, Cattle 1400 3 7; 109 15 0 1W 2 10 330 13 1| !» 1 11

Total .J21S5 1 10'358 0 7:386 0 5557 9 7J187 3 II

wecklaty"' .!! 1 3274 12 C 263 IG 05tQ 12 8 169 10 0

%\xz SBaterforb ^etos."BE JUST, AND ?EAU KOT."



Cholera is again travelling irom East .indWest townrds UR . Several cities in the UnitedStates art nt present afflicted with that dire dis-ease, and its strides on the Continent of Europearo plainly visible. To those who would keepWaterford on. its present inadequate and dirtysupply of water—well known to be the most prodisposing of causes to all epidemics—we wouldcommend the following, which we find in theFreeman's Journal of yesterday :—

" Without the slightest wish to piny tlio part of analarmist, ic would bo absurd to (lony that thualleged -prescoco of tlio cholera at Vienna, ia aTory Borious fact. l'eople from ovcry part, ofEuropo aro thronging itito Vionna, and thetuvfu! cholera plaguo, if it has really appoarcdthero, could noi havo presented itBolf in ?. focus butterfitted for its distribution fur and wide. Should thisdrcadud dificaso, which for years has been hoveringou German frontier , contiuuo to advauco westward ,tho sanitary authorities of every city ought atouco bo up and ia nrms to rosisc tho invader. I nsuch resistance Dublin hue ouo enormous advnntAge.Medical science has uow clearly demonstrated thattho yrcat handmaid and clinntiel of transmission (orcholera is impure wator. Dublin, with her abundantsupply of \\J \UZ of chemical purity , ia freo from thisgreat dangor. Her sauitary authorities oughtgrapplo with tho other allies of disease, to wit—over-crowding, unwholesome- abodes, dirt , bad sowago.unventilulcd laucs, aud ,filth-saturated basement!!.To tho people themselves it rcumiiu to avoid thegreat source, of tbisdiseaso, as of all the othor ills , towhich flesh is heir—uncloanliness."

The Tory party in Ireland have always beendevising means lor the extirpation of what theycall " the surplus population" of Ireland. V,'cneed not wonder then that Mr. J OSEPH FISHER ,if he wonW be n. consistent adherent, of Jiis party,should be a strong advocate for a continuance ofdirty water for Waterford.


On yesterday the Hon. H. \Y. V. STUART , D.L ,was elected JL L\ far the County of Waterford>in room of Count »E 1.1 Poiilt , without opposi-tion. It was , as we antici pated , a peaceful vic-tory, without the slightest noine or confusion ,dillcrinpc very much from tlio oxcitod and costlyproceedings which, nearly half a cuntury .since,carried his honored father to the renownedvictory of'20, when an election lasted a fortnightor more. The Hon. Mr. HTUA UT. in his progressthrough this county on "Wednesday, <•« route forWaterford, was received with a perfect ovation ,and a lar"e crowd awaited his arrival ;it theImperial Hotel , in this city, samo evening. Onyesterday, tlio hon. gentleman received :i depu-on behalf of the Home Rule Association , and inexplanation of the passago in his address relat-ing to Self-Govcrnmout, which wo have alreadydeclared ought to be fully satisfactory to themost ardeni Home Ruler, he explained that hedid not see tho difference between the words"Home Rule " and " .Self Government." Hethought his friends should, not be too exactabout words , or drive him into a corner. Hemeant by iielf-Governmeiit , Irish members olParliament assembled in Dublin, to legislate onIrish domestic affairs , but retaining the right tovote upon Irish interests. Wo are sure thecounty is satisfied with the hon. gentleman's de-claration of principle. Tho newly-elected mem-ber, accompanied by the senior, Major. KS.MO .VIII :,M.I1., left, town on yesterday fur England , andhaving taken his seat in the House of Commonswill record his first vutc against the mischievousproposition of Mr. BOLVKHIE OU the Callan canemid tho National Education Commissioner.-,-.

MK. D'AUCY. M.IWe direct attention to the very fair and candid

letter of Mr. P'Arcy, M.I1., to his constituentsi;i Wexlord. Wo think it is n document to whichno reasonable man could object. The hon. mem-ber is, like his late father, an advocate for a do-mestic Parliament, to transact ]rish business onIrish soil.

i'HE WATER WE DRINKProfessor Cameron, in his report to tins Wu-

torford -Corporation, speaks thus of the waterwe drink , snmples of which he analysed :— "All" the waters arc too hard for domestic purposes;" the best of the waters is not fit for supp lying a" largu town—tho Vartry water , which supplies" Dublin, contains only 1 grains of solid mailer" Pcr gallon, whilst the water which you sent to" me (from Waterford) contains from :iij to ".0" grains per gallon. A large quantity of sewage" contaminates them" (tho Watorford waters).



GEXTLEIIKX—Having read an nnonymou3 publi-cation, dated 25th ult., professing to bo a "State-mont of Fact?," in rcferenco to this railway , I nakyou to suspend jour judgment upon tho charges con-tained iu it, until you havo tiorused this , my reply.I write n» the solicitor of tho Hill for tho promotionof tho railway, nnd I subscribo my nnnio that I mayhe rosnutisiblu for ilio statements that I make.be ruspnt.-siblu Tor Iho statements that I make, to crn.blu ymi to comprehend tho pi.Hitiou of the pro-Auonjinoin pubVutioss have been ever most justly • '*'£ 'railway—to know to whom vour interest* h»«hold as unworthy of notico ; shielded by the security £? iliiled , nnd to l»u tKuthfully Wormed how thatOf irre.ponMbthty, tbo writers of those productiuns - ,,„ J , , l,c,!n disclmrgcl.-I ;,.,. , gontlBmen, yonrrevel in mmtatements and malicious luiniiiiidi*, from V, fl, . i (»;.., eivaiit , F.i iy toxD Poir/».which they shriulc to avow themselves tho authors ; reriir •¦' i! i- , Jul y 1st , 1S7:|.but thero aro nt times auonyraoud manifejloui to I ".jywhich DSDiea may not bo uppended, yet to thocc^lie lvti«

• — ¦

writera of which public feoline is ofton directed by £°bl » fi>10Ii AN 'DEU SON'S KXTKItTAINMEKT -antccedouts and concurrent circumstances that sel- A r JC.ica.»?" * il"T"K «* *">'¦ WAT LK POKD NEW *.dom err. 'MJL'= I^:V' .'''"'"wr Andfr.on , with tii< talontol ,rt'ut«

Tbo production to which I n.fer contains iu Frin- M.La'r t heV, !. ' , \- "," f"11.erl »i "1"ici"- ( wi," 'PP« »n

cipal acensations within its firat three paragraphs, u nicwV. y in orj "»- nl," , ' «'™!«*"- A..Jrr,on dBeo. »_W?th thc.0 I will presently .un.m.ril yVf, Lt ^^oUc^ X ^^ 'Zt'Z^B.before I enter upon them , I may say that tho omho- 1'aV.W , wliosc n.-irao Hpf,«- S m |,,, b:l!- is not nor Im intlitnont of these accusations f.mouni8 to a chnrgo thuttho directors of tho railway hava betrayed you, nndthat you were induced to support an ombr/o schemewhich widely differs from that now about to ripeninto maturity. Xow, who aro tho directors whoaro thuii anonymously charged with this botraynl ?They ara the MarquU of Wuterford , tho lion. Mr.Stuart , Sir Ilicbnrd Musgrave, Sir John Keane,Messrs. F- K - Curroy, James Galwey, Patrick VI.Powor, Frederick Mulconison , 1!. 1'oivor, A. IJci:ny,II. White, and W. G. D. OofT, all, with tho exceptionof Lord Wutorfonl , members of either of the GrandJuries, nnd, as I submit, proper representatives ofyour interest?, and men whu?e position needs no ad-vocacy of mino to repel the charges of tho namelesswriter mho Ims libelled them. Now, as to tho nc-cn8ations cuntniucil in tho paragraphs referred to,ono and all I unhesitatingl y sti ^nmtiao as delibcrtitemisstaUment , unsustainod by a fiy llablo of any ro-anlution p»nised ut tho meetings in them referred to,or at anj other meetings, and from this statement Ishrink rot to append my name.

Thit production then asserts that tho Bill submittedt(l HI0. '1'01' "PI1™"1' never contemplated that fundawcru to bi> "ubscribod by shnrebo'dcrj. To this a.i-scrtiou I give the mmo emphatic dunial. It is with-out louodiitiou , nnd is a fabrication based either upotiiguomuco or da.iign. Tha Bill of which you appoveda« regards it* clauses referring to tho enpitnl to bestbucribod by sliareholdL'r.s hai nover beon ohingod.Xo risolulioii wns erc-r passed at any mootinar.or by.my Craud Jury , to .•lnuii , :.to thcu M-ctious from it.J ihurs M-ctioiw to give effect to somu view* hold

by Mr. D-.-lsilmcty, w«ro Habjeti m-utl y introducedinto it , iudouding to (five to tho dir^torR the col-luteml , jjowers of obtaining money upon tho securityof tho guarantee alone, without the is*uo of sharos ;but tho abandonment of share capital, in tho eventof the other form ofsoenrity not receiving tbe •auc-tion of Parliamont, was never contemplated, and you

will presently »eo tho prudeooe of having retainedthe shareholders' donees.

On the Uth of July, 1872, thi bill , then purelyand- simply a shareholder*' bill , was'approved of bytbo Grand Juries of tha the county Bad oity of Water,ford—it was approved ou the 31st of the same monthby the Corporation of tbe tbe city of Watcrford , at ameeting of that body, specially convened for the solopurpose of its consideration , and at this meeting Mr,Dolahunty, the chief promoter of the lato abortivepetition to affect its rejection in Parliament, gadleave your county without- a railway, was preaont.It was on tbe next day approved of by you in publicmeetings assembled, aud at one of thoso meotingsMr. Delahanty proposed a resolution. It was agaiiion tbo 8th of March, in the present year, finally ap.proved of by tho Grand Juries of tbe couuty and city,and hero I must request you to observe the carefulattention which was by both Grand Jnries theii givonto this bill.

It first came to ba cousidered by the Grand Jury ofthe city, from which body a committee was appointedto consider its provisions, and report upon it. Thateommittco consisted of Jlr. Abrahum Stephens, thuChairman of tho Wnterford and Limeick ltailwayCompany ; Mossrs. Slattory and Jacob , directors 0[that company, and MOSSM. lleury Gullwey, HenryWhit? and W. G. 1) . GofT. Mr. Jacob read aloudtho bill from, and including the preamble to its lastsoctioo, eaah of which was separately discussed andconsidered, and, with the excoption of two uuimpor.taut suggestions (one which was full y carried ontand tho other to a limited extent, Lord Hcdcsdalohaving decliued then to a fully adopt it), tho com-raittee unanimously roported in favour of tho bill ,and tho Grnnil Jury subsequently unanimously ap.proved of that report . The couuty Grand Jury alsoappointed n eommittco for tho like purpose, thiaCommittee comprising, tho Hon. Jl r. Kortescue, SirItobort Paul, Mr. I'owur.O'Slice, Mr. Uasbcr , Mr. I1

W. Power, and other mombord or tho Grand Juryuuauitnoiisly reported in favour of tho bill, atid theirreport was unanimously aflirmed by tho Gj ittid Jury.

Now, whence nroso tho op|>o*itiou which wns or-gfun>.C(l at tho eleventh hour to this projecc? A ile-siro to niiiko political capital fora coaling eriii-rgencyis sai'l , I know not how trul y, to have iufluenced thochief promoter of that opposition. Jlr. Delaliuntyconceived the idea thut the ctitiro money for theconsti'iictio:) of tlio railway cnuid bo obtained fromGovernment, nnd to meet his views, I introducedinto the bill the clausu to which I h;ivo btfuri) re-ferred, commonly called tho Treasury clause, but tboLords Commissioners ot her Majesty's Treasury in-sisted upon its withdrawal , aud expressed theirdetermination not to permit public mouoy to bomade the subject of private ij ill leg islation. Had tbopromoters of the bill therefore nslied Bulel y uponI'unds to bu raised throug h the mudiuui suggested byMr. Dslahuiity, iliu bill could not havo obtained thosanction of Parlinment , and :i cli'-ck for many yearswould havo been given to the pro^'re=.i of a work soloug and anxiot «lv desired.

It is true thai cine Itnilway Act , " l'unmanivay uSkibbcreon ," coi.tains a clau.-rO .Sf>inewh:it similar tcthat which I HO st.u^ht to itj ini ' liiue into this bill , butnotwithstanding its existence tho promoters of thatlino have .rail«l to extract one .shilling from theTreasury, or I'nmi any mlior source save tjy the issueof shareH , uud you will doubtless rtmumbcr thoridicule which tlio Chancellor o^ tho Kxcheiiuer, inhis speech in tlio dubato on tho purchase of lriililloilwny s by tho Stnti;, cast upon all attempts to aoinitiate the construction of railway* , and to bia re.m.irks on this .subject, Mr. Mulahunty, who spokeata later period of that debate , with an amusing incon-sistency, replied that "he would not liave touchedtho Government loans with a pitchfork."

When the petition to which I have referred waapresented to Lonl Itedosdalc , and the object of whichwus, to leave your county without a railway, gravecharges of a similar uaturo were contained in it.These chargfca woru supported by Mr. Oiilabunty, inperson , with hia u.sual >:harnctci 'i*l> .z rlo 'i 'ituce , a ijistfldby his ablo psirliuniuiiiury agrnts, and yet LordKcdesdnle fnilt.il to discern one particle of evidencetosusfnin them, ;iiid the petition was promptly re.jectcd. Upon tin's inquiry. Lord Kcdeadalo hadbefore him tho bills which wero approved of at thosummer assizes of IS72 , sit. your public meetings oftho 1st of August in tli.it yu ur, and fiually approvedof by the Grand Juries of the last Spring Assizes, allrespectivel y endorsed bv thu Foromon of those fonrrewpectivo fJraml Juriuf , <ni<! by tlio high shsrilfiwho presided at tlio public mooting:. Ho had alsothen before him tho resolutions adopted at tbo publicmeetings ami, with tin's ma-srf oCvrideuce , all of whichwas laid before him by nil: to repel the charges 60recklessly made by Mr. lJulahuuty, he unhesitatinglyrefused to permit tlio petitioners to proceed withtheir opposition , on tho grounds that their chargeswere uusustuinable , aud yet theso charges aro againas recklessly repeated , buti.ownul y by anauOujrao QSpublication. The proviso, of which so. much capitalis sought to lie inmlu by this manifesto, was penuedby my hamJ , and was .-ulmittcd iuto the bill withoutdiicussioi) , at bis Lot-iUM p 's sugyran'on, bnt on myconsent, and when Lord Kedesdalo was iuformed thatnil tho present ilirectois (with tho excoption of Lord\\ uterford), wero members of tho Grand Juries, heconsidered the proviso nf so little importance, that heat onco termed il. a '• fnticy claiiso."

Tho antici pation!! and deductions contained iu oneof tho last paragraphs are as delusive as they areimpracticable. The West Clare Railway, having hada guarantee of i I pur cent., failed to isauo its sharesto the public, nml sought in tho pre»eut Parliamentto get that guarantee raised from four to five peremit. , and the ratepayers of the couuty of '[ipperary,ami tho Grain] Jury of that couuty, having had thooptiou of giving a perpetua l I per cent , guarantee orft limited one of £3 per cent, in aid of the SouthernKail way, wi>cl y selecti .'.l tho latter, facts in tlicmjelresquite sullicien -. to ilispo.su i> r the doluaivo statementthat you could obtain money at less thaul por cont.and effect nn imaj;-i,ary saving of i'l 10,000.

Statements such as these inav bo good clap-trapassei-liuus for a transitory i.-lfcct upon the pnbhc, batthey aro so uuwortliy of coutiduuee thnl the uien wh3m iko them shriuk liom allixing th-.-ir namoi to suchabsurdities , anil ,l 0 su onl y under tho shu'Je ofanonymous writing.

'lho Kill which is now about t« becoruo an Act fortho funstruutioii of the Kailwav is, in substance andeOV-ct , the baine as that which "has been so often andso ful l y approved n!'. Sul one. syllable of it waaalteied , save by the ,|iiectiou either of LordJicriuKldlti or tin) Treasurv , against neither of whoahad the promotMis of the' JJI1I the power to contend.It is sought now , I liavu heard, 11. removo tbo pro-moters of that Ki l l men who have provided , not tbepaltry sum of .CGIH) , referred to i- i tbe anooymompiibliciitii in , but over .tii.i,uiTi ) to alliance that project—aud to rup lnco ilinm , ¦„• nc,m0 of them, by men whorefused to i-omo forward when liability "was to bolucurreiJ , but who rion- , that you aro to provide thefunds , nml that im risk is entailed , would ambitionto bu thuguariliaiis ur V(lur lrl[OreS[S.

I apprehend thut many of you , miiled by thostatements contained in tho ap'peal that has beenmado to you , may have aig-nnil tho ik-olaration whichaccompanied it .but signatures so deceptively obtainedarc phiinl y Talueles.i. A pruspectus will bo issuedimmeiliiitel y nftor tho Act is obtniued , and the sharesof tho Company given to you as ratepayers of thacounty and city, and uuti'l your desiro 'to possessthem is fully satisfied , tlio outsido pnblic cannotbecomo proprietors.

You have now before you , trul y and plainly, thaposition of this project, and tho history of iU pro-gress in parliament , nml U pon uoln at,ltomont* yoncan exercise your judgment ; but 1 do not send to yona counter declaratiou for your signatures, for thereasons abovo mentioned , and I merely addrera you

j I . 'J" "?•'"¦"' ls u"' Mr - C- a- ito Vii o f o U i

and bnd> huteiU.i, l,,e,, t i *¦„ i. . lfUt Ij iiiy in . dinerwldirection . In, buMtw,, |oill . lb ,u uf . MnMl cjt i l t,not a mfnic. 1'rofwor AiideJ*™ mote to «ll th« Cortu.w.p.pors « letter b«ure l, e co..yi.,cn«,-;', in tint citr,tb«us Urfw.l tear lit I,,.|a,,,l , in wljjcb I.. ktaUd th»t Mr.

Iriluiil engl<ca l* '"m "id «,ev,r before own io

fl i it I'luf.no.- Anileuoii » M not wn%ig in nf f o a i tUlent would b« «ppn.-.-i..t cd, i.rejDecti.' ulWm*, it fi«rtby lue ei'.loj ri- ti : notice „, Mr. i) a y .y, ¦juraMoiiurr'""'" »¦'¦"'' h.vo ,i|ipejr,.| d»y nflrr dny inNtbt G>*• ml ij;ireriL-k new li»|irr - , du, ; PC LU «'»>• in tlionXfiti*.aii'l llic u- ir ^t D]i|.Uujd »,i|, which Mr . DuVal't pwfet-mane is ii - jjhij y zr . , n a . -l ,m , fir, y..or, tralr, N

KUWAIID J. CU1EI,IMI ,Ad nt for Proli s-or Aodenoo. '


dres-dl the peoplo nt Lismore, on yesterday, and ';received an ovation such as has not been witnesied -';since ' 20. Xothiog can exceed tbo popular en- ¦;ttiuw'iism with which tbo Hon. Mr. Stuart is every-:£whori- received. . .;¦?¦

D L N U A K V A N , W EIIXESUIY .—A groat populardemon. 'iietration has just taken placo hero iu faror of Hera.-'f,Mr Stuart. Mr. Stuart addres»od the peoplo froO.gjthe window of the hotel , declaring himself tbo cham-JSpioii of popular opinion. Ho roceired tho grcawrf'i^ovation ever witnefsod in Dangarran. Fivo tboa«U>d;3|people wero prosent, ' •'- '-)!»

THK POTATO Cftoi'.—It i« said that we »h»ll . h«T«^a gru.u crop of potatoes thf« year. A. qora oai\be^iraportod to any amount,-there is nolhin({ »oei*»iitJal|to Irelaml as a good potato orop. ,•. .' i '-M i

The third rolomo of the life of Lord Ftimmtotj mlEappear iu the autumn.:. . ; . •.", ;J,1

V"'MraMr. Thointon Hnnt, editor, of the- Daily TAegWm

dieaafo wd.yf «* f;"" ~%WL%

Page 3: *' RICH A1S[D FASHIONABLE: GOODS - snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1873/WNS-1873-07... · FBOM WATH'.ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. OP.M

THE COni'ORATlON—TUESDAY.The Right Worshipful tbo M AYOB in tho cbnir.

Also present:—Aldermen Jacob, CommiDS, lied.nionil , Keid , Captain Johuson , 1!. Power. Couir.'illore—Mhfuu, Slattery, Keily, Purcoll , White , J.T. l'.ynn,O'Me;ira, Fishor, M'Encry, T. 1'holau , H. Loe, Mnn.ninjj, 1*. Commins, GiUlwey, 'Kcily, K(>lly, Cox, Gruvo.«.

LtTTtE 7R0M Till! E.XU 1NKKR.A letter was re:«l from Mr. Ilawkesley, engineer of

tLu works, stating that it would bo impossible togiro a corruct ostimatoof the expense of tho projectwithout nukiug norao preliminary works in couuec-tion with the reservoirs, Ac. Aa far as ho could aa-ccruiin , at the presout prico of metal, tho wbolo un-dertakiug could be done for £15 ,000 ; but it would notbo necessary to buy tho pipes for a good whilo tocome, when it was nlinos i ccrtaiu they would beroach cheaper, which would icduco tbo expenditure.

RKI' OKT or WATKK WORKS COMMITTEE.iir. 11. K.S LATTKKY , in moving tho adoption of report

of Wairr Wotks' Committee, showod that in order thatoEtinimes of tho proposed works could bo properlymade, it was ucossory to tuku up tho laud lor thogreat reservoir at Knoekadcrry, and do other essen-tial works. IU1 also state:! ilcat Government bn,TOconsented to giro tlio nionoy for tho works at 5 percout., to hi paid back" in ')."> years, and after a shorttime, the ccrporatiou could ask for tho money atsmaller interest , which government never rcfuaoa.He olisrrTi'il that the rate would ho 3d in tho pound,the half of which HOU UI bo iiaid by tbo laudlord, thoother half , l*d. by iho tenant. Hu mored :

Ur.SiH.vKtt "That iuasmiu-li u* till; .win-uses incurred for thoWater Act to enable tlm dtiii ns In have a rwd BUII-II? of water-amount* at -irr -eiit to nlKiut 1"J,VH>, which i> ini-H'ratircrj* re-iinin>l li> 1* 1'.<>J . :»«l as tliii utlii'r ui«s-ar.r wor 1:* to bi! un-dertaken will riH|Uiro un iiili lition .-il I'iju-nditun1, TVU rocomnifotltb.it H mti * iimicr thi > Act UP Klnirk , an ns to ctiablo tbo ne-res-ao' loan* to bo raixil to dot raj tlmt mipoiKj iluro j und we f ur-thvr n-O'iuiui-r.il that us the land cannot lie ncc'uirud , rind work-ing j ilatid and «tiiu:ite* bo fumi?lied withou t fnods tocxecuto thoprejoruturj* works luwssarv for tho j rviicrntitm of Buch plans,the resolution of tlu» Ciiuiiril su**H>mliug tha aotiou o! this {com-mitt<v.p:ui. il on the :lr.l of April 1->7J. lici re«ciudcd. Wo fartherroromliirnd that Mr. ltnbi'rt Whitu lie iiaid £19 I 'M. 8d., the¦mount duo to him for tbc Tul i-atiim-of th» laud.

AM. H. 1'O W K U hoped thoy wero not going toadopt that rosolutiou to-day. Mr. SLATTERY said ifany otic objected ho would call a special mootingof tho council for tho purpose. Capt. J OHNSONbelieved it was necessary to get funds in hands topity tome expenses whioh had been gono to, and alsoto pay back to thu boroug h treasurer monies whichhe l.ail advanced (heni- , hear) . Mr. FISHEII stronglyoujrcti'il to llic resolution bciug passed, on thegroundol want of l.oliie being given to all tho members ofiht; council , as well as other technical objections.

Aid. C'O M M I .\ S uiid Mr. .1. ']'. K VAX urged that it bopn^cd. whil st Mr. (iu. -.- '- .v said it would bo betterpostpone it f ur » ffiv day?, though he know thowater qni'Sliou was one uf pressing itnportanco(hoar , liiar).

Aid. J M on said the Watvrford and Liinorick rail-vrav borrowed moiley fruni Government at 3 percolt., but afterwards got it , with very littlo difficulty,reduced to 3i (hear, henr " . Ho regretted that thothreat of law proceedings had degraded tho corpor-ation , ami pit them to much inconvenience (bear) .

Aid. K K H M O N H said tho threat of law was mostfoolisli. :ii. *l calculated to injure, very much, thoworknif ti connected with the corporation , an well ascontractors, and others, who wanted their money(hea r, hear).

Thu resolution was ultimately postponed to aspecial meeting, to be called by the Mayor.AIT' .U. IOK UATKli I'liOM I t IK I'l'OI'I. -; OK l lALLV UKICK t .V.

Thu following important and expressive memorialwas handed in by a deputation of tho followingrespectable citizens and traders, rcsidont in Bally,bricken , wbo wero invited to seats on the left of thochair by tbc mayorand other members : Mr. ThomasBowc , Sir. Edward Duggau , Mr. John Caulficld , Mr.Martin Arthur , ami Mr. 1'atlick Ucnebery.

Tho TO W N CLUIK read as follows :—" AJ'Jnss f rom the Inhabitant? of Jlallijbrickcn to the

i/aijnr nr.rl Corpora t ion of Watcrfvrd." Mn. M AVOI : ANA G ENTLKUKN OK THE TOWN COUNCIL

We tt|i['ro:ieh you to-dny us a depututiou on the part of the-nvl'lii "f Bally liriclieu, to «;k you , very respectfully, to lose nolime in pruci edin;; with tho new wntcrworkij , which you havet\i rrt ihtably ami nobly projcfLit], W'v do fio in the interests ofHnllvbnckrn. Hud of our fi-Uow-citizeiw ; but especially in theiat err s-tp <»f the prwr.wlio aro tiow, :iud hnvo liotuerery 'suuiuicrfor reari* back , >o badly io want of this jr roat necessity of life—a plentiful f upply of guru! wholesome water.

'• Most of the pumps in this locality are nearly dry, FOIDO*lt"£i:thrr so, even- siimnuT ; nuil ti-.u waters ol nearly all oftLtni uuBt for diinkins und iluiu> i>tia purj iosc-a.|i" Inliabitants nl'i an ntrort l it , buy water clsenhcro ; buttUM poor are compelled to carry it lonp diitanees, at a. greatiociiivtnieuco aud loss of time ; the result is, they have lievor ftKtinii-i <-tit supply for rleansiDj;, or other useful purposes." Th" stntt.< of Ilallybricken are never watered, and conse-

quent )? the sowers in summer are invariably iu a filthy,unhealthy condition. Hut for the scnen»ity of Messrs. Slattery,Ca*rr , ltnurt h r, the brewery proprietore, aud other privatepartii :•, in thii locality, we do not know what the poor in tliodistrict would do for water.

'• AV liavi- to thauk you , gi-ntl .iuicu, f^r supp lying Itully-brick'*i:, some yean* ri^n, with stn-et lamps. Wu will now fn-1srot .ful to you for an essential still more pressing thau light--DJiiu elT , a rni istuut supply of wnter from nn iintaiutet] soinre inthe couatry, sueh its tho people of all large i-e«pn:table citiesand towns in the thne kii.^loms arc blessed with. Hy doinitthis , ccntlemcu. you wil|, we are sure, confer a lasting favoron the- i»eople of Hailylirickcu , as well as ou the citizens gene-rally, «ud Imiid «low it your u.imcs. to future ^eui-nitious IL-Jiublic liiriiefactors.

•• srijT Hi il on Whalf of the inhabitants ." I'dwurd l)n-.'£uii , J*t-ti-r >4;au, Patrick Howe Thomas llowr,

^lartiu Arthur , 1'HII I CaulticM, L. Kennwlj, filnj dudKenuy, Thomas WaWi , Thomis Donnelly, Juhn Fljnn ,Patrick Hiuiliery , James Dulton , WnlterDonnelly, KicholasCxulilclil , .Iwnvf llryan , John Walsh , Deuia Walsh , M ichaelt.'unDiu^hani , James llarry, David Heylio , T. Cuuniughaui ,Uryau Cunningham , John Caulticld, Michael (Jrant , Thos .l'ower, James (irecu , Kdward Unule, Michael Gaule."

Mr. BO W E catno forward , with permission of thoCouncil, to explain how rcry badly tho peoplo wereoft for water in the Ballybrickeu district. In factthey wero combatting each other, ho observed, ir.try ing to get water out of tho pumps (hear, hear) .He had pipe water himsolf iu his bouse, but 10 or 50poor women were every morning in tho habit ofcoming to him for it. Iu fact , water was iudispens-able, ami could not hu done without (hear, hoar).

Mr. K EILV said they ought to bo thankful to thogentlemen of the deputation for coming forward andopeuiLg tho eyes of tho corporation on tho neces-sity tbero was for water (hear, hear).

Mr. 1'i KCKLi. thought fo too, and rnuvod that thomemorial be inserted on the minutes. Mr. H VANseconded the motiou , which passed unanimously.

SI'KCIAL WATKR !:E!'OJIT.A report of tbc special water committee appointed

to visit tho different sources of water in iho city wasread. It thowed the supply was iu u very bad state—that the water was very scarce—that it was notgood— that tho pumps wero frequently ruuningdry—-that the poor had to carry water king distances—and that the sewers wero very filthy for want ofwater to flu.'h them, ic.

Aid. R KI OI ON U moved tho adoption of tho report,that it. be printed and circulated through tho city. Holuid things v.eif much worse now—that tbo pump ontho hill of liall ybricken had binco gone dry—that moatother pumps were last running dry—that tho conduitin Nu>v-iircri was ouly dribbling—and that tho use-ful little conduit under the clock in John.street waslucked up aiid dry (bear, hear) .

Aid. li. P> I »>: K said then; was plenty of water inJohn-itrect and iho Manor.

Mr. F ISIIKK aeked his own report , which wasopposed to the committees, to bu ulbo printed , butthis was refused, wlieu Aid. ilcduioud'ti motion wasunnuimousl y adopted.

JW. Mri .Ai l l Ml , .M.I'., A .M i 1 I I K I J U l M A -.ilin X I 'KOrEKT YTho following letter wu.s r«*a- l. It full y explains

Mr. Delahuuty 's connection with ll.u Thoma*townproper! v :—

" Ilank lane, 3)th Juui- . lNM." DtA ii Ml:. MAIDK -The ji n'toi- '-.- in litip itinii at Tuom;u<-

to»n , al,d nfelrnl to in the Wi/lrr/l.rrf Mail , ns l» iop theproperty <> f tin eorponilinu of Wati'rfunl , lievi-r litloo^^l totb fln. Thi- < IUIHT in l*v ir , or wa.-, Mr. Wm. H. Crei-n , of tin-c<(iuit _» of Kilkenny, and was .'rased uud i-r him or his j<rc<*ci.-s-fors , tin- l.i ^t et iilury , und'T leases of lives , n-newable for e»er.

" .\ly falL<- r had a n.-lit-«'bar}.'i; on this proj K-rty , und iT udn<l i-xici:t« <1 U-lmv 1 was l^ .ru , whieh my luHther c» asnl to€l:furee ]irrvi ->us to lu-r death iu lk;IT>. I iiavc never bei-u illmvipt of thi> reut-1-hari.'i-, aud itltlioupu my namn was usnl iuthe bL-fore-uienliuiiv -d litigation , it was. without ny kuowledgoor nuthoritr." 1 lie ef.rj Mimtiou have some pmin-rty at the othr -r b'ide of the

river, th« . tenant /if «hieh was tin- K*v. ]'. .V. Kmrm v, Illack -rtK;k. i-ouuty liubliu , at the reut of I;!.", H year.. ThU in puid byliis reiin-sentativt ; ; thy t<nu for which it is held will r.<»onexpir*. upon which the rental of tin-corjuratiou will LH: increasedby al-.ut tio ayiar.—Trulvynir - , *• J A M I:S UtLAUCNTV." liighl Worshipful the Mayor of Watcrfonl ."

mtptiiis or MIL m r r , SI.I- ., ix UATKIIKOK D .On this subject iho following deputation from the

ilonie iJulu Association of IVaterford, appeared inthe Council Chamber — Major O'liornmo , Mr. 11.1'ower, I'embrokestown ; Mr. L. A. Ityan, I'.L.G.;llr. Kdward Fielding, ULI I Mr. James Ilonnespy.Mujor O'Ciurman briefl y nddrmscd the council on thosubject of their giving Mr. llutt a suitable receptionon his arrival in this city. Mn SLArrERY moved,seconded by Mr. I, KF :, that the corporation loud theirvaluable aid iu ihU reject, l'usjcd unanimousl y.Mr. K KI .I .Y moved that tho resolution bo sent to Mr.Uult. Also passed unanimously.

i;i:nsixo TO si(ix rut: HOOK .In CGIISI'( |UCIICO of Mr. Fisher's threatened law

proceediugc ojf.jinst members of the council , thoiiaanee order book lay on tho table, tho town clerkhtatiu;; thai he could gcr. no ono to sign it .1 lioshowed what an inconvenience it was to to tbopoor working men of the corporation to bo delayedin this way for their money, as Mr. Dclahunty couldnot (. ay without tho orders being 6ignod. Mr.(J allwey, Capt. Johnson , Aid, Jacob, and acvcr.ilother members, condemned thia legal threat as mostreprehensible.

JtK Mi.x.ui' i .v or Ai.u. COOKE .—O D motion of Mr.StATri.KY , bicouded by Gapt. JOHNSON*, tho resigna-tion of Aid. C:i'>ko (ono of our most intelligentnieniborf) was ndoptod.

HA I I .WAY TO U ALI .V W I M .IA 3I.— On motion of Aid.It. Ton nit , a petition in favor of the railway toIUllywilliam nud New liusa wa3 signed.

(J K K B N 'S- L A N E (U'EXlxo. —Tho report on tho open-iug of Greeu's-.laiic to Barrack-street , was referredhack, to ancertaiu the c.-:penso, on motion of 3Ir.H ALLWAY .

SALAKI K S or CO.NSTARI.ES.—Tho report in favor ofraising the talaries of tho constables was adopted.

LANE AT THE BB K W K I J Y .—Tbero wa3 no decisionarrived at about the oj iening of tho lane at Strang.m»n'u brewery and quay. Adjourned.

__ At tho Quarter Sos«ioo3 of Iiimerick Monday thet'hbirintin, Mr. John Leahy, Q.C., remarked thnt it,w»B owing to tl.e absenteeism of agenta from th->property.over whicli thoy were receivers that mostof tie litigMioo of the country •TOM



Ilarvq/ v. Stramjman.—This was a suit by llr. T.S. Harvey, sharebroker , Watcrford, for £16, 8risio«on n salo of eight £100 shares for benefit of plaintiff.Mr. Sargont , instructed by Mr. Uoward , for plaintiff ;Mr. Quill , instructed by Mr. Uolandre, for dofendant.

Thomas S. Harvey deposed lha ho is a aharobrokerin Waterford j got an order from Sir. Straogmao tosell eight shares ; when Mr. Slrauginan called ha saidto plaintiff bo had got tho dividend ; plaintiff lookodat tbo stock list and found thoy wore not marked ox.div. As tho plaintiff was continuing, the Chairmansuggested tho loaviug of thu question to tho arbitra-tion of some two citizous, aud it was ultimatelyagreod to leavo it to the ruling of Mr. J. Allinf-ham—manager of tho branch l'roviucial Dank , the ruliug tobo made an ordor of tho court.

Hcinniyan v. Cullinanc.—This was a tuit'by EllenHanuigan, Cnrrickbeg, against Thomas Culliuauo, forassault , damogos £20. Mr. Dowsloy, Bolr., for plain-tiff *, Mr. Stranco for defoodaut. Plaintiff had achild by plaintiff , which slio was unable to support ;sho went ono day to bis houio to givo it up, nnd leftit on tbo floor of the house; defondant immediatel ycaught her by tho collar, throw her down , and hiather on the ground ; whou tirod beatiug her dofondaut ,and his servant boy put the girl into a stable, whorothoy kept her a, prisoner for throe quarters of an hour jBbo was then relonsed by tbo police, who came thoroto Bcrvo him with a summons for drunkunuess.Plaintiff "-! bTother corroborated hor swearing, as totho assault, and then

Tho dofendant swore that tho child was left byplaintiff on a flag outsido tho doer, whero it was iudanger of being <xiten by the sow ; ho had it removedinto tho stable, aud bo caught the pluiutiff to puther iu with tho infant; he swore positively he did notassault the womauatall ; he sent for tbo police, in Ihomeantime, to bavo her removed, nnd whon theycame ho icleasod hor from tbo stable. Decree for £10.

The court then adjourned to ten o'clock nextmorning

FHIDAY.His Worship sat this morning at ten, and proceeded

with tho CIVIL IULLS.Hunt v Mahcr.—This WDB a process for £1 18». 2d.,

for work oxecutod. Mr. Matthew Huuf. (bnilder)rVaterford, plaintiff , deposed to doing a quantity ofwork for tbo defendant in 1S71 and afterwards ; tboamount was £1 18s. 2d.; tho dofendant afterwardsrefused to pay, on tho ground that too much wascharged. Mrs. Margaret Mahcr, defendant, aworothat tbo chargo was unreasonable. Mr. J. Keatingdoposed that 10a. should be cut off tho bill. Decreefor £1 lbs. 2d., the amount claimed.

0 'Sulliva n v- Small.—Thiswasaprocoss forfil 19s.Tho plaiutiff, Dr. O'Sullivau, deposed to Mr. Thorntonthat ho was in practice in Limerick j ho wroto to Mr.Small asking him if ho would ad**ortiso in tho Lime-rick Chronicle hiu medicines ; ho afterwards bad anagreemont with Mr. Small , that twelvo advortiso-ments wfro to bo inserted , be to pay ono hal f andMr. Small tho other half of tho cost; ho asked Mr.Small to pay tho half per agreement ; he refusod ,and plaintiff had to pay tho wholo account. Mr.Small, Veterinary Surgeon, Watorford , dofendant,deposed that ho novor intended making such annsreement. Dccreo for £1 IDs.

l l yan v. Lcckic—This was a process to recover £114s. for pigs' heads sold to defendant. Mr. Ryundeposed that ho Bold and delivered tho heads • Mr.Lcckio promised to pay for them ; when I sent myacconut afterwards, he said ho paid tho bill beforu.Cross examined by Mr. Strange. Mr. Leckie neverinstructed mo to send him a bill with tho provisions ;1 havo no entry in my book of tba transaction. IliaWorship : You ought to keep a book, as otherwiseyou may get yourself into tbo Bankruptcy Court . Mr.Kyan : I don't expect ever to bo there. Tho Chair,man : AInny a mnn has got thero for not keepingbooks, nod there they are dealt heavi ly with. Mr.Leckio doposed that if ho got thoso particular goodsho would havo nn entry or thorn ; whatever goods hegot ho paid for. To Mr. Thornton : 1 havo not thebook in which tho transaction was entered here jwhon I apologised to Mr. Ryan, 1 forgot that I badpaid him ; I did not get n hundred pigs' heads on tbo10th March. Tbo case was adjourned until bothparties produced their bonkp, at next sessions.

Tobin v. Hart .—This was a process to recover i.15s., for rent of land. Tho caso was dismissed with -out prejudice. The business shorly after terminated.

CITY COUJtT—SATUEDAT .G. WATEBS, Esq., Q.C., Chairman, sot this morning

at ten , and opened tho sessions for tho city, in con.junction with tho Right Worshipful St. Geo. Freeman,Mayor of Waterford, wenriog his robes, aud attendo*!by Mr. Mabony, Sergennt-at-ulace, in full uniform.Tho following magistrates wero also present:—Alder-men T. W. Jacob and P. K. Itcid ; Capt. W. Johnson ,G. I. Goeld, U.M., T. B. 1-rossor, A. Denny nnd Capt.llrcnUn. OKA ^D J I B Y ,

Messrs. John Wilson, IJolton-Etrcet , foreman ; J>'a.tiianiel Allen, Colbcck-strcet; James II. Scott, ThoMall ; Georgo Yokes, I'arado Quay ; Robert Locko,Quay ; Walter >Yal6b, liarronstrand-strcot; MichaelDowney , Adelphi Terrace ; Edmond Fielding, Quay ;John Ityan, Merchants'-ciuay; Patrick Power, Broad-street ; James Brennan , Bridgo-street ; William E.Keily, Stophen.strcot ; James Lindsoy, Mary-stroet ;Woodward Mason, tho Mall ; Henry Bell , tho Quay ;Samuel Ilarris, Queen-street; James O'Neill , King-Btreet; Robert Peurose, Adelphi Terrace.

Tho nrst twelve were empannelled as a marketury. Tbero was somo difficulty in obtaining a sufli.

cient number to form a grand jury, ""d the pauel wascalled over on fines. Tho following were fined £2 fornon-attendance :—Messrs. U. O'Leary, Catherine-street ; It. Deacon, Queen-strcct ; Thomas S. Harvey,Georgo's-street; William Kelly, stationer, George's-street ; James Mosley, the Quay ; John Slottery,William-street; J. Thompson, Queen-street; RobertArdagh, Thomas-street ; D. Keut, Henrietta-street;J. Ryan , Broad-street ; 31. Slattery, Bridge-streetGeorge Walpole, tho Quay.

Doing all business meu, it was found very bard forthem to attend on Saturday, owing to its beingmarket day.

Tho Chairman briefl y charged the grand jury, in-fonnirfjj them he was happy to Btato thcro were onlythree bills to go before them, a fact which showedtLat their large and important city was maintainingits well-known character for poaco and order. Twoof them wero ordiunry cases, such as they mightnaturally expect iu a largo community such as theirs,for they could never hopt) to bo froe from rogues, buttho number was indeed tsmall , owing to tho efficiopeyof the authorities. Tht third case, however , was afar moro serious oue ; it was ono of stabbing overcards iu a public-house. Ho was sorry to be obligedto admit that it was abundantly proved that Irishmenwero very excitable when under tho influouco ofdrink, aud in tbeir madness woro regardless whatwcupous they would une against their antagonists.Thu use of the knifij was becoming too frequent inthis country, and as far us be was concerned, bo wouldmark his reprobation of such cases by it tcvoropunishment. The grand jury then retired to considertbc hills. LICENSES .

James Kno.v, IJ Quay,, sought a beer I I'CCDSO for thathouse. Heine for an additiooal lioenso the applicationwns rejected.

Joint's Morris , Newgate-street, transfer of tholicense of the lain John Tower ; granted on conditiontlmt bu would make il a «ix days' license.

Jiw i'- ili O'Ni-ill , the Quay, beer retailer, sought as.ix ihivs' hp irit licenfie, imd WHS refused.

William Tower, So (juay, wholesale spirit dealer,sought a retail liccnso, und was refused.

Robert Thompson, liarrack-Btreet , transfer from P.Harrington, grantod H BIS days' licenso.

A ITEAL .—In tho ca»c ol Meyers, the publican,I'etci -street, who was fined X'5 on tho twofold chargeof sclliug driuk after hours nnd permitting gamblingin bis bouse, Mr. P. Kell y s»id deponent bad appealodagftinRt the decision of the magii.trate». He (Mr Kelly)would now ask for an adjournment, on tho part of theCrown , on tho ground that their principal witnosswas ill at Ardrofflnn. A medical certificate wasbanded in, and the CIIEO was allowed to stand over.

STAHRIN ".—John Fowo r, junior, a very rcBpoctabloyoung man, was charged with stabbing a man, Mr.Patrick Kolly, c well-to-do farmer at Bishop's Court ,on tbo 31st May, und in a second count witb a com-mon assault. Tbo following jury tried the caso :—Messrs. H EXIIV D. PA L M K K , tbo Mall , foreman ;William , Quinn , P. Redmond, W. TiQin , W. Walsh ,J. Egan, It. Honoborry, Jt. Ward, W. Tullia, W.Murphy, A Neilson, W. Waters.

At this stage of tho proceedings tho Chairman com.plained of the non.answering of a sulfioient numberof jurors, and said ho should bo forced to impojo finesif tbey did not answer in the next caso. In the sue-cccdin'* cose, and whilo the first jury wore in consult-ing, but niuo answered , and tbo result wa3 a delay intho proceudint-3 until tho jury had found their verdict.Fines were recorded against the following:—Messrs.P. Walsb, Ball y brickeu ; P. Dalton , Broadstreet; W.Leuihan, Quay ; P. Carew, M. Egan, W. Thompson,T. R. White, Kdwnrcl Walsb , It. S. Backae, T. Ay l-ward , C. Folcy, D. Leckic, G. McClelland , M. O'Shoa,J. Phelan , E. J. Burron , P. Doherty. Excused—MessraP. >". Barron, \V. E. Koll y, W. Cottuli , 11. and J- Dir,'P. W. Condon.

Mr.P. Kelly, Sessional Crown Solicitor, pro3oouted,and tho prisoucr was defended hy Mr. T. F. Strange,solicitor.

Patrick Kelly, prosecutor, deposod through Mr.Kell y :—I live at Binhopscourt, and am a farmer; wasin Waterford on the 31st of May ; was in Mr. Fnrniss'spublic-house iu Michael-street , on that day ; Furnissid a relation ; went into his house at about sevenin tho evening; ho was not in when I called, nnd Idetermined to wait lor him; went into a room off thoshop, and bi-guu rending u paper ; a young man namedQuinn wm tho onl y person within at, tbo time Itir^t went ic; soon afterward s Fewer, the tra»eriBr, amnn named Neville, and a soldier of tho Fusilie r*came into tho room ; cords' wero introduced, and 1was persuaded to play, having proviously refusod ;the gamo playod waj thirty, and a dispute arose overit; Fewor, who was ouo of my. oppouents, ssid hei-nuld aeo Neville's cards aa he dealt them ;

Neville was my partner ; told Fewer not tomind him, and not to niaka himself special ;when that was said travorsor, who was in very badtemper, said he would mind not only Nerillo but me,nnd that I had better tako cure of myself, big a fol-low as I was ; told him not to be foolish, whereuponho jumped up, nnd cried out , did I think he WHS'afraidof me, adding in6alting langaago ; again I told himto keep quiet, but as bo would not do so 1 gave hima thrust nnd pushed him on to a Bofa ; was quite soberat tho tinio; when flung on the sofa Fewer said in apasjion, " Coma nn now, Kelly; I'm man enough foryou ;" travorser rushed at me, and I caught and heldhim , whilst I struck him twice ; I tben palled himtowards mo to swing him on to tba sofa again, and asBoon ns ho got inside my left arm I folt him strike metwo blows on tbo breast; bo tben caught me by thehair, and bending down my bead, struck me behindtbe left oar. To Court: I only felt tho blows; I hadnot just then a feeling as if I had been stabbed. ToMr. Kelly : He foil back amongst tha other parties asBoon as ho bad struck me in the bead ; in doing sothey made way for him, and he fell on tho floor ; Iwas greatly excited , and when he rose to his Icet Imade at him again ; he had his bands still clenched.Chairman : Hnw rlifl hn hnld bin handfi whnn hn said" como on Koll y ?" Ho held his left hand olenohed beforebis breast, and his right hand a littlo hidden by hiship. To Mr Kolly : Mr, Furniss came in just then,and Btrovo to put him oat ; he got him 03 far as tbodoor, when ho seized a carving.knifo, nnd shouted atmo to go to him ; by this time I was beginning, tofeel a severe pain in the chest; just scetcod to mo aajifouo of my ribs bad been broken ; Guuno came up tomo and said I was all cut, nod that tbo blood wasstreaming down my neck ; I opened my coat andrest, nnd fonnd myself perfectly sstumted withblood ; immediately afterwards I fainted ; I remaineda fortnight in tho house, nnd was attonded by Dr.Carrol). The olothes were hero produced, identifiedby tho witnnss, and banded up to tho jury, Thoyworo quite saturated, whilo the holes in tbo clotheshad a rough, jagged look abodt the edgos, as if theblado of a pen-knife had been driven up to the veryhandle Mr. Stfango cross-examined complainant, toshow that ho (Kel ly) was quarrolliug that evening,but this allegation plaintiff positively denied.

Dr. W. Carroll deposed to having visited tho injuredman between eight and nine o'clock on Sunday morn-ing, 1st of June; bo found two punctured wounds ontho left breast, outside tho nipple, bnt on a higherplane; tho wounds must havo baen caused by some6harp instrument ; an ordinary penknife wonld haveinflicted them ; tho man's life was in immineut daogarfor nino or ten days; this danger resulted from theinjury done to tho lung ; the kuifo had penotrated tbocavity of tho chest, and made an incision on tho leftlung in two distinct places, and all injuries done to thelung endangered life ; a mnn might be wounded by aknifo or even a ballet, and not feel it at the time ;they bad innumerable instances of that in the historyof every battle-field. Mr. Strange asked if tho woundscould be caused by Kel ly's having fallen on a brokonbottle ? Dr. Carroll replied that thoy might, by thevery remotest possibility.

Wm. Gnnne, Thomas Neville , P. Fogarty, and J.Furniss, all corroborated Kolly'a statements, butadded, severally, that nono of them bad seen tho knife.

Mr. Strange put it to tho jury that tho travorscrhad received reasonable provocation, but this picawas met by

Tbo Chairman, who told tho jury that no l&nguagowould , in law, justify tbo uso of a knife. A man wasentitled to uso force to proteot himself, but not tobnvp recourso to a knifo.

After a short absonco in consultation, the jury re-turned to court , nnd told tho chairman they could notagree. Chnirman: Why so ? Foreman : BecauBO wehave oo ovidenco of tho knife. Chairman (sternly) :Do you bolievo tbat tho wounds deposed to by Dr.Can oil camo Bpunianooosly on tho person of tho com-plainant ? Oh, go back and further coDBidor yoarverdict.

Tbo jury retired, and , in tbeir absence, a plea was¦tailed by tho ttaveraor that some one of the otherstbca present might bavo committed the offence. Thispoibt raised tho necessity of a ro-hcariog, and in itsprogress high testimonials of character were given.Th>3 jury, however , found a vordict of guilty, with arecommendation to mercy, and the travorser was sentto in.it for .nix months at hard labor.

<jL *iLTV RECEIVING .— Bridget Lanvjan was indictedfor having, on the 17th May, rcceivo-i £2 3s., tho pro-perty of ono Edward Mnrp hy, knowing it to have beenstolen. It appeared in tho briof coursoof the case,thiit Maryannd Lanigan, daughter-in-law to thoaconscd, was brought in to drink into a public-honsoby Murphy, and whilst thoro Bbo robbed him of hispo;ket-book containing this amount. Tho daughter,in-law was convicted at petty sessions of Btealing thismoney, and wna sent to jail for threo months ; thojury now found the old woman guilty of receiving, andah3 was committed for threo months also.

A SIMILAR CHABOE.—Johanna Hayes, alias JohannaCcnnors , was indicted for having in her possession on9th June, a silver spoon, tho proporty of G. I. Goold,R.M., Lady-lane, Watorford, knowing same to bavobenn stolen.

Mr. Thomas M. Stuart , assistant in tbb jewelloryestablishment of Mr. Mosley, Qnay, deposed to pri-soaerofioring tho spoon (produced, doubled up) forsalo in tho shop, aud to his banding her and it over totho police when ho saw to whom it bolonged. Sub-constable P. Jl'Carthy proved that ho took over thewoman and tho spoon on the chargo of Mr. Stnart,and Constablo Wrignoy doposed he received tho spoonfrom tho Sub-constable " Mr. Goold swore to thespoon being hiB property, but said he know nothingwhatever of tho prisoner; ho never saw ' her at hishe use. Nicholas Dowor, a boy living at Ball y macaw,said bo knew the prisoner to bo always Mrs. Connors,atd never Hayes. Tho prisoner suggested ns hordefenco that sho found the spoon oc tho strand be-tweon Ballymacaw aud Tramoro, and being asked ifsbo had auy one to speak for her, a person, wbo turnedoct to bo a Mr. John Dunne, of Ballymacaw, stutedlid could givo testimony for the prisoner. Chairman(t j prisoner) : Do you wish this man to bo examinedfor you ? Prisoner : I do. Chairman (to witnessufler beiug sworn) : What do you know of the pri-soner ? Dunne: I know her for the past fifteen year?,md if over a wreck occurs at Rhincshark strand bothbtTielf and her husband will bo at it night and day((ii.sgust evidenced iu court). Chairman (soverely) :Gj down , sir. (To jury) : Gentlemen, if over thereWIB reason fur tho say ing, there is full ground for ithtire, of save mo from ray friends. If 1 knew whatthat mau—that fellow—was going to swear, I wouldbti very sorry to nllow him to como on the table.

Tho jury acquitted tho prisoner, and tho businesshnro terminated.


S'NSATIOXAL LIBKI, CASE—INTERESTING PR OCEE DIXOS.Pursuant to adjournment from Friday, tho usnal

si-ting day, this court sat ou Tuesday, presidedover by tho following mngistratcs :— The RightWorshipful ST. G EOROE FREEMAN , Mayor of Water-ford, in tho chair ; Aldermen T. W. Jacob and P. K.Reid ; Captaiil W. Johnson, Dr. Scott, and CaptainP. P. Brenan.

Very cousidorablo interest was evinocd in theproceeding-, becauso it was known that a summonsb/ Mr. Harry R. Sargent, wine merchant., Newtown ,against Mr. Joseph Fiabor, tho rocogni^ed proprietorol' tbo Walcroril Hail , was to be heard in the courseoi" tbo proceedings. Owing to this fact, very greatinterest was manifested by tho public, and , at theBitting of their worships;, tho court was crowded ino'ery availablu npaco by representative! from allgrades of Bocloty. Amougat tho most, proraioBotwere the following :—Rev. II. DoRenzy, Vioar ;ITossra. R. O'Donnoll , J.P., solioitor, Carrick. fathor.iu-law of tho complainant; W. H. Parker, Kilmacow ;T. B. Prossor, J.P., Waterford, and A. Denny, J.P.,da. ; C. Rogers, J.P., Tramoro ; J. K. Curtis, Aid.\7. K. Commius, R. G. Hudson, sub-sheriff of thecity ; Henry R. Sargent, J. Wall , Bolr ; tho Messrs.I'owcr, Pembrokestown; E. Powor, J.P., Fowersoonrt;M. J. Cox, T.C ; Archdeacon Rylnnd, Lismore ; T. F.Koily, T.C. ; Aldorman C. Redmond, and £. J. Barroo,solicitor, Ac.

Ou tho calling of tho case, thb following appearodas tho professional goutlumcn engaged :—

Fur p lain t if f s- Mr. W. Sargent, B.L., instructed byMr. I. Thornton.

For defendant— Mr. T. F. Strauge, solioitor.Mr. Straugo, at tho outset of tbo prooeodiogs , said

to bad a preliminary objection to make, and thatobjection was, ax to tbe jurisdiction of the court , asdefined by tho 14th and loth Vic, cap. 03, regulatingtlio holding of potty sessions. Under tbat act, poworvas given, subject to tbo approval of tbe LordLieutenant, to fix tho places in a county wbero apetty suasions was to bo held, aud that authority,oucu received, could not be altered. Thero was nodoubt tho magistrates had tbo power of adjourningtheir court from preasuro of business, but it was alsoclear that that adjournment could only be to ditposoof tho cases on tho list for hearing at tbat court, butcertainly uot to adjudicato upon any Bpecial cuso noten tho list, und of which case thoy would not have¦pecial cognizance, lio (Mr. S.) did not mean tocontend tbat tho adjournuuat >vas illegal, or tbattbo magistrates could overrule hi* objoctioa ; but hewould submit with confidence tbat tbo point ho hadraisod, that they had no powor to adjourn to boarthis caso, was ono wbiuh would rooeivo full consider-ation.

Mr. W. Sargent, in reply, said they were notsitting now io petty sessions in fact, thoy were sittingin the Polioo Court, and that was a court they couldhold at any time, or iu any plaoe. They oonld boldtbo prcaont inquiry in any one of tbeir drawing-looms, so that thoro was really nothing in tho pointiaised at tbo othor Bide.

After a short consultation, tho Mayor announcedthat tho court were unanimous in ruling against thspoint mndtt by Mr, Strange. Tho caso then pro-ceeded by

Mr. W. Sargent addrossing th} court for tbe pro-secution. Counsel, at tbe outset, read tbo aammom,irbicb was us follows :—

" t hrii-is , n complain* IIA > been inailt) to mi that toa.the oVteiuUtiti Josep h Fisltrr, contriving; un lawfaUr '-¦iikcill y, xud iDrflic.uai 'r, intenihu« to defame nnJ injureHarry Riduid Sj rrfent, nud to deprive him of bis joodtiimt. credit, and rcpotatiou, >cd to bring bim into pnblic

contempt, iofimy, nnd rliacrnce—on Ihe 14tb dty of Jritit,1873, iinla tfiiill )', wickeilly, aud nnlicionilr dm print ,pabhsh .Aii d cj'use and jireurA to b-> printed' sod publitbed,of and loucetninK tbe laid Harry Richard S<r(jeut, a lalir ,raaliciou- , and defamatory libel, in the- •»"•¦ of an articlnorpumgintili in ibd WaUrfori Daily Mail of the 14th June,1873, a'oi>s»id , Diititler ' Scind.il in Huh , Lite,' uintainingdiveV* lutsr, inalicioai , aud drUmticir** inattera and ilnuxx ,of nn> ! concerning '.he sa<d Hurry U chard Sargeut, c6ntr>irytn the form of the ilntntein tint cane made and provided."That summons was issued, because of a foul and ma-lioious libel which appeared in the .Waterford Mail ofaud concerning tbe plaintiff as follows r

"SOASDAL IK HIGH USB ." Kutnor , it «opnn, has bscu very buay witb its thou-

MIII] tnuf-ues, affec'iiu tba happ'neu of two -eaacctibl*lamilira in llm locality. It inif bo that the atory in with-out louudatiun , but it crr'Hinl y h»« CI-UIIKI a •en«nl:on inthe rirj . It i» io rfT'Ct llml * |{i'-itlmi>ati, well kuowu iu.•purtiij} circles, liua left the city, in cn-npaoy with tb"wife of one of hi- frienda. This occurrence, il it lmtiue ,rnny be entirel y iuuocent , but those who hke to b*ve to.ue-tliinii to tilk about declafu tbat it is Ju elopement , andthat the parties , thereto will , at ro dintaut poriod, occupythe lUeution of tbe C-url« . Coixlderable tyaipatb y Heipressoii, it (lie ruraur Jhmil'l pruvuirur , which uo do not»iiyimb»fa -c , for tbo wife of th9 Kfnlleinan, lar more aoindiei) , Iban for the hushaud ol tha lady, who«e alineuM,if il 'linnld prove Inn-, m«ny would mjard as a happyriddance.

' I know n't how III '' trulli run-' be,I tell tba tnla KI "- -VHS told tu me.

We iiny ii rntiiMi that the uemiemii u WM iteu Bt _ lh«llnnt'f in- the uiitht previous t') llie alleted departure. "

Commenting on the features ot the foregoing para-graph in detail , counsel pointed out tbat tho veryheading "Scandal in High Lifo" confined the objeotin view by the writer to a certain clasu, and thenobsorved it was well known that the plaintiff occupieda prominent sooial position in tho city of Waterford.It then spoko of " two respeotablo families in tbolocality," still giving poinkto tbe heading, and thenns a kind of counterpoise to tbe atteok it said, " thestory may be witbont foundation." Tbey all knewthat Mr. Fisher was a great lawyer (langhter) , was aman who would give annoyance when and where booonld, and they could easily estimate at his hands aqualification of that kind in the face of the attackmade immediately before.

iir. Strange—I must rise to object to Mr. Sargentindulging in calumny and slander against u gentle-man wbo is not presont ; iu foot counsol is indulgingiu the very thing ho deprecates in Mr. Fisher.

Mayor—Yon must allow licenso to counsel.Mr. Strange—Certainly, Bir, but courjsel tnuBt keep

to the record.| |Mr. Sargent—I'll not bo taaght bow to conduct mycaso by Mr. Strange.

Mr. Strange—You will , if you do not conduct itproperly.

Counsel continued to commsnt ou tbe libel , uuddwelt forcibly upon tbe words contained in it in ano-ther aentonoB, " a gentleman wel l known in sportingcircles." Thero was no doubt, obsorved counsol ,that tho plaintiff was woll known in sporting circlesand what gave peculiar point to this particular partof tho libel was the fact that plaintiff did leave townfor Dublin at this time, but not, most certainly, witbanother man's wife, pointing out that hore plaintiffhad a double action against defendant, one ut com-mon law, and the other nnder tbo statute for thisofienco. Counsel Btatod that defendant did publishan apology for tbis libel - but tbo fact should bo wellremembered, that thiB same apology,*lamo and in-oporativo, did not appear until ten days after thepublication of tho libol. This npology was in the fol-lowing words:—

" 'ClXnAT, IN nlOlt 11VE." A pataprap h , under the ubuve liiMdiug, appeared

through iiiail iej Mure in our columns on the l i l > in>t.,and whilst it vlixt curred in s.iyin-r that the niuior ic-fcrred I o prevailed , jet it said ' the story may be withoutfoiudaliiui .' We hnve since lonrneJ that in this in-stance, us in many otlier *, ' co*nin''n fHine U a common l!ar,'»nd that there wan oo lonndation whatever for the report. —We regret having poblUbed it at all, and have gifen ourreporter, wbo supplied the paragraph , orders to be morecarclnl in future, »ud to let ancb rumonrs pass by like¦ be idle wind. "Thero was no making amends in such ail apology astbat ; there was no repairing the evil caused by thelibel in the terms of such an apology, and ho believedtho court would agroo with him in thinking that thotimo of the appoarauco of tbis so-called apology, audits torms, formed only au aggravation of the libel.Closing with tho libel, counsel pamo to observe ou thefaot of publication of tho paper so as to oonnect de-fendant tborewitb , and relied upon the imprint of tboWatvrfotd Daily Mail , which ran, " Printed and pub-lished by the proprietor, Joseph Fiahor, at his office,Exchango.street," 4c. On these grounds be wouldsubmit that tbe court would not havo any hesitationin returning informatione to iho aeeizcB. The defon-dant, of course, would bo entitled Io givo bail , undertho statute, and ho (counsel) would respeotfullysubmit that if tbo informations wero returned, andbail Bought for, that thb amount bo fixed at £200personally, and two sureties of £100 each.

Dr. Scott—What constitutes malice in a caso of thekind ?

Counsel—A man writing .an artiole of tbe kindcomplained of hero is, by law ,' held identified with itsterms, and where a party is attacked, BS complainanthas been in tbis case, tbe writer is held actuated bymalico iu doing so. In addition to that being so, Imay mention that it will bo proved—tbongh probablynot at this inquiry—that tho defendant was speakingto a party nt tbe Town Hall on this very subject atthe time of its occurrence, and asked him if he wassending it up to the Dublin papers ? "It will," saidtho defendant on that occasion, "be in tho 21 ail in themorning, and you ought to telegraph it to Dublin."That was a conversation which Bhowed tho pre-deter-minatiou of the defendant, and formed a strongelement iu acceding to tho motion now making ofrotorning tbo informations. The oase for tbe prose-cution then commenced with tbe following evidence :

Mr. James Hearne, examined by Mr. Sargeut—Ismanager of the County and City Waterford Club ;the Club subscribes to tho Mai l ; it is taken thereyearly, and the account is paid each half.yoar ;in the month of Juno I was out one day on bankingbusiness, and on my return to tbo Club was met bya friend, wbo aBked me if I had seen tho Mail of thatmorning ; I said not, and my friend replied it isworth your while to do BO, there's an elopement para,graph in it, in which Harry Sargent's nano is men-tioned ; I read the article, and from my reading of it,and from what my friends said to me, 1 had no donbtthat tho paragraph referred to Mr. Sargent—to Air.Harry Sargent; I know tbe parapraph was the tulkof thp Club almost immediately : I was present, whensomo members of tbe Club met Mr. Sargent in thoball of tho building at ths time, and said to him ," Aro you come homo ? you're u nice boy, alterrunning away with another man's wife" (laughtor) ;I think Mr. P. Barron and Mr. R. Ridgway were twoof those I heard speaking to Mr. Sargent ; I heardthe ina'.ter spoken of amongat my stablemen, andtold them to drop the subject. Deponent was nowexamined as to proof of Mr. Fisher's writing, and outhat point he said ha could not positively swear totho writing; ho had some of his bills tor advertise-ments deponent bad ordered in tbe Hail, and hobelieved he could swear that tho bill receipted (nowproduced by himself) was iu Mr. Fishor's baud,writing.

Mr. Strange—Your worships, I submit that yourjurisdiction only extends to prevent anything whichwonld cause a breach oE of peaco ; however , ai yourworships do not seem to concur in tbat view, I willa»k the witness one or two questions. (To witness)—You beard some mocnbers of the Club speak to Mr.Sargent on this subject ? Yes.—You heard them sayto him, " You're n nice fellow ?" Yes.- Was it DickRidgway who said that ? (laughter.) Witueas didnot reply, and in nnswoi to a further question fromcounsel, was Mr. Sargeut injured in business bytbis paragraph, replied, ho could not say.

The next witness called was Mr. David Keogh, T.C,proprietor of the Adelphi Hotel , Mall , to which callthore was no response.

The Mayor said he had received a letter from Mr.Keogh, stating tbat he was confined to bia room byillness, and could not possibly attend.

Mr. J. W. Howard, sol., aud Town Clerk of Water-ford, deposed ho had received ; receipts from Mr.Fisher for payments made by deponent for advertis-ing by his clients, bat tbpie receipts deponent shoulddeclino to produce, as they were privileged communi-cations ; had threo or four letters from Mr. Fisher,which did not come under that head. Is handed tho billfrom Mr. Fisbor provedi by tbe first witness. To thebest of bis belief that bill was in the same writing asdoponent bad received from him, and I e believes theywere all in the writing of defendant. Heard Mr.Fisher say at a meeting of tbe corporation that hewas tbo proprietor of tbe Mail ; at the same meetingMr. Fisher sworo ho would manage the Mail &e hepleased, showing that be was the proprietor.

Mr. Strange—All this oconred before tho 14thJuno ? Yes.—If a man is a proprietor before tbe14th June it does not follow tbat. be must be pro-prietor ainci', doojfit ?—It does not.

Aid W. K. Commins (examined by Mr. Sargont)—Am a subscriber to tho Mail in this way—my brother(Mr. P. K. Commins, T.C.) and myself carrj tho JfotJover tho lines on which TTB hive contracts, to acertain oxtent free, he paying us a small sum ; readtbo paragraph, and whoa I did, I began threshing myhead to think to whom it oould refer ; thought of alltho sportiog men I know in town,, and tho name ofMr. Harry Sargent occurred to mo, but I thought) itcould not bo him, a» I was speaking to him at half,past three the ovening before, on his way ont oftown ; another person, in fact, other persons, oameinto my mind as alludod to by this paragraph ; hadno doubt, bowoTor, on considering tho paragraph,tbat it referred to Mr. Harry Sargent. ,

Mr. Straugo—Thero is a hostility, I beliovo, betweenyou and Mr. Fishor ? Deponent : I do not think Isaid anything to Mr. Fisher tbat he did not deserve.Mr. Fisher satirizod mo in his paper, and 1 spoke ofhim publicly in tho corporation ; I did say that ifthe Mormons came to> Waterford, Mr. Fisber wouldsupport them in obtaining a tabernacle.

Mr. Maurice Power, reporter of the Witerford ifnil,deposed that tho Mail was published by FranoisPower ; deponent said be had nothing do with theprinting uf tbe paper ; ho read the artiole whichappearod on the 14th Jane • read it in manuscript.

Connael—In whose manowript did you read it t

¦ Deponents-Having1 regard' w.yonrspowh.'Irehiieto answer. :' ¦>"

¦ • ¦ ¦'• ' ¦ ; ' . ' :'' ':'' : "~\

4 "'", .Why ?—Because tho answer might lend tcLbrimi-

nato ' myself. l oan toll'•you tbat it' wasyot jn 'Mr.'Fisber'B handwriting.1 :1 v ' " ' '";: '¦""' : :

;"' :;.!: ' . ".,

Who supplied the paragraph '? Witness • I rofusoto answer on the same grounds. ' ' ' ' ' '

Dr. Scott—Does matter get into the Iftfil_ withouttho knowledge of tho editor ? Very often. ' '" '

Counsel—What is the duty of an 'editor f "Toselect copy and write leading Artioles ,* it is the dutyof a sub-editor to see to paragraphs, and select reprintcopy. • ' . ¦ ¦¦

• Counsel—Is there a sub-editor on the ifatl ? ' No.'Then it is the dnty of tbo editor to fill both offices ?

—I suppose so. I know whose manusoript it wa» in,bnt I refnse to tell. • !.

To Captain Johnson—One of my duties is to readthe proof sheets of the paper. ¦

Mr. Harry JR. Sargent, the plaintiff, was the nextwitnoss. He deposed—I rim fond of hunting ; 1 lovenil sport (laughter) j J. have riddon races, and OTerthe Williamstowff coarse ; 1 am honorary secretaryto those races .; I am fond of shooting, yachting, andof all sports nndor the sun (langhtor) ;' I go toPuncneBtown, and have gone there for the lastthirteen years ; I am welt known in sporting circles;I left here on Friday, the 13th June, for Dublin, onthe bnsinesB connected with ray wins establishment ;I did Dot leave iu the company of any of my friends,nor with any man's wife ; I nover spoko'a word toany woman from tho time I left Waterford on Fridayuntil I came back tbe next ovening ; I left un Fridayevening, aud left Dablin upon next day by the onoo'olock train ; I weot to tho Club very Boon after myreturn home ; was at tbo thrcatre hero tho nightbefore I left ; I think I aaw Mr. Fishor there ; 1read the paragraph a few miuutes after 1 camo buckfrom Dublin ; it was shown to mo by Mr. Jobu Aird,

To tho Mayor—The night I WBB at tho theatre, Idid not see any huntiug orraoing man thero but my-self ; such a man may have been in the gallory, butI did uot Bee him (laughter) ¦ I was a subscriber totbo Mail for yoars ; Mr. Visber wroto to mo in Mayfor my subscription ; I wroto back that I had hisreceipt for paymont for six months beyond that date,because 1 always paid in advance, nnd I told him uotto send tho paper any more ; he continnud sonding"no tbe paper np to the 5th June, ou which day Ibundled them all np and acnt them back to him |¦inco tbat he has uot sent mo tho paper ; Mr. Fisboroxp pe8sed dissatisfaction with my arrangement oftho Williamstown races ; ho lampooned mo iu hispaper in consequence ; I any that this paragiaph wascalculated to make mo commit a breach of tbo peaco ;I am sum that in Limerick, Clonmel , and elsewboro,wbero my business connection is large, Buch aparagraph, if uucontradicted , would be calculated toiojure me ; a gentleman came iuto my office theother day, and stated bo had received a letter from afriend of mine in Limerick asking " la it true thatHarry Sargont has run away with a woman ?" thegentloman wroto that ho could not attond tho presontinquiry, bnt he would he at the assizes.

Cross-examined by Mr. Strange — Took np theprosent proceedings whon he found ho should do so,much influenced by tho rccont action in Dublin ; hasnot an exalted idea of his own social status ; I wasmuob annoyod about this paragraph ; I feol curtainif I did not dear myself I would ta injured witb myfriends, and tbe public goncrally. Mr. Strange : Doyou not think tbat tho a'.ology in the paper wouldcounteract nay such effect, and that your sondingcopies of such apology to your friondi would havocontributed to tbat end <laugbtur) ? Plaintiff: Sucha course would havo entailed a largo amount of incon-vooioDco and of oxpenso on roe, nud I do not sea tvby1 should do anything of tho kind. Mr. SttAnge : If,after making the apology be has done, the defendantis prepured to mako any further apology required ofbim, will you consent (J withdraw all further pro-ceedings ? Plaintiff: I will not do anything of thekind ; I will seo tbe matter out now to tbo end ; hodeserves punishment for bis unjustifiable attaok oumy oharactcr. Mr. Strange : Yon want tho ponndof flesh ? Plaintiff: No ; I got a ro-directcd letter,sent to me to tbo Hibernian Hotel , Dubliu, containingtho paragraph, from a friend , and underneath it waswritten , " the above speakB for itself."

Mr. T. P. Kei ly, T.C, President of the Chamber ofCommerce, deposed he read tbo paragraph iu tbenews-room of tbat institute on the morning of publi-cation ; saw nt oncs it referred to Harry Sargeut,and taid so to tho lady in obarge, who was beside himas he read the paper ; wonld not like to have himsclispoken uf iu this way ; feels it would iojuro him inbis busiuuBs.

Mr. Strange—But sure you are not a sportingcharacter ? Aro you not called " Holy Tom" (roarsof laughter), and therefore you could not be injuredby it. Witness made no answer.

Mr, A. Donuy, J.P., deposed be read tho paragraph,and saw that it referred to Mr. Harry R. Sargent.

Mr. T. B. Prossor, J.P., deposed to the same effect.Mr. John Aird, cousin to tbo plaiutiff, duposcd he

showed it to Mr. Sargent on bis return from Dublin ,and said to him, "look at that ;" felt it referred toMr. Sargent when depouent read it , and handed it tohim, with tbat remark, in order to seo whnt bo wouldsay on the subjeot.

Mr. 11. Ridgway, Newtown , deposed he felt, whenho read the paragraph, that it referred to Mr.Sargent, and

Mr. John A. Tobin deposed that the moment horead the paragraph he camo to tho conclusion it ro-ferred to Mr. Sargeut ; he read it in tbo street, onthe morning of publication , and at onco concludedwho was meant.

Mr. James J. Phelan, Newtown , gavo similar ovi.dence. He read tho paragraph in a Mailhe purchasedat Mr. Kelly's in George'a-street, aud bad no dtnbt itreferred to Mr. Sargeut; Mr. Kelly is au ugont toiir. Fisbor.

Counsel hero said ho had a tiumbpr of other wit-nasses to examine, and wonld havo them at the assizes"but bo thought he had gono far enough to support aprima facie vase, sustaining his applications returntho information to the Resizes.

Mr. Strange then proceeded to apeak to evidencoon tbe part of the defoodant. In tbo firbt placo bowould submit tbat there was DO proof, no legal proof,of publication of tbis paper, sufficient to throw tboresponsibility upon the defendant. Publication couldEot be proved by deputy, and whero they had noproof of a paper containing this libel baWog beenpnrcbaBed at tbo office, they were without any evi-dence sufncienlly conclusive to convict tho defendant.There was no doubt whatever of the spirit whichROtuated tbo present proceedings; tbero wa.1 no doubtit was an attempt to crush Mr. Fishor, and it wosequally boyond contradiction , tbat if it was not thatJoseph Fisher was the proprietor of the paper, inwhich this article appeared, tbe court and tho publicwould not haro heard -a word of thoso proceedings.Reverse the situation of the parties here, and thocase wonld, at once, bo scouted out of court. Now,as it Btood, thoy bad a court taking up a caso ont ofcourse, witb a full bench attending to como to a de-cision

Capt. Johnson— I must repudiate any insinuationtbat I attend hero to facilitate those proceedings. Ican tell you, Mr, Strange, that I do not attond herefor any such purpose.

Mr. Strange said anon a disclaimer was not neededfrom Capt. Johnson, whose character was above im-putation, but be (Mr. S.) could not help saying therowas every disposition evinced on tho other side tocrubh the defendant. Tbe defendant was chargedwith concocting and publishing this libel of the plain-tiff, and in reply to that charge he (Mr. S.) confi-dently relied ou the evidence of Mr. Maurice Powor,who swore thut tbo libol was not in the handwritingof Mr. Fisber, and that he waa not cognizant of itspublication. The faot wa-t, the whole thing was aequib, u mere squib, in ¦rhioh papers at timed indulged,and could not, iu nuy way, affect the high characterof Mr. Sargent. Ha (Mr. S.) was Bti'l of the opinionthat unless thero was any fear of a broach of tbepeace from the publication of this libel the magistrateshad so jurisdiction, and he would submit, nnder tbisview, that the magistrates had no power to send for-ward those informations. Tho plaintiff bad stated inhis evidenco that he was pretty much induced to thopresent course taken by him by the recent action inDablin ; if so, he (Mr. S.) wonld suggest, and woulddo so with every respect, that it would be a fittingaot on tho part of the complainant if he would followthe example set down in that case, and, baviog fullyvindicated his obarauter, abont which there could notbe, and there waa not, nny doubt, gracefully withdrawany further proceedings.

Dr. Scott said he believed that in civil actions tbefact of a man being au employer made him responsiblefor the act of his employee, and he would wish toknow was it tbo law in the present proceedings, whichwere of a criminal nature, that an employer was soliable ? Tbe evidence of Mr. Power, the reporter, wasthat the libel was not in tbe manasoript of Mr. Fishor,and, so far as the evidence went, as it appeared tobim, the only charge that could be sustained againstthe defendant was tbat be had neglected to oxereisathe usual cantion of an editor., Counsel quo tod seotions4 and 5 of tbo 6th and 7thVic , cap. 96, whioh laid down that the publication ofa libel in a paper made tho proprietor responsible,and submitted that snch Was a complete unswer totbat part of tbe allegation made by the defendant.

At this stage, tbo case oonclnded, and their wor-ships retired to consult. After a short absence tboyreturned, when

The Mayor said it was tho nnanimous opinion ufthe court tbst the informations should be returnedto the assizes, and tbey alto agreed that the amonntof bail suggested by ooousel was not excesaive, andthey would fix the amount at £200 for Mr. Fisher,and two bails in £100 each.

Time to enter into bail was given to Friday's pettysessions, and the oonrt tben adjourned.


The magistrate* met this morning at half pant ten,for the purpose of hearing tbe informations read, andreceiving security from Mr. Joseph Fishor, of theMail, to stand his trial on tbe obargs of criminal libel.Tbe following were in attendance :—

The Kt. Worshipful St. GIOKJK FBKEMAK, Mayor.Cbsirman; C»pt. JOIJJUOD,' Tbomai W, -fcoob, nod

Cap!. Brenoao: Mr. Fisher was. in attendance,' batwhen the foformrtloni wero abont being iriyl over,h»protested against tile priNjeediDRB'as illegl 'and toftthe oonrt. Tbe' magistrate* decided that .the acotubdshould be present,- and at. the, entreaties of; hi»',.Boli-oirx>r and a promise '. 'of 'a ' warrant.'-irom ,tno benchfor his arrest; he returned to oourt^ 'and the infor-mations were ' read. ,. The'sureties tendered aDd ao-oeptod were Capt. P. P. Brennan, ooe of the presidingmagistrates, and Mr. John CBeilly, T.C, George's-Blnat. Capt. JobrjsoD, who hid taken tbe chair, theMayor'having left for Clonmel, signed the bail-bonds,whereupon Mr. Fisher, with mnoh vehemence, ssid—I am glad to see the bail-bond signed by a relativeof the prosecutor. The proceedings hen terminated,and tho ordinary bnsiness of the court.went on.


VILL1ERS STUART, D.t,. .On yesterday, the first eleotion nnder the Ballot

Act in this county, was held, to fill tho vacanoycreated by tbe retirement of Count EDMO.ID DE LAPOUR, wha bad accepted the office of tbo CbilternHundreds. Only the Hon. Mr. Stuart hadissued an address to the electors, and ' that aaioehad been seen in the newspaport, and posted on thewalls of the city, it would scarcely be known that anelection was abont to take place, owing to the peace-ful process of tho Ballot machinery, whioh works asfollows :—The High Sheriff baviog received tbo writof election, printed notices of elootion were forwardedby him to tbe postmaster of oaoh polliug district intbe county, who was boand to post same immediatelyin tho usual place for post-office notices, giving threoclear days' notice of oloction, and which could not helater tlmu tho ninth day after tho day ou which horoceived the writ. Tlio High-Sheriff fixed thocourt-house as Iho placo of olectiou, and each canli-dale for eloction should bo nominated iu writing, hisnomination being signed by two electors of theoounty as proposers and secouders, aod by eightother registered electors as assenting to tho nomi-nation. The County Grand Jnry Room was openedat eleven o'clock for the purposo of rcceiviognominations, aud soon after the HOD. H. W. V. Stuartwaa nominated by Sir Richard Mnsgrave, Bart,,Tourin, Cappcquin, and Nioholas Power O'Sbeo, Esq.,D.L., wbo, remarkablo coincidence, are tbe sons ofthe men who nominated tbe candidate's father in1826, for the never-to-be-forgotten contest. Duringthe time for nomination, no person i3 admissable tothe room oxcopt tbe candidate, his proposer andseconder, and tho candidate's agont, with tho staff oftho roturning officer, who is tho High-Sheriff. Atthe expiration of au hour, no second candidate beinguominatod, the returning officer declared tho Hon.il. W. Villiers Stuart elootod , publio notico of whichwas made by posting a notico on tho outer door, andtho election is complete by posting similar noticesthroughout tho county, and publishing samo in a news-paper or nowupapers. Such was tbe peacoful beginningand ending of this election.

Immediately after tho olection , and tbe declarationtboroof, whioh waa greeted with great npplause bythoso friends assembled abont the court-house, tholion, member roceived a largo circlo of his supportersat the Imperial Hotel , whore a luncheon waa pro-pa! cd in that ologant manner characteristic of thisertablisbment.

The obair wns occupied by Major Sir JOHNESMOND *:, Bart., M.P., who said it afforded him thehigbost pleasure to havo the Honorable Mr. Stnartas bis colleaguo iu Parliament. Tho name was anhonored one, and one connected with tho oity audconnty in a miioncr never to bo forgotten (cheers).It was a flattcenng circuimtance that the Hon. Mr,Stuart shonld bo elected without causing nny ofthoso differences or contentions whioh characterisedformer elections in tho connty (herr, hear) . Hefel t that tho great leaders of tho Conservative partywere satisfied with the honor of tho new member,and folt he would dischargo his duties constitu-tional ly. The noblo hoad of tho honso of Goresforddeserved tho thanks of the county for not having- putforward a porson to opposo the popular candidate(cheers). Ho would now give thorn tho health of theHon. H. W. Villiers Stuart, tho new member for theirgreat county—a county in which ho was born. Thotoast was received with unboonded onthn.iiiism.

The Hon. Mr STUART, in roturning thanks, said hefel t very thankful to tho gonvlomen present for thekindness evinced towards him and his family (hear,hear) . The present might bo regarded aa recallingmemories of tbo past; but it was happily free fromthe difficulties and animositios which characterisedelections on former occasions (hear) . His fnthorfought the battles of his couuty whon its fortunes ap-peared at tho lowest ; aod although he (Mr. 3.)could uot expect to bring the abilities of his father tobear in Parliament, tbero was ono thing of which hocould assure them , and that, was, that ho1 would notbe bohiod even bis father in earnestness, devotion ,aud attention to the dutios which tboy had imposedon him (hear, hoar, and cheers) . Queou Mary ofEngland is said to have declared that tho name ofCalais would be found written on her heart , aud hocould with equal trnth nay that tbo county of Wa-torford and its interests, ayo and of Ireland, wouldbo found eugravon ou tho hearts of bis father andhimself (cheers). He was now coming forward intho interests of Ireland , a.% his father did in 1826(cbeors). Another eirenmstanco rendered tho pre-sent election annlagous to that of tbe formor one,and tbat was tbat he was proposod by Sir HichardMnagrnve and seconded by Mr. Power O'Sbca, whoiofathers nobly camo forward and proposed and second-od his father in the great olection of 1826 (loud np-plauso) . Ho wished it to be distinctly understood,acd ho hoped it would be published, that he hadreceived a iotter, dated Juna 10th, from his friend,Mr. Do la Poer, iu which he stated that ho had for-warded his retiring address to the local and metro-politan papers. How that address miscarriod hocould not toll , |but he was sorry for it, Mr. De laPoor's resignation did not, Ly somo mistako, withwhich neither Mr. Do la Poer nor himself had any-thing to do, reach the hands of the Government tilltho 25th of June. Tbat was no fault of theirs(hear, hour). Mr. De la Poer was clearly irresponsible,as ho had takou tho proper stops to bare given in bisresignation iu time. Mr. Do la Poer was, in fact, con-Ti'nccd that his retiring address was before tho con-BtitucntB long before he sent in bid resignation to tboGovernment. Ho (Mr. Stuart) would , iu conclusion,proposo, health, wealth , and prosperity to tho countyand city of Watcrford . Tho toast was drunk with allhonours.

Major E-I .UII .VUK briefly responded, remarkingthci it wns his proudest boast that ho was therepresentative of so great n county as Watorford(hear, hear) , He was suro that Irs now colleague,tho Hon. Mr Stuart, would faithfully, diligently,and conscientiously reprosent its interests in theImperial Parliamont (cheers) .

Mr. P. B. NKWELI,, J.P., asked to be permittedto proposo a toast, which was, tho healths of thohou. member's proposer aud seconder, Sir RichardMusgravo and M. Jf. P. O'Shoo, whioh wag ro-ceived with marked enthusiasm, and Mr. O'Shce,iu roturuii-g thank?, reforrcd to the peaceful, victoryol that day, but remarked that, if necossary, thocounty was prepared to do as it had dono in '2G. lietrnstcd , however, that the differences arising from,and at former olectionR , would now bo forgotten.

3fr. EDMOX D I-OH'KK , J.P., Tramoro, in compli-tnuutary and approprate termB, proposed the healthof Lord Stuart do Decios, who had, by bis nobleexertions, done «o much to procure Catholio Eman-cipation. The toast wan drunk with onthnsiasn.

Tho Hon. Ma. STUART returned thanks for tbemanner In wince, his father's health had been received.Old age nnd infirmity bad alone prevented Lord Stuartfrom being prvient ou this auspicious ocacaion, or howould havo responded gladly bimsolf. His heart wasas warm iu 1873 in tbe oanse of Ireland as it wasin 1826 (cheers). He now felt as great an interestin the prosperity of Waterford as he did then. Theson would endeavour to follow in tbe footsteps ofbis father. He was no fair weather man, wbo wouldsail only on afine day and in a smooth sea. Hewouldhold to the cause of his country in storm and sunshine(cheers) . His father's exertions in 1848 to relievethe futniibing people would be long remembered, andhe would bo glad to leurn tbat his exertion] un tbatoccasion woro not forgotten.

After BOIUO more congratulatory observations, andhaving partaken ot a. recherche luncbeoo, the compauyseparated.

BOARD OF GUARDIANS— WIDNESIIAT.Capt. POWKK , D.V.C., in tbe obair, and subsequently

Aid. Tl W. J ACOB, J.P, V.O.Also present—Congreve Rogers, J.P,,T. Elliot, J.P,

W. Ually, Aid. Redmond, |Dr. Condell, J. Delahunty,P. Venlo; aod Michael Walsh.

CORRESPONDENCE.—The following letter was ro-ceived from tho Local Government Board, relative totbe paying of result fees to the teachers of theUnion :—

Local Oorerumcnt Board, July 1, 1873.SIR —The Local Government Board for Ireland have bad be-

foro them tbe reaolutiou of tbe Board of GnirdUni of theWatcrford Union, ol the 2Gth init., propo ing that reault fecabe paid to the taochen of the workhouse, and rog.aestt&ff. theapproval ot ihe board to the arranger-uint ¦ and tM Local Qo-vernrueot Board hare to • tats, that ther oould aot prorid* forthe pajincnt of remit fees, in addition to the M'uiea of thoteadere, without an additional rote of Parliament, for tie ex-prcu purpota of app'jiig the prinoipU of payment bj rnolUto all tho workhoate tchoohi in Ireland. If, ho-rorer, tan guar-dians are duirous of p&jing the result feet oat of tho ntei thoBoard will raiee no objection.

A Iotter was received from the some Board sanc-tioning tho increase, by £20 per annum, in the salaryof Dr. Brown.

SAN -TART REPORTS.—Mr. Pallis reported that fererand scarlatina woro very prevalent in tbis city. Intbo Woodstown district, Mr. James Powsr reportedthat there were no coses of small-pox or scarlatina,ten of fever, all of whioh he sent to hospital. Mr.John Mackey reported that the sanitary condition ofthe Ullid district was good.

LEAvi OF ABSENCI.—Miu O'Connoll sent in anapplication for leave of absence, whioh wu granted.

CONTRACT.—A contract for repairing the roofs ofthe workhonse, was given to Mr. Power, at £4 16s.After some routine business the board adjourned.

¦•¦ :An immense quantity of turf is being -cade in

Ireland this TOtTt • '•• ' .


Magistrates on th» benob---SIr O. Kngent Humble,! Bart., chairman; Henry " A. Ktegeral, and John K.I Dower, Esqr«.: Edmond ITDermott, Esq., 8.I.,occupied a seat oi tbe bench. .

BALANCE or WAQH. — John Devine sam-noned' Patriot Tennell for a balance of 4s. 7d., due to himsinoo February last. The ease was postponed fromlast court da/ to bear what John Slattery, wbo wascontractor for ' the-work, had to lay in the case.From thd oVidenoe of this witness, it appeared hewas contractor for building a weir at Colligan, onthe property of Mr. T. Armstrong, for £50, and de-

' feudant paid the workmen every Saturday evening,leaving the balance of 4s. 7d. due to Devine. Witnesssaid tjlattery hired him for Mr. Armstrong. Mr.Dower : Ho had nothing to do with tbe work ; youwero tbe contractor, and it was your duty to paytbo man at the end of the woek ; he paid tbe moneyfor your acconut, and, therefore, it was for you heworked and not for Mr. Armstrong; you should payhim tbe balance. Witness : The money rau shortwhon tha weir was flooded, and he was hired bydefendant. Mr. Dower : It »vai for you Mr. Arm-stroog puid tho hire for the men jon employed.Witness : Yos, jour worship, it waa. Mr. Uownr :Therefore, you have a right to pay the man If. "<!.,and not Konuel l, Mr. Armstrong's man. Dismifsetlwithout projndice.

ASSAULTINC THK Co.VSTA Bt LART. A yOUHg toll,named Moore, charged with assaulting the policowbilat nnder tbe influence of drink ou iho 21 Kt iust.,pleaded guilty through his solicitor, -Mr. T. islatlcry,and expressed sorrow for for what b« bad donp.Thore wore three charge« preferred against him.Sentenced to tbroo months' imprisonment , with hardlabor. Tbo chairman remarked that ho beliovcd th»court wis dealing rather leniently in the case.

(JUAUTE11 SESSIONS—MOM - AY .Our Scasious Court was opened on Monday, II IR

30tb J UUB , nt tou o'olock, by G EOKC.K WATKHH . Kai|.,Cbairmau of tbo county, and he proceeded at, nncuwith mi: C I V I L BILLS .

Cvnnell v. lirien.—This was a process brought b.yJohn Connell against William lirieu, to recover tlmsum of one ponnd cash lent to defendant in l>*7li.Deoreed with costs.

Dee v. O 'liricn.—William Dee sued Patrick O'liiienfor £'S 17s. 7d. for a quantity of guano Bold to de-fendant in 1871. Same against John Iioauhc, £3lls lid., amount of guano sold to him in 1H72.Samo against Edmoud Mara for £8 10j., for guanoand seeds in 1872. Decree granted in ot.ch case.

Fitzgerald v. Lonjon.—P. W. Fitzgerald eued aman named Lougan for tho sum of 13s. Gd. for shopgoods sold iu 1872. Decreed.

Samo agaimt William Fleming for £1 lite, lid.,for seeds sold to defendant in 1872. Decreed.

Finn r. Croity.—Brian Finn sued Thomas dottyfor the sum of £1 Is. for manure «old to him in1H72. Dscreed.

Fo!ey T. Tooin.—Patrick Foloy suod Hrinn Tobiufor £1, cash lent to defondant in 1871. Decreed.

Browne v. Wall.—Joseph E. Browne sued PatrickWall , farmer, for tho sum of £11 lOd. 10d., for seedsin 1871 and 1S72, and samo against Michiel Walshfor 17s. 'Id., for like. Decrees iu each case.

Jlulcahy r. Kcnnelly.—Joseph MuJcaby sued Talk.KoDnolly for £10 Is. 2d, for meal sold to defendant.Samo against James Power for £4 7s. Gd., for like.Decreed.

Thomas M'Carthy sued a man named Gibbous for£30 duo for drapery goods; same against PatrickQuinn , Ballygegau, for £2 4s. Gd., for liko ; samoagainst James Power for the Bum of £9 I2s. 8d., forlike ; same against Daniel Lynch, £-1 15s. 2d. ; JohnQuaD , £10 8a. lOd. Decrees, with costs, iu oachcaso.

M'Carthy v. Jlf'G)«(7i and Olhas.—Phili p M'Cnrthy,Yonghal, sued Daniel M'Grath for £t 15s. Gd., forprovisions in 1871 and '72 ; also James Phelan for£3 18s. Gd., amount o" an I.O.U. passc l iu 1872,Decrees in both cases, with costs.

Thomas O'Neill Bued Maurico Mellcry for Jto 3a.Gd., for bread nnd groceries dolit>ired in 1871 '72.Decreed, with costs.

Phelan r. Tobin.—Maurice Pholan sued ThomasTobio for £7, amount of bill of exchange Decree.

The following decrees wero also grontu.'.:—Tims.O'Neill n. Thos. Mellory, £5 9s. Gd. for bread, ••roce-riei , Ao. ; Maurice Pbelan a. Thomas Tobiu, £7, billof exchange ; Wm. Shullow a. Michael Pliclau , far-mer, £2 Is. lOd. for groceries; Jn. Williams a. Powerfor £2 16s. Od. for bread and meal ; White , Budd A*.Co. a. James Power, £6 Gs. 8d. for hardware ; same aP. Alman for £3 2s. for goods; Miss H. Walsh a. Pat.Konuelly ,for £2 7s. 12d., for bread aud •jrocui ie.yn'la. Riohard Sheudy, £2 12s. 4d.

MONDAY.The Cbairmau sat thin morn iug at ten u'clwk . and

was accompanied hy the followiug magistiatcs : —Lord Huntingdon, Sir Nugent Humlilc , Dart., Cap* .

Maxwell , Houry A. Fitzgerald, John It. Uowci.Samuel R. Git/gciald , 0. Authouy, \V. M. Ardny li .Edward O'Neill , Uichard J. Usshcr, Uichd. (.'bean-Icy,ic.

ilanni-j aii v. 'iVoy.—This was an action bi'uught hyThomas Hanni gau , Grange, against John Troy, la-bourer, for £2, for rent of a house built, ou his laud,for which defendant wus to pay him Jtl per year lorsaid bouse in labour whou culled ou by plaintiff , butlio refuted about twu years ago. Mr. Uuul for do*fence. Plaintiff deposed tbat ho entered iutu ihuarrangement witb defendant about suvou years ago,to pay bis rent in labour, wbiuh he did up to theyear 1871, wheu ho refused. On cross-examinationby Mr. Hunt, he denied that ho lad given the huusofree ; Troy was married to his cousin , and workedfor him since tho death of his wifo, but witness paidhim for his labour. John Troy deposed that honever paid Hannigau oue farthing for ihc honso; thesite was given to bim by Haunigau at tbe timo of hismarriage with hi: cousin; he built tho house him-self, and ho (Hannigan) gavo him the timber to roofit; it was a place of rcsidenco for himself aud wife,and he was nevor asked for one farthing rent; if Iwas to pay rent for it I never would have built tbehouse. Court: What was your weekly wages wheuworking for Mr. Hannigan ? Defendant : I bad 3s.6d., a week. Court : If you had not thu honeswould you work for tbat wugos '( Dofondnnt : Yosyour worship, I bad my board ; wages was thon low.Dismissed without prejudice.

In the criminal court, Patrick Colbert , for assanlland robbery, pleaded gnilty, and wns sentenced tosix months' imprisonment, with liHrd labor.

Michael Tobin, the son of a resriectablo fai nier.waaconvioted of the larceny of a caBe of wine from thucar of a carrier, at tho balf-way house, bctwoeu Clou-mel aud Dungarvan, aod which he and others drank.Sentenced to one month's imprisonment, and the bu-sinoss terminated.

SISTERS OP MERC Y CONVENT, DUVGARVAN.Tbo annual bazaar in aid of tho Sisters of Mercy

came off on tbe appointed days, tbo 24th end 25thult., with its nsual brilliancy and success. Tbeweather having been oxtremely fine, thore wasquite a fashionable tnrn-ont, all being in .gayholiday costnme. Tho large room was elegantlyfitted out lor all the retirements of a bazaar, on aselect Bale. The beautifully devised arches in flowersand evergreeD, together with the well-selectedmottoes, so tastofully -Troi[*ut ont in Gothic charac-ter, were the admiration «f every comer. Tbis wasns nothing, howover, when wacame to make inspectionof the Bty le and elegance of the stalls, laden »a tboywere with goods and attractions of every variety andvaluo. Need it ,be said bow actively and efficientlythe kind and good ladies in oharge, together withtheir amiable and importuning assistants, attendedto their dnty and service. The atteudance of thepublic was not altogether as numerous as it mightbe in a town suoh aa tbii, where tbe pious lives audcharitablo labours of tho devout Ladies of Meroy areso well, known and appreciated. Snch as it was,however, there was uo lack of good hearts aud guodwill, aod, taking mto couniduratiou the large help uli-taincd from many kind, charitable fricuds far away,ilf 8 understood that tbo bazjur uf '73 has been fullyaa successful as any that preceded it. This ha.',* beena year of considerable calUauu dcumudy, ariiiug frontheavy ratings uud taxations, us -veil as from iiiaurother works uf prt'Bsing cburity, uud many kin Un-disposed persons found tbuuisulvus uuable Iu give tutbe bazaar as much as they could wish. Let it hehoped that tbc next year may liud uvci-y one in bolterheart and circumstances, und under li gbtor tluimb olthe more noavoidal le kiud to etiablu him to do a littleover and above by way of well morited kiudnusn andgenerosity towards tbo support of tbo good ladies oftbis pious institute. Tbo following in a list of tbawinning numbers :—

6748 , 2620 2506 8716 y.5928767 6788 8737 0737 a««3380 10638 8961 'i\o\ lOall6*69 ' 3110 1U21 1670 tUtt!6312 ' S867 2554 1-Ji* 7OoH4102 3767 29J5 7tlll 7UU7421 6025 llXKJi V31U 41408773 -1203 (ii7ll 73 liSti-l558 1817 7581 2501 730

1703 6602 -;039 ISl'i UB'J10632 6619 6U23 1310 79<)02603 C315 6876 1)737 322d5047 8784 70ol 3 02339287 3747 8873 7896 347U1710 1438 6770 UO87 177»1232 468 4170 ' 9*01 101971770 2176 V321 8JO1 20918)72 4202 14(0 Ml 7SOo672s 100S4 1700 106 H 06856653 1S34 0343 6318 752o

LODOIKOS AT Tar FoRTiioom.No Snow,—A statementhaving gone abroad, and of course very industriouslycirculated to the prejudios of Waterlord, that lodg-ing* are scarce and to be had only at fabulous prices,dnriDg tbe forthcoming ibow, we are in 0 position tostate that there will be abundant accommodation forall comers, at moderate charges, not exceeding 5s.per night. A registry i* kept at tbe Mayor's Office,where persons'having Iedging* to let can hare themregistered, for the information of visitors, free ofohirge, on giving particulars to the Mayor's Secretary

, ' 1,000 penuu were lolled on Eeglia railwayi &IBilt

Page 4: *' RICH A1S[D FASHIONABLE: GOODS - snap.waterfordcoco.iesnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1873/WNS-1873-07... · FBOM WATH'.ronu—Daily, Sundays excepted, at 1. OP.M

mi ¦¦'.¦<>-; i

©rtjjinal t p #tten.~"


A time there was, some hAlf a oentarj gone,iiiuco great Napoleon led his lesions on, .On Jena's field be fohntt, f ho ui^ht beforo 'The tight, hit canotm blooded f a tocVydoot:IIu l^cld the light till titcti waq freed Away,Aud placed lit ortW for the coming fray ; ,Ami theu o'er map* rtml plans lie assou tho night,As van hia wout, to stuer thu comttig tifjht ;Aud wbuu thu tlawu of loorutug came, it found tiiim on his ;jor»v, jw tveying his Unions round.The mi*ts nre rlonrcil , ho gives bis eagles wing,'Direct upon tUo Keeling forth they spring, ¦Miis.*od as out- inan, tin-/ pierco the Prussian foo,TmTcrsc their lines, righ^ thro* their rinks thoy go ;Kotuni , obv-y their irajUT Cncu Again,'Tii done ! I'lio I'riissiRUs floe them from the plain ;And one short murmug on that bat tic-fieldSaw rrostratc Prussia to Knpoleou yield ;For yenrs he ruled hnr fcinfj iu Berlin's ball,Aud took her iu hU train to Moscow's wall.Yot , it took PriKsin niauy a bloody dayTo uitUv tlie scattered Gaul yiuM in tlio tear,And tun' the varied light is y&inaly O'ITHer star is brilliant, near, as "twa* before.Elastic Frauce—Imt who Hhall ?ce againSm-li t'".l as i;n*at Xapolfou amougst uicu :His irrratret moment stainless of excessJI» bitter fall kuvw no raoati of rftstrcu ;Uiwj;iTiTt soMiur, statesman, KUUT, he,Tiio i?rvati*t iaut known iu history ;On his ileath-W how nftcu did he cry," A Catholic I livetl , aud such 1 die."O Fruuce, it only ULI\U such man tij^un'to k-.ul thy warlike lio*4t.s on battlu plain.

nut: its.Vi't nut t«i liitit who fi l l from power away(Tlif prt'iiU'.-t .-tMoui:iu i»f thu world to-Uay)I S- l i -.'ld tliu tribute of uu honored uaom ;/(» ¦ iiift his country iu JUT liour of i«hamc,lK-tVnt , ili .-^nuv , lintuiliution low ;1- mm lirutal lli^marck aud the jiiratn fw,Antl wor.-u ttiati all tins K. il Couiunities, who farl:t lams ;ITJI ! aJlors hit! tliei:i fruui the war,lj .il i:i ib . ' lnmrnf jicaco came forth to preyI j»>ii their \vri-U*h.Ni ucit,'ht»Mir.% ni~Lt and day.first li:iil thusi- lii-uds oMlrsh to tw subdued,Tim** ]>atriul> who drank tln- ir conutrj*s blood ;A: L I Hi. u t l i e p ir.iu* fuu Uv ii.itl to lay,To taki- hi .- tiarbannts hordes from Franco away jl:ut thi -u (hi' Kiiint 's gallant path wi« crossed,

/••>«• li.: ii;u( timu to tf.iiti all I'niuco had lost.K:uii" to his name, the history of all timeShall note his glory, uinl the poet's rhyme.

THE CELT.t >h , ti.uM the Celtic nations huslmud power—Xor wa-to it iu ilome?tic strife —tEii s hour

WouM tind them wcarera of full many a crown ;Hut ivrn lutitm i-ver wt-ij-hs them down.'I"In- party fiielion— fooh of civil war—]t,.ni. ->]ic strife—for ever tnortt they jar ;And wbi-u tiie iimwliu- l'mwian conies the wayile ninls lliu xvi'akeuwl gir.ut itu ea*y prey,\'.v n i f i i l as tin- Jews is their career,A t r iumph mid a sorrow mark e;ieh year.<> h ! w l u u will j nirty foci'iticQ hercpito'I'y ]';itriMli>iu and her country's right,Aud lea rr her petty tritimpd.-* to secure.\xaiii.-t th j ; pirate f(-r a Ixjlted door,

M 'MAHOK .It i!iatUii-U not what party rulwl theftatoJ l i - 1'ive vt Trauct' ;mil Frenchmen was so great jlly ftmirliL uot fur a plaev, ur sclli.«h paio ,lie v.as not party iit tiu like lost lJaz.-i.lnu,Uut vvcr tUu»- bi- prayer ou duty 's road :" .My .--worJ to l'mue*-1 «ire—my FOU! to Goil."Awl \roi- this limtr when liuruiii*- Hcrliifs wall>h:i*l see aii>u:i«l her the triumphant Gaul ;And i:«>; Milikieut such inciMisu srhall buIVhl lf oiif .-tuiii! slain liu^ npun one t luy «ct\His i:ii- .-;(.u is t - i j;ive t<i Fnince iigain'i:...- iilund-ivJ lumU of AI MICI > : I!U 1 birraine ;,»iake l'ni^-ian 1'nwi-r iJis^or. K indemnity ;Jti ->ttin- Ins laud lirr i*nii;c aud tli ^bity ;Aud what mun: F.:criJiee rvvcn«f may ulaimFor outr.c'e, pltitiJtT, ut :tt au injnrctl lift me.

I 1! R I. A ,\ It .Kill Ireland lias pK-uhar cause fur joy,thji! of ht-r creotl ami country misetl bo hi^h ;A«il turu shei.\ thi* Cdt will jtiJl )jepn-at(ii-ii- iuus alike in trinmpli and ilefe.it.l-'vr iu tbu fi-nvfnl 5tru l»-' lately t'one,Amid the ruin ptill he glorious thone ;Ami Ih't* thu cauuon g«i-pt hia .side uway—l.< :iviii:r liir* noble hc.irt exjio^cd to day—Srill ru.-)iitl IJC to tho front nml pra-ped his bUde :*' 111 ttiaeh tbf5u ruler* how to li 'ht," hu «iid," Ami how a .Marshal of the Fruuch cau dif ," And uot bchtutl his legions cowardly lie." CCLT

itttSccUancrt,Tim bridesmaids at a rcoonl wedding in Georgia

are llius described by a local papur : " It is uo idlefvnm i>limcnt to sny they iiro liku tbroo Graces, tlieirlauts inirrnriiig Unck tlio puiiy aud eoftness oX tboMvi , their tyi-s Iluatiii'; iu a light of doivy ton-dcrncfs , or ihrowiii^ r.uli.int llashcj from tho innershrinks of thought , like jewel-tinted spnrklos o.iagbtfrom broken rainbows."

" Cet out of my w.iy—what are you good for f"said a cross old mau lo a linlc bright-eyed utchin¦who happened to staud in his way. Tho littltt fellow,».i ho stepped on ono eido, replied, vory gontly," They make men out of sueh things as wo aro."

Tbo art of say ing apjiropriato words in n kindlyway is ono that never gooa out of fashion, nerarcL'uaes to please, and is wilbiu tho roach of thohumblest. Thu teacher who would bo succoBfulmust cultivato tho gift.

A Pennsylvania Congressman is credited -withsaying that he will pay his debts with hia back pay,thus placing it where it will do tho most good.

Ladies can, in tho present stato of civilisation.eitherbuy their switches to match thoir hair, or dyotheir hair to match their switches.

It is one of tho most difficult thiugs in tho worldto livo to bo a hundred years of ago. 2Ir. LeviAcikins , of Xnrth.ea.st, IVuusylvauia, has beou atwork at it uiuety-eight years, aud hasn't accoiu-plfshcd it yet.

London has forty-six regular theatres, nnd ono nowin courso of erection. This is eiclusivo of music-halls,concert-rooms, nud entertainment gallerios, whichnnmber over ono hundred.

Xotbing moro impairs anthority tlnn a toofrequent or indiscreet use of it. If thunder itsolf wasto bo continual , it would excito no more, terror thautho noNc of a mill.

A IcitiT w.is icccntly received ut a custom.uousoon tho Tyuo from a (rw-and-oasy Jnck , requesting acertificate to bo sent to his address at tho Sailors'lltmif , in Liverpool , or " whereevor elao thoir honorspleased."" To attempt to impress somo minds with a senso of

tho ludicrous," conlosic-H au unsuccessful punster," is liku the ondcavour to photograph tho ohangefalglories of tho op.ilcsceut dol phia upou tho gurlodhide of the rhinoceros."

Character grows; it is not something to bo put on,ready made, with manhood or womanhood ; but dayby day, hern a. littlo and thcro a little, grows withtho growth mid ttiongthciis with t';e strength, until ,gum! or l.atl , it brcomrs almost a coat of mail.

Why is a schoolboy wbo is lx' iauiug to read likolearning itself?—llecau ^c bo is Icarniug.

Tho ladies do their hair up so high now that theyhave, it is s-a fd , (c» RtaDil on something to put outheir hats.

An Ohio legislator Ji.-ia presented a resolutioa toforbid any more babies being named John Smith inthat Slate.

rionie boUlu-uojcil wh ilus havo been sceu offIrelntiil. H is lint fair to infer that they aropointing their noses tow.-mN Cork.

California boasuwivei describu sod* us " that 'eroPtull ' which you put in biscuits to mate 'em get upand Grecian bend tbcniHelres."

Wedding cards in IJonver conMSt of a jack ofdiamonds and i|ii<;en of har.rts, with tho commotingpartien' names tberwin. ]f thy brido'a mother istiring, the ten of clubii -^ enclosed.

Joseph do Xlaistrtj observed that , if he had achoice to mako between Madaiim do Scvigno andJ UT daug hter , be wonlit marrr thn lattor, liml thentravel to receive letters from his motbof in-lKW.

Sydiify Smith, in n lett.;r to Mr. Howard ofCorby,ones observed—" Tin, only ncquaintiinco I havoiiinilo nt THU uton is that of tho clerk of tho parish, ay vr j seii8ibli! man, with firentjjwra-ity ofdianonition."

No man can ever borrow himsel f out of debt. Ifyou wish for relief jou must wetk for it. You mnstmake mum and ("pond less than yoa did while youwero running in debt.

There is u diflienlty iu finding n jury when anIndian comes beforo nn Omaha court. Ono of apanel , being B »l;o'l if hn had any prejudice, replied," Xo ; onl y I'vn l>ooii c/hased liy 'em, been in severalbattles with Yin, nnd »vould hang every mau-jackof 'fin at sight it' I 1:011 !d."

When a man mutil;'tes tho nowapapor in a Host onreadiiiK-rnnm , he in ti .ken out aud set up in thu boot&od shou buftiueys.

Tho American pli 17 hat is used to measuro pota -toes by tho Ranilwich Islanders, wbilo in SanDomingo it serves a 3 a nrst for filing hetis.

An Ohio congruyutioon recently pelted the pastorwith unmiHkcDtblr egji for pro;ichiog a temporancokcrinon.

An iiM i;niiticnmn named Tnlin Smith lias gotmarried. I In Ke ys he doesn't waut tho Diuno tohenomo extinct.

Why rlunild. ftunscm havo made a good opera.Mnper i Iii i5ii:-ie ho could ea-ily 'javo broughtdown thn house " •

tin: guiiprouH rJi'iirt. in v i i l u o makes tho souludfiidco •inini ; Ihan a thobraud resolutions.

Tho rcost vnliuibio hel p 11 man ever gits, is whenlie liclpH hun-ilf .

Your g women siioubl Ke.t good examples, for theyouuy men are always fo'lowing them.

>li\inc?ota drain shops nre compelled by law to&upr*urt an inebriatn asy lnm.

I'jfants aro charged donblo admission pricC3 toNew Orleans theatres .

A Tennessee jury complimented a judge for hisgood attention during a recent trial .

Tho next worst 1111 ti•» to raining pitch-forks—Hailing oninibusscs.

A satirist jsiys that modern mti»ty misses two" loit arts"—conversation nnd bln-diing.

"Aberration of ft train from thn track" Im thamerit of novelty in referring to railrond accidents!

If O'Kclly do'J-*i>'t culminutH pret'y «r>on , -w«'shall order tho printer* m dintribatu his (ibiui.iry.

Why is chloroform liko 3[uidi.'ls:.olin ? 15(;cnU8« itis ooo of tl.o greatoat composers of modern times.

The yuuogf uian who boastod ihut ho coal'I marryany girl bo f 'teiteO, found tlist bo couldn't plsnse.any. , -. , . ¦ • .

The esacon is approaching wher. drinkiog men nswell as drowning wqn, vil'.catrh. at Rtraws.—Qrapicic:

Be the companion of vice, nnd yoa mil.taoa.\io its-•lava. v :i .. .¦ u.:;:. . . i-.- i . w ' . ': [ ) . i -

P O L I C E O F F I C E .MONDAY, JUNE . 23.—Beforo the Mayor, Capt

Brennan, Aid. Kcily, Mr. H. GaUiv'ey, and Ur. P- .DWalsh. ' ' '

RBIECTKD ADDRESSES.—Mieltaet Flyiln was .ob.ar-Red with having violently assaulted Mary..WaJsb, inBoresford-stroot, by hitting her in tho face, and ear.Mary IValsh said sbe tvas goingdowp Boriosfordr*'1'80^when thn prlsouor camo up.nad strupk . ior,.i? theface ; sho walked on, )>qt 'be"Collriwed her, sod againstrno!; her, this1 tirao iu (Jio oar. Johanna Walshfully corroborated the testimony of the complainant;.Klyrin said that Mary Wahilf Lad captivated iiiin, tfiatho bed wooed but had not won her ; since poraplaioanthad made the acquaintance of a man named ThomasCarey he (Flynn) had uot an hour's peace of miijd.The Mayor said on ofienco like the ono committed bytho prisoner shouiaTalvrays'bo punijhod heavily byhim, that the striking of tt womBU coiild never bo jas.tified, and ng thcro was a previous conviction , hoshould go to gaol for two months, at the end ofwhich timo we have no donbt his amorous and pttg-nacions feelings will have cooled don'n completely.There woro a largo number of casos of druokonnoss,which were quickly disposed of.

TL'ESJHy.:—Before tho Mayor, Captain Bronan, Aid.Koily, and Mr. H. Gallway.

H EAVY BUSINESS.—The dock was thronged thismorning, but tho oharges mostly Comprised of-fenoos of drunkenness, in some iostances, howovcr,repoated within a short timo. A man namovl Tobinwas chnrgod by Mr. ltooney, R.O., with endangeringhis lifo by throwing a stone iuto his house, tho nightbefore, thronghtho window. It seemed that tho ac-ensod, who was in tho army at ono time, went indrunk to Mr. Roonoy for a rolief tickot ; tho officerrefused hia request in consequence of his condition ,whereupon Tobin went out , und sent a atono flyingiu through tho window nearly hitting Ilim, and alsocloso upon striking a poor woman to whoso applica-tion he was then attending. Tobin admitted tho of-fence, and pleaded druukonness. Tho pica was inad-missible, and Tobin was fined 20s. and costs, orsoven days. There was no monoy. I'icrse Pholanwas drunk in John street on Monday night. OnMonday morning Fierse was fined five shillings for oliko oflenco, and now,; seeing ho was obdarate, thocourt fined apouud, or -13 hoars. In this casd. alsothere was an absonce of cash. John Brien was drankin Peter strcot eamo night, nnd haying stood fo*r pre-vious adjudioations, was now ordered to pay fiv6 shil-lings or take 48 hoars. Maurice McGratb, an elderlyyonth , was similarly chargod. Maurico admitted theweakness, and pleaded ho was seeing a friend off toAmerica. He got off with half a crown. ThomasLarkin was drunk and disorderly in the Mayor'sWalk samo evening. Thomas is Very fond of thiskind of larking, and he was now scut np for onomouth, at the instancoofConstablo Fletvcllen. JamesKirby was drunk and disorderly in Michael-street,and obstructing Snb-ConstabloThorpe in tho oxecu-tion of his duty. Tho officer stated that whilst onduty, in tbo locality named, be was obligod to pattho law iu force ngainst an individual who was creat-ing a disturbance ; as ho did so Kirby ran over, col-lared him, and made as if lie would hit him. For-tunately ut this moment some other policemenappeared on tho scene and c.imo to his aid ; but forthis ho could not toll what the consequcucea mighthavo been, as there was a largo crowd around them at'tho time, and many of them showed a disposition toside with Kirby. This despisor of law and order hadnotbipg to say in bis defence, und ho was committedfor Mivcu days. Michael Field was drnnk at the'Waterford and Trftmore Railway Square samo oven-ing. When called on to plead Michael , who hadcertainly seen somo oncdrinking that morning, shookhis head, and emphatically said, no. Sub-ConstablePatrick Dunne, however, as emphatical ly showed thenegative ns uatrae, and Mr. Field win callod on to-pay five shillings, but he B»id he couldn't, unless hismajesty (tho Mayor) gave bim time. The attendingConstables took tlio Fiold at once. Margaret Ryan,an unfortunate, was tent to prison for disorderly con-duct with drunkenncsp, nn Monday night. Tho ¦Court sat until twolvo o'clnak.

MONDAY , J UNK 30.—Before Aid. T. W. Jacob, AidV. K. lieid, aud Capt. JJrennau. Mr. Carsy, S.I., wasalso present.

ARSAVLTIMS ¦mf. 1'OLICE.—J fi'cfiacl P/icmn wa«charged, with being drunk und disorderly in thoUlackfriar?, and obstructing' Cnnstablo Moore in thodischargo of his duty by kiching him in tbo oyo, andhurting him so severely that ho had to bo pnt undermedical treatment. Constablo (iarrct Mooro wasexamined, and deposed that tho prisoner, when arres-ted in Blackfriars for being drunk aud disorderly,first throw himself down, and then kicked outon all side?, offering a very violout resistance.Tho Constable, when trying to arrest him, re-ceived a very sovorc kick in tbo eye, which bad fincorendered him onfit for duty ; no violence, had beonused to arrest the prisoner. Mr. Carey said ho hadbeen requested to ask the ucuch to bavo tho prisonerpunished soveroly, as tho police should bo protectedwhen in tho discharge of their duty. Phelan wassentenced to thred mouths' imprisonment with bardlabour. -l.sstiuU—Patrick. Wators was chargod withassaulting John Walsh , in Sargcnt's-lano, on SundaylaBt. From tho evidence il.uppoarcd that Waters hav.ing mot Walsh had a quarrel with him ; ia a lightwhich eusuod , Wators knocked down oomplaiaaut nndbrutally kicked him iu thb head and bavk, woundingliim eo soverely tbAt hu by iusctisibto till found bytho police. Tho prisoner was sentenced to onomoDtli'.H imprisonment, with hard lauonr. Drunken-¦ness—John Rocho was drunk and disorderly inMiehacl.ttreet. On being taken to the lock-up Johnwas dissatisfied with bis lodging, and.commenced arow, which endod i'l bis smashing a window. Ho wassent to gaol for ono week. Thomas Kennedy nudrunk in Michael- .itrect on Sunday ; be was onlyfined ono shilling, as it was his first iiQencc. PatrickCotter was drunr In John-street; 1)0 was fined one

shilliog. Patrick Jlolliim was drunk in Michiwl-strcct ; his only excuse was that being of n socinblodisposition and meeting some friends, he joined themin a drink, which must have beon a very deep one, asho was unablo to m»yo until he received tho as-sistuueo of tho police, who brought him to the dwell-ing house in Peter-street kuown as tho lock.np. Patwas fined 2s. Cd.. and the court adjourned.


Tho Town Clerk read a communication from thoLocal Government Board , directing tho payment ofa sum of £12 12s. to their hoard, on account ofauditing donoby Mr. William M'Durmott , Poor LawAuditor.

Mr Uusicll—Are tbo two half-yearl y audits in-eluded in that sum ? Town Clerk : No; it is forthn last audit only.

Alderman liuckctt said it was an uuheard-uf thingthat they should bo called upon to pay such n sumof money to a Government auditor. It was, beyonda doubt, too much.

Mr. Russoll inquired if tho Corporation could ohjoctto tha payment of the sum demanded ? Tho TownClerk replied not , aud read from tho soiled ordertbo rule by which tha auditor recoivod paymontsunder tho recent Act of 1872. lleforo then, n sum of£3 3s. per diem and travelling expenses wcri) onl ycharged.

Alderman Hackett considered it easy for gentlemento put their liands in other people's pocket's for thopayment of claims liko thuso. It Was, ho thought,ridiculous for tho Local Government Board to' mentionCork or Watorford, whfro tbo accounts amountod toperhaps £7,000 » year. Mr. Roaay thonght it wasoue of the very many reasons why wo should haveHomo Rule (hear hehr). Alderman Hackett remem-bered that in the first caso of an andit being mruloif,cost only £8 ; and bo really did nut aco why theyshould pay fonr guineSB extra (hoar). '

Mr. Csntwcl l asked if Wnterfortl had not beenexempted from auditing of these accounts by a paidauditor ?

Tbo Town Clerk roplied that such was tho caso ;Cork and Waterford had had themselves exempted. Mr.Ryan : And why has not thinoonncil douo the same ?Town Clork.: 1 suppose they did sot consider them-SSITOB Competent for tho business. Mr. O'Hallonm :Or, perhaps, we were not considered honest enough(luughlcr) .

Alerman Hackott could not think that tho accountswould bo found so heavy or complicated that nogentlomen of ordinary cupneity could get throughthiim in one. d;iy.

Mr. Uyiui said that beforo entering the conncil hoaudited , with others, the corporato uccountH , and bethought thoy wero sutlicieutly well doue.

Mr, Cantwoll did not ut all approve* of tbo auditingns previously doue. It rcqnircd an auditor such usMr. :M'Dormott to examinu fully into nil ucconnUBubmitted. -

Mr. Ryan—Indoed, Mr. Cantwol) , I think tho busi-nrm was thoroughly got through before that geutle-man audited, thoin. Mr. Russoll : You used to passtlKi hatiiporallion , Mr. Ityau (lauy btor) . .Mr. ltyau :Indeed, wo used uot.

The subject coming boforo next mcoting was notcontinued farther.

FATHER 0 KKEH-t S BACSKK '! IN WATHRFOBD -— Thon'ntvtj vrd Mail of a recent date rays: —"Apart fromtbo IcgRl nspcct of tho .cast1, thcro is , no doubt thatFather O'KoeQe carried with bim a largo amount ofsympathy, both from many of his own church and oftlioJo outside it, and it is tnid this sympathy, was iainary inntanccs deep. There is enough good senseamong tho Catholics of Iroland to resent Hierarchi-cal injuntico. jfsach exist. There aro moderate andnational newspapers in Ireland on which FatherO'Keetfo may rely M> discuia hin CBBO fairly and im-pirtialjy, to save , him alike from tbo orguus of Ul-tra montane sycophancy , aud the not I038 injuriousnd.ulatiou of rampant .souperism. It was admittedtbuf^tho Canon Lnvr waa not carried out in its in-U:.!;rity iu any country. In tho Catholic countrioaits provisions were varied, or suspended by Cou-oordob?, and in Protostnnt countries the ODBtotn orlnw» of U10 nation were re=ogui*!d, if not acknow-'lu'lged, by the pupil.authorities, . who uccuptocl ez-iatiug faots.' The fidelity. or.-Fnthar O'KeeHb' to hisfitilh nnd 1 U> his Church is unquestioned ; he allegosU11', h'i y ielded nil the obadienco he contracted toyiyu, and that tp n«k more .wus in itself o broach ofdaiionioal law, whioh he was bonnet topreTOnl."... / -

CI^ONMEL DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL, ?H0W. Bart. Oote.j tm.cli oolt for hnatliiif .pnnpuii. U\ priie,.. The^rst show of this society, Mrte«>tc^: ht&^^

S^S^SSS^ S.istonco under . the presidency and.active;BuppQrfrpf Heittt, 2n4. 1 ; ' ¦ ' : ,'/ V • ¦ • ¦¦ '¦ ¦ ¦Lord Viscount Lianjore., was held pn Monday last, , Be»t thne jt tn old fflly for inntlBj pnrwwei : lJt prlw,'with great euoboss and under most euoouragiog qir- .; fenuX'-.tow^ fliw Z F^'aK^

'' *" *cumstaqcos. The, weather, that most important es- Be«t br6 ye»ni oia'cott ornlir for hnntlag porpowf. . Fintsential to snecoss, was all. that could be desired* and f rize, £i, 2nd' do' £2. Mr. W, A, RlKll'a oolt bj Cooteuor,,tboroault was, an imnaonse attendance, no loss than } M

M« ^S^r^^WiSt'bV'Sra£uO having boon taken at tho d.oor, principally by «d;; Ooorfi,. hlghlj oniSintod. • , ' . ¦ • • • ¦'

admiesions.. The show grocn, a spacious verdant Best brood m«« In fool, or with foal At (oot, oalcplkted, tosward, well walled in , .and aituate in the locality of

fiSMSi^^^^M^^?^"the, gas-house, was opened for tho. reeeptaoq ot . stock of Hea ,i utT . P7QolSan'r(M»ii8»iutoTO>ibro<a..mar9,'nt eight, a.m., nod the animals were placod with , br Crocoir, with foaJ,at foot, hr rdxC|^m, 2nd ; Mr.great regularity aud despatch in their classes, and ''"I06?' O'DpnneU'j brood mtin HlihW cprnmended. . .LoflB» -.,8Jlh.f ,11 were Unreadiness in goodTn,efor j ^S^^ ^ ^ J ^S S J Sf ^ 'the judges to proceed wit)} the discharge of, their man, 1st 1 Mr. John Mawn's (Oormanstown) mare, 2na.' 'important duties. Tho gentlemen who dis'bhargod : Prl« prewntedbr tha l»dte« ot Cloumol and neighbourhood,the^ funotio M.were :-Iu%attlo: Mr.R. O Pri4le,

^i»^ j ^riJ^&jf e5£ZiFarmers Gazette ; Sir R, J. Paul, Bart., and Mr. i • u. a> follows :—Mr. Charles W. HOST'S (Tlpportrj) groy more,Bloomfiold. Sheep : Messrs. Seymour Mowbray,. Jno. Oayiilla, lit.' Mf. John' Boll, V.8., (Olonmel), gray geldinff ,Downing, and Capt. Chas, W. !&¦,.: Swino : Messrs. "

«»«*i E. Chbbor,,', ohMtnut maro, mSbfr

Angustus Warbarton and J, 0. Cooppr Hill ,, Eonltry : J UKWIIO jf aata.—To tho owner of auj, hnntor hnDteilMessrs. Warburton and S. Mowbrav. Horses : Messrs. . **™>s th« p<"t.WMI with tho Tippcrarr c»rrAghm<>re, orn.«<» n ' T«nn >vV... Ti..... \ir "n r>_ n:nn- a p Kilkenny foxhounds 1 or tho Clonuiel , Ciuilr Qarnion, Mr.Beatty, Jonathan Bruce, Wray ;B. Palliser, S. C. ManBerg .i; or Mr, Obadwlck'. harrier., whioh takei thoCooper, and, Capt, Massy. Butter: IJossrs. buwara hlghttt lamp. , To be ridden by a member of one of thet« olnbt.Courtney, Waterford : Robert Heuston, Tipperary ; A plant_ jug 1 »ooond best, a djfar caao

0v«- hnvUei, four

Tho. JL .. CarrVonlSuir. Wool : Same.LW l^ X^t^^^^^Jl^^ 'X irVehicles : Messrs. Wnrburton, Bruce, and PriDgle. ArngntunhecM, 2nd. Ten entries.At ' two o'clock, tho work of inspection had boon POST J UMPIHO PRIIE .—TO tbo owner of tho horao wlio tokos

completed ari.'tto door.. were then >hrown open ,to! ^^L^^ ^r^^l f &C^tho general publjo. In tbo stock department there roy hooter, rfddon by Mr. Pallln, B.A,, 1st. . Mr. Moloney'swas quito a conrtly gathering, comprising the aristo-, yellow cob., 2nd. .cratio blood of tho fiord Bockl . Knight of". England, . This brought the most iuccessful show to atho ' property of Colonel . Stuart, was : a splendidanimal, aud was accorded first prizo in section 1, bullsovor 2 years old, pure bred short horns. Royal Gem(first prize) , tbo property of Francis Harvey, Esq.,oommonded an admiring throng of spectators ,- andMajor M'Craith'8 Sam, a very superior animal, ,washighly 'commended. The other exhibitors in thisdepartment wore Messrs. Stephen Moore, Barno ;Patrick Coughlan, South Lodgo; John Jellicao , Cabir,&o. In pure brod short-horns, calved in 1872,, LordLismorn's animals carried off tho prizes (honorary),while tho representative of Major M'Craith'a herdwas highly commended. For milch cows Col. Stnart'sMiss Patrick got first prizo, his roan cow took secondprizo^ ' and Major M'Craith's Fanny was deservedlyhighly (commended. Tho heifers, calves, <tc, woroof tho( highest class of breeding. In Bhoep Mr. RobertOooko and Lord Lismore woro tho principal winners,of prizes, but Mr. Bagwell's and Colonel Stuart's,nominations had their share of the laurels. .

In 'tbo second class, Mr. John Mason's red Bhort-horn-ball tho first prize, Mr. P. Nugept, Grenanojsecond prize. For tho boat yoarling ball , Ur. William.Moore, Clonea, took first prize, and Mr, Patk. Quinlan,SairmouDt, Kilmanabaa, was, awarded tbo second. Mr..P. Quintan's cow in milk, first prize, was very much,admired. Tho attondanco of .visitors iuoluded theitollowihe :

Lord Lismore ; Sir Robert J. Pnul, Bart , F. 0. Dlootuflelil,J.P., nnd Captain Armstrong J.P., Walcrford Local Committee¦ of II. A. S. I. ; Mr. and tho MUsoj Bagwell, Mr. Lalor, D.L.,Crcgv ; Major O'Doancll, J.P., and Uln. Douncll, KioholastownCiutio ; Mr. and Mrs. U. O'Doumll, Majur M'Craitb, Mr. luidMrs. Charles Cilibborn, 'Anner Park j Mr. 1)., Mrs. iuid <boMisses Clibborn, Mr. E. Hackett,. Jtrs. O'L'onnoll Hnckutt, tlioMisses Hackett , Dr. and Mrs. ilinp liy. Carriok-on-Suir, audMrsO'Donuell , l'ftrk Viiiw ; Aldcrui.au, .Mrsuud theMijiiui Creuu,Cilcuvicw. ; Mr. K. Power Sprinsfielil ; Jtr. Jnra.es J Slice, J.P.,Abbcyviow ; HCT. I*. 1\ FIjnn.lleT. li. 1". WaJnb, GaramohKBcld jMr. Patrick auil ilri. Quinlau, Miiiiuanstowu ; Dr. KonnoliciE,Mr. P. Conrhlaii , .Soutbloiko : Mr. and Mrs. Juuiun U'Donucll,

'Ballybcio ; Mri W. Ryan; solr., Mr. O'Douohoo, .Mr. Jrvmu] and1 Mrs. O'Doniioli , MatienDstown ; Mr. Jolia Hnnnitian, Miss. Hanrabnii , Mr. and Misa 0'1'cara, Mr. P. Walsh, Glenbowtr ;' Mr. -Rice, .Mr. Wra. Lauu and Mr*. Lai:v, Munstcr Bank ; Aid.' Hyrno atjd Mrs. Colejnan , ; Oleucouuor JI OUIH: ; Mr. Biaiiconi ,¦ l).L/( .LoUBfiold ;' Capt; Slucko, ILM. ; Mr. and Miissw Power.Cloumol ; tbo .MigcftiSankey, T. Cambridifo.Onibb,-: Cloamel ;. Mr. Ocbiviau MarisficH, J.P. ; Captaiu Mauafidd , Loiidwfipo ;.Pierce Marcim Darron ; Arnold De la Poor, Gurtcen ; Mr. W.R.. Mrs., and Misaoj Alulcaby, Corobella ; Mr. Henry W.Drisooe,. Tinvanc ; Mr. Melville , J .P. ; Mr. W. Mulcaby,llallynorou ; Mr.' and Mrs. Koarur, Gas Works, and Mrs. Kgau;Mr. A. Ceat s, Mr. P. Mnudevillo,' BiUlTOuirkoeu : Mr. J.Dobbvu, Lcoi-Ulo ; tha Major of Waterford and Mr» Freeman j

, Mr. I'jlwunlJobu Barren, Mr. P. A. Power, Wat*.Tloril| Mr.John Ilyland, Ballyueal ; Dr. and Mrs. Crcan and Miss Coone-y;Mr: John Coohey, Oarranlca ; Mr. T. and Mrs. Cttntwcll,

¦Cbarlea M'Carthy. Fotbard ; Mr. John :Jellico, Mr. T. Myers,''Mr. I'. Dcnnchy, Mr. istoplien and Mrs. Murjiliy, Mr. and theMisses Constable ; Mr. J . L. and tbo Mi'«c« Worral , ¦ Sir Johu(ionah, ' Mr. Percy Gontjb , Rcr. T. English, P.P., Rcr. F. T.llradj,,.Mr. aud Mrs) W. K; Byrne, Mr. 'JJ J. Lccchman, Mr.Cnsack, Cablr ; Mr. W. Cloary, Mr. P. Ilnssell, 4c, &c. •

Tbo refreshment stands, first- anil secbrid class,wore admirably and efficientl y managod by Mr. FrahorAndhis assisUxnts. ItefroshmcntH to suit all classesworo supplied. The display of implements was of afair. character. Messrs P. P. Mnrpby sold a hand-some sociable car to Sir. G. Gongh, Knockovan, for£00. .Messrs. T. Lyons A Son obtained a specialprizo for host sociablo car ; tbo. several " traps" ox-hibitcd were of a good quality, reflecting credit ontho clnn3 of work turned oat from their shop iu thoIrishtowu,. Clonmel. An outeiilo fly car, builtexpressly for Lord Lismoro, was a model for buildand neatness. Mr. Cusack purchased a splendidCroydon at a protty high figure, nnd soveral otliorcars woro the ccntro of attraction for a considerableportion, of tho day. Mr. Birmingham had Irishcombined rcapiogand mowing maohinos and reapers,by Piorco und Co., of Wexford j.high speed threshingmachines with safety covering and iron barn works ,by same mnker. Tinkler's churn barrels, with" Xapior's patent dasheu," uppoar to deserve, thotestimuniuls disLributod. An American hay-rnisiugfork looks an useful article, and likoly 'Jo lightenlabour. Stablo fittings, ruugos, hay tosscrs, andmowing and reaping machines, by Samuelaon , Horns-by, Burgess and . Koyi>, and Woods ; chnfl' andiiirnip cuttera, boilers, by Smith and Wollstuno jdriving gears, thoep racks, a very fino cart nndBOvcni l pairs of whoola, by MOSSM . 11. F. Kenno am'.Co., Cappoqnin , composed this reall y fino collectionOf goods. THE IUXQUKT.

At about six o'clock tlia spacious hall of tho CourtHouse,, whic h was brilliantly ligbtod with gas, beganto fill very rapidly, and nt half past six, the chair wastaken by the President, Lord LtsJtoiiE , and tho vice-chair .was admirably filled by tbo Ilight Worshipfultbo Mayor, KUWARD CiNTwELt, - Esq. The llev.Thomaa English, 1\1'., St. Mary 's, occopiod a soat ontho right of. nobto chairman, and tho llev. Francis T.Brady, Hector, sat ou his lordship's loft. Grace be-fore, and after moat was repoated by the rovorondgentlemen respectively. About two hundred satdown . tQ dinner, which was well servod by Mr. JohnWiucbester. .

Tho usual loyal toasts having been disposed of, thenoble President proceeded to proposo " Success to thoClounicl District Agricultural Socioty," audi in thecourse of hii speech remarked— This eonnty, as 1 Bee inin our local und other publications, arrogates to >tselfthe title of the promior county iu Irolimd. I , for ono, donot object but 1 glory in tbo title (hear) . But let us nowdo something—do everything—to render ourselvesworthy of tho title. Let our show, nt any rate, botho lirst, as it can bo, und ought to bu (cheers).With u soil aud climate suited to tho production ofstock und butter, at present tho great und almost tboouly manufactures in thia county, why should notCluun'iel mul surrouudiug district becuino a coni.ro forall . that is good?—moro than that, for all thut is firstclass in all it cuu produce (cheers). Our fnniU havoexceoded our fondest hopes—iu rouud numbers wohave. £700, a much larger sum than , as far as ( canunderstand, haa over bocu received by uuy local orcounty Bbow (cheers). Then wo havo had our showtins day. I look ou our having a show at all n greatsuccess, but we have not bad tha show yet that woought and that we slull havo (hear, hear). We bavoIdouo well , und can do better. At tho fi rst show bold:by. tho Itoyal Socioty in 1831, theiu woro exhibited,only thirteen bolls , 7 COWF/ U heifers, 8 shtiep, (ihof ilpa , uud 'J noses (laughter)—b'7 entriua. What haethat nj>ow grown into ? Xvxt August you will see at

iWiitorford, and oxcupt tlio asae*, I daresay tho eutrioswill ,bo saliafuctory (hear und laughtor). Havingreferred to tho ueoessity of studying and promotingibo breed of cattlo throuybout tbu country, the Pre <'eidentconcluded thus:—Auother subject I leol it myduty to alludn to U, tbo fuct that wo arj upending.money and taking puioB , nod rightly to, in endeavor-ing to improve) stock-tho beast tint periidiotb.' I«theru not nnotber class conuooted wilb farming—tbo

rigricultural laborer—as well deaerviug our attontion(heir, Jieur) ? On him moro than any other, perhaps,:jlcpoiiils our social wpll-buing. Wo cuinut ignore thoBolemn fact that, with, aome few and brilliant localexception;?, our laboring.'cliwa nro not housod as theyought to be, and.moreover aro fast leaving tho country . Until thut blot is erasod I seo no hope of reallyraising the tttattu of pur country (hear, hear). " Outof tbo ubuudanco of tho heart ibe mouth speakotb."I don't think, with' tho kind faces. I seo around mo,that tho Fociety will . full , to tho grouud. 1 hopethat tbo babo just born will , with your fostering care,livu through n vigorous youth, obtuin a lordly man.hood, aud 100 yours, hpnoo bo still living as theoldest inhabitant (loud and long continued choiring,amidst which h 'u lordship rcuumed bis aoat).

Amougst tlw oilier tniisis spoken to wero—" ThoJloynl Society ami all kindred inslitutiont," proposed¦by Kdinoud Puw«r,..li5i|., itepor.ded to by Mr. Jt. t).J'ringltj ;' "' Tliu 1Jud^oi',".prouaiid by Mr. Wise-, midrus[wudud to by Mr. Blooinliuld ; tbo " SucceSH'.'ulCoiunciilorr," proposcil by il r. JJagwcll , M.P., r»-spouded to by Jlossrb. M'Cabo und MUBOII ;' " TheProiideut," proponed by Mr. T. C. Grubb, andresponded to by bis lordship ; " Tbu Mujor," pro.posod by Lord Lismore, and rospondod . to by bisworship ; " Tho Visitor*," proposal) by Mr. Bagwell ,nnd rcspou led to by the Mayor of Waterford ; " ThoPreBS," proposed by the Kuv. Mr. Millington , andresponded 10 by Mr. K. C. llackett ; nnd " Oar nextMerry Meeting."

THE HORSE bllUW.This exhibition took :pluoe ;ou Tuesday, when the

visitors wero agqin fuvorod witb splendid!.weather,and thcro wcru two bunds in attendance—tbe lfarros-tci 'a and fin amntQti r bund..* Tbo us trios oumtiorea105, eouio baing good animals. A staud-booso > irasoreuted , uud wna , tilled with a fushionablo audience.The ;»rmci pul prizsi were awarded.lu followd :—•

Jt'^t hunter net lrjid lliuu 5 yeurd "M UJ> tit VJit fto<! upwarJi:,In . Jii ; nwoJ, t l . Mr. J . JpllttO'^VBe»i'iiyours old Imrni byKill -iuxiiy, 1.1 j .mi!. Ci].l*iu O. U.. Sl ieku 'a butiter , byUuiiii) lliril. ifim.

]Su.st four yr x r old colt for liuntlug luirrKjses , cnlcubtcd Utcurry ):ht- and uputirdy, 1st prize, hi ; si conil1. £5. Mr ,U'mrluJ W. Wist, iKpoiiudtowu) Htoekbtilro, 1st. Mr. P. Q>l'i-

. Liu's (.Hainmrnnt) groy colt, bred by Air. J. O'iluQiidJ, Utlljsboi', hj UalUiu'li KnJn of IleurM, 2nd.

I)n,t'iour /ear nld filly for bunting nnrpo«s, culculated torarry l^rtouumid upnuiil», Iit .'ii) . 2nd, iti. Mr. P.. QuInWn'i(Suirinount) filly, by Knavii of lioartj., brod by Mr. JainoaO'WoHaeli ; iWJjtoe/ljT.- Mr. J. K*unali> Tas., h»y'«lly,;fc/

• CpBlamituttail .!¦ • : n : < ,.. . ¦¦¦ ¦¦ >¦ "' .. . » / , . . .r.. («.


BOARD OF GUARDIANS—SA T U R D A Y .JOHN KICHABDSON , Ea ., in tbe chair. Also pre-

sent : Messrs. John Shea, William Uritton, KdmondBrowno, Joseph E. O'Donnoll, and I'd trick O'Donnoll.Captain . Hamilton, P.L.I., and Dr. O'ltyan, M.D.,were in attendance. >

THE REUEVINO OFncKB.—The Local GovernmentBoard for Ireland wrote) sanctioning tho appointmentof Mr. Daltou, lately elected by the guardinns assanitary and relieving officor. of No. .2 district.

SANITARY REPORT*.—The'Beveral.aaoitary. officersreported their districts to be in a satisfactory condi-tion as regarded the. public health. There were casosof scarlatina of a mild type in l'ortlnw. ¦ Defaultersundor tbe Compulsory Vaccination Act bad , in mostCBSss, complied with the notice servod on them.

• The admissions, ' whioh wore not - numerous, - pre-sented no features of interest, and tbe routine-, busi-ness being tranBBOted,.the board adjourned early.

PETTY SESSIONS—THUXSIMY.Beforo H. W. Briscoe (in the chnir) ; Carbery

Soully, W. Iterbort, 0. R. Slaokc, H.M., nnd T. B.Wilson. Sob.Inspector McLoughlin occupied a seaton tbo bench.

I TBESPASS ON TILLAGE.—Johu Kull y, Poulmaleon,charged Pat lloHornan, of tho samo locality, with al-lowing a number of sheep, bis property, to trespasson his (complainant's) oat crop, on dilferent dates spe-cified in tho summons. Kelly proved tho loss ho sus-tained by reason of > tho trespass inconsiderable.Heffernan was ordered to pay Is. compensation, inaddition to costs ot court.

A FISHERY DISPUTE.—Margaret Wall chargodMargurot Barko with having; nsod abuoJvo andthreatoning language towards her, at Groonside, ontho 11th instant. The ovidonco wen t to Bhow thattho language, if used, was of a very filthy description.There wns a cross-ense, whioh was heard be-foro any decision was arrived at. Both parties dealiu salmon, and tho dofondant stated that her acensorsomo days previously got, through mistake, ia Water-ford, tho sum of £1 Oa. 3d., which belonged to herauut; that it was wbon sbe rcfueod giving it up sbebecame- somewhat excited. She asserted that no onobut herself had any reason to complain, and thatMary Hall ,, in addition to bitting her in tho face,threatened to Btriko hor wit h a bellows (laaghter).Tbe banch dismissed both oases. Civil proceedingsaro about being instituted for the recovery of thomoney in dispute.. - :

H IOIIT OP WAY.—William- Lawless, residing atBrittas, charged Nicholas Brennan, of same locality/with preventing him from bringing water, from thoneighbouring1 well , oh the 7th instant. The complain-ant proved that tbe wel l had boon in nse since 1825,and that a right of passage thereto existed sinoe tbeperiod in question. Tho chairman inquired tf therewaa - auothor pathway loading to tho well ? Defen-dant : Them iB, your worship, but it is too great around to go by. The settlement of the dispute wassubsequently referred to Mr. Delanay, ageut. on thoproperty, wbioh belongs to Ponsonby Barkor, Esq.Brennan. wits further obarged with trespassing onLawless's-lands on-same day, bat tbig charge wasdismissed.

HUSUANU AND WIYK .—A man named Cartby had biswifo Bammonod for assaulting him, and using;,abnsiveand threatening laoguago towards bim. Tho partieslived on irbat migbt :bo termed tbo; " worst. termspossible," and at tho time tbo . offence. complainedof was cpmmittpd, tbo .dofcndaut .was-an inmate oftho Carrick-on-Suii; workhouse . Tho latter is some-what erratic in her manuor, and her " bettcr-balf"willing ly consented to pay 2s. per week for her main-tcnanco, provided sbo only consouted to keep nwayfro m him. The wife, on the othqr hand, appearedequally well pleased with the bargain arrived ut , andindulged in uproarious mirth letting court.

Thcro were drunken: cases . disposed of, in all ofwhich wero imposed fine3 varying from 2s. 6d. to 10a.Adjourned.

N KAILLY : A RIOT.—On Saturday ovening List, Mr *John l'he'an, proprietor of a pawnbrcking .establish-ment, in tbo^Uaia-atreot, bad, owing to tho death of arelative, thought fit to cloao np his plaoo of busiooss fortho night, witbont drcatniug what consequences mightarise to those who aro in tbo habit of leaving theirbest, clothing ' for safo keeping during tho week, andtaking them out for on airing on Sunday. Aboutseven o'clock, .however, it becamo. apparont thatclosed doors woro not at all what was expected by hisolicuts, and.shortly afterwards mtttors begun to wearso . borious an oepect , that tho polico bod to comoupon tho soeno, and by their timely interforonco, andtbo effective , mannor in which thoy did their duty,what «as considered an imminent disturbunco wasaverted. A detachment.of the polico remained uptill twelve o'clock, by which timo tbo crowd had muchdecreased, but it was not long after that " witchingtimo of night" beforo order was finally restored.

SALE IX BANK11UPTC}CITY OK WATKEFOKO. — Tho oxtensivo concerns,

known as No. 9, Patrick-street, iu which Messrs. T.Morphy & Son corned on, for many years, thetobacco and chandlery trado, were put up for sale, ouMonday woek, for tbo . third time, by tbo; Messrs.Waljm & Son, auctioneers, . on the promises, in lots ,but thcro wero' no bidders. Tho ontiro oonccrn,with Ibe plaut, was then offered iu ono tot, .and tberebeing n reBcryedi prico of £500, 3d>. 11. fitigerallbid £503, at which it was . knocked down. Messrs.O'Brion & Howard, solicitors, had carriago of salo.

SALE OK LEASEHOLD . PUOTEKTY .—On Wednesdayweek the MessH. T. Walsh and .Son, anctioneers, thoMnll, rot up for salo tbo interpstj of Mr. P. l>roing, abankrupt, iq valua°?lo leasehold property iu nud nearTrnmore. Tho first lot set up was, 17a. lr. and 14p.of tho . lands of Co'rbally, called Springfiirm, withbouso &c, leased for 52 year* from idth Septpmbor,'(il , at £50 n-year. 1 ho bidding were opened by Mr.Kell y nt JCiOO, and . they wont up by fives to £203, atwhich fi gurb , Mr. .Ji)lin Kgan, .Waterford, WUB declaredtho purchaser. Tho other bidders, ¦l woro . If Mara,Scurry, it. ' Fitzgerald, M. Pobbyn, JT. Badd, E. J.liarron, and Kitmlmn. - Lot 2, was a. houso nnd officesin Main-streht, Trnmoro, Iensed for. 50 years from 25thMarc h, 185!) , «t £2-1- 3s. a year, sold subject to thatennntcy of il is» Kearney of. a 'shop rooted at £12.Tbo biddings were opened by Mr. .WV Hally at £50,and Miss Kearney, thu tenant, fcecaino tao purobasernt £S5. Mr. J. Build was tha only,pther competitor.Lot 3 was a tenement in Jlain-etreet, leased , underLord Donoraila, at' £12. > . year. . , Mr, . John Ryanopened tho biddings at £30, and .Pf-entually becametho purobasnr at £113. ' Tho otlior competitors were—Messrs. W. Hally M.- Dobbyn, and J. Ilndd. Thofirm of O'Brien aud Howard had tho carria^o of sale..

TUK Poi-E—W HY DOES H K SOT DIE ?—Tho NewOrloans dJornin;/ Star eaya:—" Tho old Pontiff huot dead yot. According 'to the trustw orthy telo-grains bo hns been sick—very sick,—d ying, and deadalmost a scoro of timos,—und yet, strango to say,ho still liven and sooms resolved to livo in spite oftill who would like to BOO him gathered to his foro-fiitlierc, tlmt they might in hi» demise, eclebrato thoburial seivico» of tbe Papacy. Pity ho does notpolitel y y iold to tho invitation so cordially extendedto bim to dio at once, and not givo any moro troubleto tho world. Tho world is'a watcher by his bod-Bide. It |is getting weary of its task. Ono day hogrows Tory weak and the end seomB but balf-an-houraway. And lo ! the next day the old prisoner is upand receiving a delegation of his loyal , loving sub-jects. It in, really, - too bad-. Tho suspenee of bisenemios ia becoming too hard to bear. Why docB honot die, at onco, and bo- done with it ? But he docsnot seem anxious for his owu funeral. He has otherbravo word* to say to this prond world. Ho hnssome other works to do before bo goes to his rest.Ho is ooustautly disappolntig : the world. All kindsuf'didcosas ' have passed t>y * liifl bedsido, but bo ap-pearB resolved to baffle them ftll. Tbe telegratns havotried their boat (o kill him—but so fur they aro ia-noeent of hit murder. " Ilts •'¦ sickness is a puzzle.His recovery is mi auuoy ing surprise. Hia health isa riddle. His ! l iving-at all any longor ia veryqncstionnlilo conduct on his part, Why does he notdio ? God may want bim rec awhile. IYI10 knowsfor what ?" . • . . ' : ¦ '

Sinco tbo Union, Scotland has received fromGoTeromont JBl ,000,000 ' moro than Ireland, to pro-moto her fiaborios. . •'.

Success rides on'every hour ; grapplq it, nnd yonmay win , but without a gmpplo 'twill ueror go, withyou. ...\Vork ' U: tho' weapon1 of hohor; and ho wholacks the weapon v<ll n«y»p triumph. - •

WHAT"WATER- IS BEBT P: We'take'front llall't Journal of Health :the fol-

lowing' most , important paragraph. It agreesfWlyvith Sit-D. - 'Obrrigaii's iiro.nt evidence be-ford the committep of tho Houso of Cdm'nj oria onthd' .satno subject. In .Watorforii thero is nosueti tting as riiriniDg. water.' It is all suppliedfrO|m .fcbe oartb—from drifts, or small;,sewora-rtrorfi,pumps, or stagniuit.pools.—miscallod foun-tains:.—"Tho most healthful.drink is running''. water at tjhQ teoiporataro of tho air at the timo", ftndi,place.::, Runrdrjg . water, purifies itself.".The .running.water,of a springi3: purer fifty" feet:, from tho* fountain than at the fountain"head, bocauso -oxposuro . to the air causes tho" oxidation or ohemical decomposition of any" impure and more solid matters which bundlo"up 'from tho depths) below-. Many cases aro"given whero drinking of apparently pure" spring or wall water has caused sovcre sickness'j or '-'Scatlt in wholofamilios, .because they ro-

cci'ved tho drainages of barn-yards and house" drains."


TO TII K EDITOR, Or THE WATERTORD NEWS.6 Merrion-equareiEast, 21st Jane, 1873.

BEAR SIR —I regret muob to find that, notwithstand-ing my anxiety to study tbe wishes of my constituentsou uvcry matter, of importancn to this countrybrought beforo Parliament, thoresppaars to bo ratheran nnfavoarnblo impresiion entortained by a portionof my friends nnd supporters, who constitute tbo In-depondent Club in Wexford. I rather fear that myviews on tho quostiou of Home Rule may not bounderstood in conseiruonca of my uot having made anypublio announcement of them in tho local or othorpapers. I, regret this , inasmuch m I have novormudo any sneret of ray views on the ((uestion , nowregarded of . so much importance throughout tholand, I have over assured my friends iu or ont ofWexford who spoko to :mo on tho 6ubjoct that 1sbQuld .givo. this mensuro my cutiro support whenbrought ;boforo Parliament, while I declined to bo-oome a rnombcrof any political association whatever.

I regard, a liberal member's duty to bo a verygravo one indeed,, and . for ,tho sako of oourtinirpopularity in my own county or clsowhero, I shouldbe sorry to act prccipitatoly whoro the greatestcaution should bo observed. I havo nover hesitatedto givo .my assurance to my friends that HomoRule should havo my support , sinco I have seen thattheoountry id in oarnoit about it , and since I havo hadproof that it docs not depend on the action of cithersecret onomies or doubtful friends for its nilvocacy.I am tbo sou of ono who was a Kopealcr , and itwould ill become mo wero I uot on tho sido of thupcoplo when they dcularo in favour of a princi plemoro inild, ns exprcssod in a demand for federalgovernment iu nil matter* of local and doinos vtio legislation. I regard a cb"nj;o in thesomatters to bo of tho utmost necessity, li.w.iug bad somo cxperiouco of tho working of li iahbusiness in the iiritisli Houso of Commons for l.bupast fivo ycsr?\

I cjunot imagine bow any ono calling himself auIrishman could refuse, to give his aid aud assiataucJ iufurthering to tho best of his abilities a movement soossential to tho welfaro and prosperity of Ireland anthis ono of Home Kulo will be if followed np in aspirit of thorough honesty. It has long boen re-marked tbot tho buaiucss of Parliament has becomeexcessivo, and for an Irishman who bus property tolook-after , in tho way of business or otherwise, ithas becomo porfcctly. impossible to pay tho attentionbo would wish to the many qucBtious involving Ire-land, unless ho noglepts his affairs and residos alto-gether in Londoo, .. I need not say wbat troublo amiexpouec aro involved in bringing witnesses to Londonto bo examined beforo those who have, to say tholenst of it , but a hasy. idea of Irish requirements inmany instances, aud- wbou theso subjects could bobetter inquired into a^ homo. I think this oue in.stnnco alono shonld prove wbat benefit wo wouldderivo from,having tho management of our aB&irs inour own hands. I find the olub lias taken exceptionto some.of my votos, and to my uot having voted onBomo other occaaious. This tho olub bus <|uito n,right to do, and if I havo orrod iu my judgementon any occasion, I am , but too glad to be set right,while I.must regret not having bad it in my powerto givo universal sntiafactiou. . I am sure, however,that tbe mon of Woxford are tho very last not toextend to their ropresontativo some of that gene-rosity for which thoy aro proverbial ; and that, whilethey do not expeot perfection, they will givo . him.credit for honest intentions.

I oNdoavoured in my position as landlord to actwith such liborah'ty as I thought might givo a goodexomplo on tbo question of Tenant-right, and myvoice was not wanting nor my vote when tho loadingmeasures of the day wero bciug carried throughParliament. I did uot vote for Mr. Smyth's amend-ment regarding Trinity College, as by doiug so Iwould have stultified myself when I had voted onl ya few days bofqro against Mr. Gladstone's bill , whichat least guvo us some representation ou tho board oftho proposed.university. And rogarilinjj tho removalof n jndgo, I considered such a proposal too sorioua amatter to bo dealt with in haste, wbilo I hesitated notto express my condemnation and utmost disgust atcertain languago used by him on tbo occassion. Iconsider .this expression of opinion on my part duonot only lomy constituents but to myself, and hopothoy . will belio.vo nvj when I assure them that Ishall ever bo foremost in forwarding, ns far as in myhumblo power may be, tho wolfure of Irelaud wbethorin a public or prirato cajmcity.—I am , faithfully yours,


THE FoHTiii'OMi Nu Snow, LOHKIK U S AT W.vmt-roni) .—Tlio Farmers' Oinellt; in witin^ OJ the forth-coming show in Waterford, makes tho followingobservation!! :—" Wo regret to lenrn that consider-ablo apprehension exists IIH to tlie course pursued bylodging-houso keepers in dtHerrin;,' persons fromvisiting Wuterford during the show , in couRcquencoof tho unprecedentedly high charge.-* that nro deman-ded for beds. This irt a serious mistake on tho partof tho citizens , us Btraugora wil l prefer travellingto tbo neighbouring town.-i rather tlmn allow thein-SOITCS to bo (ivorcbarged. Thu loe:il committee ,it is but right to state , have been untiring in theiroxcrtious to counteract thi.y course o.p |nocodnre. :»nrlit is to be hopud thut tbo owners of promise*, havinglodgings to let , will bo induced to follow tho iidvicogivon them. It is very much to be regrulted thatMr. ,1. M. Hoyso has been , from domestic causes, nn-able to discharge tho dutios of director of tho show.Without fora moment desiring to dicta (0 to tho coun.cil , we would suggest that Mr, J. MacFarluno wouldbe 11 suitable successor to Mr. Koysc; bis businosahabits and tho very deep iutero.-t which he hasalways tnkon in tlio society, render him eminentlyfitted to discharge tbo duties of tint office."

Cr.ERKs or U NIONS , A N U THE J UEV LISTS.—Thosubject of remuneration , out of tho geunrnl fand ofthe country, to clerks of unions for tho heavy laborimposed upon them under tho new Juries' Act, hasbean before tbo Houso of Commons, with , we arosorry to Bay, a most unsatisfactory result. In roplyto Mr: G. BROWSE, tbo Marquis of HARTINI ;TO.N unit!—I think that although tbe act just passod involvnsadditional expenses, thoso expenses, including re-muneration for thoolorkn of unions for tho additionalduty imposed upon them in nuking out tho lists ofjurors, sro provided for in tbo Act of 1871 , and noyadditional expenses which may be incurred will havoto bo provided for in tho same manner. I npprohoudthai tbe question of my hon. friend rotates to tho fiiotof many petitions having been prosentod by boards ofguardians, ' praying that tlio expenses of tho Jurios'Act thonld bo paid out of tho Consolidated Fund.That would be a subject for consideration both inEngland and Iroland when a general inpomo is intro-duoed, but I cannot say that nt present. 1 can boldoat aoy hopo tbut tlio Government will adopt such apolicy.

TA K R . An A IMT.K .—A Minnesota editor is respon-sible for tbo following Btory : Fifteon yours hgowhen Minnesota voted tho Stato railroad bondB, Mr.John Hart, living in Hollingstono Valley, after thoelection was over, was invitod by a friond to tako aglass of " Imp soda," but instead of taking adriuk hotook two npplon. One ho gavo to his wife, and theother ho nto iimsolf. Both ho and sho saved theseeds of those two apples, which they planted, nndfrom which aprnng oight apple trees. 1'ivo or thembavo lived , havo prospered, aud grown to be hardy,vigorous, boaring trees. Latterl y, each treo bearsfrom ten to fifteen bushols of apples yoarly. At thefair in Minneapolis , last fall , bu secured twopremiums of 50 dols. each, upon tho apples tnkonfrom tboso trees. Sineo they commenced bearing,ho hail gathered from I I ICKO Ircca nearly ono thousauddollars' worth of iipplos, which havo all originatedfrom tbo nimple fact that ho tool; tipples instead ofbeer.

Mr. I). C. Heron, M.P., Ins forwarded his contri-bution of £10 tc tlio testimonial to bo presented totbe Kipcht J lcv. Ur. Power, llomau Cutholio Hishopof tho diocese. Tho fnud now amounts to XM8U.

1 My dear boy,' said a fond mother , ' unverdofer tilto-morrow what you can <lo to-duy ' "f ben , mother,1replied tho urchin, ' Let us cat"tbo plum puddingto-nigbt.'

A grocer, wher. complained to about tho quality ofcjj8i>, excused bimsolf by saying—' At this timo of thoyesr tho hens are not wull , ' und often lay bad ones.'

Chinese bird-fanuiers tiu ti . i whistles to tho tailsof their feathered pett . to protec t thfm fromvultures. As tho birds fl y tho whistles shriek , and tborulturu in scurc-d nnd tlies nway,

ArroiNTMENT. —Wo aro lmppy to learn that Dr.llcdmond (son of Henry ltnlmoud , Esq., K.M., Dun-garvan), has bnrn nppniniud dispensary medical olli-eer In tho Ca;i]iiH|iiiii district , without , opposition.—Tho highly qualinud mid pupular young gcutleman isgroat grandson to ibe great Liberator.

Tbero urn fil persons Ie3-) in the Waterford unionthin last year.

Mr. Gujlaher, ol High.street , bought 400 salmonin and noar Hose, thin week. , :

franco has now moro men trained to arms thanarersbe bad before.


(Before the Bight Hon ihe I»rd Chancellor and thoLord Justice of appeal.) ' . f _ „

tf Cmith v.- Oufcm—Tbfrwas-an appeal from anJerSMa,^rorth9 a»l]., appoi Dg a r vcrover the defendant's estates in 1&SFp \W". fe.tiff-Oaptain M'Craitb, sued ' the .defendant > MajorQnCKe flotioD of his.' (plaiBtiCTs) w.fvandobtained B' verdict" at the Wlcktow asaaea, twel™monikBago/ foc^£6,000 damage.. - Sab nent* theverdiot wu'. entered as .a, judgment, and a. pe"uo»™ted in tbe-Unded Estate. Court for

ftho sale

of tho derendant-'s lande. -A motion wu aft€»rrM^Lrf« to the Master of Bolls to a-ppointa receiver.Tbe motion waa oppo.ed on tbo part of "»e deienaanw

but a receiver ivas appointed, and from that dec. ion

tho present appeal was taken. Tba defendant sought

to «t »side-'tne order on tbe grounds that. the judg-,

meat did not net out tho costs ; that by tbo regts- .tration the plaintiff did not acquire anyxbargo upon

tho lands , lU at the time the bill was Died ho bad no

charge or inoambmuoo upon tho load, and .that thoplaintiff did not . show sufficient, ground for theappointment, of a receiver. Their Oordships oon.

firmed the dociBion of the MaBter as to the appoint-mont of the receiver, bat made somo emendation m

the form of tho order. •Counsel for tho plaintiff—Messrs Jackson, Q.C,

Walker, Q.C, and Roper, instructed by Mr. Sargont ;for dofondant : Messrs Harris, Q.C. aud Shackolton,instructed by Mr. Forsythe.

COUKT OF EXCHEQUER-—WEDNESDAY .(Beforo tho Right Hon Baron Deasey.)

Stacpoolt v. the Cl yde Shipp ing Company.—This-was an action to recover damages for injuries doneto a boat, shipped by tho plaintiff, at London, in onoof defendant's'vessels for delivery at Waterford, forthe plaintiff, who ia member of Parliament for Ennis.Tho summons and plaint set forth that thedefendantspromised to carry tho boat Bafoly from London toWaterford, and that they did carry it, but that theydid not .take proper caro iu the conveyance of thoboat, whioh was found to be much broken when itarrived and wns examined at Waterford. The plain,tiff. alleged that the injury to the boat was occasionedthrough the negligence of the dofendants at Pl y-mouth, when it was transferred from the vessolin which it was placed at London, to anotherin whtoli it wa3 conveyed to Watorford. Tbe defen-dants donied the contraot as -sot forth in the sum-moos and plaint. They pleaded that tboy did u»ocaro, aud that tho damago was done through astorm at sea, for which they were not responsible,Counsel for tho plaintiff—Mr Fitzg ibbon, Q C, nndMr Loughlin; for tho defendant—Mr Harris, Q C,Mr Hardy, Q C, and llr Rylaad. The case occupiedthe day.

COURT OF PKOBATE.—WEDNESDAY,(Before Judge Warren and a common jury.)

Rodic v. Roche..—This was a Boit to ostablish thowill of tho Into Thomas Itoche, a farmer, of thocounty Wexford , who died iu tbo early portion of thopresent year. The will was propounded *y JohnKoohe, deviseu and legatoe , and tbe- dofondaat wasNicholas Jtoche, BOH cf tho eldest brother (nowdeceased) of tho testator, and con>equuntl y heir- at-law. Tho defendant pleaded that tho will was uotoxeculed conformable to the statute, aud want oftestamentary capacity. It appeared that tho tes-tator was seized with fever in tho month of June,1B-H , when hh brother Philip suggested tho makingof his will , and the testator communicated hiswishes, and in duo timo tho will was drawn upand executed by the testator, ho sitting up in a budTho will waa romoved into tho custody of a person'natnod Furlong, aud from that time to hi8 duuth—tbii'ty-two years aftorwnrds— be never saw the will.Tho witnesEes to the will aro dead, and tho unlyliving person who could givo evidence as to iteexecution was tho brother Phili p. Tho defondantsorvud notico lo examine the plaintiff's witnessss.Tbo jury found n verdict establishing tho will , nndtho-j udge allowed tho defendant his costs, on theground that the caso waB one wnich roquirod in-vestigation, and from tho manner in which ho hadconducted his defence Counsel for the plaintiff—Mossrs Tandy, Q C, and Gibson, instruoted by MrHarvoy. • For tho defendant—ilessrs Gibson, Q CIiOremo N'unn, and Mr Short , instructed by MrTavlor.

C0XS0LIDATKD CIIAMHEH. —Tiintsii.iv.idchad Cant Kelt V. Edmird Cassin.—Sergeant

Armstrong applied on behalf of the defendant , thattho caso should bo remitted for trial befo ro the Chair-man of tho county of Kilkenuy, unless plaintiff garosecurity for costs. Counsel moved on tbo aflldavitof tbo defendant, Mr Mulhalum Marum , and Mr.Shortall. Tho action was brought for tho allegedobtaining by tho defendant from tho plaintiff thopossession of tho lauds of CJiata worth containingabout 200 acres, nnd situate in tho county of Kil-kenny, by means of an alleged false and fraudulentrepresentation. It appeared that theso lunds hadbeen tbo subject of a suit iv tbo Court of Chancery.In April , 1871, tho last namo in tbo leaso underwhich . Mr Mulhalum Mnrum was entitled to thelands dropped, and tho title reverted to Mr GeorgeBryan, M.I1, tho head landlord. It was stated byMr Marum that ho had previously entered into nnarrangement with tho plaintiff with respect to thomanagement of tho lands, aud that bo hud bimaolfalso beenmo, a tenant to Mr Bryan by a now arrange-ment. The complaint of tbo plaintiff was that inthat yenr the defendant , who wns tbo land ugeut ofMr Marum, wont.to tho lands nnd represented to himthat he had beon Bent by u Mr Maher, tho ogeut ofMr liryan, to obtain possession of tho lands, andthat he (tho plaintiff) believing tho reprcsontatiun ,gavo over tlio posnession. Tbo learned Sergentstated thai tho plaintiff's interest in nnothcr farmhad becu Bold und-ir an executiou, that lm bad nomeans, und that tho subject matter of tho nrtion inthis case—with n number of other mattors in disputebetween tho plaintiff and Mr Marnm—hod beensettled iu arbitration , and that this was an attemptto re-open this proceeding.

Mr Kyan , Q C (with whom was 3Ir Short) opposedtho app lication on behalf of plaintiff, and said it ap-peared from tbo affidavit that although it Boug ht torepresent tho plaintiff as tho bolder of onl y yj acresof land, yet ho had been for six or neven years tin:tennnt of the very lands rf Chatsuorth , lit JL. I III perannum, which ho hatl sworn he bad regularl y paid.It was also a remarkablo faci thar. the defendant hadnot denied tho cliargo of having obtained the posses-sion ns alleged. Counsel denied tlmt tlio cause ofaction in this caso had been decided in tho arbitrationproceedings, und that a-i to tbe execution mentioned ,it was virluull y obtained by Mr Marum , for whomCussin now acted, lie submitted that as tho dam-ages were laid ut £1 ,000, aud us tbo case was oneof a serious character, it would bo moro properlytriod in ono of tbo suporior courts.

Judge Keogh said, if tho plaintiff was entitled todamages ho was ontitled to moro than Jl'lO, which hocould only get beforo tho Chairman. Ho thoughtthe caso was a fit ono to bo triod in a superior court ,and rcfusod the motion.

KHIVA .—Tho Iiualide publishes somo detailsregarding Khiva- Its population numbers 240,000inhabitants of towns aud villages, and nearly 100,.000 Xomadn. Tho capital of Khiva, traversod bytwo canals and surrounded by gardens, has only 20,-000. inhabitants. Inside there is a citadel guardedby ISO hand gnna. Tbo town of Kungucd has fromG,OUO to 8,001) iulmbitauts engaged in agricultureand industrial pursuits Khodjuili also has 80,000 in-habitants. . Other smaller towos are Kounia.Our-guentsch, Beut , Tamus Now-Ourguentsch, Khnuki ,Khasar.Acp, &c, Tbo Kban is a young man of 23 ,ami of a f'eeblo character. He is greatly influencedby tbo diivau Begum Mad Marud , au enemy of theRussians. The Khan's regular army consists of 51AIinfantry and 1,000 cavalry, armud with Englishporcuaekm rifles. Tbero aro also somo artillerymcuHindoos, and Afghans. Besides there are2 ,00'J Tur-coman), an irregular cavalry not to bo much depen-ded upon. .

THE IVATIKIORD AND W EXFOFD JUNCTION IU I L M A V .—At a zaootf ag of . tho Hew Itoss Town Commis-sioners, Wlt-t,iAU. JEKFAKK a, Esq, in tbo chair, it wasunanimously reBolTed that a petition be adopted nndpresented to tho House of Lords iu favour of thisbill. A meeting of tbu Harbour Commissioners wassubsequently hold, A F. G KAVES , Esq, in tho chair,whon the petition in favor of tho bill was rejectedby a mojority of two. Tbo roasoti assigned for thiscourso waa that tho prosont bill proposes u deviationin tbo line before it rcachos New lioss, aud tbo Har-bour Commissiouors bolievo that , by having tbestatiod a( tbd county Kilkenny «ido of tbo linrrow,it will bo detrimental to tho interests aud trade oftho town. This body would support a rouonaloftho bill of 18CU, to briug tbo liuo directl y into NewKosa.

luiju PBIVAT K BILLS.—Tho Waterford, Dongnr-van, and Lisruore llailway Bill , tho Enniu and WestClaro lUiliray bill oime bjforo Lord Kodestlalu ouFriday o» uuopposcd bills, aud tho standing orderswere deolarod to havo boon complied with. ThoBlaekwatcr Bridge Bill was boforo Air. Frere, one oftho Exonunor8 appointed by tho Houso to-day, undtho standipg orders haviug been declared to bo com-plied witb , it was referred back to tbo Uouso as anunopposed bill.

QUEEN'S.C OLLKI -.E, CORK .— At tho sessional cxMni-natiousin law aud jurisprudonco, at this college, thefollowing passed for tho first year:—Messrs, DuuU F.Haunigun, 11. C. Uoazle, B.A., and Fraocis O'Connor.Tho above-mentioned students havo been accordinglypromoted to socond year's law.

Tho Bight . Hon. tho Lord Mayor visited tho Hayand Straw Market on the I7th instant. His lord*-ship couflacated , and ordered to bo sold as bad,four load*-of fraud 11 leu'.ly made up hay, exposedfor said in tho lnarkuL.

TRAMOtE- WiiTiii,.—Wo percoivo by advertisementthat Mr. James Hcaruo, lato of tho Waturrord Clubhns purchased this hotel . Mr Uearno ia just theright man. for tlio position. This was onco a far-famod hoosoaud will bo so again, no doubt, underMr. Urarne.

The limerick Jknorfer siys tbe potato crop looksmost promising u that part of the country.

PABMING OPEEATIONB FOB JTJL'S: FARM CBOWrToBfllpa.—Tb« 'lo.win* ot tlw lite wrir.

tioi , sneb as nlob»vl»iikxr.l«,- Ac, iliDUld be fioiibed uetrly M pouibU this, luonlb., Turnip tbinniDK Kill con.tinu« to be carried^on dutiiii; •:bi*vioonth. i.Nevsi: por,mit this operation .to. . lit dclajcd nntjl tba plania no toofar. tdvaDced, at . tbey. are not onlytinjnrad . tlieiiAr , buttbe eipeote becomea . conjidenbly increased. Do Dot barpariog is tbe use of tha liome.boe, but stir tbu soil Betweentbe drills Ircquenlly, anil o« de«P »» possible- Sm\nBbonM be thinued from 12 io 15 ineue> 'part ia tbe drills;AberJefoj, 0 to lO ~incbe» ; rnangels, 15 to 18 inches ; mjparsnips and or rots, 0 to 8 inchis.

U'REOS will upriiiif ap in erery direction, «nJ IIIOD U b<no quickly destrojed by lianj 'and hone-hoeing, tcu fn iiK,ix., »mou(t the crops : nod .thi scylbe or reaping Uuuksliuol 'il be freely plied »lou< tbe d tches, htJ<e bank., am]pastures ; and tliiatles mid duuks pulled or rat out of tliecorn. KcllioM in ptBturcs .Hiay bo Jmtroyeil l<y liratcui-tinif tbeni over mid then pouriiijt «.ilt bcino ou tlie H»M

Stninir llii-iln miv be »l»" killed in the same way.1'oTAioEB.—No time should be lost in K lv 'ni? 'u« «cond

or final p«rthing, previous to which, if ihry II .ITB . «nKrov n b- Ibe help ofarlirical inanuie. 11 little moro lUul'lbo given—say nt the rote ol 1 cwi v" ""'• Mountaiuiboggy or marnby Uml. '» a «'a'B ol rtcUinatiuu , :my6till be ncrawcd nnd burned, prOy.ded it i« draiued. jjpreiJthe aslics, nnd either plough or dig 1 h<io i", •nJ .wiw rajw.which Kin be citbtr e»ieu off on tlie ground I f tli^p, orrut ami carried for houic lulling, "1 '«' a'"uJ for *eei.Plant i«peror cabbaR"!i from the nuravry bedt , suivu U,tmonth , in'tlie soil nftcr eail y potatiu s are du< Irmn , oraftrr wialur velcbesare eff-

KtAX. r»w»'d» tlm l:i"er part of tin's molitli , if (beweather baa hit'ii favouralilo, the lli» <""V "ill bo readyfor pulling. The time ivlii-n thi-i sb'iuld be do>m is a puiotof inucli nicety lo determinr. Thn tiuro is i.i the b.-.t »utobefore tbe »ewl is quile ri |io , for wlien n is is ailoweJ lgstand until til" wed is fairl y ri p'iiol , tlie fibre i< cojMt ,and, therefore , of less value- to the lnnuaracturer Mian nlienit is pulleil nt nu mrlier fctuifc. Ai;am, if j iulleJ (00 soon,although the fibre U'.fine, tlie peat waslu iu M-ulcliin/ snabocVlinz renner" it onumtit ble.

liipri.iNG. —Tfiis rbuuM b«. cnrrir il "11 at tli» "<un timeRuil in Ilio mino li».ld wi th the pull'ni; . Kipp lini ; shouldnerer be oinitt-d. Ki pp lel Hut i" nmi:li mo'e eiisiiybaudlcd than if th is is ne^Ieclnl ; IKSII IM tlii< , tlio tmii s« ino*t T.iloah'i; par: "f t l i o crop, and it j huuM bo care.fully pre ieiVfd 10 fcuil tho r.1ttl« mi tlie f.inu wil l i i:. irtbu noiitlnT bo dry, ibe bolls should be k,.pi in the fielil ,spPMtil oil winnow-clot liH ,T O".h^r ci .utriv^ncn

lor ilryu^ ;hinl it tmuni from nun1 I" im-e i lu -y will »'iu. l'a-siui;t l iu lirlls fir-t Ibrinij h n coar": m = it.11 -, ;III > 1 aflrrward stbrouit li r.inneis, lo ruuiove straws iirni leave- , wil l fault ,tale diy iii^ -. If tlio wH.ubcr be ni'ii-' , tIi»-y sl.ould y latrniu-doois , and sprr.id t h i n l y ami rvenl y mi n barn AW urnn 11 lofl , li 'HVitiir . u indow s itml (luors npuli , to H MOW AtliuNjt m h cuiri 'iit ot air , ami turn ed twice H day. Wbeunearly ilry, they may bota l sui to »c"ni -lilii (Ukni |. CJ r4

not to raise it above »UII I I I I IT lieat), aiul carefoll y turned,until no ui 'iialure remains. Hreu tlie li ^ lit seeds aiul cliatfform most wliulrvune nnd nu ln t iuus If i -dinj lur catt l-.

U'iTtKI.VO.—J'l/H prociM* rrquiie--> ' l i e «,'iea :c>t cm amiattention, i t iver \V«NT i» _ th< b,:*t . If -|nai(; w,«B r Insto bi: used , let the pun.I he lille il lorso-ii , : wi-kj , ut in.imlj s,it possible, b-:foro tb > / l l t .\ w pnt in , l in t llie Min mid airmay .iiiftiMi it. Tb>it c>ia ?-i iunu n on , or nlher mineral.•ulfttano.'-, sboiild nvier b - u-ed. I t t iivr water c.111 boh i- l , it need not bo Itt int i i tlie pon-.t >ooner lli.in tin d,,yb^lurf tin* tl tx is stei -p i-il . Tins b''< >i/» : I'jf a >t<f[i-poj[i> fnmi 12 to IS Iff; bi'M.iil an 1 Ir in :V, to 1 fret ilerp.A hin.ill ntr eain <il UMiei , nl!ir.V'.i-l l(j run t h uj uj li a [IOV I , lu^bi liiuml to improve tbe oilunr cil !]¦>• II11. I t will tx>sullloriitl y .stefpe-l, 111 :111 ;tv. mz i: liim , C'llll M to H days ,neturdli. i ; hi tin- heal o f '.If: weathiT nml 'In: Udtu tir of tliuwater. Kvrry ^row i -r > li i<ii l - l l e i rn 1 1 k< >' i .v wlim ilie Bulias had rnmig ll ot wat i r , n« 11 lew hou" t .0 mutli inajinjure it. I t i.-f , li -wi-vrr , much in,»n-. f . t^ uetj t i y Qod rIwatered than oter wat'in l. -\.-ver li l t H10 llm roujj ljl jfroin the pool, with lurks ur ^r.np i-.-, I,ut I I 4 TB it caalullyhiiiidlcil oot mi liia Lank , -iy ii.cit ^U i c i t l in ^ in 1 tio waUr ..Spread oil the sain'.* day it is t . ik i -n mil , utiless il be raii-hiit heavily : l i u h t ramdoe* l i t l i u h .i rn .

SI'RE A U I X O .— Srli-ei , w l n n powiliU , clean , sbort , an!ibiik pusturn Rr,;und fur th. s npeiatinu ; ami mo;v dov Tiiaud remove any weeds tli.tr. t i.-c abure the turtacsof thesivard . Lay (lie flax teenl y 1,11 the ^'ras8, ?ud sprtud tbiu ,atrj very equally , furn it tvvr two or three times uliile outlie i;ra>« (w til a r d ufcoul ag \\l feel I OUK , iind an mcbnnd a hall in diain»-tei), that it inay not ljeL(imu ot dlfferi-ulali.nlr> by ibe uniqual iieiiun of thr sun , which is olteii tbdcast*, through iui i ieot iot i to I I I H point . Turn ii wbeutlitre in 11 prospect ol tain , lh.it the Ilii nuy be btateudown :i bltlf , and tlius previ 'titt -d t'rnm beui({ blown away.

liirTi.NO. —A £ixd lest ol its lieini; ready to bit U, toIUIJ a Iri; stalks fioin iliu top lo the bottom, aud, wbeuthe wood break-, u isil y, and ai-p iratee fioin the fibie, leaTm{it sound , it has hail enough of the Bra*. -*. T e it up iusmall bundles ; mid if mil taken y o-m lo be scutched , it willbe much improved by Iieiug put up in ;ioall stacks, IOOKIJbuilt , with sU-nes or brauebe.-! in the bottom to keep it dry,and all-jiv a fr. o citcul.i llon of uir. Stutki built oil pillaraWould lie best,

. \ rrER TK £« I M CN T op rut: LA N D .—A S soon as tbaflax crop is reruuvnl , let the land be ploughed and preparedfur rap*, which will come into use in ^prlIli. Or it may besiwn in S'plerolii-r with «intfi - vetches and rye, or rya aloaf ,

i) coaie in also lur spiin;; lee,li!i.'. .Manure must be suppliedin rither caif .

I.IVK biocK — U B A Z IM; CA ITIU .— Tbig is an anxiousmonth also to the graxi-r, .13 by tins lime bp will be abla tojuif uj of the pro/n-ssuf ihi; cattle liuu^lit ia May vd Jamlor fatteniiii, ,m,l watcblul care 10 c:Lse th e rp :.i 'j :iuc pl euro-pnuumoiiiii »lmuld Im-ak out mnoojit tl lt.m. Cows andheilers iiitenJed for dairy husbandry sli o,,l.l go lo tbe bullbelo'e the 1-nter nul »l U.u muulli , ot|wr »i^, in funrarddistricts, tliry n-ill lm l.w l- ite dropp i- i ^

. their calrej ; butwlicte it ii mtt-iidfd Iu v.alulvri for the butcher, Ibeyshould go {.roportimialily cul.er.

CA LVES nt.d LA MUS may now be weaned sccordinz totheir n«e and ulreii K lh. I'ut the ewes 00 a rather barepi-tuiT , nud Ut tbcin "o dry iira ltally, and a< soon IH yousafely can. I'ut tl.c lamb. 1..11 p. .1, l'its li) Succulfni pa.liirc ,that they may ini-s i l ie r dams the le*s , nnd clunze llieirpasinri: Inqnenlly. Visit ami watch your f l icka Bt.-icll j,takim; rare lo reir.ove tlie lar»a depusiteJ by tbe fly;and gu^rrl tlii -i r lioid-i with ralico pitched caps where nece*.sar.r. Vic Mir dj/x uvce.is.in; «> iirvviou.lr din-cld.

U X X E K A I . SfBJkcl". — Kmp 'y nnj >cnnr pomli audditches. \ )n v home bu;;->tuff , e irt l i .s- .i-sind, road-scripinr ,wttt U , &C-111 short , crerylliins; that can be collected tomcroue tbe cninpo.t-heap. Draw home nod slack turf ;clenn out the janJs anil oUices ; lo/.k oftr tbe bay anJ corn»tia,ldlo - , mid n'e Ibat they are in order ; and repair indmake pond nil things ih .u nrp urcesmry lo sreore the pro-duce of tl:c SIMSOU ibat you possibly can, before ihc InrreltconiM in, as ut ilmt timo every one wil l hare loore tbiornou-b t:> de, Iwili e.irly w! Uie .

E X f lU S l I itACI.Vti K1XTUKES 1'OK 1S73.Tlie St. I.I-.T Wednesday, Sept. 10.t.VsaiewiU -h Tuesday, Oi.-loSer 7.Mi.l.lli! I'.irk Plate Wwln.-day, Ocr .8.Cauibn'Jgciliire Tuesday , Oct. 21.

AN Tii : ir *TKD A KKI V.U.S < IP AUER IC. VN 3 . -L'nler lli «arr^niui . i its of M«ar» . (J.wk , Son , » u l Jenkins, tf ieNew\"'li I' 1 ; "< Thomas Cuuk and Sun, ut J.ud<«teCircus,Klcet- .noet , the followiiii: .special |i .ini.» aro visitiug Europe,all i.l them • xti -U'l iuz i l i i - ir i i , U r 10 Vicuna. — A Mamiei'.ii-fyol It! If It .NVw V,, ik , by llieCunard steam.r C«Ji/,on 1 lie l:b I I H I .. and uirive . l at Qiweu-t.nvn on tbslllb,whero lin y W .TV mel by Mr. Tlioiuas Cu..k , aul conlocleuthruvuh tbe rliief tourist districts ol Inland ami Scotland,arriving in London .lul y 2n.|. Their ti.nr nt G-rmaay,Auslnn, luly, Switzerland , Kimicr, \-r., will l e ciio| U:eion ihe "JlJt li f>cp!.iti ',i-r. A n Educational I 'artu of maulr200 public scboul t.-iiclu-rs, and t.achtrs aud- pro/rtson iuSemmaiien nnd I ollege- , leave Now Ymk by the Victoria ';Anchor l.me stramir , an I a sicimcr of llie National Une,:011 the 21st instant . The siclion of 150 by llie Victoria«il l be due at Muril b on 11,, - 1st Jul y, and will be landed,there lur 11 Iri p to the (Sunn 's Causeway; aftir*ard« pio-ce«d to tin? Clyde. Thiy are to »i cud Indipeudenci llay ittho Tros«Kch« , then procei-J to Klinbur ^li (or t«o il*JVcill .it Alnlros.. ind Abbotwfonl , nnd arrive in D«liy onMoml iy, July 7ili. On llie 8:h tli«v will rinit Alton To«eri,hiid travel :o hnmlon, by special train , the «nme (Teoior.•Meetin< in London the |.any by the National Line, tl«Twil l go in four sections tlirongh r'rnnca or lielginmto'Vipinin , al^rnaiinit 1 heir routes in returning. . Nino |fecit|"f the sclinu * v.u:..tion wil l be sprnt on thn ti.ur . A Part]o f i l Qani Tenplan, and nn iwlep tndent party of about-0; ulsn leave Ji'ew York before lUe end of June, and milCOIIIA via Livorpual.

BllEAKFAST— KITS'S C(JC(U—GKATKITLAXD CoJt-PORTIXO —" lly .1 llmrouj li Lmiwled((e of ibe natorsl liirlwhich Koveru Ihe opemtioua <,f dijrestiou aud nutrition , ind.by n caiolul npplicntiou ul tbo fiue propertie* of wtll-stlectfd,cocoa, Mr. Kpps has provided oor breaklijt t ables with a ,•IMiei.to l y floored liever.iKe, whicb may SIVB us uiaoy ha«T]r.idoctor- liillt."-Ciri; Stnict Gazrtlt. Made jimpf/'with ItoiliiiL' Waler or Ji . lk. Each p»,:let is lebelled-r' J AMES K PPS &. Co., Hnroicopaibic Cheroi^ls, London,'

'.AU.. , iii.ker.nf lipp»'» Ccaoine, n tbin , relresbiug l*irer«g«lorevj-ninit oii.. 0'15-lJ>-;"• A V ISIT TO Lrrs's COCOA MAXUMCIORT.—By¦'¦the kindiirn r,| .Mirssru. Eppj , I recently had mi opporlnuiiyol seeing tho many complicated and varied piocwiei lb»Cacao bum p.mts tbtough ere it i> sold for public ose, abdKbe:ng both interested mid biglily pleased wi tb wbtt 1 «•«Bating my visit to tlicmuwufactoi r, I tlioug lit a brief OWMOI01 Ibe Cacao, ,1 ml I lie way it ia manufact ured br Me»K -hpps.to lit it for a wholesome nnd nutriiiou* bever***, ra*nt:bo of interest to the r.nders of ' l.nud ,nd Water.'.'.'-to'Arncle m " Land and Water ," October 11 1 ' '.

ilAXUMCTUKE of COCOA, CA.CAOI.VI:, A.VD CBO-. .COIATB .-"W« «ill now giu- an account of tbe proceu .adopted by Mw sis JauiM Epps & Co., raanofactomi •'/ '¦¦'dietetic Hit icl rs . nt their works m tlie Eunon Koad Londoi *- ¦-S-e Article u, l>ai t 10 of OUU H 'M Uoutekoli Quid*. ¦li '; '

VALU -MILK DISCOVERY yon THE HAIR ! I—A very .. '-.uicely perfumed hnir dicssiog, called " The Meiicaa H»ir ' '.Kenewi r, now tainr- sold by ruokt Cbfmints und PMfntwn ~:\'at as IM p^r l ioi tlo , is rub t superseding ill " Kair Reitorlrf'l . :•;;— lor it uill p of i t i r e ly rtttnre in evert/ can Qreyer HW " ¦- ¦[ -A«i> to ilii ori |fiii.il colour, by a tew npplicitiotu, «Uk««t 1. J i 'dyeing \\, or leaving Dio disagreea'jl» ,mrll of moit.I'- B**;. ¦ %¥¦ 'Htortrs . ' Jt males the hair charmingl y be?dtifol »»wU i V'!~aj promoting the R rowth 0:1 bjld FpotM, wbut lb».'.*;^rRlands are- not decayed. Crrtificate from Ur. V«nnH».hj~{.Hrun every to:tle, with lull particulum. A»k lor "Ts» litx iptf ^M H A I R U IKIWEB," prtna-ed br U.C. Giun. 4»fe:t.;J:

yitnnl Street , Lnudoii " S5Ki ':HOLLOWAV '.S PILLS.—Th is purifying and regnKfS'f'

. 'iJticg mediciue should onaii </ IH II J- be bit f eova» tcrpy : Aduring fo^gy, cold , and w»t weather . It is (be best vttM&t '&iluiivo ol hba-sri-CH , «i,ra tbrOHt . di pilieiia, pleuri«»i'.«•*'•: ,-(K>?**n '• ""<i * Mlre rc"}«dy for coDse.tiou, bronchitU, •¦'01.' jlinfli imnation. Atte ntion to tbe ((irectiuus loldeO tosii ,';:Meach toi will mnbla inwIiJa to ule tbe 1'ills fu tba tMH&i'f ijjfeadvanta geoui luaunrr j tbey uill be tao{ht the1 . propW '-v-' SJdoses, and thu ciicnin«taucf» onder which lbtj mililty . ':$zmmocked Vr d,,,ii,,iibej. >J<,llm»y'i l'llli .ft u lltmitrr*,1;;'; : |¦'(.(.-rii-iiu , »i.il tnnicH. When takeu as • la»t rwouree,' lh«V< 3|ir~u!t li.-n niwtyt b«ll gr«li .'yio< ; eren .wl1en tb.7-/lUteJPjjSIcur^ th. y Hlwa m assuaje ibe nverity of tb» symptom*t»AxtWBSjSdiiiiiin.il ibiM lnncer. . . . '¦ ' 1Ji*l-*iHilNVe consider i'. our duty to Csatioo tbe Pablic, «rais*f4' Hlsn;uiinns iaiilHtion i uf the Olenfi«ld'8t»rch, tt P»e«Bj ac;-> |tin: inaik oi . (irncrrs and otbera telling the same, itifoiiff lBMth, iii-elv.s tn pn.alty of £10.000. Any ooofideotul wor- f^mlirnnnn wliicli will |r-ad lo conviction, Kill be Dtndsoaily" W;K 3lwarded. ¦ ¦¦ ' ' - .'-.,', ; -i>

W0THEHSPOON 4Co, KlnniDg Park, 01u«bfc'; '¦&———-*»'>>'.'W»T «KroBii :—i'rinUclTtli'. PobliiUed by ajjCWf^

MKVU 'EJJ Kcmir. tt .I'ii/dfr/M. X ^OmmfMIWiug, Oook.BudiaSK^MKbuu.BaKii'ttilW^|meut, 49 Kiug-itmt, in Ou Fttiib9s> Xvsiij WMfesW^