Бизли Д. python. Подробный справочник (4-е издание, 2010)


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  • Python Essential Reference

    Fourth Edition

    David Beazley

  • Python

    - 2010

  • High tech



    . . . . . . .


    Python. . . . .: -, 2010. 864 ., .

    ISBN 978-5-93286-157-8

    Python. - Python. - ; , . , Python. - , , - .

    Python, , , , . , - , , .

    - , . - , Python 2.6 Python 3.

    ISBN 978-5-93286-157-8 ISBN 978-0-672-32978-4 ()

    -, 2010Authorized translation of the English edition 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. This trans lation is pub lished and sold by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., the owner of all rights to publish and sell the same.

    , - . -, , .

    -. 199034, -, 16 , 7,. (812) 324-5353, www.symbol.ru. N 000054 25.12.98.

    30.07.2010. 70u100 1/16. . 54 . . 1200 .

    199034, -, 9 , 12.

  • , .

  • ...............................................................................15



    I. Python ..........................................21

    1. ...........................................................23 ...........................................................23



    - ..........................................29














    2. ...........................48 .....................................................48





    , ......................54




  • 8

    3. .......................................................57 ......................................................................57









    4. .....................................................96 ..........................................................96


    ........................................................ 103

    ..................... 105

    ...................................................... 108

    ................................................. 109

    ........................... 109

    (.) ........................................... 110

    () ................................................. 110

    .................................................... 111

    ...................... 112

    ....................................... 113

    ........................................................... 113

    .......................................................... 114

    5. ... 116 .................................. 116

    ....................................................... 117

    .............................................................. 117

    ...................................................................... 120

    with .............................. 126

    __debug__ ....................... 128

    6. ............... 130 ........................................................................... 130

    ...................... 133

    ............................................................. 134

    ...................................... 136

    ....................................................................... 139

    yield ............................................. 141

    yield ........................................... 143

  • 9

    .............................. 146

    ............................................................ 148

    - ....................................................... 150

    ........................................ 151

    lambda ................................................................. 152

    ........................................................................... 153

    ................................................... 154

    ............................................................. 155

    eval(), exec() compile() .......................................... 156

    7. - .... 158 class ................................................................ 158

    ............................................................. 159

    ............................................................. 160

    ..................................................................... 160

    , .................................................. 165

    ................................... 165

    ............................................................................ 167

    ...................................................................... 170

    ............................ 171

    .............................................. 172

    .................... 176

    __slots__ ........................................................................... 177

    ........................................................ 178

    ............................ 180

    ................................................ 182

    ....................................................................... 184

    8. , ........................................ 189 import ................................................ 189

    ......................... 191

    .............. 193

    ........................................................... 194

    ........................................... 195

    ................................ 196

    .............................................................................. 197

    Python ......... 200

    ........................................... 203

    9. ..................................................................... 205 ................................... 205

    ...................................................... 207

    ..................................................... 207

    , ......... 211

  • 10

    print ............................................................... 212

    print() .................................................................. 213

    ........................ 213

    .............................................. 214

    .................................................... 215

    - ........................................................... 218

    pickle ..................................... 223

    10. ........................................................... 226 ............................... 226

    ........................................................ 229

    Python ..................................... 230

    .................. 231

    ........................... 232

    ........................................ 232

    ....................................................... 234

    11. , , .. 236 doctest ............................ 236

    unittest ............................. 239

    Python pdb .............................................. 242

    ................................................ 247

    .................................................... 248

    II. Python ........................................ 257

    12. ........................................................ 259 ................................................ 259

    ...................................................... 273

    ................................................ 278

    future_builtins ........................................................ 279

    13. Python ................................ 280 atexit ..................................................................... 280

    copy ....................................................................... 280

    gc .......................................................................... 281

    inspect ................................................................... 283

    marshal .................................................................. 288

    pickle ..................................................................... 289

    sys ......................................................................... 292

    traceback ................................................................ 300

    types ...................................................................... 301

    warnings ................................................................. 303

    weakref .................................................................. 305

  • 11

    14. ..................................................................... 309 decimal ................................................................... 309

    fractions ................................................................. 317

    math ...................................................................... 319

    numbers ................................................................. 321

    random ................................................................... 322

    15. , .......................................... 326

    abc ......................................................................... 326

    array ...................................................................... 328

    bisect ..................................................................... 331

    collections ............................................................... 332

    contextlib ............................................................... 339

    functools ................................................................ 339

    heapq ..................................................................... 341

    itertools .................................................................. 342

    operator .................................................................. 346

    16. ............................................. 349 codecs .................................................................... 349

    re .......................................................................... 354

    string ..................................................................... 362

    struct ..................................................................... 366

    unicodedata ............................................................. 369

    17. ..................................................... 375 ... 375

    sqlite3 .................................................................... 383

    DBM ............................. 391

    shelve ..................................................................... 393

    18. ........................................ 395 bz2 ........................................................................ 395

    filecmp ................................................................... 396

    fnmatch .................................................................. 398

    glob ....................................................................... 399

    gzip ....................................................................... 400

    shutil ..................................................................... 400

    tarfile .................................................................... 402

    tempfile .................................................................. 407

    zipfile .................................................................... 409

    zlib ........................................................................ 413

    19. ....................................... 415 commands ............................................................... 416

    ConfigParser configparser ....................................... 416

  • 12

    datetime ................................................................. 421

    errno ...................................................................... 430

    fcntl ....................................................................... 434

    io ........................................................................... 437

    logging ................................................................... 445

    mmap .................................................................... 463

    msvcrt .................................................................... 467

    optparse ................................................................. 469

    os .......................................................................... 475

    os.path ................................................................... 496

    signal ..................................................................... 499

    subprocess ............................................................... 503

    time ....................................................................... 507

    winreg .................................................................... 511

    20. ............................................... 516 .............................................................. 516

    Python ............................ 518

    multiprocessing ....................................................... 519

    threading ................................................................ 545

    queue (Queue) .......................................................... 556

    ............................................... 559

    21. .................................................... 561 ............................... 561

    asynchat ................................................................. 564

    asyncore ................................................................. 568

    select ..................................................................... 572

    socket ..................................................................... 586

    ssl.......................................................................... 608

    SocketServer ........................................................... 611

    22. - ................................... 619 ftplib ..................................................................... 619

    http ......................................................................... 623

    smtplib ................................................................... 639

    urllib ........................................................................ 640

    xmlrpc ...................................................................... 651

    23. - ................................................... 660 cgi ......................................................................... 662

    cgitb ...................................................................... 670

    WSGI ................................................................ 671

    wsgiref ..................................................................... 673

  • 13

    24. .............. 677 base64 .................................................................... 677

    binascii ................................................................... 680

    csv ......................................................................... 681

    email ........................................................................ 685

    hashlib ................................................................... 694

    hmac ...................................................................... 695

    HTMLParser ........................................................... 696

    json ....................................................................... 699

    mimetypes .............................................................. 703

    quopri .................................................................... 704

    xml .......................................................................... 706

    25. .................................... 725 Python ............................................ 725

    ................................................................. 726

    ............ 727

    .................................................................................. 727

    ...................... 728

    ........................................................ 728

    .................................................... 728

    .............................................................. 729

    III. ............................................... 731

    26. Python ........... 733 ........................................................... 734

    Python ..................................... 754

    ctypes..................................................................... 759

    .................................................. 768

    Jython IronPython ............................................................ 769

    A. Python 3 ........................................................ 770 Python 3? ...................................... 770

    ................................................... 771

    .............................................................. 780

    2to3 ............................ 788

    ......................................................... 794

  • . (David M. Beazley) Python, 1996 . , , - SWIG, - , C/C++, -, Python, Perl, Ruby, Tcl Java. - , PLY, - lex1 yacc2 Python. - - Python - . , . , , , , Python -. http://www.dabeaz.com.

    1 . . .

    2 . . .

  • (Noah Gift) Python For UNIX and Linux System Administration ( OReilly).1 - Google App Engine In Action ( Manning). , , -. , IBM developerWorks, Red Hat Magazine, OReilly MacTech. - http://www.giftcs.com, , http://noahgift.com. , - Twitter.

    - , -, - , . Apple LPI. , Caltech, Disney Feature Animation, Sony Imageworks Turner Studios. Weta Digital, . , , - .

    1 . , . Python UNIX Linux. . . .: -, 2009.

  • . , , . (Kurt Grandis) - . (Timothy Boronczyk), (Paul DuBois), (Mats Wichmann), (David Ascher) (Tim Bell) , . (Guido van Rossum), - (Jeremy Hylton), (Fred Drake), (Roger Masse) (Barry Warsaw) - , 1999 . , , . , , , . - Addison-Wesley Pearson Education . (Mark Taber), (Michael Thurston), (Seth Kerney) (Lisa Thibault) , - . (Robin Drake), . , - , .

  • , , -. , , - , , .

    , , .

    , -

    , , -

    , ,


    , , . , .

    . : [email protected]

    : Mark Taber Associate Publisher Pearson Education 800 East 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 USA

    - informit.com/register, , .

  • - Python. -Python. -. - Python , -Python , - , - . , - Python Python. , Python , C Java. , -C Java. , - Java. , -Java. , -. , - (, ) .

    Python http://www.python.org. , UNIX, Windows Macintosh. , - Python , - .

    Python. -Python. -. - Python 2.6 Py-Python 2.6 Py- 2.6 Py-Py-thon 3.0. Python 3 - 3.0. Python 3 -Python 3 - 3 - . : Python 3.0 -Python 3.0 - 3.0 - Python 2.x, ?

    , C, - . -, - , , , - . , . , - Python 2, Python 3. Python 3, (, ). , , Python -Python - - .

  • 20

    Python. - , .1 Python ; . - , - , , , , , -. , Python, . , . , - .

    , , Python -Python - -. , . -, - . -, Python . - , , -. , - .

    , , Python . - - Python, , -Python, , -, , - . .

    (David Beazley)


    , 2009

    1 . Python. . . . : , 2000. . .

  • I. Python







    7. -

    8. ,



    11. , ,

  • 1.

    - Python. , Python, . , , , , - , , , , -. . - . - , . Python Python 3, -Python Python 3, - Python 3, -Python 3, - 3, -, Python 2.6. , Python 3 - , , - . - - - -- Python 3.

    Python . -Python . - . - python. - - (, Jython, IronPython, IDLE, ActivePython, Wing IDE, pydev ), . - , - , -. -, , - >>>, , :

  • 24 1.

    Python 2.6rc2 (r26rc2:66504, Sep 19 2008, 08:50:24)

    [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5465)] on darwin

    Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.

    >>> print ,



    SyntaxError, , Py-Py-thon 3. - , , print Python 3 -Python 3 - 3 - . , . :

    >>> print(, )



    Python 2, -Python 2, - 2, -, . Python. , - , , , Python 2 Python 3.

    Python . - . , , - Python . :

    >>> 6000 + 4523.50 + 134.12


    >>> _ + 8192.32



    Python -Python - - _, - . . , - .

    , , , :

    # helloworld.py

    print ,

  • 25

    Python -Python - - .py. # - , .

    helloworld.py, , :

    % python helloworld.py



    Python Windows, .py (Run command), (Start). -, . , - ( , ). - Python, IDLE.

    UNIX #!, :

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    print ,

    , . - EOF (end of file ) Exit () Python. UNIX EOF Ctrl+D; Windows Ctrl+Z. - , SystemExit.

    >>> raise SystemExit

    1.1 , .


    principal = 1000 #

    rate = 0.05 #

    numyears = 5 #

    year = 1

    while year

  • 26 1.

    1 1050.0

    2 1102.5

    3 1157.625

    4 1215.50625

    5 1276.2815625

    Python , . - . -, , . Python C, , , , . Python 1.1 principal. . - :

    principal = principal * (1 + rate)

    - principal. - principal 1000, ( rate - , ). principal . , , , principal, , .

    . - , , :

    principal = 1000; rate = 0.05; numyears = 5;

    while , . , while. , -, , . , 1.1 - , while. Python , , - . ( ).

    , 1.1, - .

  • 27

    , principal . - . - (%), :

    print %3d %0.2f % (year, principal)

    print(%3d %0.2f % (year, principal)) # Python 3

    , :

    1 1050.00

    2 1102.50

    3 1157.63

    4 1215.51

    5 1276.28

    , %d, %s %f. - , . - , - . , %3d , - 3 , %0.2f , . - printf() C - 4 .

    - , format(). :

    print format(year,3d),format(principal,0.2f)

    print(format(year,3d),format(principal,0.2f)) # Python 3

    format() , (%). -, 3d , - 3 , 0.2f , . , for-mat(), - . :

    print {0:3d} {1:0.2f}.format(year,principal)

    print({0:3d} {1:0.2f}.format(year,principal)) # Python 3

    {0:3d} {1:0.2f} format(), .

  • 28 1.

    if else. -:

    if a < b:




    if else . else - .

    , , - pass, :

    if a < b:

    pass #



    or, and not:

    if product == and type == \

    and not (age < 4 or age > 8):

    print !

    . , - , (\) , . - , , - , .

    Python , switch case. - , elif, :

    if suffix == .htm:

    content = text/html

    elif suffix == .jpg:

    content = image/jpeg

    elif suffix == .png:

    content = image/png


    raise RuntimeError( )

    True False Boolean. :

    if spam in s:

    has_spam = True

  • - 29


    has_spam = False

    , < >, True False. - in, , , -, . True False, - , :

    has_spam = spam in s

    - :

    f = open(foo.txt) #

    line = f.readline() # readline()

    while line:

    print line, # ,

    # print(line,end=) # Python 3

    line = f.readline()


    open() . , . read-line() , . .

    foo.txt. , - (, , , - ), . , Python for, - . , - :

    for line in open(foo.txt):

    print line,

    , print - >> , :

    f = open(out,w) #

    while year >f,%3d %0.2f % (year,principal)

    year += 1


    >> Python 2. Python 3 print , :

    print(%3d %0.2f % (year,principal),file=f)

  • 30 1.

    , write(), - . , - print - :

    f.write(%3d %0.2f\n % (year,principal))

    , -. , - , sys.stdin. , sys.stdout, print. :

    import sys

    sys.stdout.write( :)

    name = sys.stdin.readline()

    Python 2 , :

    name = raw_input( :)

    Python 3 raw_input() input(), .

    , , , :

    a = , !

    b = Python

    c =

    , - . , , - . - , , :

    print Content-type: text/html

    Hello World

    Click here.

    , , . - , s[i], :

  • 31

    a = ,

    b = a[4] # b =

    , s[i:j]. s k i >> x = 3.4

    >>> str(x)


    >>> repr(x)



    3.4 - Python. , - - .

  • 32 1.

    format(). :

    >>> format(x,0.5f)



    . - , :

    names = [ Dave, Mark, Ann, Phil ]

    , , . :

    a = names[2] # , Ann

    names[0] = Jeff # Jeff




    names.insert(2, Thomas)


    b = names[0:2] # [Jeff, Mark]

    c = names[2:] # [Thomas, Ann, Phil, Paula]

    names[1] = Jeff # Jeff

    names[0:2] = [Dave,Mark,Jeff] #

    # .

    (+) :

    a = [1,2,3] + [4,5] # [1,2,3,4,5]


    names = [] #

    names = list() #

    , , :

    a = [1,Dave,3.14, [Mark, 7, 9, [100,101]], 10]

    - , :

  • 33

    a[1] # Dave

    a[3][2] # 9

    a[3][3][1] # 101

    1.2 . , , - .


    import sys # sys

    if len(sys.argv) != 2 : # :

    print ,

    raise SystemExit(1)

    f = open(sys.argv[1]) # ,

    lines = f.readlines() #



    fvalues = [float(line) for line in lines]


    print : , min(fvalues)

    print : , max(fvalues)

    import - sys Python. -Python. -. - .

    open() , - sys.argv. readlines() - .

    [float(line) for line in lines] , - float() . , , - . - for, , , :

    fvalues = [float(line) for line in open(sys.argv[1])]

    , - , min() max() .

    -, -. , :

    stock = (GOOG, 100, 490.10)

  • 34 1.

    address = (www.python.org, 80)

    person = (first_name, last_name, phone)

    Python , -Python , - , - :

    stock = GOOG, 100, 490.10

    address = www.python.org,80

    person = first_name, last_name, phone

    , -, 0 1 , :

    a = () # ( )

    b = (item,) # ( )

    c = item, # ( )

    -, . , :

    name, shares, price = stock

    host, port = address

    first_name, last_name, phone = person

    , ( , ), ( , - ). , , , .

    - , - . , , ( ), - , . - , , , , . , , . . - .

    . , , - , :

    # name,shares,price

    filename = portfolio.csv

    portfolio = []

  • 35

    for line in open(filename):

    fields = line.split(,) #

    name = fields[0] #

    shares = int(fields[1])

    price = float(fields[2])

    stock = (name,shares,price) # (name, shares, price)

    portfolio.append(stock) #

    split() - . portfolio, -, . , :

    >>> portfolio[0]

    (GOOG, 100, 490.10)

    >>> portfolio[1]

    (MSFT, 50, 54.23)



    >>> portfolio[1][1]


    >>> portfolio[1][2]




    total = 0.0

    for name, shares, price in portfolio:

    total += shares * price

    . set(), - , :

    s = set([3,5,9,10]) #

    t = set(Hello) #

    , - - . , . , , - , :

    >>> t

    set([H, e, l, o])

    , l.

  • 36 1.

    , , , . :

    a = t | s # t s

    b = t & s # t s

    c = t s # (, t, s)

    d = t ^ s # (, t s,

    # )

    add() update() :

    t.add(x) #

    s.update([10,37,42]) # s



    , , , . , - ({}), :

    stock = {

    name : GOOG,

    shares : 100,

    price : 490.10


    - :

    name = stock[name]

    value = stock[shares] * stock[price]


    stock[shares] = 75

    stock[date] = June 7, 2007

    , , Py-Py-thon, . , , , - .

    , , . , , , . , :

  • 37

    prices = {

    GOOG : 490.10,

    AAPL : 123.50,

    IBM : 91.50,

    MSFT : 52.13



    prices = {} #

    prices = dict() #

    - in, :

    if SCOX in prices:

    p = prices[SCOX]


    p = 0.0


    p = prices.get(SCOX,0.0)

    , :

    syms = list(prices) # syms = [AAPL, MSFT, IBM, GOOG]


    del prices[MSFT]

    , , Python. - , -, .

    for, - . Python. -Python. -. - -, , . :

    for n in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:

    print 2 %d = %d % (n, 2**n)

    n - [1,2,3,4,,9]. - , :

  • 38 1.

    for n in range(1,10):

    print 2 %d = %d % (n, 2**n)

    range(i,j [,stride]) , - i j-1. , . stride - . :

    a = range(5) # a = 0,1,2,3,4

    b = range(1,8) # b = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

    c = range(0,14,3) # c = 0,3,6,9,12

    d = range(8,1,-1) # d = 8,7,6,5,4,3,2

    range() Python 2, . -. Python -Python - - xrange(). :

    for i in xrange(100000000): # i = 0,1,2,...,99999999

    xrange() , . - . Python 3 xrange() range(), range() .

    for , , , , . :

    a = ,

    # a

    for c in a:

    print c

    b = [Dave,Mark,Ann,Phil]


    for name in b:

    print name

    c = { GOOG : 490.10, IBM : 91.50, AAPL : 123.15 }


    for key in c:

    print key, c[key]


    f = open(foo.txt)

    for line in f:

    print line,

    for Python, - -, . -

  • 39

    , - 6 .

    def, :

    def remainder(a, b):

    q = a // b # // .

    r = a - q*b

    return r

    , , , : result = re- = re-re-mainder(37, 15). , , :

    def divide(a, b):

    q = a // b # a b , q

    r = a - q*b

    return (q,r)

    , - , :

    quotient, remainder = divide(1456, 33)


    def connect(hostname, port, timeout=300):


    - - , . - , . :

    connect(www.python.org, 80)

    -, . , - . :

    connect(port=80, hostname=www.python.org)

    , - . , , - . - , global:

  • 40 1.

    count = 0


    def foo():

    global count

    count += 1 # count

    , yield, . :

    def countdown(n):

    print !

    while n > 0:

    yield n # (n)

    n -= 1

    , yield, -. - , - next() ( __next__() Python 3). :

    >>> c = countdown(5)

    >>> c.next()



    >>> c.next()


    >>> c.next()



    next() - , yield. next() - , yield, . next() - , , yield. , .

    , next() , . - - for, :

    >>> for i in countdown(5):

    ... print i,


    5 4 3 2 1


    - . , - - tail -f, -

  • 41

    UNIX :

    # ( tail -f)

    import time

    def tail(f):

    f.seek(0,2) #

    while True:

    line = f.readline() #

    if not line: # ,

    time.sleep(0.1) #

    continue #

    yield line

    , :

    def grep(lines, searchtext):

    for line in lines:

    if searchtext in line: yield line

    , - :

    # tail -f | grep python

    # Python

    wwwlog = tail(open(access-log))

    pylines = grep(wwwlog,python)

    for line in pylines:

    print line,

    , - , . , , for item in s, s , , - - , -. s .

    -. , , , . , yield, (yield), - :

    def print_matches(matchtext):

    print , matchtext

    while True:

    line = (yield) #

  • 42 1.

    if matchtext in line:

    print line

    , - , - (yield), send(). :

    >>> matcher = print_matches(python)

    >>> matcher.next() # (yield)


    >>> matcher.send(Hello World)

    >>> matcher.send(python is cool)

    python is cool

    >>> matcher.send(yow!)

    >>> matcher.close() # matcher


    , send(). , (yield) . -, (yield) . -, , close(), .

    -, --, , . - . , :


    matchers = [





    # next()

    for m in matchers: m.next()

    # .

    # : ,

    # - .

    wwwlog = tail(open(access-log))

    for line in wwwlog:

    for m in matchers:

    m.send(line) #


  • 43

    , , . , - . - , , . :

    items = [37, 42] #

    items.append(73) # append()

    dir() . :

    >>> items = [37, 42]

    >>> dir(items)

    [__add__, __class__, __contains__, __delattr__, __delitem__,


    append, count, extend, index, insert, pop,

    remove, reverse, sort]


    , append() insert(). , - , . . , __add__() +:

    >>> items.__add__([73,101])

    [37, 42, 73, 101]


    - class. , - , push(), pop() length():

    class Stack(object):

    def __init__(self): #

    self.stack = [ ]

    def push(self,object):


    def pop(self):

    return self.stack.pop()

    def length(self):

    return len(self.stack)

    class Stack(object) -, Stack . , ; Stack object, - Python. -Python. -. - , def. -

  • 44 1.

    . self. , , self. , -, . , __init__() - .


    s = Stack() #

    s.push(Dave) #



    x = s.pop() # x [3,4,5]

    y = s.pop() # y 42

    del s # s

    , . . - list - :

    class Stack(list):

    # push()

    # : pop().

    def push(self,object):


    , , - ( -). , , C++ Java:

    class EventHandler(object):


    def dispatcherThread():

    while (1):



    EventHandler.dispatcherThread() #

    @staticmethod -. @staticmethod , 6.

    - , , :

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File foo.py, line 12, in

    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: file.txt

  • 45


    ( ):

    foo.py, 12,

    IOError: [Errno 2] : file.txt


    , . . - try except, :


    f = open(file.txt,r)

    except IOError as e:

    print e

    IOError, - e - except. - , ( ). , except . , except. , - .

    raise. raise -, :

    raise RuntimeError( )

    , 5 - .

    , , - , , . - - with, . , -:

    import threading

    message_lock = threading.Lock()


    with message_lock:


    with - message_lock. with, . , , with. , -

  • 46 1.

    , .

    with , - , , . - . - 3 .

    - , . Python , -. , , - . ( , .py.) :

    # : div.py

    def divide(a, b):

    q = a/b # a b , q

    r = a - q*b

    return (q, r)


    import div

    a, b = div.divide(2305, 29)

    import - , - .py. , - , div.divide() .

    , import as, - :

    import div as foo

    a,b = foo.divide(2305,29)

    , from:

    from div import divide

    a,b = divide(2305,29) # div

    , :

  • 47

    from div import *

    dir() - , - :

    >>> import string

    >>> dir(string)

    [__builtins__, __doc__, __file__, __name__, _idmap,

    _idmapL, _lower, _swapcase, _upper, atof, atof_error,

    atoi, atoi_error, atol, atol_error, capitalize,

    capwords, center, count, digits, expandtabs, find,



    Python -Python - - . -, - help() Python. -Python. -. - help() help(_), -. help() , .

    Python -Python - -, . - , __doc__. :

    >>> print issubclass.__doc__

    issubclass(C, B) -> bool

    Return whether class C is a subclass (i.e., a derived class) of class B.

    When using a tuple as the second argument issubclass(X, (A, B, ...)),

    is a shortcut for issubclass(X, A) or issubclass(X, B) or ... (etc.).


    , C ( ) B.

    issubclass(X, (A, B, ...)),

    issubclass(X, A) or issubclass(X, B)

    or ... ( . .).



    , Py-Py-thon pydoc, Python. pydoc topic .

  • 2.

    , Python. , , - , , , - .

    . , - (\), :

    a = math.cos(3 * (x - n)) + \

    math.sin(3 * (y - n))

    -, , . , (...), [...], {...} , , .

    , , , - . , . :

    if a:

    1 #


  • 49



    4 # ()

    , , , - , :

    if a: 1

    else: 2

    pass. :

    if a:



    , . Py-Py-thon ( ) . Python , -Python , - , - , , 8 (, 11, 16). Python -t, , -, - . -tt, TabError.

    -, (;). , , , .

    # , -. , # , .

    , , . .

    , -, , , . - (_), .

  • 50 2.

    - AZ az ISO-Latin. -AZ az ISO-Latin. -Z az ISO-Latin. -Z az ISO-Latin. - az ISO-Latin. -az ISO-Latin. -z ISO-Latin. -z ISO-Latin. - ISO-Latin. -ISO-Latin. --Latin. -Latin. -. - , FOO foo . , $, % @. , , if, else for - . :

    and del from nonlocal try

    as elif global not while

    assert else if or with

    break except import pass yield

    class exec in print

    continue finally is raise

    def for lambda return

    , -, . , , - , _foo, - from module import *. , , __init__, . , - , __bar, - , 7 - -. .

    Python :

    x x x x True False , 1 0 . , 1234, . - , , 0, 0x 0b (, 0644, 0x100fea8 0b11101010).

    Python , , , , , : 12345678901234567890.

  • 51

    1 , l ( L ) L, : 12345678901234567890L. - L , Python , - , , . Python, , L. -. , , ( L).

    , 123.34 1.2334e+02, - . , j J, 12.34J, . , , : 1.2 + 12.34J.

    , (), - () ( ). , - , , . - , - - ( , , ). ( , - ), hello world, - , : helloworld.

    (\) , , , . - . 2.1. .





    1 , repr(). . .

  • 52 2.











    \OOO ( \000 \377)

    \uxxxx ( \u0000 \uffff)

    \Uxxxxxxxx ( \U00000000 \Uffffffff)

    \N{ }

    \xhh ( \x00 \xff)

    \OOO \x , ( , , , ). - , . , Jalapexo, , Jalape\xf1o, \xf1 x. Python 2 8- . . Python 2 . , , u . :

    s = uJalape\u00f1o

    Python 3 ( -Python 3 ( - 3 ( - ), - . Python 2 , -U ( - -, u ).

    2.1 ()

  • 53

    Python -Python - - \u, \U \N . 2.1 - . , - U+XXXX, XXXX - . ( : Python, -Python, -, - .) , U+00F1. \u - U+0000 U+FFFF (-, \u00f1). \U U+10000 (-, \U00012345). \U , U+10000 , - . 3 .

    , . - , \N{ }. :



    r R, : r\d. , - , , . , , - . - , - re, Windows (, rc:\newdata\tests).

    , r\. \uXXXX - , , \, - . , ur\u1234 - U+1234, ur\\u1234 , , u1234. , Py-Py-thon 2.2 r u, -. Python 3.0 u .


  • 54 2.

    , UTF-8 UTF-16. , UTF-8, Jalape\xc3\xb1o, - U+004A, U+0061, U+006C, U+0061, U+0070, U+0065, U+00C3, U+00B1, U+006F, , , . , UTF-8 \xc3\xb1 U+00F1, U+00C3 U+00B1. -, b, : bJalape\xc3\xb1o. , - . , decode(). 3 4 .

    , - Python 2.6, . Python 3 bytes, (. - A, Python 3).

    , [...], (...) {...} , , , , :

    a = [ 1, 3.4, hello ] #

    b = ( 10, 20, 30 ) #

    c = { a: 3, b: 42 } #

    , - , (\). , - . :

    a = [ 1,





    Python :

    + - * ** / // % > & |

    ^ ~ < > = == != +=

    -= *= /= //= %= **= &= |= ^= >>=

  • 55

    , , :

    ( ) [ ] { } , : . ` = ;

    , (=) -, (,) , . (.) - , (...) - .

    , :

    # \ @

    $ ? - , .

    , - , , , :

    def fact(n):

    if (n >> print fact._ _doc__


    - , . , . - .

    , - , , , , . @ , - , . :

  • 56 2.

    class Foo(object):


    def bar():


    , . :



    def spam():


    6 7 - .

    Python -Python - - 7- ASCII. , , -, - .

    Python , , :

    #!/usr/bin/env python

    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

    s = Jalapexo # UTF-8. coding: - , -, . Python, -Python, -, - , ASCII.

  • 3.

    , Python, . , , , . - . , . Python . - 4 . - 7 - .

    , Python, - . , ( ) . , a = 42, 42. , , a , .

    , , , . . . , . , . , - , , -.

    . , .

  • 58 3.

    , , -, . - (.), :

    a = 3 + 4j #

    r = a.real # ()

    b = [1, 2, 3] #

    b.append(7) # append


    , , id(). , , - Python, -Python, -, - . is . type() . :


    def compare(a,b):

    if a is b:

    # a b

    if a == b:

    # a b

    if type(a) is type(b):

    # a b

    , . - . - is. , . , list, dict file, - . :

    if type(s) is list:


    if type(d) is dict:


    , - isinstance(object, type). :

    if isinstance(s,list):


  • 59

    if isinstance(d,dict):


    isinstance() , Python.

    , , . -, . -, , - . , isinstance(s,list) , , , , , -, list. , , . - - - - - -- 7.

    . , , , , :

    a = 37 # 37

    b = a # 37

    c = []

    c.append(b) # 37

    , 37. a, , . - a b, b , 1. , b , - . , 37. - .

    , del ( - ). :

    del a # 37

    b = 42 # 37

    c[0] = 2.0 # 37

    - sys.getrefcount(). :

    >>> a = 37

    >>> import sys

  • 60 3.

    >>> sys.getrefcount(a)



    , . , , - , .

    , - . , -. :

    a = { }

    b = { }

    a[b] = b # a b

    b[a] = a # b a

    del a

    del b

    del a b , . - , - ( - ). , , . , -, - . gc (. 13, Python ).

    , a = b, - b. , , b. , , . :

    >>> a = [1,2,3,4]

    >>> b = a # b a

    >>> b is a


    >>> b[2] = -100 # b

    >>> a # , a

    [1, 2, -100, 4]


  • 61

    a b , - , , . , .

    , , - : -. , , . :

    >>> a = [ 1, 2, [3,4] ]

    >>> b = list(a) # a.

    >>> b is a


    >>> b.append(100) # b.

    >>> b

    [1, 2, [3, 4], 100]

    >>> a # , a

    [1, 2, [3, 4]]

    >>> b[2] [0] = -100 # b

    >>> b

    [1, 2, [-100, 4], 100]

    >>> a # , a

    [1, 2, [-100, 4]]


    a b , , , . - a b.

    - , . Python , . - copy.deepcopy(), - :

    >>> import copy

    >>> a = [1, 2, [3, 4]]

    >>> b = copy.deepcopy(a)

    >>> b[2] [0] = -100

    >>> b

    [1, 2, [-100, 4]]

    >>> a # , a

    [1, 2, [3, 4]]


    Python -Python - -. , , , - . , , -

  • 62 3.

    , , . , , :

    items = {

    number : 42

    text : Hello World


    , . :

    items[func] = abs # abs()

    import math

    items[mod] = math #

    items[error] = ValueError #

    nums = [1,2,3,4]

    items[append] = nums.append #

    , , . - , . -:

    >>> items[func](-45) # abs(-45)


    >>> items[mod].sqrt(4) # math.sqrt(4)


    >>> try:

    ... x = int(a lot)

    ... except items[error] as e: # except ValueError as e

    ... print(Couldnt convert)


    Couldnt convert

    >>> items[append](100) # nums.append(100)

    >>> nums

    [1, 2, 3, 4, 100]


    , Python -Python - - , , -. , , , GOOG,100,490.10, , . - : ( ) - :

    >>> line = GOOG,100,490.10

    >>> field_types = [str, int, float]

    >>> raw_fields = line.split(,)

    >>> fields = [ty(val) for ty,val in zip(field_types,raw_fields)]

    >>> fields

    [GOOG, 100, 490.10000000000002]


  • 63

    Python , -Python , - , - . , . 3.1. , - , isinstance(). Python 2, ( Py-Python 2, ( Py- 2, ( Py-Py-thon 3 ).


    None type(None) None.






    ( Python 2)

    (True False)






    ( Python 2)

    , xrange() ( Python 3 range)




    None None (, ). Python -Python - -, None. - , . None , , - . None - False.

  • 64 3.

    Python : , , , . , - . - .

    : True False. True False 1 0 . - 2147483648 2147483647 ( ). ( -). , , Python (-Python (- (-, Python 3 ). , , , , - . - - . Python 2 isinstance(x, int) False, x .

    Python - (64 ). , IEEE 754, -IEEE 754, - 754, - 17 , 308 308. double - C. Python 32- . - , numpy ( : http://numpy.sourceforge.net).

    . - z z.real z.imag. z.conjugate() - z ( a+bj a-bj).

    , . ( - fractions) numerator denominator. - real imag, conjugate(). , - , as_integer_ratio(). is_integer() ,

  • 65

    . hex() fromhex() - .

    - . decimal - . fractions . 14 .

    , - . , -. , . ; -, . .


    . 3.2 , - . i- s s[i]. s[i:j] s[i:j:stride] ( 4). len(s). - min(s) max(s). -, , ( ). sum(s) , .

    . 3.3 , - . 3.3 , -. 3.3 , -. 3.3 , -3.3 , - , .

    3.2. ,

    s[i] i- s



    len(s) s

    min(s) - s

    max(s) - s

  • 66 3.

    sum(s [,initial]) s

    all(s) , - s, True

    any(s) , - s, True

    3.3. ,

    s[i] = v

    s[i:j] = t

    s[i:j:stride] = t

    del s[i]

    del s[i:j]

    del s[i:j:stride]

    , , . 3.4. list(s) . s , , - . s.append(x) - x. s.index(x) x. - ValueError. s.remove(x) x Val-ueError, . s.extend(t) - s, t.

    s.sort() . - . , . -, , . s.reverse() . , sort() reverse(), None.

    3.2 ()

  • 67


    list(s) s .

    s.append(x) x s.

    s.extend(t) t s.

    s.count(x) x s.

    s.index(x [,start [,stop]]) i, s[i] == x. start stop - , .

    s.insert(i,x) x i.

    s.pop([i]) i- . i , .

    s.remove(x) s x - .

    s.reverse() s .

    s.sort([key [, reverse]]) s. key , . reverse - . key reverse - .

    Python 2 . -Python 2 . - 2 . - , 8- . NULL. -, 16- . - -- 65 536 . 1 , Python . , (4--) , ; . - Python 32- . , Python U+000000 U+110000. , , - .

    , . 3.5. , -

  • 68 3.

    , . -, s.capitalize(), s.center() s.expandtabs(), s . , s.isalnum() s.isupper(), True False, - . , - False .

    s.find(), s.index(), s.rfind() s.rindex() . - s. , , find() -1, index() ValueError. s.replace() . , -. - re.

    s.split() s.rsplit() -, . s.partition() s.rpartition() - - s : , - .

    start end, , - s. , - .

    s.translate() , , . , - -- - . 8- 256- . s, s[n] , - n.

    s.encode() s.decode() , : ascii, utf-8 utf-16. - , - - 9 . , Python 3 encode() , decode() bytes.

    s.format() . . - s {item} . {0}, {1} . . {name}, name . :

  • 69

    >>> a = {0} {age}

    >>> a.format(, age=40)



    {item} - . {item[n]}, n , n- item. - {item[key]}, key , item[key]. {item.attr} - attr item. format() - 4.


    s.capitalize() -.

    s.center(width [, pad]) width. pad , .

    s.count(sub [,start [,end]]) sub.

    s.decode([encoding [,errors]]) ( ).

    s.encode([encoding [,errors]]) ( ).

    s.endswith(suffix [,start [,end]]) , - suffix.

    s.expandtabs([tabsize]) .

    s.find(sub [, start [,end]]) sub -1.

    s.format(*args, **kwargs) s.

    s.index(sub [, start [,end]]) sub .

    s.isalnum() , - - .

    s.isalpha() , - .

    s.isdigit() , - .

    s.islower() , - .

    s.isspace() , - .

  • 70 3.

    s.istitle() , .

    s.isupper() , - .

    s.join(t) , - t, s -.

    s.ljust(width [, fill]) s width.

    s.lower() .

    s.lstrip([chrs]) , chrs.

    s.partition(sep) - sep. (head,sep,tail) (s, ,), sep s.

    s.replace(old, new [,maxreplace]) old new.

    s.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) .

    s.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) .

    s.rjust(width [, fill]) s width.

    s.rpartition(sep) - sep, .

    s.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) , , - sep. maxsplit . maxsplit -, split().

    s.rstrip([chrs]) , chrs.

    s.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) - sep. maxsplit - .

    s.splitlines([keepends]) . keepnds 1, - .

    3.5 ()

  • 71

    s.startswith(prefix [,start [,end]]) , - prefix.

    s.strip([chrs]) , chrs.

    s.swapcase() , .

    s.title() , - - .

    s.translate(table [,deletechars]) - table, - ,


    s.upper() .

    s.zfill(width) - width.


    xrange([i,]j [,stride]) , - k, i

  • 72 3.

    , , ( , ).

    m[k], k . , KeyError. len(m) , . - , , . 3.6.

    3.6. ,

    len(m) m.

    m[k] m k.

    m[k]=x m[k] x.

    del m[k] m[k].

    k in m True, k m.

    m.clear() m.

    m.copy() m.

    m.fromkeys(s [,value]) , - s, - value.

    m.get(k [,v]) m[k], , - v.

    m.has_key(k) True, m k, - False. ( - in. Python 2.)

    m.items() (key, value).

    m.keys() .

    m.pop(k [,default]) m[k], , ; default, , KeyError.

    m.popitem() (key, value) - .

    m.setdefault(k [, v]) m[k], , - v m[k] = v.

    m.update(b) b m.

    m.values() m.

  • 73

    , . 3.6, - . m.clear() . m.update(b) (key,value), b. m.get(k [,v]) - v, . m.setdefault(k [,v]) m.get(), , v - , m[k] = v. v , None. m.pop() . m.popitem() - .

    m.copy() - . m.fromkeys(s [,value]) - , s. , m. - None, value . - fromkeys() , , , : dict.fromkeys().

    m.items() , (key, value). m.keys() , m.values() . . Python 2 , Python 3 - , . - , Python. , . , items = list(m.items()). , keys = list(m).

    . , . , . , , . : set - , frozenset . - :

    s = set([1,5,10,15])

    f = frozenset([a,37,hello])

    , set() frozenset(), , - , . - , . 3.7.

  • 74 3.

    3.7. ,

    len(s) s.

    s.copy() s.

    s.difference(t) . s, t.

    s.intersection(t) . , s t.

    s.isdisjoint(t) True, s t - .

    s.issubset(t) True, s - t.

    s.issuperset(t) True, s - t.

    s.symmetric_difference(t) . , s t, .

    s.union(t) . , s t.

    s.difference(t), s.intersection(t), s.symmetric_difference(t) s.union(t) . - , s (set frozenset). t Python, . , , . - , 4.

    ( set) , . 3.8.

    3.8. ,

    s.add(item) item s. , .

    s.clear() s.

    s.difference_update(t) s, - t.

    s.discard(item) item s. -, .

    s.intersection_update(t) s t s.

    s.pop() s.

  • 75

    s.remove(item) item s. item - , KeyError.



    s t s.

    s.update(t) t s. t , , .

    s. t - , .

    , Python , -Python , - , - , . . 3.9 - , - .

    3.9. Python









    , . 3.9 object type , - , , .

    , , . , , , - , .

  • 76 3.

    , def lambda. :

    def foo(x,y):

    return x + y

    bar = lambda x,y: x + y

    f :



    f.__dict__ ,

    f.__code__ -


    f.__globals__ ,

    f.__closure__ , ,

    Python 2 , func_code, func_defaults . - Python 2.6 Python 3.

    , . : , - :

    class Foo(object):

    def instance_method(self,arg):


    def class_method(cls,arg):


    def static_method(arg):

    , . , - self. - , . - cls. ,

  • 77

    . - , .

    types.MethodType. , , , , - (.). (.) , . , - . f.instance_method(arg) Foo :

    f = Foo() #

    meth = f.instance_method # ()

    meth(37) #

    meth . - , () . - (self). meth -, , , - () .

    - . :

    umeth = Foo.instance_method # instance_method Foo

    umeth(f,37) # self

    umeth . , , , - . f Foo. , TypeError. :

    >>> umeth(hello,5)

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File , line 1, in

    TypeError: descriptor instance_method requires a Foo object but received a str


    ( ):

    , 1,

    TypeError: instance_method Foo,




    - types.MethodType, - . :

  • 78 3.



    m.__class__ ,

    m.__func__ ,

    m.__self__ , (None )

    Python 3 , -Python 3 , - 3 , - types.MethodType. - Foo.instance_method, , , , . , Python 3 self.

    , C C++, types.BuiltinFunctionType. - :


    b.__name__ /

    b.__self__ , ( )

    , len(), __self__ - None, , - . , x.append, x , __self__ x.

    , -. class . - __init__() - . , __call__(). x, x(args) x.__call__(args).

  • 79

    , , type. :

    >>> class Foo(object):

    ... pass


    >>> type(Foo)

    t type, - :




    t.__dict__ ,

    t.__module__ ,

    t.__abstractmethods__ ( , )

    , , - . :

    >>> f = Foo()

    >>> type(f)


    i.__class__ ,

    i.__dict__ ,

    __dict__ , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , - , -, -, -- . , i.attr = value, value . , __slots__, - , __dict__. Python 7.

  • 80 3.

    , , - import. , import foo, foo . - , , __dict__. , - ( ), - . , m.x -- m.__dict__[x]. , : m.x = y, m.__dict__[x] = y. :

    m.__dict__ ,



    m.__file__ ,

    m.__path__ . , -

    , , - . -, , , , Ellipsis. . 3.10. , .


    types.CodeType -






  • 81

    , - , -, compile(). , , , , , - . c - , :


    c.co_argcount ( )

    c.co_nlocals , -


    c.co_cellvars , -

    c.co_freevars . ,

    c.co_code -

    c.co_consts , -

    c.co_names , -

    c.co_filename ,


    c.co_lnotab , -

    c.co_stacksize ( )

    c.co_flags , -. 2 (0x04) , - (*args). 3 (0x08) , (**kwds). -

    - -

  • 82 3.

    ( ). f , :

    f.f_back ( )


    f.f_locals ,

    f.f_globals ,

    f.f_builtins ,


    f.f_lasti . - f_code

    ( - ):

    f.f_trace , -

    f.f_exc_type ( Python 2)

    f.f_exc_value ( Python 2)

    f.f_exc_traceback - ( Python 2)

    - . sys.exc_info(). , :

    t.tb_next , - ( , - )

    t.tb_frame ,

    t.tb_lineno ,

    t.tb_lasti ( ), -

  • 83

    - (- 6 -). - , - yield. -. :

    g.gi_code -

    g.gi_frame -

    g.gi_running , -

    g.next() -, yield, ( Python 3 __next__())

    g.send(value) value . yield -. - -, yield. send() - , - yield

    g.close() , - GeneratorExit -. ,

    g.throw(exc [,exc_value [,exc_tb ]]) - yield. exc , exc_value exc_tb - -. , , yield

    , - , : a[i:j:stride], a[i:j, n:m]

  • 84 3.

    a[..., i:j]. slice([i,] j [,stride]). , :

    s.start . None, .

    s.stop . None, .

    s.step . None, .

    s.indices(length). (start,stop,stride) . :

    s = slice(10,20) # [10:20]

    s.indices(100) # (10,20,1) > [10:20]

    s.indices(15) # (10,15,1) > [10:15]

    Ellipsis Ellipsis (ellipsis) []. , El-lipsis. , True. Ellipsis Python, , -Python, , -, , - [] - . , Ellipsis :

    class Example(object):

    def __getitem__(self,index):


    e = Example()

    e[3, ..., 4] # e.__getitem__((3, Ellipsis, 4))

    Python , . , -, , , , -, s[n], len(s) . . - - (__). - . , x + y x.__add__(y), x[k] x.__getitem__(k).

  • 85

    , .

    , - , , -. , - ( ) - , .

    , .

    , . 3.11, , -, . 3.11, , - . 3.11, , - . 3.11, , - . 3.11, , - . 3.11, , -. 3.11, , -. 3.11, , -3.11, , - . __new__() , . __init__() - . __del__() . , . , del x - . 7.


    __new__(cls [,*args [,**kwargs]]) .

    __init__(self [,*args [,**kwargs]])


    __new__() __init__() - . A(args), - :

    x = A.__new__(A,args)

    is isinstance(x,A): x.__init__(args)

    __new__() __del__(). __new__() - , ( , , ). __del__() , - , - .

  • 86 3.

    . 3.12 , .


    __format__(self, format_spec) -



    __repr__() __str__() . __repr__() , - - eval(). , - . - repr(). repr() eval():

    a = [2,3,4,5] #

    s = repr(a) # s = [2, 3, 4, 5]

    b = eval(s) #

    - - , , __repr__() , :

    f = open(foo)

    a = repr(f) # a =

    __str__() str(), -, . __repr__() , - . __repr__().

    __format__() format() format(). format_spec , - . , format(), , format_spec format(). -:

    format(x,spec) # x.__format__(spec)

    x is {0:spec}.format(x) # x.__format__(spec)

  • 87

    - . -, 4.

    . 3.13 , - . 3.13 , -. 3.13 , -. 3.13 , -3.13 , - . __bool__() True False. , - __len__(). __hash__() , . -, . , ; - , - .


    __bool__(self) False True

    __hash__(self) -

    - (, =, ==, !=). - , Boolean, Python. , , , - . , . , , . 3.14.

    3.14. ,

    __lt__(self,other) self < other

    __le__(self,other) self other

    __ge__(self,other) self >= other

    __eq__(self,other) self == other

    __ne__(self,other) self != other

  • 88 3.

    - , . 3.14. -3.14. - -, == - , __eq__(). , - , min() max(), -, , __lt__().

    . 3.15 , - , - isinstance() b issubclass(). - , 7.


    __instancecheck__(cls,object) isinstance(object, cls)

    __subclasscheck__(cls, sub) issubclass(sub, cls)

    . 3.16 , /- . 3.16 , /-. 3.16 , /-. 3.16 , /-3.16 , /- (.) del .


    __getattribute__(self,name) self.name.

    __getattr__(self, name) self.name, , AttributeError.

    __setattr__(self, name, value) - self.name = value. - , - .

    __delattr__(self, name) self.name.

    __getattribute__() , - . , . __get-attr__(). __getattr__() Attrib-uteError. __setattr__(), __delattr__().

  • 89

    - , - , , . - , , - . 3.17. , .

    3.17. -

    __get__(self,instance,cls) - AttributeError

    __set__(self,instance,value) value


    __get__(), __set__() __delete__() __getattribute__(), __setattr__() __delattr__() . - . - . - . - . - . - . -. -. - - , - . , , . - -, , -, . 7.

    . 3.18 , , - .


    __len__(self) self

    __getitem__(self, key) self[key]

    __setitem__(self, key, value) self[key] = value

    __delitem__(self, key) self[key]

    __contains__(self, obj) True, obj self; False

  • 90 3.


    a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

    len(a) # a.__len__()

    x = a[2] # x = a.__getitem__(2)

    a[1] = 7 # a.__setitem__(1,7)

    del a[2] # a.__delitem__(2)

    5 in a # a.__contains__(5)

    __len__() len() - . , __bool__() - .

    - __getitem__(), , key. Python, . __setitem__() - - - - - - -- value . __delitem__() , del . __contains__() in.

    , __getitem__(), __setitem__() __deli-deli-tem__() , x = s[i:j]. - - slice. , - . :

    a = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

    x = a[1:5] # x = a.__getitem__(slice(1,5,None))

    a[1:3] = [10,11,12] # a.__setitem__(slice(1,3,None), [10,11,12])

    del a[1:4] # a.__delitem__(slice(1,4,None))

    , Python, -Python, -, - , . , - , , :

    a = m[0:100:10] # (=10)

    b = m[1:10, 3:20] #

    c = m[0:100:10, 50:75:5] #

    m[0:5, 5:10] = n #

    del m[:10, 15:] #

    i:j[:stride], stride () . , - . , - (- ...) :

  • 91

    a = m[..., 10:20] #

    m[10:20, ...] = n

    , __get-get-item__(), __setitem__() __delitem__() . - , - Ellipsis. ,

    a = m[0:10, 0:100:5, ...]


    a = m.__getitem__((slice(0,10,None), slice(0,100,5), Ellipsis))

    , Python -Python - - , - 4. Python, , - .

    obj , obj.__iter__(), . iter, , iter.next() ( iter.__next__() Python 3), -Python 3), - 3), - StopIteration . - for , - . , for x in s :

    _iter = s.__iter__()

    while 1:


    x = _iter.next() # _iter.__next__() Python 3

    except StopIteration:


    # , for


    . 3.19 , - . 3.19 , -. 3.19 , -. 3.19 , -3.19 , - . , , 4; , x + y, - x.__add__(y). , - r, , - . , . , x, x + y, __add__(), y.__radd__(x).

  • 92 3.


    __add__(self,other) self + other

    __sub__(self,other) self - other

    __mul__(self,other) self * other

    __div__(self,other) self / other ( Python 2)

    __truediv__(self,other) self / other (Python 3)

    __floordiv__(self,other) self // other

    __mod__(self,other) self % other

    __divmod__(self,other) divmod(self,other)

    __pow__(self,other [,modulo]) self ** other, pow(self, other, modulo)

    __lshift__(self,other) self > other

    __and__(self,other) self & other

    __or__(self,other) self | other

    __xor__(self,other) self ^ other

    __radd__(self,other) other + self

    __rsub__(self,other) other - self

    __rmul__(self,other) other * self

    __rdiv__(self,other) other / self ( Python 2)

    __rtruediv__(self,other) other / self (Python 3)

    __rfloordiv__(self,other) other // self

    __rmod__(self,other) other % self

    __rdivmod__(self,other) divmod(other,self)

    __rpow__(self,other) other ** self

    __rlshift__(self,other) other > self

    __rand__(self,other) other & self

    __ror__(self,other) other | self

    __rxor__(self,other) other ^ self

    __iadd__(self,other) self += other

    __isub__(self,other) self -= other

    __imul__(self,other) self *= other

    __idiv__(self,other) self /= other ( Python 2)

    __itruediv__(self,other) self /= other (Python 3)

  • 93

    __ifloordiv__(self,other) self //= other

    __imod__(self,other) self %= other

    __ipow__(self,other) self **= other

    __iand__(self,other) self &= other

    __ior__(self,other) self |= other

    __ixor__(self,other) self ^= other

    __ilshift__(self,other) self = other

    __neg__(self) self

    __pos__(self) +self

    __abs__(self) abs(self)

    __invert__(self) ~self

    __int__(self) int(self)

    __long__(self) long(self) ( Python 2)

    __float__(self) float(self)

    __complex__(self) complex(self)

    __iadd__(), __isub__() . . - , , a+=b a-=b ( -). - - - . , self , , .

    , __div__(), __truediv__() __floordiv__(), (/) - (//). , Python 2.2, Python 3 /, . Python 2 / - __div__(). . Python 3 / __truediv__() - . Python 2 , -Python 2 , - 2 , - from __future__ import division.

    __int__(), __long__(), __float__() __complex__() -, -

  • 94 3.

    . , int() float(). - . , - 3 + x TypeError, x __int__() .

    , __call__(self [,*args [, **kwargs]]). x , , . x(arg1, arg2, ...) x.__call__(self, arg1, arg2, ...). , , -. :

    class DistanceFrom(object):

    def __init__(self,origin):

    self.origin = origin

    def __call__(self, x):

    return abs(x - self.origin)

    nums = [1, 37, 42, 101, 13, 9, -20]

    nums.sort(key=DistanceFrom(10)) # 10

    DistanceFrom, - . , sort(), - .

    with , . :

    with context [ as var]:

    , context , . 3.20. __enter__() with. , , , as var. __exit__() -, , - with. __exit__() , -, - . None.

  • 95


    __enter__(self) . , as with.

    __exit__(self, type, value, tb) , - . - , type, value tb - , - . with -, , . - , . 5 -.

    dir() dir() . , dir(), __dir__(self). - , . , , __dict__ .

  • 4.

    , Python. -Python. -. - , - - .

    , - :

    x + y

    x y

    x * y

    x / y

    x // y

    x ** y (xy)

    x % y (x mod y)



    (//, , ) -, . Python 2 (/) , . 7/4 1, 1.75. - Python 3 ,

  • 97

    . x // y. , 7 % 4 3. x // y, - x (x // y) * y. (%) (//) .

    , :

    x > y

    x & y

    x | y

    x ^ y


    , , -. , , . , Python , - .

    , :


    divmod(x,y) (x // y, x % y)

    pow(x,y [,modulo]) (x ** y) % modulo

    round(x,[n]) 10-n ( )

    abs() . divmod() , . pow() **, ( -( - - -- ). round() x , 10 n. n , 0. x , Python 2

  • 98 4.

    , (, 0.5 1.0, -0.5 -1.0). Python 3, , - (, 0.5 0.0, 1.5 2.0). Python 3.

    - True, -, False, :

    x < y

    x > y

    x == y

    x != y

    x >= y

    x z, - , , ( , x z ). - , , TypeError.

    , - . - :

    1. , .

    2. , .

    3. - .

    , - , . -, , - .

  • 99

    , - , , :

    s + r

    s * n, n * s n s, n

    v1,v2, vn = s




    x in s, x not in s

    for x in s:

    all(s) True, s ,

    any(s) True, - s ,


    min(s) s

    max(s) s

    sum(s [, initial])

    + . - s * n n . - - , . :

    >>> a = [3,4,5]

    >>> b = [a]

    >>> c = 4*b

    >>> c[[3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5], [3, 4, 5]]

    >>> a[0] = -7

    >>> c[[-7, 4, 5], [-7, 4, 5], [-7, 4, 5], [-7, 4, 5]]


    , c. a - b. b - . , -

  • 100 4.

    a . - -. , , a. :

    a = [ 3, 4, 5 ]

    c = [list(a) for j in range(4)] # list()

    , copy .

    -. :

    items = [ 3, 4, 5 ]

    x,y,z = items # x = 3, y = 4, z = 5

    letters = abc

    x,y,z = letters # x = a, y = b, z = c

    datetime = ((5, 19, 2008), (10, 30, am))

    (month,day,year),(hour,minute,am_pm) = datetime

    - -. , - . , -, 3 , . - -, , -.

    s[n] n- -, s[0] . , - , - . , s[-1] . , -, IndexError.

    s[i:j] , , k i

  • 101

    , s[i:j:stride], . - - - - - - - - - -- . stride, i j, - s[i], s[i+stride], s[i+2*stride] , j ( ). stride - - - - - - - - --. i, - , , . j, - , stride , stride . :

    a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

    b = a[::2] # b = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]

    c = a[::-2] # c = [9, 7, 5, 3, 1 ]

    d = a[0:5:2] # d = [0,2]

    e = a[5:0:-2] # e = [5,3,1]

    f = a[:5:1] # f = [0,1,2,3,4]

    g = a[:5:-1] # g = [9,8,7,6]

    h = a[5::1] # h = [5,6,7,8,9]

    i = a[5::-1] # i = [5,4,3,2,1,0]

    j = a[5:0:-1] # j = [5,4,3,2,1]

    x in s x s True False. x not in s - x s. in not in . , hello in hello world True. , in - . , - , re.

    for x in s - 5 - . len(s) - . min(s) max(s) - ; , < (, ). sum(s) - s, . - . . , sum(items, decimal.Decimal(0)) - Decimal ( decimal - 14 ).

  • 102 4.

    - . - :

    s[i] = x

    s[i:j] = r

    s[i:j:stride] = r

    del s[i]

    del s[i:j]

    del s[i:j:stride]

    s[i] = x i, - x x. - , , -, IndexError. - s[i:j] = r k, i

  • 103

    . , . , . a b, - , a < b.

    . - , - ( ASCII ). , . , , . , - ( - unicodedata locale).

    , . Python : . , , , . - (, + == ). - Python 3 TypeError, Python 2 . Py-Py-thon 2 - 2 - . , , - .

    (s % d) , s , d (). sprintf() C. : ( ) , . d , - d. d , - ( - , ).

  • 104 4.

    % -, . 4.1.


    d, i .

    u .

    o .

    x .

    X ( - ).

    f [-]m.dddddd.

    e [-]m.ddddddexx.

    E [-]m.ddddddExx.

    g, G %e %E, -4 ; -


    s . - str().

    r , repr().

    c .

    % %.

    % - :

    1. , - . , - KeyError.

    2. :

    x -, . .

    x +, ( ).

    x 0, .3. , .

    , , ( , ) .

    4. , .

    5. , - ; ,

  • 105

    , , .

    , (*). , - .


    a = 42

    b = 13.142783

    c = hello

    d = {x:13, y:1.54321, z:world}

    e = 5628398123741234

    r = a is %d % a # r = a is 42

    r = %10d %f % (a,b) # r = 42 13.142783

    r = %+010d %E % (a,b) # r = +000000042 1.314278E+01

    r = %(x)-10d %(y)0.3g % d # r = 13 1.54

    r = %0.4s %s % (c, d[z]) # r = hell world

    r = %*.*f % (5,3,b) # r = 13.143

    r = e = %d % e # r = e = 5628398123741234

    % , , - ( $var ). -, , - , :

    stock = {

    name : GOOG,

    shares : 100,

    price : 490.10 }

    r = %(shares)d %(name)s %(price)0.2f % stock

    # r = 100 GOOG 490.10

    , - . vars() , - , .

    name =

    age = 41

    r = %(name)s, %(age)s % vars()

    s.format(*args, **kwargs) . - - s. {n}, n , - format(). {name}

  • 106 4.

    . - {, {{, }} }. :

    r = {0} {1} {2}.format(GOOG,100,490.10)

    r = {name} {shares} {price}.format(name=GOOG,shares=100,price=490.10)

    r = , {0}, {age} .format(,age=47)

    r = {{ }} .format()

    - . , {name[n]}, n , n- - name, {name[key]}, key , name[key]. {name.attr} - name.attr. :

    stock = { name : GOOG,

    shares : 100,

    price : 490.10 }

    r = {0[name]} {0[shares]} {0[price]}.format(stock)

    x = 3 + 4j

    r = {0.real} {0.imag}.format(x)

    - . , - .

    - . -, (:), : {place:format_spec}. - , -. :

    r = {name:8} {shares:8d} {price:8.2f}.format


    [[fill[align]][sign][0][width][.precision][type], , [], -. width , - align ^ , , . - fill , . :

    name = Elwood

    r = {0:10}.format(name) # r = Elwood

    r = {0:^10}.format(name) # r = Elwood

    r = {0:=^10}.format(name) # r = ==Elwood==

    type . . 4.2 - . type ,

  • 107

    s, d f.


    d, i .

    b .

    o .

    x .

    X ( - ).

    f, F [-]m.dddddd.

    e [-]m.ddddddexx.

    E [-]m.ddddddExx.

    g, G e E, -4 ; - f.

    n , g, - .

    % 100 f, %.

    s . str().

    c .

    sign - +, - . + , - . - , . , . precision -. width 0, - . :

    x = 42

    r = {0:10d}.format(x) # r = 42

    r = {0:10x}.format(x) # r = 2a

    r = {0:10b}.format(x) # r = 101010

    r = {0:010b}.format(x) # r = 0000101010

    y = 3.1415926

    r = {0:10.2f}.format(y) # r = 3.14

    r = {0:10.2e}.format(y) # r = 3.14e+00

  • 108 4.

    r = {0:+10.2f}.format(y) # r = +3.14

    r = {0:+010.2f}.format(y) # r = +000003.14

    r = {0:+10.2%}.format(y) # r = +314.16%

    - , format(). . :

    y = 3.1415926

    r = {0:{width}.{precision}f}.format(y,width=10,precision=3)

    r = {0:{1}.{2}f}.format(y,10,3)

    - . , .

    , - . format() __format__(self, format_spec) . format() . , , - -.

    - , str() repr(), , __format__(). !s !r. :

    name =

    r = {0!r:^20}.format(name) # r =